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>Steam Page:

>Where to give feedback and report bugs:

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>How do I git in?
Post your Steam profile and ask. You need to accept a friend request to be invited, so don't be autistic.

>How do I git gud?
Do the tutorial, get a feel for each hero in sandbox mode, explore public item builds, play bot matches.

Additional Resources:
>Unofficial Wiki
>New Player Guide
>Advanced Movement Guide

previously, on deadlock:
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melee is kino
if that were me i would've the second parry and died
what a kusoge, the first parry should've landed
Nobody ever builds Spirit Infernus so is his afterburn really that big of a deal?
Popping fleetfoot cancels the melee that's why it didn't land.
>just parry bro
good clip
yeah, buggy ass kusoge
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it was worth it for the seethe afterwards
Her 3 can also cancel it iirc
>call someone a virgin
>play lady geist

i only play honest heroes like ivy and gunbuild bebop
how do i cope with the shame of being a 200hr alchemist shitter?
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I'm starting to think I don't make enough of an impact on the match
I don't engage on stupid fucking engages but my teams sure like to, so I end up left behind in stats and shit. Maybe Wraith isn't for me, if I end up too far behind I can't catch up

What's your Wraith build? She's a pretty selfish character if you think your team is taking stupid engagements you just pressure a lane to help
wraith's specialty is 1v1 dueling and splitpushing, you have a good amount of souls compared to the enemy team which means you're farming a lot but you have very little objective damage which tells me you're either jungling a lot or backing off from pushing lanes. when you're pushing and you see a teamfight happening a lane or two over do you try to go join it or do you continue pushing?

because fights are decided so quickly that usually it's better for you to just pressure a building because you shred objectives with your 3
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wraith isn't for team fights
you run solo picking off one person which is a free kill with ult and then use your 3 to kill guardians in 2 seconds
Is the pecs blown up like breasts a homo thing?
yeah i've seen that kind of thing a couple of times and it never made any sense to me. like they intentionally feminize the men even though when they're not supposed to be like femboys. i mean if you gay you're into men right? why are you making them more like women
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total building genocide
Big meaty pecs are manly just like huge muscles
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arcanist rank pocket gameplay
>parries and nearly kills
>later gets parried and killed
melee users are fucking retarded
yeah they have shit taste just like straight men that like bimbo/hyper shit.
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placing all my hope into this patch
he tried to 2 into my guardian to parry it too but the distance is a bit precise to finish the 2 animation in time to parry
>guardian parry
its not consistent anymore, formerly you could run up, press parry and it would do the trick but somehow it doesnt attack you automatically anymore, your parry runs out and then you get meleed by it
Tick tock Shiv in a couple hours from now your life is fucking over
I hope my main gets a few buffs.
i do notice it's finnicky when there's enemy troopers in range but is it not guaranteed if the guardian isn't doing anything else?
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I'm going to bed
It gave me one of my lower priorities despite two of my yellows not being in the fuckin match, and then gave me this match

Normally hybrid spirit gun, ambushing with shadow, but I lost the build somehow in the viewer and grabbed a straight up gun one that match

I try, but the enemy is usually too far ahead where they're wiping my team 3v5 and they've got other people on lanes or some shit that are far enough ahead to fuck my ass when I'm caught
>third removes all rage
>getting a kill with ulti fills rage bar (to make it not just a gapcloser before maxing it out)
>damage to creeps does not generate rage
>playing pocket
>yamato committed to chasing me
>i throw my cloak in the direction of my base
>the yamato chases it like he's a dog and i just threw a frisbee
>i run the other way
I'm laughing my ass off
I think they should generally nerf the ult's base damage too if it's supposed to be an execute. 200 damage is more than 20% of your health on most heroes
It will never surpass its 120k peak. Deadlock is a failure.
Playing vindicta for the first time, why does it feel like they lower your sensitivity while scoping? so annoying. If you want to balance it better, add lower bullet velocity or something. LET ME FLICK LIKE A GOD
Bad clip. You unironically would've killed her faster by shooting her but let me guess, that's too hard for an aimlet like you?
>200 damage is more than 20% of your health on most heroes
I'm talking about around when you reach 3k souls if that's unclear
Never design video games anon, your ideas are absolutely retarded and you clearly haven't touched shiv yourself to know how his kit works.
i was just having a bit of a laugh mate my aim is just fine
I fucking hate shiv but two of those changes are really retarded and I'm glad you're not balancing this game
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i cant aim
i pick ivy
i press Q
sometimes i press F or the number buttons
sometimes i win games
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I'd learn to fly if it meant tapping that
Reminder these next 11 hours are the last hours Shiv gets to be broken
He's getting fucking gutted harder than any hero has ever been gutted, seriously
10 games played is literally nothing. Your ideas are retarded and make no sense
>what if you made his 3 basically unusuable unless you're about to die
>what if we made it so rage is impossible to get unless you'er constantly fighting
absolute schizo ideas.

The only nerf shiv needs is to the amount of deferred damage he has and shorten how long it takes for it to deal said deferred damage. Him being tanky with basically no counterplay is the only reason he's strong, other characters are tanky because they have healing but with shiv he just flat out takes reduced damage
What rank is Icefrog
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>unstoppable silencer haze that nobody buys anything for
>only person with knockdown + metal armor
>pretty sure she had refresher too

this is fucking retarded man it doesn't matter what matters. tell team to stay split for haze, they clump. sit back to swap haze out + knockdown and team still somehow dies. i'm so fucking tired of haze being in every single game.
99019678 (Friend code)
Couple of questions: If I get invited, what is the best time to play on EU servers? Is there a limit when I can play?
>shiv 3 deferred damage now actually counts as healing so heal reduction actually does something against it
>remove the movement speed boost at max rage so melee shiv can't just run you down without stamina

there I fixed shiv
refresher kelvin
>Me(Lash) on the line with Ivy.
>Riding the rail, Ivy had her ass in front of my face.
>Me chatting: *sniff*
>Ivy replies: *smush*
>The whole beginning of the game we do kills together and save each other.
>Ivy always says thank you and well played and heals me.
>The game is quite difficult, but when I see Ivy in danger I fly to her as fast as I can.
>She keeps thanking me.
>We're win.
>Me cums pants
doesnt matter it's 24/7 russians, no but ranked is on a schedule
hope someone invites you
Is Improved Spirit > Boundless Spirit worth getting over literally any other equal cost item?
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>Thicky minigun
>Turrets, either as a nice extra or as the focus of your build
>Walls, either to isolate an enemy from their teammates, cut off their retreat or cover your own retreat
>AOE heal
>Missile barrage so you're still useful from the rooftops or backline
Dommy mommy Mcginnis has the most fun and versatile kit if you ask me
they made it give 25% weapon damage to make it competitive
bwo accept me so I can invite you already
how about you use the paradox to swap her and burst her down
idk bro seems winnable
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is there any greater feeling than seeing the enemy spam all their CC and ults on one guy and pressing cube on them and full healing them instantly with a rescue beam while the enemy rages
If you want weapon damage then buy weapon damage items.
Name 3 heroes you hope the patch nerfs. Shiv is a free space.

Then 3 heroes you hope they buff.

Grey Talon
wraith, infernus, seven
gay talon, mo&kill, bebop

shiv mcginnis seven
yamato x3
Literally only Viscous.
Grey Talon
they're absolutely gonna nerf seven for one, also geist and infernus because healing is obnoxious as fuck even when buying the literal mandatory item combos to counter it

vindicta, grey talon and yamato mostly because there isn't anything in those kits aside from yamato ult that would be genuinely as oppressive as the healing shit because at the very least you can just fucking kill them
dunno but they're going to bigly buff grey talon because everyone thinks he's really bad for some reason and he's going to become the next fotw cancer
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>play funny policeman
>stomp teamfight and call mid
>nobody goes mid
>stomp another teamfight and call mid
>we finally go mid
>infernus runs in and steals rejuvenator
>look at map
>wraith is farming jungle camps instead of protecting rejuv
niggers really try to lose games handed to them and these are phantom/ascendant players apparently
Grey talon is easy to deal with unlike Shiv.
Stop drawing Vindicta with big boobs
Geist is nigh unbeatable in a solo lane and having a silence on her drain is retarded as fuck

McGinnis is nearly unstoppable to defend lane against and a brutal lane bully but good fucking lord they NEED to increase her ult cooldown holy fuck

Seven needs another nerf unironically, they need to shift the power budget from his regular abilities back into his ultimate somehow cause even post nerf balls are obnoxious as fuck and do literally everything it's instant wave clear, instant fuckloads of damage in teamfights, slows you a fuckload and vaporizes jungle.

As for who needs buffs, besides the obvious talon and vindicta (I don't play her and I hate sniper characters but she got waaaaay too overnerfed several patches in a row) Bebop is struggling pretty hard too after they nerfed his ult yet again. Gunbop is the only actual viable build he has rn.
Allahu akbar bebop is insanely strong.
Here's a more interesting question.

Who's going to be the victims of some absolutely schizo-tier ??????? changes. I.E. Whatever they fuck they were thinking with Grey Talon and making Bebop the worst hero in the game overnight that they hotfixed mere hours later. Oh, and buffing Shiv for some god forsaken reason.
Not gonna lie bros I kinda hate how many slowing effects there are in the game and there being only 1 singular item in the entire game that counters it. Slows may as well be roots with how much it fucks your movement.
they probably change the silence on geist to movement speed steal and end up making her incredibly op
lmao I know all the changes and reading the threads fun
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The black woman of Valve unoriginality.
These are TWO different characters.
I haven't played this game in 2 months and I'm seeing a shitton of people unironically complaining that mcginnis is OP as fuck. Wasn't this hero constantly put in shit-tier in tier lists what happened? She didn't even seem like she was buffed all that much if at all.
I just want shorter game desu
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>spirit miku m1+4 walker defense + infinite debuff turret spam
>spirit wraith 4+cardcardcard spam
>spirit yamato 250dmg t1 slash that goes through obstacles + late game refresher ult spam + stickier than my balls after lane
>spirit nigfernus m1 leech slow resist + infinite debuff spam
>spirit ivy 4 + kudzu spam
>10s+ unstoppable rat haze
>3 ball 2 stun 200mph seven
>warden + miku m1+4 objective facetanking
>melee shiv, abrams, unkillable without 3+ people 5 actives + 3 antiheal items
>ambush aladdin scarab+innate dps doesn't afraid of anything
>viscous let's fisting! + cum spam makes laning take place on the z-plane
>clusterfuck laning consists of rushing 3k souls, going all in, onto roaming + diving other lanes repeatedly under guardian
>moba laning, towers, mechanics, but no consideration for the fact you can just shoot at/harass people with unlimited range with 0 risk or punishment under tower
>near impossible to come back due to snowballing mechanics + need for flawless team coherency/consistency
>game built entirely around slide dashing with tons of obstacles you clip on 24/7
>game built entirely around mobility with multiple characters that have lane-wide mobility denies
>bugs sometimes resulting in that one death that causes the game to snowball out of control
>itemization fucking rarted in many ways
state of the game is good, saar
vary helfy
i just checked my match history and it took me 40~ games to find one that didn't have a haze
Please anons share an Ivy build I need help
yamato is dead THOUGH
Propose a better kit for Vindicta.
Does Mystic Burst trigger off low damage DoTs when they add up to 100?
1. People are getting better at the game.
2. People realizing that her wall is one of the most busted non-ultimate abilities in the game, if not the best non-ultimate ability in the game.
3. People realizing that splitpushing isn't a meme thats only good against shitters. McGinnis ratting a lane unironically demands 2 people to answer it.
4. McGinnis is a disgusting lane bully and the only hero left in the game who can destroy the guardian within 5 minutes after recent changes to make guardians not made of toilet paper anymore.
5. Her ultimate has a non-existence cooldown and deals a fuckton of damage for how low the cooldown is
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replace flight with lash grrapple
replace stake with miku wall
>whole team dies to haze at 20 minutes
>say in chat haze should be deleted yes i'm salty
>a 1/11/3 seven tells me to stop playing the weakest hero in the game (paradox)
>i'm 6/3/15
>say no and that i like interacting with the game
>a 2/14/x yamato tells me to stop whining

i'm being a little hyperbolic about the scores but it's not far off.
i'm going to commit 9/11 on these peoples homes. if haze ult isn't made to not interact with silencer / unstoppable / ricochet i'm leaving the game until they do something. this is genuinely unfun to play against.

I also just played two games in a row against a melee shiv where his melee did over 1000 damage per heavy, what the fuck
>20k souls behind
>haze and infernus sucking up literally every farm on our side of the map while ahead of the enemy
>>ambush aladdin
Shiv can just ignore over half the damage you pump into him and shit out more in return

What the fuck is Grey Talon gonna do when he gets jumped on, pop up in the air where it's easier for everyone to kill him because he moves at granny speed and there's no cover or drop his shitty little trap you can ignore?
Vindicta from a month ago but with lower spirit scaling

Her kit is super synergistic and using all of your abilities constantly feels good
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broolbrains could never understand
instakill footjob ult
Besides shiv nerf
what do you want to know
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>haze joins a fight
>gargoyle statue slams down
>you see that shit?
2. and 5. of what this guy said >>499640229
Did they touch blue Hellboy?
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>Losing every goddamn game
Fuck the rank, I just want to be able to feel like I'm making a difference. This game and DotA are the hardest mobas that I've ever played, man.
Either I get a team who has never played a moba before, and are trying to play like its CoD or Overwatch, or I get carried. Feels like very little in-between.
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I think Ivy's base bullet damage should be upgraded to 5.2
Stop being gay
I think Ivy got tight pussy
the original video is gone lmao
wait til you see bebop
Holy shit the poor fuck
Either buff Ivy's 3 to make Punch Ivy viable or buff her 2 to make it a heal that is actually relevant
i dont understand how to use lash ult
i dont understand where the radius goes
it doesnt feel like its going where my mouse is
whats happening
just buy metal skin lol
or warp stone + return fire lol
basically untouched
Replace stake with pit of malice, make flight scale with spirit again
Is holliday in
Ivy was the easiest one to kill because he thought the statue could save him. Echo shard wall is a real counter, so the win didn't come easy
The thing with Bebop was that he was a good counter to a lot of very strong characters. So now that he's gone, these characters that were once kept in line by him are now unshackled by their achilles' heel
no new hero yet
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mate the question was nerfs and buffs
Did they nerf mystic burst again
biggest item nerf?
no it wasn't
>pit of malice
That would be a buff actually
>they're absolutely gonna nerf seven for one
why the fuck would they? Seven is not that strong and the only reason he appears strong is because he can farm better than most people early game, that's it. He tries to get ahead by massive farming and then he appears stronger because he's 3k+ ahead of everyone else. Ball maxxing doesn't take off until late game and at that point sevens damage falls off pretty hard.

Infernus isn't getting touched, he's been a problem forever. If they wanted to touch him they would. Geist is Geist, what are you even on about?
it has infinite reach directly below you
go as high up as possible to make it big
Miku ult cooldown
Slight Vindicta flight and health buff
Urn adjustment to make it less punishing
Infernus skin color buff
I actually don't think I can say this one
keep it to heroes
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Vindicta buffs?
Why the fuck would you want to make melee Ivy viable?
ETA for heckin patcherino?
6 hours when ranked closes
Miku nerfed hard
Vindictive buffed hard hard
Once Shiv gets his earned nerfs who will I abuse next?
Because the more characters that can actually use the melee mechanic, the better it will feel
>enemy gets rejuv
>they push every lane
>teammate does urn
>tfw Yoshi replying to my 1000 line feedback post may have actually meant something
I'm not gay I'm hyperstraight which means I'm also attracted to things that look like women
8-9 hours
8/10 Lash larp, not mean enough
Naw I don't wanna deal with a fucking Ivy that's at 10% HP regaining a good portion of that shit back then heavy meleeing me for half my HP because she got a stun off.
>randomly click on a deadlock clip funny moments or some shit
>most shiv clips have russian streamers
of course...
Women have boobs, bigger boobs make women more feminine. Not liking big boobs is closed homosexual behavior
if your team is behind on souls, the urn carrier actualy gets a big speed boost so if the enemy team is busy storming your base its actualy not as dumb as it sounds
you don't even know yet
I am simply straight enough to enjoy even women who have small breasts
Why is Calico such an ugly, Concord looking nigger?
is a few souls really worth losing both shrines and normal patron tho?
Female child occultist when?
no but if that happens that one player wouldn't have made the difference anyway
paradox wall silence should stop all channeled abilities if the enemy is swapped through it
Paradox should actually have time related abilities
i unironically want new items more than new heros, but i think we are getting calico she seems very finished as of right now, way more than the other unfinished heros and even some of the already released heros
paradox's swap should insert the enemy player inside her womb
unfortunately no new hero
sure let's make it more broken
I can't believe holiday is coming out today guys, wowzers
There's no one in low ranks queueing in Asia help
just buy unstoppable

Anon she's a hot librarian and I want her to slowly run one of her nails down my...back
Or Oceania :(

Hopefully they add a few items. I feel especially the 1250 survivability category is kinda lacking interesting options for non-supports.
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Melee Shiv gigaraping an Eternus lobby btw (just parry lol!)
Is evasion getting shitcanned from the game?

in some ways but not entirely
Really? I'm in Archon and queues are fast
dead game
It requires aiming, too much for them to handle
>Ivy doesn't get slowed at all while shooting
huh you learn something new every day
How do you actually build vindicta? spirit maxxing or what? Played 3 games as her and It feels like her actual gun damage is pretty mediocre and that it's better to build for spirit.
Vindicta is balanced around autoshoot+wallhack
I play spirit Haze. Ask me anything.
what do you think of her gross blackwoman hairbun?
do you love your cops?
I like her ass.
No idea, building spirit deals very little damage while with gun build you can melt squishies
The most success I had with Vindicta was going full gun and just shredding the team while flying, I don't even think I bothered hitting 1 snipe. This was weeks ago so she's probably a little to fragile to do that now.
I guess you could go something like Crow build but that's hard to hit, or rushing Mystic Burst/Emblem and trying to hit snipes when they're 100% to nuke them down to half with 1 ability.
how do you go back to playing any other hero after playing lash and viscous?
>Max spirit
>Throw stake
>Throw bird
>Use your ultimate like a glorified charged shot
Heya hoya.
are you literate? I asked you; a Haze player about her hair. Answer me, fuck face
Just play majestic leapers
>Throw stake
>>Throw bird
Throwing stake doesn't increase chances of hitting bird
Oops, semi-wrong webm.
Pocket but tank

Depends on tempo. Id you pop off you go gun, if you stalemate but someone else is doing good you go spirit and if you lose you go support.
Something has been really wrong with matchmaking since tuesday. I get into games where nobody can play. Anyone else had similar issues? Ascendant 6 btw.
infernus is a nigger infernus is a nigger infernus is a nigger infernus is a nigger infernus is a nigger infernus is a nigger infernus is a nigger infernus is a nigger infernus is a nigger infernus is a nigger infernus is a nigger infernus is a nigger infernus is a nigger infernus is a nigger infernus is a nigger infernus is a nigger infernus is a nigger

Idk how you could do that, with barriers and armors in that category it's pretty crowded

Maybe another anti slow item. Like mystic burst but you get a small haste when taking 250 from one source
Well just don't miss it anyways, friend.
>demolished by Pocket as Abrams in lane
>team is losing hard
>I steal rejuv from them
>we end like 10 minutes later
>say gg in chat
>Pocket allcaps writes "CRINGE"

Lol...he mad.
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>haze refuses to participate in the game for 30 minutes
>buys tesla AND ricochet
>end up 25k behind while the enemy collects free urns
>we have the worst 40 minute grind to stay in the game until we outscale them and haze finally plays the game
that was the least enjoyable game i have had in ranked so far
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Can you turn deadlock into a stripping game?
according to who
KILL yourself yoshi
is yamato getting buffs
I guess you take off some of your clothes before you die. But depending on the match, you might want to dress like an Antarctic researcher or it won't take long before you'll have to skin yourself.
Did seven's balls survive or is he back to building around 3 (or 2 if you're a supportcuck)
Bro how the fuck does this ranking give me phantom
>seven has a shit ult
>gut his 1
>now the only reliable thing in his kit is his stun
3 max seven is ass because it takes too long to get reasonable damage numbers and uptime without the help of ball massively speeding up your farming speed.
Vindicta is like 15 or something
the problem is not shiv it's almost purely Escalating Exposure
it's EE every fucking time
just remove that item
yeah except shiv is the only hero in the game that has a 2 million long spammable ability to build it up
I play Geist at Ascendant I still don’t agree that she’s over powered. Am I just playing her wrong?
Ivy Lash is actually a great lane combo. And then lash ult + ivy ult can potentially shit on an entire team. They both have huge mobility and sustain and disrupt the shit out of the enemy team.
I played Vindicta and got pregnant
I don't think you get it. If you needed spirit to begin with, you are now getting weapon damage too.
build? I was going like

high velocity, close quarters, basic mag, kinetic dash

majestic leap, enduring speed, rescue beam, healing booster

phantom strike, echo shard, bullet armor, spirit armor
i hate when mo knocks me up
>5-1 today
the forced is about to hit
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>Its a "Russian player seethes at his team for his 3/9/1 score and griefs by farming jungle for the rest of the match even though literally no one so much as flamed him" episode
Sick and tired of these fucking reruns, behaviour score when?
Dude I can't fucking handle it when some toxic shitter on my team goes WRAITH USE YOUR FUCKING ULT YOU USELESS RETARD when it's literally on cooldown and I can't use it
Happened to me multiple times this week
i just use the prebuilt calling of the deep cubing
You can strip the enemies armor
>the problem is not shiv
Yes he fucking he is lmao.
if you ever want a laugh check out the shiv channels on the official discord. full of retarded downplayers who SWEAR their autowin hero is not op
>wahhh wahhh shiv
Pro games from last night show that Shiv is not a problem.
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This is possibly getting through. They might also be nerfing McGinnis ult CD as that got attention from him as well.
This is what I do: Gun until ult, buff ult, max damage greens, mix gun and spirit, late game go all in on gun unless they're stacking bullet resist

The CD/duration maxes out her flight so you can stay in the air 90% of the time, but all my gun picks have procs that get buffed from the CD/duration and end up being up almost 100% of the time while fighting so you're not just dumping items into flight time with no synergy

I have heard going more support and Crowmaxxing spirit build can be good but I haven't tried it

Assassinate is great during the end of lane phase and first part of the midgame but yeah it really falls off once everyone starts getting tankier, tho I haven't tried an all in spirit bomb build since she got nerfed

You can stack a lot of cash with it for your entire team tho if you're having a good game, so you should really be executing with it whenever possible even late game
>nerfind items instead of heroes
This shit killed yamato.
i don't care what aimbotters think
Hitting the bird is all about reads
I can't tell you the number of times I hit people in lane that weren't on my screen 10 frame ago

You can also hit it around corners like old bebop hook, toss stake around corners to pop Healing Rite in lane, Assassinate straight through Guardians/Walkers, all kinds of cool shit
>"uhhh no, Geist is not the problem, its mystic reverb's fault"
compensation buffs for shiv: killing a hero clears all deferred damage, hitting a hero with slice and dice now echoes all bullets for a clip, executing a hero with killing blow now fears all nearby heroes for 2.5s. all justified btw shiv is an honest hero (true)
Two more weeks
kills let you put two articles of clothing back on, assists only one
5 years too old
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What the fuck is this icon even supposed to be
kek yamato got murdered because they nerfed both items AND yamato herself when she was literally only good because of escalating being bonkers that patch.
Escalating is still good but she's dogshit now because of that set of nerfs, actually insane that they nerfed her ult duration like that when half of it is taken by the 2 already.
Ivy needs a nerf
a suppository
ETA 3-9 hours.
a grenade over an explosion?
A grenade and a stun explosion effect (stars = stun/daze usually)
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actually maybe it's supposed to be an Iron Maiden but just shitty
>shiv's alt is that if you are low health then he gets to kill you instantly

I think this is just inherently cancerous
leftover from when warden was a cop, it's a stun/flash grenade
the ones I don't play
Pretty much all the current icons are edited stock icons, don't pay attention to them.
For guys who got archon and above, did you win every single placement match???
A three story building
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>Name 3 heroes you hope the patch nerfs.
Geist should also be a free space.

>Then 3 heroes you hope they buff.
Gay talon
Not vindicta because whenever vindicta is anywhere near playable she's genuine aids cancer ebola
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I don't want to play Geist anymore now that she's meta. What's another bad hero I can play and complain about being bad
you rank was 90% dependent on your previous mmr (nekoscore)
yamato, grey talon, vindicta, ivy
>shiv is not a problem
>universally voted S tier by pros
I got Archon 4, but I lost 4 out of 7 placements.
Grey Talon
If you don't have a competent frontline class like Abrams or Shiv you're prone to getting rushed down and exploding
If you do you'll likely top in damage while you sit on the backline and snipe with impunity
shiv was not picked in most of last night's games and even lost when he was picked

he had 0 effect
as much as i agree with EE needing to be removed from the game or completely reworked. shiv is absolutely a problem
all the people you are talking about agree he is s tier
I don’t expect much of the shitters to play shiv to full potential
I went 21-19 and got Archon II

It starts you at your standard match rating tho and I had like 200 games before ranked came out
facts don't care about your feelings

shiv is not a problem
facts don't care about your feelings

shiv is a problem
Speaking of Shiv give me a public shiv build that I can just steal
shiv apologists get the noose
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He was literally banned like 90% of those games you stupid fucking troglodyte no shit they didn't pick him.
Holy fuck shiv abusers are retarded.
someone on reddit said that Valve confirmed they're using a system that weights your games based on how well those opponents do in their future games

ie if you get stomped by 6 guys that go on to stomp their next 10 matches that game counts less towards your MMR
That would actually explain the weekly shit because seeing your MMR change when you're not even playing would bother people

I did not confirm if this was true tho
>Shiv and Geist downplayers in this very thread
Shivfags know exactly what they're doing because they're used to it but Geistfags I expect more from you, you know damn well she's strong as fuck and obnoxious to fight right now
he was banned for like 1 game, did you really think you'd get away with this blatant lie?
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Shiv abusers are in for a rude awakening when the patch drops
>someone on reddit said that Valve confirmed they're using a system that weights your games based on how well those opponents do in their future games
No one on reddit said shit, valve said this themselves on the patch notes.
it genuinely feels like icefrog wanted to make this as busted as Dota right off the bat but in a game with 3D movement and needing to aim at least the bare minimum everyone realized that shit is annoying as fuck to deal with
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Anyone play US west?
>The image

I don't know about this one, devs have consistently proven they are insanely incompetent.
Shiv was broken OP since release for like 2 months straight, then went down to A tier and for some god forsaken reason giga buff him after 2 weeks of being A tier.

Icefraud is a fucking retard and there's a reason why modern dota is dead and only played by chinks, peruvians and russians.
Why yes i main lady geist, is she OP? Yes, she is, thats why she is my main in this patch
yep triple russians right in the next game
I was promised patch when i went to sleep
Bazed non-downplaying metachud
I think icefrog is just a hack, there's simply no way you, as a developer with 20 years of experience, make shit like infernus, lash and shiv and kelvin, heroes that can do everything and excel at everything and then act surprised when they break the game every patch without fail
Anon, this is not his era anymore and you're probrably an archon
enjoy the nerf
>Is in latex
>Doesn't squeak and fabric fart anywhere she goes

Game isnt realistic
I do. In fact I will just move to the best hero every single new patch that not Abrams.
>had to abandon 1 match
>shadow banned to assburger que where ppl rq while 10k souls ahead
>3 leavers in a row

Why are Shiv and Lash players such carried retards?
Do you guys genuinely believe they are weak?

It boggles the mind.
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mm was adjusted apparently
there are no placement matches you just suck
Bro just click browse builds in game
Go back there if you trust them so much
I dont even main lash lmao and i guess im right, you're a low rank retard that has avg 35+ minutes game
They adjust matchmaking literally every other day anon.
You're bad at the game and especially bad at vindicta so idk why you bothered posting your build
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it is literally just based on your unranked mmr
i won 6/7 and got oracle 1
holy ass cancer
no one said lash was weak. a character can still be good and not OP
dont care
>15 winstreak in casual
>somehow the lobby feels even more easier than before
What did Yoshi mean by this ?
Do we know the voice actors for all the characters yet?

So far I know
>samoa joe: Abrams
>bug eyed nigger lady: female patron
I never solo queue therefore I will be unranked forever
So according to Tracklock only roughly 100k players calibrated their rank? Which is like 1/5th of the players that played enough to have a nekoscore calculated before. I'm trying to cope here, I thought I was in the top 1% not top 5%....
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if you really care that hard about your rank , just play the current super handheld meta heroes of the patch and start from there
fucking ivy still sucks ass regardless of spirit build or not
Grey talon, it almost impossible to do anything with that hero
>boosting your seed in a 5 stack for months
>" I soloed to eternus"
>muh rank
win a tournament (with a cash prize) otherwise your rank is irrelevant
I play infernus to be annoying with DoTs. Pretty much the same as every moba i've ever played. I wish there was a different DoT guy that focused on that aspect because I know hes going to get nerfed due also having all these other good abilities. People are already mad about every dot in the game, I really hope we get a techies equivalent so I can place mines and really piss people off.
Refresher pocket
>teammate picks vindicta
what drives a retard to do this
I hate white people on my team.
Ult stacks or just refreshes duration?
Goon sissy hypno coon chip
if you want to be an annoying nigger just play viscous
not everyone is a metaslave like you
I simply mentioned that I read something and made sure to qualify that I did not know whether it was true or not and you still managed to find a way to sperg about it, amazing
is this real?
Doesn't stack, it's just the most annoying dot in the game cause it basically kills you
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*runs down lane*
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>shiv was not picked in most of last night's games and even lost when he was picked
there were six games, pic related
shiv was picked in five of them, banned in one
the team with shiv on it won four of the matches

why do you go on 4channel and just make shit up out of thin air? oh it's because you're a wood mmr shitter who can't even get carried by the designated retard carrier hero so you come here to downplay and cope
Diving too much and having shit macro doesn't mean I can't put together a good build
farm meta made this game lame and gay
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Dunno if I should even feel bad for winning this considering both of us are stupid dumb gorillas and how retarded this charged punch was
charge punches should be removed from the game
Failing a parry should cc you even longer
Shiv was not picked in most of the games*
*Shiv was 100% contested

He even lost when he was picked*
*Shiv lost one single game and otherwise had a 80% overall winrate
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Verticality and taking people's head off is fun

Being a metagoblin is tranny behavior
Pocket nerf today?
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being a retard onetrick who physically cannot play anything else is even worse thougheverbeit
>Abrams head clearly visible above stack of barrels
>try to shoot him as grey talon
>Grey Talon is too short so the projectiles just hit the barrels
>tripfag who thinks his opinions matter turns out to be pisslow (archon)
Every time. I only wish this general had more of you using tripcodes so I know who to ignore.
I was about to say that this clip is proof that Shiv is complete bullshit but it looks like you have 15k more souls than him so I don't really know what he expected
What else do you want to take from Xim
so why aren't you ignoring him?
>Baird tranny wakes up
>proceeds to reply to fucking everyone for hours on end
>win game
>next game triple russian combo again
yep its rigged
No I main Pocket but I dont want him nerfed again =(
Yeah i've played that before but it just takes too long to kick in. pockets spends most of the time doing non ult stuff anyway
No question Viscous is annoying but you have to be good to be annoying, if you're bad or even mediocre at viscous you're an active detriment to the team
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There are still popups from neon prime left in the game
Wow dude lmao how did you come up with this unique and mind-bending strat? Paging quinn to let him know about this awesome new technique for Puck as well!!
dont be mean bro theres newfags who never played dota :(
It's crazy how unimaginative neon prime was
Bro you should put your rank in the namefield to remind people to not listen to you
It's actually insane how yamato is a not really much of a factor in every single one of these games without fail.
Hey I've done well in every ranked game I've played as Haze

I do suck dick at Infernus now tho
Manlet tax
i feel yamato is only really picked for her presence around rejuv
Anyone have the "it's called affliction bruh" image?
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>Only really like playing Yamato
>So I only mostly play Yamato
>All the other heroes I want are in unreleased jail and I've been waiting months for holliday and calico

It's not fair.
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It's crazy how something like halo in 2010 could have plasma grenades fly between someone's legs without sticking because of their very precise hitboxes and then you have a game in 2024 with some of the most dogshit hit and collision boxes ever
lol they just say this so people shut up

Most MM complaints are from people with selective memory, and are just shitters themselves when you look deeper. Not worth listening to.
I really dont give a shit about Shiv nerfs Grey Talon buffs whatever just fix the fucking creep AI its DOGSHIT
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shoutout to all the cool ass niggas that don't play their main character in inhouses!!!
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Literally in alpha dude. They want the game up and running, having super good hitboxes and collisions takes more time than you think.

I have absolutely no clue what they did to minions like the last big patch or two has made them act extremely wonky. Side lane minions especially are fucked where if they land on the bridge they'll walk all the way to the side which makes your minions either walk to the side to fight or just walk straight past them.
>play hero i have 4 games on
>get fed and stomp
>get accused of tryharding on my main
FUCK haze get ZAPPED
>fix the creep ai

you mean you don't like them dropping down from the top rope onto a bridge before proceeding to take the longest possible route through veils and stairs to get back to the lane? Or perhaps a single creep getting stuck holds up the entire lane for 2+ waves?
Yeah the creep ai is really frustrating to deal with, doubly so in solo lanes.
>I'll just quickly clear this wave and farm a neutral camp
>nvm half the enemy creeps went up to the side

>fuck I'm hurt, at least my creeps are about to walk up so I can heal
>the healing creep did a u turn and walked behind my tower first

>creeps all just ignore me and run into the walker that just stomps and sends them all flying and I lose souls
>walker vulnerable the whole time because of one ninja creep hiding in jungle
The real issue plaguing the game.
let me guess, asc 6?
i have no main but someone has me living rent free in their head that they cry in here
>find out you can pull teams out of paradox ult, bebop hook, lash ult, dynamo ult, etc. with rescue beam
I used to think you had to wait for the spell to finish before you can rescue beam, but no you can just pull them whenever. The amount of clutch saves I have gotten is nuts with this item.
>bruh the lowest health character in the game got REKT by me playing one of the best characters in the game and comboing all my abilities!!
About as impressive as seeing haze using unstoppable ult to win a team fight.
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what is he cooking?
congratulations that wasn't what the webm was about but it's cute you get uppity over nothing and assume everything is about displaying skill
If you could do it with dynamo ult you could probably do it with everything. That's the only one I've witnessed personally.
That dog shit melee cancel shit needs to be patched out already.
Not that anon but your webm sucks
It was patched out, and it got implemented back
it's a webm about a farm nigger dropping a huge bag despite being up 12k
The shitty creep ai is that lets you stack up megawaves though

>Oh, one of the creeps got stuck on the bridge running into a pillar
>let the creep freeze the wave for 30 seconds, kill the other creeps that show up, send a 4+ stacked wave at the enemy walker, it dies instantly
the creeps need more personality
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post rank + all time stats
>one of the best characters in the game
Do you just read shit and repeat it without actually knowing the who, what, when, where, and whys? Paradox is "the best character in the game" when you're heavily coordinating with your team. In pubs she's probably mid to low pack.
i've never played rank cuz my sleep/work schedule doesn't permit it
Shit hit boxes are an intentional design choice cause people shoot between legs and don't realize why they missed
>only plays tryhard heroes
Yeah but some are a lot more shit than others, like lash's being twice the size of his body
>here's a healing beam, boss!
>this one's about to die, hit 'em!
>urgh... forgive me Patron....

Wrote up some quick voice lines... Yay or nay?
>Yamato 3 now has better spirit scaling
>Yamato ult reverted to have that extra second duration
>That one heavy melee spirit burst item is added back

>Yamato can now be parried during ult

Wow that was SO FUCKING HARD damn imagine if I was paid hundreds of thousands of dollars to come up with this shit DAMN.
I didn't mean they had to talk. Like having one of them skip to lane like a faggot would be funny.
Would be cool if they had random voicelines
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Creeps need to be replaced by little imps and the patrons need to be actual fucking huge demon avatars that move back and forth by creeping around the base or flying.

It's so fucking shit that they're just a gay little puppet and some stupid ass candles, you can even keep the candle/health motif just attach it to the back of some little imps.
>be bebop
>enemy wraith invests in only cooldown reduction solely to solo ult me the entire game
Wow now that is some really interesting gameplay right there.
Also intentional because he flies through the air and is difficult to hit
Since you can hear enemy heroes you can probably hear enemy troopers too. Lane being a non-stop chatterbox would be annoying and sovlful as hell.
Not really because they compensate for other characters hitboxes by modifying their damage resistances
that'd be fucking lame shut the fuck up the candles are cool
Maybe have it so your team's creeps are always candles and the enemies are imps
just quit king

most of my most played heroes I haven't touched for a month, let me see yours
Did you buy Ethereal Shift?
i've never actually seen anyone do it against me and i'm in the goat rank.
i agree that that shit has no place in the game though, i feel like everyone is expecting it to get patched out so nobody is bothering to learn to do it often.
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>send a 4+ stacked wave at the enemy walker
>Seven up 5k from one ball
Someone's gotta do it.
If candles are cool why is everyone always saying and agreeing on this very thread that the creeps lack personality.
Fucking retard.
>even the lowest rank in the game has >50% winrate
>phantom rank
>try to play bomb bebop
>bombs do 400 damage by 30 minutes
How do people do it? It's not even getting counter, you just can't dive into enemies and place bombs and get out alive
NEUTRAL creeps lack personality and are lame not lane creeps
and it's less that they are lame and more that there's 0 variety to them
You can give them more personality without changing their appearance by giving them voice lines or unique animations
You should be green stacking in laning phase so you can maximize bomb stacks by just running up to them to place them off cooldown, most retards just try to get stacks from landing hooks so they don't generate them fast enough
Yes, next priority was to hyper farm as much as possible to get 6300 souls to buy ethereal shift.
>ethereal shift
Brain fart, meant 3000
certified toe lover
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phantom 4
Seven's abilities should diminish as you take damage from them.
He would deal less damage overall, but deals more damage when his balls brush up against you (something like 35% of the whole duration on contact).

He doesn't become a late game monster anymore, but he becomes active sooner. As a bonus, his ult is more impactful on cast, but it doesn't turn into a really long stall or zone denial tool because you can tank the initial burst.

Thematically, it's like your body equalizing with his voltage potential as you take damage. Also lightning is supposed to be shocking and fast, not drawn out like fire.
Do women actually enjoy when guys in a lobby become giga autists at the slightest implication of their presence?
Who cares what women enjoy
Whether they enjoy it or not does not matter, as I will goon at them no matter what.
That's why you run in front to block the ball with your supple 1000ehp body.
who gives a shit about women in general
It's amusing at first.
It gets annoying real fast if they keep it up.
Too bad, you're in a duo lane against pocket and mirage, have fun.
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I'm about to solo lane against Dynamo as Lash. Wish me luck.
Imagine not muting and reporting a woman every time you hear a female voice speak in your lobby
lvl 1 stomp
oh shit nigger what are you doing
That's like the easiest lane in the world.
Is this real? Why so cruel?
It's crazy that lash is only 17 years old
>Seven has 3 DoTs and 1 "burst"
Never really noticed that.

I'm writing this forum post for you btw.
Not him but women are horrible people.
I think I've met only 2 out of dozens and dozens of females in video games that I didn't want to avoid at all costs, either sooner or later.
I feel like Warden ult visuals are not flashy enought to indicate how powerful it is
>5 replies within minutes of mentioning a woman
lmao the effect transcends voice, giga autists appear at the mere thought
when i watch good players they dash off the zipline and go fast as fuck
when i dash off the zipline it kills my momentum
what are they doing
Ok surely some women are horrible but muting and reporting someone you only know the voice of is crazy
Crouch to get off then dash
I'm drowning in (you)s
crouch don't jump
Patch when doko?
Anytime within 2-6 hours
They are slowing down their patch schedule. We are already entering the dota 2 decline
thank you : )
I have it right here.
>seven+shiv on team
>still lose
Which in turn was the TF2 decline.
10+ minute queues in shitlo
it's ogre
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>push wardens ult while reloading
>unleashing it resets the reload time
Is this a bug, because that makes no sense
So who thought it was a good idea to give pocket a free 2 second invulnerability on a 7 second cooldown and give him a free escape button at the same time?
Most people in general are horrible people.
Don't forget his instant reload
The same guy that designed Puck from Dota 2, obviously.
That makes no sense considering using infernus speed boost doesnt cancel reload
>mirage, picket and dynamo on the enemy team
Oh great, so basically I can just give up on trying to get bomb stacks as Bebop on this game then.
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Every game has been piss easy ever since I got my rank. Wonder what's up with that.
Icefrog was handed over already existing designs all the shit he actually made is perma broken soulless slop that does everything, much like many of the issues with deadlock.
Like who? Neither wukong nor mars are that weird in dota 2
I jobbed horribly all 7 ranked matches and still got archon 1, "unranked" is a lie
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I mute everyone the second I hear someone speak r*ssian in voice chat
are you legitimately mentally handicapped?
judging by the fact i'm somehow phantom i cannot imagine what kind of lobotomites would land on initiate and seeker
>in a game where half the cast can just throw a huge aoe on his briefcase to fuck him up after he leaves (innate 15% more spirit damage to pocket btw) and then chase the coat if he threw it first
he has moves that he sometimes uses for damage, sometimes uses for movement/utility, and if things line up just right he can use them for both - I think its a lot more interesting then a lot of characters in this game who just kind of left click at someone and then also throw aoes or hit a steroid to make their left click better

he definitely deserved to have his shotgun turned into a melee weapon though
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I did beat him in lane, but he is good.
Update WHEN
Holliday day today
Arcanist here, I'm a literal retard because of martial arts and tanking with my head
im kinda tired of deadlock and im not gonna play anymore

>mm is dogshit
>ranks are all over the fucking place and still not an accurate depiction of your skill unless ur literally in/near ascendant-eternus
>unbalanced heroes (shiv, wraith)
>every game is predetermined (to a very large extent) by which team has more ccs
>melee and securing/denying souls is dictated by ping

and any criticism you offer is immediately rebuked with "iTs In AlPhA bRo" yeah thats why it's no longer called neon prime, has fucking ranked and a million voice lines for every character for every situation, it's clearly STILL in alpha
>games are fine, if you lose you were just shit
>literally getting people going 0-7 in 5 minutes and game is predetermined based on who got these retards
games were shit in august too
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That was a pretty even match, but that Dynamo was way too good. Although he did swear in Russian in chat at me.

killing someone with bebop's uppercut should send them flying
Bros…where is…de petch…
It usually drops at around 2AM of my local time, so in about 5 hours.
>all eternus deadlock guides are about maximizing your farm by hogging the jungle
So what are the 5 other players supposed to do? Y'all can't be farming the jungles to soulsmaxx.
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>ascendant 6 match with one unranked guy in my team
is this the forced 50 agent I hear about
- Yoshi
What does that mean?
You're supposed to steal enemy bags when they're in buying tesla bullets to speed up the farm phase
>yeah bro so you're gonna wanna just bait your team for 20 minutes never show upto a walker never show upto a fight before you have 40k networth do this and you'll get eternus
>actually just fucking loses half their games playing like this at their MMR and forced 50 keeps the retards stable by making them play into even more passive retards that subscribe to the same dog shit playstyle but are worse mechanically or something
tesla is so fucking dog shit it's insane why did it ever get nerfed
when i play ranked my rank is always different in menu top right in game
whatsup with that?
i think it tries to show hero mmr or something
my geist shows me several ranks higher than my warden
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>Last seen 43 minutes ago · Viewing forum list
>it's clearly still in alpha

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its in alpha, sis
They obviously made a design pivot, and are now using us as live test subjects. The games are going to be shit because it presents two problems: MOBA players who can't aim, and FPS players who also can't aim and go full retard because MOBAs are too much for them to handle.

This is the training arc, and need to get in on one of the in-houses to test myself. Soon to be Alchemist 1, btw : ^ )
creeps should be fat little familiar demons like in The Darkness with UK chav accents
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Calico is in
>Calico is in
Calico is in
>Calico is in
Calico is in
>Calico is in
Calico is in
>Calico is in
Another BLACK WOMAN wearing PURPLE. So original.

There are more black women than white women in 1920s New York, apparently.
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bros its about to be over for me
Yoshit ruined the game by changing it way too much to compensate for the 2x souls trick
He plays unranked in 1800 MMR games but is placed to play his placements here at 2400. Great matchmaking valve
Callico ended up looking very fun to play so I'm fine with no holliday for now.
I just wish she was more egyptian themed, hopefully hats will fix it.
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just realized that all black women in deadlock (Wraith and Calico) have purple as their main color. What's the point of making MORE black women if they always, always are the same shit every fucking time
>ANOTHER character with a force popup to set up braindead headshots
gun players will still pretend they need any more skill then tossing big spirit aoes in the enemies direction when the game is full of shit like this
wow all the 2 black women
Nothing, that’s how I annoy my friend, by typing BrOr…
Double soakers killed Deadlock...
For a roster of 16, that's a lot.
2 too many
>Meanwhile, top level players just play aggressive mid game, take tower/urn, then end game before 30 min mark
patch today?
Its in already
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I can't keep doin this shit
>if she is not pale white she must be blaccc
You had to much crakkk.
we have to tell yoshi to make her golden-black instead of purple-black like egyptian stuff
But she's literally nigger black. Like, what sort of gaslighting bullshit is this?
>stop playing in september
>mood, vitality, and happiness overall increases
>no troglodytes nerds on mic talking shit

I like this game but...you guys are fucking faggots you know?
I wouldn't mind if there was no hero this patch if they updated yamato's model already.
whats her gun?
3 seven is pretty fun, it’s like having automatic tesla bullets
It filters most deadlockers unfortunately due to the prevalence of moba aimlets
Jungle should spawn less often, huh?
Her right arm prosthetic.
So like lifeweaver from overwatch? Lame give me the fucking BOSS already fuck Holliday, Calico, Wrecker Furry bitch Kali give me THE BOSS
>Another black woman wearing purple
This is just bad design.
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I'm tired of being a lane janny
calico should be yellow to match egyptian themes and have long hair to match I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream
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>inb4 baxter society
>That fucking static cat
i don't care about egyptians being black if they make them cute brown girls
Barsik has been taxidermized.
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It's just the viewer, in game the cat is already fully rigged and animated.
Even flops around on zipline.
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yes, but black cat milf hits the spot.
the character that will destory this general with seethe get ready to be silenced for 3 seconds and a super fast heavy punch niggas here cant even deal with the regular one just imagine one that faster get that F key ready

calico chads we are going home trust the plan
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What're the odds of Ivy getting buffed? She's easily the least picked character who's usability is mainly just being annoying and only marginally impactful late game.
black women of Valve purplonality
should've been given to bebop and make him a full combo fighting game character
how does it feel knowing that if this game wasn't by valve the only reason people would be talking about it is the gargoyle pussy
She has like a 51% win rate, which is too high in the eyes of the frog.
if it wasn't made by Valve Paradox, Geist, Haze and Vindicta would already receive straight out of Korea skins
Torment pulse on Calico Y/N?
this looks like a lucky punch cancel
there isn't enough time to react to that parry so you had the fleetfoot queued up in your head and got lucky with it
Her super fast anus fisting is kaputt in the last update because they reworked how queens of shadows work. Now it only applies invis on dodge, this is old webm.
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They made her WAY stronger in the current iteration this shit's nothing.
Now she has a ton of mobility and she's TRUE invis with dashes like a certain league hero, except she has it on her fucking basic abilities.
there's no worse feeling than being in the same skill level as retards who cry about hackers then abandon games
it still applies silence THOUGH.
And yet Haze, Seven, Abrams, Geist, Shiv, and Warden get away with murder every patch.
>mashing like an ape with a >25% soul advantage
>get lucky
>enemy also stands in the full pulse grenade
Egyptians will always be African
I enjoy highlighting this because it pisses off Egyptians immediately
i'm so tired of haze
instant loss if she's in your team


Mostly want to see Abrams ulti become faster and Dynamo's ulti fixed so you can't escape it with items. I want Lash 3 to be put what it was and the nerfs he got reverted. They made no fucking sense. No one is stomping games with Lash like people are as Wraith and Geist.

You need your fucking skull caved in what the fuck is wrong with you

t. wood tier ranked shitter
lash and abrams are literally top 5 right now, lash is for sure getting hard nerfed with how insane he is in pro.

NTA he literally got picked in every game bar 1 last night, he's almost shiv tier.
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>got oracle somehow
>feeling proud
>don't want to play ranked because I might lose it
>casual is worse than ever
what do I do bros
Abrams is top 5 at what exactly
If you don't play ranked you're back to obscurus next week, so you gotta do it.
Hopefully McGinnis and Shiv nerf to the point theyre fucking unplayable and -10000 MMR to anyone who ever picked those retarded heroes.
At everything, good laner, absolutely retarded damage and survivability, cc.
Yesterday on those pro games Abrams got absolutely ass fucked by a Yamato who had help all lane phase, Abrams still 1v2ed the Yamato and someone else shortly after lane, that's how it works when you pair a top tier hero against a shitty hero.

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miss me with that gay shit. i want cool league character knock offs.
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my ugly wife will get nerfed again
Abrams being stupid strong doesn't make shiv non shiv tier.
Abrams has caught nerfs often when he was at even worse states than right now, he's for sure getting nerfed if not directly then indirectly via melee because of shiv.
>lash is for sure getting hard nerfed with how insane he is in pro.
what the fuck are you on about you shitter retard
That's okay. Maybe then she can focus on being a wagecuck.
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Seven was my fucking bitch this game. You will farm ze neutral creeps, you will give me your unsecured souls and you will like it.
Im waiting for patch notes, in meantime working out at gym, and theres some giga stacy lifting here with model looks and a cleavage in sports bra

Hold me anons
>First time Shiv
>Went 15 and 4 without even knowing what i was doing
Slowing hex was the only thing that kind of fucked me but honestly he's too easy to stomp with.
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My ayy lmao is probably gonna catch unintended nerfs because they're gonna nerf some spirit items and she's gonna be unpickable tier.
Surely icefrog will give her a ton of buffs to compensate for that and current patch, right?
it will never ever be not funny to me how you retards pretend this mongols ingame model actually looks good or cute
>have lore about taking out a crime syndicate on her own
>is a squishy with shit damage
ivybros, it's just not fair
Tesla Ivy with a Spirit-Gun hybrid build is really good but y'all aren't ready to have that conversation.
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>your main
>how racist are you?
All im hoping for is no majestic leap nerf the game is so fucking shit without it
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dogshit post
i've only played inhouses since i finished my 7 ranked games because of this and i don;t want to play ranked again i just want to experiment with meme builds and heros i don'r play a lot not sweat
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Just remove her from the game and replace with a nice character.
I think Lash has one of the highest value ults in the game with how long you're essentially disabled during it + the fact that it's so easy to get a pick with it. The cone for its target detection needs a nerf.
Paradox will also get a second hand nerf in same way (again)
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>There are more black women than white women in 1920s New York, apparently.
He lacks critical information.

Everyone who has analyzed lore has already concluded that timeline diverged when post-civil war reconstruction was achieved by eliminating negro men and white women
When do the patch notes come out?
Ethereal shift is not that expensive lil bro
Callico today
>A pick
Its a fucking RANGED reverse polarity with built in skewer on a hero with most mobility in game

Lash could deal ZERO damage and he would be picked

In fact make a lash hero in dota and he will be 100% PICK BAN rate even if you rob him off jis gun and make him melee

>Hurr deadlock isnt dota

Then tell me why paradox is worse vengefull spirit in every single way
we are getting wrecker instead of calico because lol lmao
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Someone did green / dark turq Calico in thread down yonder

good, yes/no ?
>dj race mixer
checks out
Wrong, its holliyay
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fuck this stupid baka game
it's not just in vidya. IRL black women loves purple for some reason.
lol i wonder whats the first thing niggas going to cry about first with calico whats the first nerfs going to be
>Cat lady
She should be a white woman in sweatpants and messy makeup with wine glass in one hand
So trve bestie
what’s with this game and amputees (missing arms)
Whats the console command that lets me play calico?
Thanks doc
>Literally my mom's crocodile
Wow so cool.
Entire hero needs a fucking nerf to his entire bullshit kit there's zero reason why lash gets to
>Be a lane bully
>Be the best roamer in the game
>Have an amazing weapon
>Have insane amounts of damage
>Have insane amounts of mobility
>Have insane burst
>Scale really well

he's literally the highest winrate at every skill level
Deadlock isn't a game for chuds, you faggots aren't welcome here.
Nah its fine doing 300+ damage laning phase not even a minute in with a dive kick is a - ok just dont be there dude its so easy
care to translate into a human language?
selecthero hero_nano
Those are outdated stats lil bro
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It's literally the same but she wandered into a splatoon match for half a second.
Neon Prime had a cyberpunk aesthetic with a lot of weaponized artificial limbs. In order to save on workload they probably gave their Deadlock reworks prostethics to be able to reuse as many animations as possible. You can probably expect heroes that begun to be worked on after the aesthetic change to not be amputees.
>Bro what if hero but (generic animal)
There you go, Ivan.
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Holy shit that's fucking GRIM
i never asked for this xd
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It's been a trend for ages desu, missing limb = badass

They probably just let the designers spitball whatever heroes they wanted to start without considering the wider roster and then a bunch just ended up in the game
Abrams has this much winrate for (1) reason:
He does not jungle like a retard
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>the coco grandma that looks and plays like pulling teeth has a 6% higher pick rate than Yamato
2.5 hours until those 4's become 5's
>for Vindy anyways idc about grandpa

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Baxter society initation ritual
Wrecked will be just undulating mass of hands or Hecatoncheires-like creature
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>mfw someone jungles
Because negative faggots always have shit to whine about whilst positive people just enjoy the things and don't need to talk about it constantly. That's basic law of the internet.
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Nah just lane managing
>calls me ivan while itself it talks like a mongol
the irony
someone please tell me what bebop insurance scam references
he is a slow farmer and people still havent figured out that debuff reducer destroy him even with duration extender they actually have to upgrade it for it to be a guarantee melee so and he feels like ass to play from behind

so if you are actually struggling with abrams its on you and plus he is a shitty solo laner
Do you nigga? Paradox melts all the low health characters. Literally all she needs to do is land carbine, which then guarantee combos into ult and you immediately press wall after ult so when ult lands they get burst down, then you throw grenade and the enemy has now lost half their health or more, has a slow grenade pulsing around them, and a big wall that will damage them if they go through it with a paradox shooting at them and if it's mid to late game, the wall silences you. It's a very obnoxious combo to fight against and doesn't entirely need teamplay to fully utilize.
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Did Pocket get nerfed into the ground, or did I just get worse at playing as him?
>and the enemy has now lost half their health
Yeah but that's not a kill. She's used everything at this point.
It's op on yamato
Souls were harder to come by back in the day so a 3k farming item that also proceed shit and whatnot was way way way better than Ricochet, which everyone saw as garbage because saving 6.3k early was "trolling".
>he is a shitty solo laner
Every time I lane against him he just buys greens and ignores me shooting him in the fucking face for multiple magazines, kills all my creeps and then just goes to farm boxes or neutrals until the next wave

Like literally doesn't even bother shooting at me unless he needs space to get to a creep
Double jungle souls
Double jungle respawn timer
The damage fall off and barrage radius got super fucked not to mention with how close you need to stand to the towers and how terrible the creep AI is he's kinda worse now you can still do a lot with him but he's a lot worse
Why can't Ivy shoot while in the air? Kelvin and Vindicta can and those aren't even their ultimates.
and the grenade gives her a stacking damage amp, with the size increasing each tick. That's not to say you can't get out of it but if you've lost half your health and the paradox and there's a wall blocking your shots obviously you're gonna be panicked and trying to run away and paradox doesn't have trouble chasing. Again my point was against low health characters like Haze. Like haze pretty much can't do anything against a paradox that does this combo especially since wall will catch her dagger.

Against bigger targets paradox typically does need help but even if she has silence on the wall there's not a whole lot someone like abrams can do especially if he's doing a cringe melee build
I main Nigfernus and I honestly hate the fact that he's black.
Been playing Calico a lot and she feels kinda weird.
Like she wants a lot of utility spirit items like cooldown, bullet resist shredder and torment pulse and surge of power but also NEEDS weapon damage for melee and because only 2 of her abilities actually do spirit damage and her gun is incredible and also needs to be able to do damage from stuff other than melee.

Flex slots are a necessity on this bitch.
>Kelvin and Vindicta can
Yeah but they also don't fly around at mach 5 while carry a thermonuclear weapon of mass destruction
>erm he's actually Ixian
He's voiced by a black guy, ergo he's black. Them's the rules with these new shitty VA acting rules. Until they have a char-black Ixian voiced by a white guy, I am going to assume Ixians are just universally African American race.
what's "the plan"?
>im bad at the game, so others are too: the post
Lmao you do know you can switch characters infernus might be to swaggy for you seven might be more your speed
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Is there a way I can set up the sandbox so I can practice meleeing against parries?
Not me parrying melee, that exists already, but practicing what to do and how to bait parries.
The fact you are asking means you are not trusting it
swap mole and pocket, i have yet to see a pocket main who isn't psychotic
>4 unranked hazes in my team in a row
I'd cry if I wasn't laughing
I need a 2 hour video essay explaining all of these stat
>then you throw grenade
You throw grenade before you swap, retard. Swap keeps them in the AoE.
Performatively racist against niggers
Actually racist against curryniggers
missing out on nothing mm has been evidently irreversibly fucked since october. they completely redone the matchmaking and matches are just a random hand pick of several retards getting thrown into a match where everyone would've been around the same skill level before. it's literally just a game of capitalising on who has the 0-10 retard in lane.
My point was that I don't know how he's considered a bad laner if you can just shrug off half of people's damage.

Do you just mean it's hard for him to take the Guardian?

I guess versus spirit heroes throwing bombs every 10 seconds he might be worse
I am unironically only sticking around in the hopes I see Russia nuked off the face of the earth. I don't even care if I die in turn.
There's a way to record an action and then have a bot do it I think
as a yamato main I believe she's pretty mid tier but people just build her wrong.
I've only ever seen her built with spirit for the purpose of burst and refresher.
same shit for other characters who are low winrate I'm not convinced they're actually that bad but that people haven't figured them out yet. it's just that much easier to pick shiv because you're broken no matter what you build braindead op easy to play retard fuck
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I actually like black women
Kelvin does
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If valve wasn't gay and stupid and lazy we would've gotten both.
This tripfag is so insufferable.
not falling for it
Me too. Too bad Valve doesn't know how to write them
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It's in less than an hour, maybe even a few minutes from now.
surprise wrecker out of nowhere
this is how you ruin a fun shooter and turn it into a gay TPS moba
Keep posting about it
Nah give me that henchman guy instead
krill+warden mainer
i'm only racist against jeets because i'm a techcel
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Melee charge, point blank, pristine emblem, hunters aura
>Confirmed shitter who is shit at the game
>Constant advice (which is usually bad)
>Balance opinions (which are always bad)
>Mains the waifufag character
>Constantly trying to talk about and call out names of people in the inhouses
>Posts religiously
dude needs to get a life. i'm literally a neet with about 300 hours in the game and i'm not looking at and posting in the thread nearly as much as this fag but I constantly see his posts and they're always the worst thing ever. He clearly only tripfags for attention
you hard shove him into tower and just shoot him. its not a hard concept.
We all do
Remove the urn
>infernus killed talons family
huh? his backstory makes it explicit that his family DIDN'T burn to death because his son married the same kind of demon infernus is so there's no way they could've actually burned and its obviously a coverup
some people really act like the urn is the most important objective, really obnoixous
>Take towers
>Or take urn
yeah I hope they do it's literally just a 'win more' mechanic.
It's true you build tesla/warpstone l/shadow weave/ intensifying mag then splitpush larping as wraith
In their defense if my team is losing every urn it's almost certainly a loss
if your build can't function at all without 6k items first it's shit

Only shadow weave is 6k bro and it's functional after warp
unstoppable with duration extender lets you get in 6 unparryable heavy punches which also apply a total -90% bullet resistance shred (which also benefits your teammates btw), even if you don't have many weapon items your gun is going to be doing fuckhuge damage afterwards
minions will take towers eventually, they won't take urn for me. it's objectively more important

the only issue is that instead of getting someone like haze or seven that can run fast as shit to deliver the urn before they even realize it's been taken its just whoever happens to be in that lane when it spawns that ends up taking it before getting jumped
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Wraith is as broken as Shiv and deserves to be nerfed into the ground
That is quite literally what they complain keeps them off the mics.
Pray and tell what's your super "secret" build then.
Because she was goodish with weapon for one patch because of the giga buffs and then they fucking destroyed that.
Her base weapon is too shit to be really good she just falls off even harder than spirit now.
most easily countered hero
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is there a video or something that goes you think goes over the mental side of mobas well? this is my first real one, and i think my mechanical skill is decent but i frequently find myself kind of lost after lane. not knowing where to be or what fights to take
This is a fictional video game, they can make whatever character they want. There are objectively more white women in games than black women. It's easier to just say you don't like non-whites in games it makes you look less retarded
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Has anybody asked Yoshi on discord yet if theres gonna be a new hero this patch?
There's no point learning that at your level, because your teammates don't know it themselves. Just ignore whatever they do and do your own thing. It helps to pick a super mobile burst assassin like Lash, so you can just run around fucking the enemy team and taking objectives while they brool in the worst possible place on the map.
My hate for niggers has nothing to do with it. If they want representation, maybe they should adhere to real life demographic statistics.
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>gets 150 damage cards aka 1/4th a starting lifebar every 5s just from shooting creeps in lane 2m into the game with a gun that never runs out of ammo
yep she deserves this
>boosts her and all her creeps firerate so after she kills you 1 time with card burst she can take your tower in the 10s it takes for you to come back
yep you got outplayed
>spends the rest of the game farming/ratting because she has a teleport with huge range 360% of angles you can aim it at that also disjoints aka several pocket moves at once so you can't actually catch her for shit
just buy counter items and focus her down bro
>CC's the entire enemy team before buffing hers to fuck them up
oh my god it really is a nothingburger patch
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Fake news, that was from months ago.
You think I didn't remember you piece of shit.
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well i have to start learning sometime don't i? isn't it better to start trying to internalize it early?
It's not even minute 25 on the clock are you guys actually falling for it?
They're focusing on ranked again this patch. They're focusing on ranked in a 10% finished game, are you stupid, it's obvious
> There are objectively more white women in games than black women
because its a medium going back decades but for the last 15 years it's easily mostly black/asian women and then most of the white women are just token hot fighting game chicks made by asian designers or characters from previous generations getting new sequels like laura croft.

there's what, the girl from last of us? drakes wife from the uncharted games that never does anything besides complain when drake does cool things?
"They" don't. Nobody cares. We're supposed to be smarter than /v/ tards who think 10 people on twitter are representative of literally anything than the scapegoats for people to rage over.
Western creatives like diversity. That's it.
She now wears shoes. And not the sexy open-toed high heels kind, either.
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If there is a new character do you think they will let you queue rank with them?
>no new content
>map is still shit
>urn is overtuned
>hero balance is dog shit and if you don't have more of 5 specific heroes you just lose the game automatically
>matchmaking is still shit and 80% full of VPN abusing russian niggers that need to be perma'd already
>you get comm banned for speaking english because russians just mass report you
>you get report banned for spamming 'matchmaking issue' reports even though it's a completely fucking valid excuse to report when russians are circumventing region locks with VPNs
game is nose diving.
I don't think valve ever stopped people from picking newly released heroes in dota ranked so probably
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>for the last 15 years it's easily mostly black/asian women
Stop. You're just embarrassing yourself. I'm not gonna reply after this because I want to stay on-topic but just think about how stupid you sound.
They shouldn't have let the game open
fully agreed. it's a fucking dumpster fire. I haven't been in the discord in months because you can't actually discuss anything anymore.
>t. been testing since may
>1 minute apart
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I samefag for funny things, not this
I don't understand what happened. It felt like Yoshi had a good vision for the game, but changed his mind 1-2 months ago and each patch since then has just been him adding layer upon layer of retarded decisions
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Oh boy! Patch day! I hope they release holiday or calico!
>Goo hits harder than you think
Oh boy! Patch day! I hope they release holiday or calico!
>The Baxter society sends its regards, t. Banana Elvis
Oh boy! Patch day! I hope they release holiday or calico!
>No new hero
Oh boy! Patch day! I hope they release holiday or calico!

Oh boy! Patch day! I hope they release holiday or calico!
>Footstep sound effect unchanged
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you're being schizo desu
I say this and look like this
bro how the fuck does deadlock already have diehard simps for it
>valve game
russian downplayers will always suck this company off
No. Every competitive community makes this mistake. No top-level player got there by learning "the right way". They all got there by doing whatever worked at their current level until they made it to the top. It's the same in all games. If there's a cheesy strategy, abuse it until your opponents don't let you do that any more, then switch to the next cheesy strategy. Don't try to skip steps and learn the correct strategy from the start. You'll stay stuck in bronze forever like that.
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Anyone else notice that when you hit Esc in a ranked match and mouse over your name it shows a different rank? What is that?
How good you are at taking cock.
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So what's calico's lore?
Pro tournaments started and he decided to cater to compfags..in alpha
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This was the closest match of all.
that what happens when you dont have dota pros helping you shape the game like they did with dota 2
Deadlock 2 will be better
>still no patch
It's so fucking joever. They're scrambling to patch it last minute and there's STILL not gonna be a new hero. Valve must have pulled the funding.
It's so over bros, the game is shutting down TODAY...
i dunno what the cheesy strategies are though. i try to kind of keep up with the meta, but usually even if i make a build people say is meta, i don't really know what to do with it. i don't think i've ever felt like i was the carry player in a match, even if i'm playing a carry character
oracle 1 btw
the problem with the compfags in this game they arent as cerebral as the ones in dota 2 so listening to them isnt really helping the game move forward
Crime boss except she controls politics
It's funny how you think it's only Wraith that has bullshit like this, at least she's squishy and can actually be targeted down with slowing hex
I just left a phone call with Yoshi, it's over.
>0-7 today
Surely it'll get better, right
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>It felt like Yoshi had a good vision for the game

Holy shit you guys are rewriting history.
The game was good for like 3 months from march to
june and then they quickly started fucking it up by not nerfing problematic shit that keeps tearing the game a new asshole like shiv and kelvin so the game becomes samey and devolves to who picks the broken heroes of the patch that do and excel at everything, just like overwatch.
This is made worse by the lack of heroes and the fact that the game still looks like dogshit and desperately needs some art passes and visual improvements.
At this rate it feels like the game keeps getting worse every patch and that it's gonna take 2-3 years to get out of this fucking alpha state.
Ratting is the basic one. Ignore both teams and just push lanes.
Are you mentally challenged? Don't talk to me
>post dumb shit about the game having a solid vision
>"uh no retard the game was completely different not long ago and had to be soft restarted because it was dogshit"

Just pick whatever hero they decide to overbuff this time. My money is on Grey Talon getting a huge buff that he doesn't need.
Dont respond to it
>friend goes in 1v4 as Mo and feeds
>blames me for not running in with him to die
>he then goes in a dies 1v3 immediately after respawning
>gets mad and says he's not gonna bother trying to help the team anymore
he has a 35% winrate with Mo and Krill in like 44 games played, he just REFUSES to play smart. playing with friends fucking sucks sometimes
>playing right before the patch
ASSFAGGOTS Law of Nature predicts anyone with a functioning brain isn't playing on patch day til its out, you're literally getting the chimps rn
>you're literally getting the chimps rn
is that why I have 80% winrate in ranked today?
Where will they move the teleporters this time?
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yes, either free wins or losses no inbetween
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>have enough time to play only one match
>enemy team: Abrams, Warden, Haze, Wraith, Bebop and Grey Talon
forums instantly dead lol
New lock

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>- Extra Health: Now upgrades into Fortitude
Why the fuck did Extra Health and Fortitude need a nerf
>- Long Range: No longer grants +25% Ammo
>- Long Range: Now has -20% Reload Time
Why did Long Range need a nerf
>- Active Reload: No longer grants -20% Reload Time
>- Active Reload: Now grants +18% Ammo
is there any rewards for ranked or is it just status?
is there an archive of neon prime pics I need them
>- Majestic Leap: Cooldown increased from 26s to 45s
>- Majestic Leap: Getting shot while in the air disables the drop-down ability

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