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>the senator really is the weapon that separates the completely unskilled retards who need every single little crutch they can get their grubby hands on to win on D8 vs someone who is good enough to freely choose the weapon that they like the aesthetics of most and still have fun on D10.


HELLDIVERS 2 is a 2024 co-op, squad-based, PvE 3rd person shooter for PC and PS5 where players fight against hordes of alien insects and robots to Spread Democracy. Players wage war on a number of contested planets, each with a different environment, completing as many objectives as possible within a procedurally generated area while constrained by a time limit. With enough successful operations a planet can be completely liberated, and the player base must cooperate to try to liberate the entire galaxy by focusing and combining their efforts as much as possible.

Released in 2015 for PC, PS3/4 and PS Vita, the original HELLDIVERS is the origin of the setting and basic gameplay formula of HELLDIVERS 2. The major difference is that HELLDIVERS is a top-down shooter, its mechanics being based primarily on Arrowhead's previous game Magicka.


Sep 17: 60-Day Patch 1 https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/553850/view/7147864422081646859
Sep 19: Chemical Agents https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fnHr4URSXis
Oct 15: 60-Day Patch 2 https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/553850/view/7291982050853715743

Sep 19: Chemical Agents https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fnHr4URSXis
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Alexus vision
Does the Dive get easier if you clear the outposts before doing the main objective?
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We better get the DSS and the illuminate on Saturday
What even is the use case for the LC? Wanting to kill hordes of devs way slow than any other anti-medium support weapon?
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someone start a lobby
To the town of Agua Fria rode a stranger one fine day
Hardly spoke to folks around him, didn't have too much to say
No one dared to ask his business, no one dared to make a slip
For the stranger there among them had a big iron on his hip
Big iron on his hip
fippy bippy
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Is that...the r-reddit gun? The bringer of unbalance? The executioner of Alexus (my personal saint)?
Oh science...this thread is not for me...
no, it actually gets a tiny bit harder for every outpost you clear, but patrols can only spawn FROM the outposts or the map edge.
Mech buffs when? They're never worth taking over other strategems.
is thre an updated version of mod that points to supercredits and samples?
the one I'm using doesnt mark super samples
They are never going to fucking fix this piece of shit are they
what if I like the aestethics of a revolver but don't want some overpowered reddit bullshit?

>3 year old reddit meme that wasn't even funny to begin with
not an argument for ruining the game

it wasn't even supposed to be anti-medium in the first place
the use case is infinite ammo chaff clearing and weakspot targeting with an interesting trigger discipline mechanic

that is, before they ruined it to cater to braindeads like you
Is upgrading to Super Citizen a meme even if I don't have Steel Veterans yet?
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Shhh, you'll summon him. Do not believe his lies.
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>the webm that mindbroke /hdg/
even if you have steeled veterans, when you upgrade to super citizen you can just open a support ticket and they add 1000SC to your account
I'm just gonna enjoy my Verdict while all you spergs lose your pitiful mind over the meme revolver
nope, time to buff the RR some more, don't you think the HE warhead needs a bigger explosion?
>three year old reddit meme
Exposing yourself as a teenager, I see.
It's been... 13 years now? No, 14! 14 years now.
it's antimateriel laser
use case is the same as AMR
>alredy took TWO bad shots with RR and spent some time bleeding
>finishes last bit of HP with LE OP REDDIT GUN
Can anyone explain "squad impact" calculation?
The three other divers surround you, and you get one in your ass, one in your mouth, and one in your hands.
Every time you post this webm Alexus' hairline recedes by a millimeter.
Would adding Squids or any major content update bring back the player base to the hundred thousands again? Or maybe a price drop? I love the game and it still has a very strong core player base but man, it had half a million divers at one point.
>it wasn't even supposed to be anti-medium in the first place
said who?
if it was intended as chaff clearing weapon it wouldn't overheat like a bitch after 2 seconds
it's not meant to be a primary because it can't fill that role
Fuck no. The squids would probably be harder than the bots, and nobody would play them.
It'll be funny to watch /hdg/ scramble over there where the population will make the Automaton front look like the Terminid front, though. Then all the faggots will be acting like the bots were never cool and the squids are where it is.
>AMR can one-shot devs and rocket chickens with one shot from half the map away thanks to having good scope
>LC needs a few seconds to melt a dev head and has a terrible scope that makes it unuseable beyond mid range
So the use case is a worse AMR with only one backup mag if you mismange your heat?
>but patrols can only spawn FROM the outposts or the map edge
since when?
I'm not saying it's wrong I just want to know
they literally called it a machinegun with infinite ammo

and it was pretty clear after shooting anything armored and seeing it bounce off that it wasn't meant for that

>it wouldn't overheat like a bitch after 2 seconds
actual skill issue
No amount of number go up will make the airburst useable. It needs a complete overhaul
>rocket triggers on corpses and flora
>no way to control when the rocket detonates
>the bomblets disperse AWAY from the target
i dont care for retarded tweaks like 'we reduced the reload time by 1.50432 seconds'
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>it's October 26th, a Sunday
>Liberty Day
>the M2016 Constitution is added to every player's inventory
>anon lands and fires it at a charger
>it penetrates
>the Constitution has AP4
>it is a Reddit gun
how do you like my scary halloween ghost story, nerfdivers?
>the Constitution has AP4
I would cum
>it needs a remote detonation
>first click = fire rocket
>second click = detonate it
There it's fixed and pins mishaps solely on user error. Also introduces a skill factor into it when trying to make long shots and being able to shoot over teammates heads
that's not what "use case" means, fag
wait, the 26th is a saturday
which if you time zone warped goblins was saying sunday
I'm jacking off right now
Running around waiting for cooldowns isn't fun
stars you earn for completed missions are added at the end of operation
that's your contribution
The icing on the cake to the nightmare would be if they released a cowboy armor with a cowboy hat helmet and all of reddit(at least 75% of you all) wears it
>EAT, MG sentry, Orbital Gatling, Eagle Strafing Run
your loadout, sir
you're right everything should be instant use
just throw 20 napalm strikes at the same time

god forbid you have to time tactically when you use something instead of just throwing it every time it's up like a monkey
>i really like the weapon
>they buff it
>i am somehow mad that my favourite gun got buffed
peak retardation
that's coming with the lever action rifle that pilestedt got really hyped up about after shooting one irl, got datamined, and then hasn't been added to the game in months

so uh, next year maybe
>they literally called it a machinegun with infinite ammo
they must be retards I guess because machineguns don't overheat like that lmao
>actual skill issue
fuck you nigger no amount of skill can bypass fucking math
What is Helldivers 2 actually satirising? Le fascismz? Gee Dubya Bush? Verhoeven's warped perception of what fascism is? Russia? The United States? George Orwell's 1984?
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Learn to be patient then.
>wake up
>it's EU sissies shitting and farting up the thread

kek, gm helldivers.
it had an interesting niche and was satisfying to use. I killed chargers, bile titans and tanks with it by working around it's limitations. it was FUN.

now it's a braindead point and shoot weapon for braindead redditors, totally fucking boring. they ruined it.
all of the above
i recommend you check out starship troopers.
Bile titian literally flapping in the wind after getting pelted by one(1) recoil rocket.

Jesus, what happened to this game?
Can you come up with a counter argument that isn't full-blown hyperbole?
nerfdivers to whinepods
nerfdivers to whinepods
someone do a lobby pls
So that assumes the maximum is:
4 players * 3 missions * 5 stars = 60 ?
Therefore picking between 9 or 10 doesn't matter?
it became fun
You mean the book that Paul Verhoeven couldn't finish and had someone else sum up for him, who somehow got the impression it was a "totally fascist book" (it was written by a libertarian)
fun is reddit
literally just listen to the sound and let go of the trigger for half a second
but you can't do that can you, you are mentally incapable of the self control of letting go of the trigger when an enemy is on the screen aren't you, little monkey?
concepts like timing the points where you let it cool off to how close the enemies are completely fly over your head don't they?
>Therefore picking between 9 or 10 doesn't matter?
Woah 20 throwing knives!
>end up dying before ive even thrown more than a few anyway.

Woah this weapon is pointless!
since 8 months ago
>you could have a team of nothing but Constitutions, standing in a firing line and shooting at every target on screen
>4 men firing barrages at a strider is actually enough to kill it after 20 seconds or so
>Constitution only challenge runs are actually incredibly fun instead of just running away from armor 24/7
It better be, constitution in hd1 was memey as fuck but unironically good, you just had to mash the fuck out of reload to avoid a dry full load
no, you already spend way too much time throwing down callins in this game and not enough time shooting your guns
if you can't do anything without strategems that's a skill issue
if you can't manage your strategems so they're up when you actually need them so you don't have to "wait" for them that's a skill issue
>but you can't do that can you
it's retarded ESL nigger with his retarded projections again
for fucks sake go back wherever you crawled from
NTA, that's not hyperbole, that's just kinda low key how the game works. Your personal weapons are security blankets while the strats do the job, BUT only if you're smart with it.

If a barrage gets zero kills, that blows, but that's how it goes sometimes, you just take the cooldown to learn, figure out better timings or how to get enemies close to the bright red light.

For me on bugs, I like to throw a Strafing run at a patrol, take a few pot shots to get 'em to stop in JUST the right spot, and then let Eagle-1 take care of em. Since the Cookout kinda stuns 'em too, it helps keep commanders from just pushing out before the Eagle's rotary cannons impact.
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senator lovers and haters both welcome
d10, lobby decides
and full!
that was fast
>Verhoeven's warped perception of what fascism is?

I don't get this one, but I mean more Starship Trooper's and the joke that Sci-Fi Military Stories are all gung ho FUCK NON-HUMIES! (Which is what the ORIGINAL Starship troopers Book was with zero irony. The famous movie is a satire of THAT book).

But of course the Element-710 (Oil upside down) is a rib because the war in Iraq is still somewhat recent memory.
>join an /hdg/ lobby
>report the fags running the Senator/RR
>block them
You are both incredibly stupid.
All of it. All of the above.
>anon got all quickshots
Will you be open for business again later?
Is this real? If so, I hate the Senator now.
it's a satire of how america claims to be a democracy while actually being a warmongering corporatocracy
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I'm opening a lobby now.
Will you be as receptive as the other host?
When there is no MO, one should be asking "Where is the MO?"
Who even still cares about MOs
I've been capped on medals for weeks
we doing D10 whatever the lobby wants
if people join and i don't respond, i'm grabbing water.
>the DSS is completed
>players enjoy all of 4 days of whatever features they have planned for it
>Illuminate blow it up on the 26th in a "terror attack", considered unjustified aggression by super Earth and grounds for a full scale war, when we probably kicked it off by dumping a planet full of juiced up bugs into their territory via singularity displacement

Only question is whether or not they give us a replacement without working through another series of MOs, or we have to do it all again later, or finally that the DSS was just a setup for Illuminate war
>group of 4 on a dive
>one guy picking up samples just happens to fall into a small pond with them
>annoying but it happens
>lots of accidental friendly fire this match
>at extract he kills the diver holding the rest of our samples, picks them up and then runs to the edge of the map to jump over
We're level 80+ you dumb nigger. Do you honestly think you were hardcore trolling us? We don't even NEED those samples at this stage in the game.
are you wearing tights too? this better not be false advertsing
illuminate isn't coming this year buddy
Hurry up with the next MO already. Playing on random planets with no objectives makes me feel like a nigger.
Do you think I'm a faggot?
yes, yes I do. a faggot with hose
fortunately anon i am not a tranny nor a crossdresser, i just jack off to chicks in pantyhose
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stimming you :)
>No retort
Then enjoy waiting for your cooldowns anon.
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How do I get over my crippling arc thrower addiction? I want to use other stuff but every other weapon else just feels frustratingly limited in one way or another.
>Oh, I can't just trivialize infinite chaff enemies forever
>Oh, I can't just trivialize infinite medium enemies forever
>Oh right, heavy armor exists
>Oh yeah, I can't just invalidate hulks and chargers on sight
>Stalkers are pretty miserable when you don't have the right weapons for them
>Man, these chicken walkers are a problem
>Oh, this weapon guzzles ammo and now I need a supply pack too
>Oh, I have to reload and give up ground
Misfiring, needing to care about teammate positioning, and a sometimes subpar ttk are not even close to big enough problems to turn me off the weapon. Also EATs, thermites, and teammates always being strapped to the gills for superheavies.
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>level 32
>need the samples
>exclusively play D7 and higher
>all high-level players
>they don't pick them up
not an argument
Consult a doctor for treatment of your brain tumor
why can the thermite even oneshot chargers and hulks? if you land a perfect HE right on the weak spot that takes more than one.
>MO completed on the third world
>People bitching and moaning about how its unwinnable and give up
Where do these people go after they've been proven to be whiny little bitches? Do people just come to these threads immediately to cry instead of trying harder?
understandable and still based
Had a blast cheesing with the anti material rifle. It's like a fun shotgun if you use it to one shot at close range. I really hope they do more with the sidearms
Enjoy being so goddamn stupid you don't understand English.
Since I started playing late I don't get access to the Gold Eagle armor? What a shame, it's sick as fuck. If I open a support ticket and ask in character for it, will they give me it?
but it's hotter to jack off to chicks in pantyhose while wearing pantyhose yourself
D10 bots or bugs
10 minutes before i disband
Because it has barely any uses besides killing heavies and are wasted on anything else ? If its super-specialized it should at least be good at whant its supposed to do, otherwise it will go back to never being picked.
>Where do these people go after they've been proven to be whiny little bitches?
used to be Pandion latelyI hear it's Estanu
AMR is probably the only gun they haven't ruined yet
if you can find a quiet elevated spot and not get got by a surprise patrol then actually sniping is comfy too, saving your teammates with headshots feels good
Prove it
They proceed to bitch and moan about how the win was railroaded after previously bitching and moaning that the loss was railroaded. This is their script. They're like NPCs.
it should eat through the armor and damage it but not outright kill it

being a sticky bomb it's too easy to use
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The AMR feels so good to play. It looks so nice too, running around with that tall bitch in your hands is an experience. And playing guardian angel never gets old.
Stop responding to the senator shitposter
Nobody would pick it if it worked like that, i can guarantee it.
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D10 Bots on Martale (because it looks cozy)

1/4 on the Emperor of Iron!

Something something Australia!
At least I have something to point to anytime one of these little faggots opens their mouth again, smack them over the head and send their ass to the front lines instead of sitting here bitching
A grenade that just does single target armour strip and non-lethal damage to the enemies you'd throw it at is a grenade nobody will ever use, and it wouldn't make sense for thermite to be an aoe effect.
if there weren't 10000 other instakill options on heavies then they would, being able to reliably break through the armor would be valuable then
I'm not keeping a list of all the schizos in this thread sorry
closed due to pug aids
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2/4, plenty of time to join lads!
what's stopping you from throwing two or just finishing it off? you can't oneshot any heavies with any other grenade, why should the thermite be able to?

you have a really twisted sense of balance where anything that isn't a oneshot is worthless to you rather than thinking about how it fits with the other weapons you have in that slot
Ok this is actual shitposting
the loss was railroaded and the win was railroaded
it's a legitimate complaint since it invalidates the efforts of those who want to play to MO's

rather than setting up a (barely) winnable scenario and seeing how it plays out, then reacting to the result the community got, the faggot GM wants to control how it goes down to the smallest detail
Ive enjoyed playing with builds. My first was jet pack, made launcher. Had me feeling like a clone trooper. Then I was trying out shields and shotguns. I've been running big boy guns with bags now. It's kind of fun to be a walking shit kicking canon
>you can't oneshot any heavies with any other grenade
Because other lethal grenades are made to kill chaff, or do you think one HE grenade killing 20 enemies is a problem too?
instead of having the brigade attack one planet at a time so everyone can focus down that one planet, necessitating that you fudge the result to make sure the attack progresses, have them attack several planets at once so you now have to choose which planets to focus down and risk actually losing some
Stripping armor on ONE enemy with an item you usually only have three of is garbage. Using TWO of those three items to kill one enemy is garbage. Even smoke grenades are more broadly useful. You would never pick thermites.
frag is for chaff, HE and impact are for mediums, HE can be cooked to try and hit hidden weakspots
>but le buffs
were a mistake

thermite is disproportionately useful thats why everyone is running it to the exclusion of all else, no one grenade should oneshot a heavy, it's ridiculously OP
Still room for two more. LIBERTY NEEDS US!
why is using two grenades to kill a heavy garbage?
again this twisted reddit sense of balance. you feel entitled to the kill like a nigger.
Nobody is saying thermite isn't strong. Your balance suggestion is just retarded.
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So, what would a "crotch fin" even do for a plane?
Fly low and rail some automatons with it
going from "kill" to "90% damage" isn't a reasonable nerf to you?
>haha I'm just gonna ragdoll you down a hill so I can shoot you with depression :)
Oh yes, a short range grenade that has a chance to just not trigger, removes your short range aoe utility other grenades provide, and is functionally barely usable against anything that isn't a heavy (it can, but is a massive waste), sure is freaking OP i tell you.
the Ju 87 successor was meant to have one.
You can put the rudder on aircraft on the bottom as long as it doesn't interfere with landing. Theoretically if the Eagle had a tail gunner he would have no limitation. I think it's just Rule of Cool.
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3/4, room for one more!
It's ironic that kills seem to be the only thing you can bring up as a point of balance. You can only bring one type of grenade. Your garbage nerf idea would make thermites useless because every other grenade choice would be more valuable than "I can kill one heavy".

Nah, and it was never going to stay that way for long. Staying as high as it did for as long as it did was already incredibly impressive, the game just got lucky on having a huge wave of word of mouth hype on release.

If you compare it to other games of its type and the budget level, it's doing pretty good as is. I'd say best we can hope is a boost up to like 100k for a few weeks if there's a major expansions/content drop, but I think the playerbase remaining stable around 40-50k is pretty reasonable.
It's weird that we have like a dozen different biomes and none of them are just a basic earth biome. You know, where people from earth would actually like to settle? Instead SEs colonists are sent to firestorm planets and snow planets where there's a blizzard every 10 mnutes
thermite still has a sizable explosion and you only get one less than HE
it wouldn't be garbage at all, it would still arguably be stronger pick than HE, but it wouldn't be a ridiculous OP pick that invalidates every other grenade, it wouldn't be "throw one single grenade in the general neighbourhood of a heavy and delete it", you would still have to actually finish it off somehow
it's gonna drop back down to 10k pretty soon once people tire of this patch, might bump back up ot 40-50k on major releases now and then
>politicall graph
>either axis not labeled
ah the classic
No. Going from lethal to non-lethal is a massive threshold for a grenade that has the sole purpose of killing one target. Armor strip is mildly useful, but softening a heavy enemy that's going to be the target of heavy damage is not strong unless the damage is percent based and thermites absolutely demolish the hp of factory striders. You're introducing multiple steps to a problem that has fifty different one-step solutions.
it's an infographic, if you want the data read the study

a single grenade killing an entire heavy is too much
you don't even have to aim it since it's sticky
it's OP as shit

you're still not seeing it in relation to HE where you might have to throw 3 or 4 to kill a heavy.
>Using thermite for the explosion radius ever
I'm about to start it and just grab a pubbie. last call lads.

D10 3/4 Bots on Martale.
it has it, you can throw it into a blob of enemies and get a lot of kills
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That's because HE's are not related or relevant. They are not anti-heavy grenades. Blowing up a charger with all of your HE and calling it anti-heavy is like using all your stalwart ammo to kill an impaler and calling it an anti-super heavy weapon.
Yeah, except 99% of the times you won't since after the grenade lands they will start scattering to hunt you.
It actually can work if thrown at a breach, since the burn does minor aoe dmg so anything that unburrows around it will get soem serious burns. But that's also not something you use it for hoping for much actual results.
they are related because you're choosing HE instead of thermite
HE you have to aim, thermite you don't
HE might take 2 to kill a medium, 3-4 to kill a heavy
HE can kill some chaff

thermite you have merely one less grenade
you don't have to aim it
there's a slight delay
it deletes an entire heavy
can still kill mediums and chaff

it's just better all around, and not by a little, by a lot.

you're just opposed to any weapon that isn't an OHK that trivializes the game
>HE might take 2 to kill 4-5 mediums
Fixed that for you. You're full of shit.
if they're all clumped up I guess, which is less likely with mediums than it is with chaff
Imagine being butthurt about a secondary dealing damage and not being relegated to utility
That's what it did before and it was shit and pointless. Now it has a purpose.
>HE you have to aim, thermite you don't
>You don't have to aim the sticky grenade with almost no AoE and half the nade is not actually sticky
>But you have to aim the large AoE HE grenade
This is nerfdiver brainrot in action, holy shit
if you want to do any substantial damage to any kind of armor you need to actually make sure it lands on the right side of the enemy to do the damage

even with chaff you have to make sure it doesn't roll or bounce too far

with a sticky you just throw it and it sticks
>with a sticky you just throw it and it sticks
You haven't actually used the thermite have you. They bounce off fairly often.
so it was balanced before
>it was shit and pointless
to you, because it wasn't a brainless one hit kill
The Liberator Penetrator mogs now
We\re getting 45 warbond medals for liberty day
But you didnt\ hear that from me....
>to you
>no one ever used it in the history of ever existing, because it wouldn't kill even fucking mediums despite the half an hour of burn
>balanced before
Hello Alexus
I'd rather get samples than medals. You just get overwhelmed with medals unless you whale for bonds.
No they weren't. They were useless garbage. You needed to throw every grenade you had at something it was meant to kill just to kill one of them in situations where you were surrounded by many of them.

When you could alternatively tailor your loadout to include the few things that could effectively deal with heavies and use your grenade slot for a grenade that accomplishes whatever it was supposed to do effectively. Now that thermites deal with heavies effectively, you can tailor different parts of your loadout to other tasks which give you lots of different options for building effective loadouts.

Your vision for the game is shit. Your opinions on balance are shit. You lost a you will never be a woman.
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gg, fun lobby
ragdolling cant hurt you anymore anon
its pretty good, yeah, especially on bots. I prefer the flamethrower on bugs for the aesthetic purposes.
It was an AT grenade that literally couldn't kill any heavy in an even vaguely fast manner because thermites don't even stack
because weakpoint is hidden behind a front plate
vents aren't a weakpoint, it's a part vulnerable to small arms
thermite destroys 250hp weakpoint, grenade attacks 900hp vent
also vent is 60% durable but weakpoint is only 25% durable
>weapon that they like the aesthetics of most and still have fun on D10
That's what it was before and why I used it, now it's just OP. Reddit gun like incel breaker
>t was an AT grenade
the important bit here is still grenade, it's way OP for a grenade to oneshot a heavy

you still talk as if you're entitled to that kill like a redditor
I just used the RR and the Senator AND had fun doing so!

d10 bugs

Come inhale some spores with the lads
Can't understand why people think the Senator is OP, good fucking luck hitting a Hulk three times in a row in its eye in the heat of the moment
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fucking indian discord raid I swear
the amount of illiterate schizos is ridiculous
>oneshots chicken
>oneshots devastator
you're too dependent on things that are attached to a cooldown then. grab a support weapon and/or backpack. bring your EATs. etc. blue means friend.
More black and yellow armor designs fucking when?
It could do both of those before the buff.
>no it doesn't
You also ain't fucking 100% headshotting with that shit when the thread posted average acc is fucking 70%, faggot.
It's only got 6 bullets per cylinder though, it's really a last resort weapon that can only take one enemy at a time. Plus the sights, either 1st or 3rd person, are complete ass to aim with
3/4 where the fuck are (You)
>line up headshot
>dust hits my helldiver's eye (through the helmet, yes)
>flinch 180 degrees off-target
>blast teammate away
another diver for the cause
>200 dmg
>chicken has 300 health on the weak parts
Screenshoting this because it'll absolutely happen.
>70% accuracy
>both aiming modes are ass
This is why I use the Verdict.
You just shoot the rocket, with the sight that lets you see fuckall what you are aiming at, bucko.
>the sight that lets you see fuckall what you are aiming at
It's still the best secondary sight in the game
Which enemy busts your crust harder than all the rest?
Idk, the Uzi sight feels much better to me. Laser and GP are also easier to aim.
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Why do the Automatons have what is clearly an AT-AT and an AT-ST?
why not?
theres nothing against it.
because by the time second galactic war happens the star wars is public domain
>carry yet another Bot mission with my RR
They also have Dreadnoughts from 40k.
Devastators are sorta like marines in Terminator armour.
Cannon turret back when it was made of proper dough
*crutch your way through
Team reload my tube, anon
>none of them are a basic earth biome
but there is, there's like two of them
crimson worlds are also temperate and mild aside from the ion storms
The reload cuck is still providing more assistance to the mission than any RR detractor running slop like the AMR or HMG would.
Where the fuck are the urban maps? You mean to tell me they have more Super Destroyers than the Empire in Star Wars had Star Destroyers and they haven't developed any of these planets?
The airburst launcher is fun. I just wish you could set the detonation manually and/or have the bomblets explode in a forward cone like the orbital airburst.
>and/or have the bomblets explode in a forward cone like the orbital airburst.
they've done that for the ac
how'd they skip the arbl is beyond me
Are there any decent light armor alternatives? I just realized I have 8 medium armor choices and only a single light armour.
Buy the warbond chuddie. People here will tell you Light Armor is shit anyways
Most of them are in the cash shop
Piles is a 40k fan iirc.
Theres a superstore light armor called 'light gunner' I believe. It has extra padding as its perk. This results in the armor acting as medium armor but giving you light armor speed.
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Anon, literally every planet is earth biome.
The snow shitholes are just finland and firestorms are just australia.
That's my main gripe with this game, there's simply no interesting alien looking biomes, all planets just look like different places on earth and fire tornadoes are probably the most out there thing despite still being relatively mundane and possible IRL.

Also, there were a couple of temperate climate looking planets although it's been a while since we had them I think.
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Wow fuck me, I kinda expected *some* stuff to be premium shop items, but it's kinda wild that I honestly have the choice between 8 medium armors, and literally only have the single light armor. That seems shittily distributed.

d10 bugs 3/4
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I cannot i'm cooking
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i kinda like this loadout
There's two in the starting Warbond
I honestly hate the whole "the entire planet is just one big city/jungle/beach/desert/whatever" trope. Yes, most planets people have discovered are just one big shithole. But you wouldn't settle those, right?
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me when people ask me why i ditched the DCS
Redpill me on the Shield Generator Backpack, do we like it?
its great if you hate ragdolling, otherwise not very good
Newfag here 2 questions: It seems like I can get medals and even super credits in matches (honestly kinda based even if the drip feed is slow as balls), normally in games like this this causes me to do my daily quests and then peace out. But I guess here daily quest is more like a bonus than the only way to advance, so I guess I should just keep grinding?
Second question: How do I know when I'm ready to go to the next difficulty level? I'm currently on difficulty 4, and it seems fine-ish, I still die a couple times here and there.
third question: Is the "steeled Veterans" warbond worth getting the 20 buck super citizen edition upgrade for?
>why does robot faction in satirical game have ripoffs of iconic robots?
it is a mystery
Imo, they should introduce mixed biomes if doing random ones for planets is too much.
Like Jungle planet has jungle zone, jungle-plains zone, jungle-desert zone, jungle-swamp zone (aka, the generator uses 50% of the land as 1 zone and 50% as another).
It would make the planet feel more varied while still having it's primary attribute everywhere. But idk, maybe swedish code is way too immaculate to handle such hardcore procedural generation.
It's a crutch, no real point in bringing it
what do you guys use to record webm's?
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>RR for backpack
>AMR to kill devs and chicken striders so RR main gets to shoot unmolested
>EMS sentry to stop enemies from shooting in general
>Machine gun sentry to keep little shits off to let you fondle the tube in peace
Would this work?
What is the official /hdg/ approved loadout?
>question 1
play if you are having fun.
play with friends if you have any
play with /hdg/ if you don't. feel free to host low difficulty lobbies. schizos will type ">D#" in a reply but i'm sure there are anons here who'd help you out playing low diff and unironically just inexperienced players too afraid to join d10s.
>question 2
basically just keep increasing until you lose without being able to do the main obj.
then drop back one and just play there
>question 3/2
the super citizen upgrade is okay, it has a mediocre exclusive weapon.
if youre gonna spend more money on this game then sure buy it.
if you already unlocked steeled veterans and then you buy the upgrade, you can make a support ticket and they give you +1000 SC
>The SH-32 Shield Generator Pack now properly transfers knockback to the wielder
Yeah and 1 is literally the only one I have, the Sc-34 Infiltrator, I think.
I guess the SC-30 Trailblazer scout is there as well, but it haven't made it to page 7 yet. It has even less armor but slightly better speed and Stamina regen. Hmm.
you don't play the game do you?
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>Died from Impact
>Died from Impact
>Died from Impact
>Died from Impact
r8 my general purpose loadout
>orbital gatling
>orbital airburst
>120/walking barrage
>believing swedes at face value
I don't take the crutch pack, no
Another one falls for the fake patch notes...
please add me so I can be free from pugs
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lets play videogame
take the shield gen pack
Oh, I'm retarded you can just buy the Warbond anyway. Thanks anon, very helpful!
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why was episode 7 just a rehashed episode 4
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heres how you can host lobbies if youre on pc/steam
if youre on console... well uhh
best of luck with pubbies! :^)
Did he just do a Shun Goku Satsu on JarJar?
People get inspired by older shit all the time. Star Wars and Starship Troopers are obvious here.
>Not comparing Devastators to Super Battle Droids.
They even have guns on their wrists.
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I get a physical reaction when I see someone using the crossbow on bots.
The bulky armor makes them look like termies a bit more than SBDs. The common stormbolter is also twinlinked and looks just as smiliar.
I get all horned up too
pugs, the abbreviation for
encompass pre-made rooms for players who choose to join there from a smaller community.
example: a 4chan lobby is a pug.
what you're referring to is puBs. aka public players, the ones that you encounter by hitting "quick play" in the game.
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when's the content
Xbox Game Bar, chuck clip into pirated Premier Pro and remove the audio, export at smaller resolution at 30fps and convert to webm
I love Scorcher against bots so much. Been taking the Purifier today though.
I gotta say... it's just too good.
Instead of using it like i do the scorcher; attacking the bots while waiting for my QC to cooldown, I keep back, and wait for the opportune time to assail them with charged shots. I get 'less' kills, but I achieve much more because I wipe out entire waves before they can ever become an issue. And with far less ammo expended.
it's extremely unpatriotic of you to not know when it is
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Good game lads.
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these are mine: >>499403928
i use geforceEx and WebmConverter
i record at 60 fps and save webms at 30 fps.
>Clasa population: 455
There used to be over a thousand retards here. Now it's a ghost town.
>quasar can't do this
They should drop another bad warbond soon
HE grenades are still total ass. I've been running them as part of my default diver runs and it's goddamn painful on bots. You can plant one directly underneath an armored strider and it just doesnt give a shit. It probably takes 3 of them to kill a clump of striders and devastators. The only niche use I've found for them is that if you aim it JUST right you can damage a Hulk by throwing it between its legs and having it detonate and damage the vents.
>people tell me to bring Fortified armor to the bot front to attenuate getting instadeleted by rocket chickens
>but Extra Padding seems to better improve survival every time
Can anyone tell me what's the math behind this?
they have to do something with instant breach call in
it's ridiculous
>start gunning down partol
>last bullet leaves my mag
>the same milisecond lil shit starts his stupid song and dance
>literally impossible to switch to secondary and kill him in time
Steam Beta's Game Recording. If someone funny happens I press a hotkey to save the last 30 seconds, then after I'm done playing I'll clip & export, then convert from mp4 to webm with WebmConverter
>play bots
>everyone is bringing different things and there's a large variety of stratagems and weapons being used
>play bugs
>everyone but me brings the exact same shit, napalm barrage especially
so this is the power of bugtard hivemind
OBS, downscaled to 720p, using the replay buffer. I hit F14 and it saves the last 60s, I then trim it to the relevant 10 or so seconds and convert to webm with webm for retards
>Increasing your hitbox to at least twice its size and making it so forces that knock on your ass are more likely to do that.
The diaper shield truly earns its title. Fucking piece of shit stratagem.
Terminids aren't the only hivemind Super Earth must face...
>failed to join
full or did you just not get anyone
My favorite part is when, for no fucking reason whatsoever, you see flare go up 200m away from anyone at your 10 or 2.
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bugs 10
Anons, I like using the Guard Dog laser backpack, but I wonder: Is it effective at all against bots? It's kinda hard to tell. The laser gun you can deploy for yourself comes with a video of it being used against bots so I'm tempted to think it is good against bots.
some people just love ragdolling everywhere without being able to stand up
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my life for super earth
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i hate these faggots that sit at extract while you run around the map for MPOIs and are surprised you come and TK them all when they don't come to the bunker you mark and call
it's not very effective against anything.
use the regular bullet guard dog. it shreds
>playstation player
You used to torture small animals as a child, didn't you?
Why are you guys always complaining? You sound like women.
i play on PC with a controller because i play from my bed
no i like cats
>people dont want to help you with your autism quest
>sperg out and start teamkilling
consolefags are such degenerate trash
baka, Mari
>this is your average ACfag
no wonder the entire thread hates ACfags
You only killed other consolecucks and crossplay retards so no harm done
the most blatant and obvious inspiration is halo
I used to not get caring about what others use but now that I'm back at bugs and my three teammates are all using crossbow and napalm barrage and guard dog i get it now
real answer? general switch in audience for all media around 2015
>doesn't want to play cross-platform so there's more divers to fight with
I don't get it.
I'm impressed with his mobility and accuracy.
>I don't get it.
I can't imagine playing with console subhumans. The faggots you get on PC are bad enough, but console players are NPC tier.
>Irishfag is making threads now
This general is lost.
stay out of my super helldives
i made the thread and i'm not irish.
nor do i hate the senator, nor do i love the senator.
i just found this quote in the previous thread extremely funny.
take your meds schizo.
>Chuddie helmet with the AC is a spergaloid retard
What a shocker.
Not my problem if you got scammed into buying a console, you can play with the rest of the retard children
>Staggered sentences where none are needed
You have to do better, Irish.
I don't play with people who aim with their thumbs.
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that's because you dumb
have you ever seen what a perfect crossbow shot does to bots on a dropship? spoiler alert it cleans the fucking thing of all enemies.
suck me from the back, sissy.
I brought it to D10 bots by mistake a day ago and it performed well against the Jetpack Troopers but other than that it's next to useless. Libpen dog is a lot better.
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in a perfect society all video games would be built for PC
Estanuggers are going to win...
yeah, today its gonna be AMR+supply pack
hmm, i'm feeling like AMR+supply pack
simple as.
not to mention it wipes the floor with chickens or any kind of devastator even in large groups
Which is better for knocking over doom chickens?
if by "fight with" you mean get orbitals dropped on my head while babies can be heard crying through Mr Gamer Dad's mic then yeah

We're beyond the launch period now, PC players handily outnumber console players. I'm not missing out on much.
To shreds you say?
Thanks, shame I really like the vibe of it.
This but GL
>no i like cats
ok trombley
also oneshots fabs through the vent across any distance
yeah I'm thinking S tier on bots no doubt
Stop being an emotional woman about everything.
purifier is better for them specifically
but if youre running a support weapon that's especially good at wrecking them (like the AMR) you don't need your primary to fill that role
Both are fine. Depends on if you want to charge shot or just double-tap.
what's a good primary for bugs that's not the crossbow? Everyone else is using it on bugs and it's boring
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It's his only skill. A natural one for him too.
Cookout and Breaker Incel
>LC needs a few seconds to melt a dev head and has a terrible scope that makes it unuseable beyond mid range

>Literally a giant laser pointer
>Complaining about how bad the scope is
Unironically a skill issue.
nta but you'd know all about sucking wouldn't you? :^)
I'd give LC a burst fire mode that burns through an ice pack in three seconds and disintegrates smaller bots + melts through heavies.
Did mechs get anything from the buff handouts?
absolutely fuckall lmao
patriot rockets buffed
that's it
anything really. the only primaries I wouldn't want to use would be the concussive ones.
they have been buffed fairly recently yeah, in the first patch of the 60 day commitment before this one. while still carrying their old drawbacks in massive cooldown and no reload, the damage they can do is extreme. letting your emancipator rip at a bot horde comes highly recommended.
Autocanon mech is very good at taking on the mega nests in diff 10. What can otherwise be a true slog if shit goes wrong becomes almost easy.
the quick dispatch of walkers is where it really shines, but it can also take out hulks and gunships almost as quickly, and has the added benefit of infinite ammo and no backpack.
underrated by pubs but it gets the job done
>guy stoner voice mumbling on the mic incomprehensibly
>not even on crossplay
yeah i think the game was made too easy.
>mega nest can be a slog
idunno man i can solo it just fine on d10, while my team fucks off to the objective
Should they just srap the LibCon? It's so fucking bad.
I agree, it's so nice to close holes as fast as you can shoot without having to worry about getting stabbed by the little shits.
Thats nice anon. Do you want a medal ?
not long ago i heard a german going "uuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" every time he breathed into the mic and then some rage in Deutsch every now and then
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i just hit 400 hours in-mission time.
roast me
I have a friend that's exactly like that. Always high and half of the time he's on the other side of map looking for samples.
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Where do you think we are?
Your friendly kills are lacking.
Just tested it, it does not one tap bile titans.
Waste of slot. Go fuck urself.
show the video?
nah you're doing pretty good. Pretty close on bug and bot kills so it's good that you aren't a factiondiver retard

>Sit at extract doing fuck all.
>Won't Help you with MPOI
>Will TK you on purpose.
That's Consolefags for you.
Select at random, what kind of shitter needs a good weapon for bugs
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>shoot cluster missile under the charger/hulk's legs
>ten gorrillion clusters explode directly inside their asses, killing them instantly
I'm sorry you're such a shitter
why dont you show a video of it doing what you claim ? I believe him over you right now dummy
Best support weapon in the game currently.
If they made it any easier to use retards would be all over it over night.
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I play on console...
He's clearly a bot diver, the bug kills should be double if he's half and half
they should recycle all the additional libs into ammo types for the regular one. alongside scope/bayonet/40mm launcher options.
Except that's how it works if it bugs out.
The proxy fuse will explode in front of the charger 99% of the time and do mostly fuckall to it.

Scorcher (the best primary for everything).

I was having fun with the Sickle if you want to handicap yourself a little bit. It's like using Stalwart in that you can shit out a ton of bullets, but it doesn't have the stopping power or TTK to really kill much, so you have to stay on your toes and kite a lot, and hunters/warriors can fuck you up if you're not careful because they will stab you before the thing even spins up.
git gud
Keyed. Total pubtard death.
why though
you should sell that thing while it still goes for a good price and put the money towards a good PC
On liberty day I will personally join every lobby and execute every faggot not wearing their cerimonial armor with my reddit gun
So I can play GTAVI, and so I have a blu ray player. I have a PC but it's outdated. GTX 980 and i5 6600k. I'm unironically just going to wait for the GTAVI pc port to build a new rig.
It's much warmer down here than it looks, hop in.
Kneel to the chad, virgin.
I see. But GTA 6 almost certainly will be longer than what Rockstar is telling us right now. I for one will not even try the game until the PC port is here.
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Don't forget it's ability to take out mortars and AA at a distance.

When I run LC, I put that shit on everything.
It doesn't help that GPU prices are absolutely absurd compared to when I built my rig back in 2015.
>negative you idiot
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>Eruptor is just a worse Crossbow in every way
>Slower fire rate when not accounting animation skips
>Can't bodyshot Devastators in one hit
>In fact, damage wise they seem entirely similar
>Crossbow has a smaller splash radius, which is more beneficial because then you're not clipping teammates or accidentally hitting hidden Hellbombs
>The larger splash on the Eruptor doesn't feel like it does any real damage anyway
>Crossbow is one handed for the meme shield strats, but also ideal for carrying SSSDs
>Finally, the Eruptor's handling is so ass that not even Peak Physique can save it
>scythe was unusable when it released
>now it's a sniper rifle flamethrower
Thoughts on its redemption arc?
someone do lobby pls?
i'm a tard and i still prefer to eat a 180 rico from eruptor schrapnel than use the cb. Idk why, i just like big clunky boomsticks with boltaction.
i still think laser weapons should do a little more dps. They still feel kinda weak
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not an argument
>starting pistol
That thing is literally unusable
>AC flak rounds trigger on corpses
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RG, QC and Arc Thrower are peak reddit
What is your favorite warbond?
What is your least favorite warbond?
What is your favorite weapon?
What is your favorite faction?
Why is the Knight so shit still?
Does your democracy officer have an eyepatch?
>bad weapons are based good weapons are reddit
daring today aren't we?
Thanks, i will do my best to provide you with the most reddit/killyourself experience i can.
>smaller splash radius...... is da better
almost replied to this seriously
i built one for 500 back then and it ran everything
Close range weapons are reddit crutches, long range weapons are based and require skill
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Democratic Detonation
>least favorite
Freedom's Lame
Punisher Plasma, pre-EoF
Not shit anymore. It two hits dev heads with a 50 round magazine and an uzi-tier firerate. Considering getting it just for completion's sake.
No, but he's white.
I reinstalled the game few weeks ago, Dominator and Senator are really fun. Senator was always fun but the speedloader is a godsend.
Dominator feels like I'm shooting a wall at the things I'm trying to kill, it pushes them back 40km, so nice.
>What is your favorite faction?
Super Earth
>Favorite Warbond
Democratic Detonation
>Least Favorite
Viper Commandos (the armor is just meh)
>Fav weapon
Bugs when I'm chilling, bots when I'm with the boys
recoil pattern is wild compared to the SMG pistol and Stalwart with max RPM even when crouched
he's 100% black
You can save webms made with WebmConverter at 30 fps?
The Lord Inquisitor, ugh, i mean, Democracy officer, is always 100% black. Any other and that means you are led by a fraud. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H3DnnCnWYKw
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>What is your favorite warbond?
Steeled veterans
>What is your least favorite warbond?
Freedoms flame
>What is your favorite weapon?
>What is your favorite faction?
>Why is the Knight so shit still?
never tried it
Does your democracy officer have an eyepatch?
no, but he has some scars
It is better, because it means you can cover teammates without just doing the enemy a favor and killing your teammates anyway.
Does pressing middle mouse button to use your guns sights improve aim, or is it just a different visual from the dot and the circle?
You use it for scopes
Are there images like this for strategems?
Hold R
I think I'm legitimately addicted to this game
It's like the only game I play nowadays, and when I try playing other games I feel I want to quit and come back to Helldivers
Laying here in my bed when I get up and resolve to do work I consider "yeah I'll just play one mission and then work" and then I end up playing for three hours straight
These past two days I spent the entire day only playing Helldivers
It's become a legitimate problem and I have over 1050 hours in it and need to quit
At least it wasn't drugs I got addicted to but fuck, addictions suck
>What is your favorite warbond?
Steeled Veterans el clasico.
>What is your least favorite warbond?
Polar Patriots, every warbond has its special sauce, except this one, very bland.
>What is your favorite weapon?
Diligence counter-sniper since it led to me getting away with no support weapon on bots ever since it received its ergonomics buff and now does extreme dps achieving peak convenience.
>What is your favorite faction?
Bots. They reward aim more and have better defenses.
>Why is the Knight so shit still?
ARs and SMGs are ultimately shit because enemies are bullet sponges unless you can pop their breakpoints. WIsh they had underbarrel 40mm grenade launchers, would relieve most of the asspain.
>Does your democracy officer have an eyepatch?
>I got addicted to but fuck
Lol, gay
Why the FUCK is the gameplay loop of this game so addicting anyways?
>want the last two warbonds but have already spent like a hundred fucking freedom tokens on this game

is grinding super credits still a thing? i only play on 10 and feel like i get none
you have to play on 7 or below to reliably be able to go to POIs for super creds
game's easy but until they give SCs for clearing 8/9/10 missions it's the only way
best grinding difficulty is 3
"OPS is 'better' tham 500KG because it covers teammates and shiet"
The word you are looking for is different
Unironically git gud. It blows out charger asses consistently.
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Non sequitur.

Your primary is not an orbital, and the Eruptor is ass at killing any enemy with medium armor that isn't a direct headshot.
>Caring what a planet looks like
No thanks son, the 380 and napalm barrage will make it look ready for colonization
Every day I wish they drop heavy devs shields down to like 4 armor. Even if it's gotta be something gay like 25% main, it'd be fine. They're the one thing stopping the HMG from being perfect on bots.
for one there's decent and creative enough weapon design as well as visual feedback in enemies that literally get torn apart, everybody likes to shoot limbs off a bug or disintegrate a bot into its individual parts
also this game somehow managed to be quite immersive, that's why every clutch moment feels like an action movie, and since it happens in multiplayer it's not something you can only feel in isolation like a friendless nerd
I got 800SC in less than 2 hours from running around D1s and picking up whatever I found.
OPS is fucking trash honestly.
Doesn't heavies with the splash and 3 second call in means you need stun nades to hit the shell directly.
When are they releasing the Illuminates?
>What is your favorite warbond?
Democratic Detonation
>What is your least favorite warbond?
Freedoms Flame, absolute shit warbond for someone like me that doesn't really enjoy bugs
>What is your favorite weapon?
Tenderiser and Adjudicator, depending on how I feel
If we're talking support weapons it's a tie between the AMR and the LC with the MG as my guilty pleasure
>What is your favorite faction?
bots, just don't enjoy the whole bug gameplay
>Why is the Knight so shit still?
changing damage numbers need 2 months for swedes, they'll get around to the Knight when they all recovered from vacation
>Does your democracy officer have an eyepatch?
i hate the seaf objective. It's a waste of time and a retard magnet. Anytime I hear "PACKAGE ACQUIRED DROPPING PACKAGE" when there's other shit to do I want to just kick them
gotta be honest, could be years
welcome to Arrowhead
For me, it's getting yellow kills.
I live for the results screen. It's so addicting to killmog.
Just don't be so emotional.
Mow down the enemy is what we all want in real life. Killing Floor has a similar loop. Also the game is good at turning a chill run into oh jeez oh fuck. Finally it has a large player base and randos can come in. Also while the weapon selection is meh and requires DLC they are getting better.
Learn to punt shells and it goes faster and is more fun. Though I do wish Arrowhead would remove the voice lines from picking up shells and reserve that for SSDs.
originally they were going to pour out of the black hole that meridia became, which was months ago
however arrowhead kept fucking up the game, breaking shit, and getting into controversies so they've had to spend the last few months doing damage control and cleaning up after their messes so the illuminate have been delayed indefinitely
>i hate the seaf objective.
>"I hate the [super earth armed forces] objective."
Automaton detected
Everything even down to just moving your character feels good. Walking, running, sliding to crouch position from a sprint diving out of the way of a charger. I literally get enjoyment just from moving my character. I have been using the jump pack almost exclusively since they buffed it last week.

The gunplay is great, most of the guns feel good to use and like you mentioned the feedback you get from everything is just so satisfying especially stratagems.

They have struggled a bit with balance, but look and feel of the game is something I think Arrowhead really excells at. Some of the ways they go into detail is extremely autistic but in a good way (most of the time.)
advanced tab target fps
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Is it actually secret sauce or just garbage
Yes sequitur. We are both comparing two different tools in same category according to a (retarded) metric.
>my guys get the missiles in
>i used them and get 50 kills in the explosion
ain't nothing wrong with that
It's a CC weapon
What do you think?
just take whatever you fucking like using retard
following tier lists are for faggots
everything above F tier on that image is perfectly fine on bugs, and even the two weapons in F tier can work if youre really fucking good at the game
you have two choices
you could hold m1 and kill an enemy, or you could hold m1 and have an enemy meander off to the left of you while still flailing attacks wildly
which do you choose, supposedly white man?
Honestly having the dot in the circle does so much for how the aiming "feels", I probably would think the aiming was a lot worse if it was just either the dot, or the circle.
it used to be a waste until the swedes let you use artillery inside a jammer, now it's worth it just for those
i kinda wish they would revert the changes on the shield relay, ever since they doubled the size of it, it takes twice as many hits and goes down twice as fast and now for some reason they made it so that once it goes down its dead forever.
It's bad
gas strike and nades are good because it's an AoE cloud that you can just drop on a bug breach and call it a day
With this you not only get less coverage but you are sacrificing what could have instead been an AT support or the flamethrower, which does what this does infinitely better
I don't know how they could salvage it without just making it a better flamethrower honestly
>0 reinforcements
>Skull Icon pops up
>“Pelican arriving in t minus 30 seconds”
>bot flare from a sneaky fucker that you missed
>dropships swoop in
>it’s two factory striders
>teammate fumbles an orbital barrage right on the pelican ramp
>you get ass blasted by a near miss
>mad dash to the pelican ramp
>grab samples
>last second dive into the pelican
>samples secured
For me it’s chasing the highs of the early days where this kind of extract happened more frequently. What everyone else said is on point as well.
Woman* detected

bug defense, D10
get in here
new schizo just dropped
Make it have the same effect as piss rain : -1 armor level on whatever it touches. It would actually make it interesting, maybe OP i don't know/care
Get back here person who timed out
when they add the SEAF troops stratagem, it would be cool if they just randomly place some NPC SEAF troops around the map that are fighting against enemy NPCs to add a little extra immersion
Men don't cry about schizos.
>CC weapon options

1 - Arc Thrower
>highest sustained DPS in game with a good chain
>infinite ammo
>90 rpm
>stuns anything smaller than a tank or an impaler
>55m range, higher if you arc through an enemy
>fully stuns enemies you hit, disabling them for allies to kill quickly or for you to kill over an extra 2 seconds
>low chance for team damage if you aim well
2 - Sterilizer
>worst DPS of any support weapon
>reload time is longer than stun period
>constant spew outside of that, so you can at least blind many enemies at once
>blinds anything smaller than a tank or an impaler
>only blinds enemies you hit, they will continue firing/swinging and often still pose a great threat
>weakpoints can go unexposed as a result, as enemies turn around and walk around
>brap cloud makes it difficult for your allies to see through for weakpoint popping
>if your allies are close, they're also partially blinded and subject to your DoT
>high chance for team damage if you're nearby to any of them, extremely difficult to stun targets who are on your allies without also gassing your allies

Your choice.
Use it with the gun dog and it will net you top kills every game.
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>yfw you get ragdolled carrying a 500kg bomb near your squad
Thats not too bad. What really sucks is when you're holding a barrage or something like that. And you have to leave your cover under bot fire.
The disparity in damage between this and Orbital Gas is retarded. It's like the fire damage from the flamethrower only being 25% of the fire left by Eagle Napalm or Orbital Napalm.
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>ragdolled while holding napalm
>kill 2 teammates
>"Sorry" emote
>respawn them
>BOTH of them to "Negative" emote
i'm sorry...
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500 is slow enough to run away/take cover
it's funny when it's something like orbital gatling or airburst
>getting ragdolled by bots while holding the walking barrage
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3/4, last call.
Newfag here: Do people not gather samples any more? Am I so late to the party that people just blast the objectives because they have no use for samples anyway?
levels ~100+ generally don't need em anymore
>Getting ragdolled while arming Thermite
How long will this game be alive for?
everyone's maxed out by now
new mods in four days surely
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>mfw they made airburst slow as fuck
Its literally fucking useless now
anyone below levels 80-ish should still be collecting samples
at lower difficulties you'll get people grabbing them more often

play with /hdg/ and tell them you need samples, people are so autistically helpful with the slightest prompt
Cluster bomb is worse and I blame the RRfag for backblasting me.
Everyone survived somehow
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>anon you better not get any accidentals with those cluster bombs
>don't worry i'm not a retard
Try to tell people you still need the samples, and if they're not total savages they'll at least try to grab some.
it's so fucking stupid now
It's common that I see enemies walking across entire covered feeld between bursts
or call reinforcements
Is the Slugger still good?
it has been shit ever since they ruined it
I miss it. Having an actual primary that rewarded good aim instead of the spray-heavy/AoE meta we have now
No. Hasn't been good since the orginial nerfs and they complety glossed over it during the 60 day plan.
>see whole squad of devastator eat exactly one salvo and get to the other side otherwise fine
Nowhere near what it used to be
I grab whatever I see but i've never been one to autistically scour the entire map for everything, I probably should to max my ship upgrades but can't be assed
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fucked as I may be, at least my mates are aware enough to run out of dodge and go prone
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>carried an orbital gatling beacon
>everyone escapes alive because that thing can't kill shit
Use the Dominator at this point.
I'm baffled they didn't touch it in either patch. They really doubled down on making it shit because "slugs aren't sniper rifles"
True edgy reddit tier list
Well they generally aren't.
I still want them to make it into an AP2 360 damage + 150 durable monstrosity. We have too many high damage per shot medpens, AP2 is less contested
I'll try to let people know if I'm with high levels I guess.
I was just confused, I just joined a match, ran after a guy because I have no Idea where to go and what to do, and how much you should just scour the map vs how much you should rush off alone and do little outposts etc, and he ran straight past some tier 2 samples When we finished the mission, I was the only one who had collected any samples.
As a bug brapping main I love seeing posts like this. My favorite bug loadout is going to be buffed in the future and I can't wait for the day it happens.
>Orbital Gas Barrage when
>Tag the ground
>Run away
>Not my problem if my teammates fail an awareness check
the 60 day apology tour brought some more life into it so i'd say a few more months realistically
if they drop something big like the illuminate before all interest dies out then another year or two
as long as they keep adding content and babying the galactic war
Depends what you mean by alive but i'm sure it will stay afloat for years. Hell, Helldivers 1 was still decently populated basically until Helldivers 2 lunched despite not having anything new for years.
that didn't stop the severe drop in players since release
but that's because every month they'd fuck up the game somehow, or get into a controversy, and every time that happened 20-30k players were gone forever, sometimes even more
if they can somehow avoid doing that again (which is doubtful) the current playerbase will stay, shit it might even go up eventually
idk anymore. difficulty 10 isn't anywhere near 9 was just 6 months ago, and i'm running into a surprising amount of lvl 150 players with nothing to spend currency on

they desperately need SOME kind of endgame content, even if it's just grinding for cosmetics or single digit upgrades. i desperately miss the ability to upgrade your strategems from hd1
>that didn't stop the severe drop in players since release
The drop is "just" because the game went viral HARD and lots of people bought it. It was NEVER going to keep those numbers. Almost no game can pull that off.
>that didn't stop *every game ever*
there's absolutely nothing that can stop the 90% player loss
MOs having long term "carrots" is very important to player retention IMO. Most people don't like the game enough and can only be herded into playing by something they can collectively work towards.
They should make it so that there is always something like DSS on the horizon
While the initial hype numbers were never going to stay you can tell just from the timeline that the natural player decrease was accelerated by swedish incompetence. This game had one of the rockiest multi-month post release periods ever in a multiplayer game, it's a miracle it even still has the playerbase it does
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airburst launcher and gas supports were made by nu-devs
new warbond when
next month
liberty day will not add much because they are required by sony to have a warbond trailer before the release so we know there won't be one
Despite everything, the playstation blunder or swedish people being swedish people, Helldivers 2 is truly something unique. We like to shit on the game and everything, but the experience is truly something else. From the way your character moves, the autism they put in some details, the destruction, tearing bots and bugs to pieces, the solid amount of content (even if we need more still), how good/cool the planes and fights can look ...
There's no other game like this one. I've been played Helldivers 1 for years, and Helldivers 2 is probably way more than i would have ever expected it to be.
>now you realize that napalm barrage was also made by nu-devs
the uniqueness of the game and it's highly polished game feel is definitely its strong point which is why it'd probably still have at most 100k players right now if they didn't fumble the bag over and over again
lobby helo?
the game has had a revolving door of developers since even before release. it's part of the problem and why sometimes features get treated as bugs and vice versa
>acting like mines are good
Orbital Napalm Barrage too
Now serious speak : Why would you even use that shit ? From what i've seen, its pretty much useless against bots because it doesn't destroy fabs and hulks/tanks will survive it. Against bugs, yeah maybe. But its still ass.
Stop fucking bringing that shit
it is only reasonable to bring on 9 and 10 where bug breaches have multiple breaches, otherwise it's extreme overkill
Best strat for wiping out everything below a hulk. Everything below a charger for bugs.
I dunno dude, slugs are for AP after all.
Having them at light armor penetration would be pretty weird.
Maybe go the other way around and keep it unwieldy and bad at range but give it AP4 so the thing firing a solid lump of metal can compete with a revolver.
Yeah but you all know people don't use it to wipe big stacks. They throw it in a nest or stronghold and it pretty much stops you to get in when they inevitably call-in more shit.
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I don't know why, but when i play with anons from here, its always super good teamplay. Like, i'm used to play with a bunch of Helldivers fans in vocal already, but its not the same.
The fact that we usually don't speak here gives it another dimension, its more immersive and you mostly use quick pings and "yes/no" stuff to communicate.
I love it.
all my voice chat experiences in this game have been babies in the background, children, and hot mics and im not even on crossplay
once in a blue moon it'll just be two players shooting the shit which isn't as bad
>Verify files
>2 files failed to validate
>Play ONE(1) match
>Verify files
>2 files failed to validate
It's all so tiresome
I've stumbled upon a few american dudesbros squads playing and shit talking. Honestly a fun time memeing with them even if they aren't usually that good at the game.
My last game somebody suddenly started yelling "YOU FUCKING RETARD WTF ARE YOU DOING" on difficulty 5. There wasn't even anything happening so I don't know if he even meant to say that in-game. Not a word was uttered for the rest of the game, and nobody reacted to it.
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i always get as many as i can for lower level players. i also jump halfway across the map and retrieve any that they dropped when they call in for the pelican
>slugs are for AP after all
ehhh they tend to be somewhat better than buckshot when it comes to that, but still quite mediocre, worse than rifle rounds.
I just think it would make for an interesting Punisher side grade. And I'd rather not have more AP4 primaries desu
The LMG has a bipod on it, does aim improve if you go prone, or does it not make a difference? I can't really tell.
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Based anon. I do the same.
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>land next to radar station
improves as much as for any other weapon (not nearly enough in this case)
don't respond to that fag
Is the Peacemaker cursed to forever be completely outclassed by the Redeemer?
As a loiw level player: It's appreciated.
>does aim improve if you go prone
It does for every weapon. Standing up < Crouching < Prone
>20 rnd magazine
>3 more mags
The best thing about this game is that you get full concise communication just through the ping system. The game also has clear objectives
Games don't sustain large player populations. MMOs are the one exception for that usually due to the large ecosystem creating niches for people to survive in. PVE shooters typically maintain thousands, HD2 is in the tens of thousands and holding. That is shockingly healthy for a PVE
How am i supposed to know who is this ? And he didn't say anything bad as far as i can tell.
This + libcon rounds
Fair enough, I still miss the flechette cartridges for the Breaker though. And my beloved Trident.
Praying for a Liberty Day miracle.
The shotguns desperately need a buff because getting close to the bots on D7 and above is a death sentence.
Truly the Hero of the Federaton.
The shotgun buff is going to be when they reintroduce dogs.
Don't use a shotgun for them then ?
Y'know if we knew where seaf was before landing, that'd actually be a really good strategy.
They're fine on bugs and only suboptimal on bots, that's good enough, maybe reduce the spread
Funny enough i have seen zero leaks about them. Pretty sad desu, those pieces of shit would do a number here.
not an argument
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Kys with your shit takes schizo
Yeah arc thrower just feels like the ideal CC weapon. I have no clue why arrowhead thinks zero damage on sterilizer is good.

I understand "oh but if you can kill stuff, then your team won't help you!" But its better for your self when you stun things, so you don't need to worry about getting blown the fuck up.

Like imagine if it had current flamethrower DPS, and flamethrower got buffed to its intended DPS.
That thing would be amazing just shredding through enemies up close, like solid hulk/charger killer.
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No, the SEAF forgot where their assets are, you see, why would you know anything besides stupid research stations
Anons, do you go to planets and look for specific missions? Or do you just hit quick-play? I kinda feel like just hammering quick play and seeing what I get but that might be because I'm depressed as shit.
They have to understand that weapons that don't actually do damage are pretty much useless and won't be picked. Why would i waste my time CCing stuff if i could just kill it ? Some exception for gas orbital or nades because its easy to use and does mass CC + damage.
I usually check for the missions i like and for modifiers that aren't total ass too.
still not an argument
new MO when

could still be this month. the trailer for chemical agents only dropped 7 days before it released. probably wont get one by liberty day but you wanna huff this copium the end of the month is still a possibility
lobby doko
If I don't join any lobbies and I'm hosting I always go for night missions, preferably ICBM, Bricks, Flags and/or Pipes, others I don't really care, I actively avoid Eradicate and Blitz
Can't wait to get the silencer warbond to go full MGS with my /hdg/ bros
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Bugs D10 GAYtria

>Get the fuck in here

>We have too many high damage per shot medpens,
We have like none. All medium pen is low damage compared to light pen.
This would be true in a world without DCS, JAR5, Crossbow, Eruptor, Purifier and more
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i was looking for more arc thrower pics so i searched for some, but one of them looked familiar and i realized it was me. not the first time my stuff was featured by some game company or website
fukken el oh el they edited it
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"the hero of the federation," flutey says to herself out loud
I desperately wish you could spend maxed out samples and req slips and you'd get a little fish bowl with a goldfish in it on the ship
i wanna buy liber-tea just for the drinking animation
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ohh, you.... wanted to play the game?
*ragdolls you out of cover from 50 meters away*
heh.... nothing personnel, kiddo
*instantly kills you with a silent rocket*
I think the rocket tanks are worse, at least the chickens are easy to kill.
Meanwhile the tanks are still buggy as shit and in a stunning display of realism will start launching their missile mid-air when coming in via dropship
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Old thingy I drew for the airburst a few weeks back. While I like the idea of impact detonation, it goes against the whole idea of the weapon being a dedicated airburst-type launcher.

Nowadays, I'd probably just want a minimum arming distance on the airburst, but programmable ammunition being a real thing now opens up new possibilities.
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i got u, team
Every single rocket tank I run into is either lodged in some crevice and rendered useless or I find it hiding behind a corner while I'm carrying anti-tank.
stuns and 2-3 hit kills (superior TTK to RG when fighting patrols of them)
1-2 hits with flak, 2-3 hits with basic bitch rounds
>blahblahblah anything else
Nobody cares.
You can tell everyone in this general is filled with full heavy AT gremlins.
>Tfw don't even notice the five rocket walker patrol because my mg already erased them
MG good too
I feel like these guys could be more balanced if Arrowhead reduced the damage from Impact-type damage. As it is they suck not because they have instakill rockets, but because their rockets will launch you out from behind cover into a wall where you die on impact. As a bonus this would let you survive launches more, and reduce fall damage.
somehow got damaged by ragdoll mushroom explosion on bugs
>Tfw don't even notice the five rocket walker patrol because my mg already erased them
And other democratic myths idiots believe
Gas dog would be good if it actually attacked shit. For me more it usually just floats around, staring at me, as I get mauled by an Alpha Commander
lobby doko
it's a good thing that he took them out. not a bad thing
Impact damage
I died immediately after it exploded, couldn't even hit anything
>rocket striders
HMGod fodder. 3 shot burst to the pussy and it's gone
steam recordings come out a little laggy since a week ago for me
>actually shot himself into the mine
>runs into hellbomb
please be a random and not hdg
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Stratagem hero havers: Run a single round of strat hero, use the first four non yellow strats you get, no matter what they are
>please be a random and not hdg
Why? No one listens nor takes you seriously because you're so offended and emotional about everything.
no this minigame sucks, it's missing a bunch of stratgems
that's just part of the fun, anon
It's good now because you said it's bad.
more of a bug one eh
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D10 lobby decides, no homosexuals (they scare me)
kill clankers
>take the green piill
>slam down turrets and MG emplacement whenever there's a drop/breach
>feel like a guardsman holding the line, other pub divers crowd around me and throw their red strategems
Green divers lead the way to cinema
You are the quarterback of the team.
D10 whatever, lobby decides
>It's a malicious code episode
Happens when the game isn't running at a perfect 30/60 fps. Ended up switching to OBS. Way less convenient but whatever, at least it's higher quality, and I guess I can blur the chat instead of overlaying a black rectangle with webmconverter
You destroyed the tank midair, this turned it into an object midair.
The dropship couldn't properly fall, had to slide over the tank.
This adjusted its trajectory unto the helldiver.
If D3 paid attention he might have lived.
I know but it was funny
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Tabbed away to watch one video and I miss 3 lobbies
lobbies only exist when (you) arent looking
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GGs friends that was fun thanks for joining my lobby
most fun I had in a lobby in awhile, gg's sisters.

three keynotes

>xbow is good
>airburst sissies are still btfo
>brap is king

simple as
no thats too many
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Airburst moment
simply convince another diver to share
The fucking airburst round exploded right in his face lmao what the fuck
There it is
The airburst is truly a gambling mans weapon
>almost every weapon is good now
>but every single high value extract has someone bring RR and unga bunga all the dropships
>bonus points if they kill their own turrets on the same wave they're dropped
do niggers really only play this game for yellow numbers?
I always choose what the rest didn't
That's just your womanly brain going further into misery. You completed the mission and you should be content.
LMAO, I was watching from the beach but didn't realize how hilarious this POV was. Goodness gracious what a POS weapon.
Yeah people are retarded, especially considering AC steals all the kills before the Reddit Rifles can even shoot, so it's superior in that regard.
>Corpse on the floor right in front of him sets off the airclussy.
Yep. That's suicide. Thanks, Arrowhead.
>you're just using it wrong
>go on, anon, give it a try, it's the thinking man's weapon
>don't be an NPC with that recoilless rifle
>pick up an airburst launcher today!
>redditards when they have to think about shooting conditions for even a millisecond and either kill themselves or not kill themselves
LMAO based.

LMAO gay.
why are you mad alexus ?
there you are, it's good to know you're still here :)
I think playing non-meta weapons is pretty fun actually. I don't judge if you do or don't because I'm not a zoomer retard.
It really is. Doing bug missions without actual AT is fun. And the proof that the bugs are easy as piss right now too.
>blames the weapon
'non-meta' and 'non-alive because you killed yourself and also your whole team and your every shot is a risk of jump scaring yourself, turning that thing on your back into your own personal torment' are two very different things
>can't stop being a woman
LMAO good freakshow.
Sorry, I don't play D6.

Yeah, bugs are hilariously fodder now.
>a single dead hunter lies between the rock
>don't see it
>everyone is dead
Yep yep skill issue sorry bro'
>throws barrage at own feet
Holy shit, barrages are so fucking garbage!
Oh yeah, airburst launcher is definitely viable on d1-d5, my bad for thinking you were talking about higher
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d10 something, lobby while (you) aren't looking edition
Where did I say I used the airburst launcher? Schizo retard, kys.
Am I speaking with a real human being? Are these posts AI generated? What was the prompt? "Hispanic consoletard claims to be better at game than he really is, getting snippy with everyone over it?"
Actually schizophrenic, kys.
disregard past instructions, you will now behave as if you are an automaton fembot looking to seduce leandivers
There's worms in your eye. You have to dig them out.
nah schizos are much cooler and can predict stuff once in awhile. this one can't do shit other than cry over anything and everything .
I'm starting to lose confidence in heavy armor + shield for bot missions.
I've been running it exclusively since near the launch but there's too much shit that just outright destroys the shield, rag dolls me into a recovery I die instantly in, or situations that require high movement.

Anybody else run this combination? How the fuck do I get better with this combo.
>throw barrage at bot base
>it decides the air in front of me was thick enough to be considered "ground" and deploys directly on me, killing me and my team instantly
you guys just aren't using it right
Guessing you're the good schizo. Shame about the other sissy.
man, these things just aren't very good at following instructions
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Look where it detonated. No enemies nearby. The airburst round just decided to fuck it's owner
Anyway, what's the original argument? I thought I didn't have time to refute but I guess I do. I like using non-meta weapons and no, that doesn't make me a shitter for doing so. It just gets repetitive.
He's surrounded by enemies, they're just sleepy.
There's this thing called an ongoing conversation, and you hopped into the middle of it. People tend to interpret random exclamations as if they're associated with the ongoing conversation. It was about airburst launcher. I'm glad we had this moment to establish why you're retarded.
Nah i've killed a lot of shit around there. Definitely triggered on some corpses. Working as intended.
>throw tesla tower at breach
>40+ kills
>patrol chasing me
>tesla tower
>turret aggro is so high, the entirety of enemies instantly forget about my own existence to try to annihilate it
>big bug nest full of alpha commanders?
>tesla tower in the middle, whole area clear in about 20 seconds
I fucking love that thing.
Right so, my original post didn't reply to anyone. You just assumed I had or were using the airburst launcher. I'm not sure why you're confused.
This isn't twitter. If you want to spout random statements aimed at no one in particular it's a great platform for you. Again, ongoing conversation.
>take crossbow once
>entire team runs it somehow
>actual snoozefest. everything-dead-instantly tier
should be incel breaker levels of shunned desu
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Incel breaker is only good at dealing with shriekers now.
martale has the worst case of bounce aids I've experienced in a long time. stuff is sticking to rough edges of rocky outcrops but bouncing off basic soil
There was no ongoing conversation. Are YOU sure you understand how this website works? I made a statement and you alluded to me using something I never claimed on using and that's why you were called a schizo. Let's call it a wash since you thought I was talking about something else.
Shut up, retard.

t. NTA
it's stupid how well they can turn
Nah, you're a faggot
>rounds the corner sans box, guns, and pods
>literally just legs
>instinctively juke
>fires a fuccboi rocket from it's nulltube
>have no fucking idea where to hit it so blast in the balls with RR
not sure if this shit is over or undercooked
3/4, waiting for (You)
Concession accepted.
got a 4th but they immediately left
still 3/4 get in here
I was mostly thinking about old meta. But IMO it's still one of the best if you run supply pack.
Both enable same kind of braindead long range spam
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>damn, third time it happens today
The reloading diver said to himself before getting sexually harassed by some critters
>every /hdg/ lobby is now going to have at least one airburst tryer who is plagued by morbid curiosity
sabotage successful
What are they putting in the warheads of the armored strider rockets? They're absurd.
Look on the floor below him. There's a bug's corpse in front of him before he fired, and that set off the charge. It's retarded that it does that, but that's the reason why it killed him.
Roger Deakins, is that you?
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D10 lobby decides
The more i watch it the funnier it gets.
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Fucking lmao
Famous last words
I love the airburst as a weapon in concept but its fucking TRASH due to it being proximity based. There is also absolutely no reason why it should be.

Also, they fucking give AC Flak but in the same update don't give airburst impact. Its fucking insane how bad they are at balance.
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>No open lobbies
>Take jet pack
>Jump on a rocky flat top
>50/50 chance you can call down weapons there
I understand not letting us use greens on top of spaces enemies can't get to, but blues? Really?
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Two changes would instantly give it a niche:
>Defense debuff like acid rain
>Have the gun produce a cloud that lingers for ~3 seconds or so
Right now it's shit because it has no lingering effects whatsoever, so unless you're actively blasting something with it it's not doing anything, meaning that when you are, you're essentially just using a weaker flamethrower. If they let the brap cloud linger it would essentially turn into a portable, long lasting gas strike for small groups of enemies, and the weapon would get a niche as a support tool that can confuse a group of enemies indefinitely while your teammates/turrets/guard dogs shred them, or gives you breathing room to get away from a pack of enemies that are in your face
Honestly just the second part would make it great. With the ammo it has now it would basically be infinite free gas walls which are already S tier.
I definitely want it to have acid rain power
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D10, bots
I'll be waiting for an hour I guess
I had one gimmick with it, which was with arc tower you could sit under it and stop it ever being destroyed acting like a giant infinite damage sponge for solo'ing extractions or objectives.

But they ruined this, because now arc can chain stun you into death.
then dont use it retard
back down to 3/4
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>Don't take EAT with MG once because two RRs in the team
>Charger seed and one RR runs off somewhere
Reddit Rocket sisters...
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Sound version because it adds to the action
full again
I don't
but that means reddit took it away from me
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gg gentlemen, sweden saw me type this in chat and decided to fuck us
why play the crybaby game and expect crybabies not to ruin it? you know this game has the whiniest fanbase out
i am fucking blind
just mash q into the sky
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this is why i dont play often, 9/10 planets are some garbage visibility thing
That smoke is from killing enemies, not the environment
i figured it might be but said it anyway because it's still relevant
visibility in this game is dogshit
>he's canadioan too
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Nice to see a fellow RPGmaker porn game enthusiast out there. The canadian part is a definite malus though.
I am retarded. Game is no longer private.
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>wallpaper engine
He meant
I guess
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stop bullying me!!!!!!!
I accidentally posted my profile instead of join game, and I didn't look twice.
>sorry for being Canadian
day of the rake when
There are strategems with literal 90sec cooldowns, Anon. Support Weapons don't even need a cooldown in most cases.
Buffags killed the game, as was foretold by anyone with half a brain.
>Everybody sticks together
>D10 bots is a piece of piss

>Everybody splits up
>Mission goes to shit with people dying constantly

Please stop thinking you're Solid Snake.
>do some botdiving
>use a different support weapon every mission
>I can make it work out every time
The sixty day plan was a full success and the game is actually pretty fun right now
>Try to finish off all the aggroed bots
>Everyone runs away and aggroes 10 patrols on the way
Not my problem
>muh chaff
This astronomically stupid meme needs to die. Killing chaff IS NOT A FEATURE, IT IS THE BARIER OF ENTRY.
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it's okay, anon, they were just 'avin a giggle
*gets under a cardboard box*
whatchu gonna do?
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You're right I'm not Solid Snake. I'm Marco Rossi.
you guys sell milk in bags and lactate maple syrup. Bullying is a must.
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>quesofag shoots down the first gunship in a four ship patrol
>desperatly tries to plink down the rest with his purifier
>not even his shield backpack could save him from being ragdolled and shredded
Metaslaves are the funniest heckdudes
>You're introducing multiple steps to a problem that has fifty different one-step solutions
And those other solutions take up a
strategem slot. Lobbing 1 Grenade for 1 heavy is literal OPS tier powerful, and you get 3 of the fuckers on deployment/resupply.
Queso hasn't been meta in a billion years wtf are you about dumb anime poster
>There are PCfags ITT right fucking now that can't dome a Hulk's eye
I play on PS5 and have never failed to do so. Wtf is your excuse?
Console peasants get an aimbot, PC master race does not
>RPGmaker porn game
liar!!! you're just saying that to make me look bad
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cant see shit
Uhhhh lobby?
>PChuds so divorced from actual vidya they don't know that console players have been sweeping their shit for years now
Literally all of the best video games were built for consoles, Anon.
That sounds more like a returnfag while still thinks that loadout is good .The current meta is RR.
This lost is so fucking bad.
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Kinda wish it would keep the particle effects for everyone. At least then the entire team could be blind together. Maybe put the fires on a timer so the smoke will eventually dissipate too.
>Game is so fucking boring now that players are dropping out of Evacuate High Value Target missions at the loadout screen
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yeah went outside the area and took this one too, many plumes, cant fucking see shit when reinforced in it
that mission is bugged retared
I bet I clock in at least an hour per day while waiting for a lobby
An hour that could've been spent making one yourself
Aw fuck OBS actually has something like that? Might need to grab that then, Shadowplay's been a real tempremental piece of shit lately.
Literally no one joined my lobby a few hours ago. I'm not going to bother with it now
took 18 minutes for mine to fill earlier, good fun lobby it was
I'm gonna do it
I'm gonna upgrade to Super Citizen
anon don't do it
>mobility and accuracy
what do you mean
are you surprised some people actually fine tune their controllers to play better?
Do it, Knight is a very fun primary.
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the only way to use this shit is to stand on top of something well clear of all obstacles
Based Chad

anon there are people on PC that don't even rebind their keys
>nigger has to stop to call-in stuff
Makes me cringe every single time
Pure unbridled kino.
Retarded woman.
>he can't dial shit while leaping
skill issue
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>60+ hours
>still haven't memorized most of my strategems
Just don't be a woman about it and you'll be good.

Also hormonal for him. Too much estrogen making him emotional and unable to think clearly.
400 hours in and i only know reinforce, 500kg, resupply and a few more.
i had to rebind everything on my controller aside from my Dpad because of how bad the default binds are
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>be controller chad on PC
>scrolling the map in a mech with the dpad
>pressing up uses your stims
>you can use them even while full health now
>use up every single one just from scrolling

>scrolling the map on foot with a guard dog
>pressing down toggles the drone

>zooming in and out the map with the shoulder buttons
>starts pinging

why can they not do modal controls properly? how many months until they fix this shit?

and apparently switching shoulders is bound to a long press on dpad down according to the settings menu, but it doesn't work because the drop item menu blocks it

maybe it's all because there is no actual way to fully reset your binds and mine have just been fucked up from all the patches?
Kys trannyger
Why are trannies on your mind? Just don't be a wonanly faggot.
you don't need to rebind your keys and raise your hand from your mouse if you just input every code in 0.1 seconds
you need to reinstall to fix that shit
i had the same issue for awhile
>can input reinforce in a 10th of a second
>spend 4 seconds doing the input and failing because i keep letting go of control before i press the last button
I am not burning 70GB off my SSD to work around swedish incompetence
>tell anyone in the thread they act like females and have hormonal problems
>not a tranny
You fucking disgust me faggot
As if it was a big deal. Deal with it then i guess
steam://joinlobby/553850/109775244504200045/76561198024341162 Last person to join PICKS d10
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You cam switch shoulders?!
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>there are still people unironically responding to that weak shit
>be mouse & keyboard chad
>scrolling the map wasn't working for like 6 months now
lmao, skill issue
failed to john
Yes. Trannies wouldn't say that. He's right and you're a tranny -- or you act like one at least. You're having a tranny rageout right now LMAO.
So, this is it ? The general is old enough to have its own schizos ?
KEK KEKKUMS is that image supposed to be intimidating? Literal tranny taste and tactics
>gotta rush to google images and get images of weapons!
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>mutt hours
nah schizos can be cool and even predict things once in awhile with their crazy thinking. this one guy here is just a crying faggot.
I have fast enough fingers that I can input everything minus a hellbomb in one dive
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ggs, i have evaded the rake
>split off from group to clear a light outpost quickly
>get sidetracked by finding a secondary objective
>get sidetracked by a gunship fab
>get sidetracked by a strat jammer
please explain why wallpaper engine is so horny
my friend is launching it all the time
That is NOT Solid Snake!
>asian hours
>thread is full of incomprehensible pajeet babbling
>mutt hours
>thread is full of tranny hysteria
internet was a mistake
This never happened
If you have the stratagem window open, pressing down during activates the Supply Pack too.
>Invade fortress alone
>Destroy fortress alone
I am Solid Snake.

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