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What is Dead By Daylight?
Dead by Daylight is an asymmetrical multiplayer (1v4) horror game where one player takes on the role of the Killer and four players take on the role of the Survivors. The Survivor's objective is to repair generators and escape. The Killer's objective is to catch the survivors and kill them.

>8.3.0 | Mid-Chapter
>Castlevania Chapter Trailer
[YouTube] Dead by Daylight | Castlevania | Launch Trailer
>FNAF Chapter confirmed for Summer 2025

>Official website:
>Patch Notes:
>DBD Icon Collabs 2019-2022 Download
>Official DbD poll:

Previous Thread: >>498720213
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I love Mikaela
>get like 10k event points, maybe 20k if you really spam the event stuff the whole match
>offering is 100% and only on event points, and also personal
so trash
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>Survivors will always go for their teammates if they're slugged in the void
>They always seem to open the exit gates before they come in
>Blood warden still procs on the void hooks
Me have idea
it feels like only killeroids making it their sole purpose to prevent survivors from doing any event stuff are the only ones having any fun
Haven't played in a while, just got on and had a match and it's crazy how survivors have so many freebies. Hit a survivor they shine white and the hit doesn't count. Pick up a survivor and they instantly wiggle away (literally instantly). Have to hit survivors 4 times. They get unhooked and are immune by the grace of god and then just body block you. It's like every single system is just giving them freebies. Shit's crazy.
Sable's panties and barefeet
yes please
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>stun killer 4 times
>still won't drop chase
Leave me ALONE
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dbd needs a pantsu rework
Are the Elodie Halloween sweater and Hag candy claw new or did I forget to unlock them last year?
Sable is not attractive, and she never will be.
Sable is very attractive, and she always will be.
Oh these are old Twitch drops?
it really does
also what game
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Snowbreak: Containment Zone
holy fuck my dick
3 gens popped in my first chase and it still was a 3k
yeah killer is easy mode, we know
Because the first gens aren't nearly as important as the last ones
My cock is about to pop in your ass if you know what I mean
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*dead hards*
Kill yourself.
this is why I ALWAYS run Deja Vu and start with the 3gen
Get pregnant.
*has aids(
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kek isn't this like the 3rd time they've tried releasing this game?
why is every killer some assmad sadist every game that i q survivor into the event mode?
i just wanna fuck around and smash pumpkins and then ill gladly feed the kill but instead these faggots just go out of their way to tunnel
>still no sale on steam
you really dont want my money bhvr
Just run DS, OtR, Sprint Burst, Blood Rush
but anon im trying to farm bp for those perks
Is Blood Rush OP?
When I lived up north in Canada, I knew this old lady named Kay who lived for 100 years on a single tiny island in the woods. Refused to leave, I only met her after her all but one of her sons and daughters passed away of old age (and complications related to aging) themselves. He was pushing 80 and and an absolute unit of a man even in his senior years, his wife and daughter passed away and only his son in law and mother were the only ones he had left—aside from my his friends (my grandparents) who were only just spring chickens to him; being in their early 50’s.

My grandpa passed away at 55 years old, and the old woman Kay and her 80 year old son, Freeman, both outlived him. I remember them both saying “he was so young…”

My mum passed away at 49 years old in August. Not a single one of her relatives lived to see the age of 70, I’m only 29, Freeman was THAT much older than my grandpa when he passed away, an entire lifetime for me, and Kay even older.

Kay finally passed away from dementia, she forgot who she was and stopped smoking cigarettes, and without that single routine to keep her from being inside all day long, she withered away soon after. Her son didn’t live much longer after she was gone, and her grandson in law being the only person alive to take over the cottage she lived and died in for 100 years decided to let the island rest in silence. And in just under 10 years I’m told that nature is already reclaiming the home beyond recognition.
yeh the trees in canada be like that lol
This WILL kill dead by daylight.
>Finally got merciless killer with adept demo
>oops the cheevo has been removed since they lost the license
wat da fug...
>Oh boy I can't wait to play the halloween event because it won't be sweaty I bet!
>Ormond offering
>Eyrie offering
>4 purple luck offerings
>4 hook placement offerings
>RPD offering
Why do survivors care so much about winning?
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maybe the LGBT community wasn't so kind after all...
Why does anyone play any video game without wanting to win?
What are you, some kind of cuck?
statistically trannies are more likely to cheat at video games more
Video games are meant to be fun retard
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and I LOVE Sable!
>If I win in this game it will make me better than the niggers
I've never played this before. But I feel like chucky would be annoying.
>Losing is fun
Massive retard.
Chucky talks shit to survivors in game
>If you don't win every time the game isn't fun
Biggest retard to ever exist
>if im not winning, im not having fun
explains why the majority of this playerbase is miserable as fuck
please do not do that
>Its okay that I lost I'm having fun!
Biggest cuck in existence.
So when is the stranger things dlc gonna be on sale. It's the only one that I don't have
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>Haven't played dbd in about a year
>Pick it back up
>Used to play on controller but now I'm on pc
>Mfw playing bubba on mouse and keyboard
I know they changed him a bit but holy fuck this feels great as well damn man I love me my chili add ons.
Welcome, you are now a PCGOD
Sissycvck would be upset though
>losing as killer
>you can still run around, use your power in fun ways, maybe make a comeback

>losing as survivor
>you are made completely inactionable or outright deleted from the match
it's not quite the same
even doe he’s a pcuck too
give me a build for spirit
agitation, awakened awareness, mad grit and iron grasp
Enjoy getting gen rushed.
leverage + gift of pain is becoming popular i wonder how long it takes before it gets nerfed
Doesn't keeping them from getting healed not allow gift of pain to give them any downside?
yeah but then they stay injured which is the idea you put the survivors in a lose lose situation
How's bran's winstreak going?
no one cares bran
Just jerked off like 3 times in a row and had a great orgasm each time. Characters for this feeling?
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What caused some of you take a break from dead by daylight? For me is was skull merchant 3 gen era
Just comes and goes.
Usually when I feel like I can't win anymore I take a break for a month or so.
I main Freddy so it happens alot.
I haven't played freddy since early 2018 i remember how disappointed everyone was that it wasn't rober England i never bothered to play him since I didn't like using pop ruin was just more fun for me
Is it normal that people get mad even if they win? I started playing a while ago and mostly have been playing killer and I have get mad for every type of reason, I win, I lose, I play wrong etc.
It wasn't just that Robert Englund wasn't the Freddy. It was release Freddy was really bad, having to wait 7 seconds to get permission to just be a m1 killer was beyond stupid.
Then, on top of that, they nerfed him directly after.

Freddy as he currently is a lot better. He's still an M1, sure, but he has both a slow and map mobility.
C tier probably at best, but, he's not f tier like Sadako.
If survivors are really toxic through out the game and its incredibly annoying to get a win, I'm going to be bitter.
However, I accept that survivors will also be bitter if I play like an asshole.
I don't know if its actually the gameplay or the community, but this is a really joyless game, where even wins are hallow and I don't know why I still play it other than cost-sunk fallacy.
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have you ever been a slut for the escape?
Twitch drops during this time last year, yes.
This game would be 10x popular if you could actually do this im not even kidding
Lol you missed out. Guy was universally hated for years between 2019 - 2021 because they buffed him after and made him one of the most stupidly strong killers with a very low skill ceiling, then they nerfed him hard again then buffed him again to what he is now. Probably the killer with the most turbulent life span
I don't know, Skull Merchant is giving him a serious run for his money.
SM isnt hated because of her present self she's hated because the global community mindset is to hate her like how everyone hates knight like how everyone has to hate blight if you don't? You're downvoted there's always a current "thing" to hate that everyone HAS to agree to hate
SM is hated because she’s fundamentally an awful addition to the game on every level from her gameplay to her design to her lore. It’s well deserved. Not quite the same as hate for other killers.
so is Trickster and he's not nearly as hated as SM hated? Yes SM hate? Lmao no
In the old days survivors just played like shit even with swf instaheal and dead hard and insta blinds so even a freddy who had to wait 7 seconds has to even hit a survivor has a chance to win but with skull merchant whi the hell wants to play a 40 minute game I would rather be face camped n go next
>she's hated because the global community mindset is to hate her

No she was hated because she made the match drag out for 50 minutes and it was extremely fucking boring to play against her.
how is trickster awful? hes worse then huntress
Exactly my point that was in the past lmao and she's still hated and insta dc'd against survivors will whine for a killer to get nerfed they do and then they still hate the killer because of how they were in the past
She's worse than Sadako now and people are STILL D/Cing against her on principle.
As they should, her entire chapter should be deleted.
I dont disagree I dont like SM i never did I hated her design the moment It got leaked I just find it funny that nothing will placate survivors even if they get the killer nerfed into the dirt
>huntress with good ping
maybe this killer is actually fun to verse
Well to be fair I hated her because of the 50 minute matches AND because literally everything about her chapter is shit, so my continued disdain for her isn't solely based off her past power functionality.

Shit character design
Shit lore
Shit chase theme
Shit perks
Shit survivors
Shit map rework

Nerfing her into oblivion won't fix that but it WILL drop her pick rate so low I can just pretend she doesn't exist.
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Feels bad man. I beat up a legit newbie.
>Those perks on Sable and David
They're all newbies
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flashbang fix WHEN
What's wrong with them
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>equip perks that hide auras as killer
>get fast downs because survivors cant just hold w to yellow thing on screen anymore
people are VASTLY underestimating just how strong blindness is yeah it sucks balls against SWF but lmao it counters WoO so hard
The survivors are whining again.
What killer nerfs do you expect to happen?
Leverage is getting nerfed I must HEAL UNDER HOOK OTHERWISE YOU'RE TOXIC
every killer in event mode is a tryharding nigger
they dont interact with anything whatsoever, they ignore pumpkins, dont go into the void, nor do they use the power
what the fuck is the point of even allowing killers to partake if they are just gonna play the game the same boring way
Killers have been camping, slugging and tunneling more than ever before. Every game is the same. Survivors now have to bring in strong items, this is entirely something that killers forced on survivors.
Because BHVR don't realise that even though there's different gamemodes the objective is still the exact fucking same you go into the void as killer you pop out oops 2 gens are gone get teabagged at EGC bitch. It makes no sense the objective should've had something to do with the Void nope instead its kill all survivors do all 5 gens again.

It'd be like if other games had CTF as a gamemode but you can still win by getting 30 kills anyways
Survivoids in Halloween event are a LOT fucking stronger than normal
I've lost most of my matches, like 0-1k when I usually 3-4k. Also, no disconnects.
What's the deal? Does the bloodweb need cosmetics in it to kick people into gear?
Nurse will have her addons nerfed by 2%
An unrelated code change will make Dredge borderline unplayable for the next eight months
Pyramid Head is buffed to S tier by a seemingly unimportant change
Random Billy nerf
>Have to learn fucking Survivor to play as all of these Castlevania characters
damn it
>Nurse will have her addons nerfed by 2%
fatigue reduction addon will be 0.2 seconds less effective
>An unrelated code change will make Dredge borderline unplayable for the next eight months
the change they did to make him quieter will go wrong and he'll be 100% louder than he was originally at all times and the killer player themselves won't be able to stand it
>Pyramid Head is buffed to S tier by a seemingly unimportant change
the undetectable while standing in his own pee will be buffed to last for 5 seconds after stepping off. this is enough to make him lose chase around tall walls after incidentally stepping over his own pee trails around a loop, which will make him get wall hacks with predator which he can use constantly throughout the trial.
>Random Billy nerf
he now has a 42 meter lullaby so he can never get sneaky undetectable hits or sudden approaches. the lullaby is a demented fiddle tune, the likes his family might have played while forcing him to dance on the table or whatever shit they did to him
Why don't they just take away one of her blinks, increase her base movement speed to a normal killer, and give her a 10 second cool down for blinking?
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Pig bros...
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Amanda is the sexiest DBD character.
You aren't wrong.
This time it's will work trust in the plan
I wish she'd torture me. If you know what I mean
Finally. The first hot Pig art. Amanda's a bad bitch, so there should have been plenty more.
Would (You) buy a maskless Pig cosmetic?
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No, but I'll buy a shirtless Cheryl.
>survivor goes into void
>knight hunt ends
Because they need her to be no1 for the people who 4k or they cry themselves to sleep.
Damn, Miss Young looks like THAT???? John is such a lucky guy having a bombshell like this satisfy him…
>rarely play killer
>have a clown daily to hit four gassed survivors
>seems pretty easy, figure i'll get that and just smash pumpkins for the rest of the game
>get matched against three wannabe comp players who do nothing but run at me trying to save each other
>kill all three within five minutes and let the other player get hatch
feels pretty good
>wannabe comp
>do nothing but run at me trying to save each other
Anon that’s literally the opposite of what comp players do
well they were annoying nonetheless
>its another case of killer with 0 hooks entire game gets 2k because noed is next to 2 hooked survs
Amazing perk. Not a crutch at all.
>slug 2nd last survivor
>go around map smashing pumpkins
>let survivors escape
>still end match with 70-80k bloodpoints

you legit dont even have to be a tryhard fag anymore
I really do just come here out of habit these days. 2v8 can’t come soon enough
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last year halloween event gave way more bloodpoints
they reduced bp gain in this one hard
was there no cap last year? fucking hell
The chapter Cote is worried will be too weird for the fans is World of Warcraft. Yes, really.
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I see Killeroids are still winning 99% of their matches easily, getting 100k bloodpoitns a match, completly ruining the fun of survivor players with toxic "strategies" from slugging to face camping to tunneling, yet despite that, despite winning all the time, they still act as the underdog, the poor opressed victim.

Imagine winning non stop and still think the game is rigged against you.
It's like being a rich privileged elite jew and think you're the most opressed person in the world.
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Yeah I bet you see killers win 99% of the time.
Killer is hard stfu toxotard
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Otzd*rva literally had his fans make statistics of his games.
He wins 90% of the game.
Yet he still cries the game is survivor sided, that he's always the victim, that he's "forced" to tunnel and camp.

He can't find a survivor in the first 20 seconds and he immediatly starts "oh no chat we lost, we lost chat, i'm gonna have to tunnel and camp, oopsie" and easily gets a 4k at 5 gens.

Every match goes like this. Stats outright show you play killers like Skull Merchant and you instantly win, you play killers like Nurse and everyone DCs because they don't want to play with you.

You're in a game in which if you pick killer role, you instantly get a win screen with no work required AND are even given tools to sabotage the fun of the other side, something no other game let's you have.
Yet despite all this, KIller mains still manage to claim they are the victims.

Gotta wonder how miserable their lives are.
i'm not reading all that

Hi pedo. https://arch.b4k.co/vg/thread/481264375/#q481292928
hi ren weren't you supposed to have uninstalled this game like 7 times now
>[Mikaela Struggle Noises]
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You lost.
Depends on how you count it.
Original devs first released the game as a discord exclusive for like a year for some unfathomable reason.
Then it got released on steam.
The steam release got like 2 major updates and then died.
A brief attempt at reviving it occured, but failed.

Now a new dev team has taken over the license and is doing a reboot.
I actually really hope it does alright this time, because I like the core concept of the game, but the original dev team was fucking incompetent as fuck, and the concept art the new devs have been putting out seems neat.
For me it's that Milkaela "pulled off a gen/out of a locker" noise that sounds like someone stepped on a cat
> Us killers are opressed! We always lose! survivors get easy 4 man escape because the game is rigged!!!
also killers:

Killers are mentally ill.
btw i'm transgender, not sure it matters
he and sissycvck have a lot in common
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no, the cap itself is very high as it was before, but you have less opportunities to dump energy + you get less bp for doing so
last year you open portal, you feed 3 ghosts and the void collapses allowing more people to reopen it and summon more ghosts
touching ghost yourself gave you like 500, having other team touch gave 1k or 2k
now this year portals seem to stay for a very long time or indefinitely (didn't pay attention) and using the smoke grenade as survivor gives you.. 100 points, haven't played killer yet but I doubt you get much there too judging by the endgame points I've seen
They need to bring back this Halloween theme instead of the current shitty one
Two intelligent observations by me (an intellectual):
-There's no way in hell they decided to just make a map for the All Kill chapter. This is 100% salvaging a map with a similar enough aesthetic to the All Kill chapter from a license that has fallen through.
-Either they're going to make a smoke bomb perk now from the work already done for the void crystal item, or they already have a smoke bomb perk ready to go and reworked it for the void crystal.
If they make the smoke bomb thing a perk I’m going to kill myself
>-There's no way in hell they decided to just make a map for the All Kill chapter. This is 100% salvaging a map with a similar enough aesthetic to the All Kill chapter from a license that has fallen through.
Maybe, but I can't really think of any horror license that has a close enough aesthetic.

>-Either they're going to make a smoke bomb perk now from the work already done for the void crystal item, or they already have a smoke bomb perk ready to go and reworked it for the void crystal.
Almost certainly correct.
And of course, if they do make void crystals into a perk, there's no way they'll also make the haunt projectile into a perk, because "fuck killers lmao".
i've been playing as sable and i've either been let go by the killer or hard tunnelled, no in-between
>white girl with a gigantic ass and breeding hips
>surprised people react like that
i've been playing as rebecca and i've either been headpatted by the killer or hard cuddled, no in-between
Just play unknown. You can see survivors inside the cloud easily when they are weakened.
Same thing with dredge when you are in nightfall
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I don't blame them

God, I wish it were on my face...
I want to impregnate Sable. The spiders all over the outfit ruin it though.
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>this is what the average sable is doing while youre looping your heart out and getting tunneled
dodge them always
>the fast food slop of the fantasy genre
God I hope not
Why do survivors d/c when they are about to be death hooked at 1 gen left?
they think the killer is upset by it
Rats chewed through my cord again sorry
i didn't know asmongold played dbd
brown spindly fingers typed this post
If you cleanse a hex don't expect for me to unhook you. You stole my achievement progress.
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How did you know?
Stranger things DLC and cosmetics have never been on sale since the DLC came back. Probably that was a term BHVR had to agree that it's never on sale, to get the license back.
Survivors when the Killer walks the fuck around the retarded smoke bomb
Doesn't do anything but get a chuckle out of me, doesn't hurt my score at all.
Survivors are so pathetic. Playing Dracula and this Jill dropped her item immediately at chase at 4 gens hoping I’m just gonna let her go and farm, and this happens most of my games lately. Survivors literally cannot handle a non-farming Killer. I do let Survivors go if I can see they’re actually trying though and the game is fucked. If Survivor sucks so bad right now, go switch or play another game.
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If you don't reach the hook before they dc then then they didn't actually lose .
It's a free win button
dbd is killer sided
access to sable's butthole is killer sided
Why do Twitter killer bitches not realize that 75% of the survivor playerbase doesn't gaf about what the killer does as long as they're not tunneling, camping or slugging to death. Like normal people don't care about map offerings
killer is hard
I need to stuff this sandwich full of my mayo
Not many people can actually handle this fact, but Survivor players are why toxic Killer players exist. Flashlight squads, tbagging, etc and then wonder why Killers are so toxic and sweaty.
t. I play both equally.
omg shes so cute…
>A game where a power role hunts down and kills a weaker role has an inherent advantage.
Who could have ever thought...
>Got queued with this Dwight
>No one decided to save him until he was on 2nd hook, I was the only one on a gen and I got off mine to go help
>Nemesis comes back
>We’re running away in the same direction, dude is trying to get the spray and a zombie is blocking it
>I try to get the zombie away but he keeps running in my direction
>Something in him snaps
>He starts body blocking me as I’m being chased
>When I get downed he tbags my body right in front of Nemesis
>Nemesis downs him too
>He goes AFK for the rest of the match
>Nemesis slugs Dwight and the other two survs keep picking him up
>Doesn’t matter, Dwight keeps AFKing then getting downed rinse and repeat
The absolute state of this game. In the event too btw.
shut up niggerfaggot
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How to use the void correctly
>You collect void points from the generators
>You open the portal and immediately get out
>You wait to get chased and jump into the avoid
>If the killer doesn't commit you use your void points to get a smoke bomb
Cause why tf are bitches going into the void when there are two people hooked?
I wish we got Julia Voth Jill instead of RE3 Jill
I like to run between portals for map traversal. Makes me feel like I'm in some kinda Scooby Doo chase.
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I love Sasha Jill though
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Yeah but at least we got Rebecca from her game. Maybe a Voth Jill legendary is still possible, like in her battlesuit
Is it fair to teabag an m1 killer after your deliverance into the decisive into the void abusing into the adrenaline won the game?
I do too but only in RE3, the DBD version just feels off to me
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It is of no matter, for your next game will rectify any unbalance in the realm.
It was pure cinema when Claudette, Dwight, Meg and David squatted up and down rapidly while turning their flashlights on and off really fast just before escaping Trapper at the end of the movie. Talk about a well deserved pay off.
>distortion stack goes off
>hear terror radius anyway because i spawned next to a dwight
>click on leave match
Enjoy chasing wallhacking bot, bliggeroid.
Are there any advantages for the killer to traverse in and out of the void other than grabbing the funny scream thing?
good map traversal for m1 killers
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Should I? I've been on a big horror kick lately and I want a new multiplayer game to play
Strap in jimbo. You're in for a ride of joy and frustration.
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what the fuck $20 base price? i could have sworn i bought it for $40
Maybe in 2016, old ass
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Should i buy her cosmetic? I love neon nea so much.
i bought it when the alien chapter released -_-
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Do whatever your heart tells you!
Sable's panties
Sable's panty bulge
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what the
Hello everyone. Any ideas for how to extract this… ‘person’ from our thread? >>498987709
Nope. Good luck.
hey, at least hes spamming some transgender cave mutant with every post hes making. yet, anyway…
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Which Teletubby are you going to main now that they're confirmed to come to DbD?
Should I private my account or leave everything on default settings? Forgot to mention I'm a killer main
still cant believe they casted caitlyn jenner as Feng
Anonymous mode because the playerbase is mentally ill
Buckle Up buckaroos
>runs over the killer
Unless you’re playing as a friendly/farming killer you should always be in anonymous mode. This community is full of whiny children who hate 80% of the killer roster and will stalk your account and try to fuck with you out-of-game because you dared to play knight instead of blight
Can I be a rabbit?
Do survivors just like going against blight?
They do not.
I get a lot of people seething in chat just because of it so I like to keep it on
No but they complain significantly less about powerful killers like blight and nurse than they do about weak shitty c-tier killers like legion who are *mildly* annoying
>No but they complain significantly less about powerful killers
What kind of logic do they run on to complain about weaker killers more than shit like nurse?!
>nooo I don’t want to press m1 to mend against legion I just want to m1 on gens!!1!11
It’s a combination of legitimate mental retardation and the fact that blight and nurse have been the king and queen of dbd for so long that I think a lot of survivors just accept that they’re supposed to lose against them 90% of the time
>Twins daily
>Try and do it in the event
>Survivors don't even try and play the game, they just run to the portals and jump in because victor can't.
>Over and over again
Well that was fun I guess.
I am now firmly convinced that as a solo survivor, I must always run Deja Vu + Kindred
I swear running those two perks doubles my escape rate
They know they SHOULD lose to strong killers, but can't handle the fact that if they lose to middling killers, its more to do with their skill than the killer so they blame the killer.
If it's just a daily then play the regular mode for one game
How did old Spirit (2020) work? So if she was phasing and chasing you, you couldn't hear her, but if she was phasing to your gen and you weren't in her husk's terror radius you could hear her?
Nerf dredge down to SM levels please.
this but clown and trickster and chucky and v*cna
>I only want to play against Billy, Nurse, Huntress, and Blight.
But y?
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He's not even that strong bro, or that annoying.
vecna is ass though. Everything is telegraphed and requires frame perfect input like doctor.
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Don't fall for the Jewish lies of Big Killer.
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Something so sensual about his mori
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TTVs, not even once.
I swear some characters have magic powers attached to them

>play Cheryl or Ace
>get 10x better at looping
>play Leon
>become retarded
>play Rebecca
>killer gives you hatch
Trickster is getting reverted and Venca is getting buffed
>Vecna is getting buffed
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Resurgence + Botany is hilarious
>get unhooked
>heal yourself in 2 seconds with medkit
gg ez baby tunnelers
Cheryl is gorgeous
You have played her game, right? Or at least watched her terrible movie?
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I wish I had a duo that I could mess around with using flip flop power struggle and blood pact teamwork power of two
>parental guidance
>doesn't provide any guidance whatsoever
>blood pact + power of two
So realistically how do you counter this since it makes them faster than you, has no cooldown, and is no longer disabled on being injured?
>just bloodlust bro
Ah right because being forced to wait for bl3 for both hits (even more if the other bodyblocks) is totally not a gigantic waste of time that will make you lose gens like crazy
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Is there anything enjoyable about skull merchant? Wondering if I should buy her with shards.
Hags that put traps around hooked survivors are faggots
No, she just got nerfed into unironically, the worst killer in the game.
If both also have wglf mft you still keep your haste while the other is in the dying state so you can keep looping until you pick them up
As a killer main what reason is there 2 play the even que rather than the normal game?
>killers without a damaging m2 are already considered weak and pathetic
>hey I know let’s introduce a perk combo that anally rapes every single m1 killer and makes them unplayable
Bravo BHVR, truly one of the devs of all time
As a transgender blight main what cosmetic should I use?
Your crouch button broken?
[Steve scream]
sometimes survivors waste time by going into the void.
You can farm bonus points after slugging the last two people if you dont mind having your profile -rep spammed.
I forgot how psychotic after dark hours dbd's playerbase is. Play to win and they start threatening shit.
i miss bubba's masks
I have a feminine penis, which survivor should I main?
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what did I just get into
>Survivors just give up when the first person goes down before the first gens
Why even queue up? One of these fucks was P100.
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When they transfer all the cosmetics from mobile to core and we get princess Nea flashlight squad
Killer 4k with 1 Gen completed
Well, blame retards for getting them taken away.
What does negative rep even do?
Makes people doge your games troons with no life
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Would you play her if she got these skins?
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>having your profile -rep spammed
It's funny to me that people care what butthurt retards write on their profile. Even funnier is the time and effort those butthurt retards put in to write their worthless +/-rep and their compliments/complaints.
She's still fat and ugly
Dodge you how? They can't see the killers profile before the game.
give the skin to Kate and then I'll buy it
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All of the good survivors seem to be already done with the event.
More like all these survivors were just trying to have fun and mess around in the void with smoke bombs and you slugged them at 5 gens
Don't run at the killer with flashlights and other nonsense when the killer gets their first down and you won't get slugged.
I'm a sucker for themed sunglasses so I'd use the head for sure, but the rest is meh
>transgender blight main
… make her White? She unironically looks better. Wouldn’t play as her but would at least jerk off to her
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This is probably the most actually Japanese you can make Yui look, I'm surprised Shanoa's set wasn't linked
How the fuck do you beat killers that make every loop unsafe?
I hope that really happens

Are you saying actual japanese women aren't bike racers who dress like car mechanics for every occasion...
no I'm just saying Shanoa's long dark hair goes well with her Fire Moon Kimono
Is having both dead man's switch and grim embrace slotted a good combo?
Not sure if they conflict with each other or not.
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They need to port over the rest of the animal pyjamas collection
Dead man got buffed so no what killer do you play most of the time?
>ginger Nea
>blonde Zarina & Feng
Its gonna be a set instead of an individual cosmetic im not buying that shit
BHVR never ports mobile skins 1-to-1, they recolor them or make slight edits.
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Fireside love making at the retreat.
Just give us the fortnight emotes you cowards
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Yui if she extra Japanese and no pants (although that hair does give her blue eyes which is not very Japanese)
blight, knight and xenomorph are usually my go to
Why is it that all the old fans like notch and cote who used to lurk here and shill there games in early beta and tease new content just fucked off once they made a bunch of money, if I were rich I would still at least lurk here and maybe say hi to the community I was once apart of
The slugging will continue until women give me sex
I'd say high mobility killers only need dead man's to save a perk spot, you were playing an m1 then I'd say use both for garunted value
Hello :)
what'd she do to her legs
teabagging at a pallet and shaking your head enrages players enough as it is.
Reverse bunny suit skins when?
post the webm of the cute Mikaela doing some squats after lightly setting a pallet down
>Walk at a survivor
>They miss a skill check
>They stare are you
>Leave and chase someone else
What is happening to me?
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A little thing called working out, try it out buddy
Haddie has a void skin, really?
Why are yall here there are only like 12 people at time interacting with the thread, the reddit for dbd has over a million people with thousands actively lurking just don't say anything too graphic you can just pretend to be a normie
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People on Reddit can't handle some universal truths (that all men are bisexual for example)
>why are the more normies on the normie site?
Its a mystery, Go back and die of aids.
shut up you piece of shit. are you upset that hatchets don't cross over into the void realm too? kys!
Where did you get this VERY private photo of us pervert
Zero reading comprehension you probably camp and tunnel most of you are weird irl enjoy the email verification or the 15 min wait before making a new thread
Because the sub is dogshit filled with the most asinine “content” imaginable
That’s the polar opposite of the truth dumb fujo they’d probably ban you for saying otherwise do you know what reddit is
both of those are circumventable though
That would cause a mass shitting of killer player pants everywhere culminating in live explosives being shipped to BHVR HQ probably
>does give her blue eyes which is not very Japanese
could be wmaf hapa
I still think it'd be funny if they gave survivors a perk that let them big boot breakable doors down
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What is this? I want one now
Its a hedgehog
my peanits
The average male 4chan user is more likely to accept that they're sexually fluid than the average redditor
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is balance landing + decisive strike a good combintation?
i mean, why would it not be a good combination? they don't clash or have any specific synergies either, and also perform two entirely different purposes
That's not really a combination, but if you get downed at a tall spot, such as in the second floor of a house right next to a window then you'd be able to do some real damage with it. Otherwise those are just two excellent perks that individually work very well.
People hate going against Vecna? Why? I wish more people would play as him.
genuinely hate the license + he's ugly + he really sucks outside of mage hand + fly to make up for lost distance after a hit
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I'm glad this perk is finally fixed so I get time to look at Sable's fat ass without being a detriment
Is the perk any good?
you might as well run deja vu if you're doing it for gen progression
i wish more people played dredge
If you use Bardic Inspiration and then move away from your teammates after the performance is over, do they lose the buff?
If you have a build for gens that synergizes with it(like Hyperfocus+Stake Out to trigger more frequent skillchecks or Prove Thyself to further buff teammates) it can be, but it's an RNG roll perk so mileage varies. But on its own, the 15 second performance time is kinda steep
He's really boring and effectiveness swings wildly on maps, much more than any other killer.
>uses power to "mindgame" loops
>gets free downs during nightfall

another annoying killer that needs to get skull merchant'd
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Shut up.
>Blood Echoes, Blood Favor, Blood Hound, Blood Warden
It sucks ass, but I feel like it is very thematic.
Why would they lose it? As long as they were within 16m when you finished playing, it should remain for 90s
The buff emanates from the user, according to the perk description. This could be interpreted as either a buff that works like Leader, requiring you to be near your teammates, or as something that gives a buff to all nearby survivors which then stays with them for the full duration without requiring they stay within 16m of the perk user.
Perks that go away like that always mention it in the description, like Leader or Power of Two. This one just says "The empowering effect lasts for 90 seconds" and nothing else
dragon ball chapter when?
why does she have kiss makeup on
She's about to sing rock and roll all nite, leave her alone
First reply decides if I main Alan or Steve
>still not 2v8
>still not chaos shuffle

end this shitty event and bring back something FUN
invocation: weaving spiders is such a fucking retarded name for a perk
The only enjoyable thing is that so many survivors still decide to go next when they see her.

Beyond that
>shit gameplay
>shit chase theme
>shit aesthetics
>shit mori
but if you like easy wins from people quitting simply by you existing in the trial, then shes fine.
adrenaline/blast mine/stake out/fogwise
rate build
Sable, Rebecca, Kate, Lara
rate wives
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>froguette is real
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okie dokie
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"It's not a problem just don't cleanse plaything!"
Yeah okay tell that to Meg, Leon and Bill
why do none of them ever go back to the totem they cleansed
Because they don't even know what Pentimento is.
>[That one distorted Claudette scream]
[Nea falling sound]
>[Rebecca slow vault noise]
>[Cheryl item pickup sound]



>return to game after break
>what the fuck is going on with the aura spam
>realize distortion is worthless now
>they really nerfed distortion after that one burrito streamer made a single video
holy fuck. as if the perma wallhacks weren't already bad enough. retard devs!
I unironically run Object of Obsession now
They want to see me? Fine, I'll see you too.

I've even seen a few survivors bring Boon Shadow Step by itself recently
>Shadow Step
>Off the Record
>Indoor map offering

Yep, time to cuck some aura killercels

Fun fact: Shadow Step and Off the Record completely destroys Scratched Mirror Mike's power
>[Steve falling noise]
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I like that survivors smile when they play their little song :)
*spotted sfx* YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!
I like Yui :)
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Semen demon
no pantsu?
Sables sticky panties
in my mouth
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>accidentally go perkless last second forgetting I didn't have a third perk loadout on a character
Why does the steam sale suck?
some shit is on sale in-game but not on steam and it doesn't make sense
And we will never see any of the QoL the mobile version had in the real versions of the game
emotes are very toxic please understand
Goth sadoka when
I already have killeroids complaining about the point tech when getting downed
If I could break dance they would probably DC lmao
They want you to buy auric cells first to entice you into purchasing more than you need because of "bonuses" leaving you with too little/too much over what you want.
There'll be a steam sale closer to halloween I'm sure.
Fuck those autism cells, only retards would buy them
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Yeah I think she "released" too many haunts last year
This is presently what pentimento does:

1 Totem: reduces all survivors repair speed.
2 Totems: reduces all survivors healing speed.
3 Totems: reduces all survivors recovery speed.
4 Totems: reduces all survivors gate opening speed.
5 Totems: all totems permenantly blocked.

The issue is that the extremely powerful effect of just 1 totem lit is all that matters and all the killer wants, and this effect stays up as long as just one rekindled totem stands, and can keep being put back up if more totems get cleansed. It's absurd. Pentimento is so common at the moment that you have to ignore all hexed totems because it's not worth cleansing any of them because the first, just the first, rekindled totem of pentimento is stronger than anything except devour hope once it's got tokens. This clearly isn't balanced and shouldn't be the case. It should be something like this:

1 Totem: reduces all survivors recovery speed. This might not be noticed right away and gives the killer a chance to rekindle more than 1 totem without anyone noticing.
2 Totems: reduces all survivors healing speed. This will be noticed quicker and gives survivors a chance to do something before a third is rekindled.
3 Totems: reduces all survivors repair speed. The killer needs to earn this.
4 Totems: reduces all survivors gate opening speed. This is fine.
5 Totems: all totems permenantly blocked, and if the killer can get this far, he's earned the permenant repair speed debuff (with the rest all cherries on top).
>Chucky talks shit to survivors in game
>this killeroid perk is popular so we need to nerf it
Fuck. You.
Just run Boons and bless every hex
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Ghostface is tunneling so hard he's killing other video games
Oh so Pentimento is the next boogeyman perk? Thanks for keeping me in the loop after this I wonder what'll it be next? Overwhelming Presence?
This is what goes on in the dbd reddit, white knights defending cosplay fags, the deleted post was "This shit looks ai generated you can't be this fat in real life"
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Should I buy a key for this shirt for $800?
This is the op getting called fat, why do they even allow cosplay posting in a gaming community?
It's almost always a thinly veiled onlyfans ad too
Maybe she should just learn it's not okay to be fat?
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>Rip all emersion
I just stunned a Wraith while in cloak for what felt like 2 business days
Turns out he was using Dark Arrogance kek
>ghost face in hunt showdown
told you all it was an asymmetrical slasher
What's emerging? Where is it emerging from?
Anon I need answers!
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Alright, buckle up buttercups, because today we're diving deep into the creamy, dreamy world of breast milk, courtesy of two dairy-disrupting divas, Kate and Lara. Let's just say, these ladies know how to milk a nut... for all it's worth.

First up, we have Kate's "Breast Bliss."
This milky maiden promises a smooth, satisfying experience, and boy, does she deliver. The texture is like a silken caress, sliding down your throat with a whisper of sweetness. It's the kind of breast milk that makes you want to ditch your glass and just… *gulp*. I'm telling you, this stuff is so good, you'll be screaming Kate's name in the morning... and possibly at night, too.

Now, let's talk about Lara's "Nutty Nectar."
This bad girl is a bit bolder, with a richer, more robust flavor. It's got a certain… *oomph* that Kate's is missing. You can tell Lara wasn't shy about squeezing every last drop of deliciousness out of those breasts. This is the kind of breast milk that leaves you feeling satisfied, maybe even a little… spent. Let's just say, Lara's got some serious nut-cracking skills.

The Verdict:

Both Kate and Lara have crafted some truly impressive breast milk. Kate's "Breast Bliss" is perfect for those who prefer a gentler, more delicate experience, while Lara's "Nutty Nectar" is for those who like their milk a little… wilder. Ultimately, the choice comes down to personal preference. Do you prefer a sweet, subtle seduction, or a full-on nutty romp? Either way, you're in for a treat.

Just be warned: once you've tasted these delights, you may never go back to the udder stuff. You've been warned.
Yeah killers don't even play the game or have to even pay attention anymore. All they do now is go where the game tells them to.
Slam pig sable is kinda based
By that logic 30% of survivors aren’t playing the game anymore because they’re using WoO and just holding W to wherever the funny yellow squares are
Most killers don't even run any aura perks though, they run gen slow downs or perks to help in chases like bamboozle
But it's okay when survivors do it.
This is day one stuff, do better
Never reply to me again you 3rd world nigger.
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that's not true
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>play solo survivor
>use chase and anti tunnel perks
>escape 35% of the time
>use Kindred, Bond, Windows, Deja Vu
>escape 55% of the time
>mfw I realize that the information I recieve from all those perks lets me play so much more efficiently (and my other solo teammates too if Im hooked with Kindred) that it's worth more than any meme exhaustion perk
>mfw I realize that SWFs effectively have all those perks basekit if theyre on comms and are technically running those 4 perks + 4 more of whatever for a total of 8 perks per survivor
Holy fuck they are actually losing their shit because of ghostface
>swf is stronger than solo
what a revelation.
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Wow what a fun event! cool build and killer too really makes the event fun
>sweating in the event queue as nurse
uh based?
You deserve everything you get for buying auric cells.
You directly support every negative playstyle and perk and deserve to have it used on you in every single game.

Forever cursed account when you leave the golden land of 0 auric cells.
>0 auric cells
>not 1100 to get passes and drown in cosmetics forever
i don't know mang...
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>"Halloween event is killer-sided! There's no reason to go to the void as survivor."
>void is incredibly dense, overflowing with windows and pallets
>spending said pallets doesn't make areas on the actual map less safe since it's a pocket dimension
>natural advantage of killer time being more valuable than survivor time so chasing into void is a large commitment
>survivor event power is an instant aoe blind and scratch mark remover
>all opinions on it are somehow "hurr durr how I use?"
I'm not gonna tell you that the killer event power isn't incredibly strong but how fucking retard proof does an event have to be for the average survivoid?
Pretty retard proof if it doesn't outright give them a free health state then survivoids will cry
This is what happens when they lose only literally 1 of their handful of second chances, which should really be called 4, 5, or 6 chances at this point because of how many extra tries from all the basekit and perks to try to loop a killer and still fail at it
Why the fuck are you even chasing in the void anyways? What if the killer just decides "nah im not gonna chase you in the void" what then? he goes and kills your moronic soloq teammates thats what
Sable Wide
There's a vault in there that if survivors vault lands them on a platform, but if a killer vaults they fall all the way to the bottom platform.
Shame that the next event is just going to be "press q to remotely pallet stun the killer" to please these retards. Sad considering that this event is mostly fun even if haunts having no cooldown for a two-tap is dumb
You can justify any opinion with soloqs. You could beat the average soloqer as m1 nurse. Even then saying that going into the void is an instant chase drop is incredibly good
Gee I hope the next killer is another m2 at vault oh oops i baited it i m1 you instead :) those are the funnest killers ever
dont play this garbage game BUT
this was pure kino
they can just lunge the side retard
Doesn’t look like it. I thought hedgehogs are shorter and stouter. Maybe an echidna
Sable… easy on the caramel pumpkin spice mocha frappes….
Never even played this game. Looks nice graphically though I guess
Right NOW *jizzes all over her*
Fuck you cunt.
>my loliwife pan would be in the game
>she would be a skin for f*ng
>spic population would skyrocket
the negatives would outweigh the benefits im afraid…
LS collab when?
Those are some awfully toned thighs
nerf killers
buff survivors
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It wasn't programmed to harm the crew... It was supposed to help us make a safer home, but, something happened. It became self aware... It has no empathy, it doesn't feel pain...

It learns at an impossible rate, and it won't stop until we are dead...

Or worse...
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Is haunted by daylight exclusively played by no life sweats? I haven't had a single enjoyable match of this mode
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bring back infinites
the really overbuffed machine learning like wtf
this whole GAME is exclusively played by no life sweats.
>play killer
>shitstomp terrible noob survivors that i match against over and over again
this matchmaking is phenomenal. never been better. it's like they completely disabled matchmaking completely and they're just throwing any random group of people together. what the fuck is this shit?
his next gf will have a penis confirmed
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Shes in! And it looks like leon is getting a new mori. What a time to be alive!
I want that ghostface skin...
this kills the thread
>seething over a mask
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What is wrong with these people
[Ace scream]
BHVR should be back modding through Steam's Workshop.
>[Nea hook scream where she honks at the end]
>watched a clip where he's giving out relationship advice
>Dude, yeah just learn to live your life without your marriage partner even if you're still together.
Did something happen? I thought he was happily married. I was concerned that they had an EXCESSIVE amount of animals(rats, cats, dogs, etc) and no kids, but yeah. Kinda whack.
Do these still work or is this an old screenshot?
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Only works on the 5.0.0 game version
he broke up with his gf after he found out she was discord grooming younger guys
Why is BHVR so against sex appeal fan service skins?
Are they morally against making money?
Nina came to the realization that Otz is a huge pussy so she decided to shop around. She was so desperate she was bribing people to take pics in their underwear. They've been broken up for awhile now
Fuck this game and it's shitty survivor sided maps
His girlfriend was whoring behind his back.
You know, typical shit that guys without spines like him find themselves falling into.
do survivoids really
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They have a bunch of ugly frumpy women working on their design team who probably block any attractive design that accentuates the female body from getting into the game out of jealousy. Many such cases.
That's a shame. Otz always did seem too positive even about shit that really bothered him.
Still, Women's liberation and is consequences have been a disaster for...everything really.
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Your thoughts if pic related ends up as Otz's gf?
I thought he was going after the onlyfans whore covered in tattoos
While I do hate women this seems more like an issue with otz.
You can tell a lot about a person from how they present themselves, and he puts up with his mentally retarded chats bullshit frequently - I can only imagine how many issues were propping up in the relationship that he just shrugged at because nice guy.

Related to the game though; are the west coast servers just fucked right now? I'm getting to the point where I'm not going to greed an extra loop at pallets because I get whacked by some asshole from a football field away.
I'd fuck this cute boy
I dunno, but I'm East Coast and keep getting "Disconnected from Host" in the middle of match and slapped with a DC penalty.
Probably just a small indie company issue.
>Only works on the 5.0.0 game version
Is there a private server or something?
It's time for slugging to end...
You can download any previous version and play it with your friends if you set up a server
Their fanbase is tumblr and twitter.
The best you will get are various flavor of scene/goth girls
Oni is such a joy to go against haha :)
Nah, I'm having too much fun with knockout/third seal/franklins/weave
My Sable Ward cosplay for NYCC

Isnt he married
Calm down fujosis.
No, I look exactly like David and my new bf is Dwight-adjacent.
what the FUCK is that new predator? why?
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Well yeah, he is S tier on the official Fun to Go Against Tier List made by /ourguy/ ScottJund
>fun to go against
>Power is just flailing like a retard with minimal speed boost.
every message in that chat says the opposite of that list lmao
No other killer can snowball off a single hit as hard as oni can. There is nothing remotely interesting about getting mowed down by slightly worse billy except that it fullfills some incels samurai power fantasy.
Kek my main build on Wesker is Distressing, Agitation, Starstruck, Coulrophobia
From the salt I get in end game chat I would say survivors do not like facing me
Did he just randomly generate the entire list lmao
What if you could rip off survivors' clothes as killer haha
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>Bubba, Oni, and Wesker in S
>Nurse only as low as C
>Mend sim in B
>Huntress in A
>Fucking Freddy in B
I can not believe I ever watched this guy holy shit
it's funny how this game has gone from being perceived as insanely survivor sided to now being insanely killer sided
look at the queue incentives these days, it's nothing like it used to be where killers actually got incentives.
You pushed the survivors away...
You used to watch him and didn't realize he's retarded?
He's an entertainer, not a source of any objective facts about the game.
He routinely gets clowned on because he makes really stupid statements and then sweeps it under the rug when he's wrong.
>Trusting the opinion of literally any content creator centered on a spooky themed Mario party game
Its me, I switched to survivor only and I make my fellow survs uninstall
survivors won't be happy until every match is basically a free win
they want a fake experience where they feel like they've escaped a killer, but they don't want to actually be killed ever

no matter what happens, they'll never be happy
Nothing makes me seethe more than a play failing because you thought someone else was smart.
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stop killing cute sables
but nearly every match as a killer is a free win if you bring the right build and play a non-shit tier killer
then you lose one game badly and think it's super survivor sided, a bit curious, isn't it?
I will impregnate cute Sables instead
exterminate all paypiggers
this but while holding hands with her
who said it was survivor sided you fucking illiterate retard
>if you bring the right build and play a non-shit tier killer
That's the thing though isn't it. You have to sweat like a bitch and either abuse the OP shit or be GOATED at a dogshit killer to scrape wins as killer.
As a survivor, you can abuse items and gimmicky perks and whatnot, but you don't have to try that hard and still might live even against a sweatlord killer.
I play more survivor these days cause even though I enjoy killer more, the stress is not worth it. I win and eat snacks and stuff at the same time as survivor lol.
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>and play it with your friend
Y-yes me and my friends...
the killer mains who whine on here about survivors
Wesker is fun and fair though. As far as balance he’s probably the most even handed killer in the game
I went against [killer] and it was bullshit, nerf into the ground!
this, so much this
I felt bad dealing with [mechanic], the game is ruined forever and the devs are actually worthless.
God I miss Liz....
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Man, I just can't get into Vecna. His best spells just seem to be Mage Hand and Dispelling Sphere (to counter the 7% haste item for Mage Hand). I can't figure out the distance for insta-Flight of the Damned and that seems to be his strongest anti-loop tool.
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You're all my best friends :)
Ok :)
I hope this guy dies after seeing this!!
For me it's Distressing, Agitation, Iron Grasp, Starstruck
Most people chicken out of heroics when they get exposed. I love not having to deal with body blocks and flashlight saves. And the people who commit to it always fuck it up due to agi movespeed
fr fr I have no idea what they were thinking when they designed [perk] without considering its interaction with [power]
These devs are the worst and I will keep d/cing against [thing] until its nerfed
ok but plague thanatophobia is cancer
My boss just troon'd out. What killer should xe main
Pig is the troons choice
>dude its only 2/3rds of pentimento just deal with it luh mayo!
What do Wesker main's farts smell like?
>Bringing up 21 savage and Nicki Minaj
So black people don't fit into their 1800s fantasy?
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>killers win 75% of the time if they play the way BHVR expects them to
>Killers win 85% of the time if they play with one particular playstyle
If one side wins the majority of the time anyway, and they still feel like they should win a lot more what do we call that...
Seems like the only winning move...is not to play survivor. Whelp, enjoy those long queues Killeroids its time for another break!
Perplexing, because the vast majority of the playerbase still prefers playing survivor despite it being far easier.
Obviously when all players are top tier the survivors have an advantage. But it's far harder to become a good survivor than it is to become a good killer. This is because survivor skill level controls the game.
>How to get good at survivor
Just magically know how to loop every tile and chain them together perfectly. The game will never give you an opportunity to learn this and the smallest mistake puts you in timeout either on the hook or on the ground.
>How to get good at killer
Just play the game. Survivors will do things, try to experiment and figure out how to counter it. You will never be removed from the game or put in timeout because you failed.
i like dredge
it's fun
Too bad. he's the next to get SM;d.
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>Mathieu browsing DbD youtube videos
>Comes across a video
>Something moves inside of Mathieu
>Call DbD's manager
>"Delete all the shitty killers"
>"But sir-"
>"Just do it"
>Next morning
>Every killer except the Wraith is gone
>DbD is saved
I was gagging a chudslinger BAD in MacMillan thanks to overcome
Wait is this one of the "cute" sables your talking about?
Presumably not, no.
His favorite killer is hag. She's not getting deleted.
Sorry, shit fantasy is shit.
>Play against a dredge.
>He downs some.
>Teleports away and insta downs someone else, must be using friends till the end.
>Make the save
>Make your choice
>Ports back and smacks me, teleports to the obsession and insta downs them again.
>Three hooks.
>Smacks someone else
Nerf dredge
He got 1 hook no kills at badham and looped hard playing hag in Japanese 2017 expo, was called baby killer lmao and remember after that instablinds got nerfered
>Plagues also bring plaything pentimento
>If you don't cleanse your plaything she catches you off guard and you're just dead because you are injured the whole match
Not like it would have mattered that much in the end, but he also had 1 yellow perk against 4, full perk Korean tryhards. Can't blame him that much for not doing well, but yeah, that was the biggest tell of how much they don't actually play this game that only when he was exposed on stage did he acknowledge, and do something about instablinds.
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There's a more symbol where the hooks icon is? Tf happened, after non stop playing during 2v8 took a 2 and a half month break, I just come back when did this just become a thing?
Cypress Mori is basekit now
care more about selling cosmetics to the troon community, I just installed a Jane bikini mod tho but yea they don't play their own game its telling
Were you playing scream Pig? That shit turned me into a sadist.
I was using knights hex perk, lmao I brought a, indoor map so they'll never find the totem, third seal and knock out just to fuck with them, then no way out, 2 ppl died first 4 minutes, I was slugging but they waited till post game chat and got real salty
Why do they add ugly glowing effects to so many skins? This combo would look so good without the glow
Yeah, Hex:FTM, Ultimate Weapon , infectious and other stuff.
Everytime they scream it interrupts their progress on the SAW boxes and you don't even have to be near them for it to keep happening. As soon as the party hat turns on, it's basically over for them.
Literally all they had to do was give me Sexy Witch Sable and I would have bought it the nanosecond it hit the store. Instead I got Flamin Hot Cheeto Sable covered in spiders
is survivor gameplay suppose to be fun?
Absolute state of Sable mains. I knew you were all trannies LMFAO

Its up to the killer to entertain survivors, but since both sides are obsessed with "winning" it makes killer role miserable and survivor role boring.
That's the DbD playerbase in general.
You wouldn't even have to look that hard to find a tranny cosplaying as any given DBD character
How easy does it become to stock up on add ons once you get all the rank 3 perks from the killers?
you don't need to prestige 3 all kickers by 3/4 are terrible and are only fan service slob like Micheal or freddy, just play nurse and get the range add-ons and plague to get the power per gen add-ons
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survivor after escaping
>"gg ez baby killer LMAO get juiced bot"
survivor after dying
>"bruhh this killer is so BORING on god fr..."
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people when they are happy
> :)
people when they are unhappy
> :(
Let us discuss which DbD character to impregnate.
it's the "cannot be bullied = boring" hypocrisy that's so close to being said out loud
You’re now a DbD character. Bend over.
I want to make Sable a mother
Ormond is so killer sided it's crazy
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Right next to the "you're a shit player because you reacted to us and didnt just let us do x for free!"
I don't know how people can play this game for hundreds of hours and not realize the other side can and will react to how you play and play around it
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>match starts
>I teabag for 9 seconds in case of lethal pursuer
Would you rather play midwitch or swamp with barley any pallets as survivor?
Do those stats include people suiciding on hook at 5 gens for no good reason or survivors throwing for challenges?
tru stats are irrelevant, all the devs go by is perk and killer and addon pick rates
I think every female Japanese killer should have a special interaction, in which if you have two male survivors you can kiss each other and this will stun the killer for 10 seconds
Men can’t get pregnant, tard.
Swamp because at least I can see where the killer is coming from, and you can abuse main
So you're claiming that killers get free wins so often that it skews kill rates? If it's that common to get a free win then maybe killer really is easy.
Won't stop me from trying
The science isn't settled on that chud
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How is the Dramaturgy + Finesse combo?
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It's fucking amazing. It will addict you like crack. Once you get that first taste of Dramaturgy double speed bonus and fast vault to a safe location, you can never stop.
>Zero exhaustion perks
>No tunnel prevention perks
>literally 4 useless perks
Anyone who runs meme builds should just go play customs tired of having you retarded types in solo que this is why I play killer more since I don't have to rely on morons I rely on myself and win.

Seriously though if you've been playing before the meta change of 2022 you most likely never even ran borrowed time and just farmed your teammates. There really should be an avoid teammate button think im gonna turn off cross platform in my settings

There needs to be a seperate que for people who just throw or don't give a shit about there team in a team based game

Last thing if I ever see any meme builds or intentional sand bagging in my killer games ill just leave you on the ground for 5 minutes no sweat off my back
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Do you think they'll ever put Looming Dread chase music on the H.U.N.K skin for legion?
It feels like such a missed opportunity.
fuck you run team based perks or find a diffrent game this is why there is an us vs them mentality in the community because you intentionally make the game unfun for your teammates by potentially letting you get tunneled out early whilst doing jackshit during a chase because your only chase perk is to go through windows slightly quicker but only when your healthy fucking joke also that shifty guitar perk is a 25 second animation waste when you can be on a gen

This is also me ignoring how your fucking the killer over too who wants to have a normal game then sees its just a 3v1 because you're nonexistent hiding playing the guitar.

I hate you and im glad distortions got buffed, go play f13 while the servers are still alive
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I heckin love Blood Warden
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>Zero exhaustion perks
if you're gonna rant like a madman can you at least be correct?
then why do keep posting gifs? If you really don't care then stop responding. I all ready won you even said a word more than likely your probably in the retard que in the event

I just had a game as survivor where nobody was on gens they were just hiding in the void so I'm stick to normal que you better not fucking ruin normal que other wise I'm gonna on hiatus until 2v8 drops

Fuck you

Fuck bhvr

Fuck reddit

Fuck solo q PLEASE stick to event in your original pic you arent in it so your throwing normal games >>499348248
it doesn't count its a retard meme half sprint burst that can sometimes instadown you run balanced, sb or lithe not that bullshit that fucks over the team if you get the wrong status affect
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I promise you I am not as bad as you think. I end up doing at least 40% of the generator repairs in any match I come across. What's wrong with running fun and diverse perks?
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*dead hards your post*
Gens don't mean shit if you have no idea about mind games or if your teammates don't know how to loop the killer

Bad players are like but but muh gens

If the killer snowballs and slugs everyone each meme perk you have on could of been an unbreakable, deliverance , sprint burst based perk, or decisive

That fact that you brought up gens which let's be real is the most boring part of the game I play survivor for the chase and do gens in like the first 2/3 of the game, once somebody's dead on hook im able to take hits and let myself go down for them because I'm running unbreakable and adrenaline so if the killer slugs me I can just get back up and take another free hit buying time

Not everybody is a casual the devs said its not a competitive game but the way they balance and the way the community acts in said game is inheritly competive
die lynn
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>Gens don't mean shit if you have no idea about mind games or if your teammates don't know how to loop the killer
If I really cared enough I would turn on my clipping software and show you that I can loop. I have a clip on my phone somewhere but don't know how to make a WEBM.
>If the killer snowballs and slugs everyone each meme perk you have on could of been an unbreakable, deliverance , sprint burst based perk, or decisive
Well it's a good thing I'm not in the top top ranks of MMR and don't have to worry about that all the time. Your point is still irrelevant however, I still use "meta" perks from time to time. Lost time won't be a problem because I can loop well enough.
I swear it's always the least played survivors that always play the best.
Also I love the fact that you said "Fuck reddit" but used reddit spacing in your post. LOL LMAO
Like when you say I don't have to worry about it all the time" like you can predict how any of your matches go mmr is bulshit the old red ranks works perfectly and still there is so much shit wrong with your pic lets star off with two good perks two useless one as point number 1

Point no2 is 1 persons already out another is on death hook and nobody's on a gen whatsoever ever

Final point is like I stated previously since you have no exhaustion perks you arent getting the most out of your chases, side note being overly altruistic can fuck over a game real fast if nobody is on gens like I take hits and go for saves but only when I kno my team is doing the objective plus this picture proves nothing about your chase skill for all I know you could of been hiding all game
>like omg do you even watch niggerlover9000's video on dbd meta videos?! Uninstall!
Take your megs
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thats just normal spacing on Twitter and Instagram which normies are getting redpilled on so yeah I do use those two and I hate the whole
Spacing since normies ruined it outside of 4chan so I feel like a clown using it now i kno I used it at first but I feel so gross using it
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>loops you for 20 minutes
>refuses to elaborate
Quinton Jonathan James And Chris last 20 sec tops in chase stop lying
more like eats shit in the first 30 seconds and suicides on hook
based male characters have a bigger hit box plus staring at a guys ass in a 3rd person game is weird play a girl unless u gay?
playing survivor in general is the feminine role
Do the killers see survivor aura when they are in the Void?
Trannies all over the shop… you’ll be one too, sooner or later…
No unless the killer enters the void while the auras timer is still ticking.
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>4 man ttv squad with their little beamers, last second switchers
>Took me to the game
>One went down in the first 15 seconds and they all dced when I stuck him in basement
AHAHAAHA you cannot make this shit up
Good post. I laughed.
Nah Chris’s are cranked
I get it man. Respect for remembering a legendary game. The toddlers here won’t know it but I do.
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There is maybe nothing more haunting than returning to an old YouTube video/song that you randomly remember you liked and seeing all the comments are multiple years old.
Cheryl demands a second Silent Hill chapter.
Who would be the killer? Map could be outskirts of silent hill leading into the woodside apartment but I would hope a new silent hill chapter releases at the same time as silent hill f and the main stalker enemy from that is the killer
>4 globes
Either Walter or the god. Walter could have ghost shenanigans, the god would have lightning anti-loop and Otherworld transitions like Dredge's Nightfall.
If you go with Walter then it is a Silent Hill 4 chapter with the apartment building as the map and Henry or Eileen as the survivor. If you go with the god then Harry is the survivor and the map is either the amusement park or the chapel from SH3.
context here?
I'm an epic gamer anon, it wasn't on sale on steam at the time I purchased it, also it's nice not to have people leaving their weirdo comments on my steam profile.
>the main stalker enemy from that
What? How do you even know it’s going to have a “stalker enemy”?
The problem is that there’s next to no incentive there, SH4 is pretty damn unknown, the potential buyers are low. You’d have to wait for the inevitable slop remake for them to even consider it probably. SH1-3 who knows
He just wanted a sniff
I agree that Walter is too niche, only Silent Hill fans would care. Even I would rather have the god and something focused more on SH1 and SH3. Wonder if those will get remade.
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Wait, they made a spin-off game from the guy that appears in DBD? Damn, looks really good too.

Shame it's so expensive. I would by it day 1 if it had Haddie as the protagonist and Skull Merchant as the killer instead though.
Trust me, they butchered DbD’s characters, the Jews behind that game had no idea what made Behavior’s OC so special
the person above me is sissy cvck
the person below me is renthetrans
>even though that troon blew money on it like his boyfriend bran did
About time Cuckte capitalized on these beloved characters! I remember this scene like it was yesterday!
I'll never understand how people can have hundreds if not thousands of hours and not figure out how to spend their time as a survivor.
Gens are boring as shit and being chased is fun, but why is it every match I see 1-2 people doing nothing at all just watching the chase, not participating in it.
tru3 is crying about not getting views unless he streams dbd
you're not on twitter, you can't slander /ourlad/ tru3 here
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>even scott turned into a sabletranny
remember when this guy played nothing but dwight like a normal male dbd player?
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Megs: taken.
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Hey that looks familiar!
I want to hug Meg
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what are the new op surv heal combos after the buffs?
Resurgence + Botany with a medkit lets you heal yourself after an unhook in 3 seconds
You can do that twice with a base medkit
Which female survivor has the best scream so I can use Scene Partner with her?
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dead whores can't get pregnant
dead whores don't scream
An inquiry for (You):
If you were a woman, how many babies would you want to get pregnant with in your life?
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A sneak peek at what the next few months have in store.
>Dark Lord buffed, Shape Nerfed, Demo nerfed
Can't wait for that.
Is it intended with WGLF that the 150% healing speed increase continues after the survivor comes out of the dying state into the injured state?
>swing at someone and miss
>they dead hard
All according to plan
Gideon Meat Plant is either bugged or they introduced some changes which weren't documented. I just played on a variation of the map that had very little to no hooks at all downstairs.

I even brought an offering to reduce the distance between hooks, it clearly did not work. The map has become EVEN more survivor sided.
I've noticed lots of new breakable walls and I feel like new generator positions on some maps.
>swing at someone and miss
>immediately recover anyways because I'm a braindead killeroid
I really wish killer required any amount of mechanical skill, would probably be easier to balance
>activity hud improvements
Mashallah they show the anti camp meter for everyone else

>Myers, Demo, Freddy rework
Play Blight with Iri Tag if you want to showcase le epic mechanical skill
>says fun to go against tier list in big fucking letters right on top
>uhh is this list for to play as or play against?
Twitch chat is where you find the stupidest fucking people ever I swear
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I thought tru3 was the biggest dbd streamer after otz...
>people complain about being tunneled slug etc non stop
>but they always bring the same fucking builds non stop WoO Exhaust perk etc etc
I bring Exponential and people get slugged but they dont even FUCKING CRAWL TO THE TOTEM THATS RIGHT THERE I've never seen anyone with fuckin babysitter on or camaraderie its always the same bullshit
>every single match today has been against a fucking sweat squad
>only 2 hooks on average per match
>0 kills
This is legit unplayable. I just reported them for cheating, considering how bad the issue has become as of late it's bound to hit one of them.
so when I played P.N.0.3 on gamecube I became a tranny?
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>I just reported them for cheating, considering how bad the issue has become as of late it's bound to hit one of them.
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How do I look anons
The only thing I like about Sable is how it makes the Haddie Hivemind seethe they literally cannot fathom that a popular character will get more cosmetics than one that 2 people on the planet play
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Simple facts. Let's say 1 out of 4 survivors are subtle cheaters, you'd be bound to hit one of them if you flag the entire group.
I am going to interpret this as you think im really handsome
>see ttv in the lobby
>assume i's going to be yet another oshito wannabe zoomer who posts juke compilations on tiktok
>they are kinda shit, meh slug them anyway cause that's what ttvs deserve
>it's actually some letargic megaboomer
>kinda feel bad about it afterwards
survivors for this feel?
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tru3's ranting
It's 4v1
Why dont they just beat the guy's ass and put him on a hook? Ghostface would go down after having the shit beat out of him with a flashlight.
good luck using those flashlights with franklins
tru3's addiction to negativity is pretty sad
wait scott jund is my new streamer wtf
Scott is a manlet that wouldn't do shit in real life.
i think its fucking funny that he's forever cursed to play DBD when he just absolutely hates it and the community
Anyone who wears a cheese cutter is a fucking retard, especially indoors under a headset
Oi u wot m8 daft cunt aren't ya
Only bald people do that.
I thought hard R meant nigger
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>do an unhook build that counters tunneling with babysitter
>realise im gonna have to run across the map wasting time for unhooks
>just stay on the gen when people go down so they get tunneled anyway
>Scott thinks Indians are retarded
wtf I love Scott now?
>no one has spoken about the new roadmap yet
this place barely discusses the game at this point its just an outlet for schizos and other random shit
There's really nothing to say doebeit it's all stuff we already knew about since quite a while or tweaks to literally who perks nobody will ever bother using anyway
Running in circles and to the next yellow square doesn't require vast amounts of mechanical skill either.
Since they got permission from New Line/WB to change up Freddy there is a good chance they got Jason in the same call.
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that's not a roadmap, pic related is roadmap
that one is some shitty gayplay tweaks
I tell ya march is jason
The next original chapter is going to be such ass.
The killer will be bad with bad perks, but yet the survivors will have broken perks.
I have seen the future.
And you'll get pregnant
Men can't get pregnant dumbass. Take your lgbtbbq fujo gay shit back to Tumblr.
The void should just be a permanent thing on the map it helps killers with dogshit map mobility actually traverse the map and it helps survivors get across the map but at a risk
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True, but you're not a man and look like this though.
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Both you and I look like this.
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feng's got a nice set of cheeks on her
looks like the front
barely any difference
why did they give up on boons they're so dogshit
t. didnt play with original circle of healing
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Tru3bros we can't loose. Login
Because circle of healing was so broken on release it made them gun shy.
Meanwhile killers had infinite gen regression with Overcharge, Call of Brine, Eruption so games lasted a full hour where survivors would touch a gen, get smacked, heal in boon, meanwhile the killer kicked it and with old overbrine undid 25% progress in 20 seconds
>watching cuckjewnd when otz is streaming
who would watch either of those fucking losers
I did that doesnt mean every other boon has to be dogshit like you can see other gens when inside the boon fucking really? Thats an actual thing you have to look for a totem for/waste your time running to it so you can see gens and chests inside it amazing
Pregnant with my child
No I don’t because I never watched him
It’s always Haddie in particular too lol
Even though other characters continue to get skins for some reason they only really have a problem with Sable…
All that in the November PTB that'll have the next Killer too? Goddamn. I'm pretty excited.
>the Hard R
The fact that ‘retarded’ keeps trying to be pushed as some kind of new N word for disabled people but no one really gives a shit will always be funny and give me even greater pleasure in saying it
Its fucking weird even fucking Reddit and the official forums caught onto it thats when you know your "movement" is fucking stupid there are other characters who barely get cosmetics and like you said other characters who keep getting cosmetics but its always Haddie and Sable Haddie and Sable its so fucking cringe when you realise no one plays Haddie so its bloody obvious these people use a virtual character like some political statement but even THEY dont want to play her
Because the entity nerfs survivors and buffs killers
Im so glad Dracula is getting nerfs one of the most annoying fucking killers they've released he gets so much benefits for fucking 0 drawbacks
Lol and this retard wonders why he’s balding prematurely when he’s spent the last near decade stressing himself out over this game and its resulting drama
Insecurity will make people do stupid things
stop crying please we’ve said all that can be said nothing more needs to be talked about there’s nothing special on there worth mentioning beyond a few posts so just relax
I want to get pregnant, survivors for this feel
>we can't loose
except when it comes to balding
No need for another person, Anon. I can impregnate you IRL any time, any way, any time, without pay.
sable loves creampies
Pretty damn good. Better surv HUD, aka anticamp, heal progress. Probably not perks, they should do that at some point.
Lots of killer changes, they've been on point outside of their bigger reworks lately. And myers changes. And freddy coming as soon as january. Neat. Plus FRANK
>face nurse
>4k in less than 5 mins
>face another nurse
>not a single down in 5 gens and we all escape
Perfectly balanced and proof she needs no further changes.
Cool Demon's Souls reference, gramps
zoomzoom here i can confirm this is not a demons souls reference
sounds like 50% winrate
Instead of an ugly blighted cosmetic for Pig that no one will ever actually use can we just get a Hoffman Legendary already i guess they'd need to increase his height but that wasnt a problem for the xeno queen
it simply works
Meg because it sounds like a classic Meghead moment.
>The highest, or at least one of the highest skill cap killerss swings wildly with effective usage
Who could have foreseen
>nurse highest skill cap
skill floor more like.
Freddy bros are we excited for February?
Alright, let's fuck.
postcoitus i can tell you that we're excited as fuck for the freddy rework AND crazy myers buffs in november it's gonna be insane
What do you think our baby will main in DbD when they grow up?
Hell yeah. I dunno what they'll do with him but more 'dream' traps could be fun. Dream chests that act like mimics, dream lockers that teleport you next to freddy, dream totems that explode in your face or even dream generators to completely waste your fucking time.
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>Play Cheryl
>Scent orbs hinder Dracula
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>nothing in November
I wanted Robin and Eddie legendaries and Season 4 outfits for Nancy and Steve, come on Coat
Wait twins feel fun as fuck why does everyone always shit on them
The least fun thing about playing Twins is the survivor counterplay of running around a small tree or barrel to prevent Victor from pouncing desu
Or even an otherwise shit tile like a Z wall becomes an infinite
what's a good stealth build for surv?
There's no point in running stealth builds anymore. Killers have so many aura reading perks that they're going to always know where you are no matter what you do.
>Only get a single kill in end game
>Chat pops up
why are children playing this game?
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With the changes to Distortion I've decided to run OoO for something different.
I played through the entire survivor side of the Halloween tome with it and I shit you not literally every single killer I played against was a stealth killer except for 1 Blight and 1 Billy.

>3 Wraiths
>1 Pig
>2 Ghostfaces
>2 Chuckys
>1 Crack Snorting outdoor Scratched Mirror Myers

I got next to no value from the perk except for the one time someone broke Hex Retribution and I saw the killer's aura for 18 total seconds while Feng looped him in the corner of the swamp and I deleted a gen with the +6% repair speed.

I know as soon as I unequip it I will never see another stealth capable killer for the rest of the day though.

tl;dr not worth.
Where's the goddamn hotfix bhvr
It's the Canadian hard R.
They never needed permission for gameplay changes. Mathieu already talked about it.
should i get unknown or trickster next?
The average DBD player's brain is too smooth to get a handle of a 2-characters-in-one type of character.
literally me yesterday
stealth killers all over the place in low-mid range mmr
Trickster is either S tier or F tier depending on the map, also S tier at camping hooks
Unknown is B tier always
They’ve been doing that for a long time now

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