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Previous: >>498763676

>Game News
Current Rate Up: Bubble Gum Fellow (3*), Rate Up on select two SSR cards
>Great Food Festival Guide
CM Classic currently underway, Tokyo, 2000m, left, fall
LoH Classic will be held in November, Kyoto, 2200m, turf, right, fall
Details on new scenario "Mecha Uma Musume" in the coming month
Uma Musume: Pretty Derby English release TBA: https://umamusume.com/

>IP News
Twinkle Circle Info:
>Makuhari stream:
'Uma Musume: Cinderella Grey' anime by Cygames Pictures will air in 2025
'Umamusume Party Dash' is available on Switch, PS4, and Steam
A new copy of the Nintendo Switch version yields a free rainbow crystal voucher
>DLC 2: Team Geranium
>DLC 3: Team Primrose

>Thread Circles
ウマオオオオ (15 million/month), PUMA, ウマぴょいのまにまに (No quota)
You must be E3 (20k points) to join a circle. Post ID in the thread and the leaders can invite you.

>All Guides & Resources
Find networks if your region is blocked from the game or client:
Card Score Spreadsheet:
Support Card Evaluation Doc:

>Seiyuu & Concerts

>/uma/ POG (Paper Owners Game)
Register here: >>479911257 (Dead)
Season 2: https://pog.netkeiba.com/?pid=tool_group&group_id=96596
Season 3: https://pog.netkeiba.com/?pid=tool_group&group_id=102454

>How to buy jims on Android
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We love boys here
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>umas can just casually float by and sekuhara you
i am sending a formal complaint to rijichou about this
When will Karen Friend's banner be when global comes out?
>didn't read the fine print
Have fun arguing that, breeding sow-kun
s-surely i can appeal to our common ningen identity??
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sex with mares!
>common ningen identity
kek you got it almost correct. They do need a human father to be born
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Umas saved my life
nyoooo what are you getting at
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What the hell is a natie?
Nice Nathan
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A typo for Nessie
Nice Tittie
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Nice Natties
So is the strat for CM to just wait to play until later?
I did one run like 10 minutes after it started and lost everything. Did one just now and swept everyone easily.
I'm screwed for the actual CM but I made it into A rank easily for now.
Yes, just wait till most nips go to sleep and you'll have a better chance.
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this CM seems like it's especially worth it to wait for bed time in nipland because of the split between UAF and Shuukaku Manpuku, compared to other CMs I've seen a much higher proportion of quite frankly terrible builds during off hours this time around
I can win this CM
That's the spirit!
but cope
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I need to cum inside Mejiro Palmer
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whens the next pakalive
I love Machan.
I won't forget about her.
I loved her lazy fanart. Seriously we need a mini game where we shake cans at her during pool training.
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can someone post the rest of the Buena one done by this artist?
Miracle is NOT happy.

I never decided to ask until now, what's with the cans?
Meanwhile, the world smallest Natie.
Can they make No Reason playable already please. I want my wife badly.
It's to keep him moving. He would try to turn back sometimes.
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Keep her going. Lazy eater needs correction.
Does anyone else use Character.ai? Whenever I talk to an uma character, after a while they just straight up start trying to rape me.
Isn't that how black holes are created?
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Careful bro, it might make you want to grab a gun and kys yourself
All it makes me do is get bricked up
Do it in style
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Finally, a new item for training…
No, you need to cram a lot more mass/information into a much smaller space to create a singularity.
That site was going downhill fast when I last touched it.
Isn't it just an AI chat bot site?
It has to be very faaar smaller for it to reach it's schwarzschild radius.
It was, but at the start it was a largely unrestricted model that the devs had very little control over.
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This is what you look like when you say you hate Tokai Teio here.
For that size, you’d need to compress roughly the entire mass of Earth.
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What if her name was Mean Nature
Then her name would be accurate to her actual nature instead of a lie.
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>The line for Tokai Teio is over there
I still laugh at that.
she would be mean. she probably going to insults other umas when they're racing just to lower their spirit. not very nice
More like 3rd Place Nature
damn, I look so based and breedable
>Devs release a new toy
>People enjoy playing with it
>Devs tighten control over the toy
>Service goes to shit
Sad. Many such cases.
Something about hand holding right?
Tokai teio, more like fuck Machico
nasty neicha
But that's Teio's biggest simp.
Dude she is like a super idol. She sings a lot of songs.
She is so cute
But man I can't understand a thing she says
Just gotta decrease the paint consumption
>Misaki Ayane
Punk Machico...
Japanese gyaru brainrot right?
One day Machico will conquer Japan and rule the entire land with an iron fist
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who's she bettin on
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There is a hors named TM Precure? Man I learn something new everyday.
I wasn't a tits guy until I started playing this game
I want to kiss Dantsu Flame
I want to marry Dantsu Flame
I want to fuck Dantsu Flame
My German uma has me covered in that field. Now how do I get to her German cabin to start this family she has been talking about?
This is the thing I'm dreading the most about global. There is no universe where her dialogue doesn't get slaughtered. Hopefully, it dies before it reaches Helios' story.
Of course it will, global isn't lasting 2 years
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Interesting... I was training her when I made that post
>watch one hors video
>get all the hors video of hors being cute
sometimes, youtube is alright
Do Uma still race when they're going through menstruation?
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I am going to have my own Flash sometime next year. I can't wait.

It's like that sometimes, it is a good day.
Those thunder (heh, get it?) thighs have my attention
I love her autism.
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I like Daiwa's figure. She looks like she could crush you.
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Personally I'm saving for the Mr C.B. one.
I actually got my first figure ever earlier this year and I'll probably be quite picky about them.
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>I actually got my first figure ever earlier this year and I'll probably be quite picky about them.
It's like that, especially in these times with high prices. I do admit the game of collecting is way better and the bar is set higher with details but the prices are a flat out investment. Even used market prices are high. You have to be selective and pick who you love the most and stick to it. I started collecting wall scrolls and art books since the prices for figures can be so high. I only buy 4 or 5 figures a year at most, back in the day I was doing 12-13.

t. 137 figures, 58 wall scrolls, and a mini library of artbooks
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>especially in these times with high prices
Shipping and taxes is what fucks me.
The one I got is Murakumo's Kai-II from Kancolle, I've been eyeing it ever since it released back in 2017 but I was still in uni at the time.
Weak Yen has been a blessing so far. I remember when the rate was 100 yen to 1 usd, now things are a little easier. Still though, $200 for a figure might be a bit much for many.
Shipping is really high. EMS is good for fast delivery so may be worth it. The other alternatives I noticed are a week behind EMS now so I don't mind trying them out. Japan really post is very exact in that if you order it fast it goes by plane to the US, if you order anything else they put it on a boat and it takes a month or so. Thing is when it clears customs in the US most mail is fast tracked by plane anyways so the wait time doesn't really bother me.
Aston Machan figure when?
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Just wait until Helios' English dialogue is shown.
You guys are going to rage play global aren't you?
"The One Who Sees Through the 4th Wall"
"She watches you"
"She is silent but always around"
"Spica's Secret Uma"
Aston Machan may be in the room with you right now.
Never heard of her
>Project Sekai
>Even in a niche music multimedia I followed https://youtu.be/fPPOsuaWDas
She's fucking everywhere
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I want to say no, but I need to assert dominance over newfags in their own turf
No, I'm not that mentally ill.
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There is a God and he likes Aston Machan. I'm buying her when the preorder drops.

For real? Like you actually haven't? No game story or IRL story?
Hmmm nyo
Why did you post an image of the clear sky?
I'm going to play it a bit just to see what the translation ends up looking like
Global will change it?
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I don't see anything in this image other than a sky and some water droplets.
This pic reminds me, how is EN going to localize FKKTR's autism speech?
>Includes Groove calling her trainer "たわけ"
>Doesn't include Kingu not calling her trainer "へっぽこ"
>Down to the last bit of blue
She's almost dead!
Strongest vs weakest uma
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The yakuza has been doing work.
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mirako's reality-warping just works different
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>casual fat
>you WILL be Curren's onii-chan
/u/fags will never recover from this.
This always happens when Mirako touches balls.
Any variation of Trainer-san will be changed to just Trainer because they're allergic to honorifics. Nicknames like Tore-chan, Toreppi, Toreko will be changed to whatever they come up with.
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Next time use ctrl + s, dork
He's right, you know
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>It's 2mil or go home now
Groove uses たわけ all the time, Kingu usually uses あんた.
I'm already back to class 4...
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Now post the sex menhera version
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Akiten's barrier draw, pretty much rigged for Do Deuce. Equinox won from gate 7 in the past 2 years, and Kitasan won from gate 7 with Take as well
>Liberty gets ichiban stinky
It's so over.
The world calls for a hero
Forever young please save us
I'm afraid none of the 19 entries will snatch a win....
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Retarded game for retarded horses
If Fuku's VA isn't doing her retarded screams, I'm not watching.
A bit late int'it?
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as I'm tired of seeing other artist keep drawing Ardan in a swimsuit.

A sexo swimsuit of my wife.
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I hate it that banshee slut is infesting GF2 too
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>of my wife
I don’t remember asking me for her hand
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More くっころ than the designated female knight
>tfw we will never have ryona art of xina and duran
And that’s a good thing!
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>t. kiryu
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I want sex...
My trainings didn't go well this time and I've been relegated to group B. It's joever.
stfu and seethe unless you are one of those retards enthralled to Mejiro Ardan who suck on her tits under the Mejiro dungeon.
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The devil tells her to restrain and forcefully have you cum inside her
The angel tells her to poke holes on your condom
Time for Lemaire to get his 3rd G1 win in a row. He said he'd get 5 this season.
I cannot fucking stand this scenario's bullshit any longer, I'm losing my mind.
I say this in regards to every scenario after Aoharu.
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I got fucked at the Kikka-sho too but at least I got nice photos
Akiten possible results:
>Lebensstil, giving Lemaire his 3rd consecutive win
>Sol Oriens, 3rd consecutive win for Kitasan's kids
>Do Deuce, 3rd consecutive win from gate 7
Your picks
I will make a Kitashrine if Sol manages to win and not job.
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Sol's pretty light, he should be perfect for Arc...
>heavier than palace
tone down the grass fatty
Liberty Island proving that Dura blood is the best.
and now not nice
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Fuck mares
I'm going to make Aichan whith her
Damn that's hot.
Stop thinking about sex all the time
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She has too much sex appeal
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Yeah but that was the old past. Now there's a shit ton of alternatives that you can local host without censorship
cards link?
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I'm going to happy play global, I'll probably spend the entire night playing with Rudolf
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Maybe some Rice will make her nicer.
>make a triangle
>call it a ball
That’s a donut
ah yes, with jelly i assume?
Global's first MeMe! We did it bros!
Really? This thing has been around for years but globalkeks only found out about neicha NOW? It's fucking over.
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i think it's more nips just found out about the neicha frame crop being a meme
Correction, NIPs have just found about this meme
That's funny, pretty much every post I saw with this crop was from english accounts
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>Reached that last chapter of Cinderella Gray
I knew this was going to happen eventually but.... uuuuuu I need more chapters!!!

Also kinda funny that the spanish scan is more advanced than the english one, and also includes a lot of JRA info and extras. Love when scan groups do extra work for the project
about to start reading Star Blossom, what am I in for
I am in love with this brute.
I want to buy Spe's carrot shirt
i unironically would have rolled for this over the actual resulting design
But that's clearly Suzuka on that shirt????
I hate this coin toss ass CM, the dirt one was so much better
I see it now. That's why Spe loves her so much. I wonder if Spe has bitten Suzuka by mistake?
bro your 2018 season 1????
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>People will sit here and defend this
issue of skill.
Cute family.
Shit nigga, you still got better RNG than I had in my last run. McFatassretardbitch decided to go on a vacation.
You must have gotten really burned?
skill issue.
Last night I spent about 2 hours fucking Yamanin Zephyr in VR
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I've always been meaning to ask you this, how the fuck do you manage to tard wrangle the kkVR controls?
I can't fucking turn the camera while lying down without somehow making all the controls disappear or teleporting through the wall and having to restart.
By the time I get everything in position I'm flacid.
Do you just walk around naked or something
Uma Musume is now a VR adventure.
Game version when?

I don't want to get in the Umalator
I'm willing to bet my balls that we're going to have to deal with the umalator again in the next scenario.
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If my penis is not inside an uma musume in 24 hours I will die, doctor I need this
VRdacchi, no...
RIP in Piss umadachi.
vrsex this vrsex that
But can you actually run in vr?
Why did they have to give pokke such a cute sexy miniskirt bros I can't take this
>I can't fucking turn the camera
holding the trigger button on both controllers then doing a stirring motion with both of your hands overlapping
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Roleplayed as an insanely dense trainer and got stalked, locked in my own home, and sexually assaulted by the uma I was suppose to train. Took it another step further by introducing another uma ai to turn into a saviorfag by having her investigate and resolve the situation by saving the trainer and beating up the uma.
The story basically peaked. I stopped after that and haven't touched ai since.
where do I get the uma AI cards
We hate Cafe here
*Fat Fuck
/uma/ VRchat meetup soon?
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>not moving around on your own
Well if you just wanna move your camera, use the grip/grab button like in this video
>pans to SiL pole dancing halfway in
Having sex with a dacchi on VRChat while they use my favorite mare as an avatar...
A hors just bit me, am I going to turn into a were hors?
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Mad hors...
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buena is too sexo
Where is the mod that make all of them wear bloomers during lives?
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Tarumae is such a drama queen. Tomakomai is looking way better and more alive than other Japanese towns, hell, it's way more alive than Ooarai at least.
There's a fucking problem when I can't consistently make the same UD rank character that I made before.

There's a fucking problem when the gameplay loop doesn't work in my favor to actually give me decent stats when I train in a given a parameter, including ones with multiple cards.

It's not just my cards not being meta, this happens with every fucking rental each and ever single day, week, and month since this shit has been released.
Yes, it is MORE egregious than any other scenario's RNG.
THIS is why hate this scenario.
Skill issue.
Skill issue
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I concur, it's skill issue.
Vivlos should sit on my face
Niggers will keep typing "skill issue," while never actually defining it.
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Marvelous Sunday time
>only mentions taiwan and s.korea
nice bait globul retard
Skill Issue [Noun]
1. When a person's skill or lack thereof causes them issue when trying to accomplish a task, most commonly used in gaming context.
2. [Slang] When a person is bad at something.
Example: Skill issue lmao.
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It’s like the game is telling me something.

You did reach A group right? Even Zephyr's VA did
Yeah, first try. I'm not some bitch who's scared of getting to A group.
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Imagine shilling your shitty arts here
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Can we expect a Jan 2025 release for CG anime?
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Please inject that coffee straight into my veins.
I’m so tired…
Amante Bianco also suffer flexor tendonitis
i want sex
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I did it, I took my son to his stone. Now he'll definitely get implemented into the game.
Wanna share the entire fanbox rewards?
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Ass too big
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artist doesn't do uma lewds, but questionable enough to draw ire of some retards. Although I was waiting for someone to share the fanbox of machitan stuff from the two artist
Did you touch the bean?
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Mare sexo....
It's probably asking for a lot, but I really wish they made these for more than just Dia and Kita.
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>McDonald when we had official KFC collab
its a reference to the new mcdonalds commercial
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Über Umensch
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>Fuwafuwako comes out of your cursed futon and steals all of your fluffy blankets and things, leaving you to wake up cold and sad in the morning
I would watch this movie.
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>inais your neicha
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>tfw no umadacchi bf to suck my penis
Ewww mares
Can we do this at the /uma/ meetup?
Why is /uma/ so gay?
Getting head from an umadacchi isn't gay as long as you don't kiss afterwards
well umas don't exist in our realm, what are dacchis supposed to do
Bro? Your real horses?
you got it wrong, kissing is ok, holding hands is gay
How 2 get a mare
Feeling frisky, when's the VRChat /uma/ meetup?
You can always just buy one.
uma shitcord has them regularly if you're that desperate
Yikes no, thanks. I only like my dacchis...
Umas aren't real... only fellow dacchis can satisfy our reproductive urges
You know what I meant, you fucking 'tard.
Why would you ever need to train your uma into Pole Dancing?
>You can always just buy one.
They're too expensive... I would need to buy land in another province first...
which one
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Daily reminder to carry your umas to the track
I really like hors with long, mostly straight, black hair.
i'm married to one
buena vista is so cute i cant stop hanging around and fucking her in VR
how do you fuck her though, do you have one of those asses? or you just use her daki and an ona?
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pillow under a tenga
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Because boys are so hot
stop having sex with horses
Hmm... nyo
It's not my fault
I'm not to blame
It is the Uma girl
The beast who set this flame
It's not my fault
If in God's plan
He made the Uma so much stronger than a man!
>too bad for group A
>steamrolling group B
There should either be some sort of repechage or another tier for midplebs like me.
Why does Zephyr's owner want you to fuck his horse so bad? She basically has her tits completely out and does nothing but look at you with lovey dovey eyes.
Anyone going to AkiTen tomorrow?
I love cute uma.
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Cyge's fault for designing such erotic umas then banning porn
This beautiful and strong uma
She REALLY is earning that 3000 yen now!
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Of course. Went to see his mom too, but she was sleepy the entire time.
Nothern Horse Park is good, highly recommend if you want to touch hors and learn about the Shadai menace.
Tomakomai is also, everyone should go to Tomakomai.
this is why I gave up on KKVR pretty quickly, the controls are fucking shite
are you using the actual VR or the mod version? because the mod version is better
Well in all fairness they did give you cleavage, thicc legs, and jiggle physics so there's that?

And that's why
They tease and tease while banning porn, no wonder everyone are so horny ahhh sex I want to sex the mares fuck imma spend $499 for a quest 3 and fuck lets get a 4090 too sexooooooooooo
>fuck imma spend $499 for a quest 3 and fuck lets get a 4090 too sexooooooooooo
haha literally me except i got a 4080 instead
Dogshit CM again. Gorilla wins lol
Anyone got an Ines Fujin card for KK?
This is what makes uma so much better than other franchises like Blue Archive. I've seen every single Blue Archive girl getting rawdogged and a thousand times already without ever touching the game. Meanwhile I savor every single bit of Umanko and fantasize about fingerblasting them and watching them squirm.
Uma Musume

Look, but don't porn.
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God bless them.

this will never be an ass man's game and that's a good thing
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i'd throw a rope on her back
might get relegated to class B bros...
Even more and bigger.

while she's dirty or clean?
How is it possible?
Too many treats.
fat fuck
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The janny is not fat, just well endowed. Hishimi on the other hand...
And that's a good thing
Get the cans!
What kind of shrooms do I need to make uma musume real?
This was a REAL song?


I am waiting for that one dream to come along where I feel like I'm there and it's all real.
Shrooms made me feel like uma musume were bestial beings, something about the tail and ears felt counter-nature.
The feeling went away as effects wore-off though, umas are still as hot as ever.
umas are bestial at bed
So what is it like being in a world with both ningen women and uma musume? Aren't Ningen women threatened the fact there is a compatible rival species competing for their men?
>training nyo
>enter 2nd summer with sub 700 wisdom because McScum went on vacation again
She has a whopping 30% wisdom bonus btw
I really wish I had a single other decent wisdom card
You're using the single best int card in the game, so it's really just a luck (game design) issue
maybe ningen women are nicer since they know they're easily replaceable with umas
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I know she's busted, I mainly wish I had another card for skill reasons since her gold isn't useful on a lot of umas
imagine the smell
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I want this gorilla to destroy my pelvis
>maybe ningen women are nicer
Well considering how nice uma musume are, there is some serious competition. I bet there is some hate somewhere in the world for umas since they have their own schools and basically a parallel society to ningen women? There are probably some trainers who have ningen girlfriends are insecure about their man hanging around uma musume all the time.
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Paizuri with this muscle girl.
Which uma has the nicest butt? I'm not talking about the biggest or widest, but the nicest butt.
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>be akeishi tsubaki
>be in a team with several ningen women
>prefer to spend time with umas instead
Even ningen women don't like ningen women, it's over for them
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Well, if we look at what we know about the uma world is that umas apparently only have daughters. So if you were to breed only umas then everyone loses because eventually you have only women. Ningen are for when you want to carry on your bloodline.
Personally I'd still just fuck umas.
umas do not only have daughters
But which Uma is the cutest wife?
Where are the uma shonen?
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I think they do
I mean technically the uma daughters will still be my bloodline
The triple crown umas are the best mothers
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Aren't wild horses actually gender imbalanced towards females? I thought the harem thing was a horse thing like many hoofed animals. If that's the case then umas will gladly form a harem around one trainer.
Not true, umas can also have sons. Chikezo, Tama, and Fujin all have brothers.
>More beautiful
>Will give you stronger kids
How can ningen women even compete?
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So that's why umas always try to get their trainers to work out with them... is to prepare us....
also Vodka
But did it show them? What if they're human? If a human male and a uma woman mate are the boys just humans?
>I think they do
El Secundario...
if an uma has a son they're just a regular boy
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Oh well then fuck everything I said, men should just breed umas then.
When did we get so many newfags?
Yes? Their brothers are all human. The other guy said that uma can only have daughters which isn't true; umas can give birth to uma daughters, but they can also have human sons.
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so what the fuck do ningen women even offer
I remember in the anime when Trainer tried to run away and Gold Ship caught him after a few steps. I won't forget that when I have made my uma fall for me. You literally cannot run away from them.
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I would let her suck everything out of me
Hors dumb so I guess hors kids are dumber than ningen kids too?
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dumb umas are cute though
Yes, well, society can't function if everyone's dumb. An uma dominated society would just focus on growing food and racing.
Is a lifetime caring for the mentally disabled really worth it?
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if I can with my meat carrot, yes
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I noticed there are fewer umas and more ningen women
Umas are physically and athletically gifted, ningen are smarter
Both uma and ningen women can be rich and prominent in society
Umas have power unimaginable while ningen women are basically the weakest, men are solid 2nd.
Umas tend to be more attractive due to their constant bodily upkeep, ningen women tend to be more insecure and not really talked much about
Uma and ningen women can get along and even form bonds
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I don't see the issue.

They're retarded retarded. They're cute retarded.
Go back to whatever discord/twitter/reddit community invited you here
Your umas block your path until you acknowledge their need to mate. You won't get through until you give them what they want.
I'll never undestand dacchis like this that get angry when there's any kind of discussion on this general. We can't all ritualpost all the time.
I've filled my quota for cafe sex and global doom!
Surely there must be more than this!
We don't even know for sure if umas can only give birth to umas if the child is female.
Especially since hors needs the soul of a racehorse from another world.
If stamina isnt an issue and your uma doesnt panic, what is typically the cause of your uma falling behind? I’ve been using Neo’a alt for this CM and she has trouble staying out of 8th/9th place even when there are a lot of sashi/oikomi present. At first I thought it was because Im in group A, but my other two umas dont seem to have this problem.
That's a projection on your end, I'm just calling out the people that blatantly don't understand basic franchise lore or have entire discussions based on mischaracterizations because they were incapable of engaging with any of the material beyond season 2 of the anime. Maybe you get a kick out of seeing people be wrong and loud, I don't.
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Where to watch Prognosis in Cox Plate dacchis?
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there would absolutely be a thriving NTR genre of a ningen man being stolen and mindbroken away from his ningen gf by a stronger more voluptuous uma musume and it would be based heavily on their version of irl
Relax dude, people can forget one or two lines that an uma that isn't from the main cast mentioned once or so in an episode
I bet it's a popular genre between ningen women trainers, they probably fantasize about getting their boyfriend stolen by the umas they train
>main cast
Yeah there's the issue, people treating this like /a/ when it's /vg/. If your only knowledge of the franchise comes from the TV anime then you should either keep lurking or make a thread on /a/ before trying to talk about the actual lore because it's obnoxious when people get basic shit wrong.
not everyone has to know the lore of the umas (You) train.
Chill retard and stop acting like the anime isn't the face of the franchise
I see a trainer who has a ningen girlfriend but she is one of those snobby types who disgusted by umas but doesn't tell her boyfriend. Trainer eventually gets tired of her and kicks her to the curb in order to be with his uma. There needs to be lots of jealousy and bullying too.
Thinking that there are only uma daughters is the exact type of schizophrenic shit an animeonly would post, it's not some obscure deep keibalore thing that you would only know if you trained Sounds of Earth. It's not asking much to just make your own thread on /a/ if you wanna talk about bullshit.
But I like the anime.
*Hits ninjin*
Is having sons the ultimate cuckoldry?
I cannot think or comprehend of anything more cucked than having a son.
Honestly, think about it rationally. You are feeding, clothing, raising and rearing a son for at least 16 years solely so he can go and get ravaged by some hors.
It's not just that though, literally no one posts like this /here/. All this weird ass, hyper autistic relationship crap
How dare you?
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Oh no, is /uma/ getting more than one post every 37 minutes? It must be animeonly fags who don't know about every piece of lore in the series. How dare these secondaries try to talk about anything in the game.
i WILL fuck you to death
>literally no one posts like this /here/.
This dacchi has a list with all the umaposters doxx
U wot. People have been talking about ningen-uma relationship since the general started, it's the whole premise of the setting. Do you not remember the first four or five threads that were just people going over uma lore based on an ancient interview with either the game director or the anime director?
I look like this and say exactly this
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Are you interested in breeding with me? I don't want any sons though.
No, you don't understand. I have to doompost about this general going to shit every hour or else I shit my pants
Could be other horses are accelerating sooner/faster and wind up blocking her.
Strategy specific skills can wind up not working super great if distribution of strategy in a race isn't super even as their positioning requirements are pretty strict in CMs.
Such a beautiful song for such a lazy girl.

Those conversations have been happening since S1 threads on /a/ but the difference is the people posting actually knew what they were talking about (like the exact quotes from interview you mentioned) instead of making up headcanons. The franchise and game were also actually new.
Vivlos would never say that. She'd want a big family of both boys and girls, enough to start a whole baseball team.
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This thread proves ninjen are just as dumb as orse
but are ningen cute though?
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Did she say that? I don't recall her saying that in her story.
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Vivlos wouldn't want a reddit refugee that doesn't want a big family... sorry dacchi
Why else would she wants a big house in Dubai? It's obviously to fill it with a big family :3
First thing that comes to mind would be that you're lacking in strong mid-race speed skills to let her compete for a good position. I might get distracted soon, but If you post skills someone else can probably nitpick for you.
you need to make the strongest midleg possible to survive this cm
That’s fucking disgusting. Don’t taint my daughter like that ever again
She wants to wash your back.
What even were the meta cards/uniques for this CM? I didn't pay attention and just trained whatever since I was too busy training my favorite umas but somehow luckshitted myself into group A anyway.
If we restrict ourselves to only talking about what is explicitly shown in each of the campaign, we wouldn't have much of a discussion at all—especially with hors lore.
Yep, Uma Musume is more than a game, it's anime, figures, concerts, music, actual horse racing, lore stuff, and so on. Also sperging out in front of everybody is kind of embarrassing.
How often do they add new umas to the game?
Discussion doesn't need to be restricted to just that, but newcomers have a general obligation to at the very least lurk first or read some of the archives as it's just common courtesy for imageboards and generals like this.
This is /vg/. There are 2 other dedicated uma threads on the site. But of course you don't know where to find them so you're here.
Generally, there's two completely new umas and two alts added each month.
November will likely be a bit different because of the new scenario being added.
Supports weren't really different from the usual decks. The only notable thing was El being must-slot since it's 王手's once a year chance to be relevant. I think Pokke's unique was good for sashis and to a lesser extent NY Opera's.
>lurk first or read some of the archives
Feel free to point to me when we last talked about this particular breeding scenario. I've been here for a long time and I don't think I've ever seen it come up oddly enough. Usually it's just I want to fuck X uma, yeah sure, of course. When have we talked about the actual situation of breeding humans vs umas.
Tell me about her.
My least favorite Shitty
You completely misunderstood that statement. As for your question, it actually has come up before pretty often. Which makes me doubt how long you say you've actually been here but that discussion was never the actual issue. This is the first time there were multiple people that thought umas couldn't have sons and they were loud about it.
No, I asked you to point me when the last time was. Surely since you say it happens "pretty often" that shouldn't be hard. Go ahead.
You're just grasping at straws and being disingenuous now because you've been outed. If you've been here as long as you said you have you wouldn't have made that mistake.
I'm all for gatekeeping, especially against EOP, but some of the stuff like the basic lore interview pre-date even S1 and even some of the nips doesn't know about it.
The last time we had a whole thread of
Was like a few days after Nyu's release, I think. That was the biggest world lore drop so far.
A gambling addict that's very, very, very, very horny for F4.
No that's you faggot. You're the one who made the big claim that supposedly people could just lurk and read the archives a bit and know this, and I'm asking you to point out how that is.

>Nyu's release
So over a year ago. Got it.
Looks like a brat.
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Well whatever. You guys being autists about this game doesn't matter anyway. I'll go do my own thing.
I see you're mad now. Like I said, you completely misunderstood the statement. Your problem lies within your own head really.
Well that's just 4chan in general. It's just funny poking fun at those who go off the rails.
Aiiiiieeee strange creatures I'm going insaaaaaaane
Your uma for the night.
A group flukebros...
Please... I want to live...
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I'm not surviving this
it's so funny to see this meme happen years later
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These are the two Im using. One has better stats and the other has more gold skills.
I want to make Curren a mom
Those thighs. All umas should have hors thighs, legs and asses.
Chan-Chan Alliance for me please.
I could tank it.
How dangerous is she?
Even Brian's scared of her.
She has the eyes of lust.
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Big uma, big heart
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your canon heroine wife
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She looks good in Gold Ship's outfit.
Too bad she doesn't have the tits to match
Tits only slow you down anyway.
Kids these days and their large breasts. No appreciation for classic elegance.
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retards nowdays thinks bigger boobs is better baka...
Fat. FAT.
She killed a tiger and wore its fur as clothing.
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Hits close to home
I'm siding with yakuza this time
even chinks do niggers
typical asianfags
Someone post that Sweep image, I don't have it on me.
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I will play Global so I can relive the moment I trained and saved up enough statues to buy Dasca's racing uniform.
Imagine the shitstorm if global forces the player to pic trainer gender as Type A and Type B instead of Male and Female.
But Daiwa is a pretty mellow horse. Legend has it she has the speed of a thoroughbred and the personality of a draft horse.
Is next race is coming? People seem to be hype elsewhere
There is a discord for global players, this general isn't made for that purpose.
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cry more
I think we should ALL try global, just to read the translation.
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I'm curious, what are your favorite umas and what is your spirit of choice?
I'm going to post so many global screenshots here.
The Holy Spirit
Ryan and Chikezo.
I usually drink cocktail because I prefer sweet drinks, but rum is fine too. I want to try apple bourbon but we don't have that here.
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Hyper Spirit Evolution
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CB, Kingu and Cheval are probably my top 3 right now.
I really don't drink much but when hanging out I usually get Amaretto. My cheap drink of choice though is Chu Hai. I'm definitely bringing back home a case of Lemon Dou from Japan when I visit again.
Twin Turbo
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Ruby, then vor the top ones it varies. I took a liking to Flash recently.
I haven't had spirits in a long time, but I like rum.
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Sirius, Shicchi and Air Groove are my top 3.
Anything that gets me shitfaced works, but rum and gin are my favorites.
>Prognosis finished 2nd in Cox Plate
Welcome to Canopus
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I don't drink
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Buena. I don't drink any other than coffee.
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Wait, what the fuck? The race is over already?
who won?
Aaron's Rod jobbed btw. 4th place in his debut.
Via Sistina, hors that went loose early this week
Ah dammit, I forgot that it's in Australia. Too used to late night races like with Burger and UK races.
Kafe, CB, Sirius, Ace, Kris, Neicha
usually I just drink beer, but rum (or g&t if it counts) would be my choice. Occasionally a nice herbal liqueur as digestif.
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yeah Aussie G1 usually around the same time as JP's G1
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1st children are usually the weakest.
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Vivlos and water:333
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Real hors look so dumb.
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It would be great if a nuclear war happened.
Maybe the mutation would give us real horse girls
hors should brush their teef
Planet of the Hors...
>8 lengths
Prognosis dacchis...
Expecting something else from someone who dodged every 2yo race this year until now...
Pognosis really just got bad luck this time. Finally solved the gate problem but Via Sistina just decided to suddenly become a godlike honse.
Funnily enough Prognosis still beat the race record even after losing by 8 lengths. Sistina really went godmode today
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Holy sex
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Dantsu love
We got so caught up in aussie G1, the pakatube premiered.
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The General of Blue Roses
Pure Ethanol
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V-sisters foursome.....
Verxina is made for bullying and getting cucked
Serves them right for retiring equinox too early.
Fukukitaru's VA kept to the role the entire time. I kneel.
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I accidentally impregnated my oglin
Satono propaganda...?
1. (My Daughter) Daīchi Ruby
2. (My Daughter) Rice Shower
3. (My Daughter) Sweep Tosho
4. (My Wife) Mejiro McQueen
5. (My Wife) King Halo
I almost never drink spirits, but I sometimes drink Mezcal
i want SEX
>Machitan too stronk

effo simp twitter space...
Tracen academy is a place for sportsmanship, not for matchups for the purpose of sex or marriage
why do they keep on mentioning "BREEDERS" then
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Breakfast with breeders
It's just a sterile term for parents
And HOW did they became parents? Hard mode: adoption is excluded
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Aston Machan
Eishin Flash
Hokko Tarumae
Mayano Top Gun

I don't drink because I used to be an alcohol salesman, it was a fun job though.
Did you watch your Uma Sentai today?
I'm a grown man, I only watch Kamen Rider.
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>1. (My Daughter) Daīchi Ruby
... does that make you my dad, anon?
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It still feels unreal
Looking forward to them annoucing 3 american newmas and global release date soon
global isn't real.
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If global isnt real what is THIS
how the fuck do uma wear glasses
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I want to connect with Kraft in the bedroom.
Another reason that they should stop releasing umas with glasses and remove the ones that have them.
Brian is my one true wife, other top favorites are monster lady mare Donna and qt angel Doto
favorite liquor would be a good scotch like a Macallan 12 yr or above
kys yourself retard
glassestard in shambles
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*bespectacled a character infront of you*
sorry not sorry for aneurysm antiglassesfag
Vodka has ningen earrings
fake glasses
Bro looks awful even without glasses
Misutaa Chiizubaagaa tensai
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Good to see the Sirius coomer is still around.
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hors has been defeated
it's time for the age of ningen
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It’s alright to be gay in the current year, but no need to lie
Dunno how you can stand his godawful face, but hey, I'm not judging.
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My bro looks better naked in my bed after a long night of umapyoi with me
>ur gay, ur gay!!!
lol, quite sad really
People are just brainrot to Transcend due to her big boobs. I rather dive in someone else with a prettier face.
>I'm not judging
I am
Easily the most repulsive uma in the cast
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I just like her huge personality
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Get it? Trainer, get it? Trainer?
t. falcon
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Where do I find porn of the newest umas?
>Glasses on an uma
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kaichou.....no more......
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You sound like a broken record, Teio
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I can't find my image of Dictus bullying Taabo by making her eyes giant with her glasses but I did find this while looking for it.
>mcdonald girl pays homage to mcdonald memes from the 2000’s
>her VA is the same from some touhou meme songs from the same era
Nature is healing
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That's the one, thanks.
I fucking knew I had it saved somewhere.
Please hear my puns Trainer-kun
I remembered McD jp did a 2hu parody in collaboration with Iosys few months back as well
>died in B
>still haven't cleared all master challenges
I guess this is it for me.
Poor Turbo is too baka to understand.
What is this program?
Funny, few months ago McDs did a WcDs parody in the US. McDs is picking up on anime culture, probably longer if you count Pokemon.
Short stack for the win.
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There is no way that a human male could physically outlast an Uma in sex.
I volunteer myself to test this hypothesis.
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I have some baby carrots in the fridge.
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>Carrot cake
I see, why didn't I think of that? So this is how I get my own uma.
Jesus christ what a fucking autist, is there anywhere you can see this without the watermarks?
Sadpanda maybe? I know some people buy into an artists work just to reupload them to sadpanda.
Buena a cutie
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haha wow 5-0 at 5:30am
sadly that one is gonna be used for the upcoming Live concert for the flower stand for Bright.

dumb artist is just retarded of feeling people uploading of his artwork elsewhere or whatever despite barely drawing a "lot"
i love how these big dogs perk their ears up and point them straight at you when they think they're about to get a treat
Just remember to be careful to not get bitten. I don't like horses that nip at you for food.
i had 15 consecutive losses just a couple hours ago.....
I wonder if he sold it to the venue? Would that make it theirs now? I don't really get Japan copyright.
I would complain if it's AIgen bullshit, but anything else is retarded. Hell I know some artist HATES people translating their work despite some are actually find it with (as long they are noted by the translator themselves)
Why do autists unironically believe adding watermarks, jpeg artefacts, and whatever bullshit would work against AI? Not only is it an knuckledragger understanding on how training works but you're also making it worse for EVERYONE.
Strong uma's weakness.
i've seen nips start adding nightshade
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>her VA is the same from some touhou meme songs from the same era
jokes on you, this applies to every VA in history
The "glazing" stuff actually does work against AI. It corrupts the model that trains on the image. The issue is that the artists apply way too much so that it ruins the actual art itself.
The events from random cards is some of the most annoying shit in the game
>does work against AI
lol lmao
But yes the main issue is that they deep fry their shit like it's a stale ironic meme
Well the way around that is with a 4K monitor and snapshot tool, save as PNG and bingo, you have the image. Even MS paint in Win11 converts webp into jpg/png now.
I don't mind AI uma lewds. The yakuza can bring it up with the borg for all I care.
Is there a tool that can evaluate your entire deck to see what kind of rank you can potentially get?
never seen anyone willingly to "remove" those watermarks
Someone with haxx or richbros have to be willing to buy in to a rewards member's works. I usually take advantage of sites that have the image embedded and don't bring up a save function to do a snapshot and conversion. And it's sad to say this but the watermark in some cases has kind of become art as well thanks to meme culture (not extreme like the example pic that was posted).

Just ask yourself; "is this image REALLY worth it?" nothing wrong with shrugging them off.
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When are you going to introduce yourself and meet her family?
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That's not what we're talking about at all
We need more of Nature's cynicism and reality checks.
Did you have a stroke? The fuck are you babbling about.
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Gonna get relegated to group B for the final round, killing myself
I woke up with cold sweats today after having a nightmare about food
Why does GFF hate me so much?
What does top gameplay look like?
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Golshi if she was a white woman
What's your question exactly? The training runs? You can look it all up on YouTube.
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Is next banner the festival alts?
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[Yells at you in Hokkaido]
Should be, we got those around the start of November last year
It don't think you could find someone who wouldn't
My onapet…
I can't tell if this is a male or female
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nyes, unless they have a newma out of nowhere like dorija when gff released
She has tits the size of her head anon
Where to watch Akiten in 5 hours and 20 minutes dacchis?
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How can you be so sure those are real tits
Doc says you need to go back to the rubber room, computer time is up.
Yeah I ain't buyin it. tits or gtfo
That's not my bro transcend
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So SiL's a hors owner now
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>3 days of runs being ruined because SiL refuses to go to speed training in pre-URA turns
Cam on Liberty Island don't job on her Kawada
What are you even doing to be short on speed if you're using SiL?
usual place should have it
One name can communicate a whole range of feelings.
It's almost November, why is it still so hot fuck.
Stop cooking hamburgers
Because the umas are hot
Where are you? It's been cold and shitty for a month here.
nta but what is the usual place? I usually don't use the thread when it's horse racing time...
Where I live we had a cold summer filled with rain and high 50's weather. Too much rain for horses.
Tokyo. At the racecourse right now and it's still warm to hot.
this artist will never draw Rudolf again...
Bro I'm sweating every time the sun comes out. I'd rather have freezing cold than hot.
... global warming?
more like fat warming
You know they unironically blame our horses and cows for that right? I honestly hate those people.
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Oh, C. Demuro is here.
(((They))) will shift the blame to anything but themselves. It's disgusting how they started blaming normal people and other sectors for all the greenhouse gas while continuing to extract fossil fuels at an insane pace.
Maruzensky doesn't care, she will drive her Lambo and she will be happy.
Wonder Art
Tracen is a front for other activities?
>No Uma song from the JASDF
It's so over. Uma has reclined.
Do the Japanese use hors in their military and police?
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Of course.
I wonder if they are aggressive like US police horses?
They're mostly for ceremonial purposes so I doubt it. A lot of them are retired racehors though, so I suppose they could still be excitable but not aggressive.
>A lot of them are retired racehors
Any of our uma's served? That would be cool.
Would assume only mobs would be put into service

Winners get to retire to the sex palace
>Winners get to retire to the sex palace
I'm sad now
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>No Ulala spawn to redeem their mothers legacy
The police gave her lots of carrots IRL.
I don't know, they usually change the hors' name when they move onto to a new job, unless you're a lead or riding hors, and, like >>499990102 said, only mobs get to work a new job while the winners get sent to the sex dungeon.
Funny that you post Urara. She was actually the Chiba police mascot for quite a while.
Urara may not be a winning race uma, but she is always up for stomping rowdy rioter's heads in.
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luv ur bro
Machan never passed anything on either.
Is this proper-student relationship?
So if I understand the Haru Urara story right, basically she could have been a decent racehorse had she had proper training and was matched up in proper races she could handle? The owner seemed to really not like Urara all that much.
C. Demuro is just sweeping today. Beluga's going to take AkiTen.
>Fans were willing donate to money for Deep to breed with Urara
>Shadai Station gave express approval for Deep to breed with Urara
>owner sits on his ass, did nothing and Urara went MIA for years
What's his fucking problem?
letting your hors get fucked by someone other than yourself is basically NTR
you can't really blame the guy
Eh? According to Uma Ojisan, Urara wouldn't listen to any command or follow any training, and just had really bad temper in general. Sure you can reduce that through training, but who knows how well that would work.
But yeah, her owner and trainer really didn't like her all that much, neither did some of the racing staff at Kochi apparently.
>Fans crowdfunds money to make their oshi fucked by a chad
what tier of cuckoldry is this??
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bratty urara forgotten media
Now that's an accurate depiction of Urara. Game Urara is more like retired personality.
haru urara is only good for creampies
syo is urara still a virgin?
Urara had the privilege of being ridden by Take, a year before Deep. Uma ojisan said that she follows his commands but is just slow. Naturally fans dreamt of an offspring with Deep when he made his mainstream boom. iirc there were speculations of her breeding with Stay Gold too.
Umayon makes Urara a baka.

Dunno about that but if you want a crack at her, go ahead.
>Uma ojisan said that she follows his commands but is just slow.
Really? I remember reading that she wouldn't listen at all and is hard to ride.
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This is criminal.
Sounds like she is a rebellious little shit who didn't want to race and decided to throw her races in a protest hoping they would make her stop?

I don't think horses could think like that, then again Urara might not have wanted to been broken?
Amakihi won his debut with a kino finish
>Apapane's son vs Marialite's daughter
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Fuck finally. I for sure thought I'd get deranked this week.
Black Tide always have promising debut winner every year but eventually flopped later
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>just finish fapping
>new caballo sexo art drops
Aside from the drop out, it was pack racing till the last spurt. Seems like they are well trained in holding their cards close to their chest until it's time to get to the finish line.
Getting frisky with my fellow dacchis while they impersonate umas!~
C. Demuro is doing amazingly well today. Beluga might actually have a chance.
Making the game weird.

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>Tasty Error +18kg
Absolute monster.

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