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Fumble Edition

HELLDIVERS 2 is a 2024 co-op, squad-based, PvE 3rd person shooter for PC and PS5 where players fight against hordes of alien insects and robots to Spread Democracy. Players wage war on a number of contested planets, each with a different environment, completing as many objectives as possible within a procedurally generated area while constrained by a time limit. With enough successful operations a planet can be completely liberated, and the player base must cooperate to try to liberate the entire galaxy by focusing and combining their efforts as much as possible.

Released in 2015 for PC, PS3/4 and PS Vita, the original HELLDIVERS is the origin of the setting and basic gameplay formula of HELLDIVERS 2. The major difference is that HELLDIVERS is a top-down shooter, its mechanics being based primarily on Arrowhead's previous game Magicka.


Sep 17: 60-Day Patch 1 https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/553850/view/7147864422081646859
Sep 19: Chemical Agents https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fnHr4URSXis
Oct 15: 60-Day Patch 2 https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/553850/view/7291982050853715743

Sep 19: Chemical Agents https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fnHr4URSXis
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censor names you goofus
Yeah B****.... sorry for teamkilling you three times in a row.
Why ? To soothe your autism ? Its just a webm, who fucking cares.
I am not that anon, and I care. Having names leads to namefagging. Namefagging is gay.
bad form
>the airburst incident.webm
I thought they fixed the proximity fuse on this... that's what people here said
>that's what people here said
>believing resident pajeets
I've been posting webms with random names for months and nobody ever said a thing, because nobody cares. I'm not wasting my time censoring names because a couple dudes got their panties in a bunch.
Niggers there's a literal list of dudes who want to lead the future /hdg/ clan (lmao) and you're complaining about some random names in a webm ? Seriously ?
put Existential Dread on the list please kudasai
It works most of the time for me, but I absolutely refuse to fire it if allies are in the line of fire or if the enemy isn't clustered enough.

It works better than Flak Autocannon in any case.
>It works better than Flak Autocannon in any case.
is it already morning in india?
Oh, you're one of those. Eat my dick and balls lmao
None of us care about who any of you actually are. Get the tranny hysteria out of your paranoid little head.
Once platoons are released, name censoring can probably stop albeitthoughever
>he thinks i'm joining the /hdg/ clan
I've already got my own group to play with. While most of you guys are very nice and a pleasure to play with, you just KNOW the leader will be some psycho/tranny and it WILL be a shitshow.

what the heck
what the heeeeck there's a friggin lobby
wht the heck

>literally tried the airburst in a /hdg/ lobby d10 bots after /hdg/ chimped about it
>it was fine and I got the most kills, 0 TKs, 0 accidentals
For now, but zappy boi will get it next time.
the guard dog is making me extremely lazy bros
bitch i said 2/4 JOIN
Isn't that thing terrible though?
I can't see it not catching a nerf once everything settles out. It was already good when it gained the ability to pick up ammo and got two extra magazines, the change to Lib Pen plus the increased mag size basically means you have an AI-controlled Lib Pen hovering over your shoulder at all times.
say when you're full next time äasshole
>It says here you aren't fighting on a MO designated planet, care to explain?
>dilate tra-ACK
>that's a kick yup yup
>they should nerf this optional tool I can just not pick, because... BECAUSE NERF GOOD
I wish nerf-tards could actually think.
You have the Dog Breath if you want a Dog that deals no damage.
>Take Dog Breath with Torcher
>Fucking hose shit to death in seconds
Buffags are incapable of rational loadoit planning.
equal and alternative scenario
>hey can we do the MO planet, we've been doing X forever and I want to contribu-
>pro wrestling isn't real either but I stil
haters will say it's fake
imagine a squadmate with ap2 who never misses critical hits and rarely runs out of ammo
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The dog breath only hits one enemy at a time. You would be better off with either of the other ones in basically every scenario.
>this lobby is private
It's bugs, bro. Nobody gives a shit. They're the "turn your brain off" faction. Might as well let the AI kill everything for you while you AFK through the mission.
>he thinks they're gonna nerf the player in anyway what so ever

Not happening.
I feel like all this talk of clans isn't going to happen, yes muh leaks but I bet it will be either another thing entirely or a future update for that. The things they say about the DSS sounds more like every helldiver votes to take it wherever and you get some strats, buffs or whatever the fuck.
I hope I am wrong.
late night lobby?
it's fun to go burn things and use different strats every now and then
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>randos is surprisingly competent
>even more so compared to regular /hdg/fag minus the bants
Legit a better experience over all, you have a team that know what they are doing while not screaming NIGGER! every 3 seconds. You faggots are obsolete
join doko
Scavenger nerf when?
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ggs to the lobby of last thread. may one day we be released of the sweden crash menace
the game is just easy now, we've been over this
Be careful not to overdose on all that copium you're huffing.
I cannot believe the responses to this post.
4chan has changed.
That dude was only 1/8th Seminole. Injun genes too stronk.
this anon has never joined an actual lobby
I can believe it, we've got a bunch of shitty redditors worried about their E-cred
Literally making shit up
>you have a team that know what they are doing while not screaming NIGGER! every 3 seconds
You don't actually play on /hdg/ lobbies
and you just figured that out autismo ?
the helldivers 1 community was small and had very few threads, but it was nothing like the behavior and mannerisms in this thread. small remnants still remain. it's honestly the switch in target audience for all forms of media around 9-10 years ago. it's not just gen z, but they grew up during that time
Redditors don't come here anymore. What we're dealing with are Twitter retards and Discord teens.
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suspended in space
the keeper of the stars
Barrager Tank still not fixed
>noooo not the names ! hide them ! i cannot cope with random names in a webm ! i'm going insaaaaaaaaane !!!!! i'm an oldfag i swear !!!!!!!
>If I use the meme arrow and don't reply to a post directly, I look le edgy and le cool I am based I propmise xdddd
Made you reply ;)
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>he doesn't want an emergency secondary that can solo Bile Titans
Nta but censoring the chat is common courtesy
Not that I expected brown "people" to understand that
I want a secondary objective that's an illegal broadcast tower but if it's destroyed the giant automaton robot it was connected to underground unearths itself and targets the guy who destroyed it, not losing aggro until it or the Helldiver is dead
Been in multiple generals, almost nobody ever gave a fuck about it besides a couple autismos. Also if you censor the chat, you have to also censor random names inevitably popping up on the screen, and i'm not doing that.
3/4 again
monkeydivers to monkeypods
Considering that it seems to be the norm, and you are the exception, that perhaps it is you that is the autismo here.
Nobody gave a fuck when it got posted last thread.
Is the Adjudicator good now?
Then, maybe just don't post your low effort webms?
nobody gave a fuck before indian discord read
they must've read about muh anonymous culture on knowyourmeme or something
Yes, just censor the entire chat box
Maybe those generals are full of brown "people" like you?
>/hdg/ is fighting again
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Oh that makes sense. Poojeets just woke up and they wanna act like they're part of the anonymous club. Don't show your name saar! very bad things will happen!
discord troons seething that people might not want to broadcast their name everywhere
This is what happens when the game is kinda stale and people are waiting for content. Classic stuff really
I don't want my username attached to any sort of comment, if you don't respect that I'll not play with you
it's a 4chan thing to not want that
You're all fucking retarded
ok just tell me who you are and i won't play with you
One of them just has a lot of estrogen. He knows I'm talking about him lmao.
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How to balance rocket striders.
>turn it into a rare boss enemy that spawns only 2 or 3 times per mission
>play intense music to signal to the players its on the field.
>give it really loud sound cues so players will know its nearby
>give it a loud and long charge up sequence before it fires one of its rockets.
>give it light armor on its backside
>make it a side quest and give players req/xp each time for defeating one.

There, now every can stop bitching about them.
Got any more boogeymen to throw out, kid?
You're definitely brown
>the rocket knocks you in the direction you were hit from
there, fixed it
I'm jerking on your chain buddy
>had to let out 43 citizens before we got 20 white ones in the evac shuttle
>-575 reqs
For a frozen shithole Vog Sojoth isn't as white as yourself expect.
Almost forgot to mention but the rocket no longer causes ragdoll. Now its fair and balanced.
you think so or just in spirit?
make them come out from new secial fabricators
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I still prefer the autocannon to any backpack, buffs be damned. AT guard dog when? I want one that goes boom.
It'd shoot at like 6 rpm and instakill you 9/10 times
Honestly, I don't know why Fabricators only produce troopers.
I guess it makes sense when you consider only scavengers, warriors and other smaller bugs come out of bug holes, but I still think there should be more variety to fabricators (and bug holes). Different fabricator types produce different enemies, one for devastator and other for striders, while larger bug holes allow for larger bug types to spawn incessantly from them, making them a priority to seal them up.
it's quite simple, if you've ever seen a 4chan group go bad, and reveal just how many anons actually are unapologetic reddit users, fags, muslims, leftist troons, moralfags, and worse, you'd cling to anonymity as well. I want to believe most of you are lads and not part of the above mentioned categories, even though that's probably cope.
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Someone post a lobby. Anons don't like my Taco Bell connection.
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>AT guard dog
>same ai as normal guard dogs
>they won't adress it blowing its load on scavengers for over half a year
>added to the known issues list for another half year before a fix that just breaks it completely
my pitch: heavy fabricator
large, multiple sections, can spawn anything from devs to tanks
also factory striders should gain the ability to drop individual tanks
Factory strider but instead it has mortar turrets on its back and a barrager turret on each side. ARTILLARY STRIDER.
Even against bugs, there are stronger loadouts.
And you sure as hell aren't doing that against bots.
Tanks are too large for a fabricator, but they should definetly drop scour striders? Can they? Do they? I don't think I remember ever seeing it happen.

The issue is that the Automaton mortars are nowhere near as deadly as their cannons. I'd love more variety in Striders With a mortar turret that can reach you almost anywhere on the map, but i'd barely do any damagge if it's like the existing mortars.
Unironically true, desu.
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Seething troon or malding consolefag, call it.
RR gods run this board.
>Honestly, I don't know why Fabricators only produce troopers.
They're considered "light fabricators", which is odd since that implies the existence of "heavy fabricators" too. There are larger bug holes that produce hive guards and commanders, they reuse the Stalker hive hole.
>using an OP baby weapon
I guess there 'heavier' fabricators are Factory Striders, but we only ever see them produce Devastators. I wouldn't mind seeing those Large outposts and Fortresses with larger Fabricators that can produce Devastators, Striders and even tanks constantly as divers assault them.
it's decent
same as liberator penetrator
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Fine. I'll host regardless.
D10. Democracy decides where we dive.

Pummeler is such a gigantic pile of crap I don't even want to imagine how shitty Defender is now
Just ran a mission with it, felt really solid.
But that was with recoil armor on.

Doesn't really feel weak outside of taking on reinforced striders. It also cuts through chaff pretty quickly. Has little no drag and just snaps onto whatever I need it to. Great like all rounder and bot weapon.

Would definitely pair it with explosives and an air strike like strafing run.
Waiting for 2 more.
ggs nerds
i feel like there were a lot less patrols today than there were yesterday

1 more and we dive.
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Why do you think its bad?
sorry bro i avoid ur lobbies cause mexican connection
Best automatic rifle right now.
Shit damage, slow fire rate, bad ammo economy, ap2, useless against devastators because they beam you through the stagger animation
What if I asked nicel-

Nevermind, got a fourth,
The only way Adjucator is the best automatic rifle is if you don't count the Lib pen and stock Liberator.
And every other AR besides the Lib concussive is kinda on par if not better than the Adjucator.
Exactly what >>499480767 said
It's somehow even worse than the Libcon and that's a grim statement
You really have to be trying to kill allies now, but I just watched a youtuber talk about the air burst and after seeing how bad he played I understand how little the public knows about basic game mechanics
It got buffed hard. Liberator was changed to full-auto Lib Penetrator and it automatically goes for headshots like 90% accuracy. Also the biggest issue (limited ammo) is less of an issue since you now get rover ammo from normal ammo pickups. It eats devastators and other medium enemies alive now.
>Guard Dog
>MG Sentry
They actively sap my skillz
You can also press whatever your backpack button is to make it stop shooting. It goes back to its house but doesnt reload, just stops it from agroing
>saar, they don't fall for airburst meme, release samefaggot
Did you know you can kill a Bile titan with the AMR by dumping 2 mags into their head?
Fuck now I realize I mained Engineer in DRG too
Lazyfagging is my natural state it seems
Sorry, English is my first language so I have no idea what you're trying to say
I can't even tell if it even has limited ammo
backpack icon shows current dog ammo, not backpack ammo
I've never seen it run out
how do you even know you need to resupply it?
yeah, it's completely useless
The backpack itself will show 8 magazines that it takes from, going from the bottom upward
You have 8 (I think) magazines jutting out from your Rover backpack. Each time Rover reloads, one disappears.
>taps it once with RR
>saar, they know! should I use "no you" card?
You can count the reloads it does I guess, but it'll never run out if you pick up ammo boxes

Sorry Deepak, you still havnt formed a coherent thought
nah it's better mathematically
am I missing something with the cookout? people said it was good yet it doesn't really seem to do much damage or have a very good fire burn on it
it's a mid cc/DoT primary
you're meant to use it with a support that handles anything bigger than a hive guard
Not really, no. It's for kiting bugs
>cc weapon that can't kill
I was tricked, into the trash it goes
the DoT is mainly for finishing off the little critters if they're on low HP, so it saves you a couple shots. I'm not sure how it compares to the punisher / slugger stat-wise though
Push force, keeps annoying shit away and dying. Can also spray to Shriekers. Can also pop Warriors and Hunters in melee range
it doesn't do good damage
it has good stagger and can chip packs with dot
that's it
everyone was impressed because it's a first warbond gun that wasn't completely useless at release
In practice Lib pen and Liberator can laser heads while Adjucator bounces all over and needs constant reloads.
I haven't done the math but id like to see you show your mathmetic proof of its supperiority.
I haven't really played in the last few months.

What are the to-go weapons for bugs and bots? Given the amount of various buffs, I have no idea what's good right now.
I like the Adjudicator for being a pocket MMG, even if and when it isn't strictly optimal I've always liked that
You use it like the incel breaker but it has stagger too
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Here's a rough tier list of all the weapons for bots (missing FF warbond weapons but they all suck on bots so it doesn't matter.)
crossbow, purifier, scorcher
>both but better on bugs
adjudicator, liberator penetrator
incel breaker, cookout, knight, torcher
senator for bots, grenade pistol for bugs
you can use stim pistol on bots but don't combo it with scorcher or purifier because they suck vs striders
Pick whatever and see if you like it. The absolute best is the Xbow but it gets boring pretty fast. I like the Liberator and Diligence, feels nice when I can make them work and they're black and yellow
Why don't you just go and try stuff out. Almost every gun is usable and most are actual good.
sorry this tier list is fucking garbage.
150 hour player tier list
>adjudicator that high
>dominator that low
>tenderizer that low
>punisher plasma that high
>verdict that low
>senator that low
>liberator that low
>redeemer that low
>carbine that low
Scythe is at least B tier
it's the only tier list besides mine that's bot complete garbage so I have to disagree
Has a large magazine, stuns enemies, and can kill devastators if you can aim. I'm not sure what more you can want out of an smg but since you're complaining about the ap value i can already see where this discussion is gonna go.
>not* complete garbage
Dagger is, scythe is just dagger but in primary slot
A large magazine you have to empty before anything dies because the damage is so horrendous. And yes, AP2 is a genuine concern on bots, especially when RSStriders are everywhere.
I have a feeling they're just gonna end up giving every weapon ap3 at some point. The game seems to be moving in that direction, sadly. Will know for sure when the next balance patch comes out.
give me a bug primary that's good at actually killing and isnt the crossbow
not a fan of all the "infinite stagger but never kill" ones that are popular for bugs
If you want to take an smg on bots then that's the price you pay. Your support weapon or other gear can kill the rocket striders. Don't forget the broken as fuck senator which can two tap striders now like its nothing.
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nta but heres my tier list
Libcon does all that but better and it's still dogshit
It's even worse if you pick up a Ballistic Shield for the one-handed meme and realize it has to compete against the Xbow for the spot
Tenderizer, light armour pen is less of an issue than it is on bots and it shits damage for an AR
Alternatively Adjudicator if you really, really want that medium armour pen
incel breaker but you are too low iq to make it work
Indeed, I'm starting to believe the Airburst is a simple IQ filter.
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anything here that's in B,A or S should work.
it's trash
Why does it matter? The smg isn't gonna be your main damage dealer on a d10 bot mission. Plus you can hold objectives and run and gun with the smg.
There are better choices for AP2 weapons though. I have a feeling that one-handed will become a more relevant thing in later patches but SMG's are currently functionally inferior to every other weapon type.
countersniper is my main damage dealer on d10
purifier is my main damage dealer on d10
but you're right, smg will not be one, because it's trash
Your argument is... "it's good if you don't use it"
Yeah. Hot dogshit. Okay
>he says citing the biggest low iq primary weapon in the game
honestly I dont like it
handling too sluggish to consistently land headshots at longer range at sufficient rate, recoil too big to burst beyond short-med range and magazine too small to serve as oh shit button if you get jumped by shit like chainsaw niggers
it should get a handling buff imo
Best bot tierlist i think i have seen posted here.
I do asume the placement within the tiers isn't important.
Just finished solo 9 eradication, holie SHIT the spawns are crazy, but god do reds feel better on those missions.

Gatling is way stronger than I expected. Got a few factory strider kills with it.
>3-4 taps alpha heads (fastest alpha TTK ingame)
>2-3 hits hive commander heads
>onetaps most other bugs
>shreds stalkers
>2-3 hit kills all spewers with head/leg shits
>does everything you could ask for from a primary outside of consistent mass horde clear (you should have multiple stratagems for this)
>can mass horde clear with spam but you'll run out of ammo
it's neat
it isn't its just all lumped into the tier where it's about the same power with minor differences
i only have 600 hours in the game so it can still have holes where i missed a weapon by a tier because i dont play enough with them, especially the ones in the bottom 2 tiers.
reload shoot reload shoot. Just rips through shit.
You guys are right, they should give the all the smgs ap4 and triple their damage. And a scope too.
you mean orbital one?
I cant recall getting any heavy kills with it desu
but it's top tier against light/med trash
>Don't use your primary
No wonder you guys have no kills
And no wonder you eat up supply and ammo boxes like RRfags on bot drops
Punisher is better at everything Cookout can do expect maybe dealing with shrieker swarms
when are we getting a stun grenade pistol.
>fastest alpha ttk in game
that's the dominator
and anyways, light pens are perfectly capable of killing alphas, if you decide to use your brain and shoot off their legs. both the lib carbine and high-rate tenderizer destroys 3 alpha legs quite fast
Its fire does the same dot as any fire weapon, which is enough to kill any chaff with a single pellet. In that sense, it does exactly the same thing as Breaker Incendiary, only with a delay between shots and more actual damage and stagger power in the pellets themselves. Meaning, not only are you less wasteful with ammo (which is an even bigger problem with Breaker Incendiary), but you can actually kill shit with it.

>it's a first warbond gun that wasn't completely useless at release
Eruptor, Grenade Pistol and Bushwhacker say hi.

Eruptor can kill clusters of chaff from long range really good, and kill Bile Spewers before they ever become a problem. You just need a good rapid fire secondary and support for close range work.
Stratagems and support weapons are where most of your kills should be coming from, Mr. Redditor. People like you are why this game is suffering from insane power creep.
>shoot off their legs
>Starts hovering off the ground
>primaries are supposed to be bad
hello alexus
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Back to 3/4.
Bots D10, Zefia Defense. Only one 'Launch ICBM Missile' to finish this Op.

hows the buck breaker these days?
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>both the lib carbine and high-rate tenderizer destroys 3 alpha legs quite fast
you don't even need to kill 3 legs. taking off the two claws they attack with will kill them. same for hive guard btw
>ignores my point and jumps to insults
Ok, shitter.
>2 taps alpha heads (fastest alpha TTK ingame)
>1 hits hive commander heads
>onetaps other bugs
>dead stops stalkers, preventing them from healing
>2 hit kills spewers
>does everything you could ask for from a primary outside of consistent mass horde clear (you should have multiple stratagems for this)
>can mass horde clear with spam but you'll run out of ammo
it's neat
Even when I'm using the Stalwart I use a Cookout for push + DoT or a Xbow for closing holes
you need supports for dealing with heavies so if you have nothing but shit weapons outside of them you're fucked
Incel breaker is still fantastic
Regular breaker is fine. It gets the job done pretty well
Spray and Pray is unironically kind of okay now too. Not the best, but it's in a much better spot than it used to be, especially if you pair it with a verdict to take care of hive guards. Pairs kind of bad with the nade pistol which is a downside but it's not the end of the world most of the time.

We dive.
reminder that if you use stratagems (a limited resource) for chaff (an unlimited enemy), and use primary (an unlimited resource) for mediums (a limited enemy), you are playing bugs wrong
>this weapon is shit
>no it isn't!
>well actually it is but...
>you just want to use the easier weapons!
Developmental delay has been a blight on this board for far too long
new free warbond when
year and a half from now
Against bots it's perfect for chain stunning devs and berserkers while also killing them over time with the DoT. Pretty much perfect as a CC weapon against them for that reason.
We should just remove the armor system entirely then since fags like you write any weapon off as shit it can't kill rocket striders. An armor value system is just too inconvenient for "people" like you who just want to turn their brain off and shoot things.
I just Cluster + Gatling + Strafing the shit out of everything honestly. Fuck teamfaggots, this area is mine
My hope is they rework teamloading to make it suck less and add that you can shoot 1 handed guns while teamloading.
>Constitution is getting a fucking bayonet
Striders aren't even half the issue. The SMG's are worse at killing basic mobs than the rest of the rifle category. It doesn't matter if the SMG's are shit, there is always going to be a worst gun. Trying to pass it off as a 'good' weapon is straight up disingenuous.
>inb4 no damage, locks you into the animation, most of the time it doesn't register the hit
What the fuck are you on about? They murder light enemies no problem.
>delay between shots and more actual damage
divided by zero
if it's just a visual bayonet and doesn't deal at least 150 damage then i'm going to be so fucking pissed
>retards on here saying the senator is op
>play d10 bots
>takes a full 6 rounds to kill three rocket striders
>4 rounds to kill a hulk

That's it? Really? This thing needs another buff if anything.
to be fair killing 3 striders with 1 pistol mag is pretty nice
be careful, you might trigger the god of contrarians who absolutely loved the senator before it was buffed but now it's a reddit weapon because its so good and fun, so he cannot use it anymore and he's mad because his toy was taken away form him by the evil blob
>first attempt at solo D10
>orbital defenses
>drop right next to jammer
t-two thirds of the main objectives and two sides without using backpack AT isnt that bad... r-right?
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>2 hits warriors
Might be decent with PP passive.
>325 damage AND AP4 and THEN it will be balanced
>actually agreeing with the bait
Jesus, its worse than i thought.
I both love and hate teamreloading. It could be unique mechanic that glues the playerbase to the game (and thus ensures continuing microtransactions) since its so unique. However currently its blatant that even the devs dont use it beyond isolated "spawn enemy 100m away for testing". It has tons of obvious quality of life issues that often feel more frustrating than rewarding
>Your mate can backblast you while docked
>Docking is only allowed on righthand side: fuck you if main gunner has wall in his right side
>The docking range is too restrictive. Gunner standing on slight incline? Fuck your teamreloads.
>You need to de-dock to shoot little shits constantly. This feels like shit, give reloader 1h weapon use when not actively teamreloading
>Re-docked too quickly? Fuck you now its bugged
>You cannot interrupt slow reload with your faster teamreload. RR already has staged reloads, let teamreload take over when next stage finishes.
>You cannot use ammo from gunners pack. Fuck you do a janky backpack swap shenanigans
As it is, there's very little reason to teamreload. 2 guys with their own backpacks only have ~15% less rockets per second but arent a free double kill for cannon turrets etc, can sprint while repositioning slightly, dont need to always find even ground with free righthand side, can swap to primaries faster, can flank and throw grenades faster and never risk their reloads bugging out. Basic ergonomics and 1h weapon use for reloader would fix nearly all of these issues.
Even captcha thinks I'm right: PR for RR!
not bad but how many kills? that's the metric that counts
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can't wait for release that will make shitters itt implode
ideally it's getting buffed before the drop
napalm looked like shit in the leaks too, but it was great when we got it
You're right it needs 4000 damage, 4000 vs durable, and 60 demolition force to realistically represent the legendary power of the .44 magnum!
Anon, pretending to be retarded has never been funny.
Ahhh time to play a relaxing video game
>call down support weapon
>ragdolled by a turret on the other side of the map
>re-ragdolled by titplant I was thrown into
>slowly roll down a hill
>finally stand up
>gunned down in 1 second by a hulk
>reinforced in China
>gunned down in 1 second by a hulk
Fake story
I love hate teamloading aswell.
It's biggest upside is probably that the gunner can stay on target making accurate follow up shots easier.
Flak also made teamloading somewhat better for the AC, letting you just wildly blast full auto.
jesus christ what do you fucking want? how much is enough for you faggots?
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I swear they added ragdoll to this fucking game because prone just hard counters bots. Then they say "OH WHAT'S THAT, HIGH DIFFICULTY? BETTER CRANK UP THE RAGDOLL SOME MORE! WOOOOOO 900 FUCKING MISSILES"

And the game isn't even that fucking hard- like I WANNA shoot the bots. I genuinely have a great time when I get to line up like 9 bots and just hammer ammo into them.

I'm not mad the game isn't fun, I'm mad the games fun and ragdoll doesn't let me fucking play it.
Shut the fuck up, alexus
>he hasn't experienced the hulk achieving nirvana and deleting you from existence at 50 meters with a single 101% accurate laser burst.
The rocket hulks will absolutely rape you to death with their machine gun laser
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Bruiser hulks are the new heavy devs
You're not using cover well enough then.
you're a funny guy
Weapons still feel like shit and do literally nothing to any of the enemies. Are they really done with the buffs already? Because its not even close to being enough.
bait or falseflag?
you're forgetting the very real possibility that it's legitimate because this game has the whiniest shitters imaginable
>flank bot tank
>mag dump my entire smg mag into its heatsink
>does literally nothing
Maybe I'm just upset because this game is broken garbage?
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don't you fuuuuuuucking start.
I stand like 15 meters from cover cause shit will ragdoll you through walls, and even if it doesn't hit the wall it'll hit the floor behind you. Then it sends you up into the air towards them.

Yknow what I bring? Shield gen.
Cause THAT lets me shoot for a few seconds.
I might even start bringing smoke, just so I can avoid more random rockets.
Remember that all bots have aim suppression while they're being fired upon. If a heavy dev has you dead to rights out in the open, shoot it while moving. Even if you don't kill it, its accuracy will go to shit and you'll likely survive its burst and can bail out to proper cover in the meantime.
Honestly I just tap it once or twice, then reload my primary and finish it off while prone. Rarely need to run from any bot shit unless you're just ass fucked and surrounded on all sides.
The real crime here is the weak points. Why do we even have to aim for weak points in the first place? TTk is just too damn long for all the enemies. If i see a tank i should just be able to shoot at it front and center, and damage it with my ar. Fucking swedes just don't know what the fuck they're doing.
>pc fool turning his back all the time
you know with an analog stick if you walk slowly backwards you don't turn all the time like a spastic and actually keep them faced?
don't reply to discord raiders
I'm honestly not sure if this is satire or not
yeah dude
you're very smart and he's retarded
can i shake your hand
have fun shooting it while you're fucking ragdolled
God I love the HMG.
I used it raw without recoil armor for a goodwhile. Thought it was pretty fun, but swapping to recoil armor is disgusting.

>See hulk
>stun some devs

Shame it's such a close range weapon. It feels really good when you've got some cover to work with and a killing floor setup. Granted open areas are "fine" with it, but it just doesn't work the same.
Need to figure out how to get to that sweet spot more often with bots, thought about jetpack, but it's a little ammo hungry for that.
hey babe, missed u
>everyone gets sent back to the destroyer mid mission
bro what
Its garbage and needs a huge damage boost. They need to increase the mag capacity as well. Can't even take down factories or dropships with it.
Why do you need to take down dropship or fabs? The recoiless fag will get that usually. Or just take strafing run.
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The senator fag from yesterday has caused this general to completely fall apart, huh?
(you) should host lobby, bring at least four of us back togther, anon
babe don't ignore me
I can't make a game above D8. :(
>hurr just ur stratagums! Durr
Ok alexus.
>S tier against bot
I'm either using this very wrong or you're bullshiting. But I suck at the game so I'll never know
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it doesnt need more damage
it needs bigger mags slightly better handling and maybe quicker reload
Two tapping a rocket strider? Fair. Four tapping a hulk? And balanced.
>you dont get it i need my support weapon to deal with literally everything with no downsides
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>3 days until Liberty Day
Can't do shit against tanks, factories, and dropships. Too weak against hulks as well. Not enough ammo to do much with.
Ok, alexus
You only need to complete one campaign at each difficulty. That's six missions to unlock d10 while getting carried by us.
It punches right through hulks in no time. Just learn to manage the recoil
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Strafing run
I kill what drops from it
They die in like 3 or 4 bullets in the eye and you have 100 per mag.
Stop trying to do fucking EVERYTHING with a single weapon, the entire point of the buff patch was to give us viable options but you faggots need to find the biggest crutch in the game and use it 100% of the time.
They're known as sector 2 citizens.
>first time playing d10
>usually play on d5
>see factory strider for first time
>"oh fuck!"
>friend tells me its no big deal
>he pulls out the recoil rocket
>fires one rocket at its eye
>the strider falls over and explodes

Wow...that was epic! It can be tough playing on super helldive but moments like these make it worth it.
see >>499489304
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I hope we get a long barrel Senator at some point just to piss off the tryhards
you almost had it this time
Listen you piece of shit, i payed 40 dollars for this game and i only get to play 30 minutes every week. I shouldn't have to play this game like some sweat lord just to kill a couple enemies. Its bad design, plain and simple. The hmg is a big gun, it should cut through and blow up anything i point it at.
EMS would be nice if it was instant impact and short cool down.
Or just WIIIIIIIIDE fucking radius so it caught everything.
Ok, alexus
No he's correct, it's like if you played Ratchet & Clank with only one weapon from start to finish instead of playing with the entire armory, no wonder you're struggling
You didn't beat the game.
idk what it is about this general and Senator but I find it amusing that my favorite pistol is the meta now after all the funny looks I got for not bringing GP instead
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I-I'm sorry anon! Please don't look at me like that!
host a d8 then, faggot
we're getting you to d10
Give Peak Physique a try, it still handles like a pig but considerably less so than usual. I would also recommend Gun Dog with it, with the buff to armor pen it can kill Devastators and Berserkers for you, and automatically shoot down jetpack shits while also covering you while you're reloading. Having that extra gun goes a long way towards ammo conservation.
And this is why the game is dying. Toxic elitists who feel the need to brag. I don't want d10 to be easy, i just want it to be FAIR. Gaming is for everyone.
You're gay and retarded. I also paid for this game and don't want it ruined by your shit opinions. Go play D1 if you want to always win without trying. Every weapon has their use case, strengths, weaknesses, etc. Making every weapon into an instant win button because you're a wagie that can't git gud is actually bad game design.
This game needs more close quarter fights, especially on bots.
It's way to easy to just snipe bots from across the map, and throw down 380s all over the POIs.

Fortresses are pretty fun. Shame they're so short though.
>everyone falling for the troll
Do you people not know how to ignore them?
only way for that to happen is to have maps that aren't just wide open fields

I remember there was a pretty canyon heavy planet for bugs, would be cool to have something like that on a bot planet
Ok, alexus
They are in to deep now and have to keep replying to make sure everybody knows that they are the one with the correct opinion.
Give the slugger ap4 and double its damage. Increase fire rate by 50%. There, now its actually usable.
D10 should be a sweatfest.
1-9 should scale appropriately, but then D10 turns into a goddamn hellscape.
Like the difference between D9 and 10 should be equal to the difference between D4 and D9.
enlist the help of the thread to unlock real difficulties, catposter anon
Rocket and heavy devastators are still way too broken. They need to remove the reload and slow down the rocket speed for the rocket dev. The heavy should overheat after firing for two seconds and have its shield removed. This would still keep them challenging but also fair to the players. Also halve both spawn rates and replace with normal devs.
I'll try em, ive been in love with recoil armor ever since I've been just getting it to laser in on hulk eyes and save me ammo.
But snap shots with HMG are tantalizing.
Guard dog might be nice, but I'm iffy on it.
Rarely do I run into too much chaff to kill. It's typically just not the right positioning, and nothing to kill tanks.

Maybe. Maybe I game with smoke and jump pack.
I need to just rush POIs in the group.
peak physique is worse than engi/fortified
D10 isn't hard its just unfair and broken.
Yeah I was thinking about that
I had one canyon mission recently, but never got the seed again. Real satisfying watching the radar and flinging a 380 around a corner on 40 some bots
There has been several instances where datamined stuff is changed at release but this is also arrowhead where numerous weapons have released and were outright obsolete compared to other options already out so who knows what'll happen.
The copper desert one I think is like that. Interesting map because you have to keep an eye on your super destroyers' location. Otherwise orbitals will just hit the top of the mesas and get blocked.
I'm shocked they never touched the sterilizer.
it's not gonna be obsolete
it wasn't supposed to be good to begin with
it's funny people expect it to be not trash when it's a ceremonial weapon
Oh yeah- yeah yeah, now I remember why we never got to play on it. Our usual host would shriek about that.
Granted landing strategems on top of those mesas was a pain in the ass.
The lower damage on the constitution will be balanced by the fact that it's got a pig sticker on the end of it.
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>pig sticker
>wasn't supposed to be good to begin with
Best gun in the first game, so I don't know why it shouldn't be here.
>exploding onion plants everywhere
>steep hills that extend your ragdoll duration
>ground is just bumpy enough that diving prone will cause you to get ragdolled because you landed on a tiny rock
>zero fucking cover
>no matter where you are, turrets, detector towers, etc will have a sight line on you
Holy shit Martale can go fuck itself
It's like this map was designed expressly to take away control for the longest time possible
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>2 sneeddivers leave early in the game
>me and other guy have fun genociding the rest of the mission with dakka
Fun but I think next time I'll bring the mmg over the hmg, hunter seed was brutal
Lol is the number og liberty day, that's a neet touch.
My guess is that it'll be closer to the slugger in purpose. Might have 10 or so rounds, and you reload 5 at a time with the clip.
Kinda like auto cannon. Just instant reload, and you just keep shooting.

If it has stagger and good handling it'll be real solid.
Sterilizer is extremely solid on paper, in practice however it's absurdly unreliable due to the tiny range and general jank and latency issues. It would be a vastly more potent weapon system if the range was doubled because that would solve most of the technical issues bogging down the weapon since it's functionally a short term charm that forcibly redirects aggro away from you however due to various technical issues enemies sometimes just flat out don't care and slap the shit out of you and you just.. Die, because of how bursty enemy units often are. Doubling range solves this because you are guaranteed to be out of enemy ai "threat" range so whatever you're tagging will always immediately deaggro you if another enemy unit exists in LoS
Yeah I was just playing there and had the same experience.
Why do pubbies love the QC so much? In ever pubbie game I see at least one
Arc thrower would still do it better and have 25 meters on it. Even if you doubled sterilizer range.

Honestly just give it a gross damage boost, like flamethrower tier. Then give flamethrower twice the DPS of what it had.

Maybe it's too much, but I'd rather just kill stuff. Teamworks overrated.
they don't have to concern themselves with ammo
that's literally it
Anti tank weapon with infinite ammo and doesn't up a backpack slot. Not hard to see why people love it.
Yeah lets just power creep everything, good idea. Teamwork is for dumb people anyways.
can it actually oneshot charger behemoths and BTs because every time I see someone in D10 trying to use it they need to follow up with something else, or I have to Spear it and save them.
mechanically it's the same as 1st game, there are gameplay videos of it
>Powercreep the two shittiest supports in the game that offer next to nothing for the massive risk they put out
>The flamethrower that got stealth nerfed into an awkward shitty charger killer

I don't see the problem. Flamethrower sucks and needs a stun/stagger. Make that the sterilizer, and give flamethrower some gross DPS so it roasts what gets to close to it.
But it can't even one shot tank turrets, the charge-up leaves you exposed for pretty long not to mention that people can't shoot down dropships before they drop their load
EATs honestly seems like the better option
What happened to those 'leaks' where it seems the devs were working on a upgrade or paint system for weapons and armor?
Does anyone have the pictures of that?
If we get melee cancels, and movement tech from the bayonet maybe. But old constitution gameplay was peak.
NTA but yes to both, its damage is identical to the EAT if I'm not mistaken so I'm pretty sure it can still one-shot everything bar a Factory Strider, its just when people miss a lethal shot on a heavy its more costly with the Quasar than with any of the others since there's no second EAT to pick up or a backpack to load from.
most of these leaks were fake
I don't know about paint jobs specifically but it sppeared at the same time as "weapon upgrades leak" and the latter was obviously shopped

You're so right. They should triple its range and its damage. Still wouldn't be that good but it would make it usable at least.
Arrowhead abducts you from your home and points a gun at your head. The Swedes can read people’s dream and they noticed that you’re dream idea for a new enemy faction is AMAZING and they drugged you and you woke up in a physically identical copy of your home and neighborhood with character actors for everyone you meet up until you’re reading this post. Only now will you realized there’s a Swede with a gun behind you. they’re making you spill your ideas now! They kill nathanial! Don’t make they same mistake and brush this off. The fuckers murdered my boy! Nathanial!

>I want a Space Dinosaurs faction.
you don't
Well with that logic why take any support weapon that isn't the rr or ac? You should only take the very best weapons everytime. Any weapon that is slightly inferior is useless dogshit.
Be a bit much with the range.
Issue is that you aren't exactly killing anything that gets withing range with a weapon that does nearly scythe damage to enemies.

It doesn't really offer a niche and what it's supposed to be good at is a massive stim sink as you keep lighting yourself on fire and getting chipped by random attacks.

And god help you if you try it on bots
Oh and the WORST part about it is that you're just throwing yourself close to enemies that everyone and their grandma throws big fuck off explosive strategems on.
You'd have a point if they didn't take the QC to every mission
>makes all devastators a complete and utter joke
>dead stops berserkers (in addition to killing them in 1-2 shots)
>kills FS fangs
>staggers chickens
dont know what else to tell you
>flamethrower does scythe damage

Ok, i don't know what to you tell man, the flamethrower works on my machine. I'm not sure what you want it to do when it already does a great job.
I've started experimenting with it recently because it doesn't take up a backpack slot. Honestly, if it consumed ammo and only carried two spare charges, in exchange for losing the stupid charge-up, I would probably main it. Hell, make it an alternate fire mode, where it automatically builds up charge to near-full while on your back so that you can instantly fire it when you bring it to bear, but in exchange you have to reload it to make it work again. And allow the regular mode to reload like the Laser Cannon so that you have the option to fire it more than once every 15 seconds.

With headshots, yes.
>flamethrower does a great job
Smoke grenades also do good damage?
What is it with people and the quasar?

>Noooo i have to wait ten whole seconds! How ever will i cope?!

If those 10 seconds are so dire to you then you're probably doing something wrong. You don't even have to wait that much longer than a rr reload. Maybe its just brain rotted redditors with adhd, who knows?
Liquid nanomachine zombie creator faction.

>they infest the corpses of the fallen and re-animate them to fight against you
>on top of controlling their own sector of space, they also cause random outbreaks anywhere in Super Earth territory without the need for supply lines
>depending on which faction previously owned the planet you're fighting on, you fight zombie versions of those enemies that are tougher than the basic version and also have unique nano-zombie attacks
>these are intermixed with faction-unique enemies that synergize with the zombies and do things like regenerate them, strengthen their attacks, and crowd-control you to make you easier to kill by the zombies
>there are unique nano-shamans that wander the battlefield and will re-animate the corpses of the enemies you kill, with zero limits on how many times they can do it, the only way to stop them is to burn the corpses of the dead
>they can also do this to SEAF vehicles including crashed Pelicans and Eagles, and when re-animating dead players the zombie Helldivers can wield player weapons and support weapons
Dumbest post in the whole thread.
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what do we think of this guy's bugs tierlist
NIce d3 opinion
>lib conc A
say no more, critical lack of intelligence
don't even need to look into details
when you see more weapons in S tier than B tier you know it's bullshit
you mean 15 seconds, right?
they changed it to 15 a few patches ago, but you completely blanked on this because you don't play the game
plus the 3 seconds you spend standing completely still
the cooldown is not that bad
it's the charge up that sucks donkey balls
>libpen in D tier
the worst tier list I've seen in a while
quasar is shit but it works on bugs because bugs are babby difficulty and have little to no heavy spawns and it now works on bots even because most threats can be dealt with your primary and senator

I've lost track since it has changed multiple times. I've never bothered to count it either because 15 seconds flies by really quick.
If you can't see the problem of exposing yourself for an eternity while the QC charges up you're either a bug casual or a d3 shitter, simple as
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i'd love to see the quasar do something like this
>expose yourself

You stupid nigger, that's why you spend most of the charge up behind cover. And peak around the corner just as its about to fire. Do you even play bots, Mr. D1?
Can the EAT pod kill a tank?
i think so if you land it on its back side
give quasar optional backpack heatsink that cuts cooldown by 5-10s
if used as team reload it also reduces charge up to 1s
this way it still can be used like right now but works considerably better if you sacrifice backpack or bring reload cu
fuck off retard
quasar is fine
it's the other AT that are too powerful
time to nerf
I nerfed your mother retard
we need another nerfpatch do the game goes back back below 10k players

the quasar is fine as it is
it is the best AT in an optimal scenario.
optimal scenario meaning you have position advantage, you can kite enemies, only 1 heavy is present, there isn't an active breach/drop
but the quasar is the worst AT in a sub-optimal scenario.
meaning youre getting raped and aim flinched by bots constantly, you are forced to stand your ground, 2+ heavies are present, theres an active breach/drop
simple as.
>quasar gets worse the higher the difficulty
this but unironically
>pop out from behind cover and blast
>back in cover in 1 sec
what now retard
The quasar is the perfect test to detect shitters. Anyone who talks ill of the quasar is a bonafide shitter and most likely a redditor too.
>you have access to plenty cover to do a peek-shot
>not an optimal scenario
pick one
standing in the open against bots is a skill issue
Please... Arrowhead... Just a crumb of MO... I don't want to play for fun....
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please more of these, I'm collecting them and using them on my telegram group

drawfag's gonna freak
he doesn't take lightly to russians
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remember how in battlefield paddles/syringes can be used offensively to kill enemies?
stim gun OD'ing bugs would be cool
is this an information stealer link?
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is the sharelink in case you use Telegram and wanted the stickerset
pro tip: you don't have to play D10 all the time to have fun
>he lacks critical information
Brother we are not on the Urkanian front here
so did you credit the artist?
like anywhere?
Fucking heresy
pro tip: fun is subjective
nothing below d10 spawns enough enemies for me to have fun
you don't have to cope
I tried it yesterday and it felt like an airsoft gun, I was only getting white crosses on anything bigger than a skelly and it took an entire mag to kill berserkers or chickens
anything below d10 bugs and d9 bots is a total snoozefest
even D10 is boring now, especially if you have a non-retarded team
what gun
I kind of want them to make scaled down mega forts for lower difficulties so people can enjoy them without going up to D10.
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So how many weeks until i can watch gore of a russian wearing a patch with my drawing getting droned?
Who's the artist? I only find these arts posted here (without credit)
I didn't participate in the MO, thanks for the free medals chuds.
goes by the name wulfgamer
just put it in the sticker set description somewhere.
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>still needs medals
so quasar is only good until 4-5 diff
got it
this is only possible with weapon handling armor
otherwise you wont have enough time to get your reticle onto target
it's possible with a controller since you aren't forced to sprint everywhere at all times
>no new MO
Are you stupid?
Anything that gets posted on 4chan gets stolen and reposted on other sites.
The moment you leave things in the wild they aren't yours anymore unless you watermark them, and even that can be edited away.
Why? It provides as much AT as anyone should need.
I agree. It's a perfectly fine support weapon. Leaves a backpack space open, and works like an EAT that never needs to be called down.
that only happen if you run cancerous shit like ifunny, going for twitter fame or le epic upvote of Reddit gold

EDIT: oh wow didn't realise this post has slowed up I want to thanks my family that raised me as cuck
>do not redeem the doodles saar!!
>credit the artist saaar!!
>wulfgamer made those scribbles, you have to credit him saar!!
Officially reddit.
Backpacks are for shitters though, there's objectively no reason why a good player shouldn't take the RR over the QC
>good player
only shitters think like this. I'd kick you on sight.
Okay, coping QCtard
>the quasar is the worst AT in a sub-optimal scenario
I dunno man, if there's an Ion Storm or Stratagem Jammer the EAT and Commando become outright unusable.
Yeah I don't know what people see in the Dominator. Even with the peak physique armor I just don't like it.

Projectile velocity is shit.
how is commando compared to RR?
weakspot kills
projectile speed
drop cooldown/ammo economy
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Commando sucks absolute ass right now.

Only heavy it can kill in one shot is the Hulk, and only with an eye shot. Everything else takes at least two shots, even when targeting weak spots. The rockets fly very slowly, and if you fuck up the laser guide you can miss the target.

The only thing it's really handy at is if you need to kill two heavies in quick succession, the Commando can do that without being tied to an EAT Hellpod (EAT also takes like 1.5 seconds to be able to fire once you pull it out). Also, if you have a Commando on your back and the stratagem comes off cooldown you can pull out eight rockets to kill shit with, which feels godly. It can also theoretically kill four Gunships with a single launcher, but with how slow the rockets are you damn well better be good at leading your targets.
holy based
I like how brainlets write every non-meta weapon off completely because it isn't the absolute best. This sort of mindset is why the balance has suffered so much recently. What causes this behavior? Is it just an NPC thing?
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Squid status?
I was using the commando during the jet pack brigade bullshit.
I took it, the shield, the crossbow, and stun grenades while wearing heavy armor.

It was... interesting, to say the least. Completely baleets Hulks from the back with one rocket.

Never could get the hang of taking out drop ships with it, though.
>still no MO
Wonder what they're cookin...
soon+3 days maybe
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very accurate, very good weapon
Probably something for Liberty Day.
Would be cool if the bots came in and jetpacked into our celebration to shit on it.
Automaton-manufactured weapon
>concussive anywhere but the lowest
shant be reading the rest
worse in every aspect
deals 1100 damage, most heavies have 1500 hp on heads/weakspots
RR is 3.2k
>Team is assaulting a fortress head on, meeting insane resistance
>I'm off to the side
>Blast some turrets and enter from another path
>Blast the last fab and OGS the detector tower giving the team hell
>All resistance the team is facing melts
Feels good to do something good.
i hate we can't call a hellbomb on a fortress detector tower
As an AT weapon, worse in every aspect other than cooldown economy, really. 2 shots for every 1 RR shot, essentially, so its either a magdump rocket launcher, you hound for enemy weakpoints to make the most out of it, or its one you use to dump a single rocket into something and then finish it off with another weapon/stratagem while its weakened.

Its still nice to have, since you can hold onto it longer than an EAT whilst keeping your backpack slot free, but I find its in this weird middle ground of being great for deleting really annoying medium enemies more than being a tank-killer. It absolutely can destroy heavies, don't mistake, but its far from its dedicated role in the launcher niches.
I remember when the Commando was meta over all other ATs because it and the Spear could destroy fabs from any angle, then fabs were given health and any old AT can blow them up now, and the Commando immediately fell into complete obscurity
What a fall from grace
I think the perfect balance for it would be to make it as powerful as an EAT, but take 3x the cooldown for the convenience of having 4 shots on demand.
What's OGS?
Old Gay Shitter.
Or Orbital Gas Strike.
Whichever you prefer.
The real tragedy was making factories so fragile.
soviet equivalent to the internet concept
Orbital Gas Strike. I use it instead of Orbital Precision Strike to take out structures cause it's also useful against groups and I like the novelty.
Quasar buff idea
>Reduce charge up time by ~.5 seconds
>Give it a single replacement heat sink like the LC
>Make one shot bring the heat level of the QC from 0 to 75% max heat, meaning that after one shot you can wait out the cooldown in order to save the heatsink, or bust out two shots in quick succession if you're in a tight situation, at the cost of a heat sink
OGS is God-tier. You ain't gotta defend shit.
commando is effecitively an EAT drop that letsy ou carry both tubes at once. don't lsiten to peopel saying it's worse, it's literally either as or more ammo efficienct than the EAT. Anything the EAT kills in one shot the commando kills is 1 or 2, anything the EAT kills in 2 shots the commando kills in 3 or 4.
Reminder that prefab buildings that have generators on their roofs will instantly blow up if you destroy the generator, which only needs a single grenade to do so. This also applies to the research station objective if it spawns with one.
>This also applies to the research station objective if it spawns with one.
I have not seen a single research station with a generator on the roof for months now
I see them rarely. Not often, but when I do I take advantage of the super easy way to clear it. Don't even need to use a stategem.
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d10 something, or if this guy >>499488945
needs help d8... dw buddy
ever heard of cooldowns?
I assume you talk about jammers but holy shit your rambling is hard to decipher
i imagine he's talking about the lab side objective
I haven't used the GP in so long becaue I'm too retarded to consistently blow up fabs with it
Nothing more embarassing then blowing all 6 of my shots on a single fab
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Can you post the airburst drawing here? The one with the scav at the center living.
>/hdg/ is so contrarian and bitter that they don't want a reliable way to destroy Bot Ships (RR), and don't want a heavy armor penetrating sidearm (Senator)
Same place that complained about the nerfs incessantly btw
I will run both, I will solo Hulk Titans, I will solo Bile Titans.

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should I get polar patriots or wait? it's the only warbond I dont have yet
it has some decent weapons
and stun nades if I remember correctly
worth getting imo
Purifier is great now. Tenderizer is... so-so. Verdict is good. Impact Incendiaries are... kind of a let down.

I never used the Pummeler. Motivational Shocks booster is only good for bugs.
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Cyberstan is pretty hyped up but Vindemitarix Prime feels like the true final front
These drawings are the best part about these threads. Bless the drawfriend.
>couple of SEAF mudhuts and fog
fogdivers is kino
let a man dream
>shoot scout strider on the ass with AMR
>it leans back 90 degrees
>surely, it's dead
>it leans back forward and instakills me with a missile
This is getting out of hand
that was my idea from 8 months ago though
a trap/ambush based faction would actually be super cool
>walking through the forest in your exosuit when suddenly
Webm or didn't happen and you're just exaggerating because you got btfo.
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Get leaned on nerd
I remember reading something about how the enemy AI breaks when the bots and bugs are in the same mission, but reflavoring them as zombies sounds like it’d be a neat workaround. Burning corpses being the only option to take out re-animators sounds great, and obviously it makes flamethrower and incendiary grenades a great pick for them, but that also seems a bit too small of a selection of options to complete any missions with nanozombies. Maybe fire is the most effective at permanently killing the zombies, but sufficient explosives could work as a secondary method? Sounds like it could be a faction where pure explosive damage would be a good option to combat them instead of the heavy focus on anti-tank.
Any chances of the bots pulling a blitz krieg on Super Earth with their jet brigade on liberty day?
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>you can switch shoulders
spewer seeds are neither fun nor difficult. how do we make this gay shit not a slog
>jet brigade performs a risky maneuver by jumping directly into the solar system
>all the 4020590253 billion defensive plataforms around earth open fire
>every man, woman and child above the age of 7 fire their service rifles into the sky
>one (1) jetpack trooper gets hit
>sets off a chain reaction that obliterates the entire fleet
>anodda SE victory
stop using bad support weapons like the RR
Surely they will release the Squid on Liberty day right?
I can just imagine it now, throwing grenades and watching their little rotund teddy bear bodies tumble around like fuzzy bowling balls.
I don’t know how primitive their weapons would be though. I feel like thematically in keeping it like Return of the Jedi I’d be fine with spears and clubs and whatnot, slings and arrows too. It’s not like all the Helldiver armors are completely invulnerable, plenty of them have just chest rigs over cloth.
Making them ambush fighters is I think beyond the scope of the developers, I think. So it’s just a pipe dream. And how would they work on the biomes without any trees? What would the Ewok heavy armor equivalent be? Or their fabricator/bug holes? Would those need AT to destroy?
At that point maybe making them like they were supposed to be in the original script and upgrading them to Wookies might be a better option. Maybe both? Like how basic bot troopers and devastates work, there can be a small version and a big one.
you are getting one new weapon, some HD1 armor pieces and that's fucking it
Why don't they just make light pen weapons do bonus damage to unarmored parts? I think that's a fair tradeoff.
Did they stealth revert the nerfs to bots rocket aoe? I swear since the faggot brigade event I've been getting ragdolled like crazy again and even the sound from the rocket devs firing is back to the old one.
not an argument
Hollow point ammo option, take it or leave it
>shreds unarmoured parts
>useless against armor
try using the shield generator backpack
Best guns at killing them are explodey primaries like crossbow and purifier, support is largely redudant unless it's like GL. I mostly run MG on bugs
>yeah just give up your horde clear to deal with this one enemy that you have a chance to encounter in missions
i'm just gonna put it out there, xbow and purifier are pretty fucking wack on bugs
>muh bug breach suppression
why would this fucking matter when every breach is getting napalmed?
>muh closing bugholes
literally everything and their mothers can close bugholes, inlcuding chargers
>muh medium armor units
the basic mg sentry can kill those now, as well as every stratagem known to man
yesterday i was impacted to death by devastator rocket which hasn't been happening for a long time, so maybe
are you really pretending that xbow isn't top tier on bugs anyway? you don't "give up" anything when you take it. it's the current incendiary breaker
I got hammered last night and decided to try D9s and sharted myself before extraction
it is worse than the incendiary breaker
at what?
>airburst launcher
>cluster mode: current version
>shaped charge mode: shoots the cluster in a tight cone
at bugs.
you know, killing hunters, killing shriekers, chaff.
75% of the bugs
I don't think you've actually used the crossbow
You're probably talking to Senatorfag.
Dude's a terminal contrarian.
incendiary guns are a fucking meme
idk why anyone uses them
flamers have benefit of continous cone aoe and setting ground on fire
incendiary bullets are shit an being bullets and shit at setting stuff on fire
it only lags behind against shriekers. just as good at obliterating chaff across the map and deals better with larger threats
its just as good at obliterating yourself
correct, ive tried it once and it sucked.
maybe i should try it again, but if you say xbow is the best weapon on bugs when it confers no real advantage, such as bigger ammo pool or better ergonomics, over normal weapons which are already good at killing bugs, it's hard to believe you.
I'm addicted to this game. I'm at work right now slaving away for Sheklestein and coming home to squash bugs and heem bots is all that's keeping me going.
send your resume to Arrowhead, they're hiring
no because everything is dead before it gets close. mini uzi or w/e is enough to keep stragglers at bay
it's the best at killing bugs and top tier as nest cleaner (which frees up your nade and secondary for w/e you want)
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we are moving to bots after bugs 10 was too much for us
He likes to play the game why would he stop doing it
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>so called free thinkers when its time to do "fashion"
Nothing wrong with me.
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I want Audrey II space plant monsters that can seed people and turn them into mind control plant zombies.
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3/4 still
kek true
dinos are an obvious choice
I also want dissidents in scrappy stolen mechs and pelicans
>used it once
>thinks he has the authority to discuss its merits
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I concur. These threads are nothing but retards flinging shit at eachother. Drawanon is the only reason I keep coming back. A true patriot.
Someone post the mothdiver one please, that's adorable as fuck
That's the average level 50 for you
The best thing about this game is they give nothing to the coomers therefore threads are ruined by porn addicts
>making all characters into androgynous Le 56% Creaturas is actually..... le good!
this is by far game's greatest flaw
>they play female divers
That's so they can gather simps when playing, you just see how some people hear the female voice and go the "her" rescue when needed
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I probably should make some archive or whatever for all the drawings.
So if any anon has a fool proof guide to doing that i might look into it.
>he doesn't get turned on when female divers catch on fire and start screaming
What is your prediction on the upcoming Institution rifle? Surely it's worse than the DSC due to the fact it's a bolt action right?
any new weapon in general usually starts off like bottom tier garbage. It will be usable in a few months when they buff it
hearing them scream makes me sad especially when one of the voices starts with a whimper before full on screaming :(
I don't because they look like shit.
make a mega folder?
>Senator got a buff
>Soul trannies are already shitting themselves and crying for a nerf
>Institution started off as a dog shit garbage that do pen 3 and 175dmg, 5 rounds per reload
>AH buff it later on, now it's pen 4 and 250dmg
>Soul trannies shitting themselves and crying for a nerf
Unironic trannies
>180 damage
>??? Durable damage
>Rounds reload
>Bolt Action
By the sounds of it, it will be effective but worse than the DCS by every metric unless they adjust its stats to try to make it fill some niche not currently filled by the marksman rifles.

But I don't even necessarily care if they do that or not. Not every gun has to be made for the by the numbers metafags. Bolt action rifles are very satisfying and so are old fashioned ironsights. It might be just be a larp gun you pick for look and feel and I'd be okay with that
open a pixiv account
you can literally use a burner email
and as a bonus you get to check out porn on there, which is usually higher quality than public sites
>Pick up a break-action shotgun
Now that's what I call gaming.
my dream version:
>300 dmg
>5 round clip
>per bullet or clip reload
>iron sight is borderline unusable
>no third person reticle
this would be peak soul
but instead we will probably get some trash like
described, because sweden
Shit handling, slow reload, low RoF, meme bayonet gimmick
>implying I dont masturbate to hordes of light bugs getting obliterated by eagle cluster (while imagining Eagle-1 calling me a good boy)
You are too pure for this world.
it's lower damage, lower firerate and lower ammo count than DCS
maybe it will get stagger, but don't get your hopes up lmao
>buaaahhhhhh it will be the worst thing ever literally no redeeming qualities ohhhhhhhhhh
pointless self blackpilling over nothing. why
is this like a type of cuck fetish?
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hello, lets play helldivers 2
d10, lobby decides
You must be new
Welcome to 4chan. I'm just here to talk to people about the game without being banned for stupid shit.
I'm likely never going to play with the people here, because this place attracts the best and worst in mankind, and I'm not interested in dealing with the worst of 4chan.
If I were new here I'd think it will be nuSenator levels of OP.
someone please join, the sexual tension is getting to unmanagable levels


is it over divers?
Order..major order...
>captcha: MAJOP
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we are looking for a 4th victim player for our lv150 gangbang
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Host crashed and I have pub aids, couldn't accept your friend request because of it, sorry fren.
all hdg lobbies I've been in so far have been comfy
ze drawings (please don't show my email, please don't show my email, please don't show my email).
Kill 4 quadrillion bugs while you wait for Liberty Day
its okay, perhaps we flew too close to the sun
don't worry, if it does show your email I will send you a nice message and not a nasty one okay sweetie
Check your email
>Make bugs even easier
Is it just low IQ? Old age? Controller? Is the average normie back to huffing lead gasoline and asbestos?
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Good stuff. Love ya, drawanon.
>fun denying stratagem
never post again
>No new defense because we're waiting to lose this Bot defense.
>No new MO either.
No reason to log on then. Time to relax and watch porn until Liberty Day arrive.
It's a ceremonial weapon that's not meant to be good. It was like a badge of honor if you ran it in the first game iirc.
the 500kg bomb is already a bunker buster/earthquake bomb
I don't play with anime posters on basic principle
breaches are the only real threat situation bugs can still create and you want a full blown fire&forget antidote for them lmao. I think most anons would agree that the bugs need to get a few upgrades before we do.
with all that being said, one of the leaked platoon stratagems is the Eagle 10.000kg bomb (yes ten thousand kilos) and it might be very close to what you described.
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>makes a big crater
>small amout of damage dealt to enemies in a small radius
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but how do you know which players post anime?
Should the spear be made to target and destroy any objectives (jammers, detector towers, etc)?That would help it stand out from the recoilless a bit more, and highlight its original role before every anti tank weapon could destroy fabs at any angle.
just nerf the RR
it should just receive a dumbfire mode
it already has an advantage over RR in that it does a great deal more damage
Recoilless never should have been able to kill fabs from any angle.
nah fuck off that's boring. just makes it more like RR. current "great deal more of damage" doesn't help it with anything.
there will be heavy striders and behemoth titans
or something to that effect
Would more damage even matter? The only thing it can't oneshot is factory striders right?
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GGs, sorry to just leave like that, i swear i didn't rq.
3 more days until total disappointment
Can we have a flak AC sentry? It would be cool
Anyone expecting more than this will probably be disappointed.
I wish they'd give us the armor, helmet and cape for winning the war in 2, that helmet was my favourite. Don't know which reason they'd have to give us the ceremonial attire, but that's for them to figure out.
flak should have been a separate weapon and not a fire mode
>random dead chaff ragdolls in front of it
>proceeds to kill itself
I know what's even more boring. Having a Spear on back and watching RRfag kill 80% of all targets simply because he can fire whenever he wants and as fast as he can reload. It's bullshit. And it's always been a problem, but now with RR being the definitive S+ shining god weapon it's a glaring issue. Spear currently serves no purpose other than as a convenience item against turrets and shrieker nests. And even then RR does it just as well if you can game the trajectory a little.
understandable have a nice day
If its a free warbond with some HD1 references I'll be happy.
>free warbond
there will be no such thing
new warbond in a month, likely the stealth warbond that already had a primary leaked
That's why the spear should be buffed into being an objective killer. Let it destroy structures the recoilless cannot like detector towers and jammers. That would make it have a niche over the RR and not just a damage race. They should also consider strengthening bug structures so they're harder to shoot down.

Maybe if bigger enemies are introduced the spear can get a niche again, but I think focusing on what made it unique early on is the best idea.
>and highlight its original role before every anti tank weapon could destroy fabs at any angle
For a weapon that was inspired by the Javelin, I really dislike this. The whole point of the Javelin was to be able to kill any tank by hitting it from the top where its armor is thinnest, and do so with a double shaped charge penetrator to defeat any ERA it might be equipped with. The problem is that with current AT balance, Recoilless already does its job and the only enemy it can guarantee one-shot that Recoilless can't is Charger Behemoth.

The only way I see this changing is if an intermediate heavy enemy is introduced in the future that Recoilless can't one-shot.

In theory, if you target the red eye on the head Recoilless can still one-shot it. It's just more difficult to do than against Bile Titans since it's a smaller target.
A free 1 page warbond with the HD1 armor, constitution rifle, and cosmetics is what I'm expecting.
I really dislike the notion of just despawning objectives with a single item. It's bad enough that 500kg and orbitals can take out detectors. I want hard battles. Your idea seems a bit "press F to win" I'd just rather a Spear that is as strong as the one right now but with additional options.
I am more pessimistic. My money is on Constitution rifle and a patriotism themed cape. I am doubtful about the armor.
>I am doubtful about the armor.
They literally put it in the files recently. There's no way we don't get constitution + armor at least.
>They literally put it in the files recently
you realize people have been waiting for the jin-roh armor in the files for like 7 months, right?
airburst mode
>manually target ground/structure/enemy
>rocket flies there, detonates above the point and showers area with med pen bomblets (smart airburst launcher basically)
or same thing but with area denial sticky napalm
this but for other weapons too
I want gas/smoke shells for AC
static field commando
solid shot EAT
heat eruptor
HE hmg
stuff like that
new weapons should differ more by how they deliver ammo and less by what their ammo does imo
new ammo rypes could be unlocked by getting added to existing warbonds as unlock/medal sink
this could also save some dev time from making new weapons and focus more on adding new content
I dig it, I'd totally gas every chokepoint with brapAC spam
Yeah but it has nothing to do with that. Liberty day is THE day to give that armor. Would really be surprised if they didn't.
you underestimate Arrowhead's ability to let people down but I admire your faith and hope you're right.
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I'm a believer. I WILL dive with my bros in HD1 armor and with the R-2124 Constitution on the 26.
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The sad thing is apparently the perk is democracy protects instead of armor padding.
oof, my least favorite. interchangeable armor perks when?
>interchangeable armor perks when?
Honestly, armor perks shouldn't be tied to armors. Most of them don't even make fucking sense. Just let me pick so i can actually use the armors i want without feeling gimped.
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hopefully fucking never, the armor visuals are designed around their perk
>We've hit a point where the RR is considered S tier after months upon months of being completely ignored as the worst AT Support Weapon in the game
>All because retards wanted to push the "no nerfs; only buff" mantra like the retards that they are
they should've added some new perk just for this ocassion and only add new armor with that perk once a year
I dont think they will ever do this
autistic nigger cattle opinion
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>Gacrux attacked
>the armor visuals are designed around their perk
Yeah sure Pilestedt
this, would love to be one of the robot limb guys but running fortified or engineer
>very nice
i will appropriate Cute.png for personal use
Go back discord troon
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hope you're ready to get blasted to oblivion by random fart plants with your nerd friends
t. Joel
CW-36 Winter Warrior
FS-61 Dreadnought
TR-62 Knight
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lol, lmao
>laser mecha
>infinite ammo but...
>if you overheat the guns the entire mech catches on fire
ah yes, the green scrawndiver
just screams "unkillable by explosions, will survive a landmine" perfect match for light fortified
>catches on fire
At least give the option to purge the busted part like in the good Armored Cores.
Also lobby doko?
You know what we need as a stratagem? Satchel charges.

>support weapon stratagem, contains an ammo backpack and a programming PDA that acts as the "weapon"
>fire mode lets you toggle the satchel charge mode for anti-building or HE area destruction (like Recoilless), and a 6-second delay, 12-second delay or proximity detonation
>"firing" the weapon is a 3-second charged action like Quasar, the player punches some numbers on the satchel charge and then tosses it in front of them, so it can be cancelled if needed
>"reloading" is a fast action where you just pull another satchel charge from the backpack and attach it to the PDA

Yeah, the only reason I came up with this idea was so you could destroy Stratagem Jammers quickly if there was no fab tied to it, but imagine if you needed to fuck up an approaching patrol, just set a proxy HE satchel charge in their path and run away.
>Satchel charges.
you are so correct that I don't even need to read the rest of your post
we need more variety in blowing up heavies, simple as
Yeah, i've been asking for the explosive packs from the first game since day one. All you wrote under it is gay tho. Just make it like in the first game : Let me yeet that shit and activate it with a button press.
big boom claymore mines that wipes out a 15 meter radius
The Senator
That was the real go to solution to destroying tanks in HD1.
(in a 120 degree cone)
>5 max carried
>remote detonation only by the user
>AP4 explosive with ~2000 damage
>callin cooldown 120sec
simple but effective satchel charges would offer amazing potential for team synergy including teamkills lmao
They should remove the "this side towards enemy" disclaimer from claymores. The true and most dangerous enemy always comes from within.
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they should make a long barrel one-handed primary version and call it the Emperor
reddit already made this joke, you are 4 months behind
>quasar on one arm
>lazer canon on the other
yea I could dig this
turret that launches anti-heavy loitering munitions
reuse the shrieker AI but have it proximity detonate
Yeah, but how would they make it work in the current system? There aren't any "detonate on command" weapons in the game right now.

>Just make it a new bind!
Sony won't let them, too many buttons prevents it from being easily doable on a controller.
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Kicker: they still target players.
nah, rather an AP4/5 cannon exactly like the Fortress turrets
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Literally the reload button, just like in the first game.
shit didnt mean to reply to the first post
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they should make a long barrel one-handed primary version and call it the Joker
fuck that. Satchel charges ruined the first game, ,you already have thermites, use those.
>player count is already moving towards Lesath
one day I will find out why you are seething and shaking at the Senator
too late, i'm also taking the one with the beer
>Recoiless Rifle
>500kg bomb
>Orbital Barrage
>Autocannon Sentry
>Rocket Sentry
Yep, were diving.
We already know its coming back sooner or later lmao. Like, you can be sure 99% of the weapons from the first game will come back in a way or another anyway.
>literally no different from an impact grenade

if they want to make a placeable explosive actually different it should take time to place but be able to blow up buildings which means nerfing the RR
but it would be buffed mech version of quasar
your desire to use communist technology is very undemocratic
>Defend the DSS from a potential attack, or fight bugs.
Come on, Joel, you know which faction the NPCs opt for. It's not even a fucking choice.
Thermites can't kill Stratagem Jammers or Gunship Facilities.
i'm enjoying the senator, you need to take your meds. it looks like someone in this thread is living rent free in your head.
I hope programmable ammo is expanded on some more.
>Laser canon gets alternative fire which allows it to fully charge into a QC shot, with the drawback being it overheats the LC battery and you have to manually reload it. Maybe give it an additional reserve as well. It would turn the LC into a good medium pen chaff killer, that can be anti tank if the situation demands it, at the cost of the anti-tank being in short supply and needing a lengthy reload, making it unreliable, but useful in a pinch.
>QC changed to have 2 or 3 firing modes. The current firing mode, a short charge time, lower cooldown, but less damage shot (Commando tier) firing mode, and potentially a long chargetime, a much longer cooldown, but higher damaging shot (RR/Spear tier). This would push the QC further into being a flexible anti tank weapon, a jack of all trades but master of none due to its windup and recharge.
>Just give the airburst a detonate on impact mode for fucks sake.
He just wanted to Make America Great Again....
>>literally no different from an impact grenade
Except they do insane damage and can be activated at will ? Seems pretty different to me you fucktard
we'll get more programmable ammo anon, for now we know there will be EMS rounds and ones that put +1 on your primary's armor penetration.
>Infiltrator Armour - B-01 Helmet - Foesmasher
>Liberator - Verdict - Frags
>Jump Pack
>MG Sentry
>Eagle Strafing Run
>Vitality Booster
Yeah, it's going to be a comfy evening
I'm not sure how far programmable ammo can be pushed, but i assume you can't do things like change from regular shells to chemical weapon shells mid mission right?
>there will be EMS rounds and ones that put +1 on your primary's armor penetration
as general weapon mods or just for particular weapon(s)?
my guess is a bit of both worlds, mods for most but not all weapons
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lets play videogame
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I hope i wrote пидop correct.
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And a clean version.
okay so it's an impact grenade that's just flat out better in every single way with no downsides

reddit retard
Drawing the bugs the cute is going to make me feel undemocratic sympathy for them.
You're fucking retarded. Its supposed to be a stratagem weapon you nigger. Don't fucking talk to me anymore you braindead baboon, or at least go play the first game so you know what we're talking about
Is AC flak fixed yet?
>The sad thing is apparently the perk is democracy protects
Wait, really? That's great, I'm sick of padded now that bugs can't really hit me.
No, but it's good enough for its purpose right now.
no, F tier SW
you did
Itd be nice if behemoth mouth worked like hulk eye. Just popped their head after a few shots.
I hope we lose the DSS because bugfuckers cannot tear themselves away from being topped by chargers to give a shit about the actual objective. Joel has been playing the bots like retards recently because genpop can't fucking fathom that they're literally 1 planet away from the DSS and maybe we should have done something about that ages ago. And now that it's a major order, I think he is about to take the gloves off.

Bugfuckers get the gas. Useless wastes of Hellpods.
Bots, probably cause they're the easiest no?
not an argument
both are piss easy now with RR and greens dominating
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No lobbies
make one
nobody cares about the MOs except you btw
Thunderstorm going on
Recoiless was good since the first railgun nerf. Only thing in the game that could one shot heavies reliably, and two shot bigger heavies like bile titans.

In fact it was essentially mandatory until the rocket glitch happened and behemoths got added.
How many shots does it take for the Senator to drop a Bile Titan?
>impotent malding the post
no one cares
you cant carry that much ammo at once
Is it still worth laying into them while teammates support?
Stop asking questions, anon. The senator is absolutely fair and balanced.
>Bile titan head: 1500 hp, 95% durable
>Senator damage: 200/70
>Effective damage=(200*0.05)+(70*0.95)
>Effective damage=10+66.5=76.5 damage per shot
>Effective damage with falloff=76.5*~0.96≈73.44 damage per shot
>Number of shots=73.44/1500≈20.43
to answer your question, 21 shots roughly, more if youre further than spitting distance of the titan.
Sigh whatever
D10 anything
you idiot, you absolute goof, you massive loser, the space station is months away regardless of what happens in the metagame
Good, they shouldn't.
The senator is not op. Killing 3 rocket striders with your sidearm before reloading is well balanced. Killing a hulk with 4 shots isn't even a big deal.
Damn that wouldn't even take that long to do. What a joke.
you have to consider that you don't have 100% accuracy and youre most likely to contend with chaff during this
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>the purifier is now an actual S tier weapon
Alexus... I kneel...
still 3/4 where the fuck are (You)
I still don't like it
>theres only one titan
>you need to ignore all the chaff
>while titan is chasing you
>you have to actually aim and land headshots
good luck
record a webm of you killing BT (from the moment when it spawns to the moment when it dies) with only senator and post it
please saar do the needful and say when full bitch
>forgetting that you're dealing only 65% of the damage because Senator is AP4 and the head also has 4 armor
It's like this every goddamn MO.
You miserable cocksucking bot-only players cry that the bug-only players don't come help, until they do. Every fucking time. Does it change your opinion? No. You cry like a bitch at every MO despite them doing what you claim they don't do.
AH should just have a seperate liberation rate for both factions instead of total playercount. Bot MOs are already bad, imagine how much worse it'll be with squids.
I'd consider it A-tier and the crossbaw S-tier simply because I can kill fabs with the crossbow, which is nice plus imo
any lobbies?
Ok lets just ignore the fact that you can provide effective damage against a bt (with your sidearm)while its distracted by your team mates. All though in reality the real reason why you can't kill a bt with the senator is because it will die too quick to a single rr rocket lmao.
This anon has never once joined or hosted a lobby
we're boycotting arrowhead over how op senator is
The Senator will literally never get nerfed because it's a fan favorite held to such high regard by the community, and it's clearly someone at Arrowheads baby because it has a unique revolver spin animation. If anything the other sidearms need buffs to be better because without the Senator or Grenade Pistol you rarely ever need to switch to your secondary
>effective damage
anon you are being positively hilarious today
>because it will die too quick to a single rr rocket
as it fucking should
thats the one purpose of the weapon
dealing with heavy threat
>/hdg/eddit is still shitting their entire assholes out because the antimaterial revolver is anti material
It was literally light penetrating at launch, then buffed to medium, then buffed to heavy. All for no reason, really.
it's literally one autist fishing for (You)'s
I'm arguing with him because I felt like funposting
>Power goes out for a single nanosecond
>Fills before I can rejoin
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>for no reason
Have any comfy controllerfags here tried the gyro aiming? Is it any good?
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I don't really know for this game but I used it in zelda and it was way better
Seems like it'd be killer on the wrists after awhile though
Just discovered that you can unfuck your friend request visibility by enabling crossplay, accepting/declining any requests, then re-disable crossplay again because fuck console fags
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Peruse it before it gets taken down
>garbage passive
At least the helmet is better than the default
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all i know is compfags think gyro aim (when trained on it) is very similar to mouse/keyboard aim
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>rocket sentry
>autocnnon sentry
>HMG/supply pack
don't worry objective bros, it's safe out here
get fucked lmao
It should have increased melee damage with that bayonet.
A holy man, and a natural squad leader.
>Democracy Protects.
Wow, this is useless!
No lobbies
>med pen
>180 dmg
>5 round mag
>doesnt even look cool
it does
I wouldn't be able to do it without you!
Let's hope this iteration stays that way.
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>democracy protects
meh. I'd like it more if was wood instead of weird plastic
why would we ever pick this when better options do 250 or more
true, my b, i do not play bugs lmao
>65% damage: 130/45.5
>Effective damage=6.5+43.225=49.725 damage per shot
>Effective damage with falloff=49.725*~0.96=47.736 damage per shot
Number of shots=47.736/1500≈31.42
32 senator shots to down a titan up close
Hell yeah. luv me some jungle
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>getting a a random pub team so good and in sync you actually feel kind of sad to say goodbye at the end of an operation
hell yeah i love gambling
style points
This would be based but won't happen
the helmet is cool but the armor looks like fucking cardboard glued to your suit
same as helldivers 1 its a joke weapon
small iq retards who cant beat d8 without metashit won't understand
remember that these stats arent final
napalm looked like shit just before release

hoping this weapon has like 300/150 dmg
Looks fun to use for challenge runs, it better be fucking free though
This game is so fucking dead. Buffs killed this general and it shows
>/coopg/ up for 31 hours
>still hasn't hit bump limit

>/hdg/ up for 16 hours
>already hit bump limit

surely a dead game...
it was free in helldivers 1 so would be weird if it wasen't here.
Yeah. IIRC this Constitution was in the files for some time now, no way it will have less damage than DCS.
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for fucking around before you swap back to the meta or whatever
762 shitposts and whiny faggotry
Don't respond to the bufftard, he's just a troll fishing for (You)s
this but with peak physique
>measuring a game's life by 4chan
>Liberate Lesath
>cut off the Tanis Sector from the bot supply line

time to mog the bugdivers
rocket striders alone make high level bots awful
>buh buh buh shitter
Spamming bullet sponge enemies is artificial difficulty. They're borderline heavies with the spawn rate of mediums. Ragdoll machines to boot
We thinking 2x XP and Requisition for Liberty Day?
>play in hdg lobby
>have one guy run AMR
>rocket striders just don't exist anymore on the map
team issue
I wish the AC could one crotch shot striders
>they make the bolt action rifle the primary version of The Senator in terms of sheer DPS and armor penetrating
How would /hdg/ react?
>bullet sponge
Try shooting the weakpoints
They aren't bullet sponges though, you can leg them pretty easily if you have an AP3 weapon, or just blow up the rockets.
take the MG and shoot them in the dick, it's amazing how fast rocket chickens die
just make Hulk heads armor3 at that point and increase their HP considerably
>one and doners leave my lobby
>game doesn't understand to put new ones in lobby
>even with sos beacon
this has been an issue since launch cmon swedes
springfield sexo
>can't leave the game you host to remove everyone from your ship
>have to kick them one by one
Fuck Swedish people and their candy fish
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I haven't played in a while, someone give me a QRD on what the DSS and the preserve are so I can make a somewhat edumacated decision.
>one being literally worthless and the other feeding the other's worthlessness
Well they certainly aren't going to hand out Super Credits
cant join
DSS - Democratic Space Station. Can be moved around and provides additional support for Helldivers on the planet it's stationed around
Preserve - Terminid ranch for milking 710
DSS is a space station that may or may not provide a decent clan feature and will offer access to platoon stratagems which look pretty cool. The preserve is just a meaningless MO buzz term.
It's heavily implied, not confirmed mind you, to be the clan feature.
>lvl 80+ squad
>at best never use mic and at worst a retard that has it permanently on and is buzzing in your ear
>waste 500s on single bot fabs
>380 on drops and breaches from 30 meters away
>get killed by their own cluster strikes
>bring mortar against jetpack brigade
>generally absolute fucking retards
>lvl 20-80
>use their fucking mics
>larp a little
>call out barrages
>actually share supply backpacks
>generally more competent
How the fuck is this always the case
>Preserve - Terminid ranch for milking 710

I looked at the lore from the first game, wasn't that kind of a running joke? Okay we won the war, we put them in reservations that are inescapable!
That's kind of the rub, isn't it? Handing out resources of any kind other than SC is a slap in the face to anyone who plays for an hour every day. And SC is a slap in the face to people who farmed SC before the farm nerf.
They're put into preserves with electrified fences so expect some kind of new mutation in the works.
Though who knows what's going on with the gloom.
nyew thread DYOKO
any open lobbies?
I like senator because it basically says, "no you can take MG if you want, just use me to kill hulks."

It's not more efficient than support weapons, it just puts the option on the table so you're not a slave to support metas.
Why do people stay and fight reinforcements at cleared outposts rather than finding a gap between enemy lines and running away to book it to the next objective? Why engage in a fight where there is no upside to winning?
>for fucking around before you swap back to the
does it do increased melee damage? or at the very least has increased melee range?
simple really. the 80+ are gormless retards that only reached their level through playing persistently. the 20-80 are noobs that try to beat expectations in order to progress fast and avoid kicks.
If the melee attack launches you forward in a thrust like it did in the first game, this will be my primary until the heat death of the universe.
killing funny
Both, as you can see from the video. Currently a stab does 110 damage according to leddit
kills a difficulty 2 warrior with one head shot so it does at least 130 damage, which is more than the basic melee
Yeah, it seems TOO obvious. I'm looking on the wiki, it talks about fuel efficiency... useful I'm sure, but I'm not sure how that would translate into the game. More Eagle maybe?

Still, electric bugs sounds fucking awesome, and yes, I know I'm going to regret saying that.
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My John Helldiver loadout is really struggling on D9 bots. Hulks are a major issue now that the OPS has been gutted and you have to hit them with the actual projectile. And I swear it won't kill tanks dead-on anymore either, though that seems inconsistent.

I'm very tempted to take EAT-17. I know it's level 3 but the AT is so goddamn useful and it's not that far off the starting block. So now I don't know what to do. I feel like OPS and MG-43 have to stay. Eagle Airstrike is my only goddamn truly useful stratagem... So that leaves me torn between the Supply Pack and EATs. And that is not a great decision to have to make because goddamn the supply pack is useful to slam stims all the time and always keep me topped off.

Yet still... Would John be disappointed in me for taking EAT? Would my Helldiver ancestors look upon me with shame? This decision weighs heavily on me.
ah good so swedes do have the capability and ability to change melee values. If only they could do that with every weapon
I take the EAT with me when I John Helldive, why the fuck wouldn't you honestly
>Sentries + cookout to stunlock + DoT to death any berserkers that try to get near your sentries.
It's an honest life.
No not jammers you dumb fuck
Prefab buildings, IE the random Super Earth buildings you see here and there. The "Rogue Research Station" objective generates as one of them, and if there's a generator on top of the building you can blow it up to instantly level the building.
you get EAT before you see any heavies
>Not using HMG plus Liberator guard dog
Bro? Your mini sentry?
i accidently had voice 1 selected by thinking voice 1 was male by default bc all of the players that play this game are dudes, i play with the voices off, when i ran lobbies people were very friendly and helpful for whatever i was doing, then i changed it and people in my lobbies are usually super unhelpful and borderline griefing, i usually let people tk eachother until we run out of lives bc i usually only die like once or twice

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