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>Vote for SMTVV in the best soundtrack category in the golden joystick awards

>New Raidou project leaks on steamDB(Wasn't revealed at TGS and probably will be in the October/November Nintendo Direct)

>Giten Megami Tensei's partial translation patch for PC-98

>Vengeance OST scans

>Shin Megami Tensei The Board Game Kickstarter

>Megaten Fusion Tools [For real fusion autists!]

>Archive of 3DS Texture Packs

>Digital Devil Saga 1 & 2 soundtracks are now available on digital streaming services

>Old neocities site containing info and useful links (no longer updated)

Previous thread:>>499415725
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Its hard to recruit demons
Is it worth 100%ing the compendium in mainline titles older than the current one (VV)? If so I wouldn't do it on a first playthrough, playing apocalypse right now
Tao looks more of a monkey than Isabeau.
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i love my angel husband
Isa is perfect
The characters in NINE are dressed like that because they're the survivors of the ICBM attacks couple of years ago. There's no easy access to clothing when nearly everything was destroyed to the point being unusable.
She looks like prime fuckmeat dressed like that
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flat queen
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die and revive is my personal cum whore
Take the girl hand?
someone should make this for gallica and will and strohl
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Dont cry
Accept it
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>page 7
>V-kun has no canon name or any real characterization
Do people unironically think this?
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reply to this post with your roster suggestions. Who do you want to see? Which player gets the boot? Also, give me music suggestions.

>current roster:
Jack Frost (captain) (gold)
Demifiend (gold)
YHVH (silver)
Sexy Defines Her (silver)
Mara (silver)
Dante from the dmc series
Pleb Filtered (matador)
Pascal the dog
Tokyo tower witch
Sex with demons
I do not comprehend
Kill your friends
Doot Doot
Spess Muhreen
Raidou 3 when
Soulless hacks 2
>Information about the schizo so people are aware to not interact with them in any shape or form: https://drive.google.com/file/d/19l6oTnl9qU9mMLXh_Fuo60MUjzUVf1ln/view

>How to filter namefags with 4chanX: /^(?!Anonymous$)/

>Ignore the Aliceschizo who is most likely the same person
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We need something new for VV but I like the current line up too. I dunno what to do. I feel like Dazai has earned a spot on the roster.
alice please alice
Oh never mind, my vote is for kicking Kaneko off because he's a hack now. His glory days are over.
good afternoon smtg
Is everything about ronde bad or is it just the graphics? Like if it had nice spritework like the previous two majin tensei titles instead would it be a more liked game?
How is the story and gameplay?
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more artemis hate, absolutely unacceptable
Someone in Atlus on the product squad probably wants to fuck Mastema. This is the distinct feeling that I get when I see scenes like this or redux spending all its budget on animating his hair.
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thank you. cute Alice! more love for Alice!
>no nintendo direct
>no raidou 3
>no hope
Demikids is really not that bad. Mirai is in them so they're actually quite good!
Mirai is shit and so is Alice and Demeter. Fuck lolifags.
*and so are
You would say "so is" if you were only referring to one additional subject, not multiple.
>verification not required
Thank you grammarbro, I'm blinded by my hatred for loliscum.
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Our Hero
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not sure how to feel about smtiva hd texture mod
the portraits look good but the text looks like those preinstalled snes9x shaders that look terrible like pic related
Can you change soulless hacks name to "apple girl"?
Also this.
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How the hell does he keep doing this?
ass been traced by a woman (ywnbaw)

where is hitler? lol
just got demi fiend down to 10-20% hp and died to chaotic will lol
favoritism aside I genuinely think VV's soundtrack should win the award
music suggestion
Kei Amemura
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I wonder what happened to have this name exist in every localized version of the game but not in Japanese.
I think there was changes in the text of the japanese version very close to release that did not make it into the english version. this also explains why there's some parts that are just translated to mean something different. because they aren't simple mistranslated, the whole sentence is different.
Well that would excuse how many translation errors there are towards the end of the game but I don't know how true that is and Atlus West is notoriously incompetent.
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The light change hee. Hee hold hee light to become Master Man.
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Raidou remakes will be good and improve the gameplay of the first game.
VV dlc will be extensive and more than just navs.
IV and IVA ports and remasters are coming.

I am willing it into the universe.
Thank you LAW
instances of translating something to a whole new thing reflecting non of the original text are way fewer in VV.
did you guys know even with seatbelts people die all the time in car crashes?
just thought that was interesting
grooving team
will deez nutz lil bro
The next SMT heroine will be
a latina
Naoto Shirogane
>Alice protagonist
alice heroine yes
Kozuka said Aogami is motherly and made themes around him feminine so this makes him canonically a heroine.
An actual monke
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lilith's bush tattoo is distracting
Jap or En Dub?
depends on the game
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who dat weird guy? im gonna find him!
count red and count black. i see now and they're pedophiles. perfect!
would anyone care if i bought the RONDE manga and posted it somewhere? i'm gonna do it eventually but its a little expensive
How Is the OG SJ better than Redux?
Sure, nobody is really going to care anyways. Scans are more of a "it's cool and move on right afterwards" kind of thing
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yeah id care, it will be put on the wiki since its a piece of history
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so it was for Alice..
Kaneko art
Better difficulty
No cringe from the new story like Alex
better aesthetics, narratives and atmosphere
but SJR has a really good added dungeon. for a first time player I think you should play the original and then when you want to replay you can play SJR.
Jap by far
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its up
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SMT6 protagonist and heroine leak???
who are these niggas?
Mara when?
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Just the generic human race player characters from the early saga games. They look kinda cool honestly
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thanks, i kinda just wanted a second opinion
Man need to be more feminine and this woman need to be more flat
JP because it makes the MC sound cooler.
reply to the main post so I can tally up the suggestions
How do we save SMT
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Bring back Kaneko
It's the only way
game like baldurs gate 3 camera and graphics but in japan with combat like devil survivor with adults and let we have sex and kill npcs like baldur
i will buy p3 reloaded and p5 now for thee
Honestly I don't have much confidence he could fix it at this point, his new designs for the gacha games hes doing don't inspire confidence that he still has his magic
his Alice in Wonderland ones were good, the MASK stuff was shit after the initial reveal
Persona strikers have the most broken version of Die for me
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yes hello mister! what do you mean? i cannot comprehend as what would gale say
80's anime character designs are unparalleled desu
What is desu?
I will buy persona strikers as well now for thee
Alice huge culo + perfect pettan
It goes at the end of sentences stating the nature of something in Japanese
I don't know the actual specifics since I am uncultured and ill informed
can i walk with Alice in random stages in p3r and p5 and strikers?
Needs some alice. Also have the nocturne staff role as the victory anthem.
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what is this all about? can i have alice too??
No bro Persona is different than summoning demons you can only see her when you use a skill
the same deal just like with any persona game.. that's why i don't like playing these games
read up here
im too paranoid sorry not clicking..
Thanks i see anons using desu in every thread
nvm im too stupid
Must suck to be a schizophrenic thinking the government is in your walls
I am actually in your walls though its not a joke wake up MATTHEW we are watching you this is not a test the appointed time is approaching and you must be ready
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There animation with Alice if you dont care about spoilers
Megami tensei with this vibe?
That girl is dressed like a flasher.
i like this, this is the closest you can have her by your side in persona. is this strikers?
I am kind of schizophrenic and wary of things irl if it interest you to nkow but i clicked it already. so it's all cool.
The webm is persona strikers its a sequel from persona 5 but instead of turn based its a "action rpg musou" like Dynasty Warriors and you cant Interact with her more than fighting
>I am kind of schizophrenic
We know.
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great so it's a real time action game, gonna meet strikers alice after smt
Might I suggest keeping Jack Frost and adding in Tokyo Tower Witch?
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And by adding in I mean seeing more of
a child should not dress like this...
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I'm so glad I'm still getting that response to that image after all of this time.
its because I never left
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I never did either, anon. I'm glad we're here together.
hey look it's that haglover who admitted for loving hags
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not only that, but I'm drinking an irish coffee at 11pm
You know avatarfagging isn't allowed, right?
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the things I would do to Toki's vagina
You know it’s easy not being a faggot right?
God I want to fuck Mirai. That smut isn’t enough I need more doujins of her
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I can't give you what you want, but I can offer another picture of Mirai
I want to cover her body in fluids and have hot hidden sex in an alcove where I shove the lower part of her swimsuit away and penetrate her with the force of a thousand suns. I want to have her small body ride and fall with each thrust and have her slick stomach and breasts rub against me as I try wholeheartedly to impregnate her with multiple climaxes and ejaculations. I want to perform all manner of sin against her and have her be my wife so that I can commit for sins.
It's good to have dreams
I desire her in a way that one can call unhealthy
need chocolate brown Ishtar gf
>You know it’s easy not being a faggot right?
But he's clearly breaking the rules.
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>need app to control demons
Shit fanart
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Cute fanart
i removed the alice schizo/hyss-ho info in the OP and now the thread's quality is slightly less worse. you can thank me later :)
> chaos in smt before: WE LIKE WAR AND KILLING AND SHIT
> chaos in smt now: I'm le poor victim of society
>I'm le poor victim of society
So we went back to SMTII chaos?
are you slow??? keep it up will ya?!
I hope LOSARM poster is doing alright.
Chaos and Law just boil down to "I don't want to follow rules" and "Follow the rules because God said so."
You would think they would have played with them enough to give them enough variants and good and bad moments but frankly we're just getting more strange.
Like, Law and Chaos were extreme but you could see why someone would see them, now they're just NPC meme and Hysteric teenage tautrum
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Lots of straight assholes raping men
The next mainline game should just drop alignments and only have one ending since the devs want to do something new.
I'm in favor of dropping alignments but one ending is too little, just make the endings more in line with actual ideologies
>but one ending is too little, just make the endings more in line with actual ideologies
Even if they did that, they'll just put more effort and budget into one of the endings due to bias. Best to just have one ending to fully focus on.
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So if Susano-o marries whoever he saves from a water related multi-headed snake, that means they're married now, right? But only in CoV.
Alright lads, going to go find myself a giant multi-headed snake and hope that an Aogami Proto-fiend comes to save me. Wish me luck.
If you figure it out please tell me...
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was meditating under a rock for the past 4 months, just saw the V 35th art, holy fuck
Why does Metaphor have better Press Turn than SMTV? It's crazy how much more imaginative with the system than SMT.
We need Soul Scream and bosses with more than 2 turn icons in mainline SMT.
>beast eye
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It's most likely because the SMT team's focus is around increasing the difficulty of the game and doesn't want to enable the player to utilise all the extremely broken tools that Metaphor has, ranging from MC being a very broken press turn bot to food that also enables it
Last time that was used was Nocturne
>SMT team's focus is around increasing the difficulty of the game
I don't know if I agree on that. On Hard, once you understand Dampeners and Magatsuhi, there isn't much challenge remaining. Vengeance had much better bosses with the Qadistu fights and the remixed bosses so I guess the SMT devs realized base SMTV was too simple.
Devourer of Stars and Elegy of Souls were honestly better than basically any fight in V.
>there are “people” in this thread right now who actually drive cars
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>buy a new car
>get called subhuman
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Raidou 3 will feature several titular characters consisting of - Raidou, Alice, Aogami, V-kun, Yoko and the exploration of unexplained phenomenon in the north.

The snowy halation, a huge black hole caused by autonomous self driving class vehicles. Class GCU 'Problem Child', 'God Told Me To Do It' and 'The Precise Nature Of The Catastrophe (It Wasn't the Schwarzwelt, it was Me)'. Also, autonomous self driving demons.
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It sure is tough being the lone soldier in these lands who prefers soul hackers Lilith to all other Liliths
Oh hey
I randomly stumbled on the source of your reaction image on pixiv TTWbro
Thats funny
I'm not sure where you got that idea from. Every SMT entry since IV were outright broken due to giving the players too things to play with while barely giving any to the opponent.
she does look hagish, loser!
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I'm against moves consuming more than one turn on a conceptual level.
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arisu arisu
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I'm not excited for VI buffing ailments again.
You vill use ze ailmentz
This is new (to me). Very cute
SMTVI will ditch law and chaos. Trust the plan.
I like aliments, I think V is fine for how strong aliments are.
Please have return to reasons.
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random encounters incoming! while Alice along side with me from the very beginning.
>Wanting more Nocturne nostalgia
Nocturne will become the next Green Hill Zone/Kanto due to people like you
You're retarded, reasons are more flexible than alignments
i want alice in nocturne
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They're discussing their cravings for human men
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Filthy Casualries...
didnt see this post yesterday but i may as well answer. story is very interesting but you can tell the game was rushed as the dialogue only explains the bare minimum of what you need to know. gameplay is the best in the majin tensei series, i didn't beat 1 or 2 but i played enough that im confident with my stance. it is slow though, not slower than 1 when battle animations are off, but you will get bored if you're not an autist like me. hard mode differences are stupid as they didn't actually change the difficulty but just removed the ability to save + you get less money. if it had nice spritework it definitely would have been more well liked but the majin tensei series most likely still would have died.
Who gives a shit. In the end of the day, reasons are still Nocturne nostalgia. We don't need more nostalgia.
Ronde isn't as good. It would 100% be liked it it had Majin's graphics. But it's negotiations are a lot worse being timed and by random chance after killing an enemy instead of just trying to talk while they are alive. In Majin 2 you can hold as many items and everybody can use the same inventory. Ronde gives everybody very small individual inventories. Healing spots in 1 + 2 are usually at spots often used in battle, meaning you can get trapped or trap with it. In Ronde it's always away from the battle, and maps are very big, so enemies can run away. Majin always had this problem, but 2 was making progress with smaller/more compact maps for battles to happen at choke points. It also removes many things from Majin 2 with demon customization and it's rank up system being infinite. The graphics are really bad and why it had massive refunds due to the demo/shareware version released with game bundles Atlus was doing at the time. But mechanically it's worse than Majin 2 in most ways.
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I dislike nostalgia overuse because it stifles creativity. You dislike nostalgia because you're just regurgitating opinions you hear without understanding the... reason (heh) behind them. We are not the same, you are weak and pathetic.
Story is a mix of 1/2, so lots of time travel elements. There are multiple routes as well that start extremely early on (first couple of maps you can see the changes)
If BG3 can take the world by storm as an unapologetic eurojank turn based number crunching CRPG there's nothing fundamentally preventing SMT from achieving that, it's a problem within the capability of Atlus itself.
>There are multiple routes as well that start extremely early on (first couple of maps you can see the changes)
are you talking about ronde? because the story follows only one route until the 2nd half of disc 2
Could have forgotten when it happens since it's around stage 5-6 where there is a split for changes in certain stages
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just curious
refrain from doing so, I see dogshit idea after dogshit idea today in this general
oh yeah I guess you're right, but whatever character you choose doesn't affect anything afterward. the only choices that matter are the yes/no options after satoshi dies. solomon's the better pick though
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Pikushii cute
I feel that atlus should’ve taken advantage of the increased interest in crpgs because of Baldur’s gate. There were increased sells of the first two games, KOTOR, fallout, and arcanum. And, because of persona fans clobbering for P5 and SMT VV, there could have been easy sells for those waiting on the newer games like reload or metaphor
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Worth it?
Only if you take pleasure in inhaling liquified shit by the gallon
Pixies are so sexy but the logistics of sex with one scares me
Just do frotting, penetration would kill them even if you had a three incher
now that metaphor canonically takes places in the EO timeline what if they made raidou 3 take place in the same setting as Maken and made it highly inspired by it too
This may sound dark but since recarm exists is killing them even a problem?
>even if you had a three incher
haha imagine only having a 3in penis couldn't be me haha
How big is Raidou cock?
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3 inches
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this but with Alice
good song
ask Narumi
hurray i bought it
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She nopan?
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Is there literally any point to having a neutral alignment in V CoC? I did law and chaos routes with their appropriate alignments and got their exclusive miracles.
Does Maria only change form based on your ending choice, not your alignment? I want to get Danu
sit on my face
Should I play Persona 5 Royal or Metaphor?
You can play Metaphor demo and see if you like, Persona is a different game only play if you really like too much dialogue and school
thanks for fixing it
He's right though, 4's combat is really good. It really needs a VIT stat, but outside of that it's good.
>SMTIV unironically understood press turn's biggest flaw, the drawn out fights due to stat differences
This literally wasn't a thing until SMTV
Nocturne and DDS literally did not have long drawn out fights lol
Makes me question if this dude even played them
too many factors outside of players control determine the outcome of the battle, which makes it not good. IV:A kept every good part of IV and fixed the issue I just mentioned
That is true, but recency bias is a big thing
I think you can pay to fight Danu if you aren't actually neutral. It's expensive but it's not hard to get macca in this game.
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hetero won
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smt1.. after the nuke is a masterpiece! everything in this world is lively, many shops in certain places is jaw breaking, many stuff to investigate, cities. Open as heck! no wonder why sj was so good it took the best part from the older games like the traps.
smt1 is godlike
transgender respond
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thank you rusalka for the whip i guess? another thing i like about this smt demons give you their personal rare weapons. unique
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so this is the girl that Alice hugs in some fanart?
why Alice hugging her?
she's a gay retard
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90% of the anons in this thread would fall to Naamah's charm.
I would fall in love with any woman who showed me attention
not hugging more like kissing.. i wonder why. is this one of these crack shipping situations? either way shippers and gays are meh.
anon is a whore
But I'm a virgin
I coomed many times to this scene
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I nutted many times to this scene
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so it was her, who the f is she
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what is this? terminator?
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I hate VV gays.
Good afternoon I love Shin Megami Tensei.
No, he’s just really desperate.
Hero is such an idiot, still can't believe he didn't consummate with heroine before getting assassinated
Imagine having a universally designated soulmate, literally perfect for you in every way, and not breeding a child out of her at least once
Is he stupid?
>it’s GOOD when fights only last 5 turns at most
I blame tiktok for ruining people’s attention spans, holy shit that /v/tard is stupid.
what sort of SMT YouTube content would you like to see?
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should i play strange journey (original) or V/VV after im done with apocalypse
You guys think YHVH now is perma-death?
Like, he will never appear again.
Think about it, other YHVH's deaths are him saying "i will return" except on Persona 5, then comes SMT V and he is just dead dead
God of law probably was not big head YHVH in V but a close derivative, like Yaldabaoth.
Multiverse, there are multiple YHVH's
music, art style and gameplay analysis and critiques that goes through details and researches the stuff it talks about, including material and developer comments and specifically those only available in Japanese
like I want someone to discuss Hashino as a creator playing every game he has ever made and reading every interview and post of his available online, make a script talking about him as a creator and game dev
and I want them to research this stuff as thoroughly as possible. someone like Larrue makes stuff in that lane but he's incredibly half assed in his research.
They're the same multiverse tho.
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Love these japanese fujos and housewives making the best classic smt art in existence
>like Yaldabaoth.
Yaldabaoth is YHVH.
Like, that's how it works
Not in SMT. Demiurge and YHVH are treated like separate demons.
Atlus hire this woman (for remakes of the SNES games)
I'm sure she will put a lucifer x aleph romance route in
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SMT Nine openly has people saying "YHVH= Yaldabaoth"
Plus SMT V confirms that human belief doesn't create demons, just shapes them. Demons and humans were Nahobinos until YHVH divided them and forgot to lock the key (somehow?).
...seriously, why YHVH put the Tree of Knowledge if Knowledge was this key to defeat him?
Never understood this weird V god is not YHVH theory
Lucifer ate his knowledge and as a result literally has the "_ of god" skills he had as a final boss in apocalypse
The whole nahobino thing is also a very obvious and unsubtle play on the demonization shit yhvh has been doing since megami tensei 2
I want Demeter so bad, bros.
Yoko is the perfect wife
>The whole nahobino thing is also a very obvious and unsubtle play on the demonization shit yhvh has been doing since megami tensei 2
Demonization was previously seen as things like "Baal turned into Beelzebub, Ishtar turned into Astaroth", not that actually Baal needed to fush with a super specific guy to turn into Super Baal, who acts and behave nothing like mythological Baal OR Beelzebub
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Yes I also think nahobinos are a much worse version of the idea but it is objectively a call back to that regardless
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Tard wife>>>trad
Its honestly a sort of over-complication of the lore.
Like, its something you expect in the Nasuverse. Its just one step removed from the most infamous animu changes in Fate.
Plus, it takes away human agency in the situation.
YHVH power was tied with the spread of christianity, so his demonization was a issue that went beyond him, as it meant that effectively all the Law faction held power over their enemies.
Now turns out YHVH is the only guy who matters and they're super weak and useless without him
I agree, it’s just the more difficult and destructive path to take.
It's a matter of ego. He made a paradise for humans and Lucifer came in and showed them where the tree was and everything they would gain from eating from it. Humans were just humans before that. Yoko claims humans were tempted by Lucifer because they were following God's example. Kind of like seeing a parent do something so a child is compelled to copy it. He rose to the throne so humans were compelled to also want the throne once the opportunity was presented to them.
Nocturne sort of does this with the reason bosses.
Even from YHVH, this doesn't explain why.
Like, this time isn't something he can handle back if it goes wrong like Knowledge used to be. This time is just "I'm fucked".
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but if i being honest, girl on girl situation is the most hetero fetish for a guy so hetero won
The reason bosses were the Reason bearers taking new forms. It was about the humans, not about how actually gods were a toku villain.
Toki is based
I hate it when lorefags lose sight of what the games are actually about and unironically start to think that all the games follow the exact same rules.
They’re different universes.
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My bones to pick with the idea are
>Why are literally all gods incomplete and in need of their knowledge when cultures like the japanese weren't actually affected by christian demonization in real life, which is obviously what the original demonisation concept was paralleling. Previous games didn't do this, the idea of nahobino tsukiyomi or susano-o is just silly
>The existing designs of old demons in the game that were always designed to be normal, complete depictions of the deities (isis, ishtar, baal etc) are now treated as incomplete inferior fractured forms with an implied superior and complete doi design existing in the universe
i want to love alice
i want to love alice
cute girl
why newfags quoting the dead?
cute hathor
yoko and artemis both sitting on my face at the same time somehow
But each universe has their own version (especially since the rules of each universe doesn’t fit with each other)
Only in the V’s universe, plus Lucifer fighting you in true neutral despite you wanting total demon death is because humans give rise to Demons.
I misread this at first and thought you said shitting
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>>Why are literally all gods incomplete and in need of their knowledge when cultures like the japanese weren't actually affected by christian demonization in real life, which is obviously what the original demonisation concept was paralleling. Previous games didn't do this, the idea of nahobino tsukiyomi or susano-o is just silly
Its exactly because they wanted demonization to apply even to gods who weren't demonized.
This is also why Law faction got so damn prunned, because they wanted to take away almost every Law aligned deity to blame YHVH for every bad thing ever
Well I mean Atlus is own by Sega now so it’ll only fitting.
Chaos is now “ I'm le poor victim of society so let me do whatever I want including eating babies and torturing puppies”
YHVH truly is the most important character in all of SMT.
Horse face
I wouldn't mind it if they didn't turn Law into Good Law/Bad Law.

Bad Law: I love unequality and hate kindness itself, i love being dumb and ignorant
Good Law: I am generic hero who ocassional mentions a religious concept (but will never explain)
Yeah, Alice is pretty ugly.
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Alice irl
osawa told me to remove glancing pot so i removed it, did i screw up something?
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Thankfully both of these paths actually lead to an Aogami wife. As it should be.
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mad gaylords
overreactive mad person
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how dare you RACHEL!
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I love Raidou so much!! /smtg/ I hope you are having a wonderful Friday!!
i'd say if... content but i'm thinking of just doing that myself someday if i ever get into video editing
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i am! thank you!
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I also love Raidou. I'm hoping and coping for a Nintendo Direct soon.

This is mildly cursed for some reason
samefagging bastards
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I am so glad to hear this!! I hope your day continues to go wonderfully!
Oh another Raidou fan, I am so happy!! I am waiting waiting for any official announcements! Which game do you like more? For me it's always going to be the first one! I think Kaya is so adorable, lmao.
raidou the alicedislikers
kill yourself you fucking samefagging snake
i will not allow you talk trash about alice, gays
Blame the axiom bullshit.
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i hope your day goes wonderfully too!
: D
Who is Alice?
>Why are literally all gods incomplete and in need of their knowledge when cultures like the japanese weren't actually affected by christian demonization in real life, which is obviously what the original demonisation concept was paralleling. Previous games didn't do this, the idea of nahobino tsukiyomi or susano-o is just silly
You didn't catch what they did by making them robots? As robots they don't degrade. Replay Amon's quest regarding the sun crown and it makes much more sense why they did this. When a god is separated from their knowledge they begin to degrade over time and become a demon. But as robots that no longer is the case. It's like preserving them. Izanagi's plan becomes pretty self evident as to why he let humans build the divine three instead of making them himself. It keeps their faith alive and thriving so they never degrade.
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I like King Abbadon for expanding on and improving the original and having a generally more interesting story, and I also find Nagi to be a little more interesting but that's because the writing in 1 kind of failed Kaya. I actually prefer Kaya design-wise and I'm mildly upset about the haircut she got what a downgrade oh my god even though Nagi had more screentime and an interesting character arc. Also Dahn is super based even if he's kind of a moron.
The /smtg/ you cravenly revere is dead, slain by my own hand, so that anons might finally live unbound from their chans.
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Am I insane or is what you're saying not related to what I said at all?
I said I find the idea of gods not affected by real world Christian demonization having separated knowledge in the first place to be retarded and you took that and explained why protofiends exist?
Its not just me theres like genuinely no correlation between those two points right?
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but what if the "gay" art also contains alice?
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why he keeps telling me to dispose this Glancing Pot? i should do something else with it instead of throwing it away?
is the Glancing Pot the cum jar thing that Yuriko takes from you?
what if you're exaggerating and wants attention and it's farfetched
You're doing things out of order
You were supposed to do the ozawa plot first, and then go to roppongi where alice was
I've heard of this before, its some sort of glitch softlock prevention, so they don't let you fight ozawa if you went and got the glancing pot first and have it in your inventory. You need to throw it away, do the ozawa stuff, and then go and get another one and do the stuff with alice and the two counts in roppongi
>I said I find the idea of gods not affected by real world Christian demonization having separated knowledge in the first place
I'm telling you they showed you certain gods were affected by it much worse than others for a reason.
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d-did i screw AliceS FUCKING QUEST?
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Develop a real version of the demon summoning app.
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Hunter armor
If i remove it will it softlock my Alice question progression??
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Susano-o was not demonised by christianity at all in the real world. Beelzebub exists as a result of demonisation of the concept of Baal. I feel like you're misunderstanding or willfully ignoring what I'm actually saying and responding to a different point entirely. Nahobino's as a concept is a new interpretation of the existing christian demonization concept and yet its applied broadly to the gods of SMTV, including ones that were not demonised. The concept of protofiends or degrees of degradation doesn't relate to the issue I have here.
Just throw away the pot, do the ozawa stuff, then you can go back and get another pot and finish the alice stuff.
how do i get another Glancing Pot?
This is the issue, it takes away from the mentality of "gods and demons are subjective and shaped by beliefs" into Fate-esque "actually everything is my convoluted magic system".
Heck, now SMT V and Fate work in the same "Gods are LITERALLY robots" logic (SMT angels also work in that logic, but that seems to be more like aesthetics instead of "actually metatron involved a lot of technological effort")
It should just respawn in the same place in roppongi where you initially picked it up.
i remember, there's a chest that always recloses. Nice thanks
Christianity didn't erase religions around the world but it affected all of them to a degree by being so wide spread. I think that's what they were trying to show. They wouldn't have shown some gods being affected by knowledge loss worse than others otherwise I think.
The issue with this is that then "the death of YHVH" should've enough to the Condemnation to fade, but now SMT treats the setting as a generic shonen anime where the Universe itself work according to a convoluted magic system.
smtvv charge is x1.8... what went wrong
Individual effects in SMTV (charge and concentrate, buffs, pleromas) are all nerfed and weaker than in previous games, because V is focused around stacking as much "little" effects together as possible + magatsuhi effects to get to about that same level as before
Its the reason why almost all demon builds end up being 7 passives + 1 attack skill by the end
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How are you finding this with those tags
>should've enough to the Condemnation to fade
It did. As soon as he died it was over. The MC and Aogami were just the first to try fusing since it ended.
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Found them on twitter first when their Persona 1 ishtar drawing was retweeted by a different japanese megaten artist I was following (@Junknekonomori, if you were curious) and they had their pixiv linked in their twitter bio
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How YHVH can even die if everyone worships him.
Also, how angels are that weak if catholics who pray to them exist?
Don't bother trying to make sense of SMT it's just rule of cool nonsense.
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does cumming to Hathor mean I am making religious offerings to her?
I'm supposed to be a good little Christian boy...
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we cummers love cumming to childlice
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>Want to see Rokurokubi as a demon in SMT
>However know she'll be made super cutsey and have some shitty comedic gimmick where it's hard for her head to not bump into other people
That is a big thing with love goddesses.
How does this personally affect you?
how do I summon succubus from SMT but IRL
I wish Raidou were real
gaylord confirmed
Your summon app?
Stephen died in our timeline before he could create it...
i like the concept of human fusion in smt1. we need an actual human fusion mechanic in smtvi that can even have consequences and alter the story. maybe even creating absurd demons like jimenez was
Giving Megami's MAG tributes hehehe
>music by Tetsuya Nomura
i like drawn out fights, so stressful, i love feeling so stressed
The scene where Susano-o just spontaneously comes back to life for no reason at the end of CoV should have just been him singing YMCA.
>t. Nomura
>japanese weren't actually affected by christian demonization
maybe not directly, but that too is a stand in for imperialism which has been in previous games
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Date with Yoko
Yeah, done much more effectively previously
like human half demon.. even more absurd and weird, let's take a male human and fuse him with female demon or female human fusion with a male demon.. weird tranny chimeras or hermaphrodite fantasies but retards will call it super dei and esg so probably not.
i want that portable even though i already have 3 chinkhelds on my desk
I don't agree but that's pretty much a subjective opinion
Thats what chaos has always been. Whats pants on head retarded is now chaos bitches about equity, which is the antithesis of chaos and is incompatible with the tenants of chaos.
>weird tranny chimeras or hermaphrodite fantasies but retards will call it super dei and esg so probably not.
Depends on how you make it.
Also many spirits of western myths and folklore are both male and female at the same time, aka divine.
>Also many spirits of western myths and folklore are both male and female at the same time, aka divine.
Samefag but with this I mean is that divine spirits are both male and female at the same time or can even be considered neither, not that trannies (who are still only one sex) are divine.
This is why the act of sex and creation made out of love is considered to be one the closest human things to God in Christianity.
we need something like this in the new smt game with this we can generate mixed race or fused sexes demons only for the sole sake gameplay purposes. maybe even a dangerous version of slime and black oze
like terrain generation but with characters which turned out to be demons. cool don't you think?
that's why he tells you he only dies temporarily
Go onto craigslist and chant the following phrase
>I have $200
>I have $200
>I have $200
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>Perfect wife dont exi...
ask /x/
you can't assign a digital identity to demons and not have a sort of magic system in place. I don't understand what's your issue here.
I always thought she was cute as fuck
It's Raidou time bitches
Make sense im still in early game just noticed because its not OP anymore
Fuck Mudoon
>The scene where Susano-o just spontaneously comes back to life for no reason
Sword in the snake's tail reference. Susano-o is his sword in V.
Because we're never getting cool demons ever again. It's just going to be:
>Demons that are extremely kawaii
>Demons that are just lazy references to other media
>Demons that are coombait
>Demons that are for fujo pandering
>Demons that are just lazy references to other media
yes please
All of the things you listed, Kaneko did
I want PM Koshimizu to fill my holes
SEX with the Shinado Raidous, Raido, the priest that Kaneko drew in 2000 that looked a lot like Raidou, and Raidou ALL AT THE SAME TIME
shut the fuck up you samefaging newcancer rat
Kaneko would try to make Rokurokubi extremely creepy as possible, especially in his Debisama phase. Doi would just try to Rokurokubi cute as possible.
stop fucking samefagging you're like the only tranny beast posting in here and hitler
total pedo death
Tell me about Hitler, schizofag
do you just reply nonsense to any two random posts faggot?
Keep malding, that ain't me.
Hitler posting here would be a real happening
I beaten it several times and it's worth trying out for the story and visuals. Just know that due to the overblown hatred for this game, prices for the Switch port has noticeably got more expensive.
Original Ishtar looks better?
What are some general things to always keep in mind when playing an SMT game? I'm about to dive headfirst into my first experience.
whoops i hit a nerve there
Make sure to make demon negotiation as easy as possible
Magic is inferior for the main character
that you should fuse away once a demon falls behind
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total alice win
Demons are not your friends and are readily disposable for marginal gains that snowball over the game
I think Kogetsu sucks
Ishtar never had a new design. What the fuck are you talking about?
You are weird and always malding over Raidouposting. Just accept that there are at minimum 2 different Raidouposters.
i struck a nerve..
>"u mad bro"
This is the power of alicefags. Pathetic.
no one cares what powers i am using, gullible little fool
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Artist might be opening doujin commissions this next or following month. For the Yuriko/Hero doujin, what do you want to see? I need to provide a transcript of actions + dialogue once they open.
Hey, neat
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I dont like V music
Think of a better concept.
one of Kaneko's hottest designs and I can never remember her damn name
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oh hey they're reusing the Okuninushi -yet- again
How can you forget Fortuna her abdomen is literally a wheel of fortune
Come on anon, it's pretty easy to answer. You know, the wheel of fortune
I am unworthy of calling her my waifu...
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birb time
I don't like Kozuka music in general. Most of his work sounds same-ish with little to no variety. If he becomes the composer for every single megaten game then I'm going to learn to mod his music out for something else.
He's done more than SMT, for example his persona stuff sounds nothing like his smt stuff
>same-ish with little to no variety
Are we listening to the same composer
All I've heard people say so far about V's music is it's either goated or dogshit what gives
Ringoschizo really hates Kozuka so he shitposts about him constantly. Other than that, most people enjoy his music.
>inb4 muh twerking music
>inb4 golden boombox posting
>inb4 unbridled schizophrenia
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Gallica <3
it's definitely goated compared to metasnore
form your own opinion
Some tracks are really good, some are really forgettable. Ends up in the middle overall
as time passes with VV tracks added I think it's at least as good as IV.
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Best heroine
Shocking lack of art
sex with jackfrost
Raidou is gonna fuk Thor-sama ^-^
Tall boy
Here we go again of some anon thinking there's some boogeyman that hates Kozuka's work.
People weren't kidding when they said OG SJ was better. Difficulty, art style, pacing, etc. All redux added was three poorly put together endings and a poorly written character. Gameplay being easier doesn't equal better in every way.
For once, contrarians were right. Glad I stuck with this version as a first experience
WoG is a great dungeon tho. Redux is definitely worth playing
When are we getting SMT outside of immediate Tokyo again
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Last they tried that it was mostly received poorly and didn't reach sales expectations. Hope you'll like Tokyo and SMT 1-3 nostalgia from now on.
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The majority of the soundtrack is garbage, there's like 4 decent tracks.
100% true.
Nah. At least Meta-whatever has more unique variety with it's soundtrack than purely being techno rock slop like with V soundtrack.
Demeter is my wife.
The drop of music quality from IV to V is crazy
It's quite understandable since Kozuka is not ripping off the previous composers this time, I don't know why Fatlus refuses to let Tsuchiya make more than a few battle tracks.
Demifiend fight is boring as fuck. Getting him down 50% just to have him full heal then getting him down to 20% just to lose to an unavoidable Chaotic Will is dumb and retarded. You better believe I just cheesed him with Omagtoki Charge Paraselene Blur after that.
Didn't you and several other anons try to argue that recency bias isn't a thing? What's with the change of opinion all of sudden?
V soundtrack is shit. Metaphor clears it easily. SMT IV is still the best soundtrack Atlus has ever made though.
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>guys look I posted about how this thing that people like is actually bad again
Even music react channels on youtube don't like SMTV music lol
>You're not allowed to form your own opinion
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post this angel
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*posts tard snake instead*
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I've found the perfect facemask for Mastema to wear
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You sure about that?
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anon! he won't see where he's going like that!
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We love Lili here
my wife must remain viable no matter what
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>The Great Will's Janny
He even called Aogami a blasphemer.... he's innocent....
>Whats pants on head retarded is now chaos bitches about equity, which is the antithesis of chaos and is incompatible with the tenants of chaos.
Its a weird thing, but after Metaphor, I think I get it.
Chaos' equality is the ability to change their situation on life, for better or worse.
Law' virtue isn't equality, its equity, giving everyone what they want.
I think the baseline for chaos is mold breaking. Whatever the norm is considered to be in the game's setting, if an ideology breaks it, it's chaos thinking. If you stick to this one rule, chaos can be anything you want it to be. Likewise with law.
But then what about the chaoskampf? The original myth for Law where a orderly figure puts order amidts the primordial chaos.
Either literally putting order in a sea of formless chaos, defeating rival warlords and establishing a actual long lasting society or saving their people from violent invaders?
Oh right, SMT V decided to adapt this as "meanie bull god opress sneks"
Law has always been the canon route in every game except Nocturne because Chaos is retarded and only troglodytes would ever pick it.
>Not a single interesting law rep for Metaphor, but Louis for Chaos
Chaos bias is real, haha.
The entire party in Metaphor is Law retard. They're quite literally the lawful heir to the throne and going back to the status quo.
That's not what law means
No it isn't.
Me when I'm stupid
>SMT V decided to adapt this as "meanie bull god opress sneks"
There is more to this than just chaoskampf.
It's funny how they tease a law rep and then go "just joking!" 10 minutes later
it's a card for koikatsu
why should i play this game when it's associated with this?
haven't listened to all of it but it's certainly weaker than SJ, VV isn't even comparable
they do tho? a guy reacted to the entire thing and was talking about how clever it is in using leitmotifs. he didn't even know what the game was about and he could guess stuff about the themes
what makes louis a good chaos rep?
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There are "people" itt who believe the Raidou games are gay because they have fujo fans
It's funny because the retard played and liked SMT, a significantly gayer game with way more gay and fujo fans. It's funny he doesn't see the irony
Don't know how I missed the most important part lol
everything is gay by that logic
For me it's that Raidou has a cool character design but ultimately is the most boring goody two shoes mofo ever.
Metaphor has shit combat.
They tried to make it interesting, but it ended up just being tedious bullshit that people don't enjoy. It's easily the least enjoyable iteration of press-turn or press-turn like (persona 3-5, SJ, soul hackers 2) combat I've experienced.
I'm honestly baffled by some of their balance decisions
Persona 1 does the row system better, since some attacks only hit certain areas with certain attacks only working in a specific range, there is more to plan for and around. EO is also better due to skill trees and there is more party customization options.
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yay i cant wait to meet alice in here as well!
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preta ice attacks and frost blocks them? kek nice touch!
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Alice is boss battle later
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im doing good?
Hee doing well, ho
>Persona 1 does the row system better, since some attacks only hit certain areas with certain attacks only working in a specific range, there is more to plan for and around.
Lets be honest anon, no there isn't. I like P1 too but the row system in that game is so infrequently relevant that its just a nuisance the few times it is. 90% of the magic spells don't interact with the system at all and can just hit anywhere on the field, and the magic spells are so good and broken you basically just spam them the whole game. Theres absolutely no serious planning around the row system for 95% of the runtime, It pretty much only comes up in any manner of significance at the very end when you're fusing the ultimate's and a few like ayases have an axe spell that only hits one square and is actually helpful for the final boss since it has magic and physical modes it switches between.
I think metaphor missed the mark for plenty of reasons (duuuhh lets put ultimate personas in a job system game and totally invalidate the incentive for experimentation with the jobs duhhh duhhhh ) but the row system is 100% more of a relevant and persisting mechanic than in persona 1 lol, multiple classes are built around it and multiple enemies and bosses interact with it and target rows actually forcing you to switch on the fly
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the gameplay in this game is very interesting
I think they shouldn't have removed demon/personas with fusion
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That SMT:IF clone people were posting about the other day isn't just using AI but is clearly just using AI on assets from other games to change them extremely slightly
Yeah there is a difference from using inspiration than putting something through img2img and claiming it as your own. Looks pretty skummy. Also it seems like the backlash is getting more than the positive feedback.
crap, that's sad.
just gonna pirate it now (if i can) instead of buying it
The publishing company in general seems AI focused, since a massive shift to use AI art around 2022.
here's the steam page if you want it so you know the title, you can message the people on Steamunlocked and they will upload it there on release
steamunlocked isn't taking emails currently.
but idc about playing it on release.
i'll be patient
You have to sign up for an account for the request page with a temp email and post about it there, then it gets added to a script for them to do. If it's going to be on GOG, then it gets a pirated version right away
ahh, okay.
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I sent them something, you doing it as well increase the chances of it happening
well, ty!
i sent a message as well
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Cute Raidou I will sex him
wearing that....such a slut...
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my message was removed.
i'll try again tomorrow i guess
seems like mine was too
Wait until it's released.
Those bastards are censor-happy and will update games released years ago just to censor them.
They seem really skummy overall.
Please don’t tell me the demon king castle and temple of eternity are in the vengeance route
I’ve done them four fucking times I’m tired of the wind tunnels I’m tired of the maze
Demon king castle, no
Temple of eternity, yes
Demon kings castle isn't... but the replacement dungeon shakan is damn near a copy paste with all the same enemies with a slightly different gimmick (inverting the gravity instead of fans)
The temple of eternity is still in, in all its... eternal "clearly an unfinished beta draft" glory
ruining my alice pictures? post hidden
>realize I forgot to get Maria on my very first playthrough of the game because even though I went Law, my compendium was only at like 72% and I couldn’t afford to fuse more due to being broke from not grinding
>now I have to do another Law playthrough on CoC on Godborn when I was originally planning to combine my Godborn run with the other CoV run
>7 playthroughs for the platinum
It’ll be worth it……
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He is just happy to please...
not hating on the art modeling but it's kinda weird to see raidou twinkified.
can't judge you though since i enjoy me some twinks
Raidou is very twink but I agree lol his hips are too big
It's from an app that uses Custom Maid 3D models so it's not very good at males
Normal neutral in CoC is so shit lmao
>no Lucifer fight
>Goko disappointed in you
>Yakumo still dies like Atsuta and Dazai
Was literally anything accomplished? Does true neutral effectively replace this?
It makes the most sense lore wise
Which games are the most difficult and which games are considered the easiest?
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based, I enjoyed Yasunori Kato and his sexy snake wife
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I'm the other resident Raidoufag and Yakumo would be so much hotter if he wasn't a massive hypocritic edgelord retard that even snake pussy couldn't fix. However, I still would and I clapped when Nuwa died.
I like the fact that he's a huge hypocrite.
I never played SMTV but don't they just share the same design inspiration?
Raidou is more on the cute side anyway
They’re based off different people. Raidou is based off Chris Redfield from Capcom’s RESIDENT EVIL series, while Yakumo is more modern and inspired by the protagonist from METAPHOR.
Im glad they’re both dead
Yakumo is a real man and Raidou is...
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CoV did fix him though. He reconciled with his autism.
A young man.
The canon pairings.
Why our protagonist is not cool like this?
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He was Yakumo all along actually.
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Why does Artemis look like a Nahobino design if you picked a femc instead of v-kun?
She’s an extremely blatant Saint Seiya reference and Seiya was a big inspiration for Doi.
>Doi adds in Hercules
>He's just Kabuto
what is this? it looks awesome
>extremely blatant
you're in too deep. it's not blatant if nobody knows what the fuck that is. we are not japanese, we just happen to like this japanese game. get the fuck out all alicepedos/gays/animefags
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I found it by typing roppongi Alice on google searching, searching for how to progress in smt1 since i was stuck; found this atlus game from a random video on shilltube by accident. the game's name is SMT: Synchronicity Prologue
What would a Doi Poseidon look like?
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>it's not blatant if nobody knows what the fuck that is
Yeah, that’s how references work.
Not everybody is as retarded and unaware as you, saint seiya is pretty popular especially in mexico
She is hot
looky looky newfag=artemisfag thinks hes so highly and righteous because of his teenage roast beefmis. fuck off
Okay so you're just pretending to be retarded, good to know.
Get new material.
Used goods. Roast beef tier
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alice shall prevail and unnormalize your taste
Attempt at falseflagging by bringing himself up in the third person.
Fucks up and shows his hand.
Alicetroon is a fucking retard.
hello beefunnfan!
>Fucks up and shows his hand.
what are you on about? tf?
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Dont bully my wife
Its a shame you're so sincerely stupid you can't even comprehend your fuckup after having it plainly pointed out.
Why are all schizos like this?
you picked on alicegods for no reason so hell to you!
Most of them are drug addicts and have actual holes in their brain.
>you picked on alicegods
I never said anything about Alice
i don't really care at this point you just randomly screeched at alicefags so i defended my honor, schizonigger>>499930791
artmisfag is not alone?
More like Fartemis lol
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I'm starting to think the messians were right.
how so
I would kneel
>anon want to fuck a demon
get some help
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Fuck yeah I wanna fuck a demon
I wanna fuck demons devils and deities
I wanna fuck tiamat and I wanna fuck old one and I wanna fuck mem aleph and I wanna fuck harihara (big form)
Julian Solo obv
At the drive in
she's only hot when she's getting ryona'd
He looks like he enjoys crab meat.
in the old man's Ford
Kei Amemura...
saying it is extremely blatant reveals you for the mind-broken anime addict you are
it's hilarious how easy it is to make any post in here and then two people start fighting and accusing each other of also being you
You're just unironically incredibly stupid if you think saint seiya is some obscure thing nobody outside of japan knows, sorry bro. Try not to infect anybody else with your IQ drain trait will you
artemis and yoko scissoring
yeah man, those high-IQ mexicans really like all the best stuff
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>uhh yes they do its actually quite popular, easily verifiably so
Just put the fries in the bag bro its over
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well-adjusted smt fans want to fuck artemis, yoko, cleopatra, etc. antisocial failure smt fans like anime and children
sane anon
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I want to fuck Mirai
Running over snakes with my car.
>t. Marduk
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first paragraph
Is this trauma center stuff
>implying Aogami wouldn't also do it.
Trauma Team
probably Doi's first ever interview (if you don't count the one in the nocturne documentary)
SMTIV remake in Unreal with IV:A’s mechanics and better bosses.
Nocturne ruined mainline.
and the story of Kaneko's IV novel, right?
this but unironically
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>Nocturne ruined mai-ACK
>shiro hair
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I despise these niggas like you would not believe
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I like them. Guy’s a cool dude and it’s sad that he died when all he ever wanted was to be a hero. Should’ve been a cute girl so hideto wouldn’t leave him though lol
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Kill your friends, chicky
one of them is a retard with brocoli hair who lucked into an amazing wife while the other is a literal fart huffer
>broccoli hair
I’ve seen way too many people say this in response to somebody just having curly hair. Broccoli hair is when you shave all the sides so only the top is long.
curly hair is gay as fuck too
reminds me of the Zionists
>sees curly hair
>thinks of the zoomer meme, fags, and the jews
Holy mindbroken. Go outside.
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I like V music now
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Desperately needed that third megami tensei game where Ryu’s kid goes up against god emperors Hideto and Rosanna…
>amazing wife
She will waste all of your macca and your hard earned metal cards
I knew about Jewfros before you were even born, fag
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>still has the hat
I'll ignore my school uniform autism for now and admit that I want to cuddle with her.
If Nocturne didn't exist:
>The rerelease trend with some new girl would have never started
>Nusona wouldn't have been born, meaning Persona would have ended with Eternal Punishment
>No Persona 4, meaning the Persona 4 era never happened
>SMT would have remained on consoles than being slowly pushed to be handhelds only for nearly two decades
>Kaneko, Cozy, and other old staff members would have remained at Atlus longer without Nocturne's failure or the company changing to support Nusona more pushing them away
>SMT V would have happened back in the 2010s and it wouldn't be in it's current shitty state nowadays
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tfw feel when no Knowledge
>I can't wait for find my knowledge and break the mortal coil of this world that binds me to this form.
>Sure thing, Grandpa. Let's get you back to bed.
lets save smt
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Already saved by best canon couple.
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Let's go, /smtg/
I'm counting on you.
*puts a burger in his hand* enjoy
>the point of Amanozako's quest was to tell you how Aogami feels about the protag because she's mythologically Susano-o's barfed up emotions, and she understands how she feels while Aogami is too retarded.
>but this means both Amanozako and Aogami like the MC
>but Aogami treats Amanozako like a kid (in that one new quest but you get my point)

It's very confusing how this works. Aogami isn't a cuck but Amanozako is? Or does liking one mean you like both? It's probably a good thing there is only one Aogami unit left because even having Amanozako around makes things too complicated. Imagine if there were more. How would they reconcile with having one knowledge between them all?
Playing through Strange Journey for my first time.
Having fun so far.
Stop having fun
The only way to save SMT is to give the IP to Capcom, Nintendo, Konami, or Koei Tecmo.
Hell no
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>How would they reconcile with having one knowledge between them all?
IV remake...
Nintendo and Konami both hate gay shit and will throw large budgets at everything. They'll unironically give every single demon proper new models than reusing the ones from P5/SH2.
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Ryunosuke's wife is so cute
you're just a nonbinary creature from murica
i hate this board, gayest board just like america
What version is this? Nice graphics
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I can fix her
She ended up being best girl, somehow
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Anon? She killed millions
millions of gallons of semen, yes
I dunno dude it looked like she only killed like a dozen people at the train station
>Best at anything when they were added in the last few months of development given by their mostly minor presence in the story and dying off mid-game
why the hell main character in smt1 doesn't have mana and skills?
Oh no, haha, that looks awful. LOL
what makes smt so niche? i feel like more people should be playing but i get the appeal of persona
SMT hasn't been niche for two decades now. Anyone that shows slight interest in gaming would be aware of the franchise due to Nocturne, IV, IVA, and V.
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It's not. Many jrpgs would beg to sell as much
It's not too niche anymore
Please don't let this be a shitty interpretation if naked Thor....
It’s niche when to comes to the broader western gaming landscape but a decently heavy hitter in the modern JRPG sphere.
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His face is ikemen as Odin and Jörð intended.
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I think the aesthetics of it in general feels offputting to people. but that aside the jp name and turn based combat
nobody likes talking like a lame pacifist to people trying to kill you
honestly it's not "so niche" anymore. I feel like anyone in the gaming sphere at least knows it's the series persona spawn off of
I agree, the series keeps growing out side of Japan, plus nocturne getting meme'd to death also helped.
the series isn't as big in japan as you think actually. it just has ultra loyal fans
VV was the first time I saw tweets about megaten going proper viral in jp twiiter
IV is a massive meme too. if anything V's lack of memablity was probably its worst fault.
memablity as an inherent characteristic does not exist
it does tho
giving you a format for easily reproducible reference jokes is what IV does very well. ニヤリ is actually a meme used in jp and english gaming communities way before people started talking about liking IV around 4-5 years ago.
is sega actually a competent company now
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I don't know. They worked on Hyenas, but they also had the foresight to cancel it so it wouldn't become Concord before Concord.
The Europe devs are fucked in general right now
canceling it was a competent move
I want to fuck Asahi
Yeah, there's too many companies that double down on guaranteed failures
Just like Nocturne and V.
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>Just like Nocturne and V.
>Nocturne sold so badly it also obliterated Atlus
>V is the best selling SMT
That's DDS
eh that was mostly on DDS. but to be fair that was building up ever since they shifted to 3D gamedev
Did they really lose that much money on DDS? It was mostly just an asset flip of Nocturne.
Nocturne sold badly at launch and Atlus constant persistence to make it sell well(Rereleasing the game multiple times and even throwing it in as a bonus for buying Raidou) successfully managed to convince 2000-2010s children that Nocturne was always widely popular and successful for the company.
V only sold well due to the seven year long wait and how people were overall desperate for a new SMT. This is more obvious with VV, which sold 600k less than base V due to everyone already got their fill of SMT(Also many players not liking V overall)
they laid off a bunch of people. the thing is that nocturne didn't sell back, they were just expecting way more. DDS straight up did bad numbers
nocturne genuinely ruined the company
I hope a really short post or a funny greentext gets the post mark
Is DDS that bad of a game?
it's probably one of the best games atlus has ever made
A good game but sold at the worst time and it visually looks like a Nocturne asset flip after players were annoyed with Nocturne breaking formula too much. It had everything going against it.
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I hope Raidou gets the get
He is right tho, Metaphor's ending is Bull God kills Evil Snake.
The thing is that unlike Louis and Lucifer, the parallelism aren't nowhere near as obvious.
Please don't apply the bull vs snake thing to Metaphor, jesus christ.
Vfags shoving their schizo theories into everything is the norm.(*cough* Throne is a womb theory *cough*)
Had a dream about this nigga

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