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Mari stole Rowan's spoon blob edition, Thread #1220

Previous thread: >>498775169

>Game Links
Steam Edition
Physical Edition (And Merch)
The console editions (Switch, PSN, XBL, PC Gamepass) have some exclusive content.

>Character Birthdays | Kel - November 11

>Fangames, Projects, and Etc
https://pastebin.com/XQX7CSip (OMARIO fangame)
https://totally-fungal.itch.io/doomori (DOOMORI fangame)
https://files.catbox.moe/x1fogc.rar (manga ch.4)
https://imgur.com/a/YJb6dTT (beta & prerelease art)
https://goats.dev/omori/#KEL (game dialogue dump)
https://files.catbox.moe/nxd8dm.png (faraway map)
https://files.catbox.moe/3ng1by.torrent (sprite dump)
https://postimg.cc/gallery/G4krtVR/13ec9e79 (Omori Official Walkthrough & Guide Art/Developer Interview & Messages)

https://files.catbox.moe/6kewkg.torrent (RPG Maker MV 1.6.2)
Try _omariAU, rainy_mari_mod, omorimodreverie, omori_daydream on Twitter
https://files.catbox.moe/5ddmjn.zip (Console content)

>/omog/ Archive
https://docs.google.com/document/d/1SGf6LRkzuLpou5Neqppl3Tm7c3hPAitFhCTrIPRfC_c/ (anon's Universally Loved day-by-day guide)
https://mega.nz/file/zaQXDYyQ#bG0yK3nl-w6hx5u6IOcvn3GUrGDY53X9faa7nfzC0Yk (MEGA archive 2021)
https://files.catbox.moe/e5yhbo.png (Whiteboard 2021)
https://rentry.org/756352 (OC Fic and Greentext)
https://youtu.be/bKNwUnIMjVo (/vg/ sings My Time)
https://arch.b4k.co/vg/post/482879356 <<< Δ (/vg/ sings Good Morning)

https://rentry.org/omogtemplate2023d/ (Thread Template)

Also, if you write or draw anything don't be afraid to post it, don't worry about the quality, just post that shit!
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Resting now
always remember that Singanon was right
I love you so much /omog
If she was "just shopping for furniture" she wouldn't be gone for three whole days. She's probably staying at a hotel or something, unless you're gonna say she's sleeping at the store.
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I love Kimsil but I love YOU even more!!!
No he wasn't. Even the general he went to after /omog/ hated him.
I made mariclass titan 2 years ago and nobody gave a shit
sleepy sheepy
That sounds rad
She could also have been at their new home getting things unpacked and set up. That would also be a reason for Mewo to be with her.
That too
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>My art in OP
Its good
Sweetheart but she has a French accent
There is a french speaking butler mole in the castle, he had to get it from somewhere
Off with her head
Mari but she's a delivery woman in a post-apocalyptic wasteland with baby Sunny in a pod strapped in front of her.
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Still a shame this went unused
One of my only major complaints with the game is that there should have been more of this to make the normal and hikki routes more different.
At least we got Mari not appearing at the pier
will she ever forgive herself?
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Sunflower CUTE!
Sunflower CANON!
Sunflower THE BEST!
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Indeed a cute
Let them eat cake.
>Makes fun of the Tumblr crowd
>Has a fucking Tumblr account where they post like a terminally brainrotted teenage girl
She's Vietnamese, and so is Aubrey.
What makes you say that?
wrong aubrey is german and she hates basil because he is british. sweetheart is brazilian.
Suzuki will never approve of Aubrey
Why is he like that?
>this actually looks better
lol no it doesn't. It looks like clown vomit.
And why am I getting a sense of deja vu?

...Also, hold up. Is this from discord? Are you like, stalking this person?

>20 hour work days
>plot completely overhauled months before the game's release
That sure explains a lot.

>the characters are just fandom found family archetypes
God no.
This cast is like the shittiest, most misplaced example of a found family. Like it's mind-numbingly bad, almost like a parody of the trope or a deconstruction or something.
its even sadder. this fag screenshots himself and posts its all the time because he doesnt get (you)s from anywhere.
oh it was you all along. never mind.
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such fine knowledge...
I get called whopper or whatshisface all the time because I like shitting on the game, even though I've been dutifully correcting people, and it really makes no sense because my typing style and opinions are different. People (or maybe it's a person, singular) act like he comes here from tumblr to post his shit, but they never offer any proof.
>literally admitting to being a threadshitter
go away
Never claimed otherwise?
Why should anyone believe you and why would you care? Only someone who's guilty with what they're being accused of would be bothered by the accusations in the first place.
>inb4 he responds with "hurr durr rape and murder accusations"
I just don't get why someone would bother "dutifully correcting people" in an anonymous 4chan thread about their supposed identity. If they're really not the tumblrtard as they say, they'd just laugh off the accusations but it seems like they really do get under their skin.
Literal Sweetheart behavior.
Because it's simply false and doesn't even make sense. But yeah, I don't really care so I stopped correcting people. However, someone clearly posts the tumblrshit here on the regular, and now they're also pulling discord screencaps out of their asshole which seems stalkerish. I'm kind of curious who that is and what is their problem.
It's not like you can do anything about it, woodchipp.
>Best friends
Does Kel know?
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rowan would hate haru stinkness
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There’s no current way to play on iOS right? Just android.
High school sweethearts
amzing who artist?
>Constantly seething about omori on tumblr
>Constantly seething about omori here
>Constantly seething about omori on a discord
I truly wonder why this individual has been afflicted with omocat derangement syndrome, and the worst part is, early when this was all happening I saw them complain that Sunny's anger issues "come out of nowhere" which was a statement so unbelievably retarded that it made me instantly dismiss anything else they would ever say
always viewed handholding in art/media as a meh thing until i got a boyfriend and realized holding his hand while out was enough to turn me on
What is omocat deragnement sydrome?
begone fag
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@germany_omori on twitter
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hmmm no
I'm going to be completely honest, when I first played the game, getting all the endings to the game and playing both the Hikikomori route and the Sunny route, I absolutely loved the story to the game and the way that the game was taking it. I especially really thought the arcs to the characters were well written and that the ending was shockingly good. For the next week, around the time I had my second playthrough, I was completely infatuated with the game, playing it for hours on end.
However, looking back now, having played more indie games and learning more about story writing and proper story structure, I can't say I really feel the same way I did then. In fact, I have a hard time even admitting that I liked the ending to the game at all first or even how some of the characters are developed.
There are so many things I could start by saying with the story, but the first thing I want to mention is just how it doesn't make sense how some of the characters act in these situations. It makes no sense how Mari, someone who has to deal with the stress of having to basically parent her older brother, deal with school, deal with neglective parents, do piano, take college prep classes, and be a role model for her younger friends while still maintaining a more romantic relationship with Hero, ends up mainly really having issues with perfectionism while her little brother is so bad with emotional control and boundaries despite her guidance that he ends up pushing her to her death and also throwing his violin down the stairs instead of talking to her about how he's mad and how he doesn't want to play (I know it's difficult to talk about being burnt out with these types of instruments with your teachers, especially when you don't want to let your them down, but as someone who played both the flute and drums and got burnt out after the first year for both, I can attest to how talking to your teacher really makes a difference, especially when there is an event like a performance coming up. I will admit that playing the drums and the flute is usually considered far easier than the violin, and my teachers weren't as perfectionistic as Mari, but still, Mari is shown to likely be more unaware of Sunny's predicament with practicing rather than negligent.)
(Also, yes, Sunny and Mari's parents are shown to be very neglectful in the story, but I don't want to keep you here all day, so feel free to look it up on the Omori wiki about the mom and dad.)
Another thing that I hate is how the message is about forgiving yourself, yet when Sunny breaks the violin and pushes Mari down the stairs, he does so purely through premeditated anger for the violin, and impulsive anger for pushing Mari, which isn't fully warranted considering that he hasn't fully exhausted his options to where he should logically come to that. Mari doesn't grab Sunny or do anything to warrant physical battery, so when Sunny does this, he is completely within the realm of committing 3rd degree murder from a legal perspective, Sunny could've told Mari that he needed time to cool down in order to listen to her, as well. Also, assuming Mari survived, what point did he make? that he's going to physically shove Mari around to get his way? Killing her that way is not something I would forgive in someone, even her death was technically an accident and he technically cared about her.
What's worse is the fact that instead of calling an ambulance in the event that she might possibly be capable of resuscitation and recovery (Since spinal cord shock or fracture can cause cardiac arrest but doesn't always cause death, since oxygen remains in the body for around 10 minutes after the heart stops beating, and she can still possibly be brought back, albeit, probably disabled from the neck down if it is a fracture, excluding complications along the way, that really turn it to chance, such as brain damage in regards to lack of oxygen, which can cause seizures.). Sunny then just brings her up to her bed, causing her to undeniably die by losing all the oxygen in her body since she's not breathing. And then, as if that already wasn't terrible enough, Basil comes over and convinces Sunny to stage it as a suicide by hanging her, which is absolutely morally unforgivable, and very illegal, being considered "desecrating a body", which is classified as a felony with a maximum sentence of 10 years prison time (which might be a little different, though, since they are both minors. Also, I'm saying this from the perspective of US law, which I don't know much about law in Japan, where this takes place, but still, I would imagine it would be illegal nonetheless since in the story Basil mainly does it to protect Sunny from being arrested, although this is inferred.)
In summary, I do not think that the whole "forgiveness" message correlates well at all with the way the events play out. If I were to rewrite it to fit in the story, I would do it as such:
1. The broken violin incident would stem from Sunny and Mari ended up not getting along or compromising with the recital, with Mari ignoring her brother's wishes not to perform because she wants him to succeed and do well, and having Sunny being unmoving with not wanting to perform out of fear of doing poorly or ruining music as a hobby for her. I would also add depth to their music, to where Sunny really enjoyed playing the violin at first, but began to fear that Mari would end up making things too exhausting for him to work on and take away time with his friends, causing him to become bitter knowing how much time he's put into music for her and stressing him out.
2. During the actual incident, Sunny and Mari have one last argument where Sunny makes a stand to not perform, while Mari tries to pressure him to, causing him to destroy the violin to stop her from trying to make him bend to her will. Then, during the argument, Sunny would eventually get tired of arguing and try to walk away in order to calm down, but Mari would grab his arm and try to hold him back, causing him to struggle to get away, and eventually, accidentally push her down the stairs.
3. Then, Basil, who overheard the argument but didn't want to interrupt, sees Sunny grieving over Mari's body, eventually comes over, ushering Sunny to call an ambulance, which he immediately does and have him promise not to tell anyone about it and instead, fearing Sunny will be arrested and taken away, lie about it and tell them that she tripped while carrying his violin for him to the music room after he left it upstairs. Once the police and paramedics arrive, the police question them and stay until their parents get home, eventually ruling them out as innocent and not arresting Sunny.
Then, Mari is taken to the hospital, where she later passes away from a seizure and cardiac arrest several days later, caused by lack of oxygen from the time it took for the ambulance to arrive. Then, after expensive emergency procedures to try and help her, the dad ends up paying for them before leaving from grief.
If the story was more like this, yes, it would be radically different and change many aspects of the story, but I think it would, in my opinion, be beneficial to the story by making Sunny and Basil much more sympathetic characters by showing that they really wanted to help, even if they were unsuccessful in the end. That, and I believe that showing Mari and Sunny having more equivalent faults is important, since it would mean the story is more about the both of them coming to terms with the fact that they both made mistakes, learning that ultimately they were really just trying to look out for the other, and that they should've listened better to each other. That, and it makes the ending to the Sunny route more believable as a happy ending, since the friend group, even after learning about it all this way, would still likely forgive Sunny and Basil, since both of them had their faults in what they did, yes, but would likely understand why they acted how they did, and that they really, deep down, just wanted to help by looking out for the ones they care about.
Yes, the original game shows that they tried to look out for each other, but it still makes Basil seem manipulative for doing the hanging, and it writes Sunny to be a loose canon who can't control himself when he throws his violin down the stairs and pushes Mari instead of talking to her, leaving a bad taste in your mouth since you know that the friend group just won't be able to just simply forgive them, mainly for what they did by hanging her afterwards, but also since Sunny didn't have a strong reason to break his violin since he hasn't really fully exhausted his options yet, and seems to do it when Mari is just likely unaware of what he's been going through with having to practice for the performance.
i could probably get basil pregnant i think
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the omori cast's favorite plants from plants vs zombies
>sunny: he obviously thinks the cattail is cute, but likes the melonpult and wintermelon for utility
>mari: the peashooter, plain and simple. she might like the snowpea too because it's blue
>kel: likes the imitator because it's funny when it spins
>hero: doesn't really have one. if you asked him he would just name a random plant he's currently using
>aubrey: all of the cute plants and the scardey-shroom
>basil: the sunflower of course, but maybe the sunshroom too because of its similarity and also because they're technically the most important plants in the game
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Spooky boys
it's impressive how many people get mindbroken by sunny and basil doing actually bad things
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post that retarded fucked up incest with the deformities sunshine
According to miseryfags you are 'infantilizing' the characters by asking why their critiques expect complete logical level-headedness from an angry twelve year old and you implicitly support their actions by asking the question. There is no winning.
Dawn is a beautiful work of art!
You just can't see the beauty in sibling love.
no i meant the even more fucked up one with the inhaler
an abusive relationship in the making or can she fix him?
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Some questions are more difficult to answer than most
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A double mongoloid...
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I thought Kel might like the Wall-Nuts for the bowling and the Tall-Nuts for being tall, Sunny likes Kernelpult for the butter attack, and Mari likes the Doom Shroom because she wants to commit mass murder
post happysil
Incest is bad and if you want your kids to be laughed at and have deformities, go ahead.
Incest is based, and if you want your kids to be "special", go ahead.
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I truly wonder what pushes a person to lie through their teeth.
Trying to save a dying general?
Brain issues?
Parents didn't love you enough?
sunflower is the holy truth
Curious how I'm lying when I see the screenshots of them bitching on discord, and their tumblr links crossposted and copy and pasted here? If you think "Well actually they only constantly seethe on TWO websites" or "Actually that guy that wasn't a huge retard but sounds exactly like them wasn't me" aren't quite the staggering victories you think they might be
Jesus this is barely legible on reread, whoops.
what lie
>faggot posts a screencap and starts making shit up
>gets called out on their bullshit
>doubles down and posts more tumblr shit
I'm supposed to believe there are MULTIPLE retards in the equation?

You know what, maybe I should give you the benefit of the doubt. This place does seem exceptionally retarded.....
Also yeah this is a valid question.
>I totally don't care about correcting people but I'm totally not this person you think I am
>But I can identify that you are lying which implies that I'm privy to more information than a random anonymous person who totally isn't the guy being discussed here would be
It makes me clap like a seal that all of omocat's detractors are completely irrelevant unless they're parasitically attached to her. Modders and armchair critics relentlessly seething that they are nobody without her
You know what all of Woodchipp's bullshit reminds me of?
That one 2 hour video of someone shitting on Steven Universe. It's no masterpiece but you don't need a whole 2 hour piece about you bitching and whining about it.
i think the funniest part about the tumblrfag is that he's obsessed with sonic the hedgehog of all things
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They all leave him yet again
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Not true, Susny and sillysil will get to see each other regularly in the psych ward where they live
It’s just a 15 minute drive
They’re more obsessed with Omori than most fans of it are. Mental illness is no joke.
cute and silly booby girl
why are so many omori fans mentally ill?
It's simple, really. I don't really care when people call me windshieldd, as in, it doesn't offend me. (S)he does have some startlingly retarded takes, but a lot of it is just common sense, so I'm mostly fine with being compared to them. The disturbing part is how utterly obsessed with that random tumblrite this place is. Like it was funny at first, but stalking them on a private server is lolcow farmer tier behavior. I also don't get how it's humanly possible to confuse me with them so I call shenanigans. It's abnormal in the first place to assume the person from the screencap posted it themselves, and so far I've seen 0 proof nor hints of their supposed activity in this general.
if haru existed irl no one would like her and she would be even worse than bullied. she would be ignored.
What would irl Haru be like?

This is clearly written by someone who doesn’t live in the same reality as us. Expecting kids to act rationally in times of stress and crises is like expecting animals to solve math equations. None of what you said are writing issues, they’re simply issues with how you perceive the characters, a classic case of “This character didn’t do what I wanted him to do, therefore he’s written badly”. Mari being a perfectionist has no bearing on how good her life was because that’s not how it fucking works. It’d be like saying that rich people can’t get depressed because they’re rich. What you wrote betrays a fundamental misunderstanding of how human beings function.

An example of a badly written scene would be the church scene — three teenagers fighting in the middle of a sermon, one of them with a dangerous weapon, yet no one called the police on them and they all got away without any consequences.
> I also don't get how it's humanly possible to confuse me with them so I call shenanigans
Are you fucking retarded? You’re spewing the same exact shit as they do, while using similar wordings no less, and you’re wondering why people confuse you with them?
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She'll become friends with the kids of the Graves twins from Tcoaal
nta but sometimes more than one person has the same stupid opinion and latches onto it in a sea of disagreement that they themselves see as stupid
Or likes helping someone else annoy people by contributing to shitstirring and bait, which is also always possible
>Are you fucking retarded?
Are you?
>You’re spewing the same exact shit as they do
No I don't. Half the time I disagree with their points, and like I said, a lot of it is just common sense which this general hopelessly lacks. Why the fuck would I screencap my own tumblr posts, repost them on 4chan, just to argue with myself like a schizo?
I have different interests too. We never talk about the same games.

>while using similar wordings no less
No I don't, lol. (S)he has very noticable typing quirks which I don't share. I'm sure I have a ton of typing quirks as well, including grammatical errors and other shit specific to my country, which I doubt is the same as theirs even if they're also an ESL. If they are not, then, well. This place is supposedly full of yanks, so you should be able to tell straight away.
> Half the time I disagree with their points

> Why the fuck would I screencap my own tumblr posts, repost them on 4chan, just to argue with myself like a schizo?
Because you are a schizo? Who else would spend months on a general writing essays on a game they hate?

> I have different interests too. We never talk about the same games.
Very familiar with their taste in games, aren’t you?

> No I don't, lol.
Sure thing, woodchipp.
Serves him right for hanging mari
Half of this post >>499527352 is me disagreeing with them and their buddies.

>Who else would spend months on a general writing essays on a game they hate?
Me, cause it's fun.

>Very familiar with their taste in games, aren’t you?
Yes, because you repost them over and over and over again for some strange reason.
This woodchipp fella has done irreperable damage to Omori discourse in omog. I’m starting to suspect that they’re actually a die hard Omori fanboy, and are just doing all of this so that everyone who criticizes the game will be seen as morons.
>Me, cause it's fun.
You know who else thinks it’s fun? And what a coincidence that you popped up around the same time the blogspams happened.
>And what a coincidence
Not really. Maybe they are like me and bought the game from winter sale. I'm sure a ton of people did.
my theory is that he liked omori the first time he played it (which he admitted to) but saw that everyone started playing contrarian about it because of the shota tweets and needed to join in
> Maybe they are like me
I’m sure they are.
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Basil is being bullied what will you do?
wtf 9000000 iq move by woodchip???
Why are you letting an obvious retard rustle your jimmies this hard?
That's not Basil.
fail to stop it and get bullied as well
Why are people into this shit? Why is it always female artists who are into Basil bullying?
i highly doubt a female drew that
I wasn't talking about that. I'm talking about all the sick Omori artists who draw Basil getting beaten up and Sunflower yaoi. The femanons who talk about eating Basil's poop and vomit.
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aubrey's so mean...
basil prostate abuse has turned into basil wedgie abuse
Ask to take his place.
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Omori vs Terrifier
Look at this
It's almost like she's still here
What does Hero do?
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aubrey and her little sister
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Doesn't she want to wear something cuter?
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How does he help Mari?
He wipes her tears and purrs soothingly
Soft and cuddly, holding him helps her calm down
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reminds her clean up and to take her medicine
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what medicine does she take?
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enraging woman
she wants to look professional
he looks like an anime villain now
normal pills (and antidepressants probably)
go oyasumi
>The protagonist finally faces the guilt of killing their older sibling and confesses their sin, discarding the alter ego they’ve created to cope with what they’ve done.

Am I talking about Omori or Better Call Saul?
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I now have 11 different versions of the Better Caul Saul intro theme blaring in my head at max volume
Lovely girl
was aubrey happy? why didnt she stay with sunny and mari the entire time?
Sweet dreams
She’s a selfish and terrible person who wrought pain and suffering upon those closest to her.
The inherited darkness of her heart leads her downward dragging the innocent along with her to the void.
I should write a fic about Omori making peace with the residents of Headspace with a final adventure as a last goodbye before fading from reality as they all enter an eternal slumber now that Sunny doesn't need them anymore
he will still meet them but now they're all grown up and in real colors
What, like instead of going home?
We don't know when her father left and her mother started spiraling out of control, so let's explore both options.
If her parents were still together before Mari's Death, then she didn't really have any major issues. Sure they lived in the poor side, but they were doing alright. And if her father didn't leave until Mari was dead, she didn't have anywhere to turn to. Sunny was a recluse, Basil was almost as bad, and Hero & Kel probably didn't seem like an option. Besides, she probably thought she needed to take care of her mother.
If her father was already gone and mother was already a drunk, then there's likely a matter of shame involved. No one(save maybe Basil?) knew about her home life, even though she was almost Basil's neighbor. And even if she did spill her guts to Mari, the girl she idolized as an older sister, which is more likely? That Mari and Sunny's parents would take in the poor girl into their home, or that they would call DFACS and Aubrey would end up in the Foster System?

All that said, the best possibility at the end of the game is for her to pack her things and take Mr. Bunbun and move in with Basil now that he has a vacancy.
Sunny’s dream adventures predate the creation of Headspace so it’s not like he’s just going to stop dreaming after the game.
Who dreams like Sunny? Is it sad when you wake up?
It’s good that Hero decided to pursue becoming a doctor instead because a pussy like him won’t survive a day in a restaurant kitchen.
Flip the burgers and put the fries in the bag now
basil drops sunny, kel, hero and aubrey off the helicopter on a skyscraper with a pile of billion dollars
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You sure messed things up with this one
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What did I mess up?
Oh dear. It seems I might have lost my Omori images folder. And a crap ton of other data that was on a drive. I hope that can be fixed because my last Omori folder backup backup is from months ago.
>August 23, 2024
Okay, where the FUCK is the new manga chapter? It looks like the magazine was already released.

Why is this place so useless anyway that they can't even say as much when asked directly? Fuck you useless omongs. Fuck you with a rusty spoon.
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Honestly I hate this style of drawing. It's so fake and cloyingly infantile. Literally no one in this world looks like this faggot, especially if they're male and blond hair is their natural coloration. Not even fucking k-pop idols all prettied up with makeup look this girly. I literally cannot picture Basil as a flesh and blood person, the closest I can get is a female, underaged Asian model larping as a boy. Unlike most weebshit, his design doesn't even pass as a beautified version of reality. It's empty, it signifies nothing.

Only trapfags with paedo tendencies and the most brainworm infested of fujos enjoy this saccharine aesthetic. I can't believe there are people out there who can look at this character and think "wow he's literally me!"
As a One Piece fan, I hereby welcome you to break week.
What? Doesn't it just come out on Fridays?
Fuck you too. Fall down an endless flight of stairs littered with legos.
Break weeks are when WSJ isn't being published for that week/when One Piece has had 2/3 consecutive chapters published.
In the Omori manga's case it might be more like a break month.
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She's back! The Sweetblob is here after years of presumed extinction!
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Wait, really? I don't think the magazine is actually out yet. Dunno though, its release schedule confuses me. I thought maybe it releases on every 23rd of each month, or every second to last Friday, but it says "every 25th" here. There's also the online version (or like 2 of them because there's official English translation?) which I assume is where people get the scans.
So it will be out in 2 hours. Technically.
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a magical day for scientists and bakers worldwide
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needs life jam
>BABO like cold time... Make BABO grateful for warm time...
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New Omori manga chapter is out
still paywalled
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twitter thread of the Omori manga chapter
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Wow this place really is dead. No one but me reading. How tragic.

Anyway. Was this shit even in the game? I skipped the last chapter and am honestly pretty lost.
Can someone dump?
Based Space Pirates Saving their leader
Wow he really was the king of black people all along
>Now Basil
Is there anyone else Spaceboy is supposed to represent?
Spaceboy is so pathetic
>Hero is a simp
>Not even dating Mari
Herobros, it is so over
is kel a fujo?
>Deleting at 2 am EST
Wait. Isn't that bad?
wtf I love Kel now?
Why? He doesn't want to get sued.
For us.
>Kel is a fudanshi
>Nui put her fetishes into Kel
idk I saved it already.
You can go to T*ktok for it too. China doesn't give a fuck about Japanese copyright.
This supports Catiflower
maribros...the brat cucked us
Can you dump it? Xitter is banned in my country
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Cool, more for Sunny.
>Sweetheartblob comes back
>Manga released
Best day for /omog/ in centuries.
Begone fujo. Yaoi is bad. Yaoi incest is even worse.
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>No one pays for the chapter
>No one reads it and doesn't make much money
>Gets uploaded anyways for free
What was the business strategy here?
I can't even read it beyond the first 2 pages. So either they already deleted, or you need an account. Weirdly, xitter even allowed me to visit their account without getting a popup, I just can't find the rest of the chapter, so I guess it's buried in a thread or something.
Oh man I can't wait to see Sweetheart.
you need an account. new xitter rules. thats why i wanted anon to dump here...
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>Heroine is canon
>Kelsey is a fujo
Aubrey caressing Omori’s cheeks
>Hero Swears
Jesse we need to cook
Hero was such a loser. I don't know what Mari sees in him
are you the hero haru hate anon
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no why do you say that
>This Supports Mari x Basil
>hero gets friendzoned
>turns into a simp
>nice guy hero
hahahahahahahahaha get fucked heromarifags
you just kind of sounded like them and if they hated fujos then that would be based
>Strongest type of love
>Hero says he loves Mari strongest
This supports Heromari? Are you retarded?
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>This supports Hero x BRANDI
no im the hero haru liker. dont call me a fujo you fucking inbred faggot. haru is me and hero is for me only....
>Hero and Mari weren't actually together
So what is their relationship? Mari really likes Hero but doesn't call him her boyfriend?
this is just proof sunshine is canon
You'll never know because Mari is DEAD because a MURDER killed her.
>Mari really likes Hero but doesn't call him her boyfriend
Girl boss woman moment
omocat is FUMING right now
I'm going to eat her
>her manga gets published
nigga you retarded?
>t. Humphrey
post suicidal hero and mari laughing at him
Omori and friends should eat Sweetheart after they beat her in the manga.
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this is why hero went for haru instead
>Ever liking some loser stinky neet like Haru
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Artist's rendition of my today's lunch
would hero x haru work? how would perfect mari think about hero going after her sister?
Probably a little weirded out ( and maybe jealous) but she wouldn't mind if they seem serious about it.
there is no way their personaliys would work together
>how would perfect mari think about hero going after her sister?
"Haruuuu~ This is Spoooky Ghost Mariiii~ I'm here to teach you how to do that thing with your tongue that Hero loooves~!"
Hero likes doing things and being active. Haru does not like doing things outside and being inactive. Someone will be unhappy.
Force ghost Mari teaching Haru my beloved
>Mari possesses Haru to give Hero a handjob
>Leaves her body as soon as Hero cums
>Haru looks at her sticky hand in horror
enough hero x haru dating. how would hero and haru be as married couple and parents?
Haru gets nervous being a mom but enjoys housewife life when she stays at home all day
>Hero likes doing things and being active.
Does he? Maybe it's mostly in comparison to hyperactive jock Kel, but he's kinda wimpy despite his build. Dreamworld is a bit less than perfectly reliable, but he was the only one that got winded whenever the group had to run.
They’re obviously talking about adult Hero who jogs every morning and was strong enough to save two teenage boys from drowning and carry one of them back home.
Hero is gonna whip that girl into shape.
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What kind of things would they do together?
Haru and Hero in bed sleeping together all day...
Evil entity
i counted 15 panels of kel pits. nice

feels like the manga might end up skipping the entire 2 days left/underwater section. this chapter has the ghost mari appearance and they've already fully forgotten about basil. makes sense since omocat said she hates humphrey.
They're making space for 3 chapters of just Sweetheart.
Nervous kids
Poor things have anxiety
how would hero haru sex be like
Dead fish
what is dead fish
Hero lays there like a dead fish while haru bounces on his trampoline
>hero passed out from harus stink
>hero wakes up chained to the basement and haru shows him the positive pregnancy test
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amazing boys on a dangerous adventure
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I hate her already
I hope she goes extinct again
In fact, I think I'll make sure of it
More soulful Omori pixel arts
Im not the Hero Haru spammer but it does seem like a cute couple like any shoujo
Touchy Girl
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Rare Cris art
Any other rare Cris art?
post haru x hero
no, manga kel is just badly written
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It's an interesting choice to move the whole Mari at the window scene over here. Really, really interesting. Does that mean Omori's going to find someone else at the pier? Will it turn out my theory that each of the friends would get a moment to help Omori overcome his fears accurate? Maybe he'll find Basil and we'll get elaboration on his grandma showing up on that island with the small house. Or this was some weird instance of crunching the story for a shorter format. It would be odd if nothing took its place.
Aubrey is so adorably silly. I kind of like how her girly girl traits seem to be getting turned up to further show and exaggerate how much she changed.
How girly is Aubrey? Do you think she's still girly in the present time?
>>When Sunny finally leaves the house, he sees the effect that had on Basil for the first time. [...] And through it all, Sunny wasn't there for him.

He isn't there for him when he has the opportunity to be, either.

I wonder what that says about Sunny as a person.

>>Knowing that, Black Space can take on another layer: look at what I've done to you, taking your life away from you and turning your friends against you. I might as well have killed you myself. It's a reel of the outcome of Sunny's actions, put on display as another point of shame and regret in his life.

Again, what does he do with all that shame and regret, hm? Do those feelings drive him to be a better friend to Basil, now that he finally has the chance to make amends for ditching him previously? Or are those feelings there simply because the game wants you to feel bad for him without having him do anything that'd make him worth rooting for? :)
aubrey acts like a man when omori comes outside. i think shes ftm coded.
Half of her portraits is her blushing and she owns a rabbit named BunBun
But she acts like a boy and dresses like one and is angry all the time.
The "business strategy" was "Omocat wanted an Omori manga, so she had one made"
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Gawddamn, introduce me to the boys you know who dress like THIS please!
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Cute Tummy
>girls cant act angry and be boyish
you probably thinks girls fart sparkles and never poop
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Really appreciate Basil's objectification here. It's not like he's a person with his own feelings who may be a tad pissed Sunny abandoned him twice (i.e. becoming a shut-in four years prior and walking out on him when he had a breakdown on Three Days Left), no - he's only relevant because of the catharsis Sunny will experience when they reconcile.

Note the possibility that Basil might not want to reconcile with Sunny is not accounted for. And, well, why should it be? They smiled at each other in the secret ending, after all, so it's all okay :)
post your omorifessions
i have convinced 4 friends to play this game so far who probably would never heard of it otherwise (30+ straight dudes) but i still keep my brainrot relatively under control
I want to fuck Sweetheart
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this thread needs boys kissing
Omori loves Aubrey 2
I don't really like World's End Valentine that much. Something about how it sounds on repeat doesn't work for me. But it has a really good beginning. I like You Were Wrong, Go Back a bit more overall.
Kel is going to die
go eyes closed until sun rise
loud noises are freighting and especially when coming from your immediate left as you're about to cross the street
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Thread is up on /a/....
This place as useless as ever.

have fun discussions over there
I would, if I gave 2 shits. I waited too long and don't even feel like reading it anymore. Just like last month.
so why link the thread about discussing the manga with a comment implying we suck for not discussing the manga when you don't even want to discuss the manga?
Because you do suck lol
Particularly the faggot who bragged about saving the chapter, but wasn't arsed to share.
And I linked it for the benefit of other anons who might still want to read it.
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the first link to the manga pages posted isn't dead yet so people can use that
and if you wanted a download link for the pages you should have just asked
sleepy girl. is she bed rotting?
What link? The twitter one? It's useless if you don't have an account.
Read the goddamn thread.
but i did read the thread
after getting 4 hours of sleep and coming back from work that is so i probably missed something in my half dead stupor
This is why everyone is going to Bluesky
and what did you think
i didn't say as much as i could but my immediate thoughts once sleep depravation was warded off were
And to add another option, another possibility on the Mari scene being there is that the story was crunched enough that we won't have enough Headspace scenes for the docks scene to appear. Which would be a shame if crushing the story to fit a smaller format was the reason for that oddly displaced scene. I want to think it's there for a reason, but at only 5 chapters I don't have enough to go off of.
Nope, just normal beauty rest
why is Suzuki so racist
what is bed rotting?
I like the concept of Jawsum being a stand in for Sunny's dad just for the idea that Sunny dreamed a version of the father who disowned him calling Hero the son he never had. Maybe it's something Sunny wishes he heard, but projected on someone he believes deserves it. Or maybe it's simply another bit of self loathing.
Why doesn't Suzuki want a nice malewife for Mari?
they said that for the 400th time anon
>Suzuki hates Mari dating a Mexican
>Suzuki is okay with Sunny dating a black girl
Who what where?
Sunny is king of the blacks
How do you get the Omari ending?
He's not dating them their just his side pieces
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I thought he drew Tako for a second and got insanely fucking confused
when you lie in bed and rot
bed cozy, brain no work
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Is it hard for her to put on the makeup? Who taught her?
snoozing bunches
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What anime would Mari watch?
Plus sized elf girl
Autists are like
>Omori didnt give dating tips to Space Boyfriend in the game, this manga is dogshit
Omori 2 should never be made because it will turn into LiS 2 and make everyone hate the characters
She also taught Basil how to put make up
Cardcaptor Sakura
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Omori would be far more dangerous than Frisk in the Underground because of his propensity for cruelty and malice.
So Omori's canonically shit at drawing?
everyone is shit at drawing besides Mari
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Basil promises biscuits for his friends
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>>and more believable ones like Omori wanting to protect Sunny from the boy who knows the truth.

There is no conclusive evidence that Omori is an entity separate from Sunny. On the contrary, the disembodied voice in Deeper Well implies the former is merely a "form" Sunny can assume (or, in less confusing language, a coping mechanism he can use)

For all intents and purposes, Omori is Sunny. Thus, Omori killing Basil in Black Space, either via the environment or by his hands (along with his Headspace party forgetting about Basil completely), is most likely to be representative of Sunny consciously suppressing every thought about Basil for his own peace of mind.
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so proud
How tf did Sunny beat Basil hard to enough to send him to the hospital?
If you try hard enough?
sweetheart's quest for hearts
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omori's there to stand threateningly and make sure you give his sister a generous tip or he'll give you a tip of the knife
Sunny didn’t do that the friend group did after seeing Basil stab Sunny in the eye
I'd rather he give me his tip.
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here's your tip
I cook for Sunny
Sunny looks like he's into it
he's so happy
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sunny's birthday gift to basil
the collar and ears really fit him
God he's such a little gayboy, I need to bend him over and take his ass by force
where is that tail coming from
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its a buttplug
reminder that boys are stinky and gay shit is even stinkier. bad bad bad bad bad bad.
Cool girl
explain the appeal of yaoi and why fujos like it. sunflower is disgusting.
basil would NOT stink, he may be a teenager but he would certainly smell of flowers. plus he'd be lower T i mean just look at him.

sunny might be a little stinky because of poor hygiene, he is asian though.
I can't explain the appeal of yaoi or why fujos like it because I'm a bi man
>Kim and Aubrey dating
>Kim breaks up with Aubrey and starts dating Brandi instead
>why fujos like it
same as why straight men like yuri
heres a question for all of you anons who live in anti gay areas

You bag a boygf as cute as basil, even speaks/acts more feminine than most women do, you don't announce your relationship to the public.

However one day he gets too lovey dovey and clingy to you infront of your college classmates/friends and they start to give you the looks

how would you feel and what would you do?
This but with Kel
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i dont like yuri. explain the appeal of yaoi and yuri to opposite sex.
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slutty boy Basil going nipple-out on Halloween
He'd smell of sweat and fresh dirt after taking care of some new flowers.
amazing boys
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>manga is already showing ghost mari
>sunny hasn't even stabbed himself once yet
Yuri has no men and no penises, which straight men do not find attractive. With yaoi there is usually more of a self-insertion aspect for fujos.
It's a curious decision to make that scene happen this soon. Especially since at worst it potentially robs us of the docks scene happening, at best lessens the impact by having that moment twice. But at the same time, it keeps me interested to see how these scenes are being shifted. Like Dream Kel encouraging Omori to overcome his fears being moved from Hikikomori's docks to the ladder to Otherworld. I have to wonder what the thought process is.
if i was sunny’s friend at the end of the game i wouldve called the cops like any normal person would do after their “friend” confesses to homicide
>With yaoi there is usually more of a self-insertion aspect for fujos
>self insert has gay man
i do not understand. what do they self insert as?
Some friend you would be.
only thing that takes me out of the manga is how omori's stoicism is completely absent
I can agree with that sentiment. A big part of Sunny and Omori acting so muted and unfeeling is repression. It's spelled out to the player with Space Ex-Husband's "If I cannot feel then the pain cannot reach me" thing. So to have Sunny and especially Omori be so emotive is an odd change. Some scenes like Aubrey verbally smacking him in the face with Mari's death feel like an emotional reaction from Sunny is fine, and arguably seeing Basil again considering what he did, but he shouldn't be so expressive all over. It probably would have been better if Sunny had more subtle reactions to what's around him.
I'm not like The Fujo Understander or anything but a lot of yaoi/BL is very tropey and written by women for women, with relationship dynamics that are much more like straight couples than gay male ones in reality. Gender roles are replaced with sexual roles, and I would imagine most fujos self-insert as the uke (bottom) but may also identify with the seme (top) if they're the tomboy pegging type.

Bara is closer to what gay dudes typically like.
one of the gay men
someone they make one of them trans for easier self-insertion
>women fantasize about being guys pegged by other guys
freud please explain
It gets weirder because one of those yaoi tropes is the characters not actually being explicitly gay, it's really common for there to be "if it's you, it's okay" type shit, or a seme who's never liked boys before he meets the uke who is almost like a girl.
wtf. why are so many omori fans fujos?
fan fiction bait game with predominately male cast
if basil didnt exist, omori's fanbase would be cut by 30-40 % and Fujos would be non-existent in it
The creator of Omori is literally the queen of fujos
The creator is a fujo and it shows, don't forget Omocat also made Pretty Boy. Arguably what we got is a pretty restrained compared to some of the earlier concept art where Kel and Hero literally had bishonen sparkles.
proof of omori being fujo bait?
sunny and basil's design
Dream Hero still gets sparkles when he tries to act charming
omocat is a fujo but she's also clearly a yume
Does she have a nikki?
what is a yume?
what is a nikki?
nikki is how american japanese call each other but it is racist if someone not american japanese uses it. nikki is slang. niggi is racist. you would say 'whats up my nikki' and not 'whats up my niggi'
just look at anything omocat got into controverials abouts
Nikki means diary, and yume means dream
Yume Nikki
like straight pairs but self inserts into the girl
>self inserts as gay boy lobe
>self inserts as girl in straight pair
how are these able to work together?
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All the scenes with Sunny and Basil being physically close, holding hands, etc. Basil has an almost comically effeminate design and personality, Sunny isn't exactly traditionally masculine but comes across as such just by contrast. When I first played the game as someone who's familiar with BL stereotypes I was thinking that black space Basil was trying to confess to the player that he likes you which was why he kept getting killed violently and why Stranger talks about feeling abandoned by Sunny. I also felt like there was a little bit of bait with Kel too although it was more balanced toward platonic friendship.

this is also true. Omocat said Sunny is partially based on a childhood friend of hers, and Aubrey on herself.
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this is a yume girl
they work because the focus is always on the men.
>fujos want to fuck men and be fucked by men
Good friends
That's correct
very much so
why? are most fujos bi?
>straight women want to fuck men and be fucked by men
why is this surprising to you?
>straight women
>want to fuck men
read it again
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this artist unironically understood yume nikki better than anyone else
sunny and madotsuki laying on her bed and reading her yume nikki together
sunny starts writing down his own dreams in a diary so he can share too
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little mermaid
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She got a big booty so I call her Big Booty
how to get fujo gf
That's not a yume you dumb nigger.
Yumes are mentally ill women who ship themselves with their favorite characters, commonly crapping out shitty self-insert ocs. They typically start seething when their husbando ends up with someone else regardless of gender, and they can technically be lesbian/bi, so no, it's not about simply liking straight couples.
Aubrey focuses on leg and butt day after seeing Sunny's exhentai search history
she dyed her hair pink after seeing sweetheart's name pop up a few times too
Remember that your nuy is very silly and has a small brain so he needs to be held and/or patted so he knows you are real and love him
poor boy's too used to imaginary friends and nightmares saying they love him so actual physical signs of affection feel more impactful than being told he's loved
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it should be mentioned that while many use self insert ocs some simply project really hard onto an existing character in a couple. you're right about the last part though because when i see someone else say they love sunny it makes me angry and sad.
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nobody in omori has aids you idiot
One of the homeless guys might
Can't argue with quads like that.
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Cute Mr. Plantegg
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this is cute, i wish there was an au of this
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cute mari and sweetheart
She binky
how many mary blobs would they make before deciding "enough is enough"
Probably 2 or 3
that depends on how much overlap aubrey blobs have with rabbits beyond physical characteristics
so cool
Kisses for Aubrey’s forehead
amazing soulful arts
I love you
Again, that's not what yumejoshi means.
Yumes are into
>Husbando x Reader fics, ASMRs, first POV doujin, etc
>Otome games with faceless blank slate protagonists with changeable names
>crapping out "She's Literally Me!" Mary Sue ocs of varying levels of accuracy and inserting them into the story via modding, fanfiction, drawings, etc
>running creepy blogs where they claim to be married to some fictional character, then having full mental breakdowns when their husbando/waifu touches hands with another fictional character
And they don't even have to be female, straight, or focused on romance (some yumes just want to befriend/baby their favorite characters.) POV BL/yuri is also categorized as yume.

You're just a regular rabid shipper who for whatever reason refuses to stfu about self-inserting.
What if Aubrey used Lipstick and kissed Sunny
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i need more names to bully this game. anyone got any witticisms or creative burns?
Why is Omori almost the only Western game for which I regularly see art by Japs or anime art on sites like Danbooru? I am not exaggerating, it really is the top spot.
I started playing it due to that (and like it), I just wonder.
I think its because its aesthetic and tone is generally mimicking that of Japanese games, when I first played the game I didn't know anything about it or Omocat and I assumed it was Japanese, mostly because of the name.
Sunny would get an erection
To be honest I kinda hate it, because it means that a significant portion of the porn has this shitty Japanese censorship.
Cute Boys & Girls
One of the photos in the Faraway Town photo album indicates Sunny apparently had to beg Mari to let him join her for recital practice.In the datamined captions for the Truth photos, however, he blames his tantrum on Mari, as if she forced him to practice with her.And, of course, Mari is the one who's made to apologize for the whole argument.
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its not safe to contain this much smug in a single human body
>>49 9911723
Cute. It's not often you see this moment depicted.
>499914613 (Me)
Golly gee, how'd I fuck that one up?
She both has incredible amounts of smug content stored in her being, but masterful use and display of said smug
Mary Making
mary made rather
Same reason why Souls games are more popular in the west than in Japan despite being made by a Japanese studio.
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Look at this sweet boy
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Magical Mystery Tour
lil suuy an hawu awe on the case
Her widdle bubby wubby
Post your favorite Omori videos
This one
But I also like this
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buzz buzz buzz
what kind of honey does he like
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Not yet
dead general dead game
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Dead Sister
Beautiufl Mari
Cute Mari
I lvoe her so much
Hello from /homog/! I'll be residing here now since that place has turned into complete trash and I heard there are sometimes AH here again.
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Welcome home, wayward child. What happened to homog?
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Plain, simple, and bulbous little brother!
Nothing, it's just slow and a single anon who's probably a falseflagger and might be the anon you're replying to brought up a story about him considering crossing state lines to exploit Romeo & Juliet Laws
Why is he wearing that shirt?
Don't forget its "omori related" since the girl looks like mari
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Its cute
cute brother does mari hug him a lot?
Every Sunday
why does every omari pictures look sunny like something coomer shota lover likes?
I'll just spare the visual clutter and direct link my /homog/ reply
I want to hold Basil's hand.
Bad Touch Mari is the bad end
Good Touch Mari is the good end
Omari decides which touch she does
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Its just a sweeter and younger version of Sunny the same way Mari is in Omori anon.
Truly the choices are in her hands.
who thiese?
We need more living mari au where she's a less idealized teenage girl with a big ego.
Do you think Mari was mean real life?
Stupid brat couldn't even play the violin right. He deserved it.
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All real people have times they do things tgey're not proud of. I don't mean make mari a catty bitch, but I'm sure she wasn't a perfect angel all the time in reality. She pribably had moments where her self-interest won out over her care for her friends or family, maybe she occasionally unknowingly said something that hurt someone's feelings, things like that.
give more examples of selfish mari
Her smugness bothers me. Mari was probably really annoying and a bitch if she was real.
How does Mari smell like?
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Mari making jokes that go slightly over kel's head, so he thinks they're laughing together but really she's making fun of him

Mari telling Sunny to "stop being such a baby" when he's scared or too lazy to do something she finds trivial

Mari making that overly theatrical loud sigh when she's busy with practice but the kids need her help to watch a movie (she has already done this for them two or three times)

Mari sending hero boob pics and demanding dick pics in return
There's still 227 Faraway Hero plushies on the store after a full month...
He's waiting for Mari
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i wish i could hug and snuggle sunny
m.......he looks so cute and sweet and when i think about going to the eternal void i don't do it because i love him so much
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I have trouble thinking of how to write it down, but In my head I've rolled around an idea that Mari had subtly encouraged Sunny's reliance on her back then. That she thought it was cute when he fit the role of baby of the group and it fed her ego to know he looked up to and relied on her so much. Sort of treating him like a cute pet she could play with at times and less like a person. It wasn't done for a truly malicious purpose, but in hindsight it wasn't the nicest way to treat her dear little brother. Especially once her treatment of him changed when practice for the recital started. This idea could use some workshopping.
>Tall dominant Mari gf
God I wish that were me
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She's the BIG sister here.
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hawu needs her snuy...
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>Sunny gets hurt on the playground at school
>Haru has to ride the bus home without him
>When she gets home, the house is empty
Poor Haru home all alone for almost hours, not sure if Sunny's going to be okay or not and her imagination starts being really mean to her
hawi wants her snuy
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They need to be together to be happy
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Don't you have friends?
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hero replacing mari with a tall gentle girl after her death
cute humphrey gijinka
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cute hat
are you okay?
He wants to be held
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baba woke up but can't find a mysterious girl who greets him every morning
she had to brush her teeth
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Can I hug him?

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