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a new aggydaggy game has released edition


>Demo Days
Next: https://itch.io/jam/agdg-demo-day-59
Previous: https://itch.io/jam/agdg-demo-day-58
Older: https://hackmd.io/LhEB6VCZSx-oBalI2cWWoA

>Halloween Jam

>AGDG resources

>Helpful links
New Threads: >>>/vg/agdg
Archive: https://arch.b4k.co/vg/search/subject/agdg/
Steam Games by AGDG: https://agdg-steam.netlify.app/
/agdg/ Steam Games: https://made-by-agdg.vercel.app/
Recap: https://recap.agdg.app

>How to WebM

>>499332315 (Cross-thread)
I'm buying AAA 60+ hours games for 5 bucks or less. You can buy a Mass Effect trilogy for 10 bucks, Bamham trilogy for 10 bucks, I bought MGSV definitive for 5 bucks. Now people are laughing at marmo for charging 12 bucks for his game or 8 bucks for cc but the truth is you can't sell one dev Indie game with no online presence, no advertising and no Twitter/Reddit/patreon visibility/support. Grifters get their money on the sole YouTube visibility. Pirate Software is selling his shitty earthbound clone thanks to YouTube algorithm and boosted visibility. Marnix does the same. So is Cho cho Charles dev. You either adjust your price or you're outnumbered and outgunned in this ecosystem. Get a publisher, invest in advertising or be everywhere all the time, otherwise you won't even be noticed.
Do unrealfags really?

real old thread
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>Get a publisher
its good to be realistic anon
people can't afford groceries
dr dre can
forget about dre
I forgot about dre
godot has no input lag but it's confusing :(
You are just stupid.
yes but like, idk how i'm supposed to install addons if they can be literally installed and all the files are right there but it says it doesn't work and is missing dependencies for some unknown reasons, i get that godot wasn't originally designed for mobile, maybe the addon has c++ code *sigh* i've seen it work in other tutorial videos

i guess i'll just have to make my own buttons just to be able to test the game
And what do you even know about "advertising" and its effectiveness? You think the problem with marmo was not enough advertising?
Yeah, people complaining about "race to the bottom" are dumb. It's not like you have to price ALL your games at the lowest price possible, but when you're a complete newcomer with no online presence it's probably a good idea to sell your first game cheaper than you would have done otherwise, just to make up for the fact that you're someone new on the scene and players don't know what to expect from you.

But then again Lil' Red and Omnigon were sold cheap and it didn't help, so dunno.
>muh advertising
just like make good game
i couldn't even make 2d slop if i wanted to under these conditions, but i did figure out how to establish a character body in 3d
What about unity?
unity has a secret price, and it's not open source or on android, clearly godot is the better option
I want Poke All Toads to come out soon. I had a lot of fun with the demo.
If you show your game, and people think it's ugly..and your make a demo and people don't think it's fun...then pricing isn't based on Batman being $10, it's that nobody likes your game. You need to show your game on reddit or twitter, or make a great demo and send it to 100 streamers. And if everyone hates it and you get no wishlists there's no magic way to get it to sell. And if nobody has wishlisted your game because you haven't shown it to anyone, then it'll also likely fail.

It seems fairly obvious what my genres prices are. $15-19.99. Based on hours of content. Art quality. It's up to me to get the wish lists.
>muh good game
Just advertise it correctly
he means the problem with marmo was it was a meme itt but not on yt
>be me
>work months on graphics
>get them in the engine
>can't do anything due to no experience with coding or knowledge of engine use
why are things like this? video games are simple yet so complicated to make after 30 years,

imagine if other mediums had to deal with this level of bloated abstraction, nobody would make anything
>a good game advertised to its target audience
how queer! couldn't be us, right /agdg/?
if you can plop a character in a world you already know how to make a good game
>want to make game
>whine relentlessly
>if you can plop a character in a world you already know how to make a good game
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What's the budget for your game related expenses?
For me it's whole 500$
I'm gonna PLOP some character alright
i have all this determination and good idea, but i'm gatekept by my lack of expertise and patience, meanwhile people know what they're doing but don't have a good idea or enough determination

these are rough times

yes lol, resident evil is literally just walking around with zombies that also walk around, it's like a bigger version of pac man with an inventory and a story except for the puzzles, those aren't so good
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>muh idea
>yes lol, resident evil is literally just walking around with zombies that also walk around, it's like a bigger version of pac man with an inventory and a story except for the puzzles, those aren't so good
Currently around 40 USD. I'm saving so I can buy replacements parts if my computer fails. Hopefully it won't fail until then.
maybe i should have made my player character more attractive so people would be more invested in the success of my game, i guess i could do that
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who was phone?
classic resident evil games have a cool atmosphere and story, and characters but being stuck and wandering around in the same areas starts to lose it's charm eventually
Everyone please steal this idea:
You play as loli in a mico bikini with a scythe and all the mobs and villans in the game are shifty jews who cast spells at you by rubbing thier hands together.
No. It's against my principles to make such a game.
you can't even follow a tutorial on youtube
Why? Explain, are you a kike?
yeah, antisemitism is wrong
Thats very cringe of you to say
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Nortubel's first tutorial level tv screens were redone, so they don't lag the level.
Now it's just a matter of updating the game officially.
the tutorials on youtube rely on downloading the same addon that doesn't work on my phone for some reason, but i did figure out how to make a character body from a youtube tutorial

it really is just one obstacle after another

same, it's really weird men complain about standards being too high for them meanwhile alot of them get the ick the moment a woman is over 25 even at the most generous interpretation
It's insincere so it violates pure form directive
It's political so it violates neutral form directive
The only directive it does not violate is the higher form directive, but the core directives are exclusive rather than inclusive so violating even one is grounds for dismissal.
Being of any religion would violate the neutral form directive.
Literally how is it political? Theres nothing political about lolis and hand rubbing jews simply existing.
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added those funky spoons for expresso called baskets and coffee grinders

I need to think on some sort of super short minigame for latte art but my brain isnt giving me anything yet, for now i sleep. See you after nap aggydaggy
>the same addon that doesn't work on my phone for some reason
what addon?
the virtual joystick
Are you the one using flax?
>It's like BiteMe says, maybe we don't need to put every game on steam,
This but also if you do at least put some effort towards marketing it. I think Cosmic Call has some potential but it seems to me he failed to get eyes on the game.
Portraying a certain specific existing group of people as villains is political propaganda against them.
I spend maybe around $200 a year on games because there are almost no $40+ games that I buy anymore. Most of them are around $10.
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My new loading bar
if you had determination you'd go and learn the stuff you need to learn to make the game you want to make
entire elden ring lore, aesthetics and concept was my idea
i never externalized it anywhere, not even in physical or digital form, meaning that they must have read my mind
even if you never post about it anywhere they can still read your mind

"internal monologue" meme was actually a psyop to allow them to read your thoughts even easier
the best counter against this is to think abstractly, making it much harder for them to focus on just 1 person instead of just freely broadcasting your thoughts to their database
be more impulsive, plan less and plan abstractly
>retard realises that videogames are software
Sucks to suck, post your art, maybe I'll let you be my redheaded artist girlfriend (male)
kikes support p*dophilia so they can't be the villains in such a game

antisemitism is natural because they are a parasitic species that leeches off the host and slowly kills it
It’s a black femcel, she has been whining for days now ITT.
im adding this to the fanart in the credits
and yes, its kinda over but eh
I don't know why but it looks pretty gay to me
>nigger tranny
It's Ronnie Redpill doing another one of his creative writing 'practices'.
With the amount of time this poster has spent repeating the same thing over and over for several days of "I have everything I need but a simple player controller script" they could have easily just punched it into an AI and had it running in thirty minutes
lol that's what i'm doing, i can't give up now, not when i know it's possible

picrel is the playable character for the test game
WHY is using AI voice bad? Especially if I am replacing it slowly with real voice.
idk who ronnie redpill is, ai is bad, and it takes long time to go from 0 experience with game engines to a functional player controller script, even longer when the methods other people are using don't work and idk what i'm actually doing
>he failed to get eyes on the game
There's nothing to see. He failed to make a good, fun game that people want to play.
Cosmic Call flopped

One Armed Bandit flopped

Code:blue flopped

Marmoreal flopped

Shadowed flopped

do you believe me now when I say that I cursed you because you ignored my game?
tfw people think i'm annoying instead of simping for me :( *sigh* it really is my destiny to be a gamedev

hideaki anno went from having depression to making evangelion and becoming a legend and he got married
whodev moment lol, it's so sad to see all of these games flop, all it takes is a good idea, good graphics, good gameplay and the right audience, yet so many believe in their game wholeheartedly and still fail
>no game posted
>no game to post
>no tits posted
>no tits to post
>"models" worse than cris
>wHy iS nO oNe sImPiNg fOr mE??!??
shut the fuck you stupid nigger. you don't have the IQ to be a game dev
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>picrel is the playable character for the test game
I'm not a whodev. You know my game and have probably seen it dozens of times over the months. The problem isn't that you don't know me - it's that you ignore me and disbelieve in me despite the fact that my game is promising and I'm destined for greatness
I do not consider it bad as long as you have permission from the person or people the synthetic voice is trained on to use it in such a manner.
Let me just call my bros Joe and Donald and ask them for permission.
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>I need to think on some sort of super short minigame for latte art but my brain isnt giving me anything yet, for now i sleep. See you after nap aggydaggy
I've never done latte art, but I imagine it's like pic related, but timed
ATLYSS is selling for $9.99 when it launches and has had zero advertising, it's just a well made game that was enough to attract a YouTuber to it and grew naturally
I haven't been in this thread for years, does ronny have a game yet?
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picrel was my game before i replaced the player with a cube, i have massive iq btw once i learn how godot works i'll have the skills necessary to be a solo dev, i mentioned todd howard before but i'm also like the female toby fox, i be making tunes, it's my real expertise

why are you so upset if you already know how to make a game?

*sigh* maybe i'll have to save the black girl magic for another game, i might have to make an asian protagonist to impress 4channers

i don't know who you are, but it's gotta be embarassing to actually have a game and make post like these instead of showing it, a good game speaks for itself
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>one single click to claim all megascans for free
>go ahead kid, this ones on me

You guys doubted him, he's been consistent in the way he does things since 1997.
I believe you. How do we undo the curse? what was your game?
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This is the only kind of flop I will do!!
a new age of slop is upon us... you have doomed us all timmy
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I'm unironically depressed from all the /agdg/ flops, a few years ago it wouldn't have been this bad.
If you've been here that'd long, I'd be more depressed about how you're still here with no game.
just you wait, my flop will be spectacular.
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slightly better inventory
will you be in DD?
That you Ronnie? Crumble? You got the black weeb personality down to a tee.
he's not gonna say the game lol
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>*sigh* maybe i'll have to save the black girl magic for another game, i might have to make an asian protagonist to impress 4channers
My wife is black so I'm probably the least (most) racist person here, I couldn't tell what race the character was. I think if you're going to have low-poly models you can't also have super low texel density to the point where their clothes are an indistinguishable smear unless you're specifically trying to replicate the Sega Dreamcast, but then you probably shouldn't have bilinear have texture filtering turned on

Also yes making anime girls would help 4chins like you, like pic rel which was posted by another 3d anon in a previous thread
Kek i was surprised by the one click thing

Unironically i suspect were head to another giga tsunami of devs
Sex with big breasted robot!
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Yesterday, I reworked the sex scene with Shockitty to make use of the updated, remade apartment. Before this rework, in a rush to get the initial demo out, I had simply copied the apartment scene, overwrote some scripts and added the sex sprites to it. Now I'm using a much more clean method of composition, injecting the sex sprites into the apartment scene. Today, I'm going to make sure this change works with both of the practical implementations of the sex scene, and then I'm going to add more people to the credits so that I can ultimately release the finalized version of the demo by the end of the week. Next month, we are aiming to release the first part of the second chapter.
>this game proceeds to break the agdg flop streak when it releases in June 2025
>gets 100k reviews
How eould that make you feel aggy?
>How eould that make you feel aggy?
ronnie? crumble? where are you getting these names from?

it was an experiment with texture painting

of course you'd say that...
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The only way to break the curse is to figure out my identity. This way you will finally prove that someone cared enough about me to remember me. It's like a classic fairytale.
what's the lore of your game? Why are you fighting berry bushes?
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If it wasn't for the little bar at the top letting me know this is Unity I'd say this is the most BYOND looking game I've ever seen.
What happened with the Japanese girl Bundev? Any progress on your game, pics?
Go fuck yourself Shod. Your game fucking sucks and you know it. Just because you got jewtubers shilling it for you doesn't mean it's good.
>of course you'd say that...
I think I have it. it was 3d right?

Here is progress >>499495020
Also she keeps threatening to rape me. I'm going to Japan next year but now I am scared for my safety.
Thank you Mr Sweeney, say hi to your daughter for me. I will put this to good use.
wait, are you in a long distance relationship with a japanese girl? How did you manage that, bundev?
The improved seagull looks great! Uhhh does the Jap have hots for you?

I'm a handsome white boy and I called her a bastard.
>playing silly mind games instead of posting his game
i may be a woman and all, but bro is in his feminine energy lmao
How many million triangles is that pickle?
Man there's nothing interesting to make a game about
I make web games.
an ancient evil awakens......
Nah, still too far out from a real gameplay loop.
They are evil (see their eyebrows/frown)
For me there are many interesting things to make games about.
it also cant render tekken 7's graphics
>Nah, still too far out from a real gameplay loop.
thats not necessary for DD but alright
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Is art the hardest skill to get good at for game development?
CS dropout neet loser btw...
you only need tekken 2's graphics to make a good game
I added a radio that functions similarly to the TV. There's 2 default station folders with public domain music in it (1 mixed and 1 classical) and the player can either dump whatever music files they have into those folders or make as many new station folders as they like and drop it into there and it'll play on those stations. Static on empty stations too. I'm leaning towards making all the tapes the player rents out actual public domain movies so that the player can have real movies to distribute but I'd also be able to put those movies on the tapes to be watched on the TV. Then of course they could easily just import their own movies in and cover art and then buy those new movies from the catalog and have custom loaded tapes.
You need something to get that initial spike of players for any sort of word of mouth or such to happen. That is part of marketing.
>just make a good game and it will have players
is not actually true. If nobody knows about the game nobody will play it. Sure yeah maybe if someone released a 10/10 game in steam with no marketing it could slowly spread from the couple sales it made but realistically you need some sort of marketing event that gets a decent mass of people to play your game. In current Steam people won't naturally discover your game. Not even in the demo events. If you have no traction your visibility is effectively zero and your game is buried deep in the pile of shit that nobody cares about.

I don't know what sorts of efforts he made for getting the game out there, maybe he really tried but nobody wanted to play it. Somehow I doubt that. The game is not bad. I'm not that into FPS but I still had fun with it. It should appeal more to people who are into FPS roguelites.
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For me it's texturing. I can more or less make a 3D model look like what it is suppose to look like, and my animations are trash but usable. But god damn I don't even know where to start when it comes to texturing stuff.
I can't even properly unwrap UVs, they just come out wonky and then when I try to make textures they look weird because of it.
2d art is hard but the method of making it is easy

3d art is easy but the method of making it is hard
Assuming you're looking to build a commercial game, the hardest skill is game design. A good game designer can design a commercially viable game around a lack of skills and resources.
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in my heart, i made it.
you finished something, thats more than 99% of aggy daggies have done
Finishing a game is still an achievement and the game is not necessarily over yet. Try to get some youtubers to play it. Also make a post in r/gaming.
All of them. it used all of them. (1,042,280)
look how the crabs are hugboxing you, still finishing a game is a decent achievement but nothing to write home about these days considering that 40 to 60 games release on steam alone daily
learn from it and come back stronger
I think some stuff in a the far background or a skybox would make your game much more visuallya appealing
even i'm impressed by this game i feel like you made it too
retarded take
I've been whining about how his levels look since he first started posting, I don't think he's gonna change it now...
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thanks tim. I can make a challenger to marmoreal. I'll call it... marmofake
You could reach the same result with 500 polys and a normal map
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Damn that pickle has more triangles than my entire game.
why would you make a challenger to kusoge? is it a competition to see who makes a worse game?
ngmi :(
Either way you shake it, you've learned plenty of skills, you've published your first game. The odds of success on a first game are very low. Especially in the niche boomer shooter genre.
You can always try another, it should be a much smoother process to develop the second time around too.
cloth textures look very cheap, otherwise i like it
cosmicbro how was your marketing in general?
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in your fart, you're a loser, and this failure just makes all the months of the other faggots here sucking your dick just all the more pathetic. Does it feel nice that they were all lying to you about the quality of your shit game? None of the praise you got here meant anything, because it was all lies. You got gaslighted and enabled into wasting months of your live developing a pointless garbage game. This is the real joke here
100% positive reviews. It's actually better than anything I could make right now.
What this anon said >>499509183
No matter where you're right now, you're miles from where you used to be, never forget that.
This cope doesn't matter when steam is flooded with slop on a daily basis, finishing a game IS objectively easy, finishing a good game ain't.
feels like she will wag her finger at me and say "she cute"
can't believe how many aggydaggers adopted the "at least you're making a game. It doesn't have to be good" crabbing style
this hugboxing is the main reason why so many of the new games flop
and yet it is still more than most aggies can manage
>finishing a game IS objectively easy
how many games have you finished?(not gamejams, games with lots of content like cosmic call)
I rest my case
Why can't it?
this constant race to adopt new and more convoluted copes is really something to behold
No nigger, you're wrong. Plenty of devs have managed to make better games. Stop acting like making a game gives you some kind of superiority when you're surrounded by hundreds of people who have already finished games
it's the classic crab hug
no? 90% of the thread is now /vg/ tourists including the parasocial schizo from shartdew general (dead thread btw)
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rates to my sharkperson sprite
You might want a bit more contrast between the outlines and the skin tones
looks degenerate
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*forgot pic
>it doesn't matter that X game is shit and failed to sell. You don't have to care about quality just make game
>no I'm not going to support or praise other agdg games who successfully finished games. I will only use this defense when one of my gay clubhouse's games gets released
>when you're surrounded by hundreds of people who have already finished games
that's not true for modern /agdg/, its all shitposters
>at least you're making a game. It doesn't have to be good
Anon this is an amateur gamedev thread, not a startup incubator. Most people make shit, if they carry on maybe they'll make something good eventually. Calling people retarded and telling them to kill themselves doesn't seem constructive, and there are plenty of retards doing that here, maybe that's why nobody posts progress anymore.

imagine being a godot dev and being featured in this video lol https://youtube.com/shorts/dxBbPtQT0wI?si=w1QUCe9M3PIoTBxJ
30 reviews in 2 months
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>games don't have to be good. Just make mediocre slop
>but if you actually make a good game we're going to ignore it to give more praise to Cosmic Call, our parasocial internet buddy!!!
>congratulating an anon for releasing a game is now crabbing
I declare that from now on anyone posting about crabs is crabbing. That slang term doesn't mean anything anymore. Everything can be crabbing. Anything can be crabbing. It is simply retardese and you are retarded if you post using it.
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honestly just youtube shorts and appearing in one of stayathomedev's videos, but it was very unorganized due to time constraints
No worries, I still have a lot more games planned, a lot of things to do. Im only improving :)
>only 2 reviews after an entire day
It's over bros...
saccharine hugboxing is a form of subtle crabbing
Reviews mean nothing. What matters is sales.
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I want to remind you that you arrived in /agdg/ much later than me. You climbed to popularity with your trashy nothing of a game. The artstyle is lazy, and the gameplay is boring and outdated. You're destined for failure and don't let your inintial momentum trick you. You never had any potential or future in this industry - it was all delusion and people feeding you with a false sense of grandiosity
I've been saying that Cosmic Call is most likely going to flop for a long time, but I do think he should be proud of himself for shipping a game. He's still very young, has learned a lot from the experience, and will eventually make it if he sticks to gamedev. Meanwhile, (You), the neverdev /v/tard shitposter reading this, will never make it.
>My wife is black
How big is her dick?
damn that is craazy
he's right, most the reviews are just pity reviews from /agdg/ the algorithm is not promoting the game at all compared to games with organic reviews, that card game that was posted like yesterday made 7k from 40 reviews i bet marmo didn't even made half of that
The king of crabs has spoken
I will only get more because of warhammer fans, it's a built in fanbase.
>hello plebbit, check out my anime-warhammer-inspired slice-em up bullet hell extravaganza! I craved the strength and certainty of steam wishlists!
Resentment is like drinking poison and waiting for the other person to die.
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>and will eventually make it if he sticks to gamedev
No, if you're good at this, all the games you make at the very least have some character and originality. He has no originality, and his "first game" is a massive letdown. He will never get anywhere because that's the extent of what he is. I have more trust that Azurdev will make it than most other posters here because even if azurdev keeps failing at least his games are unique. Cosmic Cunt just made a generic run of the mill zoomerbait boomer shooter during a boomer shooter trend period. He's no one special. His struggle will amount to nothing in the grand scheme of things
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uhhh it is bc of the hips?
looks like crap but has an ass in the cap, you gmi son.
sharks don't have ears and they have very wide mouths. reminds me of a mouse.
Consumers do not want to play original games. They want to play whatever they know that they already enjoy playing, with a twist. You have no game, faggot.
i think you can update your capsule image, i'll send you the one you refered that time to make yours but edited. wait a sec
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>arrives in /agdg/ much later than you
>game more popular than yours
he had over 1000 wishlists with essentially 0 markettng. things would be better if he shilled it to jeddit with wedditbait thread titles
Not pursuing anatomical accuracy, sharks don't have arms and legs either
im gonna do that the rest of the day lmao, see what happens
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flash in the pan popularity amounts to nothing when it comes down to it. Getting something quickly and with no effort usually means that that thing is worthless. Look what all those thousands of threads of circlejerking and all those demo day streams got him in the end: Absolutely nothing
Jaws instantly got better. I need shark arms and legs now.
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>implementing a save/load system
oh man, this is boring, I want the action teh booms the tits!
not debugging data in data out
>I want to remind you that you arrived in /agdg/ much later than me. You climbed to popularity with your trashy nothing of a game.
out fucking skilled
Consumers don't want to play indie games in general. They aren't your target demographic and never were because they only buy the newest AAA games so I don't know why you're even taking them into consideration as an audience
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Go back to /v/, retard. You don't belong here.
suit yourselves. It's your flop at the end of the day
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i figured out how to make something move in godot, seee i knew i could do it, when was the last time /agdg/ has seen such raw gmi potential? haha, i am like the female gohan of gamedev
wheres your game ?
idea: a game about a scorpion, and you gotta move the stringer like QWOP
Can I change opacity of an object in godot without using a material?
I already have an established shader using the alpha channel and if I try to change it's opacity it breaks into a blurry mess
If I try a second pass, it works on the original vertices and not on the vertices transformed by the shader
on the train to success
although after i have something to show i would still have to figure out how to convert a video to webm, but yeah, just like that in a matter of a month or two i'm a full on yesdev

idk how someone can engage in the nodev lifestyle for years, maybe it helps that there aren't that many video games i like, so i don't have a video game addiction or something
cris, you've transitioned?
This reeks of inner circle resentment
godot 5 will fix that
haha no way, i would never use ai

>thinking about the inner circle
if a game is good it'll impress them anyway
It sounds like you want to multiply in another opacity variable into your shader. Just add a "uniform float opacity" at the top and multiply opacity in with the alpha wherever you're setting COLOR in fragment.
Now make a jar full of pickles using a megascan of a glass jar

r/pixelart (post a collection of enemies or something)
not sure what else
What's your game about, anon? I'm also making something with shark people.
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>come back after a day
>still the same arguments
Jesus , dont you ever sleep lol.
Who knew amateur indiedev in such a small place would have so much drama again hahahaha

wheres that dude that used to post nobutel or something?

anyhow boyos
>megascan of a glass jar
clear glass doesn't scan
leddit is fucking useless these days, pretty much have to pay for updoots
>>come back after a day
make it after a month probably
jesus, if you used that time making an actual game you'd have an actual game hahahahahah
wow a unicorn like I see in my dreams
Some feedback
>remove the ear and put a dorsal fin on the back of the head
>reduce tail size, it would be too unbalanced otherwise
>go for plantigrade instead of digitigrade, no reason to make sharkpeople plantigrade at all
>add a nice big toothy grin
>maybe put the gills somwhere near the neck
idk there was that mekkablood aislop boomer shooter that got 5k wishlists
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if you stay away for a year nothing will have changed either
I do plan to improve the sprite more before making animations any kind of way, but your style of animation is what I'm aiming for ideally. Fpr now it is more of a concept, amazing spritework btw

still on the idea stage but I intend to make a dungeon crawler with SMT Strange Journey type of exploration

Gonna try but with my current skills it might be hard to do in this size
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i made my first game :> it's literally that easy lol, there's no need to use awful things like ai
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I just want everyone here to remember that this is what happens to people who ignore my progress. All you have to do is treat me with some humanity and this won't happen to you. The mental rot that compels devs to ignore me is the same mental rot that makes them release flops. Get cured today!
Its cool, with 64px size you should be able to add some details (the gills can just be lines desu) but its good abstraction practice.
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done, can i post it?
*yawns* really
>pay attention to my game
>oh you want to know the name of my game, well i'm not gonna tell you, grrr
>i'm also not a whodev btw
lmao, anon wishes he made cosmic call
you're really sad
>I just want everyone here to remember that this is what happens to people who ignore my progress.
they finish their game and release it? maybe the inner circle is onto something
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>game is on sale for 25% off
>only review in weeks is negative
>thousands of wishlists aren't converting because the game is still unoptimized garbage
I almost feel bad for him at this point. He's stuck spending years finishing a game that isn't selling because of his publisher contract, instead of being able to just abandon it and start something new like every other early access flop.
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This jobby is pretty grim.
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yni^Halloween Season YAY YAYS YAYLY

UNNAMED Song Lyrics:

〟we take n0 m&dms
we have no unynimaginary friens
This is the mental yaylum,
dear fairyy 形YEYS〟

"The Lords of Uneding Life Behold!
We take unto ourselves power
We DЯFT our Maker
We cling, We take We cleave the yayness..."

all rights yayed

How do I find a my first job ever with my portfolio? I know I probably need to focus on programming but doing many tasks in the limited amount of time is very exhausting and hard for me at the moment sadly even though I work hard to improve on LeetCode. I also do not know how do I handle adult life since I am too yAytistic person.

What do I do for a living?
Yaying Subculturally^

I have been working on yni^ since 3yo or even earlier, in that time I have made so many yays and the stable version released on the Steam will continue to improve Eternally^ FOREVEЯ
>make 3 pixelshit platformers
life lesson
i'm not sad at all, but my former crush asked me to draw something, and i haven't gotten around to it, maybe when i do i'll be sad, since i'm pretty sure i forgot how to draw eyes, i've gotten over him even though we're still in contact, idk if he knew i even liked him

>that isn't selling because of his publisher contract
what does that have to do with it?
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>bunnigger is back
>the first thing he does is brag about his japanese woman
this is so sad, i'm not sure there's any genre that can be more obsolete than 2d platformers, although somebody's gotta be genuinely liking these games
>no user reviews
>no price
>premiere in Q4 2024
you from the future or something?
their publisher laid off all the employees earlier this year too. could be a factor.
Just my retarded grammar. I meant the game isn't selling, but he has to finish it or his publisher will sue him.
>but he has to finish it or his publisher will sue him.
oh lol, lmao
maybe stop making 20 dollar 2D platformers
get a clue for once, look at the games that are selling, its new unique ideas that are 10 dollars
>insists you must react to his progress to break the curse
>never posts progress
>has no game
I didn't sign up for this. The power of Christ nullifies your curse and any other hexes on this thread or its visitors.

You are banished, demon
so mote it be in the inner circle
You will know my progress when you see it heathen. Shut the fuck up and keep your eyes vigilant
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it's devving time!
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cosmicdev where i can contact you?
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Getting rich wasn't enough to feed his ego, gotta rub it in our wounds too.
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im so tired and my head hurts
No reviews, but 58,000 wishlists, release early access in Q4 2024 starting at $9.99, and all his 2,5000 beta keys were sold for about $5 each via Patreon
AAA sucks
there are people in these threads who make games more fun than AAA and I have bought their games instead of AAA games that would've been cheaper
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>want to make a tank game
>check my free quixel megascans for tanks
heeelll yeeeahh thanks Tim this game is going be amazing.
>all rusted to shit

Mfs need to get that shit swapped out. That's a hazard to even refill at this point. I hate shit like this in games. Like rust makes it heckin industrial. Fucking dumb.
>>zero advertising
>made by a furfag artist
>had a demo on itch for ages
>had a patreon paid version for ages

>58,000 wishlists
you niggas don't know what advertising or marketing means

that furnigger dev is doing exactly what you're supposed to do in current year steam; release a demo and milk it for wishlists over months so that when you're finally ready for release you're gonna do so with a bang
>my tank game will be awesome because my generic gastank will have an 8k texture on it
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I'm making a game with a fuckton of AI assets, pic related, will I get roasted by gaming journalism and steam reviews?
So why don't (You) do the same instead of pissing your pants?
my game has 18k wishlists without a demo :)
>different tanks fly around with different physics because of their varied shapes
>player controls the release valve
ship it
you're supposed to make a good game. many have forgotten this
they made a retro-styled game
you get what you deserve: becoming assimilated into the retro (becoming ex-studioed)
It was "Krazieh". i know, very bland and bad, but it grew on me, so have fun laughing.. now im unsure what to actually call the place instead, im so fucking uncreative with names.. Its not like ill have many places anyways, maybe ill just keep calling it the burh like some uncreative edgelord
coomers don't have functioning brains, you'll be fine
who's saying I'm not?

good job but you need to multiply it before release

of course and your demo needs to be good as well or people won't give a shit about it
is it a porn game?
Dragon Ball characters are named after food and vegetables
Just use whatever name you'd like
no, just high quality

it's the non-coomers I'm worried about, since the game I'm making isn't actually coomery enough, they're not quite the demographic here so they might not even play it.
if it's porn you'll find success if it's a regular game you'll get roasted

fuck. What if I promise to get some real art before release, will that fly? I'm dirt poor right now and I want to make the game I have in my head a reality instead of going for some shit tier anime art.
Howd you make that sea sickness motion? Would like to steal this
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The issue isn't that 2D platfomers don't sell.
It's closer to fags making 1995 games.

They should know that the genre evolved.
It's like making an FPS and trying to copy Quake instead of Fornite.
Or Making a 2D fighter and trying to copy SF2.

Celeste, super meat boy and 1wanna be the guy or ori the blind forest or parkour freestyle is where platormer fags should look, not SMW.
Crumble won
What if someone has personal preferences?
>Celeste, super meat boy and 1wanna be the guy or ori the blind forest or parkour freestyle is where platormer fags should look, not SMW.
If they did that, you'd call them trend chasing and soulless, mister "I wanna BTFO SOTN".

The background and waifu are both translating in a small infinity sign shape, but with different frequencies so they're not in sync. Also the waifu skews a few degrees left/right. Hope this makes sense.
you can try, many AI games release on steam but they get low reviews with negative reviews before reaching 10 in my experience
so far AI seems to only be accepted in porn games, some patreons make really good money with it
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SOTN is not a pixel shit platformer.

Also SOTN gameplay still has gotten old pretty well unlike most psx era games.

The issue with SOTN is that it lacks a lot of modern QoL stuff that the genre evolved.
SOTN still has bad design choices like touch = being hurt.
Howd you make them follow the oo shape path? I just want to have my character do a very subtle version of this to imply breathing
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Would some redemption arc be the play here? Keep it AI art until release and then swap it over if it makes sense as an investment based on the wishlists? This way at least it won't be review bombed on steam where it matters most?
>launches on Nintendo Switch
>outsells Pokemon of all fucking games
yep, and trainwiz still seethes about it kek
>SOTN still has bad design choices like touch = being hurt.
That is not a bad design choice.
as i said you can try by being honest and having a disclaimer saying that you'll get artists as soon as it is financially doable for you, it's a tall order tho
just recently a lot of artists are switching to bluesky because musk is gonna steal everything posted after nov 15th to feed his AI, the hatred for AI from normalfags is very real
Replace the AI art because you feel like it (don't like it), not because you want to conform to some insane cult. I highly doubt people will give a shit if it's good enough anyway
>SOTN still has bad design choices like touch = being hurt.

this is pretty much a requirement on platformers. Even Warioland took that approach in Warioland 4 because puzzle like games where you get sent to the beginning of the level are more tedius
>some insane cult
Nice crabbing, the "insane cult" is the largest demographic for your game. Gamedev is grim enough I can't imagine wanting to alienate tons of people too and ruin your reputation forever.
>trainwiz still seethes
His game reviews tanked at 260 lol
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I switched engines two more times trying to find my forever home. Today marks two months of making basically Pong.

I spent way too long on this sloshing effect and it's still not that good. Should I just get rid of it? There's no more progression once the scoreboard is up (other than larger denominators). Does there need to be? Can it just go on until the player gets bored?
bro youre a 30 yo man trying to act like a little girl. This is what anime brainrot does to weebs
Wariolandlikes are the newest hottest thing in 2D platformers
neat, I assume that's the tutorial, looks like the ball is slow enough that you could just bat it without looking at which fraction you were meant to be at.
Most artists don't play games, they shitpost on Discord/Twitter instead. And yes, you are insane because you immediately bully people for using AI without actually being reasonable about it. The guy said he is dirt poor, which is why it's AI, but your clique wouldn't care about that. You just want to feel superior over something. A power trip of sorts.
Seething antifairi
i think it looks good enough, pretty cool
take a nap, negative progress is worse than no progress
This video isn't available anymore.
You made up some insane culture war grifter tier scenario in your head and you're free to stick with it but I'd suggest looking at hard facts: content creators using AI and their audience's response, gamedevs using AI and the reviews from steam users, etc. I don't think that guy is insane or bullying anyone for telling fellow devs the truth but you do you.
frufi yni'd too close to the antifairy sun...
Holy kino keep on making pong
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It has felt out of fashion because it tend to cause frustration on some situations.

I think being hurt just on enemy attacks is a more elegant design.
well everyone knew underspace was going to flop long before it released
remember when someone wrote a huge essay of amazing feedback and he was just like "actually you're playing the game wrong"
lmao what a smug dumbfuck
we're literally in the era where people are the most forgiving of programmer art and bad art in general because of AI slop
>I think being hurt just on enemy attacks is a more elegant design.
You could make these and the Goomba type style enemies coexst, to sort of further out enemy variety.
Like in an FPS, you could have "smart" enemies but you could also have basic AI enemies built around their weird abilities and how they're put in the level design.
>I'd suggest looking at hard facts: content creators using AI and their audience's response, gamedevs using AI and the reviews from steam users, etc.
I'd suggest you to look at the "hard facts" too. Most of that response was not reasonable criticism but instead just rambling about how bad the person who used AI is, regardless of reason. And, funnily enough, the people complaining about AI assets are usually the minority as well.

For that Anon I'll say again - if you really think you can't make your game without AI, then keep using it. If you want to replace it at some point, do it. If you don't - don't.
Explain CC then? It’s practically programmer art.
you need to have good gameplay at least
that's a fun spin to it
>It has felt out of fashion because it tend to cause frustration on some situations.
you're supposed to design encounters so those situations don't happen, if you put an enemy in a retarded place that pushes the player back in an annoying way it's on you, not the mechanic itself.
i have a better idea. She can stagger enemies then rapefuck them to death.
It doesn't matter whether you think it's reasonable or not we're talking about the fact that AI games get reviewbombed and shat on. I wish AI was normalized but it's not, you're very delusional and probably a nodev too like all culture war schizos this is my last reply.
Bretty cool, what about adding i.e. sqrt(2)/2 or other stuff besides fractions?
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Anonbros... I'm making huge progress. It's all in code but I'm just about done setting up my auto battle combat system for testing. Gotta add stuff for unit death and win/lose conditions and then I can work on the visual side of it.
>doesn't innovate
>doesn't improve the formula
>just another boomer shooter (saturated market)
you can't have mediocre art while shooting yourself in the foot like this

marmoreal, code blue suffer from the same problem
I’ve been saying the same for weeks.
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most people are way more stupid and dumber than what you want to admit.

I like the idea that you're closer to a roller coaster designer, where the player is put in simulated danger, more than the autistic type of design there the player is in real danger (permadeath).

Permadeath is cool and nice, but I see the trend towards roller coaster type of danger.

Both are equaly valid and depends on what type of goal and feeling you want to achieve.
I only say it when I make progress.
well instead of doubting check steam newest releases featuring AI
as a matter of fact it has been around for years now and we cant name a single successful game using AI art that isnt porn, liar's bar uses AI for voices and they're replacing them
>for the past week get random searches for my game from yandex
>every day, exactly one
>no downloads, just searches
Am I being targeted by secret russian hackers? I'm worried bros...
kek, had that happen too, but I think it was just to webcrawl and index my game because that’s what happened.
>auto battle combat system
Post it and explain it in detail I will steal it by DD
Having enemies that knock you off in the most annoying way is one of the things that make castlevania castlevania.
Fucking casuals wanting to water down every single game.
>it was good because it was bad
Holy copium
>liar's bar uses AI for voices and they're replacing them
I haven't seen evidence of that on their Steam page. In fact the negative reviews raging about AI specifically state they chose to "stick" with these voices.
And I find it strange that you mention Liar's Bar and then immediately say "it doesn't count", when it's a clear example of a successful game using AI, even if they eventually will replace it.
It "was bad" because you have a skill issue
I thoght this post would be about how that's similar to christianity.
>insists you must believe in him to get into heaven
>never gives proof that he exists
they didn't use AI art a few voice lines here and there is different than 100% AI art
in fact many youtube channels use AI voices without issues i think normalfags dont mind it as much except the people with parasocial relationship with eceleb VAs
So there's a difference between using AI art and voices?
Never relax
They don’t mind it because the standard was literally a shitter tier robot voice before and now we can have a bearable natural sounding AI voices.
how about we make good games that are accessible to everyone
h8machine dev, is that you?
I don't want to make that, I want to make Morrowind
I have a good guess what dev this is but I don't want to guess wrong and throw an innocent dev under the bus
So the only thing that matters is the end result to you?
Ok I figured it out, the solution to all programming C#++
it appears to be so
yeah and for liar's bar it's just a few voicelines, i've seen ebook being read using AI voices and indians are making "anime recapped" type channels with AI and they're doing fine
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what about C-

harvest poon was a mistake and did permanent damage to indie games
yea cosmic call, I'll localize it in polish for 500 euros
i wouldn't guess this is ai, but it looks boring

my game will be like this
its not a dev anon
my game will also be like morrowind, but it'll be based, set in a more modern time and either not hard or it'll have console commands
Isn’t it clearly that one surpass anon
>it appears to be so
Why do you think that is? I don't believe there's much difference ethically between AI art and AI voice but why do you think ordinary people are more accepting of it? I just don't understand it.
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>opening something already contains the card, despite it just being created
>search for the possible visualization duplication for 10 minutes
>maybe my model has some weird disturbance in how often it repeats actions
>look up the command
this is such a sad way for a nodev to get their entertainment, their game idea is probably boring if they have to do that
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the gamedev industry is collapsing in front of our eyes
Morrowind is not hard and it has console commands
>gaming journalism
nobody cares
>steam reviews
they won't buy your game if they don't like it

you'll be looked down upon like every other slopper and assetflipper but usually people who support you aren't gonna shittalk you
>Someone with a useless job title complains about market volatility
>QA Analyst
draw your own shitty art instead
look at https://store.steampowered.com/app/1822710/Automon/

this corny "game" that got streamer attention had 110k concurrent players 3 days ago
Anyone can draw well if they try. Voicing requires good genes, you have a limited range and it violates your privacy. If only voice changers were better...
doesn't work, boss
Post screenshot
He should have quit while he was at the top instead of making one armed bandit
I will not because you will steal it.
probably another useless who sat in front of the computer browsing social media and gossiping about co workers while only 1 person did all the job
should've done a better job assuring quality

she probably spent most of her work hours on dumb shit like women do
People follow artists more than they do VAs, then they parrot the opinion of the artist they follow which will 100% of the time be anti-AI.
Godspeed Emilee. I'll keep you in mind next time I need a *checks notes* Senior Quality Assurance Analyst for my video game
uh sure
So just cookie clicker but with something good
Way to miss the point, coping tranny, the ENTIRE team got axed. I know that your HRT and copium laden brain can't handle the grim reality of gamedev but try to work on your reading comprehension.
that's more reviews in 2 and a half years than I would've expected for a game like that but not exactly a huge success
You are all NGMI because you don’t have good playtesters.
desu everyone can voicemax by smoking 20 cigarettes a day. preferably extinguished on my arms or tongue too.
also some people are inherently limited by how they perceive colours, although that is rarer i suppose
>the ENTIRE team got axed
let me guess all women
I fucked this slut at GDC lmao
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This golf game from 1996 is pure soul. Imagine recreating this, but for a different sport.
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Once the scores pop up in the corners marks the end of the tutorial. The rest of the game is numbers go up until you get bored. I turned the speed up some more and I can't get it with the fractions turned off.

OK maybe I'll keep it in.

Thanks anon. I do hope to one day make something else. Maybe a helicopter game.

Thanks I'm hoping math/learning games are a good niche for me

The previous version I added decimals and percentages on a sort of upgrade tree but the whole thing added more noise without really making it better. I like the square root idea but I think I'll save those for other games.

Here it is without the sloshing effect. It's cleaner but less interesting.
Proof? She’s a lead. She has her own team. She didn’t say the whole studio.
it's true lil bro
humble games is gone for good which is crazy because they published stuff like slay the spire
that sounds like nodev talk
You can tell this isn’t a game from 96 because the refresh rate is too high.
free and zero microtransactions. Who cares.
it's a great success for any newbie dev in the 2020s
Cris, if you are mi parce you will bump those threads:

it's an emulator with a filter on top. The game is from 1996.
for me it's bill lambeers combat basketball
because it's free
>Cosmic Call
>One Armed Bandit
>Code: Blue

All mid games with ugly programmer art that is painful to look at

I don't even know what that is. Of course it flopped
I woke up to this video on my youtube
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seethe and cope

if their QA had done a good job maybe their game had sold better and their entire team hadn't gotten axed
the hobby is not grim
i will make it
Which game is that in OP?
>look at his follow up game
Yeah the entire team got axed and the people with actual talent for making video g....oh wait they were just a publisher anyway
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cosmicbros we're back
very late 2D has insane SOVL
I love all the 2d games on the PS1
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who's that guy?
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stfu slimo, youre next on the flop block
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Holy fuck she's cute
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How untrustworthy of you
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Who the fuck is slimo?
there's no point
in giving up!
>Marmolike surpasses original
>he doesn’t know agdg’s best artist
Some young incelcore artist that died from drunk driving.
that doesn't sound good, name it marmofaux
his follow up game is better (because I actually bought it and I enjoy it) I can't say I'm interested in automon but clearly it hit a market that was desirable
underspace? more like underflop lmao
underspace? more like under the influence of various drugs people still aren't buying this piece of garbage lmao
underspace? more like under development for 7 years and then it flopped on release and will never recover lmao
underspace? more like waste of space on your hard drive lmao
good morning crumble, what's for breakfast?
Is it that surpasser anon with tranny thoughts?
not medication, thats for sure
whatever I want because I'm rich from my game outselling pokemon on the switch, my shaders on the unity asset store printing free money while I sleep and yet another successful kickstarter and game launching soon :^)
stay mediocre buddy!
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>forgetting this flop
that's how you know it was a turbo giga flop
>my game outselling pokemon on the switch
He's so desperate for pity replies it's kind of sad
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get in on the new hype before everyone. Trench Crusade's kickstarter is in next week. The game will EXPLODE when it delivers.

Simply replace your mechanicus clothes for this baby here: The Artillery Witch

You're welcome.
debunked by who, you trainjizz? nice 260 reviews, let me know when you reach 600+ like crumble has
you will always live in my shadow :)
Should have the protagonist an anthro milf or a kemono loli instead.
>based developer and publisher name
even this cannot save a platformer
>3D model in T-pose
every fucking time
rivalries are cool but when it borders on schizo it's hard to say
Who is this replying to?
Im glad this idiots game is flopping. All this guy does is post his ugly shit and become smarmy when people say how it could be improved. Hey Cumsockcalldev, why did you come here looking for feedback if you weren't going to use any? Enjoy your meagre rations.
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furfaggotry is anti-appeal
Tell that to the 58,000 wishlists for ATYLSS. You are NGMI
Spending 2 weeks modeling your player character before even having any mechanics is not progress.
Nigga have you played this?
The gameplay is annoying
the closest thing i have to a rival is the other guy who's doing low poly but he's more like a spiritual sensei, i've been called fem cris, but i might make a game before he does, it seems like it'd be fun having a gamedev rival

2 weeks is a long time to spend on 1 model, but it is progress, i'm not sure anons remembered how my models looked when i first started showing them here, i'm so glad to be past that
Seems less like a rivalry and one schizo screeching for attention.
do you think that upsets me? paper sky is already in the top 1300 most wishlisted game on Steam :)
you reek of jealousy, probably why your games are so inferior to mine trainjizz :)
Which low poly dev?
there was no hype about it and the dev knew he was ngmi and he randomly released one day, i wouldn't call it a flop
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better or worse?
>top 1300
is that good
the one who made that cool room and the cool characters and animated them in blockbench, he might even be the same guy who mentioned the stark crafts tutorial, we're both going for a similar thing since we like rpgs, although i like rpgs a bit less
looks like it really needs to piss
>check it out
>christians and muslims fighting demons
this has to be the most antisemitic game premise i've ever seen, won't get funded
my game will flop the hardest. it will be glorious.
the good news is it's incredibly easy to surpass Cris
literally impossible to beat code:blue (0 reviews, 0 players all time peak)
better than yours lmao
Neat. I wonder if I will end up with a rival when I get my MVP done and post progress.
if you dont have a playable demo then chances are that model you spent 2 weeks on will go in the trash
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just a faggot, not even a crab
no because I put a lot more effort and money into mine
apparently the dev has depression and other mental problems
I mentioned the starkcrafts tutorial and linked a sketchfab reference, blockbench anon is a different anon.
If I'd known you were this obnoxious I would not have helped you at all
I hate everyone and everything. there's nothing that's meaningful or worth doing
more money for me
misery loves company, that's why he has so many simps
they see themselves in him, a collective hivemind of absolute failures
but yeah, he probably does, it's not like he can fix his game with 200,000 unit radius lights and performance worse than a 20 year old game
remember when someone decompiled his models and some of them had like 500,000 triangles? lmao
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>0 players all time peak
This cant be true
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it isnt no
chase that number you fucking dog
At what point in development should I make a devlog?
I don't really like sharing progress or just things I make, but I kinda have to do it for marketing.
never, blogs are dead
we are in ue 5 you retard
In video format obviously
Never unless you wanna go the grifter way like many youtubers who already have people watching them.

No keys for us? After all the posting here? TRAITOR
nta but i asked my wife and she said the same, also the fin look weird, it should be higher and firmer
no one wants to listen to your fake girl voice tranny
I am bio though, kys

this white woman is the reason why im a gamedev, i still love gamemaker goated engine
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angles of the legs
I fucking love fab, I can get such high quality stuff for free
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imagine putting a basic vsclone with synty asset into steam
what possessed him to do it
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didnt even notice that lol
that's a man
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it can be done.

why is nobody talking about cosmic call on the 'cord?
ok, well record a sample of your virgin gay nerd voice that's never known the touch of a woman and I'll tell you if you have a chance to make it with your tiny wrists and low T lmao
do you even have a game? lmao
You are talking with an idiot, we have seen time and time again that asset art hell even ai art is fine as long as the gameplay is fire. The average gamer can't recognize it, and the few who do don't care.
I don't think slapping a devlog on youtube just for the sake of it is worth it. You'd have to do it semi-regularly and put some effort into it, and most devlog tubers also make other sorts of content alongside their devlogs or at least try to make somewhat informational and educational videos about the things they went through on their own gamedev journey.
>you arrived in /agdg/ much later than me. You climbed to popularity with your trashy nothing of a game
>what possessed him to do it
the retarded "just release bro, you're not a real dev unless you shilled out to steam to push out a slop" sentiment going around in this general
My game is featured in the OP, what about yours? :)
that's not a basic vsclone though
ngl watching all these yesdevs getting humbled one after another is making me scared.
Im gonna release my game without announcing it to avoid embarrassment
vs only made it because of stolen assets
Yeah, be careful. A bunch of slop from sketchfab got transferred over that is just downright copyright infringement. Don't assume you can use any of that creative commons stuff in your game
>Im gonna release my game without announcing it
aka ensure you get 0 sales
>my game
has 600+ reviews, outsold pokemon on the switch, had a successful kickstarter and my next game also has a successful kickstarter and has over 25k wishlists

>your game
you made a thread on 4channel and used your game as the image


we're definitely on the same planes of success lmao
lol retard
>9 years
he used up that bussy then left broootal
Make a simulation game if you want to make money. Everything else is cope.
post game?
a game about nothing
Not him but I'm making it, but oh boy the animation system in UE is so fucking hard, it looks amazing but as a programmer it just feels so overwhelming.
When I take Adderal, it makes me feel like I can do anything for ~1 hour; I bet I could make a cool game if it lasted longer, and taking more pills just makes me want to puke my guts out.
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taking this
a game about the jhāna
>no lolis
seventh jhāna*
are you retarded?
>black femcel
>delusional roid abuser
>idea steal schizo
>crumble is back
i want out of this agdg arc
>outsold pokemon on the switch
So you made smash bros, mario kart, mario odysse, animal crossing or breath of the wild?
this but with coffee and ~3 hours
kind of looks soulless, like you made it to make a product rather than something someone would want to make
This but with Heroin.
It increases my productivity a lot.
is this rhetorical? he watches anime, of course he's retarded, among other failures and shortcomings
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Stop calling the volcel a femcel. More like a fakecel.
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I'm obviously referring to 3D simulation slop.
deeeuuuutschland deeeuutschland...
>all time peak: 135

>all time peak: 619

but hey, at least underspace has more community members that aren't buying or playing the game!

top kek your cope is so pathetic trainjizz, just kys already
Does anyone else use heroin in small amounts to just vibe when you're having trouble devving? I'm NEET so I don't have anywhere to go and it helps pass the time when I'm bored of scrolling YouTube. Fucking expensive, though, so I'm trying to push out my game asap and get some passive income rolling in..
no because i'm not retarded
Love is my only drug.
Thank God for Germans. They will hopefully buy my simulation slop.
I just beat my wife when I'm sad or unmotivated. Her pleading with me to stop always cheers me up.
Kratom bit cheaper alternative if you’re not in it for the heavy hits.
Do a "Latex Dog Toilet Diver Simulator" for the double whammy
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>brew a cuppa
>dealer just dropped off a couple caps
>got biteme games latest video up
i love being apart of the indie dev community
I mean one's a game and the other's something trying to appeal to twitter algorithms.
Gamers can smell insincere bullshit
are you telling me indie devs are going to start dying from overdoses at 27 now too right after making it big
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my country simulator
Kek i remember this image. I wonder if itd help tho

Why are you so butthurt over him? Its clear its just 1 poster and for some reason you are schizoing out over him
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it's over, the gaming industry is collapsing
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maybe I'll make some sim-slop after my current flop. seems like comfy devvin.
Bomb rush cyberfunk sold pretty well why aren't you making a game like that
this is fucking hilarious
people are willing to pay for a tech demo of a concept than a full game
The poster doing it is a known schizo
most games have been made already, if they want a "full game" experience they can play: baldur's gate 3, elden ring, armored core 6, etc just in the last years
don't compete with that, be innovative be bold and make a concept game that baits gamers with enough soul to make them recommend it
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Sim-slop is the only path in 2024.
I saw other free stuff that wasnt redeemed with that one button click but their licenses looked weird so I didnt even bother adding those to my library
what an insufferable retard. Choke on a dick dumbass.
cumball's really acting like trump towards biden after biden retired huh
crumble had no publisher
Follower saturation must be a thing too.....huh, things are looking bleak. Id rather have 1/4 the reviews but 10x the sales per review
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things are boutta get CRAZY
a game that starts off with the player falling from the sky down towards a planet while surfing on a comet at high speed and awesome rock music playing
Improved ac6?
this is an average summer day in finland
wtf that's how my game starts
the capsule is important and i think the worst part of his game is the capsule
i didn't spend 2 weeks on a model lol, i spent a month learning the art of modeling

true, which is sad, but to be fair i do 3d stuff, 2d is so hard and time consuming, even with ai

wowww, so that's how it is? :o

i'm not a femcel, i'm more of a fembot

btw your game doesn't need graphics to be good,
a mathematician made this https://youtu.be/4cVgXxmCV1g?si=OBysi8l8HPtW1xM9
>16 year old game opening mogs any opening cutscene aggydaggy has ever made
now that unity has reversed its shitty install fee, is there really any reason to use unreal engine over unity? like what can you do in unreal engine that you can't do in unity other than super high-end AAA stuff?
i sent the wrong video lmao https://youtu.be/d1WYKdmiDps?si=7CK5bclpuK62fnnH that's embarassing
that's no me this time guys
how would you know
I used Chatgpt to implement a new feature in my game. Thoughts?
I guess because he didn't even post about it
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I'm gonna simplegamemax my way to success. I've seen the light.
good for you
everyone is getting saved in the end, all will be well. Eternal Hell is only a tradition born from mistranslation of the Greek.
Hey guys, vague poster here. I've added a new feature to my game and I'm wondering I'm wondering if it's a little TOO precise? Remember earlier I did post that my game is getting a new feature but couldn't give much away, I guess the essence of the question is how much more have I given? Ugh, please help! My game needs it.
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I give
tmi bruh
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Making big progress already on the tank game

Using Godot instead of Unreal tho get rekt Tim thanks for the free assets loser!
I remember, when the pretender, of our contender.
Made the answers in the sephirot of jupiter.
That I will try to rip the aether.
To cause a mental rift, in the creek of history,
Because I try, will try, do try.
Because my dear bartender, of that little tender, I hope to rub that gender, causing a total destruction.
In the nation, of iliteration, that can't even read an aliteration, what bunch of liberation, of mental constrainst, my dear faint braggart.

20 years I've tried so hard.
But only have gotten so far.
Is to level up, grind up, work up.
To cause a meteora to the realm of yakub and the destruction of jerico, which I will put under roses where the white rabbit lies, ready to wake up from the matrix of our lies.

Total supreme and over the premiere anihilation of that nation that makes crappy videogames.
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>Using Godot instead of Unreal tho get rekt Tim thanks for the free assets loser!
watch this get more (You)s than any decent progress posted in the last 2 years
why is he asking for 10 dollariddos? anyone played it here? you know doom and quake are free right? just make it 6€ ill buy it
are gaymers really this fucking cheap
>there's a hammer editor importer for godot/redot
huh, neat.
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please post progress
for shitty games that we've already seen 30 years ago yeah we are
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Your enginetranny triangles is not a decent progress
had to scrap a lot of code. time to speed through and speed run re-implementing a much better system.
Is it a bad thing to use these AI tools? Like I know what the code is doing but like it feels like cheating.
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KIND SIR, KIND SIR!! PLEASE POST MORE BOOCHERS KIND SIR (context: there were no tranime pink haired girls being posted in the last 9 hours)
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Can't wait for Kalemongus to release to 11 reviews (mixed) and we finally see that self-centered negroid headshot himself
coding AI in godot is impossible, i give up
godot 5 will fix that
i dont really play these games but i get what you mean. we have more freedom to do whatever we want, the problem is that i think those ideas are only fun as mini games rather than a whole experience.
no of course fucking not
if you use gpt to generate boilerplate and explain documentation and APIs to you congratulations you save time and do the same as every non-retarded programmer in current year.
Good on you as long as you understand your code, otherwise you'll be overwhelmed eventually
I don't have any progress to post.
nice. where'd you find this?
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Twinstick Shooter
texas hold 'em, with sex
nice survivors-like
delete this
the elder scrolls: skyrim but you're a transwoman
female argonians already are that
3 (You)s is above average for progress post.
if crumbl wants trainwiz senpai to notice him so bad why doesn't he just become a black woman
ngmi tranny flops get much more than than and that's usually how you can tell they are NGMI
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How would you call the property of an engine to change its output force in time?
thats my game
do you look like that?
Just add fishing then
sisters which gambling game should we rougelike? slots and poker are already taken
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take a gander at the goat's statue between the black and white candle
obvious satanism please schizoanons let us use our divine gift of meme magic and give this nigga an aneurism
a git hub commit before I utterly redo this entire system.
Realistically, which games are GMI and why is it none?
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Actually AI voices makes my crappy poetry into 10/10 product.
Scratch lottery
branch also
i still have no idea who these people are lol, how bored do you have to be to be invested in parasocial dev lore
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The most depressing thing is getting more reviews on your demo day itch.io page than your full game release steam review page
Objectively, me, but because of the psychological phenomenon of every person thinking they are the chosen one and they will succed purely because they are the main character all of their crying wolf has poisoned the well and now every time when I state matter-of-factly that my game has enough punch to make it no one believes me
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kill yourself
post game
lol i think i'm gonna make a more appealing main character for my game, it'll still be lowpoly, but hopefully it'll be better
no one ever talks about the DOTA 2 Logo on his shirt.
I'm not here to toot my own horn, only to teach you that your routine has made you blind.
My game will make it eventually no matter what so I don't need to sing its praises to prove its quality.
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alright, going through the entire revamp. See you on the chef side where we are chilling at the end of the day, satisfied with our work.
forgot image
a nodev. what a shame.
relax, sissy
I don't understand your chain of logic. Whatever.
is this ai?
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What if I just want to make a game and ignore all criticism while still sharing it?
its a fucking megascan man
you know it takes 5 minutes to open this shit up in blender, auto retopo to however many polygons you want, fix the UVs, then bake everything to the retopo
where's my key?

This was already possible months ago.
godot 5 will fix that
good morning sirs
He didn't post Unreal howcomebeit.
are you teaming up. or competing with dingodev?
Honestly, the idea that you *need* free time is a modern psyop. You just need rest occasionally, but otherwise there's nothing wrong with working all day and then going to sleep when you can't anymore and resuming work the next day. Making a game shouldn't be taking you so long.
*good morning sisters
>people are more willing to play a free thing that's part of an organized event than an overpriced entry on steam amongs the torrent of slop
wow no fucking shit
i agree with this user
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How dificult is to make not a game engine like godot, but a functional game with some editors that output .json to use as game data in SFML or SDL?
>Making a game shouldn't be taking you so long.
It's easy, but the workflow is different because you end up writing the helpful functions like drawing and animating models yourself.
If everyone could bear Code Monkey's voice then this is no problem.
dx/dt is speed and d(speed)/dt is acceleration
poojeet voices are 100x worse
so true sir
phul sapport this post dear
coders need to relax
only they would have a problem with something like this
shame about Cosmic Call. he had 8x the wishlists I had in about the same time, so I'm shelving my game guilt free and starting another one.
but your game is pre-nextfest
if your game looks bad all of those are nothing but pitywishlists
did cosmic call have like 130 wishlists, did he get 1k wishlists from nextfest?
I don't know what that means and I don't care. from now on I'm either doing 6 month games or making a mockup to check Steam performance. Steam submission fee is 10 hours of my hourly wage so as long as I save myself 10 hours of working on a game that has no appeal, it will be worth it.
>he had 8x the wishlists
how many did you both have?
Good, do what Pseudoregalia did and keep remaking the same game until it succeeds.
It is not difficult, go do it.
I have 15l60, he had 8x that I think
he got most of the wishlists from steam's next fest, which you havent done for your game so the comparison isnt really accurate
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Damn can't believe like 30 AGDG games flopped while I was gone. This is why I don't even listen to you guys anymore.

Also I will buy Marmos game.
I am talking about its ability to change its RPM
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I buy it.
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buy 50 copies with your disability checks
Banquet for Fools made me give up on my RPG. I'm going to have monthly game jams until I stumble onto something good.
I only have 1000 wishlists and marmo had like 1500 (i think)
How cooked am I?
there’s literally no good agdg game in DD
you’re all cooked and should’ve cooked longer
Make a Diablolike
what's your wishlists per page visit ratio? were you marketing? for how long? how much more work you need to finish the game? are you enthusiastic about finishing it? do you have a demo? and if so what's the avg play time?
I just made a change that'll triple my daily wishlist count (1 to 3).
DD hasn't started yet
>3 days
I don't upload demos for them to be good I upload them because I need them tested.
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since I'm not making progress, I was browsing through old folders. Here's a render from..... *checks date* 3 YEARS AGO?

what even is my life at this point....
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>he isn't appealmaxxing
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ecelebs decide who lives or dies in this market. Doesn't matter how much positive feedback you get, doesn't matter how many wishlists you have.
Streamers like low effort slop meme games because they are easy to react to so that is what succeeds. That shitty hamster torture sim that took a couple months to make did infinitely better than the recent aggydaggy games, which all had years of positive feedback, because getting a streamer to react to your game is literally all that matters.
I don’t even remember this game. Sorry.
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I accidentally discovered Unreal has stuff with the F1-12 keys for seeing stuff like wireframe mode and other data. Very useful for seeing stuff I made hidden or random on the fly
that one ninja game is kinda dope
I should add rolling functionality to my project manager so I can automatically pick a task when I don't know what to work on.
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I would call that a torque or hp power curve. I don't think there's one word for the concept.
rpm is not directly correlated to force, thus the concept of power curves.
it's illegal in my country
I figure my best bet is to publish a free game but have paid DLCs. It a shitty way to make money but I just can't compete with games on offer otherwise.
I will make the most antisemetic game ever
finally someone is actually making holocauster tycoon
And if it was a jet engine?
I will make the most Japanophile game ever
that's unity
>need to make like 80 sprietsheets for demo
>takes around an hour each
I'm not gonna make it
Is the /v/3 still happening? I haven't seen any posts about it
I spent most of my day today trying to get some actually usable AI art shit. It's literally impossible to generate anything that can be used as a basis with image generators. What the fuck
Marmoreal and cosmic call had more wishlists on steam and were above my game on DD. I am cooked
would you buy and play your game?
>he doesn't know
If you can't win just fail faster.
blood really think 1000 wishlists is anything when if you're not 10k+
you're smaller than an ant
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>git and version control just saved me
feels good not being a brainlet who doesn't know how to use it and bricks their entire project.
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Tummies are illegal in your country?
You get a review for every 30-50 sales before you reach 10 reviews. It's seriously hard to get 10 reviews if you don't have momentum.
Remember the goal here is 500 reviews.
*make the $100 back
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some of us need a reality check
I need a cheque, alright!
how do you make a number like a different number that can change another number
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made a bow, now i'm gonna test projectiles and then switch to procedural animation
deja vu
if you're in a battle, how you fight depends on what resources you have. if you have superior numbers and materiel, to win you need to be methodical and risk averse because you'll probably win no matter what.
if you're inferior in numbers and other resources, to have any chance of victory, you need to take bigger risks and be unconventional in your approach.
applying this to gamedev, the logical conclusion is that as a solo gamedev you can't make conventional derivative games that are similar to existing games, only worse
It's the path to certain failure.
are yesdevs the worst devs here?
>act like they totally have it together
>pretend like they're totally not making a game to sell
>ignores all your criticism and continues on like it wasn't relevant and won't ever be relevant
>reply to worse games than theirs and give them compliments
>unironically believe a good game sells itself and that they have made a good game
>piss and cry themselves when they drop a game on steam with little to no marketing, no care to the community, and get less than a hundred reviews (practically nothing if you're on the indie scale instead of the "yesdev cope" scale)
>continually whine in the threads like a red goat that it was all the thread's fault when the dev didn't signal they would be making a serious product, worked on it half-assedly while being under the delusion it would sell thousands because that's less than millions
>worst part, they still won't make a come back and better their game, they'll just abandon it and move on, never learning from their mistakes
your code is on some server training an AI. it's already been stolen
name them.
i forgot the last thread and my browser is set to delete the history every hour so i lost the comments.
yeah, its the acceleration of angular velocity, call it angular acceleration
Is there a video game equivalent to that "Remember Me" checkbox that appears on every site's login page but never works?
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"Yesdev" is a retarded cope word that people on here like to say that more less means:
>I'm not good at making games yet but I will be just you wait!
And then they just say that for an entire decade and never learn anything
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Why does gamemaker get such a bad rep with nodevs anyways? Is it because it can't do 3D?
Isn't Gamemaker that engine that can't even do delta time?
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the current meta of AI art is to trace it.
tbf they keep changing their business plan to exploit the users. Also paid engine fro something that can only output 2d. There are stronger engines that work for free.
Archtower is 3D thoughbeit.
Or maps/dictionaries. Or Vector2's. Or 2D arrays.
isnt UI a pain in the ass to make too?
nobody told me that realistic animal AI is basically vehicle AI
I like the animations, they remind me of the game Drakan I've played as a kid
a lot of nodevs in the discord that just talk out their ass, but because their all buddies, its fine I guess?
Gunz duel core
shut the fuck up about some discord
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As above, so below friend.
don't reply to me, don't you have some lolis to post?
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eh, it's not like I was ever a thread mainstay. More of a whodev, really. Still I'm trying to hang around in order to force myself to actually work on the goddamned game. And not paint miniatures, or get lost in youtube , or play random games as I usually do.
cry about it on discord
you don't need it
you don't need it
>2D arrays
you can make it with a 1D array
Only good post in the thread... bake a new one this one is cursed
t. codelet
Good to see you back. You ever see the third person controller twitter posts and take inspiration?
Anon finally discovers why discord servers with more than 3 people are fucking cancer.
Stylistic and I like the characters in the back too but there's something very wrong with that face skin color
How do I make models like you?
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silly little animation
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What is the standard way of making moving platforms in Godot 3D?
Damn this game be juiced up now. You could throw a CRT filter on top to really hone it in.
AnimatableBody being moved with a RemoteTransform is how I did it
I don't think how you move the RemoteTransform matters, I went with AnimationPlayers
Anyone using Mastodon for their gamedev posting? Is it good for that?
anyone using pictochat to update your fans?
>4 and a half gb
What the fuck
How to draw a mesh along a raycast in godot?
I just have a custom class inherited from AnimatableBody that calls an async function in C# that handles the update for the transform
just make it in the fragment or pixel shader
I don't have any fans...
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i need more aggy games
damn, you haven't tried nolgorb's ordeal, the best /agdg/ game?
You need to update your list because there's been like 20 games released since.
Any social media platform is good for posting game development stuff, as long as there are people there who are interested in your stuff.

Or did you mean using it as "marketing?" If that's the case, then lol. Anything to do with #gamedev #indiedev is devs just trying to market to each other. Oh, and in that sphere, likes don't necessarily translate to sales. Instead of #gamedev, you should think more along the lines of #game or something.
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I'll test this out.
>update for the transform
So you're just updating the position directly yeah? Kind of like pic related?
im saying i gotta buy more, but alas im broke atm
Sweet, an eric schizo thread. Time to take an 8 hour break from AGDG and actually work on my game.
twitter is already bad, why would a subpar clone be better?
Most of them aren't worth a purchase though
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Yeah pretty much. I do it every frame lerping between the start and end position/rotation based on the time it should reach the final transform. It only has a start/end point so it can't do more complex patterns than going back and forth between a start and an end position/rotation but I don't need anything like that and this way I can plug it easily into my save system in case I want it to be persistent whether it's at the start or at the end.
Because Twitter is run by a maniac
Anti-semitism = being someone that kikes hate for existing.

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