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Office Lurking Edition

> Patch notes
>Where to get the latest Russian sneedware
>Arena website
>Ammo charts
>Gun Builder Website (Overswing calculator included)
>For the newfags
https://pastebin.com/a9eHz03X (embed) (embed) (embed)
>Written guide for the newfags
>Quest tracker
>All your Tarkov needs website
>Change list
/eftg/ has no discord, any discord links posted are from tranny or homo grooming servers.
SPT is an offline single player offshoot of Tarkov and completely valid

PREVIOUS: >>498835042
arena breakout infinite gives you more respect than this russian piece of trash btw
Low effort. D-, Apply yourself
truth hurts doesnt it?
it seems fun but i don't feel like learning a mobile tarkov clone with matching p2w features
ABI has better PvP.
EFT has better PvE.
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How bad is the cheating situation this wipe? I haven't played since early 2023. I got a job that is completely "work" from home and thought I might get into tarkov again.
>3 maps
There's less blatant cheating as far as i can tell but they still exist.
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Val malfunctions in Arena beyond retarded. You can get 3-5 in one life and within like 90-120 ammo
Where do I get bot lobbies like this?
Every 8 or so raids you will encounter one sus 250 hour 12kd savant, or about 15-20 for a blatant cheater. At least on US Central anyway.
This is bait but ill bite. ABI PvP is dogshit, and you don't even have to consider gunplay. The loot is terrible on every mode (So killing people is the only way to get anything worth a damn) and the maps are small enough for you to hold sightlines that cover 90% of the map. Queue sniper campfest.
Arena PVE looks neat.
Still more fun than
>Head, eyes
My game is freezing every time i shoot.
Clean both game and video drivers caches
aged specs + HDD? My brother used to have the same issues in The Cycle Frontier as well as Tarkov. First time he'd shoot and get hit in every lobby would freeze his game for upwards of seven seconds. This was on a 1060 3gb + i5 2500k
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Tried PvE recently and it's so much more comfy. For all its shortcomings, it beats donating gear to chinamen every other raid.
PVE will get better.
PVP will only continue to get more and more hackers, indians, chinese and whatever else.
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>PVE will get better.
>m-m-muh cheaters
Same cope every time from PVE trannies, I bet 90% of people they died to and call "cheaters" are just normal players.
okay bro let me know how the +50 kd players are legitimate superhumans playing turdkov
And how many times have you died to said +50kd players?
the AI's boring but they could easily make it more interesting with tasking PMCs that have actual spawns and won't ally with scavs constantly
I've posted in that thread with one of those examples. There is zero excuse for someone with stats like those to even make it into another session. In any case, what exactly is your argument? That there is a certain level of cheating that'd be permissible and acceptable?
I'd say a solid 50% of the time.
It depends what gear you run. They can see the value of your gear and generally don't bother unless you're at a certain value.
People who talk about never getting killed by hackers are usually the guys that got in with a stock SKS, a PACA and a 6 slot rig and no hacker is gonna risk a report to kill a guy that has nothing.
>Kill 57 scavs with shotgun headshots on shoreline whilst wearing a cap backwards, in freelook whilst reloading and after killing a PMC with a knife earlier in the raid.
What's the best way to get the shotgun headshot part? I feel it's something that's gonna happen eventually just using shotguns, but how do I make this as painless as possible?
Just redownloaded the gamer just to play PVE, is it any good?
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The Cheater excuse is used too much, when in reality most of the people that swapped to PvE simply don't have the time to spend on normal wipes(specially a short one like this) to have fun, or they suck ass at pvp, which that in itself is fine, think blaming everything under cheaters is a very convenient escape goat
Nikita won't change the base game because he wants this piece of shit to be a Second life experience embedded with shit from stalker.
arguably more fun than PVP depending on what you're going for, but missing the thrill factor of dropping player squads or ratting some hypergeared faggot stomping around without any regard for his safety
i like it but it only makes me wish eft was even more like stalker in many regards
If t helps, i have like.. 2 hours total in game experience of my entirety of playing. I'm just happy to finally not have to deal with pvp shit
scavs swarm you in a comedic fashion if you make a shot and bosses spawn 100% of the time and there is a particular boss on customs/woods/shoreline that will zero in on you to hunt you down without sound
Yeah, it's pretty fun.
>In any case, what exactly is your argument?
That PVE shitters insist that everyone who kills them is cheating. They never make a mistake, they never die because the enemy was better, or had better positioning, or heard them coming, or even simply because the enemy got lucky, no, it's always because of cheats.
Pretty much. If they made AI PMC's do more than just <rush high traffic spot>, they could turn down the aimbot and the whole experience would feel way more organic instead forcing players into needing to rely on cheese tactics.

i've been enjoying it. gunfights are more boring and there's no timmies to clown on, but all in all it's a way more relaxing and enjoyable experience.
i stop playing when quests start making me go to shoreline. I can't stand that map. I usually completely ignore Peacekeeper
Shoreline is pretty easy. You just gotta take it slow. Lighthouse is the real point where you should stop tasking.
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No, it's not good. I'd play SPT desu with sain. Vanilia PvE is just ass. I'm sick of the fucking A.I lasering me through bushes or scavs swarming me. You have to bring a lot of bullets to deal with scav swarms and they don't even interact with the A.I PMCs
its boring. I don't like it because it's a walking sim.
The spawns are atrocious to. I only went night time because the sweats dont touch night time unless theres a cultist event
desu, i dont think its a bad thing. It's a busted gun and I think that keeps it balanced and stops pub stompers from going crazy.
Can you get the Labs items from the cultist circle? I keep getting 2x SMT from the 6 hour one, doesn't seem like it's giving me any other hideout items.
Define lab items? like the GPSA and other stuff? probably not.
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This is actually sad.
can you get to lightkeeper if you dont do tedious quests?
To lightkeeper? no.
To the island? yes.
you just have to kill all the guards and dodge all the claymores.
i've never gotten to him and never intend to. Even getting past the sniper seems tedious as you need to do a bunch of glitchy cheese to get around the mines and thats if someone doesn't hear you exploding the mines and runs to you to pop you
This is my first time trying to get him, I'm currently 9 out of 15 kills for assessment pt.1 then it's smooth sailing really.
It's a nice goal to have or else you'll burn out and quit the wipe eventually
and it wipes for you to do it all again in a mere couple of months :)
Bosses having inflated health pools is dumb.
it's mostly for the achievement
I also killed someone who brought 10 rounds VSS mags with his SV-98.
the only time id pay for microtransactions would be for the USEC Ceruem jacket.
Cereum is shit and overrated as fuck.
BEAR spotted
Mission, Sandstone, Legionnaire, Range Specialist and both variants of Boss Delta all shit on Cereum.
ew, thats disgusting
I admit the backside looks kinda shit but it's covered by your backpack anyway and the gloves go hard.
>be scav
>running along road on customs
>10 minutes left
>get brrrrrapped by a PMC
>3k hours, has Kappa, meta AK with death mask and ULACH
stop coming to Timmies map.
Why do AI PMC frags have such a massive radius?
flechette now sucks dick, theres zero point in using this thing.
Magnum fuckshot it is.
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>using shotguns
its a cheap way to fuck up a chad.
Magnum fuckshot to the legs makes any chad seethe.
but you're seething about not killing things, right?
yah with flechette. it use to be really good, but this wipe its fucking awful which i assume comes from the new armor plates. Magnum has always been a fallback because that thing absolutely shreds and even at range its a chad dropper
Some streamer probably got killed by it.
it use to be Jaeger LL3 and would consistently kill anyone with 2-3 shots to the chest. Now it's ass and you'd be lucky to pen a PACA
>50 Shots fired
>28 hits
>640 damage done to players
>1100 damage done to armor
Hooooooly shit these two dudes tanked, and I got RGD-5'd
>go to sleep
>come back 8 hours later
>cultist circle has 2 hours on it
are there 10 hour circles?
Remember if someone complains about the PvE ai dogging on them by "lasering them", they're retarded and unbelievably bad at the game. The PvE AI is retard tier and usually misses half a mag of peashooter ammo before they start tickling you with it.
>Do some raids
>Someone wants to add me
>either I killed him or they killed me
Either way it's bound to be some passive aggressive bullshit thrown my way 100%
I dunno sometimes they just zero in on you like crazy
some scav at streets cinema shot me yesterday, walking up the stairs backwards and hit me three times in a row, blacking all my limbs with three SKS rounds of whatever and giving me three heavy bleeds, forcing me to zagustin and propital or else I would've fucking died
i was out in the open sure, but thats like what, over 100m in distance? you dont expect the AI to hit anything at that range, yet alone three shots in a row
that's not true at all, smg AI especially is not to be messed with, they'll immediately begin lasering you even at long ranges
My buddy had his door bell ring mid raid while we were in the IDEA office room checking the computers.
So I protect his ass while he is gone, some guy walks in and obviously I shoot him. Didn't felt good about it and just dropped his items while my buddy was still gone.
He adds me, calls me a fucking bitch and when I told him i dropped his stuff for him and I was protecting my AFK friend he calls me a fucking liar.
I should stop being nice to people.
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He got mad cause he got sniped by a thermal g28
This, SAIN is great and makes the fights fun. If you add Questing Bots too it makes it even better.
Fucking lol what is that guy's problem, getting blasted the moment you walk into a loot room is the most normal tarkov shit there is. I haven't been added by a rando a single time in like two wipes.
>Keep getting pinged that I completed a subtask for "Decontamination Service"
>Don't have that quest.
It happens, no big deal
Killing people in a high traffic loot room is expected and normal. Should've told that guy to fucking cry about it and taken all his shit.
Does doing The Gym mean you lose all exp gain for the next 24 hours, or just from further gyming?
from the gym only, you still level strenght and endurance in raid
>toss nade at scav
>watch it explode about a foot from him without him seeming to care at all
>AI PMC with an SMG instantly melts me since he doesn't miss a single shot and one of his bullets will inevitably head,throat me
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>best AP ammo
>static AI loot bags
>free headshot exp
>bitcoins/stims up the ass
Isnt lighthouse the best map in ever created?
no, you brainrotten scav main.
>upper chalet has absolutely divine loot density and easy to check locations for things
>lower chalet has the 2 middling safes + garage for repair kits
>southern road is a nice extract
>goons spawning and fucking up your shit
no I dont think so
>miss one rogue npc
>get beamed from across the camp on his first bullet at 200 meters
>get south spawn
dogshit map
Yea Fence? Really nigga?
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yea it has to be in the same raid, with the phone on your inventory. good luck
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ayo this is kinda bussin
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costs 30m to make on pve lol
>has to be the same raid
it doesn't, though. If you don't die you can run it back until the taxi is there.
not a bad haul
I just repaired one of those quest silos in factory, as a scav lol
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>straight into the hoard box
>look outside dorms
>see a ton of wires
>gotta try to find Partizan in the dark, heavily bush area around dorms
>turns out he has an AVT with R SNB
>2 tapped to the torso
Has anyone died to a tripwire this wipe? I still haven't even seen partizan once, or seen any tripwires for him or players.
no sure that shit takes like 10 seconds to blow up
they're pretty easy to avoid even if you set them off unless you're like on a staircase or something
Tripwires, no. Partisan? I see him often enough, I've killed him 4-5 times and died to him probably 6-7 times. He's either super ineffectual or a lethal terminator, with no real inbetween. Depending on his weapon, he has some insane ammo and kill potential.
I had the pleasure to be extract camped by him
I encountered patrizan twice.
Once in customs dorms, he was just running around and shooting at windows and doors as if he was trying to provoke me, while 200 scavs spawned inside.

The other time on woods when I wanted to do no armor scav kills, I spotted him 40m away and ended him with a no scope mosin.
Weird boss.
>kill a 4man on streets
>Go to loot
>reload mag
>bugs out
>pushed by scavs and can't fire my guns anymore
>have to fuck off to extract without being able to heal or do anything
pranked pranked pranked
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can you still turn on horde mode and disable bosses in pve?
If I pay for cover fire during a BTR ride, do the kills get added to my kill count?
Have you guys ever been killed by the BTR?
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>character reloads on loading screen
>mag drills levels up
>6/7 scav headshots with my goofyass shotgun on shoreline
fuck I almost did that shit in one raid. Decent loot though.
real gamers buy the drop down room key
Why are car exits so fucking cheap?
With how expensive just some fucking army crackers and bottled water are, you'd think they'd charge much much more.
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it's over
>insurance comes back
>they took my AS VAL 30-rounders
>but not the gun or the sight
no one wants ur 30/70 asval....
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>taking a below 99% weapon with you
you are begging for it to jam
bwo it's 98 I swear it won't jam on u
>you can insure maps
cheater trooncord
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>2 days ago: eliminate shturman from 35m
>1 day ago: eliminate shturman from 50m
>today: eliminate shturman from 80m
no means no, nikita
The AUG is fucking hideous, I hate the g36 too but I'd much sooner use that because it isn't ugly af
>pack 3 kite into my ass
>put on a NVG
>go to factory
>its day time
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okay wait i cant do scout in a night raid? It has to be day? wtf
when the fuck will they put out the Fall/weapon content patch
Half the reason I haven't played in a few weeks is because I want to use an AXMC with a bipod already
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nvm you can its just greyed out
nah you can it just doesn't track for some reason
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>buy armor for 300k
>sell the sides for 150k each
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best noob weapon?
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hows my first labs run lookin bros
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>7 ledx's
so thats why the pve economy is so shit
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>enforcer can either get high armor at the cost of running nothing but flechette shotguns
>or be a very slightly more armored assault with dogshit ammo
Enforcer needs some kinda balancing, it's easily the worst class. At least marksman has good ammo going for it.
bros can we stop talking about pve...
so how about that PvE huh
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If you can aim for headeyes its not bad at all. lvl6front+4lvl face shield
Yea but you might as well run assault at that point. Most of them are running 56a1 or m80 anyway so the face shields do jack shit.
flechette is also good against face shields whats the point
i wish we had facemasks that aren't
A: a 12 year old edgelord that listens to numb encore on repeat
B: a fucking storm trooper
C: a fucking diaper
Airsoft masks don't belong in the game

Especially ones that have a chance to ricochet anything but birdshot from a mile away. I.e., remove it from the fucking game because MAI AP getting a ricochet on HDPE 2 plastic is fucking infuriating
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I do LH dailies for free video cards every day that main reason why. Sometimes you forced to play enforcer. Face shield saved me many times believe it or not
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14 hours
whats it gonna be
i thought that a 12+ hour timer means its gonna be good shit
>play PVE
>solo, no performance issues
>Co-op constant freezing and stuttering making it absolutely unplayable.
You can still get trash out of a 14 hour one.
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damn, if you want to shoot a gun without even touching the zeroing up to 300 meters any 7.62x54R gun is the way to go
1. No
2. Yes
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I want them so fucking bad bros...
they all look like m16s to me...
Tier 5 is the new tier 4 this wipe, and with the new armor system everyone is tanky as fuck so the only way to kill people is trying to shoot them in the face through their airsoft HDPE 2 plastic face mask and hope you dont lose to an RNG bounce
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woah lighthouse goons kinda easy if they spawn at the blue house
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>wanna use the AXMC again
>can't be arsed to complete Hunting Trip
I wish Ref sold it instead of the Mjolnir...
338 is dogshit anyway
And you have no idea how much it pisses me off.
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>I'll have to play labs today for assesment
I'm oozing with excitement!!!!!!!!!!!
which is why it makes even less sense why they locked it behind hunting trip
BSG does not play their game. They just make changes based on whatever they like and feedback from their supr sekrit streamer discord so the australian retard can have a direct line to niggkita
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>Capacity Check
oh boy, another "stand out in open in the middle of the map with your dick out for a couple minutes" quest, my favorite
Trying this out past week.
Really fun when you balance it right.
SAIN on the +1 difficulty setting with Donuts on "crazyraid" is the game I always wanted. Turn off flea blacklist, start at lvl15, and remove all Woods quests.
AI slaps without being broken. Lots of fun firefights. Often third partied. AI isn't human smart but they're the right amount of challenging for peak fun.

Unfuvks everything bsg has done to the game in the past years.
No cheaters either.
>removes all woods quest
very gay.
I can respect the swing, his ego was through the roof
The underbarrel GLs being 400K+ only from barter and a single per restock is stupid. They dont know how to balance or code them so they gave it the KS-23 treatment
theyre fairly common on the cultist circle i have like 15 of them, the only good one is the GP-25 anyway.
Also, Ref has them too.
SPT players always have the shittiest takes it's crazy.
Woods isn't very interesting. It's not that wild of a take.
Now that I think about it, I can see why it wouldn't be interesting if you only play vs AI.
>this is what tarkov's loot actually looks like but ESPers and vacuumniggers get to it first, every single raid
i can't stop laughing
Tank battery
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only interested in Roro
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you guys are allright, don't go customs today
no problem zigger
just fertilize the trenches next draft
I wouldn't dare.
Old default BEAR pants my beloved...
blatantly? maybe 1 in 20 raids excluding labs but every one tap potentially a cheater
game wipes 2 months later and you just got solar? haha its worthless if you dont get it the first 2 weeks of the wipe buddy
dorms marked key
he didnt even prefire? what is that swing, needs at least a few more thousand hours of practice

I dont hate people who play PvE, i hate people who play PvE and post their progress on social media, its pointless,meaningless no one cares that about your "accomplishment"s, outplaying bots isnt interesting and will never be
no i'm usec
imagine seething about russians while playing a russian videogame
ukraine lost bud
why is that contradictory? cant i talk bad about russians if i like reading dostoyevsky?
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Me and my friend having all our skills at <10 apart from Metabolism which is nearly maxed.
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any other in-game chirp chads here?
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if Trump gets in, he said he would fix the PvE economy that Biden and Kamala left in shambles. Idk, might vote for him
bro i really dont care about mutt p*litics spam that shit on /pol/
its a joke because Ref sells 2 of the best tier 5 plates for a measely 22 GP coins which also includes a CPC rig and sideplates.
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Listen, listen. If I were president, that incident in Tarkov simply would not have happened. Obanma and Biden are trafficing illegal weapons into there along with misile strikes, it's a disaster. I'd have that war stopped in a day
yeah, only for scavs. If you play PMC, it's not worth going because you're going to get niggered by Pscavs and Rogues
There's a pretty high chance he wins and basically the entire internet is gonna be unusable for a few days as Americans fight over it.
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Not going to happen. What happened in 2016 was a fluke and the left are terrified of Trump winning again like that so they are doubling down on all of their bullshittery and blackmailing celebrities to go against the big bad orange man.

Kamala will win, Trump will call election fraud, the world will go on and we will descend further into the abyss.
>mutt hours
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I'm in Europe.
so did nikkita ultimately get away with the whole unheard edition?
Yes, even the most vocal boycotters are now running with 6 slot pockets, it's honestly disgusting how spineless ecelebs are.
It's not even 4pm EST. It's eurocuck hours right now.
whenever I kill someone and i see they have a scav vest for pockets, I strip their guns and make sure they get nothing back from insurance. Fuck those pricks.
You shoud look at dogtags instead, there are still honest Chads who complete the questline to get larger pockets, blue dogtags are scumbags.
nah, fuck them both.
I bet most of the players who seethe about unheard are EoD owners, as if they weren't the original paypigs.
EoD are pigs, Unheard are pathetic.
What's Nikkitas obession with making this game a second life?
Why are these quests so unnatural and grindy. The string of quests for Lightkeeper are laughable, like does he really expect anyone with a moderate amount of responsibility to even bother with half of these burn out inducing quests?
Tarkov has definitely declined in popularity. But, the people who are still playing it are seemingly more invested than ever.
As long as there is no actual alternative to Tarkov, eft will never die and BSG will always get away with everything.
poopsock questline anyways
t. 4k hours
Of course it is, there's a reason quests with store alternatives (drip out, pockets questlines) are ridiculously grindy and tedious.
pay $20 for a reskin
Or just kill 100 raids and hand over 100 FiR rigs, bro (every wipe)
>Can't make booze yet
>Been saving supplies
>Holodilnik is now completely full of sugar.
It feels criminal to sell these.
This game is getting too old, the skill gap is only getting worse as time goes on and we know this is not a newbro friendly game
>Magpul AR furniture set.
>All in FDE
>Every single part is a slightly different shade of FDE
>Some parts also come in OD green.
>But not others.

>Hogue Overmold grip has two shades of green it comes in.
>Neither match literally any other part.

>Stark AR grip comes in a unique shade of neither green nor yellow.
>It matches nothing else.

I really wish somebody in Tarkov had a spray can.
>progressing through Lightkeeper's quests
>realize when I'll finally have the SPEAR + Hybrid Ammo I'll have fuck-all to use it on
what did BSG mean by this?
>40 second timers
what's the matter, can't kill the goons, 5 bosses, and hand over 15 bitcoins?
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>assumed the Ryzhy figurines were 75k
>get a 12 hour circle
I was a fool
>that fucking loud ass pling of the ash-12 casing hitting the ground
good lord this is sex
Can i get the SJ9 from the cultist circle? I don't want to play labs anymore, and it looks like i'll have to use these red flares i have
theres 6 static rouges you can kill in 30 seconds for like 10k exp every run, theres no way you can get that deal anywhere else
it is, and i will never forgive metanigger streamers for making BSG kneejerk nerf ps12b while also raping the availability of it and keeping ps12 and ps12a useless
It's not even that good of a gun because the recoil makes it pretty difficult to use past like 50m but how dare anyone have any other options besides high rpm ARs in every situation.

Man I just hate the current armor system really. Yes, I'm fine that I got armpitted numerous times by scav slugs or w/e, it was healthy for the game to see more build variety. Random deaths to bullshit are a part of tarkov, it's 100% ok to die to random chance sometimes and I'm annoyed that people can't handle that
It's unfortunate how often there are just worse options for caliber.
They should make scavs only spawn with shotguns thoughts?
>blast half a mag of M856A1 into a scav
>fucker is still alive
is 556 just trash this wipe?
no scavs will just randomly have more hp
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>go to the streets mall
>no rusted key
>go to the streets mall
>no rusted key
>go to the streets mall
>no rusted key
okay i give up go fuck yourself silent hill 4
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these rogues using some wack azz shit
>weekly to do 14 Sewers Labs extracts
>daily to do 3 Vent Shaft Labs extracts
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>im just in my hideout
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So are your PMCs just the weakest people in the whole Tarkov region?
They have the lowest HP of anyone...
>go downstairs under hermatic for food storage on reserve
>hear a scav behind and spin around to face him
>unfortunately hit F as I'm spinning and lock myself into unlocking a gate
kek, that room is jank as fuck. I hate being inside the cage and having to shoot scavs through the fence. I swear the fence just eats bullets, it's incredibly hard to pen through. That said I love that room for loot, I have no idea why it isn't more popular. The keys are cheap as fuck and there's multiple tech, med, and ration crates. You can easily just hit that and leave with a full bag. The most comfy is when someone flips the switch to the bunker door right when you're done looting.
wish I knew what this was, hope it wasn't anything too important. Not really sure why traders don't have a little number/! mark when they've got mail.
like whats the purpose of the SJ12 stim?
isnt body temp a non issue in tarkov?
so thermals don't have a harder time finding you
Have a harder time*, but in reality your white sillhouette will still be brighter than everything around you so.
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holy fucking moly partizan just one tapped me in the chest through a ghizel and those thick ass glass windows on customs i had no fucking chance i didnt even see him
hides you from the hackers
sell you more packs
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>finally beat pun 6
>victory lap on labs
>spawn dome
>hide behind dome
>5 seconds later get beamed through wall
>lol lmao even
I don't know what I expected
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bros intel 3 upgrade is kinda bussin
It's for not dying from starvation or dehydration.
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the fee for sellin shit is cut in half thats insaneeeee
adding a rattlecan system would be great.
>find different colors in raid
>use up tape for different sections
>add foraging for types of leaves/rags to spray over
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SLAAP or chops?
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>forget to take a sippy between raids
>no biggie i'm sure that a drink won't be that hard to find
>find four cans of condensed milk and nothing else on the entire map
Bro, your SJ12?
>e-celebs get brain dead retards in their lobbies
>my lobbies are full of gigasweats that dont move or retarded timmies on a pistol run
Is it because I play on EU? I feel like EU servers are brutal
That's normal and Tarkov probably isn't even using all of that memory. From my understanding, it just hordes your memory just in case it needs it.
The drip out cosmetics are outrageously priced. $20. I'd think about spending $5 at most, but going over $10 is just a no no.
There are more ways to fund this game than cheaters
making moonshine is barely worth it, just sell the sugar imo.
Are you just a monkey brain that sells them as soon as they're done? Provided you're not a fucking moron that buys the sugar or distilled water moonshine is totally worth it.
>sell one moonshine for 280k
>sell two sugars for 200k and sell superwater for 80k
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My cultists are telling me to shower.
They're about 300k. Not worth it when it costs 200k of sugar and 80k of super water along with fuel costs.
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>Even if you follow a YouTube guide there's still 2 magical claymores on the most optimized path that have a 20% chance to instant kill you

Who designed this shit
>moonshine is worth it
it isn't.
i don't believe that for a second, tarkov regularly make my entire computer freeze for upwards of ten seconds once i start getting out of raids with 30~gb (out of 32) allocated
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no one cares about pve
Wow, it's almost as if it's an area meant to be inaccessible without meeting certain requirements.
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Realistically speaking how do someone plant 2 claymores covering 360° without blowing himself up in the process
Because claymores are detonated manually.
If they don't want people to access it via any kind of normal means then just add a fucking door that closes behind whoever opens it or something. Placing a bunch of magical and retarded claymores is stupid.
>remove magical claymores
>add magical doors instead
Absolutely brilliant, I'm glad you will never work as a map designer.
>magical door
Nigger are you fucking retarded?
>keycard that allows one person to enter
>locks the door behind you
>another generic keycard door
Claymores are way more interesting and unique, retards.
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Russian claymore knock offs have the option of using a seismic sensing detonator.
>oh fuck i said something retarded
>better go back to blatant bait posts
Boring loser
True, but we can safely assume that since the claymores are placed like that, they're most likely manually detonated.
You're the first human being I have encountered that would defend these bullshit indestructible claymores in Tarkov
Randomised Claymore and mine spawns.
Every single mine is visible and/or marked with enviromental clues, they're the least bullshit thing in this whole fucking game.
>just do an extremely autistic routine that will still probably kill you
>least bullshit thing in this whole fucking game
lmao even
dont even try and move the goal posts with map border mines they're not what we're talking about you little faggot
Or just don't go to the area you're not supposed to have access to, retard?
>trying to move the goalposts again
lightkeeper shouldn't be streamer content. They need to make his unlock requirements far far less, it's retarded.
What's retarded about it?
you literally need to be unemployed or have tarkov be your job to get to him
>walk through a minefield
the quest chain is utter poopsock. Assessment is the fucking worst.
>What if we take away some of the end game gears and then lock them behind the new merchant that only 1% population has access to
Took me like 2 days to get assesment done, I agree it's ass but it's really the only quest that's physically painful.
You have then two fetch quests that just make you walk the entirety of LH/WTP

You mean a gimp mask and 6.8 Hybrid?
He's not hard to get at all, what are you talking about? I managed to unlock him a couple of times and I work a full time job.
Assessment is easy as fuck considering there are 10-12 PMCs on a map with 12 total spawn points. You are near guaranteed to run into a PMC if you rush the closest spawn.
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>streamers think the sa-58 and .308 MDR are unviable because they have actual recoil now
I'm in awe at how streamers are incapable of using anything that isn't the current boring 0 recoil 0 skill laser beam. God forbid they do anything but hold m1 at any range.
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Why can't you tell me what exactly is hard about unlocking Lightkeeper and instead just resort to calling everyone who disagrees with you a poopsocker? Are you sure you don't suffer from a skill issue? Lightkeeper is significantly easier than Kappa, so I don't understand why are you seething so hard?
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>instant pavlovian response
Popularity and time investment does not equal skill.
>I can't get 12 quests done to unlock LK everyone that can is le streamer and it needs to be changed to fit my PVE mindset
Only one of those quests is strictly PVP, too. The rest are either fetch quests or marking shit. I can understand people saying quests FROM Lightkeeper are difficult, but unlocking him is completely reasonable.
My servers are empty and I didn't want to hop on NA, if I were to i'd prolly get assesment done in a day
>open youtube
>youtube recommends me a video advertising RMT for fucking PVE
It's laughable really.
you're a poopsock, get a job.
I work full time.
discord mod isn't full time
That's not my job, you terminally online weirdo.
why are poopsocks so ashamed, just admit it.
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>poopsock poopsock poopsock
kinda weird you have pictures of babies, weirdo.
>let cheaters cheat for months
>ban them all in one swoop
>they buy more accounts to cheat
this is how they fund their game. Ever wonder how they have no subscription or major MTX? It's becuase cheaters fund the game for BSG along with the whole RMT market which Nikkita profits from.
The issue is how long you can get away with cheating.
>cheaters dont get banned
>cheaters get banned
You faggots will complain about anything.
ive seen people get away for months using a cheap shitty ESP. If you're not blatant about it, it will take ages to get banned. Thats the issue.
Gods willing I will find a SJ9 in this labs raid and survive.
why is the mutant so fucking bad for such an expensive gun
Because it used to be stupidly good and got nerfed while the price remained unchanged.
AR platform, thats it. It's dogshit.
Rifle Dynamics slaps it all around
Because is inferior american capitalist product made by stupid american trying to imitate kalashnikov, stupid american put rail everywhere and think rifle is better.
But the best AK in game is american tho
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>zero scav spawns for 30 minutes
this shit so ass man
so the usual retarded bsg balancing got it
yea i've been trying out the 704 and it feels so much better. it has less recoil for cheaper. the 50 extra rof on the mutant ends up not even mattering since you can't hit shit with the mutant anyway.
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thoughts on nufactory?
Way too dark.
its awful, always worse and is even worse now.
It's a timmy meatgrinder
Nobody cares about the offices anymore. everything happens on the other side of the map by med tent
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I can totally see people unironically bringing NVGs for daytime factory now.
Needs to be brightened up a tad. Otherwise it's an improvement
>enforcer with level 6 plates, a faceshield and KS-23
please, remove this.
Shoot him in the legs. Or from mid range. Armored up enforcers are annoying but nowhere near as dangerous as a sweaty scout player.
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>try to get my gzhel zeroed in factory
>scavs literally just shoot around the armor raid after raid
Nigga you don't have to do that anymore.
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Despite enforcer can be tanky sometimes it not op at all. When someone tries this kind of shit i just bring my sp6/m80/bp and slap enforcer chicks with 1 tap in faceshield while he trying to hit me with ks23
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don't you?
>you actually don't
nice QC, Nikita
He is right, you don't since previous wipe
Yeah, I just got it done thanks to that. Would be nice if they bothered to update the task description
> if they bothered to update
You asking too much from small indie company operating 300+ employees
We need your support in order to update single lines of quest descriptions. Consider upgrading to The Unheard Edition to help us develop Escape from Tarkov.
day factory is a little darker but i can easily get away without nvgs in night factory now
new tunnels and bridge are nice. gate 0 being free makes it too easy to extract imo
t. gate 3 rat
i'd rather give money to a crack hobo than support EFT any further
why is the burris tac 30 so cheap this wipe? 30k on the flea market is a bargin. I remember this scope being 100k+
i've hoarded these scopes just incase of a price hike.
Non FiR flea so people actually sell the ones they pick up from players.
how come the vuduus and razers are still expensive?
cleaner, NVG friendly and harder to get access to
Because they're better, more desirable, and more scarce.
Because people are willing to pay so much for them, Tac30s were only expensive the last few wipes because access to them was severely limited.
>Kill PMCs on PVE
>Loot Lv 5 plates and rigs.
>Can't buy them yet.
>Pain in the ass to store them all.
I don't really know what to do with all these...
its really bad, you get confiscated pretty much always if you go near bosses or events. otherwise if you just loot bolts and nuts all day long, they dont care
unironically brilliant map design. not only the recent expansions but in general, the map as a whole flows really well.
everyone says its too dark though and they're fucking retards because prior to the global illumination it was literally darker than it is now, yet no one seemed to care.
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>see this
>log in expecting at least one ban confirmation from the multitude of blatant white name niggers with single digit hours who've cheated me in the past month
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>ummm map was dark long time ago so people shouldn't complain it's darker than it was recently
>it's darker than it was recently
it's literally not though.
It's objectively darker than pre-rework, which was pointed out by almost everyone
all of those people have shitty monitors and/or are blind. you can not convince me otherwise.
Or maybe you're just a retarded contrarian nigger.
>Game added ta way to wear head torches.
>People refuse to use them and just screech about the maps not being unlit full bright CS boxes.
Nobody cares about PvE
yeah, old factory was darker
Yea, really. There's flashlights and night vision in the game. Why can't people just use them?
>that time of year again
anyone else excited for snowy tarkov? i'm still impressed they managed to add it to all the maps
>nikita more focused on making newbie guides than fixing his anti cheat
Anyone who's working on the core aspects of the game aren't also working on the guides.
Doesn't fall come first? I forget if they confirmed that there would be a fall season, and I also forget if it's already implemented and I'm just too blind to see it. I forget if things looked greener in the summer.

Either way yes I'm excited for snow and hope I catch the first snowfall in-raid again, it was so fucking cool to watch the map transition in real time. Actually blew me away when it happened.
Just found out that I need 15 bitcoin to get the bigger pockets.
Glad I didn't spend them on the thicc weapon case.
Why does he hate the pve mode when the project he really wants to do is a singe player game?
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bros you save so much money from lvl 3 intelligence center wtfffffff
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pic related
Scavs here? No way, man
I dunno how I feel about the winter time. There's only like a single top for either faction that's white.
Nah winter isn't about hiding, it's about stomping through the snow. It's great cause without much grass you can peak over hills better, grass always fucks that up for me
>need sanitar's bag
>do 6 shoreline runs in a row
>sanitar doesn't spawn in any of them
Eat shit and die.
I've been playing a fair amount of shoreline recently and only seen him once. Granted, I haven't been going to resort very often so he might have spawned there at some point but still
>not Bago's server
Is armor really that overpowered irl?
Sorta? It depends on the type and level. Modern high level ceramic plates can take a lot of punishment.
>need to place the jammer on weather station
>get booty blasted by the goons in 5 raids in a row
God I hate playing in a squad, people just running everywhere so when someone shows up we have no idea if it's friend or foe so we all just die lmao, my buddies just fucking run around like retards where ever they are with no regard for positioning
against more common and civilian rounds? sure
against standard military rounds? maybe, sometimes, depends really, it will save your life but knock you down if not even out for sure
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6pm / 6am
the worst times to play
>put a silencer on the rpd
>still loud as fuck
>put the same silencer on the mutant
>quiet as a church mouse
>inside weather station
>birdeye outside
>knight outside
>big pipe dead
>they aren't fucking moving
I got Birdeye but Knight just wouldn't fucking show himself, so I popped an SJ6 and propital, ran out, Knight decided now its finally time and blasted my arms away from some fucking bush, I make it all the way to the station on barely any health, Knight apparently followed me and killed some PMC and while I am patching myself up Patrizian says "this guy was standing too long in the same place imma fuck him up" and joined the shitshow. SOMEHOW, both of them were blind when I threw myself over the bridge and sprinted nonstop to tunnels.
Jesus Christ no more Shoreline for me.
>he's still posting it
did your server die when everyone realized you were a bunch of cheating niggers?
>sugar up to 110k each
>super water nearly 90k
>moonshine not even 300k
What's the fucking point
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feels like im playing runescape again
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post you're fashion bros hows the drip lookin
>left the airshit mask on
fuck i meant to swap it first cuz they look dogshit
>airsoft mask
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Did I do everything right?
i wear them for free protection from scav fuckshot. i was gunna throw the wendy with a face shield on but it's 3 am and i forgor
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>queue in to a GZ scav purely with the intention of hunting down a pmc for fun
>run in to another pscav
>see an ai scav looking through the floor at a pmc
>he points it out and with unspoken team work we swap between laying down suppressive fire and pushing in to the parking garage and kill him
It was beautiful. Bullying poor noobs is one of those little things that makes the cock and ball torture of the normal game fun again.
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this tends to be my goto. I'm not buying a new outfit until i see the fall colors
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>working on sbih/PS/TS
>actual operator drip
which i'm pretty sure cost lega coins and only psychos would spend those on outfits
whats with the magical 20% spawn chance? i played 400 raids in the first month, didnt get a single boss task done. this week, nearly every boss killed within 50 raids. nikita seriously what the actual fuck
do i go into night raids if i want to hunt bosses?
more cheaters and sweaties at night but the bosses are easier with the reduced sight. try it, if you get denied by cheaters just go day then otherwise always night
Do the goons fight with scavs?
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>cost lega coins and only psychos would spend those on outfits
Shirt+pants cost 10 legas. 10 lega for nice black drip works for me. After certain point you just don't have on what to spend them anyway.
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You are this weeks chosen. Thank you for sharing that visual as hope for the rest of us
>only the tan wendy gets a face shield
No wonder I never see them. Nobody wants to run a tan helmet. I'm sure I never see the airframe for the same reason.
>this week
wait what the fuck do you mean this week
how rare is that fucking key?
Very. Even on the extreme off chance it spawns it's in a high traffic area and everyone always checks for it.
Yeah no fucking wonder I never found it.
I thought that scavs just eat that key up, I found the hideout key or the skybridge key in scav pockets before so I figured some asshole scav just got it and died somewhere.
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Pve posters should put PVE in their name as its not remotely the same game.
>imagine buying a personal server for DayZ and posting pics of your base you made
It's almost as if helmet mounted flashflights point fucking downwards and not where you're aiming.
at least they finally fixed flashlights shining through walls
What I wonder with PVE is, if they add more quests and especially quests in between the quest chains, do you even get them since you already finished whatever comes after?
So you can get cucked out of trades and barter and shit and have to reset your account with each wipe anyway.

And how are they handling Ref in PVE?
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Only level 30, so I've only got so much shit available.
Belt fired and open bolt weapons are going to be louder when suppressed comparatively. Strangely, the uzi pro is one of the quietest weapons suppressed, but it still sounds loud to you. Same goes for the m60, ONI during the event was hard to hear shooting. In typical BSG fashion they beefed the 'feature'
Is it worth doing intel on scav case? I found like 10 of these niggas before I built the case so it's run 10 cases or sell the intel for 5mil.
I didn't even build the Scav case this wipe now that the circle exists.
i meant the RD-704 and not the RPD, i got the names mixed up.

Used the SIG Sauer SRD762Ti 7.62x51 sound suppressor on both and its just surreal how much of a difference there is.
You just accept the new quests.
Ref isn't in PVE, I think they said something about possibly adding him because PVEfags cried about not having him but I'm not sure.
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customs is a bad map.
The extracts are horrid, the loot is abysmal, the level design bullies you into PvP. It's my least favorite map and I'd rather lighthouse. I'm trying to do dorms quests and its utter cancer. I'm getting poopsock squads gatekeeping me from beginner quests, this is horrible design.
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Man old customs was even worse, the railway bridge was such a turbo massive chokepoint.
It's gotten better but still not too great.
I think they should expand customs again, both north and south and make it more square shaped instead of rectangle. Same goes for lighthouse.
I think the loot shouldn't be too great on the map, its supposed to be "the" beginner map after all.
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this 48 pen round sold by prapor is unethical
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Pscavs ruin streets for me. They spawn in so early, you end up getting swarmed by a Pscav party. It ruins the map for me. They should start spawning in around 15-20 minutes, not 30+ minutes
>60 rounds after capturing outposts
Yeah bro, so unethical...
*buys 220 from Ref 4*
arena was a mistake...
20 bullets of M80 cost 2 gp coins and you can buy 7 packs of this shit.
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i'm getting insanely tilted today. Every single one of my deaths have been by someone who isn't moving and it's head,eyes. I'm getting fucking sick of this.
Feels like I'm punished for moving. I bring good gear, it doesn't matter because no one in the raid actually moves
>20 extracts in a row
>7+ KD
>1000 hours
this is a loaded chink account. He's rarely touched his scav and he's obviously gotten a lot of his XP from arena, but 20s in a row is a dead giveaway
EFT was p2w before unheard edition and it became a little more p2w after unheard i dont know what was the problem, it was all about EODcucks crying because they didnt get pve access
>you said all DLCs included 5 years ago nikita give me free shit
>you said "unique" secure container and you gave the same container to unheard edition
holy shit, it was so fucking stupid, standard players are the only ones who're sane in this retarded community
customs is only bad because of squadfags, youre pretty much guaranteed to die if theyre somewhat decent players
i agree scavs should spawn 15 minutes left on all maps except factory 5 minutes left on factory
classic unlucky death streak, it happens
nigga, being to call in your friends and scavs not shooting you is not P2W? Compared to a bigger stash size and a container case? Are you mad. Fuck off, true believer.
Reminder that Arena is more p2w than any Tarkov edition.
How come? Never touched it
>insanely over the top XP gain compared to EFT
>Ref selling top tier shit for basically free
>locked rooms containing top tier gear only accessible by playing Arena
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my god they finally fixed it
Glad they finally added a barter for the PKM, shame they will never make something like that for the PKP after completing Gunsmith.
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>being to call in your friends and scavs not shooting you is not P2W?
it is p2w and still in the game
>bigger stash size and a container case
this is p2w too

whats the problem? once a game breaks the p2w barrier it doesnt matter how much p2w it is, they could add the option to finish quests,get trader lvls with IRL money and i wouldnt care, cutting the paypigs' grind by 100 hours or 500 hours doesnt make a difference for me as a standart player
The amount of tier 6 plates I have gotton from farming arenalets opening grumpys on interchange with a singular VOG tripmine at the door is absurd. I have a thicc case full of tier 6 plates. Sometimes they just leave tier 6 plates on the ground. They want people to play arena so fucking badly
i too would like to add a vortex to my pkm
Just sound like a Nikkita apologist. He's a fucking fat scumbag,
fuck off, nikkita. This game was supposed to be finished in 2020 with the millions you made of EOD players. Suck a dick, niggerfaggot.
>still in the game
Retarded nigger, the anti Scav radio got restricted to PVE only, and the other thing isn't even in the game, and even if it gets added it will most likely be PVE limited too.
>cutting the paypigs' grind by 100 hours or 500 hours doesnt make a difference for me as a standart player
Dumb ape nigger it would still affect you because you'd be running into fully geared Chads way faster and way more often
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>not using dovetail optics
OKP-7 for me.
>tier 6 plates
fucking chink magnet, dont even bother equipping them.
you already gave him your $150 and made him rich, he doesnt need to finish the game
>PvE only
i didnt know that but i wouldnt care even if it was in pvp
>running into fully geared Chads way faster and way more often
oh no! ill run into geared chads on day 3 of the wipe instead of day 5 what am i gonna do!!

they literally get lvl4 plates,supressed scar with optics, m856a1 ammo on the first day, and they keep their gear advantage thanks to the 0.2 trader rep they get the first day until i max my traders which takes at least a month, who cares at that point? just give them kappa on day 1 too i dont care
>he doesnt need to finish the game
everyone knows this, thats why no one likes him.
you move you die has been the meta for years now. Raids are dead silent, but there's a PMC holding a massive sightline at every choke. Even Factory is full of people not moving and soundwhoring footsteps. Audio needs to be cut down by half, headphones all should get a massive nerf, Partisan needs a huge buff. Move you die meta just isnt good for the game
>he doesnt need to finish the game
this and no new players will ever join because there's nothing but hackers and 5 year sweats every raid
wtf i'm watching this lvl 72 japanese guy play and every night raid he goes into is literally dead
i watched a hacker on customs fly over my head and kill the goons. i laughed my ass off because they dont even hide it anymore
you move you die meta will always be in this game because its at the core of the game design, low TTK always makes the camping(ratting) super powerful because you die without having a chance to react

-lowering hearing distance would work to some degree but doesnt really fix the problem
-buffing partisan isnt preferable because forcing people to change their playstyle isnt good for the game, let everyone play the way they want
-improving visibility would work to some degree but itll always be really hard to see still players unless you add colored outlines to enemies which would ruin the games realistic dark vibe

low TTK rewards people with shit aim because they get lucky
high TTK rewards skilled people because theyve consistent aim,even then rats with good aim will win but at least you can get into cover and have a chance to kill them instead of dropping on the ground in 0.367 seconds
every raid is dead because every single person and their moms are using silencers
silencers should only change the sound profile if sub-sonic ammo is used.
Other way around, but yeah. Subsonic in a suppressed weapon is more effective. Supersonic out of a suppressor just attenuates the sound profile, and you would most certainly hear it beyond 100m.
Just make 90% of suppressors FiR only. Keep the ones like the DT Hybrid, pistol suppressors and integrated suppressors on traders and get rid of the rest.
when did this game peak? voip?
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To this day, it still feels like I'm "missing" something about solo CQB:
>Be inside a building
>Someone enters it
>Feel like there's never a better option than just staying but and being dead silent until the dude comes close enough, so you can peek and spray him
>This is even further motivated by the fact that there's no 100 % silent movement anymore and the sound system is still so broken that it's impossible to tell verticality, distance and even direction
And then there's the:
>Be the one entering a building
>Gorillion rooms, so get to try and clear at least a few rooms or corridors with nades hoping that you force the dude to move
>Check rooms until the other dude creeping in a dark corner makes the decisions to peek and spray your face
>If the other dude starts playing aggressively, he just gives his position away and gives me a chance to actually fight back
Like, as a solo player, what even are my options? Open world PvP is fine and fun, there's a lot to do, ways to react, different playstyles etc. CQB on the other hand feels like there's fuck all you can do other than learn every square centimeter of the building you are in and hope that you don't get fucked over by the sound, then just wait and wait until an opportunity presents itself.

How do I do IT, lads?
When I was new to the game and just learning to play. When finding even half-decent loot was a cool experience. When even surviving a single raid was an ecstatic experience. Now it's just tryharding and feeling numb, if I don't solo a full squad with good gear and exit the raid with their shit.

The game is shit.
I simply don't fight indoors if I can help it. Ill put tripmines at the high traffic areas if I hear someone in a building, sometimes blocking off their exit completely, and just go do my own thing and if I hear a boom, well they moved and might have died - or you know where they are at. The horizontal sprint head tilt peek for info is still a thing, and if you are going to run it down a dorms hallway at least have a flashlight on, or if you have the nuts, push over your own M67s.
>Literally spend like 15 minutes just chasing a dude who has absolutely no idea I'm stalking his ass
>He kills a scav and stops by to loot in the middle of nowhere
>Blast his ass, almost fail to make the kill, but finally put him down before he can pinpoint my location
Man, it feels so good, when your long ass hunt actually pays off. Dude even had good gear on and I got my setup to 7/8.
Based hunter.
the game is unironically the most fun when you first start. then you slowly realize how jank it is and how incompetent bsg are. i wish i could sell my account and make my money back
Eh, even though the poopsock experience is pretty damn shitty, I still think that I've gotten bang for my buck. Got EoD back in like 2016 or 2017 from a sale. Almost 3000 hours on the clock and I truly enjoyed the first 1000 hours or so. Now this game is nothing but an addiction and a toxic habit that I keep coming back to every now and then.

Also the fact that all my bros stopped playing like 5 years ago makes the experience even more shitty and lonely. I remember playing as a duo being fun, even if the raids didn't go your way. Haven't played with anyone else for the past 2000 hours with the game. It's was especially fun, when you were playing with people who were also new to the game.
>Get killed in peculiar circumstances
>It's another sub 200 hours played player with crazy gear while being less than level 15
It's all so tiresome, bros.
when you're playing defense, being silent until the last moment is the correct approach.
as for offense, in my experience, it's best to play it as hot and fast as possible. fuck clearing every room and probing with nades, literally just sprint through with PKs until you reach some favorable cover and never sprint in a straight line- you should always be bobbing and weaving around corners without hesitation. if there's anyone in a room or holding a shallow angle, 9 times out of 10 you can get them to fire at you(and miss) as you sprint by. long angles like the hallways in resort and dorms are the exception, which is when you should nade.

another way is to only give scav-tier audio information. just walk around at normal speed, stopping at intervals to audibly swivel around a couple times, check your mag, and continue walking. if you haven't already given yourself away, any veteran player won't be concerned about giving away their position to you and will try to peek you nonchalantly, giving you at least a half second while they try to line up a headshot on what they think is AI. it's not as retarded as it sounds, i swear. unironically sun tzu-tier psychological warfare. does not work against noobs though.
saddest part is apparently these below 300 hour players do not even get banned
>Now this game is nothing but an addiction and a toxic habit
so true. i want off this ride
tarkov is a circle of pain, no one actually wins.
Your play comes around but you're going to get fucked over by the person that gets theirs
Have reported all the blatant ones, but haven't gotten a confirmation that any of them got banned. Pretty sad, ngl.
> the poopsock experience is pretty damn shitty
i am pretty sure i would still enjoy it if nikita wouldnt try his best to ruin everything that is fun.
> every fun unlock is tedious grind
> fun events get ruined by cheaters
> boss grind ruined
> hotspots ruined
on top of that nothing fucking works anymore, they have broken the game so hard its not even funny
oh yeah, i started this wipe with my last wipes reputations, was kinda ass to start with over 6 scav rep. lightkeeper still broken but hey atleast arena sync works now!
do people cheat in arena, i've had a few matches where a player was sus as fuck.
no, that would be highly unethical behavior
bugs i've encoutered this wipe
>teleporting scavs
>containers bugging out and i cant open them
>constant menu errors
>server crashing
>sound still bugged, player sounds like they're right next to you but in actual fact they are 3 stories above you.
It's tiresome, all the spagetti code is fucking the game.
I just had a match where this naked guy was using a VAL with SP-6, he was snapping angles and one tapping everyone like he had ESP.
Yea. I've said it before but cheaters in arena are quite shit at hiding it. It's usually pretty easy to tell.
>containers bugging out and i cant open them
I think this is just a weird thing with the variable loot where the container is "there" but not supposed to be.
also had a weird bug where a player was in the air spazzing out while phasing in and out. Don't know if it was desync or a cheater
That's an ai scav spawning in. It's supposed to do that under the map but they fucked it up somehow.
yep, first raid today? so fucking obvious guy rushing over the sawmill, trying to prefire me through rocks and silent nading me
i love the ones that pretend like they dont see me but they know im there.
like they want their ESP to be believable
Last wipe in a teamfight we had a guy floating around like a fucking spectre dodging bullets in front of our faces. Like his model was wisping back and forth in air like some kind of ghost lmao, it was hilarious and everyone on our team was laughing their assess off because it was just so blatant. That's really my only experience with cheating in arena though
I used to do this shit all the time. Didn't always work out but sometimes it did, and that's the important part.
As a fellow solochad this is my strat:
>don't sprint anywhere unless you're totally out in the open or in an active gunfight
>circle peek corners constantly to check them and bait shots

If you're already inside a building and you hear someone come in, you're not wrong that staying put in a corner silently is a good strat. If -you- enter a building though that you suspect someone could be in then it's best to stomp around a bit and flashlight some corners to bait some activity. This works best when you're confident no one is outside (because you came from there and already cleared it) so you don't have to worry about people hearing you nearby. Be confident when you're clearing a building, then when you're finished go back to creeping.
Big bag + Small Rig
Small bag + Big Rig
>dont move
bags are donation devices for chinks. I just bring something like a MPPV . Also nice for reserve and interchange so i dont have to use the awful ratted extracts.
>circle peek corners constantly to check them and bait shots
There a new strat you can do if you're good enough where you can sprint halfway around a corner and spin around with your mouse to bait shots. It's pretty funny.
none of this advice actually matters when you get head,eyes in a fucking instant because there's someone holding an angle god fucking knows where
I run the takedown 90% of raids. It's less than 40k and has a decent amount of space. It's also pretty small so you don't have a massive bag sticking off your back. It's only real downside is being 3 slots wide so you can't fit some of the larger rigs in it. Though if you're poor enough that you need to worry that much about what size rig and bag you're carrying then just use whatever you have laying around.
That shit happens even when you're in a squad. It's literally impossible to check every corner and angle. Mitigating it is all you can do which actually doesn't make that advice worthless. Though if you're a defeatist homo you can just ignore any and all ways to do that and just w key in to every building like an ape then seethe when someone deservedly kills you
nigga, im a realist. No one moves in raids, if you're moving you're going to get tapped by one of the 12 PMCs jerking off to pornhub while they wait for footsteps. Watch streamers play, they will hold an angle for 20+ minutes if they have to. It's not for me, I like fast gameplay, not boring and sluggish. I come back due to bad habits, yes pre-intertia was better.
>W key into a building
compared to "stomping" around giving your position away and hoping the no life poopsocker actually presses W key himself? Go to dorms and do that.
#no bag gang. fuck a bag. all my homies hate bags. you'll never see my slim silhouette, i'm like a ghost nigga. miss me with that looter playstyle, that shit's for pussies. only time you'll catch me with a bag is if i pulled it off an opps body.
Find a different game dipshit. CoD sounds your speed. People play this game like cowards and you need to react accordingly. Claiming that any advice to mitigate dying to these people doesn't mean anything is fucking retarded.
What are you even on about?
maybe read the conversation chain you're responding to, dick head
Those are my posts. Did you entirely misunderstand the point of the post you're replying to in the first place?
nigga, shut the fuck up. What are you even talking about? You know EFT was never like CoD. Raids should flow, they don't at the moment and the most cancerous playstyles are rewarded.
like hang yourself fr rn. ive played enough to know you're essentially gambling each raid if you survive or not
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does nikita know he can charge for the audio optimizations?
Yea you're a fucking retard stop talking to me. Adapt or fuck off. Complaining that people are playing the game differently now and refusing to change your play style accordingly is just stupid. Keep dying to ratting faggots and pissing about it as if you didn't do anything wrong.
>nigger on the main cover
my S/R is 65% on PMC. I'm telling you how it is and no amount of rituals or dumbass advice is going to stop you getting killed or it doesnt even matter.
It's luck of the draw of how your raid is populated.
It's called Black Ops after all.
I've seen it too but I've been too lazy to get a bigger mousepad and fuck with my sensitivity to make that work. Just yesterday though I did a quick circle peek in D2 and baited shots from a ratfag camper. I didn't kill him but just left and went to extract elsewhere lol. Saved my life.
I always bring a green smoke to Factory as an ice breaker because of this. Throw that shit toward the middle of the map, scavs freak out, somebody shoots and then usually the party gets started.

Definitely the snow wipe. Huge influx of noobs around that time too. I have some hope for this upcoming wipe (hoping my fellow PVE shitters come back to PVP), but realistically the game is dying and I'll probably stop playing around lvl 30 as usual
>Definitely the snow wipe
felt like the game was in decline before this. snow was magical though
>Ushankas rocketed to 50k a piece, when I'm just starting setup
Oh for fuck sakes. As if this fucking task wasn't ass enough this late into the wipe to begin with.
>Hear a dude move right next to me
>I'm 99,9 % sure he is in the room next to me
>A healing animation begins
>Rush out and storm the room next to me
>Suddenly his healing sound goes muffled, he was actually a floor above me and I blew my cover
Yeah, it definitely was in decline - just the combination of new recoil + new armor system + ground zero combined w/ the timing of the wipe (there was really no competition at the time as every other shooter had become stale). Then the snow happened.

I don't think that it'll ever top that combination
>Go into Shoreline to kill some scavs with AKM series weapons
>Get to kill 1 scav, kill 3 PMCs and eventually die to a PMC while searching for scavs to kill
>Saw a total of three PMC squads and was forced to engage two of them
>0 solo PMCs, 1 scav
I fucking love swimming in PMC squads!
You'll be swimming in scavs as soon as you're done with punisher.
Oh you know it
>Run into a squad
>It's at least a three man
>Kill two of them
>Last guy stops peeking and have no idea where he is
>Just fuck off from the scene knowing he will camp his friends' corpses until the very end and only then exit the raid
The amount of times I've gotten domed by the "there's always one more"-dude when going for the loot is so high that I've deemed it just not worth it. At least I get to enjoy the fact that I ruined their raid and their last butt buddy has to hold ground, since I might still be coming after the loot or I might be counter-camping his ass somewhere etc. Instead my ass has exited the raid 20 minutes prior.
they point forwards enough to be usable now, especially on factory, i like running them
In my 4000 hours in Tarkov I haven't seen a single soul use a helmet mounted flashlight. Not that you'd want to start now, it's just a shoot me beacon.
I did once.
Then I had no idea how to turn the flashlight off while its mounted to your head, that was before the rework tho
I just noticed, the faster you run, the more bullets you dodge
Why do so many of y'all care which version of Tarkov we play? I wanna have fun in my free time, I don't exist to be an NPC in your game. I don't exist to be a loot aggrigator for the next cheater that's gonna head/eyes me through a wall.

And enough with the "blaming cheaters is copium" bullshit, people. It's Tarkov. The sheer number of cheaters has always been a well-known factor in tarkov. There are countless videos about it, everyone who's played more than 50 hours understood how rampant the cheating was right up until PvE released, seems like.

It honestly feels like everyone getting butthurt over people's switch to PvE is just upset because now all of the "easy kills" disappeared and they have to play with other sweats and cheaters. So what has the response been? There's been no attempt to encourage us to come back, instead y'all throw your little tantrums in the posts and make fun of us? Grow up.
That right there. Dad with job and life besides gaming here, too. I get one-two hours of gaming every two-three days. And depending on my mood and friends I don‘t always play Tarkov.

Which means the choice between having to deal with sweaties, cheaters, exit campers, being low level and never making it past level 25 due to wipe as a package vs. only having to deal with wonky AI but always getting your gear back in insurance is fairly simple.
I play games to have fun and unwind somewhat from everyday life. I’m older than probably most people on /eftg/, and my reflexes, vision and skill levels are not where they need to be to play PvP. I’ve had this game since 2020, and even built my first gaming PC to specifically play this with my kids, who were really into it at the time. My kids stopped playing shortly after I started (no coincidence there, right? lol). Fortunately a group of friends who I played Destiny with also got into Tarkov, and we played together a lot. In all that time, I was NEVER comfortable playing solo, regardless of how much money I had, so if I had to play alone, I would mostly scav.

Enter PvE - it took a few raids to get the feel for AI behavior, but I’ve been having a blast playing solo, and actually prefer it in most cases except for the social aspect of playing with friends. There is zero”fear” when going into raids. No longer do I have to worry about being shot in the head from someone I never saw, and even if I saw them first more often than not I would come out on the losing end of the firefight. To me, this is what a “game” is supposed to be about. I know a lot of people love PvP because they like to test their skills against others. That’s great for them, but not something I desire nor care one bit about. I will never go back to PvP.
play SPT.
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>go to shoreline at night to kill scavs!
>also kill things at night without NVGS or thermals!
>check village - nothing, check scav island - nothing, check hydroplant - nothing, check resort - all scavs already dead - head to smuggler base - nothing
>head to car extract
>shot by 5000 hour level 65 turbo sweatlord
Atleast it wasn't a cheater.
Are these reddit reposts? The problem with pve is that you aren't even playing the same fucking game as pvp. You might as well go into the terraria general and start talking about minecraft. I don't want to hear your stupid fucking pve stories because they're all meaningless. You're playing against AI.
Is there a collection of voicelines for tarkov?
I never fucking know if what I just heard is a boss i rarely see, Partisan sneaking up on my ass, a BEAR pmc fucking with me or just a scav voice line i never heard before
How do you know that Xiao_Ping_Chengfu that just killed you on labs isnt a bot?
Might check youtube or something, I'm also bad at recognizing some boss lines
yeah i tried but its all just fucking youtube shorts of some gay faglord with a thinly grown mustache talking into a blue yeti mic over the voice lines
i rather dip my dick into Tabasco and fuck a cactus
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the only good reason for SPT existing is future-proofing tarkov for when BSG eventually pulls the plug
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>EFT launches into its full release
>EFT2 announced on the same day
>to support EFT2 pre-purchase all EFT1 servers get shut down in 3 months
>Wear head flashlight
>People assume it's a weapon light
>Aim above it to hit you in the head.
>Bullets fly over your head.
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Yeah I'm sure people start firing into the rafters when you use a headlamp like a retard, which is why it is so meta.
reserve might be worse than lighthouse
absolutely not
Reserves bunker should be expanded to EVERY building on the map
Add one or two more exits, a flare exit for example or an exit that leads you through the minefield with an metal detector or some shit.
You know, anything to not go down to D2
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do you think three flashlights are too much?
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Am I being a retard or was the Saiga 12k always locked to single fire?
in what fucking game has the saiga 12 ever been automatic?
Payday 2

I think. Am I having a Mandela moment?
Not in that game at least, didn't really play Payday 2. I think you might just be retarded.
it's been a while but i don't remember the saiga being full auto in BF3
nope its semi auto i just checked the wiki
i must be retarded then
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it's okay anon we've all been a lil retarded before
>scav killquest
>dont see a single fucking scav
>PMC killquest
>swarmed by 30 scavs non stop respawning
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Day 3 of me not being able to find a SJ9.
>Black keycard down to 3 uses left
>Used 3 flares and none were medical airdrops
>Scavs didn't spawn with one too
i want to rapi rapi's rapis
i'm stuck on obdobolos for samples.
found like 20 obd 2s but no obd 1
I got almost every single stim for sample's from spawning with it as a scav. Therapist tasks are also a good source of stims for it. It's how I got my p22.
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I have 7 SJ9s actually, but they all came from arena rewards which aren't FiR for some fucking reason.
Where did you find 3 red flares? The wiki is gay and retarded, just says to look in boxes and caches.
From my scavs(most of them), containers, and you can also buy them from ref
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>crying about arena rewards not being FiR after arena integration completely ruined the wipe with the XP and ref bullshit
The fucking nerve on this nigger
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Anything to keep me from playing Labs
>find my 2 shus sealing foam for the daily
>get to my car extract
>quest ran out in the 60s wait time
>wasted 6 slots for nothing
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It's the USAS-12 not the Saiga-12
I mean same shit more or less.

Speaking of which, I'd love to see some Daewoo shit in Tarkov. I think they'd make for great mid wipe weapons or CQB blasters.
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>3-b-tg from daily
Wait...this is really good right, this is the one that can only be found on labs right?
What is generally the better choice, to do Colleagues - Part 3 or Huntsman Path - Sadist?

Aka. kill sanitar or don't?
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Huh, neat.
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bwos whats the price to performance on 50 graphics cards
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>start doing this quest
>just want to hit the arena stash and leave out the backpackless hole
>great loot
>hmmm lets painmed for the run to the hole, just in case
>timmy lights me up on my way out
>prone in a tiny bit of grass as I get shredded and barely live
>manage to sprint behind cover with no legs (thx morphine)
>toss a holy hand grenade
>run away
>patch myself up
>check grenadier progress
>got a fucking kill
>loot timmy then head out

Fuck lol, my nades have been absolutely BLESSED lately. Was panicked there for a sec
Fuckin lol. Reddit is a hive of cowardice and faggotry. Imagine writing that out and having zero shame or self-awareness
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Even playing PvE on this game feels like a ball crushing chamber. When you pair how ruthlessly addictive the extraction shooter model is with a quick TTK bad raids end up erasing all the good feeling a few good raids brought before it. In my adult life I have rarely ever had a game make me seethe this hard. I'm beginning to realize this genre is a new League of Legends in the making.
>have a couple shit raids in a row where i don't get past the 5 minute mark
>followed by a good raid where i fuck up a duo and get some decent loot
>feel better even though all their gear and loot combined didn't account for even half of one of the kits i lost
It's all about mentality. Once a shit raid is over that's it, it's over. Fuck it, move on. It helps if you have no gear fear and enough money to stay kitted up no matter what but even early wipe you gotta just accept that the game is bullshit and that you can't let it get to you.
Once birdeye misses his shots, do the goons start running after me? Or do they stay put until I go into their "zone" ?
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>be pscav
>play aggressively
>push pmcs and win
>70ish percent survival
>be pmc
>play with similar playstyle
>get wiped
>40ish percent survival
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man i cant fucking tell with these guys
once birdeye sniped my ass from the custom dorms hill and the three assholes followed me all the way to crossroads and executed me in the extract
then he gave me the warning shots on shoreline and they followed me over to the smuggler base taking potshots at me
and other times birdeye just gives me the 3 warning shots next to my ear and they stay put and do fuck all
>goons again
just fuck my shit up
Colleagues 3 requires 10 fir labs cards so most people just kill sanitar.
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i swear these fucking faglords only exist to make my life even more miserable
looking for bros to come do raids together with, all welcome!
What's a good rig / armor I can use that doesn't weigh like 12kg?
Strength builds too slowly and the kit I run already starts me out overweight ...
Or should I just take out the plates and run the build in level 3 armor? At this stage in the game everyone runs ammo that pierces level 5 and 6 anyway
AACPC, alternatively just stick the GAC plates in anything that supports them and has class 3 aramid
>GAC Plates
The Global Armor plates from skier? They kinda heavy tho.
Maybe I can just get rid of the backplate
Or I just don't play the ASH-12 on strength 10
Comes standard with the AACPC, TacTec and Hexatac HPC
Ah alright, dont have Ragman or Peacekeeper on 4 yet so got no access.
But man those fuckers weigh nothing, sweet.
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>the cult part 2
>need to mark the dorms room cultist circle
>been there three times, nobody opened the door for me
>say fuck it, imma buy the key myself
>type marked into the flea market
>shared bedroom marked key - dorms is a shared bedroom they must've renamed the key!
>oh its not even that expensive great
>shove the key up my ass
>go there

I'm not a smart man.
Anon, your free CPCs
from Ref?
I don't wanna play Arena and feed into the machine.
I got to level 35 all by myself playing the game the way it was intended.
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Based honest Tarkov player.
Now that you have the bedroom key you have an excuse to unlock Lightkeeper!
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Come on man
Just survive, bro.
That item is shit anyway
yeah but it transforms into a free ledx and hideout managment skill
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>it transforms into a free ledx
By the time you get the book required for that craft, do you really still need a LEDX?
Why is EU so fucking hard?
Full of Espers and squads
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you always need money
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Yes, but it's far more efficient to just loot Lightkeeper's island and make like 2 mil instead of crafting a LEDX.
You can do both.
>25 hits
>700 damage absorbed
this is a joke
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whats this guys endgoal?
Helping others escape from Tarkov.
>just unlocked sp6 ammo
>Everyone running lvl 6 armor 1 month into the wipe
I think I'm just gonna uninstall
what the fuck are you doing
Not having access to BP, duh.
Use your PP, anon.
PP will make it 10% less frustrating friend.
use pp you idiot
Well fuck me.
i just use leg meta.
i split mags 15 PS 15 PP. No point of the whole mag being PP since if you dont kill them with 15 shots, you're likely dead anyway.
scavguns are fucking magic, sometimes an ak with iron sights is straight up mystical in its ability to land headshots. Once I had a scav FAL that I then took onto my PMC without modding it at all, and landed a 150m headshot on a pmc with the iron sights at a bad angle on the first try. You have to deck you pmc out like a scav anon
decking your PMC like a scav means less cheaters are interested in you.
I'm pretty sure that's how it is and I don't think it's placebo. Let's say you get cheaters ever 3rd raid, that means that cheater wont see you as a threat if you're running a VPO .366 and will leave you be.
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Are you buying your ref keys anons?
>neck, head
>gets killed in one random lucky throat shot
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this but 50pp / 50ps in my RPDN's drum mag
>Magnum Bucks you in the dick
come here with those leggies, "Chad"
>good plates
>puts them in some shitty rig without soft armor coverage
uuh BWO? your soft armoR BWO?
why did people love the trooper armor again?
I mean before plates, people loved running this and it was always expensive. I always hated thorax only armors because shotgun scavs would shred you
Sorry but i refuse to wear russian slop, i'll put them in a Gen 4 or THOR tops
i genuinely cannot see fucking shit on factory.
it's a lot less good now with the new armor system, the high price it may demands today is just old market habits. But yeah back in the day before plates it was a great lvl4 armor.

uh sweetie "slop" is reserved for natoslop mmkay
Trooper has class 3 aramid, retardbwo.
barely covers anything tho
>why was it great
forgot to answer that, I think because it was light, relatively cheap, and nigh infinitely repairable, while also being much easier to find/access than the larger coverage lvl4s. Like by the time you can buy the lvl4 osprey you've moved on to lvl5 armor anyway.
>accidentally chose lighthouse instead of interchange
>loot a whiskey and water filter real quick then leave to southern road
>entire time hear some asshole taking shots at people with a .338 from the lighthouse
This is why I don't play this map
every map is like this though. Tarkov is not getting any new players and the only people left playing are the 5+ year vets who have at least 2k+ hours who poopsock on every map. I stopped playing PvP and only play Arena and SPT.
the coverage is ass what I mean, I'd rather run the kirasa which has lvl2 soft armor but protects sides/throat from shotgun scavs
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>intentionally choose lighthouse
>loot the marked room on the island and get on top of the lighthouse
>take shots at people with a .338 from the lighthouse
This is why I play this map
>waiting 30 minutes to bully timmies
very riveting high octane gameplay, can totally see why everyone plays this game.
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Sniping is an acquired taste.
>retards standing still in a highly open spot after being shot at
NA servers?
>every map has a quest-gated area ~500m away from the action where poopsock snipers can sit uncontested with a vantage point of the entire map
No you fucking retard it's not like that, you people are worse than fudders on /biz/. I'm sorry you got domed by someone with more hours than you but it doesn't mean that you need to complain about it to everyone else.
EU. They probably thought they were getting sniped from the other side of the road, and weren't expecting to get shot from the island.
>have hit the interchange arena stash 5 times and always lived with the loot
grumpy's stash is blessed, I only used the car extract once too
why do i get fuckin die hard spetnaz in my lobbies and you get retards that actually stand still on massive high open spots?
Because the sniperanon probably spent like 100 raids fishing kills to get those two clips
>Bullying people too low level to even be able to buy an optic to see you.

Kinda shitty, desu.
not worth the risk desu when he sells GaC plates for cheap
>"he" sells lvl6 plates
Who is this "he" you speak of
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I do it to high level chads too.
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You can combine it with mayo in the nutrition unit.
>Storage container.
It does store liquid, technically.
wow you got him bro, its not categorized realistically oh shit modders community in shambles whatt they gonna do?
>18/25 scav kills for pun3 in one raid

Going loud on an AKS75u with high capacity mags is so nice, tons of ammo and still amazing ergo. I spawned near the glass factory warehouse and every just leaves that corner of the map alone apparently, tons of loot and scav kills without a care in the world.
>found rb-bk marked key
Is it good? Worth about 3mil on the flea rn, I think I'll run it a few times to see what turns up though
>Haven't bought a helmet for the past ~10 raids
>In each of those raids have gotten domed by getting my eyeballs blown out by the likes of M995 or M61
Well, at least I did not waste that money and gift my killer an expensive helmet.
>While writing this I got into a raid and got domed by a scav with a shotgun
Oh the irony.
It's over.
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>Had a few good days in EFT PvP: around 50 % SR, long raids, good loot, good progress with tasks, had some good battles with other PMCs
>Today: 15 raids down, 0 survived raids and every single one has ended in me getting insta headshot by a PMC and even once by an AI scav while getting fuck all done
>Have lost ALL the money I made Friday and Saturday
This game just fucking breaks my mind, holy fuck.
ref sells level 5 plates. Level 6 plates aren't worth running
I get this too.
I think it's like throwing yourself at a brick wall over and over and expecting something to change. I think time of day effects it day, just come back another day
>90% of gameplay is damage control
>The rest 10% actually playing the game.
I would find it thrilling, if the risk wasn't consistently so high that you either have to make it break it. The times in between are so rare.
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>get cursed with badluck
>keep dying to stupid shit
>go to scav
>get picked off by a PMC in 1 minute
>get extremely tilted and disheartened
im a decent FPS player and have been playing since 2020. I've just never cracked PvP or surviving, my enjoyment comes from achieving goals within quests and learning the maps inside out. It's just so shitty, i dont get where i go wrong.
I think I hate myself and I'm addicted to the pain.
Yeah, it's so strange. I have never had such inconsistent feeling gaming experience in any other PvP FPS in my whole life. Tarkov is just on another level, when it comes to shitty experiences. Most of the time it feels like the first raid of the day dictates how things are going to turn out.

And man, no game is fucking existence makes you feel as shitty as this game. After you get frustrated, your performance dips and when you throw in some pure bad luck you are in for a bad fucking time. Too bad I hate myself too much, so I can't just quit, but instead I go into a furious mindset of "I'm so fucking dogshit that I DESERVE this suffering unti things change." and as we all know it, things will not change until you just quit for the day.
i wouldn't be surprised if theres some sort of fuckery going on like SBMM. Nikkita already confirmed there was match priority for certain players.
>i wouldn't be surprised if theres some sort of fuckery going on like SBMM
It would explain so much, to be honest. But seeing how incompetent BSG is when it comes to balancing and matching related stuff, let's be real here. Though, for example today, I've gotten killed by people who have had 4000 hours or more with the game, while yesterday and day before that I actually kept running into people with reasonable game time (from a few hundred hours to a few thousand).
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>dorm marked room keys are 1.5m/use on flea
what the fuck are people getting back there that makes that even remotely worth it?
streamer hype. it's a pretty overrated key.
>tilted at tarkov
Somehow I don't get upset with this game, I think realizing how random and unbalanced the game is by design means that none of the fights are really "fair" so there's just too much outside of your control. If you have a day where you're getting domed out of nowhere it's really not something you can prevent. Likewise in gunfights there's an aspect of randomness that plays into everything that happens along the way. I would get crazy upset with playing smash bros online a while back, but tarkov has never really made me upset like that.

For the record, I think the jank/randomness in this game is good. It makes strange shit happen all the time and no raid goes predictably, which is what makes the game fun for me.
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are you me?
it is freeing to let go of your worry and accept the chaos.
I got disheartened because I'd see streamers who reached lightkeeper while i was still collecting gas analyzers and dying to high levels. I just accepted the raid is a fuckfest and no one is safe
if i get killed by a pscav, i go to reserve or streets and i linger around where scavs tend to build up and massacre them
based. fuck pscavs. they deserve the abuse.
t. frequent scav player
lmao, same desu.
most of my money comes from scavving streets.
should big sniper calibers be able to oneshot the thorax?
You used to be able to do it with 54r but pestily bitched and they changed it.
i feel like they should, its nothing more frustraing than seeing 8+ hits with M80 or LPS.
It just makes them feel very weak unless you land a facetap
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>Kill a boss + guards
>The boss's body despawns, and only his
This shit is driving me insane, I'm still cucked out of the golden pistol because of this happening a while back.
Level 5 plates are extremely accessible this wipe, which is probably what you're feeling. Everyone aims for heads, which is all the more easy this wipe with the introduction of the throat hitbox. I can't even remember the last death to a PMC that was from anything but a head or throat shot. It actually feels worse than last wipe where the armor hitboxes were smaller.
>Armor hitboxes were changed
>Armor was less effective so they made higher tier armor more available.
>Change the armor hitboxes back to being more effective.
>Make no changes to the availability of armor.

Honestly, if it just wasn't so accessible via Arena it wouldn't be anywhere near as bad.
Monster's dogshit and I don't know how anyone can stomach it. Especially the original one, but they're all shit.
Factory is the worst map and it needs to be transfered to arena.
>no loot
>1-2 minutes into the raid, it's dead because everyone extracts after their first gunfight
>rest of the raid is silent with rats holding angles and pscavs pouring in hoping to score PMC loot
>tagillia is fun to fight, but his loot is garbage and either ESPs you or glitches out
>barely any quests
the rework doubles down on everything wrong with this map, it didn't fix anything.
Forklift spawn is still aids, there's still no loot and theres no incentive to play.
As retarded as that is, I genuinely find the throat hitbox change more egregious. Increasing armor hitboxes but making it easier to kill someone in a single bullet feels like SHIT. Next wipe I expect they'll change the plates in the CPC to level 4 plates or simply make it a level 4 rep barter and more expensive though. It's what I'd do.
Lighthouse and Reserve are tied for the worst map imo
i much prefered pre-plates. It seems like BSG have no clue what they are doing and are just knee jerking to what ever streamers say.
>wah, timmies is slipping bullets between my plates
dont get why they're adding in more critical areas.
>Forklift spawn is still aids
i have not gotten into a single fight at forklifts this wipe. the closest spawn is underground and they don't even push that direction anymore. you're retarded.
i still dont like it because you're still sandwiched, just not as bad anymore. I've seen people headglitch up the stairs tho with NVG
Lighthouse and Reserve are really fun on PVE. It's a really weird contrast with how bad they are on PVP.
It was a pretty common opinion that a more elegant solution would be to include a critical thorax hitbox that's smaller and covered by armor and leave the main thorax hitbox as is. This would mean plates actually work I haven't even seen that much negative push back against the throat hitbox, either. It's fucking bizarre. They definitely kneejerk to whatever streamers are pissing about. Recently they've been screeching about dogshit spawns though so hopefully this is a broken clock moment and they change them.
They're both so disgustingly reliant on getting a good spawn and you might as well instantly kill yourself with half the spawns on either map. I did 3 reserve raids yesterday and all 3 ended within 5 minutes as the guys who got the nearest spawn to me instantly either pushed my spawn or sat on a gay angle for me to walk by. They're both extremely frustrating maps.
>Introducing the spawn-tier system
>PMCs with higher Karma (And scav karma) spawn at higher tier spawns.
>Unheard edition start at +10 PMC Karma
>Also you can buy karma on the additional purchase tab
they wouldnt dare try this after the unheard backlash.
What backlash? Everyone fucking bought it.
pscavs are genuinely the worst part about pvp
true, haha. In the end, it didn't really matter did it?
BSG have zero lawsuits and even the most vocal people against it all ended up buying it anyway.
Least we got PvE tho
Reserve isn't bad because contrary to what other people say in this general there are multiple locations with worthwhile loot and the map is circular in flow, meaning pmcs are traveling in multiple directions. Lighthouse is pure trash because it's linear in nature with all roads leading to water treatment and nothing worthwhile outside of that. Believe it or not the barracks, underground warehouses, and repair/medical bays in reserve can actually net you great loot. You don't need to go to the bunker to have a good time. The only real complaint about the map is the extracts, which have at least improved with transits meaning you can leave with a backpack somewhere else than D2 for once.
it's even worse when you're a scav and you're getting dicked down by a PMC camping scav spots with LPVOs
i like how arena and FiR changes made EFT less a second life. I hope they keep it the same next wipe.
>it's even worse when you're a scav
absolutely can not relate, if i wanted easy mode i'd just go pve
there's no shame in doing a scav run, i like doing them. its cosy chillin with my hobo bros and earning roubies
>wtf you're not allowed to use good gear to kill me on my free money run
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this nigga started rage cheating in arena and his team were taunting us.
i hate this community so much
If my water filter reaches 0% does it lose all progress on the Superwater?
No, just stick another one in. You're good.
Put reshala figurine in the cultist circle.
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holy shit thank you anon
it doesn't but you should take em out at low % to craft air filters with
>spawn old gas
>take like 15 seconds to loot the medbag/cache before sprinting to fortress
>there's ALREADY a setup monkey camping the stairs
Jesus I guess I have to count on someone being there instantly even if I get a pretty good spawn
Works for every boss figure. God speed and luck on your raids
probably a cheater
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If he spawned near crackhouse and sprinted there first thing he could have made it before me, which is what setupniggers like him would do. It's ok, next raid I went FULL SICKO MODE. Second time I've run into a squad where one guy has a FLIR rsass
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>1 run in labs with no hacker
i firmly believe that the "buffed" PVE loot people cry about it simply what the actual loot is like when there's no ESPing tranny or vacuuming chink on the server
eeeeeeeeeeeeeerm can you shoot moving targets too
>hes coping
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ummmmmmmmmmmmmm niketa fix your shit ass game hello??????!?!?!??!?!?!
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why do PvErs seethe so hard when called out?
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>14 hour circle
Oh baby
>the biggest issue pveGODS face is AI pmcs spawning on and killing bosses before you can get there and an inflated economy that is both detrimental as a new player and a boon as you stop needing items
>literally no cheaters
pvpbros.. maybe it's time we throw in the towel..
You're too scared/bad to play the real game. That's all there is to it. You know it, we know it, that's all.
i don't think i developed a sudden fear of the game after playing it for 1700 hours before pve even existed
eeeeerrrrrrmmmmm pvpcuck response????? >>500122836
>buy sp6,7n40, 54R PS,m80
All energy drinks are dogshit, literal poison. Water is the thinking man's beverage of choice.
for me, its coke zero for men
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you're still a pussy sorry
Damn bro. You're so hardcore.
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>pvpcuck response with BIGBOOTYSHAKEAMUNGUS meme
>ehm guys water is good for you chudsss *smacks lips against the blue yeti mic he bought for his role as discord moderator for the hololive feet server*
All you gotta do is play a pvp raid m8, don't even have to live or do anything cool just play the real game so we don't have to see your fucking lame posts
Someone with dark yellow piss typed this post.
errrrm have you ever considered to playing pvp with some friends
It's actually sorta clear and white because I chuck black teas like a motherfucker.
I'll piss in the sink and take a pic for you.
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>found my last virtex in a gym bag of all places
i don't play pve or lighthouse, sorry shitter
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I often wonder if side armor is worth it seems really heavy
is the pve boogieman in the same room with you right now
you just keep posting like a retard so i know it's you
Am I the pve boogieman to you?
Might as well since you're already so fucking heavy anyway, it would suck to wear all those plates then have some timmy sneak a round in on your side
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>can produce more m62's than peacekeeper can refresh
i never knew you would have this problem
Man you have to play more arena than I'd ever care to play to get reflvl4, 1.20 is a lot of rep. And by "more than I care to play" I mean more than ~4 matches a week kek
blue labs keycard sucks fucking donkey dicks
ive been in there 5 times now and in 5 times the most valueable thing I found in there were grizzly kits and golden stars
it's dogshit and only worth it for the keycard gamble which is more than retarded with their 10 use limit
yeah thats what i figured
the keycard only spawns on the desk in the middle, right? should be able to spot it then from the outside before opening it up
>spend half hour scaving streets
>get a bunch of solid loot
>didn't check extracts because i'm sleepy
>3 minutes left
>nearest extract is halfway across the map
>miss extract by 10 seconds
i'm so mad
The one with the desk lamp, yes. But item LOD is dogshit and probably even more so in card rooms so I wouldn't trust that until I see it from the outside with my own eyes. Don't forget to check for the green card outside blue, on the desk.
unsuppressed RSASS slaps so hard
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>equip rys-t and sr-3m
>hop in a raid
>fire first shot
>go deaf irl because everything is quiet and muffled except your own gunshots and footsteps which are now like thunderclaps directly in your ears
I always wondered, can weapons jam for scavs / bosses / raiders?
no, you can see them use 1/100 weapons and still full auto your ass
Yeah but sometimes they just stop shooting in the middle of a fight with a clean line of sight.
Especially labs raiders are weird like that.
just look in the window and don't open it if there's nothing good in there? it's the best keycard imo since you can just not swipe it if you don't see anything good in the room.

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