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Previous: >>499460717

>Current & Upcoming Content
[09/25-11/12][Event Pass] Worlds 2024
[11/06][New Champion] Ambessa, The Matriarch of War

>Latest Patch Notes
>Latest PBE Patch Notes

>Builds/Account Stats

>Model Viewer

/lolg/ OP pastebin
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reminder that Nami is soft
Which posters' posts are you looking forward to seeing this thread?
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Good evening, /lolg/!

I hope everyone's doing well. :)
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Stay positive /lolg/!
adult man posted this
cute and canon
xth for cracking raidous skull open like a walnut and spreading her brains over my toast like a fine pate.
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You too! I'm glad you're back, even if it's just for the time being.

why are you like this
I am negativity incarnate
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Ahri Simp
wtf lyra
bot post

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I wanna name-change. Does anyone have any suggestions?

Lovely Anal monster babe#LAMB
Im new but I unironically think Tahm is hard as a support

his skill ceiling can be so high and I feel like so much of his skill relies on calculating really risky trades
ah so you were just replying to yourself. gotcha
I support this name.
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I feel like you're baiting, but I'll bite. How? His W has a massive reach and his Q's hitbox is massive by default *and* it even scales with size, meaning that by lategame it's even wider and harder to miss. Not that it matters since you can just run people down just with autos.

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Enemy last game had a bunch of smurfs on the enemy team and a first time Sona.

This game went much better though I had to play s*pport. Back to Elite elo again.
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can you please to your haters from the last thread? i need to jerk off
Someone like Alistar can literally just run at opponents and CC them

Tahm is cool but mentally he requires so much more thought for every engage
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Twenty floors above the dark streets of the city, Dr. Light lived in a run-down tenement.
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Alistar doesn't have half the damage output TK does without even building any damage items, though. I just don't agree with your opinion at all. TK is one of the closest things to a stat checker in the support role.
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What do you mean? Those retards will obsessively comb through this thread and all my match history just like last time. The point is I easily play in Elite elo, the leona was a smurf. We lost because Sona was first time.

I can't win if i'm getting griefed every match. As you can see, I can easily carry games...
Anyone play him yet?
I haven't played the actual game in months but I might finally pick it up so I can start build experimenting like usual.
ive also been playing again for 2 weeks and am unironically iron 4

I'm shaco supp main wanting a brain dead secondary but getting a little filtered by tahm
Check out people's stream or something, I'm too low elo to give proper advice and will have personal bias to just keep playing regardless of things thrown. Will check him now since a lot of people seem disappointed.
>t-the leona was smurfing!!
>my support was first time!!!
the same excuses i see fucking dieirl use
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ally said i have a cute ign
you have a cute ign
(add iffeedthendie#die na)
>get a phone call
>asks for Mr cocks
>can’t tell if it was a prank call or if he was asking for Mr.cox
I only drop Swain when he's boring, not when he's weak. New E seems fucking retarded and unless the rest of his kit is ass now I think he'll get nerfed based on that alone.
taliyah has breastfeeding fetish, but she knows that no one who is into this fetish would want to be breastfed by an flat chest so she keeps it to herself
Its not an excuse when its true? Opgg the sona? Opgg the leona? Are you retarded?
"Let him" - NA goat
You lost to a jungler main autofilled lol
you're boosted by the Xin Zhao after demoting, it must be so embarrassing to be you
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Whats the difference with these?
Are drop rates for certain skins and such not the same between them?
5 bronzes vs me in aram is too funny
>winning games = smurf
kk xD
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briar cute
Wish Zoe was my keyholder
Kai'sa takes no skill to play, especially with a leona smurf against first time sona.

Don't really know what you're talking about with the Xin... in your universe I guess its impossible to match up twice in an evening
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There are too easy ways to fix this. Step one feed her Onions-Based foods. Step two, do NOT pull out.
sorry, briar learned how to do prank calls recently, i'll put a pin code to lock my phone
are poop jokes still funny in 2024?
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>boosted seraphine player talking about champiosn taking skills to play
You hug tower and spam wave clear while your duo boosts you
Don't talk about skills when you solo die to gold players

if my jungler pathes top, my support roams top and i get dove 1v2 / 1v3 bot
i will spend the rest of the game walking botlane. i dont care.
haha he said poop
>kai'sa takes no skill
uh huh?
don't give her hope, taliyah is male
yes, kai'sa takes no skill to play and that dogshit champ should never be useful vs sona seraphine either
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when you ult like a boosted gold bonobo it may take skills maybe?
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FACT: Lulu has the CUTEST EARS!

seriously what the hell is up with the repeated 15-minute timers to post, it's making this website literally impossible to use without setting timers on your phone to remind you to actually send the damn waifupost, as it otherwise just resets to a fresh 15-minute timer all over again
>if the game is ever not about ME for 5s I will int
We know, adchud.
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The real skills lies in the ability to buy boosts online from random junglers

Kaisa could NEVER
you vill accept ze kookies and be happy
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>win 4 out of 5 placement games using shit tier champion qiyana
>get 30 lp for a win
>get placed in gold 3
am i on the riot hitlist or what
Strange coincidence that when it comes to boosts, it's always a jungler. I wonder why out of 5 "balanced" roles, people only go to 1 of them when money is on the line and they have to win.

This fact alone is enough to shut down any retard who even implies jungle isn't cancer OP cheating levels of broken.
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Well you see, almost all phoneposters only post low quality garbage (example: your own post), so they should just stop posting forever and preferably even kill themselves.
are you implying that you should get better lp gains because you play a "low" (52.5%) winrate champ?
not sure if I"m following your logic
not even blocking cookies here, and regularly clearing the browser cache is just good hygiene so you dont catch yourself a million fucking trackers
my booster played supp and adc
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nah I'm just saying placing gold 3 with 4/5 wins is stupid
and my wins were hard fought for shit ass gains
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i aint a phoneposter
vouivre is too shit to be a booster, stop shitposting.
May i suck your dick queen?
you sound extremely retarded. in your post you haven't specified if it's a fresh acc or used one, what its visible rank and mmr was last split, how is anyone supposed to judge the fairness of your lp gains without these basic parameters?
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don't talk about my wife like that or we're gonna have a problem bud
first game of the day 4 kids with down syndrome
lets keep it going
Why are you still here if you refuse to play the game? Wouldn't that just make this place a pit of painful reminders and alluring temptation for you?

like it was for me T_T
Loli Ahri would be the hottest thing ever.
good bait I almost replied
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this one of you?
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tiny pinoy
give me the honest truth how long do you think it's gonna take me to leave bronze
loli of all the kda girls and qiyana please
thinking about playing ranked
but i realized that i rarely ever play normal champs in their roles

i usually just play top laners in jungle cause its fun and i usually end up stomping with mordekaiser
but i doubt thatd work in ranked
5 games
Been trying for 40 games.
It's been literally a 50% wr rollercoaster. Easily win 1 game and practically stomp the team, then you get absolute fucking retards that don't know how to think for themselves and singlehandedly lose the game.
Your rates will be better than mine if you play ungabunga champs, but eh maybe not.
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hello gamers is there a way to change my voice language to japanese and not get banned
second wind is giga busted actually, scales better than conditioning
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Alright I tried him out in the practice tool.
His E hitbox was told to be larger but I don't see it, it keeps missing the 2 enemy puppets unless they're exactly next to each other like the old e.
His E hits just as hard as his W and has almost half W's cooldown so you're gonna have to level Q and then E now unless you want to wait 20 to 18 seconds for his W (which is worthless because a root is a harder cc than w's slow and Swain benefits from pulling enemies in his circle).
His Q seems to be the same, if I can recall his bolts do most damage the closer it is to his cone so if you Q and E it should be good for wave clear since it covers the front and back minions rather than W.
His multiple demonflare cooldown is about 8 seconds which I think is good enough, you can also demonflare, zhonyas and then demonflare again in like 3 extra seconds later which can gurantee atleast 2 demonflares or more than 2 if you build him tanky.
At max level Q is 3 seconds, W is 18 seconds, E is 10 seconds, R is 113 seconds or so (about 2 minutes cooldown which is too grnarly for me desu).
There have been complaints about how Swains healing is weaker now when champs like Sylas and Attrox exist with burst heals and mobility and whatever while Swain has to wait 2 minutes for his R due to the infinite demonflare thing and having to rely on his w and e which can be a bit dodgy to even apply but do what you will with this information.
Overall he seems like the same champ despite the rework and unfortunately this will probably cater to support Swains over midlaners due to E being superior to W now (which I used to use a lot to assist top, bot and jungle (or my tower to prevent push from minions/enemies) when I played mid due to range, slow and peel advantage but the cooldown and drain is probably too insignificant now).
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>brain dead
Yuumi is right there bro.
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Lulu is cute and precious and must be worshipped and praised, the game that she's from is utterly irrelevant to this

Also League went the path of the kernel-level-spyware, and thats what killed my interest in it for good. I will not enable the AI apocalypse nor the totalitarian mass surveillance apocalypse.
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is Ambessa Katarina? why should she be a toplaner?
i wont betray milf Illaoi
Hows the Malz vs Anivia match up? Panic picked him
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Die troon
fuck nunu
no it doesnt
you get warmog's / red buff for free late game anyways, how is some teeny tiny regen better than the resists
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Who the fuck is the target audience for this slop? Who actually fucking buys it? Someone must since there are like 50 of these skins now.
I miss this nigga like you wouldn't believe
Filler episode.
they should make a champ that has like 400 range but is classified as meele
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Best we can do.
>brain dead secondary but getting a little filtered by tahm
one of the best tahms in euw has LITERAL brain damage you'll be fine
Change your language yui?
>325 Range
I don't think melee means what you think it means, Mr. Rito Gayums...
In which elo do I find girls like this?
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people are always like "why dont riot make cool login screens anymore" but really they just moved the graphics inside the client after you log in.
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we are so fuzcking back
the mages in this game are brainrot broken tier
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Briar won
>order pizza
>can’t get deal unless I sign in
>download app
>forgot password etc
>log in
>go to recent orders
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>promoted to cutelow

cute Briar cat..
Good art.
>T1 will never play variety ever again
I miss the times when he used to shit himself playing horror games...
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What's your favorite ability of your favorite champion and why?

Obviously E is a bit of a no brainer in my case. Even before they decided it should be half of her total damage output, it was and always has been an insanely fun tool to use for fishing, engaging, and avoiding skill shots. Learning all of the walls that are JUST thin enough to be flipped over is really neat, and being able to set up specific shroud hits as a dash back point for leaping into risky plays like a baron steal is perfect for her hit and run nature. The hair on the back of my neck tingles a bit every time I land an E but don't immediately chase it while I assess if I'm about to int or not because every nerve in my body demands that every E deserves an E2. Chasing a TPing enemy across the entire map is hilarious, even if it's right into their fountain. The rare occasions where the impact alone kills someone gives me the same feeling as bonking someone with a grenade throw in CS or CoD and killing them with that tiny bite of damage. It's just the best.
imagine being a mid mage player hahahahahhahahaha
>The only one that actually looks like a dark star abomination like they ALL SHOULD is Yorick
Debatably Zoe too.

God this skinline fell off so fucking hard.
>No cool animations
>No neat little tune
>No sovl
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I like Swain w.
>Almost every zoe skin has her wearing shoes or boots of some kind
Why did they decide to censor the pedo footfag champ?
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His old passive where you could pull people off of ally's CC, it was very rewarding to react quickly and it let you do some silly things like Alistar pulverize, you pull them in, and then he headbutts them even further back.

Current kit I guess his shotgun Q it feels extremely satisfying to get a full 5-hit blast in someone's face, especially if you're actually going a heavy AP build and not 'Living Item Applier' build.
I miss mantheon where did he go...
corki went from the worst adc to the best adc in 1 patch
It does have animation and music
It is lacking in sovl however
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I guess it has to be Space Aids.
Malz is one of those champs where his kit has to all work together for maximum output. Q, W and Ult all rely on Space Aids being active for full potential, and Space Aids by itself isn't very good but is enhanced a lot by the other spells.
The issue with Malz E is that it's so good at applying items/runes that by itself it has to do shit for damage.
Volibear is so cool I wish I could be just like him
Legend has it if you eat 50 klondike bars you will turn into Volibear on a silver full moon.
I mean, that's the point. It HAS to be shit by itself cause it's such a utility, and then his power budget is better left for the other skills interacting with it.
>Q Resets duration for double the burn
>W babies are boosted and do more damage towards the space aids
>Ult also resets the duration of the burn continually
It's a very simple spell that's just meant to be enhanced over and over till it's busted.

Reminds me of old Swain. The spell that just burned them and made them take more damage, then you'd sick Beatrice on them and ult to get maximum potential. I miss it.
another whitey filtered by snowbunny
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Lulu is the cuddliest! THE CUDDLIEST!
Just an average Volibear with a head of a human and a body of a human.
it remains niggalow no matter how hard you try to deny it
whats the point of playing melee in this game?
They really have no idea what to do with him. He's always either a broken meta level champion, or pretty bad for everyone who doesn't one-trick him. Reminder: Riot changed Corki and TF a couple of months back with the goal of making them more popular ADC / Bot, and not just mid or top.
much higher stats and mobility generally
holy shit Malz is one of the most boring champs out there.
I literally got dived level 1 2 3 in bronze then camped by enemy jg for the whole laning phase, I couldn't walk up to the wave

my elo is harder than yours
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Gravitum Q.
Having multiple uses of a point and click root in lane alongside supports that depend on a single skillshot to drop a 100-0 combo is so satisfying in a laning phase that's otherwise underwhelming. It has the most sluggish wave clear but you usually have Infernum with it to make up for it.
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Ashley my beloved
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>open client to play some league
>stare at client for a while
>close client
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more jg kitting camps nerfs
no one cares about aphelios
my lulu was level 5 when i was level 8 and kept sprinting back to lane as soon as she respawned to nuke my cs for 'poke' and get caught by nunu and ezreal
idk might need to phone vv for more 'help' so i can flash into enemy tower vs qmm and call myself masters
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My champ is advanced and doesnt function in binaries so I can't engage with this question soz

You can't look at any one of her abilities as a singular favorite because they genuinely don't do anything without using a different ability in tandem

If I had to choose a combo instead it'd probably be walk up under grass Q- AA-E-Q-W-Q because you can either select grass or earth as the final Q and its kino suprising people with the burst
>open client to play some league
>stare at client for a while
>*ptsd league experiences*
>close client
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get yoself a sololaner that can turtle/farm and punish dives

back when i played, my go-to pick when not playing Lulu was Cho'gath, that fella can turtle for days and still scale out of control and become massive, plus it was a braindead/tilt-proof kind of pick where you could nom your way to gold/plat
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Renata's ultimate. I don't think any other support, or even any other champion in the game has such a fun ability to land. Landing it in a chokepoint and seeing people just try to escape it but be unable to and visibly panic is very fun.
That can't be the case as long as im here
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ADC is such a useless role.
that's not Renata
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I don't have any pictures of her besides this splash.
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>open client
>try and daydream until
I want him to fuck me
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I have defeated the bbcposters.
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call me insane but i unironically think this is the best second item you can get if the enemy has any relevant shielding
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>ints your lane for fun
wtf is wrong with junglers?
i want to fuck him
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morgcel said the item sucks thoughbeit
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it is-
>ranged multiplier
no it isnt
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More or less. The stats are pretty useless by themselves and the build path isn't all that great, either. You're likely gonna take this 2nd or 3rd item, too, and that might delay your actual full build. "relevant shielding" is also a big question mark. Ultimately, discussion of Serpents is kind of a poisoned well by virtue of it literally being a situational item - meaning it's really hard to have a generalized discussion about it. It's case-by-case.
It's pretty underrated, I saw a breakdown of mathematically how efficient it is, and it's extremely good against a number of champions. It just feels bad to build, much like grievous wounds items.
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Hes born the wrong color
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soloq going good this split
ah, you must be an adc main then. all botlaners love getting railed by enemy jungle, it's why they don't look at the map.
I got 7 day banned for declining queues which is probably a good thing so now I can stop coming here
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>going good
>W: 10 L: 15
are you sure
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Lulu is the sweetest! THE SWEETEST!
No...I only play aram
Ezreal looks so cute here
evens i play league of legends, jungle and blog post about every single game
odds rainbow six siege
>guy who plays a champ who doesn’t use it says it’s bad
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What animal am i
What is my climate theme

speaking of born the wrong color
She does look delicious
trust the plan
giwiw ksante...
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Me and my gymbro
Hes the mogger and im the rizzer
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I feel like one thing that doesn't get brought up a lot is how champions "feel" to play. Ambessa's attack animation looks and feels awful - it reminds me of Naafiri or one of Wukong's autos where it's really easy to cancel autos by walking while the animation's ongoing because of how long it seems to take them to come out.

Then there's the issue of visual clarity, too. They made a whole big deal of giving champions clarity around 2022 or so - they even made a whole dev. blog video about it then, but it seems that starting with Smolder's Q AoE particles and Aurora's weirdly angled Q/E hitbox visuals they've stopped caring again.
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Game is miserable.
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lick lick
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odds sleep for 3 hours
evens jerk off to hentai cartoon and then sleep

What would you do if you were ksanta
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enjoy your nap! sweet dreams

good luck. what're you shooting for this season, diamond?
Fuck Akali in the ass
>45 games
>50% wr
>coinflip games
>either stomp or braindead teammates
>in motherfucking bronze
I honestly don't know what else to do
I think I might just ragequeue in top as a tank and do nothing the entire game, seeing how fucking retarded toplaners have been it really can't be that hard
i am currently gold 4 9 lp i dont think diamond is possible this split
Where can I find a bf like heartsteel ezreal or kayn
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Sonas big fat plappers.
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emerald, then? it's okay and fun to some extent to dream big, though. you just can't get carried away and feel disappointed when you don't make it.
vgs tonight?
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Damn no cartoon breeding for me i really wanted to impregnate akali

oh well good night
Thanks you too
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Cute low elo transgirls are for chads with big huge dicks. really large ones.
League of Legends.
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Virtual good night kiss
Asia is full of ezreal looking males
Its ok.
People think the passive is good because they see a big shield shred number and assume thats valuable. But unlike heals, shields dissapate on their own so in order for Serpent fang to be useful you have to shred a shield and completely break through it and deal damage for the passive to actually have value. And the amount of shield you shred has to be more than the amount of damage you'd gain from another item choice.
But even though the passive is kind of shit the actual stats are very good for the low cost of the item and any other decent item you would compare it to are 500g more expensive.
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how bad is this monkey going to be on release?
needs to be reworked into an assassin
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people are already building lethality items on her on pbe. it seems like it's going to be the meta build. lol. her release is gonna be a mess.
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lol, she's going to get nerfed isnt she
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i will aim for plat
too busy with IRL shit to play as much as i used to anyway
Can they just stop hiring retards.
When is Phreak gonna get the boot
thank god
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plat's a decent goal. i hope you make it - you can do it. good luck
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>let's give him the benefit of the doubt
>mega failure
>one more try
>hyper mega failure
>now for sure
Meanwhile Smolder is perfectly balanced but you can't play him because of the 1%
Jason is a pretty niggerlicious loving guy
Why did Velkoz stop streaming?
They should just hire me.
who else would work for rito at this point
Who is me
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>while lethality is shit to build
of course
why would it be any different
>Overpowered garbage
>Overpowered nigger
>Overpowered feet whore
>Overpowered nigger (female)
wow amazing repertoire
holy cope
mf got sacked for sure
Chinese state mandated workers
i rephrase my question:
who else would voluntarily work for rito at this point
How do I get worlds pass XP from TFT?
Is it every 3 games? can I go entirely afk?
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we won but Ashe went 5/12
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Me. They pay a lot and their benefits are generous and pay for you to work from home or fly across international waters if you get lucky. If they fire you they still pay you and give you those benefits for 6 months straight. You only ever need to work for a big company for sometime to climb higher and gain exp so you use them much like they use you.
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I want to go back
Use alunebot
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Find the Alune bot (it's on Github) and install LPlayer or Bluestacks or whatever (LPlayer takes the least resources) and just run it through that. It gives significantly less than normal games, obviously, but it's afk'able as opposed to those same normal games, so it pays out anyway.
Newfag here... was it really better or is it just nostalgia? Looks kinda like shit desu.
She's a champ with no defensive scalings, no cc, no way of peeling and ten million ways to get in.
Her only defensive move is a damage reduction for 1 second parry
Why would she ever be building bruiser, it really doesnt make any sense. Idk how they thought this champ wouldn't end up being an assasssin
I would do anything to go back
Hate this gay world so much
what about Ahri's little brother?
kinda sad that they'll never do a LoL classic type of deal, i never got to play season 1-3 craziness
Ok, so I finally got around to asking directly at the source. Why are turn rates LoL's go to criticism of Dota? I've seen countless mentions) variations of this complaint over the years; in youtube videos, on 4chan, on reddit, etc.

This isn't just a random whimsical mechanic - it has an important function.
Having slight turn rates allows Dota to have viable melee hard carries (ADC in LoL terms) and in fact there are so many of them that they outnumber the ranged ones. Turn rates enable them not to be permanently kited by ranged damage dealers and spell casters. How many fully viable melee ADC's does LoL actually have in comparison? There's also a slight difference in the enemy being able to react when you blink (teleport) right behind them due to turn rates.

I suspect most people who say that don't understand information above and just want to have something to easily latch onto when discussing the game.
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I wish I had experienced this lol, the game seemed to be more slow without everyone having many dashes and the teamfights easier to understand what was going on, those old graphics have their own charm.
*countless variations
I think it would be nostalgia since this is a moba. I can understand stuff like wc3 because players actually made maps, hosted their lan parties, did the main story, etc. As for old league the players didn't have any control of the content hence cannot necessarily be recreated or hosted in their original frozen in time state. I think people would remember the old sound and small things like that which should further make it nostalgic but nothing more can really be done in the game and it would instantly be solved within a week of it opening up much like how vanilla wow content was ran through completely by a dedicated group within like 3 days or something stupid.
At least stuff like wc3 and vanilla can be hosted by players, Riot stuff, never ever.
its boring and unfun and feels like ass
>muh melee carries
thats not a good thing, melee carries are the most cancerous class in mobas
the only part you're nostalgic about is the visuals isn't it?
i can't even fathom anyone wanting to play league in its early seasons with current day understanding of the game
you could legit get 6 slotted by like 27 min mark due to how much gold minions gave and 1 shot even tanks due to damage numbers
theres nothing good about it when you go back and look at it
ill tell you one thing, that map looks really cool, i wish we had it in current league
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>be mean to somebody in voice chat on rainbow six
>somebody team kills that person and he asks why and it makes me feel bad
>log into league

kill niggers.
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It feels like shit
>but le balance
I prefer an unbalanced fun game than a balanced boring game
If you want balance you can go play rock paper scissors all day
How does the new bounty changed effect the game QRD?
>ezreal starts tear
i should be allowed to leave the game with no penalty
that's ok
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Lulu is adorable! ADORABLE!
>support talks
>support leashes
>support thinks
i should be allowed to leave the game with no penalty
>thats not a good thing, melee carries are the most cancerous class in mobas

This sounds ridiculous and I can't even begin to imagine why someone would think this. What's so bad about melee damage dealers?
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qiyana > aurora > akali
The only time I'm even reminded dota exists is when we get our semi annual "why you guys no like turn rates" post
they get all the speedboosts/blinks/jumps/stuns and other ways to close the gap that just end up having zero counterplay, while also being tuned to be able to win any 1v1 ever
it just feels bad to play
you click back and it doenst happen right away, its like playing with lag
>the games controls have to be unresponsive because ummm then our special snowflake retard class would have counterplay and umm that would be bad!
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A bit of both. It was better in some aspects but if we all went back in time and played season 1-3 now, we might find that it's poorly balanced compared to today's league.

That's a decent summary. It was a lot of fun and easier to get into with the smaller roster.

>the only part you're nostalgic about is the visuals isn't it?
Not at all. The smaller roster and lack of mobility made the game more accessible for casuals and new players. There were also the seasonal maps for like Halloween and X-mas which were excellent. The community was also entirely different and more involved with shit like the summoner showcase, journal of justice, lol forums and such. At one point there was a pro exhibition match where the results had a direct effect on the lore. CDR boots were born from that game.
She's so cute, it's adorable how her hat just bounces when she walks
Kek. This is literally the first time I've asked this anywhere. Looks like many Dota players encountered the exact same thing I did.

>zero counterplay

Then they would be permanently in meta, but they aren't. They drop in and out of it just like everyone else.
they drop out of meta when the lastest bullshit gets nerfed into the ground, and whenever melee carries are in-meta they are infamously awful to play against, like AP yi, or release darius
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>CDR boots were born from that game.
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based and real
>awful to play against

Many claim this about ranged carries instead. For example, Drow Ranger can make you slow down to crawl with ice arrows, sniper can kill you from a full screen away, Templar Assassin can accumulate so much armor reduction that she literally two shots supports, etc. The most infamous patch that's cited as "PTSD inducing" featured a ranged hard carry.
once you have enough sex you go full circle and become almost like an incel, its weird

I love shaco
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Here's the match and an article. The game took place December 10th 2010.
belveth is fine+, ksante and briar are terrible designs
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I miss it
your whole nigger-hating schtick is getting kinda old desu
In league, ranged carries pay for their limited range by permanently being targeted by everything and needing to play flawlessly to come out on top. Yes, a vayne CAN do a 1v5 if things go right, but if there are hard stuns on the enemy team, she might as well not be playing
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funny how easy it is to identify the bad habits in the game within the first say 2 minutes of play time.
I don't.
t. ank abuser
haha right its my shtick haha funny act haha
>permanently being targeted by everything and needing to play flawlessly to come out on top

Same thing for highest DPS ranged carries in Dota. The core of their gameplay is proper positioning and target prioritization.
His whole gimmick is annoying now
>heckin lowbob complaining about matchmaking
Yeah that existed back in season 1 Yawn
he got an ego from 1 person spamming his stream name in thread
>1 person
Steel desperate for attention so he latched on to him
for reference, this is what high-level ranged carry looks like in league
>cait nami
>get hit by one headshot
>i'm now in range of another headshot + ult for the kill
i love when riot buffs this walking sack of tumors simply because of arcane xddd such a fun character xdd le 650 range lesbian xddd
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they are not as horrible to play as in league
you have satanic, force staff and its forks, butterfly, bkb and the stat system in dota helps a lot more than in league
you wont see true one shots in league like pa jumping you and critting you for 1.6k dmg insta gibbing you but ranged carries (marksmans) in league are extremely team dependent and their defensive items are genuinely shit compared to dota2 so when you get jumped on its pretty much guaranteed that you die
you have a lot more room for error in dota compared to league
also league player for some reason seethe endlessly about the class having consistent damage that relies on auto attack (not being a skillshot for the most part)
omg so true
She's at pretty close range I see, sometimes literally melee. A Dota equivalent would be the enemy team fully failing to find/shut down a carry and then the carry eliminating everyone, or permanently being bailed out by supports with save items.
it was too degenerate and i play some of the worst abusers like camille and trundle
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>That's a decent summary. It was a lot of fun and easier to get into with the smaller roster.
I feel that one of the main problems of modern league is that every time I finally think I've learned what all the items do and what stats they have, they decide to change everything again, add new items and remove others, they do this at least once a year
Omg...dried squid scent is wafting from my dick rn...
Ambessa looks so fucking broken, looking forward to permabanning her regardless if shes hovered on my team
Why did diana get another prestige
>league player for some reason seethe endlessly about the class having consistent damage that relies on auto attack (not being a skillshot for the most part)

Interesting. I didn't bother finding out why, but I also got the impression that ADC is by far the most hated class in LoL, based on the limited exposure I have to the LoL community.
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and this is just lolg
if the class dares to even be played in mid or top it will get instantly nuked with nerfs to either champs or runes/items
>the most hated class in LoL
Has to be jungle. Jg is held to a higher standard and anything less than perfection will cause your team to skin you alive.
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>top won
>mid nearly even
>bot didnt even feed that hard
>meanwhile he's nonexistant as jg with only a sprinkle more damage than what i assume is a yuumi
yeah i think this game was 100% lost by botlane mmhm
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cute gfs
Don't know about that. I've heard endless criticism of ADC players ("whiny" "delusional" "entitled" "overpowered" etc) and barely anything about jungler aside from someone calling it "a role no one wants to play".
Why did they gut Aurora so fucking hard? I had an Emerald player who has 217 games on her fucking get SHIT ON by a damn Viktor. Dude is stuggling to maintain 49% wr on her too. Her WR is also in the toilet overall.
i shit you not i had games when i was carrying and my team legitimately was doing everything to lose so i dont carry and lose
the obscene hate this community has for the role and its players is straight up comedic
you can literally play pitch perfect but if your support runs it you get the blame for it
its actually hilarious
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Lulu is 'avin a giggle! A GIGGLE!
Yeah they definitely trolled you for uhhh playing ADC that's absolutely the whole story
isnt second wind objectively better than bone plating in every case unless you are like gnar into camille or something?
literally poppy's bread and butter item
the mythic bonus gave decent scaling too
MY mains
>bot didnt even feed that hard
an icicle is hot.
its not very hot but its hot indeed.
>got the zeri prestige instead of diana
how do I cope?
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how many of you fucks in this very thread post about shit picking support to troll the adc?
how many of you assholes post about owning "adchuds"?
you tards literally have a marksman that goes into the adc role and makes the lane the most miserable garbage it can ever be even riot is actively hating on the role and allowing avenues to grief the adc whenever its possible with shit picks like mage/marksman "supports"
>Dude makes a mistake that will let me walk all over him for the rest of the game.
>Wreck his shit, so far grabbed every cs
>Some cunt DC's and they end up FFing

I know it's still a win but this shit is so stupid I could have padded my stats hard this game and they did this to me
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Bone plating is really good into champs that need to commit to poke like Fizz.
Fizz literally can't break plating unless he gets into melee range so you can trade with him with a massive advantage every time
Wind is better when they have low comittal poke that can break plating for free
well, the difference is, those things about ADC players are true, and junglers are oppressed, basically
marksman that goes into the support role*
yes im seething
>anything less than perfection will cause your team to skin you alive.
so true only junglers know how true this statement is
Is dota 2 more funner than league of legends
used to be
Because she's a cringe press r champ
So is half the roster, retard.
What shouls I buy first item Jhin mid? Apparantly statikk shiv sucks, so do I go a lethality item like youmuus or hubris?
>playing adc mid
rope and chair
I miss sissy era lolg
Did we leave that era?
She's hot.
the meme isn't shiv is bad
the meme is shiv > RFC is bad
go shiv > IE or collector
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Quickplay chill Im not fucking with anybodys LP. And Im doing decent too tho obviously its qp
voltaic cyclosword > collector/IE
I might go collector then because IE build path is shit, and earlier Collector means more gold for kills, and less armor to deal with early in game. IE 3rd sounds good though, but why/when is lethality items like youmuu, hubris, etc. applicable?
Isnt the passive damage from cyclo like dogshit, maybe im wrong but only 100 and 20% slow for 0.75 secs seems very meh. Idk if the fact that Im playing DH and not FF makes a diff also, but Im also a quickplay only scrub so please enlighten me if Im retarded
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>Riot reworks Swain
>His winrate went from 52% to 47%
Why his rework flop?
just try it
1) it takes time for people to learn the changes of the character
2) there are a ton of new people trying him, his pick rate has gone up like 500%
3) it was specifically to nerf mid/bot swain
yes. we dont even have a gwensissy anymore.
Literally getting griefed every champ select. This is such bs. If it weren't for these griefers i would be master by now...
Erm akshually riot gave zed bonus damage to monsters so this isnt griefing at all chud. Let people play what they want
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you don't deserve this at all, queen... you should be treated like royalty with all your teammates kneeling at your feet
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ranged toplaners fight in the wave and be like where did my hp go
What elo is this.
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>ranged toplaner solo'd by minions
you hate to see it!
*eats fried chicken with Senna while Lucian is at work*
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>Promoted to bronze II
>Demoted to bronze III
>Promoted to bronze II
>Demoted to bronze III
>Promoted to bronze II
>Demoted to bronze III
I swear to fucking God, I'm going to end up tracking one of these fucking niggers down and shoving a knife down their throat while they sleep.
My motherfucking jungler was texting on fucking discord while we were trying to win the game. The retarded half-aborted gorilla nigger was 2-11 and was texting 40 minutes into the game.
Everytime i play, i get troll teamcomps like who is going to protect the kogmaw against j4 malhpite???? first time sonas, first time sennas, its so hard being a sera APC main
Velkoz cmon...lay off my tacos
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I can uniroincally duo with you and get you to silver 4. silver is worse than bronze however
nigger teammates what else is new
>play any other lane jg is always topside
>secondary into top lane this stupid nigger is running it down in the other two lanes

right on man.
what you won't know unless you were there (or unless it's in the article idk) is that the noxus team had constant disconnects and iirc that was also when udyr had that one item that made him 100% completely unkillable and able to 1v5 lol
literally rigged
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sera APC mains have suffered more than jesus
It's ap kogmaw you black ass nigga he doesn't need protection
Kys Riot paypig nobody gives a fuck what a nigger seraphine player has to say. Disgusting fat slob or a straight troon behind that screen guaranteed.
I would take your offer, but I don't play on NA.
Good luck dealing with the niggers though, dumbdigger.
Si17 is currently on the downlow so jealous losers have to latch onto dumbdigger now to hate
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It's a new day to bully ADChuds !
Why isn't Jelly streaming?
Her cough
She’s too busy being a snowbunny
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All of which she got by being a snow bunny
doesn't want to get restreamed.
>not even out and already nerfed
I'm still stuck silver a month after the reset
My most played champ didn't correct their winrate
They went from 20%-44% winrate but it's still bad
always someone else's fault huh? i'm sure jg/top/mid/sup diff made you flash into qmm's tower as well.
I miss bbcposter… </3
no one likes her so she finally fucked off
kind of relieved to see everyone in the comments openly calling out how retardedly busted she is instead of booing the nerfs or getting mad.
ambessa is honestly going to be what gets me to start playing draft instead of qp desu i can't imagine queueing for top and not being able to ban that dogshit
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I can understand Belveth
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Every champ ever released has been called "retardedly busted" and people asking for nerfs before they even get their hands on the champion...
Surely by now people will learn to just wait.
Y'all be overreacting
>Every champ ever released has been called "retardedly busted"
tbf it's true about 50% of the time
i dont be overreacting i am straight up not dealing with that bullshit. 100% banrate in games i participate in until she's gutted to the point of not being viable even in her best matchups.
Lucky Lucian
ambessa is top02 cringiest champ, the top01 still is smolder
I doubt that Arcanefags who begged for Riot “pls pls put Arcane characters in the game” will play with that shit.
kek, twitter is actually pissed over aphelios being a twink?
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Say it with me anon:
they didnt pick one anyone even wanted
Silvo and Sevika were the only possible options and Riot STILL managed to fuck it up
>spellshielded Veigars ult on reaction
I just realized I'm missing on free LP by not using my reactions to the fullest.

Any champs for these feels?
when did this meme start that yall is a new internet word
do you look like this?
Silco was turned into "Renata Glasc" because they claimed he couldn't be put into the game. Which is retarded because nobody would've argued "lore inconsistencies". Sevika is literally Vi but with 1 arm so they can't use her.
saying y'all is stolen valor from the hurricane victims
weird way of spelling k'sante
"y'all" is ebonics. speak english not monkey.
Based zoomer education
in what universe do they teach you to write "y'all" in school
not the point retard, blacks didnt invent yall
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French Universe.
a character written exclusively for the show and who needs hours of monologues and character development for us to care about him, “heeeh why don't they put him in the game”, only retards think he would be good put him as a playable league champ
the same could be said about the current sheboon
I don't give a fuck about her
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Playing ADC made me derank from B3 to Iron 3 and I keep falling. I average 8.5cs per minute, often go 5/0 or some shit but it doesn't matter because other lanes feed.
doesn't matter who invented it retard. they didn't invent fried chicken or watermelon either.
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good mornin
SIlcos justification is even more retarded when you consider fucking VIEGO exists and is canonically stuck in a void space never to interact with the lol world ever again
Sevika is NOT Vi, she has a sword that can launch projectiles, a steroid, and her sword is a retractable part of her SINGLE robotic arm instead of using 2 she is not at all like Vi especially since she uses shimmer not hextech

>a character who needed lore for us to care about
>compared to a character who we dont care about even WITH her being part of that lore
man what a stupid fucking braindead point, did you even think at all before typing that one out?
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>i will fully support erasure of history so i can sperg any time someone uses the word yall
you have never lived as an honest human being a single day of your life, this is the last (you) you get from me animal
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I wanna inform Lulu about the FACT that she's the CUTEST!
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Kali go grr 'Kali don't stop, 'Kali don't skrrt 'Kali got a job, 'Kali go to work
Neckbeard ezreel told me stop speaking ebonics, how should i reply
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Ezrl, if you open tiktok you will notice that aryan queens are using monkey language more than blacks

>what about Ahri's little brother?
Lil bro*
Ahri calls her lil bro cause she loves black slang
you typing in an accent online is not preserving history you fat retard get over yourself.
>he's here to save the thread
is a fat lesbian
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Nigger poster being force to give up his nigger posting but still trying to do it with SFW images and a posting format everyone automatically recognizes and ignores has got to be the funniest thing the mods have done in a while. I used to enjoy watching his posts disappear as quickly as he could spam them. Now I get to watch him limply beg for attention with posts which are husks of their former selves.
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>Bork nerfed
Sucks when the most prominent tanks are all big health stackers, but Briar doesnt really lack item options in general
Dear Riot,
Please give Shyvana a good skin. Thank you.
A jungler.
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>not using recognizable posting format

SFW is the prelude newfag, i enjoy doing it
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when will i get better at playing the video game league of legends lolgen?


>a character who has zero fighting skills
>is not a fighter
>doesn't use magic
>doesn't master weapons
fucking retard! what do you expect? press Q for silco to use his dialogues to try to persuade the enemy to give up his tower

press W for silco to call jinx

holy fuck kys!
>Every champ ever released has been called "retardedly busted" and people asking for nerfs before they even get their hands on the champion...
thats because it has literally been true every single time since rell and riot openly admits to releasing champs op on purpose
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Lil bro x jinkers prelude is very nostalgic
majin owes me sex
>Demote on a winnable game
>Queue up
>End up going 1-11
>Whole team has maybe 8 kills against 30
>Somehow turn the game around
>End up 12-14
>Promoted to Bronze II
I swear, riot wants to perma my account in Bronze II limbo.
Always promote, but never beyond.
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How mad are you that the new champ is black
i can give you his address and you probably wouldnt even do anyhting cause ur just fucking posing
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if youre diamond + youre .5 percent of the league community.

but apparently youre actually 80% of the league community because every single bronze silver and iron player is a diamond+ main. wierd crazy how that works
anyone vgs?
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b2b TWD releases
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ayy 2.5 mill
uh oh bbcuck is doing his hour long bull prep ritual
What's your opinion of Jelly?
make a lobby
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Bull prepping is more fun than opening the thread and instantly starting the topi codes

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Told you guys it was a smurf kai'sa and leona abusing broken champs. Easily made it back playing enchanter APC
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I love Lissandra!
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Good job babe you're the highest rated lolg girl (we cant count doja because she is boosted)
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Ima go buy breakfast irl (pic rel)
yea why else would she help refugees irl
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Vel'koz is for loving, worshipping and impregnation
Akali is for the streets
why are you guys larping as girls? there are no girls here.
Seraphine is a Man
theres a couple girls here but they usually dont post
sunshine or connordavis?
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>couple of "girls"
Velkoz fish sloth
I miss Topi Lantto
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anyone who posts pics of female champs here are females and look exactly like the female champ they posted, are you new here?
for a sissy contest?
how loose is lyra's asshole? heard it was tight before deshawn got done with her...
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yup this is literally me when i have a support trashing my lane
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one of them literally posts all day every day what
are you going to btfo the thread with really long posts like you did the other day
What's the deal with graves? no damage for like 20 minutes and then at 3-4 items, boom, one shotting anything that moves
all lolg's attempts to make taliyah look ugly just make me think she's even cuter, i always like it when someone posts that pic of her blushing
Lolg funny today
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Surfin Taliyah
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nidalee is so hot, why no one talk or post pic of her here?
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No one plays Nilah.
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Cute boy
I want to suck kayns dick while yone thrusts me from behind
she looks very breedable.
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kill yourself cuck
'why are ksant players like that?
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i before e escept after c dumbfuck
>soul for enemy team is spawning
>ashe is splitpushing top
>flames us for taking a bad fight
can't make this shit up
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Taliyah has great skins
Pool Party, Crystal, Star Guardian
the only way you're breeding her is if you are the one with a biovagina
Sry ur right
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remember me why don't you play Ashe?
I dont play ksanta
ttv dumbdigger faggot
trvth nvke
I miss when this general was full of yordle pics every thread
yones a bottom tho
Answer me straight once and for all lolg: does Jayce take skill?
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I don't play this game at all.
Yeah but im a bottomer bottom
>only time she was good and reliable was like 10 years ago and even then she was absolutely despised since her q hitbox was morgana tier and if after 15 years people still complain about skill shots there was 0 chance in like season 3 people were dodging shit.
>she is now a losecon that everyone hopes is never on their team because even if she goes 20/0 in the first 10 minutes of the game she loses at every point after that
she was also made during the time champs had shitty generic joke personalities like gankplanks original goofy pirate days/sions weird Arnold scharzenegger voice. nothing to really latch onto besides just being shapely brown woman
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bros, I miss him
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actually, he is typically played top.
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>chubby loli
no and not ever, all transform champs are just dump kit, change, dump kit. 2 of his abilities are literally press to turn on and thats it, 2 of them are point and click buttons, 2 of them are just skillshot and set up. the hardest part about this champ is when the enemy team locks in cam/sett/ksante/kled and shit in your mouth for not getting a fiora tier rework some time in the last 5 years
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im a yordle too see my head is a small ball
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Imagine if he had a real weapon. I miss getting him in aram and just spamming that line over and over.
I'll need an edit of this pic with someone bonking her
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>No skins on PBE yet
Is it really gonna be that much of spoilers? We already saw the Vi and Singed skins in the ARAM trailer.
Surely there's not only 3 skins in the patch.
He is just so hot omg
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>duo is playing with his new group of "friends" instead of only duoing with me
are you a girl?
I sure do love playing with my new group of friends
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I'm so glad this skin happened before riot starting making "skins for the champion's biggest fans"
Women are assholes.
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funny how briarfags always post together at the same time, it's like they sleep together in a cave and only come out when someone mentions her
of course she is a girl bud, we're in lolg
everyone is a girl in lolg
The last mention of Briar was an hour and a half ago
Also true
Been there anon. Just forget about them. The sooner you do, the better. You're wasting your time and your happiness thinking about someone who clearly doesn't think about you. They don't deserve your thoughts. I'm sorry anon. Hang in there.
you should duo with them
I don't know if I have ranked in me anymore, and if I do, I already know someone who will come demanding to know why I'm not duoing with them if I do.
I think about her a lot and but she doesn't think about me a lot.
Type shit
So stop thinking about him, you idiot. You're just hurting yourself for nothing.
?? pretty sure elementalist is one of her more popular ones
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no im a boy
I SEE YOU'VE BEEN DUOING WITH ANOTHER LULU IN SOLO QUEUE LMA0000000000. do you want to DIE? do u have a DEATH wISH? what does that astro cancer ugly onlyfans WHORE slut EGIRL have that I don't? HAVE FUN WITH HER THEN FUCKING FREAKullu mil just wait and see what happens u'll be pisslow turbostuck piece of shit without my ardent. she's nothing compared to me you'll be so damn sorry. let that bitch know I've slept on mic with you and tasted your edick already. bet she doesn't know your all-time favorite anime episode. bet she doesn't know the sound of your voice when ur tired. bet she doesn't appreciate your hand vein pics like I did. bet you didn't cum tribute her. bark for me one last time u fucking worthless little dog I'll end ur shit have L9 connections your pathetic life will be over you have no idea what you're in for and don't beg for me to come back, don't try to apologize. it's too late. FAR TOO LATE. I've already found a new duo. in fact i'we been cheating on u this whole time he's a masters graves onetrick he's dreamy and has nicer hand vein than u do & best of all, WE'RE GOING GM SOON. I'll show you what ur missing out on. I'm the best you never had. fuck off forever MORONNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN !!!
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I think you failed to pick on what I was putting down. Let me put it simply. I'm happy this skin was made before riot started making skins cost $500+
Nicer hand vein is crazy
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The more you know
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if you want to see some briar feet you can just say so y'know
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>Roll 2 sets of 10 pulls I had saved up from event passes
>Actually hit the TFT Yuumi
Damn, if only gacha wasn't predatory as shit, cause it does feel good when it works.
no, poppy, i'm not interested in going up to the rooms with you after this conversation, i'm going to finish this beer and then go home
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>Luggs is holding Seraphs and has wings
She needs a VSU ASAP. I doubt Elementalist is her most popular skin since she has (Dark) Cosmic animations which are so much better than her stiff base model.
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who the fuck is skewmond? its fucking over for gpoo isnt it
he's a promising rookie
yordles aren't lolis, retard
Yeah, I know
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Finally I get queued up with a good top laner...
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>NA rejects
post ancient league kino
no briar, you can't get pregnant if I cum on your feet
>finally i got carried
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my new jg duo is poggers
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how do you explain this then?
briar can't get pregnant, she's a failed and infertile experiment, you can creampie her all you want
Gourdon is a pretty cool guy
Does the champ design team actually hate the balance team? This is just going to be another one of those champions that are completely gutted so they're able to be meaningfully playable, thrown into the "failed champion" bucket, like Yuumi, Zeri and K'sante
ur ass is poggers
the newfag fears the kino
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don't care
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Lol this shit made Nasus so much more incorrigible
>you will never play classic league again
i genuinely hope riot makes classic league like wow did with wow classic
you cook the best italian food, babe.
league is for troons and w*men now i hate it
'muh classic lol'fags would be in for a rude awakening. People would just abuse the broken shit much faster with better mechanics and understanding of what's good than how it was at the time. Your 'soul' gamemode would be more cancer than ultra rapidfire in a matter of weeks if not days.
you do have a point, though I suspect you are simply jealous that you did not get to experience the pure unfiltered SOVL that was seasons 1-4, as well as dominion and TTT. you also probably didn't play the original URF mode, nor did you experience peak kassadin/yi/rengar/xin. You don't know what cancer is.
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Soraka my cute wife!
Vel'koz my cute wife!
I remember when Soraka was an actual champion
Good old days.
>akali ap nunu abuse
yeah all fun and sparkles until better players on better champs knock your teeth in and suddenly its "oh i actually have to go"
Good to know you have this take about sjokz
So I just started playing the game again after losing my account. How the fuck do I choose multiple champions for a lane?
This new quick match system is dog shit, I'm locked as a single top and with like zero champions, I can't do shit like malphite in jg and top. It makes zero sense.
Between that and the fact it's 2024 and they still lock summoners to account level seems stupid as shit, why do they still do this shit?
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if i got duo boosted by masters player gourdon would lolgen consider me the best irelia player of lolgen?
so i tried the new swain and i predict the changes will do almost nothing
Who's her little buddy there?
>enemy bot lane literally takes dragon on their own while enemy jungle and i are fighting for second set of grubs
>i get blamed for lack of objective control later by bot lane when they get soul
holy fucking shit
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I smells me one

>everyone else
>better champs
Such as?
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Wait until they bump into me...
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it's called quickplay not goodplay bro
just play draft you boon lipped beast.
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HOLY SHIET you're right , your champ is giga cancer op
Which is the most based region: Demacia or Bilgewater
not really you need a lot of skill to pilot Sera enchanter APC. there is a reason why her pickrate is so low
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>not really you need a lot of skill to pilot Sera enchanter APC
No it's because the majority of players are male and not women or trannies so they don't play her. Yas is way more mechanically demanding but his pickrate is high because non homos/women like to play him.
why are you bronze yet have an ego? you flame your toplaner in chat when you are getting outjungled by and spend the entire game running away from amumu because you are such a weak little bitch that even bronze players are able to anally humble you
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go ask him to duo on a smurf I lost my irelia game w/ him though
This game raises my bloodpressure to unsafe levels
bros im new to league and really like zac and support

can I main zac support? is he a real support?
Zac can be played literally any lane. He's allowed to be broken forever for whatever reason. Very safe main choice.
so its a safe pick even if I want to main support? i saw him on a skillcapped tier list for support but not on another tier list

also ty
Yeah he's fine on support. Better with certain adcs than others but I can't think of any pairings where he's a horrible pick other than maybe lucian since he wants an enchanter generally.
zac sup is turbo cancer hidden op
ban janna tho she interrupts jump 100% of the time
>30 minute games
ty so much anons

finna buy a zac skin
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how dafuq do i get chests...
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Wow! He cool.
I’ve been playing so fucking horribly bad lately. Besides the fact I got chat restricted till November 6th, it’s time I play my champs like I did back when I was learning them. No ranked till practice complete.
>our support xerath with a 30% ability hit rate tells our 0/6 mid laner "nice, wp" when the enemy team fucked up killing her and she lived with 1 hp
nothing makes me seethe harder than 0 self awareness
>when you pop off and the person you flamed earlier says "wp" to some other person that barely did shit in an effort to cope with your success
both support the role and tanks are kept turbo broken bc riot thinks people won't play them otherwise, you can go ham and be any tank with cc as supp and it will work
When is gay ass Vanguard getting reverted? Havent played this game in a year almost.
I legit do not understand how hostaging a game isnt a reportable offense, nobody wants to play an obvious stomp where the enemy team has 100% map domination except for the bot lane (it is quite literally always bot lane) that is intentionally refusing to vote no to drag the game on, they are literally doing it to grief
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Hey, at least your playing. The fucking Client has been CRASHING on me for the last 3 days. Trying to get it fix now.
2007 laptop
It was actually doing that to me too like last night.
p.s. it's going good so far. Maybe I was just too tilted to play last night and that's why I played 3 really bad games. That's enough league though.
also wanted to say, 7 minute form lul. I had my form before I even had my ult. I think that was even faster than aery Kayn.
This game can be a bitch at times.
Why don't they fucking do something about the obviously bad client? Like all i'm gonna say is wild rift chads never have these issues.
got the aram lightning round challenger token
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>I am certain that Ambessa's was originally conceived for Xoolani, a darkin that uses bloodletters (sickles with chains on them?). Definitely seems extremely likely with all the red in the abilities and the healing passive on ult much like Aatrox and Kayn. Xoolani inhabits an Ionian host, which would explain the energy mechanic Ambessa has, as all other energy champs are Ionian. I imagine they had to release Ambessa with Arcane and took a fleshed out champion kit and pushed it out the door, with the Shyvana walk and all. Do you think this was the right call? I personally think Xoolani would be way cooler to have in game with this kit.
Did we get scammed ?
They're just a Small indie company. Stop bullying them!
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>play game
>do well
>get griefed

league of legends
They had to do it. We were all clamoring for an elderly nigger champ since beta.
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>tfw no milf esports gf
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what does lolg play besides league of legends?
the trombone
thats actually really cool anon!
thanks but i lied
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try clicking on champions next time
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Forever Winter
Death Must Die

To think Death Must Die would be the one to stick around the longest. I'm really digging Forever Winter, I hope that works out.

Strange Fish.
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strange? looks like a normal, nice fish
woah thats a lot of games
Right, my mistake. The same one that dumps all their money into shit no one asked for. I'm surprised they haven't cancelled the mmo since that's like all I care about from them anymore.
>huh wait, gospel wants the mmo??
>"So yeah we've decided to cancel the mmo and move our focus onto something else"
Are you going to put that time and money into league?
>"of course not!!!! we'd rather make a fighting game that no one asked for and more lgbt projects"
They already cancelled the console version of wild rift.
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Friendship ended with Bork
Now Kraken is my best friend
P.S. I love you Briar
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There’s something particularly insulting about losing to an AP kog.
Does anyone have the pic of the Renata-ulted Kai'Sa strangling her Yuumi?
No but I want to see that too now
nice hope you enjoy them!
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I'm pretty sure they cancelled the console version because they couldn't get a good deal on the store. Like they wanted more money but both Mircosoft and Sony were like "lol nah"

Nope, she's still strange.
ur silver we do not care
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You both could've just typed "Renata-ulted Kai'Sa strangling her Yuumi" in Google and it's the first result...
Cute bird!
they said
>we don't think there would be many people on console interested in mobas
Which is pretty retarded because there's really no moba on on console. At least in the dota/league sense.
But then I wouldn't get (You)s....
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looks like you need to see more fish pictures to have a comparison
evens get griefed trying to win in league of legends
odds watch some more dragon ball z
God you have such a stupid name. But how can you even be excited for the mmo when they haven't shown anything?
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Fair. Thanks to you, I've discovered, Yuumi "mains..." And I am appalled.
True but then you wouldnt have the happy feeling knowing you helped someone out
What's with the new honor system? Why can I honor everyone on my team? So no one feels left out or fucking something?
So you can honor your enemies too if you want!
I have not honored someone on the enemy team not even once since the change
I honour the enemy team more than my own team now...
Disloyal dog
cuck behaviour
if your team played like shit, nobody deserves anything. especially the enemy team
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this has to be fake news there's no way this matchup is even remotely playable
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I honor anyone spamming cute emotes
*rapes briar*
I have 4 emotes on my wheel and I only use the thumbs up one.
I never drew the Lulu/Vex pic with the two of them... I wish I had time to draw right now.
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Fuck it. GNM.
I have a rootcanal tomorrow but I think I'm just gonna keep playing league
are you an egg?
*anally rapes Velkoz*
Oh yeah? Let's see them!

Well, I don't play Console, so it's not a problem for me, but god damn, they got cocky.
>why would you be excited for an mmo based in the world of the game you love and play so much?
goodnight morgyyyyyy, keep that small raka safe.
I've never had a cavity in my life and that is one of my biggest fears. If going to get my teeth cleaned gives me anxiety, I can only imagine that. Goodluck.
they're past that point now. There just making really retarded decisions at this point. They should cancel the retarded fighting game.
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here you go, take your pick
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Anyone know what happens if you ult a spellshielded target with qiyana
I know the knockback gets cancelled but I dont actually know what happens if the explosion hits too
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Open the one on top.

I still haven't played the fighting game. Is it good?
grab a friend, hop into a custom game and find out
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Here you go
>I still haven't played the fighting game. Is it good?
all fighting games besides soulcalibur suck.
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I don't think it flopped but it probably felt bad for mid Swain players. He also has a mana issue when I did try him out. the E seems easier to land and hit harder. I wish his R was instant because I always die mid transformation and then having to wait for demonflare to be enabled after it. Support, top and bottom Swain players won't face any major issues adjusting since e will come in more handy than w on those cases.
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But is it really?

How lewd. What's the next one?
ya zac rules
Zac is probably the safest champ you can play other than Yuumi. He's very easy to pick up and play, he's very impactful and can honestly be played in any role and really build anything other than AD/AS.
finally,bewitching skins are back in the store
which one are you getting?
probably bewitching yuumi(i don't even play the champ) because the skin is so good
Single players and the kind that I can play again and again endlessly like Minecraft, Sims 3, AoE2, etc. League is the only online multiplayer I play though I'm a bit tired of it and should take a break.
ffxiv and sometimes the yearly cod slop. I played the silent hill 2 remake which none of you showed up to watch.
oh yeah that one is sooo cute
its like a pumpkin on a book
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let's see
wait, where did you stream silent hill 2?
>Haven't played in some months
>Come back
>Read some patchnotes and notice my champ has been nerfed into fucking oblivion

What the fuck
Good. This one is a keeper. What's the next one?
the pressure disparity in games has reached a critical level of unplayability. the amount of times i have 1v3'd mid lane to not get anything on the map because top lane is slow pushing a side lane by themselves and jungle/bot lane are just running around somewhere random doing absolutely nothing is fucking insane. the average player in a 40 minute game has spent a minimum 25 minutes of that game doing literally nothing at all.
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there's a ton of selfies left
welcome back
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It's pretty sick honestly
even without a character i really liked it was cool
also playing 2v2 with friends is really quite fun it reminds me of playing smash
maybe you could let us help your backdoor feel really good. maybe?
wow, ty guys

also i had a random skin shard so im using the skt1 or whatever its called and he's very fun on support
playing this game will fucking age you. its not worth it for some virtual points.
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>Reminds me of playing Smash
You have my interest now. The Tag Team stuff looks like Marvel vs Capcom, too.

No thank you.
This game's ranked system can't hurt me if I drown inside this bottle.
>Win lane, fucking dominate
>Bot ints
>We lose

I'm so tired.
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yeah, I'm gonna sell them later
is this guy really talking about selling his wife's feet pics?
can't be worse than the drugging annie to sleep roleplay.
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>List of names of Odin
>Jomun Cosmic One
>Runtyr God of Runes

>Valkyrie, any of a group of battle maidens who served the gods Odin and Freeya and were sent by them to choose the slain who were worthy of a place in the afterlife. Norse literature made references to purely supernatural Valkyries and also to human Valkyries with certain supernatural powers.


Oda'l rune, being the Rune of Odin; meaning "ownership".
I literally cannot play League without drugs. I don't know whats wrong with me but this game is so enraging
>win lane
>topside ints
>we lose

what's harder to shut down? a
>camille with 3 levels lead on 3 items at 20 minutes
or a
>adc that buys zero defensive items and is in 2-3 levels disadvantage

as long as you can blow up the adc you can always win, but if top is lost then game is suddenly extremely hard for everyone
>Playing more Zoe support
>ADChud wants to cheese at level 1
>Enemy bot lane walks with the wave
>Get questioned pinged because my kit doesn't do anything when they do that
>ADChud wants to try this again later
>Same thing happens
Do people just not understand what other champions do... Or ?
Am I strange for listening to champion themes while playing? I.e. Jhin, Kindred
>against objectively cancer champ like yone/sett/cam
>win only because they are a mouth breather, was still a challenge to win just off their champ alone
>jungle and bot lane give up every single dragon off cooldown
>the broken cancer champ you made 0/4 in lane ends the game 7/5 after getting coddled by a full team when laning phase ended
>they write some cancer shit in all chat and actually think they beat you solely on merit
>cycle repeats
Understandable for Jhin because of the autism it triggers when playing him but others, yeah it is strange, especially because login screen music and stuff isn't a thing anymore.
wow it's almost like it goes both ways
>play zeri
>dash on cd
>my ali spam pings and engages
>can't hit shit because of minions
>ali types in all chat "report zeri can't autoattack"
>even the enemy types "XD" on that
>play aphelios
>have purple gun + ult
>ping to go in because i can setup for jungler/support
>they don't
>use my ult support stands still
>support starts moving but it's too late and enemy gets away

it's almost like people are just retarded on every role no? these are examples from d4 btw
But the Kindred music is good, also champions still get themes. Teemo rework has, Aurora, Skarner, Lee, Smolder, Hwei etc. all have I just checked. Asol theme also fits well. The voli theme brings out the scandinavian SOVL dwelling deep in all men.
"Alcoholism doesn't run in my family, they drive!" [Laugh track]
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It felt more like BBTAG if you've ever played that game. It definitely has a shit lot of MvC influence though, one of the runes lets you THC and Yasuo has attacks straight out of the Zero and Vergil movesets
I want to rub one out
can we have a link?
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remember, calling your jungler the gamer word because he fucks up your wave is the correct move. the 2ed support should know his place.
im definitely interested in watching silent hill 2 lol
please link!
dont touch it! suffer instead.
you're too old to stream, no one cares
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Interesting how Swain got gutted but Lux still can R, E, 3 AA the wave and roam top and bot.
funny you mention lux, i was just looking at pickrates
she is the most picked support from iron to gold, her pickrate goes down slightly in platinum and in emerald she is barely picked already
lux is THE definition of a low elo champ
yeah played him on aram and everything about him felt weaker besides the passive health gain, using r multiple times sounded cool but to survive while dealing 0 damage to get to second r usually doesnt even happen or the fight gets disengaged by then. i havent tried it yet but they might just be forcing him to be a heartsteel unending despair abuser, which is super cool we needed another one of these pieces of shit ruining the game
i am talking mid lane. no one cares about support lux.
she has like 1% pickrate lmoa
>leaver buster picking up people who leave the game 2-3 minutes before it ends
based desu
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it's 4.3% worldwide.
They nerfed his healing with the rework and his demonflare also changed to not being adjusted with cooldown. His e and w also feel like they have a longer cooldown overall and he has mana issues. Overall idc still playing him and waiting for the prestige.
>haven't played lol for a bit
>learn about the brazil dantes shit

wow I thought vgvsvg tournies were subhuman is this community just trash?
>"fishing with jax is not a viable farming strategy"
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Don't really care. The enemy I guess.
yeah. this game brings out the worst in humans.
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>have a bad day
>log in to play ultimate spell book
>lose lane to volibear
>ganked on cool down
>our mid DC's
>oh 4v5 and we're already behind
>put up the ff
>no vote
>ask in team chat "hey why vote no?"
>no response
>ask again
>no response
>fill chat with spam
>do this for a minute straight
>"dude chill out and just play the game"
>truly sperg out and continue to do this for the rest of the game
>team threatening to report me
>continue to sit top lane and spam only collecting farm not pushing
>ping every death every missed ult every missed object
>make sure to type WP every ping between rambling
>as they seige base i'm taking towers and still spamming
>flashing in place too
>in post game chat claim my team is racist and ran me down
>report them
>my day is better now
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When is next EE? December?
>lowering your report weight for some spellbook noobs
lol you fucking idiot
you don't have a burner account?
>19th game in a row where i have to solo frontline with melee in ARAM
>unable to roll any ranged champs for 3 weeks now


>game ends
>have to restart client because it's glitched again
>for like 2 months now
>match history still doesn't load

man i love paycheck thieves
i have never played a melee champ in aram in like 700 games
garius won
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63 days. It's been 63 days since I've last played Viego, my main, in ARAM.
the point still stands
false reports are meaningless no matter how many smurfs you leveled
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is this the most underrated item in the game?
cull is my favourite item on lucian
I'm sorry, I don't really know what you're asking.
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>>match history still doesn't load
Do you think Riot thinks people don't use the replay system ? There's peoples games I want to look at and see how they're playing...
>aim for a cannon minion because nobody was going for it
>lb dashes right into it a milisecond before Q
yea, thanks lol
Um, let me think. No.
that ashe is a leveling bot or something
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melees in aram are good
is the green rune that improves heals and shield gonna work on shields from items as well?
works on every kind of heal and shield i think
I need a Seraphine related name that shows I simp for her hardcore, help
the turtle shell thing rework? yes
Yeah I if I get tank I gotta slave for the team and if I finally get a ranged champ like an age or mage I have to slave and engage and peel for the team all while getting told to get x5 reported if I don't want to do any of that and the team will have to play what is expected of them which is to peel or do damage too but whatever I've moved on to quickplay because of that. Aram is only good for a few things, fast mission reward sweep and getting the highest score expected for the Hextech chests so you can spam quickplay to get the other easy C's. For easy wins I would've said Arams because I didn't mind losing a few but the game is so sweaty and stupid now I just play vs bots to autopilot a quick win for the exp bonus and drop the game.
>he fucked up my wave
You have a billion other waves. How did the one (1) wave at like 3 mins completely screw you over?
Be specific.
foot fags are sleeping heavy. ocean song zeri? hello?
>he fucked up my wave

Seraphine's Queen
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Something like this but not related to chastity, it's shit.
Not explicit enough
I don't think so ? I can only think of something like Helia and Revitalise shenanigans, because Helia is often complained about how it doesn't scale, and strictly an early game item.
In ranked though... ?
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hi swainfag.
almost friday night.
96kbps of heckin fidelity wow it sounds like dogshit but i saved one minute downloading it
hi avatarfag, im not your trooncord friend
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>trying to finetune sens/dpi
>lower windows sens and up dpi
>this should be 4k EDPI higher than what i had
>yet it's fucking slower because windows downscales sense in a stupid fucking way even if EDPI is same or higher than before
Ruined Jelly
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Ohmygosh thank you...
>Lux R's the wave
>now can't do anything when she roams because 70% of her burst is in her ult
try playing the champs you bitch about once
I had something similar last night.
>fighting with cassio and piglady
>piglady dies to my teammates
>my chogath starts attacking a minion that was right behind me
>cassio ults at the same time
dark seal first item

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