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/hdg/ Enjoyer Edition

Previous Thread: >>8276337

A1111: https://github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui
Forge: https://github.com/lllyasviel/stable-diffusion-webui-forge | Alternative version (reForge): https://github.com/Panchovix/stable-diffusion-webui-reForge
Comfy: https://github.com/comfyanonymous/ComfyUI

Pony: https://civitai.com/models/404802 | https://civitai.com/models/288584 | https://civitai.com/models/257749
Illustrious: https://civitai.com/models/795765
Noob: https://civitai.com/models/833294

NovelAI: https://rentry.org/hdg-nai-v3
NAI API/prompting in A1111: https://github.com/Metachs/sdwebui-nai-api

Wiki: https://github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui/wiki | https://comfyanonymous.github.io/ComfyUI_examples | https://openart.ai/workflows/templates
Training: https://rentry.org/59xed3 | https://github.com/derrian-distro/LoRA_Easy_Training_Scripts | https://github.com/bmaltais/kohya_ss | https://github.com/Nerogar/OneTrainer
Tags: https://danbooru.donmai.us/wiki_pages/tag_groups | https://danbooru.donmai.us/related_tag
ControlNet: https://rentry.org/dummycontrolnet | https://civitai.com/models/136070 | https://huggingface.co/2vXpSwA7/iroiro-lora
IOPaint (LamaCleaner): https://www.iopaint.com/install
Upscalers: https://openmodeldb.info
Booru: https://aibooru.online
4chanX Catbox/NAI prompt userscript: https://rentry.org/hdgcb
Pony-related: https://rentry.org/ponyxl_loras_n_stuff | https://rentry.org/ponyxl_lora_previews | https://lite.framacalc.org/4ttgzvd0rx-a6jf
Illustrious-related: https://rentry.org/illustrious_loras_n_stuff
Useful Nodes/Extensions: https://rentry.org/8csaevw5

OP Template/Logo: https://rentry.org/hdgnew/raw | https://files.catbox.moe/xk99gy.png | https://files.catbox.moe/35bdt5.gif

Previous Thread Highlights



kill yourself
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Thanks, 5 of mine got in! yes! Now I can sleep tonight in peace
Quit spamming and please allow others the opportunity to get onto the highlights.
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what happen to my style lora
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Get good
>compare Hires. fix with img2img
>same scale factor, seed, same denoise strength, same sampler, same scheduler, same steps, same CFG, same upscaler
>Hires. fix always does the whole 28 steps
>img2img does like 6 steps despite 28 being specified
>results are different
why the fuck
didn't you guys say Hires. fix is just img2img?
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its over
how do you feel about having reduced what was once the best ai general on this site (/edg/) to a shithole? kill yourself asap
>catbox for that cute goat?
Oh god, you're the anti highlight schizo. Fuck you, you're retarded. You're the one who fucking ruined /edg/, it's just complaining about stupid rules now.
I guessing none of yours ended up there? Try harder
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tag fags, i need your help. wtf are these little sideburn things called that poke out toward the cheeks?
thank you anon!
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bullying has gone too far
you say that as if it was a single person who wanted the ia schizo to die and not 90% of this thread
nah he's right. highlight tranny should kill themselves
lovely glasses, what's the artsyle love?
You were the only person who threw autistic meltdowns every single thread, yes. Glad to have you here as well.
>put dark in illu
>somehow puts a blacklight
>remove backlight
>still puts a small backlight
kill yourself
But let's think about this logically. What is the reasoning behind this anger towards a highlight tranny?

Explain in a logical way that makes sense to anyone with common sense and some IQ.

Thank you
sometimes there isn't a tag
i see, you're the "everybody who disagrees with me is the same schizo" schizo. kill yourself
would banned_artist be a legit tag for better quality?
need to rip her shirt off, expose those suckable nipples
thread went for more than a year without him and was fine. he serves no purpose other than to cause shitposting like this and clearly does it for attention. anyone wanting to seek validation through highlights should fuck off to some tranny discord, civitai, or /sdg/
I've never seen those, but closest thing is probably this, which NAI likes to do a lot, even the SD1.5 model had this problem I think (small hairs protruding from the back of the neck)
why are you telling random anons who select images from previous threads to kill themselves?

What is it exactly that triggers you?

Just curious about the psychology here of someone like you. What's your fav icecream flavour?
i have nothing to say to a retarded newfag redditspacer
Anyone that complains about reddit spacing are automatically the real newfags.

4chan existed before reddit, and we used spaces whenever we wanted!
they were provided a full danbooru dump which includes banned artists though. I haven't tested "banned artist" specifically but it likely wouldn't be stable/create too much variation, assuming they hadn't filtered out that tag from the captions to begin with
kill yourself.
didn't realise last thread was so close to ending. any requests of style loras for noob vpred?
ah makes sense
ms. tsu
Don't kill yourself, love yourself
Jump of a cliff
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Further 1girl standing test with the anypose v2.1.Very consistent with this very basic drawing. Special thanks to anon for his fuya lora.

Is there any way to use adetailer on an image in A1111 without generating a whole new image first?
Just inpaint
Cimb up a cliff and then paraglide down to safety.
The whole point of adetailer is for it to do the inpainting for you. Besides, inpaint often gives mixed results, since it generates a new picture over top of the other one and then just blurs them together instead of taking into account the surrounding pixels, so it doesn't always line up.
what settings do you use?
>using A1111 when fun!11111 exists
>using any other sampler when SDE no brown exists
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Didn't I attach the catbox?
Yeah, with no metadata
Sounds like a plan:
I'm not taking any chances with any hip new shit after what happened with comfy and the hacking situation, and I'm not gonna break my setup when it works.
adetailer is just automating inpaint for you, yes. the only thing it's actually automating though is detecting the area to inpaint. the rest is controllable. if you're getting bad results via manual inpaint, you're doing something wrong.
all that said somebody did make an extension that makes adetailer work as expected in img2img. no clue if it still works on the latest webui or especially forks like forge/reforge. https://github.com/fai-9/aa-as-is
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Sirs may I have a catbox?

Maybe try hair stands or loose hairs. I'd say hair intakes too but those are not quite there.
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Will give it a try, thanks.
ougi should have stealth pnginfo but here: https://files.catbox.moe/jugbtg.png
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What kind of music do you guys listen to when prompting?

nta, I updated the userscript and fixed the font styling. Forgot not everybody rices their 4chan CSS like me. Should be much more readable now.
in the OP.
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Left or right?
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>4girls, standing

And before anyone asks, they are all adults
Now that I'm looking at it again, something in my inpainting workflow must be broken, cause even the pngs got artifacted
are you passing the image through the VAE multiple times? that's a lossy operation
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Does anyone have a navel adetailer model? i keep getting ass cracks instead of navels or like 5 of them.
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Was the preview chooser node. Dunno if that's how it works internally
It wouldn't be related to that node specifically. You just have to make sure you're not passing your entire image in and out of the VAE several times (masking out and compositing portions of it is fine).
>mfw civitai doesn't allow uploading checkpoints and loras on the same model page
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Thanks, sorry for the trouble. BTW is there any way to check stealth metadata other than guessing?
box? nice butthole
If you have the latest update of the catbox userscript it should detect it and show the green arrow icon now.
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Filesizes coming out a little over 4mb for these ones which stinks
now try serval
it won't detect stealth metadata automatically, you still have to guess. I see no reason to waste bandwidth like that when most anons are only interested in a few pics
I miss the schizo that zealously reported pedo gens
Flying a bit too close to the sun here, anon
just add it as a related resource
>immediately deleted
janny only deletes the good posts
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i'm so tired of this shit taking seconds to react to my clicks, whatever
catbox is dogshit and I can't see the highlights... please post as normal images
God dammit Ram, why you do me like this?
Free juice.
Give it time.
Why is that character so popular?
Wouldn't that electrocute you?
Tired of hags, gonna gen some hebes
>pink sanic goblin
>funsize to the extreme
>even llenn is llenn-sexual
>it's an avatar of a giantess university student(read: perfectly legal)
>she's running hard on a SPD build
>absolute top tier reaction faces
>her show is the very definition of FUN
>and she has absolutely zero to do with kirito or his mary sue harem
I dunno, man.
it's a mystery.
maybe you should just watch llenn's show to find out.
most railways are not electrically powered. And I'm not an engineer but I would think that most of the ones that are would have live as an overhead and the rail acting as ground to, you know, prevent random shit from falling on it and shorting instantly.
she's a dumbass with a cute design with gap moe from her tactics skills and real life counterpart. it's hard not to love her. watch her show.
>watch her show
I'm sorry but i have some isekai harems with big titty girls to catch up on
Thanks man.
I enjoy seeing your gens.
Keep up the good work.
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Why is it fried
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fits right into monogatari
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Yay my sadako got in
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Best girl doing what she does best
>and she has absolutely zero to do with kirito or his mary sue harem
Really? No wonder wonder she had a chance to shine.
>watch her show
Usually avoid SAO but might try it then.
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made a black souls style lora for illustrious but ive got no idea what the fuck im doing. uploaded it incase anyone wants to try it anyways but i think it might be burned on base illu. keyword is blacksoulsstyle

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sirs what if we had a hot woman with bob out saar?

what if allowed to milk on her saar?
I think the first season has maybe 2 or 3 lines referencing kirito and sinon's arc and a silhouette or something to set up the premise of conflict.
but they don't show up and they're not part of the story at all. It's entirely separate. Also the LN's re written by the guy who wrote kino no tabi.
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Yes she is
why is it so ayakon?
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why are you keking?
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Thanks friend
How the fuck does eva large accurately tag shit as netorare?
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that's some nice see-through silhouette
it can tell the artist's intent from the pixels
because the male's skin is dark
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anons, asmr is usually not my kind of thing (especially western) but her voice sounds so sultry for some reason
why is that?
the walls aren't super consistent in these multi-view shots but like 1/4 gens comes out really good
I'm still convinced that nightshade is a falseflag by oai. Useless for poisoning datasets but gives artists peace of mind and keeps them from locking their images away
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There better be a cum edit of this
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i'm annoyed that the psyop worked because it doesn't hinder AI training at all and makes images look worse to people who are just following artists for good art.
none of that shit works
>falling for nightshade snake oil
women are so cringe
i think someone showed her this https://civitai.com/models/777400

what are the tags for this? or is this just rng till it gets it?
>it doesn't hinder AI training at all
well, no, it does - just not the way they claim or want it to.
but it does because it makes their artwork look like fucking garbage and makes it not worth including in datasets as a result.
lmao roastie got civitai'd
It's kind of rng, but I've been messing around with the "crotch rub" tag alongside stuff like humping and grinding and it seems to work alright. Seems to work better with objects

Could you share the settings you use to train on v-pred noob? Wondering if I'm using correct settings for concepts, I'm not having much luck
Jordach was right, the grey bars are coming for us, creeping further into the image with every gen. We should have listened. God save our souls
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just crop them dude
am I meant to use illustrious or base SDXL as the base model for training a model for illustrious/noob? My lora turned out like shit
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you're not alone anon, I've never been into asmr but her voice is so seductive for no reason at all.

also illustrious is pretty based https://files.catbox.moe/9g3n3j.png
bake on kohakuxl
For noob I have had better results training on noob models instead of illu. Not sure if it's intended or how it should work , but it do be like that.

On pony or old AOM models I remember I trained on the "base" model, but not this time.
trained lora compatibility between illustrious and noob is bad, if you used illust as base then use it on noob it will make your gens blurry, and if you train on noob and then use the lora on illust it will straight-up not work at all
also be careful since some anons have been saying (with actual proof) that doras doesn't work for noob, only normal loras or lycos like locon and stuff
>(with actual proof)
proof doko?
i trained a dora on noob vpred test and it worked fine please stop spreading misinfo. it just adds norm layers to a regular locon anyways.
well i think the anon meant that doras trained on noob doesnt works for illust, here is a grid from the 'cord
that's just true for every lora not just doras
well i'll give it another go with noob base but training on illustrious gave a model that just gave garbage on both of the models.

Is there some trick like not using bf16 or something?
well, there you go
style loras on illustrious are kind of schizo for some reason, it's easy for them to go to shit seemingly at random
I was just trying to do a simple character lora

I am doing

0.006 unet
0.0005 TE

5 min snr gamma

64 dim 32 alpa

always worked fine for pony
i would've prefer illust 1.0 instead of noob 1.0
euge bakes kinda bad desu
...yes, this is something we've known since LoRAs came out. LoRAs trained on a finetune don't work correctly on the base model since they're trained on pertrubed weights, but they apply more or less correctly to descendant models.
character loras are easy mode on illustrious so you're definitely doing something wrong
turn down that unet learning rate at least
>6e-4 unet LR
>training the tenc
jesus christ anon what optimizer are you using?
What's wrong with noob?
just adamw
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there is now
NTA but what settings do you suggest for training concepts on illu?
Terrific, thank you
i just want the vpred ztsnr conversion for a decent number of steps to be quite DESUHONEST with you. the current model knowledge as of 0.5 is good. the vpred test is pretty good. but i don't give a shit about eps 1.0.

try referencing this for styles that don't rely on reinforcing an intrinsic style: https://files.catbox.moe/9r5c27.toml
the same setting you use for style loras should work fine but i haven't really experimented with concept loras on illustrious yet
It's fried
it's melting
It's ready to eat
Am I going insane or does prompting NAI normally and prompting it with the API give you different results despite using the exact same parameters?
Is Illustrious still in alpha?
api still accesses the un-quantized version
is that better or worse?
he's meme'ing, there's no quantized version
newfag here, why does sometimes depending on the prompt the latent image is good halfaway through generation and then gets fucked up at the end?
good morning kurumuz-kun
Such is the nature of ai gacha
the uploaded version is nai's very first test sdxl bake and it was uploaded out of pity, nevermind it
so nai trained on kohaku? big if true
i heard nai secretly paid the wd 1.3 team to stop baking
I heard kurumuz spends all the subscription money on imports of ayran and hairy balkan women instead of investing it in better models
I heard this thread is full of closeted homosexuals
big if true
It's only you bro, sorry
could be real
75% of the images I gen are with girls that have dicks the size of their forearms against their faces. I don't really hide it.
Based faggot
>bro chose the faggot route instead of the projecting yourself as the big dick chad route
>projecting yourself as the big dick chad route
That sounds like some weird cope lol
says the faggot...?
what's wrong with being a faggot? it's 2024, dude, get your head out of your ass.
That wasn't me, I'm the faggot. I also gen traps getting their asses completely demolished.
>I'm the faggot. I also gen traps getting their asses completely demolished.
but that's something a heterosexual man would gen. i don't get it.
By the way, can you gen good traps with noob or do you have to use p*ny?
What do they put in american water?
This sexuality nonsense keeps getting more and more confusing.
you don't have to use p*ny for anything anymore, bro
Thanks god
estrogen, microplastics and SSRIs
That's why you should stop giving a fuck and start fapping to whatever makes your peepee hard
*quasars ur cake*
*fizzes ur rot*
bro as long as you keep it on the 2d world, it's not gay. just gen whatever you want. i also gen loli futas destroying my poophole and still call myself heterosexual irl. who cares
hentai closet general...
did not expect to read that
>even the furries are starting to abandon pony for noob
astralite bros, i don't feel so good...
I can't believe you all baited me into trying out noob and illustrious, it's garbage, it's worse than 1.5 nai
Nice idea.
nah, the furries abandoned pony for seaart finetunes long ago
So true, but instead of 1.5 nai go back to wd 1.2
Why try to hinder the march of progress with all this trolling?
jolly good jest old man but that gag's getting a bit dilapidated, tired out and depleted if you will
explain how he's trying to hinder the march of progress without sounding mad
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im mad :D
fluffyrock/easyfluff was always unironically the better furry model compared to pony and it's 1.5 based
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Anatomy is beyond fucked, anon
it's illustrious
You're not allowed to criticize anatomical mistakes anymore. Do so and you'll immediately get a rabble of blind jeets screaming at you
+100 Civitai Buzz added to your account!
Careful with the j-word, anon. Turns out anons weren't kidding about janny not liking it.
guess we discovered a word that hits close to home for the janny
I'm right next to Ayakon, it's over...
Thread has fallen so low that we now have actual jeets that get offended by the word. The spiritual jeets were bad enough but at least they didn't suck off the janny
Its EPIC getting offended and reporting.
>call the janny a jew
>call the janny a jeet
>instant ban
that's been true since like 6 months ago
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inpainting a reaction that merges nice is hard
Anyone use Civitai to train loras?
Why can't I find ilxl as the base model to train one
something must've broke when they added the illustrious support

on the other hand is civitai still the way to train loras for bad graphics card?
its fried though
it never was, use google colab.
i'm more impressed by the castlevania logo moon
try inpainting controlnet
One I was using seemingly didn't work with illustrious
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The For SDXL one works with every model, just change the training settings.
Better than the last one but you probably should do something with that tumor on her right hand
ok, thanks
I was using the hollowstrawberry one but looks like this is a modified version
yeah I'm trying to uncook it. What's a good way to use noobai itercom? guidance 5?
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you don't have stealth metadata, is this the vpred itercomp merge or the regular eps itercomp merge? vpred I pretty much never have to turn past 5, maybe 5.5 for high contrast stuff.
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>noobai itercom
dont use snakeoil
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the vpred one. Even at 5 it's usually pretty saturated. But it does nice stuff too so might just be a proompt issue
Give me a good quality/artist tag for Noob
All I can prompt is burned shit
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explain why you deserve good settings without sounding mad
bring your cfg down to 5 at max
I prompt.
It's already at 5
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lower it to 3 then
Good Marisas. Double so given the time.
Post an example
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Think I'm satisfied with this one, lol
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>go to furry discord
>they have a noobxl channel now
>look at the images
>it fucking looks the same as pony, even though the model has a pretty damn broad knowledge about things and is not fried
ooooohh, i see
so the reason why pony is so pony it's because it's so incredibly overfitted, fried and burned up on it's own dataset that it will always make it's gens to biase towards that look

fuck you astralite fuck you go to fucking hell you jeet-minded zoophile babyhorsefucker fuck you fuck you FUCK YOU EAT SHIT
DISCORD? I want to laught too
>go to furry discord
Why tho
Is there an easy tag to tell the model to stop cutting something out of the frame? Trying to a side by side ass shot and it keeps genning right in the middle with cheeks cut off on both sides
anon you think they're actually using noobxl to begin with? it's probably some garbage finetune of it trained until it's fried on ponyshit
full body though that'll also have unintended consequences
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>some garbage finetune of it trained until it's fried on ponyshit
so noobxl?
falseflags getting pretty boring every since illustrious dropped ngl
Yeah that's what I was just thinking, if I want it close up then getting the legs and everything kinda defeats that. Last resort I'll just go with that and then zoom the image in myself or something
Lazy bait
You can try oupainting, though that's cumbersome. Basically just extend the picture to the side and inpaint. It helps if you draw like a 5 year old and complete the pic yourself.
post a catbox anon so we can mess around with it
cropped and out of frame in negatives
me in the back
if you willingly decide to use a model poisoned on e621 over one trained on danbooru only you're literally no better than those furries
Full body and feet out of frame. Does pretty well to zoom out without going all the way
cute feet, anon.
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have you tried these or "panorama"
boxes please?
That's something I'll have to teach myself how to do, but it could work
Warning, cringe contained within
And one in portrait dimensions. I tried futzing with the image dimensions first before anything else, figuring it might be that, but it stretches it to make sure something's out of frame oddly
I was already trying "lower body" as that seemed like the most obvious solution, but it was still a bit inconsistent. I'll give panorama a shot
just go search furry diffusion discord on google
because they are so fucking ahead of us in terms of training knowledge
there's like 5 dudes on the lora training thread that actually knows how to read papers AND implement those things on code, it's so overwhelming cuz it's so natural for them, pretty sure they could fix very important things like the pr for pivotal tuning for sdxl but then again they're furries and are mostly focused on garbage they like
i don't think so, they were talking about the inner knowledge of the model while posting gens about it
Dude, let her sleep.
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if I want to train an illustrious style lora, will that be instead of using all the artist tags? Cos this model looks really shit if you leave out artist tags most of the time
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https://files.catbox.moe/v4qbwa.png (embed)
https://files.catbox.moe/dxplj7.png (embed)
this good enough? first one is at 768 width, second one is at 896
yeah training without an artist tag is fine. i was training with it but got annoyed at having to add it to prompts so i just dropped it. it only really makes a difference if illus knows the artist you're training a style for
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Seems like there is no universal model that everyone agrees does not suck
The model does what you need it's good
If it doesn't it's trash
Why do you always make it so obvious you're shitposting. It's always a shitty gen with file.png as the filename
does illustrious have a list of compulsory bullshit like masterpiece, high quality, highres and lowres to put in all your prompts, that stuff is as annoying as score tags
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please do share what makes a gen non-shitty. Genuine curiousity.
you don't have to use them but yes, it's masterpiece, best quality, normal quality, low quality, worst quality (same as NAI)
they're listed in the paper with the score brackets: https://huggingface.co/OnomaAIResearch/Illustrious-xl-early-release-v0/blob/main/Illustrious%20Technical%20Report.pdf
Those are pretty nice yeah. I'm gonna mess around a little on my end here and see if I can replicate that reliably
have there been any news at all on the chinese bake since the eps 0.5? just curious how they're doing
they are currently baking
they all died in a CCP raid when it was found out they're in possession of furry porn
thanks bro, that's all I needed to know
people will defend this then shit on ast for score tags, score tags are far better than this
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If the 10 day window between the early release and 0.5 is anything to go by then expect a new checkpoint within a week I guess? They had some trouble with the trainer so there's that too
Huh. I got everything but the lora and it still seems to be a little bit of a die roll to get it consistent. Which isn't the end of the world, I'm accustomed to rolling the die a little bit
doesnt the paper say its worst quality, bad quality, average quality, good quality, best quality, masterpiece
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it's never gonna be 100% consistent but it's good enough for me imo. you can try messing with full body and adding weight to the cropped negs
Sounds good. Thanks for taking the time out to at least take a look anon, very much appreciated
score/aesthetic tags aren't a bad idea but they need to be implemented in a way that isn't purely based on booru ratings because it causes a lot of highly aesthetic images that aren't porn to get ignored

yeah I'm retarded
Yeah there's a definitely a bias there. Porn is inflated because it's stimulating as you said, so a simple solution would be to take the rating:e images and sort those into categories based on score distributions, and do the same with rating:s and q images. But then there's the issue of people not browsing the entirety of booru at the same time so on busier days of the week, highly aesthetic images can get ranked lower because they get pushed out of the first page of results. It's pretty fucked
i spun bakes off with both illustrious and noob checkpoints, and i think the noob version might be better on base illustrious checkpoints too
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np now i'm having fun with ass shots
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Line ups are fine, though I will admit to being a shameless coomer and liking insane huge fat asses
*fun, not fine. Whoops
also going back to regular illustrious checkpoints after having things just work on noob is hell
new noob when?
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ask LAX and get ignored because you're not chinese
if I load a lora 10 times at 0.1 is it the same loading it at 1?
>ask LAX and get ignored because you're not chinese
based. furries filtered
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probably around 2 weeks, training resumed on monday and they're taking it to "completion" this time.
something about illustrious just looks very blurry, not got a better way to put it
That's an odd idea, what if it's a bit overbaked?
Yeah, should be exactly the same (besides maybe rounding errors). Loras are adding delta to weights, there are no other operations, so it's multiplicative. Adding 0.1*delta 10 times is the same as adding 1*delta.
bros.. be sure to shower with your magical girl each morning.
dadaptation or prodigy?

if using cosine, what is decent unet/te lr?
do you not understand how baking works?
Don't have one...
No I don't understand all the intricacies of how neural networks work, no. All I can make are inferences based on what I've experienced and I saw some artists/characters get stronger from checkpoint to checkpoint but I also saw some get weaker, and that's what I'm worried about with skipping to the final epoch only. I'd like to have the flexibility of some artists working better on an earlier epoch as well.
good shit, anon
it's not that complicated. why do you think they are only saving the final epoch? that would be stupid and extremely risky
I know they're saving every checkpoint on their huggingface but that isn't publicly accessible right? So civitai releases are the only thing I have access to.
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Sorry bro.. guess you don't want to hear about how important a meal breakfast by your magical girl is after showering..
it is public now but they stopped dumping every intermediate epoch. just be patient. https://huggingface.co/Laxhar/noob_sdxl_beta/tree/main
what the other anon said, but i'd also add that they have enough compute that they can afford to bake and then experiment afterwards. for once local is working with enough resources that they can experiment, which has been a problem and the main reason why nai and private parties were so far ahead for the longest time
>zoomers already getting impatient after one week
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(huge breasts:?)
Black Hanekawa is not only sucking his life energy
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how are these people real
after extensive testing

Illustrious/noob: significantly better artist and character knowledge "out the box"

pony/pony slopmerges: better fundamentally, improves significantly over illustrious when you use loras

flux - yeah just use flux for anything that isn't porn it blows both of these away by a hilarious margin
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Bet she'd win in freak offs
lmao even
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anything that isn't porn AND is restricted to a very narrow set of poses in case of humans(or possibly any living creature but I'm not sure)
No way Nazuna uooohhh
>better fundamentally
weak bait, or you have brain damage
nice blacked EMT
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ponys downsides of sepia and score tags still are better than how blurry illustrious is, you can tell apart the gens easily just from how bad illustrious eyes are for example
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Stable Diffusion 3.5 will save illuscafludonyx!
and it's schizo hours. i'm out
the better model is the one that makes gens you like more :3
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i fap to my gens
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isn't that the point?
but do you cum to them?
>you can tell apart the gens easily just from how bad illustrious eyes—ACK
surprisingly a lot of people don't
yeah now take a look at the average eye on the civitai page without inpainting
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explain why I should care about how bad the average civitai user is at using the model without sounding mad
but do you fap to other people's gens?
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I finally learned how to inpaint extra girls watching the action on NAI finna goon myself to death
>you can tell apart the gens easily just from how
there's an easy metric
if your gen is fucking boring
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rate eyes pls
I appreciate other peoples' gens, never fap to them. Closest I get is ask for a box then put a girl I like in that position.
catbox the last you coomed to that wasnt your own
oi big guy
Nice, appreciated.
Holy fuck the syntax and tags
Nice to see you again, Ashley anon
yes. can't recall the last I came to though since that still is more often my own
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illu and noob revitalized my interest in genning. It's insane what you can throw at it and it brings it all together.
All it's missing is expressiveH, sar.
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I'll go ahead and prop the anon that genned this, loved it.
File deleted.
I just put in a batch of 8 with 4 batches, brute force it, and upscale the closest gen to the thing I had in mind lol

I feel sorry for the anons who ask for catboxes for something like my dynamic against wall gens and the prompt is basic as fuck lmao

So the contrast between my prompting and yours is interesting to me
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nice prompt
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>prompt nigger in nai derivatives
>pictures of very gay black men
>prompt nigger in pony
>it gives me weird pictures of bugs/reptiles
I imagine it's some hashed artist
Any new developments in the recent months? Is SD3 still fucked? Is Flux still unfeasible?
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2 more years of sdxl
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uhmmm... based
Can someone explain regularisation to me? What does it actually do? How do you do it?
stops the model from overfitting on the dataset by showing it unrelated data to regularize loss. it's generally not worth it in my experience because it essentially doubles training time and other hyperparameters exist to help prevent overfitting now.
what's the tag used when the 1girl is holding the 1boy penis and the tip is touching the vag but not penetrating it yet?
used to retain class knowledge.
say you wanted to train a specific kind of dog, like a labrador, your prompt might be:
a labrador dog sitting on a cushion
where labrador is a specific dog. to avoid overwriting any knowledge of dogs in general, you'd include a ton of images of other dogs, like poodle, golden retriever, etc. appropriately tagged as regularisation images.
not really useful for loras.
imminent penetration?
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Yeah I don't know which quality tags or negs are placebo on my end at this point but they work across a lot of shitmixes I've used in the past so I just rather not fuck with it.
Based ugly bastards.
Alright, good to know.
>go through hundreds of images just fine
>suddenly model can't draw a backpack strap or a pair of sandals over 100 gens
Some mix of guided pentration, hand on another's penis, imminent vaginal, prodding, penis, pussy,
Oh you had some good luck with the heart tail, based
Which schedulers/samplers are good (or at least predictable) on illu/noobai? Going from [Euler/EulerA, Normal] to [DPM++2M SDE, Karras] completely changes the image style for me and fries it with oversaturated primary colors, yet some of the example images on the noobai civitai page use it.
Euler a CFG++ or DPM++ SDE CFG++ at 1.5 or 2 of CFG using 28-32 steps
On illu I used euler a cfg++ / normal / 1.2 - 1.8 CFG
On noob I use euler a / auto / 6 cfg
>guided pentration,
This was it, thanks
so BASED!!
I forget how tiny she is lmao
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This is how you get ahead of the competition in voice acting
may i acquire the box?
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yeah, I wonder why even though there are like 2k images in danbooru with that tag it's always hard to get even a single good gen

cute spooky yoshimi
box please ibuki bro?
miqotemix sisters.. is this a subtle jab at us?
What's the model for the cunny ethusiast?
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is epsilon-pred .5 version a more trained version of the early access normal noob?
take a wild guess anon
it's noob
What's the deal with flooxyfloox?
Look at my cute wife
Yep, i think noob is the NAI killer
I'll take the model that can make any style I wish without looking like overfried crap, yes.
schizo summoning ritual engaged
How do you people even function?
I miss the days of nai users shitting on local. It was better than local gaslighting other locals with illustrious.
fr fr no cap
thank god days of shitty effortless baiting aren't over though
What a silly thing to miss
I'm curious why how do you keep surviving the rules? Not only do you post loli whe nobody else can, you have a specific waifu loli that you always post the same images of whic makes you easy to spot and capture. Hmmm
dawg i didnt know epsilon pred was how normal models worked, i was just asking a simple question. my fault i dont live and breathe genning ai girls like you do. some of us have a life lol
wife pussy
shid idk what happened

my posts get deleted all the time
You can literally look at the date it was uploaded or spend 5 seconds to read the description.
weird way of saying you're retarded
Spooky failgen
my fault i wont ask a simple question that you couldve answered in one word bc i dont devote my life to being a degenerate next time sorry man
What was it that you were going for that made the ghost appear?
You sound mad. Why?
Glowing eyes like >>8279237
OK that makes it extra spooky.
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I'm not liking IlluXL's innate artist for Sanuki.It's bit flat compared to Pony's. Can someone make Sanuki lora for IlluXL or Noob please?
>year 2023,
what the fuck does this do
takes you back a year
Try Noob
Last one
I tried Noob. Still giving me flat style.

Say what?
Anyone know if any version of Illustrious/noob is better at backgrounds?
Illust looks more accurate to the style though
train your own lora bud
illus looks better, go to >>>/aco/ if you really like pony's
Based life chad. Posting on hdg while getting his dick sucked so us gensisters can't help but hate him.
If you have life, you should be genning with NAI, not tinkering with your GPU.
Yeah, but I missed the shiny effect that Pony is giving. I can't find a good mix rid of flat style in IlluXL or Noob.
I can finally delete Pony if I can get it right.
>If you have life
Anon... Where do you thing you are?
>I can finally delete Pony if
>I missed the shiny effect that Pony is giving
You flew to close to the sun, anon. You had them going until you got too cocky.
very nice
but if someone trains an artist on that style it'll be just as flat because that's what the style actually looks like. it makes more sense to train a lora on the pony outputs that you like.
negative flat color
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el meow
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glad you liked it bwo
gonna need a box for this one bwo
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I meant the innate artist, not the pony itself.

That helps a bit.
here ya go bwo
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animal on furry is not allowed here, sir
so fvking zased
now show her with the twink white boy she cheated on
>animal on furry
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Amazing mix bwo, keep it up.
Aiieeeeeeee yakuzabros don't look
why is it so bad
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bros.. be sure your magical girl is getting her daily protein.
it's nigger
it's NAI
it's porn
it's n
It's blurry
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thanks bwo. i've been having lots of fun prompting in noob.
waiting for the full release before i go back to baking loras again...
Why is it so good?
never return
hmmmmm nyo
It's Noob / Illus
ily too bwo
it's NOT nigger
Don't talk to my bwo like that, bwo
Explain in 150 words or less why it's good without sounding happy
It's not pony
>spent hours making effortpost
>0 (You)'s
>some retard post bbc with nai
>10 (You)'s within 5 minutes
it's all so tiresome...
why is it cuckold?
*explains under 150 words why it's good*
Hah, how's that

Welcome to the club
that will cost you 48 anals, sir
what's your post? i'll give it a (You)
i don't like realistic catgirls sorry
that makes me sound as if i like bbc kek
there you go, it has a (You) now
no need to thank me
Not very fond of the style or setting but I don't think it's a bad gen
why is bestiality more humanizing than bbc?
i deleted all my pony loras
because BBC it's a meme being pushed over the limits, it was made by racists for racists
by that logic does that mean the ones generating loli porn are actually seething loliphobes?
if your gens here receives lots of ironic (You)'s then it's fucking bad
if youre (You)less that means your gen is good overall and thus makes it part of the good gens, the second sign that tells you if it's a good or not it's if someone asks for a catbox and that is the only (You) the gen got
and very rarely an actual good gen gets lots of (You)s but that's very rare nowadays
/hdg/ works a bit against common sense, get with the times
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yes it's all haglovers seething at insane levels to the point they make loli gens themselves and do ironic posts
can someone doxx him please i need to send him a pizza

with a pipebomb on it
wtf man he's just a child
a child that shouldn't be allowed to reproduce
yeah and? do you really think i will let this kid grow up and reproduce just like a rat? no thanks
we love children here
found the haglover
Where is Astralite? Jordach? Neggles? All used to pay us a visit, only to vanish into the nether...
but he's not funny and certainly not cute
prime example you shouldn't visit this shithole to be productive

Prime examples of people who should stay in their shitholes and be productive,
prime example of people railing up my shithole
relax b-sama
why is it so cute
based eldridge enjoyer
it's artist:ciloranko
it's art

>freed up 72gb

it really felt good. Kinda depressing, but goddamn I feel bad for subjecting you guys to that hideous shit. I'm still keeping my cleaned up gens, but I can see the pony taint in all of them. That one nai troll that shitposted most of this year really was right.
it's cunny
It's funny
cunny > jk's > hags
it's NOT hag
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I really like your gens magicalgirl anon. Does she have a name?
I farted
I sniffed
Big Breasts
NOT cute
cleft of venus
this general glows brighter than a thousand suns
Glows brighter with hope
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>I'm still keeping my cleaned up gens, but I can see the pony taint in all of them.
Same, I like what I did on some of them but the colors feels off and weird on almost all of them
>they're realizing how shit their gens were once the sepia was wiped from their eyes
it's me

it was because of me all along
Credit where credit is due, if pony didn't exist we wouldn't have the better models now.
It's called the FREE market.
pony age would be known as... the dark age
pony has nothing to do with illustrious what are you on about. you should be thanking sdxl, as funny as that is to say
yeah, we would've had them sooner
the colors feel off and weird in your current gens too noodleshitter
how dare you
Next time make your bait more believable, shitposter-san
says the guy with a hook lodged firmly in his mouth
It's fried
It's crispy
It's melting
It's cheesy
innie pussy
why because he called you out for shitposting? fuck off lol
Reminder Cascade guy got away with your money.
that's based
that's based
that's based
i bet you're a frogposter too aren't you.
i'm not a newfaggot like you so no
sure you aren't bud
eat shit
>t. zoom zoom who thinks people that got here in 2015 or some shit are oldfags
great night so far you guys
who are you quoting?
(poster: NAI shill), subtle advertisement, gaslight, divide and conquer, impersonation, samefag,
Cringe and jumping the gun, at least wait for Noob's full release.
a catbox just flew over my house
unfinished noob already leagues ahead
broken record twitch le i said the thing humor shitposting. and you say you aren't a newfaggot lol
it's just a matter of time before lora makers migrate
why is it so mad?
image board btw
you're saying the same things again. please make new content
>Summer 2025.

Why bother?
Not with that anatomy it isn't, Pony with a style LoRA is still way better and more consistent.
And it hasn't happened yet, for good reason. Why bake for an unfinished model that's gonna become obsolete in 2 weeks?
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Don't forget to post images, anons!
ah you're one of those 'anatomy witnesses'
please don't post images if all you have to post is base resolution slop
you smell bad go take a shower
>And it hasn't happened yet
it's literally imminent, noob and illu are focused on anime and aren't crippled by their dev's pettiness.
Tell that critique guy to come and rate the current gens
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I'm sorry anon it was a quick gen. It won't happen again
sire, noob literally has more e621 in the dataset than pony
and yet somehow it doesn't have sepia baked in. really makes you wonder what the horsefuckers were doing for a whole year
good and based
>it's not an issue if I pretend it's not
my gens doesn't have this issue
do better
>it's literally imminent
If Noob's release is, it certainly is.
it's pony, tsk, tsk, tsk
it's pony
reminder that if you unironically believe that illustrious/noob isn't worse than pony at anatomy then you're either blind or mindbroken
here we go again
I panic when I have to name characters in games, anon.
>blind or mindbroken
ironic coming from a retard shilling pony. you know the fact there's even a 10% chance you're actually not shitposting is so fucking sad
This, blindly defending objectively inferior aspects of other models just because they aren't pony isn't any better than blindly defending pony's sepia/pretending it doesn't exist.
who's shilling pony? you don't need to shill anything to recognize a model's objective weaknesses, at least if you're not mindbroken
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I'm the jeet anon, wasn't me lol
>I want my gens to have sepia baked in and the exact same pose no matter what seed.
Civitjeet tourists please leave.
I cant I have been doing cunny all day
if you're genuine - skill issue
It's the lesser of the two evils as it stands, easier to deal with too since styles are much easier to fix than anatomy.
there's more chances of noob and illu improving faster than pony improving, causes already known, it's not a matter of people "jumping the gun"
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>lots of talk about the greatness of pony
>nobody posts pony gens
>complaining about anatomy
massive skill issue
go back to pony and keep copy pasting civitai prompt
you might as well say that sd3 had good anatomy if you didn't have a skill issue
>shindol reimu
what a weird combo
>americans think noob has bad anatomy because they've never seen skinny girls
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I see, I just saw another anon calling you Ashley anon and I thought it was her name. Well, I'm about to fall sleep, good night anon. Also please keep coming and posting here. I really appreciate good geners like you
>shitposting hours
>hyper returns
how very curious
shush, retard
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i was doing lora testing with wildcards. glad you picked up it's shindol though
are people not supposed to notice?
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some people here are absolutely buck broken by the thought that furries are using the same model as they do
>using a lobotomised model made by a schizophrenic furrfag
kek even
I look like this
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That's not you thoughbeit
>no fox ears on your head
eeeyup. that's not you
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I need one of you anatomy autists to post two TWO 2 pictures, one of Pony with what you consider good anatomy, and another of Noob with what you consider bad anatomy
If you can't do that your criticism will never be taken seriously. And it has to be 2 images you've genned yourself, can't grab someone else's and say "see that's bad anatomy"
i'm so tired of pretending pony is better than noob, have a pity
Yeah I'm not sure what he meant. Thought it was an auto correct issue. Only other char I post is Kisaki or Juri.
gn, big guy.
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>train on cheshirrr
>dicks turn black
damn it
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>train on westernslop
>dicks turn black
news at 11
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Thought you were this anon from a while back mb
cheshirrr is westernslop?
that's news to me honestly
/aco/ is where you belong anon
what are the plap from
>Typical /aco/ nose and lips
>Draws Disney and other cartoon characters
>Posts on DeviantArt
I'm not sure what else you could have possibly thought it was.
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She is trying to sleep while her parents are having sex, poor girl
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Pure pony, no LoRA, no nothing. Just the absolute awesomeness of pony.
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>switching to illu when pony is clearly better
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Oh shit. That's what you meant. Then yeah. You're right, anon. I did do Ashley with NAI before Kisaki but it was short lived for obvs reasons.
Not sure what you mean, anon. Magical girl is just going to sleep during this chilly night.
At least add some cum or something it isn't even nsfw
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magical girl box pls
it's pony
whats the syntax again for switching prompts? something like
[dildo|cucumber] to switch on every step
[dildo:cucumber:0.5] to switch after 50% of the steps
someone's about to get pickled
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cute grin
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Kill yourself
saar redeem the box saar
NAIsisters let's fucking goooooo
That groid looks zesty af
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it's burning...
rip penis...
But was it worth it?
twink incel genned this
big cunny cock
if this doesn't get red text then god is dead.
bro looks mad happy
any tips on not getting pov on sex prompts?
Anon, the "better" models we have right now, we already knew what we needed since v3.
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wtf are the anchors
pov in neg
she is always fried no matter the model, you are lucky you didnt get her turret
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actually never have problems with her, but the anchors are definitely a new one. my head canon is that they used them to keep her in place kek. if only it could do coherent chainlink
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middle finger and rebecca. based
why is bbc popular
amazing wow
whoops forgot this one it's also great
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'ate em
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Is this NovelAI?
it's pija
looks like pixivslop so yes probably
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There's a lot of really nice eyes in this thread, keep it up /hdg/... proud of you...
>(simple background:-1) on negatives
what do i have to do to make the vpred noobai version work on reforge?
I find illustrious and noobai default gens too "kid" like, what are some artists I can use? I-I actually kinda prefer pony...
pick your poison
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Illustrious shills are mostly pedos, pony is still superior to it in everything except for loli, just stick to pony and don't listen to shills
What's this stealth metadata shit? Now I have to download the file and then make another text file that contains the prompts?
Also the fucking script's supposed to detect stealth metadata but it doesn't fucking work.
When will the next big model drop?
>Special thanks to anon for his fuya lora.
Uploaded another version on the mega, imo it's a bit better at the style
why do all my images with v-pred just come out as noise?
Because you're not using the vpred model.
is that not the correct one?
I wonder...
That's epsilon pred which is the default and doesn't require anything special. V-pred is called V-pred.
fucking hell so i can just use pred without using dev branch of reforge?
it's nai
Regular one? Yeah
yes, you can use epsilon pred models on literally any ui because thats what you were always doing
weird. i tried reusing some pred prompts in here and they look completely different even with the same seed, i guess i fucked something else up
Can someone explain to me Illustrious and Noob? Are they Pony 2.0?
They're kohaku 0.1 and 0.1.1
christ you guys are still at it huh
get a new shitpost
I'm genuinely asking this question, SDXL versions already confusing to me
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Just downgraded main python version to run kohya ss and hopefully cook some loras.

For SD folders, I have to delete the vnv folders and let the files re-download and sort themselves so things run smooth right?
It's a new base model
unironically learn to read then. your questions are answered by just fucking looking at the huggingface/civitai page
when there's 9 Pony loras of a character, I download them all and put them in a battle royale of comparisons and then merge the winners.
kek I used to do the same, except the merging part
lmao back in 1.5 days I used a character lora plus it's own costume lora (popular enough to have their costume on others) together
What is this noob thing? is this a troll model like when everyone was joking that autsim was a real model? so you were secretly calling them autsitic for using it.
So noob is another way to call people who fall for it noobs?
If not, then I don't get it
These baits are getting too retarded
that is probably the point with the meta irony and all. zoomer retardation
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Posting v2 of hirune lora for noobnai 0.5, will probably refine it whenever the final version of noobnai drops.

based, thanks anon
holy based
does it work as well if the girl is not straight up copy pasted from his other stuff?
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Howdy yall. I'm tryin to gen the 'admiring the cum on my hands' pose . Rn I'm using 'zombie pose', which doesn't always work. Does anybody know a better tag?
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It's me the gay guy from yesterday with more gay images.
Not gay enough, dick should be the focus of the image
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Not him, but I was trying to get 2 dicks on this one..
>huge balls
Now that's a properly gay gen
Thanks anon. I took out veiny penis because I wanted to skirt that very thin line.
>fat ugly bastard's covered nipple
How did you get a style this close to the anime?
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dammit, here then!


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A bit too big, but I'm getting those bara vibes from this gen, not bad
any luck on a tearing clothes prompt?
Why are people so scared of posting anal in the ass? Is it because only pony can do it properly?
>anal in the ass
As opposed to anal...where?
saar just stick to pony, saar
but that's where poo comes from, I bet it would stink up the whole room.
what a weird roundabout way to ask for gens of anal
>only pony can do it properly
not him but use "anime screencap", it makes all gens better.
i put anus in the negative prompt and i encourage everyone else to do the same.

my waifu pure anime girls don't have anuses because that would make them dirty
mob sexo
>Is it because only pony can do it properly?
What are you a chicken, stick your pp in woman anus like a big man, smell is temporary, can always clean up afterwards baka.

This doesn't look like pony, and it does look like there is anal. Nice gens! (Honestly).
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This feels romantic.
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Is it? It's just a mix of artists I like, plus this amazing lora: https://civitai.com/models/868840?modelVersionId=995618
what artist is giving you such delicious covered nipples?
Tianliang duohe fangdongye, yd, quasarcake, wamudraws, healthyman, ciloranko, opossumachine and the nyalia lora are now banned. All spiritual or actual miqomixes are also banned.
it's over
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I don't get this nyalia lora. It's just a pure slop trained on slop...
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Stealth metadata should be in there, but I've found the best way to get good looking covered nipples regardless of the artists is to put areola in the negatives (unless you're trying to do see-through stuff). But I also assume iwao178 does most of it.
I look like this
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>Stealth metadata should be in there
Doesn't seem to work for me.
Were you born with 4 fingers or did you lose one in an accident?
Sexcellent. Thank you all for these anal gens, hope you have them posted on pixiv or aibooru one day, I think people would like them.

Let us hope illustrious and subsequent fine tunes of it can keep surpassing pony.
People are still on the noobai euphoria wave, and it's really hard to prompt sex with it so we're not seeing much variety
it'll be fine when anons switch back to pony
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looking for criticism, cleaned up a lot and will now go for rolls on upscaling
make him fat
His left leg looks off but I wouldn't bother fixing it. Inpainting dudes is gay anyway
it's mostly obscured by ibuki but i could see the knee terminating a bit where the beach shows through at her hip
>it's really hard to prompt sex with it
Actual skill issue
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>easily learns nameless older sister but not named younger sister
ol supremacy
it's gay so nobody outside of pony wants to gen it
He'd topple over if he had his knee so far back in that position while holding her. I'd shorten the leg and move it a bit upward. Would also hide that disconnected bit of beach.
That's odd, it loads just fine on my end but I'm not sure if others also can't see it.
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Works here
>prompt stomach bulge
>get a pants bulge too
What's the tech for separation in noob.
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box? nice gen
Appending asanagi
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can you scribble for me?
give me some better artist mixes then
illu/noob baked-in asanagi style kinda sucks
terasu_mc, ratatatat74, mamimi_(mamamimi), (nyantcha:1.5)
m-da s-tarou
Don't ask questions. Just consume fomo.
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Few I'm safe.
oh my. chainbox?
I prompt anal cunny so I cant post it here
Show them titties
total clip death
holy crap, ultramix-balanced really is awesome
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that's a weird mouth
the anus is a very high aesthetic part of a female body.
while anal is fine, it also (mostly) hides the anus and that's just not ideal.
please understand.
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ok that's enough effort posting for one morning
wats that
buy an ad
Better than remacri?
yes, from A/B it's sharper and doesn't affect colors as much
show the a/b then
you don't need anything else but AnimeSharp
why is it so sharp?
x4 animesharp, autismmix, euler a

anything else? Just don't like em
https://files.catbox.moe/rg997w.png original
https://files.catbox.moe/kxaqq9.png ultramix
https://files.catbox.moe/v9eqae.png remacri
i think ultramix is same author
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>penis to breast tag works
Oh neat
ultramix looks kinda noisy for me, especially on the lines on the dude's back
there's some noise inherent in the source, my lora has some dregs in the dataset that come through in spite of tagging them worst quality, jpeg artifacts
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and with 1x-manhwa null prefilter it's still sharper than remacri (no filter) while also denoising very well
with 1x-manhwa null post-filter there's still a decent amount of noise, but also sharper. for purposes of feeding into another ksampler i think i prefer the postfilter
too sharp vs too blurry
i'll stick to whatever I use

it's pretty marginal, but in some other schizo testing i think a sharper image works better fed into a hiresfix pass
>1x-manhwa null prefilter
What's that?
Yeah guys I feel 4x-slopmaxHD is still the best upscaler
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box for this please
why the fuck is there so much rampant aco and/or /d/ tier posting this morning
and i thought i was done, but here's the schizomaxxed ultramix -> manhwa null -> hires fix -> manhwa null version of >>8279786


That actually looks good
saturday means the shitposters are home all day to ruin the threads
give examples while also showing your image as a comparison
the manhwa null thing is pretty interesting, I'm gonna test it out myself, thanks for posting it
I use nomos8k with ultimate SD upscale, however it slightly alters colors so I slap a color match node with the original Pic afterwards
>in 4 nogen
Currently away from home, will post something later
is there a way to reference certain clothing with control net?
You are on a streak those days uh?
I am not schizobacklinking 20 something posts. go fuck yourself.
looks better than the last example but I have no idea what you just said
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ultramix upscale -> cleanup with manhwa null -> hires fix -> clean up again with manhwa null
just mediocre things you do when you have artifacts in your dataset
Then you lose.
nice hair sunlight glow
Just experimenting with tweaking mixes and different tags and stuff, apologies if I'm spamming.
I didnt know you could send pictures to hires fix?
it's nyalia
there's nothing to "win" here, retard.
fuck off to your shitty whatever little echo chamber shithole you came from.
hiresfix is just a convenience menu for img2img
No it wasnt a complain no worries, please keep going I love your stuff
I was testing the WHM one from here
But it is kind of similar, yeah.
You sound angry, maybe you should post some images and join in on the fun
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>that foreskin lick
The glans is connected to the foreskin there. It would be extremely painful
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nice gonna try this
Literally nyalia copycats lol, even fucking stupider that the names are censored
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>extremely painful
awesome job, surprised it work out of the box
what did you prompt to get it?
Nothing crazy desu, foreskin insertion, foreskin biting, stuff like that
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So I have a basic local setup up and running and generally know what to do for prompting at least basic prompting and the like
When it comes to getting more advanced, is there an inpainting for dummies guide or something out there? I get the general idea of what it is, but I'm still pretty clueless about how to actually use it
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Even the pussy
If you are fine using a furry guide, this one is pretty decent
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holy shit wtf how did you gen that
is PAG or SAG worth any attention? idk if the results are just placebo
metadata is here dude
which upscaler? looks clean
it's remacri
Metadata should be there
But it seems glowing breasts works pretty well so I thought it'd be funny to try
While you're talking about upscalers. Any good vae for IlluXL and Noob or sdxl_vae is good enough?
It looks great, amazing experiment
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fixed fp16 one
why is it so good at doing upside-down faces?
the wonderful benefits of including e621 data
Its not pony
Wasn't that renamed to sdxl_vae?
nyalia has done irreparable damage to this thread
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I figured it out it was just a skill issue.
Unironically I agree. It's a good lora but I feel like everyone is using it. Every single gen is so shiny to a degree
better than Asura at least. I don't know what they were thinking using that aco looking artist.
Where do you get WHM(Illust)0.1 lora from? I could only find https://civitai.com/models/456882?modelVersionId=987059 which had it for Pony. Not in https://rentry.org/illustrious_loras_n_stuff either
Oh right, here's another basic question
Most of these models seem to work off of danbooru tagging. There's a pretty varied tagging selection for bust size (small breasts -> breasts -> large -> huge, etc) but for butts there's really just ass and huge_ass, at least as far as the danbooru wiki says.
Any particular tricks to get some truly disproportionate sized butts? Or is it just adding tag weight to huge ass/using a lora?
using tags for general body weight in positives and negatives will affect the thighs usually, and weighting them works well. if you want hyper ass, that's /d/ anyway. if you really like it it would be really easy to make a lora that just adjusts the well trained "huge ass" tag to skew more to your tastes
>finally finish re-collecting images for sex machines
>669 images
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looks like vanillaware
could do without the AI sloppa pixiv lora but based idea
Nah, not hyper tier or anything. I just noticed the default huge ass + thick thighs + wide hips is a bit of a gamble. Sometimes it gives juicy stuff, sometimes it gives girls of completely normal proportions. And also as usual it varies with what character you enter
I'm sure artist tags also influence it quite heavily, but at the same time I'd like to get consistent proportions regardless of artist mix used
what is the source of this style? is it another ai artist slop?
Most likely. I used the WHM lora before when I was on pony but I think the baker just used those three letter hashes for each style he made as they all kind of look like that ai sloppa mix style
>I'd like to get consistent proportions regardless of artist mix used
train a lora
any tips on editing motion blur on gens to fake motion?
I kneel.
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Anyone manage to get TensorRT to work on reforge? I keep getting " Failed to parse ONNX model. Does the model file exist and contain a valid ONNX model?" and seen some posts about it only working on A1111.

Using 4090 and want to speed up the gens.
oh no, poor sensei, he's been kidnapped!
It clearly expects an ONNX model, and you probably loading a safetensor one.
Do you still need to use backslashes with Noob? artist_\(artist\)
You have do the same for all models
it's a webui thing, yes
why she's so big?
They're using TDN notation for the pixiv account name. I don't keep up with what pixiv sloppers are posting so I dunno who it could be, but someone else here probably knows.
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box please
NAI uses curly brackets for emphasis to get around that. webui and comfy use parenthesis, so yes you still have to
kek samefag faces
Ah that makes sense.
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How'd you get the reliable paper on his face? I could gen it but it wasn't consistent.
Does anyone have the box for the thumbnail?
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Worry not, she will be very gentle with him
It's not so consistent for me either, try to weight up doodle sensei \(blue archive\) a little
Did you prompt for the horsecock shape or is that umamusume bleed?
Kinda look like this
they're just a faget that refuses to move to /d/ to post their hyper garbage.
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this style kinda forces men into femboys
doesnt sound like a problem
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Yeah it was a very lazy "1boy", here's one with faceless male thrown in
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Think it's just unfortunate incident.

>unfortunate accident
>proceeds to post the same exact thing, again
what did he even meme by this
homosexuality has done irreparable damage to this thread
oh, so hyper is homosexual but /ss/ is not? sure thing, cattroonie
>every post i don't like is by the cathag
great style
dicklet cope
whatever you say, cock-worshipper.
I pick artsts for my gens based on how the dicks look and how the eyes look.
why would you post on /h/ instead of /e/ if you don't like delicious juicy dicks?
>I pick artsts for my gens based on how the dicks look
Same, if they're dark, they're in
I mainly pick artists by hop nipples/areola and pussy looks...
this but pubes instead of dicks
I intentionally pick artists that specifically don't draw porn
(they're literally better as artists)
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Inverted nipples goes in all fields.

Noob / illu really upped the pube game it's been low key my favorite part I think besides expression variety.
>Concept-Glowing X
I couldn't find this lora, mind sharing? Love the colors and lighting
Do people use rescaleCFG? It makes gens more detailed and way more coherent seemingly but it saps the fuck out of the color
is that just an unavoidable side effect
I don't think you even need a LoRA for this on Noob and what the fuck is up with that aesthetic? Did they train on SD1.5 gens?
Yeah sorry I rename my loras to organize them a little more

can turn up the CFG to compensate
it helps in cleaning up gens sometimes though, yeah. with NAI I was using it somewhere around 0.2-0.3
i do the same, not because "better artists" cope but because it feels like violating them
based abusive anon
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holy shit box onegai!
Is it wise to attempt to cuckqueen dozens of highly armed and almost invulnerable hormonal teenagers?
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the shiny gens I made was without that lora lol, I did those when we had 1.5, I'm just retesting the prompt again. It's on purpose.

Here it is with the lora though, extra extra shiny.
Why do my gens keep breaking at high resolutions, I wanted to do 1920x1080 but it just causes issues every time.
a e s t h e t i c
Because you're not supposed to gen at that resolution
I've been really impressed with how well Illustrious handles stuff like reflective clothing and starry sky print
computer bad at picture
anyone know of a txt list of all the top artists on booru sites? id like to just wildcard every artist with like 200+ posts
Have they figured out inpaint color blending yet?
you're generating at twice the pixel density the model was trained on, probably without any of the extensions that remedy the issue. you need to stay around 1MP for base gens, so start at 1024x1024 and add/subtract 64 from each dimension in steps for the ideal base resolutions.
any 24gb chads willing to share a toml? Feel like i'm leaving a lot on the table by just raising batch size for lower vram configs
you just need to increase the LR mostly
>finish training lora
>check like 10 epochs
>have three traits I want learned
>some learned one
>some learned two
>none learned all three
>some higher epochs forget traits that previous epochs learned
This is very strange, I wonder if switching to Constant caused it. What COULD be the cause?
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you dont actually need parentheses at all. if you want to include them you need to escape them with \ but they are unnecessary. just run an x/y plot and wsee.
Sounds like you stuck at local minima, which can be caused by constant scheduler.
Wait, this isn't even porn. Unless you're a footfag that is.
Is this 1.5?
oh nice i made a lora for this ages ago
use RAUnet
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Genning girls with smaller tits than they have in canon is broke
what else would you expect from a pedo
kurisu isn't exactly known for being well endowed at all.
Should Noobai gets its own filter in Civtai or categorizing it with IlluXL is good enough?
it needs its own but it's probably worth waiting until its 1.0 epoch is released before worrying about that since any loras made for it now will likely need to be retrained again
right after v-pred 1.0 release
catbox pls?
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Once more testing the new version of anypose 2.1. I tried going for the most barebones reference image I could, with some mixed results.I think that adding at least some minor details for faces and bodies is necessary for more complex positions and interactions. As previously noted, for best results the reference image should be of the same resolution as the output you are trying to generate.

Once more, special thanks to anon for his (new) fuya lora.

Reference image used:


Guess I need to classify mine as SDXL1.0 temporary. Did they mention release date for 1.0?
Not the point of this exercise, anonkins.
uh oh sounds like a melty is talking
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lowres https://files.catbox.moe/s8q3ll.png
lowres redraw to clean the background and badly doodle a dick to the side https://files.catbox.moe/tfbih0.png
upscale https://files.catbox.moe/66kfe7.png
6 months faggot
i don't know. i'd guess that it'd be early or mid november
What's with huge loras lately?
Man, I knew Cosine with restarts was better, I should not have believed that guide that said Prodigy should only be used with Constant. 10 hours of training down the drain. What's 10 more?
You're my favourite effortposter in the thread.
>10 hours
The fuck are you doing?
My GPU is very temperamental. I've seen it go from 60s/it to 15s/it in the same training session multiple times.
oh so you can prompt artist tags just like "name_name"?
>60s/it to 15s/it
Post settings, that doesn't sound right.
no underscore
personally I can't get anytest or posetest to work well with noob
it's either too strong making the image conform completely to the sketch or it's too weak and the sketch has zero influence
finetune extracts probably
no just tag noob loras as illustrious to make them easier to find
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There is inpainted limbs mostly
Kek, I didn't think about it like that, what could they do about it anyway?
ah right underscores aren't necessary either, forgot about that
This is what I used. https://files.catbox.moe/4hrcky.json
1 repeat, 61 pics.
Max train epochs was a fat finger, didn't matter because of the max steps.
is 200 mb a huge lora?
I actually did an X/Y plot a while back and underscores make tags worse so make sure you're not using them.
yep just do spaces
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Don't worry they are getting their turn as well
good morning bakariso sir
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Tard here. How do I load a .toml file in Kohya?
I have it selected on "dataset config file" but nothing changes in the settings.

First time trying this, sorry for autism.
not my fault the colors are just better
And how much vram do you have?
nothing you cant fix with a lora and some post processing
8gb. A 3070. I assume it started slowing down because I haven't restarted my pc in like 5 days.
but nyalia is a lora
I mean those 450+ mb ones with no metadata. Those are clearly locon extracts.
a dataset config .toml and someone's settings.toml are different things. the settings .tomls you get are probably for easy training scripts, not the bmaltis gui
nothing you cant fix with some more loras and some additional loras
nice one
yeah thats literally the point?
Most likely you're hitting OOM. Try to enable full BF16 training.
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Are you describing the scene correctly? Most of my issues stem from me not describing what is happening and the AI filling the blanks with random hallucinations.
thanks bro collab when?
how do I wildcard this without manually removing all the fluff
likely 2 weeks (but unironically)
I'll try this tonight before I go to bed.
Civ needs to redesign their whole system and switch to a hierarchy listings for checkpoints in Loras.
I guess I might have been a little light on the prompting

Download the artists.json and use some text editor that lets to specify what to remove automatically like notepad++
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Why is he so fat?
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I mean, he had to knock her up twice...
The /d/ schizo likes fat men
5 days is nothing, I often have PC running for a month straight before I get into any stability issues with winshit.
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Looking through some of my artist mixes and I'm realizing I use mamimi \(mamamimi\) a lot. Any artists that you guys tend to stick with?
ai_generated is the only artist you should use
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>tfw people are talking about itt:
>Baking Illustrious loras
>mfw still using Pony

just train a lora for your pony style and move on. no other reason to stick with it at this point
>mamimi \(mamamimi\)
I thought it was jtveemo.
yd, obviously
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I'm sorry that I looked at your panties...please calm down everyone...
Very nice. Is this raw or inpainted?
omg, that's the heckin Kirisame Marisa! so based
>insecure micro pp anon jealous of the big horse pp
He only has about 20 futa posts everything else is normal women. Mofuringu is good, though.
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>mfw i confirmed that 7 out of 8 gradient accumulations are just heating my rooom
which anime is she from?
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I bring one more abomination upon this world, and no one can stop me.


there is no condom, they are fucking raw. i have never heard of this "inpainted" condom brand
Inpainted but not much, stupid RNG made me laugh
hero neisan for big juicy buttholes
mashuu \(neko no oyashiro\) or asou \(asabu202\)
also I try to change up my artist mixes completely depending on the type of mood I want for the gen ide I've got
stealth metadata
It has metadata retard
>triangle buttholes
>heavy foreshortening

I can't be bothe
>underscores make tags worse
uuhh is this true? it just looks like it creates some different noise for placebo
Might be different on Illust and Noob but on Pony the tags were weaker with underscores then without.
underscores aren't necessarily bad but they should be avoided since they waste tokens
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fullres: https://files.catbox.moe/fv6r5w.png
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Wdym, something like this? Damn their features leaks into each other so hard
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based ass man
I like 1, 5 and 7
can you do something similar for pussy, anus and nipples? pose on back with spread legs should work
I'm about to head out but when I come back, sure.
That better not be girl Diluc again.
you got a problem with fem diluc?
I prefer male Diluc
>Can't be bothe
Well why should other people be bothered to make an effort for you, you lazy tard
can someone gen my mom getting BLACKED
post mommy
anybody who chooses to masturbate to genderbent men is a closeted homosexual or an AGP troon
Didn't mean it in that way but lol, nice one.
you are low t fag who doesn't want to dominate other males
I was going to say, I can't be bothered with installing a script specifically for checking the meta data of images on one board, but I suppose that's fair enough
just call them eggs
Touhou is so fucking based...
Are you the anon who made the spitroast gen that's in the highlights?

Could you share the box for that gen and this one?

Really like this character
Very nice, may I ask for artist mix/prompt? Any LoRAs?
Blue Archive is much better
it's nai
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The new linkin park songs aren't half bad. Not chester level by a long shot but still a step above the usual imagine dragons slop
Not an issue :)
But which one has the best looking assholes?
What's the point of linking a catbox if that's the metadata

NTA actually asking
loli and piss
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the fun part is that unless a character has a lot of weird dumb outfit details it doesn't take a whole lot of effort once a routine sets in. I think for most things it's only around 10-20 minutes in post correcting random details and upscaling is absurdly forgiving to the mid-step lowres redrawing shit so unless I doing something huge and drastic that's usually a <60 second scribble that might take a few more seconds for another revision or three to correct something/"encourage" upscaling to do specific things.
(granted it all still takes effort/knowledge/having a pen tablet but it's still not all that bad after getting used to it)
photoshop, and chill he's sharing metadata all the time
Not that anon. It's just a generic gyaru with a side ponytail and a scrunchie.
I used a different revision of arako but the one linked in >>8280101 should also be fine.
I don't want to get banned.
it doesn't have actual metadata since I do a lot of shit in post.
A way to avoid bans for people who fucking insist on posting content that doesn't belong to /h/. I don't understand why it is allowed, fucking farce.
>yeah sister lets generate futa on futa loli/milf with absurd stomach bulge and cum inflation!!! btw sister when will you stop being an egg and finally start ur transition?
>uoooh bro i love cunny uoooh erotic cute erotic stomach uuoohh
Oh the classic lolibox. Makes sense.

Love the gens btw
who are you quoting?
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what is blud spittin' about
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all hags belong to /aco/
his 2 schizo personality
spit out my drink
i look like this
Are you really that mindbroken by seeing a penis that is larger than your own?
>1girl, solo, completely nude, pout, looking down, hand on own stomach, weight conscious, half-closed eyes
post it
I just ran it as a dumb idea before doing something else but here's a 2x2 grid example
Glorious kino
pony could never
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Hello, newbie here. Getting this shit to work on AMD was a bitch.
cute indeed
Based non-homosexual gen
>7xxx series
easy mode
nightmare difficulty
Do you ever take breaks from aislop?
2hu community vs cunny archive community resumed
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Also, I know she has 6 fingers but I could not for the life of me get both hands and both feet to look good at the same time, and this is the least fucked-up looking feet I could get.
I love Liru, and I love you, Anon
Thanks for data, may I also ask why the prompt's weight multipliers are written as to be rounded instead of decimals? Like (.7) should be interpreted as a full number (7) instead of 0.7
You could inpaint it to get rid of the finger without also fucking up the feet.
do you have metadata for this one?
literally in the pic
and now for what I was actually going for
(you can just duplicate the prompt except do hand on own breast and change weight conscious to breast conscious)
if I did nothing else and just NEETlyfe'd it I'd be a lot more prolific than I am. and I've had periods where I didn't touch it all that much. Though I don't really treat this like a masturbation device at all. If it wasn't this in my down time it'd be random video games or something.

>Like (.7) should be interpreted as a full number (7) instead of 0.7
(tag:.7) is functionally identical to (tag:0.7)
right sorry, turned into a habit of not checking stealth png since a lot of the time it doesnt work
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extremely based
why is it so sepia?
In IlluXL and Noob, does image size make any difference in genning? Currently using 768x1024
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how many rounds can he go
base gen should be 1 megapixel (ignoring fixes like kohya deepshrink or raunet)
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correction needed
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that fishine looks like shit
based, luv this artist and chara
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that's a third leg or futa?
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Maybe dumb question but how do I run an auto tagger
tagger extension for webui
this is going to be the easiest method and you don't have to fuss about anything. if you want to change confidence it can be edited in run.bat
I just use kohya with eva2-large
does sd-scripts have a built in tagger? or are you talking about that gradio frontend someone made for it
>that gradio frontend someone made for it
>min tag fraction in batches and interrogations
since we're on the topic of tagging has anyone experimented with this setting? i always turn it off because i don't see how less accurate tagging can help
let's see paul allen's fishine lora
in the highlights you go
What does it even do?
it lets you turn down the confidence for more verbose tagging but prevents it from spamming 100 random ass low confidence tags onto every image
What's the best way to upscale? Is it still with multidiffusion? And if so, what are the options for it?
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shiny skin sloppa is actually my guilty pleasure
I don't mind it. I'll throw in a (shiny skin:0.2) sometimes if I'm feeling daring
very nice, completely gave up on this pose on pony and didnt go around trying it again yet so im happy to see it work, mind sharing a box?
the value represents the minimum % of images in the batch that need to have a specific tag for said tag to be retained in the final batch. basically if you set the minimum tag fraction to 0.2 (20%), it means that at least 20% of the images in the batch need to have a certain tag for it to be in the final output.

so let's say you have 10 images and 3 are tagged with black hair. if the mintagfraction = 0.2, then it'll keep those images tagged that. if it is 0.33, that tag will be deleated since 3/10 images is 30% and it does not meet the 33% threshold
well it doesn't prevent low confidence tags. i know how it works, i'm more interested in whether it has an actual benefit over just tagging properly according to the image
i did one test run and that was all to convince me it was useful
daily reminder that empirical testing is better than imagining scenarios in your head then debating them on the internet
did you compare x/y grids between loras trained with it on and off?
>muh empirical testing
Imagine falling for the statistics jew
not directly, but comparing tags for each image it rarely removed anything worthwhile
for me i did one test run and that was all it took to convince me it's a fucking retarded setting and you should never use it
an anon asked me how it worked and i answered. this is also a forum for discussion. fuck off faggot
i thought this too but then i started paying attention more, what do you typically have your tag fraction set to? the default 0.05 removed joints/plugsuit/science fiction tags from an image of hatsune miku in a robotic plugsuit, which i thought was a pretty crazy omission
yeah i think the default is too aggressive
how could that possibly seem like a surprising outcome if you know how it works
well that's the thing it is the expected behavior, which is why i came here to ask if it's honestly a good thing
it's not
>no other purpose other than to bait (you)'s for attention because no one will interact with him otherwise
what does a person like this look like irl
did you reply to the wrong post?
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i might post a lora for it tonight, i'm doing a third iteration after adding some composits to try to get it to generate both sisters more easily but if this doesn't work i think i'm giving up
explain how it's not expected behavior otherwise i'll just assume you're the one shitting up the thread while people try to have a productive conversation
Do you have your own Genned waifu
hentai? no
but i had fun
bro, your reading comprehension?? i only said that it is not in fact a good thing to have less accurate tagging
you sound retarded and you wasted 30 seconds of my time so i will also tell you to kill yourself
thanks for outing yourself early. saves me the trouble
Having fun is now allowed here, anon.
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This is pretty good
im out of spooky costume ideas
good effort but fetal alcohol syndrome face
Time for spooky monster girl hybrids then like lamia, harpy girl, slime girl, etc.
is there an easy way to update this for the smilingwolf v3 taggers like eva and swin v3?
>"Completed the entire project with no stitching; every panel was generated as a full page directly from text-to-image."
Oh good idea, I'll have to see what nai can handle
command line argument --model="[model]", being either vit, vit-large, swinv2, or convnext by default. you'd have to add eva as an option but it's right at the top of run.py and you'd just add the repo path. i believe this is currently the best autotagger since it has his tag group deduplication autism implemented.
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wtf is that animal?
i kneel
All pony/brony threads, images, Flashes, and avatars belong on /mlp/.
I blow
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>Try baking a style lora
>Does not look like what it's supposed to

Anyone wanna give it a stab? I have an old dataset for Robaato.
Is there a way to keep the underscore on the output? I would also like to remove the , but its easier to clean up
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Ugly, small, broken horse
Change L197 in run.py, it both sets the delimiter and has the part that strips underscores.
looks like aco version of raita
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Correct. Seems aco just because it is full frontal
unholy abomination
I love raita but this is fucked
sir, please do not assault my eyes.
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I went too far with the breasts? :D
no, the breasts went too far
i have an old cleaned up robaato dataset myself. i'll give it a few bakes
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I took it down a notch later on
Pony died not with a bang, but with a whimper.
the size wasnt the issue
it looks like /aco/ because pony nukes any sense of contrast or detailed linework
Thanks! I cant seems to find the correct one but I know what to do whenever I find it at least
I just woke up from a coma, are there any local models better for /h/ than NAIv3 yet?
that's right, obviously not because of disney face with over the top lips
Go back to your coma and think of a better shitpost for whenever you wake up
bro what is her wingspan
but thick lips are hot...
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processed dataset for noise removal, but overspecified the grey backgrounds which caused some color depletion unless you negged grey background. fidelity went up immensely on gens. giving it another go tweaking the captions
holy cow, that's a fumo! poggers!
she found the real gomu gomu fruit
appended repos.py to use the updated taggers but this tagger is outputting completely wrong tags for me. any ideas? it works as expected, but no matter which model is used the tags are completely incorrect
i mean yeah, that too, but the overall quality of the image is just fucked. here's a random gen without any loras using https://civitai.com/models/870578

it makes pony look like an utter farce, like some kind of rounded-edges, retard-proofed image gen model. nothing it makes looks quite right, even heavily baked style loras look off.
take your time, anon. looking forward to it
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Anons, I haven't fucked around with SD in ages and recently replaced my RTX 2060 with a RX 7700XT. Seems like running SD on ayymd+winblows is now possible but what's the recommended UI/frontend/whatever for it? Should I go with Auto111 like the paleolithic ages, since I'm used to it, or is there a better way these days?
Also, are these Pony finetunes on the OP the best choice for local coomers? In some very unrelated thread I remember some anon being disappointed with them, and since I'm stuck with a 1Mb/s max connection for the next few months I can't go around checking out every other model I come across
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Robin worked out ok, I think
much better!
Those shitty bait are getting worse and worse
>what's the recommended UI/frontend/whatever for it
Auto is actually still fine, it underwent major refactoring to be much faster. Forge or reForge are forks used by many people here, especially the latter since it has a great wealth of features built in.

>Also, are these Pony finetunes
Pony is dead. Get:
Epsilon pred 0.5 from here: https://civitai.com/models/833294/noobai-xl-nai-xl
And this model for trying out vpred: https://civitai.com/models/870578
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Sorry to bother again but I cant find anything close to what you talked about, the only run.py is completely unrelated to this function and the first 400 lignes are comments anyways
>pony is dead
god shut up, you retards here are the only people who think this.
You can say you think the new stuff has interesting things going on however it obviously is not strictly better than pony mixes
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I see, thank you, reForge seems to have the directml flag that's, as far as I know, required for amd so I'll go with that
>Epsilon pred
very unfamiliar with this but it says that "V-prediction support has been added to Automatic1111 recently", I'm assuming that's also the case with reForged?
My bad, I'm using the version which is now archived on the "dev" branch. The newer one seems to have shuffled things around for the frontend release, and the parts that add commas are in the individual tag scripts invoked by each bat. I would recommend just discarding changes and checking out dev, it should be functionally identical for batch tagging and easier to deal with.
Epsilon prediction and v-param prediction are basically two different "modes" of sampling a diffusion model, the former is what most models you've used utilize while the latter is generally better but the only local model that's used it until recently was fluffyrock.
people here are getting ahead of themselves, illustrious and noob are better than base pony, so they think that it has a lot of potential which is probably true.
That doesn't make it better than going to civitai and using all the pony merges available atm
stealth metadata
keep in mind the prompt was a stupid test and that wasn't the output I was expecting
so true, keep using miqomix sar!!!!
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I think I got it working like I wanted, thanks
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freed from ma ban
I see, I see, there's so much shit I have to catch up with. One of the last big things I remember was controlnet which I still haven't tried yet. Hell I used to "inpaint" with Paint and then img2img the result to smooth it out...
I'll check some of them out in a few days, it's just that downloading anything is a pain the ass for me right now so I wanted a good one to start things with
so what's the verdict on vpred so far?
The sword should be slightly angled to match the direction of her top half.
Thats the best Camilla I have seen in a while, can I get a box?
crop king
More Shiro-chen/Mignon pls.
OUR cute wife
>10 loras
what in civitaihell is this
No, you don't get it. The girl is the blade of the sword.
So when do you guys think Noob v1 will be out? And what are they going to do after that? What happens to the compute?
>he still hasn't figured out the secret that more loras = more better
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loras i trained myself to recreate a pony mix i was using
>10 loras
dios mio. please keep using pony
i honestly cant tell the difference from noob early access version but i use it so i dont get bullied when i share a catbox
rowdy nogen get back in the cagie
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This is the canon ending to Pokemon: Sun and Moon, after dinner date with Olivia.

Also catbox to show that NO. This is not shota so please janitors/mods don't ban me again:
Pony is NOT dead dont believe what they tell you
eww disgusting cunt flaps
>shota pedos are straight!
>this picture
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I mostly gen cunny so I can't post as much as other anons here. Sorry
Who's still using SD3 and Flux?
thanks, didnt expect that

cbox? love the style.
if you inpaint a lot i'd recommend it, cropping before starting
i either do 1216x1216 or 1536x1536 with the multiple views tag
using the comic tag as well now too and liking the results
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When are Halloween parties usually? is it right now? the places I lurk around seem to be quite dead right now
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bros.. i miss her. Why didn't we appreciate the time we had with her?
if you want to do a high effort piece with a nice background flux is really good to inpaint with
he's still posting, she just doesn't look like a fucking monster
In the last few months, is there any change to flux for Forge or it still needs flux1-div-bnb-nf4-2.safetensors?
who are you arguing against? lol
idk about any of that I just use flux1-dev-fp8 out of the box
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what tag do you have for your background?
>eww disgusting cunt flaps
Anon thats... what female genitalia looks like. Never seen one up close? Maybe if you didn't stay 24 hours a day in your room shitposting here, and looking at giant futa cocks, then you might be able to get some pussy IRL.

>shota pedos are straight!
>this picture
What is homosexual about this picture, or rather, what isn't straight?

Never thought of that - how well does flux handle an images innate style with added padding? What should one prompt in flux to get a matching anime style for your initial gen?
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Dehya love
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i trained a handful of images like this on mixed media, tulpa, but i guess i dont have enough examples to make it clear the chad is realistic, the tulpa is not. would appreciate being pointed towards other examples of tulpa pictures in the wild
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Flux is really good at just matching your original gen's style if you inpaint areas, I just put digital art and descriptions for this
Thanks for the tip, I'll write that down for later!
his gens just look sovlless now
probably about 2 weeks, v-pred version trained to completion after.
>What is homosexual about this picture
idk, male asshole focus maybe?
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Catbox? I haven't been able to get as109 to come out nicely on illus/noob
his asshole looks more fuckable than that pussy.
t. heterosexual man
Subachi? Didn't expect his style to get baked in that well

this is really pretty, not seen ai do reflections like this very well
That wasn't the intention, but I do see what you mean - that is something I overlooked during inpainting everything else. I'll go fix it, brb.
>Anon thats... what female genitalia looks like
Nope, (cleft_of_venus:2) get rid of vagina beef
but what it does do is kinda nice nonetheless
gen her with less clothes some time pls
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pic related
snake wife
and one iteration had the 2d maid uniform in the unworn pile, that was sick
>That wasn't the intention
anon, shotafags are the only posters here who give such importance on male focus and their look, everyone else is posting some generic faceless ones
stop coping
>new character
>nobody makes a lora for it
>dont have enough vram to do it myself

dont worry your gacha whore n°8795791896 will get her lora asap
well there's me sinking days of effort into a lora based on a collection of gigachad memes
what character?
touhou is all you need
and petite adult snake wife boobies
with small album

I would like to redeem the mermaid https://azurlane.koumakan.jp/wiki/Ganj-i-Sawai

there's a pony lora but its ass.
too based for this thread
I took your feedback and made the changes. Is this better?:
>Midari Ikishima
bros.. I don't want to go back to pony for her lora but illu & noob can't do it..
way better nice job
so fucking based, how does one put this entire thread of 100+ posters to shame like this so easily
of course its ass she doesnt have enough art, give it a bit

there's enough of a sample size, i just dont have the gpu for it.
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redeem the cunnybox one by one please

Thanks, king

holy based
OUR wife
thank you for the feedback!
It's strange, every thread has been very based since pony images stopped being posted. What the hell is up with that?
i want to fuck your wife, bro
Has some anon managed to train successfully a concept lora on illu/noob? I have tried with prodigy but no luck, tried with adamw and had to use 0.0009 for unet LR to start to see some effect, so maybe it's a me issue.

Dim 32/alpha 32, not sure if things like these

--multires_noise_discount=0.3 `
--multires_noise_iterations=6 `
--noise_offset=0.03 `
--debiased_estimation `
--min_snr_gamma=5 `
--prior_loss_weight=1 `

Help either :(.

When training on the vpred one, added
--v_parameterization `
--scale_v_pred_loss_like_noise_pred `

But not sure if it has to be used like that.

Also for prodigy, are these optimizer settings good or could be improved?

--optimizer_args "weight_decay=0.5" "betas=0.9,0.99" "d_coef=1.0" "use_bias_correction=True" `
What even are you trying to make? How big is your dataset?
we all do anon
depends on what you call concept or successful
i kneel cunnyking
hagposters take notes of this good lad
I was trying with armpitjob-armpitsex and had not much luck. Dataset is about 157 images.

I think that's successful vs like what I'm trying IoI. The .safetensor file has the metadata?
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no, it's a finetune extraction
these scripts in sd-scripts folder
https://files.catbox.moe/j86aw9.py (rename __extractthis.py)

i ran 107 images for 20 epochs

version 2 will be a little more interesting pic related, who needs vpred?
You are NOT supposed to use any kind of noise offset with vpred.
You are NOT supposed to use any kind of noise offset with vpred.

You are NOT supposed to use min_snr_gamma and debiased estimation loss together.
You are NOT supposed to use min_snr_gamma and debiased estimation loss together.

You are NOT supposed to use scale_v_pred_loss_like_noise_pred with modern min_snr_gamma implementation.
You are NOT supposed to use scale_v_pred_loss_like_noise_pred with modern min_snr_gamma implementation.
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I aint reading all that
altho that pic is from an earlier epoch, i picked the last epoch with a local minimum of avr_loss
more details https://rentry.org/lora-is-not-a-finetune
what if you're using kohya deep shrink and running a lower resolution early in the gen?
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Nice, thanks for the guide and files, will check it out training it via this way, luckily I use sd-scripts directly since always so I can apply it directly as well.

Oh nice, noted. So it is either min_snr_gamma or debiased estimation, no noise at all with vrped.

But about the last thing, min_snr_gamma is a flag like scale_v_pred_loss_like_noise_pred or it is a value?
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>no noise at all with vrped
Yes, instead you should use --zero_terminal_snr which fixes all the issues noise offset was supposed to fix and even more.
>min_snr_gamma is a flag like scale_v_pred_loss_like_noise_pred or it is a value?
It's a value, anons found it to be most useful in 5-10 range.
Nice, so for example to train on vpred, no noise at all and either min_snr_gamma or debiased estimation, not both, but then nowadays min snr gamma is better than debiased estimation? And should be used with --v_parameterization.

So something like

min_snr_gamma 5 and --v_parameterization, without debiased estimation and without any noise should work as a start point?
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loras are good, no I will not do full fine tunes for each genshin character
no reason to give the finetune schizo any attention
Loras are snake oil, return to textual inversion.
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>feet doggystyle
What did she mean by this?
>"do a finetune instead" guy still at it
so i figured out what was wrong. if you use this tagger you have to stick with the older versions of the interrogators that it supports. if you update it to try and use eva or the other newer version, it will run but the tags it spits out are non-sense. i'd assume it's something to do with how the tags used for the new taggers and the tag list / groups used for deduplication are incompatible. just thought i'd let people here know before someone tries it themselves
>but then nowadays min snr gamma is better than debiased estimation?
No, debiased estimation is better all around.
>a start point?
--v_parameterization --zero_terminal_snr --scale_v_pred_loss_like_noise_pred --debiased_estimation_loss
No noise offset.
The Good Stuff. Thank you.
I don't have Comfy.
are you in the same room with this so-called "do a finetune instead guy" right now?
The king returns!
Are you guys excited for the highlights?
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i'm excited for the day ia schizo stops posting here forever
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Only good image itt
New Thread:

im one of them, i like trying schizo technology and it yielded good results my first try
you WILL post in my thread and you WILL be happy
>rent free
pls try gen her just like that (or close) but with no hat next time
There was some youtube meme a while ago where they endlessly reuploaded the song "just the two of us" with these mixed media kind of thumbnails.

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