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[Banner] [10/10-10/30] Humanlike Lilith (New)
[Banner] [10/17] Demon Lizelotte
[Content] [10/17] Guild Raid: Ruthra
[Content] [10/17] Unicat Boss: Tofu
[Event] [10/10-10/23] Halloween 2023 Event: Red Riding Hood and Bad Wolf (Rerun)
[2x] [10/02-10/15] Champion's Arena Coins

[Banner] [10/31] Fairy Wehri (New)
[Banner] [10/31] Beast Lute
[Banner] [11/21] Chaotic Collab Soul 1 (New)
[Banner] [11/21] Chaotic Collab Soul 2 (New)
[Banner] [12/12] Beast Sakuyo (Inferno) (New)
[Content] [10/24] World Boss: Lighthouse Keeper
[Content] [10/24] Operation Eden Alliance: Chalar
[Content] [10/24] Unicat Boss: Cheese
[Content] [10/31] ESS Catherine
[Content] [11/07] Guild Raid: Charite
[Content] [11/14] World Boss: Behemoth (New)
[Content] [11/07] Mini-event: Evermatch!
[Content] [TBA] Designated Summons Banner (replaces Type Summon Banner)
[Content] [TBA] Event Raid "Infinite Mode"
[Content] [TBA] Tower of Infinity
[Event] [10/31] Halloween 2024 Event: Moonlight Bunny Circus (New)
[Event] [11/21] Collaboration Event (highly likely "Date A Live V") (New)
[2x] [10/30] Decoy Operation Rewards

>NA Guilds

>Newbie Guide

>"Information Source" Spreadsheet

Previous Thread: >>498565736
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I love Lute!
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I saw Eversoul get mentioned for the first time outside this general and it was just someone calling it dogshit
>Lute, Nicole and Erusha bunny girls
Peak Eversex. The 31st can't come soon enough.
I've been saying it but eversoul has quite possibly the worst new player experience and the dead ass quarter does not help in the slightest
Link it to us. I'm curious if the person even has anything constructive to say or if he even really played it.
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probably belongs to that guy who didn't realise eversoul was an idle gacha
Putting any hoyoshit gacha above "Dogshit" tells me that nigga's opinion is not to be taken seriously.
>Honkai Star Rail
>Genshin that high
Are we doing that hipster thing where we pretend popular games are bad?
The fact that there are a fuckton of flies flying around some turd on the road doesn't make the turd good.
>Superior Linzy
You're right bro, everyone has shit taste, everyone except you since you're the only human alive with good taste.
Nah, not even. I used to play Girls Frontline.
ah of course no wonder you're so mentally ill
No one said that. Something being popular doesn't mean it's good, however. You sound like one of those retards who would unironically argue that Skyrim is one of the best RPGs ever
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good morning /esg/

>day 13
>box 21
>2000 gems spent
>2 sold-out boxes
>7x 40 arti tix

really good haul, got 300+ artifact tix lying around now
>hoyoslop and recycled archive that high
>unpopular game general
>surprised its filled with bitter hipsters and contrarians
wyell I got us to 25th. not with a big lead though.
still 1 day left
sex with bryce and melfice
sex with manon
sex with sakuyo
sex with rebecca
sex with dominique
sex with larimar
Are we holding hands?
not even close
how far behind is Jammies this time
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we can always hold hands if we pretend the others don't exist
wasn't pits above jammies last gw? did everyone in pits fucking die all of a sudden?
we're waiting until the last minute to give jammies false hope at beating us
we always get a boost in score on the last day but holding hands would require a big jump this time around.
Pits has less players and this boss isn't very skip friendly.
I don't know if we were ahead last time but I think Jammies have been ahead more often than not recently.
the dead quarter made them all quit
This event was painful.
Only reached box 8 and it needed me to buy multiple extra runs today as it would just be too pitiful to not event get a single set of artifact tickets
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>day 14
>box 20
>9100 gems spent
>they are nerfing Larimar
I'm not sure what to think about that.
A part of me understands that she is too broken and nerfing is better than out of control powerrcreep or obnoxious limitations but I love big numbers and trying to get stupid high damage is the most fun I have during guild raid.
The cats will be complete ass though, I might actually stop bothering with those if the nerf is bad enough
they're gonna keep nerfing characters and giving no compensation for it like the scummy gooks they are
It's not like this is the first time they nerfed something.
Viv's ability to completely wipe the other side and killing the lighting spear cheese hurt me pretty bad during those early days.
I doubt it will be that bad of a nerf anyway, if for no other reason that it would de-incentivise all types of sea mammals from investing on future units that look a tad too good
>lighting spear cheese
man I'm so glad we can skip lab now
Ended on Box 11
1 extra ticket per day
I expect to see some origin tohkas and kurumis unless you want to eos us.
I been just autoing everyone has an old boss isn't as exciting. I'll do a real hit last day.
eh, I don't really feel like playing today. motivate me jamiies
Soonie will be sad if you don't play
That's enough motivation, I'm logging in
Buff them and I'll consider it.
I don't even know who they are
I'll roll one copy each
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>enough Larimar
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>oh dick bros
Bwos... can you post some cute souls? I just got rejected at a job interview... I need some pick-me-up cuteness
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They don't deserve you bro
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Have an Ina, who is surely coming Q1
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thank you bwos. I'm gonna do my dailies and then some love stories... I feel so fucking demotivated. I was hoping for some extra cash to spend on games... but looks like the struggle continues
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It'll get better, bro.
Have faith.
Absolute snooze-fucking-fest, played it hardcore for 4 weeks waiting for the fun to arrive, never did. Literally everything about the game puts you to sleep.
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good night /esg/
I just BARELY cleared 10 with the last ticket today for the second arti set, even after buying a ticket every day. The next event is a new one so at least we'll get more shit.
sleep tight jammie
>played a game she hates for 4 weeks
this is what's wrong with this generation
he has to be a boomer
the new generation would have watched an eceleb play instead
You're talking about a generation where people keep playing games like dead by daylight or league of legends for years while saying they "hate" it.
Good taste
Nah the issue with this generation are the hypebeasts that play every single game to not "miss out" even if they hate it so you have all these clowns crying about how much they hate the game, how they don't like anything about it and how it doesn't appeal to them at all but continue playing.
Maybe consider dropping the game if you hate it????
this list was made by a pedophile
and he has shit taste at that
It's like the normalfags who watch the FOTM thing just because everyone else is watching it instead of them actually being interested in it themselves.
with jammies?
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Jammies are for handholding only
jamming it into unsuspecting jammies
do NOT jam it into jammies
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where do I jam it then?
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That's what Yuria is for
He, sister. The game is simply boring as fuck, I'm not sure why this bothers you. The AI is dogshit and every fight is just cheesing some gimmick. There's genuinely no expression of skill whatsoever, muh tactical ogre combat is so paper thin you can just let the game play it for you.
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Nobody cares about your garbage opinions sis. You aren't IGN so keep the shitty reviews ton yourself.
If you don't like a game then like, don't play it??? As shrimple as that.
nta but why the fuck would you play for 4 weeks if the game was ass? Surely you could tell within a few hours?
>still played it for 4 weeks like the zoomer hypebeast she is
nta I played PGR for a couple of months hoping it'd get better because I loved the setting and it never worked out for me.
Sometimes you're just on the fence about it, or expect things to click into place once you have a more developed account, or it can take a while before you get out of the honeymoon period and one time content mill and actually see what the daily routine is like. Gachas especially get really time consuming so it can take a while to reach that point and see any changes.
>Because I loved the setting
There it is though. You play something because something about the game clicked with you and you were having fun but once you stop having fun or realize it's not for you then you drop it.

Anon above sounds like he didn't have a honeymoon period or liked it, he just played a fotm to not miss out and now just tosses out random buzzwords to shit on the game regardless of whether they apply or not because he's frustrated others could enjoy something he couldn't
Usually give a gacha 2 weeks before dropping it. Sometimes it's hard to judge a gacha so early on, the endgame can be very different.
Sometimes I like the early game in a gacha but hate the endgame or sometimes I hate the early game but like the endgame.
I think the early game in something like Blue Archive sucks major cock but the endgame with raids and shit is pretty fun if you actually have all the pieces for raids. Meanwhile the early game for a game like Brown Dust was pretty fun and felt like a proper RPG while the endgame in there is cock and ball torture.
With the Undead
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Is the game really that dead the thread residents need to have a meltie because someone said they didn't like an unrelated game?
I blame the /bag/ refugees for everything bad involving the thread
Ok what do you want to talk about?
Want to talk about how they're nerfing Larimar and not giving any compensation? Or how the skip quarter is so shit that people would rather discuss other games than any of the upcoming characters?
p-please don't fight again...
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There are more pressing issues to discuss, like pits being twenty-fucking-fifth. What the fuck pitsbros? My hands aren't that long.
I'm ANGRY and only rough sex with dominique can calm me down
She would take it from both sides if it stopped the argument.
I want her to be rough with me if you know what im sayin
3 hours left pits. Please hit the boss already.
only if jammies admit we are better than them
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I let it happen
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I would let Nini happen all over me 2bh, I don't blame you
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Reset Lizzy!
good enough
Pits slackin'
I forgot to do my non auto hit
good morning /esg/
that's cheating
good morning long jammie
Good job, jammie! She's complete!!
>Literal dead week between now and halloween event with the boring forgettable sluts
deadest game on /vg/ right now
tell me how to beat the new kot then
>deadest game on /vg/ right now
>>>/vg/d2g/ is that way
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Make her eat the worms
I literally used the same Naomi team I used last week.
post it I didn't see it last week
brown dust? yeah that game is pretty dogshit too
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>I play the 2 deadest games on /vg/
Then fuck off if you dislike this game so much. Go back to genshit or rerun archive.
lil bro is literally mindbroken over bantz
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Just use any human-like dps, buffers and debuffers. Even this mephi team I saw on arca live works
>Literally 1 copy away from origin Lize
I feel so cucked right now. "Generous" game but I feel like my luck is at its worst in this game.
I rolled 330 times and only got 2 non-pity copies
I got origin in 350 rolls. Then the event gave me an extra one so I probably could have stopped at 300.
Game was really generous when they delivering your dicking I guess
I got a copy or two of Lize over time from random pulls, so praying might work.
I just realized something. The last angel soul, Yuria, was a year ago, October 19th 2023. Why the long wait for a new one?
devs are fighting their demons rn
I expected one this quarter honestly. There are 3 unreleased ones we know of
Maybe there was one slated for q4 when they were unsure if they could secure rights for the collab outside Japan.
got any pictures, designs or anything?
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All we have of Carnelian.
is cb still going
are we holding hands
did pits beat jammies
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She was a soul leaked at launch, which probably means we'll never get her.
We need more chocosouls 2bh
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are these two the same soul
Unsure. It's possible that Sanon was scrapped and Carnelian is based on her.
There's a clearer image of her somewhere but I don't have it, it shows her with a halo.
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They should all be in the data dump.
nice, she's like a hotter prince of wales
She's a massive cunt though. Tries to get her own daughter raped.
>gets her daughter/savior drunk so that they fuck
Why is she so horny for grandchildren
The Tabria Empire must grow.
Brigid already arranged a marriage between her daughter and Savior, held him at gunpoint over it, and got her daughter shitfaced drunk in order to get them to fuck
What kinds of manipulation will she employ when it's finally her turn?
>What kinds of manipulation will she employ when it's finally her turn?
She won't do shit because I won't read her evertalks. Easy.
Spaghetti spilling or maybe she just rapes savior
can you make very long Sakuyo? otherwise known as Sakuyo(long)? like this: >>499583146
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This post is dedicated to my one and only love, Weiss.
Soon we'll be reunited, my dear soulwife.
What's your beloved and only wife's personality?
Dunno, I just met her yesterday on my way to Ark Zedkiel and cannot stop thinking about her ever since.
the Eden Alliance Operations mention Wheri and Weiss. But there are not there (cause they are not in game yet)
will they change those brief intro stories to include the rulers?
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Good morning Jammies, Pits and everyone else in /esg/.
It is I, the Divegrass autist with some news.
/vg/League 23 starts in about a month, so for us to we I need people interested in seeing our team playing.
So for this end, if you're interested in our football/divegrass team, just leave me a (You) and maybe post suggestions on how to improve the team, the roster or even the wiki page.
Here are some links about the team.
Thank you for your support as always, everyone!
I would hope so. they seem to be adding a lot of leaders lately
Today I'm going to spank Manon
I want Beleth to spank me
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>so for us to we I
hell yeah! /esg/ love!
Did they fix Kanna and Hazel yet?
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It's 7 in the morning cut me some slack.
Nevermind, they didn't.
This is not how a mother should behave.
>larimar still meta on world raid
>with triple disadvantage
So it really was a bug fix and hasn't changed her performance at all. Actually nerfs when?
Post score.
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wait, so I should not send death threats and demand a free origin+5 selector as compensation?
Yeah, I think they didn't fix shit.
Nerfs when?
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I just shitpost because I don't know anything about soccer so I can't be helpful. I'll watch the stream if it gets posted though.
it's the same team as last season except now they all have double or triple arrow down and they're still nearly twice the damage of any other team. world raid is a failure concept
They did fix the issue, the "bug" was that with enough speed the damage from one of her bombs was getting added to the following one and that was not supposed to happen.
The problem was that people just read about Larimar getting a bug fixed and assumed it meant that she was getting stealth nerfed with not reparations.
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good night /esg/
sleep tight jammie
>sticks your finger into warm water
sweet dreams jammie
Triple red should just be a hard ban until next season.
Doing good work as always.
I still think Counterside had a really neat way of managing pick/bans. Granted it's the only pvp focused gacha I've played so maybe they're all like that.
Give bosses enhanced skills and passives if they detect two or more ADC on the field.
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The problem is they go too light on the passives, -50% damage isn't much when you're doing x4 the damage of other souls.
They also need to just rework Velanna who negates the disadvantage.
Attack that instakills demons with names starting with "L" when
I don't know how they are keeping larry alive with -80% hp and 50% extra damage taken. that's what needs to be looked at..
I wish Dominique would peg me...
Jammie, no.
I wish Dominique would hold my hand...
Jammie, yes.
I wish Dominique would hold my hand while pegging me...
Do share.

Thanks again for your work anon! I think the roster is fine, Gossipniggers is a bit of a black sheep (ironic given our other GK) but that makes it funny.

If you want some suggestions, I'm not entirely convinced about how well our songs came across. I love Kanna's theme but it should really be her individual goalhorn and the anthem was a little awkward due to the shift in tone and the short cutoff (would also be great as a kot goalhorn since it'd play longer then and it's a funny contrast to her chibi appearance).
I think the anthem needs to "get to the point" quickly and maybe be a little milder and the general goalhorn should be a low distraction and higher energy song like Doomsday Doll or similar. The lyrical songs don't work so well.
still alive
>Do share.
No. Weiss is for me and me alone.
Same as Beleth and the twins.
Only one more week left in this boring month.
>Got enough gems to O5 Whori if she gets a dark elf skin
Don't let me down CEO.
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Why would she receive a dark elf skin? It makes no sense.
you act like anything in this game makes sense
because they owe us after white washing nicole
She was tanned at best, they just lightened her a little.
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Common for palette swaps. They aren't canon so they could do whatever they like.
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Reset Jiho!
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more like Jiwho
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good morning /esg/
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Silvester Joy the 3rd wouldn't say such mean words.
good morning jammie
Where is Silvester Joy the 2nd and 1st?
They were eaten by Silvester Joy the largest.
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Dogs don't say anything
Dogs only live for 10-20 years. They're in doggy heaven.
It's a Souldog. It just revived three times.
Your Erusha?
wifing soon
Now that they're putting costumes behind paywalls, it's time for the marriage ring to make its debut.
Instant 6 evermillion bucks/month
agreed. I'd buy at least 10
Only if they give EverRings to my Undeadwives
One for each of the Soulwife's fingers.
I'd buy 4 first and foremost, the twins, Sigrid and Petra.
How many wives can we have?
I just realized that Sylvester Joy (aka the dog with a weird name according to linzy) is the 3rd because the first two already died... cause they are normal dogs like a savior is a human, while souls are eternal. Damne, 9ark shoul really look into that how they are sustaining farms and all wildlife while only ouls are limitless

or is it like this bwo said: >>499721405 ?
that animals are also souls and revive?
It's not out of the realm of possibility 2bh, souls acknowledge its existence, but never say if it truly is a dog or not.
You could say that it technically is the soul of a dog because humanity and everything in there is already extinct.
What if it's the rare breed called an updog?
but Anon, there are bunnies, sheeps, farms and all the wildlife in eden, many souls state that as an obvious fact. I guess when Mephi came back to barren wasteland she also released some animals from the ark, or maybe they came from the other arks, or maybe they were just spawned by magic crown of the sun along all the greenery - that we don't know, but we know that the animals do exist in eden!
What's updog?
Nothing much, what about you?
haha you got me there!
Sylvester Joy the 3rd is certainly an updog
anyone else received an email about how Kakao Games's US homepage is getting sacked and folded into the KR one by November 1? should we be worried about this development?
yeah it's pretty much EOS, they closed the chink side of the game recently and also nobody noticed (it was at the very bottom of the notes)
Pretty sure the chinks did. CS and chink TLs of announcements and dicksword events got folded into the English side iirc. Doubt anyone actually used TW CS with how bad EN CS is already lol.
I love soonie
me too bwo
epecially her bloomersears
I don't think Kakao US have done anything for Eversoul in a long time. They handed ditched the twitter account back in June but it recently became active again so I assume they handed it over to the translation team.
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>spending too long in town during rain causes it to flood
neat, never noticed that before
it's not that, it floods if you don't clear the manholes from those pesky slimes, after slime quest you can stay as long as you want and it doesn't flood!
What level is everyones Ark Enchance at? Wondering how far behind I am.
Huh, I thought it floods from all the pussy juice... Kinda disappointed now desu.
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good night /esg/
Night jammie
night jammie
do you focus main or level them all equally?
I always buy all the main upgrades in the shop every reset, I spend whats left on the others. They're about 260 to my 283 main.
sleep well jammer
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This outfit is very unbecoming of a nun.
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this is what I was expecting
Blessed be, finally some decency.
>more bare feet
this has to stop
Please don't suck. This design is perfect, unlike that trash beast support we just got, and it would be a shame if she disappoints.
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I think this game kinda sucks with godawful progression and terrible story but everything else I've tried lately is worse so I'm stuck here if I want a side game
Just fuck off already. All you do is bitch and moan and shit up the thread.
bro that's the first post i've made in like days because I have a life to live
maybe you're the problem?
>I have a life to live
>2 gachas
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Reset Lilith. She loves whales!
Also jumping into fights like retards at every opportunity.
this is /vg/ tho
if we don't act like tribalistic cunts and shitpost at every chance then what do we have left? fucking retard
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It's Nini's birthday.
Say something nice about her.
She's flat
She's fat
She's short
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She's hot
she's not blue
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good morning /esg/
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Mornin' Jammie!
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I would kill everyone for Nini's sake. Would you eat the dark matter cake though?
Mooornin' jammie!
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For Nini? I would eat two.
>No Nini stickers to break the Soonie chain with
You got lucky Jammies.
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Whoever breaks the 15 day dance chain is a monster. This is by far our longest one yet.
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Easily one of the most cute and sex souls and it's not even close, the fact that she's undead further amplifies her sex powers. Future mother of my undead children
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Is Nini called Mei over JP?
Think so
Can Japanese people not pronounce "Nini" or something?
They should be able to. Some other gook gachas also changed names between gook and jp version.
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Liz coming to JP.
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That was it???
Star Rail is definitely a top gacha.
anni is still quite some time bwo
anni is a week so maybe wait
starting now will give you enough gems to origin anyone released in anni. rerolling is pointless
Just checking you are in eversoul and not baited by that guy from /nikg/
scarletbros we eatin gud
Can you fucks keep it in your containment general?
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good night /esg/
good night jammie
night night Jammie
JP finally getting best girl after several months.
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nips ganging up on talia
Game needs more loli so we can capture the Japanese market, what are they waiting for?
nips unfortunately aren't biting on this game.
they had a month of loli and still didn't spend any money.
you can't pander to them much more than that.
A year has 12 months tho, would you really be satisfied if a game only pandered to you for 1 month out of 11?
there really should be at least 1 loli per quarter, no reason not to appeal to those types since they are already on your game
Yeah if you want to pander then you gotta commit. You can't just throw out 1 character and say well we tried!!!
>nips unfortunately aren't biting on this game.
Are they not sold on the idle gacha system? This seems like the perfect nip game.
Hope they have a metabro advising them that Liz is a skip
they didnt pay off any vtubers to shill it
Idle games aren't fun to watch though
Hardly any gacha is outside rolling sessions.
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If the endgame is fun then people might enjoy watching. BA always gets shit as an "autobattler" but there's tons of streamers for global and JP that stream themselves trying to clear the current raid for hours and people watch.
Does BA count as an idle game? I feel like you're pretty active during combat if you want to minmax damage whereas I've always autoed in eversoul because ultimates are far less frequent than EX moves.
Weren't the latest raids very manual? If people here cared more about raids then I feel like watching a raid stream wouldn't be too out of the ordinary. And I don't think BA counts as an idle game, the timelines get pretty fucking strict in some raids with some pixel perfect repositions on some which are absolutely fucking bullshit.
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Reset Lizelotte!
I wouldn't know. I don't think eversoul can feel very manual when all you do is decide when an ultimate on a shared cooldown is going to be used and iirc you can't even target ultimates in eversoul making it even less skill based.
I feel like the amount of games that commit to pandering to lolicons are near non-existent. Way more common to hear about a game that released aged up versions of characters or is seeing how big they can make the characters tits while stories like BA talking about how they aren't going to "hagify" their characters on stream are rarer than unicorns.
Idle comes from the passive income of resources, where your team will earn you rewards while idle. The combat system doesn't come into it, it's about the progression.
Few companies want lolicons and other detestable people as a part of their game's fandom ruining its image. Also these characters in large numbers might push away normal people especially if it's a game with fanservice.
Which is why games like BA are able to get as big as they got, there's nowhere else to go so they're free to build their own little uncontested monopoly.
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good morning /esg/
>anyone that wants cute girls is seen as a "detestable pedo"
>games get flooded with DEI bullshit or the most soulless fanservice ever to get people to part with their cash
Can't believe gaming will actually die in my lifetime
morning jammie
good morning Jammie
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They didn't do an arena shuffle did they? I've traded 1st and 2nd place with the same guy for almost a year now and today I haven't been attacked in 24 hours and I can't even find him in the top 50. Maybe he got banned?
what if he just quit
maybe, I figured i'd still be able to find him in the arena list though unless he deleted his account
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night jammies
I wish the asshole who attacks me 5 times a day would vanish.
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I wasted so many everstones starting out half from bad advice and half from my own stupidity that I want to reroll during collab
I hope the units are somewhat useful at least
rerolling is real stupidity, you will not get ahead from doing it in a months time
What is with this recent obsession with rerolling? We never had this before, people didn't even reroll at launch. The biggest factor in this game is not how many ADC you have, it's how old your account is, the later you start the more behind you will be.
because normal gachas have level caps so there's usually a chance of catching up... they don't know
why does it matter if someone wants to reroll or not? why does everyone have to play the way you want instead of the way they want?
If you really love DAL then wait for the colab. But JP already has them and they aren't great.
It doesn't matter how someone else wants to play but it is true that starting over fresh won't help anyone because of the idle system with no real level cap.
again, what does it matter to you? is it your own account? does it affect you? do you lose anything? will you be worse off?

I'm hoping they're more useful than prydwen says since they're not exactly correct most of the time or that they get buffed on launch.
They are just offering advice to new players that might help their account.
>Help their account
Yeah, I'm sure it'll be extremely helpful for someone not enjoying the game or their account to miss out on limited characters they wanted because anon said to not reroll and hang in there.

Stellar advice, you should consider writing a guide!
you're being retarded on purpose now
I'm telling you to shut the fuck up if you couldn't catch the indirect. Don't tell others how to play.
Why are you still here? This game is clearly not for you. Just fuck off already.
can you put on a trip so I can filter you? thx
/esg/ is quite useless for advice because only a few anons really bother with tryharding, everyone else is corpses that log in when they remember and if they remember to log in then doing content is optional
Top 50 tryhard here. Rerolling is dumb.
Top 10 tryhard here. Rerolling is based. Play however you want king.
we all know you're still rerolling for liz like an idiot, how's that going for ya?
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>hour long spergout because some anon said he wanted to reroll for DAL
given >>499992382
i'm pretty sure the local retard picking fights over everything doesn't play the game anymore since he's not aware of a critical detail
Until the reddit spacing retard finally drops the game these threads will be hell.
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distraction mephi
Unfortunately Prydwen isn't entirely wrong. Kurumi is the better character and even then she's not amazing. You might want to get a copy of Tohka and invest in Kurumi for the most part and she should be able to act as a carry.
Also follow your heart, do what's fun and ignore the schizos, it's a casual game and the need to tryhard is only as much as your desire to.
>Also follow your heart, do what's fun and ignore the schizos, it's a casual game and the need to tryhard is only as much as your desire to.
Honestly this, people should play however they want to. If you wanna reroll, minmax and tryhard then it's on you and if you want to log in once a week to roll for sexy ladies while disregarding meta then that's absolutely on you too.
why does my summon screen have no art at all in it? I'm guessing bluestacks issue.
yes, bluestacks doesn't display any of the video stuff. it didn't display the login screen for me either when I tried using it. use google play games beta if it runs well for you or Mumu
>Yeah if you want to pander then you gotta commit.
Eversoul has never been a loli game. Enjoy the bone 9ark throws you once in a while or find another game, for your own good.
honest question but do you literally only open this thread to pick fights with others over minuscule dumb shit on this dead general? do you really have nothing else in your miserable life than shitting our poor thread?
Enjoy your necrobump and fuck off.
How many more days until Whori
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Mephi my beloved
My brain keeps pronouncing her name as "whorey"
It's Wheri. Because she's Wheri sexy.
Larimar was right, everything must come to an end, no living entity worth saving would do such shit puns.
I love my wife, Mephi.
nta but for he's not wrong. A lot of gachas will throw in a few token lolis or petite characters even if the focus isn't on them. I very much doubt ES is going to change trajectory on that front since there's far more to lose than to gain by doing it.
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what's annoying is that Ina has been ready for a long time and they refuse to release her
I wonder where that came from because the only file named Ina whenever I checked was her portait. Maybe an older build had more for it but it's definitely not the case now, they rarely seem to leak unreleased content in the game files.
it was when we reliably had a leaker before they locked everything down. as you see he leaked the dark knight event at the same time which turned out to be true
the "leaks" were just datamines
That was earlier this year back around March. Also datamined models like Hazel and even Mica's swimsuit confirming her (and Seeha) for the summer event. They likely fucked up and left data in they shouldn't, and quickly removed it.
That makes sense. They did accidentally include some DaL files early but for the most part they seem to be fairly careful now. It's a shame the text files are encrypted, I'd love to take a peek at those.
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We used to get a ton of shit leaked.
I'm still mad
Still a bit peeved Kanna was ruined.
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Most likely they looked at previous banners and saw how unpopular Manon was, decided Ina wouldn't make them any money and benched her.
Even when Sakuyo came out all people talked about was how they wanted her adult form.
to be fair, the only banners that make money are ADC
I'm glad they redesigned Kanna. Her old design looks like someone straight out of Prim's magic trick.

I'm glad they redesigned Eileen. That scar made her look like a brute, not like a cunning stealthy thief.
I guess that's the nature of it because normalfags don't like lolis so unless you intentionally try to attract that audience the average player won't care for them
Manon was pre-ADC, when people used to roll on normal banners.
Loli is a niche within a niche. You either make lolifags your target audience from the very beginning or you don't really bother with them.
>Even when Sakuyo came out all people talked about was how they wanted her adult form.
She was too short. If she had Soonie's or Dominique's proportions people would have liked her more.

And that's nineark's fault. They decided that ADC were premium souls that should be stronger, so people naturally decided to only roll for ADC. They aren't even punished that severely for doing it, as the game's generous enough you will slowly build up normal souls over time.
Manon was also released at an awkward time in between Liz (April) and Claudia (June).
They have a focus on adding important characters for the story recently, everyone they add is either a leader of something or in a position of power. Ina is just a girl on Clara's weird farm.
>any of the video stuff
wait so i'm missing out on more than the summon screen art?
I don't know. It's been a while and some of it could be fixed. Does the title screen work for you?
Most people left don't even give a fuck about the garbage story in this game. I would rather have Ina than fucking alters.
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I like the story.
The story isn't particularly good but I don't really feel inclined to discuss anything here lately with how everything tends to derail into an autistic argument or big fight
>Most people
Nope, it's just black with the Eversoul logo on it
>Loli is a niche
I agree
>within a niche.
What do you mean? Unless you just mean about how Manon was small even for a loli
True the main story sucks dick but event stories and love stories can be fun
Me too, mostly. I like the world building and knowing all the leaders of the different factions and nations.
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good night /esg/
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womb tattoo soul when
sleep tight Jammie
They should make loli ADC if they want people to roll on it
Garnet would...
I don't think Claudia was a particularly big hit.
Claudia isn't loli though, she's just flat.
She's flat, she's short and her 5head is fucking huge. Looks loli enough to me.
You're right they should have just made her a loli, but she isn't one.
Her regular outfit is terrible, at least fixed with her bond costume
Her bond costume is shit.
she's under 5ft how short you got to be?
147cm. She's 151cm. 4cm too tall to be legally classed as a dwarf
Next you'll ask her to fight with a hammer, wear a helmet and use a fake beard.
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Modern dwarfs are just lalafells
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>they held a discord event where we would get free shit if at least 25 players participated
>mfw they actually didn't meet the threshold
Holy fuck this game is DEAD
I didn't even know thresholds were needed for rewards on discord so I never joined. Was this an in game or event or some dumb irl shit like carve a pumpkin?
Go doompost elsewhere
Discord event, it's just activity checks or engagement bait. The last one was just pick your favorite ark and operator and the current one is pick your favorite pairing of characters. I was curious to see which ark won and was flabbergasted at CM Mephi saying that unfortunately we didn't meet the threshold but gave out the rewards anyway.
That was it? Hmm I remember someone posted that here and tried to yurinigger bait and actually got seemingly serious responses so maybe people avoided this particular one because of that.
Last one with the arks ended at 21, current one is at 18 replies. The threshold is still 25 by the way.
the events are dumb, they should do something good like a town contest so people actually decorate
Sounds like the problem is that nobody knows that these events exist. If they were advertised in game people would no doubt join the discord and vote.
>>500094623 (me)
Maybe someone should add the discord to the OP
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I love Mephi.
good morning /esg/
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I missed resetposting because of daylight savings... this is gonna take forever to get used to again.
morning Jammie
wheri getting closer
Wheri close
More importantly Halloweensex
I think we got the Halloween lines for Souls already. Might compile them later.
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JP Lizelotte is Kana Ueda

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