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Be Right Back Edition

>Steam Page:

>Where to give feedback and report bugs:

>Latest Patch:

>How do I git in?
Post your Steam profile and ask. You need to accept a friend request to be invited, so don't be autistic.

>How do I git gud?
Do the tutorial, get a feel for each hero in sandbox mode, explore public item builds, play bot matches.

Additional Resources:
>Unofficial Wiki
>New Player Guide
>Advanced Movement Guide

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matchmaking is completely broken lmao
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>My image is the OP
Knew that shit was a banger
How do I Shiv?
>still clinging to niggerscore
You uninstall the game and throw your PC into the nearest dumpster
EU players: NA players always rank higher because theyre worse overall
Also EU players: its literally inpossible to win because of all the RUSSIANS on my server
you: i love sucking cock
also you: i love balls in my mouth as well
it is a very good image senpai icl
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I've been playing the game loads with a friend, why the FUCK does no one do the objective? Me and my friend have like 3x as much objective damage as everyone else at the end of the game. Its like 40% of people are just running around playing team deathmatch.
Is this a MOBA thing? Do these people just have an expectation that every game should be an hour long or something?
What's with your rank when you press escape and look at player ranks randomly putting you in some ranks?
I'm Archon 1 and sometimes it puts me on Archon Star or Oracle or some shit.
>NA players always rank higher because theyre worse overall
nicely comprehended, retard
Hello Valve, here's what your recent policies led to based on an example of a former enthusiastic Deadlock enjoyer. From summer and right up to the very end of The International 2024, I expected Crownfall to fund TI's prize pool, but not only has this not happened, act 4 itself still isn't even out yet. What's more, you're currently unable to even guarantee stable server uptime for Dota.

Why did you kill the International? It makes 0 sense, considering this is one of the very few ways Dota advertises itself. You got me, a person truly excited about the prospect of a Dota TPS acting like its detractor. I've been defending Deadlock for months, until I've realized what you did to 2023 TI wasn't a fluke and that you really do mean to kill it. No prize pool,no true sight, no grand opening ceremony, only a couple main stage days, the universally hated "road to TI" rebranding attempt meant to mask the murder of the event... You never explained to the community why you transformed a grandiose esports defining event into merely one of a myriad esports tournaments with a 2 million prize pool and very weak production.

Now I inform Dota players that Deadlock going the way of Artifact and Underlords is crucial for Dota's survival. We now know that Valve is tiny (based on the employee number leaks), destructively mercurial (the whole TI situation, killing Dota by literally denying it working servers for weeks) and absolutely inept at reading the room (Artifact, Underlords, focusing on balance changes for Deadlock instead of matchmaking and hero models, killing TI and zeroing out the goodwill from patches and Crownfall by doing so). You said right at TI that act 4 was ready ("long have we waited" speech by Tsunami), likely due to noticing how poor its viewership performance was in comparison to the previous European TI... and we still don't have it, but we do have broken servers instead.
>valve match rating
youre a massive nigger retard
thats not niggerscore thats the rating valve gave the match
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The black woman of Valve unoriginality.
These are TWO different characters.
someone may fight back at the walker its scary
running to the safest camp to farm is comfy
>play a ranked game now badges are out
>get stomped and slowly choked out despite out team being even in kills because the enemy knows how to farm vacuum
>get to postgame screen, can see ranks

>my team
>3 archons
>enemy team
2 oracles and a phantom, their shiv and haze are highest ranked on their team
Rest were obscura
Bad enough Valve puts me against players way above me team but they also give them two of the most snowbally nigger characters in the game gg go next
I won't say too much, but I believe the next patch is going to incorporate fluctuating urn locations and giving attention to team compositions/draft importance.
That is all
I can't spill all the beans, but I believe the next patch is going to be a major rework to all characters with a 4-letter name, so play your crutch eloboosting characters while you can.
I was being serious anon
Lane changes ruined the game.
Were you the Kelvin who just said this in allchat and left the game after feeding 1-3 in the enemy team?
>play warden
>Build hybrid
>1488 dps
Simple as
Miku bros...
But Wraith is 6 letters
My inside sources are saying she will be buffed, I'm sorry anon.
Armor shredder Mirage

More aggressive build for braindead burstbois.

>bullet resist shredder(3 to activate)
>Withering whip
>Crippling headshot
Use to reduce enemy bullet armor. No ricochet so your farm will primarily come from kill participation. Teaming will be much better than dueling

>Resto shot(sell midgame)
>Headshot Booster
>Melee Lifesteal
>Sprint Boots
>Healing Rite(sell midgame)
>Ammo Scav(sell midgame)

>Bullet resist shredder
>Withering whip
>Slowing Bullets
>Duration Extender
>Enduring Speed
>Bullet Armor
>Spirit Armor
>Crippling Headshot

>Lucky Strike
>Superior Duration
>Improved Spirit Armor
>Improved Bullet Armor
>Echoshard (tornado)

Flex slots intentionally left out, fire rate intentionally left out, priorization flexible
Bullet resist shred inherently stacks diminishingly though
I hate that goblin like you wouldn't believe. She is useless in lane and useless later on in the game.
I hope they nerf Mirage again fuck that sandnigger
What did Dynamo do 5 seconds later?
Hera bros...
What is it with Abrams being the only hero that people play hard melee on? Does he get better punch damage than anyone?
Sete and Mala bros....
Where have you been for the past week nigga
I phantom strike'd them and Black Holed them and we won in 40 seconds after
Dead, catch me up
Original hero design incoming
>Seamstress, armed with low fire rate nailgun
1: whenever seamstress hits an enemy, fire an additional nail after a delay
2: throw out child laborers that latch onto enemies and gradually reduce their bullet resistance
3: go invisible super fastly and deal spirit damage to enemies you run through
4: return to the position and health you had 5 seconds ago
Shiv is getting nerfed again tomorrow because melee Shiv is unkillable and also does damage
Nunu bros...
>bomb/kudzu build ivy

watching people bully phantom players who claimed “I’m the best X in the game” 1 week prior - while not even being phantom 6 is so, so very satisfying, it’s like Dota all over again I love it.
What's the point of maxing flog first on Lash?
Yeah, it is pretty useless.
>builds for gun
>does 30k+ damage to objectives every game
Deathy actually wants to be playing Shiv instead of Lash
>this hero doesn't instantkill other heroes, it's useless!

that's u
i think its the overwatch people that migrated, theyre actually stupid
Miku's ult is by far the highest DPS compared to it's cooldown right? How is that balanced
cause you can walk up and beat her to death during it
This literally never happens

Who are you quoting?
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I'm late, but I had 1800-1900 niggerscore so I expected this. In my defence I only play Lash and not try hard overbuffed carries to win. I play Lash because Lash is fun to play and I will continue to play him.
I think it's just additive instead of multiplicative so it should still be good but I'm away from my pc rn and can't find anything to confirm

Anyways build is not really about maximizing personal dps because there is no fire rate, it's about keep the shred up for the team
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came here to say the same thing
wondering why a couple got crossed out, only thing I can think of is they were too far away from my average?
oracle 5 btw
Because it has a dead zone, can’t reach up on the z axis against *many* parts of the map, and caps her movement speed so you can head shot trace her.
I usually do it if I'm behind on lash so I can use it to deal safer damage but I have no clue how effective it really is
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>enemy team has like 5 people with a niggascore of 1500 plus
>they're in mid-high alchemist
3rd party-bros, eggsplain
why do you keep bitching about the nigress instead of niggacard who is actually op?
>check my ranked matches
>can't see what rank those players ended at
I thought you could?
True though, he's admitted that he fucked up by playing Lash many times he should've been playing Shiv.

I actually thought Mirage Deathy is very solid, he did really well against Poshypop's team recently.
Only those that actually got their placements
hover over their name in stat screen
I should correct myself, Deathy did well AS MIRAGE when he fought Poshypop's team. Deathy's team actually lost that tournament.
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So whats the best way to play Viscoos?
probably gun viscous
but that's lame
so build for ult, roll into a ball, and goo people
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drew our main today for fellow seveners
which of these are you guys most looking forward to? I hope they don't change too much about Kali or Wrecker's kits (maybe give Wrecker a shotgun instead because the 2 fire rate gimmick would be really funny with one)
neat as this is he's getting nerfed tomorrow isn't he
clockwerk i guess
>4 unranked wins in a row
>not a single russian in team
>ranked opens in 3 minutes
mr frog please dont dump it on me now
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For me it's Rutger turning the enemy team into gibs with a well placed crit rocket
Is Seven the only character with a low health limping animation?
calico because yoshi used one of my ability ideas for one of her abilities (it's close enough so i'm taking 100% of the credit) and her ult is like io's dog which is based
I've ben bottomsouling massively negative K/D for like 10 games in a row what the fuck is up with the matchmaking giving me all these hellish games
What 1 change to Dynamo would stop you fucking children from complaining about him

hard mode: without removing black hole
Holliday and Calico are fun go-in heroes so I want them both ASAP
Wrecker seems like a boring braindead gun hero but who knows how much of his kit will stay as is, Mirage got pretty much completely reworked so maybe he will too
who is complaining
I think so

him, Dynamo, Abrams, Infernus and Paradox are some of the most finished characters I feel and probably won't get too many radical changes at this point aside from animation stuff and maybe texture/model tweaks, they all look and feel pretty complete honestly, maybe some ability stuff but that's a given
make black hole like 40meter radius but only make it apply movement silence and a pull towards dynamo without stunning
paradox's model is so unfinished at least
Did Shiv get nerfed yet?
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Paypiggiebros, what are you hoping for cosmetics-wise? You think they're gonna make full Barbie item sets like DotA, or just skins?
Since everyone's gun has a name I at least expect a model skin and gun skin category like Overwatch.
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Nekoscore is GONE
No skins please. I loved dota 2 earlier style where you could just mix and match different pieces, fuck sets in general
yeah she still needs some updates but it's nowhere near as bad as like Grey Talon and Yamato needing fully new models
also I should've included Lash, he's pretty finished I just hope they don't give him eyes
On Calico, she literally looks fine, and original.
Find another black woman with an occultish wardrobe, glasses and a singular bun.
Just say you hate non-whites it's faster man.
I expect it to be full skins for hitbox reasons
Is ricochet on bebop good?
Haze actually so piss easy. lucky shot is seriously the big trick to her build since for some reason lucky shot actually shoots an additional bullet when it triggers so this means you'll hit fixation stacks much much faster
Item sets witch multiple pieces you can mix and match please and thanks
This but allow greatly reduced movement so I can watch players impotently spam their movement tech. You could make it stronger the closer they get to the center and have the center nuke them

Warp stone would be the counter as an instant blink can't be slowed
I think sets would make hitboxes less of a nightmare and I hate clown gear
most or maybe all characters have some kind of dangling physics item that I think should be a separate customization item though
so you get a skin, your gun, and your backpack
maybe characters get rail trails or they add a rail hook so we aren't grabbing it with our bare hands, and that hook can be a custom item
Let's predict how the next patch will make the game even worse. Yoshi's track record has been perfect so far
I want all cosmetics to just be fashion choices on par with the default clothes, no fucking dark angel wings for shiv or helm of particle effect spam for warden.
>This but allow greatly reduced movement so I can watch players impotently spam their movement tech.
yeah tgis was the idea, they can move freely but are pulled towards dynamo
some manner of dash and move speed is probably also needed
it's still good but now it has counterplay and isn't an insta-cast "i win teamfight" button
it also is more funny than just a boring stun
Ivee bros...
some manner of dash and move speed slow i meant
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Holliday cause she's a CUTE!!
Shiv not nerfed.
Vindicta and Grey Talon not buffed.
Torment Pulse not reverted.
sadly she isn't actually
>Haze rework
Seriously I wouldn't mind, not every hero has to be a combo 1000000 iq adhd monster doing complex shit to be enjoyable, but Haze getting bit more shit to play with in her kit as long as she keeps her 'I am invis running at march 7 to buttfuck your entire team' would be also nice.

Make her invis have manta like short window to dodge shit, would be funni. Maybe rework fixation a bit so it after a certain number of stacks the target becomes convicted lowering your ult cast time by a bit (and increase base cast time). But now my changes sound like OC donut steel.
You can bet they'll go balls deep on shiny tacky garbage for the asian market (that's what happened to Dota)
torment pulse's cooldown nerf was already reverted THOUGH
yeah nah she will require a dance dance revolution style minigame while ulting and her fixation will have the same damage falloff as her weapon and won't build stacks beyond half her weapon's range. God forbid you shitters need "more", not less.
you hate non-whites it's faster man.
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add wards

add wards
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I had my best match in my 200 hours of deadlock yet and I can't download the replay to watch on loop
I need my self-masturbatory material to self gratificate myself with
How long does it take for a replay to finish baking?
When it's ready, I'm legit going to pull down my pants: not just slightly down to expose my crotch, I'm pulling my pants all in full and stroking my dick in full range of motion
>You have to wait for 5 minutes for everyone to load
What's the plan?
Is EU match making open right now?
Calico got kind of changed, there are demonstration videos for her skills and now in the game and statues is an ultimate and invis is a basic skill. I would still probably pick her up since her game plan doesn't look to hard to wrap my head and my shitty aim around. Wrecker looks fun, GLOBAL PRESENSE ultimate and him consuming troopers will make him potentially a lane dominator. Holiday looks fun but she is by far the most complex one, 0.5 seconds after her release some zoom zooms will be hitting quadruple barrel from the dash jump melee canceled hypersneed assfuck and I will maybe chain 2 barrels together.
Download another replay or restart your game to unbug it.
They need to add limping animations for all female heroes ASAP
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My beloved Wivy
My haze rework
>Invis becomes ultimate and better, heavy melee from ulti deals critical damage
>Bullet dance removed
>New skill: somersault, leap in arc while firing guns towards enemy below (or something acrobatic that fits her role as assassin)
The problem stems from her ulti being a giga nigga AOE death storm on a hero entirely designed around singling targets out and picking fights
so what is an actual fun build that isn’t sweaty
I like dance dance revolution but nerfing fixation this hard? I can get the reasoning behind making fixation obey damage falloff so you can't beam someone into the head form across the fight (let it be nigfernus dot thing) but no stacks beyond half your weapon's range just sounds clunky and shitty (fixation nerf in latest patch more or less made so you can't really just yolo ult into the enemy team, your damage ramp up will be to slow at no pre ult fixation stacks).
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>4 normal games no russorcs
>first ranked game get hit by 3 orcs
>3 dudes playing farmville without touching a single objective in 42 minutes
its beautiful
What’s your rank? You can only have fun with sweaty builds because you get stomped without them
glitchmaxxing mirage
what the fuck makes magestic leap go on cooldown, I jump into the fucking enemies thinking I can get a sick combo then it's on cd for like 3s
why no hunter's aura if your goal is to remove people's armor for bonus damage?
>The problem stems from her ulti being a giga nigga AOE death storm on a hero entirely designed around singling targets out and picking fights
That's the fun part, my ass rework was trying to move away from just dumping your ult for a team wipe into you now have to actually do some fighting before you ult.
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Hero for this feel? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YUDbl9qBihk
This makes me nauseous
what a shit item. imagine if blink dagger didn't work if you took damage
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eternus by 2025 or kms myslef
What is sigma female?
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Not funny didn't laugh
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This decent or am I a shitter? (Won 3 lost 5 so it was pretty rough on those set of matches)
it's at least top 10%
anything above archon means you are at least decent
i'd say it goes
>oravle: decent player
>phantom: good player but not that sweaty
>ascendant: good player and sweats
>eternus: no-lifer
I replaced it with headhunter to sustain a little longer. 15m is pretty short and I was already going for hs with crippling

It's very good but I'm vsing a lot of shiv and want to keep a lil distance
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>caring about ranks
>caring about ranks in a beta
midwit hardstuck trench mmr
t.alchemist shitter
seethe alchemist 3
Also duration applies to all the other sources but not hunter aura
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>immediate assblasted basements dwellers
>he doesn't know
>check tracklock leaderboard
>between all regions there's like less than 100 eternus 6 players in the world
its an unmissable aoe that pushes the lane and heals you and every ap upgrade makes it better
its completely retard proof and is one of the reasons lash is a consistently good solo laner
>my rank is top 500 in my region
yep im based how did you know?
Phantom is decently high but the “mmr trench” to escape, like diamond in league or divine in dota, idk what the equivalent would be in Overwatch.
why would you care about duration for hunter's aura? it's active when you're actually fighting people and if you gank in a 1v1 it's -27% armor.
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>after getting rank I can feel that my opponents are significantly worse
What does this say about me?
does any site have the ranks broken down into percentages yet
like eternus is 0.1%
ascendent is 1%
phantom is X
>wrecker rips apart creeps and throws the remains at enemies
very original design there icefrog, thats literally clockwork
arcanist, so I would rather troll without directly throwing
This MMR gives me some freedom I just was in a game where the abrams just held w and q, and none of the enemies parried. I asked them if they parry and they said “what’s that?”
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this >>499497515
Free extra protein
>Play wrecker
>Oh finally a creepwave
>Seven majestic leaps in and deletes the whole thing in .2 seconds
Great hero volvo
thats not all the ranks or total
thats top 43k and the percentages of that
Your probably right I just kind of tunnel visioned into the headshot synergy and slows synergy. I'd cut headhunter or lucky shot for it
Valve doesn't allow data scraping at large scale
what did they do to scout
>ritualist 4
>first game
>dumpster solo lane, go 12 0, win within 20 minutes
>I'm the lowest rank in the game
Yeah I'm gonna say I got robbed
>2 ranked games
>2 absolute shitshows with people not playing the game
hunter's aura is actually an insane item even if you're being greedy for your own damage output but nobody buys it because it's a "SUPPORT" item.
should have played better in your casual games
your tank/sup should be buying it
I play around splatter and fast goovement
Mystic vunerability/Escalating with something like toxic bullets or alchemical fire to activate it then you hit em with the goo.
Improved Burst, overflowing spirit, echoshard, etc etc
Big damage.
Not sure to max the goo ball or splatter first atm.
Multiple bounces can be quite handy especially if your enemy is standing somewhere easy to hit them with multiple bounces but being able to do all your abilities in your goo ball is a game changer
You've never known true power if you havent used the goo punch to fling the ball right at some unfortunate fool at mach 9
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>be 2500
>get these
and this is only what was tracked, nothing but turbo retard matches the past 2 days
Is rushing 6.2k items worth early game if you are fed as fuck or it's better to spread into 3k and 1k items?
Assuming that you need to carry fulltard team mates btw
It depends on the exact item.
It's def better to get multiple cheaper items than saving for a singular 6k item
I can fix her
no they are much less gold efficient
i only "rush" tier 4s when i feel comfortable without needing more items at the moment so like if i'm pushing and i check and have 4.4k souls without having noticed then yeah i might as well save up a little more for a t4, but that still depends on build anyways since some don't want certain t4s as badly
It's another duo lane with
>long range spammable shit
>short range abilities

guess who wins the fucking lane?
did miku get a massive gun dmg nerf since the last big patch? early game i feel like she does nothing now
Abrams beats Talon pretty easily.
it's the weapon items that got nerfed, not miku
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they should make it that mo and krills ult auto pings when you're doing it
were you the faggot haze who just got complained at by a shiv and a bepop?
just press it yourself, it's not like there's anything else for you to do when you're doing it.
The only exception to rushing a T4 is for characters that rely heavy on farming to get online, then you can probably "rush" ricochet
You can have her, I already fucked her bad in the laning phase.
She left that shit with the 1000 yard no guardian stare
How does jungle creeps when some retarded nigger who has no respect and tries to steal it work? Is it a 50 50 split?
That fucking sucks. Mongoloid can just come in when it's 10% and hit it once then he gets 50%?
No I just got here.
but i dont want to press it, thats why i want a autoping
He got cancer because of unsafe work conditions.
I just witnessed some seven nigger jungling right next to a walker being pushed on purple for like 20 seconds. Pinged the entire time. No response. Literally subhuman animals on hyper carries. JUST WIN BRO!!!!!
I got Ritualist, but that's okay because I just want to play and chill out.
Give me cute girlfailure gf who cooks me barely edible slop while I Deadlock.
Not likely in a dual lane.
what is it
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>mfw if return fire worked with bullet or spirit lifesteal
Honestly you would not want a GF like her. She is prone to mental illness and might stab you if you say the wrong thing. She won't treat you well and will smooch off of you for sure. She won't work, cook or do anything but play video games while you're at work. You come home and there's garbage everywhere and she might even refuse intimacy eventually or you might not want to fuck that walking garbage bag.

Be realistic anon.
What's your comfort hero? for me, it's infernus. Yeah, I know he's OP and it kind of makes him boring but I want to play and I just feel like having a chill, easy game I always go to him and he never fails.
True, that one is too far gone. But the clumsy way she cuts carrots is really cute.
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oh shit it actually is scout. except with a case of negrosis.
>borderline retarded child like level of incompetence
>wow so cute!!!
shut up man
Neon Prime was better.
So MM is cooked? Suddenly get bronze ranks and 1900 negro lobbies instead of the usual 2300-2350. Can instantly tell I'm in pisslow from the macro (losing objectives to creeps, jungle often unfarmed, boxes and statues untouched). Enemy top rank lane swapped so I bodied the enemy Shiv in lane 4k souls to 1.1k. It's not even enjoyable to play.
>3 ranked losses in a row with genuine retards every game
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>Mystic Reverb on Ginnis turrets
This should be illegal
fuck you I vote Kali yuga
it does
scales with what? bullet spirit or both?
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LMAO its happening in ranked too matchmaking is putting me in all kinds of random games
if ability hits you scales with spirit lifesteal
if bullet hits you scales with bullet lifesteal
it's not worth doing a meme build based around it since return fire does not deal full damage, it's just something to know
I'm on 7 consecutive games with 2 seperate teammates putting up scores like 0-15 or 2-20
>8 minutes mark passes
>leave lane and farm the shit out of jungle and ganking lanes
>always 5k ahead
I see how it is now...
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>play against dynamo haze
>take midboss
>infernus LEAVES the pit and goes to farm a small camp or some other retarded shit
>dynamo ulties and they steal rejuv which lets them comeback and win the game
In my games there's always some schmuck who's willing to get stuck there so I never had that happen
do people still pretend that abrams is good outside of pubstomping shitters
>this just looks like some sad NEET. What's the big-
>the bugs
Oh no.
>return fire does not deal full damage
true, but it's returning the damage pre-resists, so if you're naturally going to build things like frenzy or colossus, it might end up netting you hp.
>Get comm banned for flaming braindead russians in ranked
>Valve thinks me having to ping spam things 3000 times per game is an acceptable alternative to me occasionally flaming a zigger
hopes and dreams for tomorrow's patch?
just do it in voice chat, valve doesn't preserve voice comms
btw here's a communication ban for flaming quantifiable retards that we should have never put you in a game with in the first place. our fault. your punishment.
buffs to characters I like and nerfs to characters I don't
it's in 2 days
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If warden gets nerfed I'm going to focus on my college assignments until next patch
If Seven gets another nerf I am going to just kill myself.

Its gonna be Calico lmao
They said no heros iirc

My predictions
>shiv 3 nerf
>general Melee nerfs
>seven ball nerfs
>Grey talon buffs
>Yamato buffs
>item shuffling
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>Make post in this general about how the reason I have a terrible winrate is because my teammates fucking suck
>Rank comes out
>Be ascendant
I feel so vindicated, so as it turns out the reason for my sub 50% winrate is, in fact, my dogshit teammates. Fuck all of you niggers.
then I dont give a FUCK

Honestly I don't think melee needs a nerf, it's fairly balanced compared to gun.

Shiv needs a nerf though
>3 wins in a row where I'm 10k souls behind my team
They'll fire me from my forced 50%er job at this rate...
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>im in the shitter bracket and cant carry myself out of it
its over, even with double the soul lead my paint sniffing teammates refuse to play the game and i have to resort to solo pushing as they stack four people on one lane watching a haze take a small creep camp while 2 waves are pushing our walkers...
>usually 10k below my team
>almost always outperform or match them in damage and objective damage

Probably because half of them are fucking coward junglers and I dive people and go schizo mode.
parry alchemist friend
lmao what a cope
>activates fleetfoot/siphon life/kinetic carbine/scorn
>or just fucking turns away
Does anyone have bebop killing lash lines? I love how Lash seethes about bebop all the time but Bebop is less into the rivalry and just kinda hates lash
>I’m just better than you lash, deal with it.
post rank
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Post rank
I don't, but there's a random line Lash will spout that's something like, "Yeah, I stopped doing uppercuts. Because they suck. That's why Bebop still does them" or something.

Honestly kudos to Lash for 1v1 slugging it out with a 7ft tall robot.
I don't think it needs a nerf either but i think its getting one. it's running amok in pisslow and boosting retards
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if you do not know what a HMC is then silence.
Is it crazy to suggest that lifestrike shouldn’t give a 60% slow that can stack with other slows?
no bulli
Your aeternus, sir?
>see and hear some shitter wind up a heavy melee
>dash back
>shoot him in the head 3x
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My nekoscore is 1730
What does this mean
why would you not just parry him?
nta but only dog shit players get parried you can fucking aim your melee away from the person and there's so much ways to cancel a heavy melee to bait out a parry then just hit them when they cant parry saying "j-just parry" is fucking stupid
>he swishes to the side
>i take 3 headshots
Because i literally have no idea how to parry
>just walk away
What melee build does not stack all the movement and slows
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>decide to try Ivy
>suddenly siezed by the spirit of my many, MANY hours on various team games with my hispanic friend
>recall every moment of high school spanish with PRISTINE clarity
>all for the purpose of smacktalking opponents/toxic players and cheering teammates in perfect spanish
eso si que es
>Chazm is just building full spirit now
Why did he ever go bullet resist shredder anyways
It’s when he upgrades his drop kick
>This used to be an uppercut but then I grew as a person. Meanwhile bebop still uses an upper cut because he sucks.
He also says something like “I used to do an uppercut but then I saw bebop do an uppercut and I swore I would never uppercut again”
They should add parry cancels so I can trick people into thinking I'm on cd
Shiv 3 nerf
Geist blanket nerf
Haze duration no longer scaling with spirit
Miku ult CD nerf
Debuff Remover passive rework to reduce debuff potency as well
Viscous nerf
Shiv 1 nerf
Dynamo nerf
Haze neutral changes leaning towards miniscule nerf
Miku ult CD nerf
I hope they buff bebop and Geist
Decay nerf
Haze needs buff, I'm ascendant 5 and she's struggling like hell
God he's so based. I don't play him but I love having a Lash on my team.
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if you think melee starts and ends at "charging a punch to deal damage" then you're courting death.
this anon gets it
>another game of 2 russians on haze/wraith/seven literally just afk jungling while walkers die to creeps and 6 people are on the opposite side of the map
how do these snowniggers repeatedly fail to understand what they should do on the map? there's actually just no brain activity and every game with them is just a stress ramp up.
>Haze hating shitter complaining for nerfs
Hello initiate 1.
Im ascendent 6 and I think haze needs nerfs.
so will they ever patch this out or are they keeping it as "movement tech"?
the best is when they do a camp and lose out on 2/3 entire creepwaves as theyre dying to the walker right next to them
i swear basic critical thinking skills are actually rare
Post 10 games of Haze carrying your games
yeah right lil bro
He has an entire speech about how he grew as a person so he started doing kicks instead of uppercuts but says Bebop still does uppercuts because he sucks. Truly rent free
Haze got the Seven treatment now you can't play around her ultimate or you just lose. Using ultimate usually just gets you killed now
>playing dynamo just now
>I'm top networth on my team despite everyone just perma jungling and ignoring walkers getting pushed for free
I'm losing it
It was removed a couple of weeks ago, but that was a bug according to Yoshi. So it's probably here to stay.
fleetfoot cancel was patched
Anyone have source on this witch? I'd love to see more. This has to either be a joke or fake.
Is bomb bebop viable in phantom+? I can never get enough bomb stacks. Why not just use gun?
make smoke bomb haze's ult but it makes the whole team invisible
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thanks not my clips
How the fuck are sub 50% wr players ending in ascendant, I have >65% wr and ~80% wr in ranked and ended phantom 6

I guess all that matters is the volume of games
>haze farming jungle next to dying walker
>haze could you def our walker please
>"bro its just a game!"
Relying on it really only feels possible if the enemy team is retarded and constantly out of position, or your hooks are never missing. Doing a little of both feels more viable.
play ultbop
cant wait for another pocket nerf
No, retarded children are cute
They duo and stack abused a lot before ranked was added. That's how sub 50s end up in ascendant.
and then re-introduced
thanks for wasting my time making me double check
are the ranked schedules going to be permeant?
there was an article on her (https://www.popular.com.kh/social/893433.html/) that linked to the account
the handle was @shirokumatyandaisuki1999 but it's now 404 (archives available on wayback)
her new handle is @shirokumatyandaisuki4444 ( https://www.tiktok.com/@shirokumatyandaisuki4444 ) with her original video being reuploaded here ( https://www.tiktok.com/@shirokumatyandaisuki4444/video/7400742138889227521 )
y'know: basic fucking research
make warp stone conserve your momentum again
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this is all server combined stats and not considering lower ranks so if you are in phantom NA be happy lol same goes for eu
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Paradox suggested rework, im gonna post it on forums let me know what you think

A gravity fist
A short cd, aoe light melee attack that bounces enemy players up and disables their dashes for duration, can be used to knock back creeps and allies too
Pulse Grenade
Instead of dealing damage in 5 smaller pulses, it deals a LARGE pulse of aoe damage after a short delay. Can be attached to allies or enemies.

Kinetic carbine
A ranged skillshot. The carbine shot upon colliding with enemy or ally hero, reacts in opposite direction, as a reference to newtons laws of motion.
Pulling said target to paradox at high speed.

Time laser
Paradox channels energies of space and time into a focused beam of light that obliterates everything in her path.
While channeling she can float mid air, and has limited aiming capabilities, while harnessing primordial forces of nature that surround us.

What do you guys think?

I already dm'ed those to yoshi.
Ultbop is fucking boring.
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Into the shame cube with you.
We are dying at light speeds saars
>finally win a game where enemy secret agent haze is so useless we cannot lose
>solo against Abrahms as Vindicta
>shotgun can deny between my shots
>can't get in close or I'll die
>eats my headshots and harass and just ignores it
>his weapon deals more proportional damage to me at range, and mine is just outhealed with headshot booster
>he hits 6, ults and double stun+melees me resulting in instant death with no interaction

Is vindicta just trash or Abrahms overpowered? Bullets in this game seem so weak unless someone is stunned and you shoot non-stop into their head for 2-3 seconds. To continue my blog, 50 minute slog of rage, and I hate queued, stomped, and was still pissed off.
The good ol' one hawk 2 eh?
>so if you are in phantom NA be happy lol same goes for eu
Why would I be happy with mediocrity, I strive for perfection
I just love sending my hawk to 'em.
>eats my headshots and harass and just ignores it
you should absolutely be able to harass him out, are you landing your birds?
>ults and double stun+melees me
once his ult's up, gotta save flight to dodge it
Abrams is an extremely good laner, even the two heroes who can deal with him alone (Shiv and Yamato) need to outplay him to handily win the lane. Any other lane match up is Abrams favoured or dead even because he can just heal through harass and sit on the creep wave and get all the denies
>>he hits 6, ults and double stun+melees me resulting in instant death with no interaction
neither of his stuns are guaranteed charge melee hits. only his charge is with duration extender. you should literally NEVER die as vindicta in lane against abrams
Wish they added the inability to pause in the first 3 minutes of the game back.
Ultbop is so painful on higher ranks unless you're in a really coordinated environment, especially after all the nerfs. It still has uses but it's not something you can build around anymore. Even if people don't stun you out of the air, the lower duration, slow, and damage make it very unlethal to people who have a brain

You can't even hit behind cover
they need to drop that battlepass already
zero reason to play rn
>neither of his stuns are guaranteed charge melee hits. only his charge is with duration extender.
They are if he's holding Q down while he's casting them actually. It's like queuing up spell casts in Dota 2
thats literally false
It is not I am afraid. Nobody is playing this game on 0 ping
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What's the idea behind more players being in the higher subranks? Looks kinda crappy
ah, i see we're moving the goalposts to internet latency.
Phantom is literally bronze just FYI. Had a shiv and yamato in the same game have 0 kills and 7+ deaths
now I assumed Seismic Impact guaranteed 1 heavy melee because the stun lasts longer than Shoulder Tackle's stun
I'm guessing the travel time it takes to land your heavy melee would fuck with that? Like if you start too far away after Seismic Impact they can parry before you hit your heavy melee
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>enemy patron weakened
>enemy team on ours about to be weakened after almost everyone died
>someone went and backdoored winning us the game
ratting for the win
That isn't all players, though.
yeah with duration extender it goes to 1.16 seconds stun. unless you land probably within 3 meters of the enemy, they just queue the parry up and get it out in time.
Probably some sort of promotion match that players get stuck on

Personally never been a fan of promotion matches, they always end up super sweaty and toxic, the middle sub ranks are always more chill
I am confused about the subdivisions. Which rank is better, Phantom 1 or Phantom 4?
a lesson with delivery, respect anon
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>be anyone
>get stunned by abrams shoulder charge, mash parry
>get heavy melee
>parry after being hit (thanks action queue)
>get heavy melee


yeah, except you can literally hit midair targets with abrams ult and slam them down with you, which is what he did to me and I just learned that. Crows did little damage when I did hit them, but I missed most, because the hitbox for hitting the corner of a pillar or wall is larger than the area to hit a character it feels like.
Bigger better
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lol that isnt all players and once again its considering all the servers eu rus na oce sea

they could have easily do it like dota and combined phantom ascendant and eternus and call it immortal and have numbered

if you are mid to high phantom you are probably in the top 5k in your region

go chase that dream my brother
get better internet, shitter lmao. next you'll say you're European playing with russians
I have google fiber and average 10 ping, also, latency has little to do with queuing...
and yet ive been told the opposite not even 20 posts ago. funny. must be a skill issue then
Paradox can do that too.
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yeah, a developer skill issue.
TRUE, fuck yoshi
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>opponent pauses
>youtube intro one sec
>all chat "nigger" right as the unpause timer is counting down
I've heard so much disagreement on this point that I think it might depend on your ping to the server.
calico dropping tomorrow hopefully you have that F key ready
>game unpauses






no, dipshits, it is LITERALLY when the abrahms starts the melee. Queued actions are INSTANT, you queue the melee while charging, it's the fastest transition. If you charge -> input after -> melee it is parryable.
I have no idea what she does other than weaponize (parryable?) cats and be unoriginal with Haze
you can queue up parry during a stun btw
silence on heavy melee
I think you always get unstoppable first as calico her relentless fisting can't be parried
But she doesnt even have her hair fully modelled!
rushing ricochet if you have no other way to farm is good sometimes, i'd also say going for escalating exposure earlier than other T4s can make sense if you are playing someone who heavily benefits from it
>4 unranked wins
>4 ranked losses
>2 ranked wins
>play gun yamato
>be bored
>play spirit yamato
do you really think that same retarded infernus would have saved the day vs the dynamo ult if a magical neuron flipped in his brain and he stayed at mid?
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My first actually ranked ranked match. I guess it was a bit more balanced than usual.
Holy shit this actually really fun
yes actually
ultven or orbven
remove the gun damage buff on kinetic pulse because there's no real excuse why a character with insane team/personal utility also needs to be able to disintegrate me because he bought a few gun items, used his invincible reload that also buffs his fire rate and then I die because he hit me with a big/fast/CCing aoe and clicked my head
>that green on warden
>that obj dmg on warden
that warden is BROOOLLLLLLING
>this characters gimmick is that their gun does a lot of damage per hit but theres a big delay between shots, meaning that its pretty equal with automatic characters that have tiny damage per hit but hit several times a second
>first set of characters just buys one of the dozen items that boots firerate and now literally doubles their DPS

dont tell gesitfags this. they'll bust a gasket
or you can buy more damage and do even more damage
Do people really believe the ranking looks at anything other than win/loss and the ranks of the poeple you won/lost again?
>anon can't do math for 10 year olds
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How the fuck do i stop ending up last on souls every game
2750 souls of gun items on viscous = same dps as 5250 souls of gun items on wraith. make it make sense
>b-but wraith can get intensifying procs
yeah neither build is actually good, it was just showing that fire rate item on gun that already hits hard is way more rewarding then damage item on gun that hits fast. theres nothing stopping viscious from also getting damage gun item after buying some cheap fire rate items and literally doubling his dps in lane
Opportunism. See a lane that is pushed up with a fat stack of creeps? Get it. See jungle camps that haven't been hit yet? Get them. Did your team just win a team fight and you're on their side of the map? Get their jungle camps too.

You have to learn the mid to late game balance of getting farm, pushing lanes, and punishing enemy players that are out of position (if you're playing someone who can gank).
no but what i am saying is something was changed and the game now allows a giant variance on ranks in matches
what items are you buying?
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Second one, another win. Looks like matchmaking is finally working.
he cant, haze can only ever be competent when she's on the other team
>buy different items
>get different results
retarded or baiting? Also tell me what skill viscous has that buffs his gun.
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This build.
now what does that look like if you buy the same items
>just click the npcs for 20m in a 40m game
nah I don't think I will sorry. maybe if they were threatening at all after the first 2m into the game and weren't just the same two models copy pasted for enemy/neutral creeps I might be invested to go out of my way to kill them instead of them happening to be in my way
if you refuse to engage in the primary means of getting souls then don't bitch when you end up with no souls you mouthbreather
maybe they should make the primary means of getting souls fun before they worry about adding ranked mode or making the map worse every other week
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>abrams, haze, shiv on enemy team in MMR trenches
>just showing that fire rate item on gun that already hits hard is way more rewarding then damage item on gun that hits fast.
This is why Talon's gun being adjusted to shoot slower with more damage per shot and spirit now giving base damage instead of fire rate was objectively a good change and everyone crying about it was an aimlet
You can build full spirit, buy a couple fire rate items, and still having an extremely powerful gun with virtually no item investment
>30k souls lead for the enemy team
>ONE guy dead on the enemy team
>"uh guys guys let's go mid let's go mid"
>obligatory team wipe and loss of the game
Oracle rank my ass, what the fuck is this, stop fucking relying on the rejuvenator, it only buffs minion HP and reduces your death timer but what's the damn fucking point if you're going to WIPE ANYWAY
The movement speed loss was the real nerf
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>doesn't know what rejuv does
still a shit call but at least have basic knowledge.
what does kill 1 kill 2 mean? The person you killed or how much times you've killed the mid boss?
more weapon damage is multiplicative, the more you get, the less each additional point of it matters in the grand scheme

if you already have 100% increased weapon damage and you get 20% more, you aren't doing 20% more damage than you were before, you are only doing 10% more damage.

lets say your shots do 100 damage baseline. with 100% weapon damage, they do 200. with 120% weapon damage, they do 220, see how it works? diminishing returns towards your actual dps

however, if you have no fire rate boosts and you buy 30% more fire rate, you are literally doing 30% more damage than you were before because it multiplies whatever increases you already had from weapon damage

TLDR if you are going full gun brain, in most cases its better to get both fire rate and weapon damage, not just one or the other
how many midboss deaths, same with roshan in dota giving different drops each kill.
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that does suck yeah, but 4 stamina is pretty sick
all things considered I don't think you should lose lane ever with talon in lieu of being able to dash jump twice at base and your headshots doing like 120-130 damage each with hollow point ward, charged shot spam notwithstanding
Thanks anon
Anon you are asking an fps player to do math
there's also the fact that since every orange item gives gun damage as a baseline, every fire rate item is inherently double-dipping on scaling.
Guns should be fucking normalized across the board.
Anything else?
100% soulless never design a videogame
What next, every hero has exactly the same spell kit with a slightly different skin? Go play league
that would suck, they should make guns even more wildly radically different, make viscous' alt fire be his primary and adjust his ammo to match, make shiv and yamato's alts their primaries, add a new character with a grenade launcher, someone with a rocket launcher, etc
>everyone crying about it was an aimlet
who do you think was playing grey talon, and ugly looking grandma with power shot that hits people behind walls and spreadshot on his 2
Amazing that valve killed their own game before it even gets formally announced. Impressive, even!
Game died the moment they removed lane randomization
Exactly. I think he's in a fine state right now, and people complaining about him being unplayable after they reduced the size of the charged shot confirms my stance that most people who play this game suck horribly at aiming
>I hate New York
Lol, Lmao even.
I mean if you don't find one of the CORE game mechanics in this type of game fun or engaging, why are you playing it? Let alone why are you engaging in a thread/community centered around it? Asking questions about how to do a thing while ignoring the primary method of achieving that thing?

Are you retarded? Is english your second language?
the thing is, people would have automatically started doing it themselves, so this way is actually better

That being said I did enjoy the difference in gameplay when duoing in sidelanes and soloing in mid lanes
I think I finally learned how to play deadlock
you just pick infernus, haze or wraith and farm for 15 minutes and then you win 1v3 fights ezy
it's like pottery, it rhymes
Yeah, it's one of the lines she says when she kills Wrecker.
>you see, some people would've ruined the game manually so we better automatically ruin the game for everyone
yes i've heard this cope countless times before
unless this game releases alternative modes to the stupid 4 lane moba shit it will be forgotten within weeks.
>why are you playing this alpha that changes heavily from week to week and has fun movement and cool characters if you don't enjoy shooting reskins of the same enemy model that don't move or have any abilities

the original dota had creep variety, why doesn't this game?
Right now Rutger is barely even functional, but he's still who I'm looking forward to most because of rocket jumping.
His gun is identical to Mo&Krill's, so I wonder if that's a placeholder or he's going to be a shotgun character.
What would you rather have, the game tell you where to go, or some fucking pisslow left of the bellcurve retard scream at you about what the meta is and how you should play?
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>took out that god forsaken mistake of nature
>I can direct you to a real good plastic surgeon wrecker
>eldritch horror my ass
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0 objective damage? Not even a nick of the guardian? WTF is this matchmaking
go play quake
>noooo you need to run up to a tower and feed like a retard
>bro starts shooting the guardians unironically
go away, tryhard sweat. you stink
This except it's 3 of them and 2 others with sub-1k. Only reason we even had a flex slot was because I backdoored a guardian for it.
Vindicta is hardest hero to push towers with, she has no escapes so it's extremely scary to get to tower for her
she's no Pocket but does have some escape potential by jumping out of Flight to conserve its startup momentum for a burst of speed (the movement guide in the OP calls this a super jump I think?)
This might be a stupid question but how do you actually push something after getting a kill? Feels like any time I try to shoot the enemy walker the entire rest of the team swoops in to push my shit in before I can get it down.
>shiv, haze and seven on the enemy team
>automatic loss
Wow, fun
Seven is fucking useless even when farmed to the gills so who fucking cares?
You're supposed to have your team with you. Which means you don't basically.
Most of the time other people just leave after getting the kill.
Haze and Wraith aren't 1v3ing only Infernus and Shiv are
>every ranked game i am the lowest souls and feel like i am getting carried
>simply run the urn so i don't feel useless
Somehow, I am Phantom 2, but I feel I should be way lower.
urn runner is an honest job not many do it so having a designated milkman for it gives a great advantage
>play two matches this morning
>stomp both
>first game the enemy shiv is complaining about balance (lol)
>enemy haze in the second game is complaining about ultbot heroes (lol)
What was the Shiv complaining about exactly?
He said bomb bebop was broken bullshit
they nerfed it last week, it now barely gives you any momentum
Okay that is very funny kek
Why do anti-fun rapist characters like Kelvin or McGinnis exist? Are game designers fucking retarded or something?
urn runner should be the lowest impact player, and the humility to accept that alone gives you rights to the top.
>Seven is fucking useless even when farmed to the gills
What rank are the people that think this?
I'm phantom
just tried it again in the practice room and it was indeed nerfed
pour one out for the schmoovement enjoyers
>look them up
>1500 nekoscore, rank not calibrated, but all the players in his games are alchemist rank
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3 for 3 wins in ranked. Looks like my cope in >>499493695 wasn't a cope at all.
I just messed with it in the sandbox and got 45m of movement from it. she also has the highest base movement in the game now with 9ms
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you can still get a pretty solid boost. also try using flight after dropping from a zipline
>this game is now safe to leave
>it still counts as one of your ranked games
Fuck you Valve.
That's cute, but how useful is that?
the hop? enough to clear a building if you set it up right.
the spoiler? great way to enter a fight
fucking NPC's I swear, so fucking cringe
Bro Kelvin sucks. I came back recently and he's so bad now, only tickles in both land and endgame
>in land
what about at sea?
>fucking NPC's I swear, so fucking cringe
Yes NPCs love it when the game has more depth than a puddle
None. All look boring. Holiday will attract coomers no matter how shit she will be like Vindicta.
>You can't even hit behind cover
they literally gave his beam aoe at the endpoint to do exactly that
>same handful of names in my gigashitter lobbies
I've seen some shit opinions. So far this one take the #1 spot.
DLG yall my niggas but to much of you guys are playing dishonest characters start playing someone honest like abrams
Now it's time for the age old game of "woman or child"?
>"woman or child"
Don't aimlessly walk around the map. Just because retards engage a shit fight on the other side of the map you don't have to jog there. Push out lanes, farm jungle, take objectives and help in fights that break out close to you.
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>nekoscore is le bad and made up!
>gets a dogshit trench rank
name a more iconic duo
now stack intensifying mag
It seems like Talon has specific voicelines for interrupting other people's ults with his owl, neat.
but fast-shooting characters can buy fire rate items too

That's not multiplicative, that's additive, or linear scaling.

This is the real reason why this genre will never work.
>I'm a mid tier player
>Arcanist I
oracle 4 isn't bad...
>but fast-shooting characters can buy fire rate items too
with far more diminishing returns, yes.
Btw the latest time Valve tried to monetize a game was Artifact. Keep that in mind
>buy swift striker on wraith
>shoot 22% more bullets per second
>buy swift striker on geist
>shoot 22% more bullets per second
don't worry you'll make it to middle school eventually.
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Checks out.
>he doesn't know
why comment if you don't play the game
only burst fire weapons get reduced boost from attack speed
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>Archon 5th highest rank
That's how you know this game is a fucking joke. These devs better can the whole project and go back to Dota 2, it's somehow better than this garbage.
In houses at 6.
I act greedy and push if I see the enemy team being busy somewhere on the map.
why at 6 retard. that when rank opens up
how do you deal with infernus in lane?
I've always giggled at this term. If you put an Eternus 6 player against an Initiate I player he would mop the floor with him bot hands tied behind their back, but the initiate might call him sweaty, when in reality he didn't need to put in any effort to do that at all.
Never spend more than a second in his line of sight consecutively so he can't light you up.
Take cover to let the ignite buildup pass.
His dash trail only hurts if you stand on the ground.
Unlike fixation his burn stacks drain instantly when not being hit, so you can peek in cover for your confirms
A solo infernus is shit and you can just man up on him since his flame dash has a 48 second cooldown
Because I want people to be able to be a little relaxed and off of work by then you pinoy and or pink slav pig person. Don’t you have a fucking civil war to go fight and die in?
damn nigga you didnt need to do him like that
Should have rolled the top 3 into ala immortal rank dota 2 with numbers. How do you guys feel about that? Yay or nay?
>Get rejuv
>Lanes are pushed
>Teammate says "lets run urn guys!"
Phantom is morel like divine and shouldn't be included. Even then, I'm not sure about having technically the highest rank span such a massive difference in player skill.
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Phantom = Trench
said the same thing lol those top 3 ranks could easily have been merged into one and have immortal numbers would have felt more impactful to the top players having actually having a number and the lower immortals aka phantoms can strive to get a number but valve always have to make shit more complicated
but im american :(
Well if you're only going to chart out only the top players then I can see why it would look like that
lol you do know thats every region put together and we have never done that in any valve game we have regions for a reason
quite the distribution disparity, assuming it's accurate.
the fact I ended up in divine makes me feel really bad, that was such a bad bracket in dota, I mean low immortal wasn’t great either but I’m convinced divine games can induce long term schizophrenia, don’t know how they are now though.
So what is ACTUALLY the percent of eternus players, since this is only the top 43k. Are they only like 0.1% of the game?
to add to this for example if you look at the sea region top 1k phantom players are in that

same goes for oce actually oce have oracle players in the top 1k

rus region have top phantom players in the top 1k same goes for sea region

in na and eu phantom players are in the top 2k so the point is they could have combined them call it immortal or some shit and just give out numbers for the higher tier in the rank
If ascendant is 4k players and eternus is 1/10 of ascendant then do the math you dumb faggot
think of it this way if you’re event you’re like mid level Wall Street guy - you’re Patrick Bateman, if you’re eternus you’re like one of the CEO’s of banks that attends those owl cult meetings, the real top of the crop.
>bought ethereal shift against a good Wraith player yesterday
>all it did is mean that while I was waiting for the 3 seconds to pass, her teammates would show up and help her kill me
So what do you actually do against this hero, buy unstoppable?
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>haha, Vindicta doesn't wear shoes
peak comedy from Valve
But warp stone and walk away
I would prefer being able to murder her.
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Okay I'm thinking markmaxx is the most fun way to play Mirage.
Instead of going gun build and being a worse Wraith, you can tag people at any range and if they don't respect sightline you snap your fingers and implode them with thousands of spirit damage, it's fucking sick.
Walking around New York without shoes is retarded. Her body is going to decompose from various infections before the ritual completes
there are like 500 eternus players in the entire world across all regions
if you add up all the tracked people on tracklock (since they changed negro score this is only people who played at least 10 games since 2 weeks ago afaik) you have 423302 which would already make eternus 0.11% of players
ascendant is top 1.14% ish
phantom top 5%
Isn't she a ghost?
she's a ghost
Not that guy, but you're correct in a practical sense (because slow firing characters don't need to reload as often) but wrong in a literal sense (because the increase to peak DPS still works the same).

Meanwhile Ivy gets the worst of both worlds by having mediocre base DPS and also needing to reload more often than anyone else.
Then unstoppable I guess
So Archon is like top ~10%? That makes me feel a little better about getting that rank. Although I don't really feel like a top 10% player.
What rank did MikaelS get? Chazm?
right except that geist bullets are nearly 5 times stronger (5.5 vs 25 at level 1) so shooting 22% more of the later is a much bigger increase to your damage then shooting 22% of the former
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>run urn
>take the pushed lane and win
eternus 6, eternus 5
What I typically do is run urn while the rest of my team is doing midboss is the whole enemy team is dead.
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if you have rejuv and pushed lanes whoever on your team stacked a lot of move/sprint speed can literally get urn in like 20s max, giving the other 5 free buffs
Donald once again proving he's the best president.
play pocket, dynamo or yamato so you can just dodge the ult and then burst her down as she sits there dumbfounded she didn't automatically kill someone after hitting ult.
It's not a secret that someone at Valve has a foot fetish. This became clear when they introduced Crystal Maiden's arcana in Dota 2, and she's barefoot.
Unfortunately the character I find most fun to play is Shiv who has no natural way to avoid CC.
You deserve it
just buy return fire and then call them gay after you TANK the machine gun and then managed to scrub out a win just barely healing your diffused damage before it kills you
He's just fun. I'll keep playing him after they nerf him.
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snowniggers once again confirming theyre subhumans. shocking i know. literally had to do all the pushing by myself because they always backed off after killing the current wave or just straight up let the creeps destroy our towers.
>all those people tied for 1st place
I guess it's better than inventing a score system based on how many viewers you get.
Real talk, is there any better feeling than getting a kill with Dynamo's ground wave and seeing their corpse shoot into the fucking stratosphere
I don't think there is, it makes me smile every single time.
I don't like to trash talk my opponents, it's not nice. Sometimes I even apologize if I kill someone in a very humiliating way.
>2 matches in a row where everyone is 2000 MMR and one single guy is 1300 so zero MMR gain for a win
I'm fine with this if it means they are going to make Vindicta sexy
they're all in this thread btw
lmao true
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How ?! Why my team again??
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>how many times I heavy barrage'd in a single 30 minute match
Mid ~4.4k ancient was already at the limits for me of how focused and sweaty I must be in every game last year, I never bothered to go higher. Would be nice if I can reach and mantain mid-high mid phantom playing different heroes but don't want to go any higher (also phantom's icon looks cool).
shes probably a cute egirl healslut bro offer to mentor her and get sex
>tfw trolled too hard in normals so my rank is bad despite winning 80% of my games as shiv in ranked
How do you guys respond to a toxic player?
I just want to be oracle because I want to be the goat.
tell him you dont speak russian/ukrainian. guaranteed seething in response.
if you genuinely want to disarm them or at least keep your team in high spirits just joke around in response to their toxic bs
if you want to be like me call them a retard and tell them to shut the fuck up and make it worse
if the game is lost I will go scorched earth and ramp the toxicity up to 9000 against him

if the game is winnable ill say something insane like i sucked your dads dick to defuse the situation
I say they sound fat as fuck if they use the mic
I don't because it's extremely counterproductive.
I call them subhuman niggers and euthanize the game if they dare yap at me
i have more losses than wins and still got phantom 5
i went 4/4 in ranked
I repeat what he said but in a silly voice.
Your mother was ez last night
type "lol" and then ignore
if they insist on screaming on mic the whole round and I can actually hear it over the music I put on while playing I mute em after a while if it stops being funny
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i love going to the deadlock forums specifically to the bug reports section
>miku walling your into instant heavy barrage the second she gets 3k souls
Name a more homosexual more I dare you, honestly half the reason that hero is strong is getting a free kill off ult, taking your tower and then getting to freefarm your jungle to snowball
this game is gonna be great when it has a deeper roster right now it feels awful playing against the best chars when there are limited options
Whenever I play Miku I save the first 5 skill points for barrage as well just to max it as soon as possible.
I actually think they might be adjusting ranked based on hero winrate, what hero did you play as?
He had me until the last paragraph
buff enjoyers have no teamplay, like a pug with skilled randoms
also zergyy cant abuse broken wraith
>a free kill off ult
Imagine this guy playing against Zeus
Their lineup is also straight up inferior to the russian stack.
yeah, team without the wraith loses
Pretty much every team without Dynamo is straight up inferior to a team with him to be fair.
mo and krill 46 games 27 wins
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You can still do it, it just isn't as fast or far as before, and seems harder to hit the timing correctly.

The tough part with her is do you fly to do way more damage to the walker and maybe get it down before someone comes so you can safely leave, or do you stay on the ground and hope that if you do get dived on it's not Bebop or Lash and you can fly away?
they never seemed very organized or good in that regard
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My beloved
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mikaels bros
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final stats for game #1
Shiv's the problem though btw.
Shivbros... we are getting buffed next patch right...
>and you can fly away
there are far more heroes besides bebop and lash that will catch up to you with that pathetic jump, 9.3 movement speed is only 9.3 if you're not being slowed by 25%(slowing bullets)+ and then since enemy has more dashes(especially if they have kinetic dash), they will catch up to you
this but unironically
These number mean nothing unless we see how many people are ranked in the lower ranks, since it's not all players like half the people in my matches have no rank, and we se the distribution curve. It probably matches the neko curve but the top end might be stretched out even more.
crazy how EU gave up on abrams but niggas here tell me he is broken and op
lystic chain inting certified classic
paradox is like a worse bebop btw
Lot of these players going to fade into obscurity down the road when the full game "releases". I remember so many people from HoN and WC3 dota thinking they were going to go pro, was the funniest fucking shit.
viscous' ball does too, but maybe not hero specific lines
solo carry by wraith. hero is too fuckin good. she can gank anyone but cant be ganked
but way more consistent
buff enjoyers have no catch, no way of locking someone down
how did they not think of this, in dota a draft without hard cc is basically unplayable
Thanks captain obvious I just picked those two for illustrative effect, and I said fly away, I was talking about the original post in the chain about Vindicta being risky to push towers with. That's why I skipped a line in my post to address the other topic.
LMAO man dont do them like that let them have their time
is this game gonna get bigger once it releases for real
or did valve blow their load too early
is this the peak or the beginning
i think if they dont ramp up the speed at which they release content (new heroes) and a pick or ban system this is gonna hurt the game since its basically released now
haze/wraith/seven/infernus in literally every game is getting stale
CS was supposed to die every 2 years
CS2 launch was and still is a total fucking disaster, yet behold
This is me—I play infernigger with around a 42% winrate. You all are welcome for the upcoming buffs
if they dont deal with vpning turd worlders the game is going to actually suffer. content trickle isnt that big of an issue.
counter strike didnt pseudo-release as an alpha go boom and get somewhat big and then dwindle though
i fear theres a chance they do the "real release" in a few years and by then its already over / at whatever its gonna be at
not that i really care personally
i like the game a lot and will play it even if its small
just hope it does good
>buff enjoyers had to ban paradox
half of those players are bots farming for crap
The only thing broken is how buggy his charge is
what stream are you watching?
>27 kill participation
is this bad?
I think once they drop the inevitable fluff content patch (skins, achievements, game modes, operation/battlepass, whatever) completely randomly unannounced with zero marketing in ~a year, every youtuber and streamer under the sun will go play it and it will pop off again

The whole "bro it's invite only don't tell anyone" schtick was a fucking amazing marketing ploy (whether it was intentional or not), and made it viral, now we're just returning to expected levels
Even if it is really was 50% that's nearly a million people playing a 30 year old game daily
>comp teams are starting to designate 2 supportcucks now who dont need *as much* farm as anyone else because there is physically not enough farm on the map for six players
Pretty bad. He also had less damage dealt than me and I was playing paradox. Also the game went on for over an hour.
Vindicta turbo feed meta when?
It's the only way to add souls to the economy through player action.
>less damage than paradox
>hour+ game
damn, that IS pretty bad
Yes, this was obviously going to happen. The supports still get welfare in lane so they don't feel nearly as miserable as supports in other games.
Miku turrets technically cause inflation by adding additional souls to the economy when killed.
>teammate picks ivy
>builds that stupid fucking grenade build
>ends the game 10k souls up on the next closest player
>no objective damage
>no player damage
If you play mobas like this, I hope you get your fucking eyes clawed out. Fuck you.
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The balancing is so fucking bad. Why can't I stop playing this shit game..
>min 9
>game already over
>Lystic feeding on cooldown

Killing calico's turret does too but that thing is actually difficult to kill and can be placed on walls.
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>play a single game
>dont want to play any more because its so mentally exhausting trying to tard wrangle turd worlders and or just trying to carry and win on my own
i want nonhumans out of real people servers
>put on wraith and mcginnis as secondary characters
>whenever i get them autistically split push and never teamfight
>win 80% of games doing pure splitpushing
at what ranked tier does this stop working
>14k lead min 11:30
>streamerkek ego check
love to see it
you seem to be the only one with an ego
>shiv bleed kills
>pocket poison doesn't
why is this?
>feeding as shiv, ivy, infernus and kelvin
ah yes just like my pubs
no inhouse up so i will do stuff
reply to this post with code if it's up
mo and krillin kicks my ass every game
remove them from the game please and thank you
what a weird thing to say
poison is green bleed is red there is a difference
use your penis brain for one single sec and think about why that is the case
harder to hit a dagger than an aoe frog cloud
Does this game have any coombait characters? I.e. is the game worth playing? I know very little about it but keep hearing about it.
lady geist
is it just impossible to come back from a 20k difference in organized play?
ivy is the biggest one
Depends on how off-model you want to be.
coombait is tasteless
lady geist is just hot
not really unless you're a medium level monsterfucker or barafag
>pojilaya skumbriya
>sunset on infernus
>posts a clip of himself on reddit
>everyone accuses him of aimbotting
Abrams is so bad lmao
in tournaments like now? probably not. in pub matches or ranked? yeah just steal rejuv or win like 2 teamfights. Hard but doable.
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>infernus burn kills
im 90 percent sure a inhouse team could do better then these retards
that's sunset? played against that jackie chan today
>urn has legs and can walk
why doesn't he just walk to the deposit point
cus hes a little shit
Because he is full of souls people
he just wants attention
Can any math nerds explain to me when you should theoretically max weapon damage or fire rate?

If you have high bullet damage (relative to the rest of the cast), that means you go for high fire rate, right? and when you have high base fire rate, that means you want to max weapon damage?
Well that's disappointing. Was hoping for a character like Widowmaker or at least something sexo. Feel like they will lose out on a lot people.
it's not like the game is full of fire rate items, buy burst fire and call it a day
mouth breathing is good actually
none of those "people" are worth having in a community
That's the Valve MO - make the superior game, but refuse to cater to coomers.
lol ok chud
fuck coomer retards actual subhumans
nah, games dont need cheap sexualised characters
you can always play gachas like the dumb cashcow npc you are
viscous is so silly, i adore him
single knife (that can bounce to one other guy in rage) vs a bubble in all directions around him that can poison the whole team easily
not only is the damage per tick way higher on pocket poison vs shiv bleed, but pocket has barrage universal damage amp which if you fully upgrade it and buy the t2 cooldown item is a 15s cooldown move that gives you a 40% damage buff for 15s if you land all 4 hits on an enemy hero. this means the bleed on pocket ult is actually way higher then it shows on the tooltip. shiv has a similar boost with rage but thats only 25%
shiv is literally bleeding you out while pocket is unleashing the power of his michigan j frog briefcase which going by the design of his hand thats holding it is some kind of mystical soul degradation shit instead of something that physically kills you

hope this helps
people really can't accept that someone can be better than them at video games huh
The last time a Valve game was superior to the competition was when HL2 mogged Doom 3. Every since then they've only taken L's (mostly from Riot)
There's a ton of good fire rate items but they're high tier or conditional. Haze is the one super obvious example where you want to max fire rate because of how her passive works, same with infernus. Other characters tho, i'm not entirely sure
regarding overall dps it doesnt matter
but fire rate is better overall because of on-hit proc synergy like toxic bullets and escalating mag
bullet damage only scales with stuff like lucky shot, but lucky shot also scales with fire rate
since 99% of encounters are decided within the span of one magazine, the reload time (which otherwise limits the dps scaling of fire rate) doesnt matter
im an old man with shit aim
good at moba's though
who do i play
give me 3 heros and i will play them forever
>pocket waltzes in
>ults and leaves
>huhh how could this be that I don’t get a free kill?!
maybe you should have to engage with your opponent for a bit longer to tap them when they reach such low HP
i bet you like children and small animals too you utter femoid
pick a grenade thrower
>escalating mag
read the item description dude. Fire rate has 0 effect on how fast the passive applies, high fire rate would actually fuck you over if you don't have a big magazine to keep that damage up
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Does return fire need line of sight to damage enemies, and does it proc on-hits?
kelvin mo n krill mcginnis
>be ascendant 1
>be in good mood after work
>lets play deadlock
>get griefers who afk, while the other team works together, blatantly one sided match
>go next
>get dived minute 1 for 20 seconds dodging left and right while my lane partner just does last hits
>both walk away with sub 10% hp

This is just standard moba garbage, there isn't anything redeeming about this game unfortunately. Matchmaking and balance are just shit tier, and I don't expect this to ever change.
You say coomers but the people that play those games and pick those characters like mercy or whatever lol shit are women
A riot employee said 97% of women only pick cute female characters so valve is mostly losing on the female market (not that I care but still)
nothing will ever change for you if you'll go "me ooga team booga" for eternity, yes
why does the game not have any real supports
by that i mean hero that primarily buffs and heals allies
is this a design choice or have they simply not made one yet
mo n krill
Valve realized playing support is fucking boring and everyone wants to play carry so they made a game with no supports
Return fire sucks dick man I've never felt like it's ever done much.
no, if you take damage it returns it
>proc on-hits
Lifesteal is the only one I know works, but I don't think any bullet effects work. Would have to test all the procs.
>by that i mean hero that primarily buffs and heals allies
there's a bunch of characters that do both these things but none they literally sit there masturbating after pressing their cooldowns because why would you deliberately make a character that limited unless you're designing a designated e-girl character
I got to goat 4 by playing Haze just off my moba and macro knowledge and I can't really aim.
Valve is retarded, more news at 11
because nobody wants to play the designated bitch role.
heal your teammates by killing the enemies before they can hurt them.
does return fire work with bullet procs, if a haze ults on me and i have toxic bullets will it debuff
they made it so the supports can also play any other role in the game
you can make these snide comments all you'd like, it doesn't change the fact that matchmaking is garbage, balancing is shit, and being stuck in a 30-50 minute game where TEAMWORK is what wins games.

it's just a shit tier moba
him hitting wraith through a tree before he can see her is sus
him hitting four individual creeps in the head while chasing is basically a giveaway
Looks like the answer is no, it won't proc anything. It will work with lifesteal.
Watch it, bub
Now, hold your horses for just a second
You're barking up the wrong tree, pal
Would you take a chill pill?
you forgot girls and faggots
The same reason most humans would use a car instead of their legs.
Get friends
Holy fuck just notice that he somehow headshotted 3 creeps while chasing, definitely cheating
Because icefrog saw what a clusterfuck having a dedicated support roles in such games can lead to. Most want to play DPS, it's the most popular and retard infested role (think how in wow there is 1 tank, 1 healer and 3 fucking dps for a dungeon group) so playing a proper support for your 'carry' is a fucking soul crushing experience that gets somewhat better when you get into an around 80th fucking percentile. So for the wast majority of the player base playing dedicated support will be a fucking dogshit time and since your average dps fucker will be extra shit for a given level of play you would rather just fucking rush damage items and steal his farm because that retard won't get a fucking bkb on am vs a team consisting of 100000 and 1 stuns.

t. used to play hard support, switched to soft support in doturd
When I played tf2 I met 3 kinds of medic players
>gay furry/brony
>most racist man you will ever meet
its basically only useful against haze or wraith ult
but since these two are in every single fucking game its worth it
>1v1ing a shiv as Abrams over the course of like an entire minute since he had soul rebirth
that was so much fun, almost makes me wish the ttk in general was made longer.
Other guy is wrong like a retard. It does require line of sight. It only procs bullet lifesteal.
I like this a lot
I do like that I can itemize for support in different ways. Like I usually play Talon, so since I'm often up in the air or on the backline I often get Rescue Beam so I can snatch someone out of danger if they're getting chased hard
>230 hours
>archon 1
It's over
Literally every single female who is into league of legends exclusively loves to play support. That game will never die and be the last one standing in the era of games that have lived the longest.
>208 hours
>phantom 3
awwh yeahhhh
Good for kelvin since they have little else to do but attack you in the bubble, and you need every dps boost you can get for its duration
lmao so when will we start talking about abrams being a shit tier hero
How much of the lol playerbase is female? 15% at most?
Inhouses are now Phantom and above only.
Abrams needs to have all of his abilities buffed and give him scaling spirit movespeed
Does anyone know if there's a console command to decrease the pin size on the minimap?

When there's a death ball of 10 people on the map it's impossible to tell which side of a building someone is on or whatever

I feel like it fucks up my flanks a lot when I'm trying for picks and I fly around the side of a building and find full health Wraith instead of 10% Ivy
i also have a question, what's so good about it? i am genuinely schizophrenic, be nice, please
>Be Me
>Ivy on York vs. Abrams
>Bullying me the first few minutes but only died once
>Buy debuff remover
>Parry the fuck out of him over and over
>Kill him 5 times when he tries to get aggressive on my guardian but I stun him close enough that the beam burns his health down
>Push his shit in easily.

He wasn't typing in the chat but I could tell he was tilted with how he was behaving after the second time I killed him. Abrams ain't shit if you can parry him.
Idea: Talon's charged shot should increase in size very slightly as it flies to make long range shots more consistent, while keeping his ability to hit people around corners minimal
good when combined with iron skin to counter squishy or unexpecting bullet-focused heroes who would otherwise burst you down. haze and wraith mainly
debuff remover lowers the stun enough to prevent the true combo yeah?
LMAOO they really put abrams in solo he isnt a solo laner anymore they should put him in duo and allow him to be the roamer that what he is best at right now
Grey Talon's ult should be him spawning 30 angry native American scalper NPCs that charge your target
After I bought DR I had enough of a window to execute the parry every single time. He never punched me again the rest of the game lol.
you can queue your parry during stun by holding f, same for charging melees after stunning someone by holding q
thank you, friend
Heading to the out house. Hoping the inhouse will be up by the time I get back.
Lash is such a disgusting nigger hero god
It should be that that part in blood meridian when the natives on the Mexican side roll through time draped in human skin with "Bowie knives as big as machetes, revolvers of massive size and weight, and two-barreled rifles with bores you could stick your thumb in"
Early on it's very cheap and worth a lot of DPS.
Support is a lot of fun if you prefer managing mapwide stuff as opposed to focusing on farming. Supporting in dota is fun because you don't have to spend every second farming and can concentrate on shit like vision and stacking. The point is I wish there was a role where I didn't have to constant think about farming because if you fall behind in souls you're basically useless.
Slowing hex him
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>Lanes against literally any half decent laner
*loses game*
>Enemy moves slightly to the side
*loses game*
>Game reaches late game
*loses game*
>Game ends too fast
*loses game*
>Loses lane
*loses game*
>Enemy has cc
*loses game*
>Enemy buys cc
*loses game*
>Enemy picks weapon carries
*loses game*
*loses game*
>tries to 1v1 someone not 15k souls behind
*loses game*
>Bugs out
*loses game*
>Enemy uses their mobility
*loses game*
>Enemy picks any other of the melee heroes who have more damage, better mobility, scale better, have a better weapon, are ten times easier and tankier
*loses game*
>Enemy picks any top tier character
*loses game*
>Enemy doesn't run into melee range
*loses game*
>Enemy turns around a corner
*loses game*
>Enemy plays together
*loses game*
>Enemy doesn't stand around waiting for her to charge like a retard
*loses game*
>Enemy buys/skills any sort of silence
*loses game*
>Enemy picks viscous
*loses game*
>Enemy picks Mo
*loses game*
>Enemy picks wraith
*loses game*
>Enemy buys shields
*loses game*
>Enemy buys armor
*loses game*
>Enemy buys anti heal
*loses game*
>Enemy kites
*loses game*
>Enemy walks away
*loses game*
>Enemy hugs tower
*loses game*
>Enemy parries
*loses game*
>Enemy buys warp stone
*loses game*
>Enemy buys Ethereal Shift
*loses game*
>Enemy picks dynamo
*loses game*
>Enemy farms
*loses game*
I'm having less of an issue against Shiv lately for some reason. Did they secretly nerf him in the background?
outback steakhouse?
he's the fotm overpowered hero so a lot of shitters are playing him right now
Flavor of the week character so more retards are picking him
Ruth's Chris Steak House
We need another unga bunga tank hero
>Flavor of the week character
>he's the fotm overpowered hero
Yeah because shiv wasn't broken auto win during that first month and half
shiv has been broken retarded bullshit for like 80% of his existence it's actually insane that these subhuman devs buffed him
These na comp games are a snorefest
Ah so shitters are playing him more, makes sense. Coincidentally I'm playing against some cracked fucking Paradoxes lately. When she can pull her full combo off she's a menace.
u guys are not ready for someone who silences on heavy and has a faster heavy attack speed
>NA hours
>EU hours
>fast with several shitposters
We are the chosen ones.
that's because these two teams are pretty much C tier teams.
I chew ice into the microphone extremely loudly
Lmao they really arent calico might break DLG
>team loses a lopsided fight on the other side of the map
>they yell in the mic why is abrams pushing yellow (all the way to their base) and not helping
>explain that it's a moba game and pushing towers is objectively good
>say they needed help and died because of me
I'm gonna jork it, when I'm done the inhouse better be up and filled 11/12.
screaming WORLDSTAR into the mic every time I jump in with Calico and start throwing hands
>lost 2v6
>one is Abrams


Can my 750 nekoscore yuropoor Bebop come?
As long as you arent a zigger
dlg is so slow nowadays. I think it's gonna be over soon
It's because people are playing the game, genius.
Other generals are much faster, are they all just not playing their game, retard?
4 moar
please valve, stop giving me vindictas on my team
The fastest generals are gacha generals. What do you think.
>are they all just not playing their game
can you carry as mo? he seems to be too team dependent when half your damage is torment pulse
>visiting gacha generals
I really was speaking with a retard...
Realistically speaking, you can't
In hyperfeeding scenarios, you can
If you wanted a non-skill-based game you could go play League
Which one of you tards made a new thread and then didn't link it
1 or 2 more slots idk if standing is playing or spectating.
It was made when we didn't reach the bump limit
Vindicta is a shitty ripoff of a Widowmaker
>2 placement matches in
>2 placement matches lost
i'm gonna cry bros
I had a lot of fun with yamato until I realized I could literally just play pocket instead and get everything I wanted but better and with more room for skill expression
No it isn't, because she shoots more to begin with.
literally every time

>decide to mindlessly chase team into bad fights
>watch as the walker gets taken by troopers
>you definitely won't see anyone taking drugs
Russia has by far the highest HIV rates in all of Europe. It's either massive amounts of gay sex or rampant drug abuse, so which is it?

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