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Previous: >>499352290
Capshit game
dogshit game
kekken owns dixers souls
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Kazuya is too based for Tekken. If you wanna shitpost OP use Reina, Jim or Heihachi.
Kazuya is too lucky brehs...
this is the kind of women you need in your game, dixxers. enough with the trannies.
>Only put 1 baby inside this
Just here to say that Honda is not worse than Manon unless you're retarded and delusional, and that Pretending that C tier is the lowest tier that should be on a tier list in SF6 is even more delusional. Retards. I legit cannot believe the Tierlists I've seen too putting Terry below Manon or even in the same tier, this shit is so fucking arbitrary and baseless.

Who remembers when Ed came out and everybody was saying he's ass or not that good? Or the Rashid downplaying last season (and some still try to downplay this season with memes about his anti air or low damage)

Like what the fuck. This shit is so feelings based.

Manon is the hardest and most honest character in the game for very clear direct logical reasons and I will beat any of you retards in an argument about this.

Only characters that deserve the absolute bottom tier are Manon and Jamie, because fundamentally all that matters in any action game is damage and defense. And in fighting games: Opportunity, aka Oki.

Jamie and Manon have the lowest of both.
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My wife mogs your waifu and it's not even close.
Ugly as shit also you a cuck exposing her like that
Nah, Kazuya hates his bloodline and refuses to breed.
The fact he couldn't hold it and had to cum inside her is enough telling, even Kazuya couldn't handle her pure, virgin, pussy BUILT FOR HIS COCK!

meanwhile in tekken, i can actually make my bitch look like that
I love pure love and monogamy so much is so hot...
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big booty cammy cosplayers
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>I love pure love and monogamy so much is so hot...
Kazuya needs to give her twins and get over his edgy phase
Tekken can never match this plumpness
Tekken truly never loses. Even the chinese girl they built is better.
I hate niggas who only delay jab and use invul or drive reversal on defense.
You can't take back your turn against these niggers, you have to throw loop them and risk getting 1.5 throw worth of damage + oki if you guess wrong on their wake up and if you try to bait it they just do cr.MK into drive rush cancel and now you're the one getting mixed.

Blocking is legit the least used options on wake up.
SF4 shits on Tekken's entire legacy
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Episode 11 (and Mai) waiting thread
Sf4 is 10 years old.
Move on.
>Gotta bring the only non-kuso SF game to try and have some relevancy
SF6 is a fluke. Not a real SF game.
Gawdton, Chawton, no name is good enough for the literal Messiah of fighting games. He knows more about games than the people that made them.
kek nobody cares
This nigga just yaps and never plays
the first time I reacted and did a trade combo, I felt like a god
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Why was this a fireball?
I do appreciate the insistence, I would never stick to making vids for years making sub 5k views without at least changing my style and trying out different things
These vids are always boring and he never changes them
Built for Kazuya's fat, hairy, average-sized, brown cock.
What does DI add to the game as a mechanic? Does it have any value?
It doesn't feel good to hit, it just feels like I out-randomed my opponent
And I don't think there's any worse feeling in fighting games than losing a match because you got hit by a random DI
I just don't see the point of it
Maybe it's there because it gives a very clear window for newbies to hit their epic slime combos without having to care about hit confirming?
>Try to do a wake up reversal
>Get thrown
>Try again
>They shimmy
>It comes out
Is there a reason why this is always the case?
Canon btw
volatility and randomness. at low level it also adds le epic moments
i think jamie is much worse than manon
>tfw when retards only want to perpetually horny post and obsess over their random cliques and "smashfag" or "tekkenfag" or whatever instead of talking about the serious shit indepth like how Tierlists are completely out of wack and the entire perception of balance in this game is fucking retarded and nonsensical and somewhat reflected by social factors like how many play a particular character or how much theyre in the spotlight and get random tourney placements as if that fucking means anything when LUKE WAS LITERALLY HARD COUNTERED BY DHALSIM IN THE FINAL SEASONS OF 5 AND NOBODY FUCKING PICKED HIM.

Idom is even going as far as to say retarded shit like Manon being better than Lily? Or Terry? Or Kimberly? Or Dhalsim? You are KIDDING me brah. I think it's really the Honda placement that triggers me the most
I watched a video about a Smash dude from a while ago and he was unironically hyped about DI and Modern, and while I dont agree with him, I can understand his point and why casuals MIGHT enjoy the RPS aspect of it, but like I said MIGHT because even casuals get tired of the mental fatigue of it, I think only a niche kind of people enjoy it.
It's either used as a reaction check, a hard call out to predictable pressure sequences or as a defensive mechanic to be used on reaction or
The last one is the only decent use for it desu, and even then it seems pros always prefer to use PP instead, which is way less risky.
Jamie has a reversal atleast, and even 2 or 3 drinks gives him way better tools than Manon. Not to mention he has a divekick, arguably better cornery carry, better drive rush cancellable normals, better drive rush checking normals.

But yeah, his fatal flaw is his damage, and having to sacrifice Oki, which means less opportunity to do damage and more opportunities to lose his turn and have to defend, and while he has a reversal and dive kick, id say that...hm actually I don't know what's wrong with Jamie's defense. I just know it feels like shit.
>The last one is the only decent use for it desu, and even then it seems pros always prefer to use PP instead, which is way less risky.

This I agree with. Half of the reason Manon is even playable on defense is because Drive Impact exists at all. The other half is...

Anyway isn't it ironic that Manon is the worst at using drive mechanics, but they're also arguably essential to her even being able to play the game.
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>permanently stuck in 1300s
>routinely fight 1400+ players who are literally braindead
>akuma who walks back and spams hk even after being punished 17 times
>kimberly who spams DI in neutral over and over again even after being punished 17 times
>these people are higher rated than me because they decide to pick the highest risk, highest reward option over and over again every time they possibly can
>this is a more viable strategy than trying to play neutral when you can't stop 100% of the bullshit people throw at you because a single big hit ends the round at least 51% of the time
this game is shit. its literally just strive all over again.
these games aren't fun if you're really fucking bad like we are.
Stop caring that much about tier list and how your character is perceived, it's useless frustration you're loading up and it prevents you from seeing what you're doing wrong.
Not saying Manon is good, but when you're complaining rightfully or not about other chars being braindead top tier, you're not looking at what you're doing wrong.

It hardly means shit too, i'll fight 100 Akuma and Ken before a single Bison/Honda.

Jamie's defense is decent, st.HP fuck a lot of common blockstrings and autopiloted spacing traps.
His DP may be the worst/second worst in the game, it's still a DP; though i still get mad when it get neutral jumped.
How bad did Clayton beat you trannies?
i'm 1300 too and honestly we are just too retarded for this genre. people as bad as us just shouldn't be playing this shit
If the game was 100% neutral it would get old pretty fast
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>His DP may be the worst/second worst in the game
Makes sense. I remember anti-air training with him feeling weirdly frustrating.

>Not saying Manon is good, but when you're complaining rightfully or not about other chars being braindead top tier, you're not looking at what you're doing wrong.

Dude, I don't even play the game anymore. I can't stand guessing this heavy in any game I play.

I only harp about Manon because I like her design a lot and how I stay connected to her is by hoping the underdog wins. Its the same reason I like Jamie. Seeing him or Manon win, is like watching a completely different game, they're amazing designs visually, and distinct mechanically.

>It hardly means shit too, i'll fight 100 Akuma and Ken before a single Bison/Honda.

kek, ridiculous. no, what "doesn't mean shit" is your subjective perception or enjoyment of matchups. You can be ignorant or have a bias. doesn't make Rashid level 2 anymore fucking ridiculous, or bison meter less combo into 70% of your health anymore goofy ahh
yup, looks like silver gameplay
Exhibit #9605 on why cammy is honest
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it's not about being bad, the risk reward of this game is simply FUCKED. DI is a "REACT NIGGA" button that kills you if you don't react, but also jump and DR are both "REACT NIGGA" buttons too and then there are fireballs and character specific mechanics like command grabs and headbutts and fullscreen + on block neutral skips and fireball DR and slides and teleports. You can't react to EVERYTHING, the situations are always skewed in favor of the attacker.

Trying to play neutral is bad. It's not a good strategy in this game. The way to play is to simply cycle your REACT NIGGA buttons over and over again until one of them lands, you get a big combo and put them in the corner and make them guess until they lose. That's why these braindead fucking subhumans are higher ranked than me even though their flowchart is shit, because HAVING A FLOWCHART is superior to being okay at playing neutral. No one realizes all this Akuma does is throw a fireball, walk back and then press st.HK when they walk forward because they're just trying to do their offensive flowchart too. This game is not about having a conversation with the other player, it's about yelling over the other guy as loudly as you possibly can.
it is about being bad. if you're 1300 you're just bad. if you were good you wouldn't be 1300. you aren't good. i'm not good. jwong would destroy us 100-0 with 3 normals and no di

This is M. Bison's new costume animation intro
Just kidding, nu-Capcom would never put this much effort into making unique costumes or intros
I didn't say I wasn't bad, I said it's not about being bad. The Akuma is even worse and he's still higher rated than me consistently even though he's literally clueless. Why? Because it mostly works when people are just spamming their flowcharts back without thinking, and it's therefore more valuable than being able to whiff punish or space at an average level. This is indisputable, the game is designed around big blowouts and guesses and not around spacing and solid neutral.
If you punished him 17 times and didn't win the match, you might be worse than him anon.
I don't want to be the guy parroting Sajam talking points, but neutch is a thing you play for a reason.
If you're facing a player just walking back into jumpscare, you should stop wiggling around pretending to be Punk and deal with his flowchart ( And ideally have one of your own ready to go, flowcharts aren't a bad thing per se ).

Though the game is extremely volatile and explosive so when your anti airs are shaky or your meaty not 1000% on point you're bound to get outrandomed by the baboons, there's no getting around it, it was the same in Jive though not quite to this extent.
At a certain point you just have to accept that the way you're playing isn't working and adapt.
Why don't you just admit that you only hate Clayton because he's better looking than you instead of subjecting us to your delusional rants about him?
>The Akuma is even worse and he's still higher rated than me consistently even though he's literally clueless.
do people really convince themselves this is true? is this like what league of legends players do when they claim the only reason they're low ranked is their team members being clinically retarded
I'm better looking than Clayton tho.
Just want to let the anon who this is a reply to know, that this person is gaslighting you right here.

>If you're facing a player just walking back into jumpscare, you should stop wiggling around pretending to be Punk and deal with his flowchart ( And ideally have one of your own ready to go, flowcharts aren't a bad thing per se ).

You never said this or said you did this. He is assuming reality and injecting something that's not verifiably true, but also something that he can't technically be wrong about (it was all in your head honey? this is effective because they can't prove that it's not all in their head, or that they forgot) as an explanation to dismiss your complaint, so as to invalidate your feelings.

I tend to hate the word gaslighting, because it gets abused, and there's probably a better word for it. But regardless, you're being psychologically fucked with by somebody who is either biased for street fighter 6, or personally does not like you.
>You never said this or said you did this.
It was heavily implied when he says that the people higher MR than him are just random apes running flowcharts and that the game isn’t about neutral and good spacing (as if he is being punished for playing like that)
Yes you did.
I did win the match. I think we played 2 sets so far and I'm 4-0. He's absolutely hopeless against me, no game was even remotely close.

I also won against the DI kimberly, though that could have been a fluke I suppose since we only met once. I doubt it though.

What is this supposed to mean? I played 2 sets against the guy, I beat him both times pretty cleanly and both times he came across as completely clueless. I guess you're saying he must have been trolling, or it's an omega fluke where he's actually playing the worst he's ever been in his entire life just in time to meet me in ranked for multiple matches?

My claim is that I'm lower ranked than him because he's playing the way the game wants him to (taking huge risks all the time hoping it pays off), where I'm trying to play neutral and not taking huge risks unless I feel like I'm forced to. I think he'd be drastically lower ranked than me in a game that is even slightly less volatile than this one.
i think you're coping about being bad if i'm being blunt. but if that keeps you going you do you
i want to make fun of the people who are stuck in plat for months but then i remembered im stuck in shitter ranks in shooters so i get the feeling
Do you think it's worth trying Guile at all if I cannot do this combo? (I will never be able to do it either)
Nah the perma 1300 would be GAWDLIKE if the game let big brains like him flourish
dix is perfect chud and no it doesnt matter that noah wins vs top players spamming DR into burnout every game
are these sfl streams going off of pre recorded stuff? i want to see how many jp people are watching
The NA SFL is pre recorded, I think Japan is live though. Or at least once it was live
any new content coming out next month?
I feel like the appeal of guile is more zoning than fancy combos, no?
no guile's insane routing is like the entire character

japan is live still
New avatar clothes came out today
when I play guile the opponent never jumps or presses anything and all they do is drive reversal or ex reversal
I've come to the realization combos ruin fighting games. Basically all they do is make characters impossible to play and hard to switch & pick up new ones, demotivate you and make the whole process of learning the game unrewarding, add an effectively luck based system into the games among other things.
Truthposting hours is 4 hours from now, stop truthpilling.
>all they do is demotivate you
speak for yourself, faggot
>all they do is demotivate you
speak for everyone, chad
BlueDJ cannot understand the fact that not everyone has learning disabilities.
if you writhe in agony every time you drop a combo then you should not be playing. You're only torturing yourself for pointless gamer cred.
This is exactly why I'm looking to switch to platformers. Hoping Rivals Aether 2 is good.
I envy you if you think it's fun knowing you'll lose hundreds of hours of time learning bnbs before you can do them in a match. If you can ever learn them that is. I'm not rich enough to be able to do that and not get anxiety.
Platformers ultra mog. I confess I got a bit burned out and haven't played Smash Ult in a month except for a day here and there, but I still watch the tournies. It just feels much more rewarding in the long run and more fun to watch, since theres always something new to learn or optimize that doesn't feel excruciating to learn.
if you're spending hundreds of hours in training mode learning only combos in a modern fighter, you're doing it wrong
the sooner you just accept yourself and have fun, you'll be happy.
If you get good, you'll still be miserable because you won't care about beating beginners, you'll always be looking at stronger opponents.
If you can learn some of this stuff faster you're super gifted.
But that's why combos suck. They're too important, unfun to learn, unfun to do. They're essentially this constant black cloud hanging above you when you play the game. If I could just ignore combos and still play I'd do it but they are far too important.
this general is so gay, at least I can fap to /tekgen/'s images
Being completely honest, having a high MMR in this game should make your opinion less valid because SF6 was very obviously made with the casual audience in mind
If anything, it's kinda sad that you're wasting a good chunk of your limited time on earth trying to get "good" at a game that was clearly made for little Timmy to mash for 30 minutes during his 12th birthday party before he puts it away and goes back to playing Fortnite every other day
Anyone who says this doesn't play the game. The combos are fucking hard, a casual can't play this.
>"if I have full resources and you made a risky decision you should die"
I think my problem personally with combos, is that they distract from the actual interesting decision making part of the game. Its meaningless to focus on whiff punishing without the combo to back up the punish, therefore, whiff punishing becomes de-emphasized, but that's not all, in a game where there's a drive system...why would you ever bother with whiff punishing when aslong as you land a lucky driver rush, or drive rush mixup, you can still dump your combo without having to play footsies?

I learned playing street fighter, that I like to poke (with a non fireball character) I like to space out in a way where I'll get to hit my opponent unsuspectingly with a big heavy button. The idea of chipping down an opponent to low health with just spacing and baiting/reads is appealing to me. But I just get absolutely fucked if I play this way.

Its this thing where combos simultaneously require this insane investment to get that down...but they're also kind of mindless, combos have almost nothing to do with decisionmaking, they don't require careful observant play to be executed. They're kind of like a "script" where, based on a certain set of variables, and values. You run this script to make the most of your damage capacity.

That's how I view it. I may very well be bad at the game. But I also don't care. I dumped like hundreds of hours into league, and I have never gotten out of bronze. And I would still dump a hundred more hours into it now, despite it being one of the worst fucking games I have ever played.

But the game has no combos, and laning phase is fun. The back and forth spacing game, having to be aware of the entire map, CSing, there's so much in league that you can constantly get better at (arguably too much) as a DIRECT result of your decision making.

I don't know. I'm nta, but I just feel zero desire to get better at fighting games, because to me, that just means foregoing my play style and grinding combos.
no you dont you dont play the game
Some guy has a level 3 and full drive, literally what do you do? If you try and just zone and poke, their drive regenerates
I bet playing competitive hopscotch can also be very demanding but that doesn't mean I should take it seriously
if you're put into a situation where you have to guess for game while the opponent did not have to spend any drive then you really fucked up somewhere. but i agree partially because level 3's do unhinged damage in this game.
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>"I have to deal with this Mickey Mouse wakeup knockdown bullshit"




chudkey bros...
remember when everyone hated the fact that luke regenerated meter in his v-trigger but now pretend to love it in sf6? whatever happened there?
Mickey 6.
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Why do you guys always yell in the same overly ironic way. Idk, maybe I'm dumb for pointing this out. But I find the whole "sisters" and "bros" and I guess "musketeers" (although this is one of the more creative ones I've heard) irony posting to be cringe as fuck. Like the type of thing that comes from somebody so inundated in their own shit that they have no fucking self awareness of how retarded they sound. But I guess that's what irony and an echo chamber of people reverberating your same speech patterns does I guess.
slime bros...
it's funny
sometimes I randomly just throw out DIs in neutral and it works
ømega truth nvke...
(guys I think this guy needs to be called bad at fighting games to dismiss all his complaints)
Would delayed wakeups fix throw loops?
People who say they check it 100% are fucking insane liars lol.
The first thing I do against all tournament players is DI them in the corner. No one checks it the first time. It's literally impossible to see for people are who are actively playing Street Fighter.
Jp is that MF for sure
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You play Zangief I gurantee you take dick up the ass
Fucking faggot character
Literally just play Smash/Platform fighters. You can play however you want. SF is known for corner rapery and combo autism and they ain't ready to change from that too soon.
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>Literally just play Smash/Platform fighters.
Yeah, I'm never paying for Nintendo Online + Smash. But I'm waiting on Rivals Aether 2. Because I've played Brawlhalla, and it may not have combos like a traditional fighter, but I swear that game is ass and locks you into watching some dude style on you just as much. I never played Brawlhalla seriously so I don't know they technical reason for why that game feels like shit. But I HAVE played a bit of smash at a friend's house and know it doesn't feel THAT bad like you can't even stand on the actual platforms.
i'm not going back to smash until nintendo does proper online play
It really pissed me off when those smash reveals were going on and streamers/content creators would be watching along oblivious that the character was already revealed through game-related hints. They don't pog until they see the characters face
>Yeah, I'm never paying for Nintendo Online + Smash
Or you could just get a job.
Or I could just play league of legends for free 24/7. (Even though I won't)
third world mentality, thinking being rich is about buying anything without a second thought
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Some reveals were really hype though. Sephiroth had both guys and bitches dripping wet and the animation was mad clean. I didn't care much for Sora, but the disneybitches were having orgasms over him, and Kazuya was really fun to dunk on the retards wanting animu scrimblos or waifus and got a evil ass motherfucker from Tekken instead.

Nah, if you can't afford a Switch + Smash you shouldn't be playing games at all.
But then again you sound like another bum ass mentally ill hobo like the brazilian schizo with the keyboard full of dirt, so I'm done talking to you.
i'm still not over the fact sonic and snake were in smash
Nigga actually pays for online, lmao
Nigga, if you CANNOT afford a Switch and a game you straight up a failure. Is not the games fault.
One thing is not liking a game because you bought it, played it, and figured it out it was not for you.
Other thing is not liking a game because you are straight up a loser who cannot afford it.
So now that we've collectively decided that SF6 fucking sucks, what should be our next step as a community?
Jumping ship to COTW seems like the obvious choice but its release date is still very far away
Personally, I think we should move to an older game in the meantime
Maybe we should hold an open vote to decide which one?
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Terry had the spic community pogging like it was no tomorrow, I haven't watched in years, but the voice of some spic in a video watching the reveal going
lives in my head rent free
How about I just gut you and leave you to rot in some fucking parking lot outside a salon, fucking dumb nigger
i like sf6 but i will still shit on it because i care about it
>vote to decide
You could just load up fightcade and play and post webms lmao. But you wont
>Maybe we should hold an open vote to decide which one?
When the hell has democracy ever achieved a proper goal in the end?
Man no wonder the smash tommy is so defensive 24/7. Literally has that /v/ mentality of console warring lmao
Arguing with an actual tendie, my god
You are still stuck on the price point as if its significant. Nobody in america thinks the switch is expensive, you can get a used one for really cheap. Nintendo online isn't bank-breaking either, but you are so fixated on being able to afford a video game console and using that as a metric for being a loser or not.

I'll just say this once since there might be other ESLs here with the same opinion as you: that anon doesnt want to pay for nintendo online because he thinks the concept of paying for internet twice is stupid and retarded. Generally, people don't want to pay for retarded reasons, but you think paying for things is a point of pride so you'll do it happily.
I really CANNOT take /sfg/ seriously whenever I am reminded some niggas here are full genetic dead ends and bums still leeching their poor parents like overgrown parasites.
Nigga, the block is hiring. Not an excuse to be sitting around rotting away being too poor to even afford a console or 20 bucks for a yearly online membership...
Nerve struck so badly lmao
Oh you're a schizo, I'm sorry for wasting your time.
i work only 16 hours a week since im stuck watching my autistic brother while my mom works, and i buy my own food
and i still can afford switch online. i just don't because i don't play my switch anymore. that anon is just being a cheapass
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If SF6 comes out on switch 2 I think the smash tommy might join our side lmao.
>I’m sonic_sol BUT I pay nintendo online for uhh
Lmao ok
why is a smashfag in a street fighter general?
mickey 6.
these timmies have to be born after the wii and ps4 to be okay with online subs for games.
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>Nobody in America thinks the Switch is expensive
Stop the cap. Who you lying to? Yourself?
Even for actual, working adults, having tons of Switch/Nintendo merch is a flex because it is expensive. But the entire point, is that if you are a semi-functional adult, buying a switch and smash should not be the end of the world. Is not this huge investment either.
>Bringing up /v/ and consolewar faggotry when told to stop being a poor bum and get a job
I definitely touched a nerve. What a fucking melty lmao

My man I feel the saem, even though I grew up reading 4chan ever since I was 13, I never got NEET mentality.
By the age of 19 I already was tired and feeling like shit on depending of my parents for money, and started working in a BK for 2 years while going to college. I will never understand how some guys can just sit in a crusty, dusty room all day and not feel like total failures for not having the minimal financial freedom to buy what you want and needing to shitpost on 4chan to cope with being poor.
Everytime I read a /r9k/ post about a nigga being 10 years older than me still NEET'ing instead of getting a job I could ever only imagine if it was me, I would eat a bullet for breakfast. I guess if you born with a pussy you can always get a boyfriend, but it just feels so gay to lazy around and not produce money as a male.
>But then again you sound like another bum ass mentally ill hobo like the brazilian schizo with the keyboard full of dirt, so I'm done talking to you.

Why the fuck are you guys so weird. I'm so tired of this childish high school tier assuming some weird fucking random information about somebody to attack them with that probably reflect more of your insecurities than any sane grounding in reality.

Over fucking what? Me not wanting to pay for Switch Online? Wtf man, it's so fucking meaningless. I hate that people this fucking blatantly off their rocker, are allowed to roam the earth because we don't immediately stone mentally ill people anymore. But to be fair most mentally ill people nowadays atleast have the awareness that they're mentally ill and try to engage with some perspective of that fact. Maybe you're some degenerative breed, worse than even mental illness. I wonder what word there is for people like this.
The nigga is literally using his phone and bringing up his boogeymans from /v/ as well to try and "win" the discussion in his head instead of just getting a fucking job. He is an actual mentally unwell hobo.
>just to defend paid online
Fucking crazy lmao
I think there are two schizos right now swinging at the air. Your post is coherent so I don't think you're one of them.
Like look at this
>Even for actual, working adults, having tons of Switch/Nintendo merch is a flex because it is expensive.
how do you respond to this
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street fighter 6
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>Got told to get a job and stop being poor
>Literally barricade spam of 9 posts in a row crying, bitching, moaning and projecting
Uh oh melty!
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my goodness
>still going
Lmao do you shout “here we go!” When loading match of smash? no Ethernet smash too I bet
>I don't pay for online because MUH POLITICAL ANTI-SYSTEM REASONS! and definitely not because I had to save my parents money for 4 years just to buy 1 game since I don't have a job
Hahahahahahah sure anon. Sure. Go ahead, shitpost more. If I was so poor I couldn't afford a console or a 20$ a year, I would kill myself, but in your case, I guess coping by shitposting is your answer.
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>I pay for online so what!!?
Lmao. All it took was some nigga saying “that’s stupid” and we have the smash nigga go through hoops talking about race and /r9k/ to defend his sub to online. Crazy
I just want to shit on sf6... but its not fun if you have a melt down........
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>Tfw some mentally stunted bum here is trying to cope that he does not like Nintendo when he can't even afford it
I like your existence because it makes me feel like I am fucking rich for owning a PS4, PS5 and a Switch, PSN and NSO online as well.
Oh and a RTX 4050 as well, but on christmas, I will buy a 4090. Since last year I upgraded my motherboard + RAM + keyboard.
I can't play 360 characters because I can't do them on keyboard no matter what. Even though I get them all the time on old games on fightcade. There is some problem with steam or sf6 with how it reads inputs.
and so it falls to low tier coomer posters to revive the thread
fighting games create more schizos because being beaten in a fighting game too many times will mindbreak you. That must be what happened to this smash guy, its tragic.
Nooo anon you don't get it? he is hecking ANTI-SYSTEM! He is NOT poor or mentally unwell!
If you say he is, he will make 15 posts talking about you just to deflect and project his own melty on others.
It goes deeper than that lol. He’s just a euro
Talking to yourself still? Nuts
>Having a stable income and being able to buy and enjoy what I want is a "Smashfag" type of thing
Same vibes of being called "Cisgender" as an insult by the woke crowd
Thank you, I guess?
okay man you win, we're poorfags. Nintendo is awesome and smash is better than street fighter 6.
>gender politics out of nowhere
After all that talk about defending paid online, npc vibes really just can’t seem to escape the stereotype lol
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>"hey dude, if you are this poor as an adult male you should not be shitposting in 4chan and leeching your parents, get a job"
>Over 20 posts of meltdown about /v/, Smash, Capitalism, and even goonposting just to cope
Get a job nigga lmao
If that were true he’d be in his own general trying to play ultimate online, lmao
You talk about a grown ass man and want to fuck his 12 year old daughter lol. Stop it
what are you guys talking about?
This thread is psychotic right now but.

>how do you respond to this

What do you mean? What counts as a "flex" is relative to the communities you occupy. You can buy whatever expensive shit is valued by some group of losers for validation, it's just that simple. But what is a "flex" doesn't matter if you actually care about anything substantive, if you do things, and engage with things for yourself, genuinely because you like it, and enjoy the experience, then concerns like "flex" just become a buzzword. That's all.

Anyway this thread reminded me why I hated /vg/ the cliquey "cool kids club" type behaviour, the perpetual same posters, and the fact that nobody is ever actually talking directly to one another, but rather at an idea or impression of one another. That's the only reason I'm here, besides being bored. Had to remind myself why I didnt like here.
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Nothing important, don’t worry about it
Just a tendie and some other guy
He is so mindraped he is associating Smash = Having a job. If you tell him that he is a bum you are white/smashfag for him shits so weird
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I need you Alex
Is donating to streamers and re-streamers considered a flex?
>If you don't side with the literal shit eating schizo living in his own filth projecting his anger at others for being poor you a tendie
Funny joke /sfg/ tell me another one
I need you, uh, juni? I think?
oh my fucking God. I just realized this thread might actually be schizophrenic, this entire time some retards responded to me saying I don't want to buy smash, thinking I was some other retard they obsess over, but then either that retard, or somebody else engaged with him and continued to perpetuate that assumption.

I was so fucking confused why some mental case would respond to me so fucking extremely for saying I don't want to buy smash, and now it makes sense, you're all genuinely some form of mentally ill, honestly, even saying that seems insulting to actually mentally ill people wtf.
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Apparently not leeching your poor parents and being a self-sustainable adult is a tendie thing now, you a tendie here bro.
You have people begging for you to donate to restreamers and theirs a photo evidence of a samefag. No shit this place is empty, mai save us already.
this picture is mindfucking me because it looks ilke she's facing forward because of how far she turned her head and how her shoulders look.
Juni is the orange one
Juli(Julia) is the brown haired one
He is now recycling back to talking about restreamers to try and save face.
You can tell he is an actual schizo, because a normal person would have dropped the convo 20min ago, but he keeps shitting those unrelated tangents and insults outta nowhere to try and deflect the attention to another subject.
Nigga is an actual mentally unwell bum who is feeling called out, thats insane.
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Well, I for one don’t think nintendo online is worth it.
Now a game that demands loyalty? SF6
the new timer shit doesn't stop anything but the laziest bot users. Its piss easy to make an array of fake users wait 15 minutes before posting, and it has no effect on schizos because they are literally sitting there for 15 minutes ruminating over their thoughts so they can post. This site just needs to rangeban all of asia and south america.
Germany too..
I’m not saying since I lost to an Ed
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You can tell all posts calling normal people "tendies" are from him, because even when he tries to falseflag as someone else like here >>499461648 his ego won't even let him insult hismelf as a "schizo" or "capcuck" but he will insult the other side. Dude is glazing himself and protecting his ego in an anonymous forum over being called a worthless bum schizo .

I think thats funny!
My cute wife with astute observations
Thanks my memory is a bit hazy. I need them both regardless. Also they must be wearing tiny hats and ties at all times.
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R mika in the horror engine
>I’m Normal!!
>still flustered about paid online
Lmaooooo really dug in deep. Crazy tendie
>asylum demon
>Feeling so called out you had to reply to protect your ego
I’m not bothered at lol. I’m not the one who brought up race and r9k depression posts and defend paid console online in the same breath. This all stemmed from the fact someone said paid online was silly, keep this up tho. We need to reach 400 before you head to bed
>"Nigga get a job, is just 20$ a year"
>*Starts writing essays talking about his mortal internet enemies in /v/, smash, tendies, npcs, twitter, restreamers and how everyone else is crazy and angry*
get a job nigga lol
Well now with that over………
What system should SF7 have? personalyl I think we should copy Ono’s original pitch of SF4 and have RPG battles
Death to all wi-fi players.
So which of the eight playable characters in the first edition of SFII is the least likely to appear in future installments even after the last DLC? Yes, it's unlikely since people tend to think of them as "the" Street Fighter characters but still.
My bet is Honda. He was literally the last of them to show up in V and one of the last added to Alpha 3, not counting the ones recycled from CVS and CFJ.
Still hung up on restreaming is crazy, sorry not all of us are tossing money to random niggers
I am never playing this game in the middle of the day on a weekday ever again holy shit, only the most vile daemons prowl matchmaking at these times
>Proving my point
Nigga the block is hiring lmao what you doing here hahahah
this guy is clearly esl because he keeps saying figures of speech like "the block is hiring" because he heard it in a movie and thinks western people say that
>opponent found
>instantly starts searching again
why does this happen
no way people can deny a match that quickly
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I wonder if people keep pressing him if he will cycle back to /v/, smash, capitalism or find a new boogeyman to shift blame

Currently he is on restreamer!
Realistically it’s Honda or blanka. Dhalism always finds a way to be base roster post SF3
Now he talking about ESL outta thin air.
If you can’t tell it’s the LTG wanna be from the discord
you don't need to get a job if you simply win the milly
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Akiman hired for SF7
Boom games designs are saved
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Food + 6 hours of sleep = diamon 4
I’ve done it
>but you did it with akum-
No…I challenged myself this week and didn’t use a Shoto. Marisa is tough against bison is all I’ll say
VF…VF6…it was supposed to be announced….
>bison easily revived after like 3 years of down time or 4.
>Gill just took his car home and plowed Kolin for years
He better show up with a son. All I’ll say
word of advice: never set a time sensitive goal for a fighting game or else you'll hate yourself close to the deadline
How do people that walk back all day enjoy this game?
Damn they really went to bed huh, place is more quiet than my dentist on a Friday
Imagine a game with BOTH crush counters and punish counters.
A dream...
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Oh boy, Nakayama and Matz just sent me a box, what do you think is in it?
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Is Kimberly a more honest character than Rashid?

Trying to pick what one to main but don't wanna be carried.
She has no reversal or good buttons lol. She’s fine
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You only just realized it? There was literally a thread with like over a hundred deleted messages from one dude. Even awhile before that you could spot the moment some dude woke up and the thread instantly started getting filled with the same images and talking points.
The problem also is that moderation barely exists. What's the point in a 15 minute timer when some freak gets to freely shit up threads for hours at a time anyway? Even a schizo might tire of it if it was constant.
Good god, even a black man would struggle with that. What the fuck has this bitch been feeding on.
honest? no. not carried? no. not as strong at coin flipping? yes.
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This is fine.
Sunday nights is for the Kens
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surely season 3 will be the one right? I don't even hate sf6 but holy shit japanese players are pushing it. I've never seen their playstyles become so fucking stale, unvaried and boring. Season 2 and 1 genuinely don't feel any fucking different and the high sales and random blow up of popularity has made capcom too complacement and scared to make any changes.
costume 4 doko?
>Looking through SFL JP videos for some Cammy matches
>Nearly every single one is some combination of Akuma, Ed, Ken, Bison, and Rashid until I finally see Akira
I genuinely assumed she was all over their SFL...
>actually enjoying slime fighter
>checking impatient JP trying to sneak drive rushes in
>next time he drive rushes he presses a giant disjoint really early so that i get punish countered for reacting
suddenly i don't want to play slime fighter anymore
You play NECRO
Fucking freak of nature deserves no love
>lose to someone hard in placement matches
>find them again after placing and beat them just fine
There's something wrong with me
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After this phase is over I'm never going to play at master rank again. I'm a pitiful 1200mr, and I now know I'm not good enough. I'm still glad I tried.
marisa is so fucking ugly and disgusting I swear I want to punch everyone at capcom

I hate that ugly beast so much. what a horrible horrible mistake. just awful.
Rival schools getting a lot of
Love lately. I pray they release the bonus create a character mode
You take that back.
So ranked pretty much dies as a mode if you suck huh? This game really needs a way to drop out of master.
whats up with people that never stop walking back? bring back fucking proximity guard
Why are there so many fucking deejays what happened
drive rush cancel is scary, its easy to reverse the corner position if you corner yourself, and being close to the corner is no different than being midscreen since every combo takes you across the whole stage.
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Anon, Dee Jay is literally the most fraud character in the entire game.
her whole face is an actual man face with the only feminine trait being her eyes and there are people who are attracted to this and think they are straight
is ryu bad? I started playing him and i keep getting molly wopped by bisons and cammys
hes not as good as the other cr.mk slimers but he can still win because the game is volatile
He's not even close to bad. He also has tard damage out the ass
He's good in a game filled with amazing auto pilot top tiers.
You could do much worse considering Marisa, Jamie and (Maybe) Terry exist.
lmfao stop downplaying this fraud character
this general has become more autistic than I thought possible.
manon is the only character you can legit call bad in this game and even then shes easy until like 1600 MR. ryu is good. just slime overhead level 3 if you feel you are being out-frauded.
nah hes right, jamies good.
Elaborate how a character who goes against the theory of how sf6 is played and in practice has the least results next to another fundamentally fucked character (this season)
>even then shes easy until like 1600 MR
Anon, can you just make me good at the game? What do I lack that you have? I'm 1300mr. How did you git gud?
you have to slurp the semen of better players at your local and you have to make sure to make lots of loud slutty noises when you do it
I fucking hate playing neutral against manon so much
i hate sf6 "neutral" in general
Thanks for the help. I didn't want to get upset about my losses so i just decided to get off ranked before i get salty.
5MP 4HP Flashkick is the hardest thing I've ever seen in a game.
not every character has to be hot, i can accept marisa being female hulk hogan. Manon though is unacceptable, she should be beautiful but her face is fucking hideous.
actually why the fuck is terry in there too

How does Jaime go against anything that makes SF6 so obnoxious. Disgusting DR, disgusting auto trap buttons, disgusting reaction check neutral skips, never ending pressure. Bakkai ON REACTION for fireballs, Dive kick, command grab to really up the ante
>inb4 but he has to get drinks
You can't OS against all his options to stop him getting drinks in neutral and it's a stupid complaint when his drinking exponentially increases his chances of winning by that much.

Maybe he's bad in pro play (which we are not even close to despite the mickey) but I'm half convinced it's because they're trying to play honest or something. I'd be curious to see what noah would do on Jaime
Not every male character has to be a hot. An ugly girl fails as a girl. An ugly man can still do labor.
don't forget his buttons. jamies love to pretend they're useless, but he has a cancellable low forward, his heavy kick is the biggest cancellable button in the game, and his cancellable stmk is autofootsies and almost impossible to whiff punish because it has almost no hurtbox and hard to see startup. especially now that he can drink after he does drive rush sthp throw, jamies have no reason to be complaining.
Sure they do. Their character is still a huge faggot who says gamer bullshit, and his light kicks look fucking stupid.
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This is how Jappas see EndingWalker
god imagine what could have been if i met endingwalker when he was still 16 and built up his confidence by telling him hes cute and got him hooked on hrt early
>Never ending pressure
I was going to actually address everything but if you're saying Jamie of any character has never ending pressure, you are too stupid to be reasoned with.
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I honestly still have no idea what makes Jamie so bad or what I'm supposed to exploit. Every time I've asked the only real answer I've gotten is lacking damage but people act like he's unplayable and everything else about him is also terrible. I can see why other low-tiers are low-tier even if I find them annoying but I don't see how Jamie is even in the same conversation as like Manon or Honda.
Because she doesn't look ugly on purpose.
SF6 suffers from uncanny valley. Arguably all RE Engine games suffer from it.
You don't get it man, he has to drink
>Palms you round start and gets a drink when you walk forward to pressure him to stop him drinking
>Backdashes and drinks twice when you block/walk back because you think he'll palm round start
>Shoot a fireball to stop both palm and dash back, he does a jump in for PC combo and drinks
>OD unreactable divekick in neutral, drink
>Command grab, drink
>Sees you fireball to stop pressure, lmao easy bakkai, drink
>Drink Drink Drink
Fuuuck 4 drinks before 90 seconds if I was any other character I would have won by now
What you really should be asking is
>Why the fuck should I drink just to be able to have a better chance to kill, when I can just kill right away with anyone else
Manon and Lily are SF4 levels of bad newcomer designs. Luke is also kind of a mess but those two are El Fuerte tier.
Jamie downplayers are the whiniest crybabies after Gief and Ken players.
Reminder that /sfg/ turned around on its opinion on Manon and will do the same with Marisa one day
I kind of miss the goofyness from SF2/SFIV, ngl
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My tongue cleaning up Cammy's shit-encrusted anus. Simple as.
free my nigga hakan
Muh oki
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Jamie is good at a lot of things
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Jamie literally does not get to play the game at 0 drinks
Why the FUCK would you play Jamie when any top tier is better than him even after 4 drinks
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>go to Japan
>cash in your free voucher for 150+MR
they have it so easy FUCK
EW is in Japan? Is there some event on this week or is he just on holiday
sure he has to take weaker oki once or twice to get to 2-3 drinks and that is mainly why hes lower tier but it really doesn't make that much of a difference because its so easy to get in in this game and its not something jamie struggles with and jamie has all the tools for mashing on defense and stealing a turn back that the other good characters have.
0 drinks is low tier but it is not unable to play the game, and it is not at all hard to get drinks.
Probably holiday.
Singapores CPT ended already and it was probably just a flight away. Japans offline cpt is in Nov 2/3
Low tier vs the whole cast yes
Dogshit bottom 1 tier against anyone with a good fireball
nephew is really have the gene
dude didnt knew last patch changes(didnt understand what they do, dude in chat was giving him a rundown like a 3 weeks after the patch), was literally checking framedata between games in singapore

still top player, have insane reactions, execution and probably best crosscuts NA
dude just plays the game
jamiefrauds always come up with the dumbest shit
and now this mf resurface
>Someone who enjoys vs hardwork Baki image.png
He’s not gonna “un-retire” lol.
At drink 0? Sure. But again, it's not at all hard for him to get drinks. At drink 1 he gets divekick which already puts him mid tier.


This is a set between Naruo jamie and Moke Chun, Moke gets absolutely raped the whole time.
gonna be interesting to see what he does as a full time player. hes been shaping up to be a lot like punk which is a very good thing for this scene and game imo. need more players who like to lean on skill rather than menas and angrybirds trying to flip coins better.
him and problem x are there for 2 weeks doing a training arc before japan super premiere
juri reaction lvl 3 is braindead. there should not be any quarter circle back lvl 3s
i like his gameplay, but i wish he also can answer questions properly, it's always /vg/ level of snarky "just hit the opponent" answer
Nice, EW seems like such a pleasant person, he deserves to get to do this kind of cool shit
yeah i also wish he would talk more lol. i'd love to hear more about how he thinks about the game and how he thinks you should win. dude is asian and works at google but somehow he's less articulate than punk's literal nigger brain that barely passed high school.
I thought he quit google
Something about EndingWalker tells me has some kind of illness, like mild autism or something.
Jamie is that kind of character that on paper I'd like a lot but then I see him and how he plays and I'm let down.
You call it an illness and yet he's out in Japan with his friends and you're at home, being passive aggressive about him on a Tibetan dharma spinning chatroom
He's gonna get groomed by someone in the community and he won't even be able to speak it out, so who's the loser here?
Not him but according to some pro players who met and talked with him, he has literally a bit of autism
Why would I use OD crack shoot in combos when hk Crack Shoot lets you juggle into DP in the same way in spite of being meterless?
>skinny twink
>Japs draw him with broad shoulders
Of course he does, so does Nephew and probably a bunch of other big FGC people. Nothing insulting about it, just how they and a lot of people attracted to fighting games are.
From a small jap girl perspective this is how normal people look
probably just his extreme awkwardness
how come when i play street fighter i just end up as a friendless virgin but when endingwalker does he gets to go to massage parlors in japan
i hate gief because they keep uploading clips of themselves doing like 1 good read with a level 3 into another grab that kills acting like they made a incredible comeback
>1 good read
1 lucky read*
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It's insane how easy it to get to 2000+ MR in Japan compared to EU, MR are so inflated there.
He has way too many influences and not all of them are cohesive and memorable on their own.
Compare him to Chin from KoF who's also a Drunker Boxer but unlike Jamie has his own flair.
>had someone RQ on me on my promotion match to master because I level 3'd when a level 1 would have killed

i wasn't even trying to be a jerk, I just wasn't looking at his HP and autopiloted a cashout combo
But that's how most highlight reels are made in video games, just get a bunch of lucky interactions, smash it with hype music, synch some shit to the beat and here you go.
The only good thing I'll say about SF6 is that at least it's not Strive.
>finally find my groove in sf6 again after trying like 6 characters, cruising towards master
>Vikala comes in a couple days

its over I'm never gonna make it to master, playing multiple fg is impossible
Lol he really was plapping every whore in town instead of playing this shit
>A 1700MR player won the milly
This game keeps on delivering
He's low on MR due to the reset and him not playing the game much
Funnily enough he's not even the best Juri player.
Terry turned out to be such a nothingburger of a character
My top 5:
1) Akuma
2) Zangief
3) M. Bison
4) Rashid
5) Ken
And that’s fine. I’m tired of getting bisons and akumas
Oh, I don't mean just him not being strong. He turned out to be quite dull.
sf7 will be turn based
Him and Mai are not going to be game-changing, they're as basic as you can get. And even if you get a character with a bit more going on it will be boring anyway due to the game system mechanics making everyone feel same-y.
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Happy AKI
Kazuya the type of nigga to pretend to be Lebron when no one's looking and re-enact the famous chasedown block
Sorry for the OT, but I have no idea how Twitter works, I try to filter random political shit of any party but silencing won't work as I get another post when I refresh the For You page. How do I get rid of of shit I don't want to see?
Blocking every account that posts anything unrelated to what you like has helped mine turn out fine
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>terry player
>KOF in username
>plays like an escaped zoo animal
why are they like this
I'm doing that right now and it's not working.
Actually I think it's doing the exact opposite, more I block shit I don't want to see more it's showing me this kind of stuff each time I refresh.
It's like it's telling me to actively delete my account, but I want to keep it for tech and art.
You gotta give it's algorithm some time to adjust. Try to follow some people who post what you like and it'll form accordingly over time
He has to give up oki (insanely powerful in SF6) in order to get drinks so he can unlock moves that are shittier versions of moves other characters have in their base kit
>has to drink to get a divekick that is worse than Cammy's
>has to drink to get an anti-projectile move that is worse than spin knuckle
Aside from that the rest of his kit just isn't very good. Doesn't do much damage and his DP has no verticality so it can get absolutely shit on by any character that can fuck with their jump properties
Thing is that I don't follow anyone who'd share the shit I see on the For You page. And more I block users who post stuff I don't want to see more similar stuff appears on the page when I refresh.
His combo routing is awful too, linking into 3 hit jab target combos absolutely wrecks his damage
>jamies still downplaying
i dont main him. just explaining why he sucks, everyone dropped him, and he never even features in top 8s let alone wins anything
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After making it to diamond 5 (on Chun Li) through the first year and dropping the game shortly before the season 2 patch, I finally made it to master but on the character I started the game on

Honestly feels pretty good still, despite knowing that suffering awaits and getting to master is kind of a numbers game
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Support Hershuar
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Your MR, give them to me

its so funny that guile has the hardest execution in the game when his original design was the most simple 2 special move character possible
I’ve dropped dix completely to main tusk in killer instinct. It’s been real.
>turned around on its opinion on Manon
What do you mean? Other than the fact that absolute fucking retards like this: >>499489263 exist?
tusk is a sick ass character, have fun
Keep seething Manonfag
I refuse to believe anyone can pick up Guile and just do 5MP TC flashkick. Impossible combo.
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M. Bison pg per mongoloidi, scissor kick o OD Psycho Crusher a muzzo into combo, pure Honda era meno per handicappati.
that's not an argument though wtf? after the fiasco last night with the dude that went insane on me for saying I don't want to pay for smash online, I'm starting to just carte blanche assume that anybody who responds in these completely fucking random ways that doesn't engage with my point or question, and ESPECIALLY if the include "fag" at the end of a word. Must be a literal loose mental case. Because HOLY FUCK. These type of people cannot be real.

fuck off tard.
You wrote all of that for fucking Manon.
Again, keep seething Manonfag.
I agree lily stinks. She looks like a wild thornsberry character
its easier if you were in a drive rush combo before, because you buffer the mp hp and it actually gives you more time to charge. Doing it raw by itself is very hard but possible, though nobody does it that way. Its always in a combo when you have a buffer.

You do MP, into downforward HP, which means you start charging after you press MP. So if the MP was buffered like during a drive rush combo or something, you technically charge for longer.
Not him but imagine sperging because someone doesn't like a character you like...
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I would defend dix every day for a year just to be able to lick this tunny one time
that's a child
And a ugly one at that.
Ryu is definitely the most slept on character this season. Even after he won a major.
What would a good route be to test this? 5HP drive rush 5MP 1HP fk?
do you have a single fact to back that up?
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out of ten.
Not him but Manon and Lily do definitely feel like El Fuerte in terms of quite stereotypical national characters with a goofy play. I get what he's saying.
Especially Manon with all the "Fantastique !" and classic dance play. Abel was kind of dull but it wasn't so overtly stereotypical.
nta but he's right Manon and Lily (and t.hawk too) are dogshit designs
i think so, good luck anon
SFIV newcomers get way too much hate. If anything the outlandish goofballs are truer to SF2 than characters like C. Viper who look and feel more like KOF characters.
>b-b-but King Cobra
He was cancelled for a reason. He was too fucking boring.
>are truer to SF2
SF2 is also an old ass game. What worked back then wouldn't necessarily work today.
I didn't particularly like Jive but G and Zeku where fun as fuck to play. There are some saving graces in that roster...
so true sister, nobody wants to play boring ass neutral
Are the models in SF6 outsourced like they were in V?
You lack reading comprehension, go back to school.
I was adding on to your point about old things not working, fellow enbie
I summon you, great reddit storm!
It's not that japan is inflated, it's just that the game is dead in EU & NA past the 1700s. I am on the eastcoast NA and I can't fucking maintain 1800mr range in this game because everytime I hit the 1800-1850mr pool I keep running into 1900mr+ players like dual kevin, shine, crossover, flux, snap, and etc so I keep falling back into the 1700mr pool after getting pummeled by this players. I am not mad at this because it's a good learning experience but should I really be running into someone like dual kevin 2-3 times a session when i'm a high 1700mr/low 1800mr player and he is 2200 mr range??

The Japanese players I sometimes check out on cfn(most ppl that use my char at this high of a mr are Japanese), I never see 1800mr guys run into to fucking tokido, higuchi, kawanao and etc. 1800mr guys in japan actually fight their equivalent skill pool. So it's not inflation imo, the game is just barren in the non japanese regions which results in the 1700mr guys who can get into 1800mr on a good day being fed to the countries top players.
I wasn't talking about gameplay.
All big games are in some way or another outsourced nowadays
I brought it up for you so we would have the strength in numbers
No one asked.
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Can't wait for Sakura to be saved by the beauty engine.
I will not be silenced
I've played this game for many months but I've never touched World Tour once. I would've enjoyed a more traditional single player Story Mode more, from what I've seen of it it feels like boring grinding to make friends with playable characters but the actual story goes nowhere and explains so little.
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It's cool making a waifu with moves from whatever characters you want. The actual gameplay is SF6 except against braindead AI but I find it kind of relaxing to play and grind while you watch or listen to something else kind of like a musou game
rivals 2 is going to decimate the street fighter fanbase. fireburn would solo any scrimblo in sf6
drugs are bad anon
I'm growing up on Terry, but I'd still prefer if it was a Street Fighter character instead of a guest character slot.
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So, you came here to tell us how you dislike the mode that you didnt even try?
If I don't like the idea why would I play it?
Why is M. Bison labelled as hard to play? He seems as easy as Lily and Honda.
Sure, but why then spend time to making a mental image around that shit idea and coming here with that?
Why are you making a big fuss about someone not liking the idea of a game mode? It's called having a discussion m
No anon, you have to like it, I say so.
Because he have an extra thing with bomb and devils rise, difficulty to play is not "how hard to compete" with character, but more of:
-press buttons
-press buttons and get some stacks for more damage
-press buttons have extra conditions that can change your buttons
I see where you're getting at, but Lily has a similar thing with Wind stocks and she's labelled as easy to play.
I assume because Lily's gameplan is even simpler and you don't really need to know anything to take effective advantage of having a stock nor do you have a window to make it work. You have to remember that the labels are mainly for completely brand new players. Like him being both charge and motion inputs is probably a big factor as well.
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You should still give it a try. That's called having an unbiased opinion. Sometimes you think something sucks and you get surprised and vice-versa.
Saying you hate something you never tried is toddler behavior.

Unironically SOVLFUL as shit. Pre-covid Dale was based as fuck.
Old testament Dale
Maybe I just don't have a character I truly like.
I'd like to see Lucia or Adon back.
>Even pokemon nerds knew about Dale at once
He had so much potential but now is just another FGC lolcow
Decapre deserves a second chance
I mean, M. Bison's Psycho Mine is not exactly hard science. You put a bomb in your opponent, all your psycho powered specials become safe and plus on block or get extra combo potential.
I am actually done for good. If I have to watch another player hold back for 99 seconds into drive rush buffer I am going to blow my fucking brains out. Ya'll got this, have fun faggots
Bring her back Capcom
Maybe "Easy" difficulty is going to the other end, but M. Bison fits the "Normal" difficulty rank better.
why are plus on block mediums so unevenly distributed across the cast
why can't every character except maybe dhalsim have one
Now that I think about it, there are characters like Blanka who have both motion and charge and they're not labeled as hard to play.
Because then you'd get a SFV situation where people would apply pressure with medium button into itself, which also beat V-Reversal. They probably wanted to make block pressure a bit more varied.
Wouldn't surprise me if they one day remove OD reversals across the entire cast (for those who have it, of course).
no chance. there are too many strong options to reverse offense situation in this game. its clearly part of how they want the game to play.
But that would make OD DPs literally useless
Hmm, maybe you're both right.
I'm not saying it's remotely complicated but I could see the logic in it being harder to use effectively, again for a brand new player, than windstocks all else being equal.
I completely forgot Blanka had both.

I don't fucking know, ignore me.
With the abundance of inv reversals (round start ex dps and up to 3 inv supers or one big damage inv super) its clear the game is aimed toward no-nuance fully committed defensive options
So I've been blocking unrelated posts for the past few hours and that same unrelated stuff it's still showing up on my For You page, arguably even more often than before.
Am I doing something wrong?

strive went full kusoge
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>People complain about neutral skips
>This faggot goes out of his way to defend Drive Rush
>People complain about high damage
>This faggot goes out of his way to defend two touch games
I cannot stand this piece of shit.
Why does he have any clout? For being top 8 in a mashing game that had 8 players? Who cares about Killer Instinct?
This dude is average at everything and does not stand out in any way at all. He is not an authority on anything and I'm tired of him fencesitting everything so he can grift every game at once
Sajam, you are a fucking faggot. I know you browse here.
It's been kusoge since the beta
Reminder Sajam is unironically a product of Maximilian Dood.
this started happening to me on the west coast and i've been 1600 lately. i matched nephew like 3 times at degen hours and i matched noah once. its a fun change of pace from the usual low mr shitters though. nephew didn't just smother me with neutral skips so i actually got to play
Max is another faggot.
Something about these white FGC content creators
They're all boring as fuck and try to play safe while being average at everythign they touch
>Why does he have any clout?
He is a pick for "positive contrarian"
I have completely lost my competitive drive.
No modern fighting game is competitive. You can lose to anyone.
how many players total will be in the capcom cup? currently it's punk menard kusanagi itabashi shuto and nephew right?
drive rush
he's a professional shill, he has to defend games to stay on the good side of the devs
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What do you think Akuma does when he hangs out with his besties?
I hope more people realize RE Engine games suffer from uncanny valley. Seem like it's happening in another place since they're expliciting calling that aspect out in the new MH:Wilds trailer.
COTW has to save the FGC..
>I know you browse here.
Shut up, nigger.
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i wonder, when COTW will came out and turn out to be another "modern FG", what is the next FGC savior on the horizon?
I know throw loops are random but surely this isn't like correct. There's gotta be some game theory math out there that shows just backdashing or an od reversal is mathematically correct.
Injustice 3?
Sex with Ryu
When we go back to SF6 ten years down the line to play some good old classic Street Fighter and get away from the modern kusoge.
COTW will be dead on arrival and there's nothing you can do about it.
Just like negativity, too much positivity can be just as toxic.
You need a bit of both. But to achieve that you need to think of it outside of marketing schemes and "community approved" takes.
I see you have a valid complaint, unfortunately for you I have 30 year old footage of Vega.
Big bird said only Kusanagi could've done that throw loop tho
This game didn't move one nanometer since week 1
chances he wins capcom cup with ryu?
I will sometimes just go back to neutral midscreen against people in burnout just to see what they would be like if this was a real street fighter. All their supposed solid play goes right out the window and they revert straight to their super gold skill levels.
Hilarious game!
niggas will watch this then play for money or queue up ranked
we are mentally ill
Imagine if you had to earn meter
*whiffs normals in neutral*, gotcha sissy
>super gold
My super gold nootch would fuck you up.
does anyone have that leaked capcom slide that details how they want to use streamers to create a defensive fanbase for their games?
one day you'll get to 1400 mr
More often than not people forget what the word "fan" is an abbreviation for.
faggots and niggers
Umorismo da terza media dioporco, abbiamo il cazzo di clown qui
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here it is. "shield fanbase" sounds pretty accurate
You're a faggot giuseppe
Checked their thread
>basically the vibe and same complains all across the board as here
Is all FGC like that? ask as a noob
Because soive and dix are part of the same wave of dogshit dumbed down fgs, even zoomers are starting to catch up to how shallow and dogshit these games are.
COTW is about to be the same
This is not surprising in the slightest for people who have a tiny bit of brain. Community leaders exists as a way for companies to control who consumes their products. If you have someone speaking out his mind he'll be flagged and dragged down and ridiculed.
I no longer enjoy playing against random people, I only play with friends.
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Remember how they explicitly said they'd do DEI, and then SF6 came out with all kinds of DEI shit in it and everyone just pretended it didn't have any of that stuff?
does this explain why so many v-tubers in japan are playing sf6?
It's essentially why people always parrot the opinion of an influencer like Maximilian Dood and make that voice so big that it becomes not just the request of one person, but the request of many. Wondered why there's little to no individuality, and people respond in way too much unison? That's because you're being controlled.
schizo's woke up
chariot is a fag, who cares what he thinks.
>publishers are paying streamers to promote games
Holy shit!
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yeah that was pretty cringe
cute dinosaurs
I hate that I am forced to interact with this abomination if I go into the battlehub.
>It is likely that the streamer will stop playing as soon as the contract expires
So Maximilian Dood.
wheres the capcom slide talking about smash bros and how pogger guest characters are
I don't get a part of this. Why is it ok for let's say Ryu being half-naked but R. Mika's CA was a no-no? I always thought her CA was more meant to be goofy and funny rather than sexualized?
you know why
Capcom has always been historically known to be a scaredy-cat company as far left-leaning activist groups are concerned (see whole Final Fight Poison ordeal), so this direction is in no way surprising to me.
I won't pretend I give too much of a fuck about it, imagine being triggered about a random ass NPC in Battle Hub, but it sucks that so much stuff will get censored just because a group of activists from California will yell about it until the end of time.
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explains they toned down the goofyness and pervyness in 6
>the naked young women playing with their asses and puffy vulvas is just for comedy and isn't supposed to be sexually appealing at all
stop pretending to be this clueless
>smashfag now saying that capcom pays shills to defend KAMI6
What's wrong with being sexually appealing?
This aint Dale this is LOW TIER GOD
Could be both. She is a wrestler performer. She goes for a very specific look and attitude.
It makes ugly women very insecure.
Ryu's just dressed that way while Mika actively flaunts it.
At the end of the day, Inafune succeeded.
What's wrong with flaunting good looks?
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anyone eu wanna jive? might reinstall (~30min) if yes
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Happy Halloween
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Happy Halloween !
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Who said there was anything wrong with it? I feel like you're trying to bait out an argument while surrounded by people that agree with you.
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it bothers trannies
capcom needs to make their games more inclusive by adding a costume which reveals chun li's untamed bush (encouraging body positivity and owning the chuds at the same time)
We're getting Halloween skins?
god i need lauras hips on my face after I heem luke with one punch, but what the fuck happened to her tits
>game is called "shield" and slides are just about standard streamer advertising but illiterate /v/ermin come up with some fake conspiracy about "defensive" fanabses
oh no how terrible! they PAID a streamer to play their game????
+0,01 cents
+5 drive tickets have been added to your account
Lol no
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>what the fuck happened to her tits
Found em for u :)
That is NOT Laura you gay retard
I'm not gay
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uh huh
time to cheat
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Episode 11 (and Mai) waiting thread
jamies balls are probably really smooth and plump and would feel great on your nose and chin while your tongue is mapping out the exact texture of his soft bussy
So true
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I regret picking up jamie, this chracter is infuriatingly jank but yet still i cant put him down...
The cost of being stylish cool and breedable :(
He's so fun, it just sucks when you want to play like a human and your tools are garbage
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This was before DEI existed
Find me a post in 2022 and 2023 that said DEI?
You can’t. The boogeyman wasn’t invented yet, it was all about el Rock Negro
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My local is planning a group trip to EVO Japan next year, but I can't afford to tag along.
get back to work wagie
Mindbroken NEET hours
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Jamie is the balance between based and cringe
What gameplan does Mai have? She's the next character right not Elena?
vega with shoto and a move for spacing
crmk or crmp drive rush corner carry throw loops
yeah, the Japanese Shoto Cabal will find any excuse to pile on any character that is not a shoto and has a decent match against them.
like last season where chun and cammy were SO GOOD OMG, both got nerfed, and ken stayed the same.
this season will be cammy, gief, maybe bison, and akuma will stay the same
Her gameplay traditionally is zone you out and and catch you with a silly jump to wall dive forward kick that’s charge. Like a vega wall dive animation but it’s not a grab. Her buttons up close have been buffed since her kof days and is generally just mid screen to maybe full screen passive archetype. Upclose she’s got some cash out damage like anyone else. Knowing modern exists I don’t know if shell have charge, Terry doesn’t. Think of her as Chun with out SBK and probably some target combos/no stance.
El what?
>auto neutral waifu
turn green, throw a bunch of times in the corner and then shimmy
Her gameplan is kissing me and pulling my head into her booba
i hate jamie
She wouldn’t cheat on Andy, scumbag
Considering how worthless bums spend all day here, wouldn't that be every hour?
good way to tell if a move in sf6 is complete horseshit is if they say "yeah but its vulnerable to DI"
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sf6 is hurting our youth's mental health
One mistake,
HOH HAUGH(overhead one)
imagine being ChrisT and unable to win with this ape
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bring it back
Two canon cuties and uh….yeah..that thing on the right
That's Karins Real Doll, she practices on it for Sakura's benefit
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Long Cammy is long
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im tired of sliming in sf6 so i will slime in the mecha game
I'm hearing this in my head and it's making me seethe
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Which mobile game is this?
why aren't they turning green?...
iron saga vs
you turn blue instead :^)
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helping sifu li up and getting her fresh new clothes!
accurate boob size btw
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I'll be gutted if she doesn't actually say jambo in sf6
that's big...
Jesus Christ monster save me
It's next year, dude. Save up. Mow some lawns. What would your dad say?
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>opponent DIs
>i press DI
>DI doesn't come out
what in the nigger fuck is this game
just because you got the read, doesnt mean you deserve it. skill issue.
better luck next time. GGs!!!
Milktruck has arrived

i'm intolerant to lactose
I think her fans will be charge, Terry's move has swapped back and forth but Mai never has never not been charge.
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>young millionaire
>tight japanese waifu pussy for life, got married in japan
>travels all over
>much better than you at any SF game
>background in real sports so he'd beat the brakes off you

he owns your whiny faggot ass.
I hate combos so much fighting games would be so much more fun with execution simplified to the extreme.
>look up my ranked history with terry to see if any of my diamond 5 opponents made master
>most did except a juri who ended up dropping like 1.5k LP
>i started her loss streak
>she went from like 2 games to master down to diamond 4 and quit ranked with juri completely a few weeks ago after bottoming out there

damn, what is the perma diamond 4/5 hell like for anyone in it here? i'd feel so demotivated to even turn on the game
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Not trying to defend any of his opinions since I don't watch him like that but aren't most of his videos just him trying to shut down his whiny ass streamboar chat? I'd hardly calling that going out of his way when it's the most annoying windowlickers imaginable bringing up the latest twitter engagement bait 50 times a day. Also funny to call him a fencesitter when he's making you seethe so hard lol.
I wonder if any autists look up my ranked trajectories like this
Stfu sajam
>street fighter is.......... le rock paper scissors
>parry beats everything
>*furiously adjusts hair*
I give up. This Guile combo is truly impossible.
I watch sajam because I daydream about putting a leash on him and having him sleep in a cage by the foot of my bed.
His tongue was made for the soles of my feet.
Based. I was picking off-topic.
does having a DI button closer to the center of your leverless help that much
So is >>499436359 but I don't see you spazing about sage every thread
I would not take any advice on ergonomics from the people who swore up and down for over 10 years that fighting games were not playable on keyboards
People pick and choose what to be mad about. I’m sure he’ll spin a reason why it’s “allowed”
I'm 100% certain I would react to almost every DI if I could just double tap it instead of using my bitch ass pinky finger
And still isn’t playable
Literally every hitbox troon just loses or can’t compete even in the easiest street fighter
>Implying I think that retard is any better
I am just trying to prune another cancer before it goes outta control. Stop assuming shit you schizo. And go rub your shitty penis instead of obsessing over random women streaming.
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>cammy husband when cammy is finally real
Hes fat from eating the shit outta her asshole
True waifufags are so schizo their wives are real.
Even if they don't have them in this life in the corporal way, God will reward their loyalty giving them in the afterlife.
nigga thinks jerking off and fantasizing about a fictional character will be rewarded with anything but being ridiculed by everyone and wasting your one chance at life
>Implying I was implying otherwise
>Implying I was assuming anything
>Implying I'm a schizo
>Implying I'd ever rub one out to 3DPD
>Implying I was the og poster
>Implying anyone's obsessed with some low tier streamer and didn't want to just make a joke about some boobies
>Implying you're posts are actually worthwhile and not more annoying than anyone else in the conversation
>Greentexting the word "Implying"
>Greentexting the word "Implying" with a capital I
>All in the year of our lord 2016+8
>Worthless coomer thinking he understands morality or knows what happens in the afterlife
Nigger thinks he solved reality because he watched Rick and Morty lol
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>>much better than you at any SF game
I doubt it
>Everywhere you look shit never happens "just because"
>Everywhere in space is a nothing burguer because life or counsciouness can't sprout under these conditions
>Earth is on the perfectly calculated measuraments for life to exist and even though we might be able to explain HOW things happen, we cant never understand WHY they happen and HOW they were designed
Atheism requires more belief in randomness and faith than even Scientology or all religions combined
Believing literally nothing happens after you die is such a bluepill

This life is clearly the hell of another existence btw
They gave you Modern, what more do you want? AI to play for you.
I hate that modern exists because it's such easy deflection for any execution woes. Modern doesn't really make execution that much easier at all.
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Euros woke up again huh. Anyways the power of the Beauty Engine
You can't assume that. Modern compatibility comes first for Nakayama-san, look what happened to bison.
there were some black goontresses in that trailer
>Modern doesn't really make execution that much easier at all.
It literally gives you auto combos, you can't get easier than that.
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I wouldn't let Lili know rest
DBFZ had auto combos but it still had plenty of other easy combo too.
I know a couple of modern players at my local and only one of them uses the modern combos like, sometimes. I think they are mostly garbage meter wasters.
>Everyone who disagrees with me is a hecking schizo
Same beat of calling everyone you dont like literally Hitler
ey Tony
>everyone you dont like is literally based
based? based.
>learn that there's next to no reward for teching throws midscreen so i force myself to stop doing so to decrease the amount of shimmies i eat
>get thrown
>get thrown
>get thrown
>get thrown
>get thrown
>get thrown
>lily's ca is basically her accidentally doing thawk's super
we all love MH here, vappa
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Am I crazy or does this win ratio seem a bit suspect
If he only plays BH scrubs then not really
Is it a battle hub Guile?
Yeah why?
He's just on another level
Guarantee he just sits there beating low ranked players all day and leaves the cabinet as soon as someone beats him. BH Guiles are egotistical assholes.
The game was obviously made with modern in mind
If you're not evo top 8 material then you're not good enough to actually reap the benefits from playing on classic
>b-b-but I play on classic to have fun...!
Nigga you're playing SF6
Go to locals bro. The level of play that is better than most modern players but below top 8 at evo is ABUNDANT. very active scene, and modern players feel the lack of key normals and special options.
I know you're just shitposting but its just so silly and wrong
i cant take this dogshit game seriously

i literally lol irl when a ken roundstart slimes at me or ex fireball slimes from fullscreen
It's fucking retarded. I'm 1300MR and I'm fighting people WAY worse than me who are way higher ranked. If neutral actually was a thing I would easily be 1800 and fucking these people up but they can just random me out over and over. Game gave them superpowers.
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but i do have fun playing sf6 with classic
You jest but some people actually think this
the game is better with friends. There's an implicit agreement that you both want to make the game good so you both reduce or limit usage of slime and throw loops.
Online people for some reason are itching to throw loop, how is that fun? not even about winning or losing, but its barely gameplay. Do you really wake up and think "can't wait to throw loop niggas online!"
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New collab I hope
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Sure why not
>snake eyez stream right now

this is a character that some delusional retards unironically pretend is worse than Manon btw.
Cyclops season 4 pls
costume 4.................................................
>trans colors
it's so over...
You’re going to behead your wife when she choose a nursery color and it’s blue and pink
the battle pass has tons of darkstalkers goodies and you're seriously asking for more? crazy how greedy some of you are.
You guys are a little too good at picking this shit out
how do I last longer? li fen just drive impacts my dick with her tongue and I get burned out in seconds, she says I have less health than akuma....
It's capcom's hidden mickey
satsui no mickey
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R. Micka
Laura Micksuda
Mick. Bison (boxer)
What's the window for a perfect boom? I can't really get them consistently.
hide names and post replay
.................costume 4
.......voice chat
...........big booty cammy cosplayers
this general is so bad it hurts.
................. good general
This general is so good it feels great.
.....big titty mai cosplayers
watch out for menard's manon
costume 3 for season 2 characters arent even out yet, there isnt going to be a costume 4 for a while
I need to get a job
Uh guys, Broski is talking about how he hopes the game removes throw loops...
.......1600 mr
Uh bros, Guyski is talking about how he hopes the game keeps throw loops...
Based /ourguy/ guyski
This tag goes hard though
Damn, JB downloaded this fucker Zhen like his brain was on github
Justin Bieber downloaded what?
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Average capcuck
This character is so boring how is he so popular? Faggots really buy anything hum?
Based DIMPS god.
i get glad when the matchmaking gives me 1600+ players
i'm forced to learn footsies instead of fighting dark souls AI in lower MR
>not tekken
Giving your buck a break is important
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We TekkenCHADS got tired of owning you hoes...
you know a general is bad when you have unironic /dbs/ reddit memes
Quite the opposite. /dbs/ posting is a fine form of humour. Which is why is rare ITT.
>What set this nigga off is not off-topic coompost, or mentally unwell bum ass schizos who have a tenue grasp of the english language and no job but /dbs/ memes
>off-topic coompost, or mentally unwell bum ass schizos who have a tenue grasp of the english
So /dbs/fags?
/dbs/ schizos are more on-topic and productive than /sfg/ schizos and is not even funny.
>/dbs/ schizos are more on-topic and productive
why are you talking about yourself in third person?
/dbs/ has issues but at the end of the day still produces good memes and gets a laugh outta you.
/sfg/ you get vindictive schizos who try to argue and debate but have less brain activity than a fetus.
Nigga I haven't been in /dbs/ like that ever since Toriyama passed away. I lurked a bit last week or so because of Daima ngl.

/dbs/ is people acting like retards for the lols with occasional good discussion, while /sfg/ is retards trying to sound smart.
/dbs/ on its worst days is a better board than peak /sfg/ and is not up to debate
>/dbs/ is people acting like retards for the lols with occasional good discussion, while /sfg/ is retards trying to sound smart.
Perfect way to put it lmao
>Nigga I haven't been in /dbs/ like that ever since Toriyama passed away
>bro I haven't been here for a few months
>yeah I've been in that shithole for years, what about it?
gonna be a lol and even a lmao, you're a dbsubhuman
>Projecting and assuming shit as you deflect the original point of /sfg/ being trash
Oh yes the /sfg/ BnB...
>People in /dbs/ argue all day, and only their very biggest schizos are namefagged, but even then they ain't namedropped at every convo
Meanwhile at /sfg/
>You will be called 5 different things if you post something that triggers one of the local hyper sensitive schizos who post here everyday all tensed up as if someone is out there to get them.
>dbsissy said "my hero" and "job" for the billionth time and though it was the funniest shit ever
alright i'm out, see you in the next thread
>Niggers trying to say /sfg/ aint some mistake of a general when telling a dude to get a job caused him to have a melty
Just watch this thread
>Missing the point completely
/sfg/ True combo...
Literally the powerhouse of /a/ and made memes that other generals and even the rest of the internet uses
/fgg/ rejects, cultist capcucks obsessed with slurping capcom even in their weakest point
>/fgg/'s stepson
Capcucks... dont read this...
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Seeing people from /sfg/ calling others subhumans when the average Capcuck is a literal genetic dead end is so funny
Exactly lmao
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Fighting games in general attract the lowest form of weirdos.
The only one that balances it out is Smash because is so fucking popular that it attracts normal people and even chads so it balances against their weirdos.
Is literally that meme of a chink/nigger calling the other the same as them
Yea even though I also think the Dead or Alive fanbase is the second one after it. Because is very underground and most people are chill in it since they don't care much about the game and more about voyeurism with the girls...
what a chad
>Talking about Smash
Nigcel might spawn outta thin air just to seethe about it even though the thread just ended.
He really based
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Is really based because it shows that he can enjoy the game without being overly commited about it.
Specially in the FGC, theres this weird concept you can only enjoy a game if you devote to play yourself for 8 hours daily, have the best gear, go to locals, tryhard for the highest rank... Instead of just playing when you feel like and consuming content.
I really enjoy seeing people enjoying games but not making their entire personality playing them.
Yea I think I feel the same. Even tho I was a tryhard weirdo when I was a teen but I thankfully outgrew it.
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Calling other people "tendies" when they obssess over a company whose last actual great games were DmC 3, SF4, RE4 and Megaman X5 and everyone else been midshit with awful value for the consumer.
Capcom literally sold SF to the saudi and woke mob and they didn't even deliver good content with all the money they made.

EVO being its biggest it ever been with the most pathetic prizepool is a reflection of nu-Capcom.

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