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Previous: >>499591656

>What... is this?
Put simply, a simulation of Pro Evolution Soccer being competed between teams which are embodiments of boards of the 4chan imageboard. The players represent facets of each board's culture. All of the matches are AI versus AI. However, humans "manage" each team, creating their tactics and giving input during games as they happen to make substitutions and tactical changes as they see fit.

>Where can I watch the cup?

>Upcoming Cup

>Upcoming Invitationals



>Other videos

>PES Info

/vt/ League lost.
/xivg/ vgl armageddon and doomsday
wiki dies
assthetic deadline
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First for Arisu
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nigger cocks
No way there were that many newfags trying to get dubs
i bet theyre all tourists from /lcg/
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Double zeros are still dubs, you can't say it's not a GET.
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I'm wagering >>500000000 to be absolute dogshit like every other GET on this board
it'll be an erp post in /wowg/ or /xivg/
i'm ovulating
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Let's ovulate together
Arisu anal sex
sole female
very long hair
Hey, it's the one I just uploaded
>stuck at 48 sign ups

VTL bros we're winning
Showing solidarity with /ink/. #respect
Starting to realize oldfags only had nostalgia for 17 because half the teams weren't trying
17 is fun, newfags wouldn't understand
Any of you taking suggestions yet? Is raped joker's gonna be in lineup of /tv/ or /co/?
he's on /tv/
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This /gig/ manager is going to be a no show by the way
Will we see /gig/ pulled out or will the double standard happen here again because /gig/ is a big market?
>Pulled out
They aren't even signed in to begin with.
/mmg/ will sign up 3 minutes before the deadline
>tma appears
>'cord quality disintegrates
>implying there ever was quality.
Boys' Love, she's calling her a fujoshi
my amazing sexy wife Kiyose-san!
What double standard?
Teams with POI have been given autopilots in the event of manager no show for a long time.
/eftg/ got removed immediately when their caretaker was a no show
it's technically at 49, the /gig/ manager is a newbie that forgot to sign-up on the page
oh jeez rick
What's your preferred setup for a 3-5-2 midfield? How many dmfs do you like? Do you like wmfs or cmfs? 3-1-4-2 or pentagon 3-5-2?
pentagon double DMF CMF CMF AMF and then two CF, GP & Target Man
Damn that's exactly the same as me. Where do you put your medals? I'm unsure if I want a medal dmf or not
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>still 48 out of 52
Yeah. I think VTL won.
Time to reach 48 signups, VTL7
>24 hours 2 minutes
Time to reach 48 signups, VGL23
>10 hours 39 minutes
one gold cf one silver cf, gold amf, silver dmf and then opposite side silver cmf.
non-medal dmf is build-up, silver is destroyer or blank
both cmf box-to-box and then hole player amf with long range shot cards
>signups are still open
And who's sign ups are still open after 48 hours?
"trust me guise I play nikke"
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has he before announcing he would want to manage /nikg/ ever posted about nikke?
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Ok fair, but I'm still keeping an eye on that commie bastard
that's just a formality.
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Glad you've seen the light, anon. I also prefer average or slightly large breasts, but none of that matters when it comes to liking who you feel is the best girl.
why would anyone need to pretend they play gacha, it's literally the "hobby" with the lowest barrier of entry after vtubers
is it retarded enough? maybe i should go with just 1 wing
hi hey

is /vg/ one of the no dubs booards? ia nt seeing no dubs!
meeeeph who is on the roster
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this is rostser
Venice is actually venice and chima, but not sure what name is best.
if i think of tomething before deadline i change
huzzah, many good changes
return of two gold strikers
return of snek court (lol)
steve the fishe still going
rupert still going
fumo joins to fumo
and spikeman WON
wait? blue archive is a GAME? I thought it was just porn
>watching porn
>of female character
go back
The /vt/ league.
I'm sick of you people putting women in everything. First in all my videogames, and now in my pornography? Fuck off.
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Reminder that Nikke is sovl overload. Don't see other gachas doing this.
Are romantic relationships between a 14-year-old and an adult ever okay?
Yes, in countries in which the age of consent is 14 and the adult is not in a position of trust over the minor (for example between teachers and students).
maybe i would like tma better if he took off his clothes
DBC is rightful /vt/ clay.
vtubers are built for DBC
Dag's Big Car?
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kinda crazy that there are people spending money on these dogshit "games" when you can check out the porn on danbooru for free
pedo apologist
you don't know what that word means
go do some sex tourism in thailand, freak
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It makes 0 sense to have a cup on any PES before 18
Why should we gimp our aesthetics possibilities just so esports niggers can have it their way?
Yea I love
>shittier aesthetics
>no uv scroll
>names getting cut off
>several other issues
but oooh OOOOH PES 17 there... there you can play so many formations!
Without the people spending money on gachashit there'd be no porn on it, dingus
Because most matches in newer PESes are boring to watch
digits confirm trvth nvke, /admin/ VGLco and TMA shitting their pants rn
PES16 is a goalfest.
Although to your point, VTL is probably going back to 21 or 19 after VTL8.
They should honestly consider just going back to 21 and mandating that the same 343 be used for every formation
>no uv scroll
Was shit anyway
Can someone explain why an export for one team is bigger than the edit file that includes like 200 teams?
You mean an aesthetics export? Aesthetics aren't stored in the edit file
No I mean tactical exports.
You only think it's shit because VGL and 4cc teams didn't do anything good with it.
who does then?
/hfz/'s Flying Nothing comes to mind.
oh it was a vtl bait post
Well you see, edit files only have to store integers no bigger than 999, while a player's coordinates on the game plan are actually accurate to the one brazillionth decimal point. Remember to scream at the rigger if he doesn't position your guys exactly right.
Your tournament can still be on PES19.
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I will never read a post that has a discord screenshot attached to it.
How do you know what a Discord screenshot looks like hmm?
What's sovl about hiring bunch of hookers?
pinging Yonk, pls make this a /vmg/ goalhorn
what is this trash
this is fucking horrible, hope this post was ironic
Yep, it's sekksu time.
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good evening /4ccg/ how are you doing
Trips of truth, remove managers and run everything on 21
perhaps taba really is the manager /zzz/ deserves
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>STILL at 48 sign ups

vgbabs lmao
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All we need is 48. You lost
I have faith the /gig/ger newbie will come through to wash the st/ink/ out of VGL23
this whole burnice shit might the most forced garbage i've ever seen in my life
Well lad i will answer this honestly, anything ZZZ related right now is on the same situation as the Limbus Company, it has a thread but its clearly more discussed on another board without being one of the more active threads of our board as well. I know i had my shortcomings this time that i've already apologized but that thread doesn't seem to be active enough for me to rig a song for it outside of the polling process atm.
Now personally speaking, if this goal horn wasn't for Burnice itself, it wouldn't work as a main one since the song its clearly about her. Her voice is awful too
I thought I didn't care for doro... but that gif....
/gig/ signed up
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this glows so bright the CIA would be jealous
enjoying the crimsonner era? well you're gonna love this
>what is the isle of manlet
At this point the only way to get any meaningful cull and stop the zombie autopilot nofans teams like /fa/ and /xs/ from causing 12, or even 8 team fetuses every cup is just become a caretaker on a sockpuppet account and 'forget' to sign the team up or do PoI at the last second do they actually die for real. The madness is only going to end when people start to BE and start playing gloves off about the zombie perma-caretaker teams.
Don't you dare give me such ideas
'fraid he's right
They escaped the spanknasium?
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Now that the dust has settled, what do we think?
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Should I sign up /twg/ as a caretaker?
no god no
Someone already asked them, it would be a shame if that someone bitched out after the fact
DO it fgt
looks kino to me
>29 actual teams
We just need 3 more to make a good cup.
'fraid so
I thought there was a limit on board teams? why are there 11 /vt/ teams?
Don't forget that if Captsuba is accepted, it's changing to be a /vt/ related meme team.
Only 4 Board LEAGUE teams.
There are only 4 VTL teams signed up, and 3 are backups.
still better than vgl
Here comes the cope again
Source: voices in your head
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Attention @managers
Group masturbation session will start in 2 hours (20:00 UTC), failure to show up will result in immediate disqualification.
yikes! why is blackedasbrimstone like this?
Did /fit/'s manager forget to add himself back to the wiki page? /fit/ shows as managerless
it's herself now
so many teams and not a single real team. dire.
define real team
/tnm/ was a real team once
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What if I change it to a /u/ related meme team?
/u/ doesn't have memes
>taba trying to revive 4ccl
oh boy.
/managerFC/ is better though
based tabbers
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The 2024 4CCL invitees.
Wait, if I win DBC I'm forced into this?
'fraid so
I'm not joining this shit dude
Is this better or worse than Dag?
I'm joining this shit dude
They apparently already have a streamer, so I would say better.
>VGL and VTL get as many reps as a fucking elite
There's too much bloat on this, limit it to 16 teams and work your way up from there.
I think it's fine. It's a champion league for all winners for leagues, 4cc, and memvitationals
Winter Top 4
Summer Top 4
Spring Top 2
Autumn Top 2
Top 2 of both VG tournaments
Top 2 of both VTL tournament
16 teams
It's not fine, trying to stuff in all the winners he could is the very reason no one cared about it when dag used to run it.
4ccl has historically included winners from the memvitationals.
Qualifying from those invitationals must feel like when a Bosnian team wants to join the CL and they have to win 3 knock outs before group stage.
but why AGL, its not meant to be a serious competition
That doesn't stop some people from taking it seriously anyway
Rooting for whichever blinky autopilot makes it in from /a/lel
oh yeah? like who?
metaGOD dominated
Opinion on all /llsifg/ managers? Old and current ones
old ones were BASED new ones are cringe and mercs especially cunnysoyp
but where is he in DBC?
For results
Bitten > mercs > current
Bring at most 4 teams from memevitationals. One third of the teams being literal whos is way too much when there are also vtumor teams.
This wouldn't be counting non-canon invitationals would it?
/ag/lel and DBC are meme tournaments and have no rulesets so shouldn't be in this. /pol/lel and /a/lel are also not really serious events any more or entirely dominated by one team. /vr/lel and /tv/lel are borderline as there is some level of tryharding and livemanaging. Akkolel as of V probably should be in as a now full actual team livemanaging tournament instead of just meme shit with autopilots.

But if you're just gonna go full fuck it 32 team max bloat and EVERY tournament sending it's best then include others like LAN Party, /bag/lel, Genso Cup, The Decision, BCJL, /u/ lel and even Garbage Day winners.
Nah, just 24 teams.
do a playoff between all invitationals first, that's what i would like to see
4CCCL Qualifiers with only the 4CC last four cup winners, last two VGL winners and last two VTL winners guaranteed in. Runners up and everyone else from everything else plays down to 8 teams for the right to be in the final 16, a true champions' league.
i dont think gaygay was ever based
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Here's your 4CCCL Qualifiers shitfest
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Porn dumps.
If you don't want to count mobabowl then they are about the same dying in groups deal
im getting word from outside sources that /4ccg/ poi is in
Their mobabowl run was, unironically, the most fraudulent run of any cup, league, or invitational.
Tell me more Meltzer, how did the executives took this notice?
/4ccg/ is trying to get over on it's own
Imagine /alg/ becoming the champion of champions.
include /offtopic/ instead
/ink/GODS we are out of the fetus...
HOWEVER, you fail PoI lmao
you still have to pass caretaker check with the /vg/ league council,and poi check afterwards. after whoever was in charge last cup bailed, good luck if serious
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Teams for this feel?
brb just signing /ddlc/ up as caretaker to cuck /ink/
This has been asked before. /mu/.
/wsg/. All power of friendship over there
>slopsoyp wanted to make a shitty gacha team for a general so shit it moved to /vmg/
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So you don't know.
ARYANsoup wanted to make a team for a gaCHAD general that was too based for /vg/ so it moved to /vmg/
He must be familiar with dying franchises considering where he ended at
Mercs never made it past SR. Current made it to final day
ntc doesn't count lil bro
VGL19 stupid
Once. Almost two years ago.
>discord speak
>is retarded
>/llsifg/ manager defense force is at it again.
Kwabooty contender
Still gaygay.
So obsessed over a chatfag.
Try to get out of SR
Calling out retards isn't a defense force
Coping for shit managers of teams you don't support (unless?) is in fact a defense force.
Only cope is thinking the mercs were better in anyway.
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The corrupter...
/breed/ when? (rabi as captain)
>champions league
Is this closer to shitpost invitational-tier tactics or tryhard official cup tactics?
It's about as serious as the Nations League
the second, its a best of the best cup after all
its under new management though fuck knows what >taba wants
it should be the ultimate tryhard invitational or what's the point of it being 'champions league'
It should be a shitpost fun time because nobody's actually going to consider the winner of the last babby the true strongest even if they beat the last star winner.
>giving the opportunity for the three way invasion angle between 4CC, VGL and VTL and not allowing tryharding
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Teams for this feel?
It's funny that when the 4cccl was last running the invasion angle wasn't a meme and nobody cared about this sort of thing. Besides, are VTL managers even allowed to tryhard?
How does anyone take this "sport" seriously?
The only football I watch is online memeball. Is this how gay this sport always is?
I don't, never did
All I know is that virtual divegrass is fun to watch, unlike the irl counterpart
What the fuck happened, is that a paid ref?
The faggot in white actually hit him in the face, you can see it near the beginning, but it didn't even look like a hard hit
Got a closer angle? Can't see much from that webm.
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Elbow to the face/chest

Red team unironically made a satanic pact against relegation this week btw
That's a straight red btw
Good call from the ref
On the one hand, yeah, that's a deliberate elbow to the throat.
On the other, the delayed reaction from the dude in red is straight up comedy.
B-but the based company...
It looks like he almost got hit in the throat, deserved red
the delayed reaction reminds me of a PES malicia dive
>(Autopilot instructions: The top CMF group of bench subs are for the more forward CMF spot, the bottom CMF group for the more back one. - Always start CRAMMING in the appropriate CMF spot if conditions are equal, it got a new model.
>LCK on the back CMF, RCK on the DMF, more forward CMF is join the attack.
>If losing at the 60 minute subs time go to +1 on preset 3.)
Is he cooking?
Is Fox in the Box a aggressive or passive playing style?
Race for the chicken update?
that's the brazilian league
everyone has malicia card
Our chicken race is because another team was a retard last time 17 was used
504 Gateway Time-out
/v/ vs /vp/ (Winter 17)
more passive than poacher. goal poachers constantly make runs into space, foxes don't really do that and their actions are way more concentrated inside the penalty box. that difference in how they play is a big part of why poacher/fitb is such a lethal combo for any 4-4-2 or even a narrow 4-3-3, you have two forwards doing very different things and it's very difficult for a defense to deal with.
oh and they're also both 99s, most likely. max stat players are basically gods. unless you're running an extremely dumb playstyle combo it is very difficult to truly fuck up an SS/CF setup because the stats are just so overwhelming. but poacher/fitb is one of the very best SS/CF (or 2CF) combos in any case.
Which one does more scoring in a poacher/FitB combo?
Why not Target/CF and Poacher/SS as a combo?
/i/, /vt/ and /vp/ all going for the retard chicken race
Yes. And it's funny, because Titan will have the possibility of try harding against himself with /uuu/ and /mlp/
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Well just gonna have to survive on just ramen next month.
All hail our chicken goddess
target/poacher is probably the best target man combo but target man kinda sucks a lot of the time. then again it is PES17 where crossing is like the best thing in existence and longball is actually workable. PES17 being such a physical game really helps out target man as a style. i'd still rather run other styles most of the time but target men are not that hard to make work in PES17, a lot of good teams run one.

more or less just depends on how you play them and how the chips fall in matches, both are really really good scoring playstyles and at least one of the two is pretty much always gonna be all 99. fitb probably gets more opportunities closer to the goal since they don't really go anywhere else so gun to my head probably fitb does more scoring because closer to the goal generally means easier to score from.
Good, all artists should starve or get a real job
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Someone please explain what the fuck is going on here.

I of course mean why is there a 19 aesthetics export.
Making porn games/animations for Patreonbux is a real job.
Target 2 poacehrs was what powers used in tvlel. Wouldnt recommend since alot of time the poachers felt fairly invisible outside of mini me one game and relied alot more on gold c10 amf dr evil to setup.
>yet to be converted
Isn't that against the rules? Shouldn't the manager be puni- oh wait.
they can get by with infinite amounts of exposure
Chicken cunny.
This team really needed to be kept alive
So did /i/ win the chicken since /t/ is a autopilot zombie?
Fucking pathetic
Why does this gen reek of spics?
Whoever smelt it dealt it
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Is this true?
formations when
When you post them.
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Now that /copalib/ is oficially 4cc related, you will get two webms a day
The fucking feint lmao
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"autistic coalminers"
/g/ has 3+players with no cards
cards are a spook
cards are bloat
It could be the draw post depending on the board speed over the next few hours.
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Let's make a tourette's guy team live!

Oh yeah, that was a thing. It's been, what, 20 years?
cards are a botnet
How's the draw gonna be decided? Same ol boring hat?
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He dindu nuffin
I hope so.
Boris may or may not have found one of those rubber horse masks
but is he going to be driving while doing the draw
very carefully
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And he's going to pull teams out of the mouth while he wears it?
who's the Kamala Harris of the 4cc?
also politically since they went turbo woke a few years back both in the comics and the board
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I can't keep track of what woke even means anymore.
anything the most schizophrenic /pol/tard doesn't like at that given point in time, more or less
Anon, never let other people try to force their incorrect definitions onto you.
He is the puppetmaster of Sou Biden so it checks out
oh come now, the comics situation is worse than the other forms of pseudo wokeness, they consumers not allowed anything now unless the character is turned black female or some sort of gender binary or gay
its killing off the industry
and the funny thing is they have to watch even the failing and winding down marvel cinematic versions of themselves do so much better cause they kept the original forms of the characters that people actually liked
Where formations?
cant wait for the get to be shit. It should happen in an hour or two
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Hat Pick: /o/'s year WOOOOOO
its gonna be fucking trash
thats a fun group /c/
>/vt/ /v/
I was thinking about that match happening officially or nor and it has (World Cup group A, vt won)
it was official but /v/ was already through and didnt fully care. It would be something if it did matter
another limbab has hit the server
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>i just realized we could get skibidi toilet refs for winter
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/wsg/ has skibidi players?
you tell me: >>>/wsg/5701759
That's a thread. What about players?
initial issues with exports,
/x/ tries to use /vm/s slot
/biz/ tries to use /b/s slot
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Hey 4ccg where do I make kit thumbnails?
Probably one of the most dangerous threads on this site. One misclick and your youtube account is over.
Ramen is drunk and vulnerable
What being an Arsenal fan does to a man.
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I'm gonna do a preemptive >>500000000
Whichever general gets this wins the next VGL
If /4ccg/ get it they must be allowed to participate
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Should have made preset 2 tail-shaped so it'd connect to the buttplug above.
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imagine playing PES
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>(Autopilot instructions: The top CMF group of bench subs are for the more forward CMF spot, the bottom CMF group for the more back one. - Always start CRAMMING in the appropriate CMF spot if conditions are equal, it got a new model.
>LCK on the back CMF, RCK on the DMF, more forward CMF is join the attack.
>If losing at the 60 minute subs time go to +1 on preset 3.)
Whats preset 3?
they all look the same, p3 has gegen press
peak creativity
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>lb cb rb
Here's your spoon
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7 niggers baked into p3 now
yeah probably
So you don't know?
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huh what u mean?
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>fluids into 442
It's ass
Anal sex with tomboys
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I fucking love cunny
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p3 is either an elaborate shitpost or the best autism of all time
a gentleman of culture
>/2hug/ again
I am so sorry
>early thread when last thread is around 300 posts
>last thread is #509
Wow it’s shit
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2nd potential spoon contender
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we decided to run the /f/ 4-2-4 from pes 19 but we failed life lole
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>other thread not even halfway done
>Sneed in the starting lineup
You forgot their bench
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in the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king
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forgot biz
they still only have 1 bench cb no aas
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and the image too apparently
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last one
who won, whos next, you decide
what the fuck
what happened to /fit/?
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and fa
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a few didnt go through
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ok for real this time
So is the Christmas Tree formation good in 17?
What the FUCK, where's my boarding party?
the manager kwabbed, so johnny autopilot is taking over this ship
Crim said that they were going to have the boarding party in the auto, but IT'S NOT FUCKING THERE
>Reddit party Ö
imagine the sanction if a manager did this instead of an /admin/ sockpuppet team
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16 4-2-1-3
14 4-3-1-2
10 4-2-2-2
8 4-3-3
8 4-3-2-1
4 4-4-2
3 4-1-2-3
3 3-3-1-3
3 3-2-3-2
3 3-5-1-1
2 4-2-3-1
2 3-1-3-3
2 3-4-3
1 3-3-2-2
1 3-4-1-2
1 3-5-2
1 3-2-1-4
1 3-1-1-5
28 4-4-2
27 4-3-3
10 4-5-1
7 3-4-3
6 3-5-2
3 3-6-1
1 3-3-4
1 3-2-5
65 4atbs
18 3atbs
>Preset 1s
12 4-4-2
10 4-3-3
4 4-5-1
2 3-4-3
2 3-5-2
1 3-3-4
1 3-6-1
But then, who is trump?
Easily fixed by removing the video from your history.
You might be on to something there.
What's the vglel qualies lineup looking like?
>watching autumn
>two games out from /myteam/ playing its first game of the group stage
>realize that I didn't change the presets in the deadline export
>they're all the same formation
>I didn't put any cards on any of the players
>I also didn't test so I don't know what works
>just try to think of some random slider shit involving counter long, counter short, and possession short
>wake up and remember that /myteam/ is already in winter
I was so fucking scared bros
you think /ag/ league would accept a team with no cards but slightly buffed stats?
if all 49 are accepted as is
>PES 19 aesthetic export
couldn't they just use the PES 16 export?
What about /mjg/ and /dng/? They finished below /ink/ last qualies
scratch that /mjg/ is alive, remove /ggg/ from the list and put /mjg/ in
them too
everyone else in the qualies died
I can't decide between a 433 and 442 mainly because no matter what I try the AMF seems really meh
make your amf a c10 or hp
i think 4-3-3 with two CMFs and a DMF is the most powerful formation on 17.
I think 4-4-2 can work AMF-less as a double DMF double CMF but the standard diamond DMF CMF CMF AMF is still okay, you just have to build the frontline to accommodate the AMF being a sort of box crasher.
>4-3-3 with two CMFs and a DMF
yeah that was my plan, still need to figure out the playstyles though. all I know is that the 77 lb/rb are a problem because if they attempt to cross it always gets intercepted
cute managers to breed?
With 49 teams it is


If /indie/ POI is insufficient then /hanny/ replace /indie/.

If it is 50 teams with /vitagen/ signing up then /vitagen/ replace /indie/

If we have 51-52 teams then we have 8 team qualifiers with 4 teams from VGL22 going down.

/indie/ - possibly dead
/revue/ - confirmed dead
/ggg/ - likely dead but did sign up
/ddlc/ - likely dead
/vn/ or / skg/

/vn/ and /skg/ are very unlikely as they would require both /indie/ and /ggg/ to fail POI and all of /vitagen/, /mmg/ and /ddlc/ not signing up.
In all likelihood we get /@/ in qualifiers.
most NTC participates are pretty cute. Once they've been managing for about a year it wears off though.
If the current signup amount stands I think there is a very good chance there won't be qualies.
The VGL commissioner has the emotional stability of a brown women so unfortunately for /ink/ its chances of getting airlifted out of qualies depends entirely on the doyerpacos not choking and causing the commissioner to be spiteful enough to not reject /ggg/ or /indies/'s dogshit poi.
wat tiem's da draw?
why is vglco full of sensitive sports niggers
i fucking love brown women
/indie/ are safe. /ggg/ are dead.
What's stopping them from being more objective with POI in the first place? This isn't the 4cc
what are the chances st/ink/s POI is fake, they never had much fans and i can't imagine being so long in qualifier hell has done much for them
how reputable do you take chickentendies for
Because big threads will obviously get more replies than slow threads and even if you say "you need 10 replies to pass POI" people will just samefag
There are multiple examples of teams being stuck in qualifiers or being shit for multiple VGLs and still having decent POI.
tendies knows /ink/ has no divegrass interest that's why he intentionally fucked up to get sent to qualies and is now intentionally keeping them there. He knows vglco will never reject /ink/'s poi as long as /ink/ is in the qualies because it would go against vglco's narrative that being stuck in qualies kills interest.
Ok Cody Rhodes
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Only when Toki's off his meds
There is a thread on gookshit which is just Karth, Kara and the /m/ manager/
Fraid so.
he immediately becomes submissive and breedable once he steps out of his VTL shell
sex with the entire /c/ team
>my reaction when I watch 10 seconds of a vtuber
uhh uhh sex with tma in the butthole
No, Ritsu is mine.
/indie/'s POI is fine for the thread and /ink/ will never be relevant.
Hi QD.
When does /p/ play?
No, not /b/, /p/
When does /trash/ play?
>/indie/'s POI is fine for the thread
nah 2 responses is pretty terrible regardless of the thread
QD won't let /indie/ die. Which makes me wonder why he doesn't help Kinsey out with thread relations, unless those services are /akg/ exclusive.
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hat prick : /vst/
It is 3 now
4, there's a post at the end that didn't quote it.
Next time you should make it a rule that POI can only be submitted after the thread is archived.
kewds working overtime
Those posts are both dated from over 2 days ago.
Could have sworn that used to be a rule
>VGL sign ups still not full
VTL won
Both posts are dated after /indie/ signed up.
It technically filled up day one.
There are 52 slots.
not in the vtl so it's not really a proper comparison
48 is the tournament limit, the extra 4 are just for qualifiers.
But I thought VTL established that tournment and qualifiers count as the same thing for the purpose of final rankings and golden boot?

Captcha: VDGANG
VGL doesn't do that.
That was just another tma schizo rule he made up to stand out from other tournaments.
I will plap Chihaya
/vd/ when?
>vgl merc status?
Who the fuck cares about /ink/
/ink/ had lived in the council's head rent free for years now.
Longer than the council's been living in /4ccg/'s?
Troonysoup still alive and well
Who are you quoting?
I never actually think about the council
why would the council care about a team that dies in qualifies?
Imagine being the only supporter of a shit team that looks like shit only because you think some losers hate it because they probably said a joke about it on ASS that you took at face value
2024 4chan Autumn Babby Cup DRAW IS LIV
They cared enough to send that team directly to qualifiers
boris has a better hairline than me and im 10 years younger than him...
Even if you think that was because they specifically hate /ink/ that was 2 years ago. VGL doesn't do any fetus bye bullshit so them staying there is entirely on them.
Trvth nvke I'm afraid.
It will be funny when they get airlifted from no qualifiers and they just bottom their group again because they are dogshit.
/ink/ being stuck in the fetus for so long is on them, but only because they were unjustly put in there by the council in the first place.
Starcraft II is 9 years old? Time sure does fly...
By me.
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aww yeah time for beeg kemonos
missed half of the draw because of the goddamn clocks going back
What does fatshit have to do with that match?
steam coming out of his ears
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Congrats to /vt/ on promoting.
Imagine losing weight
Free groups: /i/, /tv/, /vp/, /mu/ and /v/, /vrpg/
>where pokemon vtuber
boris says
they had one
Easiest 9 points of /vt/'s life
Free groups for: /b/ /vp/ /mu/ /m/ and /vg/
>group fraud
Easiest 9 points of /vg/'s life
>underrating 4cbs again
when will you learn? can't wait for /biz/ to make final day
ok but how
G poacher, G fox, S playmaker in a 433? or something else
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Triple poacher is best honestly.
Target, Fox, Poacher
holy fucking throwkino
Looks like the match times on the top of the Autumn 24 page as well as the first 2 days are off. I don't have a wiki account to edit the page.
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Reso... BoB... Streakie......... Please kill /vm/.....
There is no way /vg/ would drop points to /vm/, they got PES 17 now, there is no way.
an aryan, furry and cuckold want into a bar...
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*kills /vg/ in your path*
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Imagine competing in VGL23 knowing even if you win you won't see your rep in Winter.
I expect nothing less from /vg/ than 7-0-0
>if you win a medal it won't go through a humiliation ritual on winter
That's good actually.
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>Daimidalerb owl on group G
Why'd you force Ronaldo onto the team, Lav.
Reso has two stars on 17, there is no way he loses to kwabentale and merely /c/
I'm not even an avid /vm/ hater, but I want them to spoon for adding Ronaldo to the team.
>Reso has two stars on 17
...in the vgl ...under dubious circumstances
>we got 4 groups with 2 vidya teams each
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No mistake on my end, I already switched to DST yesterday
I find the /vg/ rep to be irrelevant compared to wanting to compete against the other generals.
/mmg/ manager spotted alive in the 'cord, SquidGODs it's so over
This, VGL became its own thing, and generals just want to win against other generals without caring about their rep or stuff, I'm sure some generals don't even know about the 4cc at all (partly thanks to their managers)
/vg/lel is the real league after all...
Which vidya teams will die? All of them? I hope so.
I hope all the /admin/ and comfy teams die
ginger and soulless
aryan and blue-eyed
>lav already begging /vg/ for a meme match
cringe in the 'cord
>trading one shitter for another
No balls to ping any actual member.
0 replies despite almost every council member being online.
At least /mmg/ looks nice.
Those being?
/mmg/ has nice music thoughbeit.
When you get an easy three points you don't care where it comes from
>Both clowns must be on the pitch from the beginning no matter what
Besides being a player that will likely need to be subbed so that /vg/ doesn't have a dead midfield on a 433, it's a rep from a general that's fucking dead. Of course they're gonna ignore him.
f ss13
they really should have gotten on the 14 bandwagon instead of flatly refusing to interact with it or have it in the thread at all
but kudos to them for sticking to their guns to the death
Why is Clown even on /vg/ when /xgg/ didn't get a player in Summer?
/ss13g/ was an alive general during the /vg/ League from which /vg/ is represented. /xgg/ was dead before the League started.
/twg/ was live and they lost their spot solely because of the manager.
Hardly their spot, they didn't even know the league happened.
Have you seen how over /ss13g/ is around the 'cord compared to /xgg/ or /twg/? It's not even a contest
In English please
>give the 7th placed team absolute preference over 4th-6th at the premium nonmedal position
should've just asked for a friendly
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Would your team get a post like this made about them?
I want to breed this cute girl
Yes because I would make it myself
errmmm cringe
well at least /vmg/ are probably bottoming that group and puting l'av back in the fetus
KWABentale shut down... P'issinpants is going to have to actually win games on his own merit...
Reso hates the team so he's throwing
ss14 has like no 4chan playerbase because it's developed and ran by a group of trans people who are overly authoritarian. there's like 1 guy who will post in the /vm/ thread about his endless battle against them to host his server but nobody else talks about it.
its just that the thread was mostly for the /vg/ server and they had no intention of moving to ss14 because they understood how barebones it was and how much effort it would be to bring it to something that resembles the /vg/ server. the codes, the few that are left, just have no interest in starting from nothing and trying to dedicate a lot of their free time to it.
spoke about it before but the server was started over 10 years ago by a bunch of people who were barely 18. everyones old now, with responsibility. there's not been an influx of younger players because 4chan doesn't typically attract them any more, neither does the type of game. even the last big influx was years ago at this point. people grow up, they get lives and they lose free time.
the server did what it could to keep to its 4chan roots but there's not much you can do when 4chan doesn't bring in people (we even ran adverts for like 6 months on the site) and the userbase grows out of using the site.
add on the constant attacks from weirdos it's no wonder a lot of the more reasonable people have been driven out to closed off communities where they can avoid that shit.
>unironically throwing
>me me me me me
It's not even about /ss13g/ fuck you attention whore.
I think my arm would perfectly fit around Taba's waist
wtf i hate kiyose now
tabas not even cute. bad post from a bad poster. pick somebody better next time.
How do I check for world premieres? I think Group F might have a shit ton of them, but I want to make sure.
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git gud is washed
nah that's you
damn this kinda sounds like my general and the future it's headed to
sad shit.
id heard about some of that, the ss14 servers did seem very authoritarian
tf2 nearly went the same way when a group of trannies under tyler mcnigger made a load of new servers under the guise of transwashing tf2. They ended up not paying their server owners nothing over 2 years and when he quit and said he never got paid the whole thing folded, Makes you wonder where all the donations and server rank fees went.
Their mods went on to become danes mods on uncletopia which is why alot of tf2g wont go there
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>gold cb/rb
>silver dmf/lb
horrors beyond our comprehension
It's gonna be so fucking funny when this activates on grip weekend and cucks /vmg/ out of promoting again
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guy doing the formations is somehow very retarded, here's what the save has
If you can't tell, everyone is out of position. He probably copied from a saved squad at the last minute and forgot to check that everyone was in the right spot.
/x/ had their export set up in /vm/s slot so i had to port them over
bretty gud
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>Group A
/his/, /vst/
>Group B
/b/, /f/
>Group C
/s4s/. /tv/
>Group D
/vp/, /vt/
>Group E
/fa/, /mu/
>Group F
/vrpg/, /x/
>Group G
/m/, /wg/
>Group H
/vg/, /biz/

Spoon /g/
To advance:
>/his/ /toy/
>/b/ /f/
>/s4s/ /tv/
>/vp/ /ck/
>/mu/ /o/
>/vrpg/ /x/
>/m/ /an/
>/vg/ /c/
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Teams for this feel?
VAR is paid by /vg/.
>both /pw/ golds are helping orange man's campaign

/pwol/ for next TTC
No penalty for teams with Falkland Islands.
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gold captain
nah it'd be Trump, he is a hall of famer after all
WWE has a hall of fame? Cool, where can I visit it?
Same place as the portal to Gensokyo
4CC Hall of Fame when?
>tfw not interesting enough for someone on /4ccg/ to stalk me
Name 10 founding inductees
>tfw so interesting I have to hide my powerlevel so nobody on /4ccg/ stalks me
For a Hall of Fame to be launched the league needs to have at least 15 years to exist because you need 5 years of cushion to make selections but can also be fastracked for 13 for a 3 year cushion for choices on hall of famer.

But let's say that starting from 2011-2014 give me your best hall of famer nominees.

Also I'm hoping that whoever made hyp videos this coming winter, he could compile all the goal of the tournament from the start until the latest.
>tfw so old every time you see people typing on discord you just feel like you don't connect with these people at all unless divegrass is happening.
I was gonna say tma but there's literally nothing interesting about him
GB, Boris, QD, Sou, f4r, Foreground, Ved
vedFX for giving us the best hyp videos. Hall of famer for sure.
Is it just streamers/people that contributed to the cup or also players?
+Blenderanon, Kregg, and Smugleaf. There's your starting ten.
I also add Boris cat as a Hall of Famer. Best mascot. RIP space catboi.
I have no idea who any of these people are.
Don't worry about it VGL newfag.
I do not care about your names
e-celeb cup
For players: Rape, Messi, Bebop, Doomrider, Bateman, Cunt Destroyer, Kerning, Alteisen, Madokami, Merzbow.
Cowboy Bebop, >rape, TSUUUUUUUU, Woody, Doompaul, Best Pony, I Like Trains, Homucifer, Doomrider, Alteisen Reise
>QD before Shakes
you're out of your mind
You definitely have to include Stallman, Zyzz, Suicide, Yaranaika, Sanic and Spurdo to that list
Fine, I'll do my aesthetics myself if you're going to be such a flaming queer about it, Kiyose.
Group D is Group "where do you cum?"
>in a vaporeon
>in your oshi's merch
>in someone's burger
>or inside a deer
All according to keikaku
every group is where do you cum
I'll make a team based off this culsterfuck of a thread
No, you work up on the deer, you finish in the brownie batter.
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in group order
hot glue your toys
to anne frank
to cleopatra
to adje narle
to your OC
inside vegetas ass
inside a loli
on a mirror looking at yourself
to a chubby JAV idol
to early nickolodeon feet stuff
to konata
saving it for a totally real arian blonde trad wife
to your Oshi
inside vaporeon
on a naked body food spread
inside a deer
jacking off while listening to some toodeep4ucore
to little witch nobeta
on a mirror to yourself again (but for fashion this time)
in your cars exhaust
your cum is augmented
inside a succubus
inside outis
on a cpu as thermal paste
Big o to Big O
inside a dog
inside a elf
inside a kemono friend
inside a blood cell
inside Anchivy (DUCE DUCE DUCE)
on your screen while your stock hits a god candle
suguri again
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>adje narle
Kino and hello king golds
acquiring exclusive melty information on the Official /4ccg Computron, allow me a moment to decode
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Where were you when Gusic League was back?
i have diarrhea
I was impregnating GayGay's wife with my child again
/vn/ if it was good.
/his/ /vr/
/b/ /i/
/tv/ /pol/
/vp/ /vt/
/mu/ /v/
/vrpg/ /vmg/
/m/ /h/
/vg/ /biz/
/fa/ are being very underrated.
Hard to rate a team that was wholly unimpressive in a fetus
It is a proven export that went undefeated it what will prove to be a strong group.
/wg/ was meh in the spring fetus and ultimately made final day.
/fa/ are pretty easily the best team in their group and they're a known good 4-3-3 in a cup where like half the teams at least are doing really stupid shit

that group was loaded, even by non-fetus standards, and /fa/ still went undefeated in it. should tell you something.
Who is sock-puppeting /fa/ again?
/wg/ also ran an entirely different formation in spring proper than they did in the fetus, and also they have not actually won a match since the spring group stage
It's Spring 18 /soc/
How about your waist then?
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Poacher CF easily the most common Gold playstyle. More than double the Hole AMFs and triple the Fox CFs.
Creative SS the most common Silver playstyle, just a little above Hole AMFs. Both helped by multiple teams running both their Silvers as one. Silver playstyles significantly more spread out than Gold.
#rekt probably helped that

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