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"baby" Edition

Previous thread: >>499604390 (Cross-thread)

>Version 1.03(1.04 if you're on console) is out!
>Metaphor: ReFantazio peaks at 85k concurrent players on Steam!
>Metaphor: ReFantazio surpasses 1m sales on launch day
>Now available EVERYWHERE (but Nintendo Switch and Xbox One)

>Metaphor: ReFantazio Special Soundtrack

>MetaphorFix (adds proper ultrawide, things, etc.)

>Kino commercial

>How many hours have you played?
>What day are you on?
>What are your favorite classes?
>Favorite BGM?
>Are you having fun?

>"How should I build my MC?"
Realistically anything works, you won't brick yourself even on Hard or Regicide. Common consensus is a hybrid STR/MAG/AGI is best.
>"What is the best team comp?"
Just about everything works, do whatever you like the most and it'll work on any difficulty.
>"How should I manage my time?"
There's more than enough time in the game to 100%, do whatever you'd like.

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I love you all anons(unless you play dubbed)
Previous thread: >>499682425
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hashino is a cheap faggot.and recycled ryuji's rig for strohl
not very tolerant of you anon
EN voice cast was far superior to moe uguu jap slop
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Sex with Gallica while everyone watches.
why'd they have to give this nigga a maths graph notebook jacket
>nigga nigger negro
I hate zoomerspeak so much
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Junah is Will's (our) canon wife.
calm ur tits negroid
A question I'm afraid to ask, but know I have to regardless: Was giving the other party members the ability to channel any archetype lineage simply a formality? The Royal (ultimate) versions pretty much tell you what kind of character you're expected to build for them. Or maybe the ultimates were the formality to guide players.
t. Tyrese
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Junah is Will's (our) canon beard to cover up the fact we're a fairy fucker from the judgemental populace
LY2Anon (Based)
this cope everytime
oh sweet, a time traveler from 1970
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i wish there was romance in this game and someone had the balls to let you romance maria
I think that while the Royals are basically the best for each character, there are passives/skills from other Archetypes that can definitely supplement them further. And something like Merchant is good regardless.
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>why are these 60s clothes so weird fr fr
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>MC is a trap
>Louis could pass as a girl in a dress
>obvious shoujo art style on most of the men
>King was so girly when young you could impregnate him probably
Are ambushes the future of megaten?
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This fairy...
How much screentime does she have?
For the life of me, I can't tell what Heismay's accent is supposed to be.
A WHOLE SOCIAL LINK, and some in the beggining maybe more in later parts, i just got to the third town.
Eupha's poncho thing straight up looks like a shower curtain.
>Forgetting about Our Del who conveniently stopped growing due to the igniter experiments
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an angel
nice can't wait to play tomorrow
smelling Galica's small ass
fucking pervert
Surely she wouldn't mind. She sleeps right next to your face anyway.
They really need to start giving the late game bosses more health. They don't all have to be walls but doing half health each turn on my very unoptimized build is a bit of a let down. If I grind to max and know how to break the game sure but not using the big move the game hands me
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why does she make that face?
How do I beat the final boss after the three towers I keep getting filtered
Need to correct the restless woman npc
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>he didn't recruit her
when/where do you fight the ng+ only superboss? I dont wanna miss it
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>There's a dude that cleared out dragon temple with a party of lv 70+
Planting seeds shouldn't take up time tbqh
Biggest bait and switch in the game
It shouldn't take time and it they really need to let the player to buy seeds in bulk. I cannot fathom why they made merchant that sell items one at a time.
There's quite a lot of people on pc who are just straight up level 99. Makes me think that a sizable number of pc players are just cheaters
I like how common it for enemies to just go
>fuck you I give myself more turns
And then the game says
>yeah you can do that to lol
>finished 100% on Regicide at 100hrs
what now?
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I just want to fish for Sanctifex sake!
The exp scaling stalls at around 70.
It's very easy to just grind to that point using a spawner on bad weather, specially in NG+
99s are 100% cheating if they're not in the dragon trials.
Ys X in 10 hours
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Have sex
she's at work rn
based but I blew my preorder budget on Wilds
When are you supposed to have time to unlock and experience playing as all of those archetypes?
At the final months and I'm still working on some adept types for some characters.
Do it at anytime by finally reading the book of apocalpyse in Akademia
play Reload
I'll go to mecca, find a hidden mural in the kaaba, and convince all the muslims instantly that their entire basis of faith is wrong within a day. I think they'd just accept it
you need to set up for grinding in bad weather, use your best mastered team and rake in leaves of light. Every 1000 AEXP = 1 Leaf, there's no loss so just go crazy.
Use the book in Akademia, keep in mind it's A level 99 Dragon with all the abilities of the last four dragons from the trials, plus its own. You can cheese it with Heismay+Hulkenberg turneater combo and use them to buff Will and Strohl/Basilio for actually doing damage. Inherit Faker's Roguery, put Third Eye on them too.
it was the whole purpose of fatlust to appeal to metafujos, pls understand
as a male, i’d fuck and impregnate both the father and son (more, will) till they lose their minds, also louis and zobra too if i could
can you date the dark elf? if not i am gonna pirate the game
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Louis clemar horns was just a fucking headband

I mean with what was revealed earlier it makes sense but what the fuck lmao.How fucking seething would Forden be about the fact he got killed by an elda.
Does that mean he was doing clemarface?
I can't believe I actually played three different Atlus games this year. I don't know how I had the energy to do that.
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Bat gang
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>it's another forced Eupha fight
I've never finished SMTVV so the last Atlus game I played and finished was Persona 5 6 years ago.
What are the knight classes for? They suck at both offense and support.
It's been a good year for them between this, Vengeance and Reload. They published Unicorn Overlord too.
Nobody knows. it's a mystery.
they're to filter retards from getting one of the best classes in the game
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>is the only attractive female party member
What are all the relics collected in Altabury? I saw the Demonica helmet and the Kamoshida piggy bank so I assume the other two were references as well but I couldn't get a look at them.
best girl
fuck off we love Juani here
Her neon green thighs look dumb
She's cute but there's something about her 3d models that looks off.
Taunting and tanking
I think the protagonist is the most off looking 3D model, I think his design is fine but then actually looking at him ingame sometimes he just looks a bit off.
That's every 3d model in this game.
are there special rewards for getting archetype mastery to 100% for other characters than the protagonist? I seem to be only getting exp items.
Hey Neuras, did you know it's apparently a Mustari custom to watch your friends while they sleep? I didn't either, but apparently she was using her abilities to give me good dreams...
I know I should be more tolerant, but can we get locks on our beds?
How the fuck do people even manage to get overlevelled in this game? I'm playing on normal so the exp rates are boosted compared to hard, I fight pretty much every enemy cuase you can use mage to regen it, I do every single quest without fail, every dungeon and I've even spent a shit ton of time infinitely farming red crystals and yet I have not ONCE been overlevelled. In fact my biggest issue has been the fact that I've always been underlevelled so I haven't been able to actually farm red crystals much because the enemies have fucking always been too high level for me which genuinely pissed me off every dungeon I went to.
Her and Gallica
It seems easy enough to get overlevelled if you have a bunch of Finisher Noodles. I don't think you're actually expected to be the same level as the bosses though, most of the time I was like 10-15 levels below them and that felt right.
Hulkenberg has the prettiest 3D model when she's animated.
at around 60+, people start farming for the special rewards for getting archetype mastery but yeah if you don't do that and you're overleveled, you're just randomly farming for no reason
Honestly I think the whole auto win on enemies 3 levels below you is such an insanely stupid mechanic. It's blatantly self defeating. To even have a possibility of grinding you need to regen MP with mage but to do that you need to be higher level than them so you're stuck in this catch 22 where you need the levels to insta win fights but to do that you need to grind but you can't grind because you need to use MP which you can't get because you can't insta win fights.
M8 if you're still at a point where you don't have enough MP items when you start grinding somehow just stagger the same enemies over and over again
I really think they should've just let you heal at safe rooms. The resource management just doesn't work, you need these moves to effectively use press turn and if you have to grind MP will. It becomes how much can you be bothered to grind rather than a thoughtful process. The challenge should be getting from one safe room to the next without running low. Part of the issue is they need to give up on the do the dungeon over a few days thing. No one ever does that, I am not wasting days when I don't know how many will be needed and I can push through. Even if it makes the dungeon less fun.

It also feels a bit lame when you meet an enemy for the first time and can already beat it on the overworld. If MP was less of an issue they could make it so first time has to be turn based, but after if you've levelled enough they can be beat on the overworld. Maybe it should have some kind of cost, or you can do a bigger attack that costs MP to kill overworld enemies quicker.
Even worse take than the first one
Yeah it's absolutely not balanced at all.

He's right though.
Dude, if they allowed heals at safe rooms then the process would just turn into Leave safe room -> Run past every enemy -> Get to next safe room -> backtrack and explore
which is its own kind of unfun.
>don't even understand how the mp regen works
>trying this hard to ignore that
What am I supposedly not understanding? You faggots who just can't actually be direct with your posts and always have to act like a smug obnoxious nigger while not saying anything always piss me off. Speak like a normal human being you moron.
It's funny because regaining MP not being the same kind of cakewalk that it is in Persona basically proves in of itself that the resource management is working
You're right, standing by an respawn crystal and doing the same attack for 10 minutes slowly building MP is a good system. Rather than the same effect but it actually costs the player and can't be done everywhere.

>Run past every enemy -> Get to next safe room -> backtrack and explore
That would just take you more time, you still need to level and explore so do it the first time. I'm more likely to run past stuff if I can't be bothered grinding MP. Even in your very stupid scenario I don't see how it is less fun that having to stand and beat the same group of enemies for ages. The current set up encourages grinding much as possible so you can engage with later enemies little as possible to save MP.
This game makes MP regening way easier than Persona does. Persona never gave me an infinite use regen method that made it so I literally didn't even need to bother conserving MP like I can in Metaphor. Do you shitposters even play the games you talk about?
Critical ending spoilers
Heismay has a cute hat
You didn't play persona or metaphor
Normal gives the same exp, mag, and a exp as hard. Only easy and Eurogamer difficulty change that.
I've been overleveled all game, only grinding once on the double goblin crystals in the tower for 45 minutes, and just doing an extra 5 minutes per dungeon I clear as merchant for money
>you still need to level and explore so do it the first time
>thinks the way people will actually end up doing it is a "stupid scenario"
And that, my friend, is the same shit the game designers think.
>y-you didn't play it
Oh of course I must have just made up the mage passive that gives you MP every enemy you insta kill. Or Persona not having any such method. My mistake. Honestly why even bother with your shitposting if you're just going to deflect this pathetically?
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>only works on a per turn basis and as such cannot completely off set the MP spent in combat
So like I said?
>have: 2
>infinite use
>guy earlier crying because Junah's bond is "about some other NPC I don't care about"
>do it myself
>it's not, the NPC is just the plot device to make Junah do something to get over past issues
wow people that play these games are literally fucking retarded and can't even understand simple straightforward stories
that's an accessory bro
you don't use it
You can get into a low level encounter and then keep guarding

It's an accessory
It isn't a "system" you are being given an option to minmax your calendar day that is fucking shit and invalidated the moment you cast a spell on anything unless you sit there and farm a hundred mooks
Or just equip the fucking wizard passive on everyone and give someone those auto masukukaja gloves if you want MP that resembles what P5 has but still at a piss poor rate
It's a great thing that you don't make video games
They were all pretty /fa/.
Played on hard, didn't have MP problems once I was at the second town
Learn Brawler's moves
git gud
worked on my machine :^)
Which dungeon to farm AEXP? I am few weeks away for the final dungeon and I dont even have one Royal archetype yet
Just wait until you're in the last room of the game you swim in aexp
Yes your suggestion was stupid as no one would see the advantage in playing like that. They'll have to go through the dungeon twice, and risk being around enemies that far out level them. Including triggering mid bosses that would likely be before the next safe room. So they might not even be able to do what you suggest. If you aren't as worried about running out of MP you can take your time through a level. The biggest reasons you'll skip enemies is low resource or are just bored. The current set up makes both more likely.

>you are being given an option to minmax your calendar day
And clearly everyone does, no one wants to miss out on that content. They should've recognised this and gone rather than grind spots make it a cost. Can be P2 expensive if they really want to discourage it.
not that anon, but I hate when they do that. When I'm that close to the end I want to end and don't care anymore. I guess it's an autism thing.
I'm >>499754001 and I literally never said I had MP problems. I said the insta kill mechanic is stupid and counter intuitive. Which it is. Just because I can work around it doesn't mean it isn't a dumb mechanic. Why are you all arguing against a strawman. It's literally not even possible to have MP issues in this game.
The only really imbalanced part about mp regen is magla pills and similar are rare as fuck until you really don't need them anymore.
Mp is also only a problem in two dungeons. The grand cathedral because it's so long, and the dragon ruins because it's so long. But you can farm endless pills in the ruins.
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Weird, I didn't reply or quote you and made an offhand comment. If it didn't apply to you, then why did you reply to it?
how odd!
Any of the last dungeons are fine. Like in skybound avatar I found a spot which has 3 high level mobs that drop 1000+ a-exp per encounter right next to each other, even more if you unscathed encounter them, and it's right next to a door so you can instantly respawn them. Two quick laps of that and you've basically got a stack, and you can get through the fights really quick once you have a strategy down.
Oh you're shitposting. My mistake. I shouldn't have taken anything you said seriously.
>I minmax so the devs should cater to that
Fuck off, the fact that they let you at all is more than you deserve
>Uhhh I didn't say anything you said I said but I totally knew it was about me because uhh hurrr durr well you know
you're a fucking retard is what you are kek
I'd bet good money this is the same faggot that had a meltdown about Persona 5 Royal yesterday.
>can only regain mp passively when you kill things on the map
>can only regain mp passively on the map period
Also wrong, actually it's hysterically less efficient to mash a button in the overworld once gallica and like hulkenberg are rank 3
I'm not sure if it's two or one person yet. Probably two because one of them doesn't seem to know anything about this game and the other one sort of does.
Your post was implying that other people did struggle with MP issues so if you weren't talking about me and nobody else said they struggled with it then yes, as I said you are arguing against a strawman. Where is your disagreement?
AH so you DID struggle with MP then. Got it! Hard to keep your story straight when you change it every two posts.
Learn brawler moves. Git gud.
>the regen is 7SP per turn
>all physical skills in P5 cost HP, instead of there being a half split like Metaphor
>the SP cost of skills in Nu-sona is offensively low, with the most expensive skills being about 50SP (and said skills are barely an improvement over the 12SP skills)
Not even close
we won
The damage boost on moves that do extra against human enemies must be fucking insane because I built into Magic and still did more damage with Royal Slash on the final boss than I did with Exorcist Light. It was honestly kind of disappointing because I found the fight pretty difficult before I started using Royal Slash, and I wish it was as difficult as I initially mistaked it as being.
>can only regain mp passively when you kill things on the map
I never said that though did I so what's your point?
>Also wrong, actually it's hysterically less efficient to mash a button in the overworld once gallica and like hulkenberg are rank 3
By what metric? When you're in a dungeons swapping to mage is always the most efficient due to the fact that it has no cost. You can do it infinitely and there are zero drawbacks to doing it. The only downside is the time investment. If you consider efficiency doing it quicker then sure but at that point you're arguing semantics.

My guy here can't go one post without arguing against a strawman. I once again, never said I had MP issues. Good job proving my point.
>one retard has literally no idea how mp regen works
>the other retard knows only how the way worse method of mp regen works
Only in an Atlus general
>I once again, never said I had MP issues
So THEN, Mr. Retard. Why did you reply to a post, addressed to nobody, that talked about MP issues?
Don't blame me, I voted for Roger.
I'll answer; because he had MP issues.
The late game bosses really don't seem balanced around what you can very easily get. I suppose they have to consider you get locked in the final area and some players will do no side content. But even if you have it should withstand a few more hits. Or like VV have an optional even harder version.
Did you really just reply to yourself?
Metaphor will be saved when Metaphor: Parable releases with Kingborne mode.
so you have MP and schizophrenia issues? Shouldn't you go see a doctor and not be playing video games that are too hard for you?
Serious question do you think playing coy like this and pleading ignorance actually works? Everyone knows what you're doing.
You know, even if he couldn't figure out other ways to get MP, if he had just bashed some monsters with Wizard or Mage this whole time he was crying he would've been topped off like fivefold times
Serious question; do you think your mental retardation is the reason why simple concepts in the game elude you and also why your anger rises so intensely when this is pointed out?
Luwee-sama will save us from these pointless conflicts
Yeah this is absolutely the same retard who had a mental breakdown over Royal yesterday. Royal is better than Persona 5. Cope and seethe faggot.
>1mp per Mook kill is more efficient than 20+ from literally doing nothing in turnbased for a couple turns
You can't be this uneducated right
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I think he knows he lost the retarded 'muh MP' argument because now he's talking about Persona 5 for some reason and is probably trying to start fighting a person he made up to get out of it
romances are shit
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Every days, every single fucking days you fags will start flinging shit at each others over the most poinless, base shit you could possibly think of
romances are soul
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What part of "due to the fact that it has no cost" do you struggle with understanding may I ask? Yeah no shit you can eventually get better methods but I'm talking about the fact that no matter what part of the game you're at you an always regen your MP by doing this even in the absolute worst case scenario meaning it is quite literally impossible to have MP issues in this game by very definition so I really have no idea why you and this>>499757303 faggot are seething so hard about the idea that the insta kill mechanic are not very well thought out and kind of a shit mechanic. I seriously have no idea why you're getting this worked up over nothing. You're legit making shit up to get mad about.
maybe if someone didn't say really retarded shit, people wouldn't need to laugh at it ever think of that?
I saw in the credits it said Koshiro did some tracks for the game, but which? I'd guess some of the Virga Island adjacent ones.
I look just like this!
>Wall of unhinged text
oh it's this faggot lmao
this guy is in here screeching about different retarded ass shit every single fucking day
I don't think he did anything. He's just credited because he composed the original lost shinjuku theme.
yesterday it was romances
Atlus game balance is whatever you make of it.
He is just a shitposter, he's not getting mad about anything. He's just trying to stir shit. Just ignore him and he'll move onto seething about something new in an hour or 2 like he did yesterday.
What Archetype is this?
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wtf he's literally me
Soul hacker, duh
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>replies to his own post
Tsukiyomi beano is so much cooler than regular beano
>wall of run on text
>he payed 70$
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What do you call the shitposter tactic of shitposting and then accusing other people of doing literally what you yourself are doing in deflection?
Man I'd fuck Naho so hard
here's what he was seething about last thread
normalfags belong in reddit you niggerlover tranny
>he can't afford $70
>he needs to let others know hes a poorfag
enjoy your cryptominer btw
It's hilariously obvious when the /v/ tourist wakes up.
free is always better you consoooooomer slave
You don't know what the word efficient means is the first problem
The second problem is your whole concept for why instakill in this game doesn't work hinges entirely on this

have you thought about changing up your extremely obvious typing style while shit posting, just so it's not so obvious at a glance? You love the run-on sentences a little too much
shit sucker
Thank fuck I'm not an illiterate poorfag
I call it the "persona 3 fan special"
>r/metaphor is mad
go back if you don't like it nigger
that's very specific, do these "Persona 3 fans" taunt you and plague you often?
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sex with Maria (age: 8)
Oh so this is a p3 schizophrenic move from the persona general then?
Finally a good post
k bro I'm gonna go read some BL
Are these "Persona 3 fans" in the room with us right now? Are they hurting you right now?
Some ruins north of Grand Trad have a pair of mimics close to the cat who drop the 3k a-exp item.
imagine sniffing her small clit and the feeling the aroma all over your face..
this is not a coherent English sentence
the P3 fan is having a melty
this guy made up someone in his head to deflect to and be angry about to get out of people laughing at his gay MP meltdown
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>didn't even try but someone managed to talk him into losing his shit anyway
your game is shit
your remake is even worse
spoken like a true fag.
Guys a Persona 3 just flew over my house!
I am the Persona
Here in /meta/
My issue with the insta kill is it feels completely arbitrary. You can be underlevelled and never see it or you can be overlevelled and go through a whole dungeon without manually killing enemies which kind of ruins the pacing of dungeons. I think there should be some measures to make it more consistent. Maybe remove the level requirement and just have dungeons have set enemies that are weak enough to insta kill. The whole MP thing was only brought up as a reference I was doing my 2nd NG run and was farming MP in the first dungeon which made me think of it. It really wasn't the point. Honestly if anything I think MP regening in Metaphor is too easy. There really isn't any reason to hoard MP in this game.

That isn't me though. I'm just having a conversation, not sure what makes you think of it as shitpositng. Or do you take every post that is longer to be seething? Can I not articulate?
>more broken English, fucking Reddit memes
look we know it's you, retard
Please go back to shitting up your own general k thanks
he's latinx, they infest /v/ and /vg/.
yes get out the phone that's always worked well for you before
?????? What is this gobbledygook spewing retard talking about?
it's a bot with 4chan pass
of course it is.

anyways, about the game:
I just stole the Fortune God's Abacus not realizing this guy even had it. I hope I didn't miss anything else uber important by sometimes forgetting to steal (using MC as Ninja)
It does the opposite, if you're massively overleveled you don't get the benefit of the normal exp amounts from fights until you hit the boss. It's basically there to normalize the pacing of the dungeons which is why you don't spend the entire game in one state or the other
>MP is not the point anymore now that it fell apart
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Is this game better than Persona 5?
>p3faggotry exposes itself
>suddenly deluge of "just ignore them they're shitposting" replies to posts trying to handwave it
subtlety of a obsidian boulder just like their horribly underwritten turd of a game
This game wish it was as good as P3 lol
I think I prefer P5R overall, but Metaphor's still really good.
>as good as P3
Why on earth would metaphor want that
Except that's exactly my point. It doesn't do that and that's why it's kind of shit you see I've had dungeons where even the elite enemies just got one shot and I didn't do a manual fight even once in the entire dungeon so I didn't get to enjoy it and then I've had dungeons where literally none of the enemies could be killed instantly so every fight was manual so the only thing it really ends up doing is making you feel like you need to enter dungeons at the exact right specific level for it or you're just going to have a gimped experience. I think that's the biggest reason you see so many people ask what level they should be for dungeons cause being overlevelled or underlevelled feels shit.
I must have missed something, why is someone suddenly seething about P3 out of nowhere?
No but still worth playing. I think you just asked this to stir some drama.
No, you didn't miss anything. Guy really decided to invent a boogeyman and then started hollering at it.
He got called out for his obvious falseflag shitposting and is now having a mental breakdown trying to obfuscate it.
/pg/ schizos woke up and decided to shit up the place.
>making you feel like you need to enter dungeons at the exact right specific level
you just go from one dungeon to the next and if you managed to overlevel yourself the game basically corrects you
every dungeon also has some enemies that are way under the average level so you specifically aren't going into turnbased for every single fight even if you are on the opposite extreme
Schizos need their boogeymen
I made fun of someone I knew was a P3 faggot from /pg/ with an obvious posting style here >>499758241 and the dude lost his mind
P4fags mad people finally played and loved P3
It sounds like the resident dramaschizo from /pg/, which is originally from /smtg/. I told you fuckers he'd follow us, that nigger has nothing better going on in his life.
We all agreed the dragon temple is the best dungeon by far
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They played the wrong version unfortunately.
To a degree sure but I still think there should be some measures in place to make sure it isn't always one or the other. Like I think elite enemies should never be able to be insta killed and maybe the scaling for exp earnings should be more severe so you get more for being under and less for being over to make sure you stay in that goldilocks zone.
A cat is fine too...
Yeah, it's the great filter. A lot of people couldn't handle it
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Ayy mods pls no ban
I think it's the best dungeon, but I was pretty disappointed by the boss being just a dragon, even with the human on top of it. When the game was announced as Metaphor coming off of it being Project Re Fantasy there was a lot of detractors complaining that the game wasn't going to be the very traditional high fantasy it looked like as Re Fantasy, and I felt somewhat similarly then, but now I wish they leaned even further from those traditional fantasy elements because I think the world has a lot of interesting visuals in it, such as the Human enemies, but then you see a goblin or a dragon or some standard fantasy creature and it underwhelms in comparison.
No, it's the same hallway copied and pasted over and over.
Enemy variety in this game is pretty bad
I see the discord replied to this post en masse lmao
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the more he posts the more pathetic it gets, honestly.
Or maybe we actually enjoy games in this general. Must be a stark difference to what you're used to in /pg/
Nah, he posts the same shit after being called out in /pg/ too
>Two days til my duel with Louis
>have work in 5 hours
this game has really put a hurt on my sleep schedule this week. I'll have to put off the kino that awaits me surely until tomorrow
It's particularly noticable with the dragons since they are supposed to be super special creatures made entirely of magla but they just look like your average winged lizard.
Did I fuck up with trying to do the tower before the dragon temple?
Kind of, but on the plus side you'll have an easier time with the dragon temple now
I can't wait to finish this game, 1 month left
If I find myself playing persona 6 I'm gonna kill myself
sort of, but I did it during a heat wave and thought the boss was a joke that I two rounded on hard so I didn't even remember what he did but some people reported him being a tough cunt
All going to depend on your team
That's an odd statement
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bitch the whole "do not listen to people that say bad things about p3 they shouldn't have human rights please look away" mass replies shtick is so old at this point, it sticks out like a sore thumb, and it makes it look like p3 is the jrpg equivalent of some leftypol gaslighting or bizarre propaganda shit
all it took was one offhanded comment shitting on someone that started replying to themselves when they lost their gameplay argument because they were an obvious /pg/ shitposter to trigger something
>talking about himself in the third person
Okay but what if you repeated all that but in coherent English
I am making millions of magla off goblin debt collecting, follow me for more financial advice
>Fling shit for an entire year
>The same format
>The same posts
>Act like this when people start noticing and calling you out on your shit
Don't ever post Louis again, he doesn't deserve to be saddled with someone as cringe as you.
Thank you for summarizing all the things you've been doing since P3R got announced
the people lying on the floor are just like 4channers
we saw this same thing happening in every persona game, they show us how negativity kills a person from the inside
metaphor goes a step further saying that this all starts from anxiety, which if overcome can become strength, but if you're unable to do that you become a 4channer
It's idlesday, don't forget to take a shit anons
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what are you people doing holy shit
behead all those who insult persona 3
What are those people though, in all sincerity? I spent the whole game thinking they had some specific affliction but it never came up. Were they just supposed to be random dead bodies because of society being in such disarray? The blackness coming off them made me think they were struck with something specific, not just being random dead bodies.
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brainsickness = you give off anxiety at a faster rate than the king can take on for you
>set route to go to tower
>3 days
>"ok not a big deal I've got time"
>do dungeon on the way
>one day passes
>check route again
>3 days
But why?
>Implying I'm not perpetually swimming in inhuman levels of negativity and anxiety and still pushing through it
Not everyone here gives up on life
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anxiety is what generates magla, if there is too much anxiety and the person afflicted by it is unabled to deal with it then they produce more and more magla
this is related to every tribe descending from humans (not only the elda) and everyone having access to magla (because everyone is anxious about something)
Because you stopped and dicked around in a dungeon when Google Maps planned on you plowing through. Towns don't do the same thing though.
there's no way they didn't do this on purpose
I'm not.
I like that Louis never entirely admits how he is just full of anxiety and just flips from his above it all persona to butt mad. He really is a Char.
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>"Hey Will, do you read me?"
>"Blame this on the misfortune of your birth"
Junah Cygnus was a woman who may have become a mother to me.
Even his runner is a reference to Char
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Charadrius designer
That lizard's got a crazy big cock
>be me
>see underage girl
>wish she was my mother
He's just like me
Man fuck the 4th chapter. This is by far the least fun I've been having in this game so far. I heard the dragon temple is good but everything else so far has been complete ass.
go to hell westerners
Who actually buys this?
I don't see what you're pissed about
Some of Gallica's lines made me think of Velma from Scooby-Doo. She just has that cadence.
I like when she says "Beautiful job Heismay!" and her voice breaks up at the end
God I love Brigitta
why does she wear the mask
I unironically envisioned the gang as the cast of scooby doo during the martira bit.
That's Hulk, retard
Potato sack is hideous
you're a big guy
Metaphor 2 genre will be medieval japan, trust the plan.
>when the most sane member of the group is the fairy
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Just beat the game a little while ago and I'm salty that You can't unlock the King archetype, "It'd be too OP" isn't even a good excuse because the omnipotent orb is in the game. They made a whole transformation cutscene and you can't even use it baka. It's probably gonna be either DLC or Metaphor ReFantazio ReWrite Edition content.
I was surprised you don't just use it and are gated to using one move like at the end of P4 and 5.
Nah, don’t fight the skeletal mages though unless you’re sure you can take them down though
Maybe Prince was the compromise. It's already part of the group of "ultimates", and absurdly strong already.
There wouldn't be anything to use it on. NG+ keeps progress but locks you out of archetypes until you unlock the relevant bond or part of the story.
It is kind of a bummer there's no final setpiece fight where you just get use a bunch of flashy shit.
They should've made the final phase a set piece cause he can barely take a hit as it is. Was also a bit let down that More is very squishy as well despite having multiple mid fight lines. So I had to hit him a few more times despite destroying him in one hit. Really didn't feel like they accounted for you having a +4 turns move.
I will not be buying any "royal" or "golden" or "reload" or "will smith" rerelease
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They could've taken it even further with party wide heat riser x3 (basically the warlord synthesis but as a basic skill), drain all, victory cry (that's another accessory btw), Armageddon as a regular skill not synthesis, Royal Sword as a regular skill, give Radiance pierce, keep hero cry or maybe make a cheaper cost version, etc etc I could go on. Make it cost 100k MAG, all bonds rank 8, and require 100% full mastery. I don't see why not since they went through the effort of giving King an awakening cutscene.
I'll only buy the releases if I can transfer over my save data
Atlus: you will
I'll pirate it
Are we just dismissing a possible expansion via DLC? P3R could've been the beginning of that, ignoring how it of all things shouldn't have done that.
Should I make Junah a mage? I have no idea what to do with her. Also how do you get more masks?
I will only buy it if it's an upgrade dlc this time.
I can barely finish the game as is. the final month just feels like a slog.
I recognize the jewry of Atlus re-releases but it's also hard for me to get upset at them because I always end up enjoying them and they rarely seem like downgrades from the original. I feel like I got more out of SMTV:V this year than I did some entirely new releases despite having played the original beforehand. I don't think they're all good, and I skipped Catherine's and Radiant Historia's because they looked shitty, but I wouldn't be complaining if they did a Metaphor re-release so long as it felt on par with Royal or Vengeance.
Faker/Trickster for her royal archetype and cleric if you want a dedicated healer. You get mask material from enemies and shiny spots. Not much point in building anything else.
Go to Akadaemia and you can make them. She's good as a mage, but most of the game I had her on Dancer with a Trickster mask.
Keep Junah restricted to Faker and Masked Dancer.
I don't think there's anything wrong with them other than the fact that you're paying full price for something you already own the majority of, they should give discounts to previous release owners
I feel like SMTVV was fine becuase it was a console port if anything as the original was locked on the Switch which means I never played it but I still have never played P5 Royal. Game is just too big. Honestly if it wasn't because of me being unable to control the urge to play it now I would have waited like a year before playing this in case they released a new version where I would have gotten that.
Thanks anons. Will do that
Where specifically in the final dungeon am I supposed to grind for XP/AXP/MAG?
Am I missing something or there's 0 reason to use any other class other then Prince once you unlock it for Will, especially when you give him the one tun synthesis accessory?
I don't think there is. Resist All's just too good to pass up.
imagining Will as a naive idiot with zero sexual awareness ripe for bullying
where do i get material to make junahs mask?
I like that they let him speak unlike Persona protagonists, but I wish he had more of a clear personality. Despite speaking I feel like he actually could have gotten away with not speaking, while I think P3 and P5 would benefit with more defined protagonists. You don't really get or need more from Will than he's noble and wants to help those in need, which is the kind of basic thing that can be gathered just from his actions.
There's a passive to cut synth cost in half somewhere. So that + sash = easy spam. In combat though not really outside merchant grinding.
Enemies drop them and you can buy them after Virga Island, I think, I don't remember when exactly they become available to buy.
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Since doing a dungeon adds 1 day to your trip regardless is there any downside in going to a dungeon that's one day away and then just returning to town and then skipping right past it the next time since either way it'd be 1 day added?
Right before the final save point. Use Akademia to respawn the enemies.
If you're in gauntlet runner v1 or v2 you miss a nighttime camp opportunity on the night of finishing the dungeon (and can set off the next day no problem), but for some reason if you do it in the v3 you're forced to stay in the dungeon you just cleared.
wait until you unlock the 9999 damage synth
that shit is just so fucking stupid
how hard is to get the true ending without following a guide and being blind?
too hard for you
Long as you aren't purposefully wasting days doing nothing its hard not to get everything done with a week to spare. There's only early bad ends not a true ending as such. At worse you miss out on some of the go around and talk to everyone dialogues that Persona does. Also weirdly they make a big deal of you killing the dragons despite it not really effecting anything.
There is no true end and the game is incredibly easy to get everything done in. The time management in this game is a mere formality.
Name the sequel.
I really hope Drakedios isn’t a nuke. I like The Sword and they have a song called Fire Lances of the Ancient Hyperzephyrians and now that possibility is all I can think of.
Metaphive: Won't Journey
I like how Masked Dancer requires levels in Thief and Mage but Junah doesn't join with either of them leveled
Basilio is the same.
Yggdrasil Labyrinth
Metaphor: Dance Across the World
When you don't want the game to be that easy
>he thinks this broken mess is getting a sequel
Everyone already stopped talking about it
I only just realized they put the final fr dungeon in trailers. Wtf
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tranny shit
Metaphor: Realitio
Catherine got a sequel after almost a decade
Metaphor: ReSamurai
Why are Atluslops so popular? They barely have any gameplay that they might as well be VNs
It always makes my skin crawl to see tranny fagolas project their own feelings and sexuality onto any media they consume
Hey pot
There's no polishes in this game
>They barely have any gameplay
Nice bait
Reminds me of the hilarious irony of the people who interpreted Persona 4 as Kanji being gay and Naoto being a trans man when the entire point of their arcs were learning to be comfortable with themselves NOT being those things despite people pushing them to it. Laughably acting like the bad guys in their stories.
Unlike the pure japs who never draw gayshit
I forgot that the length of this game means it's going to be a while before we can have active heated discussions. It's not like P3R or VV where 90% of those games have an existing foundation to use.
japs draw yuri cause they like cute girls, not to project gender dysphoria and misandry onto
Why are /v/schizo coming to metaphor general? Are they that mad about a single japanese game?
I look forward to lefty twitter turning on this game once they realize it's actually super conservative-leaning centrist and argues against the radical ideologies characters espouse early on
>Gold II
>Keep getting caught by the dumbest shit because the monster attacks have hitboxes that longer for fucking ever
I'm just gonna cheese it with gunner or something
What fucking dysphoria misandry whatever is in that ugly gay comic?
dysphoric trans women fetishize the fuck out of lesbianism and lesbianism is inherently misandrist
Speak english
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You're not entirely wrong but have you looked at this very general? It's no better than twitter.
Twitter and 4chan are just the same thing now anyway, both sites scrape the fuck out of eachother for content
I did. It isn't. You're wrong and a nigger.
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>You think yourself equal to a Eugief's agility?
>Naive Will and Eupha trading handshakes in excess under formal pretenses hoping that this will be the one they can get their feelings through to each other because they're both too stupid to just say it outright
Poland doesn't exist anymore so I don't see why there would be
English or Japanese audio?
Anyone who says English is a secondary.
>japanese audio
>spanish text
subjective but the japanese dub is the only one that properly plays out a speech quirk introduced later into the story, and takehito koyasu is unmatched as always
Korean audio
Chinese text
it's too late for you if you have to ask
This was the cunt seething about the writing before release right
I don't know who that is and I don't see why I should care
This dude is relatively centrist, i'm talking about the delusional "naoto is trans" crowd
I do wonder what his writing gripes are
He's a lefty twitter
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Send every last one of them to the gallows, there's no hope for their kind.
he got money and free merch from atlus west BTW
Ah I see, it's american stuff.
meant for >>499776037
I ask because P5R had a really good English dub, though I usually default to Japanese.
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>P5R had a really good English dub
>good dub
kill yourself
I don't see how anyone with blm, lbbq in description is a centrist. Game is not woke but as someone at the end I don't know what would disappoint them when it's always talking about equality, protecting the weak and marginalized like every jrpg. It's the most safe shit that would only make a minority of extremists upset and they likely aren't playing.
Metaphor's dub is mostly rock solid.
The game's message is very much about "social justice", just in the traditional sensible sense (we should use society's resources to elevate the less fortunate for the benefit of society overall) and not the modern American identity politics sense (if you disagree with me about the minutiae of gender politics you should be sent to a gulag)
You cannot interpret it the way the devs intended if you can only see things through the lens of /pol/ or Twitter
The quality of a dub is never relevant.
>good dub
lol. lmao. meanwhile the only reason the metaphor dub is tolerable is because it doesn't have any of that '-kun' and '-senpai' shit
If people get filtered by Naoto saying "I am a woman" they're gonna get filtered by like 80% of the character arcs in this game
Sure, recommend the voices everyone have heard before and not give new talent a chance. I sure would love to hear Blackbeard/Yujiro/Xehanort/Solid Snake whenever Heismay talks.
That's more or less the same problem. Kanji and Naoto are just insecure about what they enjoy because it doesn't conform to societal expectations, which makes sense as a theme for a game aimed at teenagers in 2000s Japan, but people read a bunch of stuff into it that simply isn't there in the source material.
>Shinjuku even has FOE puzzles
This is starting to make me giddy
He needed it to deal with his hysteric behavior at endgame.
why was he such a bad king?
He pussied out.
even in metaphor, FOE!
>fight every human boss again but they are goth now
Lazy and gay
Sugita was in the game too.
Snuggling with the cat bros in Neuras' beanbag chair
This game definitely has a higher amount of bishounen than the usual fair
>not pictured: the this game is problematic like p5 rant he and his small circlejerk from before release
Imagining Will with all the sexual awareness of the eight year old boy whose mind he sprung from
Dead wife
Dead son
Childhood school got torn down (was his fault)
Betrayed by a traveling companion
Thought he felt betrayed by Louis as he believed Forden's lie
a lot of characters mention the tower trials later on
what happens if you ignore them and finish the game?
Nothing, they're an optional challenge.
one more is more fun than press turn
yea but characters specifically mention them in story-related dialogue
does said dialogue change if you don't do them or what
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he's so fucking hot...
>everyone in this thread hates the P5R dub
Weird. In general, the voice direction and acting skill of the VAs there is superior to Metaphor's. Is it just because of the American accents?
>no multi endings
>tfw Louis will never take the prince as his human concubine.
2/10 game.
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I'm shaking and crying rn
worshipping Japanese dubbing is how you fit in anon. You hate Japan for everything but never stop worshiping your favorite seiyuu.
KYS your way back to r*ddit
Knew it, never trust a noble.
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Junah's gay right?

She had no interest in banging this and only lied to keep idol stans off her.
no, but you are for being attracted to him
>almost at the item cap for AEXP items cause I can't decide what to go for
I've heard about the royal classes. Should I start getting the classes for them early? Got my MC as Wizard, Strohl as samurai, Hulk as paladin, Heismay as assassin and Junah as faker. Haven't got the other 2 yet.
Junah can smell all the other men that have been in Louis.
the best part of no romances is the trannyfags like this are left out in the cold
Are you stupid?
Why did you chop your dick off, 'sis'?
she didn't want to deal with his mommy issues
I like my men when they look like Bardon.
How did Louis know MC read the same book as him did I miss a scene?
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>xe's going to meltdown again
nope, we won
you lost
romances are for twitter homos
the end
no (you)s
Could have just said yes.
When the fuck do you get a fucking decent sword? I've been using some shit that barely outclasses the dragon greatsword for what feels like forever. Even Eupha's intro weapon is 5 attack behind this thing meanwhile everyone else gets to rock purified stat sticks.
But I am way smarter than you. Like many, many factors greater. I also am not a fag, so I win there too.
That's an incredible point, how could I not see so?
>replies to an image that shows shipping between 2 female party members and MC and another man
>retard troon falseflagger somehow thinks romance that is exclusive to MC and another female is what is invoking this mental illness
Dumb tranny.
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>Studio Zero is reportedly working on their next project and still using the P5/Metaphor engine
>this memorandum entry at the end of the game
I'm thinking it's a sequel or DLC campaign.
How mad would you be if Will left all of his companions except Gallica in the capital to run things while he went off to explore a new continent?
>i am not tranni u r tranni but i defen dem
a stunning and brave defense, now back to your Discord, 'sis'. Just fucking awful, 0/10
>doesn't deny it
Dumb troon. Only people who care about no romance are ship troons who want to feel heckin validated with their homo ships. Like you.
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>uh actually us troons .. I mean YOU troons...ahem...are the ones who want no romances in the games
brain functions of a fucking slug
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>Euchronia is a united kingdom, a place where people of different lands and cultures live together.
>people of different lands and cultures live together.
oh no no no no no no
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The same thread where you had your previous meltdown hasn't even ended yet and you're already going for another meltdown. Get a hobby you dumb faggot or fuck off back to /pg/ where you belong.
>waste an entire day going to Randloph's or whatever the fuck the retard's name is runner
>get complete garbage weapon
wow I should reload and ignore him
Why can't they just invent the newspaper
The final 30 days are so boring.
At least in your general you'll get asspats and sympathy how Atlus stole your 9 line romances from you from other retarded Bioware-tier fans
Not really. I'm glad there's no useless romance in Metaphor.
This post >>499783830 was referring to you by the way.
P3P Theo best romance

Because it's not. You just fuck in FemC's dorm.
This, but you instead. You can suck off P5 there and screech about how evil P3 is there in comfort. Just fuck off and do it permanently.
Eldan superiority. Make him wallow in shame.
>brings up romance completely unprovoked when no on else mentioned anything about it to seethe about it
>brings up P3 completely unprovoked when no one else mentioned anything about it to defend it
This nigger's not even trying anymore. I'm tired of Personiggers making everything about Persona. Nobody cares man. Go away.
Primitive. Can't build proper roads outside cities.

They have pidgeons. But given monsters fly in the sky they're likely prone to be eaten.
this game has no romance though
this thread is about this game
you're just going to have to deal with it and maybe make out your weird Persona (that nobody mentioned until you) obsession out on a punching bag
but mostly I think you should fuck off to /pg/ and stay there
Nah that's gay he should be my concubine
Romance is not something that Persona invented, my little zoomer bro.
If this game has no romance then there is no reason to bring romance up and yet you keep doing it nonetheless. If you want to talk about romance, do it in a general that gives a shit. Nobody cares. Fuck off.
I'll bring up whatever the fuck I damn well please and you'll seethe and have a meltdown several times a thread.
This game has no garbage romances like other Atlus games and I quite enjoy that. They added little hints to some of the links as a little tease, like Three Eyes. It's nice.
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I've spent my whole life shipping for games regardless of whether or not romance is present in the plot or gameplay. I ship my gayshit even if the protagonist can only romance women in-game. I ship my preferred male/female pairing even if the game canonically pairs said male with an inferior heroine. Canon isn't an obstacle for anyone with a half-decent Imagination stat.
Spineless shippers who chain themselves to what they perceive as canon, as well as brainlets who can only experience and appreciate love for a character so far as their game's romance mechanic provides for them, are equally miserable creatures that will not survive melancholization in the New World.
hope your janny application is accepted next time lil' bro
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>and maybe make out your weird Persona (that nobody mentioned until you) obsession out on a punching bag
>You can suck off P5 there and screech about how evil P3 is there in comfort.
What did he mean by this?
>it screencapped its own post that got laughed at
what do you call this indeed
The hero we need but not the one we deserve
Is the OST downloadable anywhere?
kek, caught lil' bro in 4k.
>whispers softly in ur ear: romances
>violently ejaculate
and then responds to his own post that he screencapped
>whispers softly in Louis's ear while violently ejaculating inside him: benis :DDD
This guy seething endlessly about romances being a Persona 3 cuck makes a whole lot of sense in retrospect.
there it is, I fucking knew it, Persona 3 just flew over my house!
It seems my superiority has caused some controversy. However, this is a Metaphor thread so I must ask you to stay focused on my friend Will's great adventure.
I'm still not convinced this isn't one person samefagging arguing with himself
A persona 3 violently ejaculating inside Louis' ear just flew over my house
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Will Strohl or Will Hulkenberg anon?
>discord raid
every time someone mentions romance, the guy who is mad over there being none will spam, and then start spamming about P3 next
it's happened the last 4 threads in a row
>to get brawler to 3 slots you have to have 5 courage
>so it's useless pretty much all game outside of putting its HP move on someone else
what were they thinking? Gunner, too
Balance is honestly kinda shit, especially availability of certain archetypes and it only comes together in the final parts
Brawler line being tied to Catherina's bond which is cockblocked by the story is already retarded enough. I don't understand what they were thinking with it.
Still a shitload of fun though.
is eupha a virgin?
I have literally never seen a single post claiming that this game should have romance in this general but I constantly see people getting mad at people supposedly wanting romance and criticizing this game for not having it. Who are you talking about?
>I constantly see (made up bullshit that never happened)
uh huh
Let it go lil bro
Dark Knight made my hard mode boss fights all extremely easy
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This general is too fucking dumb. I get that most of you are /v/ tourists and haven't been around /vg/ for long enough to learn all the schizo tricks but you really need to be better at not getting baited.
>says retard who got baited
He doesn't even like persona. Him shitting up /pg/ doesn't make him one of us.
Between those two, I'd go for Will/Hulkenberg. Their dynamic in the epilogue makes me think it'd be great to see her lovely long legs locking around Will's hips after he's provoked her with his teasing. The way that Will incites her to be less knightly and personable and playful throughout the game makes them an endearing king/retainer duo. Will can make her want to spoil him and herself at the same time.
Please respond, is there a mega folder out there somewhere?
Anyone have the Eupha Thinkan portrait?
this 2bh
Yes, but I forgot to save the link
>Bounce Blackguard Hammer between Hulk and MC
>Kill literally fucking everything
I dunno he feels like a stereotypical Persona 3 fanboy to me. Doesn't like the romancefags attracted by 4 and 5 and constantly feels the need to bring up romance being the ruination of the series living rent free in his head.
Nice and classy.

For me, it's unironically WillNeuras. I don't give a fuck about anyone but him and Basilio. Happy, youthful and patient partners with socially broken losers is the best. It's unorthodox and makes no sense to everyone else, I know it, but they both really clicked for me.
>only two people will win the bag
I wonder if it's also going to be mass-produced for sale. I love an official cosplay product.
why haven't the Japanese drawn Junah porn yet
>baby human = dead baby
>mustari human = represents mustari
>egg human = ???
She's ugly
Believe me, I've dealt with his shit for long enough, he doesn't like ANY persona games. If P3 is brought up out of nowhere, assume it's another false flag and immediately ignore the conversation.
They haven't gotten to the part in her bond where it's revealed her actual body is a doll yet.
Fair enough. Wouldn't be the first time I've seen a schizo just attach themselves to random groups to stir shit.
There are different kinds of humans born from different situations. Some are born from a particular melancholy, while others are more naturally brought around like Avades and the sandworm.
The longer I look at Will the more I realize he looks retarded
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Strohl Hulkenberg
Same reason fujos are still drawing exclusively Strohl.

Will take weeks for them to get to anyone's final rank and right now it's only out of character Brigitta and dommy mommy Hulkenberg who's probably the biggest spaz of the party
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I'm actually a Will/Basiliofag foremost, but I'd delightedly eat up Will/Neuras content too. Walk tall, anon of exquisite tastes.
>The Mustari use handshakes as a form of affection because their masks prevent them from kissing
Do we ever get to see Heismay's wife or son?
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He's a siscon but is probably actually a cuck.

Incredible. I have a Will Neuras fic sitting, waiting to be spellchecked but I haven't gotten around to editing. Was hoping to write two more before posting, but I'll have you in mind when I create the rest of them.
I'm starting to fear Dragon Temple was the game's peak. Is there seriously no other large dungeon in this game?
the final one which is literally the same thing in some ways.
Shrimply she is not sexy enough to catch their attention, most popular artists are usually secondaries who don't play through the games. They will draw whoever is the sexiest and trending on social media. That is Brigitta and Hulk now.
I feel like there is no way that Hulkenberg would be okay with him running off to another country without at least his personal guard being with him. She was already chasing him around town when he snuck out of the castle. It would most likely be Strohl, Hulkenberg, Gallica and Neuras for returning cast.
I want to say that's not true, but thinking about nip artists who have hundreds of lewd pieces of popular girls, yeah, it's usually whoever's on the box art and getting instagram cosplay.

I saw a Hulk cosplayer from before the game was even out, meanwhile, Junah has arguably the easiest design outside her hair and I don't think anyone will touch her.
I just maxed Ninja on Heismay, is that passive that halves enemy hit as busted as it sounds like it is?
Garbage ship. Strohl can't even appreciate the simple joys she finds in food.
No. The mother of his son is never even mentioned.
yes, that's why it costs like 40k mag to learn it
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*helps you*
>not being grossed out by your girlfriend but loving her anyway
Get a girlfriend anon.

Their mutual pining for protecting their King is all they need.
reminder that STR Will is canon.
Well his son is there in the tent, stuffed inside the discount pickle jar, but I'm not about to go peeking inside.
Realistically, Hulk would want to go with him. I could still see the current playable cast getting thrown away for a sequel though.
Imagine the seethe if Will went off with Gallica and Catherina to a new country and he could actually romance those two plus the new girls he meets, but not Junah, Eupha, or Hulk.
Fuck dude I felt awful during his Rank 6-7 story. It hits different when you've cremated someone before.
I would kill it for 4 exp.
Are Ishikia wings and Paripus tails erogenous zones?
Gonna keep him on Ninja for now but I assume I'll need to inherit it when I get his royal class. Speaking of. Any tips on what classes to get early for Will?
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God damn you weren't kidding about dragon shrine that bitch is LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG. Been going for like 4 hours now and only just got the elevators working.
Do we ever see other elda in this game?
How do I even unlock the royal classes for characters? It says I can now access them, and yet I don't see them on the archetype list.
If you played the game, you'd wouldn't ask this.
I was leveled enough to overworld battle everything in there minus the ears and it only took me an hour tops, maybe 45 minutes. It's wild how much time combat adds up to
Talk to more
Use proper grammar please.
Doing it in one day before most of the other dungeons in that area because I figured I'd get Eupha cost me pretty much all MP restoratives I had build up to that point
The late game ones are easier in that regard though
My autocorrect being faulty doesn't change the fact that you asked a stupid question.
>MC spambots global warlord +atk/+def
>Heismay spams accuracy down move
>Eupha spams attack down aoe
>Hulk tetrakarns/uses random utility moves
I've been absolutely rolling the game on hard like this post Dragon Temple.
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I've sat on the theory that ishkia through evolution lost utility of their wings.

They remind me a lot of the Ixali from ff14, who as a species used to be able to fly, and are incredibly innovators and create hot air baloons to simulate natural flight. Something Neuras was thinking of.

However, being connected through the back, they probably have nerves that come from the spine that would make the the humerus sensitive.

Parapus 100% likely have sensitive ears and their tails are extensions of the spine. It would probably hurt more than feel good if yanked or toyed with.
Why is the final dungeon such a joke
>rest area
>unlimited farming/mp items
>crystals to smash and make boss weaker
This is weird lol
I'm not the person you responded to. Also, mobilefags deserve the rope.
I don't know
It's a point of no return. If the game didn't provide the means for you to grind, you could potentially be stuck unable to beat the game.
uhhhhhhhh you're supposed to be using prince and royal archetypes chud
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yuropbros, not like this
Let's not turn the game giving you absolute build freedom into a negative. Rather have that than SJ's bullshit with the MC, or Nocturne practically forcing you to Freikugel spam.
>only Strohl can use hassou tobi
shit game
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three eyed brown ones at the end of the game
I farmed the red crystal so fucking much in that dungeon to regain MP that I levelled up 7 times and amassed like 500k MAG and got around 200 AEXP items. I never needed anything for the rest of the game. I think I somewhat overdid it.
I didn't grind or level at all my first playthrough, since I just wanted to speed through the story and do sidequests on ng+

I couldn't beat the final final boss the normal way because I skipped every optional fight.
The memorandum says that some of the tribes were created artificially, and it's my theory that Ishikia are one of them. With their weird faces and flightless wings, they look like someone's attempt to genetically engineer angels.
Taking forever for these normalfags streamers just to reach Brilehaven.
>absolute freedom
>every party member has one super archetype that's a step above any others
I mean, sure, you can do something different with them, but in most cases not very good
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>normalfags streamers
for what purpose are you watching such things?
>watching streamers
Go back and stay there
for me, it's
>Junah -Vidyartha and debilitate, heal if needed (almost never)
>MC stands there, maybe hits the guy, who cares
>Hulk casts tetrakarn on anybody, hits stuff
>Strohl charges and then uses 22 mp assrape move to hit everything for 8k damage

I am guessing when I get charge on Junah (from having the right archetypes equipped) this will become even more faceroll
It's lonely at the finish line...
>build freedom
>time locked classes
>very little MAG and a exp until end game
>everyone has a Super Class™ that is the best
bro I love the game but what the fuck are you smoking
>they let you keep the lorebook on ng+
thank christ
get a job
The Ixal in FF14 are also artificially created. Which is why I thought of them.

They have similarities and also come from similar backgrounds. Being used as cargo carriers and foot soldiers for an insanely advanced magical and technical society that had the means to cause continent scale destruction.

That said, making fake seraph is a very SMT thing to achieve and given their intelligence, I would guess they were supposed to be a sect of higher forms of humanity. Smaller noses means a worse sense of smell though, so they probably fell short on aspects that would make them predators and would have relied on inventions and science to remain top of the new foodchain.
>check korean artist twitter
>Wil Wil Wil
>Louis Louis Louis
>no Alonzo
>will take weeks for them to catch on that there's apex revenge porn fuel to draw
Wait it out like everyone else.
I think even with a job I'd have finished by now, not like I ever did anything but play videogames on weekends
They're humankind. They don't need a strong sense of smell to be at the top of the food chain.
Has anyone tried stacking Eupha's 500 attack staff with Utilitarian's Manual? Does it let you cast synthesis for free or do you still use one turn crystal?
>I use Junah
>but I have not bothered crafting any masks for her because it's pointless
>also haven't made any summon shit, just leave Eupha dead on those fights I was forced to use her
Special experiments? More like special gaysperiments lmao
>because it's pointless
How do I make two characters swap Archetypes? I can't unequip them, and they're all assigned. I have 3 party members and 3 archetypes, and want to have two of them trade.
>he's using masks
>on Junah
>calls anyone else a retard
OH NO NO NO pf....pfffff.....pffffhahahAHAHA
>Parapus are hedonists
>Probably evolved to breed like rabbits
>countless melancholia corpses of parapus
Genuinely surprised the half-breeds we see don't have dog ears. Ishkia strike me as sexless overall
Actual retard if you're wasting the accessory slot.
why the fuck do you keep saying your name like a Pokemon?
Can you not change them at will? That's what the dude in the room told me...
every character has their own archetype pool. there is no "swapping"
Oh. Well thanks for clarifying.
your bot's broken
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>soul cry
>huur duur me spam charge me smart me no use mask
Speaking of Junah. I was told to go for a mix of Faker and dancer but should I just inherit the good skills onto Junah from Faker or should I wear the Faker mask?
Correct I haven't finished the game yet
junah a shit
same with eupha
there's only 1 late game companion that's useful and that's basilio
and heismay takes a while to ramp up to being good at his default class so before that having him as a buffbot seems more beneficial
who are you quoting? Why do you speak like a retard?
Nobody uses Basilio and berserker is shit
>I was told
Don't listen to anyone ITT.

None of these idiots who are yelling about builds have enjoyed the game. You would genuinely have better luck asking on /v/.
Hulk is better than Heis, Bas is OP and that's why he comes so late, masks are useless and fuck and that poster is literally mentally retarded, and the best party is objectively Bas, Prince, Strohl, and Junah but that's boring as fuck and the game is easy anyways
I'm quoting a retard who doesn't use masks because he uses the 1 turn amulet instead to spam charge like a retard, retard, aka, (You), retard.
I never used Basilio, he comes way too late so I didn't even want to bother giving him all the archetypes and spamming fruits on him to get him to a level where he can contribute
The game shoves a fight in your face immediately after you get him that practically screams at you to use him.
Same. I perma benched him and never touched him.
>n-no u
I win
He's shit at that fight , did you play the game?
He's got the best battle quotes of the entire party.

His CUM 'ERE is top Scouse tier.
>no you can't HECKIN' use the good synthesis move you have to use the garbage ass class and masks mechanic you HAVE TO stop it STOP IT
lol retard
You're aiming to get Dekaja and debuff skills from Faker. Maybe even the press turn gamble skill if you feel lucky.
He carried that fight, what do you mean?
>bro just use 2-3 turns for one move
No thanks
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Sorry for asking
I basically spammed Frost Tactic or whatever it's called for most of the game (the General move that creates an ice weakness), sometimes I needed to create an initial ice weakness with dancer
Worked for the whole game including superboss Luis
main trickster, cast Vidyartha and debilitate and then whatever and then repeat every fight
Once you unlock Persona Master, if you have the classes needed for charge, then swap to it and put those two moves on it, but likely you will just stay trickster until Prince allows you to have it ready since it counts as every archetype
oh shit, he's mindbroken already
I've never really tried using it. How long does the weakness last?
Until your next ice attack
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>expecting helpful advice in a /vg/ thread
It's hard for mixed race couples to conceive, and Paripus are dirty lesser tribes so they probably don't racemix that often.
>mfw 17k crit
dancertards will never know that feel
The airborne magla crystals in this game are like eye floaters. Hate em.
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People keep calling me a retard but I've literally beat the game on ng+. Basilio sucks, just use strohl.
It is fun to watch people react to these things when you don't have friends to share it with
>of course it's a frogtard
Wrong and wrong.
Zorba was Clemar and Mustari and Mustari are as lesser as you can get before an elda.

In fact.

What's the scale?

Clemar>Ishkia>old people>knife ear>mustari pagan>worthless hedonist criminal parapus>Eugief>>>>>elda
I use both
Name 5 fights where Basilio is good and not mogged by other party members
why is my guy wearing a coat made of graph paper
I got slightly spoiled so i know "ultima" classes exist for party members. Im gonna flex mc into all the other archetypes, but i dont want to flounder around for the others.
Is there a list of archetypes each one has to master for their ultimate archetype?
every single fight you used Strohl in, RETARD
all the dragons
the last boss
every random encounter you had since you got him
Making Bas forget all about Rella
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My bed, my bed again, in public, love motel, wedding altar
>same circle tower #453
>same dungeon tileset but different colored #4635
Peak PS2 era game design. Most modern AAA developers could never.
>retard actually uses masks
Yep, it's kino.
i use masks but then again i don't use junah
Etrian Odyssey.
Thanks for the tips retard, now I know to use bas for these fights, retard
I love being bad versions of classes on people who could just be that class too man!
Yes, and if your next Ice Attack is also Frost Tactic, you have another Ice Weakness and so on
Same principle as spamming the Hammer Synergy skills with the Knight line but more flexible in terms of turns
Seconding this. I've nearly hit the item cap for the exp items cause I don't know what to use.

Those posts? All me.
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Assume the entire lineage unless otherwise specified.
>Strohl - Warrior, Commander
>Hulkenberg - Knight, Mage (Wizard)
>Heismay - Thief, Merchant (which needs a bit of Commander), Gunner (which needs a bit of Knight (which needs a bit of Mage) and Seeker)
>Junah - Masked Dancer, Faker
>Eupha - Summoner, Seeker
>Basilio - Berserker, Brawler

Heismay's exhausting to deal with due to how spread out he is.
They really did Heismay dirty in terms of his stat distribution and then also having to go through an insane amount of classes
>Gallica is actually your mom
Wow, suddenly all the Gallica shipping is fucking weird.
For me, it's I LOEV THIS PAHT
and I laerned a new abiliteh~
Wait what? I thought the disembodied voice was your mom
A simple matter of filling him up with love and cock.
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So did Bas love Junah or Rella? Because I got the sense he was a simp for both. Boy's dumb and seems to follow anyone who bothers to even ask his name.
He liked Junah, but he loved Rella.
I'm not watching that video, but I thought the game was quite well balanced. Maybe Atlus' best balanced game since SMT IV:A.
Nah, I'm gonna co-, I mean, rationalize by saying
Gallica was just carrying it around, without it changing her in any way.
A lot of the models in this game aren't great, so I'm kind of surprised that Louis looks better in his model than his portrait. I love the dark bags around his eyes and his pupils being so big on his model, neither of that is on his portrait.
do equipped archetypes determine stat allocation on level up?
I'm craving more JRPGs after playing this. Anyone know if the SaGa games are worth it?
He tells you in his max bond scene that he thought he loved Rella the same way that Fidelio loved Junah. Neither of them even spoke of their feelings to the other party though. He's also not half as dumb or desperate as you're suggesting. It's not surprising that he would fall for the angelic person who brought him back from the brink of death and showed him kindness that he'd never been afforded by a non-Paripus before.
If they made Metaphor 2 I'd rather it just be an anthology and not follow the same protagonist. Maybe his book could be relevant to the story or something, that's all I'd want.
the new remake is reviewing among real people (i.e. not journo faggots) really well, and it's the most I've seen a SaGa game sell on Steam. I hear it's a good place to start for beginners to the series, too. I'm going to play it myself after Red Dead Redemption
Basilio had a hard life...
If they are worth it or not that's on you. They are all about hardcore gameplay and total freedom, but the plot and characters aren't that important.
I think it's pretty clear it's this. Mom was guiding Gallica (and the rest) through the voices and fake memories, but Gallica herself existed and had her own personality and growth from being around everyone. The fact that Gallica is still the same in the epilogue, after the mysterious voice has completely gone, means they're separate beings.
So fairy fuckers are still in the clear.
nice. thanks
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But he had the strength to endure it. I will protect and cherish his smile forevermore.
>Hulk is better than Heis
Nah. Heismay can just sit there and steal all the turns of an enemy who just beast eye'd. He need so much to get his final classes that you have a huge range of skills to slap on him. Also nearly always going first so incredibly useful buff, debuff, heal, whatever so nobody wastes a turn.
You're correct. Mom even talks TO Gallica.
SMT hardcore or harder?
you've convinced me to pick heismay back up again
going to drop bas
my loadout will be prince, royal warrior, royal knight and then i'll try and get royal ninja or whatever the fuck heis has
ending the game with the starter trio
And they are already working on the next game without making any improvements
Is hard in the sense that there is permadeath and absolute freedom. So they are harder if you don't know what you're doing.
Another shipper cucked
I mean dumb in an inexperienced with life overall way. He's smart where it counts, like calling Louis out on his bullshit. But you could easily trick him if you tried. Not quite naïve but not quite a complete idiot.
>Heismay has to jog like a madman during cutscenes where the rest of the party is leisurely strolling
Going to live in Shinjuku with my twink pseudo dad
Thank you
Are you going to fuck him?
I wish you got the option to early game over to do this. End with replicated constructs of your friends minus post human traits in a world that's only Shinjuku. No Minato, Shibuya or other parts of Japan.
>go to dungeon that takes 3 days to get to.
>make it to top of tower. with no mp left.
>camp for next day and go back
>its raining.
>can't do tower.
>next day fight boss i can't beat it and no where to grind.

welp thats great I guess i will load my game from 6 days ago. i love having a time limit and wasting days just like wasting my irl. so fun.
get to the top, save game, go visit more, leave, go rattle some bones with wizard equipped, enjoy your mp and experience
Wtf is this kingdom hearts nobody heartless shit
bro your 5 minute mage grind?
bro your in combat regen?
bro your just crushing the tower anyways, fuck bad weather?
Bro your lowering the difficulty to normal because no dungeon in the game should take 2 days to do?
SaGa games are great, however they do ask more of you than most JRPGs. I like Metaphor a lot but through a lot of fights I jus threw myself at it and came out the other end fine. SaGa demands you come to understand its systems or lose a character for real. Learn to spark the moves you want, don't over grind as enemies scale up (it isn't as bad as people make out), make sure you have some random item from hours ago to stand a chance in a fight, actually figure out what you're even meant to do next. Personally love 3 cause it is a non-linear open world game on the snes, rather than a direct narrative you'll bounce from weird events till you eventually find the main content. Frontier is also for such a weird setting including a whole kamen rider story. But 2's remake is pretty great so far, and Emerald Beyond from earlier this year has a combat system I'd put above press turn.
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>enemies scale up
>mfw I ruined my Last Remnant playthrough by avoiding anything I thought would level me up because everyone kept saying not to level.
NTA but how bad is it, really?
More? twink? what?
why do i even bother buying equipments from shop?
there are tons of good ones from stealing and dungeoning
Last Remnant is notably shitty in that regard while in SaGa it is overblown. It takes a while for enemies to reach the next bracket and be swapped out. In games like 3 it is even a bit messed up as each enemy type has their own ranking. So often some groups of enemies are way further behind. You "level up" every fight as at least one character will gain some stats. So in theory enemies shouldn't out pace you. I've never had any issue and you'll usually want to be fighting higher level enemies to "level" faster and spark new moves more often.
Give him extra eye liner and he could be your mom.
im talking about the tower with shrek

nope I refuse to grind. if I can't min max and beat a boss while being 10-15 levels below what I should be then its bad.
you "grind" to get your MP back, dingus. Have fun wiping and wasting days, I guess.
theres nothing fun about overworld combat. id rather they removed it since it adds nothing except makes tedious stuff like you mention a game mechanic.
Is the NG+ exclusive boss worth replaying the whole game for? I do like the idea of unlocking every archetype on everyone and making autistic minmaxed builds but I don't know if I have it in me yet
>Visit /v/ now that Ive beaten the game
>There's 3 threads crying about how this game is woke
Holy shit even after 3 weeks?
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You know it will not go away until they get a waifu edition with a bikini spring quest and a new teen girl.

The only games /v/ doesn't complain about feature one of the two.
imagine my disappointment when manor of the ascendant wasn't kino sky dungeon like nanako's dungeon in persona 4 but jungle temple copy pasta #8383
Isn't the game cracked so poorfags can play it now
>if Louis gave me the slightest reason to switch sides, I would dump your ass in a second
Gee whiz, Strohl
>Visit /v/
Mistake #1
>finishing the game
Mistake #2
Considering how quickly he pledged himself to you is it truly surprising?
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For Metaphor 2 I only care about Louis coming back as either the villain or as our ally that joins us through a common threat. Atlus must have learned something from Akechi an the party did already show some sympathy
Wait for the Switch 2 port and watch all that magically vanish
I mean, I get it.
I would like for him to remain a piece of shit. Honestly takes a strong writer to make an asshole likable as they slowly assimilate into the hero's party. He'd continue to be a strength obsessed outcast and routinely shit on by Strohl and Huklenberg but I'd like to see that hatred scratched away slowly over the course of a social link that involves them both the way Neuras was with both Will and Gallica.
I feel this cast would get stagnant in another game
>spends the first half of the game seething and aching to kill Louis
>finally gets close enough to smell Louis's shampoo
>"there doesn't need to be any more bloodshed"
He's just that weak to elda pussy
No thank you. I appreciate that he clung to his ideals until his very end. He's not made to be an Akechi.
canon and based
At least his Joanna sympathy was consistent I guess
Just wait until they show Miss Charadrius
I love that they did this
He's not the same as Akechi, Akechi's goals were filmsy at best and he wanted to kill himself after killing Shido.
Louis's vision was far too important to be swayed to (You)r side, the only thing I could understand if they 'brought him back' is if he turned into a dragon, given that you don't see his corpse at all and dragons can manifest from magla with a strong purpose. So his last will would remain in the form of a dragon
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Hey guys when's the earliest you can get 25 archetypes to unlock Soul Hacker?
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I would like that, he can't just join and be a good guy but the thing with him is, he doesn't "hate" any of the party. I could see him be the force that is like "you beat me so you better do right else I might try something again". But there was always some respect going on and we did beat him at his own game. He has more to learn to be a normal person and trust in others I'd say
I just used Akechi as an example, he is unlike him in all ways. Louis's goals in essence were still about the general good. So if we can show him we have a better ideal he would support us. He was too doompilled to believe in us but isn't above reason.
i wonder why the mc has that magla particle effect at his feet while in dungeons like the accumulators you see in the cities
then i unlocked prince
does it have to do with the fact that he's basically like a dragon? a pure magla construct? but he retains the effect even despite merging with his flesh body
Damn this early game is kinda rough, im in a perpetual state of being too strong for some dungeons and woefully underprepared for others. Apparently im supposed to have studied 15 archetypes already and im a few short cause i havent met the level reqs for them.
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I agree with you on him being idealistic and selfless. He is just an extremist but thinks he's doing ultimatly the right thing. But god no please no dragon. That reminds me too much of Tales of Beseria, too. This won't happen alone because of his appeal to women with his pretty design.
I never finished Tales of Beseria but I am aware of Eizen's story. Honestly, I really liked the angle the writers were trying for by giving us a non-ultra happy party but were ultimately limited by the brand and Baba's incredibly bad decisions. Best parts of TotA was when everyone was absolutely miserable.

A sobering sequel or expansion DLC would be an instant buy, but I know it wouldn't go over well with fans who want thoughtless dating simulators. I would be curious to see how they do it because SMT has always been the fucked up side with Persona as the shounen side. Save for Door-kun.
The dragons are so lame and boring after the surreal human designs.
Nah they cool
iirc I unlocked it right after getting Eupha
Yeah I won't say more to Beseria but it's a great game, you should consider it. It has raw emotion at some parts that are great.
I'm generally not against non-happy storylines but with Metaphor who knows. We did have more mature stuff in there and they avoided obvious cliches, so I would be hopeful. For Louis I'm just selfish and want more for him. Plus he has still major development potential after all that happened.
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my wife she needs me...
I still can't believe how ridiculous the headband horns plot point is. I'm meant to take it seriously but it feels like such a shitpost
Answer style mage academy dlc with shota Louis and loli Rella flashbacks seems very likely
I highly doubt they modeled loli Rella for just one scene
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Ive been following this guide but im somehow a few imagination points short of being able to confront that merchant in Trad, its fucking over for me isnt it?
nigga I didn't follow a guide and still had like 10+ days left over to idle around at the end
I tried, I did. It just was not working. I got to ice town and was completely put off by sakuraba's weak ost and feeling like I was still playing Xillia 2 with somehow less interesting assets and dungeon design.
why is the protagonist's name redacted? are you using your real name or something kek
I named my protag Ten and my literally me Lemons.
It was over for you from birth
I had 0 days and still couldn't max out everyone lel
is eupha crushing on our mc or is she canadian?
If they do stick with this party that could work to make the dynamic more interesting. Or if it changes completely but it still contains homages I can see them keeping some Lucifer type figure as an antagonist with a different name call back.
>get to the sleeping dragon in the mines at the beginning of the game
>go straight to him for shits and giggles thinking I’ll probably just die
>actually beat him
too bad he runs away though but this is a good game.

Btw, is there any benefit to finishing the game in hard mode or is it just a user preference thing
So humans can be tamed? How did the milf get the baby not to eat her?
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So I guess that when Louis turned him into a human, he became a Mega Ten?
Hard adds some extra fight challenge before you get the absolutely busted abilities that let you ignore it towards the end
I am at that bandit cave dungeon north of Trad, I am able to grind Arch Exp items from these mimics but I have read here its best to do all that grind in the final dungeon
should I just do all that there
You joke but it was my intent. Had no idea my choice would lead to accidental kino.
>If you live by a creed show me it's strength
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Crazy good foresight. Honestly I had a similar moment in my playthrough because I called the MC being a human during my first hour of playing the demo
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>not the SMT logo
missed opportunity
the strength of the common man makes no sense in this world. the level 1 human could massacre a military fort but those mustari guards are just chilling in the lower levels of the bonuis dungeon after the dragon temple.
Anything in the near past wouldn't get to use the archetype system so I'm betting that kind of backstory might be in the manga or anime if it gets one
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Should've been the Kuzunoha Detective Agency logo
That human was about as "tamed" as big predator animals in zoos are. She raised it and it figured that it didn't need to bite the hand that feeds it. I would expect it to eat Joanna if she ever let it get hungry.
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there's no way I'm equipping this, I know how this goes
I have all virtue stats maxed, no bonds at night to do, is there anything to do during nighttime that is worthwhile at the endgame?
hot springs for MAG
coliseum fights if you haven't cleared them all yet
Mmm, yes, pure Will nectar
>no mages academy where we can see the forced feminization experiments
new thread
Eupha is the only companion (and I guess Galicia) with any romance adjacent content. Her endgame conversation with her brother involves her nearly proposing to you.
Spa in Alta for more mag or just collesium runs
Junah and Catherina both have romantic feelings for the MC as well, though they don't talk about it as much or openly as Eupha.
the pining was cute and it was nice to not have the MC be completely clueless about it but the talk with her bro before the end felt a tad much
There is a gameover there isn't there? It just says Fantasy is Fiction though, there's no cutscene associated with it.

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