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What is Dead By Daylight?
Dead by Daylight is an asymmetrical multiplayer (1v4) horror game where one player takes on the role of the Killer and four players take on the role of the Survivors. The Survivor's objective is to repair generators and escape. The Killer's objective is to catch the survivors and kill them.

>8.3.0 | Mid-Chapter
>Castlevania Chapter Trailer
>FNAF Chapter confirmed for Summer 2025

>Official website:
>Patch Notes:
>DBD Icon Collabs 2019-2022 Download
>Official DbD poll:

Previous Thread: >>499061923
do you take items or offerings? and if so what kind
I just bring bp offerings every game and nothing else, I dont bring items or power add-ons ever
Anything that matches heal/repair build I'm running and makes my bar turn yellow. Nothing otherwise.
Usually BP or coins if I'm running the loot goblin build (Dramaturgy, Plunderer's, Ace in the Hole, Exultation)
I'm pretty fond of brutal/thwack! It's a neat combo now because you kick pallets fast enough to prevent survivors from blinding you at them.
I bring whatever item the lobby doesn't have, in order of Medkit -> Toolbox -> Flashlight/Key
Always just bp offerings. If I have zero bp offerings on a killer then I might bring hook offerings. As survivor I usually just bring a medkit or *maybe* a key for seeing the killer’s aura which I usually hate playing against as killer but I’m a solo-queue shitter not a comp swf member so it doesn’t really matter
Give me some good survivor builds.
iron will
Iron Will + Calm Spirit + Light-Footed + Distortion as Feng Mime
I'd play survivor if there were more skins like this
Has anyone else versed the Peruvian Myers who runs play with your food, nemesis, overcharge and friends till the end, and accuses everyone of being a comp swf in endgame chat and he takes screenshots of the profiles and chat and posts it on his steam profile
just play sable
>bring a meme build
>Appraisal, moment of glory, overcome, lucky break
>Die most of the time
>But still having fun
>Mainly because I was able to use my build since killers weren't slugging or tunneling
Imagine a world where killers weren't weirdos and "second chance" perks didn't have to exist and you could just run whatever you wanted
just play dbd mobile
didn't that get nerfed into the ground in the midchapter?
i used to run distortion/IW/calm spirit/lucky break for my stealth build
the poster below will be femdom'd by Nea
I wish they looked like that. You're a faggot for posting something that cleans those uggos up
Yes, but it's also going to get buffed in the next update.
Like pottery!
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Shut the fuck up and get on your knees.
Non-canon appearance, can not harm me.
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why is he killing a california liberal
maga hat chucky cosmetic when
But enough about you
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>Double iri add on twins
Charlotte is surprisingly good at not being seen for some reason desu
>Oni, Nurse, Blight dailies
>implying liberals in the rest of america look any different
simply based
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Did you know you can use the blight serum in Xenomorph's locomotion tunnels? You can travel absurdly fast through the larger maps because of it. Also, don't forget to play as Xeno queen to show those survivors what it means to have a good time.
When are they buffing moris, brand new parts and hatch escapes with keys
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>denies killer her jolt and pain res
>You can hide with smoke bombs and iron will
>has more pallets than all MacMillan maps combined
>You won't run into any of your teammates on gens/healing
>You can 99% the portals so you go in within half a second
>Killer can't face camp in endgame
Why are you as a survivoid not abusing all of this?
How the fuck do you play against Nu-Knight? His butt buddies move so fucking quick that his power is a guaranteed health state now.
How are you this bad
only 1 of this shitter guards can actually hit you, otherwise skill issue
>10 minute queue times

I'm just gonna play iri head huntress and leave survivors downed in the void
Can you still grab the flag? I tried grabbing it earlier and there was no interaction for it. And then I stood around like an idiot, trying all my buttons, and got stabbed anyway.
yeah, you can still run into the standard/banner for haste and everything
there's only something about it spawning the standard at different times depending on which guard was used I think
God I fucking WISH
You can run around a tree and the guards will never catch you lol
What's the point of playing if there are no rift challenges to do
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I HECKIN LOVE BLOCKING GENS!!!! It's kinda wild that grim knocks a survivor off the gen, and then dead mans procs and takes its place.
Dead man's being 50 seconds was a mistake
Please don't nerf Dracula too much :(
Fagula needs to be skull Merchant 'd and I'm already tired of pretending otherwise
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What build should I do if i suck at chases, is this ok
why did you pretend otherwise all that time before?
Which killer?
I'm on clown cause funny bottles but any m1 killer really
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I wanna be a hero. But it never works out
Lucky you, there's a nice little guide on how to play Clown made by the world's #1 Clowb main.
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I can't explain why but I have this really bad feeling about the Myers tweaks for some reason...
Killers know where you are at all times now. You might as well just play perkless.
I recall him saying this. Not certain though.
I expect him and his perks to be nerfed into the dirt with only minor buffs to some of his less popular addons.
Then he'll be bugged in some inane way when the patch goes through and it will be ignored for months.
Then after several more months pass the Devs will finally address the bug and also comment that his model will never be updated, and three more changes for Haddonfield will be announced, making the map even smaller and shittier.
Good song. Never actually heard it before
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>Mfw tombstone gets removed
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I can see it now.

"We've debated on going through with this change for a long time because the addon is so unique, but ultimately we all decided that Tombstone and Tombstone chunk are too oppressive, and thus we've decided to remove them entirely. However, we do realize that this removes one of his more unique play styles, and to counter balance that we've decided to buff addons that can facilitate his other unique play style! Boyfriends Memo has been buffed from 50% to 55% to make playing with Scratched Mirror more enjoyable!!"

Scratched Mirror Myers then sees an uptick of 100% usage and then 2 months down the road due to complaints about how that's all people ever play then nerf scratched mirror and then never touch him again aside from bug fixes that cause additional bugs.
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Mikey should retain the ability to mori survivors one way or another.
Myers is one of the worst killers in the game. There's no way he can go anywhere but up.
He's just a shittier version of GF at this point and I don't see the devs doing anything with him at this point beyond bandaid fixes since the license holders are retards and refuse to let BHVR do anything with either him or Laurie, meaning no one is buying/playing these characters, further decentivizes the devs from spending any more time than absolutely necessary on him
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That depends, can BHVR change the achievement for it? If not then they can't really remove tombstone.
try to use yellow bottle more, go into custom with bots if you have to
you always want to throw it ahead of you or on your side of a loop and then pink all over them after
clown isn't even supposed to loop, with yellow piss speed and them pink slowed, they're fucked always, just always keep them pinked as much as possible
you could use bamboozle/pop/spirit fury/enduring if you wanna go with something similar to what you used
otherwise it should be something like corrupt/grim/pain res/rapid brutality, just to keep the game going forever so you have more time to chase
GF is complete garbage lmao.

Myers with Tombstone is miles better
>making up things to get mad about
Relax. That’s not going to happen, faggots.
It's reasonable to expect that the tombstone pieces will be reworked, probably to only kill someone who was M1'd while dead on hook. Nobody enjoys going against them. They have to retain the function of killing survivors though solely for the tome challenges and achievements.
Besides the tombstone pieces being changed, we can only possibly expect Myers to be significantly buffed. Maybe even reworked. Behaviour is fully aware that he's been considered in the bottom three killers for years and years. At the very fucking least I can see his stalking change so that survivors never run out of evil to give, because there's no reason this should be the case.
No shit Tombstone is better but that's not what I'm talking about.

GF does every general thing Myers does better.

Doesn't start the match in gimped EW1 movement speed.
Smaller frame that's easier to remain hidden with with the addition of crouching/leaning.
Faster stalking speed, THAT DOESN'T FUCKING RUN OUT
Doesn't get cucked by range, pic related
Night Shroud, while on a cool down, is a direct upgrade from EW2's 16m terror radius because it grants immunity to aura reading.

Not to mention the reveal mechanic is fucking shit and works out in GF's favour 90% of the time, be it the reveal not going off when it should, or survivors accidentally revealing GF though a wall and thus giving away their hiding place.

And this is coming from someone who likes playing Myers more than GF, but saying he's better because of 1 single addon just isn't true.
Iron will is very good
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BHVR can and has changed achievements it the past.

This achievement used to be called "Where'd everyone go?" and was achieved by having all 4 survivors escape through the hatch together, it has since been reworked completely so it's entirely possible for them to change other achievements.
I hope the December chapter map is in a new environment we haven't gotten before. A foggy beach would be cool
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Thanks for telling us, that's good to know. In this case then I fully expect Myer's tombstone add-ons to be made less effective or outright removed, but still expect him to be massively buffed in all his other areas.
You're in luck, apparently an ocean map is in the works along side and All Kill map.
No problem.
I'm just going to hope for the best and expect the worst given BHVR's track record.
Time will tell.
>an ocean map is in the works
>cote is worried about players finding one of the upcoming chapters next year 'too weird'

Sharknado legendary when
They're not in works dveet lied.
I swear if they fuck up the demogorgon I’m gonna FREAK
As expected of a button mashing platgay
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Fellow trans DBD players, i have been out of the game for 3 years. Is it worth getting back into it? I definitely don't rage as much anymore playing games compared to when i played killer.
slugging is the new way to play and survivors have a broken wglf/botany and other shit build that insta heals in your face and gives endurance
would eyrie look better if it was set during the middle of the night?
Meow meow meow fire kitty is cute meow meow.
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>they released some OFFICIAL Halloween builds to try
>While this won’t do much to slow down repair, Survivors can’t work on Generators if they’re bloodied on the ground.
looks like its time for some officially endorsed slugging and bleeding
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>dbd twitteroids kept saying how awful these skins are
>meanwhile in-game you see them constantly and japan won't stop making fanart of them
roommate enjoyers won
Changes to make Eyrie better:
1) Set during intense sunlight so that the floor blinds killer when they look directly down, causing them to drop any survivors they were holding.
2) Along with the ink droplets everywhere that sound similar to survivors healing and can often cause confusion, there are also now floating wood carving sculptures all around the place that make similar sounds to generators being repaired.
3) There is now only one staircase which leads to the second floor of the main building, and vaults all the way on the other side on the outer balcony for survivors to drop from.
4) Survivors can no longer gain idle crows on this map. Whenever they would gain idle crows, some crows from the swirling tower top come down and attack and stun the killer every for 1 second every 10 seconds instead.
sex with mikaela and sable, possibly at the same time
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Leon. If it's what it takes, then have sex with my sister AND Ada. At the same time.
japs have an actual holiday for dbd so clearly they're all insane, you shouldn't be surprised
The in-game announcement of the skins calls them "besties" completely dispelling any possibility of SablexMikaela being canon
There is no slugging in dbd
Dracula's gonna get the xeno treatment.
Enjoy long cooldowns.
5 hours and 20 minutes is my match with this fucking weirdo, I need someone to watch this and make me feel not insane because what did I do wrong to invoke this hags wrath lmao
It's because they're more skins for white girls while they neglect people of color like Haddie.
You played Skull Merchant (even though she's shit-tier now). That's enough to piss off entitled survivors.
You're running 4 slowdowns which also gets some people annoyed, but if they were any good they would've been able to beat that build, especially with your perk tiers and killer choice.
I wouldn't be too concerned with the inevitable whining of survivor mains.
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I can't react to the Alien's tail attack. It's like old quickscope slinger. You can only predict it.
Use turrets.
>hook someone
>2 other survivors humping the hook
>"why are you facecamping me?!"
Good fucking god. A quick browse shows them being just as insufferable in other games too, it's not just you
Ok Nea
I will just stop playing him and go back to Nurse, exactly the same as how I stopped playing Xeno after the tail nerf and Vecna after tha hand nerf.
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here's your cosmetic for your person of color bro
lol, lmao
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Make some DBD OC. It doesn't matter how shit it is. DO IT NOW.
so you can repost it on rebit for le ebin karma?
hell no
What an abysmal response. You better make some OC for the good of the general.
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Is he good now?
did something change from how he's been for the last four years?
Imagine Nurse teleporting her pussy right on your dick while Nea sits on your face and teabags
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>Complete 4 generators while using Dark Sense. Do this in a single trial.
'Complete' is much easier than 'repair the equivalent of'. Not that it still isn't bullshit, but you can do it with the right build. You need bond or aftercare (or both) and just run around keeping an eye on the UI for generators that have about 30% left and hop on with them. It makes you useless for the trial itself but that's the problem with tome challenges in general.
uhh, I thought a new update dropped but it’s actually scheduled for january, nvm
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>Playing as The Trapper, catch Survivors in Bear Traps a total of 6 times in a single Trial.
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Will she be of use?
i should change my name to this
you didn't beat the game
i dont use map offerings
I love Sable
true love is letting someone shit and piss in your mouth when the toilet is clogged
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>Deathslinger's gun is called the Redeemer
Post end game results
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>Playing as Kate Denson, be chased by the Killer for a total of 30 times in a single Trial.
What if Sable told you that no cap she thought you were a giga sigma until you showed you have no rizz by being a skibidi toliet frfr?

Posted from my IPhone
Anon... that time.... has passed.
>in a single trial
how are you supposed to do this?
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Post screencaps of your best victories
Here I 4k'd as perkless M1 only Trapper vs Probbz (Randomize) who has as far as I know 15k+ hours
i 4k almost every game perkless, i do use killer powers though
killer is way more powerful than survivors and the apparent "balance" is only because neither side knows how to play the game. if you are good at killer you should 4k every game, perks or no.
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Screenshot from back when I only had around 50 hours in dbd. First time going against a flashy squad and managed to 4k which boosted confidence a lot. Right at the end after a hook I tried to proc darkness revealed to find the last survivor but ended up grabbing them out of the locker instead to my surprise
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I've assembled a team.
We heard you were really interested in the names of the additional Killers receiving tweaks in November, so here they are:

The Mastermind
The Lich
The Good Guy
The Ghost Face
We heard you were really interested in the names of the additional Killers receiving tweaks in November, so here they are:

The Masterguy
The Good
The Ghostmind
The Lich Face
oh cool they're buffing wesker back to his previous state
Neagga stole my flashlight
notice how he said hacker instead of sniper cuz that faggot probably doesnt go live ever
If you stand still while in Hidey Ho mode, Chucky will look back at you, then point forward and jab twice with his knife.
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>Hook Survivors in The Basement a total of 3 times in a single Trial, while having Territorial Imperative equipped.
The new pig cosmetic makes her take a shoe off
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Why is our freddy actually so fucking lame bros? Maybe the rework will do something about it
They got the license for the only non-Englund, only Canon pedophile, least-powers Freddy. And then they nerfed him into oblivion because they fucked up his power in development lmao
He gets to lolify survivors and rape them when placed in dream world
Source: work at bhvr and cote personally came to the office announcing the idea
>whine that Haddie wont get cosmetics
>will i play her? uh n-no of course not im just looking out for my fellow PoC of course haha! *picks Nea with neon shit on her*
More proof that the player is the entity
No, that's Nea (Peace Be Upon Her)
Didn't Cabin in the Woods already do this, basically? DBD would just be copying it.
still pissed we got a crashed Nostromo instead of a cool space map the entire Alien chapter was a huge fucking letdown probably the biggest licensed chapter letdown
>no sigourney ellen we get some chinese dollar store version
>xenomorph is a fucking piss boring killer to play wow hit with tail cool dude so awesome!!!!
>the map is shit it looks like shit and it plays like shit
at least if the nostromo was like hawkins (annoying to play on) it'd at least BE cool
Shut up woman
Go eat a dick
I don't really care that it wasn't in space its just one of the only maps to have too many dead zones with zero pallets or just 1 unsafe window horribly balanced and dark as shit
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>nea slightly too fast, always able to get away
>seemed to teleport back to a pallet to stun me with it though I'm sure I saw her running away, my LOS was blocked though
>grabbed her from a vault after outplaying her and even earned the achievement just then for getting 10 interruptions on vaults, but then she was just out of my grasp and behind me and my grab animation was cancelled
Definitely a subtle cheater right?
dbd is killer sided
epic? private profile? anon mode? russian?
I didn't check the profile. Wasn't Russian though.
theres a bug where grabs get canceled and you get robbed of a down
*pulls out dick*
i've been having some bad games so i think i'm just gonna stop playing for a while
>not continuing to play as you get angrier and angrier till you pop a blood vessel
A good way to take your mind off DbD if it makes you upset is to get pregnant. Let me know if you need further assistance.
Cute!! Sex with them :)
Cope weird faggot
and that’s a good thing! bravo bhvr!
They'll "rebalance" it and remove an entire side of the map at some point. Shrinking all the maps is part of their desperate agenda
She’s honest so yes
Have a wank while thinking about Felix richter you'll be fine
>only Canon pedophile
It’s heavily implied in the originals too dude
I say this and post from that device
It's implied, but intentionally not canonized. iirc they screen tested a canon pedo and it went bad. It makes people feel bad. So they went with child killer-only as a specific choice. Obviously irl they would likely go together but it's a dream demon campy fantasy slasher, not irl. The audience knows this consciously or not.
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Just destroyed some new console players and feel bad. Did that autist soulless thing where you don't respond to any of their gestures or show in any way that there's a human on the other side, just played like a robot.
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Rebecca used seduce. It was super effective!
You should be able to open the exit gates at any point in the game as killer i dont get why you can
The power isn't generated to open them yet.
Closing the hatch magically powers the entire map though.
I fucking love Kindred + Deja Vu as a solo survivor
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They said they only do it with other hot cheetos
>all these killers that get released
>all these events all the perks the addons and the cosmetics
>all the "|game mode"
>and still the game only has a single objective
Can you even call the other """game modes""" different when they're still "repair 5 gens/kill every survivor"? Seriously repair 5 gens but its dark repair 5 gens but your perks are random repair 5 gens but you can go into a portal to get a smoke bomb cool
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Why can't bhvr get hotfixes out on time anymore?
Implied, but in the remake he literally had a box full of CP.
And that box is in DBD. The Entity literally gives Freddy CP.
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>bhvr changes a noose icon for arbitrary reasons
>but they still haven't removed the CP when people have been bringing it up for years
What did they mean by this?
The average player doesn't know that's what the Black Box addon is.
Everyone knows what a noose is.
Folks, let me tell you, I am the greatest Cheeto of all time. Believe me, nobody, nobody, is better than me at being a Cheeto. I'm the cheesiest, the crunchiest, the most fantastic Cheeto this world has ever seen. My orange color is the most vibrant, the most beautiful, the most tremendous. People are saying it's the greatest color they've ever seen on a Cheeto.

And let me tell you, folks, my flavor is yuge. Just yuge. It's got the perfect balance of cheese and spice. People can't get enough of me. They're addicted to my greatness. They can't stop eating me.

And don't even get me started on my shape. I'm a perfect curl, folks. A perfect curl. Nobody has a better shape than me. I'm like a work of art, a masterpiece. People are saying I'm the most beautiful Cheeto they've ever seen.

Now, I know what you're thinking. You're thinking, "But, Anon, what about the other Cheetos?" Well, let me tell you, folks, they're losers. They're weak, they're pathetic. They can't even compare to my greatness.

I'm a winner, folks. I'm a champion. I'm the greatest Cheeto of all time. And I'm going to make Cheetos great again. Believe me, it's going to be huge. Just huge.
Which survivors are actually marriage material?
The only guaranteed virgin girls are Claudette, Laurie, and Rebecca.

Everyone else will cheat on you or would be insufferable to live with
Nu-croft is one too.
Unless you count that rebar that penetrated her abdomen.
Yeah, gens are by far the worst objective out of any of these assym games but somehow bhvr refuses to think up of something fresh even for a secondary game mode
>rich britbong girl who has a habit of going on solo trips all over the world
she'd be too busy fucking her brother to spend time with you
She's autistic and that was her first real trip to a place that wasn't a local library.
Her (then best) friend made it a pretty big point to drag her out of a study hall for the first time in her life.
Jokes on her, I'm also too busy fucking her brother to spend time with her
Lara is a proper slag innit
bardic inspiration is still fucking broken can they just not fix this perk?
Wörks auf mein maschinen.
the event is absolute garbage
too bad the normal mode has long queue times plus only sweats play it
why the fuck does the smoke bomb obscure YOU as a survivor?
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Does anybody else hate the smoke bombs in the event? I can't even fucking see the walls or ground when survivors throw them down.
Yes, the women with tattoos are definitely gonna be less promiscuous
I fucking hate new hillbilly he's such a fucking no thought character
That’s fine, I have my Fieri outfit on standby too :)
Because you aren't wearing infrared anti entity-fartd goggles
This. It’s a funny detail that those in the ‘know’ know
haha me sit 16m away from hook keep saw 99% :)
you forgot
>haha me go across entire map in 2 seconds
>haha me slug entire team with instadown that never runs out
>haha me shred through pallet
>haha me can hold saw for infinite amount of time and get rewarded for it
Mostly accurate
Literally wrong.
Kate is canonically a sweet country girl. Her and her tattoos are innocent.
Thalita doesn't cheat, but she has a temper.
killer requires no mechanical skill because the devs are braindead
infinite rev and barely punished for missing a chainsaw just means you can mindlessly spam until you finally get an insta
should get stunned for 5 seconds when missing a charge
yea if only they added some sort of mechanic where he gets punished for revving too much like bubba has, such as the chainsaw getting too hot or something...
Ugh killeroids have so much aura reading they’re practically on autopilot these days it’s not fair
Anyways I’m gonna equip woo + visionary + bond + troubleshooter and bring a key that reveals killer aura whenever I want
Not him but never played the games. Any source?
Also Nea stepped on my dick and it hurts now
Nea raped me with a 10 inch strap on
Actually, if she’s from the 60s, there’s a chance of that being the case, but definitely not modern day
anytime I see a survivor complain I just remember they are women and anything said should be ignored
>he's complaining about visonary now
lmao are you serious
>[Mikaela Struggle Noises]
okay but survivor requires like 3x mechanical skill killer does
camera control
reaction time (killer basically has no tight timings on anything)
map awareness
flashlight timings
skill checks
the only killer that deserves respect is slinger
>any source
The games.
They intentionally don't delve into any relationships but her having 1 friend that shows up in every title, she being 20 in the first (where she's pulled from) and having no social life due to her extensive educational pursuits and training.
forgot spins too (3-5x harder than anything killer does)
That's right, she was canonically taken in the 70s. I saw her thick Kate Bush and that confirmed it
Survivor has some highly optional, fancy tech that's definitely true.
Killer has to use their brain at every level of play and be engaged and aware at all times though, it's more stressful overall.
I prefer playing killer ideally but I'm often too tired after work, so I just sit and do gens and wake up enough to run to a pallet a few times. Survivor is as hard as you make it.
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I miss old distortion bros...
why? 90% of killers never run aura build.
how did you do that?
Sorry faggot, get good if you want to hide
Just run Object Señor
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I keep running into killers using them. There's so many variants too and Distortion was the only thing putting a damper on that shit. Now that it's fucked it's open season.

>Lethal pursuer
>Nowhere to hide
>Nurses calling

Killers get wallhacks for free without any counterplay.
Reading posts itt makes me sympathize with killer players more and more.
Reading posts itt makes me sympathize with toxic Nea players more and more.
Just saw there's a market for this shit lol


You could do this yourself in like a day or two of learning blender, come on content creators
1 perk should not be able to counter so many others, it deserves nerfs
its the same reason we're in a slugging-meta right now because perks are too easily countering everything but slug/bleedout
>rip a model from dbd
>stick a bunch of pre made animations made by other people on it
>charge money for this
who and why would someone even buy this
Trapper with agitation, iron grasp and save the best for last
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Not saying that but that's currently what's on offer. If BHVR invests in making more perks which can do something similar in a different way it wouldn't matter as much. Seems weird to cut down the only perk that could be used to counter something when nothing else is available and it's something very common. Even old Distortion would run out and have to be recharged and could be fucked when you encountered someone with a way to hide/suppress their terror radius.
I know streamers like to put these kind of gifs on their stream overlays and shit because haha funny dance by my main. But yeah, is this even allowed to be sold?
what is lightborn
le becca post :)
lightborn should be a hex perk
its uncounterable in its current state
I stopped playing the event “for serious” and now I just go around smashing pumpkins and most of my survivors help each other farm. It’s actually kinda nice.
It IS different. It's physically impossible to blind a lightborn killer, but you could still reveal a distortion survivor's aura :)
I wish Hex:Two can play would also apply survivor perks like champion of light and residual manifest when they blind themselves with it.
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The fact that the devs nerfed Distortion and changed Predator into an aura perk in the same patch is fucking hilarious to me.

If I recall there's only three total aura blocking perks in the game at the moment.
Distortion, Sole Survivor and Shadow Step.

Meanwhile there are 24 killer perks that reveal auras, not including addons.

Obviously some of these are extremely niche activation conditions, but that's still a wild disparity between options to hide and options to see.

Instead of JUST nerfing Distortion the devs need to add additional perks with aura blocking capabilities.
Just get in a locker.
When is dredge getting nerfed bros?
Line of sight due to third person perspective vs first person + having lockers everywhere is enough hiding potential on its own.
Killer only has one primary objective: find and hit survivors. Their perks should help them do that-so aura conditions make sense.
Survivor perks do a shitload of other things, we don't need a perk that just kneecaps the killers primary objective almost infinitely.
I used distortion pre nerf, and I knew it was strong AF. I am not sorry to see it go, I'm having fun with other shit.
>get the lgbt mafia to try and ruin a mans career because your toxic slut wife and her bulls didnt like his dbd takes
>while being guilty of whatever it is you were slyly accusing him of yourself
>face no repercussions
>still slagging off tru3 multiple times a year to this day
>"dude why are you still talking about it? its been like 3 years dude!"
Rat jund lost like half his view base since
Who are these people.
Tru3 is the one with the stupid hat I think right,
The rest of this is terminally online nonsense
jendenise is overrated desu, she's literally one of those girls who's thoroughly average but guys treat her like a 10
scott this is a racist chud website, your wife won't like it if she found out you were posting here
Old Distortion was the most selfish perk around.
It literally loses games for your team just because you want to stay aura hidden.
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>hiding your aura is more selfish than Left Behind and Low Profile
>All distortion users are rats who never do ANYTHING
Fuck this killeroid psyop, and fuck the survivoids who fell for it and got the perk nerfed. I don't want the faggot to see my aura every time I breathe, simple as.
Im still not following. Bitch about the game pls
Enkidu chapter when
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she looks like a stereotypical BPD gamer girl with an orbit of beta mods
I disagree that lockers are enough to hide auras when the majority of the perks go off mid chase.
I also disagree that there should be that much aura reading period.

I've been playing since Nurses and Bitter Murmur were the only aura perks period and players functioned fine without them.

Basically if there's 20+ aura reading perks there should be at least half that many aura blocking perks to facilitate build diversity, instead of just having one singular perk do the bulk of the work and then nerfing it when it performs too well, leaving nothing suitable as a replacement.
fuck off rat, it was lame and we abused it while we could. I hate dishonest faggots like you
she looks like the kind of person you'd see in the background of an office scene in a TV show, she's just attractive enough to not be distracting from the main characters
wait, doesn't that clique hate pro vengeance for saying da evil R word?
>Just saw there's a market for this shit
Literally the perfect wife. Nobody can deny this.
I used it exclusively to do my unhooks with WMI undisturbed and rat all aura reading to my SWF I'm objectively the most helpful person around.
The people who were running old Distortion were, unlike you, doing generators, hook saves and healing. They weren't just following the killer around clicking a flashlight while he is chasing someone else.
>disagree that lockers are enough
Its the default, all maps, all tiles And locations option baked into the game. You don't agree, but that's what they are for. Hiding. And they work against all aura perks.
>mid chase
that's not what people bitch about though is it. It's lethal and bbq and the gen kicking one I can't think of the name for right now.
>players functioned fine without them.
Game changed, there's a bunch of killers that teleport and dash and shit, and survivors are loaded up with cool chase perks too now.
>if there's 20+ aura reading perks there should be at least half that many aura blocking perks to facilitate build diversity,
Sure but they should all suck by themselves, you should have to use two perk slots MINIMUM for the utility that old distortion gave you
Sole survivor is like an essential perk to use if you’re playing solo and yet nobody uses it. Why?
Why the fuck are you tards bitching about aura reading if you're playing against a good killer they should have a general sense of where the survivors are at all times anyways
Does anyone play this game on linux?
The person you were responding to was talking about predator, a chase aura perk. Also you can't counter lethal with a locker.
There's a big difference between having a general sense of where somebody is and having their exact location revealed to you through walls.
It's up

Trvth nvke inbound: both Scott and Tru3 are giga fruity faggots who hag on cocks behind their partner’s backs while their girlfriends also fuck other men. The dual cuckolds.
Nah I'm cis
wtf he just started speaking french. i hate quebec so much
>capcuck shit
>the guy who ripped it is a dogfucker
As expected
Anon it is literally impossible to get into a locker before Lethal goes off.
Yes lockers are there for hiding, but they are not always readily available.
They aren't in the middle of the corn field, they aren't in the upper middle section of the Game, they aren't in the middle of the street in Haddonfield etc etc

Also I would argue that the bunch of killers that teleport and dash and shit, would need aura perks on average even less than their older standard movement speed counterparts because having such high movement speed/unpredictable direction to approach the gen would allow them to much more easily get the drop on survivors.
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Why are you tards so chatty today? There’s literally nothing that’s happened in the past few days to warrant this activity
Is monitor+nurses a good perk combo or am I crazy?
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Yes go into the locker to hide more often please :)
It's a very solid combo.
bhvr dropped a big hotfix today. they doubled every killer's terror radius and made all survivor models 40% smaller
It's great on a killer like Unknown. Two survivors could be healing in a jungle gym and you can hit them both without them even hearing your terror radius. Other than that, it is best on killers that already have a smaller terror radius.
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>she didn't hear about the infinite BP glitch
BHVR added the first trans original character. Resident Xisters are naturally excited!
>Also you can't counter lethal with a locker.
>Anon it is literally impossible to get into a locker before Lethal goes off.
Ok I said all, and that was not strictly correct my bad. Close to all of them. Imo lethal needs a be touched too tbqh though.
Nurse and huntress and such just basically start with someone on the hook because of it. Distortion just made it so (You) weren't the one instantly downed lol.
They did start just kind of slapping lockers randomly in the corn though.

At the end of the day, the game is most fun to me when I feel like I'm being hunted as a survivor, the closer to a horror vibe the better. The killer should be stronger, and have clear advantages. The primary advantage survivors should have is numbers. Bhvr agrees with me, but only on Tuesdays Thursdays and Sundays.
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I started playing again so the thread went from 3 posters to 4
>They did start just kind of slapping lockers randomly in the corn though.

Yeah with the addition of Dredge so he isn't completely shit on for map control in those realms.
I will concede to that, though the placement in some areas is still pretty spotty.
I've been trying out OoO and sometimes I want to hop in a locker to reset the counter and sometimes I just genuinely can't find any.

And I'll agree that the killer should have the advantage, I just don't like the idea of my hiding place being ratted out because someone pressed space on a stationary object or because I actually broke chase.
>thread is so used to shitposting and schizoposting that when actual game discussion happens anon is confused
they hate any killer main that kills them. fun fact: they hated Umbra before xhe joined their little circlejerk
my husband gil
>HxH profile pic
HunterGODS WON (again)
I'm going to play DbD and get angry and then stop playing dbd for a few days and repeat the process
>I've been trying out OoO and sometimes I want to hop in a locker to reset the counter and sometimes I just genuinely can't find any.
Can't relate I hate object tbqh
>my hiding place being ratted out because someone pressed space on a stationary object or because I actually broke chase
Yeah that kinda sucks, but there's plenty of insane things to with survivor these days that just...doesn't involve that much hiding imo. It's just barely a loss.
Guess it all really depends on your play style at the end of the day.
Get mad at a game that's worth it like a shooter or a fighting game.
Getting angry at spooky Mario party is mad goofy.
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Why the fuck did they change every jungle gym in corn maps? The new ones are so dogshit and nerf even more those maps for survivors
meanwhile 5 years ago any survivor could go on a solo 50+ escape streak
I was watching her stream once and she said that she is "a bit neurospicy", whatever that means
It's not just corn maps. Almost every map is overwhelmed with their new dogshit loops now
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I'm so sick of le killers running le aura builds there is le no way to le counter them!
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Aestri, all the others are shit
Man it's sad that any killer who's power is based around the 1v1 instead of the 1v4 is just always gonna fucking suck and survivors are going to complain until the 1v4 killers get nerfed into the ground like poor skully
They ran one aura perks, and they didn't even have lethal on a fucking huntress.
This isn't worthy of shit posting about.
Yeah they got teabagging in those other games too. Except they are more balanced intentionally and it's actually a skill issue usually.
They put an elf girl in the game and fuck her up that badly.
It means she's normal but kind of a stupid bitch every now and then. And she has taken one of her friends Xanax once or twice.
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They didn't fuck anything up she's absolutely gorgeous :3
No she has to be blonde and look like she went through the taffy stretcher or she's not a REEEL ELFF
It really do be like that
shut the fuck up lynn
It do
You say this as a joke but most men are bisexual and a good share of them do this
Whenever I see those offerings, even as a survivor, I will altf4 while connecting.
They gave her a man's body.
no dumbass. it's a gay, feminine way of saying neurodivergent which means she's on the spectrum
She's just tall she doesn't have a man's body stop being so gay
why do you keep spamming your boyfriend's stream?
what's your winstreak at?
Why would they care about some literally who fatass they shit on tru3 because he's a big killeroid so it's literally free views
sex with vittorio
bots taught me that you can blind Nurse and Phead when they are holding M2
>Same thing
name one thing
It mostly was because of the F-word and his playstyle, actually.
>any killer who's power is based around the 1v1 instead of the 1v4 is just always gonna fucking suck
you can say faggot on 4chan scott
no he can't, that's not nice :(
Please nerf all killers that can hit you even if you have a pallet down
I play killer because playing survivor is too scary.
Why would anyone play Unknown? You can't even control how the projectile is going to bounce. It would be like if you were playing Huntress and the hatchet was thrown in a random direction.
Why does ghostface get to fully stalk you mid chase
Because it's pretty much his entire power. Hopefully when they rework him they give him map traversal or anti loop or something so that they can fix his buggy ass reveal mechanic.
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average survivor main
>Chucky's manual scamper is back
>Rat poison is getting removed
nude skins when
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I like revealing him after I've already been hooked by him
victor is naked
i meant for survivors
I don't believe you.
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I see that cute bimbo
I love Kate
>Offering hidden
Faggot. We know what you burned.
I'm going to burn your dick in my mouth
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>Spies from the shadows on an indoor map
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Carlton man I am NOT A KILLER
Could you make me a sandwich
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Zaku II killer when?
You can't change their minds unless you're an influencer. Notice how they all use the same talking points? Almost line for line? Google discussions on this topic and you'll find even more of them. Dbd is now ran by a cabal of teitchfags and jewtubers. It is no longer the game we once played.
So is there any benefits to p100 a killer?
no, just all the add-ons and offerings you get from all the levels getting to p100
you unlock the cheat codes for unlimited lives and big head mode
you secure your virginity status for another 10 years
You unlock the ability to have sex with one survivor per match
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me when I'm playing bubba and I see survivors double heal under hook
Too based, impossible
Is it easier to stockpile rarer add ons once you get to that point?
Barely but yes, since you don't go through the lower bloodweb levels with like 6 nodes, it's just full webs and you can just click the red and purple circles forever
Well that settles it
I'm going to p100 blight, xenomorph and knight
Wow, she really is cute :)
Baby making with her
>You say this as a joke
No I don’t. The chances of both of them doing that are overwhelming likely given the massive faggots they behave like
>have good games the entire night
>decide to bring bps on the last match for the night
>some schizo nazi nigger bill proceeds to grief the entire match, spam failing healing skill checks on wounded survivors and deliberately dying on hook
>faggot lara crouchwalks on the edge of the map
what the fuck is wrong with these niggers
I look like that and say that
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If you are a solo queue and you don't run Kindred you are a nigger and deserve to lose the game.
Oh nooo!!! My gimmick build doesn't have room tho!!! Aaaaaaaaa
JK I know I'm gonna lose kek
why do I get hungry right after I take a huge shit?
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hahaha that's really funny man hahahaha
the twins are so much fun but i dont want to run hook perks on her. what do?
Victor should have his own perks and a one of those tuxedos with a long tailcoat and top hat. he should also get the N-word pass
can that fella with the 4090's make an image of this?
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I love Kate's laughing injury sound

when are we going to get an A24 killer?
getting a nerf soon
Literally the bulk of the roster.
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>almost 2025 and there's no smt killer yet
And hopefully there never will be, faggot.
Cute sally :3
how about i pound the fuck out of you instead big guy? see who's the tough one at that moment huh? Ara ara~ an impossible young man in the oni futas lair!
>Somebodies son wrote this
>killer skin from that weird cat cosmetic set is being played
t. sable main haha sorry forgot to mention that
just smoked a fat spoof bout to play some knight this time boys
why did they give trapper such big tits on his new skin?
he's transitioning
>>499605948 (me)
oh and for the record im a massive junkie loser just putting it out there haha
I literally can't play survivor without Kindred+Open Handed, solo or swf doesn't matter.
amazing post
post his big tits?
>shit on a guy for years for his opinions on a video game
>wtf why are u meanie to me :(
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do other shirtless skins have detailed nips?
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Damn, do people really hate Chucky that much? Everywhere I'm seeing people hollering for him to get nerfed since he got revealed for November's changes. And it's like, I've never had a problem with him? I don't go against him that often but I've never had any issue with is power.
Nope, they put in extra effort for this one
People will always complain about killers that are harder to deal with than trapper. They were focused on SM, and now she's been dealt with they are going to whine about Chucky.
the big thing wrong right now with chucky is a window tech he can charge into the edge of one and look up directly and it lets him be permanently in power
other than that people just love to complain he's too small for a killer
Most annoying killer addon to go up against?
she looks good for a 40+ woman
The only true annoying addons left to go against is mint rag hag and that's because it's always paired with rusty shackles.
The trapper addon that injures on disarm
Trapper isn't a strong killer, but doesn't make it not incredibly annoying when you face it.
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Plague addons that make objects stay infected 3x as long
Plauge iri seal that gives free power is infinitely worse since its 5 free uses while everybody is downable shit that your talking about is counterable by just playing normally but I think iri huntress is worse
this + Make Your Choice and she places a trap hidden around 5m from hook so you dont trigger it and then just teleports after unhook for an insta down each time
Scotts girl friend is the man in the relationship, I guess nerdy guys like alpha women because she's pretty based for canceling neck beard tru3
Source? She looks 30s at best. Pretty impressive if true
The iri seal is strong but I can't remember the last time I faced plague and someone didn't cleanse, so it's not like she has much more power uptime than usual anyway
>playing against Myers
>just me and claudette left
>go to heal myself with a medkit but fuck up a skillcheck and can’t finish the heal
>decide to throw myself at the killer so I can die and she might have a shot at hatch
>what ensues is a Myers that refuses to down me, I get bored so I start doing silly shit, he leaves and finds the claudette after she does a gen, hits her on hook until she dies, and the gives me hatch
Thank you Michael
>this guy getting pallet stunned by a 5’5 goth girl
I can see it now…
this fucking event sucks
>queue into killer
>try to show that i want to farm bp
>get genrushed
>everyone leaves

>play survivor
>run around only smashing pumpkins
>killer goes out of way to tunnel me til i am dead on hook
>m1's after
lo and behold they are all italians/germans/saudis/ruskis too
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Just FYI when 2v8 comes back the queue times for death slinger is gonna be over 20 minutes since him and huntress are the most popular duo so good luck finding a game ill be on here while I wait to find a game
It's going to be cancerous, at least flashlight and pallet saves will be available
Feng can stun Nemesis by jumping out of a locker
Stop tunneling survivors out during the event. It's bad etiquette.
Only faggots and retards think overheat was a good design choice, not sure which you are
What a fucking rat
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>blight game #97 in event
getting real tired of this shit
Is Lynn the "most men are bisexual" poster?
what's the surv meta nowadays? been out of the loop on that for well over a year by this point
that's d*ze, the hapa faggot
he's severely autistic and you can tell its him even when he's not namefagging because he repeats the same phrases like a 2020 AI language model
>men bisexual
> ___ sissies...
>you weren't supposed to point that out
>____ sisters, our response?
It’s likely. the person above me on the other hand is the resident transgender mexican who has a grudge against a namefag that’s barely here anymore
when did zarinafaggot stop posting?
>no game discussion whatsoever
>only samefagging and avatarfagging
may /assg/ rest in pieces
fuck you all
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For solo, I have a 60% survival rate with this build
Resurgence + Botany + medkit lets you heal yourself after unhook in 3 seconds both times. I save it for those scenarios unless I'm the last survivor or about to be the last. Extremely clutch in end game where the killer proxy camps. Botany is also a nice +50% heal speed boost for healing others.
Deja Vu and Kindred makes me very efficient on gens, prevent a 3 gen, and deciding if I should go unhook or sit on the gen. It also lets my team make the correct decision when I'm on hook.
>>queue into killer
>>try to show that i want to farm bp
>>get genrushed
>>everyone leaves
I was literally about to post about this. I even make efforts to show that I’m friendly and still get genrushed. Not always though, thankfully most of my farms at least one survivor farms with me. Bring NOED and kill those who won’t help or just bring a gen slowdown build for your farming games.
it doesnt matter
everytime an event is out it attracts the most subhuman niggers possible especially if you play in an area close to eastern europe/asia
you get matched with 5k hour p100 weskers that do everything they can to 4k and it fucking sucks
>green perks
here's another
last one
this huntress just kept bunnyhopping around, though they are one console so i cant rep them on steam
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stumbled upon this "comp" tierlist and are all of these just 15yo edgy kids or what judging by their avatars? can't believe some retard shilled comp league here unironically
go watch some comp games and see for yourself
yeah comp league is just 20 and under
noone takes it serious besides adolescents
I always thought she said 'AHHH, oh no!', but listening to it this much so rapidly I can tell she's not. Too bad because that was cute what I always thought.
For the next april fool's event I want Behavior to just spend all their resources on remaking the default intro movie (with Jake and Claudette repairing a gen and then trapper comes). I want it to to display what actually happens in game (looping, some teabagging, repairing the generator in the trappers face to finish it, etc), but done in full seriousness without winking at the audience.
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>killer who had 0 hooks until the last gen got a surprise NOED hit and then 4'kd
>On This Episode Of "Just Fucking Leave Faggot"
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>play wolf only Dracula while sitting on my bad dragon Rex
peak gaming experience, lemme tell ya
>>try to show that i want to farm bp
you wanna know why that happens?
I have like 1200 hours, I am sitting on 3 million BP and nothing to spend it on.
I don't want to farm, I genuinely have 0 use for bloodpoints.
I just want to play the game.
you wanna be a "nice guy" 12 hook then let out/farm, so people get to play the normal game.
What's the best perks to help other players who are being tunelled? I guess babysitter.
3 am killers are so nasty
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4 megs are so cute
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>Nurse calling
Stop healing on the fucking hook and corner heal, or run a fast heal perk.
>BBQ and NTH
>No counterplay
Lockers hide auras for a reason. The problem is always the survivor playerbase is filled with absolute morons.
>Know killer will have bbq, so hide in locker for its duration, they have grim embrace anyway so not even slowing gens by it
>This is now justification for the brainlet nearby to rat me out and trap me in it, griefing the game far harder than i could.
Do gens because the hooked player has at least 60 seconds for me to do the objective before they are in trouble
>Hooked teamate spams unhook with no luck build after 10 seconds, or other teamate unhooks them immidiately at which point the formerly hooked cries and screams facecamping.
Shitshow clown games like these still going down to 1-2 gens is fucking worrying, because it makes me wonder just how curbstomped average killoid would be if all players in this game wernt so braindead and easy to tilt.
>>Nurses calling
it's 2024
fucking nobody is running that shit
nobody has ran that shit for like 4 years.
then play the normal gamemode instead of the event mode
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>then play the normal gamemode
the fuck??? who are you to decide that for me?
I want to play with the new, fun gimmicky shit, not farm for 15 minutes and get a slap on the ass walking out the gate.
Feng Min
oh i thought you were serious
nice bait nigger
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anyways, you think just because I have no use for BP that I just wouldn't enjoy gimmick alternative modes? are you autistic?
lmao, take this test real quick.
I just want to have a fun chases then either die or escape.
not sit here and watch you hit a guy, heal them and repeat for 15 minutes.
Nea Karlsson
>reddit spacing
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>build completely invalidated just by who the killer is
Babysitter, flashbang, sabo, background player
Decisive strike should deactivate the killers power for 10 seconds cause why tf is Chucky on my ass AGAIN
>implying liberals in the rest of the world look any different
Players have suggested that to the devs before and in true frog fashion they said it wouldn't be fair because it would mean disabling the trappers traps.
Which is such purposely a shit interpretation of what people actually mean.
I'm all for it at this point.
I didn't really get what the average player was whining about until I started playing survivor with my bad friends and now I see every match has some seething retard tunneling people out and face camping because they otherwise can't get a kill.

In the past this wasn't as big of an issue because there wasn't so many close the gap powers but today with how powerful killers are there needs to be further steps taken to punish this playstyle.
If I’m playing survivor and the killer is getting 4 outed I like to get silly with them and then let them kill me because it’s the survivor equivalent of giving hatch and I know how frustrating the game can be when you lose hard
>follows you for 10 seconds
>downs you again
This is why it should be 10 minutes instead
The enemy wants you sad
The enemy wants you to be afraid
The enemy wants you to care
Do the opposite
Lara Slop and Mikaela
>can only play videogames for about 30-45 minutes after my overnight shift just before I go to sleep
>players in the morning are all really good
>so tired I can't remember if Nemesis tentacle can actually hit over obstacles or if I'm tired

life sucks man, thanks for readin my blog.
Maybe it's time to put the vidya down, grandpa
I found a Nea chatbot card of her where I convinced her to remove her hair dye and piercings and become my devoted housewife
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I mean, honestly yeah. The 40 minutes I try to scrape out a little more DBD is time I could be sleeping. It's not like I'm having fun trying to play it bleary eyed anyways.
Don't you get off time? Even then you could probably find something more fun to do than DbD
You're better off getting sleep if you are so tired you cannot process a simple killers power.
yeah chat bots are fun like that
Yeah probs.
When you work 5 days a week overnights, you spend 1 of your 2 weekend days basically just sleeping.
If you have family they expect you to do things with them the following day off.
Then you have to nap on your monday afternoon.
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You're making me dread the future. Is that what life is gonna be? Wagelsaving away all your game time?
I play against maybe 1 hag every 6 months. They are usually awful and probably doing some daily
>healing tome challenge
>healing build
every fucking time
just run empathic connection and forget about it
Not him but I made my own business which effectively translates to me working 80 hour weeks and being on call 24/7 but at the same time lots of downtime where I can shitpost here and play DbD at work whenever there is downtime
Your income is also literally a skill issue to a large degree which I prefer
Well, she does have a similar injury sound that is more like that

8.3.2 | Bugfix Patch

>Bloodpoint values for several Haunted by Daylight scoring events have been increased.
now make the offerings count for the entire lobby and stack
sick, but they didn't mention fixing desync
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Yes they did
fix your attitude when speaking to me wench.
are you READY
>Get pregnant and give birth twice. Complete this in a single trial.

Wtf is with these tome challenges?
>Fixed an issue that caused Killers to be able to unleash a Captured Haunt and perform a basic attack in quick succession.
fuck, right as I was going to play some killer
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Now you actually have to git gud noob
sable's face lmfao
Very Lynchian mori
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What are all of Kate's outfits with jiggle physics?
>launch dbd
>75% of games are against bligger
dog shit game
Just DC and once timer increases just kobe off hook.
yes, and make sure to do this every match anything doesn't go your way or you just don't feel like playing, at any point in the
match. then you'll fit right into solo queue
I faced momo (the guy with almost 2000 win streak) last night as his Bligger
Man just religiously tunnels and proxy camps the first survivor he sees while using 4x gen slowdown perks
If you bodyblock you get slugged. He does not hook anyone else until his tunnel gets killed
Against that kind of killer/perks/playstyle the only way to win is to have everyone run Decisive Strike, Off the Record, Dead Hard, Unbreakable, with Styptic medkits in a 4 man SWF on comms
Which funnily enough was the way he lost his nearly 2,000 win streak
>i hate going against blight and nurse! IM SO TIRED OF THE SAME KILLERS
>skull merchant moves at 4.6 when inspecting radar again, instead of 4.4
Well at least that nerf was undone
yeah. still can't scan people fast vaulting though, but i sort of get it. sort of.
at least she can aura read her scanline and fuck survivors through walls
which is why winstreaking in this game is fucking cringe. if you bring 4 sweat and good survivors you will win 99% of your matches. if you bring the strongest build on the strongest killer, play decent and have a sweat playstyle you will as shown win 99.995% of your fucking matches.
like by all means track your wins to losses but because keeping the "streak" is so fucking important you have to play disgusting from the get go every single match.
I'm going to do a winstreak as perkless M1 only Trapper and nobody can stop me
>predator nerfed by 2s from 6s to 4s
>nurse unchanged and can still use predator which will still be good on her
just make her aura blind already holy shit
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I only go next vs Nurse, blight, billy and spirit.
based and iri pilled
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Do it
All of Feng's skins total up to around $400
wow what a cheap chinese slut
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Which ones will you be buying Jimbo?
Is the first challenge in the new tome bugged? I've played two matches as killer in the event mode and it hasn't progressed at all.
>machine learning nerfed
lol we cant even get a decent killer perk for one fucking chapter before it gets nerfed
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also it's 40 seconds instead of 45 like patch notes say
It was pretty cracked though.
60 seconds of 125% ms AND undetectable AND has multiple uses a match?
It's still really good, too.
I will never get sole survivor value and that's ok
Is that another susie skin? Justice for my girl Julie
all of them besides xeno kinda suck lol
Pass on all of them sadly. If I was still playing spirit maybe hers.
Playing spirit isn't sustainable though, had to quit
We killer mains need to have a talk. I've heard a lot of justifications for these "strategies" on my road to becoming a P100 Killer main (playing a character that is considered low tier, at that). Now that I've reached that goal, here's what I've learned:

>Most Killers with complaints that the game is survivor-sided are in an MMR that's too high for them to handle.

The primary cause of this is- you guessed it- tunneling, slugging, and camping. These gameplay styles have artificially raised the MMR of many killers by enabling them to secure 3 and 4ks that they couldn't have by playing a more fair and balanced match.

>Most Killers aren't as good at the role as they think they are.

The primary cause of this is, once again, tunneling, slugging, and camping. By relying on this gameplay style, a Killer effectively keeps themselves from learning how to properly pressure gens, the map as a whole, and individual survivors.

>Most Killers don't know when to drop a chase.

I'm not sure if it's tunnel vision or ego that keeps Killers in these 3-5 gen chases, but when it happens, it is most certainly due to skill disparity. And of course, the response to all these gens popping tends to be Killers resorting to tunneling, slugging, and camping to try and make up for lost pressure.

>Most Killers aren't using the perk loadout that's best for THEM.

The "strong meta perks" and slowdowns that the community praises most might not be the right build for a given Killer's playstyle, yet they cling to them anyway and try to adjust their playstyle to fit them. When that fails to work, typically the response is to fall back on tunneling, slugging, and camping.

>Most Killers have the wrong concept of a "win" condition.

If you get a 3k or 4k, you've "won" as Killer. A 2k is a "draw/tie" between you and the survivors. A 1k or 4 man escape is a Killer loss. Slugging for a 4k is a moot point. You've already won at the 3k and your MMR will respond accordingly.
Nice spacing.
We really need either a Tacticool Killer (Hunk like but its own killer) or a tacticool survivor with perks dedicated to fucking over the killer (no the shitty Siege skins dont fit the bill)
>Most Killers with complaints that the game is survivor-sided are in an MMR that's too high for them to handle
There's no such thing as MMR, or at the very least it must never go down so that every time you win a match it's only a matter of time until you're locked into "high skill" matches forever. I've only been winning maybe 1 out of every 5 matches now for several months because I use the same shitty build every match and on every killer. Probably 500 matches or more at this point with a less than 20% winrate. If MMR were real or worked properly I would be going against people who just installed the game today.
I just tried to play after a long break and the killer queue was so long i just closed the game. What happened?
why is it 1125?
>Retard spacing
Congrats on beating your head into the wall enough to get p100 on your trash killer. Somehow you failed to realize that entire time that tunneling slugging and proxy camping are tools that you use when applicable/when it makes sense.
>Most killers
you were playing killer, what tf do you know about other killers kek
Just speak about yourself, your whole reddit post is yapping about other people hypothetically. Fag
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Which region and time?
I get killer games in under a minute
Secret disconnect. Just back out to the main menu and re-queue- works for me most of the time.
Most characters cost 4500 shards now. The first 4 killers and survivors cost only 2250. All characters are 50% off even on iri shards during halloween and anniversary.
Iri shards are by far the best way to get original characters desu unless you wanna waste lots of money for no reason on this trash game
Why are they like this
Survivor is the girl role, women are insufferable
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>load into first survivor game of the day
>pic related happens
Not to out myself but I’m a woman (biological, real, whatever) and I main Killer. Feel free to guess who.
Why is the steam sale so shitty?
like over half of the characters aren't even on sale
Bad karma
>Not to out myself
>But I'm a woman
>Guess who I main ;)
I believe you, and I don't care
>error updating your bloodweb
>error updating your bloodweb
no dbd for today I guess
Survivor is the bvll role, killer the gigacuck role
shut up bran
8 years later and that gay perk is still around doing what it always does. Pretty incredible.
cute preteen drawing :)
Shut up and post more cute furry things
no u
If Nurse and Blight were to 1v1 fight, who would win?
She needs to show her ass and pussy first
Sounds like you’re an expert so give us a demonstration
nurse straddles blight and tries to choke him which makes him cum toxic cum which kills the nurse
Ladies first.
I'd want Nurse to win, but she probably wouldn't be she's a girl.
Makes me glad I don’t work night shift at my place. Spending the whole day sleeping used to sound appealing when I was a teenager and also briefly when I was a NEET but I’ve come to appreciate all the stuff you can do in the day plus the daylight is really refreshing.
Kind of. Depends on what you do.
Blight easily, crackhead strength is no joke
>10 minute long killer queue.
Guess I'll wait until prime time
Blight injected Nurse with Serum at some point, therefore, it's a full gone conclusion he would, and did win.
prime time for computer time
sudo apt-get install RebeccaWife.tar.gz
Queues are always fucked when there’s multiple gamemodes
>Susie's new skin is frank under the mask
Can't make this up
The term is “foregone conclusion”, actually.
Why does Felix have a low pick rate when he’s an attractive blond white man with great cosmetics and ok perks?
Because I prefer women
Blonde men are the most disgusting men.
Cool it with Aryanphobic remarks
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survivorsisters, why does bhvr hate us so?
Most survivors play girls, and the gay ones pick David or Dwight or Steve.
Felix is hot but boring, which is a sin.
this but Vecna vs Dracula
I think Dracula would win because I like him and I dont care about Vecna
So why is Nea still so popular?
I dont really care that much but I finally wanted to try using wglf today and it gets nerfed, thought that was pretty funny
Im not gay I picked Dwight because he was the default guy and he looked funny
I don't get the WGLF nerf myself.
It was strong but the amount of fucking slugging going on is insane.
It's only 1.6 seconds slower on a full heal. Honestly I don't see the problem and I'm a biased as fuck surv main
See above where I said
>Survivors play girls
If it's small and annoying and has a vagina theoretically, it's a main.
Plus nea looks pissed off all the time, which adds a layer of disrespect for when she teabags
the statistics show that theyre only slugging because of wglf to prove a point, trust me bro I work at BHVR
Blight could easily rape her
>Im not gay I picked Dwight
Sorry bud, but you are in fact gay.
Straights men play as Jeff, James, or Trevor (default only)
>Straights men play as Jeff, James, or Trevor (default only)
I play Jeff too though
>killers slugging en massed
>deploy exponential
>It works almost every time
if you arent just sticking your boon in shack and putting your boons in central location it can really get value
I am gay, I picked Dwight because he was the cute default character.
yummy yummy survivor cummy
Looks like slugging and bleeding is still on the menu boys
killers eating good
time to use knock out some more
Dracula got the advantage of not having the gay entity nerf tattoo so yeah he probably wins
Oh nice. Well, nothing wrong with being slightly bisexual then. Good for you.
Same and same tbqh
og dwight was cute
reworked dwight is ugly
He doesn’t? I see plenty of them
Brown hands typed this
swf stats must REALLY fuck with their precious data
Browns love aryans, retard
That's a non-aryan white post
Bottom half pick rate
>sable clear lead
God I hope they give her more cosmetics.
>haddie not even in the bottom 10
>somehow regarded as oppressed minority
>haddie not even at the bottom
uh so why isnt anyone begging for jonah cosmetics? Or Jane Cosmetics?
>nothing wrong with being slightly bisexual
Yes, there is.
today i go on the internet and see someone drew Mikaela DBD but fat
>Wahhh I'm being slugged and its annoying! Waaaaaaaaah!
Just run no mither.
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fuck all this other lore when are they bringing back the best characters?
The joy of being a low mmr solo survivoid is that all of the killers are too bad (or nice) to slug
can you not heal slugs inside void or do they do it for pressure?
As a killer main i fucking hate it when killers act "reddit" like dude you're at 2 gens im on my last hook why the fuck are you chasing Nea that hasnt even been hooked yet its just so embarrassing to see dude was probably brainwashed by survivor mains and thinks he's doing "the right thing"
You can, but its just a way to keep them isolated since the killer will know when someone goes into there to save them.
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Because she looked at them like this.
>Blighted Dredge never ever.
No they don’t faggot at best they like the women they seethe jealously at the men >>499676521
Nightlight is not a wholly accurate source
Aside from dbdtwt whining about racism, Sable and Mikaela sell very well and those auric cell purchases drive priority of who gets cosmetic focus. Sable easily beats Mikaela for the newest stuff, but Mikaela easily still sells well the first month when you can't use shards for a purchase

Haddie players wait for shard prices and still whine, so they don't get much priority except to shut up those whining fits on dbdtwt
it is very cartoony style not the usual style that crag jerp off too
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you know, those drone scanline changes are actually kinda nice.
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>ada shlong, the paid survivor with 75% iron will base kit, has the highest escape rate
survivors are just skins btw
>>haddie not even in the bottom 10
she's in the bottom 11
yeah but they should buff skull merchant so more people play her so i can jerk off more and also escape more cuz she's not op at all
I just saw that too, it's kind of crazy
i bet her jacket skin helps a ton with that also, instead of the red dress
Its barely higher than Cheryl who whines like a stuck pig.
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ugh shut up killeroid she has the loudest footsteps REgods are just good
>you're getting reported for not letting me escape for free
its genuinely sad that people fucking think like this and i mean that what goes wrong to give you this kind of mentality
>cat or mouse challenge bugged yet again
>they keep adding it in anyway
apparently rat jund and his wife are getting harassed
that's niece and everything but how do i unsubscribe from your blog
>killeroid lacks any form of empathy
I hope you're happy
it always seems like they want the role to be called babysitter instead of killer
you mean his partner
more like The Trans Merchant
BHVR doesn’t want you to know this but skull merchant gets really aroused when you manage to beat her (only as a male survivor)
If you make it to the exit gates you are entitled to impregnating her before she watches you leave
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People still give up against me even when running low-power mode.
>Kate player with name making fun of Tru3
>DCs after her first down
How are these people real
which is that? chased for 90 secs?
worked on my machine
Cats have barbed cocks.
tru3 deserves justice for what rat jund did to him
you didn't line up the images properly.
Why would you feel empathy for someone thinking that they're entitled to a free win?
It's a highly sophisticated and difficult to learn program to manipulate images in, ms paint takes years of skill to wield competently
It's a survivor perk tard how would the killer bring it
Because they are of course
they could both fuck off and die and no one would give a shit
same for you bitch
>guy accidently crouches twice to avoid nemesis whip
New version of WGLF is just the old one without the token requirement. So back to being barely used. Botany is way better than WGLF now again.
they both have family that loves them and a decent sized following though idk if thats true dog
Most people who want to play as an attractive blond white man play Leon.
The nerfs on the new Zanshin and Predator prove how Distortion was the only thing keeping current aura perks with their current strenght. Now that the only counter is gutted expect way more aura perk nerfs in the future, because they have nothing that can counter them.
impressive how skull merchant still barely has any art of her
i never give up against skull merchant
WGLF deserved the nerf.
There was a perk combo that let survivors heal right in the killers face after a hit and they can't recover in time to do shit about it and it gave endurance also
just bring stbfl to be able to hit them faster stupid chud?
did you miss the endurance part you illiterate retard?
jund you can't say that anymore
Agitation + Starstruck on Wesker is fun :)
just swing faster with stbfl you stupid chud!
A sable called weskers cock slave just did a little lap dance for me for hatch, only I was playing clown. Is she a slut?
>Is she a slut?
you answered your own question
hey just because I want to impregnate a goth girl with a big butt doesn't mean she's a slut
This desperately reads like a survivor main who's pretending to be a killer, as if killers play exclusively for the enjoyment of survivors.
This is why if my daughter ends up as a big butt goth girl I'll make sure to impregnate her so she can't get impregnated by anyone else
scotts numbers aint doing so hot....
>got Deathslinger on the sales
Wish I'd picked him up earlier he's fun, being on console made me think my aim would be awful but I've hit some good shots
Any of you got build recommendations?
I like fearmonger plaything to catch hoes doing gens with harpoons
Throw in some nowhere to hide and a personal pick (franklins, lightborn, predator, no way out whatever) and I'm groovin.
If you can shoot in any game, slinger is not hard lol super satisfying too.
Trail of Torment, Dragon's Grip, Overcharge, Nowhere to Hide
You kick gen, simple as
They touch gen to stop Trail + Regression, they scream with Dragon's Grip which then automatically fails their Overcharge skillcheck and exposes them for 60 seconds
They don't touch gen, you stay stealthy and they're fucked
Nowhere to Hide lets you see anyone nearby so you can pretend to leave and let them touch the gen to get Dragon's Grip + Overcharge then you insta down them
How pissed do you think survivors get whenever they find out that my blight build uses NOED and Lightborn?
They literally can't think any less of you, so of whatever you want lol.
I literally can't get any downs with dracula what am I doing wrong? People just hug the walls and you can't hit them with hellfire, the wolf has no anti loop, and the bats are just for stealth but they're loud as fuck, so why do people want this guy nerfed?
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He’s extremely clunky to play but if you commit the time to *really* knowing his power he becomes quite good
From what I hear it's because 90% of Dracula players just drop everything they're doing and fly across the map back to hook the very instant they hear the unhook notification even if they're already chasing someone else.
>Game role requires you to chase people around, clobber them, drag them to a meathook and hang them up to be sacrificed to spider satan
>Erm why are killer mains such meanie heads uwu
Maybe survivors could get good
There's so much counterplay to this
Honestly, SO FUKCING MUCH of dead by daylight's problems stem from Survivors not being able to win chases.
Videos of dudes getting 1,000 game winstreaks, 4ks being the most common outcome.
Meanwhile good survivors can fucking spin a killer swing in the open.
so it's quite literally a skill issue, but it's the most rampant skill issue I think i've ever seen in a game.
The thing you do as a survivor is do gens and get chased. Why do 99% of survivors seem to have NO IDEA how to do the chase part?
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>Sable who teabags at every god pallet dcs the instant she gets slugged
Well well well
>Reported, thanks for making the game boring
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Pretty close
probably because being good at chase on surv is way harder than killeroid where you just hold w and occasionally mindgame
I would presume due to the popularity of the there is a constant influx of new players who still adhere to the "wah killer is near I'm scared, better hide" and genuinely don't know how to play the game, play poorly, then a portion of them go and complain online.
The sheer number of perks in the game now also contribute to that, as newer players aren't all going to instantly read the wiki on what they should be running to play most effectively and are going to be suckered into running a perk they may think will be more useful than it actually is, thus crippling themselves.

Of course Killer players also suffer the same issues but there are 4 times as many survivor players per match and so there's always going to be a louder outcry due to sheer player split.

tl;dr You will almost always hear more survivor bitching because there are more survivor players period.
i get that it's harder, but you would think it wouldn't be so overwhelmingly one sided. Like imagine if you were playin a fighting game and one character just had almost exclusively players that didn't know what they were doing, like how to play the game at all, and then complained that all of the other characters were better than theirs.
This is such a fascinating thing to me.
You're presented with a game with 5 playable characters.
4 of the playable characters are like, phil, frank, martha, and bill.
The 5th playable character is fuckin Jason Voorhees.

Why do MOST people pick regular guy and not scary monster man? How do you look at your options and say 'Oh yeah, I don't really feel like playing as Pyramid Head or Michael Myers, I would MUCH rather be Dwight."
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Well, are you a manlet?
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Yes but I'm happily married to a woman who loves me for who I am, I am gnome pilled and she loves my beard
Based dwarf niggas
Based based based baSed baSADOOOO
>run through the flag 3 times
>retard jailer is still chasing me
Was it activated or whatever yet lol
AHHHHHH (Jailer Sound)
Who are the top 3 sluttiest DbD characters?
Why is it that I hate men but I only play as male survivors
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Pyramid head
Next question
Because how and who you play as in a game isn't actually that important or indicative of anything deep seated, despite what some armchair Tumblr loser might try and say
Well I can't speak for anyone else, but for me the driving factor of the vast majority of games I play is "Can I play it with my friends?"

I first got into DbD back when it was only a month or so old as a replacement for L4D as my friends and I had played it frequently enough we decided it was time for a change, one of my friends suggested "This neat looking new horror game" and we went from there.

Obviously killer is the solo only role so it was objectively less appealing right out of the bat for what I was looking for, and while I did play quite a lot of both sides in my earlier years with the game, my current time playing it is almost exclusively survivor now.
That being said when 2v8(or 6) dropped I played quite a few matches of that as killer with my friends and absolutely would have played more if it wasn't for the abysmal q times.

However, other horror games like TCM and Killer Klowns that allow you to have friends play along side you on the killer role I play just as frequently, if not more now than I do survivor (both in DbD and in their respective games), inversely though, my time with F13 and Evil Dead was again mostly the survivor role because I was playing those games with the intent of being social and there was no co-op option with Jason or the Deadites.

Basically for me it boils down to, 'yeah its fun beating up strangers as a killer alone, but doing things with friends is still more fun in the end regardless of role"
Which characters have the most porn/rule34?
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Because most men are ugly and jealous of other men's looks and that's why they end up playing female characters they consider waifu material
Unfortunately not Cheryl.
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I teabagged a Chucky after getting the stun on an unsafe pallet, he had enduring and I got shit on and hit on hook immediately afterwards
Probably the actual answer unironically
>Anonymous mode
Yes anon, I play in anon mode to make little babies mald
>Haddie players wait for shard prices
What are you basing that off of? I buy all her stuff day 1.
I dressed up as sexy Myers a few years ago lol I saw another Myers and he unzipped the top of his suit and we walked around together for a bit
This but entirely unironically
Remind me why I care
It's not supposed to be balanced. It should not be a fighting game.
Loops are supposed to end. The chase should almost always end with a catch.
The main advantage of survivor is supposed to be numbers. It's not a fair fight one on one- it literally never should be.
This this this so much this
Most people do so on principle to protest how shitty the character is
Good thing she’s a woman and doesn’t have a cock
Idk why this is hard to understand for some people, it's asymmetrical. If it was 1 killer versus 4 killers, guess who would win every time.
sounds exaggerative (at best)
>Loops are supposed to end
This only happens if all pallets are gone
No you won’t faggot you’ll raise her to be a good little girl in preparation for another man with a large cock to breed her
Because once you find out that the underpowered underdog role is, surprise, the more challenging and rewarding role, you start to enjoy the thrill. Also the game is somewhat scary/tense for the first couple dozen hours so that helps for anyone looking for that rush
Damn... Zoomers spending too much time playing dbd does anyone unironicly have a job?
My point is that,
Are confused about why killer is easier to play in a chase. It should be harder for survivors to continue/keep a chase going. The loop is supposed to be difficult to extend. The killer has to have the advantage, because there are 3 other survivors doing shit at the same time on the other side.
It's bananas that this has to be explained every other thread.
- and other manlet copes to post online
Nta but bro...you stink like loneliness
Probably because you’re a fujo
Original? Probably Meg? License? Maybe something RE?
Sounds like women actually.
I think susie has a bunch, or maybe one of the gay dudes with dwight
Running sole survivor is gay :p
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>every DBD content creator who has more than 100k subs or 1k viewers on twitch isn't a chud
Why does this happen, unironically?
DbD is practically a bathhouse. How is that surprising?
Why on God’s green earth, in this political climate, would you as a content creator ever think it would be a good idea to announce who you voted for?
Only one side is going to punish you for voting the wrong way, so it's fine as long as you're on the right side. You're thinking like a loser.
no, I'm just questionin why, statistically speaking, almost ALL survivors can't win one chase.
>The chase is supposed to end in a catch
Right, that's the Killer's objective, but survivor's objective is to ESCAPE the chase.
I get that it's not a 1v1 game, and that it's imbalanced, but if you asked your average survivor player, they would tell you that it is IMPOSSIBLE to not take a hit if the killer decides to chase you, which is just completely untrue.
>Why arent successful people racist or homophobic
Isn't it obvious
>but survivor's objective is to ESCAPE the chase.
Hasn't been the case for years. Killers even now have a perk that shows them your aura if you break chase. BHVR has been intentionally eliminating stealth for years now, turning it into a pure contest of time: rush the gens before the killer gets enough kills.
>Every content creator has a bunch of pride flags on everything
I actually can't think of a single big content creator that doesn't use the pride flags.
50 bucks says he couldn't actually tell you why he voted for Harris aside from hating drumpf.
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It was so nice when Flashbang was dead...
There's a fuckin gorillion things that blind you
Just bring Lightborn
>but survivor's objective is to ESCAPE the chase.
Incorrect. The survivors objective is to do gens and escape. Getting chased is the killer way to stop survivors from doing their objective.
It should be that if I a killer finds a survivor and gets close to them at all, they at least hit them. The better you are at survivor, the more time between being found and being hit there is. Bloodlust and such are all in between game to help facilitate this dynamic.
>I get that it's not a 1v1 game
I still don't think that you do get it actually.
There SHOULD be a majority of survivors that play how they do, (which is to say, "unskilled" according to you)
The small minority of survivors Should Be the ones that are high enough skill that they surpass the intended predator-prey imbalance built into the chase system and mechanics.
I just run lightborn every game
Even when those perks were temporarily disabled.
Legit question why does the doctor even exist he's so bad lmao only an actual retard wouldn't just pre drop against him and run from pallet to pallet denying him any hits
based spooknjukes
He was originally created to be the "stealth is impossible" killer back when DbD was a stealth game to an extent. Now that stealth is impossible against all killers he is largely redundant.
he might not be good but he is definitely the most annoying
If you get the timing of his blasts right his chase potential is pretty alright coupled with lots of info and a touch of slowdown
They removed the one funny thing you could do with his hallucinations with Insidious.
Just fucking revert that shit.
Cope and project harder you massive faggot manlet
Complete Jewish control over cultural and financial institutions? Yeah, I thought so too…
Because for years he was the go-to “want to find everyone instantly? pick me! Killer. Now he kind of just pads out BHVR’s DEI quota while no one actually plays him

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