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/vg/ - Video Game Generals

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The clock is ticking. Do you understand? Edition

>Demo Days
Next: https://itch.io/jam/agdg-demo-day-59
Previous: https://itch.io/jam/agdg-demo-day-58
Older: https://hackmd.io/LhEB6VCZSx-oBalI2cWWoA

>Halloween Jam

>AGDG resources

>Helpful links
New Threads: >>>/vg/agdg
Archive: https://arch.b4k.co/vg/search/subject/agdg/
Steam Games by AGDG: https://agdg-steam.netlify.app/
/agdg/ Steam Games: https://made-by-agdg.vercel.app/
Recap: https://recap.agdg.app

>How to WebM

Reminder that you need at least 10 years to master enough skills to make a decent game. Most of you should just get a job.
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Fygoon Platoon, we will destroy all.
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I have a job. I can't get enough gamedev time, I get tired/ distracted after work.

But I was also tired/distracted most of the day when I was neeting after graduating. So...
the site is shitting itself
I'll master the skills. I'll make a decent game. You'll see.
time to take another 10 years to learn how nodes work in godot, although by that point i'd probably be forced to get a job anyway
I work from home, so my spare time isn't consumed by being packed into a sweaty fart tube of a public transit system, also known as commuting
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Literally everyone who has gone against me have fallen. All who have tried to slain the Dragon were slain themselves.
I hope he does quit indie gamedev but I doubt it as is evident by his love of the attention it gets him on social media. This is imho one of those who entered the field for social clout. Approx 90k for his game. He is either
>someone who had a decent wage and could make that in 2 years
>desired rich tier gains
Either way such an amount isn't that impressive since these types are looking for social fame but that requires much better success so that they can both quit waging and sit in the lime light 24/7 like the Project Zomboid dev who seems to be this type of developer.

Because youtubers sold them an idea. Sadly most will just keep trying because
>Im built different
Wish it wasnt the case so this oversaturation finally came to an end and these people would leave gamedev. Go back to drop shipping, harping on how they love exercising, or trading stocks or some other foty scheme that gets popular on social media that they pile onto. Sadly gamedev seems to be the last one with no new scheme which means it's probably getting an unsually higher amount of people pouring in compared to previous popular grifts.
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why did fagoon start shitposting and stop posting progress
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pov: making a pixel based game
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I also work from home, but still.... When the clock hits 18:00 and I'm free, I'm just usually not in the mood to do more programming for the day. And then I get into the vortex of youtube and random internet crap, and then it's suddenly 23:00 and I gotta sleep or else I won't wake up early for the gym on the next day.
Because big things are in the works for DD and I'm not spoiling the surprise.
There are people that just do their own thing and make game and people who do it for attention. The second kind are prone to getting diverted into other atention-seeking activities. There are multiple examples of that in AGDG.
Wagies are NGMI. The best thing you can do is to live frugally, save up, and then quit and dedicate several years to fulltime gamedev once you have enough saved up.
Someone make an edit but with konata (cult of marmaskus dev) saying "my levels suck"
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Appeal has been legitimized as a factor in a game's success.
he's really toned down his mylevelsucks posting. actually, I haven't seen him or his konata pics around. Has he migrated to discord, or just left?
So are you bio-female or just some troon? If bio female I will say this, you sound black. You're black arent you? Are you actually making a game or are you in a phase of having no clue what to make?
Always has been
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Welp 1st dungeon is mostly done I guess now its time to focus on assets, balance and polishing.
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Daily reminder that over 80% of "game studios" never release a second game. At some point we're just gonna run out of new developers
It's hard to make progress when you're shitposting for 18 hours a day.
So you're saying that if I publish 2 games (*that make money) I'll have "Made It"?
Some anons here didn't seem to accept it. Appeal has been this somewhat memey word that gets thrown around in here but it's a very real thing.
Nta, I'm a neet actually but I fear returning to the wagecage. If I go back I do not see me devving at a decent pace at all. If I go back, then at my current skill level I've got maybe 1 or 2 more games before I have to throw the towel in. It'd simply be too time consuming on my free time
>go work
>come home
>work on game
>go sleep
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The clock is telling me this is a stardew-like, but you've got monsters and what seems to be a freeze spell. Is this a Rune Factory-like? Or are you pulling from older stuff, like Azure Dreams, or random dungeon crawlers?
Eh, game studios aren't people, they die all the time while devs live on. Devs probably just end the studio and make a new one after failing once to get a fresh start.
Fat black queens in /agdg/??
Where is this from? Btw I think the ampunt of people coming in versus the time it takes to release a game is entry heavy. Meaning even if most quit the numbers on new games coming out will keep increasing for the time being.
notice how fygoontroon never posts his game
>not in the mood
Personally I have a nice routine, around 5:30 I'll close the work laptop, walk the dog for an hour, make dinner and eat, then dev from around 8 onwards, unless my friends want to play HD2 or something.

Sometimes I'm not in the mood so I do one little thing and either I get in the mood while doing it or say fuck it and do something else.
skill issue, works on my machine
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"Make the game you want to play" posters COMPLETELY BLOWN THE FUCK OUT
Women come and go from this thread but none provide free female voice acting for my games.
i am black and in the long process of making a game, i have concepts of a game even, but my technical ability leaves me gatekept by the complexity of nodes

i made the decision to make a test project, but all i've managed to do is import the models and one animation into godot
notice how marmanus never posts his game
How so?
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>The clock is telling me this is a stardew-like
Nope, it would be a digimon-like, time impacts monster raising and map event. I Played Azure Dreams too but this game's not really a roguelike, although you lose progress in dungeons if you lose.
This guy looks like my grandmother in her final days with cancer. Does this guy live off of six chicken nuggets a day? He has the unhealthy and gaunt visage of someone who's been on an autism diet for 30 years.
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Solodevs COMPLETELY BTFO and exposed as selfish gollums who only care about hoarding a pile of gold by themselves.
>Kirby's Dream Land
>14 people (12 professional roles, 2 thanks) with 15 credits.
I'll keep you in my thoughts when I return from class. In the meantime, behold: Bulldogs now look up and down at the player (this is an older screenshot as the character model had been redesigned)
that's great when you're living in japan, where there's an actual industry to support.

I've been trying to get hired by the Brazilian game dev industry for years, but guess what?

They (mostly) DO NOT EXIST!!!!
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>Quixel Megascans for FREE
>All these models
Why would you ever model anything ever again?
Eric Baloney invented clocks in games
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>The clock is telling me this is a stardew-like
Kill zoomers. Behead zoomers. Roundhouse kick zoomers into the trash.
How do I avoid over-scoping on my first game? Should I just try to make the barebones of a playable "game" and then work from there?
Start with Pong or Flappy Birds
oh no healed to death has competition
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reminder that parasocialism is a mental illness
lol this is a journey i have to take mostly alone, i'm not even solo devving for the money because i plan to make my game free, i'm doing it for the experience and to know that i can, maybe my ability to do this would make up for all of the years i've spent as a neet
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you fuck, It's not because it's a clock. It's because it looks exactly like the goddamn stardew clock, just look at it.
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reminder to pull your head out of your ass
How come? Brazilians even trying to make their manga industry but I have never seen something like br agdg
You're mentally ill, eric schizo.
I'm not the goddamned Eric schizo, fuck that guy. THEY LOOK THE SAME, WAKE UP SHEEPLE
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Oh cool, quotes!
none of those things are parasocial.
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>the socrates schizo is awake
Brazilian devs used to run this place. The monkey cabal, hidden in the shadows.
there's another
I think it will be more effective if I develop 2 games at once. one wholesome for when I'm feeling good and one dark for when I'm not. you might think that it will take twice as long to finish, but the reality is that productivity drops to 0 if my feelings are not aligned with the game
Huh I guess thats where the tutorial I saw got the idea from. Well in any case its not a stardewlike so it won't really matter if UI looks a bit similar.
Pen and paper cheap computers expensive.
He's just skinny. Look at females who are 50+ and are still skinny, they have the same look. It's the skin sag I suspect causing this effect. Quite unappealing on females.

Unironically I think I have a slim chance of getting hired by this indie dev (who has a team). Not sure if I should chat with him but I get the feeling he'd offer to hire me without me actually soliciting for a job. I won't explain the circumstances leading up to this but am considering attempting to get a job working on his game. I really liked the first one. Could really improve my art skills if I could work for him
>oh no somebody has validated his game concept for him

Though those both look kinda better than healed to death, 3d was a mistake.
reminder: clown general
can confirm, I am one
I get offers for free male voice acting all the time thougheverbeit?
Surely there must also be women whose self interest is having their voice featured in a amateur cartoon board video game.
yeah it's fine and fits the rest of the art, just made me think of the stardew clock
Does it have all the quixel and epic stuff for free? I wonder if this will bring Tomo back. I'll have to set this up later. If I ever leave Unity for real the choices are now down to just Unreal and Gamemaker. Just not sure I'm good enough at 3D to even bother with Unreal or how long it'd take me to get to an acceptable level where the art won't hurt sales massively.
Quixel Megascans have always been free for Unreal Engine, if I'm not wrong.
Idk if his artist is even doing anything but the 3D enviroment and characters and enemies. If she isn't doing the UI and capsule art, then 50% is far too high of a cut imho.
The version on fab, from what Ive read, can be used on any engine, so I never bothered signing up on quixel to gain the larger library especially so since it sound slile the quixel site will eventually be closed woth fab taking its place.
To be fair there is definitely a nodev schizo posting millionaire devs here all the time because he's parasocial.
nigga I'm boutta CRANK IT TO THE MAX
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yeah, in the end I think I need more structure in my life. I hate setting time blocks for stuff, but I don't seem to be able to actually do stuff without them. Back in Uni I went all the way from my house to the lab just so I could force myself to actually study, because at home it was a no go.
Is it possible to like your own games?
As a outsider I always enjoy being ignorant of the magic going on behind the scenes, just like a magic trick done by a magician. When you go through the hurdles of game development I feel like you can't help go through either one of these and build resentment.

>Leading and management results in doing administration
>Art is never finished, only abandoned
>Technical debt, coders always wanting to rewrite code
>Semantic satiation
>Writer's block
>Music: 4 Chords
>Business wise: money obviously plays a major factor and if you enjoy doing any of the above you spend less time doing those if you're concerned with the business side
This here is close to my dream
>2000+ reviews
Make it $14.99 and I could go on to make one of my games much more in depth as I got the funding needed to permanently neet dev. Would however still full release my current game as getting it to a state where I'd be happy with it would require a full on redo, so no way I'm keeping it in ea for years on end while adding every single idea I want for it.
Marcus Aurelius predicted Demo Days
why does osur talk like a faggot? hope that shit flops
>mobileslop idle games
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making porn games as we speak
>looks like Charmander
And yet somehow these people arent afraid of being sued and I get paranoid over one of my creatures turning out to look similar to some old version of a Nintendo enemy while unironically and completely by accident having the same name (generic name). I ended up changing the name. New name sounds better but this paranoia of being sued has hurt me more than once.
Knowing the "magic" for mine definitely ruined it for me
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he is quite literally me
does this mean all the other shit Epic gave away for free, like Paragon assets, can be used in other engines now?
Because I don't want to use something I don't have full rights to?
>i am black
Unsurprising, youre typing style gives it away
>but my technical ability leaves me gatekept
Kekd, sounds like when I started and had no clue
like you're doing right now to communicate with us on the internet?
>Japan culture
Surely I don't have to explain why they have better values then us and still believe in concepts like teaming up right?
Just look at the state of this western thread and compare it to any Japanese doujin communities.
>womanigger dev is black
lmao called it
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At times I want to make a 3d platformer sideproject but designing the levels is too hard...
You already don't, if you make something that resembles something too close to some globocorp their intellectual property, they can and will sue regardless of whether you made it yourself, downloaded it from Fab or some other online marketplace where people publish "their" creations.
Doujins are comparable in scope to short game jam games, not full commercial games.
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He works until 10-11PM. His free time in a given day is from then until 2AM at which point he sleeps until 8AM.
Shit's probably taking a toll on his skin and health but that's the price for being a successful gamedev.
I wish I had a gf so I could make a porn game.
idk what's stopping you, my game will have pornographic aspects in it, but i have no bf

>platformer and not a based genre like an open world rpg or survival horror
hey tranny, this is amateur gamedev general why you keep posting professional devs? is it because you have a parasocial relationship with them? well i guess it's your father's fault for leaving the household
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Jamie , pull up the video of those devs who stood against all the crabs and made an awesome collection of games. That was wild.

And then the devs went and slew the giants in the Cedar Forest? Crazy. That's just crazy, man.

>born to breed
>forced to gamedev
Post you're game? Are you doing the art yourself or are you paying an artist?
I am stuck in the cage right now but I've been working on a little mockup screen to check out how the assets look together/at certain resolutions etc since coomer shit is mostly about the art and "story"
>implying there is a black typing style
erm.. idk what you're talking about
I can save them

meds, schizo
I'm a muscular man with a Primeagen / Selleck moustache.
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I keep drawing but my art never gets better......
Still not hiring an artist, doing pixelslop or using AI...
there's definitely a certain charm to doing your own art.

You know, maybe I should start playing with Maya and start trying to make some kinopoly.
same. well, I got kinda good but plateaued.
You can tell if a black person is writing the same as you can tell if a black person is speaking on the phone. NTA but you were also obnoxiously posting your woman shit here telling everybody how you're a big fat sassy black woman who doesn't need no man. Also, a nodev. Have you considered using a trip code and avatar to be more annoying?
is a Sista not deserving of a loving Mista?
Kek at the pic
14.99 and you wouldn't get 2000+ reviews
My wife is black. She's wonderful. Cooks cleans, demure, sweet, kind... the only flaw is she doesn't make or play videogames.
kys furfag
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Don't let the sour people get you down, lady dev.
Just make game.
You are beloved.
no actually we all hate her
doing anything that ruins your health isn't worth it
How are nodes complex? If you have any experience using C# they should be piss easy to use.
i may be a nodev at the moment, but i'm basically the female todd howard lol

lol i will make game eventually

if you think you do, you actually don't lol
Does he actually live like this? That isnt the price you have to pay, ie 6 hours sleep. Why they willingly choose that even when rich is beyond me

Awwww *hugs* *pats head* *hands you a sippy cup with milk and cookies* ara ara
I don't.

He's probably some expert game designer who can craft something he doesn't want to play from an objective standpoint.

Unless you want to get autistic about game design studies just make the game you want to play.
nodes a shit
i don't have experience using c# or any code or game engine, i only did html once
>just make the game you want to play.
>be black
>*self insert to game*
>game doesn't sell because DEI woke wypipo
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>Why they willingly choose that even when rich is beyond me
It's called passion. The entire channel cost him $600k to make (paid out of his pocket, not counting the cost of his own labor over 4 years) and the videos aren't even monetized.
Making a game with blacks is so cooked because
>Most white people won't play your game since they can't relate/ are racist
>Black people won't play anything without ball or guns in it
>Other demographics are just not interested by default.
>10 days for demo day
Lol, I'm missing this one too I guess
It just feels incomplete without a girlfriend and I don't like half-assing my games.
39 year old unemoloyed virgin here. all I can do us code and basic 3d art (I know how to download a character model and animate it with mixamo) so I figured gamedev is my only chance to make enough money to attract a desperate woman. tell me what to make. I stopped playing games 15 years ago when I started on my self improvement arc so I don't know what's cool now
This has literally nothing to do with amateur game development, you're just gossiping offtopic shit.
I'm starting to think that Fygoon has a point.
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>tell me what to make
Why would anyone want to play as a non-White person? Even if the game lets you choose exotic races like lizard people or minotaurs most players of all demographics will choose to play as White man. I can't explain why, but it was so pronounced that some shit RPG a while ago had it's devs complaining that people are choosing to play "boring White men".
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No amount of videogame success will make women attracted to you. Leave this place and continue with your self-improvement arc.
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my game would be so based if i actually knew how to make it lol
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it was the baldurs gate 3 devs.
Damn I'm so glad I'm a 2Ddev, this shit looks so annoying to work with.
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Completely serious answer
Make a villainess otome isekai game
Not only you will make a bank but also can attract fangirls
I live in a big bed with my wife and have a game people seemed interested in
I primarily play females of varying race in asian games because they're designed to be cute and appealing. In western games, all the characters are ugly af, and the most boring white man character is the least offensive looking.
this, notch is a great example
No shit the game is played by white people only because no one gives a shit about cringe ass d&d shit, try VRchat or second life if you want to see games played by a more diverse demographic.
is 2d really so much easier? *sigh* i might be forced into making a 2d game due to my lack of expertise
players want the illusion of choice and not too many either

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Currently making animations for my main character because I'm gonna have to learn how to 3D animate at some point. I have a lot of experience with 2D animation, but 3D is new to me. So far, I got Idle, the 5 levels of walk/run, jumping, falling and now double jumping. The final model won't look like this, because you won't be able to see the segments between, and the head/hands are placeholders that will be replaced in engine. But yeah, little by little, I'mma gettin' there.
this is a good idea, it's the type of game people really want, not a roguelike 2d platformer or card game lol
I don't know I've never devved 3D but it's just common sense that adding one extra dimension will translate into more work.
>otome isekai
surprisingly I'm not a weeb. I tried looking up what otome isekai is but it's incomprehensible. is it like a game where I get transported to a world where women find ugly poor men attractive?
amateur game development? if you need life advice or social interactions we have boards for that too, newfaggette tranny tourists >>>/adv/ >>>/soc/ >>>/trash/
>is 2d really so much easier?

The programming is a little easier, but that's like 10% of the game. The other 90% is art which is way harder in 2D.
If a setting is inspired by the european middle ages then there's really no sense in making it extra mixed, unless it includes stuff like crusades
>But muh dragons
Yeah, part of european folklore, or are japanese yokai part of european folklore too?
I dunno why there's not more pirate/caribbean/ age of discovery games being published nowadays? Its like they are avoiding the topic completely to push medieval fantasy with diversity
true, but alot of the work seems to be in making stuff, which is easy, but having to deal with defining collisions and shapes aparently is alot, i would hope 2d is just plopping a bunch of images onto eachother, but it might be just as complicated
lol i would render 3d models as sprites and backgrounds before i ever go back to 2d art
My Neverwinter Nights character was a black guy with dreads that fought using dual katanas
>This has literally nothing to do with amateur game development
Where are you when people talk about Jon Blow or Eric? Where are you when Penguindev or other devs who already made a shitload of money and are no longer "amateurs" post here?
A while back I watched a gamedev video where a guy used a website that showed him various stats about game genres on steam, which was helpful for determining which genres are niche enough to not have a lot of competition, but still niche enough that any game released will likely be seen by a lot of people interested in that genre. (Eg maybe there aren't a lot of city building games released frequently, so fans or youtubers of that genre will generally see most of them, but if you release a Platformer or maybe VampireSurvivor game, the space is way more flooded for your game to be seen)

I'd like to make a 2D-sideways Base/Tower defense game and I wonder if that's a nice niche genre to hit.

My question is if anyone knows the website he was using? I thought maybe it's SteamSpy, but can't rly seem to find that data/list, plus it seems some stuff there is gated behind a paywall.
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Yes, this is an ultimate shrigma male move Im considering myself, too bad I am busy with main project
>39 year old unemoloyed virgin
>I'm not a weeb
What have you been doing all this time?
Anyway otomo villainess isekai is a simulacra genre, it was invented only for LN and manga with anime, so no one knows its actual gameplay
Just watch Villainess 99lvl and similar anime
If I see someone gamedev an otome game I just assume they are gay sorry.
I'm straight but I WILL make an otome game.As soon as I figure out what that is.

Hard disagree that's just grifterfuel, realism is a meme, for example most games featuring crusaders have them being just slightly zealous knights who won when they were closer to modern days bloodthirsty jihadis and lost, can you imagine having a game called "jihadi kings" now that would cause a chimpout.
Btw, no one really cared about "realism" before that battlefield female soldier drama and the black guy in ass creed.
But you can have passion without working that hard.
How does making that youtube channel cos thim $600k? Is the entire place a set?
Bro it's a date simulation but you are a girl and a bunch of dudes want to fuck you.
how did your self improvement arc turn out
wow that makes it based
man, i wish signalis was fun to play
>Where are you when people talk about Jon Blow or Eric?
the barone schizo deserves the death penalty before he snaps and i hope the feds are monitoring him, that's where i'm at
Wait if the dudes already want to fuck me what's the point of the dating?
how true is this?
hobbychad is the only proper approach to this hobby if you're an actual human being
stealnalis stole everything from evangelion, blame! and the king in yellow + added tranny lesbianism (AGP men love to pretend to be lesbians) and misandry, every male character in the game is evil
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>t. Projecting
Now why do you think your game is going to flop?
at 39 and no prior gamedev experience you might not make a game that sells before you're 50 and it might not happen even after that
the fact that you have to ask what to make is also a problem
you're not aware of the current state of the industry
you don't know the current trends
you don't know what kind of games people enjoy nowadays or what's popular
you don't even know what kind of game you want to make

why the fuck are you considering gamedev? it is not easy money
go do something that actually has a path to money if that's really your goal
(You) are a girl so need to play hard to get. Haven't you learned nothing?
Its not so much about realism but context.
>slightly zealous knights who won when they were closer to modern days bloodthirsty jihadis and lost, can you imagine having a game called "jihadi kings" now that would cause a chimpout
It would be cool if they showed both sides like that Kingdom of Heaven movie and not necessarily painted either as mindless zombies.
>nobody cared about this until AC drama
This isn't really new, I don't even know the latest AC drama to be honest.
But can it get me a ~20 year old wife?
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sex with black game dev girl anon
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if i ever release my game it'll be for free
i dev because i enjoy it, not because i'm trying to win the lottery
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>stole everything from evangelion, blame! and the king in yellow
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So this is what I'm getting:
>Anything small should have multiplayer components attached to it and/or multiple smaller modes, since people would recommend it to friends to play online
>Single player stuff should be bigger in scope to be worth the price of entry
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Just made my first real money investment in my game, 100 bucks for a mega sound pack. Hope I won't regret it, now I can't turn back after asking mom for the money.
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today's progress is about ui and shop system code
You're forgetting the ..................................... fun
But that's implied
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>do some market research on my idea that I'm prototyping
>there's literally no other games like it out there
>tfw I came up with a unique combination of elements that hopefully play well together
>as a bonus the game is relatively small scoped
I'm gonna make it.
can you post your progress here so i can steal it?
>there's literally no other games like it out there
but this is bad, anon
I'm guessing professional editing and localization for over 200 videos.
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She cute
>this game sucks I'm going to refund it
>ummmm no ackshually hold your horses sweaty... the fun is implied
Good site
I think shes both fat and flat chested anon....

Very appealing design, I like her
lol i'm not a lesbian

No. I'm gonna hold it close until it's ready for a demoday. This is my chance.

It is not an entirely new type of game. It's a combination of genres of sorts but they combine into a thing that isn't on the market but will appeal to enjoyers of those genres.
when did the *smooch* poster stop posting
>acksuallllly it's a persistent mmo open world survival horror game with a living economy including a functional stock market with complex trading algos. just wait until i finish this gamemaker tutorial!
>fat and flat chested.. somehow
you'd have to think like a computer to assume both of those things are true

it's already slop
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I had a terrible nightmare, where I was just observing myself and would not even able to control my body--it was just moving on its own. I might write my dreams again like I did back then in school and college, but the problem is I always try to compare all notes with everything that happens in real life, and there are a lot of similar things that drive me crazy.
Should I make a game based on it or nah?
In case you ask: yes, I am medicated. Don't worry, please.
if you say so, people with good ideas rarely announce they have a good idea and nothing else
Aight, I'm on it.
Which dev are you?
Pretty worthless for indies actually. It's only good for mid-sized studio that want to take risk-free approach at making some generic/conventional games based on tags alone without any creativity.
All the indie successes that this general, or the internet as a whole touts around would have "failed" if you looked at them based on tags before release. (YOMI Hustle, Pseudoregalia, Vampire Survivors, etc.) Indies advantage is low cost of production and thus being able to take more risks and offer something unconventional.
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>waifu status
Yeah she's my waifu, how could you tell?
Indie multiplayer is insanity. There's basically no upside compared to the amount of effort it takes.
i have good ideas but not many people seem interested in gta elder scrolls 6 classic resident evil style lol
chatGPT suggests I use a vertical slice pitch to shill my game. Either to Nintendo because it's similar to smash or to Sony to compete with Nintendo and ensure the game doesn't use smash characters.
I honestly feel like if I got to a level where I could pitch it to Sakurai he would be very pleased.
it's just a checkbox in Unreal
I wonder if I can copy Slippi's online source code and implement it into Unreal's multiplayer capabilities
Prove it
Not really. I think it took me a week to figure it out to where I am now.
If you can code your best option for earning a living beyond minimum wage is just getting a webdev job. Being able to code and download mixamo models, big deal, I can do that and last time I checked Steam hadn't sent me any royalties. But I do have a day job as a webshitter which allows me a house, car, wife and dog.

Though I started webshitting 8 years ago with little experience other than free YouTube tutorials and no degree, though it was way easier to get started back then.
I know the attitude this place has but this really is a game that could be stolen and I don't want that to happen. It will be in a future demoday just not the next one.
Keep in mind his game is practically turn-based, may not provide the same results to you in a real-time game.
nobody's gonna play your smash clone
many have tried and nobody has succeeded
how much of your game is finished?
>scared about a game idea getting stolen
i've been posting my ideas and nothing happened, but you can always just come up with a better game than the person who stole it lol, they don't have your mind
Now how hard to tack it onto a game that's already say 1000 hours into development?
>no pvp
>no anti cheat
It's not a clone, it just uses the smash knockback
I looked at all the clones and figured out where they fail by comparing them to melee's successors
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What a great way to start off the day. Gamedev Energy = Replenished! (Not sponsored by Miller Kellog)
Damn I'm thinking about releasing a porn game on Steam but I feel like that would make any audience I get for future non-porn games look really weird at me. Anybody here have any experience with this?
You should keep 'thinking' and twiddling your thumbs while the real ones work.
Depends on the game and the engine, since you have to make some stuff replicated
>no anti cheat
You don't need that.
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ez pz
everyone at the sharty laughed at my progress....
twilight rocks in the summer but in the autumn and winter it fucking sucks. when houses and trees and everything is pitch black but the sky is bright it makes me feel naseous
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I could honestly make the game myself but it will take a few years and I'm going to start carlife and go to Thailand to roid and when I'm there I could easily pop over to Japan and pitch my idea in fluent Japanese.
I just would rather have them make the game because if I make the basic mechanics the rest of the game will be a sinch so I might as well just finish it
And if I could get money now to roid and not have to live in my car finishing the game that would be based.
So much easier to code with two monitors on a powerful PC than a gaming laptop in a car.
Unity + Mirror + 2D sidescroller
I dont intend for it to be complex, just simple gameplay. Just worried it might be hard to turn it into coop capable
Copy this game idea before it's out.
Maybe 20%. A good bit of the gameloop is done in code but I need to make the content and iterate on the individual bits of design as I to them.
Chudreal has built in online multiplayer
Troonity is for indie devs with programming socks who want to do literally everything other than lift weights
I'm not porting my game to Unreal when I'm around 1000 hours into development. Though I do wish I used Unreal instead.
That would be dishonorable. I will do no such thing.
>eating poison for breakfast
amerimutt moment
>be japanese game publisher
>deranged roidtranny gaijin barges into your office to pitch a game
>nod and smile knowing that the police are on their way
They have the death penalty over there, if you don't get aids from injecting your gear.

I question your life choices, but there are men in here who think they're women so you're probably not the most deluded person trying to be a gamedev
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boomer shooter
zoomer shooter
trooner shooter

which should i make bros? using godot
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Shoulda known it would end this way
Kek'd but Timmy-san I do want to use your engine, I just don't want to stsrt thus entire game over again!
What Unreal makes up for having multiplayer it takes away in everything else. I'd make my game faster in Unity even with having to implement multiplayer myself because of how much faster it is to develop in Unity.
Fucking genius
Bro I think like Sakurai mane I FIXED melee. If I challenge Sakurai to a melee match he will see the SOVL in how I play the game and want to save it from what the West has done with their fucking faggot tranny tourneys.
Plus I'll be hiring a Japanese lawyer to do the negotiations for me.
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This, but unironically.
such as?
After following a basedjak tutorial on making a Zelda clone I knew it was locked
Unreal is keyed af git gud gaijins
nice reddit meme godot cultist
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>trooner shooter
>mouse1 makes you shoot yourself
Why go downtown when you can just call the bitches over to your billionaire mansion? If bitches don't bite, escorts will. Club whores or whores, not much of a difference.
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Chud is a compliment
Lies, notch just doesnt get it
sorry I don't speak zoomie
Link to tutorial?
Good for classic RPGs but I'm making something else entirely
lol what? unity games are known to take 100000000000000000 years to make
... I thought the tutorial was in Unreal
Seething lol
You lack reading comprehension
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I still can't get these ragdolls to work right.
They're magically delicious!
>Unreal is keyed af git gud gaijins
The green text above confused me
Ironic how I can make a fully fledged smash clone from a tutorial but when it comes to adding my own distinct code I can't hack it.
I NEED my devfuel while working on my roguelike deckbuilder.
Is godot good yet?
Unreal doesn't have rollback capability unlike slippi...
Fuck am I gonna do?
Are you retarded? Unity is easily the fastest engine to develop in.
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The webm doesn't show much progress but I 've been creating scripts which setup up the fight. The fighters are generated from the base object.
I've started working on the UI aswell.
more like magically poisonous

it isn't devfuel if it makes you sick
>b-but I'm not sick!
you don't know what it means to be healthy because you've never been healthy
Cause it uses cringe C# instead of sigma C++
Pretty sure a 70iq retard could follow a tutorial if he could summon the focus to do so.
>he is retarded
Okay thanks for clearing that up.
addendum: this is actually a MULTI MILLION DOLLARS IDEA (new idea got added to the previous idea)
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the furry game market is where the money is at
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>The search function of Godot's documentation isn't working so you have to use Google
This looks great but her boobs are far too small
been looking for this game for ages, finally reunited.
Doesn't mean they could take what they learned and finish the game.
Anyway this patter is tiresome.
Why should I be expected to make a fully fledged game by myself when game studios have entire teams?
It's just not fair.
WHAT? this cant be real, are they really that incompetent?
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>want to molyneuxpost
>it is actually a multi million dollar idea so I can't share it with anyone
Unreal is for AAA games
Everything else is just basedjaks piggybacking off of previously successful games
It used to work. I think someone is messing with them over the culture war nonsense or something.
You're not competing with those teams, you're competing with these
If you think you should make millions of dollars like some other random lucky solo developer then that's just an expectation you set on yourself alone.
anyone have good ideas for molyneuxposts? im having a brutal creative block lately
I just don't know what to make...
>Everything else is just basedjaks piggybacking off of previously successful games
thats basically what the unreal engine is, not even basically that's literally what the unreal engine is.
it's not only piggybacking off the engine but the name of the game that made the engine successful.
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I'm 34. Broken in many ways, a miracle if I ever get rolling again. Again and again I trim my dreams and face the misery of having lost one of my mind children. It's not about the sadness in itself, it's about the emptyness where even liking yourself won't make it worth the suffering of living.

Some of my projects have been finished, they are so little and they feel useless.

I'm ill with little to no support and struggle to climb the stream back against the tides, or even slowdown my fall. It's been years and years I did not get access to a place where I can safely sleep without being in fear of a neighboor waking me up.
If I reach 70, it'll be a miracle.

But then, make the calculation. 70 - 35 = 35.

As I and maybe (You) too, goes through the second part of your life, if it's not already done... In my case, if I make even 1 shitty thing a year, I still have 35 shitty things to do.

Will they always be shitty? I don't know. But what man, what boy could stop trying when so much is yet to be done? Even if it's after 15 shitty years that you make a good game, don't you want to try?

At any moment if I had an easy way I could pull a trigger on my face. The remnant of my lazyness protecting me from buying a gun, and my self compassion telling me not to do it.
In the meantime, I have 35 more attempts.

How about (You)? Whatever you do, game or something else, you have things to try. My only hope is that if you give up, you'll be sure it's for something better. I can't be everytime here for myself, but I can be sometimes here for (You).

I wish (You) well.
I'm actually making a real tangible game with new mechanics, that's why I need a team to make a professional game. The fact that Unreal 4 is incompatible with Slippi's rollback system is the darkness at the end of the tunnel. Huge massive wall that I can't possibly hope to scale due to limitations beyond my control.
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>university class for animation history
>run through each decade of animation history in the 20th century
>get to the 60s and explore Soviet animation
>keep worrying that Soviet Alice in Wonderland will pop up

Alice poster living rent free in my head
>a shitpost with a silly + over scoped idea combining two games (pokemon and baulders gate) with an image of peter molyneux
What do you guys think of this post I'm developing? I'm planning on releasing later this quarter
so the enemies just stand there waiting to get combo'd?
>gamedev is my only chance to make enough money to attract a desperate woman
do you care how much money a woman makes?
Mordhau isn't piggybacking off shit
Can I pound your prostate?
you can do it mr dev!
aggydaggy's despicable inhumane behaviour led me to develop chronic stress, depression, and mental illness problems. I feel like I'm slowly dying. WHEN ARE YOU GOING TO UNDERSTAND THAT YOUR ACTIONS HAVE CONSEQUENCES
godot 5 will fix that
Bestiality is NOT the same as two humans wearing a cartoon animal costume and having sex.
Its so fucking over
inb4 people post my alice 3d model lol


this isn't furry, that's just a dog lmao
Good on you, anon. I found out almost every game I want to make has nothing like it on the market. It's really neat to know you're the first.
No Tomo, No Demo Day.
that's "lolicon is not pedo" tier
His genes are kind of bad. He isn't a prettyboy nor is he masculine. His skin is crazy good though. I think women subconsciously imagine what they're daughter would look like which is why they like pretty boys.
this is the most based engine dev here lol, but he doesn't have a game
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>very slowly making progress on my PS1-era inspired RPG
>Realize I'm probably going to die before it's finished
>Even if I do finish it, it'll probably sell <1000 copies
But working on it is the only thing that keeps my mind off the fact that world war 3, the total erosion of democracy, and probable nuclear armageddon is just a couple of years away
What you don't understand about Nintendo is they hate rehashes and want every game to have a new gimmick or spin to it. This is a known issue with their game development process. They also really don't hire out of house anymore like they did back with Rare, it's all in Japan. Sorry to say but you are NGMI if this is your plan.
sweet textures lil bro
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except there's an actual difference between a furry and a cartoon animal that isn't just "oh it's a regular dog but it's like 500 years old"
holy shit that looks n-
>unfiltered textures
>mirror universe /agdg/
Wow cris has really improved, glad he spent all of those years actually focusing on one thing and not randomly flitting between projects looking for cheap shortcuts. Proof that hard work does pay off.
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Have you tried closing the site and just cuddling with your gf for a while until the anti-stress and happiness hormone kicks in?
climate change is also potentially coming within our lifetimes, but i am a girl who's impressed by your game if that means anything (it does obviously)
Don't kill yourself fren. Read the Holy Bible, I recommend the Book of Ecclesiastes since it might resonante with you.
>Using troondot
Yeah i think you know which you're making
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>university class for animation history
Might have to ask Sony, they might buy it, would be a dank addition to the PS5's long list of games. Not like they haven't published smash clones before either
can you post more of your game or a name to look out for on demo day or a twitter or something
unfiltered textures are good, sometimes you want the raw pixels, especially for the psx look
I like your art anon, but may I suggest you step out of your comfort zone to avoid stagnation; you probably have already maxxed the potential using that resolution
Bro get sleep earbuds and use White noise.
I have to deal with 100dB trucks in the morning, injuries, all kinds of shit
You sound low test and you should have sought help long ago if you weren't making daily progress on your games and set a deadline
the Playstation looked like a miscarried ass. The PC is where it's at.
A roguelike houseflipperlike
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>make a game set in the future
>hide a lore dump data tablet on a ruined spacestation somewhere
>it talks of the great climate change hoax of the early 21st century
>wait for it to get leaked
>use the ensuing backlash from leftoids to market my game further
And yeah it's not a smash clone but they have published them.
What do you lads think?
Just showing them Slippi's revolutionary rollback source code and hinting at the changes I'll be making to smash should get me in the door, no?
The game is riddled with new ideas. It just simply has the smash physics, it's completely different otherwise.
probably just padding out the animation course.
like 3 of my textbooks in school were shit about art history that had nothing to do with anything, not that that stuff isn't interesting but it doesn't really have anything to do with why you are there.
My friend found out about my gamedevving and is no spouting ideas at me in discord.
You are either an insincere shitposter, or extremely delusional at tranny or schizo levels.
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Yeah the planet will probably become uninhabitable as well, thanks though
Doesn't have a name yet, I'm still trying to figure out what looks good and what doesn't for texturing, how to handle the lighting, and level/scene design and composition. Once I get something like a working demo I'll probably post something here,won't be for a while. Appreciate the interest though
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sounds great
he's right actually, idk why people aren't making this instead of another 2d platformer
>he's building a roguelike tranime deckbuilder to fuel his agl fantasies instead of kinoludo GOTY material
Yeeeeeah, NGMI
omg you're the blockbench anon, i imported a model in godot and have a test animation and everything but i have no idea how to make it move or even establish it as a 3d character due to nodes :(
If I tried to make the game I would be delusional.
I need a team of experienced programmers to make the game.
I might as well try. If not I'll have to do it myself and it will take years.
Implementing Slippi's rollback code into Unreal's online steam subsystem is apparently going to be a next to impossible challenge for a C++ noob like myself.
Gonna take a lot of vyvanse
>im a black girl nodev teehee btw
This is Ronnie Redpill doing one of his creative writing exercises, fyi
It's a stone cold fact that we non-tranime non-pedos are going to make it because of the simple fact that we break the mould in this day and age
any animations on these crackers?
Just make a game that takes the accumulated effort of 300 people bro.
sakurai already made smash ultimate tho, he wouldn't want to do the same thing twice, even if he did is it just smash bros but with characters nobody knows about?

i'm not a nodev tho, i'm just a yesdev in waiting
You're jealous, lol
I am so passionate about my game I'm willing to seek help if that's what it takes to make it happen.
I've been wanting to make this for over a decade and it started out nothing like smash.
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I tried to teach my wife blender but she barely can use a computer, i fucking knew i should've married an asian woman instead of a wh*te girl
You aren't getting into any of these companies on a prayer and a game pitch. They would need to see something that showed actual competency and merit, not just your suggestion of something that MIGHT be good and all you need is a team no questions asked
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>all my Unreal assets are gone
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anyone have next fest stats/learnings to share?
yes lol, but surely there's a way it can be done at a smaller scale, like dark souls is just a bunch of bosses, the map isn't the focus from what i know so it doesn't have to be big

and when it comes to assets ps1/n64 low poly exists
yeah pretty spot on, the program requires a history of animation or history of video games course to graduate. the history of video games didn't fit my schedule so I took animation instead. the degree is animation and games so you can switch between the 2 to fit requirements
No...it's not smash. I can't really say anything other than that. He said Ultimate is the last game and he wants to retire. This could be the successor and be a kino Nintendo franchise as well. He would totally understand the SOVL put into the game and I'm building off of ideas he had that even the player base did not like because I get him and I get the game better than pretty much all the other players.
Here's a hint:
Fuck camping
Yes, you do it I a PS1, N64, or Saturn style low poly, pick your poison. It's possible so long as you are strategic.
The exploration and map design is a big part of souls. If you make it just a boss rush then you're leaving out the RPG aspect of the game since combat in those games isnt its strong suit.
tokdev said 3000 dls 1500 wishlists
>you're the blockbench anon
I don't think so?
Trying to get some prototype of their attack and spell/ability animations down, but nothing final yet
>ai generated

nobody's jealous of a game that can't exist due it needing nintendo's dev team
Sakurai doesn't control smash, he's a trusted dev by Nintendo of Japan proper for his work. He has a credible background. The work culture in Japan has already set you up to fail if you even attempt this, especially if you aren't Japanese or White.
If I do the hardest part I might as well flesh it out with an easy smash tutorial and add everything else. Only issue is online play but maybe I can just reverse engineer Slippi's online code.
Fuck it. I guess I'll just make it myself. It would just be way easier with a team of programmers if I could go all Miyamoto on them, they would have a kino game in less than a year.
Always willing to aid the samurai but if they're going to make it impossible I'll just have to design new mechanics by fully learning C++
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Every day this fucking place gets worse.
Cry about it Ronnie Redditpill, AI won.
I fucking hate Doom clones. They take everything that Quake and Marathon innovated and built and completely throw it out the window for the lols.
If you are making a Doom clone fucking take your own life. End your existence NOW
>playing cool mod for a game
>one of the devs included a transformative item named after themselves that makes the player look like an anime girl and mentions it tasting like estrogen
dude what the fuck is wrong with trannies why include that in the game
oh i guess you'd just have to shrink the map, resident evil can make a single house feel like an interconnected mysterious world

if i recall you mentioned blockbench once

i wouldn't make a doom clone, only an elder scrolls arena/daggerfall clone
what game are you making?
>noo you can't do whatever you want in the game you've made through your own hard work you need to only do the things approved by me the guy who played the game for a couple minutes
Don't worry
tomorrow it's getting even worser
sci-fi chudlike
I'm White and I speak Japanese, they would love this game. It's like if Smash went SS3
I'm 38, never coded, never drawn, low IQ, mentally ill, virgin, what video game can I make to become a millionaire?
A millionaire simulator.
I'm guessing most of that goes to the animations, although $600k should be nothing to the guy who directed kirby and 5 smash games.
Go look at The Big Catch (Tacklebox demo is free), and V.A.Proxy (demo is free) for ideas on how you can accomplish this with lower fidelity graphics
It can exist but it will take years of my time when I'm already juggling roid usage with mangadev, musicdev, djdev and webdev
I'd rather get the game done now so I can pay for my travels abroad and start a family already
Plus it will be done by professionals and I won't be pining over anything that's unsatisfactory for ages which is such a headache.
Imagine needing to go lift all day and being stuck on a simple compiler error.
It's maddening
people who make soulslikes really don't seem to understand what made people love those games. They think it's all artificial difficulty and roll dodge boss fights. It's literally what Fromsoft did with Elden Ring. Retards who don't see the forest for the trees
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>my assets
>oh no no no *laughs* *snorts* hahahahaha
>I have an amazing game idea but I need an army of Nintendo's best coders because I just want to get high and lift weights and never have to do any work
Extreme mental illness
Doesn't stop it from reading like a comedic skit thoughever
A true tragicomedy
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>item makes your health drop to zero 10 seconds later
they say you are here forever (4channel) but it doesn't seem like i'm interacting with the same people of 4 years ago
Look, I'm just doing this cause my brother tried to convince me I could pitch the idea. Is there any solid reasoning behind why I shouldn't try and pitch my game when we go to Japan next year? He's basically forcing me to try because I am the only one in the immediate family who is broke as shit due to only working part time seasonal positions and collecting unemploidment.
Just stick to the facts. Is it possible to pitch an idea that would ingratiate me into a team of highly skilled game developers and give us all an opportunity to make something amazing together?
Kalemnigger killed all of the old devs
Yeah because half of them trooned out, the rest gave up because they were NGMI with game dev.
2 questions guys:

- Is UE5 a lot different from UE4 in terms of interface and workflow?
- Any recommended source of courses/tutorials to get the ropes? I know the fundamentals of coding

I'm also checking the OP resources and I already see a lot of stuff
>compressed 8-bit sound-byte crunch
Only retards use the latest versions of any software
Unreal Engine had already peaked at the time of UE2. You're fine using UE4
I'm going to give it to you bluntly because I have some experience with sales and the Japanese in business... No, you don't have a chance in hell if that's the best you have. There's also a ton of other cultural customs and bs that you have to be knowledgable of to even want to make a sale to them, but even then if it's shit... Well...
why do losers like these lean to gamedev? gamedev is work and not play idiot
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the best case scenario is they 'hire' you as a consultant and steal your IP, the bad case is they buy your idea for a nominal fee and steal your IP,
the worst case is they hear your pitch, decline you and steal your IP.
the fun part is when you finally make it, the people who endured the hardship with you here already left and the new crew calls you a nodev whodev
over desu ne....
What if I pull some money together and hire a lawyer? I have a detailed game design document and several drawings set up. Perhaps, PERHAPS I could even make the defining factors of my game and give them a basic working version of it. It's not shit, it's basically smash on roids. I've been wanting to make it for over a decade and it's inspired by real life experiences like Miyamoto-sama
Why did you stop interacting with me?
>The other 90% is art which is way harder in 2D.
Yeah I’m sure Terraria would have been far easier to make assets for if it was 3D.
>the people who endured the hardship with you here
nobody here even acknowledges I exist
I would definitely get a lawyer and not sign anything until I would be getting royalties and set up for life but yeah I get you, I don't want my shit to get stolen. Even with great honourable Japanese I am cautious
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thank god gullible people like you exist
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hell yeah
He's just made me anxious is all. My family is very peculiar about money and since I owe my parents they are always badgering me nonstop. If I try at least they won't badger me as much and I don't have to turn off my phone service to stop daily texts "nudging" me to make more money.
you don't have anything, an idea is just an idea.
>this is my lawyer, i now own whatever random shit i think about. rocket to mars? sorry elon you have infringed upon my intellectual property!
They don't really hire outside of Japan anymore for this sort of thing. It's not the 90s anymore. Getting a job at Nintendo as a westerner is extremely hard without a vast portfolio, and they arent going to hand off a flagship first party title to someone with nothing to show
this cannot be real
how can someone be so out of touch with reality?
As if an idea is worth anything. How old are you?
have you ever produced anything?
Your schizoposting is why the yesdevs leave
who are you ?
I have the controls down and am like a few lines of code away to solving the main feature of the game, the second feature sounds difficult but I actually haven't even tried and can guarantee it's not going to be as difficult as what I'm working on now. I just have too much other shit going on right now. My brother is going to take over my house so he can work remote and make big bucks and I'll be going back to carlife on the west coast working overtime raking in cash so I can buy land. If I can make this side trip to Japan profitable and see my dream come to life that would be incredible. No guarantees but I might as well try or at least make absolutely sure it won't work.
It's not handing it over and I'm not even gonna be on the team. I just want royalties, enough to be comfy and not have to toil doing carlife with my poor heckin' pupperino.
It is almost entirely different to smash and an awesome sovl successor if anything.
I can make the game but I'm busy and it's going to add extra challenge to my life that could be solved with help.
I am essentially only a few lines of code away from creating a working model but it's very difficult creating the new game mechanic.
i am me
Good. I have never seen any praise or attention from any of those salty old fucks
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And it's just like, if I create this mechanic why even bother giving them the working model? At that point I'm locked in, hard part's over.
fuck off
>my idea is so good i'm going to sell it to Nintendo so I can retire early! I could make it myself but i'll grace Nintendo with my game idea. My prototype is a few lines of code from being done!
fucking kill yourself
How do I set static types for a dictionary in godot?
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Dear diary: There was a time I thought I was delusional about game dev but at least I am actually making progress on my game and enjoying h learning process and not suffering from a schizophrenic delusion about selling my never before done idea to Nintendo in the current year. At least there are less avatarfags today. I have never felt more like I'm GMI than I have right now.
ummm, hello? yes, i'd like some more of that KINNNOOOOO!
>if youre in it for the money go fuck off
what a powerful message.
>umm you should coddle and support the entrenched elite even though they act like you don't exist
how about you fuck off nigger. You're either one of them or some complete nodev whodev loser dragged in from the street. I don't know which option is worse
Jelly af, kek
No one has said it's impossible yet
pong, but sexy
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Oh god dammit if this turns out to be true
like george carlin said 'they call it a dream because you have to be asleep to believe it.'
you are talking about getting royalties from a from one of the largest video game companies for for controls and a 'feature', a company that has hundreds of years worth of collective experience in game design.
if the 'feature' is all you need to make the game pop then do that and prototype it, kickstart it and hire a small group of people.
>Average IQ of 76
Imagineer actually thinking there is a black game dev who is also a woman here
It's a fresh new game mechanic that's boss af
I don't trust Western devs or people on Kickstarter not to steal my idea
Baiting them into a contract and revealing my epic ideas sounds based and I just want to make absolutely sure that's not a route I can take before I do everything myself
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That's literally not a route you can do. Ts impossible. I've already said as much in polite terms. If you think like this and are only in it for "royalties" so you can live comfortably for the rest of your life you're looking into the wrong industry and the wrong company. That sort of thinking is antithetical to Japanese business and will get you turned down before you even get in the door.
you don't understand, my idea is revolutionary and Nintendo will definitely buy it for a hundred thousand dollars. I'll be kind and not ask for more. But if they don't give me at least that, fuck it, i'll do it myself with my brother while living in a car bro
he's just trolling at this point.
It's really not that hard to believe
>copy smash tutorial
>use chatGPT to make epic changes
>already made a fuck ton of 3D models, music and sound effects cause I'm a kino artist
>vyvanse prescription
>plenty of weed
I'm just feeling rushed and uneasy cause my brother is going to take over the house so I can go make some real money outside the shitwest.
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I am learning how to write music
well to be fair i'm not a game dev yet, but when i become one i'll be like the best dev, like todd howard with an infinity gauntlet and an odd taste for 90s 3d nostalgia
I want to believe.
stop posting
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>try to fix sleep schedule
>sleep at 12:00
>wake up at 3:00 to a horrible nightmare
>sleep again at 7:00
>end up waking up at 15:00

i am done with this crap
i will just ghoulmax
They let Miyamotoid do it cause he Japanese doe
*storms out*
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what DAW?
soon i'll be posting more progress and less text, just like the old days lol... even if it means i have to make my game into 2d... *sigh*
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PizzaGame progress - no gameplay yet but tomorrow there should be one.

Done with the general layout of the pizza shop now. Programmed some backend stuff too for making the pizza.
Post 3D model turnaround
Sakurai wants to kill the series bro
Why do you have crematoria in your pizza parlour? Do you really think it's possible to bake 6 million pizzas in such a short amount of time?
Wow Reason has grown up. NTA but I swapped to Ableton from Reason and now use Renoise because muh trackers but with modern VST integration
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Are you seriously focused on something so trivial? Wow this really will be a sinch if people are impressed by something as easy as that. Alright guess I'll go back to my revolutionary code. Not going to get any help outside of AI and source code/tutorials anyhow. Everything is becoming solodev. Even life itself
Fall is here
I'm going to fill my ass with leaves and develop a game about smashing pumpkins over people's heads and stealing candy
amateur game development?
y'all niggas is gay
but even more importantly y'all niggas is dumb as hell
Even an amateur gamedev can become the successor of a AAA series
If he trains hard enough
yes but not you if you're planning to have your game done by nintendo lol

both are necessary, assets without a game are just an art project, if only i knew how to code and node :(
do not respond to any anons asking you for their game idea as they're looking to steal it!
Whats your game idea anon?
skyrim 3 with sex
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I spilled my donuts again while devving...
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i want to see you in the office on Monday morning.
bring your lawyer, we have some paperwork to sign.
let me be the first to welcome you to the team.
Like Streamer Simulator, but Bethesda Game Studios Game Development Simulator
a really bad one that you would have to spend years of your life on resulting in 10USD worth of profit
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Fat fuck
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i spilled something as well...
Actually yeah it would be the perfect successor with their help.
i miss that one anon that posted about he ate a bucket of chocolates before devving. you will be missed.
What have you spilled?
He was a werewolf and died. That was a cry for help before a suicide, you insensitive prick.
nobody is ever going steal your game idea:
>they don't care
>they don't like the same things you do
>they're not emotionally invested on it like you are
>your idea will likely require months or years of full time work and/or a lot of money. it'd be a major decision and they're not suddenly going to change the course of their life upon hearing of your idea to start developping it
>if they have the intelligence, time, skills and money to turn an idea into an actual game, they'll prioritize ideas of their own, that they have an emotional attachment to
>likely thousands have thought of something similar to what you have come up with
>none of them had the power to turn this idea into anything concrete
I hope it makes you more comfortable sharing your projects
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think I figured out how to bake real-time lighting into vertex colors. only weird thing is having to turn every object into a single mesh, but it seems like you can split them back up afterwards anyway. in the bake panel in cycles, in Output, set Target to Active Color Attribute otherwise it doesn't seem to work
left is the Cycles render, then the vertex
followed this guide if anyone is a PS1 / N64 fag and wants to try it, a lot easier than vertex coloring manually

This anon will steal your game idea
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average like 30 minutes to an hour a day after work, if i even open it at all. and i released pogo3d like that
you just gotta train your brain to like it
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Mumberg displaying controlling psychopathic behavior and getting in the way of my financial freedom so brotherstein suggested I pitch my idea after telling him all the details.
Already dealing with a fuck ton of stress and these negative comments aren't helping at all.
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>can't have typed dictionaries in godon't
>instead of being able to put PlayerEnum and player's PackedScene straight through the editor I need to make two arrays and fill them in separately
great work
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What's the cure for burnout?
relatable, i still haven't figured out how to define a player character in godot
godot 5 will fix that
Man this looks pretty clean. I particularly like the clock.
Killing yourself, or taking antipsychotics and stop indulging your AGP fantasies
Is your brother 12 years old?
He has schizophrenia..
fab released and nobody told me
You libraries? Gone. Timmy was hungry.
post your handcrafted game retard
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since fab launched it reminded me that sketchfab will go away, i wanted to download a whole cc0 collection but doesn't seem to be a easy way to do so

pic related how does this work? cc0 and noai restriction
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does anyone know what the light snacks were?
Seethium-163, and Cope-a-Cola
nolgorb's ordeal + spyro the dragon
just write a python script bro
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>kicked me out of mountain cabin when I was still recovering from surgery by forcing me to sign for a mortgage across the street from a gas station in the shitwest
>keeps visiting periodically to make sure I don't get a renter or a roommate
>is trying to force a dog onto me so I have to pay for dog food
>keeps holding money over my head for bills because I'm still trying to recover from the surgery by not working full time
>forces me to go to garage sales to "resell" shit that never fucking works making me broke
>wants me to go to shitty dying restaurants in this shitty dying town three fucking times over every time when I'm broke
You can see why I basically need to try shilling my game. So I can get the fuck away from her and her controlling fucking behavior making me go broke with every paycheck and trying to get in my way of a full recovery with financial turmoil and nonstop fucking texting me every fucking day.
No nature or inspiration in the shitwest and all I want is to get in my fucking car and go to the mountains.
No one fucking has it has hard as me in this general. I need help I need encouragement I'm at my fucking wit's end all she fucking had to do was leave me the fuck alone!
wtf is this schizo babble?
Ignore the shit tier bait. And if it isn't laugh as he fails to sell his game to Nintendo instead of getting a real job.
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Don't care posting carwaifu anyway.
Imagine if I could fucking do this and buy a sick gaming laptop and finish the game. But I can't because my mom is ruining my fucking life!
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So many devs took the opportunity to set their pro version (the default in the unreal market) to 3x+ the price of the og.
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BREAKING NEWS: after ingesting light snacks eric barone farted 3.5 hours later!!!!!!!
Bro I want to work in a liquor store doing overtime in the Pacific Northwest. Not going to be making pennies here when my brother can take over the mortgage with his massive WFH Colorado salary but of course if mumberg finds out about our plan she'll rage
Also brotherberg basically trying to make it a requirement that once I save up enough we'll go to Japan and try to sell the game because he has schizophrenia. Fucking hell guys what would you even do in this situation.
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go for a long nightwalk
pop tarts
eric brap-prone
Yeah, but some of it was forced on us sellers too, I'm being forced to sell per-seat now because there is no other option to set, obviously I won't enforce it but after so long they managed to make the new store worse than the original, ridiculous.
a single crouton
probably a good example of someone taking an existing nintendo idea and making it better.
also making what i imagine is over 10 million by this point.
dude wasted 5 years of his life making stardew when he could have just booked a meeting with nintendo
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Demon day skipping
>10 million

Try that times 200(at least)
with a tragic backstory like that maybe you are based and gmi, but relying on others to make your game isn't a good idea, and anything based on smash bros sounds like slop
Fuck you
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>try to browse websites via url like i always did
>suspected to be a bot because i didn't click a link, must complete gay cloudflare challenge or wait
why is the internet becoming so gay
as a poor game dev these are great to sneak into for the free food
last time I went some fat guy took all the cookies to his table
the stardew valley dev won, he didn't need nintendo to make his game, and now he has all the money instead of nintendo taking a cut
the licensing model is a total mess. I also don't like that they start their professional tier at 100k a year which is extremely painful for small indie teams.
I've been improving but the bar has been rising too, so I'm kinda where I've been except 15 years older. I should have done 10x more networking and 10x less going to the gym.
why is eric still with his uggo gf
Realistically you aren't going to even make close to that with the guys Steam and Unreal already take
Attach input script to anything, it’s now the player.
You can even name it "Player" if that helps you.
>this instead of using godot or engine devving
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erm i just noticed that we are talking about eric barone's life even tough it's off-topic and i just wanted to say; you are based sirs, let's keep the off-topic eric barone talk going!!!!!!!!
its tricky because now the 100k treshold is too low but otherwise big corpa will take advantage of you
its called unconditional love and honor
imagine making a successful a game to impress women to only lose to some pretty emaciated twink in a local rock band
she's not ugly, that's just how women look without makeup
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I am completely and unironically fucked. One of my teeth has started to crumble. I cannot go to a dentist because they will definitely find more cavities and insist on fixing them. I cannot afford this until my game is finished because all my savings are intended to keep me living comfortably at minimum expenses. Finishing and shipping my game will take months and my tooth might get awfully bad until then.

I am quite literally in a race against time.
wow that's based, the character body and collision, and shape nodes have been throwing me off since no way of arranging them i've tried is free of some error, but it should be okay to make something move without them
I'm gonna sit here & practice pixel art until I'm at a level where I can finally have some good looking shit for my game. Wish me luck devbrothers
yeah i didn't realize the game was so old. good for him, i loved harvest moon when i was a kid.
Unreal takes nothing until you make a million
But no big corpo is making JUST 101K per year. It should have been 500K or something.

Just for reference, some annual revenues:

Paradox Interactive: 0.23 Billion USD
Supergiant Games: 3.8 Million USD
Larian Studios: 75 Million USD

Do you see what I'm saying? And those are the small corpos, I won't bother talking about studios working for Sony and M$.
I only respect originallike devs like Hopoo.
pixel art is
>time consuming
>everywhere these days
>nowhere as impressive as it used to be in the 90s

pre rendered 3d characters are
>everybody loves them
>thinks indies need only one asset
Just make your own assets?
he's a hostage
she has been financially enabling his devving for half a decade, so it would be socially/morally crushing to just dump her without a justification
also depending on the state he lives in, long-term relationships may have some marriage-like legal bindings. so he could still get divorce-raped even if he hasn't married her yet
Just grow your own food.
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>paying $200 for a single asset
it's already embarrassing enough to do an asset flip, imagine paying for those assets too
post game
I make my own assets, don't know what's the issue for you, anon.
>NOOOOO, you must handcraft every single blade of grass in your game; otherwise, it is an assetFLIP!!
This has nothing to do with amateur game development, you can stop replying to yourself now.
There was a time where UE games all looked the same however, it doesn't help that big indie games made with UE are shovelware tier like that train game.
May I see it?
>He put Pseudoregalia on there
>Despite the fact the game makes zero use of any default Unreal shaders
Holy fuck you are stupid.
>tooth is omega fucked
>there's a drill bit stuck inside ever since it broke off during a root channel treatment
>getting it fixed would cost me my monthly salary
>even though it doesn't guarantee success
>at this point getting an implant would be a better and cheaper option
it's over
facts: people complaining about assetflipping are third worlders too poor to afford assets in the first place
I thought the point of buying assets is that you were doing it to save money?
>t. assetsloper
can't make investments if you got 0 dollars

funny how you and your kin say that while having no game lol
stay strong brother. We are made of tougher stuff
Post game
>game dev makes game
more news at 9
it's assetslop
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>you can't have a big breasted artist to work on your game
Yes asset flippers are the people who don't want to spend money to hire a dedicated asseter and don't want to spend the time and effort to learn to make assets themselves.
Second area's puzzles and map layout is complete, I have to make more 3D enemy models with some smaller tweaks for the multiple variations I want to include before going onto the next part.
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>making a successful a game to impress women
But the fame of a mech dev will make it inevitable
Pajeets certainly are a race of all time
>spend more money to make a shittier final product
what exactly was the plan here?
that's good actually, i'm pretty sure most of us are solo devs here, and there's a reason for that
most assetflippers use free assets thougheverbeit
>mech dev
oh, you like the transformers
>input lag engine
Not good for what i want to make
I think mech devs rank below milsim devs and above naval devs which are all below a lot more normal devs
>Let me just spend 6 months making from scratch an inferior version of this asset I could have bought for a few dollars
If you say this you're fucking stupid. A mouth-breathing negative IQ tier bozo
>t. totally selling your idea to nintendo for a gorillion dollars
Using assets is different than asset flipping. Thief Simulator used assets but did something novel with them.
>let me just waste months trying to track down the perfect asset to match my game instead of learning the basic skills to be able to make anything myself
AI sharts are that way mr sir
>6 months to make a single asset
lmao it shouldn't take more than a week, this is why i do low poly
>the perfect asset to match my game
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who wants to team up and make a game together
you will never be a game dev. you have no game, you have no code, you have no art skills. You are a clout chaser twisted by years of twitter game dev posts with delusions thinking your assetslop will be the next stardew valley.
how do you get cool ideas for characters and armor sets and weapons and areas
no thanks. I hate people.
>gotta spend money to make money bro!
>30% to steam
>thousands in assets
>30% to a publisher to post on twitter
>127 wishlists
>12.99 15% off
what are you implying? That you should make your game such generic slop that you can be able to use any asset you find?
can smell the pixelshit off you
>he thinks jeets care about assets matching or visual consistency
you can't demoralize me
Only if I get to be the boss and tell other people what to do but not do any actual dev work.
No it's totally fucking over smash retards, any smash tourney fucks would hate it.
I'm just barely holding on and don't know if I can even get to the fun part of gamedev
Its usually easier to modify assets to fit in your game than to make them from scratch.
dont put food in your mouth more than 3 times a day.
only allowed beverage is water. try your best to reverse (((cavities))) - aka soft teeth that can be hard again
avoid the amputation of part of your teeth(drilling)
if you go to a dentist they will poke your teeth creating those cavities and telling you to fix them, which is a problem, so try your best to only let them touch the problematic tooth
what is the fun part of gamedev if you plan to have nintendo make it for you?
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>horrendous post
>post content is related to stardew valley/Barone
Why is this so common lately? I don't remember any mention of either just 2 years ago.
modifying assets still takes skill and patience, and you have neither
>3rd party assets are just immutable collections of polygons
I don't know why I argue with you braindead pixelsloppers
I smell.... JEETS.
/agdg/ post quality has been steadily decreasing in correlation to increased internet access across the Indian subcontinent.
A coincidence? You decide.
one of this thread's many many many schizophrenic tag alongs
I feel lonely but I hate people
i have nothing of a loser my guy i am a pixiv manga and video game creator and for romance i am able to do soulbounding so to date my waifus and i can even create my own waifus.
>a clout chaser twisted by years of twitter game dev posts
i suspect this is the case for most people into indie game dev.
even just reading random posts around the internet it seems like people have a very skewed idea of what the process is.
fix yourself and you'll stop hating people. seen it a million times.
Get in the robot Shinji.
There's no paradox here. You hate the concept of people in the abstract plurality sense, but you long for the companionship of a specific individual person.

I hate agdg but I appreciate the individuals on it who give feedback.
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based zun smashed erics girlfriend
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i dont want to work on my side project anymore
wanna know why this place is so shit? it happens every time netflix makes a new series about it
please respond
use imagination
Colleges are scams. 10 percent useful info, 90 percent bs classes to give professors a way to sell their own textbooks to students
Pinpoint why you're getting burned out this time
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thank you :)
god that looks really bad for your skin
1. kill__________
2. your_________________
3. self______________
4. fag_______________________________________________________________________________________________________
my game is better than yours
Bro I've seen your game and it's pathetic that you even think that's possible
>that weight painting
i don't like my ideas
why is she wearing an adult diaper and have man hands? this is negative appeal, son
then project hop to a new project anon. no shame in it, really...
cool but you forgot to give her ears and a tail and fur
what made people love those games tho?
if that were the case than you wouldn't be seething like a little bitch. i'd say post your game, but i know you won't, coward. that's if you even have one.
Now draw her inside a ball.
The problem is that it might never get made dude to the shitwest basically killing me
do not reply to nodevs
only reply to people with their game attached to their posts
Other media. Movies, books, etc. They don't even have to be in the same genre as your game.
I don't need to prove anything to a tranimeshitter barelydev. I have surpassed you years ago. My games will be remembered centuries from now while you will die with your penis in your sweaty hand
i dont feel like working with godot anymore and by the time im able to do some progress halloween has passed
>complaining about anime
>still not posting game
just go back to r*ddit where you came from, you are quite literally and insignificant subhuman
>t. coping nodev retard
many such cases...
Thanks for the replies because now I know for a fact that the monkeyball cloner is one of the biggest simps for the inner circle that I keep arguing with in this shithole. I want you to understand how pathetic you look. Do you think they will pat you on the head if you suck up to daddy osur and the gang enough? Sniveling bitch
>"inner circle"
yeah, you're a schizo. got it.
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Yesterday was all about lighting and shadows and whatnot- I added a working flashlight, shoplights with a lightswitch, headlights on the car that can be turned on/off, and a whole damn bunch more. Today I finally tweaked the in game TV how I wanted. I added channels and the ability to load multiple files (of pretty much any type). It works like there's a folder for each channel (12 to start the player off but you can make as many as you want) and you just drop files in and they'll play randomly on that channel! It won't repeat either (it will if it didn't JUST play last). If you just wanna watch a movie, put it on channel 30 or whatever where there's nothing else on, or put a bunch of movies together or episodes and have a scifi channel or a cartoon channel or a horror or whatever. By default channel 1 has a bunch of public domain cartoons (thanks for the suggestion anon) and channel 2 has a bunch of old PD commercials it'll play through. But if there's an empty folder, it'll play one of the 4 static videos I recorded from my own TV. Next up is doing all of this but with music and a radio with stations.
i feel like a fucking hack doing that but i guess you're right.
lmao is this really the best the nigger circle can muster nowadays? Looks like they can't enlist any actual talented devs anymore to lick their boots
They're in the room with us right now, you moron.
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I'm bored of this schizo, get some more entertaining material.
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I will now play your game if you can zoom in this close.
notice how everyone will keep saying the inner circle isn't real but they can't give any reasonable explanation why agdg is such a toxic stratified shithole when pressed about it. Almost like you're dancing around the issue and are afraid to call out the problem because le scary schizo was the one who coined it first and sheepy sheep doesn't wanna be seen as weird or maladjusted by the herd :(((
Grow a pair nigger.
>dab on the eceleb schizo
>dopamine hit
>full dev for an hour fixing a bug that was bothering me since last week
my game has schizo blood on its hands
every community has an inner circle. its not like agdg is weird for it.
it's just exaggerated by the large variance in social skills of daggies.
if you dont like the social hierarchy its because you fell to the bottom. social darwinism was at work in that. it is a reflection of your talent and skils, both gamedev and social.
>hopoo went to the same university, but wasn't invited
i'm literally always nice to everyone here. one guy talking shit for no reason, i'm just talking shit back because it's funny. if there's any "inner circle" i'm not a part of it and i find it funny that that guy thinks i am. i just like making cool things.
i can smell your fear that the inner circle will be usurped when the outer circle feels like moving
i don't fucking care if some faggots are jerking each other off in a discord shut the fuck up about them
neat. but why is the static so laggy
Inobjective hierarchies are always a bad thing. You can't have a healthy community built around a hobby if you don't have a meritocracy. It's exactly like running a productive workplace. If you place less emphasis on merit and more on gay high school chimpanzee drama then you are going to encourage only the biggest shitposters to anally annihilate the place instead of giving actual contributing members to post their products
they're jerking them off right here in the thread
open your fucking eyes moron
you ever wonder why your progress posts don't get (you)'s but some shitter game does?
It's not the static, it's that I didn't wait the half extra second it takes the video player to kick in proper before changing channels again.
I always assumed it was because the retards here just couldn't recognize my brilliance.
that's it? that's all the samefagging you gonna do? that posts deserves at least 5 more replies, you fell off lil schizo
>things are bad therefore we shouldn't fix them
how do you make a fun 3D game
if you ever had a job in your life you would know those are exactly like this too.
it takes an extreme amount of effort to create and maintain a true merit-based hierarchy. and as an anonoymous webforum filled with losers, our chance of that are fuck all
name one good looking game in this general that is panned by its posters. it doesn't exist
That is the exact behavior that plagues this place, yes. Notice how all the yesdevs left instead of bringing this place to fruition with their wealth and knowledge? Really gets the noggin jogging.
Define fun anon, that's a good first step. Also is it fun to you or others? Does that matter to you? Next, do you have any understanding of any programming language or logic? You'll also need 3D modeling skills along with some audio software skills. Other than that, it's just effort and actually being ((capable)) motivated
you cant fix it. that's what im saying. nothing can be done. you are an old man yelling at clouds
Also I say you'll need 3D modeling and audio software skills, you actually just need to apply effort with them, you don't NEED the skills unless you want it to be specifically good.
How do you know the yesdevs aren't here just posting anonymously?
And your whining probably does more to make them leave than anything you're complaining about
>post progress pics
>want to discuss game mechanic ideas
>thread is full of weird edrama
>fighting over nothing
>pedos and schizos dominate every conversation
Ya gee, wonder why the productive people who actually get stuff done don't want to hang around.
I'm part of the lolidev circle
4-5 really dedicated anons could have done the job if they had committed to enforce that hierarchy for a while (ignoring, calling out, and giving reality checks to the inner circle and forcing them to give attention to the good games that they refuse to accept as part of they gay clubhouse)
I post anonymously and I feel like I get a good amount done every day on my game. No one ever responds to my progress either but it makes no difference to me.
ive seen this exact post like 20 times
What's the game?
all this shit talking and edrama and it turns out it's all cuz some loser doesn't get (You)s
i'll respond to this post by simply saying that i made nolgorb's ordeal so as to give you an understanding
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>wanted to work on assets today
>got bogged down while coding
Thanks anon, you'll inherit a run down video store and you bring it back up, but also more of a sandbox sim, just run around town and explore or (when I get around to making my npcs) get into trouble with the local police, watch movies, keep track of who rents what and when and then repo the tapes if not returned.
>some loser
imagine if it was you. I am no different from you, that's the point. Most people here don't get (You)s if they aren't in the inner circle. I'm not particularly special in my role in all of this. Imagine putting in all of that work and then getting absolutely nothing for it. All this while the bland boring space game and a bunch of tranime pedobait asset flips rake in (You)s by the billions. I don't think you can put yourself in my place because you have never worked hard on something you believe in
don't care didn't ask, still gonna watch the DD stream
Fair enough. Godot isn't necessarily fun to work with got to admit.
Would have offered to continue the project but I really don't want to touch blender or 3D at the moment. I'd need to refresh my memory about the whole rigging process and spend time relearning the principles of animation etc.
I like it.
You should include a mechanic where you have to rewind the tape if the customer didn't do that. And then you track them down for revenge if they're a repeat offender.
Also have a porn videos section of the store behind a curtain.
Nta, but Anon I hardly get (yous) ever for my progress posts but who fucking cares? It's acknowledgement but you know what else is? People buying your game when it's done. Who cares what fucking people here of all places say or do or think?
dont talk to it plz anon
Kickass idea on the tape rewinder anon thank you. Also in regards to the curtained section, there's a corner part of the building that would be perfect for this, but it'd be up to the player to make their own adult tapes themselves. When I get to the tapes mechanics a little more, ill add custom tape features just like the channel feature, it'd just be a folder called tapes and whatever folders the player makes in there would be the name of the movie and would hold the cover art for the tape and the file itself.
I agree with this anon, I drop it and forget it. It's nice to see a (you), but ultimately who cares? it's an anonymous location silly-verb forum.
If you don't get any acknowledgement for your participation what even is the point in posting anywhere? What's the point of this place if it's just a collection of isolated loons each one screaming in his little box? I never get an answer to this. Why should this place even exist if you're just supposed to observe and be observed through a glass pane? I might as well go terrorize some thread on /tv/ with my progress at that point for all the good it does me. I might even get some engagement there because at least there it's a conversation, and not some monkey pile of screeching self-absorbed idiots
Why should this place exist? What role does it fill?
kek, good response. You won't get an answer back though.
You build a reputation. It's not about one post getting a bunch of (you), it's about you being such a diligent game dev that you post so often that you are literally impossible to ignore. I've been quietly keeping mental notes of the repeat posters I've seen, and I'm sure I'm not alone.
android's new update sucks so bad, it's probably the reason why none of the joystick addons work... i try to open one and it says missing depencies and i'm like what the heck? the files are right there?? i went out of my way to install the zip from a browser because it doesn't work in the app

i suspect it's because android made it so you cant access the data folders... which sucks literally one of the reasons i always thought android was better than ios is because it has a file directory you can access, now all of a sudden ios has folders and android has more restrictions *sigh* at least i got the character thing figured out, it turns out i have to use a meshinstance
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My tragic backstory goes deeper than you'll ever know, being a Targeted Individual and all
Recorded this audible voice at 3am last night
But more importantly how is Smash slop?
It's the most unique fighting game by far
Build a reputation to what end? If people's progress is just disposable content to be dropped to satisfy the eyes of the mentally handicapped and it ends there why should anyone do it? In the deranged autistic hope that somewhere 6-20 months down the line your game looks slightly different and one single guy replies "hey I remember you. Your game looks slightly better. GJ"
What kind of an insane person would spend years in this place if that's the extent of the value you get out of it? Are you well in the head?
wait my game isn't interesting enough to garner attention? no there's a top secret discord server that commands everyone to reply to specific posts. that has to be it.
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>You build a reputation
>who cares if i post something
is a completely retarded take. this whole thread is supposed to exist for people to post progress so that others can tell you if it looks fine and where it can be improved.
if it was just about posting without caring then you can do that any fucking where else. this thread was supposed to be about fucking AMATEUR GAME DEVELOPEMENT.

but no, now it's about e-drama retards spamming the same goddamn anime images for months end or narcissistic brown that can't produce shit after 10 years of polluting this place. 10. fucking. years. and to make it worse we now have a fucking qa reject in the thread too.
have you tried adding little girls to your game?
will this really fucking sell or will it ruin it?
I'm gonna behonest, one of the main reasons I stopped replying to progress is because no one was replying to my progress with anything beyond two word meme responses. The sense of community isn't there, so why bother replyng to some other schmuck who never would have replied to me
i don't even know what the inner circle is, i like attention (especially from men) and (you)s, but when it comes to my game that speaks for itself

also you're not beating the whodev allegations like this lmao
>still complaining about the shitter squarecle
>nobody from there has posted in the thread in months
get a grip
there's no such thing as an /agdg/ inner circle
networking here will yield you 0 benefits, it will only serve to parasitize off your limited time

sorry you fell for the meme
Why do anything with that logic? Everything is ephemeral. No matter what glory you attain in life, everything is forgotten eventually. Progress posts are just a by product of game dev. There's not really a "goal" in mind, at least I imagine for most devs. It's not like I am developing games for the sake of posting progress. I just do it for the hell of it.
Easy Mode
Normal Mode
Hard Mode
Three paths to choose to make my game
Okay fine for the sake of argument let's say the IC doesn't exist. I want you to give an explanation for
Post game
>he doesnt know
easy mode
hard mode
shame the audience into playing hard mode because they don't wanna play "easy"
smash is just a mix between kirby and a fighting game, sparking zero is better, but fighting games are kinda boring to me
I'm obviously not going to post progress cause I don't want anyone to steal my epic ideas and only wanted to see if anyone had any luck finding a studio or company to help make their game and dealt with silly responses rather than anything that would save me an arseload of time and make it
Wav files are heavy, should I pack everything as mp3? Does size matter in this day and age?
>there's no such thing as an /agdg/ inner circle
literally the agdg discord you dumbfuck
Well for starters working out will provide you with benefits to your body, energy, and health
Developing and releasing a game can win you fans and money
Posting your game on twitter, reddit, and youtube has a tiny but very real chance to build you a following so that you can use that for promotion
Posting here gets you nothing. A lot of bozos here try to pretend like there's some promised reward way way down the line if you just keep posting and keep hoping. But what's really the best you can hope to get out of this place? You can't get a fanbase, you can't get money, you can't get feedback, you can't get health, you can't get community, you can't get even just a crumb of mental satisfaction.

People always do things because there's a possibility for reward. This place has none
>People always do things because there's a possibility for reward.
(You)s are dopamine for the deranged.
Innersissies this isn't making us look too good...
>unironically choosing the take of attention is only for crazy people
A few months ago I asked if it was legal to copy all of a character's moves in smash and literally the next time I posted here I saw people talking about this dev's tweets on twitter who was announcing he would be doing the same exact thing
mp3 320 is absolutely enough for an indie game
I was blessed with an incredible ear for sound and music and I request that you don't make me listen to compressed garbage.
Nah in seriousness I think I went with one of the ogg codecs to save space on music because that's fuck hueg in wav. raylib can't do a lossless format so it was my only choice.
Holy fuck, this is basic human psychology. Don't stand there and pretend like you're some spiritually detached enlightened guru who feels no desire and no attachment. Humans always pursue rewards, even if it is just the promise of a delayed reward months or years or maybe decades down the line. If you're trying to deny this then you're arguing in bad faith because you refuse to admit the reality of the situation. /agdg/ has ZERO benefits for participation. This is literally the most pointless forums in the existence of forums. The oversaturation of the gamedev industry really was a mistake.
In no way whatsoever is smash "slop"
it's a one of a kind game with zero successful clones
also not even cloning it, it's just that lucrative of a title that once you start messing with it then your ideas become too good to share
If you post progress here you can get:

People calling you assetflipper
People trying to frame you as a 4channer on your game's page

Is that not enough for you?
>I saw people talking about this dev's tweets on twitter who was announcing he would be doing the same exact thing
and where is he now? where's his game?
you people have to understand that the retards doing lmao stolen! shit do not have the discipline to finish anything
wait you guys don't like it when I reply to your progress with "nice"? I thought it was a chill way to show I saw and appreciate your progress but didn't have anything to say
i guess it's not slop for it's genre, but i'm a singleplayer gamer
When testing we noticed that the overview & minimap only start discovering the fog of war after they were opened at least once. (Our maps don't open up by default when you start the game)
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out of the 400 downloads i got for my demo, only about 40-45 of them are from here. i can assure you that i am not part of some secret club that i command to give me (You)s. i mostly use this place to see how people react to ideas and concepts i have.
I like it, don't let him dissuade you.
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So we have now successfully proven that this specific general on the /vg/ board has no reason to exist.
That's the equivalent of upvoting instead of commenting.
cool but didnt ask
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how do i fix this?
You're not getting any response. The general is dead. Long dead.
bros all the other boards have 15 minute timers now! i cant get the needed cookies to avoid having my thing reset the timer if i dont stay on 4chan long enough even after starting the timer

nta but how much do you suppose you put into pogo3d?

no clue
t. affected by seeing my game and being 99% sure it wont make it
does that one anon still stream demo games?
Can the ending of the game be breaking her out of the ball and then breaking her upon my shaft?
A nice long goon sesh always gets the creative juices flowing
Sovlful Art Styles:

-Low poly to mid poly ludokino early PC/PSX. ( System Shock and Morrowind )
-Low Poly N64-like ( Banjo Kazooie )
-3D low to mid poly environment with Sprite Characters ( Daggerfall )
-3D Pixel-Art

-Top Down Pixel Art ( Space Station 13, Stardew Valley. )
-Top Down Goth Pre-rendered Isometric ( Baldur's Gate 1 and 2 , Ice wind Dale )
it doesn't help that we get retards like >>499432479 posting fake questions
i've been saying this for months the nodevs are unironically the ones polluting the thread. when we had more devs posting progress back then it was way, way better. even despite the fact that we had our local schizos like googum or rotate.
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How to make my player's model visible in the editor if I'm using a multiplayer spawner to spawn it?
aka kiddy art from when you were a lil baby, aka you are a retard
after retard posted some whore for 5 months people moved on to places that arent infested with cunts
how long did it take you to make this? i've only dabbled in 3d a bit so idk how long it takes to make something liike this

oh you're the schizo who has to contain himself cause of the timer preventing him from vpn hopping, lol
truly don't care about this rolling ball shit
How do I play test multiplayer without friends?
weirdest reply I've ever received for mentioning sovl.
What makes you think he is asking a fake question?
>posted some whore
And that's a good thing!
not nice (downvote)
You can still ask specific questions or feedback and get answers.
For dopamine, people here don't refrain from giving one-word responses because they want to deprive you of dopamine, they do it because it's not worth the effort to type it out and solve a captcha. Many people don't even appreciate one-word replies. So just go to some other site that's designed to make it easy for people to give you dopamine. Obviously that also devalues it.
There's also another obvious reason why people post progress: if you like browsing through the thread and seeing other people's screenshots, you post your own to participate and encourage the same behavior and to keep up the tradition. Kind of like voting I guess.
sometimes you don't have anything to say but want to show some support. 'nice' is perfectly fine.
ok newfag
Successfully ran model viewer prototype on windows.
Had to use dynamic linking, with static linking the program crashes, don't know why. This is not great because it would force me to distribute glibc and libstdc++ with my game but if I can't find another way it's good enough.
I couldn't get the GLES 2.0 RenderSystem to work on my application either although the official Sample runs it just fine. I suspect that maybe externally created windows aren't properly supported for that render system on windows. I could get the OpenGL 3+ RenderSystem to work so for now I will just use that to get around the problem.
Is there a 'reward' for hanging out with your family?

This is family.
probably still on twitter, never use that site so I don't know how nefarious users on it are
gl anon
Edit: Wow downvotes, really?
kek. i dont even have a side project, i must stay focused on the main project

i like this picture, it reminds me of unturned, like your character was put in that game

unlike eric he looks like a twink that is actively looking for attention online ie him sharing pics of his food on twitter like he has no one else to talk to. probably why he took the valve job since he realized he was losing the attention. eric on the other hand does nothing, doesn't have to wagecuck to stay relevant, and women swoon over him lol
>they do it because it's not worth the effort to type it out and solve a captcha
so they come to a forum made to talk with other people about the games they are making and they refuse to engage with posts about people making games? Yeah that's not insane at all
women will swoon over me as well.
nah I'm not posting in a thread with that OP. Make another one
retard use the old thread

Lel. I had to try multiple times to get the free stuff, I assume there's lot of traffic. So nice of Timmy to make it a simple process instead of me having to grab all 17k+ assets manually. I'll have to check if it's really all assets or just the Quixel assets.
what is agdg/?
Stop baiting
If they have something of substance to say, they will get through the captcha, because it's worth it
If it's just about giving the dev a minuscule bit of dopamine with a one word (you), they might feel that the value in that is so low that it's not even worth the time to spend the captcha
"Nice" is not "engaging", it's just an upvote that takes away 30 seconds of your life instead of 0.2
nice (in reference to your opinion and valuable contributions to the thread)
>avoiding my question
Break over will now try to pick up the dev pace I had going again and making the sunday records on sunday rather than late but for that first I need to do some improvements to the project management application. The UI now only supports as many assignments as fit on the screen and I have that many already. Since implementing scrolling right now would take longer than I'd like I will simply implement a way to hide completed assignments, that way as long as I don't have too many active assignments it won't be a problem and I can implement the proper interface far in the future after I do a complete refactoring of the project manager.
[Sunday record #41]
Time: 0.13h

Successfully ran model viewer prototype on windows. (>>499433492)
Resuming development, full speed ahead (>>499434898)
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i dont have to suppose anything. i have the exact amount of hours tracked. its about 600. that's not counting marketting, paper schematics, or time spent with the project open but tabbed out
you answered yourself
:: Project Nortubel ::
progress :: Did another "4 characters" summer art.
The other Nortubel 4 characters summer art in comparison.
Thank you for the appreciation even if you're not serious.
All of my niceposting is with the utmost sincerity.
my game will be so good that the inner circle will invite me to be one of them, but one of the guys will catch feelings for me and it'd end up being a whole drama
wtf, none of my games had these many downloads

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