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Ace Combat General #1049
Ice To See You edition
Thread Theme: https://youtu.be/MMemNW6HTWY?si=ry8BN6TG8gHgR3SX
Previous Mission: >>497125927

>/aceg/ Emulation Guide
>Official /aceg/ multiplayer guide
>/aceg/ livery and emblem pack
>Ace Combat 3: A New Translation
>Encyclopedia Strangereal
>New /aceg/ MEGA
>PA Twitter (JP)


Shootout Saturday is back! /aceg/ rooms are open every Sat at 2030 CEST/1430 EDT, with only three rules:
>put on an /aceg/ tag in your name before you boot the game
>in Roca Roja, use only air-to-ground weapons in the tunnel

The modding guide and material are in the open!

Project Wingman:
>Store page
>Skin/texture modding guide
Update never.

Misc Stuff:
>/aceg/ Collage
>/aceg/ Story Archive 2.0
>Razgriz Patch Guy
>Ostrich's Mods
>/aceg/ Assault Records
>ACX / ACJA Online Netplay Guide

>What happened to Sean Ryan (Pixy's actor) after ACZ:

>/aceg/ Permalink:

Because it bears repeating:
>Skill and guts are required here
>Be a buddy, not a border
>All planes are beautiful dreams

>Has the Project Wingman update dropped yet?
No, but it might be around the corner.

>Is there any AC8 news yet?

>Has a PS2 trilogy remake been announced yet?
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>Two (2) (dos) threads
so what's the dialogue tree if you shoot down this one first
Which one gets angry if the other gets shot down first and which one gets sad? Which one's the Hugin/Rage and which is the Munin/Scream?
AC8 will have a rival character that is Rage & Scream's kid, bitter against the Osean government for using his parents
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>YWN have an angery hapa F-15 pilot GF in the 1980s
is this red storm rising
I believe so. Not gonna lie, if this is what Tom Clancy's writing actually looks like, I'm not reading his stuff.
there's an entire romance subplot in that book that is painful to read at points, but he's a lot better when he gets to be autistic about military hardware and the characters are more concerned with their interactions with said hardware which is thankfully most of the book. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rTov2oSXR8M and the other cinematics on that channel are what sold me on reading red storm rising
If it isn't out by December 3rd abandon all hope.
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Lightning on Kaga
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Picrel's armor was loosely based on the F-2
>didn't even know there was another thread up
The fug
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>Stealth threads you never see them coming until they hit you right in the face.
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Omega-11 is a cutie
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F-16's from the evil mirror universe America
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The only work of 80s Cold War gone hot literature that can make a claim to having decent writing is probably Red Army. Though it doesn't have much in the way of planestuff, unfortunately.
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Sea turtles mate
They do?!
Yes when they grow up they become 4 engine planes instead of just 2 engine.
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goes hard
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What is this, Air Force Delta?
Why are his ass cheeks glowing?
Great [Butts] of Fire
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No its a psp game its the After Burner Black Falcon psp game which btw is a horrible game. Extremely memeable game as its fully a product of its early 2000's time.
See image this is in the games OP and no its not edited this is how it really is.
Gameplay is where this game sucks badly
-The games AI are all aimbots with 95% accuracy that can hit you before they are even in render range.
-The only way to avoid enemy fire is to roll you can't shoot while rolling so you end up missing most of your targets.
-Due to it being psp some primary targets just appear out of nowhere sometimes so yeah you miss a lot of them.
-Your targeting is still manual while the game is aimbot did I mention the 95% hit rate?
-You will die a lot and even when you learn where everything on that map is it only helps a little due to aimbot outside of render range.
The only way to play most missions with out cheats is to fly around the screen like a loon on a rush of crack & speed all the while destroying your controller in the process.

I do not recommend this game avoid it. But if you must subject yourself to this kusoge game then use cheats.
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Like I said very meme game as when I posted the above image couple of years ago another anon here made this with it.
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Along with meme's it also got PLOT girl she fly's the F-14 btw
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Mission 1 does have you fly into a volcano while being chased by F-5's who look like they came from Girly Airforce
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Everything is carrier based in the game.
Thats the problem with the game is has a lot of silly, stupid, meme stuff but the flipside is the game play is pure shit to play I gave up about half way in due to how bad it was.
It truly is the AH of After Burner.
SpACE Combat.
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Fuck, hold on, what if all development on Project Wingman actually ceased because Humble Games was kill?
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Development didn't really cease as he still seems to be working on it and if it did I doubt it was due to that, they were only the publishers.
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Hey there, buddies! /vg/ League 23 is coming up soon, so if you buddies would like to see /aceg/ continue playing, simply reply to this post. Any suggestions for new players, music and such are always welcome as well.

>what is this?
An AI vs AI tournament where various /vg/ generals compete against each other in the game Pro Evolution Soccer with custom aesthetics. Here's a match of ours from last VGL against /fgog/ for reference: https://implying.fun/video/vgl22/2024-06-08/?t=2:26:00.0

And here's our current team from VGL 22: https://implyingrigged.info/wiki//aceg/
I'd like to see https://youtu.be/XzVqZxeHNWQ?si=51X0iGvH5wpUobp-&t=55 added in some way but can't really think of a place. That's all I had to say.
Maybe as an alternate away theme?
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JP Cobras
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Hell yeah, let's give it another go.
Hello buddies.

I pushed the HOTAS hotfix last week, should be wrapping up my work on itch.

I'm moving on to improve some of my base systems to better support what the mechanical/core scope of the game will be. First up is terrain, which involves the following:
> improving the 3D meshes for more realism. I purchased some specific world creation software for this, but it's a bit more involved than I thought and I'll have to sit down and learn it.
> adding in textures based off of satellite maps. I experimented with using straight up aerial/satellite imagery but ran into problems with blurriness, and also the file sizes were way too big. I wonder how Ace Combat does it? Right now I'm taking a 200x200 snip out of images and using AI to scramble them to replicate uneven vegetation.
> Vastly improving the amount of trees able to be rendered in a single scene. I recently made a breakthrough that allowed me to hit up to 1.6M trees at around 90 FPS in the editor.

I'm happy with where it's going. I think it's gonna work out. Soon I'll be confident enough to start looking at creative stuff and I'm curious as to what the buddies here like to see at a higher level in terms of any gameplay/mission/story design considerations. I've never really felt an urge to innovate or get more creative withion the genre - in fact, I kinda just want to make a PS2 game, but I'd like to get some additional thoughts before I sit down to have a big think.
Lets Goooooo!!!!!!

Always thought the normal shoot down bombers could be improved. Like has the escort planes flying close & drops flares to reduce/stop your hit rate. Then when you close in the two or four escorts break formation and engage you directly. You wouldn't want to do this for every bomber but having one or two like that would be a nice change of pace.
Have a random chance to happen when you sink a ship it might still keep firing at you while its going down.

Mission wise I've always wanted to see a huge coastal base built on the side of a large cliff to where the whole mission is to capture that base you have to deal with naval, land & air forces
The base could have assorted 16" & 5" guns shooting at you and the attacking force the base sends out armed high speed PT boats and USV. Choppers, Harriers, destructible runway to stop planes from spawning and launching. So a whole mission based around a huge coastal base on a cliff side.

Since I know it won't happen in AC8 I would love to see an AN-225 being an allied drone carrier in a mission or two

For a few real world things if your going to have T series tanks you gotta add in turret tossing. Any MLRS vehicles when destroyed they fire off a few random rockets just flying off in the direction the launcher was pointing. Not locked on to anything they just fire in the direction pointed.
>Since I know it won't happen in AC8 I would love to see an AN-225 being an allied drone carrier in a mission or two
Here's an idea, it's a transport that you're escorting until you get intercepted by a surprisingly large number of enemies, so command figures "fuck it, let's get the drones flight-ready inside the plane and launch them out the rear hatch" and now you have to hold the interceptors off until the drones are ready to launch. Drones launch, big furball ensues.
Make the narrative that the enemy isn't supposed to know you have drones and that's why they were so keen to find out what cargo this big transport was carrying or something.
Fuck yeah. The game is shaping up to be extremely fucking cool, buddy, it's incredible to see how far it's come.
>I wonder how Ace Combat does it?
Maybe Ostrich would know?
I should be able to playtest this Fri or Sat, trying to find bugs and such.
That is a good idea and would make for a cool mission.
Why is your flight model so unusual? You've set the throttle to control acceleration, instead of speed or thrust, and you made gravity such that a plane at 50% power cannot sustain even a 1 degree climb. It's like no other game I've played.
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>throttle to control acceleration, instead of speed or thrust
Plane's got an Alcubierre drive
Antonov was big but not THAT big
Could easily hold 4 or 5 Dorito UAV's with the wings folded up like they would be on a carrier.
It also doesn't have a rear hatch. But on the other hand, rule of cool.
i saw a plane :)
You do know Rage and Scream are siblings... right?
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Well the US did mess with the idea but would need small planes to carry 10 of them in a 747. So no issues of making a 225 into a drone carrier when drones don't have to be as large as a maned plane.
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Are there any plane games where you use modern jets against UFOs
Xenonauts I guess, but you're not really piloting the planes and I dislike the sequel because they got rid of the cool land vehicles.
They had an ID4 game on PS1 but being a movie game its kind of simple
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The coolest motherfucker in the skies, for about five minutes at a time.
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I am fucking mad because there was this one.
>Nazis come back in their Hanebus and Fw 190s
>you fly a Hornet against them in a variety of levels
>you can't fucking play it anymore, because it's a WebUnity game and they stopped supporting NPAPI around 2015
There was a surprising amount of decent plane games in WebUnity.
Hey buddies, thanks for the suggestions. There are some which definitely appeal to me and I'll see if get them going in some form or another in the coming months.

I'm pretty sure the throttle controls thrust I'm not actually sure though? It might be because the UI is a little misleading. 50% power is actually zero thrust - anything below the mid-point is braking. Admittedly, I have not googled how planes work so I might need to tweak this as part of future changes.
>50% power is actually zero thrust - anything below the mid-point is braking
I feel retarded for not realising this quirk of the engine before, and wondering why I'd lose speed at "50%" thrust.
We don't stop until we win our Star
I hate nagase so so very much. Its a cute voice and all but jesus christ i hate her and want to shoot her down just to stop her mouth
Combined arms Ace Combat.
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Its not hard to shut her up
test... test... hello everyone
Hello, how's the day going?
they should do it in an EDF format
>Playing AC4 for the first time
>Hardly ever play anything with flying or even really use a controller so I figure I'll start on normal
>Six missions in and only time I've been hit is getting really greedy trying to take out a target while seeing missile alert
Is it gonna start ramping up soon or would it be worth it to restart on hard? I'm still having fun and I don't necessarily want to get my teeth kicked in just yet if hard is the other extreme but it feels a little too easy so far.
IIRC the only difference between difficulties is the damage you receive, on Ace
>a missile instantly kills you unless you're in the A-10
>you can take about three gun hits on average, the fourth kills you
>landing and rearming doesn't repair you
The game is pretty easy on normal but don't start over playing on normal is a good way to learn the maps on your first run so you know what to expect later. The only thing that changes is how much damage you take.
Be warned Stonehenge can and WILL kill you with out warning if your flying in the wrong areas on that mission. You just explode for no reason till you watch the replay a few times and see you were to close to a shells flight path.
And while I'm thinking of it on your second run on hard named ace planes will appear here is the location for all 18 of them

1. F-5 just north of the allied airbase
2. A-10 north of the enemy airbase
3. F-16 South of the second radar station(the westernmost one)
4. Mirage 2000 Northwest of the westernmost radar jamming plane
5. MIG-29 South of the far western pumping station on the map
6. F-14 North of the northenmost group of enemies on the map
7. TND-IDS North of the solar tower
8. F-18 after refueling during the mission the ace will appear to the east of the main combat area
9. F-15C North of the center beach combat area
10. RF-01 Far upper northwest corner of the map, northwest of the sub base
11. SU-35 The ace will appear with about 90 seconds left during this mission
12. F-2 North of the stonhenge gun base
13. F-15E After clearing the radar balloons, enemy fighters will appear, the ace is in the north east
14. F-22 Ace is in the north east of the map
15. EF-2000 Ace will be in the center of the map when the mission starts(between the two southern combat zones)
16. F-117 Ace is located northwest of the westernmost combat zone(Due to stealth sometimes hard to find, head 2 grids north and 1 west)
17. F-15A Ace is located in the far northwestern corner of the map, past the city
18. S-37 The ace is located north of megalith.

F-4 3rd skin is unlocked by clearing the game on hard
Su-37 Yellow skin is unlocked when you have collected all other aces
X-02 2nd & 3rd is unlocked by clearing hard & expert

Also remember QAAM is broken in 4 and is only found on the X-02.
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Nice to see you here again.
my fox 3 just wont lock on
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I think the Volvo is gonna show up in tomorrow's DTM race
4chan is blocked in my country so i've used to use proxy, unfortunately 4chan was able to detect pure Shadowsocks and not i've set up Vless+Reality and can write here again like a two years ago, yooooo
GDPI, zapret didn't punched through?
only some websites blocked by TSPU, like discord and youtube. most of services blocked by old method and requires a VPN/proxy, like X or facebook
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Mechanical pigeons
More deadly than mechanical Owl's
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i'm tired and i mixed up the threads again
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You rig up jets to be space-capable and take them up against spaceships and their strike craft in the last couple missions of Air Force Delta Strike. One of the potential final missions has you tunnel-running through an asteroid fortress to kill an alien overlord.
Its a good redneck Miku pic we'll let it pass

>A cold war that went so hard the US sold F-14's and a carrier to Taiwan
looks breddy gud. it has to have a tunnel level. Flying through some kind of tunnel system or cave to avoid detection and some kind of imposed time limit
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I hate how stealth development is prohibitively expensive to anyone who is not the us. Imagine all the wackadoodle indigenous designs the 5th gen could have but instead the only designs that are both actually real and not endangered species are the F-35 and J-20
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That is why you just buy F-35
After all we are F-35 will become one of us, It is inevitable.
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New GCAP design just dropped.
>stealth delta wing
It's peak.
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Oh someone posted about it last thread, shoulda checked. It's still fucking cool. And it's buddy drone looks neat too.
Any news on the Maverick replacement? That thing's been around too long
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Ace of Aces needs to come back.
I've been thinking about how I want to word my post to be clear and useful for you, but I don't know how much physics you know, and how much physics you want to include in your game. I also don't really know what's going on "under the hood", I just mess with the plane and see what happens in response to what. However, I can see how the game actually handles, and I have some assumptions of how you intend the game to handle (Let me know if they are wrong).
Let me start be elaborating on the throttle thing: Imagine you have a car with a top speed of 100 mph. Now imagine you gently press down on the gas pedal. Does the car accelerate to 100mph? No, it will increase speed until it settles at some point between 0 and 100, and it will maintain that speed until the throttle is either increased or decreased (I'm assuming no variations in the road or atmosphere, of course). The only way it can achieve the full 100 mph is by applying full throttle. In effect, the throttle controls your final speed.
Now in real life this happens because max speed is reached when total drag forces match total thrust force, and friction drag increases with speed. If you want to be realistic, parasitic drag increases exponentially, and varies by air density, but for an arcade game you could just as easily make drag linear and air density fixed, so that 50% thrust will get you to 50% of your max speed at all altitudes. Some games don't bother with forces at all, and skip to the end of the equation, setting velocity and rotations directly. No matter how a game does it, the relationship is the same: Throttle controls speed. In any game with fine throttle control (that is to say, you can set the exact throttle as a percentage, instead of just having a "boost" that is only on or off) gently pressing down on the throttle should not take you anywhere near the top speed of the vehicle.
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Now since you do give us fine throttle control instead of a "ON / OFF" boost, I suspect that you intended for us to be able to precisely control the speed, like with a car. However, that is NOT what is actually going on. You can see what I mean with a simple test: Set the throttle to ~51%, like this. Such a tiny throttle amount should barely speed the plane up, but instead this will accelerate the plane to its top speed. There's no freeflight mode, so I just used Operation Starhound (since the enemies won't agro until you get close) and flew laps from one side of the top of the map to the other. Only use the rudder to turn, to keep the plane perfectly level and avoid interference from "gravity". It will take you the entire timer, but you will reach the plane's top speed. This is what I was referring to by controlling acceleration, instead of velocity or thrust. Anything above 50% throttle (or 0%, as you've set it up) is max speed, and the only difference is how fast you get there (acceleration). The reason this matters, the reason I discovered this at all, is because anyone that thinks the throttle controls the speed will inevitably, and rather quickly, overspeed the plane, and then end up stalling when they try to correct it.
Now I did some more tests and you're right, the throttle controls thrust. I made an incorrect assumption. The plane continually accelerating must be due to the other half of the equation: The drag force. If it doesn't scale according to current speed, then the speed will never settle until it hits the arbitrary max. Now if you start the level at 0% thrust, and the plane still maintains speed, then I can only assume that drag doesn't exist at all, except when braking. I don't think that's what you intended, but do let me know.
BTW the real way for a throttle to work would be Idle power to max power, like a car's gas pedal. The most intuitive is 0% thrust to 100% thrust.
I guess it also explains why no plane can sustain even a 1 degree climb at 50% throttle: It's actually at 0% thrust and isn't opposing gravity at all. Gravity should cause you to bleed speed in climbs, but I always felt it was too much in this game.
Anyway, let me know if this is helpful or not, or if my assumptions are even correct or not.
Some kind of flakturm style enemy - big tower, multiple turrets densely packed together. AC7's maritime platforms in the inaugural Strider mission come closest, but we don't really see them again outside of that one mission.

Some sort of Loyal Wingman style enemy where multiple drones "wolfpack" the player until the mothership is destroyed.

Missile-launched aircraft / drones.

A scenario drawing from the Kuwait oil field fires, where visual ID and lockon is nigh-impossible beneath massive plumes of oil smoke.

A scenario with a target that has powerful anti-missile and anti-aircraft defenses. It must be systematically weakened by destroying its radar pickets before you can effectively strike at the core - unless you're mad enough to take it head on.

A scenario where you must find and eliminate small groups of elite enemy ground units before they are able to cause too much harm to friendly forces.
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Christ that platform's a big bugger isn't it
tunnel run included in final mission of the public build. Just an experiment though.


Thanks buddy, the first post in particular is very helpful to figure out what's going on. I took a quick look at the code and at an extremely high level, the speed function is basically speed + throttle (a value of -1 to 1) * accel/brake value. The figure is modulated to slow down as the aircraft approaches its max speed but fundamentally the throttle does basically act as a thrust controller as speed is free to increase up to the maximum amount.

I'm not married to how it works right now - I guess I wasn't paying too much attention when modifying the original framework that forms the core of the game, which used a traditional AC-style accel/brake style. I have some high level thoughts on how I'd modify it to try the throttle = final speed approach and I'll play around after I finish working on trees. What would probably also help would be starting the throttle GUI from the middle (or 0, idle throttle) and having the line grow up and down depending on throttle or brake input.

Noted, buddy. At a high level, it seems like most buddies here are interested in big swarms of enemies/drones and megastructure/big base assaults. The drones might be a bit difficult, but I'll keep them in mind for the future.
I personally think Perfect Soldier Cipher is the most psychopathic form of Cipher.
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Its so large the lights under the flight deck as nearly as big as an F-2.
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Whoo hoo! Its Friday
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What sort of information is contained in a Dash 1 manual?
A lot of 1's and whole lot of dashes
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That time F-4 carried a Phoenix
Top Gun in real life
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File: F-4 launch.webm (2.87 MB, 960x640)
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2.87 MB WEBM
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File: Feast of the Phantom.png (2 MB, 1083x1674)
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977 KB PNG

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