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Clean Touch Edition

Previous Thread: >>8273984

A1111: https://github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui
Forge: https://github.com/lllyasviel/stable-diffusion-webui-forge | Alternative version (reForge): https://github.com/Panchovix/stable-diffusion-webui-reForge
Comfy: https://github.com/comfyanonymous/ComfyUI

Pony: https://civitai.com/models/404802 | https://civitai.com/models/288584 | https://civitai.com/models/257749
Illustrious: https://civitai.com/models/795765
Noob: https://civitai.com/models/833294

NovelAI: https://rentry.org/hdg-nai-v3
NAI API/prompting in A1111: https://github.com/Metachs/sdwebui-nai-api

Wiki: https://github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui/wiki | https://comfyanonymous.github.io/ComfyUI_examples | https://openart.ai/workflows/templates
Training: https://rentry.org/59xed3 | https://github.com/derrian-distro/LoRA_Easy_Training_Scripts | https://github.com/bmaltais/kohya_ss | https://github.com/Nerogar/OneTrainer
Tags: https://danbooru.donmai.us/wiki_pages/tag_groups | https://danbooru.donmai.us/related_tag
ControlNet: https://rentry.org/dummycontrolnet | https://civitai.com/models/136070 | https://huggingface.co/2vXpSwA7/iroiro-lora
IOPaint (LamaCleaner): https://www.iopaint.com/install
Upscalers: https://openmodeldb.info
Booru: https://aibooru.online
4chanX Catbox/NAI prompt userscript: https://rentry.org/hdgcb
Pony-related: https://rentry.org/ponyxl_loras_n_stuff | https://rentry.org/ponyxl_lora_previews | https://lite.framacalc.org/4ttgzvd0rx-a6jf
Illustrious-related: https://rentry.org/illustrious_loras_n_stuff
Useful Nodes/Extensions: https://rentry.org/8csaevw5

OP Template/Logo: https://rentry.org/hdgnew/raw | https://files.catbox.moe/xk99gy.png | https://files.catbox.moe/35bdt5.gif

Previous Thread Highlights



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>i made it
Based, still kill yourself familia
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I like how spooky the previous thread was
Yay my halloween pic got in
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>0 ponyslop in highlights
we're so fucking back
Sir please redeem catbox sir
kill yourself
Fuck I thought I was gonna be half the highlights this time with the amount of box requests I was getting last thread. I fell off, not even a single one...
>made in twice
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Here you go sir

>Wanted to check out that new IterComp snake oil
>Git Cloning it froze my entire computer
Guess I'll wait untill it gets uploaded to Civitai
Sorry sir there was an error, please accept my apologies sir.

Here is your redeem

>Guess I'll wait untill it gets uploaded to Civitai
advokat is way ahead of you
What the fuck, I just searched earlier today and couldn't find it. Goddamn Civitai search...
>git cloning
>an already trained model
why do you need their repo
Because it was in diffusers format and it needs to be converted to safetensors to be used.
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I just deleted 25gb of pony loras. I'm never going back.
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boxes please

box please? will you upload lora?
is there a list of illustrious expressions anywhere?
read the op
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their pretrained model is slop
only worth using if you retrain their (ai generated:1.8) reward model and then train a sdxl model with it
kill yourself
Can anyone explain the reasons for this relentless anti-pony shit? I get, you want to explore new models, but why bother other anons with your shit? Let us post pony gens in peace. I thought this would pass but no, the schizos just can't fucking stop.
Take your ponyslop to /aco/ where it belongs
If you had issues prompting anime on pony, it's not my fucking problem, it's yours, schizo.
it's fucking ugliness could be detected from a 50x50 px thumbnail
dont make garbage and people wont shit on you, model used is not relevant
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>Can anyone explain the reasons for this relentless anti-pony shit?
Astralite and his crew had a falling out with an anon who loved PonyXL, and that anon has become their #1 Hater, livid that people dare to use the model of the people who betrayed them.
>"And when everyone's a slopper...no one will be."
Weird looking /h/ gen there bud. Proof that you generated this?
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Minor requests tier :3
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no ayakon in filename...
>making bank and living rent-free in schizo's head while barely even posting anything
>making bank
How is he not embarrassed to use that piece of broken slop as his banner? Is it actual high-level trolling?
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this but her getting fucked by a fat janitor
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what the fuck thats mine
Ya I liked it so I saved it
you repost other people's gens?
im glad you like it but i was not expecting that
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Weird little creatures.
to be fair he improved it
How does masked loss work?
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what do you mean improved it lol?
he made the guy white
That's a child
bro i literally genned both of those
sexy, yeah?
>original gen do not steal

Thoughts on DC-AE? Is this supposed to replace vae? Can this be a drop in replacement?
didn't read, but no, if there's anything i've learned these past two years is nothing ever happens
The demo was pretty bad. Only salvageable part of that model is the te
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>drop in replacement
when it comes to the vae nothing is. retrain the model from scratch to use it :)
Why use those smileys like on some lame forum?
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Fuck Araragi is so based
>image didn't get any (You)'s
>still made it on the highlights
what does this mean
Because pony created still the best model and hashed their favourite vtuber girls and chinese artists.
highlighter anon is savior of those threads
he is blind to quality and actually retarded
any good flat color near chibi artstyles?
I love naga u for this purpose
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is there a tag for when the penis is taken out it goes POP! ?
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>Is this supposed to replace vae? Can this be a drop in replacement?
no it's just the super compressed vae used by sana
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NTA but quick edit.
why her pinky so long
loli feet
for the anon asking about the nonco lora, I was going to wait for the full release for noobai, but here it is

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nice style
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Why is it sloppy
And why isn't yours?
people that use a lot of cocaine will usually grow out their pinky so that they have an easier time lining it up
no? https://civitai.com/models/840857/itercomp
terada tera
>finally train a good rhasta lora that manages the shading well and doesn't shit itself and stop working when genning certain characters
>it just doesn't know how to generate them instead and completely overpowers character loras
monkey's paw artist
skill issue anon
that's what finetunes are for
>inb4 nooooo we must prune artists just as astragod did111!11
Tag better, normalize.
cattroonie returns!
return of cattroon
return of cattroon
return of cattroon say nonono
>test lora
>test earlier epoch
>still overfit
>test earliest epoch that was saved
>stop using prodigy
was adamw8
i liked 150 clitoral hood gens more
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I don't know why, maybe it's the colors, but this style reminds me of corporate memphis
turn down your cfg god damn, otherwise nice style
>increase saturation
>blind anon: eerm... bubby, the CFG?? It's fried...
I see what you mean.
Slightly distorted perspective and proportions (we can see that in her face mostly), oversaturated colors with flat shading.
I just noticed Illustrious has received its own Base model filter on civitai
Finally, was getting tired of finding them through the XL filter
we won
We're big boys now bros
kind of funny since angel has been crying for months that astralite must have bribed the civitai staff to have pony as a base model
good. hope they delete pony filter as obsolete
>it's real
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It's probably the high contrast / colorful tags too alongside the meyoco artist tag.
Here it is without those and the CFG set to 5. I like them both to be honest, still mostly playing around with it.
Honestly, good. I just want to see Pony eventually drowned out, or at least competed with. Still a god awful website that I'll continue to avoid.
let the hoarding begin once more...
inb4 vpred noob releases tomorrow, obsoleting illustrious category
>filter it for styles
>half the results are THEANTLERS with his shitty underbaked loras
It's going to be funny if Noob reaches a state LAX deems "complete" and it's too far diverged to be compatible with Illust LoRAs so they have to make ANOTHER category.
That's on civit for having such a stupid categorization. It should be a treeview and there should a measure for divergence between models that you can set as a filter
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Thankfully civitai actually has one good feature
it already is, but they've made categories for models that have maybe 10 uploads total on civit so i don't see why they were dragging their feet for illustrious
if i did that then i wouldnt be able to complain though
Ah yeah it was definitely the meyoco tag
Can't argue that, good point
after setting my illustrious loras to the proper category i noticed that it also disables on site generation lol
onnsite gens favors pony
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>Scrolling through the illustrious category on civitai
>See a lora for best girl in seasonal anime
>Of course it's trained only in the anime style

They don't know how hard they're nerfing their loras at all
>anime girls
>trained in anime style
What's the problem?
I meant in the same homogenous style that is seen in the anime, without any artistic variation from having used any other artists whatsoever
anime is for cringe losers
the dandadan gilf?
latentupscalersisters... are we winning????? or should i return to my cave?
deepshrink brought us back
>best girl in seasonal anime
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sister what is that? i just woke up from my deep slumber
>See a lora for best girl in seasonal anime
but you don't need a lora for llenn?
what was the last one u used xir
normal latent at 0.55 denoise or higher
i didnt liked nearest or nearest-exact that much, but i think its just a me issue
It's Isekai trash, the second season of Seirei Gensouki... Celia Claire
>OG og latent upscale
yea literally anything is better than that now
why is it so blurry?
>get tired of cooming
>start genning girls just to see what kind of swimsuit ai will give them
gen your waifu doing a backflip on the beach
I've just been genning 2girls, french kiss, hand on another's face, multiple views gens for the past 30 minutes
Porn gets boring quickly kek
>it's true
Sick. Just updooted all my loras.
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pushups are pretty good
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1gril standing has always been the real deal
perspective machine broke
Did the same not long ago but with strangling, hand on another's neck instead, shit's hot
ok then which one should i try/use?
its not that blurry if used at 0.62
>idk why but the quality is less than u made idk but we actually using the same words right????
Noob page starting to get flooded with civit jeets commenting shit like this
kys racist
how many years until we get robogfs like that?
Hello EPIC
don't use noobslop
use Illu smooth
Never happening, roasties would riot
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>1.5 hour batch size 2 lora has style quality just about on par with the 6 hour batch size 18 lora but the anatomy is way worse
please no
fellas, I managed to run an XL model with ComfyUI after Forge decided to just not cooperate, do you have any recommended extensions/nodes for basic stuff?
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I'm currently an AI janny
I actually don't mind it much (it's 1000% better than every other job I've ever had) I just didn't wanna work today and it's fun to complain. I'm done now though.
>I'm currently an AI janny
get a real job
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Remembering how the MC for this show was, he would 100% request this
I'm trying...
That man has such a gentle right hand
Don't forget to unfuck hands bubby
fuck, u right
was too focused on the face not being melty
>fucked up hands
what is this? 2022?
This shit is entirely depends on the artist tags you use, moron. You wouldn't use a hammer to cut cloth? Same bloody principle.
Harder to get fried look, worse colors, better detail, has somewhat better understanding of /d/ due to inclusion of e621
Easy to fry, much better colors, slightly worse with detail
you might be right, unfortunately
>using a lora from civit
you get what you deserve
miqomix is on civit thoughover
where do I go for loras then?
It's fried
It's melting
It's blurry
I hate the fact that you are so right about this, I really hope a new version of noob drops this week
It's pony
Is there a way to get tag autocomplete functionality in waifuset?
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i probably should have just accepted that nobody with a 90 series card would test this two years ago
basically every batch size 3 gen with turbo fucked anatomy looks completely fine with batch size 18. i'm going to decrease the GA steps until i stop getting improved anatomy, not a huge fan of 3-6 hour training times
overwhelming (me) victory

are you saving these as low quality jpg or some shit? because there are jaggies that are not present in the original. don't tell me you're using a compression method besides progressive 3+ scans or setting the quality to like 3 or some shit
metadata p-please?
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It's SUPER gacha. Maybe you can find a better set of tags to use. 95% of the gens I was getting the guys upper body morphing into the desk or the desk basically having an entire room under it. This is the base image but I had to inpaint in the sides of the desk and I upscaled it as well.

Used this hirune lora: https://files.catbox.moe/0g0cpn.safetensors
wheres the alternate halloween outfits you soulless fags?? wheres the holiday spirit?
this isnt /e/, we dont do dress up here
but why would they care about us? they only care about the top 1% of men and im pretty sure those men wouldnt even need to ask for a sexbot
>no gen
we're a week from halloween
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>It's SUPER gacha
I think you forgot to add "male head out of frame" sir
I've had a bot watching these threads for a couple weeks and listing all catbox, mega, and mediafire links here: https://rentry.org/illustrious_loras_n_stuff

For mega links it tries to grab list of files found within and will generate a tree of all safetensors files.

Not sure if anyone is using it, only posted about it a couple times but I would like to humbly request if you're going to post a lora include a description in the post as well as the base model it's for (illustrious, noonbnai, noobnai .5, pony, etc). I'm going to move it and make it more of a general lora tracker instead of only illustrious since we seem to be moving quite fast with the model releases.
that's sexy
based archiver
Do we have any new cool finetune or something? Did any coomer already put their hands on sd 3.5?
It's in the op, but it accidentally picked up quite a few pony loras
yeah the 3.5 anime finetune is up on civitai
I don't understand the appeal of sex toys.
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Request Anchor
They stimulate the erogenous parts of your body.
anons mom getting raped by 3 men including himself
Hands aside. Nice to see some Kantoku.
Would rather gen a girl getting fucked by an actual dick. Sex toys are lame.
dam I got 1 in
Is Illustrious the new thing now?
newfag first gen
yes but avoid shitmixes like noob
Damn bro, did you even use a prompt?
it's the implication that makes it hot
Or try both Illustrious and noob-ai (a fine-tune on illustrious) and see which one you like the most.

Noobai is better at niche sex concepts in my testing, while others claim illustrious is better at some artstyles that noob may or may not have lost. I personally prefer Noobai.

Not a bad start, what checkpoint/model are you using if I might ask? I can give some tips if you'd like
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Multiple views is fun to dice roll with sometimes
damn yeah that's good
I should try out some multiple views stuff too
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cut-in is also a nice tag combined with close-up + description of action, pic and catbox related.
>equine anus
good morning sir!
Oh that's good. I was trying to use "cross section" but it almost always is just an x-ray vaginal shot.
Calling noob a finetune or shitmix of illu is retarded. It has about as much in common with its illu base as illu has with its kohaku base.
it's shitposters
bait or mental retardation?
holy motherfucking shit, pony literally could never HHAHAHAAHAAHAHAH i realize more and more how SHIT pony really is
samefag shill
good morning to you too mr.
You don't get it, you HAVE to shit on pony to fit in. No thoughts, no nuance. Pony is bad, okay?
so true astrasissie, we wont let animekeks win this time!!!
But most of our posters upload their loras there?
This, but unironically
it is tho
There is no need to shit on it. It was a good model for its time, but if you refuse to migrate to the better models we have now, you're a retard
are those people who refused to migrate in the room with us right now?
The people saying this stuff are the same retards who pretended NAI3 was worse than 1.5 with loras.
If you have to use loras to get decent results your model is shit
they're on /e/ for some godawful reason
Yea Ayakon is watching over your shoulder anon, be careful
/edg/ was murdered by ia schizo and only retards post there now
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what's your opinion on pink cat anon, anon?
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powerful. raw. honest. this is the post
I didn't, I just started to read documentation. Even when I specified to be hetero it generated a futa pic.
sir redeem the box sir
What model are you using? I haven't seen any futas on noob even when using a futa artist
souless and has a weird ugly neck
true gen, sovl and great
the true identity of /hdg/
anon you're responding to either a terminal retard or a troll
Is bbc the crab form of AI hentai?
This isn't 2021 anymore dude, upscale your pics for fucks sake.
Is native higher batch size or higher batch size via gradient accumulation better?
it's jpeg
i don't know and i can't test that. they should be the same thing though
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please catbox
>be genning 1 girl, beach
>girl has animal ears
>ai gives her a straw hat that i didn't prompt for with cutouts for her ears
idk i stole it from the 2hu ai thread lmao
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some a/b noob vpred tests on anon's dataset >>8273905
the train seed is the same, epoch count is the same, the gens are not cherry picked, prompts are taken from danbooru and cleaned from censoring. a bit underbaked in general, but should do for a test.

which column looks better to you?
Oh it's back? Nice. Been a while since I last checked /jp/.
>which column looks better to you?
>5 options
>only 4 columns
i removed that already kek
Anyone have eye style prompt cheat sheet? I remember seeing one ages ago but i can't find it.
thank you for fixing it
Nice to have a model that can actually do cool sfw images, unlike pony.
what are the differences between the columns
also box on the second one on the top tow?
nice tits
>what are the differences between the columns
i really wish to get more than 3 votes before i reveal that
>also box on the second one on the top tow?
arako-o, + https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/7999625 + (masterpiece, best quality:1.1), newest
>i really wish to get more than 3 votes before i reveal that
sorry but these threads only have 3 posters left
its you, me, and then me again
can confirm, I'm me
seconding this
Can confirm, it's just me and you guys that are my split personalities
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3 looks the closest to the artist
reForge had a pretty major seed reproducibility issue and ztSNR wasn't being applied at all (either by the extension or option in settings). It's fixed now. Pull latest dev_upstream for it.
I tried training some loras on noob-vpred model (concepts), using --v_parameterization as parameter (else it outputs just noise) and getting way better results than training some concepts on base illu or the noob epsilon model, well, on any noob model (haven't tried them on illu)

Tried with --zero_terminal_snr as well, but got worse results.
As reforge guy, man really thanks, you nailed it with these commits, really impressive.

At the end I tried the other day applying the text encoder into the model itself as comfy do but had issues, but i'm really thankful of you by fixing this.
Out of curiosity what CFG are you using when generating on the vpred test model? And are you making sure to disable all noise settings like ip_noise_gamma, noise offset, and pyramid noise?
No problem.
Loading external VAEs seem to not work properly too. I don't know if you planned to look into that but I can try if you want. I was testing with the one anon shared in https://pixeldrain com/l/WkpZ51hp (lpips_avgpool_e4.safetensors in particular) and it prints a bunch of key errors to the console, and then the VAE results in producing more saturated colors -- which it should not be doing (the actual change should be very subtle). Can test in ComfyUI to see what it should actually be doing.
If you could take a look it would be great, I haven't had much time because IRL work except by some breaks. Some months ago when I did a commit a lot was on holidays (yes idk why I coded on vacations)

So now I'm mostly trying to catchup in weekends.

For VAE I only used the one with fix (sdxl_vae_fixedfp16.safetensors), so haven't actually tested other ones. Code to load it should be on modules_forge/forge_loader, and comes it is inherited from ldm_patched.modules.sd.py
the hands are fucked though
right but that's fixable. i'm giving my opinion on which one is closest to the artist, since it's a style lora
which looks the second best?
5-6, not sure if it's too much?

Here are the settings, I mostly re-used one that like 6 months ago from pony and added v parametrization

I use .ps1 scripts on windows to call the venv of sd scripts


For the non vpred model, basically same settings but without --v_parameterization and got worse results, on either normal or vpred noob.
i don't think any of them get close to the artist style besides 3, but between the three of them it's definitely 2
THEANTLERS is the nochekaiser of style loras
Do you guys use caption dropout for character loras?
requesting medadata for this picture please.
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it's pony
Turns ot there is a Porno LoRA:

It's a nice pic so thanks for posting it.
poor man's crying over how little she cares
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bonus comparison against base model/2nd col model
well, that really proves that debias fix is better than minsnr, it's just that it wasn't applied correctly without the fix and scale_v_pred_loss_like_noise_pred it seems
1 - lr=2e-5 fixed debiased
2 - lr=2e-5 fixed debiased + scale_v_pred_loss_like_noise_pred
3 - lr=4e-5 fixed debiased + scale_v_pred_loss_like_noise_pred
4 - lr=2e-5 min snr gamma 5
see https://github.com/kohya-ss/sd-scripts/pull/1715

vpred+ztsnr, 30 epochs, cosine lr scheduler at 0.5 repeats, lion, unet finetune, seed 10.
ip_noise_gamma, noise offset, and pyramid (multires) noise disabled (obviously)
yeah amputee abuse is so fucking based
im nooooticing
Okay, turned out to be a lot simpler than I expected, because Forge actually had the same exact issue.
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They were tears of joy thanks to Auska's blessings.
Wait, catbox removes metadata too now?
He catboxed a jpg.
Jpg pictures can have metadata too.
He doesn't usually post metadata since the images are heavily inpainted so it's mostly useless.
>are heavily inpainted so it's mostly useless.
That's a very weird claim. If you want to keep your prompts a secret for commercial purposes or whatever, just day so.
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amazing, thanks anon.
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How much will this delay v4?
You've got the right attitude but applied at the wrong time. ask for metadata (or artist or model or w/e) and THEN rage if it's not given.
Can't pre-emptively complain.
>why did he catbox it to begin with!
because he's pretty sure he's posting it in the wrong board and he doesn't want to be where he belongs because where he belongs makes him sick.
What kind of abuse though
Make a horror gen, they are easy mode for the highlights
I think the thread is moving too slow now.

Give me your waifu and I will put them into a training centrifuge for astronauts/pilots until they pass out.
anon's mom
isla (plastic memories)
Hakurei Reimu
accio, opossumachine, houtengeki
have fun
if you catbox without metadata ur a nigger
simple as
Cattleya from queen's blade. Mostly because i'm interested in the physics of her massive tits.
Vita from Nanoha
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fuck you that was my secret patreon artist mix my livelihood is ruined!!!!
Alice Carroll
Edomae Luna or Shiranui Akeno
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any way to make illustrious stop genning grey bars on the sides of images?
someone show this euge quiclky
Philomela from Ancient Magus Bride
the trick is to just not worry about inane shit that has nothing to do with the content of the image
nobody cares if there are grey bars, fixing that will still yield mid gens
Already did that, unfortunately I deleted the picture :c it's probably in some earlier thread when all the anon's mom stuff started, if someone can find the original thread.

This is more than I bargained for o_o, I'll have a look into each character, but I can't guarantee that I'll do all of them

I assume this one was meant for me
Please pay 25$ to remove the grey bars, sir
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>I assume this one was meant for me
correct. I'm a retard
jordach has seen the secrets of the latent space and is working on a solution
I swear, every so often, NAI decides to just shit the bed, and every gen ends up looking like dogshit for a couple of hours. Same settings, same prompt, totally different results. It goes from pumping out amazing pictures to suddenly forgetting that humans tend to have two arms and two legs.
easily disproven if you load the generation params for an old gen you think is superior
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is there some v-pred settings I'm missing?
my images turn out either very blobby or full of artifacts with very low details (using noobai)
nevermind, i figured it out. if i just put scan in the negatives, it makes it so it doesnt generate the grey bars anymore. no clue if that will impact styles though.
the released vpred version is just underbaked
catbox your image so it has metadata otherwise we can't do much to help
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1. use the itercomp merge
2. don't turn your cfg past 6 unless you're using the rescale addon, ztsnr shits itself at high cfg
oh so I should be using epsilon?
sure, I was just wondering if someone had a clue from the look of the image
I copied the schizo negative paragraph from another artthat looked better
Same generation parameters, same seed, different results.
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>oh so I should be using epsilon?
yeah the eps 0.5 is a later epoch
>Sampler: DPM++ 2M, Schedule type: Karras, CFG scale: 7
Baseline for testing should be Euler, Normal, CFG = 5 imo. Higher CFG is especially going to be cooked on v-pred.
git pull. the version you're using doesn't work with ztSNR.
>schizo negative
Simplify your prompt.
>should be using epsilon?
If you don't know what you're doing, yes. Next v-pred release will be much better and will tell the UI exactly how it should load the model so you don't have to use any extra extensions.
are there any other places that japanese artist show nsfw variations other than patreon/fanbox?
I love this high contrast stuff desu
it's been over a month now anon
Yay Inuyashaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
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thanks for the tip, I'll get the repo

I'll try ICM too, low cfg is already looking better (still cooked for now)
we are gonna get shitpost about "what is the new model, is it still pony????" for like the next 4 month
the only column that doesn't have occasional fucked up fingers or other distortions is 2
answer now
only the second column is the correct choice by the way
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ohohoh. Now we're cookin
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>torn choker tag only has 59 hits on danbooru
it's so over
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Why debiased fries the colors so much? Even when I lowered lr by almost 10 times it's still too bright, was trained with drhead fix btw. Should loss scale option be applied?
Here's a gen similar to yours with the settings I'm using on noobaiVpreditercomp, there's stealth pnginfo.
Is that fix even any good? Caused some discussion last time
it's what I've been using in the one you're quoting too. Though yours looks even cleaner, maybe because of some schizo I forgot to clean up
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pony is still the best model
haha so funny. here is your updoot good sir!
that's why you're posting so many gens using it, right?
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It was my first functioning model
Prove it
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Ryuk getting it
Don't know, trying to figure out if debiased even good at the first place for loras and it has absolute oppose effect to minsnr, which will let you train at low batch for longer with higher lr
kino spooky ougi gen
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Gets me every time
i'm seeing in this image literally the exact same thing i saw in my debiased loss tests - the number tattoo is absolutely fucked by it. if you have any small details its just unusuable
ai generated porn will never get better than this
love the texture of the shoes and skirt, nice art style.
merges of pony are still obviously the best, illustrious is so overrated
How can anything compete with this?
the gen that killed the miqo avatarfag
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i'm gonna be honest i was doing a lot of testing with different settings and debiased estimation seemed more of a hassle than a clear improvement
he's still among us tho
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Wait that was something he actually genned? I thought it was someone posting it as a meme impersonating him.
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Nah, it was his gen. I posted it as an example of grotesque proportions in miqofag's gens and then someone else made an edit with smaller head and added fingers and started reposting it.
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i already answered >>8276862
>Should loss scale option be applied?
yes, it's called scale_v_pred_loss_like_noise_pred in sd-scripts. use it and fixed debiased which uses 1 / (snr_t + 1) instead of 1 / torch.sqrt(snr_t)
you say it like the number tattoo isn't fucked on the first example, but anyway, have more numbers (base/debiased+scale/minsnr)
tattoo is mostly fucked due to small dataset, debiased just makes learning the dataset more efficient. after all, euge used fixed debiased for vpred experiment
did you use scale_v_pred_loss_like_noise_pred?
Why did god imprison so many black men in the latent space?
it's less fucked and there is not a "small dataset" for miku's tattoo lol
if you arent blind youll see that the middle column has more fuckups than the rest, and are you doing min snr 5? that's too aggressive imo
You may not like this, but this is what peak /hdg/ looks like
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just looked inside the dataset lmao
when the anon is sus
that image appears twice there by the way
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>did you use scale_v_pred_loss_like_noise_pred?
yes. i don't think debiased makes enough of a difference for me to care to finetune my settings for it
ok nvm lol reminder that dataset is everything

regardless, none of the others produce such distortions as debiased loss
really bold today
but breasts are not visible so it's impossible to tell if that's a loli or not
>breasts are not visible
you said it
Thankfully pedos are guilty until proven innocent
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> No bunny gf to grind her thighs and pussy against your cock until you cum.

How do you guys manage the burden?
have another
are these distortions you keep talking about in the room with you right now?
only one column changed the basic swuare shape of the tattoo, only one added an extra number where one didn't belong
how a 100% debiased preference over minsnr is not a reason enough to start tinkering with it
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groping is /h/ shitposter-kun
>all the 1.5 ones meniaMix, xMix, toonAnime, revAnimated, expmixline
>All the loras
>different versions of each
>custom mixes
>custom loras

when does it end?
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>swuare shape of the tattoo
that's how the artist draws those numbers, in fact it's weird that minsnr didn't learn it
>one added an extra number
that's absolutely true for minsnr too
Delete everything but noob, it's that easy
>more than 75% of the models you named are shitmixes
wow that's a lot of great effects in that gen
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should've fixed the four eyes pumpkin but otherwise lol
they're both shit
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Hee hee I put our cute favorite Touhou girl Hakurei Reimu into a G-force centrifuge for astronauts, hopefully she doesn't get hurt or anything :)))))))
I like the mixes, they give me different flavors of the same recepie that I already like, but most of them are probably useless already, still I cannot bring myself to delete them.

I think that most of the mixes could achieve the same results with a style lora instead of wasting 6gb of space everywhere.
Are you sure you are baking minsnr with right lr? 2e-5 is nothing for lora with minsnr, maybe up to 1e-4 at least
>euge used fixed debiased for vpred experiment
Noob have some tendency to output oversaturation with some prompts too
why is she so fat?
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something struck right with the image quality on this bake, which i havent been able to recapture yet even though i think i improved pose comprehension in other bakes
next ill try adding tags like masterpiece, worst quality, sketch, jpeg artifacts etc tags to my dataset and see if that improves things
ill always give effort gens a based
>Are you sure you are baking minsnr with right lr? 2e-5 is nothing for lora with minsnr, maybe up to 1e-4 at least
like i said, i use lion optimizer. it consumes way less memory than adamw and learns faster, but requires lower lr. and it's not a lora, it's a finetune.
the pussy cracked me up
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oops forgot the bestiality tag to make him blacker
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uh oh
where are you getting 100% debiased preference from? that poll? i did testing myself and didn't come to that conclusion.
2nd column was trained with scale_v_pred_loss_like_noise_pred and fixed debiased. 3rd column was trained without those options. both were trained with znsr on. ignore the 4th column that was just for fun. perhaps it's because i use a config that typically does not use fixed debiased, but i didn't find any marginal improvement with fixed debiased, and it doesn't seem better enough to be worth pursuing personally. reminds me of people trying different schedulers with no real gain.
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You could say that all those g-forces are hitting her... G-spot ;)
oh you.jpg
NAI is doomed
meant to say optimizers
Next level self insertion
I think its better like this than with faceless males
what a weird ass fetish
Is piss /d/?
>3rd column was trained without those options
no way, was that constant schedule?
nah, ive seen people post tons of gens with women squirting
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Ran another test with anytest v2.1. You will get better results if the resolution is around 1024, and not much larger. Any smaller and it completely ignores it, any larger and it hallucinates extra shit.
is it possible to train a vae which will ignore jpeg artifacts instead?
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as an aside, though ive done a good amount of hunting for images, it would help to get the highest quality gigachad edits and other sleek n tears images you have. especially ones like this that combine photos with 2d tulpas
oh, i should maybe add tulpa as a tag
i am bothered they did not put in the effort to fix the reflection in this
>is it possible to train a vae
Nobody has so I'm assuming no.
see >>8272522
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cosine scheduler without restarts
>next ill try adding tags like masterpiece, worst quality, sketch, jpeg artifacts etc tags to my dataset and see if that improves things
why would you add these to your dataset tags. what model are you training on
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>it's a finetune
Maybe this is why results are better, it just fry the hell out of the lora even with adam at 1e-5 for me, even more aggressively than prodigy
Very pretty eyes bro (no homo)
Gorgeous, what's her name?
i was asking about timestep scale schedule anon, it can be constant, minsnr or debiased, so i'll just assume you used minsnr
anyway, how many repeats did you use?
how are you still keeping those 1.5 model, thats some next lvl hoarding I dont want to see your house
the idea is to bias gens towards the higher contrast, higher detail images in the set and away from the worst quality ones added just to have broader examples
oh yeah minsnr for the third one at min_snr_gamma=10.
>anyway, how many repeats did you use?
10 repeats. it seems high but typically when i train with a small dataset i like to test out different amounts of repeats and even at 10 it came out well without being overfit on anything when compared to the same gens without the lora
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need to see this ghost girl slobbering on a thick cock
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can you please at least color correct those miqomix gen so its a little less obvious
adamw's 1e-5 is similar to lion's 2e-6, how did even you manage to fry something at this lr unless you used really high alpha?
i used 1 repeat with 30 epochs kek, gonna raise lr to 2.5e-5 and retrain for 50 epochs
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I'm a collector, but my house is nice and tidy.
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Thanks, Anon.
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realization that for entire year ive been generating computer noise that resembles anime drawings of penis in vagina just hit me like a truck
what the fuck am i doing with my life
>you used really high alpha?
Equal to dim. Even like that I could go up to 2e-4 without debiased with adam, prodigy was free to set even up to 4e-4 with illustrious as a base without frying anything that deep, I'll try one more time with loss scaling, but it's really as another anon said just so much of a hassle for questionable setting
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>can you please at least color correct those miqomix gen so its a little less obvious
Why would I want to hide what model I use? I'm not ashamed of it.
your best?
why are there even circles? most artists don't even have any any friends and are the sole member of theirs. Just makes it annoying to look them up
>i used 1 repeat with 30 epochs kek, gonna raise lr to 2.5e-5 and retrain for 50 epochs
if it helps i'm training with a batch size of 4 and only the unet at 5e-4 on 8bit adam with 12 dim, 12 alpha, 8 conv dim, 4 conv alpha using networks.lora (not lycoris)
i was getting off to this fact during the NAI leak so i dunno what the problem is
What else is there to do? You can either chase the greener grass until you drop dead or accept that it is rotten everywhere
Using computer to generate anime girls was one of my main dreams, I'm having the time of my life
I just went in today and deleted the past 6 months of gens (~25 gb) because I know I've already jacked off to them once and I'll never go back to them ever again
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hope you saved some as a time capsule anon
indians could have fueled their patreons for months with those images, you heartless swine.
Did the same today, but in my case it was because they were genned with p*ny, no way I'm keeping that trash
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>realization that for entire year ive been generating computer noise that resembles anime drawings of penis in vagina just hit me like a truck
>what the fuck am i doing with my life
Enjoying life obviously
We didn't have this tech 10 years ago, no need to get existential about it. Often people spend an entire year on shit that is less useful than generating AI smut
box? looks really good
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guaranteed spot in the spooky highlights
>i'm not ashamed of it
You should be. its 2 loras (not made by him) merged into a real model (not made by him). the guy who "made" it is genuinely retarded. the look itself is also taken from here. model has diminished ability to do other things because again, made by a retard.
By downloading it you're supporting the second worst kind of people that exist in the AI realm. The worst obviously being third worlders of all sorts.
Why is it...what the fuck
la creatura... chupanegra...
i see, so you didn't apply the fix. debiased is fucked for vpred without it, that's why that pr exists in the first place
i'm training with a batch size of 28 using a heavily modified sdxl_train.py script
>with 12 dim, 12 alpha, 8 conv dim, 4 conv alpha using networks.lora (not lycoris)
and i feel so happy i don't have to worry about any of this shit, nor do i have to worry about lora issues, like literally this is such a relief
Oh wait the fix that was in the pr was not about 1 / torch.sqrt(snr_t) kek, yeah I should apply that then
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HONEY, I'M HOME. No but forreal, was out until a little while ago, enjoy.
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>randomly shitting on third worlders
Oh its schizoanon
Opinion discarded
>and i feel so happy i don't have to worry about any of this shit, nor do i have to worry about lora issues, like literally this is such a relief
i mean i never worry about any of those settings either. regardless, good for you anon
for training, is there a diff in perf or output between using xformers or sdpa? what is the most used nowadays, still xformers?
xformers as they're deterministic now so there's no real reason to use sdpa
sdpa uses *a bit* less memory but also is a bit slower
one of the best people I've ever known is from brazil.
That doesn't change the fact of what 99% of civitai is made of and who is making it.
thanks anons, will keep on xformers then. tried to build it from source on windows and it fails on latest versions for some reasons, so now just using the stable one that works with just the pip install.

sdpa isn't deterministic?
who's made pony?
he's right though
Some ponyfucker
>thanks anons, will keep on xformers then. tried to build it from source on windows and it fails on latest versions for some reasons, so now just using the stable one that works with just the pip install.
are you an old anon getting back into it? there's no need to build your own xformers nowadays, the webuis come with pretty up to date packages and optimizations
>sdpa isn't deterministic?
it is deterministic, which is the one thing it had going for it back when older versions of xformers weren't deterministic. but they are now, so ditto
imagine slurping on some ponylover's brazil cock for almost a year, mmmhm, tasty (no homo)
I use torch nightly so there isn't builds that works out of the box for it, so returned to torch stable now for xformers. But nice that it just werks now.
he should kill himself and so should you
Every day that passes, pony becomes less relevant. How will the horsefucker redeem himself? Pruning even more artists? Adding even more ces to the dataset?
This is the coolest looking shit
censoring, I mean captioning is just done so beware the incoming V7!!!
It honestly doesn't look good for him. He vastly overestimates the impact that his curated dataset will have and all the artificial restrictions that he places on the model in the name of safety don't help either. I'm also kinda skeptical of DiT models for art oriented datasets.
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>imagine slurping on some ponylover's brazil cock for almost a year, mmmhm, tasty
>imagine tasting your orgasm juices all over his dick, and noticing how thick it had gotten even after constant fucking and sucking.
>imagine slipping his glans past your lips, and looking up at him with his cock in your mouth.
>imagine your eyes meeting, seeing his gaze get more intense, and his shaft swell up more
>imagine making it so his cock could never go flaccid. Forever hard and ready for your slutty third-worlder brazilian mouth
>naishills are in shambles
>pony v7 will fail
>noob 1.0 vpred will mog every model in existence
Future is looking bright
Whatever he does end up releasing, it's going to be a shitshow because he made the amazing decision to have the dataset be 25% real images. Gonna have to be lots of "safety" work done to try to prevent people from generating all sorts of fucked up shit. He's just a fucking retard desu.
>have to be lots of "safety" work done
it's not "have to be", it's already done
And we'll still stuck with 4ch vae and 1024*1024 base resolution. Doomed to forever gen low detail images
The real enemy is the horsefucker, there's nothing wrong with NAI. We should be excited for V4, no one loses from better models.
It's basically impossible to keep such a model from being able to generate cp. Unless he completely removes the concept of "child" from his dataset, the model will be able to generalize all sorts of fucked up shit just from some sfw images
he's smarter than you, he already acknowledged that a puny pruning "child" from the dataset is not going to work.
flux didn't manage and neither did lykon with his completely cucked sd3. Astra will learn soon enough that selectively punching holes into the nn doesn't work
bfl didn't care, lykon is a retard
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>dataset be 25% real images.
are there any benefits to higher batch size other than helping to reach peak throughput?
Ok retard question can someone quickly explain to me the difference between a LoRa and a finetune?
it seems like there are
box please, you did some inpainting?
a lora is training a slice of the model and then merging it with the base model during inference, a finetune is training the whole model. in more practical terms they also typically use different training scripts
Any reason besides DiT just not being battle tested? I agree with the rest of what you said (I don't think he realizes the retarded shit he's already done has caused a ton of problems already), but have no reason to be skeptical of DiT models, I think.
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What's funny is that noob has a bigger dataset kek
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"Please write down the detailed settings other than scale_v_pred_loss_like_noise_pred; I don’t understand.
Especially, what about fixed debiased for vpred??
Is just --scale_v_pred_loss_like_noise_pred enough?"
loras suck, finetunes don't
They have less concept/tag bleed. Don't know if things like artist mixing or genning a maid outfit, in a characters color scheme, with the "enmaided" tag will work as well.
Can you share your training file? Wondering same as other anon what settings related to v-pred/snr you were using for this.
hm. That's a solid point. Welp, I guess it's wait and see. SD3 M, if that's any good (big if), will likely be a simple testing ground for this.
nice shit boyz
just apply the pr, that's the "fixed" debiased estimation https://github.com/kohya-ss/sd-scripts/pull/1715 and then use it alongside --scale_v_pred_loss_like_noise_pred
i listed all vpred-related ones, and even if I did share my specific config you wouldn't be able to run it anyway.
now this is a hag i can get behind
oh ok nice, and which one you like the most between the 4? I guess I can try with the settings you used on 2 to see how it goes.
I think the only interesting thing he could possibly do is train a 16ch vae for v7, the chances of him that is extremely low
Is the scale v-pred loss in ezscripts working for illu? someone said it was deprecated
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idk what all these fancy words are but if someone tells me what buttons to press in easy scripts I will experiment
Oh anon I did actually manage to find a gen of anon's mom enduring g-forces inside a centrifuge, but it's not edited that much - but you can still see how she is pushed back against her seat due to the many g-forces :)
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Not this time.
kek, thanks g-force anon
box for this? How do you prompt for that?
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what exactly was the history of events that led to you obtaining this fetish
from side, (full body view:.5), cowgirl position, facial, cum on breasts, cum on body, cum on legs, cum on hair, zPDXL2, score_9, score_8_up, score_7_up, Expressiveh, rating_explicit, detailed sketch art, cel shading, line art:1.2, high quality, dark_background, BREAK
sex scene with lucoa \(maidragon\), lips, masterpiece, best quality, 1girl, closed eyes, looking at viewer, blonde hair, lips, blushing, watercolor, pursed lips, huge breasts, nipples, belly navel, spread legs, moaning, pussy juice, cum in pussy, BREAK

black choker, bottomless, lace trim, lace-trimmed legwear, thighhighs, black sweater, turtleneck sweater, black-framed eyewear,
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Trying to generate a ghost girl and got this
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looks like a regression to me, 2.5e-5 is too large it seems
Any illust/noob distillates for smaller steps, like hyper/lightning xl?
if you're using a regular model enable
>no norm
in settings
if you're using the vpred model I can't help you.
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The people just don't understand how hard it is bros...
nta, share fairybox pls
just use the no brown sampler at 5 steps bro
>Be uncensored
as uncensored as china, thats for sure

fucking zoophile babyhorse fucker idiot
I really wish people here would shut up about these irrelevant furfags.
he doesnt have to train the vae since theres a bunch of good ones already, but he would have to modify the model and possibly train from scratch unless the auraflow people release a new version with a 16ch vae
some people here enjoy observing bakers like they're their pet
>I got a few principles guys
>principles are a bunch of jumbo that mean nothing: cool and fun model!!
Who is gonna sue him beside Hasbro? Not a single model maker actually got their ass handed and he is not the first in line anyways
This guy has such a big ego he think he is on the forefront of ai
Newfags don't understand how our lolcows nurtured this thread throughout the model drought
ponyfuckers are not furfags just for clarity's sake. furfags look down on ponyfuckers the same way you look down on furfags.
before or after cooming? if it's after it doesn't count
this guy got lightning in a bottle with basically lucky booru scraping turning out well
going to train a lora off of a girl with one image
Do it
Blaze those unexplored trails
Can someone gen my mom getting BLACKED
post mom
describe your mom to us or post a ref pic
Oh right, yeah that makes more sense. There's a low chance that that happens cause he hinted at not using any of the current auraflow versions by saying he was under NDA when asked about it
By using a custom lora that I made, see here:

And here a catbox using the same lora for inspiration:

Basically add "wrinkled skin,seatbelt harness, seat, cushion, cockpit, clenched teeth, wrinkled fabric" etc. to positive prompt w. lora. I recommend adding angry, muscle, frown to negatives.

There is both a pony and illus version. You might have to inpaint some parts for perfection though, and at times the perspective can feel forced. This is because there is not much data for this particular concept to begin with, so a lot of training data is unfortunately synthetic, which comes with certain biases (like angles/perspectives). I usually iterate on newer versions of this concept lora with better and newer gens with more diversity.

uninpainted version.

This is something I have been asked about before. I have several theories:
> I think there are two episodes in the Totally Spies series that deals with something similar to my fetish, child me might have picked it up when watching sunday morning cartoons.
> Younger me enters early puberty, searches "big booba girl in fast racing car/rollercoaster, sees breasts bouncing due to acceleration, etc. - fetish is enforced further.
> Basically forget I have this fetish for many years until AI becomes good enough for animu. Try to gen with NAI-leak and stuff, but it's never close enough to what I want.
> Learn about lora training, trained my first g-force lora on that furry hll checkpoint thing that came before pony.
And now we are here today.
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To add to this, I also made a g-force lycoris/locon extracted from a full fine-tune on the Illustrious model. Your results may be better using this, than the model on civitai:
Slutty mom
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last ougi unless I can figure out how to make this prompt more reliable
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That's some accuracy to have dropped a single drop of semen on each of noble Quetzalcoatl's nipples.
What does min_snr_gamma actually do for a lora?
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what triggered the shitposters this time?
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It's not for a lora, it's slightly modifying loss scheduler and dampening training a little by training less at lower timesteps
triggered? they live to shit on this place
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Someone reminded the truth: >>8276962
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This one does have a good bit of inpainting and multidiffusion upscaling. I was trying to use what I learned last thread lol
So is 3.5 any good or not? A few days ago everybody was going batshit over it, but I haven't really seen anything since then. Or is everyone waiting on new loras?
No, no, that's not what I meant. I was asking what changing it does FOR a LoRA. I've seen people say you should keep it at 0, and I've seen people say you should keep it at 8, but 'dampening training a little' doesn't really tell me much. Prevents frying, I assume?
shitty bait, do better
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We don't have the resources or even a way to get a good dataset for a finetune of such a large model.
Jordach here, I'm looking into abandoning Cascade and finetuning 3.5
Nai is a garbage company that finances their repeated text gen failures by milking their cashcow imagen. Wish they'd just abandon their retarded llm pipedreams and invest some of that money into v4 or control net.
in theory it's better than flux but no one is making porn finetunes on it yet
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What kind of negative prompts do you guys use?
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beta version gigachad, for noob 0.5
three new tags:
"the chad smile"
"the stoic face"
"sitting gigachad style"
you can crank these tags above 1.0 pretty well for a stronger fit

associated tags include upper teeth, serious, elbow on thigh, hand on own thigh, own hands together, looking to the side

version 1.0 for illustrious and noob will go on civitai late tomorrow
decent shitpost, 4/10
oh, and whole dataset tagged with gigachad \(meme\)
strongly recommend masterpiece in positives
and worst quality, jpeg artifacts in negatives, lora was trained on these
how 2 upscale with multidiff????? i wanna know too
>in the middle of genning wife
>out of no where she looks at me like this
>never happens again
oh i see, thanks for the box
God I love inverted nipples.
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> "Can you feel it, my son? Closing in all around you. The Loli's justice has been awakened. The sins of the past have finally caught up to you."
> "You will be called to account- for all the atrocities you've committed, the unspeakable horrors you've let loose upon this world, and the dark, ancient powers you've enslaved."
> "Look now to your defenses, my son. For the Janitors of 4chan gather at your gates!"
god this is so based
It knows.
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she knows what you're doing.
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uh oh anon chad caught your wife
Yes, you can read more here https://github.com/kohya-ss/sd-scripts/discussions/294 the smaller value you will set the less learning will be applied to early timesteps, I like to use 5
>not making a lora of your mom from pictures of her when she was younger
>not making a lora of yourself when you were younger
>not genning with them
This can't be good for you. It's extra fucked when I use a realism model.
disgusting localslop will never come close to anon's wife
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>open kohya gui
>select cfg to try a new idea
>accidentally press save instead of load
My form empties.
reminds me of the water from yellowstone
why is it so melte-oh they're slimes.
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Danm you're really improving with you latest gen AYAKON.

Also AYAKON what is your opinion on cute girls and hags exposed to G-forces in centrifuges? Please see related:

Would you like your waifus to experience the same one day?
>that subtle nipple slip
very nice
rip wife
Stop reminding me of how they butchered the characters.
cute ears
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anon's wife just has a lot off concubines in her harem
it's time to accept lots of people like the 2.5d style
it's time to accept india has 1.5 billion inhabitants
its time to realize that it's morning in india right now
good morning status?
its time to realize that not hashing artists was a mistake
its time to realize it's morning saar good moring saar
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Oh fuck, a real color accurate blacked gen, nice job
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rather than repeats, what if i just copy-pasted some of the pictures i like better in the data set?
What's the best scheduler for prodigy? Does it need Constant like DAdaptation?
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I use cosine, but probably constant is better desu
what's with her hand
The power of illustrious.
it's AI
it's too late in the day to inpaint
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power of CHAD

thanks, great images
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I'm going to say it, I like ayakon's images and you sound mad for no reason most of the time complaining
I agree tony
did i fucking ask?
who complained?
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i mean it's evident as ever you ponysloppers enjoy eating shit, and i like to think i'm a tolerant person.
so you do you, anon.
"Illya" got washed
can't we just get along? it's so tiresome to start fighting all the time because muh ayakon muh ia muh model consolewar muh blurrysepiaaco muh muh muh MUH
>inb4 its fun!11111 we are having fun!11111 cant you understand that???
some people deserve getting bullied
you too
I agree, i'll NEVER stop using pony
Novelai.net has this thing called "Vibe" which acts sort of like a 1 image lora. You just share the one image the style of the ai image gen takes after it. Does homebrew like 1111 or comfyui have something similar to this?
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no, it's top secret proprietary turkish tech
why would you use this over reforge or comfy?
What's it called?

You mean Delawarian.
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No, I hate everyone, specially that deadnoodles faggot, dogshit styles and always boring basic bitch vanilla gens
no, neither controlnet nor ipadapter produce comparable results, this was discussed a thread or two ago
Bullshit. Local doesn't have anything that comes close
why is
>It's the only thing novalAI has over local
you mean besides SMEA and the inpainting model and director tools that actually act on the unet and a model that is still far ahead of any local model?
>inpainting model and director tools
>far ahead of any local model
woops misclicked

>Thanks, I don't live in these threads so I wouldn't have guessed that discussion was so recent. It's a shame that Vibe is so powerful and freemium can't compare. It's the only thing novalAI has over local, and it's a big buff.
>>>8272483 (Cross-thread)

Please I don't want to restart my subscription
bit more productive reply: there's a couple recent projects that maybe come close but none currently have useable implementations for sdxl afaik
i could care less about smea, the inpainting model and director tools are nuts though (the latter i wouldn't be surprised is being used internally for dataset prep for v4)
Cool stuff, thanks! I'm probably not going to post in these thread anytime soon, so have an early good weekend
farewell tourist-kun
Good morning sars!

Controlnet, T2I Adaption.
>no argument
Thanks for proving my point
but that wasn't your point
unexpected Spike
Thank you for your sacrifice, anon.
what did i miss? box??
you missed the only good poster left in this general...
that's the same thing, dumbass. just make a "good" folder with 2 repeats or something and throw the good images in it
son of a bitch, i missed a cathag image?
umm??? cathag??? miqo??? ayakon???
anon's mom poster?
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Sooooo...anyone save all of justanotherdeviate's loras before his account was nuked on civitai?
this is like the third creator in a month I've gone looking for their stuff and it's all 404s
Why does their stuff get nuked?
it's cunny

Just saw this, thanks
cunny = bad and outlaw
Well, their whole account vanished, I thought that usually meant they deleted it themselves vs specific loras getting nuked...they were pretty highly badged
I mean some I guess were, I was looking for the Maou-sama, Retry! loras
if you get enough hits because of cute and funny stuff they nuke your account
a lot are mirrored on tensor but not downloadable and i've never been able to contact anyone on there, no dm system
god forbid someone ask a question on a public forum

Cool. That sucks, actually.

God it. So what is Flux, anyway? I keep seeing it mentioned, but I've been out of this for months and the last hot shit was Pony and various derivatives; is Flux the new FOTM?
I fucked up and quoted the same post twice, whoops
Gen image>upscale in extra>bring upscaled image to img2img and make the img2img res the upscaled image's>click on multidiffusion and select mixture of diffusers>input BASE IMAGE resolution there>hit generate

It'll create 4 seamless tiles and stitch them together, adds detail. Keep in mind denoising strength will affect how much is changed in each multidiffusion tile.

everybody's probably waiting for sd 3.5 medium that'll release in the 29th cause it's a more sane size (2.5b) and uses a better architecture according to the blog post
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wait where is the inpainting option in nai? have I just been missing it for a month+ ????
is dpm++ 2m karras good on noob?
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this is humanity final form in 2070 if you don't stop gooning
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I got spooked by this pic
25gb is 6 months??
I gen maybe 50gb every week...
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Ah, yes, my favorite artist Harry Splicy
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High Art
lost any inspiration for prompting
it's over
forest, mangrove, swamp, grass, moss, water, trees, breathtaking alla prima oil painting, peat bogs, scottish landscape, close up, (alla prima style:1.3), oil on linen, painterly oil on canvas, (painterly style:1.3), exquisite composition and lighting, modern painterly masterpiece, by alexi zaitsev, award-winning painterly alla prima oil painting
(ces, gpo:1.3)
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Take a break until noob ends to bake
upper body, sexy, 1girl, jabami yumeko, sheer microkini, nipples, large breasts, black hair, hime cut, long hair, red eyes, on bed, uncensored, black_nails, black heart choker, navel piercing, red lips, bracelet, lace trim, naughty face, ring, cum on breasts, facial, excessive cum, spread, sheer elbow gloves, thighhighs, spread legs, vaginal, pov
thanks very nice

Fug, I wish I could get the catbox, is anon still lurking the thread?


Also this, holy shit
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is there an adetailer model for pussy or should i just inpaint it manually
Noob reignited me and I was cumming 6 times an evening until today I woke up feeling dead so I'll take an early NNN I think
Mother of slop where the fuck did you come from
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Nemusona Waifu Generator
Based 1.5 bro
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Is there no way to streamline that?
ahhh, anya is such a playful naughty girl!!!!
anya... that's not where peanuts come from...
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Becky wants to do some rimjob too, please
What killed /hdg/? What went wrong?
it's pony
This is borderline guro
>What killed /hdg/?
Me, I killed it
thanks, very nice
not enough cunny
signature, artist name, patreon username, watermark

anything else im missing?
artist logo
All * username
And * logo
copyright name
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the fuck is going on with her cunt
it's m*qo mix
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I wanted to post something, feeling suicidal lately
nice, besides six fingers
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wanna talk about it?
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Nope, that shit is contagious, stay safe anon, thx anyways
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Not enough glansjobs from gyaru moms
You're lucky you're not posting during schizo hours then.
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any possible reason why my prompts are coming out completely different(and much worse) compared to the expected result?
the model is noobaiXLNAIXL_epsilonPred05Version
left is the intended image, right is my proompt
the prompt and seed are identical, but when I use PNGInfo, the right image gives me a random hash that's not used by any existing model, let alone the one I downloaded
Check sampling and model/lora hashes
I wish there was a way to "lower the camera". Like I'd want someone to be standing, leaning towards the viewer, while the viewer is sitting down
But it's either the subject leaning forward at the same height as the viewer or with the from_below tag you get the camera pointing up instead
You seem to be getting toraisi666 as an artist when you don't intend for him to be the artist?
hm that could work
try from below at lower strength or low angle perhaps
Why is there never any mindreading with Anya, such a waste of a core character trait
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based ghost hand
Sampler for both prompts is Euler A(Automatic), CFG scale is 7
Model hash for the left picture is 5b2239e943
Model hash for the right picture is cceb09d85c
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That's probably previous version of noob.
Or some 'cord early version
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Neat gens

Awesome output, did you bake a specific lora to gen this?
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man... why did reforge became two times slower for me all of a sudden...
>Awesome output, did you bake a specific lora to gen this?
It's pony with a style lora.
it's cascade
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How do I get her to leak pussy juice onto her own face?
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time to get creative with prompting syntax and cum tags
What's the best model for img2img anime-style stuff? I tried pony and autismix but images either come out extremely plain or very different from the source image
flyx3 is putting loras on illustrious now
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should i be training loras directly on noob0.5?
or should i be using illustrious as a base?
my doras come out fried on noob when i train on illu...
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130 epochs at 1.5e-5 look the best, but more epochs may be needed still
base/2 col/new

one thing i dislike about the converted vpred is that it barely learned how to predict true distribution from pure noise, it forgets how to gen true black/white color near instant
stop wasting your time unless you are like on 2x4090 and bake loras in 10 minutes
wait for full bake
File deleted.
thanks, but that is not a small peen
>that is not a small peen
Anon-chan, I...
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works great
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He has a point, that's just slightly below average size.
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lol the motion lines make it look like he’s violently vibrating his penis horizontally
any aco artists on illustrious so I can put them in negs?
astralite isn’t involved so you’re good anon
Which posetest is the best one? v1, v2 or v2_1?
you inpaint
Come back home to forge, lllyasviel is waiting for you
can i use vpred and znsr with euler cfg++ samplers yet?
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sakimichan, kittew, blushyspicy, sciamano240, artgerm, wlop, guweiz, axsens,
>blushyspicy, wlop, guweiz
Those can work out well if you mix them right and don't let them influence the face too much. Even fucking incase be mixed in. Just like NAI, illustrious is stronger than acoslop.
anon they’re already retarded for trying to add artists with decent anatomy and composition to the negs instead of tags like 3d and realistic. i would just chalk it up to shitposting and ignore them
I don't know about the snakeoil cfg++, but the other two works on forge yes.
kazusa box?
Anon there's metadata on it...
nta but there isn't any stealth metadata
File deleted.
box please?
extension was hanging for a bit i guess. it's there now, you're right
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anatomy machine broke

never seen abs before?
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none that line up with the rest of the body so weirdly
noodletroon and iafaggot
Is there any LORA that makes it possible to generate isometric images in IllustriousXL
NTA, but it doesn't look that weird to me.
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I see what you mean now, but I feel like it's possible with a bit of a body twist to the side, and the a hip twist upwards. But yeah. This looks a bit better.
anon you are aware that you can rotate your trunk
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last one
there was nothing wrong with the anatomy in that gen
debiased fix is now merged in sd-scripts
go on then anon mark up the anatomy then to show how it's wrong
surely you you're capable of rotating your upper body
catbox plox
(melty:2.2), (gpo:0.8)
anon, doras do not work when it comes to noob
it's just a fundamentally broken model
so true sisster!
fuck off tranny
stop posting cunny
to not get accused of posting cunny, you can test in other threads
I had to wait 900 seconds and wanted to jebait cunny police
Maybe he got banned for racism. I always get banned for racism
I thought "racism" only leads to deleted posts/warnings
I only ever got warned
>ling long bing bong
>[popular series/character]
yep it's genning time
That's what model artist tags lead to.
Astralite tried to warn you but you never listened.
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would you?
I trained one and posted it months back, probably not hard to find in the archives. If you can't find it I'll dig it up again.
You don't use it?
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box? was that pose gacha or intentionally prompted for
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Why does weighting supplementary artists to 0.65 in shitmixes work so well? Is there an explanation for that?
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I feel personally attacked by this post
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gatcha, I was testing out a schizo 1.5 nai leak prompt from years ago lol. I think the grinding, and from below helped.

before inpainting
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kek i figured. still i wonder how close you could get a prompt to that. have to mess around with it later
I've had the exact same experience. At 0.7 they start overtaking the style, and at 0.5 they barely do anything
0.65 is like the perfect number for getting the details you want from a style without it ruining the mix
yeah might try too,oh yeah sitting is in the prompt too, probably forced it to do that too
requesting blowjob with cheekbulge and cum overflow pls
Hasn't that been the case since the 1.5 days? Except back then :0.7 was the magic number
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>that tattoo accuracy
>adam smasher (73)
it was over before it even started
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bro... fire up the oven...
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lmfao this is exactly what i was searching on danbooru before you posted this
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hot hot hot
kinda gay anon
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I count 5 females
>Awesome output, did you bake a specific lora to gen this?
there's stealth pnginfo, it's https://civitai.com/models/870578
the civitai buzz is through the roof with this!
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If a penis takes up more than 5% of the pixels in your image I'm sorry to be the one to inform you but that makes the image homosexual.
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>we have adam smasher at home. i guess this is a good opportunity to start baking character loras on illus/noob
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Damn then this one made me super gay it seems.
Penis focus is inherently gay, it doesn't matter that your image has females
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This one is a bit less gay thankfully
oh I see, so the other anon that mentioned it was pony with a style was just trolling.

So this is just another test model for noob then? I'll just trust the plan then and wait for two more weeks until it's finished.
anon he literally posted a catbox >>8277391 that you replied to
also i doubt pony can get color contrast like that to begin with
At least he doesn't run the risk of getting banned for shota with such big pp's
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How the heck do I use posetest, how do I avoid shit like this
Has anyone used it in Comfy?
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Wow I can't believe this, 4chan anon told me I'm gay... I was not expecting such a NPC reply.

I need time to think about this shocking reply.
You sound mad. Why?
you sound why. mad?
>also i doubt pony can get color contrast like that to begin with
it's a local model, of course it can
Where is his other leg? Did he get it stolen by those pesky nurses? I hope he gets it back, he seems rather upset about it ;-:
Please stop bullying each other.
Nyo :3
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You sound very insecure and hyper focused on worried about being accidently gay. Got something to tell us?
live a happy life, nyoposter
uh oh guys he's REALLY ANGRY
This is a horror scene that was censored for 4chan rules. His leg got removes earlier in the Audition movie style
Ah, I didn't see the catbot url in the image name, thanks for pointing it out
Why is it so blurry?
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reminder: never share metadata
This is a child
it's angry
You're right anon, we should stop. Honestly. If we want to criticize others gens, at least make it constructive compared to the usual "why is it so ugly/blurry/sepia/gay" etc.
Instead say something like, "hm, ok I can see what you're trying to do, but you know it could be even better if you did x and y, then I think your gen would really shine!" Optionally mention any tools or techniques you have used that helped you with a similar issue you were having when starting out imagegen.

iI apologize anon for my response - I do think the scene is hot and the style is nice (wish it was me bullied by girls), even though the guys leg on the right seems to be missing, but it's something a simple inpaint job could fix in a jiffy.
the more sepia an image has = the more angry the anon is
it's simple, we uh kill the hagman
>The guy that wanted to commision me on pixiv wants to do NFTs.
I should have guessed
not child enough
where do you live with children that have breasts like that
amazing, mission complete
sir she is not old enough to post on 4chan
what made pony posters so angry?
I inpaint manually. Don't want to bother with all base gens spending extra time to enhance a pussy or to make it part of some larger workflow.
Anyways here, was older than I thought lol.
Their model is shit
>posting porn pictures on a male-only forum for other men to jerk off
sounds extremely gay bro ngl
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That's fine I didn't notice the leg because I was so upset at being called gay from a random anon earlier, so all I saw was cock.
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it's schizo hours but it's actually amusing this time
Out of curiosity, why not? Though it makes sense if you have an artist mix you want to keep for yourself.
Eeeyup move along
>Though it makes sense if you have an artist mix you want to keep for yourself.
Does it? If you want to keep it to yourself, don't post your gens here. This place stopped shaming meta hoarders which is a shame.
Even flux occasionally makes these mistakes. It's only really noticeable on pony.
>meta hoarders
i dont think we have any left of that kind however tbhdesu
>That's fine I didn't notice the leg because I was so upset at being called gay from a random anon earlier, so all I saw was cock.
LoL, happens to me as well sometimes when I'm focusing more on the erotic parts of a picture. Usually what happens once I've posted a gen, is that I instantly start noticing all the small errors I didn't inpaint and fix.
they all either fucked off to their avatarfag safe spaces or stopped posting here completely. which i'm perfectly fine with
based i think
>posting on civitai
i didn't think posting this would start this argument but i'm enjoying it
Civitai Generator
score_9, score_8_up, score_7_up, score_6_up, score_5_up, score_4_up, only 1 woman, {xxoom,NILS,ero404},{{{xiaoluo_xl}}}, illustration, very detailed eyes, cat ears,long hair, huge breasts, very narrow waist, very wide pelvis, striped micro bikini, covered nipples,tattoos on both breasts,black jeans, armpits, from front
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Negative prompt
{{{{bad anatomy}}}},{bad feet},bad hands,{{{bad proportions}}},{blurry},cloned face,cropped,{{{deformed}}},{{{disfigured}}},error,{{{extra arms}}},{extra digit},{{{extra legs}}},extra limbs,{{extra limbs}},{fewer digits},{{{fused fingers}}},gross proportions,ink eyes,ink hair,jpeg artifacts,{{{{long neck}}}},low quality,{malformed limbs},{{missing arms}},{missing fingers},{{missing legs}},{{{more than 2 nipples}}},mutated hands,{{{mutation}}},normal quality,owres,{{poorly drawn face}},{{poorly drawn hands}},reen eyes,signature,text,{{too many fingers}},{{{ugly}}},username,uta,watermark,worst quality,{{{more than 2 legs}}}
Show less
see you in 3 days, anon...
inpaintfag and danny ashe poster, if we're talking about regulars
there were others but i don't remember
no way vacations were given due to that
What reason is there to post porn on civitai, if any? Aren't there better sites for this like aibooru, pixiv.net or twitter?
why post there to begin with? site has been a detriment to the public since it's inception
Guess I'll finally be able to play factorio instead of shitposting here
exactly, I always notice something AFTER I post an image lol
i already served my time for that
fucking cucked shithole
don't forget
checkpoint: illustrious
inpaint anon is an og and will give you metadata if you actually ask for the base gen. pretty sure he normally just ignores everyone here by default though since the general is full of schizos now.
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prompt is too clean, learn your civitregular prompting grammar
illustration,,,vary detailed eyes,(((cat ear))),long hair, huge breasts,beautiful girl stand,
Actually incredible

Box? How much inpainting did this take?
Has anyone tried that new mochi model?
the what
The text to video model?
Didn't it require something like 4 H100 GPUs to run?
>full of schizos now
it's much less schizophrenic than it was for the whole autismmix-illustrious period
i don't know what is it about pony but it actually made this place unusable
someone was able to (with compromises) optimize their 480p model to run on a single 3090
i can't even imagine how much compute training on videos takes as opposed to images
Considering that videos consist of images you can probably get a rough idea
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why is advokat generating pony checkopints and loras? is it to jew out the pony retards?
>it's much less schizophrenic than it was for the whole autismmix-illustrious period
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You know what?
*mentally eats your ass*
There's something very wrong with this image
Schizophrenia just hits different
asa/yoru scissoring next pls
female pov is so hot
Which is? Anon we discussed this earlier. Be concise and constructive in your criticism. Not all have eyes as great as yours (but I do see the problem with the arms not connecting to the hands in the back)
Her right arm is under the leg, I think
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Asked the mochi online demo for anime and got /aco/ https://files.catbox.moe/i3mqau.mp4
Why is she melting
they did say the current model was only trained for real life content, and that animated content isnt as good
She's a figment of your imagination and the cold water brought you back to reality
average civit-j-word definition of anime
you weren't here during april-august i guess lol
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Is there a tag/way for putting a half of a man on the other side? Or should I inpaint it?
nai btw
so hdg is healing?
You could probably just do something like "sex from behind, out of frame"
if we enter another model drought, kiss this interlude goodbye
illus and noob fulfills basically all my 1girl needs. i literally need nothing more for 1girling
you say that until something shinier and more awesomer is released behind a paywall
Did we ever figure out if bestiality was allowed or not on /h/? I want to see girls taking horse cock.
Pretty sure that's for /d/ or /trash/
post it and find out for yourself
i'll try, ty
/d/ and /aco/ doesn't allow bestiality, while nothing in the rules for /h/ state that.
actually we need a /b/ 2d hdg anime thread where we can post bestiality and lolis and call j-words exactly what they are
sounds like projection anon. i knew pony was shit and that a model like illus would come along so i took a year break. it's here now, and if i get bored of it i'll do the same thing again
Yeah you are correct, so /trash/ or /b/ are the only options for beastiality I guess
is there a reliable method for removing style knowledge from a character lora? remember people discussing it here a while back
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search koikatsu in the archives and i'm sure you'll find when you're looking for
train a lora on the style you want to remove then extract the difference
Yes those are *safer* choices, but nothing in /h/ rules state that bestiality is not allowed - only furry/MLP is banned, and my guess is as long as an animal is not the main focus nor anthromorphic in terms of looks, it should in principle be allowed?
pure kino

plenty of that as well in /b/
Only one way to find out, anon
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you are gonna give him ponny ptsd, chill out
Sorry, I'm too much of a scaredy cat to try that :c
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Don't worry about the logistics, it just works
Man that jpg looks like shit, here's the catbox: https://files.catbox.moe/h5i6j3.png
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i want to lick her 5head
if you do something relatively simple and low frame rate like mizumizuni animations you could probably get ok results in a reasonable amount of time
That's gonna cost you 2 popsicles.
is there any guide for current (as in 2024, pony, illustrious focused) lora training and settings to keep in mind? the ones in the op are outdated
Second column is definitely the best one.
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Bakers are lazy, all they do is eat hot chip and argue. They can't maintain a rentry
I'm pretty sure this is anatomically incorrect
a fair and balanced exchange...
Oh no, anatomical incorrectness in my AI-generated hentai?! Inconceivable!
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> uploads box
> adobe metadata

my life is a lie. anyway, great gen anon
>coherent horses
I can finally use this completely unironically

it's pony
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is mini girl /d/?
i genuinely have been considering collecting a L2D dataset from both games and nsfw animations
make it a mini MILF just to be sure
could AI pull off genning her climbing into the urethra
ignore her hair clipping through the pillory
it would require training a lora (or maybe some more training on e621, I don't know), but yeah, I don't see why not.
>ignore her hair clipping
I refuse
ok then it's just the work of buggy and his devil fruit
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The first time I head that name (I only watched the anime) I thought it's "Atom Smasher" and then I immediately thought of Dwarf Fort...
i think all these ougi gens are starting to give me a latex fetish
latex is based
bruh, you can gen some cursed shit on noob with that theme
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I'm going to get insulted agian probably, but is it ComfyUI better for Illustrious?

May be that I'm probably shit at prompting but the images I'm generating with forge are not something to be proud of.
It's alright, but i never got that boomer fetish where they also wear latex masks. Were women back then really so ugly?
>images I'm generating with forge are not something to be proud of.
Skill issue
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Surprisingly, a mini milf is much harder to gen.
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So I'm right, I'm just shit at prompting
You're not supposed to be generating images with Comfy. You're supposed to be talking about your workflow and taking phone pics of nodes.
Switch to noob. Illu is kinda hard to reign in
Just steal a prompt from some j-word on civitj-word, it'll will be shit, but it'll work
interesting, is your prompt: mature female, big breasts, wide hips?
Best girl levels off the charts
If only I could consistently generate her milf appearance with the ponytail
give us a catbox of your gen so we can judge your proompting and give you some pointers
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my man
I'm not, I'm using forge

but noob is still under development / training right?

Destroy me anon

nice. catbox?
>but noob is still under development / training right?
so is illu
Prompt itself is fine, though I'd trim that negative, use euler a and what the fuck is this weird resolution, use 768 x 1280
Ah, but isn't noob based on illu? is it like a fork?
SUPER schizo 1.5 nai leak days prompt that I'm randomly testing out for fun to see the difference.

Good luck....

artist:Kaoming, Masterpiece, (realism:1.4), hyperealistic photo, ultra-detailed, absurdres, intricate, ((desaturated)), (low contrast), (impressionism), (nsfw), (ismail inceoglu), sitting on face, femdom, 1boy, soft lighting, light particles, (high detail:1.1) body, thin, petite, slender, flowing (white wizard robe by Prada:1.2), (fur trim:1.1), (intricate lace:1.2), high heels, by Alyssa Monks (Antoine Blanchard Bastien Lecouffe-Deharme Bill Gekas:1.1) (Carne Griffiths:0.9) (anna dittmann:1.3), (pastels:1.1) black choker, dark hair, short hair, bob cut, perfect face, perfect eyes, beautiful detailed face, dark brown eyes, small pupils, nostrils, nose, (small head), detailed lips, (pale skinned female), outside, city streets, night, neon lights, detailed lighting, beautiful detailed glow, shiny hair, girl on top, stradding, ass, ass cheeks, femdom, nsfw, (((from behind))), ((looking behind at you)), (round ass), cute butt, ass focus, seductive expression, sexy smile, elegant, detailed lighting, beautiful detailed glow, soft lighting, beautiful decorations, dynamic angle, looking at viewer, confident, femdom, dominant, dark theme, night,
illu is a fork of kohaku
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basically this >>8278051
consider lowering CFG to 6 or 5, stop using freeU, use Euler A, and while Illustrious SPO is fine, Noob eps 0.5 is much much better
>See art from a reposter.
>Look up artist.
>No lora model.
>No patreon leak.
>No sadpanda compilation.
I'm dining fine today, boys.
drop freeu and only enable/tweak settings if you think it helps
do not use dpm++ 2m with illustrious or noob. for starters use euler a and start at 25 steps for illustrious. and turn off that dumb free u shit
1MP (1024x1024) SDXL gen res:
"1024 x 1024",
"1152 x 896",
"896 x 1152",
"1216 x 832",
"832 x 1216",
"1344 x 768",
"768 x 1344",
"1536 x 640",
"640 x 1536"
start with any of those as a base res and go from there
>do not use dpm++ 2m with illustrious or noob. for starters use euler a
You people and your sampler autism will never cease to be funny
DPM legitimately produces shit on those models
>NAI metadata
NTA generally I agree that this place has some weird euler fetish but in this model's case it actually helps.
your xy, sir?
are you retarded or shitposting?
We do not recommend overusing critical composition tags such as 'close-up', 'upside-down', or 'cowboy shot', as they can be conflicting and lead to confusion, affecting model results.
Recommended sampling method: Euler a, Sampling Steps: 20–28, CFG: 5–7.5 (may vary based on use case).
not even mentioning the fact that you can check for yourself that DPM produces garbage on illustrious
How did you manage to gen the boob heart? Mix of prompt/i paint? Is there already a danbooru tag for it?
uh oh localkeks melty
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Did you use a LoRA for this, or is it 99% photoshop and inpainting
>noooo don't ever go against what the model maker said!!!
Are you retarded or shitposting?
>the pole actually follows Euclid geometry
genless niggas...
Wife box please
shitposting it is. here's the last (you) i'm feeding you faggot
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best I could do is in a wedding dress
Slit your own throat you skill-less autistic retard that can't go off the beaten path

box: https://files.catbox.moe/a3sksm.png
lora: https://civitai.com/models/883954/nonco-style-dora-noobai-xl
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Thank you anons, this is kind of better.

Size was a msitake I usually like, for some reason, to gen at 512x1024.

Allright I'll test out noob as well.

Now I'm kind of tired of having to re-search all the loras for poses / outfits / characters etc for every new model that comes out, it reminds me of going from vhs to dvd to bluray in the early 2000s.

And that one is original or...?

Thanks all, definetly disabled freeU and chnged to euler a (I don't knwo why it was on dpm anyway)
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832x1216 works well too
great improvement
Fuck, my bad. I literally just hastily "fixed" a seam between his fingers and her scar
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god this hag is so hot

heart hand gesture and gacha
>And that one is original or...?
kohaku beta is a fork of kohaku alpha which is a fork of base sdxl
amazing breasts
what artists are you using for such squishable breasts
yeah i was
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I usually gen at 832x1215 with euler a (although other samplers are also fine, but it depends on the style you want) until I find a good one, then use high res and 0.35 denoising, upscaling with an anime model is much better than latent

you the best anon. really awesome gen
iwao178 with nyalia lora at 0.4
also lots of breast/nipple/areolae tags
someone must merge nyalia lora to noob and upload it to civit calling it spergmix
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Chrono Trigger was a great game
based slopper retard
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wonder if calling it designatedjeetmixv0.11 would be enough for civit to take action
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Thanks anons!

Thanks for the info, not sure if it will help me in any way but sometiems researching the models has helped me improve my prompts.
the nutshack
euler a
to think this is the same person who brought us lycoris and originally locon which was almost named lolicon
If Euler a is so great why they haven't made Euler b yet?
euler is kinda indisposed at the moment
we have shit SMEAr, that's close enough right?
you mean Euler S?
What would the B stand for?
technically heun should be an improvement, but I always found it lacking (besides it being slow)
All my homies solve differential equations with the improved method by heun
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"Euler a" is the second part actuyally, the original is just "Euler".

Blame Disney marketing team.
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We need the boxes, please anon. My boobs need to be more squishable
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Why can't we have ddim without the artifacts?
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i have stealth png meta on, just look at png info
So should I even bother with Flux at this point?
I'm just trying to figure out where to put the model and vae because I'm getting nonetype errors in reforge.
We already have Euler SMEAr for that.
Name a single reason why you're using Flux.
I tried to inpaint with it the other day and I couldn't as I don't how what parameters I'm supposed to use with with it
Realistic jeet women
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Need this game to get remade like holy shit
adding text?
You can't gen titties on Flux. At least not with nipples.
Get better taste in brown women.
Looks old. I don't consume media made before 2010
funny cats on the moon
It was released in 2012 but it was for the 3ds, and playing it emulated is ass
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Flux inpainting lets you write on curved surfaces
Thoughts on SD 3.5 (Medium, in 4 days)? They say it's easier to train AND approaching Flux in terms of quality while being about as heavy as SDXL.
>Find a lora of an ewhore known for her big titties for flux
>It can't do nipples

it was doable on pony with "heart-shaped_boob_challenge", I swear most of people issue is just a massive lack of knowledge
based choice (she's an adult 800 yo loli iirc)
That's what Noob is for.
Pirated Photoshop
so does a vector graphics program like inkscape
Hell yeah brother
But why bother downloading and learning those when I have a working flux install already?
Well this anon >>8278142 doesn't. Also photoshop is fun.
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is mid fried or...?
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thanks for the tag anon
admitng this makes you look like a baby
indian memes
huge breasts, but yeah.
I want my specific fetish to be in the next big AI model.

I have 1000 pics manually tagged dataset.
Which website do I upload it to make sure it will be added in the next databas
e scrap?
danbooru.donmai.us ?

Does Danbooru ban any specific content?
>my specific fetish
>Does Danbooru ban any specific content?
I don't even want to know what is your fetish
you need someone to approve your shit on danbooru, so if you have shit taste, you're out of luck.
>Does Danbooru ban any specific content?
Paid rewards and AI gens are banned. Everything else should be fine as long as it's in anime style and not an infant doodles.
I'd choose her
Your best bet is rule34 and begging model bakers to add that dataset. Pretty much every other site has rules against dumping thousands of images at once, like Danbooru.
NTA but is noob eps 0.5 better than noob vpred?
>I want my specific fetish to be in the next big AI model.
>I have 1000 pics manually tagged dataset.
Just....bake a lora?
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Anyone else but me made a lora of the new mcdonalds loli yet?
does she canonically have 4 fingers?
>noob vpred
It's just a test model, you're not supposed to use it
yes, high levels of ronald exposure in the womb tends to do that
why do people tolerate those blatant corpo ads?
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any new models out? been away for a couple days

last ive used is epsilon. Stopped training loras since it feels like new models are coming out every week.
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the hamburlger is stealing more than just burgers now...very frightening
I did. It works fine. Better than I expected honestly. illustrious is Awesome, 10x time better to train than pony.

Probabaly cause Illustrious already knew my tags, I just enforced them a bit

But having the things included in the next release would makem y life easier.

.good ot know. Thanks

then I should be fine. Mostly. Half of the stuff is paid commission scrapped years ago.
Because they make our peepees hard
new models will come out as soon as you start baking loras for the old ones, get baking for the rest of us
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Oh I see, sorry kinda new to noob models. Will use 0.5 epsilon for now then.
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Anywehre to find a reference list of the authors / stules in illustrious or I just need to test my luck prompt by prompt?
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actually i daresay that this is cooked rather well...
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nino better
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It's hard keeping track of all the tags.
you're the piss guy
When they were both working together at that restaurant or whatever in the manga she went from like 4th to 2nd in my heart, but I just like Yotsuba too much
Can noob/Illustrious do detailed shading like this?

Wow thanks!
This is snowPony right?
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I wouldn't be able to pick between any of them, each one is great in their own way
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yup i didn't feel particular about any of them until that scene with nino in cafe.
No clue why I can't get Robin's hair to just be white lmao
ponybros we fucking won
1girl, standing
okay, jokes over
how the fuck did we cope with this monstrosity
thank god for illu and noob
1girl, standing, wedding dress, smile
if your pony gens looked like that you just have a massive issue of skill
and (huge juicy veiny black penis:1.6)
gotta keep it /hdg/ after all
go back to /d/
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vtai has good ones in the wiki. At least the character ones. Haven't done any styles yet
Thought this was Nanami but she doesn't have wavey hair...
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I wished the ending wasn't rushed, but all in all it was a great story
nai could never
How long until I can make a full porn parody of this video on 8gb of vram in a reasonable amount of time?
100% this, they had 1 short date and then it timeskips to the wedding lmao
>8gb of vram in a reasonable amount of time?
Lol, better save money for that 5090, piggie
So banned_artist is the best.
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iwao178 was the artist tag I needed, thanks anon
Is this 1.5 nai leak?
there's so many slopjeet accounts on twitter, is it even possible to penetrate the slop barrier?
the most fucking funny part is besides those "subtle hints" it could've as well just been any other girl in the end.
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I have an old gen just like that
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Would you like augustkino instead?
A game made by a literal Dream Team at the peak of the SNES RPG era.
Meh, give me some spritekino instead
chrono cross is the better game
saars how do i be redeeming the illustrious 1.0?
here you go saar
sirs, he didn't ask for illustrious: pony version
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don't really like how it looks on noob, but here
catbox for that cute goat?
Did you use a lora? I failed to get good-looking Misaki on noob, it gets her hair and eye color right but that's about it
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nope https://files.catbox.moe/rmge9c.png
>My dick is bigger than yours
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carnelian looks like a kino tho
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>sister is so cute when she lets me cum inside her panties
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peak model, they say
ok how do I train a lora for illustrious? is it the same as pony but just different base model or are there different learning rates I need to use?
shooting in saori...
Next noob release will likely be the "official" one for EPS, and is probably roughly 2 weeks out (maybe a bit sooner). They are currently training the TE until it fits low count characters/artists, and than will freeze the TE to train unet until convergence. Once this is done and released, they'll train the v-prediction model.
Thanks, adding vn's name helped a lot
yes, training loras doesn't change for epsilon pred, with vpred you have to change some settings afaik. there was an anon who explained them a few threads back
so it's as simple as still using my easyscript setup with a base model swap out?
I misread as noobai, but same thing applies. training lora is the same
Generally, the same settings will work. What I've found is that styles will take longer to learn, and this should be fixed by adjusting step counts. Characters will learn just as fast if not faster, and it doesn't have the issue Pony did where even low LRs would result in burning character details. It learns very well.
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Glansjob is a tag?!? brb
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With time yes, I've started overtaking some
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guess which one is a lora extract
no idea but that dude's kicks are fire
idk they both sucks
like that style but height and proportions looks weird
This is a child
holy kek what a manlet
Is she levitating? You should be able to see her legs...
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Nice news
any interesting requests for artstyle loras for noob-vpred?
New Thread:

What's the point?
there is no point. for fun
Think you can take a look and have a go at the Porno one?
you mean an artist lora of onono imoko? not interested in training character loras
OK then.
This is too fucking sexy, great work
Does anyone know what might be causing my face adetailer to leave a transparent square when it fixes a face sometimes? without it the face looks like shit
Source: my ass
i dont thnk so, they will release another test model before it, cus that TE trained model needs to be tested. tho that release will be soon since they are doing it on 32 h100.

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