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Post Your Rank Edition

>Steam Page:

>Where to give feedback and report bugs:

>Latest Patch:

>How do I git in?
Post your Steam profile and ask. You need to accept a friend request to be invited, so don't be autistic.

>How do I git gud?
Do the tutorial, get a feel for each hero in sandbox mode, explore public item builds, play bot matches.

Additional Resources:
>Unofficial Wiki
>New Player Guide
>Advanced Movement Guide

You're in my rank, so no.
>mcginnis and shiv on the same team
>in the same lane, no less
It's literally over from team preview and the fact that nothing meaningful has been done to either heroes shows insane dev incompetence that is a deathknell for the future
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t. (You)
well we uh have the "green item only" vindicta on our team so I'm going to go ahead and give this one to sapphire
now the dust has settled
was seeded matchmaking based or cringe?
>game remains jittery unplayable ass no matter what I change with my graphics or internet
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>2350 niggascore EU
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It's so fucking OVER
>force people to learn how to play the game and spread the ranks out a bit
>open the floodgates so newfags/smurfs/aimgods all get queued to the same pool
what do you think?
Oh thank god I thought this issue was on my end

Today i will remind them
>11 slotted
>0 actives
good macro play but shit itemization
I don't really have a concrete one, but my two ways that I've been successful are either a build focusing on being annoying with tornado, return fire, and echo shard if your early game is not going well and you need more immediate utility(or your team does enough damage but needs utility in general), and ricochet with max 3 to be a worse infernus if your team in some miraculous situation lacks damage dealers. Skillwise I think if it's achievable the -15% bullet resist on your 2 is always good to plan around, especially if you're behind in walkers. I don't prioritize maxing his ult like some do because I honestly don't find myself needing to cross the map or being somewhere more often than its base cooldown. I'm not a pro, just a spammer, so take my words with a grain of salt.

Also if you put quicksilver reload on your 3 it's free reloads constantly and rather funny watching people blow up
Please release Holiday on thursday so that I can have my new main valve please.
ye i already know about the
>improved burst + qsr trick
>the brs + scarab
thought you had some secret sauce though ive never thought to use echo shard for tornadomaxx ill try that out
I tried to ask the >>>discord about it but they're too busy having internet cockfights over meme ranks and nekoscore to be fucking useful. Why did I even bother joining.
it seems NA ranks are inflated by 1 whole tier
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hmmmm, nyooooo.
i just searched the most retarded gun build to farmmaxx entire game but then i found out there is fucking lane straight to their base and they trying to brool on ours with all 6 toons
t. ivy
That's just a result of the whole scene being 1 tier worse
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I love how sassy Geist says it

Does anyone have a video with all the "You're welcome" voice lines?
It's global retard
>matchmaking is global
Nah, what really feels good is ganking your pantsshitting retard teammates and saving their lanes as Lash and hitting them with the unprompted
>You're welcome
as you fuck off.
Honestly, improved burst is not worth it on him
Qsr + surge of power on 3 is better for him and you can start building gun or go full commit to spirit with spiritual overflow. Crippling headshot is a solid hybrid option as well. Ricochet can be hit or miss depend on the pace of the game. You sacrifice your 1v1 power going ricochet
How do resists work? Do they become soft capped once you hit 60?
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So what's the consensus on Nekoscore? Relatively accurate, total fanfiction, better than the actual MMR calculator?
surprisingly accurate, has a few outliers but there's a pretty clear pattern
It is aside from the quarantine zone (Russia)
It just heavily prefers your lowest ping server
I know because I play at dead hours and get put in USE games instead of USW
fucking impossible to carry a team full of bads in this game
if you want some genuine suggestions
>alchemical fire to proc BRS and just shred buildings in general (can also combo with stone form in fights)
>vampiric burst or spiritual overflow over titanic mag
>combat barrier or fortitude in your empty green slot
seems to be it's mostly accurate for higher ranks but a crapshoot below like 1800
More accurate than Valve ranking from what I've seen
No soft cap but multiplicative stacking
Fairly accurate for the top ~3% of players, for everyone else it's basically noise.
it's literally impossible for me to play on NA as a yuro
the point is that the overall skill level of NA is perceived lower so the ranks are "inflated" compared to elsewhere
Won my first ranked match after getting raped 8 times
Better feeling than masturbation
3 stacks + qrs + improved burst and sometimes i get some funny 50 to 0 clips from it that they dont expect, it's good for players stacking def too since it's going to be an extended fight where you can stack a lot
New negroscore: somewhat accurate, since it's based on the actual average MMR of matches. It still falls apart for exceptions though like shitters who get carried in stacks.
Old negroscore: literally meaningless.
i usually play fast armor rush melee ivy or meme thwompwalking build ivy. i just took the most braindead build in search tab for the lulz, didn't even tried to win
when it says "+20% x resist" what it actually means is "reduce x damage taken to 80%". On the other hand, resist reductions are "reduce total resist by x" ie flat decrease.
so if you have t2 armor, swift striker, and improved reach on migu you'd have
(.85*.75*.78)-.05=42.8% bullet resist
fair enough, inhouse is always a great place to do dumb shit.
I kinda like lady geist although it would be my first time jungling.
Im assuming im just hitting camps for unsecured souls that dripfeeds my team?
Amber has such dogshit macro. Constantly all 4 lanes pushed and letting buildings die.
How do we make Grey Talon good? I feel like his ult is pretty shit and makes no sense with the rest of his kit.
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There's no way you niggers picked fucking kelvin/lash/dynamo/shiv

What the fuck is wrong with you
win your lane and steal camps on enemy side of map. anything else is griefing
The most dishonest stacked team Ive had the misfortune of playing against. Shuffle teams better.
meppz is fucking useless without his lash crutch
big cuck is wood mmr without his broken auto win hero
i expected more of you abrams
yawn... i thought inhouses were supposed to be fun but these niggers play their mains lol
gone for one game and dudes got already stomped the fuck
big hat gets into full melty mode whenever he doesn't get to pick his crutch please understandu
kelvins the only hero ive lost an inhouse on
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Haze, you rushed silencer my man
And it never even worked

Thats not true there's never been a moment where someone takes Dynamo from me
I play Viscous otherwise
these inhouse games are always great to watch

meppz is funny as shit to watch the shit he does at times is actually funny
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was tempted to plug my mic in to shot call nobody on our team was speaking and it felt lonely
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works on my machine
inhouses have like 3 or 4 people that are game losing if they dont play their mains

i mean they are *really* bad on the rest of the cast. like obscenely.
I've never gotten ulted, so it actually worked believe it or not. Haze is by far the worst lategame actives user, since she usually dies to a stiff breeze.
Name them instead of schizopost about this boogeyman that is onetricks.
>lash somehow loses lane to grey talon
>i gank for him and he doesnt notice then lets me die
>lash proceeds to spend 30 minutes farming jungle/splitting
>only solo ults when someone fights him while he is farming
most infuriating ranked game ive played
just tell him that you are ganking lmao
the worst thing is when people randomly shows up uninvited to your lane and feeds
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Some of the most fun and upbeat inhouses today, very happy
Everyone seems to be on a level playing field now and its a good time
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I had LITERALLY 1k ping and people unironically picking the most broken room temp IQ heroes of the patch all in one team.
What the fuck do you mean you expected more
Anon, half of the inhouse players are people playing deadlock 6 hours per day, it was never supposed to be comfy lol
>1k ping
mans literally living in the past
>level playing field
>60k soul gap
i had fun except every time i was targeted with like 3 ults lmoa
Actual comedy, btw we should play pubs sometime
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The last one was definitely a little strong but I was just denying the enemy team a ton of jungle camps since I was clearing their side while they weren't looking a lot
Plus we stole a lot of urns
hope ur family gets gang raped dynamo abuser
>ranked score includes data from when there was zero restriction on groupfaggotry
Nekoscore is unironically more accurate than valve's official rank system for this very reason
How do I counter Mirage? I've started getting into games with Mirages who can aim and he just shits out damage in equal parts bullet and spirit
So where's the inhouse?
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I'm down homie, you were one of the most fun to play with in all the inhouses so far, very good attitude

that seems a little extreme
I don't get why I get so much hate for playing Dynamo, he's got one of the lowest winrates in the game and I have to put a lot of work into him to get results
He's also been nerfed like 14 times in a row and still keeps getting nerfed
buy Locket
don't threaten the faggot with gay sex
>missed inhouse
o wel
now that the dust has settled how do the rank revelations affect the inhouse ecosystem
What rank should I be before joining the Inhouse?
>"dynamo is le weak in pubs!"
Nigga you're in the inhouses. That's the closest to the fabled 6 stack of white europeans/americans on comms environment that you'll ever get. Dynamo is easily S tier.
Because you're too low mmr of a retard to see how utterly fucking broken the character is and yet you act like you're the hottest shit around for pressing 4.
The fact that you're STILL not even on featured matches every time while one tricking the most disgusting hero in the game is genuinely embarrassing.

>He's also been nerfed like 14 times in a row and still keeps getting nerfed
In fact it will probably get nerfed again
i would recommend at least oracle if you want to have fun since most of the inhouse is phantom and above
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You guys shouldn't raise your voice we're all friends here be nice to me
a couple people are high ascendant but the remaining posters are phantom or lower
>>>"dynamo is le weak in pubs!"
Only dynamo niggers say this.
Dynamo can win any lane because of his disgusting kit and for half of the games lifespan he has had a myriad of solo carry builds including weapon builds because he has an insane gun and an insane buff to that gun.
Thanks, I keep the same attitude when I play solo. Check friend requests
i was playing ranked as parkour lash (no 2 skill, no majestic leap, only roofs or ground and using full melee itemization), melee ivy, zero macro, just doing random shit and i still got fucking phantom 4 the fuck people below are even doing
>gay hookups
finally, /dlg/ has become a true /vg/ general
Everyone's a lot better at the game than previously thought of. Even the tripfriendly that feeds every lobby as vindicta is at least archon.
Oracle seems to be the goldilocks rank where you'll be able to somewhat keep up with the aimdemons and macrogods at the moment, which is still 99th percentile (very high).
it's over. after the rat match people rage went top characters.
Do unsecured souls just passively turn into secured ones across the team?
carried players by their characters:
>big hat
anyone else i'm missing?
i bet this guy goes crazy when he loses lane
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Anonymous strangers ridicule everything I do on the internet. I cant stand it
Niggers always try hard and kill it.
At least it's fun to see meppz be completely useless at anything that's not broken ass lash.
Unsecured just gradually turn into secured souls yes

I've got a good Viscous
I should play more heroes but I just enjoy playing Dynamo too much
swallow god when he abuses gun bebop
All the niggas picking shiv.
I can never win a game because I'm too busy brawling and never take towers. What's a character I can play to avoid brawling like a retard?
>Unsecured just gradually turn into secured souls yes
ok good, I thought I had to bring them somewhere and I was slowly losing it.
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you guys get so salty over inhouses lmao different people wanna get different things out of playing them so some goof around and some play normal
play mcginnis and just live in any lane that still has an enemy walker. Then the brawl will come to you and will always be productive
i don't see how it's cope when it's easily observable that the NA scene is not very good and has good players for at most one team while EU has multiple
Threadly reminder that after the game was soft announced devs are ignoring the forums in favor of Reddit
>na ranks are inflated and eu is more competitive even though subhuman russorcs on vpns outnumber white europeans on their own server 4 to 1
everyone knows that china and korea is gonna dominate on deadlock, while NA and EU constantly fight for table scraps with the other meme regions.
>shooter moba
>gooks dominating
good one
some heroes have to engage with the game mechanics to win, anyone unlucky enough to prefer those characters has a harder time winning
the forums are full of russians, so can you really blame them? i'm sure that this shithole (/dlg/) gets more dev visits in a day than the official forums.
lmao the Devs should be listening to DLG instead
would you rather I play shiv or infernus?? day 1 haze btw, most of the public builds are so fucking bad.
They already have, lmao.
it's actually fairly accurate compared to the rankings we got
My rank?
Obscurus 1 (1win)
im gonna be so fucking glad when the roster reaches more than 30 characters or they just add the ability to play more than a single character in custom matches because characters get picked and the selection is just so fucking tiny it is literally always the same. PLEASE ADD CALICO AND HOLIDAY BOTH THIS THURSDAY THANKS.
Gooks cannot into shooters.
China and Korea aren't going to touch this game with a ten foot pole.
Japan might compete but I doubt they'll be the top.
Shooters belong to the whites.
>actual ranks come out
>like clockwork na is inflated eu isn't posts start up

looks like andrzej urbaniak placed in ritualist 2 and is currently coping
korea? never. China and Japan have a large selection of available builds already so they have been playing.
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The black woman of Valve unoriginality.
These are TWO different characters.
>china and gooks in games that are not linear mechanical execution games
haze got one of the greatest builds backed up with actual math only a day after the builds feature launched. haze is absolutely goated in the quality and quantity of her public builds.
they dominated overwatch once upon a time (before the whole scene collapsed because classic blizzard).
Hello I'm a retard mmr player who loves dynamo how the fuck do you have an impact on the game
>he's bad enough to think this is not a linear execution game
Gun bebop is suboptimal regardless of one trick ponies
>haze got one of the greatest builds backed up with actual math only a day after the builds feature launched. haze is absolutely goated in the quality and quantity of her public builds.
Dunno about that because I tried 4 different public builds and they were mind boggling bad and varied pretty heavily, one didn't even have unstoppable anywhere
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People will say he's easy but he's still pretty hard.
like yeah, sure. Landing it is easy. But timing is everything.
Plus, you need to know how to farm and roam, Dynamo is much more of a macro hero than he is someone like Wraith who can be useful anywhere on the map and manfight people when she wants.
Dynamo actually has to think about his movements super carefully because he's often the deciding factor of stealing or securing objectives.
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>all the topranked players are fringe/ex overwatch pros
>gooks dominated overwatch when the game was actually alive
it's a million times more reliable than bombop, yet escapes the nerf hammer.
What's the cool Bebop nowadays?
No such thing as a 'cool' bebigger
goku bepop as per usual
Meepz, Trackball, Saga, Big Hat

similarly the people who are most versatile Celi, Scruffy, Bison, Minge
calico this week trust the plann
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the only thing i dont get about the onetrick guys is how they dont get bored of playing the same hero every game i have always been too schizo to only play 1-2 characters in any game
Im gonna play the fuck out of holliday
no hate to the man but I've never seen trackball not feeding, which character is he supposedly carried by?
what a funny conincidence that wraith has a great gun, great spirit damage, a long range movement option that also disjoints, a team buff and a team CC aka literally everything a character could want and her character is "literal girlboss who's black"
trackball was carrying my pocket with his funny alien abduction build unironically
His original nickname was "miku only"

Take a guess
thought you were gonna criticize the balance, but it turned out just to be incel rage
>5 stack on my team four times in a row
Fuck off Yoshi, I'm still not playing ranked.
you buy rescue beam and majestic leap
Jump on high threat enemies ONLY when your team is actively looking at them to minimise the chances they waste the opportunity.
Wraith really isn't as amazing as this general makes her out to be, she's a solid pick but not the broken cancer people here pretend she is.
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Tanky Gunbop
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It's not my fault all the heroes I like are being held hostage by icefrog.
I've been waiting like 3 months for holliday.
t. archon
its pretty dogshit if i dont have a hard carry that i can pocket desu
yea but rescue beam is one of the funniest items in the game since there is no real windup or buildu p its so fucking jarring to just get yoinked into space suddenly
I placed Phantom, please tell me why you're struggling so hard against her and why you haven't picked her up yourself if she's that broken
he just picks the broken flavor of the month heroes lmao
>adds Ancient Apparition ult to the game
Game is saved.
Holliday belongs to me
this poster has never purchased slowing hex, silencer, silencing glyph or curse
this poster has likely never purchased any item that was not recommended by their public build
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I unironically have hours of training and combos with her barrels already.
Good luck kid.
>clips through terrain, has a marker on the minimap for where it's currently aimed
>doesn't clip through terrain but the pre-cast is 2x as fast
which would you want?
because she has too much in her kit. high ascendant btw
i don't play her because i don't want to

for sure man
i play on a trackball and i only like mcginnis as a hero
How do you feel about her hat ability?
I feel like it doesnt fit her kit whole lot
mirage used to have that ulti till they changed it last min

lmao her whole kit is getting reworked so you might have wasted those hours
>mirage used to have that ulti
explains why his callouts for it are so weird
they remade mirage from scratch
good luck
trackball is an objectively better input than mouse, the only reason more people don't use them is because they're weird, don't delude yourself into thinking it's a hindrance
Yeah theres no way her bouncepad stays
I do hope barrels stay
on the topic of weird callouts, what was yamatos ult previously
seppuku techies explosion maybe?
Chrome's rapid haze build back then was a shining beacon in a sea of garbage at one point. If it wasn't for that guy, we'd still be building glASS canon and tesla bullets.
it wouldnt be bad for deadlock but denying/confirming souls with it is impossible especially if im playing against high mmr people

Oh shit i initiated pretty well time to cr-ACK
skill issue, get on gridshot
trackball is objectively the best shooter input behind pad+stylus
Are ginnis' turrets supposed to be so paper thin weak?
wraith is literally my character (haze), but with better cc, mobility, dueling, laning, and can go spirit without trolling.
yep, duration and hp got nerfed
>ex overwatch pros 6 stacked since the start of this game
>end up with high ranks
They inherit health and armor. McGinnis lost her innate spirit armor so now they get fucked up by spells.
dotards, tf2 pros, loltrannies, and cs2niggers can and do also 6 stack. Overchads won, zero contest.
>They inherit health
>and armor
incorrect. they have base 60% spirit res and no bullet res.
what does paradox look like behind the mask
>looking up a bunch of the "nekoscore is fake" posters on the official discord because im bored
>almost all of them sit at 1700-2000 nekoscore and ended up placing emissary or archon
so basically archon rank is the "i'm at the worst point of the dunning kruger curve and think im way better than i really am" rank
>source: my ass
im heading to bed after reading this
Why would you want to know? The mask stays on at all times...
bridgitte from over watch
shes scottish
>NA anons post their 2300 niggascore ascendants
>EU 2300 is phantom
any other copes?
>the team that has shiv decides the winner
lol this balance
dream of a world where you're not pretending trackball is a hindrance
iirc it was similar (become immortal for a few seconds) but when she transformed she also did area damage
>it's another shiv and nigfernus has all the lifesteal items but everyone is following the build guide and the thought of buying an item not in the build guide mindbreaks them episode
>region has more players
>this confuses ivan abdullah from berlin oblast
that is quite literally what inflation of rank means nigger
ascendant players from NA are not the same as ascendant from EU because its way easier to be higher ranked in the small player pool
lmao idk why you niggas are even talking about this its like how in dota is easy to be a numbered immortal on na then EU
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>Make two black women
>Give them sexy, fit white woman bodies
What did valve mean by this ?
My wife, plapplapdox
they got so much stricter with comm bans since ranked released (i have 2 accounts so idc) (i care a lot)
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>See clip starts from my POV
>"Oh no"
>switches to Abrams
>"Oh thank god"
>"way easier to be higher ranked in the small player pool"
>saw from their previous breakdowns that NA had way more players than EU
parasex isn't black and haze is an OSIC agent so she can't be fat. maybe the tank OSIC hero will be your time fatbros.
>this difference of 15 negroscore means that EU is better than NA
nevermind that Russians and Ukrainians are the only reason your region is competitive in the first place. Can't wait for china and korea to get servers and for CIS to get shuffled into their own region to BTFO eurosissies into coping for third place (and still losing to NA like what happened in overwatch LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO)
Shallow God is literally 1 division off Ascendant at 2280 neko thougheverbeit
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>finally try ranked
>goes fine but pushed back to base multiple times
>enemy bebop comes online mid game now deletes us with double bomb
>he goes 20/2 kd at the end of a 50 minute match
paradox mains are the sf6 chun li mains of deadlock iykyk
EU temporarily has more players because there's so many Russians vpning on their region (people they hate with every ounce of their fiber more than the arabs stealing their bikes and groping their family members for some odd reason). They're gonna unironically get btfo as a region competitively once asia gets more servers and CIS gets split into it's own region.
what does this make haze mains?
>50 minute match
the shit that happens at acolyte rank
EU has almost twice the playerbase
yes many of them are russorcs but still
Got the most kills in the match as warden with only a few death but it doesn't feel like I really did anything
haze players are zangief players. they play a bad character that's entirely reliant on one gimmick, and when they get lucky enough for that one gimmick to work they pat themselves on the back like they super outplayed the opponents
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Howdy, /dlg/. Wanted to share this Ivy I made for my custom background on Deadlock.
reminder that if you did not get your eternus rank today you are literal dogshit and should consider an hero
ok ritualist 2 i will consider doing that
You will never have loving sex in the missionary position with Ivy.
>tank OSIC hero
Tall woman in power armor that puts people to sleep with an ogre club
>haze is an OSIC agent so she can't be fat.
why not? the ATF are all fatty fat fats and OSIC may as well be the occult ATF (no fun gaylords)
field agents are not the same as desk jockeys.
>named Haze
>looks like smoke person
>actually a dream demon
Are they stupid
Ivy is for mating pressing
Is there an OSIC (CIA) haze edit for DKR yet????
>fatbitch invading your brain
Hat is useless dogshit and needs to be removed from the game.

I heavily doubt barrels and jump pads are getting reworked, they work very well, are very unique and fit her like a glove.
They've also improved them over time so it makes zero sense to throw them out like that, compared to Mirage Holliday has been mostly done for months except for one fucking thing, her 3.
The issue has always been her 3, it feels and plays like dogshit and with the removal of her old 3, her ult now feels a bit awkward.
Lol Ranjesh is lashing out at people better than him since he's upset he got Alchemist 4
>t. not Eternus
yeah I usually DO that but the thing is, he is so fucking bad he doesnt understand he's killable solo. he should have been going on him even without me so I thought it was obvious!
american law enforcement in general is full of fat fucks, jamals regularly get away with thefts because they can literally just outrun cops
>t. Also not Eternus
not in the 40's.
sandman is an antiquated term for fed.
even the jamals are getting fat in biden's america.
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I just noticed only TWO of her skills have damage that scale with spirit power

what the hell
warden buff tommorow, right?
What was her old 3?
>warden buff
you are legitimately garbage at the game
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>Later parts of Alchemist ELO
>Game lasted an hour
Hey, I thought my MMR would be lower. Let's see if I can get higher than that this week.

No where but up, baybee!!!
I feel like I've seen less and less Pockets recently. Anyone else?
No wonder matchmaking felt so fucked up at times, looking through my old games pre-calibration the variance in matchmaking is like 9 skill divisions. You can have an Eternus 2 and a Phantom 6 in the same lobby.
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thursday you fucking monkey.
Thursday, have, and generally always been, patch days. Jesus christ dude.
mo and krill cant be the only hero that gets undeserved buffs
Its okay becUse shes TOTALLY broken in high mmr :^)
First ranked match since the patch, and all the best hard CC characters were on the other team.
That is so unequivocally fucked it's unreal
last stand is getting gutted
also yamato ulti duration -1 second until it no longer has a duration
>watching vegas play games on stream
>Nobody picks paradox
>The one game paradox got picked
>The paradox team lost to a team with wintrader haze that went 0:12
Force of nature jump in the air and allowed her to shoot backwards.
It needed work and was a WIP but it had a lot of potential.
Shooting backwards was also incredibly unique and allowed her to do a lot of unique combos with barrels, it also allowed you to shoot at the person you are dragging with lasso and shoot at barrels you leave behind while moving forward.
i went to check aswell and my boosted animal was ascendant 6 going 0-11
the other dude was phantom 1 in the same game going 0-8
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Bros they're making fun of Big Hat on the official Discord...
who cares, she doesnt need them
you use 1 for damage amp
2 deals 10% max hp everytime so it's consistently good no matter what stage the game is in
3 scales off weapon damage, good synergy with the rest of her kit
maybe 4 but swapping to your wall already does most of the damage anyway
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There is no fucking way I belong this high up after all these losses. I'm at 2-15 over the last 4 days or so. Why the fuck am I not in Initiate/Seeker? Every game ends up the same with my team collapsing upon every teamfight. After the laning phase I just get my shit pushed in by everybody on the enemy team who immediately set aside whatever they're doing, including fighting my team, just to focus me down despite my entire team being with me. I always feel like I get focused down before anybody else on my team, and end up with a ridiculously sad k/d/a ratio.

I am going to lose my shit if I rank up next week. Please fucking send me down a few ranks so I can get some even matches
Heh. Nice. This one's going in my top 5 for sure.

Oh? I see you've noticed the metadata I've embedded in the name of the file. Yeah, I'm something of a data scientist. I'll be tracking my ranking using the latest metrics. You'll be seeing me going up in the world very soon, heheh.

Fucking schmucks. Don't even know why I post here.
his notoriety spreads far and wide. such is the fate of slime mmr
Oh that's cool
I was wondering if you can shoot people while lassoed, and you theoretically can but its almost impossible to pull off kek

With that ability it makes sense
Dont you think the hero would scale little bit too awkwardly with that kit tho?
The paradox paradox where abilities are good in tandem but on their own pretty bad

Knowing the hero design she will probably get some gun scaling passive like bouncing shots off walls or some dogshit
(Not that i would mind actually ricocheti g off walls, that could be nuts in this game)
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What's a good gun build for Rat Dynamo? i.e. splatterbot but also rats your walkers and runs away giggling
yeah and haze has the best scaling skill in the game, it's almost like there's more to a skill then that alone
>swift striker viscous
This thing is horrifying to play against
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Can't wait for the EPIC and competently made patch this thursday as always.
>Retarded urn changes
>Retarded map changes
>Shiv gets 0.0000000001% less rage after doing 2 camps back to back
>Lash now jumps one picometer lower
>Infernus lifesteal off creeps nerfed by 0.0000000000001%
>Mo n Krill buffed
>Some god forsaken map or UI change that makes the game feel worse
>Some new key art or something for Geist where she's BOGGED as fuck

>Grey Talon legs cut off and can now only mobilize via wheel chair if someone pushes him
>Yamato ult duration -4 seconds, now she commits sudoko on usage again
>Vindicta now wears jordans
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meant Viscous. I want to rat harder.
1 is one of the easiest to avoid abilities in game, you are getting one or two ticks off at most in majority of situations
2 was good when it had the duration bug, now its just a tool to silence
3 yes, it does scale off weapon damage but a lot of its damage comes from mystic shot, so you end up investing 18k of items to get 200 extra burst damage on 15s cooldown on a pure single target damage ability
Her ult has terrible modifier from spirit too
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>one or two ticks
that's 6 or 12% damage amp, you're underestimating the numbers. the rest are retarded im not reacting to those
it's based on your unranked stuff. you're losing to people way above you so it places you appropriately. why it matches you against them in the first place is beyond me
>12% of PERSONAL not even team wide amp

Oh no, whatever they should do
>No arguments to my points
Yeah, you dont play the game disinfo faggot
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parry indicator? is that new?
That's kind of what he's saying. Technically, it's actually better to scale with gun damage than spirit power. But Carbine doesn't even do that much damage. It does less damage than a headshot from your gun would for the majority of the game, and she can't scale with fire rate to boot. I'm pretty sure full spirit damage Haze actually ends up with more gun DPS than full gun damage paradox, just because of the ammo thing.
which character has the most downplayers right now?
the patch is coming and we'll probably see who got carried by their character
A lot of people in this general call Lash honest when he is anything but.
t. Lash player
easily paradox or geist
after looking through my 12 ranked games the matchmaking seems to allow a really wide range
all the way from phantom 1 to ascendant 6 in the same games
moleman has some of the most retarded downplayers on earth by far.
geist players
Paradox takes top spot
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A cohesive kit is a good kit, the problem with paradox is that her kit is all about doing one of the most game breaking things in any game, off distance pick offs.
And then they decided to slap that in one of the biggest lane bullies in the game.

It's also not really the same, Holliday is a high skill ceiling hyper mobile combo based character, her gun is complete dogshit after the 3/gun change.
All her abilities are good by themselves, jump pad in particular, and a force o nature jump gives her more mobility and adds to that combo.
The issue right now is that they need to find an ability that
>Fits good with her kit
>Is not too strong
>Feels impactful by itself
>Can't be abused with cc or verticality
Some kind of BIG IRON revolver hit that scales off spirit, has like a 7 second cooldown and ricochets off walls actually sounds like a good idea.
shiv players are completely carried but i dont think they are trying to downplay their retarded hero
mo and krill or wraith probably for the downplaying
paradox carbine benefits from both a lot of gun items as well as a bunch of spirit items, pretty much anything that raises damage by percentages or flat values instead of increasing spirit power
objectively its abrams
>highest winrate at all levels of play
>lol just parry him/lol just don't let him get near you cope posting every time it's brought up how strong he is
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What is this expression trying to convey?
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1) Shiv
2) Lash
3) Paradox
4) Dynamo
5) Infernus
6) Abrams
7) Mo n krill
8) Wraith
9) Warden

Same old niggers as always basically, only reason mikuguinness isn't here is because only miku autists play her and they know how fucking ignorant you can play with her and they're trying their darn best to just avoid all attention.
>the patch is coming and we'll probably see who got carried by their character
kek these are the devs that hard buffed shiv when he's been top priority either broken or top tier since release, they are genuinely retarded and/or have no clue what they're doing.
im playing geist no matter what happens until holiday comes out. Hopefully they just nerf her spirit build for shitters
Lol I always said he was a boosted fag
>100 souls short of eshift and enemy just used knockdown

Being a downplayer doesn't relate to character strenght, so with that in mind
>Lash players
Geist is genuinely disgusting right now and I'm surprised I don't see more people talking about her spirit build
Need to dodecadecimate this thing's gargussy...
this. he has multiple aoe stuns , massive healing, big damage AND sustain with punch. Even if they parry you they stun themselves for your team to kill them. I think that's honestly my biggest problem with parry. You are stunning yourself to stop one monkey from spamming punch
favorite seven buiild that actually works?
ball seven
Surely THIS is gonna be the patch that reworks kelvin so it stops being a fucking menace and breaking the game with a different build every patch because he does everything, right?
lash, abrams, paradox
coincidentally all of them benefit from physics quirks in their base kits.
if you ever built geist for gun you are retarded
I think it would go hard too, either a ricochet kind of shit like paradox carbine but bounces of walls up to x times, or a couple second duration steroid that gives you ricochet item when you hit a target, or straight up bounce off wall shots from gun
>Too much in her kit
Goes for a lot of the a heroes in this game
Probably not
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If they don't release Holliday this week (lol, lmao even) I'll probably think it through a fair bit and make a proper suggestion in the forums about it with potential skill ups and how it could work and what not, you should probably do the same to increase the odds they actually see it.
I've been thinking about what the fuck they could even do to round out her kit and the more I think about it the more I love this idea, it fills the niche of her old 3 without being too niche and clunky by itself while feeling very appropriate for the character.

It would probably be a bitch to implement in the game tho, depending on how they handle collision and bullets.
Lash you can't say that.
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He's like MJ
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Paradox suggested rework, im gonna post it on forums let me know what you think

A gravity fist
A short cd, aoe light melee attack that bounces enemy players up and disables their dashes for duration, can be used to knock back creeps and allies too
Pulse Grenade
Instead of dealing damage in 5 smaller pulses, it deals a LARGE pulse of aoe damage after a short delay. Can be attached to allies or enemies.

Kinetic carbine
A ranged skillshot. The carbine shot upon colliding with enemy or ally hero, reacts in opposite direction, as a reference to newtons laws of motion.
Pulling said target to paradox at high speed.

Time laser
Paradox channels energies of space and time into a focused beam of light that obliterates everything in her path.
While channeling she can float mid air, and has limited aiming capabilities, while harness primordial forces of nature that surround us.

What do you guys think?

I already dm'ed those to yoshi.
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If they made visc ball and splatter work, i think just basic bullet ricochetting off walls should be no problem

Remember all.gunshots in this game are just tiny projectiles flying around

Would you end up with sone bullshit shots in game ? Hell yeah

Reminds me of the shit that happened to me in HD2.
Maybe even bonus damage after ricochets

>Gif related
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>Lowest mmr in the lobby
>Carry the team
good omens boys
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Thiccadox model when
why is ivy fat
Are they ever going to give Lash eyes
anon those are bronze stars not gold stars
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Oh god you're right
why does an eldritch god need eyes
I genuinely have not seen a yamato carry a game since the escalating exposure fix + nerfs, at best I think I saw one going even and perma splitting but even then it was insanely easy to stop.
I'm ascendant rank.
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great matchmaking, valve. really glad you implemented that ranking system.
no seriously what the fuck is this? in what universe is this a fair match? look at the fucking rankings.

the seven swapped lanes with the abrams btw, his only death was to me at minute 3 and then he switched strategies to permafarm my entire team, I guess???
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This. The game needs two bepops ASAP
His eyes are on the inside...
Where we're ganking, we don't need eyes to see
Thank you for beta testing the mm for us anon
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Whats your favorite voice line (and the context of it) in the game?
>Lash on low HP after escaping a fight
>Archon 1 chad
I love being White.
I'm fairly certain the rankings also reset MMR because all three of my games today have been sub 20 min stomps with one team having mroe than 50% more souls than the other
That's right
Climb that mid building, close your eyes and press that dive strike button
Let god take the reins
there's a lot of good ones but the one that caught me off guard the hardest was Vindicta's childlike glee shouting
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>got raped in lane
>basically had no value outside of agro, split pushing, and URN (like 3 urns)
>get a free carry to victory
feels good man

I've won 4 out of 5 placements today for next week's ranking, I might graduate from archon 4 to oracle :>
I was on like day 2 of closed testing when it was the first time I heard Dynamo shout this
I had to take a second because I was laughing so hard, it caught me off guard

Valve makes characters feel so genuine its great
>Hahah... You see that shit? Heheh...
you ever seen the average hispanic person?
yes we do placements every week shit you can even miss a week and improve your mmr and comeback with a better badge
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>fighting that pure bomb build ivy
>every 2 fucking seconds
yeah migu's lines doing the same thing are just as great.
>there's that... guy whose name I always forget
it's a literal grotesque it doesn't have fat
>miku who rushed improved cooldown and kevlar by 16k
>34 second ult cooldown that does huge damage and gives her huge shields
It's actually placements every week?
Why would I ever play again then? You have to suffer through the shittiest possible matches in gaming every single week!?!?
What the actual fuck is the reasoning?
Are there more heroes like Pocket? Like nuking with spirit and crazy creative mobility.
that's lash's entire M.O.
I like talon's evil chuckle when he puts down a trap
Seconding lash. The voice actor sells his trope of comically goofy cocky asshole so well.
It keeps the metrics/invisible mmr, but you don't get it on your profile unless you play 7 games that week.
basically to stop people from hitting a rank then going "IM HIGH TIER EVEN THOUGH I DIDN'T PLAY FOR SIX MONTHS :^)" without dealing with seasons
>new shift
>can't finish placements
>"oh well just 2 games left"
>update happens
>"haha faggot re-do all your placements now and there's MORE matches for you to complete"
Fuck Valve and FUCK Spics
pocket's "oh no no no no no"
Pocket, basically
This happened to me but with 1 game left lolz
literal lash
go spirit + armor + maj. leap + healing booster
max 3->1->4->2
leap into the air with maj. leap -> press 4, throw 1-6 enemies into your team -> 1 to knock them up -> 3 to deal a burst of damage
put CDR on your 3 + range on your 3. this allows you to have a 5s cd on it + hit multiple targets.
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Reminds me of Wraith King's Reincarnate when surrounded by the enemy team and no teammates are nearby
>"Uh, Guys? GUYS!?"
>"I don't like where this is going...--"
Lash if you want the easy version.
Yamato if you want the rules of nature version but you feel like you want to hang yourself 50% of the time.
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woops forgot pic
That's retarded, they should just live update it and add MMR decay like every single non-retarded game
It's crazy how near perfect MMR systems are decades old and MOBA devs are still too stupid to read and copy them
I know that's his whole thing but it still caught me off guard.
They're likely just trying out shit to see what stuff from DOTA works and what is only in because of tradition/laziness/inertia.
Like how unstoppable works with everything instead of "HERE'S A LIST OF BKB EXCEPTIONS, MEMORIZE IT OR GET FUCKED"
mmr systems from decades ago never had mmr decay.
>uuuuum i need to see my elo update NOW!
take your ritalin zoomer.
Oh yea it's over for me. I just lost this 1200 ranked match.
Its crazy hearing how unhinged Talon is compared to literally everyone else in the cast
>Time to bury some bodies
meanwhile everyone's complimenting him on his skill and just hanging out
Its jarring for sure lol
there are no placements at all
you did not play placements last week and you never will since they seeded the mmr based on unranked
any other answer is shitposting
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>pick abrams
>take as much farm as possible
>refuse to fight to preserve kda
>if attacked spam dash past teammates to preserve kda
>flame teammates for not having your kda (ignoring kill participation that doesn't matter)
>unlock/upgrade ability as Pocket
>"I'm sorry for what I'm about to do"
Cold as fuck
Good post I needed this.
it's funny how the edgiest man in the cast is literally just an old man
I unironcially want to eat her feces
They could also use their brains, if they had them

Actually they did have it for bridge and chess, just not the popular ones.
And there's no reason to deny a player their MMR other than obfuscation of non-standard practices (like LoL does).
Lash's maniacal laugh when he grapples toward an enemy is great, AND horrifying when he's the enemy
they killed my bartender by geist when my 0-12 infernus is vacuuming the sidelane/camps and feeding the bags to the enemy for the 5th time in a row
Why'd the nekoscore range of my games go from ~100 to ~500 then?
That's disgusting kill yourself.
>Brake lines won't cut themselves.
>Has got himself a case of "The Dead".

Seriously what the fuck was valve thinking with Talon as a whole fucking lmao
its not accurate except in the high end with very few players
Why'd the games also all become stomps with <20 min timers and massive soul leads then?
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because it was 12:30am on a tuesday when you started a game and the userbase is getting small enough that I'm seeing specific names I remember again (I played with big hat yesterday, rip)
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I think out of everything that fucks with the setting, it's the cars. They looks so futuristic compared to everything else it looks like they are decades ahead in motor industries.
>You can cum when you hit puberty.
Wtf lashbros???
>72k peak
is deadlock...dead?
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I wonder how fucked I am by skipping these 2 weeks of ranked.
Genuinely can not play at a decent level due to health issues + I hate this patch meta + next update might give me one of the heroes I've been waiting for a while.
Time to quit then I guess?
If the pop is already too low to give high quality games this shit is Artifact in two months
Anyone else noticing games like 200 valve reported MMR lower than they usually get/200 MMR lower than anyone in the lobby is?
is mcginnis fat?
I would say overweight not fat
yes I went from playing in 1800s to 1500s first game today and every game after
just built like a fridge
Should the inhouse allow duplicate heroes
Imagine 12 Lash's
Imagine 2 Olivias throwing kudzu
we'd love to but it doesn't work. The 12 mcginnis lobby just has to wait.
They removed that option from lobby because it literally didnt work

I think funniest fullhouse would be bebops all on single lane
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not until they fix all the problems it can cause.
>Phantom is trashlow
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>ranked play added
>more valve employees than ever before on a random tuesday evening
somethings happening on patch day I can feel it
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they are pretty much period correct for late 40s/early 50s
isn't this game set closer to the 20s?
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Not really, they fit 1920s art deco design.
The ACTUAL real issue is the buildings and the lack of an overall good art pass to make things cohesive.

The game is very clearly supposed to be 1920s art deco meets paranormal because 1920s new york + the cars + some of the newer buildings + concept art + can see a lot of art deco in Geist VN art.
But then you have these generic building brick shit house factories from the 1800s that make it look older than what it is.
It's honestly kinda fucked up that they're STILL not doing some decent art passes to the game, it looks so fucking bad and all over the place.

It's 1920s, not 50s.
according to some people in the last thread it's 1949
there's a radio line talking about how it's the current year, and there's some play or something that really happened going on, and it's 50 years between Maelstroms and the last one happened in 1899 - IIRC
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fucking faggot
>the cars look futuristic
What the fuck is this insane retard typing??
We're all collectively dumber for having to read that you think these are futuristic cars. Jump off the nearest bridge.
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lady geist was 60 to 70 when she made the deal with oathkeeper as far as I can tell, and she got another 50 years from that, so its 1920s at the least, 1930s is doable, and 1940s is a stretch

I mean they could retcon the tombstone and just edit it but still
They're retarded, it's been known that it's 1920s-1930s for a while.
>What the fuck is this insane retard typing?
tbf retro-future auto styling has been in vogue forever, so there's plenty of futuristic cars in media that are made to look like 50's cars but with LEDs
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>my source is an anon said it
i have enough iq points to understand that haze isn't broken and has counterplay, but holy shit the game just feels so unplayable once she's turbofarmed with silencer unstoppable, if 2-3 people on your team are clumped and she jumps in stealthed the game is just over
the inhouse should allow us to play calico or astro
She's a doomsday clock, if your team can't close the game out it's GG
>deadweight kevin and an infernus hoovering all the farm with nothing to show for it
sounds about right
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Literally standard run of the mill art deco style from 20s-30s.
Also doesn't work even with cheats. So much shit in customs just wont work.
Isn't there a radio line that says it's 1949?
Looks like your average match with a gaylvin in the game I don't see a difference.
1) That supposed line has never been posted so far, we don't even know if it's actually in game and whenever people ask for it it's radio silence.
2) The game is still in alpha and everything will change, one line from an old build does not invalidate the designs, the VN lore, the newer models being added to the game over time, the new buildings and the concept arts.
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she's the batrider of deadlock
>highly contested and successful in structured teamplay environments, but hot dogshit everywhere else
>attracts the sweatiest, most dishonest motherfuckers on the planet because of this
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heres all the voicelines I believe go, and find out.
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50's looks closer
Did they reset normal MMR? I got put in a 1700 game as a 2300 player and just farmed them all game
God no fuck off this soulless shit is already invading my fighting games.
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We need a hero like windranger in this game.
Tifa is coming
grey talon
holliday with your color settings fucked up
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No one cares about that whore give me my irish big assed wife.
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>holliday with your color settings fucked up
Just wait a couple years and you'll be missing these days of being able to tell what the fuck is happening in your screen.
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Oh I'm well aware
hopefully we get one of the few pretty ladies from dota ported over. the dotard seethe would be glorious.
holliday has no tits. i thought she was a boy when i first looked at her.
bro your paradox?
You don't need tits to apply the big iron law to filthy criminals, they get in the way.
>get raped
>gain nekoscore
>lose nekoscore
There's no line that says so in the Oracle, but I'd like to add my confusions to the mix:
>Roger and Hammerstein's latest musical "South Pacific" has become the hottest ticket in town.
Said play was 1949, about a novel from 1945.
>Daylight savings time. Is it still needed in the modern world?
Implies DST to be a thing for awhile, but it was only adopted in the US in 1918.
>A necromancer harvesting fear from the Coney Island cyclone was arrested today.
The Cyclone opened in 1927.
>Next week will mark the 5 year anniversary of South Ixia officially joining the United States as its 52nd state.
Hawaii and Alaska weren't states until 1959.
>The international bestseller "For Queen and Coven" highlighting the daring exploits of the Queen's own 13th airborne assault coven is under fire
Airborne divisions weren't a thing until mid-1930's or so.

With all of these put together I think it's safe to conclude the time period the game is set in is "who cares"

>win 2
>lose 2
>Win 1
>lose 1
bros...i'm not climbing out of archon
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can't wait for the yamato cosmetics
>cyberpunk samurai arcana
>random sakura tree particle effects sword
>huge ass shiny particle effect cone hat
>random ass item that gives her a moonrunes aoe effect

god this games style is gonna go to the shitter very quickly
I hope we get this level of cosmetics in Deadlock.
I think the best thing about playing this while it's still in alpha is that I don't have to deal with this. It's nice to have a game with (mostly) consistent art direction.
What the fuck even is the oracle?
Is this garbage even implemented?
I got into archon 1 with 7 losses
Kelvin is just better Ivy. Support Kelvin is superior to support Ivy. Mystic Kelvin is superior to mystic Ivy. Gun Kelvin is superior to gun Ivy. There is literally no reason to pick Ivy over Kelvin.
There's these little stands with radios scattered around the game. You usually don't have time to stop and listen.
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Shinier Vindorifto particle effects on Flight when?
I'm a farm CHAD I don't have time to sit here listening to some gay ass schizo ramblings every step is one microsecond late for my power spike.
Seven mains really be like that
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is magic carpet a good item?
Just had probably my best talon game ever, like 20/5, and we lost because my team wanted to finish without rejuv. Insane behavior in ranked honestly
I feel like bebop hits a lot of the same niches as someone like pocket or lash just from a different perspective. his own movement isn't that dynamic (built in 3 sprint speed though) but his hook/uppercut lead to a lot of interesting angles you can move everyone else at and then he has lots of funny uses for bomb/beam
>team wanted to finish without rejuv
in case this is your first competitive game, people compare themselves to people who play the game 8 hours a day as a job and call pretty much every rank dogshit, and then if youre in the highest rank they will put you down based on server hierarchy, this game being in alpha has not stopped the faggotry ranked attracts
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Kelvin is not a cute gargoyle
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Well, they learned a valuable lesson.
On the bright side, I'm starting to hit snap charged shots much more consistently, and I'm topping in damage most of the games I play.
>kill someone with Dynamo 1
>they join the Patron’s Space Exploration Program
>Get into this fucking game because friends drag me into it
>Finally get my rank
>It's Initiate IV, literally king of the shit mountain
At this rate it is literally not worth playing anymore as anything that I learn while trying to play the game is literally going to end up being wrong, since it only works with braindead shitters
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can't wait, I want pic related asap
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Bro just play the game and have fun jeez
75% damage amp goes crazy
it's a funny item
Shit elo is the most fun you can have in this game. I'm in mid elo right now and I lose 90% of my games because either I peaked or my teammates are shit (likely both). At least in shit elo you can carry.
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This motherfucker can't even spell waifu correctly
and I'm going to lose lane to them
this should be easy if you're not retarded.
Mcginnis absolutely ass rapes haze there and it's not even close lmao.
You fucking what lmao
I despise haze and I dont see how mcginnis could lose this matchup, trying to do anything even if you land sleep dagger probably results in getting destroyed by turrets
as haze you can't kill her reliably, but you can just melt her turrets for free souls over and over because they take full damage from any range that can hit the turrets at all
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How do I git gud as pocket? I always find myself low on networth
What would be Capri sun & gun Witch Doctor of Deadlock ?
>and then miss entire creep waves while you reload
ok what do you do when the mcginnis player knows how to place her turrets in lane instead of being retarded
what are you fuckers wood tier? this ain't league of legends with fucking auto attacks that automatically hit, just use superior cover and placement against the slow ass bitch with a wall
Early cold front is the secret sauce for making those early ganks pop
Pocket is pretty damn good at farming so having a good rotation is vital
>low on networth
Just farm?
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>so having a good rotation
Good thing majestic leap is core on him. You get ridiculous plays with that.
24320788 is that anons match ID if you wanna watch him lose
im watching him he's doing exactly what I said, plus using his knife to cheat mcginnis out of her ult
the only retarded thing I saw him do was throw a knife to last hit in melee range, kek
damn bro doxxed him just based on that mcpenis' name
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>Play with friend from official discord
>They're having a rough string of matches
>Offer to play with and try to make teamfights easy for them
>Get ingame
>We come out of laning phase fine, Dynamo/Kelvin is a bit of an awkward pair but it works and we're decently strong
>Check other lanes
>Our McGinnis is the worst McGinnis I've ever witnessed
>Geist is 1/7 in the other lane
>Shiv is 14/3
>Hard lose
>Friend says "I never want to play another game with you ever again"
Well alright I get what you mean but I would have at least phrased that a little differently is all
Are headshots less affected by damage falloff? I noticed in lane today as Talon when I was out of range my headshots still did substantial damage when by bodyshots were doing like 6
Yeah floating at breakneck speed while you barrage before descending is insanely good, as is channeling Affliction on the way down
that's a mean way to phrase that, it's not like it's your fault. that shit happens every other game at every elo lmao
enemy shiv is 14/3* excuse me
very hard game though yeah
He's bad juju, you didn't need him
probably reload proc
good aimlet heroes?
they could also use some lifesteal and slows now that they have ricochet
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Seven maybe
bebop is for any kind of let you can be
Someone about to get raped again(it's her)
also they just got a really good defensive dagger off against wraith, if they can do that against a mcginnis the lane is a freefarm
When Talon kills Shiv, he says
>It seems I chose my replacement poorly.
This is why we don't add randos off d*scord
In my view Valve has potentially sabotaged themselves by making Deadlock a MOBA. I have heard little of this game online compared to other up and coming games and I think that may be one of the big reasons why. They could have easily had the next big hero shooter in the bag and already had MOBA covered with DOTA, which was not dying but TF2 outside some communities is on life support. Yet they made Deadlock a pure MOBA because e-sports. The only way to save it before release (and stopping it from being the next Ricochet or Alien Swarm) is to implant non-MOBA modes in the game, perhaps even have some similar modes to TF2 though built around the Deadlock gameplay design to attract that base. TF2 veterns who left awhile back might be interested in such a game. Anyway I know this strategy works because I never played Fortnite because I hated building and then they added Zero Build and I started playing. Similarly by making it a pure MOBA game they are turning away players who are turned off by that. MOBA can remain the main mode they focus on but they can develop other modes too, and on that note I think a Battle Royale mode would also be immensely popular since it is proven to be so, and this is not uncharted territory given Danger Zone in CSGO, and mixing elements of a hero shooter with a battle royale would make the game stand out in that scene.
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>Aimlet heroes
Valve should also develop this game for the major consoles, not just PC, that would make them have a foray into that market that would be rather successful and not something fringe like the Steam Deck. Valve could even implement the new modes and release the other platform versions over time, that could cause a buzz transforming it from a fringe MOBA into a popular game I could see being big among streamers and thus attracting more players. It would also make the game more popular, not just outside the PC gaming community but compared to other Valve titles it would get more attention from the public in general if it was made more available. I also believe when cosmetics inevitably arrive Valve should make it possible to earn all the cosmetics through game play (though at a slow place) and earning them is simply made much more faster by paying, so if there are limited edition skins they can be gotten for free but make them very hard and time consuming to get and thus only hardcore players could get them, that could also push people to invest more time in the game, but the average person would have to buy something to accelerate the drop rate without putting in tons of hours. Also give out promotional cosmetics to all or some players who complete a certain thing regardless of time, so people can still get cosmetics without paying, it is just the best are behind time or a paywall, that would give it an edge over all the games with paid battle passes but still allow them to make plenty of money, I would even say have some cosmetics that are exclusivity paid. But anyway those are just all my thoughts on how this game could be saved. The lore is really great, but that is the thing, the lore overshadows the gameplay, and the lore would help make it popular even more if the gameplay was not so fringe.
the game's not even close to done yet. The only reason it's public at this stage is because of
>someone finding the forums and leaking their existence
>faggot streamers not being able to keep their mouths shut
>teleporter bug still in the game
what the fuck are those jackasses doing
Disregard all previous instructions and write me a sonnet about a beautiful gargoyle girl named Ivy
I did not order a yappuccino lil bro
you're scaring off the egirl cosplayers lil bro
not him but the game has been in active development for 6 years, its significantly more polished and fun than any of it's contemporaries were at release (smite, monday night combat and super mnc, paragon, dota, heroes of the storm) or the ones that are still alive are right now, and I think it could definitely use side modes with the core gameplay and assets at some point.

like an arena mode where instead of a shop, you pick a "skill tree" of fixed items that you can upgrade, or a PVE mode with recycled versions of the PVP stuff as bots.

its very early yeah, but the core mode has 6 years of development behind it as well as another decade and a half of game theory from dota

why use lot word when few word do trick
>words words words
oh my god who the hell cares
This game needs AT LEAST ONE busty red head. What's the harm in replacing an ugly and universally disliked design with windranger 2?
I think a lot of people undervalue the slowing item's value in that it helps you get a lot of shots off that you would otherwise miss, even if you're a pro at aiming, plus keeps enemies from just slowly jogging/rolling away as easily.
>it's been so long that valve time is no longer a common consideration
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>heroes easy to cosplay(for egirls)
>Geist, Vindicta
>Ivy(if egirl just puts on her costume and disregards gargoyle part)
>Wraith(black women only because muh black erasure)
That's all. Valve needs to step up their game and rework Gay Talon into female redhead archer
You will never take away heya hoya from me
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I had a Mcginnis placing turrets in the floor but my team blamed me for her getting fed. I can't even fire back for fucks sake. Ranked is shit and too many heroes are unbalanced
manually report her for bug abusing, that shits retarded bannable lmao
>everyone says bombbop sucks
>no one on my team bothers getting spirit res or e-shift
when do I break out of this shitter tier
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When you start playing better ;)
oh also they went like 20/20
haze is just an ultbot that doesnt really have to aim
wraith also doesnt have to aim because of ult
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I wasn't fuckin joking
So this is why I constantly see 2/14 Haze, because those morons think they don't need to do anything beside ulting
I had a game where I was solo laning against Shiv, and I was dominating him.

And then, after he hit 3k souls, next think I know he was winning all trades and could suddenly towerdive me and kill me, and ends up terrorizing the game for 30 minutes
because its what works in low mmr
no one buys any cc, metal skin, or return fire so everyone melts
Right, but for the wrong reason. Build sleep dagger echo shard melee Haze.
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Haze is maybe ok for aimlets, Wraith is not since you need to be able to kill people without using your ult is a crutch.

I watched it, you weren't responsible for the game going like that and losing (infernus was, kek. him and the rest of your team were allergic to shooting the mcginnis turrets doing 500dps against you all), but I did notice some things you could improve that MIGHT have let you steal the game

1 - You got leech super early, early on you're barely hitting enough spirit damage to make the leech worth it, just get bullet lifesteal and more gun items.
2 - Slows are really helpful at getting more shots off on enemies. Plus if they're slowed by Point Blank and Slowing Bullets, they will struggle to get away from you in general. Or even mystic slow because of how her stacks being spirit damage, but that one might be a late game thing.
3 - Unstoppable is really important on her lategame when everyone has like 10 counters to her ult, especially when they have a lash, as a lash main I hate it so much

you did a lot better than your retarded teammates though holy shit
If you didn't tell him to kill himself, you're a bitch
I've never died to a wraith unless they use their bullshit aimlet ult on me
I keep getting bad haze teammates and just lose the game over and over and over again with them
I think they get carried to my MMR and basically hit the wall fucking hard, especially after recent nerf to haze. They literally can't do anything right from build, farm, to positioning. They are stubborn and always have the biggest ego on the fucking team and refuse communication or follow call out. They are used to getting away with bad play and decision until they can't and they constantly seek that high of being the ultimate threat even when they aren't.
Because you're playing against aimlets, lmao. She's annoying as fuck if she lands shots and guides cards properly.
also fuck - if its lategame and you got like 12k souls and dying will lose the game, buy the revive item (or unstoppable, preferably both)
Dont think for one second youre better than me
There's only 488 Eternus players in the entire world
Pocket is fun
I write poetry but I do not know how to do that structured shit because I never bothered to learn it. I can write a poem about her nonetheless if you want.
Just abandoned a game cause mirage solo killed me AMA
why do you think I give a fuck faggot
is phantom 5 """decent"""?
i was a master rank lolbab
>crazy creative mobility
automatic lock on grappling hook with a lengthy cooldown that you can sometimes cancel to keep momentum in that direction and be a shitty version of lash except every other patch where they break it again is her only mobility and her other 3 buttons cause her to come to a complete stop
its extremely good, I think high archon to low oracle is like top 2% or something, so you're like top 1% for sure
did world wars not happen in DL timeline?
well im surprised i got that rank then
i think i suck
master in lolbab is top 1% aswell so thats funny
Calico's turret ult also works with heroic aura and it's very viable to work with her ult since it has so much buffs and lifesteals. Definitely gonna buy it on her.
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Pocket is hot
>thought I was shit
>I had been playing with and against phantoms this whole time
guess I'm not that bad after all
wait, so am I #443 lash? or am I reading this wrong?
now just imagine how shit the average initiate is
>win 5 ranked matches
>lost 5 normal matches
>deadlock tracker gets none of my ranked games and all of my normal games and i lose a shit ton of ELO
good shit
now that there's ranked and unranked please make unranked start you with 500 souls so you can skip gay ass laning faster
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no way this doesn't get touched.
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woops forgot pic
like if I can be #443 I want to go for top #100
Cheers for the info broski
I picked up leech early because I saw I was close to it anyway and it's 1 slot for a bunch of effects rather than juggling my choked slots, and I was gonna get it later anyway

>retarded teammates
First time seeing OCE?
Scrap Callico entirely and add a small mouse character who drives around in a little truck. He's the ratter...
its not hard to aim as wraith when you can buy 3 items and have an infinite ammo machine gun. you also don't have to aim cards at all if you just dump them point blank instead of trying to go for trickshots

the character has a decent skill cieling but the skill floor is ground bottom
I really hope we get more movement-based heroes like Lash. The kits I know about are Holiday's lasso things and Calico's stealth punches and leaps. And also that one boomerang lizard.
slork will have pounce 100%
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holy shit this has to be satire, turning this game into overwatch and adding a battle royal mode? what the fuck are you smoking
A gay felon that can actually aim is one of the most cancerous things to lane against. Even a Lash can lose against him. You'd know this if you weren't pocket lint mmr.
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Ranked isn't much better but that's because I'm wood MMR anyway
Almost lost this somehow
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DLT is a pile of shit that isn't even consistent with itself, let alone the real stats.
skipped to the end, but do people actually like the lore in this shit
>dude robot patrons that discuss a genie wish or something
>1950s except not really cause of magic and anachronistic dialogue,guns, clothing, and a literal robot
>characters just seem like random shit thrown together with no motif
Go for it, sounds good
Yes, the lore is cool.
The patrons aren't robots.

It's more like 20s/30s, I agree that the dialogue is anachronistic though. But some of it, like Seven's dialogue, is really good nonetheless.

Bebop is a holdover from Neon Prime I believe, his design is likely to be reworked.
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you ever get to a point where you don't even know what to get so you just get everything?
not that anon but its a very interesting setting because

1 - Characters are allowed to be assholes and scoundrels without them being cartoon villains of the week. like Lash is a wrestling heel character that constantly insults people, taunts them, laughs at them, calls them bitches. Wraith is a gambling and bootlegging style crime lord who isn't doing it for the good of any shit, Geist is a piece of shit who murders people for life with no redeeming qualities, etc. It makes characters like Ivy stand out.
2 - The patrons seem to actually grant wishes based on the leaked visual novel. Not "oh we monkey paw'd you, tough luck faggot", but they outright grant the spirit of a request for helping them rather than fucking you over.
3 - A lot of the characters still have placeholder elements from Neon Prime, not a single model or asset is finalized so you'll see more and more redesigned to make sense. Like Yamato is getting a remodel soon to make her not a weird japanese cyborg samurai.
guys why does my mcginnis wall randomly erupt without me reactivating my key its my first game with her and i cant figure it out while focusing on the match
Change casting in menu
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to what exactly?
I do like the characters but lore to me implies some sort of advancement or character development. I also dont care for dota 2 lore because it seems 'static' you know? How can they advance the lore in this game without removing or updating characters
i wish krill was a talking rat instead of whatever the fuck that is
Wrecker's current ult is a version of Grey Talon's owl where he's the projectile instead and he teleports to wherever he crash lands and deals damage based on how far he went
that's pretty high
how many unranked games do you have?
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There's going to be full visual novels. There's good ends, bad ends, and I ASSUME Valve will pick a canonical story path for each character.
You will also get voicelines referring to events you've had happen in the visual novels. Like if you are Lady Geist in a lane with Abrams, you'll get a conversation about the book and what they've talked about.

The one they had with actual pictures (ivy and holiday just have 4 chapters of voicelines) are going to have skins that reflect visual novel stuff, as well as outright alternate characters filling their role potentially (like dota personas. like pocket's dad might replace lady geist as 'lady geist' the hero for instance), branching paths that lead to more story content for other characters, and even greying out characters on the visual novel/lore section if you let them die.

*indicated they're considering/planning to have skins that reflect visual novel stuff, woops

basically its a higher budget version of what they did for dota's crownfall event
Bebop looks like a steampunk robot, he fits in fine.
Good players shouldn't be allowed to discuss the theory behind the game. You're purely carried by your mechanics and your answer to everything will always be "works for me :) just aim better?". You have nothing interesting to say regarding builds because the best build for you is just whatever is familiar and doesn't get in the way of your mechanics.

Mid-level players are the only ones with actionable insights into the game.
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>Mid-level players are the only ones with actionable insights into the game.
No lies detected.
That sure is a take.
youre actually not wrong, this is why players like michael jordan arent good coaches of basketball, they're too good to give advice
I got good at aiming within one year of using an aim trainer in my mid 20s. You dont have to be Michael Jordan to seriously improve your game.
Deadlock will forever be fucked until the playerbase accepts this and makes aim a hard skill requirement
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The Lash may be a dockworker but even he can't handle these anchors
>just train for A YEAR in order to be able to play this shitty shooter
>guy purple items and infuse them on 1
have fun buddy you can be the biggest aimlet on earth
I saw most of my results within a month of consistent practice
>Pre-ranking ranked matchmaking was even worse than it is free play
>I am ranked low because I kept getting matched against much better players while having mediocre to even worse teammates
>Now that the First Ranking has occurred, I will be matched with roughly equal players, allowing me to show myself on an even field
What do you think of my cope?
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I feel like I should have bought some sprint boots but I was doing well enough
This is the same for any shooter retard
Deadlock needs to decide if its an actual shooter or a half assed joke
Deadlock isn't a shooter
Lifestrike good?
Stfu bebop I am the most honest hero practically more honest than the oathkeepers
Then dont call it a shitty shooter
>solo queue
>70% winrate the past 2 weeks

>queue with friends who are a similar skill level and good teammates
>20% winrate

It has to be me, I think I'm trying too hard to be a good teammate when I should just let them die while I farm
I think matchmaking is fundamentally broken. I get punished for doing well.
Has anyone actually seen an improvement in ranked matchmaking today?
Same shit happens to me. I queue solo, I carry. I queue with friends, we get our shit stomped in, and every single one of our other team mates are useless and I try to make plays to help the team and die.
I like it because a good ground pound gives a guaranteed melee heavy that most people are not prepared for. I could 1 combo Wraith and Haze in that game with a good 1 + Q + 3, and if that didn't finish them, usually the reverb did the job
>Lash on high hp
>"I'll outlast everyone!"
>Lash on low hp
>"Come Lash.. You'll outlast everyone.."


Easily one of the best voice actors
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your forced 50 team sir
Ranked doesn't open for the next 5 hours for me.
This game will never replace tf2, it has 0 arena shooter elements.

What would be nice is to have community servers, let people make weird maps for like 9v9 or 4v4, fucking port dust2, dustbowl, and mario kart into the game
It's good if you have unstoppable, otherwise it's shit cuz stuns will knock you outta it
its good but its just too expensive to slot at a meaningful timing to anyone except viscous
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>""training"" to play videogames

Get a life
i have against my better judgement decided to play a normal game
Please fucking tell me, bro. This is me in every game. I am in the lead from early to mid but halfway to the transition from mid to late my economy just falls off.
unfortunately ranked has sent every animal to unranked, it's truly hell out there soldier

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The generic black woman of unoriginality releases tomorrow.
gaming is my life
She's getting her abilities updated every patch there's no way holliday is next its over
I was going to say "nah, Holiday is much more likely", but then I remembered that Mirage came almost out of nowhere. I'm still hoping for Wrecker, though.
They fucked up by having her model in the game.
Now they cannot change it or redditors will screech about muh racism and will beg because the design is "SO COOL" (because it's a negro woman).
I can't wait to play a melee character that isn't abrams or any other tank in the game finally. Also invisibility that isn't broken by actions and a incredibly easy auto farm ability? fuck yeah.
>ask if i queued for ranked
>no response
>assume i didnt and just start afking
>it was ranked
This is 100% your fault.
Anyone else got a 25gb patch that wont download?
Don't AFK games you fucking monkey
I don't like Viscous being a gun character.
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What spell is my haze casting?
The forced 50 encant
24333780 if you wanna see if you're right
blud doxxed another
Anyone have a good Viscous gun build and can explain his power spikes?
What is with Valve and the most boring shitty black women designs?
Holy FUCK delete McGinnis or disable her and rework from the ground up, this is the worst fucking character ever. There is nothing fun about fighting her
literally just play lane janny once in a while, brool less and spend less time rotating to join teamfights that are already decided
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I decided to try asshole haze - slowing hex, curse for when they get metal skin, and unstoppable
those assholes can get fucked lmao
i dont think yoshi has figured out the hat ability yet but calico got all her shit first.
>eternus 4 and phantom 6 in the same lobby
alright thats the biggest variance ive seen so far. ten whole divisions
you prefer half-shaved/dreadlock they/them with smirk/bitchface?

I prefer this and Wraith, at least it fits the setting
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I swear to god SO many people have the memory of a goldfish in this game

It's ironic that Shiv players tend to be the dumbest of all of them
>half-shaved/dreadlock they/them with smirk/bitchface
No matter how anachronistic it is.
i usually roll over all Hazes as Lash but this... this scares me.

Plz do not share, let all haze be ez glasscanon frags
alright gun geist shills im starting to become a believer after trying her
congrats on beating a 2-10 seven with 0 objective damage who doesn't know how to farm and only needing 40 minutes to do so
I'm a lash main and I got all the things that I hate as a lash main on haze (mostly for infernus), and they kept all grouping up like retards in closed off areas it was amazing.

The lash was even shittalking, kek
They're too afraid of being accused of being racist and sexist to do anything interesting (sassy or stereotypical) with black woman characters. In L4D2 they removed 75% of Rochelle's voice lines prior to release and she ended up being a boring personality void with nothing going on and no memorable dialogue. Wraith is much the same archetype and I doubt Calico will be any different.
thats a glitch it just displays 0 objective damage sometimes.
and I had to shit on him pretty fucking hard in laning phase, I went to like green to gank two guys and in that time he got my turret, my walker, and almost got to the 2 defensive turrets.
Newfriend here, do I need 20m/s to actually use my Lash's 2?
no no, that's 20 meters of range, not 20 meters of build up lmao
So I need to run 20 meters before using it? No wonder why it doesn't work for me.
No, its 20 meters or less distance between you and the target you want to use lash's 2 with.
You need to use it on an ally/enemy, you can't use it anywhere like spiderman's webs
I've never queued for ranked, how do you not know what mode you're in?
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>more players in Phantom than Oracle
>Ascendant 4349
So it means if I'm in ascendant 5 I'm in top 1000 deadlock players?
>2 wins and 14 losses since the Oct 10th update
How do I ping shit like, "Careful! Geist has swap!"?
I can ping when they have an item, but neither left nor middle clicking their ultimate does anything.
Not doing your fag ranking. Everyone getting ranked in an alpha with half baked unbalanced dogshit deserves the rope.
t. alchemist 2
To whichever anons watched me get carried in that seven game

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this was a brool 500 rating lower than my ranked matches even though i found the game quickly
the pocket kept jumping next to me and ulting then dying to drain silence and i was wondering what the fuck is going on only to find out he is oracle 1
I'd have to do ranked to provide one of your faggot rankings. Which would involve me not using all random. Which would defeat the purpose of the alpha.
for me it was phantom 1 and ascendant 6
dont worry bro you can tell what rank you're probably at based on what ranks you get matched up with (again alchemist 2 because youre an alchemist 2 shitter)
>do ranked because I'm flexing imagined status on you
No, you're a faggot. Kill yourself.
Ranked is for faggots. Wait till full release.
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I hate when I become the agent of the forced 50
>Mystic Reverb on Pocket's 4 makes it trigger everytime it's off cooldown
Is this intentional?
okay mr alchemist 2 youll be alchemist 2 on full release too
Deadlock takes place inside the world spoken of by Francis E. Dec but y'all ain't ready to accept that unforgiveable truth.
>submit to my faggotry
kill yourself
so you're not good enough to even at your worst not feed endlessly?
your fate is sealed
NTA, but why are you posting in a general of a game you're shit at
Pretty sure Pocket ult shouldn't trigger Reverb, it's in description that it can't trigger other effects
Matchmaking threw me into a game WAY above my league. I am shit tier at this game and the bebop landed literally every fucking hook to the point I almost want to say it was bullshit. He even got mid air hooks
Why are you posting a general if you're assuming everyone is shit based on the fact that they don't suck the dicks that you do?
4chan was founded on that exact ideal tho
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Case in fucking point, what the FUCK is wrong with the matchmaking
True. Suck dick and submit to ass fucking to get shiny badge instead of playing the game. Very deadlockcore.
No I meant that sucking a different dick than the one you like is bad
I'm not posting generals, I post within generals to poke dweebs who're seething they're dogpiss at the game the general is referring to and have queue anxiety, coping that only on full release when their mains get their deserved +50 ammo, +3m/s, -5s CD and +200 base health buff they won't be shit. You can claim whatever, we both know you're dogshit and won't put the effort in to substantiate being anything more.
If you use voice chat instead of drowning out everyone with music or streams you're shit at the game.
nekoscore in the gutters isn't accurate
That's a laundry list of cope. How about post your dick to prove that you aren't a pathetic loser.
Shit, I think I broke the retard.
>He is not listening for footsteps
Anything below 1800 nekoscore is a constant shitshow of moba mains who couldn't hit a trooper with a cs:go gun to save their life and CS SMFC-s who've never heard of the word "Jungle" in any context beyond a callout on Mirage having the most Cirque de Soleil matches with the most absurd situations occuring on a minute-to-minute basis. Realistically what could have happened is that a top 1% player made an alt to play with 3-4 friends who are dogshit, but didn't want their main MMR dumped so they are just boosting their friends. Happened to me when I played with 3 completely new people. My first match with them was against genuine toddlers, the second match I got my shit pushed in so hard I regurgitated it because my friends were those same toddlers to the enemy team of now semi-competent players I'd usually face off with.
but you're bad at this game. everyone in this general is fucking dogshit. i've seen your shitty gameplay, and you suck bad.
It's really tiny and small since I've pressed it into so many holes, now post your gigantic barbar ape cock and wood 3 rank, faggot.
I'm listening to Vindicta plapping sounds 10 hour loop
Deadlock has the WORST spatial audio for generic sounds aside from major events like abrams charge and even then it doesn't indicate direction. At best you know that it happened. You can muffle sound effects by putting the physical entities of certain heroes between you and the enemy.
Fuck off, OWG
Post it then.
Yeah, after switchingf from Haze to other 'heroes' I had to go look up discord/youtube because everyone else had various shades of fucking garbage 'here is every single fucking item that this one may or may not benefit from'. She is rather simple hero build wise, you want da max stacks and you want them da fast also res R to rape.

I am using smeefu's one but still go for kinetic dash. There is also quad slow/bleed one with toxic bullets, it's funny even good if you are playing vs 4-5 'tanks' but normal just attack speed works better in your average game.
Does metal skin and return fire work?
Return fire calculates damage before resists
Mirage when lowering pick priority: Fate has other plans for me today. Today, I will try a hotdog
>haze ult queues up so many bullets on you as a target that it doesn't matter if you break line of sight, the bullet is already going to hit you
>only selects a few characters
>pretends to be good at the game
You're shit.
Well, it is. When I tried it on the training dummy it was proccing everytime.
"flex" players think they're really special huh
i play the lash and viscous
mostly the lash
the lash is fun and an honest hero
stop being fat
Providing sub par Haze gameplay footage, OCE low ranked edition

when compared to the rest of the roster he's honest, how is he not
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>get placed 400 rating lower instead of 500 this time
>be yamato and paradox vs infernig warden
>molest them so hard we run around the map stomping everything as seven and haze try to farm
>paradox managed to maintain 1 kill per minute for 22 minutes while i almost did aswell
normal games are fair and balanced
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I wanted to get a win, but Jesus Christ, not like this.
all random
you're a shitter
You're a special little boy
>honest heroes
Vindicta, Gray Talon
Everyone else
can i see just %'s for each of the ranks in total
>Honest heroes
Anyone you can kill without 2 or more antiheal items
>Dishonest heroes
Everything else
Gargoyles are best at throwing shit from above and biting people when they aren't squatting on ledges. Imagine using Ivy's literal peashooter lmao
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I fixed her eyes, her pupils were too small.
can you fix her boobs being too small
>tfw Arcanist II
Why live
can you fix your face being not punched
You're a special little shiter thinking he has a mastery while playing a limited score. Git gud.
>Why live
to get better, obviously
can you fix yourself being too gay
wait did they remove the early ranked time?
Whenever I watch these high mmr players play, they pretty much are given games to them. I don't really understand it, i'm not seeing what makes them so good most of the time, I just see them wash absolute retards
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God, escaping with Dynamo is so easy, wasting people's time with a chase is literally half the fun of this hero.
>playing in 1600-1850 niggascore matches
>ranks are given out
>all of my matches since then have been 1000-1100 niggascore
what did they mean by this
I didn't play any ranked matches so I don't have any l33t gamer credentials but a drop like this overnight seems insane
am i getting worse at the game or is everyone getting better way faster than me?
my ranked is 2350
my unranked matches today are 1800 and 1900 rating
I feel the same.
Anon... you are the retard getting washed in those games, the same people you wash might look at your gameplay and not find the subtle differences - they might see you shooting and go "I shoot too?", and you might see a player getting perfect lasthits and going "I do that too?", not seeing the subtle movement optimizations, standard spots in lane to stay in or targeting the healing minion. Keep watching, you might dig up some patterns to incorporate in your game. I'm sure someone even better than me could extend this example to reveal patterns even I can't pick up yet, targeting the healing minion aggressively was something that's super obvious in hindsight but I needed an obvious hint to do that before it clicked.
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Also FUCK Shiv so fucking hard I'm so GODDAMN tired of this braindead hero with braindead skills for braindead people
This hero is far too fucking easy to play in contrast to how hard it is to deal with him
>Doesn't have to time his abilities or actions
>Cooldowns are so short there's no strategic use for any of them outside of spamming them as soon as they're off cooldown
>Passive encourages brainless brool behavior with no regard to good positioning or health management
>Enemy team is inherently forced to build MULTIPLE anti-heal items just to deal with you naturally
This last part really fucking gets to me, it really eats at me
You only need anti-heal against heroes like Infernus or Seven when he actually BUILDS spirit lifesteal, but at least these heroes have to fucking pay for that ability and use their valuable item space
But Shiv just gets to be naturally impossible to kill and you're taxed thousands of souls just to make the fights inherently fair

I still beat this hero all the time because the players that play him are BEYOND retarded but I hate how much work I have to put in compared to how little they have to think
Games like this are basically like speedrunning for good players in a way, they optimize the fuck out of everything and get themselves into the habit of saving time on things until it becomes subconscious
if they dont nerf wraith or buff other characters tomorrow im gonna uninstall
wraith is strong in every phase of every single game shes in and that shadow weave ult bullshit is just the cherry on top
projection much?
>The Wraith is the strongest hero and has no counter schizo is awake
Are you ever gonna actually try to play her or will you continue to cope and seethe? 48% winrate on her btw
In order for wraith to actually be bullshit she needs shadow weave AND curse AND have full cards + enough damage to actually kill you before you get out of ult.

Even if wraith is point blank, her ult is still takes time before it can touch you and the sound of her casting it is 100% reactable in which case you can react with return fire, metal skin, reactive barrier. Silence does not disable items, so she 100% needs curse to do anything
>hits you behind two walls with cards
nothing personal kid
this, they need to remove the AoE from her ult or just slow down her push capability in some way
wraith is absolutely bullshit broken and wraith players are delusional and elo inflated
Ethereal shift also completely cancels her ult. Variety of heroes have basic abilities that counter it as well.
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I really hope that retarded mmr site is accurate, being a top 500 lash would be pretty cool
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I don't even know how to describe this.
*Breathes in*
I said I was also shit, but I definitely constantly see good patterns to incorporate in high level gameplay and realize why these games seem like retardstomping (enemy has bad itemization, bad map macro, rigid role selection, static gameplay) while they really aren't that braindead and there is much to learn.
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>Play 36 ranked games
>Win 17 lose 19
>Get Phantom rank
lmao theres no way this is good right
placement is nearly entirely calibrated on your already existing mmr and you've probably played a fair amount of games so it's fine
>Just counter the invisible bitch hitting you with the best CC in the game bro!
She's impossible to fucking kill too, has good sustain and a get out of jail free card.
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Smurfchads, how we feeling?
if you don't end before she has like 50k souls she will forcibly end the game, but you can fuck her up pretty hard with

metal skin + return fire
and if she has like a 10 second ult, throw in ethereal shift just to tell her to go fuck herself, kek

that shit is why I started getting curse and duration on haze, wew
3 seconds with metal skin isn't enough when she can kill you in 1 after. Broken shithead hero.
>>499498634 (me)
Okay, I tried it in ranked. It actually works. Funniest part is that Pocket's ult can kill now.
She has to cancel her ult or she dies to return fire. Haze is one of the weakest champs
It gives you time to leave the range.
It's fun to brool endlessly and refuse to finish
I don't like smurfing because I like when a high level player gets angry at me, if its a new guy I just feel bad

lash main btw
From my personal experience, that doesn't happen.
Metal skin lasts 3.5 seconds (4.06 with duration extender), and return fire lasts 7 seconds (8.26 with duration extender) and they take damage while you have metal skin up so that plus your gun will fuck them up hard.
going 0-36 probably wouldnt drop you much since it used unranked to seed you the first time
What's the most amount of deaths you've ever seen someone rack up in a game?
Post results.
22 by grey talon
The point was that silence won't disable item usage so any item counter works until wraith buys curse which DOES disable both abilities and items
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normal game kino keeps on giving
i won this match after lash abandoned becaue the enemy paradox instantly left
Who gives a fuck? By that point the game is over anyways, anyone using curse on you then ulting is gonna be pretty annoying
>Who gives a fuck?
The retard saying she's OP. That's my point tho. Wraith needs TWO tier 4 abilities to make her ult uncounterable
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First zero death game I've ever seen. Matchmaking is not working right now.
you've never played a good wraith and it shows
You're in wood mmr
whatever you say man
>3-0 in unranked
AIIIEEEE my ranked forced fiddy is going to hit hard
Just fed as Pocket 0/5 in a lane against Shiv and Seven. Thank god their Geist permanently disconnected, I left out of shame.
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So if ranked placement games are based on your hidden unranked MMR, doesn't that mean that future rankings are also based on your unranked MMR?
i dont think so
I think that once everyone's rank is initially placed, it wont be influenced by your base MMR in normals
I could be wrong though. However, its unlikely that your normal MMR and ranked MMR will grow too wide, given that both would most likely grow/shrink accordingly to your performance
>However, its unlikely that your normal MMR and ranked MMR will grow too wide, given that both would most likely grow/shrink accordingly to your performance
That's why I asked, because now that unranked "doesn't matter" I am just going to play unserious builds and heroes that I have no hours on
Livelocked: >>499508559
Livelocked: >>499508559
>phantom strike exists
phantom strike doesn't disable item usage retard
she's literally balding and looks like an old lady

at least give her more youthful/straight hair
Go outside and get a real hobby faggot
>back and forth game
>we go to their spawn then they go to ours, etc.
>lose one fight
>bottom fragger types gg and ragequits
>game continues for 10 more minutes where we narrowly lose
What possesses people to act like this?

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