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Cobbeefrens edition

>Demo Days
Next: https://itch.io/jam/agdg-demo-day-59
Previous: https://itch.io/jam/agdg-demo-day-58
Older: https://hackmd.io/LhEB6VCZSx-oBalI2cWWoA

>Halloween Jam

>AGDG resources

>Helpful links
New Threads: >>>/vg/agdg
Archive: https://arch.b4k.co/vg/search/subject/agdg/
Steam Games by AGDG: https://agdg-steam.netlify.app/
/agdg/ Steam Games: https://made-by-agdg.vercel.app/
Recap: https://recap.agdg.app

>How to WebM

Previous: >>499552059
Threadly reminder that you don't actually have to make a game. It's perfectly fine to never make anything, spend all your afternoons and weekends watching TV and playing video games, and eventually die after a meaningless lifetime of nothing but work and leisure with no one remembering who you were.
good morning sirs
I don't really want to make a game. There's no passion or vision in me.
Every day I just wait to get tired enough to go to bed.
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This post goes out to all indie game developers. Never give up guys
gooooooooooooooooooooooood morning sir
Lol he can just go up and dance and hype people like that?

Or does he sing?
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I am not crazy! I know he faked those wishlists. I knew it was 29. One more than the Marmoreal review count. As if I could ever make such a mistake. Never. Never! I just – I just couldn’t prove it. He covered his tracks, he got those idiots from the Inner Circle to lie for him. You think this is something? You think this is bad? This? This tomfoolery? He’s done worse. My progress! Are you telling me an entire thread just happens to ignore hard work like that? No! He orchestrated it! Osur! He bullied that anon into killing himself! And I samefagged to defend him! And I shouldn’t have. I gave his demo detailed feedback! What was I thinking? He’ll never change. He’ll never change! Ever since he was a newfag, always the same! Couldn't give attention and feedback to low-profile games! But not our Osur! Couldn’t be precious Osur! Demoralizing them dead! And HE gets to be a thread celeb? What a sick joke! I should’ve canceled him when I had the chance! …And you, you have to ban him! You-
I'm only replying because I've seen you post this at least 3 times already and no one ever replies and I always feel bad.
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Sending good vibes to all lolidevs.
My nigga Socrates was right.
Good vibes received!
Sending good vibes to you...
How do I make a game that kids would enjoy?
Only you can answer that.
Then why are you here?
sending free code to lolidevs
Same way you make a game that women would enjoy. They are mentally the same.
imagining about some anon typing this out, proofreading it, and being really proud. and I think that's just swell.
still better than toby fox's baby got back cover
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The rats are nodevs, the chained man represents the yesdevs. Ponder on this.
code is overrated
send me some 2d loli assets to make an actual game instead
Thank you for posting this, this is too fucking funny.
>be an Indian guy shitting out games with ChatGPT code
>some game website hires you to make them a shitty game for $3000
>use part of that $3000 to outsource the work to another Indian to make the game
My sides. Why is every stereotype about these people true?
are webgames the future?
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you can't demoralize me!
posting "schizo" doesn't change the fact that you post AIslop and try to pass it off as progress
codelets say this and then I give them art instead and they can't actually program the game.
People have forgotten that stereotypes exist for a reason. Doesn't help that we're also in the age of don't hurt my fefes.
Facebook tried and failed in the early 2010s
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Which part of game development will AI take over first? Place your bets!
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I started to watch a feng shui course, and It seems I need more fire energy near my computer to generate more emotional strenght and leadership.

Too few fire seems to cause me lack of initiative in my gamedev.
Also I lack enough earth, which means I lack a grounding element to stabilize my mind.

Also, a lack of water seems that I lack my spiritual and emotional power.
And a lack of wood means my creativity stagnates.

And I think I need to improve my metal, which causes me to be too much more chatty and critical.

Need to buy some decorations of elements, print some posters and get a firewood LED lamp.

This will be epic, papus.
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how the hell did they teach the cat to do all that?
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im not a webdev but why cant we pack 1GB for a game inside the browser? imagine playing hades anywhere as long as you have access to a browser.
post the art and the game you're supposed to make with it now.
note that you cannot post only one or another, you have to both post the art and the game vision you have for it.

>** nobody is going to care if your art looks like shit
just finished an absolute monster of a gooning session clocking in at 4 hours and 16 minutes. my arms are completely fucking destroyed and my whole body feels sore, i honestly feel like fucking killing myself now that i finished. i feel like i need a better way to reward myself for reaching each of my goals with my project but i have no other way of doing so where i live. also does anyone know what causes missing textures on fbx models upon loading into unity? they don't seem to be showing
Your Himalayan salt lamp though? You do invest into moon energy for your game right?
You can, but who will host that for you? Bandwidth isn't free.
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Post your most retarded piece of code
I had something like this and realized I didn't need to do it that way. I also realized why people hate functions in functions because that sends you all over the place. I've got like 20 helper functions now just to do this one thing.
that's how they are but you have to remember that india is incredibly underdeveloped but they have smartphones and laptops, it's like giving high tech to rednecks
how much would that cost roughly?
I have never written a single line of code before
does code like this exist in corporate
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what if Eric knew some of that feng shui BS and that's the reason those salt cristal lamps granted him moon power.

t. I said that unironically not joking.
>for for for
This shit has always bothered me but I never found an alternative to it.
I got a triple for loop I'm relying on right now.
I'll figure out something to replace it with later.

Runs fine for now.
why would you do that though? playing anything on your phone is a garbage experience and if you don't have access to a PC why does it need to be in the browser?
that doesn't sound healthy anon
remember unity 6?
Yeah I've since realized I can just make a multidimensional array containing the information for all objects currently on screen and render based on that, but I haven't had the heart to change that particular function yet.
convenience, i might be on break or at a friends house and they dont have steam. being able to access games without having to use the client seems appealing to me. i mean some of these indie games wouldve been on newgrounds back in the day.
sounds like a 0.1% usecase
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not going to bed until I finish what I'm doing right now
how pathetic do you have to be to try to pass AI generated images as something you made?
if it can run on a toaster i should be able to play it on a browser if i wish
>press crouch key
>go under a low ceiling
>let go of crouch key
>walk from under the low ceiling
>still crouched
>have to press and let go of crouch key again while crouched to uncrouch
how to automatically uncrouch once not under a low ceiling in Unity? i use ray cast to check if there's a low ceiling above.

these mobile grifters were so successful a few years ago
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Now to make buttons actually do stuff
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Did you make self care progress today?
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I've been a complete loser my whole life. I was ostracized for my looks and lack of social awareness. That's why I decided to become an indie game developer in order to prove them wrong. I'll show them.I'll show them all!!!!
Yep. That's how it is for me too on this night.
I cut my hair yesterday because I looked like a hobo, does that count?
I look like that and say that.
kill yourself
that's probably what my future wife does in the mirror. In that picture.
We're both gmi then
>he doesn't about about Sayori
and you dare to call yourself a game developer
unironically me
when i make it so many people will have to apologize for calling me a loser
I found this very funny, but don't be too pleased with yourself, it's chuckposting which is always funny.
>try to pass AI generated images as something you made
I am going to be so happy when I show my family that all of this time in my room was useful.
cereal is poison but now i want cookie crisp
>how pathetic do you have to be to (...)
You must be new here
which aggy daggy characters would you buy a plushie of?
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The camera is one of the oldest classes in my engine and, while it's been updated a bit over time, its overall way of doing things is still basically from when I was just learning to program. So everything in it is all kinds of shit. I think this is the worst part of it.

Some day I'll replace it with a complete rewrite but for now it's fine.
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How do I stop working on something that's basically done when other things need attention? I keep getting ideas as I work on it that I would feel bad leaving out but at this rate I'm never going to get to the other stuff.
Write a TODO comment on the next idea you want to add and then move on to the other thing. You can come back to it later.
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>cant draw
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Nolglorb and Blorb
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>so many 3d lolis
but where are the 2d lolis?
>he spent more than he earned due to hiring people
>most of his earnings come from older games that were already made
>outsourcing projects instead of working on shit himself
>working on SDK instead of making a game
>literally fucking everything he does uses chatGPT
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there were two anons that said they made six figures at their gamedev jobs
4chan is filled with people who say they make 6 figures doing fuck all at tech jobs
I believe them, but I don't envy them, I'm doing just fine without needing FAGMAN's help
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I want to marry the witch if she wasn't immodestly showing so much skin.
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went 3d and died
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I made my character's butt bigger than the one in the reference image again...
>posts AIslop
>calls it progress
>loses his mind when he's called out on it
lmao retard
why wouldnt you envy them? you barely work and get paid enough to have a backup plan AND fund your game with enough energy at the end of the day. also those tech jobs are going away and being outsourced.
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i want to make a 2d porn game to make a buncha modafucka money. which engine do you recommend? i don't want to use renpy. should i go for unity or rpg maker?
because that's still time that isn't put into yesdevving, and I've never seen them claim to be earning that much AND have a successful game. It sounds like they get too comfy and never actually make a proper game.
i didnt get paid 6 figs but i got to work from home allowing me to work on games and learn when there's nothing to do.
RPGmaker if you just want money, it'll get your game running as quickly as possible
if you have a passion for game design and coding shit, Godot
if you really don't want to use RPGmaker but still lack passion, Unity
>if you have a passion for game design and coding shit, Godot

Godot is for FOSS cultists, not people with a passion for game development or programming.
I guess those Unity 6 numbers aren't doing so hot, huh
If you had a passion for game development or programming you wouldn't be using corposlop that's bogged down in extra shit you don't need, when you can just do it yourself
Well, yes, enginedev is the best way to go. But if you're using a premade engine there's no reason to use one that is utter dog shit. Which Godot is.
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>0 proof
>no game
So your opinion is
>use corposlop
>or spend years doing enginedev instead of finishing a game

>there is no in-between, why would you want to actually finish a game lmao
>FOSS cultists
It has both "free" and "open" in the name. How retarded are you?
Who's ever heard of a cult where you can come and go as you please?
Nta, but building the engine is building your game.
Are you thinking of building a full featured general purpose GUI editor engine as the goal when you think of enginedev?
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>mfw codelet making 2D porn game in godot
Post your Game?
let's see >>499593880
>I never said it isn't AI

>no game
that's you though
My opinion is either use a good and working engine like Unity or Unreal, or make your own. But don't pick a bunch of broken fossslop and waste all your time trying to fix a bunch of retarded spics' dogshit work.
>good and working engine
And i can give you 27 reasons why, 3d cunny is just as fly, as anything born from 2d plaps! Till mylaptop dies, and I'll take that back.
click that like button and subscribe hit the notification bell for more GameDev Tips and Tricks
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timeboxing has been working great lately. i got the wind assignment done on my game and 3 more yaku added only 3 more to go and im finally done adding them all!! after this i just gotta get the score calculation done and i might be ready to at least give it out to some friends for testing to make sure the rules are functioning right
I lost my 6 figures remote tech job 2 months ago. Instead of finding a new one I went all in on finishing my game. It was a fun 2 months, but now the game’s done, sold zero copies, and I’m unhirable due to having a gap in my resume. Don’t make my mistake. Stay a six figures tech wagie. Quit gamedev instead. Don’t ruin your life.
While crouching and the key is not held, run whatever check you make when releasing the crouch button every frame.
I think there's valid reasons to do each thing and there's certainly an extra enjoyment/freedom in having even your working environment built by yourself. It's much easier to fix a problem you've caused yourself than fix a problem in someone else's software.

My point is that Godot is a sensible middleground between enginedev and simpler engines (not to call Unity simple, it doesn't seem that there's a huge difference between Unity and Godot) and I'd recommend it for indie devs making 2D games, which OP is. I've made custom tools within Godot itself or handled my own lighting systems without too much trouble, if I need something custom, but the overall structure is simple and quick to work with, whether it's debugging and changing the code while playing the game or just using search functions to edit code over various scripts.
It's nice that you can just run it and get started, rather than immediately booting to a log-in screen and all that Unity junk.
How long did you work a 6 figures job?
Compared to godot, absolutely.
>if you have a passion for coding shit, godot
How true is this? Does godot let you get super autistic with the code and do lower level shit the way a framework like sdl or raylib do?
>it doesn't seem that there's a huge difference between Unity and Godot
The difference is Unido and Godont
You got CPU players?
that wasn't me though
it doesn't let you, it is required because the engine is a broken piece of shit so you have to dive in the source and fix it yourself
how do i make an action game without combat
In theory you can modify the engine in any way you want and even put forward a merge request to get your feature added, but I'm not personally interested in modifying the engine itself. You can compile the whole thing from source.
I'm just making shit inside godot instead, I've made an image editor to make tilesets / a custom level editor / a code and text scraper that exports any translatable text and translates from an external file. It's autistic but I doubt it's as super autistic as starting from scratch.
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ya but currently they just put down the tile they pick up once i have the base game locked down i wanna add little things like "this person tends towards tanyao, this person tends towards low point hands," etc etc idk im sure theres some cool stuff i could do for that
>all this coding misinformation
nodevs pretending to be coders are fucking hilarious
whatever you say you're still a retaded AIslopper who tries to pass AIslop as something you made claiming it as progress when it isn't
I never see anyone say what these broken things they always have to fix are.
like what? I'll provide a real answer so you can judge me.
As someone making their own engine, it would be way easier to use godot and just fix whatever is wrong in the source yourself You won't have anything to fix because the people who wrote godot are smarter than you
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Unified the interaction system today so now every intractable static object will be preloaded on the map, also got doors working without using nodes though they're all direction dependent so have to write some code to check for that, probably going to end up using doors that just slide into walls/ceilings half the time because I can't be assed although this is something I haven't seen a lot of people figure out

As far as the door/nav mesh though I am hacking it a little bit since the settings I baked on prevent the agent from figuring out how to get through the door frame if the object is in the trenchbroom node during bake, thankfully I can just move it script and all and bake the nav mesh which works just a bad hack because if I rebuild the trenchbroom import it'll put new doors in

Also forgot the script for this doesn't treat the doors as walls so technically enemies can cheat and see through them but probably not too bad maybe I can figure out something for it
That is such a self defeatist way of thinking. That anyone who builds something is smarter than you, so you might as well give up.

Don't listen to this guy.
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/alg/ girls look like THAT!? Why don't we have any agdg girls with this level of sex appeal??
>no reply
Post your Engine?
How is using an engine "giving up"?
The end goal here is to make a game.
>it would be way easier to use godot and just fix whatever is wrong in the source yourself
No, because then you're trying to wade through a massive pile of crap instead of just starting with a clean slate.
>You won't have anything to fix because the people who wrote godot are smarter than you
I'm of pretty average intelligence, maybe a little bit below average, and I can guarantee the retarded spics who wrote godot are not smarter than me.
If you had a desire to build an engine but then you said "well, I can't do any better than the guys at Unreal. So I guess I won't build it."

Then you gave up on building an engine.
Exactly. The goal is "make a game", not "fix godot". Download Unity and make a game.
good post man keep it up kill yourself
You are a codelet with no other skills. Why would I pitch a game to you?
Uh oh, the Unity shills are getting uppity....
>just want to play a game on the side to relax a bit
>all games are trash
not depressed, not too old. games are just really boring right now. nothing new, no imagination, no ambition, nothing. copies of copies of copies. scopeslop. cozyslop. early access slop. dei aaa slop. formulaic jrpg slop.

i'd rather just play kenshi again cause at least it's original.
Post your Engine?
Build an engine if you want to, that's what I'm doing. But don't think you're better than Godot on your first try ever.
obstacle courses
not going to adopt that mind poison defeatism.
You have to steal women's panties and avoid them slapping you
I use Unity. It actually works. I don't know why you'd use godot unless you're a FOSS cultist and just want to use whatever's FOSS rather than what's good and useful.
It isn't shilling. It's just a fact. If you're in the business of making games then use Unity. It is the best choice.
kenshi dev said that he never wanted to work on another mans code ever again and decided to work on his game while moonlighting as a security guard
wiggle the stick to break free
>Search 'WEBFISHING' on YouTube
>About 59 results for videos spanning from 5K views to 60K views
I'm thinking he's already there. ATLYSS only needed 100K to get to 58K wishlists from Iron Pineapple's steam dumpster dives and sold out it's 2,500 beta keys over Patreon for a minimum of $5 a pop. I'm thinking there is a formula here because half of e successful indie games have been furry or furry adjacent, and what haven't have had simple and easy to pick up gameplay loops with low investment gameplay and high replayability.
Post game
this guy is more respectable than barone. he actually made an original game.
it's called a platformer
got my procrastination out of the way today
tomorrow I'll dev for sure!!!!
I rarely have to directly fix anything wrong with Godot itself, anyone complaining about it usually just don't understand what they're doing and should go read the docs.
There are some specific cases where there are problems, but every engine (including your own) has these problems.
Is a Satanist yesdev GMI?
>let me and my fellow godot cultists review bomb your games because we take insults to godot as a personal attack
No. I'd ask you to post yours first but you don't have one, because you use godot.
>literally fucking everything he does uses chatGPT
yup, and there are literally MILLIONS of them doing the same thing in virtually every tech industry.
people talk about the competency crisis now but it will get so much worse.
Consider, however, that there's a chance he's now in Nintendo's sights for violating one of their many retarded patents.
>Consider, however, that there's a chance he's now in Nintendo's sights for violating one of their many retarded patents.
dev right now or you won't break the cycle
tldr you don't have art
moving on
software is going to be even worse than it already is
Who will be the first Bocchi poster to get 100 Steam reviews?
That will never happen, kill yourself
tricky madness dev
i'm a brainlet who doesn't know shit but i suspect one of the main reasons a lot of 'people' are rallying against OOP in favor of data structures is because it's easier for chatGPT to write a data structure.
Post game
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>programmers telling each other to show them the only thing that matters (art) and calling each other shit when they only know programming
I think internet archive is going to delete a lot of stuff. Texture anon! Please do you have backups of the textures you saved or are they still available assuming they haven't deleted them.
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someone just needs to make a low poly bocchi like this
Kill yourself
there are only 2 important things as a dev
a) having the drive to just do it
b) having the intelligence and skills to do it well, to become a top performer

everything else doesn't matter. it's always the nodevs who focus so much on ideaguying, what sells, market, audience, drama, enginewars or whatever trash.

also that's the most fun part about gamedev. the grind and the improvement. everything else is gossip and female behaviour.
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Ugh fine, I will do it next week when I'm free...
Seconding this. Please tell me you have a link to the original texture CD(s) used by N64/Saturn/PS1 developers. I wanted to examine them to help with figuring out how to make similar ones
why would they when they could make a model for their game?
what i hate about nodevs is that they intentionally make gamedev not fun with their dumb doomer mindset. it's like intentionally make their life horrible by how they approach it.
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Those things are strongly correlated. I have a strong drive to finish my game because I have high confidence of it being a reasonable commercial success because of my market research.
But why?
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Now that I think about it, if you're an artist and don't want to make a game why don't you just make mockups? I don't recall ever seeing any mockups in agdg threads.
as a person who spent years watching the gradual death of /3/ this post rings true.
engine tribalism is the worst imo because it completely derails a conversation and people eventually either stop posting or just go full shitpost mode.
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my game is a glorified mockup...
fixing other peoples shitty code is soul draining ig
I feel the same working on past me's code, but I guess.
slimodev made mockups for the collab that died
people need to relearn to just fucking ignore the shitposters

>gradual death of /3/
the local brownfag is literally one of the reason why /3/ had a huge catalog purge recently
this guy has been a pest on 6 different boards for the past 10 years literally
at this point im surprised that a pissed off janny hasn't come here yet to completely purge him at the source
>why don't you waste your time making things you don't want to make
The only time you mockup is UI and screens which for most devs here is already done. There's also no good reason to ask agdg about it because they're kind of dumb about telling you which is better.
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In my game it's not apparent who or what exactly the player is. He starts out with a star of his own, and an ethereal butler / guide / advisor.

There will be some hints.
The player's actions in the world will be watched.

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more lil progress
using grounded coffee on the coffee machine with the basket
Planescape was kino.
yea but imagine working on a team with other shitty coders and having to come to an agreement
You forgot to mention the french maid addition.
"Hm let me find some cool music to listen to while I program. Oh look, a Thomas Brush video. Guess I'll watch it , could be useful."

don't fall into this trap. REcognize and overcome.
This never happens to me though?
the have been there for a couple days
maybe the big cylinders arent attractive enough
was it another dev he teamed up with or was he waging for a company? the latter doesn't really feel bad or so i assume since at the end of the day it's not really my problem if suddenly is too broken to repair, i just quit, not my problem
i dev when i'm motivated and when it's good for me. i never feel guilty about not deving.
if i don't dev it means that i don't find it motivating and i'm not interested, and if that's the case why would i force myself? that's like forcing yourself to work hard on something that has no benefit to you.
i think its waging. its been years since i first saw the video but he quit within a few weeks after getting his first dev job.
it's depressing.
i personally think(in a perfect world) anonymous boards are great for sharing creative works and ideas because it kills the ego.
at least with /agdg/ its just a thread so the odd bit of tribalistic squabbling is to be expected, but /3/ it was every single thread and topic regardless of context.
Ideally that's what I thought too, but thread kinda sucks recently when I came back after 6 months after finally starting a project... Though I have a personal rule that I don't like to share progress until it's something I'm 75% happy with because I was told that talking tends to not get things done more often than not
You forgot to tamp the coffee grounds. It won't be even and it won't taste good.
they'd need to rangeban his entire country and I'm not sure if even that would be enough
>decide to make
>decide to market from the start so design process is altered
>make youtube videos for years as you develop the game
>*enter me*
>*pull up game*
>not even 300 followers
and yet there are anons here who put less effort and have more interest in their game. why do these people even make devlogs. they do have make me feel demoralized with the quantity and quality of the games appearing.
>ideaguying, what sells, market, audience
these things matter once you have the drive, int and skills

a guy with those but no sense of the market could make a good platformer but it wouldn't sell because people are done with platformers
but if he's aware of what sells, the market and the audience he could make a good roguelite platformer which can sell
Some people make devlogs as a hobby and we thank them because devlogs used to be the only form of good tutorials.
yeye and also cleaning the basket thing, i kinda wanna add these small mini actions but they're not essencial yet
focus now is adding more drinks so costumer requests are more engaging
Hard work is meaningless if you're not also working smart.

You might as well start calling it magic if you're going to attribute anything outside of your understanding to luck.
don't watch videos from grifters

if you must, stick to the guys who have made successful games, preferably multiple of those
they try to emulate the grift but don't have the skills to do it

>make me feel demoralized with the quantity and quality of the games appearing.
other people's games have nothing to do with you making a quality game
This. I recommend Jon Blow. Multiple successful games.
do you think the dev actually enjoyed playing his game? maybe at first but eventually you have to treat it as a business and complete the damn thing.
>other people's games have nothing to do with you making a quality game
anon really be saying this with a straight face
luck is just a shorthand for unknown and unknowable combinations of factors. like a roll of the dice is not random chance but physics, yet we call it luck.
blowhards are the most ngmi and I hope that you'll jblow your brains out along side your leader when he does
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I've achieved full software abstraction with this system I'm working on.
>quality game
what the bar for quality is depends on the competition.
so? you wont ever use that abstraction
nobody should be listening to blow. every single thing he says is predicated on the fact that he's 50 years old and grew up programming in BASIC.
It's not unknowable. Dice can be loaded. Cards can be counted. Probabilities can be estimated.
>>make youtube videos for years as you develop the game

People actually do this? Why?
holy shit the grifting in this industry in insane.
that kind of content is antithetical to the way i learn so i've never followed any of it but awhile ago i browsed around and was amazed.
everyone should avoid that shit, at best it's just longform tiktok clout chasing.
whats bad about them?
I never watched one so im clueless
Sometimes I think the grifters are happier than I am.
I recommend Jeff Vogel. He has managed to stay in business for 30 years, and unlike most devs he is actually honest about how he did it:
>I strongly recommend whenever possible that you be lucky. I tend to get in a lot trouble when I say this. There are a lot of people who, just to get through the day, they really need to believe that they live in a deterministic world that contains some measure of justice, but that is not the case, especially when you're trying to live in art. Eventually you're going to need a lucky break. Eventually you're going to need someone to vouch for you. And all you can do until that time is work your butt off so that when your lucky break comes, you are fully ready to jump on it and take advantage of it.
You think a game documents its own journey?
I'm using it right now, it made everything work actually.
>dont want to dev
>have to find a reason so i have an excuse why i dont dev
agdg nodevs in a nutshell, they cant comprehend the mental state of WANTING to dev
Anyone could tell if they looked at Vogel's games because he ain't exactly pushing out the best of the best.
>saar chatting gpt is doing needful.
he is opinionated which can result in some myopic viewpoints but he is intelligent and knows his field.
don't fall into the habit of thinking new good! old bad!
especially now that people are realizing that throwing hardware at problems doesn't actually solve them.
we already see diminishing returns so the old practices are going to make a resurgence.
aren't there any long grindy, strategy/management type games that i can have on second monitor while deving?
kinda tired of watching football manager, especially since most of those youtubers talk like sports commentators (especially the uk guys), so i can't find that many playthroughs with chill dudes.

just dont want to sit in absolute silence and i also dont want to listen to music. also movies are too high in tension.
>want to dev
>no art
>dev'd be pointless then
>don't dev
It's almost as if you can just scroll down the steam store page and see what kind of games there are.
>>saar chatting gpt is doing needful.
>he is opinionated which can result in some myopic viewpoints but he is intelligent and knows his field.
>don't fall into the habit of thinking new good! old bad!
>especially now that people are realizing that throwing hardware at problems doesn't actually solve them.
>we already see diminishing returns so the old practices are going to make a resurgence.
when i was still getting into gamedev i quickly separated the teachers from the grifters, maybe they had no games but the teachers were useful for learning. i tried looking one up recently and it was hard to locate him. he gave up from the looks of it. now it's just mostly grifters who's tutorials are worse because it's usually just a one off video for very simple stuff that might not end up easily meshing well with other systems though that part is assumed since the grifters don't really seem to have dedicated teaching lessons. even amongst the successful devs some of them seem more keen at just doing stuff like a ted talk, what use is that for me? oh wow a success story where the dev now thinks he's some sort of gamedev savant and says the same stuff a faildev can say about how to succeed. oh wow as if that knowledge was a mystery
>quoteposter is anti-blow
you just can't make this shit up
Enjoy gamedev ? I thought it was an act of pure suffering but when I complete it I'll be rewarded riches and fame and girlfriend?
Yeah. I want to dev so hard, I don't even dev. I just think about how much I want to dev so much then I come home and go to sleep to do it all over again.
well i'm sure there are outliers but from what i've see most of them seem like get rich quick style motivational speakers.
>every person who does x is the same person
what an intelligent response
i wonder why i didn't bother responding the last time
that's just the qa reject
the whole board went down because of those retards
basically they just greentext your whole reply with a retarded wojak attached
he tried to it here but got reminded by the jannies that it was vg lmao
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I need a special gamedev friend
see >>499608907
yni^Halloween Season YAY YAYS YAYLY

UNNAMED Song Lyrics:

〟we take n0 m&dms
we have no unynimaginary friens
This is the mental yaylum,
dear fairyy 形YEYS〟

"The Lords of Uneding Life Behold!
We take unto ourselves power
We DЯFT our Maker
We cling, We take We cleave the yayness..."

all rights yayed

How do I find a my first job ever with my portfolio? I know I probably need to focus on programming but doing many tasks in the limited amount of time is very exhausting and hard for me at the moment sadly even though I work hard to improve on LeetCode. I also do not know how do I handle adult life since I am too yAytistic person.

What do I do for a living?

Yaying Subculturally^

I have been working on yni^ since 3yo or even earlier, in that time I have made so many yays and the stable version released on the Steam will continue to improve Eternally^ FOREVEЯ
having one and ending up not liking the same games at all hurts even more..
sort of but when you think about it even back in the day when the average quality of the game was worse we got games that are still played today because they're that good and THAT is the standard you should be aiming for

why even release a game if it's not good? call it done early, put it on itch for free and make the next one better
>why even release a game if it's not good?
cause good ain't objective
everyone knows if their own game is good or not if you're not deluding yourself about it

some people do seem to live in delusion though
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So I know gamedev programming skills don't translate to much talent to actual programmer jobs. What do I need to do to become a progammer? Do I really need to go back to college in my 30's? If I don't, I see only a life of misery waging for low income doing work that barely pays anything worthwhile in offices full of women and you just know how those environments can be.

Unless I make from gamedev or some other non-wagie endeavor my options are basically mentally give up and become a lifelong warehouse wagie/low tier job office wagie while slowly developing games in hopes of escaping the wage cage. I'd at least want some comfiness and the only high paying stuff I could myself even having a chance of being capable off without having to suffer women is programming.
put some shitty stream on
Just watch youtube, any idiot can learn programming.
>expecting a frogposter to do anything productive
Yes you have to go to college. No, no employer cares that you did indie dev.
Anons help me out here which do you like better for a party formation?

Each individual member in the party can be set to front or back row like old FF or such

Slots 1, 2, 3 are front row and 4, 5, 6 are back row
Party won't always be 6 members and you can set your characters in slots as you like
So effectively formation is a 2x3 grid which could come into play with AOE abilities

In both approaches back row is going to be less likely to get targeted by the enemy but how exactly that plays out in game mechanics would differ
I'm in the USA, they're not going to hire me just from being self taught. Though I can see that being useful for getting a head-start on the knowledge considering how college systems seem to act like you already need to know this stuff even for the beginner course or at least that's the vibe I've gotten. Might just ask during American non-neet hours since I think there's like 2 devs here who do this stuff as a job. Thanks tho.
I wouldn't hire any software engineer without a 4 year degree from a major university. If you're actually competent, you can make it as a freelance webdev or gamedev, but since you're asking, I doubt that's the case.
sir it's the year 2024, you need to change your beliefs
these aren't mock-ups they're pinterest bait
I can barely see any gameplay in it at all and the artstyle is just
>generic pixel art
You weren't supposed to reply seriously to anon.
Well looks like I don't really have a choice I guess, current degree is far too useless for me to get anything well paying. Back in 2017 self taught programming was probably enough. In fact around that time even a self taught gamedev with a portfolio of one in progress game was enough to get a job at some triple A company though I'm unsure if he had a college degree which I suspect he did/was in progress of getting it so nevermind.
You're right. A 4-year degree isn't even enough of a filter anymore. Masters or bust. You have to realize that, from a hiring perspective, I can get my hands on more a near infinite stream of bachelors+ applicants, so why would I waste even a second to look at some random 30+ y/o boot camper's resume. Some people can get in to places because nepotism, or they made a friend, but as a hiring manager, I need to be able to justify my candidate choices to my manager, and it looks way worse on my part if I hired a 30+ y/o no-degree fuckup than if I hired a 21 y/o fresh-out of a decent university fuckup.
even back in the day the best of the best were dropouts lol
people are literally retarded these days so i would rather a person who knows what they are doing over a person with a piece of paper that says they know what they are doing.
>Dames’s students now seem bewildered by the thought of finishing multiple books a semester.
>Many students no longer arrive at college—even at highly selective, elite colleges—prepared to read books.
My bad actually. I should have said fake game mockups. You can probably extract some usefulness out of them.
The way you typed says everything I need to know about your mental processes and views of the workplace, Would not want to work for you, you sound like that disgusting recruiter I had the displeasure of having to deal with a few years ago.
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scary devs:
Will your game have jump scares?
mine will
>open door
>object falls at you
>open door
>see tall object standing there
>object falls from a tree and hits the ground
I don't like it either, but it doesn't matter what you or I think. That's just the reality of any large workplace with decent salaried pay.
post pic?
Do you think 'real time' and 'grand strategy' are conflicting ideas?
don't listen to these clueless morons no one will hire you even with a degree. You have to make it on your own; it's every man for themselves.
>t. has a degree. Has never even gotten an interview
because degrees don't mean shit over practical knowledge and creative problem solving.
companies are inundated with applications from grads.
i personally dont think so, but the game has to be built with the intend of being real time obviously. i personally liked to play stellaris with friends on the fastest speed while making the rule that we are not allowed to ever stop it. this gave us the feeling of actually having to manage a country, and if you went too big, you had to actually use the automation features and focus on the fronts in war or on a few planets to manage them. it is not the optimal way to play the game, but imo minmaxing stuff always ruins the fun. chaos is always the funniest
no, just check paradox map games
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my game will scare the heckin bajeezus out of ya!
So we agree then?
Because there's no way anything that showcases 'practical knowledge and creative problem solving' is going to make it past HR
good morning fellow neets, it's time to dev
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Just had a Doug moment with Claude. Claude told me I'm stressing over very small optimizations and it is neglible. And Claude reminded me of the bigger optimizations I already made.
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HR is the backbone of every great company, truly unsung heroes.
yes we are in agreement, shits fucked. i'm sure there are some workarounds and i know some companies are starting to see how bad that department actually is.
i read a story awhile ago about a lead trying to fill some rolls and nothing came in so he submitted his resume and got rejected.
sadly it will get worse before it gets better.
Morning Fellow NEET.
turns out zoomers are actually retarded
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As long as you don't have direct control over multiple characters like in RTS: Starcraft.
Because yes that would be a problem.
is it better to plan things out or should i just start prototyping random shit?
It depends how you define "real time", because a single sim tick in a GSG is typically either a day or some large time chunk like an hour and then scaled to your speed setting, rather than being 1:1 like in an RTS, but in the sense that real time just means "not turn-based", the ticks roll by continuously while you play, rather than making all your decisions and then clicking "end turn" then no, rather than being conflicting, they're actually conventionally paired together. All GSGs that I know are real time, and I fucking hate turn-based games and wouldn't play a turn-based GSG. Hell, I can barely stand turn-based 4X games, Stellaris is the only 4X I play because it is real time instead of turn-based.
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I had a large amount of new subscibers last month since the game was almost releasing and I replaced the free version with a demo. Most of those just subscribed and unsubscribed immediately, which shows up with a month delay on Graphtreon.
I wonder how releasing will impact the figures, but I think it mostly only affects the inflow. I won't get the people who subscibe periodically, but it shouldn't affect the long term subscribers.
Anyway Patreon retains lost subscribers as "free members" so it becomes easier to pick them up later.
Use Godot, RPGMaker only works for smaller games.
You can use GDExtension or C++ modules if you run into performance bottlenecks with GDScript.
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When is AI going to be good enough to be able to generate character busts with different emotions
Make a plan.
In my experience, if I start going unga bunga into the code, I get into dark places where I'm just hammering away.

Plan. Take a step back. Think.
boobs with emotions!?
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I just whiteboarded it out, and yea... problem is solved. Now all I have to do is the implementation. Could probably casually have Star Trek TOS on the second monitor as I implement this white board solution.

I am cruising right now.
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Yvshesh friend.
Fvnow ish *sniff* th time fhsor thinking!
I don't understand the purpose of a whiteboard. I just sit down and string together the code in my head.
that's a bit like asking
>should i make a bunch of documents and have no game
>or should i have a bunch of WIPs and have no game

just make the game
how would you make a rail shooter in godot
Would write some code, make some assets, music and etc.
It will vary a bit from person to person but the approach I would take is to uninstall Godot and install Unity.
I mean the rail part...
What I had in mind when saying real time, as in Starcraft, (But also pausable. I think hearts of iron is like that.) where you can see units moving. If you're going to control them individually it should be real time like that. But in grand strategy you don't or should not micro manage them like that. So maybe it should be like a 'go to next day' system. Which means I think simultaneous turn based.
I have some ideas for grand strategy, and this question popped up in my head. I was planning on actual real time. but then I thought it would be distracting the player from grand scale planning. I was thinking it has to be real time down to seconds, because military or logistic units' arrival times are going to be important too. But building structures etc don't need that much real time. I guess I'll have to sacrifice one or think of a more inbetween way. I need more thinking on this I guess.

Can you give an example games for large time chunks? Or do you mean they are done in the background making player think it's real time?
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I think I figured out the REAL way to use chatgpt for gamedev: plotting stats formulas in 3d so you can visualize the scaling
>framerate starts tanking
>gpu overheating artifacts appear
>audio starts breaking up and crackling/popping
Make a small plan for the specific thing you want to prototype. Plan all the variations you can come up with. Prototype them. Pick the best one. Make plans for the next step in all of the variations. Prototype them. Pick the best one.
Keep going like that until you have all the features you want without exploding the scope and ensuring the game is and remains good as you add to it.

Sometimes you come across a fun feature but it doesn't fit the current game. In those cases you should document it away for potential future use.
>his stats are only 3D
should of used Vulkan
should've not should of
Download an existing rail shooter in godot
Decompile it with gdsdecomp
Change the name and some assets
Export it
I'm with this anon >>499613548
Unity comes with a ready made camera solution that's got all you need for a rail shooter
no i should'vn't
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another mini progress, can FINALLY use all machines, tools and ingredients together to make a single drink
who wants a crappy square capuccino
We're all together when we're united with Unity.
Disciplinary reminder that you are NOT done with devving until you have made it. Whatever happens DOES NOT stop you from devving UNTIL YOU'VE MADE IT
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Added in Dive punching today. it gives a little hop when you do it so you can use it to get over higher ledges too. Still need to add more juice to it but not worried about that now.
Not even death can stop you from deving?
stop punching that catto!!!
>Can you give an example games for large time chunks? Or do you mean they are done in the background making player think it's real time?
Everything Paradox has made. Typically it's a day; for Hearts of Iron it's an hour (because HoI focuses on a briefer time period). Basically, each tick represents a day passing. It is conventionally played in real time, but it's scaled real time: in the time it took for one tick to pass in real life (let's say, one second), a day passed ingame. Conversely, in the time it takes for one tick to pass in a typical RTS in real life (let's say, one second*), that same amount of time passed in game. So GSGs usually represent time being very compressed - but it is still real time.

*this can vary depending on the RTS. One might think they're being calculated at the same time as the program appears to run, but the time for a sim tick can actually be a lot slower than that, although still fast.

>where you can see units moving
Most/all GSGs feature this already. The units aren't really moving in 3D space, rather, they're progressing a "movement meter" between the source tile and the destination tile, often with a matching animation, and when they finish they teleport to the next tile, and if they cancel it then they just stay where they are; the map in a GSG isn't really a 3D space in the "physics and movement" sense of an RTS, it's more of a visualization of an array of tile objects and their contents.

> If you're going to control them individually it should be real time like that. But in grand strategy you don't or should not micro manage them like that.
Nah, unit micro is actually pretty standard in GSGs. For many players it's the main draw. In games like HoI4, encirclement micro is 95% of the game. In my GSG I'm going the other direction and mostly just handling warfare similar to HoI4's aircraft gameplay, which is probably a more risky move - most players expect and want to move their armies manually and do encirclements
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if your game doesn't keep both my cpu and gpu at 100% load, I'm just not going to buy it
if your game so much as causes my fans to ramp up, I'm just not going to buy it
Make some waypoint node that can have a number assigned to it.
Then make your character store whatever waypoint number it last touched, and move towards the next largest waypoint. Make the "rail" out of waypoints.
My game will violate your CPU in all its cores but leave your GPU largely unmolested.
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>Barely a week left before the next DD
>Didn't get as much done as I'd like to have

Every fucking DD, the same story...
Okay, when I say real time I meant non turn based. I understand what you mean, the scaled real time etc. Well obviously the units will not be moving one to one scale as in the real world. It's going to be sped up in some way. But that also assumes the game has tile system. But if the game is something like starcraft where units can move freely, it's going to have to be real time I think. I was thinking of non tiled system. OR at least not strictly tile based. Starcraft with larger scale might be closer to what I have in mind.

>because HoI focuses on a briefer time period
This was helpful to hear, because I'm planning on much larger time period. So I realized why I feel like there is a conflict with what I have in mind and making it real time.

>unit micro is actually pretty standard in GSGs
>encirclement micro
I think this is where I'm having the conflict. I do not want to micro the war aspect. At least not the 95% of the game. That also means if I don't want to micro I would be better off with some sort of turn based system. Maybe I have to figure out a way to keep it real time and a battle system that does not require micro. What I know for sure is if it is real time it has to be pausable.

I'm in a preplanning stage now, I have to finish my current mobile slop and hope to have some money in my pocket to continue. Nice to see another gsg dev.
my game's audience is single mothers.
my game's audience? everyone.
in my game, the Player is secretly an amnesiac lesser god who awakes in his Star Palace with a butler / guide.

This is the main menu, it is a 3D main menu where you move between different rooms to access different modes.
combat like that is boring as fuck
My game? Everyone.
Apparently only RTX 20+ gpus support MPOs, wonder if that's why the hitching I see in windowed mode disappears in fullscreen...
my game's audience is weird uncles.
why was no Z levels DF so kino
>Okay [...] mind.
You can do this. But bear in mind something - GSGs are typically very CPU-heavy and if you have a large world map and don't want it to run like shit, you should be making a parallel simulation. Representing the world in tiles makes it massively easier to parallelize because it's much easier to constrain the scope of what's being processed where, and just chuck a lot of the workload into a thread pool without worrying about locks and such. Also, if you really just want RTS gameplay, but bigger - consider just looking into Total Annihilation or Supreme Commander for inspiration and ditching the GSG aspect. Good RTS gameplay is already a monumental task without simulating a world on top of it.

I wouldn't recommend turn-based for a GSG in any case. GSG players are accustomed to Paradox real-time GSGs and I don't think anyone wants turn-based. Every Paradox competitor that comes out is turn-based and they always flop or have only minor success.

>I think [...] pausable.
Basically all RTS and GSG games support pausing and issuing unit commands. Which many people might not realize for RTS, but basically every RTS will let you pause, issue orders, unpause, let it run a bit, pause, issue more orders, etc. You can play RTS games like that. Hardly anyone does, but you can. Same for GSGs.

As far as reducing micro requirements - turn-based won't help you there. Yielding control to the AI can - and you're going to have to make an AI that can do unit controls anyways, for the non-player-controlled countries, so just slap on a button that lets an AI take over your military and you're good to go. Maybe let the players mark units for "manual control" and the AI won't attempt to move them even when military automation is toggled on, in case they want to just focus on microing in one place and otherwise not worry.
finally I can live out my dream of being a wagie
that cat got fucken dunked
why doesn't yancydev add his game to the steam chart we have?
You do have a set of instructions somewhere right?
Displaying your entire fort in 1 screen is comfy.
Navigating through a 256 slide power-point presentation to look at stairs is anti-comfy.
It's comfy to me knowing that there's more to the world than what I see.
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2d had this.
All that blackness to the right? That's the unknown. That's all we needed.
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Gamedev is unironically one of the best chances I have at escaping the cage early but my skill is simply too low. I really want to make it so bad fren but the wage cage...I can hear the chains rattling and looping around my ankles ;_; they'll soon lock in and begin pulling me into the cage I HAVE TO MAKE IT OFF GAMEDEV, I JUST HAVE TO!!!!!
I like it, I think it needs a bigger area of effect and something a bit more easier to see.

Not only DD but with releasing my game as well.
>next DD, maybe (still unsure if I want to be a yesdev)
>next year it'll be ready to go EA
Only for it to come and go :(
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neopets, but with a gorillion microtransactions and 3D.
still unsure how i want to do the liquid mixing, at the moment coffee in the cup is a bool and from there it changes an enum type when you use the foamed milk

everything before that mix is unrelated steps that can be done at any point since they're just seaprate objects and machines
it's like metroid but in space and your a girl
add a cash shop
final fantasy 10 but with lite MMO mechanics like crafting, smithing, or fishing.
I will prove you wrong...I'm guessing you relate them to enginedevs or something, then I could see where you are coming from, but I ship with unity
If you don't want to model things like layers and just want to track the overall composition of the cup's contents, consider a hashmap, where the key is the id of each substance present, and the value is how much of it there is.
Post your Skill?
ok ill try to understand what you said in the future because my artsy skills are in negative all i know is programming
damn thats craazy
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just be a one-man Paradox, bro
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no no no no no its all wrong the game is all wrong this isnt what i wanted to make
only if you're polish though
Eden Space Mission. dev is just getting started...some interesting stuff on the way...
yeah iktf. redoing all this would simply be too time consuming. maybe the easier art style would be easier to pull off and draw a bigger crowd. but man the interest is so low that redoing all that art and even gameplay might end up being a terrible investment, worse than buying $10k in lotto tickets
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I relate them to obtuse, self-centered manchildren, and enginedev is just one result of refusing to adapt and learn new tools. Another would be making the game you want to make, rather than the game the market wants you to make. No one wants to pay money for a sokoban game, no matter how brilliant you might think your gimmick is.
doesn't give a fuck about graphics
doesn't give a shit about streamers
doesn't chase FOTM
and set for fucking life
Anon, I think the implication was "where is the gameplay", stemming from the fact that all that was shown was a poorly performing height map wrapped to a sphere.
it doesnt sound that hard except for the ai part id have no idea wtf to do there
yeah sure you can conjure something but then its a mess and the game doesnt feel realistic
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unironic yesdev mindset
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>turns out font size doesn't scale in UI toolkit
>go looking to figure out what the fuck is up
>find a forum post answer from 2021
>hoping to fix it soon
>tfw finding this post 3 years later
this can't be real right?
This is normal in programming.
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text not scaling to resolution makes UI toolkit legit unusable in a real game
reminds me of space jam
you misunderstand, it's not a height map, it's voxels. The engine supports deformation of that spherical mesh. However that's not the only point, it's a starting point for powerful simulations. You'll see
resolution scaling is done by the component on the canvas
29 is better than i expected (due to genre)
It hasnt been too long since release either
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>it's not a height map, it's voxels
Those thing's aren't mutually exclusive, anon.
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>did mostly coding for months
>now my art sucks
Yes they are, negro. Try restraining your bloodlust. Every single time you post you end up wrong.
Anon, are you retarded? Do you need medical attention?
do the percentage calculation yourself
This is apparently normal in gamedev. It's not at all webdev, which is where 80%+ of programmers are. I also complained about this in the Godot issues, and the answer was basically that core will never support it. Most games just pick a single resolution and scale it up with filtering. It sucks. Better games will use a 3rd party tool like these to build a modern, responsive UI, but they can be expensive.

>The name of the game supposedly had to change from Age of Civilizations 2 to Age of History 2 due to legal threats from Firaxis Games, the developers of the Civilization series. Firaxis Games indicated that they would take legal action if the original name was not changed.

Didn't know you could have monopoly on words.
>Anon, are you retarded? Do you need medical attention?
ok but the way the poster phrased it was that it was "merely" a poorly performing height map. And I am explaining that it's slow because it's loading voxel geometry into the sphere, and that the sphere has support for deformations. So it's not just a height map that you can throw together in blender.

>godunity is real
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So many /agdg/ games have released this year and it looks like there's at least another two. A mostly grim year depending on how you look at it ;_; It's looking bleak fren's. Up next is Monospaced Lovers and Tricky Madness in under a month. I may likely be found amongst the /agdg/ casulaties of <1000 reviews in the gamedev pits of 2024/2025. Who will break the cycle? Who? Has it just become so saturated that most of us including those that are highly wishlisted will simply fail?
scale with screen size is the only option that works because everything else fucks it up and it's a shitty workaround at best

webdev is done by allowing it to scale to any screen size or shape you want and UI toolkit is supposed to emulate that but lol no it's missing the most basic functionality

the point is I shouldn't have to do it myself it's such a basic fucking thing that should just work but 3 years later they still haven't fixed it

you can literally pick % for the font size but it doesn't change anything because it has not been implemented

UI toolkit was supposed to be the modern responsive UI option
Notice how there was no actual ruling, just threats?
Responsive UI is a bad thing.
yeah no one wants to pay the legal fees anon
>anon types into his webpage using a responsive UI
no? i use lynx
Lol they released it.

Wish he hadn't caved but he's solo, can't blame him.
You don't even know what that word means then. Change the size of your browser window and notice how all the text boxes squish and re-align. That's what responsive means.

if it was a platformer nobody would care, but the rules are a little different when it's basically a clone of a product given a deceptively similar name to the original
damn, I already have a well paid job, wife with kids and a game that my kids are actively playtesting and enjoying. Where did I make a mistake?!
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>That's what responsive means.
literally who
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i've done a lot in the past week but those were mostly under-the-hood things, stuff like making status effects stack and combine intuitively, figuring out and implementing stat scaling and design doc work. I also started working on ability upgrade system (using abilites upgrades them, reaching a certain upgrade level unlocks a new ability).
If you don't have the money to fight it in court and it's not a slam dunk case in your favour, then a legal threat is all it really takes to coerce you.
lil nigga strehh up cookin sum true ahh kinoludografique shieet
It technically responds to you squishing the window but nothing about 4chan's native styling is responsive. That's just how the browser renders by default.

The fonts are the same size. Any element whose size isn't being dictated by its text content stays the same size. The layout stays exactly the same.
Holy kino!
that word doesn't mean what you think it means
Classic Unity. Half assing everything and then abandoning.
It's not even in the same genre. Dude probably would have won if it went to court, but probably couldn't afford the legal fees and length of the trial.
Nta but I too had to change my game's name thanks to some wealthy indie company that's quite popular trademarking my game's name just before I changed mine. It was such a brutal blow. Now I have someone who I'm 99.9% certain copied part of my game's title for theirs but unlike me they don't seem to care of the legal problems this could cause for them should I go trademark it.

That would mean the dev accepts a legal battle and could face huge costs since chances are the company would bill the dev for the cost of flying their lawyers over to the dev's jurisdiction plus the cost of their wages. Good luck paying the cost of infringement plus the cost of having said lawyers. Since it's a big company they'd probably get away with justifying a private jet over regular flight too and a 5 star hotel room for their lawyer team. Now he's saddled with a bill that's probably over $200k.
>too lazy to dev for days
>have a date tonight
>feel like I should cancel because I really want to gamedev
women are fucking terrifying
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i love making photorealistic scenes in blender but using unreal is harder than i thought and i can only bake lightning instead of using all the real time stuff. should i just get into the psx pipeline? how hard psx shaders to make in godot?
don't forget bethesda sued mojang because they named a game 'scrolls' lol they had to settle out of court.
Almost all modern website just use the default browser render. It's simply that powerful, and the webdevs don't need to do anything all that special to make it happen. Game engine UI systems don't even have a small fraction of the full range of CSS features.
They already do. It's not enough.
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>creates Tick
>you should never ever ever use it
>elder ring
original name do not steal
The Lord of the Elden Rings
Lol look closely on steam, there's game's copying popular game names and getting away with it
>present sync
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and yet 90% positive
anti-AI sisters, our response?
Fucking got them.
Croteam had a really good talk about frame pacing, it's on YouTube somewhere
Reality is if you're using AI content in the context of a cohesive whole and it fits well, nobody will care. People hate on AI on 4chan due to the single-image-in-a-vacuum slop threads, like the dude on /tg/ who will post a thread with an inane question about elves and an AI generated brown elf with big tits because he REALLY wants to show off his EPIC PROMPT, and he does it again and again and again. That's obnoxious, a thread doesn't need to die for that subhuman garbage.

But using it properly in a game isn't a bad thing.
Found a devlog of a game that's kinda like a 2D top down version of my game which is 2D side view. His looks better than mine. Seemed his videos stopped so competition was gone, or so I thought. His finally video reveals he saw the problem with making devlogs. Meaning he's overcome a potential disadvantage. But even with that, his game looks significantly better than mine. How do I even compete!
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I hate panic attacks I seriously felt like I was about to die
I'd rather support AI chads than mediocre artists
ngl everyone would be happier if you did
>mogged by AI Alexei getting things done
>mogged by goon GODs raking in patreon bucks
>mogged by bespoke engine Blows who are fighting against the jeept horde
why are we here? just to suffer?
people who don't like the AI shit won't buy it so they won't review it
reviews reflect betrayed expectations through poor gameplay and other shit

also you are responding to a post that has nothing to do with AI
I've seen a game with AI art on the store page, the picture with the name of the game. The art clearly looked AI. From what I remember the game was selling well too, I don't recall the name though.

I've had on two occasions a strange sensation where it honestly felt like I was going to die. On one occasion I was laying in bed and started feeling this strange sinking sensation. Like my consciousness was shrinking inwards (imagine a video game where the field of view starts shrinking as the character is passing out, that's what it felt like except I wasn't falling asleep was the thing). For a brief moment I decided to let this feeling cover me and see what would happen. Intense fear overwhelmed me as the sensation became stronger "I'M GOING TO FUCKING DIE!" Jumped out of bed. This isn't something I want to test, I'm certain mental suicide is possible and I dare not play such a risky game.
use godot and make psx goodness
>post prototype online
>take it out because its still not good
>months later indie studio with couple games up their sleeve launches a trailer for a new game
>looks and plays similar to mine
I'll surpass them.
You will not post any of the following outside of /b/:
Troll posts
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how do i implement better fog? do i use pixelated fog cards?
this is what men like...


nice, imagine a good day of game devving, not worrying and overthinking

literally me

ai is slop tho, at least an artist cared about something enough to actually make it

none of them made gta sims elder scrolls 6 lol
>How do I even compete!
by making game instead of whatever the fuck you're doing
I'm not paying you for your deviant art tumblr nose garbage, anon
>at least an artist cared about something enough to actually make it
lol you clearly don't know production artists
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wtf is this, can someone translate what this is doing
can I use AI to turn a binary executable back into human readable c/c++ yet?
I don't see it on the page. Was this bait?
There are so many grand strategy games. Would it be stupid to try and make one?
Sending incriminating content to all lolidevs then snitching to the all 3 letter agencies
weird how antis always seem to have csem on them...
It's a great tag to be in, but the game itself will be very difficult to design and build.
no. use ghidra
never lol, idk what is it with people and scaring off women, but when one is fine with that attention they don't like her

i want to believe in the man who values consent, the ethical gooner

it's their profession, you'd be paying for years of experience and knowledge, while using chat gpt just gives you years of stolen art with no context outside of your prompt, which can generate something that looks very close to the stolen art
Baby mode compared to today's market
My own.
Who the fuck is antis?
There aren't very many of them, but it's one of the hardest genres to make, and as much as people rag on Paradox, they have set the bar pretty high and you are competing with them.
It seems like its a moving parallax effect that activates when the player enters an area. Its setting the progress according to the speed variable times the delta.
wrong game, the AI thing is for the sequel which came out yesterday (and already 1600 reviews)
people who prefer that explicit content in anime only includes adult characters, the anti means anti-l*licon

this is just a normal person lol
Same, except special gamedev friend (female) (biological) (cute) (girlfriend)
anti is the japanese equivalent of the word "hater"
With zero knowledge of Godon't, it looks like it makes something follow a path at a set speed while the player is in the area of the thing. Could be a platform.
That game uses AI in portraits, unit and building pictures which are all fairly small on the screen so you can't really see the imperfections unless you're really hunting for them. Seems like a decent use of AI generated images. Most people playing the game probably didn't even notice the disclaimer and have no clue it uses AI.
thanks anons, i wrote it last year and got lost on what the fuck the functions were, is agdg againt godot? should i switch to unity?
I was just being silly and contributing to the engine war. I prefer Unity but Godot is fine for plenty of people.
Well, this guy seems to have done it solo >>499619964
Also there seems to be 1238 games on steam for grand strategy. Considering the market yes it would be not many, but feels like all aspects of a grand strategy games have been explored. Maybe I'll be able to find my own unique take.
has anyone else gotten a mail about a notice about Steam Partner information disclosure
Yep saw it later. 1600 in one day is crazy.
>two cakes paradigm
>Well, this guy seems to have done it solo >>499619964
I didn't say it can't be done, just that it's one of the hardest genres to make.
If you want to go for it, have at it. Just be aware that you're taking on a massive workload, the kind that is normally taken by giga-autists or codetroons like the dude who made most of Project Alice.
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>1600 reviews in a day
>everything generated by AI
>game is just a grand strategy simulation, literally menu browser: the game
do autists really...?
I am a one-man paradox!
you should be seeing this as an opportunity to make a game
i think i just saw a game that only exists in my dream, it was a game with sega genesis style graphics, but it had resident evil style pre-rendered backgrounds and sprites for characters instead of 3d, also it was in a colorful mascot style, like sonic or ristar
But I hate those type of games I don't want to make one
ngmi energy
Aren' there a hundred games already that do the exact same thing? How can this sell?
after watching the trailer it's an extremely well made game. whats the issue?
mindless AI hate is the issue

the very mention of AI closes their brain off and enables the angry NPC programming
>it's used to make a boring military recruitment game
to make a game for autists, you need to be an autist
I dislike the genre. I don't like the idea of a sandbox pick-your-country and go wild with the game mechanics trite. I want an ending, crafted story and challenges to overcome. This is like a basic roguelike but in form of an excel sheet. You probably can sink hundreds of hours to create your fictional country to stretch from left to right and I think it's kinda pathethic.
also this

I've read couple of reviews. No tutorial, shallow mechanics, weird design choices. This also paints additional layer of bafflement for me as previous game had even more problems and it sold bazilions. I just don't get it and I also don't get why there's so many simulation games. Lawnmover sim? Really? That also sells?!
tl;dr autists man...
>uses AI portraits
>well made
Pick one
pretty good use of it for a solo dev. makes more sense than outsourcing a thousand art assets to some indians who are just going to ai generate slop for him.
I meant to quote >>499628334
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>noooo he can't sell a bunch of copies of his game with an ai generated portrait of joseph stalin!!!
I'm confused, you think the game should be railroaded or something?
>imaginary argument no one made
Typical nodev
damn, I just remembered a dream I had despite it being half a day ago now, or maybe even a day
it's animal abuse bait, you get options to harvest materials but the materials you harvest come from this sort of village-carrying beast that slowly roams around, kinda stegosaurus-like but much less scaley and more friendly-looking
it gets worse until eventually you've removed all its teeth and one of its legs, and meanwhile the party members or other characters involved are mocking it for being a dumb beast and that they wouldn't care if it died because they'd just get a better and bigger beast to carry them then (however that works) since this was a relatively small one compared to the really huge ones
dream ended with trying to give the beast water but then some dog, knowing the beast was being abused, insisted on engaging RPG battle with the player who at that point was just trying to help

It's far more compelling than any sort of story I'd ever write myself but I'm too much of a pussy to engage in that shit. It feels too disingenuous, simplistic and baitey. But that's the problem, I can never take myself seriously enough to write a plot that grips people from the start into wanting to finish the game.
you could apply the manner in which he uses AI images to a variety of genres

I don't play that much GSG but doesn't paradox have somewhat of a stranglehold on the genre? who else even makes them if you don't count Total War since it's sort of its own thing
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You deserve it
You have to be brain damaged if you think that shit is well made. Like nigger you are STARING AT A BORING ASS WORLD MAP WITH A FEW TEXT BOXES ON IT FOR HOURS. Literally nothing happens. How people can find this interesting or engaging is beyond me
idk the game looks really polished and feature rich, launched today with an all time peak of almost 8k players so good for him. i honestly don't see the issue using an ai generated picture of historical leaders.
is there a valid issue you can raise against it?
As a gamedev I don't know how you can have such a view on things. You should be trying to understand why games sell especially if you don't understand it.

If you don't understand why certain types of games sell it might cause you to dismiss good game ideas that you have but similarly don't understand. You need to be able to look past your personal taste to be a great gamedev.
deadass stupid people like boring ass games, just look at chess players lol.
tru nigga tru
My game is a piece of shit, but it took me 2 years to make this piece of shit, so I'm releasing it anyway.
>stupid people like chess
It's played exclusively by high IQ people.

They're baiting.
What's the general consensus on profanity and gore, do they affect game visibility? Should i add them or no?
>chess is boring
whoa, a biological woman on /agdg/
I always knew niggers were stupid but thanks for playing into the stereotype.
Kek, get with the times grandpa
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nah bitches love chess
>is there a valid issue you can raise against it?
Is there a valid issue you can raise against disliking if Adam Lanza murdered your baby in the sandy hook shooting?
not really, it just shows that autists don't care, other genres might get struck with bigger backlash
it's about a genre as a whole. I don't like EU, I don't like HoI, I don't like SimCity.
>he thinks sNdy hook happendd
Not an argument
So what, you just play braindead moviegame slop? Why do you dislike fun?
but did hikaru ever acquire the godhand
they don't like it they used it as a gimmick to stand out on twitch
How about the fact that chain of events resulted on Googum making the Sandy Hook school shooting game which butterfly-effect him into getting banned off Steam which resulted in him stopped progress posting here and AGDG losing the original true YesDev™?
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take your bets. so many aggy games releasing.
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>dislike fun
>grand strategy
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gaben said my game was "unreleasable"
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The truth of the matter is that EVERY addictive and successful indie game that's come out in the past decade and even many legendary studio released games of the past few decades share something in common with chess in that they're easy to pick up and hard to master usually with a low investement gameplay style. To deny this is to admit that you don't believe in the basic truth that legendary game designers such as Sid Meier or Peter Molyneux instinctively understood, and indeed many successful indie developers understand even if they may not have ever put two and two together. Study Chess and apply it to your game design or suffer the consequences.
post actual information from valve
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>make shitty game
>set price to $1 million USD
>only have to sell 1 to some streamer looking for content
Yes it is. If you didn't know morality and taste in art are both subjective concepts meaning they differ across people. If someone happens to dislike AI art because of that they are free to do so.
kys pokenigger furfag
Does it add anything to your game? Personally, I'm not a fan of it. Depending on how extreme it is, it definitely can reduce visibility.
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I keep adding useless shit that won't end up in the final game
Just added a mount that can be ridden by 2 players at once
well it looks like a cool mount
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I've decided to DM a speculative evolution project where a planet is seeded with honeybees.
what about using a photograph as a texture, is that immoral?
>macropenis cunnyculus
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>macropiss cunnilingus
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>hermaphroditic marine flatworm
Well, i suppose? There would be swears where one is expected to swear, and blood where you expect. Nothing crazy
>floppy pouch vagina
Sometimes it's done intentionally
oh shit it's true, I've got the same memo about my game!
check and meet
>Experience a heartfelt story with a 100,000+ word count
>Outstanding wishlists: 7.6k
>8 languages
It's a visual novel with extra steps. How many platforms are they publishing to? It looks like it can make decent money on DLSite, Switch, and PS5. I doubt it'll get past 1k reviews on Steam, but I think it can do 200-500 within a year (slow trickle, week one performance won't be great). I haven't tried the demo, but hopefully they didn't make the gameplay too difficult, or at least included easymode options for low-skill gamers. Overall, I can see it becoming a middling success, assuming no major fuck-ups.
I never even looked into it but does Steam do any kind of automated testing on executables to enforce security or stability standards or whatever? I know consoles require all kinds of compliance shit. Hope I'm not screwing myself by running my own engine instead of Unity/Unreal...
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100 reviews first month
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>The first reference to the genus, which includes an illustration of the plant, was made in 1678 by Jakób Breyne
>The analogy drew sharp criticism from botanists such as James Edward Smith in 1807, Amos Eaton in 1817, Michel Étienne Descourtilz in 1826, and Eaton and Wright in 1840.
I hope that my shitposts are still making people seethe 160 years later...
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>knights of clitoria
uhh 25
How do you come up with small, but fun game ideas?
Small AND fun. Something you'd play yourself.
discipline and hard work are mostly bullshit
I've been the most disciplined in my life in the past 5 years but everything just keeps deteriorating. my first game was my most successful and then it was all going downhill since then. I'm trying to not use this as an excuse to start slacking off but it's tempting.
But I only play big games?
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going from
>here's how you render a single hardcoded cube
>here's how you dynamically render thousands of complex moving meshes each with their own materials and animations
is a pretty big leap that none of the material covers very clearly...
They do some sort of testing but I don't know how much of it is automated.
Probably because up to "here's how you render a cube" is boilerplate with very little meaningful variation, but what you're asking for is how to write a scene graph which can be implemented in an infinite number of ways (most of which would be really dumb ways).
>website, email, homepage
What kind of Steam are you using?
small is easy
fun is easy
both is extremely difficult

smaller games are also harder to copy because there's less there to make it stand out and feel different unless you come up with some new wacky spin to it which might not do so well

there's definitely a trend of puzzle game + roguelite combinations happening so maybe if you can come up with a new one of those that could be it
I'm sure they do a malware scan at the very least to protect their own asses from class actions when they distribute a rootkit, possibly also look for syscalls that a game wouldn't normally make that could be malicious

I don't think they give a fuck about stability, if the game doesn't run then get a refund
>I don't think they give a fuck about stability, if the game doesn't run then get a refund
they do an initial manual review of the game when you first submit it
>>499630251 like this
The main thing is they got you by the balls with clearname and everything, should you ship malware. This is not a small "lol, gotcha" thing anymore but very punishable in basically every jurisdiction in the world.
Id prefer to make a game from the heart than filter my creativity through marxism like you are advocating for. Fuck other people, this is my hobby, this is my art. If im the only one in the world who likes my game than thats a success story as long as i love what ive made.
you can add a volumetric fog container to your player controller, making it into a shape like this
| |
| P |
| |
with a hole cut for the player
you get the idea, the player moves and the container moves with him
I'm not putting malware in my game, anon. By security I mean more like "you can't use this API call because reasons" or "your game failed the test for this buffer overflow exploit" or other retarded crap.
formatting broke, whatever
That's what you get for enginedeving
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hey, I think I know that guy
Post your game

I mean in general I want to see what people are working on
he doesn't want you to steal his ideas
294 honestly, narrative driven games do better tha-
3 reviews, its so ooooooooooooover!!!!!!
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I'm still implementing this pounce attack for enemies. In the process I completely screwed the Enemy Behaviour Tree, the entire enemy AI is broken now. I'm on wagie time right now, and it's still 9:37 AM so no progess in sight.
I will write a post describing what I'm working on in the coming days.
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You're lucky, I'm about to binge progress for the next week (small, incremental changes, awful attempts at sprites, simple melodies that last for 8 seconds and half-baked ideas that eventually will break old systems)
literally me
Nice, yeah it will a while my system took about a month of dev time while waging and I didn't even start animations
His mouth is moving so I thought she was going to say "Who are you talking to?" or something like that
Her shoulders are wider than his. Dickette, my future trans wife.
It was dumb not to expect my game to flop.
>thinking your ideas are so good
>that level or narcissism
ur not the next notch brah
It was dumb to expect my game progress to get more than 0 likes on social media.
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heh dummy, I KNOW my game will flop
Focus, you wretched thing!
>20 minutes later
>Only 2 games posted
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started work on expanding a prototype from the last DD into a full game
started working on items and inventory and enemy loot drop
hopefully I get enough progress in the next 7 days that I can submit it again to DD
bruh you need to seriously reevaluate this game cause I don't see anyone playing it without some good idea that would be your selling point
blender scripts are easier to write than I thought, pretty sure I can just use blender as a level editor directly then use a script to export a json or something my game can read
I think other anon is rude conceptually I can see people playing it but right now the gameplay is lacking, need more complex enemies and like, the super spreader from contra
you must be retarded if you think this is how the game will look once done
I barely got part of the combat and dungeon rooms mechanics done
I'm not focusing on art and feel for now, just trying to get everything to work together, going from player home to dungeon and back without any issues
Add the super spreader from contra
Mine won't.
It can't flop if it's free.
>make something that feels like a cheap flash game
>no I swear this won't be the final product
Post your game
I've been making big progress but it's not ready to be shared. I always share too early and then lose interest. Trying to hold off for now to see if that helps me keep at it. Delay the dopamine hit from showing it to people.
I think you're a fucking idiot, coward, and loser
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I guess the main thing would be to make sure you convert the 3d axis correctly from blender to engine. Make a small test to see if you can get it to work before diving deeper into it.
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I plan to add multiple types of projectile attacks, spread shot is one of them
While there's a need for criticism in any kind of community that is working on independent projects for selling the people in this thread aren't doing "I don't need to be a chef to say this tastes bad" it's more like going into an amateur cooking club, blasting shitty music and youtube videos, speaking over everyone, and not even trying to cook
>Get all Megascans for free
>All Megascans are free to everyone under Fab’s Standard License until the end of 2024, for all engines and tools. Claim them now and download them from the Quixel profile.

Did anyone get these? What's the catch?
Post game.
Stop wasting your time telling people about the things you're going to do and do them
the people in this thread are like taste testers and the food that's being served was dumpster dived from some place, people with working senses aren't even going to taste it
Finally, a game to surprass all agdg games
add a bike
if i dont get at LEAST 5 wishlists today I WILL FREAK!!!!!!!!!!!!
I think it's more like taste testers that barged in in the kitchen early in the morning demanding to taste the food which isn't even ready yet, and they're rating it as if it's the final product

agdg isn't aimed at the taste testers, it's a place for amateur chefs to show their creations and get feedback from other chefs
if you think your game is trash why even make it?
The catch is they look like shit and (You) don't have the skills to model anything to match the style and they'll lag your game to shit because lol 1,000,000+ polygons per model
>bake textures
>you have useful high quality models
>food analogies
and yet it's invaded by a bunch of taste testers who pretend to be amateur chefs
i will never use bought assets (anymore)
i want my game to look and play in a way that is fully unique and fully mine.
intricate cope
>those comments
Please justify the ratio presence of people posting development to people shitting on others, e-celeb worship, general just off topic posting, or my favorite the constant doomer
>rip off a game wholesale
>one that can be played easily right now
>dont even add what people remember the most about it
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Working on a new enemy, still need combat sprites for them but I'm almost done on their basic movement. They all move like a knight in chess moves so they're a bit more predictable, but this particular one moves twice. This one did a really dumb move, because this exact spot is the worst possible spot to be in for a knight.
>caring about troonddit
after getting good at c++ I've come to the realization that the reason most c++ looks confusing is because it's written by people who are bad at c++
Unironically a game about stealing and running away with loot sounds fun. Add different enemies like cops, angry owners, vigilantes, options to steal small things from supermarkets, break-ins to houses, cooldown on neighborhoods that have been robbed recently with increased patrols and you're golden
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Those realistic textures would be nice but I don't wanna go through all of them one by one.
I find kind of a head scratcher as to how there’s no alternative to blender and maya/max for modeling. Sure there’s a bunch of CAD apps but nothing geared for vertex modeling, only those two.
what about free assets?
>that one weird trick artists don't want you to know
>almost any texture can be made by just blending a couple noise textures together
>Blender is free
>3D modeling software hard to make
There's like, zbrush also
>it will get DCMA'd
it's over
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>posts his game to r*ddit to build hype
>they start calling EA lawyers instead
oh no, I'm cringe
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This, you should only listen to the very valuable feedback from other inner circle members, sisters!!!!!
I've come across a couple youtube videos where they do magic like that and show how but I still can't do it myself. It feels like there's some arcane knowledge I'm missing.
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Exactly, keep working on your roguelike deckbuilder and leave 3D to big boys, whiteboi.
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How would you improve the movement system in a game like Mystic towers? (Isometric, 4 directional movement)
Hexagon's like fallout

Raise the camera like in fallout
my font only supports ascii characters
dumb ugly mouth clicking retards with your gibberish, I will never translate my high art to your retarded lowborne tongue
Some people are mentally ill, you can't stop the barone schizo from constantly samefagging about his idol, you can't stop Cris from being delusional and having manic episodes, you can't stop the homoerotic spergouts between crumble and trainwiz, etc.
Think of /agdg/ as a very bad QA department and get your game tested every demo day while disregarding anything else, we're on /vg/ the thread will get schizo tourists over time.
Perlin noise was literally invented by one of the guys who worked on Tron for exactly that purpose.
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I hurt myself today
I played it and it was so primitively done it hurts.
actually satisfying how the pixels line up with the model edges
my method is downloading abandonware texture CDS from archive.org
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how do you know theyre abandonware
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forgot my pic. Erhm

>my method is downloading abandonware texture CDs from archive.org
relax bro, I'm just sampling your textures, musicians do it all the time ;^)
If the owner claims I don't have their license then I'll just buy the CD from them, it's not like it will cost that much. But it's probably not going to happen, these are from the 90's, you can't even buy most of them.
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progress: asset creation day
>new icons

this is what teenagers and growing up on these days
So Sam Hyde but funny?

also most of those aren't tiled/seamless so you gotta do that yourself
w-what, what happened...?
it's so funny to me that zoomies are turning against the kikes
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that is true, but there are usually some tiled versions. The minority, but they are there.
book publishers got mad at their internet library
what kind of game is this for
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do you have a good collection of the cds? I only got a couple and they were kinda meh
it got hacked, sure, but it's coming back soon. It's not like they've lost their DMCA exception and can't house copyrighted material anymore.
Why are we acting like archive.org isn't back already?
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I just have a big folder where I dump all the torrents and sift through to find relevant stuff. There's a bunch of useless files, for sure. You gotta dig to find useable textures. Most of them have like 3 folders with .pict or other arcane file extensions, and only one with .bmp

But it is fun, I feel like I'm lost in an old library searching through dusty books.
the hack was a nothingburger, they got a bunch of email addresses, if it's an email you're using to sign up to websites there's a 99.999% it's already been involved in multiple breaches anyways, l2spamfilter

the downtime was because of """unrelated""" DDoSing
I woke up. instantly solved problem.
yea, check please.
I feel in the gutter... My art is so shit
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action roguelike
I use temp emails for every signup and somehow my main email I only use professionally still got compromised and gets a dozen scam mails every day. My guess is someone I emailed got their rig compromised and their contact history dumped.
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Progress: some tweening and sprite Y-sorting
What game would Ed , Edd, and Eddy make?
I said I'd do it in the coming days, not now.
>I was reborn as a crab in another world!
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Alright this is sad, why is Blorb leaving?
Candy Crusher but with jawbreakers.

I'm dying

I just want you to know that

your ngmi
somehow I have to make mascot for my game so that you can include it in the art.

maybe the Guide who lives in the Player's Star Palace.
I average 300
i once posted my game on reddit and i was surprised by how similar the negative comments were
>assets look unoriginal
>you're going to get DMCA'd (because my title shared 1 word with another franchise)
>this looks too similar to a game made 15 years ago, why even bother?

their faux positivity is reserved for protected groups and those who bait for pity, if you do not fulfill these requirements then the collective spite and resentment kicks in
nah, your game is just shit
my game has been the top post on r/pcmasterrace and r/indiegaming without issue
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>open up my engine
>everything looks like shit
>"what was i thinking spending so much time polishing placeholder assets?"
>lose all motivation to continue
post it
Can't make this shit up...

best cube, perfect add sarr !!
why did they look like shit if you polished them?
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no, I only post my game on /pgdg/ because I'm a success
I just lurk to help amateurs nowadays
>your picture
>Alessandra BOCCHI
>in Rome
>Bocchi wears a sweater with "Roman" written on it in the anime
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are blender suzanne, benchy, utah teapot and sponza on it too? under a standard license up to 100k of course
all the standard materials in substance are made this way
can you draw it for me? i am trying to get the mesh distance fog thing from sh1 in the ps1 but i know shit about shaders but then i also thought it wouldn't work with a megastructure game
is that using ik rigs or constraints? i assume suzzane is the controller
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This man is delusional >>499644981
This is bad advice, I have multiple year long gaps on my resume from travel and shitty side project pursuits and I have never had problems getting jobs, FAANG or otherwise. If you are a strong engineer gaps do not hurt at all. Do em while you are young
just solved a problem and it is such a big dopamine hit. To solve a game dev problem.
Because there are not really any, at least that I've found yet. There is just a Godot hater in this thread.
This is why we /enginedev/
all anime posters belong in solitary confinement
Can we have a informative discussion about how aspect ratio and the play field size impacts game play? Specially in 2D games, (although it matters in 3D too).

For example, 16:9 is an extremely uneven ratio for games. Consider a top-down adventure game. If you want enemies to enter the screen, the side enemies are always too far away for no reason. Mean while top and bottom ones are closer.

Even in platformers where you move from side to side, the width is too long, you can always see the enemy a mile ahead, which could have been an interesting scenario in 4:3, where enemy could enter while you are fighting the on screen one.

I think 4:3 is the best ratio, you can use it for platformers to give player some but not huge breathing room, you can rotate it to 4:3 if you need some vertical breathing room.

Try playing some widescreen hacks of classic games and retro fangames. Every one of them feels empty, and contains zones where nothing interesting is happening.

Even if you don't agree that 4:3 is good for most games, unless the designer consciously choose 16:9 for gameplay reasons, you will still agree that it's a topic that is not talked about much but makes a huge difference on the gameplay.

Here's my reasoning
Ideal playfield -> 1:1
You want some extra space horizontally -> 4:3
You want some extra space vertically -> 3:4
You want double the space on one side? 16:9

The keyword is "want", you have to make the choice consciously it's stupid to pick 16:9 because it's the standard if you are the designer.
yep, I'm an enginedev. problem was solved on my own engine.
I can't think of an enginetroon tourist who's not also an obnoxious poster, historically one of the worst poster ever (loli rape simulator"dev") was also an enginetroon ragebaiting while hopoo made ror, orteil cookie clicker, etc
No one is gonna blame you for not being able to handle every aspect ratio because no one can, this is why we have things like "industry standard practices", you can always say this game is best played in x aspect ratio or whatever.
Stop overthinking and JLMG.
unfortunately retarded gamers will sperg out if you dont use the entire screen
That's where they post from.
>oh no the 16:9 player can see 30 extra pixels than the 4:3 player, my game is ruined
you are literally retarded in every sense of the word
That's literally what hitori "bocchi"s name translates to from Japanese, what do you mean by that why do you keep making these references
> handle every aspect ratio
that's not the problem. The problem is "aspect ratio" decides how your game will "play".

The aspect ratio is a major part of the game, it's window that the player will see through. It will decide whether the player will feel claustrophobic or not, it will decide if the player will feel panic when an enemy enters on one side or not. It's an important attribute that needs consideration, just like player speed, etc.

Handling multiple aspect ratio is a joke, if the designer used 4:3 during the design its a 4:3 game, if the designer use 16:9 its a 16:9 game.
Friendly reminder that this is the average agdg poster.
And they praise it when movies do it. Gamers are retarded.
what makes a porn game good?
>what do you mean by that
I mean that you should be locked in a small room with no windows and no furniture to spend the last of your days in darkness unable to harm anyone
there's no worse mental state to be in than being in "search mode". endless waste of time, never being satisfied with anything, thinking you'll find something you like just at any moment but it never happens. also makes you very unhappy, nervous and your brain gets ruined.
but i also don't know a solution, because just sticking to what you know also gets boring...
Solid gameplay, just like any other video game. See the AliceSoft games or even Ero Dungeon.
EDIT: I am not talking about interactive movie games, like Re7 remake.
You sure would like if I wasn't able to work on my game wouldn't you mr Crab
No, because it doesn't matter. Just use what's best for your game. If you want a circular window, use that. If you want to have the ui on the side and the game in 4:3, do that. The best solution is to just make 1st person games.
that's more proc gen which includes noise here and there
> it doesn't matter
How many people do you think, during their development process, ask themselves:
> Okay now the basic mechanics are in place, let's decide what aspect ratio the game should use

Most people never think about it.
You're overthinking, every software has to deal with physical limitations and specifications that will affect your game in many areas and this is one of them.
Good story that will make you care about the characters beyond lusting over them.
I'm gonna shove that crab so far up your ass it's gonna do the talking for you
i HATE nodevs
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I got burnt out on my main project while working on the UI so I decided to do a side project, but the side project is also mostly UI. It's never been more over.
you need to wean off from rapid dopamine hits to get used to a slower dopamine cycle so that you can concentrate on long term gratification once again
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does this map look like something made by a nodev? huh?
if a dev here actually made a map like this today and posted it, they would be ripped to shreds
Nintendo lawsuit in 3... 2... 1...
Hideous, anon. Shit's all over the place. Biomes don't just change like that. Also I think you're missing a dimension.
yeah, crabs see success and they get a boner, so what? ewww is that a stiffy GET AWAY FROM ME FREAK!
wait until you find out different monitors have different color calibrations and your game isn't going to look the same as on your machine
fucking retard
If you wanna do the talking for me start by asking yourself where your game is
>tile maps? haha, no, I'm homosexual
>*drags and drops a 2560x2048 world map texture into godot*
What's the best game of the future?
Link please? Or how would I search for it?
>I never see anyone say what these broken things they always have to fix are

Go to the godont GitHub and pull up one of the 5000+ open bug reports. I've personally submitted ones for rendering shadows in VR being broken, rendering lights for VR being broken, CSG collision being completely broken, navigation multithreading purposefully being broken. There are a few issues I haven't submitted reports for because I don't even know where to start and don't plan on continuing with the engine upgrades, adding and deleting nodes takes 100x longer in large scenes in versions after 4.2.2, the remote node inspector freezes up in large scenes because it updates every node and there's no way to ignore static things like rocks and trees etc.

The engine has no built in tools for common things like foliage, so if you need trees you either have to roll your own or depend on janky third party add-ons that half work and are slow as shit.
An uncompressed 4096x4096 texture only uses ~90mb of VRAM. There is literally nothing wrong with this.
Sorry I can't link them, I don't remember what videos they were. They were part of random videos that I watched. Youtube's search and recommendations are a fucking mess so I just watch a lot of somewhat random videos.
Should I take this guy's course? His games look mid but he is pretty successful.
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> overthinking
Would you say the same about a guy thinking about the character movement speed?
Reminder that you should be using Tony McMapface tonemapper instead of garbage default ACES/"filmic." It's free.
>Go to the godont GitHub
>42,000 issues closed
if it's free then it must be bad like linux, blender, gimp, etc. etc.
As I said, it doesn't matter if monitor have different calibrations. You just have to "consciously" decide what colors will you use if you are making a game, where color is important. You have to be able to say, this game is designed with "this.. this this.." specification, and this is the intended way. Same with aspect ratio, a game designed for 4:3 should be played in 4:3.

The whole point is, "choose" an aspect ratio and think about how it affect your gameplay, don't just start designing on the default aspect ratio.
If your gui is so complex then it must be a big complex game.
Are you struggling with a simple progress bar?
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>from the producers who saw shrek!
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are you retarded?
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lmfao I was just watching the guys tiktok how he had 130k wishlists wtf?

he needs to patch in different weapons, your just limited to a fucking bow and arrow
>whoa dude worked on popular games
>that had hundreds of people working on them
>still trending for mass reviews
Are normies really this dumb?

Bro your stealth archer meme.
>Mostly positive and only 63 reviews
>130k wishlists.

He is done unless some big dick streamer shills his game
honestly the game is doing pretty bad, 63 reviews after 2 days
gwafics get people to wishlist, but they wont get you word of mouth
>heavy metal
so a shitty soundtrack
>horror game
fotm slop
>one of the devs of X, where X had 1000 devs
wow impressive. what did you even do?
>ancient folklore
umm I made it up + it's just moss and wicker monsters
>mysterious open world
lifeless auto-generated map with dense fog. asset pack "ruins" props scattered every 1000 ft to add "mystery"
>collecting sense powers
asset store vfx sprite spawns on death of monster. run over it to "pick it up." asset store UI indicator goes up by 1.
>discover elemental arrows
run around said lifeless foggy map until you see another asset store vfx glowy orb rendered on top of an asset store arrow
>the hunter is also hunted
an enemy will walk towards you at 1 mph

Anything else?
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added tooltips and visualizations for the event outcome calculations as well as some other minor features i guess..
the realisation that i will neither have something ready for dd, or am capable of actually making something interesting in the long run is hitting me. the guilt of not having implemented anything unique in comparison to cultist simulator doesnt help. its just a lesser project in every metric. honestly kino to have another project for the cemetery without having learned anything new.
>Skyrim: Lighting Artist
>Starfield: Lighting Artist
>FO76: Lighting Artist
>FO4: Lighting Artist
>Metroid Prime 3: Lighting Artist
>Aeon Flux: Lighting Artist
>Bloodrayne 2: Lighting Artist

Sounds like it'll be lit.
>I spent a few hours placing megascans, so I should charge more than devs who spend years painstakingly making midpoly games
well that doesn't sound very amateur
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After like 2 months I think I've nearly crushed every single replication bug. Now I make something new and fun again.
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personally, too photo real for my tastes. But, maybe others like it.
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I have no idea whats happening there
pretty cool looking, but why does it have to be another card battler?
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>250,000 wishlists
>Beautiful art by the guy that led Overwatch environment art

>255 reviews after two weeks
>210 all time peak players

Why did this flop so hard?
It's so comfy, feels like home.
nice graphics, unappealing game
If he already got 130k people to look at his game and decide it's good enough to bookmark but not to actively follow and buy, how is some streamer shilling going to change things? No one is stupid enough to completely reverse their opinion on something just because some celebrity told them to.
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>a video GAME with dogshit GAMEplay doesn't sell
a real mystery, call sherlock
genshin impact is free and can run on a phone
people can't afford groceries
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I'd buy it for a dollar! I'd buy any game for a dollar!
Oh, he's not selling it for a dollar? That's a shame.
... I'd buy it for a dollar...
them lights be on point tho
why the fuck would you need word of mouth with 130k wishlists?
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I don't know, do you wanna be this guy?
fuck that game looks beautiful
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didnt he use unity?
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this, hdr destroys my pixelshart game
how the hell do you only get 60 reviews from 130k wishlists? Is he bullshitting or is this just a game that doesn't convert wishlists
I wouldn't even buy it for a dollar, because I'm just not going to play it.
holy heck u play as toddy howie!?
the gameplay in the trailer looks so unbelievably mediocre
they were right, nobody wants to be this guy, it's worse than ps1 slop, but to be fair my models look just as bad most of the time
ghost[j].companions[i] shows up an immense number of times. You should avoid this kind of repetition. It looks like you can clean your code up quite a bit. You should have a function that takes in a companion, put it in an "i" and "j" loop. This function will take in ghost[j].companions[i]. Then in that function I mentioned do your "l" and "k" loop.

You can move nested code into separate functions. You shouldn't have deeply nested code.
I've revised my sales expectations down to 76 sales. Thank you.
game bad
Anyone with Godot experience, have you noticed any difference in performance when working on a project on Windows and then moving it to Linux, or maybe the other way around?
And did you have to do anything extra for compatibility/stability or did the project just magically work when you switched it to the other OS?
I simply can't imagine releasing something that looks like that. How does that get past any form of pre release review?
He's probably bullshitting or misinterpreting numbers, because that's more than Civ VII, ARK 2, or Marvel Rivals.
watch the trailer anon, the game looks incredibly boring with slow, clunky movement and combat mechanics
>255 reviews after two weeks
51 of them recieved the game for free. nice shader at least.
130k is 130,000 anon...
the top wishlisted games on Steam have at least 1 million+ wishlists
Manor Lords was #1 at some point with over 2 million
SteamDB shows over 10,000 followers, so 130k wishlists is just about right. He's just not converting well at all.
Sorry I'm being lazy, that's follow stats, not wishlists. This Axis Unseen game is showing 10,775 following on SteamDB.
>environments look real nice
>MC looks like THAT
I guess now we know why he no longer works at Bethesda.
New thread for my /agdg/ friends

dont worry, me neither
i wouldnt really call it a card battler.. the previous game i was working on for a year was one, thats why i burried it, although drawing toxic twinks hurting themselves was more fun. this one was supposed to be about managing resources i suppose
Pretty enough graphics and enough social clout and marketing to get wishlists, but the actual game is bad so wishlists don't convert.

This is why you don't chase wishlists, you focus on making an actually good game.
A valid criticism, I don't know why you're laughing. Sounds like they overdid post process shit.
>Almost 50% of games released so far in 2024 have not earned 10 reviews.
>Almost 80% of all games released in 2024 have earned fewer than 50 reviews.
damn that's some rough stats
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Stop releasing games with less than 7k wishlists
It's not too complex. It's just a lot of tedious and uninteresting work that I wish would be done without me having to do it. Little things like choosing fonts, colors, and textures, setting padding/margins, and general theme design. For web frontend, I could just choose from any of thousands of amazing premade themes, but in hardly anyone makes themes for game engines.
Whenever I'm presented with this problem, I pick a random NES/SNES game from the wall of despair and just copy whatever they've done 1:1. That way I can blast through it with a clearly defined goal and pretend that I like the result when I'm actually dead inside.
>Can you have too many kisses?
Some people would say yes
>Too much chocolate
Objectively yes you can have too much chocolate
>Too many sweet moments with your child?
Like, this is the crux of the issue because one of those sweet moments might be enjoying a game with them, games aren't people they're distractions from life

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