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Previous thread >>499368486

Reminder to report and ignore shitposters
>/drg/ OP pastebin (just copy it and paste previous thread link)

>Danganronpa News, Interviews and Articles
Latest: DRS Released on Steam.
Old news updated 23/7/22: https://pastebin.com/pnwKUj3d

>/drg/'s spoiler-free guide for the series *MUST READ IF YOU ARE NEW*

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Best mage Himiko! I hope you all have a wonderful day! For those of you posting about how much you love your waifu or husbando I have a message for you They love you too
He is my favorite Danganronpa character. The Ultimate President.
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Reminder that Sayaka is the cutest girl!
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I love Miu
Her boobs are top notch.
Agreed, her tits outclass all other Dangans. But, I also kinda just wanna give her a hug...
Yeah a hug is a great way to get up close and personal with those babies.
The ultimate president who already lost an election.
Also fuck off. You guys are like tumor.
He never lost.
Yeah. Being a Miufag is weird. I also get those overwhelming, mind-clouding sexual thoughts about her where I just lose my mind in a haze of lust and want to fuck her brains out. But I also really just wanna hold her close and cuddle and let her know she's loved, I guess. I don't know, I know that's probably weird, sorry.
Go back to pol and cope there.
It's actually very normal to feel both of those things. The idea that sexual desire and romantic intimacy are two separate incompatible things is a product of our flawed modern culture.
Thanks for helping me feel a little bit more normal about myself and my thoughts, anon. I genuinely do appreciate it. Thank you.
You're apologizing for geniunely loving a character and not for being a degenerate coomer? Seriously? How rotten is your brain from porn that you disassociated the concept of Intimacy so far and outright shunned the romantic aspect?
Coom never nor will ever be the norm and you should re-evaluate your mindset. Possibly cut out the porn and learn what it means to love in a pure sense first.
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I love my precious wife!
sexy nun Hajime uuuuu
Kill yourself, puritan.
Do you have a picture of that?
Based anon.
Seething cuck shitposter.
This, but my Dangan
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It's Komahina unfortunately, but I almost didn't notice Nagito behind him somehow.
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I saw a regular looking Nun-jime earlier by a different artist. I hope it becomes a Halloween art trend.
This is borderline blasphemous. Stop sinning
I remember coming across a piece of fanart of my dangan dressed like a nun, but it was also ryona, but also also it was drawn in a wierd vector animation cartoon style. Not sure if I want to go, try finding it.
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Mahiru and Sonia
Correct. Except I'm more of the type to stone you 70 times for sodomy.
The normal fanarts are fine, but i really don't get why a fetish exists of religious clothes that specifically signify celibacy and moral rightness... it's disrespectful. And gross.
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This is bait right
When I see posts like these I get tempted to participate in democracy
-are both straight!
And Mahirufag is a tranny!
Hajime and his two pseudofriends
What was up with Komaeda befriending Souda and Fuyuhiko in the anime OVA?
The 3 incels
If Komaeda is an incel that means women bring only bad luck and despair
Komaeda is definetely an incel. He hates non talented women and believes he's not good enough to be with talented girls so he will never have sex
Alright! A game reset!
And with this the world will continue to loop
Getting a blowjob from SDR2 girls...
Insane cope. Komaeda isn't you.
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What does that mean?
>no argument
yumejoshi hands typed this post
Tranny friends
I have a ryona fetish.
Female dangans for me?
if u don't sin crossman died for nothing or whatever
Hnnnggg.... mt dick.
Nagito hanged out with him just because he thought Hajime had some amazing hidden talent
Souda invited him to crash girls beach gathering just because Hajime was the only adequate guy around
>Nagito hanged out with him just because he thought Hajime had some amazing hidden talent
He hanged out with him because they're subconsciously drawn to each other and the talent baloney talk was just masking it.
How much despair would Junko feel if she gets beaten up to the point where she ends up feeling completely incapable to defend herself?
yeah i bet u climbed mount dick
Copious amount of fujofaggotry begging you to touch grass sis
Esl or underaged
where's this energy whenever the failed abortion posts about his ryona fetish?
He's shitposting while you are actually serious
It's the same guy
Hung out?
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It's true. He just had to come to terms with the fact that he truly likes someone without talent because it's in dissonance with his worldview.
Go back
>calls himself misserable trash, just like Hajime
>that means they like each other
BEGGING YOU to take a shower
adult man offended by the letters X and D put next to eachother. incredibly sad.
So sad sister omg!! these 4channers incels sure are sad XDXD
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I use XD daily. I thought it was normal.
While everybody is busy seething at each other, nobody will notice if I sneak out and touch Himiko's cunny.
You get offended by someone wanting to punch pixels, that's sadder.
yep. fully grown dude seething and spitting and losing his mind over some letters. no wonder he's a virgin, natural selection keeping him out of the genepool
That applies to everyone here, including you
Every day I'm connecting more dots
nice try makoto, not everyone is like you (failure)
Everyone who posts here is
naw, just u and the other makotos and hifumis
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I think he's actually serious actually it's very specific and has gone on for years
sowwy sis ywnbaw and you'll die likr lonely bitter incel like everyone here :^)
I think girls are evil and stupid.
>tranny mention out of nowhere
every baseless accusation is a confession tho makoto
Kaedefag has been posting for years yet people here always say he's a shitposter
I hope you'll always be brutally honest with me, and... I'm glad to hear that.
Also, that's another pretty Hinata-kun, the art is really beautiful too. Sauce? Onegai.
>I'm not sure it would qualify it as a cover since it's still the same voicebank.
Are you talking about simply writing the lyrics differently? I don't think it's considered really changing the lyrics when the audio is the same. Though, like in that "Haunted boy in the old school" title, they're really annoying when they're not immediately recognizable.
>Eitherway, Round 3.
[https://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm33431631] Komaeda
[https://youtu.be/hoKusVvBwrI] Komaeda
I really like this video. Except for the fact the fandom is dead set on drawing Komaeda's eyes as blue when they are gray tinted green. Blue doesn't make sense and makes him seem like some random mainstream anime boy. Komaeda is pretty as he is.
[https://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm31133381] Ouma
I especially like how this video changed what was an otherwise minimal story song and added a lot more meaning into it. I mean, all parody PVs do this to some extent. But this one was good and in character. The translator was really dedicated.
[https://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm30594145] V3
The last two are weirdly enough translated fully into english on nicovideo? (Huh, it opens the eng subs on PC but not on mobile?) They, alongside Trash Hajime (no offense, you get what i mean) video, are parodies of the same producer Kurage-P.
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He's probably a shitposter but actually has the fetish
>every baseless accusation is a confession
that'd make you the biggest incel here althougbeit, sir
im not a makoto irl so i don't project on people unlike u and chihiro
What's wrong with wanting to beat girls you like, though?
makoto gets rlly offended when someone calls him incel because its true. he also really hates two letters next to eachother because their proximity reminds him that he will never be as close to the opposite sex as X is with D xD
I think boys are cute and stupid
Nice to meet you
polish hands typed this post
Hifumi pls stop writting yaoi fanfic of makoto getting his bussy poundednby chihiro and go outside begging you ok bye
It's more normal to want to kiss and hug them.
makoto life cycle
sayaka says "no" -> makoto -> chihiro -> body discovery announcement but no trial cus its suicide
>"I'm not miserable like you! We are different!"
>omg. literally married couple.
Fujoxister... Begging you to uninstall tumblr.
Maybe Komaeda was initially interested, but Hajime couldn't have been louder in his thoughts of "Why is this creepy faggot talking to me?" Do you guys want him to call Komaeda a slur in game to be convinced that he's grossed out and doesn't like him? I said it before, but Hajime was too busy ogling Chiaki's boobs to give any shit about Komaeda's mental illness(es)
nice fanfic hifumi xdxd kudos!!
uh oh he got offended XD
kiyotroon speaking srry guys i have period cramps and my hormones r making me sooooooooooo angry that theres incels on the incel website
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I think you're cute and stupid. :)
Luckiest pillow ever.
makoto here i just took a big bite of some raw chicken and chewed it up and am now feeding my dog like a bird because its the closest i will ever get to kissing someone
>actually seething
makoto is seething with arousal at the thought of letting his pet eat out of his mouth WTF
Reminder that ryonafag is also Poyofag
kiyoxister did ur ex bf cheat on u?
yep mahirufag cheated on me with kagefag
Is that why she left, did you kill her....
Kiyotroony melty
whenever i think of my mahirufag dearest and his sexy bald head i break down
>MahiruGOD mindbroke kiyotroon once again without doing anything
What an alpha
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>that's another pretty Hinata-kun, the art is really beautiful too. Sauce?
I do like that picture, I feel like it's a shorter version of the hairstyle I imagined for post-DR2 Hajime. The artist also has some neat Nagitos and Kamukuras too like picrel. I feel as though you will recognize the artist.
this is true, you can see his posts in the femdom thread on /trash/
Give him treats! Give him treats!
>no trial cus its suicide
Sakura committed suicide but there was still a trial you secondary
Wow. You're right.
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>i really don't get why a fetish exists of religious clothes that specifically signify celibacy and moral rightness
I think you've answered yourself. It's exactly that. Many people like the forbidden aspect or simply ruining something pure. It's hot. Like a virgin maiden being debased into a common whore, if only for her man specifically. People have been sexualizing Nuns since before any of us and our grandparents existed. Have you heard of the art piece called "The Sin" by Heinrich Lossow? It was painted in 1880, an image depicting a man fucking a Nun through the openings of a gate. She looks like she's having the time of her life too.
Is it really any surprise that this trend follows suit into animated media that regularly depicts demons, angels and religious turmoil and turns it into your casual shonen or seinen show or anime-inspired video game? Mix that with the abundance of common fanservice and essentially, you'll never be able to pry sexy nuns out of anyone's hands.
Though personally, I just like it when people make the outfit accentuate the breast, hips and waist more than the forbidden factor. It's very sexy. And it just so happens that Hajime has large breasts and a great hip to waist ratio.
And that's why I think people should draw more sexy nun Hajime. Thank you for listening.
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Makoto kills Chihiro and stages it like it was a suicide? Really? Makoto? The "we're all friends here we would never kill" guy? That Makoto?
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If it were sexy nun Kamukura, you would understand.
Speaking of, I'm surprised I haven't seen something like that yet.
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I vant to suck your blööd!
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I really... want to reply with graphic death threats and foul insults right now... Why wasn't this post written by someone else so that i could write a reply so toxic it gets me banned for 3 days.
That painting is ugly and degenerate art in the literal meaning. The kind that deserves burning in the same sense of the trash we see here. Except it's worse. You're admitting that the common whores your kind loves so much just isn't enough anymore, that of course your degeneracy will never be content and instead seeps into everything else like a virus spreading and becoming an epidemic. But you won't ever be satisfied and this behaviour only leads to becoming an absolutely worthless person who vomits black in his every word and interaction. A porn-rotten person so far gone it shows in your eyes and gestures. At that point, you're less human than a demon.
Ugh... You can't even handle the thought of a person refusing to engage in all of that by choosing celibacy and distancing themselves. But sure, you're in the right and there's nothing wrong with you.
I'm only a schizo anon, after all. So you can very easily disregard all of this and continue doing you. My opinions is that of an irrelevant person with backwards, conservative and regressive beliefs, sorry. And this isn't a personal insult as much as of course you're drone number 8282742 who has this completely original thoughts and believes in them, despite that this kind of degeneracy along with many others end up in obvious pshyical and mental health failures before moral or karmic punishment.
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Count von Count?
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I'm sorry that I like seeing boobs and ass in sexy clothes, it may happen again.
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Me too.
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Drawing Peteys at work yay
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bot post incoming
goodnight /drg/
Canon couples
Chiaki died and Hajime never gave a fuck about Chiaki.
Sonia hates Souda.
Kill yourself.
Found it
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Canon couple
Meant for >>499936121
>two incels got together
Happy ending.
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On the thumbnail it looks like Souda is wearing a wedding dress.
t4t ship
>Are you talking about simply writing the lyrics differently? I don't think it's considered really changing the lyrics when the audio is the same.
No the audio changes along with the lyrics. I mean the melody is the same but not the vocals. You can observe that in the video in the post you replied to.
>I really like this video. Except for the fact the fandom is dead set on drawing Komaeda's eyes as blue when they are gray tinted green.
Getting eyes wrong is par the course for Danganronpa art. I see people fucking up Hinata's eyes non stop even in official art sometimes.
>The last two are weirdly enough translated fully into english on nicovideo?
The scrolling text on niconico videos really is that site's only saving grace because it adds a ton of soul. Otherwise I hate how they block you from playing videos in multiple tabs at the same time or popping out the player so it stick to your screen when you change the tab.

The Komaeda videos reference Hinata a lot! Are you sure you're a Hinakoma hater?
Actually, the fact that your first link is actually two half-sized videos bundled together made me realize that many of my favorites are basically only excerpts. Like these 2 gems. I wish they were full sized. I find this flipnote artstyle extremely charming.

>Maybe Komaeda was initially interested, but Hajime couldn't have been louder in his thoughts of "Why is this creepy faggot talking to me?" Do you guys want him to call Komaeda a slur in game to be convinced that he's grossed out and doesn't like him?
Both felt betrayed by the other at some point and acted out, but this is a very extreme thing to say. They're all clearly close with each other on the boat at the end.
Hajime turning into Izuru is an incel to trans pipeline allegory
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The hip shape discourse from the other day made me notice Hinata (forma Izuru) and Hinata (Reserve Course) have differently looking hips. Sprite artist fuckup?
He completed his transition
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You're making this pairing grow on me a lot.
monkey ears
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ancient meme
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>Sonia hates Souda.
She meant his penis is impressive by the way
She wants to be kind. She still hates him.
I hate Souda
I hate Komahina
I hate Hajime
Ok Grouchy Smurf
Literally all me
uuhhh, based department?
Komahina chads rule this fandom
Sorry i meant to say KaedeCHADS
Are you lost little Anon?
She's gonna lock him up
Grounded for not doing homework?
Donald Trump is Komaeda
Narrowly dodging a bullet that kills a random spectator instead sort of fits
When you put it like that it makes me appreciate Trump even more. What a great president.
I hoped the thread would be less dead on a Saturday...
Sorry, I'm waging.
On a weekend? What despair
Is Ice with juice poured on top tasty?
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I'm sleeping
I prefer it because things are way slower and there's less traffic.
Weird, I'd assume it's the opposite. Most people are not stuck in their wagecages on weekends thus increasing the traffic.
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Everyone is sleeping an partying...
Run Shuichi, she’s going to take your virginity!
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Tsumugi is being bullied what will you do?
Is there any fanart of Nagito doing this pose?
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Despite all my rage, I'm still just a rat in a cage.
What a coincidence
The worst traffic here comes from people driving to and from work.
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I had a vision of it being Hajime or Izuru because of how the bullet grazes his cheek.
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Please no bulli
How do you know?
Join in on the bullying (sexually).
No, it just sounds like something I watched today
Danganronpa related
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triden = komahina
gonta gyatt
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I'm voting for Donald Trump and registered as a republican because my husband Nagito supports Donald J. Trump.
That's awesome. Every American poster should do the same.
time moved backwards by an hour
holy BASED.
fuck it really fits, komaeda even has dementia
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This is going to make a lot of liberals seethe.... lmao.
I want to see Komaeda rape Mahiru
Hajimetrannies are NOT gonna like this
Kaede is gonna edge him for hours
Put an icebag in his dick so he doesn't cum
Lock him up in chastity
Make him watch how uncle Rantaro fucks her
Let him out of chastity and repeat the process until he becomes addicted to gooning
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kurumi is a CUTE
Kill yourself shitposter.
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I want her to eat me!!!
Today I had a dream about a drg poster
Which one?
I don't want to say.
It's hard to remember what the dream was about anyway.
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(You) on the left
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I should read Danganronpa IF
Sonia when japanese things
Tell us.
It was about Chiakifag, i was on a date with him.
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I'm surprised nobody's thought of shipping Kaede with Monika from DDLC
It was about Mahirurag, I was looking for a place to bury his body
>multifandom shipping
What's the connection anyway
Both are sweet and kind pianists that are somewhat capable of murder (even if it was beyond their control), and have surprisingly dark sides hiding behind their kindness (Monika's yandere tendencies and pregame Kaede having no faith in humanity at all)
Deltarune reference?
Pregame Kaede could have been a flashback light created personality as well, but I suppose it's not relevant when we are considering her pianist personality already to begin with
Either way her "no faith in humanity" line had teen edgelord vibes rather someone who's actually murderous
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Cute cute cute!!!
Also leave my BF alone
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Girls in suits are so cool...
Butch lesbian couple
Your yaoi game is shit
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Sonic reference?
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Next year they will have a DR1 remake announced for the 15th anniversary.
But I thought I was your bf...
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We did not need another S;G remake just let it die
On Thursdays
Cute future parents
Not all the voice actors are still alive
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i can honestly see that being the case tbqh. they wouldn't need kodaka for that.

though the only thing would be is how they'd "remake" the narrative. pull a distrust and the normal killing order gets disrupted and changed based on whatever action you made?
The only one gone is Oyama and even her replacement TARAKO.
It would be the same game with better gfx and maybe more unvoiced free time event stuff.
need that Irumass
Honestly I would welcome it, if it was actually fleshed out. I was really disappointed in DRS because of its pathetic amount of content I cared about. Can't be helped with this much character bloat but honestly, who cares about seeing Sakura interact with Kaito? I boot the game to see some canon and semi-canon ships getting some proper fanservice but all I get is 2 events with less than 50 lines of dialogue combined.
Nah they'll probably take liberties with the story.
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This is just comical it's like the Jerma meme
They won't do anything because there won't be a remake to begin with
You sound like a boring faggot. Which fits the character you posted.
Will be looking forward to your meltdown next year.
Sorry for expecting more than a couple pages worth of text for 20 dollars.
I would ejaculate in my pants.
look pal they're not going to remake the story because remakes are often bought by newbies to the series as a replacement for the original game and it would shit up the continuity of the series
>thinking they care about the continuity
Prepare your rope next year.
What happened to that one poster who used to post his real life cosplays of Kuzuryuu? He was really short, used to post here a couple years back
Anon I...
princess kagutsuchi
Izuru <3
Welcome back
>who cares about seeing Sakura interact with Kaito?
Unironically more people care about those 2 than Izuru who's a nothing character
Komaeda is flushed at acting out as the big bro... very cute.
I don't disagree that people care about these 2 separately, I just don't see much sense in having them talk to completely arbitrary characters instead of someone from their own class, unless it's a setup for something funny like that Miu x Mikan event.
Then why are you impying people give a fuck about a nothing character like Izuru interacting with Byakuya and shit like that over Sakura and Kaito?
>Then why are you impying people give a fuck about a nothing character like Izuru interacting with Byakuya
When did I?
It was implied with you image
If you say so, boss.
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kissy kissy in the box!!!
It would take a couple minutes for them to run out of air.
that's only because nagito won't stop fucking farting
Corking up Komaeda so he can't brap!
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if you give him the cork he gives you the pork
I love Chihiro so much, I relate to him so much. I am a programmer and ashamed of how I look, I could imagine living together and becoming successful indie game developers together
Aw, anon, that's sad and sweet
Kill yourself troon
>i am a tranny faggot pedophile
Sweet if not a shitpost.
She looks silly
Thank you! its not a shit post, I think Chihiro is a really cool character. Not my favorite but one of my favs
I love this, I need more of this
You'll never have a womb. XY is coded in your every cell and atom.
I never once said I was trans
Having a womb is not that great anon
It's implied in your post, chihirotranny
Where in my post is it implied I'm trans, yes I said I relate to Chihiro because he is ashamed of his appearance. I said I relate to a character who is a cross dresser, Not a trans person and I relate to them for different reasons then them cross dressing
Why not? It's protected and hidden deep inside the body unlike testicles that just hang out waiting to be assaulted.
True... and you can sit however you like without risking...
goodnight /drg/
I failed to write that bot post was incoming because I forgot about daylight savings
Night anon
If it wasn't, faggots and trannies wouldn't spend their entire lives mimicing having one.
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Main character
Yep, we can make a daring sim out of this batch of characters
Mahiru is painfully boring, she'd be the token trad housewife route. Pick someone else, I don't think Hajime would be into some woman who demands he provides, protects and buys her jewellery.
Incel in the middle
You are just baiting
>I don't think Hajime would be into some woman who demands he provides, protects and buys her jewellery.
why not
He's trans
...was killed by Tsumugi's bullshit
what jerma meme are you talking about
...Is a lesbian!
... is 10-fold more of a perfect dream waifu than Chiaki
...fucks Shuichi in the ass
...locked me in chastity
...Kisses Chiaki on the mouth and feels her boobies.
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and Maki!
Sesbian lex
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Why did Saiouma never take off as much as Komahina?
Ouma wasn't batshit insane like Nagito. Fujos love deranged boys.
I'd say it's still pretty popular. Like the most popular V3 ship.
It's an obvious poor imitation trying to ride on the coattails of it's success.
Because Komaeda and Hinata had a very special relationship meanwhile Ouma had better chemistry with Kaito than with the MC
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I would cut his balls and force him to eat it.
AI teeth
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lack of soul
>"bend over"
bull fucking shit I hand painted that portrait of souda's backside for 13 painstaking hours
You generated it in 5 minutes and spent the other 12.55 gooning
>I hand painted that portrait of souda's backside for 13 painstaking hours
with cum
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All that gaming had it's consequences...
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If it makes you happy, I'll let you find me.
A faithful shadow, under the cherry tree.
A constant echo in the softest night
That in your absence is without light.

I'd like to be your shelter on sunless days,
A whisper that sings only your accolades.
And in every memory you wish to keep,
To paint my place in your hare,
As you painted yourself in my sleep.

I would be the skin you long to discover,
The warmth you can only feel from a lover.
A treasure you're not afraid to lose,
For you in every breath, my dearest muse.

My Chiaki, you are the scent that announces the rain,
The calm in the wind, the departure of pain.
And if you could ever love me,
I'll be that ‘forever’,
While I wait for you under the tree.
Is that why I have to wear glasses? Because I gamed too much? But they told me it was genetic!
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What a cutie.
Either way it was a grueling 13 hours, okay??
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The price to pay for all these cute Chiakimaids is that there is almost no Halloween art this year.
back to wagcage tomorrow
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Is serenading your gf icky in 2024?
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Why is he brown
What is he singing?
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He's raping, cause he's brown
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no hinatan and kamukun today
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Who is that
Literally where is he brown
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>Literally where is he brown
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I got called into work today and Kamu was busy too. And since the time changed, he heads off to sleep earlier now. Lonely night for me...Though, I know he's going to be busy tomorrow too so I'd rather he get a good night's rest anyways.
do you work in a hospital
Looks more pink to me. Maybe I have bad eyesight.
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Literally blind anon...everyone donate to his glasses fund
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No, I do IT.
Do what?
Massages. He's a SHSL Coach.
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Goober gamer
Sex bunnies
Luckiest chair ever
silly goober, I love her so much!! I wonder what her PC specs are
You scared me anon, you made me think I accidentally posted porn on bluboard
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more pucci doko?
Wow, same!
is this model based on zakiko's art?
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Maybe? Not sure.
chou bunsekiryoku
Hummina hummina awooga
I downloaded some character loras and my gens looked decent, ironically when I added a komatsuzaki rui style lora to it, it started looking less like the characters are supposed to look
One-eyed monster
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I finally sat my ass down and spent my Sunday reading Danganronpa/Zero (for the first time, despite being in the fandom for a decade).
I'm a little bit seething how we could have had a happy end if things went a little bit differently. If memory loss fixes the issue of her boredom, why even bother setting up a plan that brings her back to her evil persona? This is despair.
The translation was pretty bad and the .pdf file I was reading missed half the illustrations which I didn't even know existed until after I read the last chapter. That sucked. The artist's leg fetish was out of control in that one though.

I agree, we needed more NISA memes in there
The novel had plenty memey lines as is. And besides the massive amount of typos, every once in a while I'd see the translator saying he's clueless in square brackets
>―After all, those guys all died in vain. It really is awful. It‘s like as long as it‘s for the sake of the school‘s Hope, anything can become a stepping stone...even if it wasn‘t the Preparatory Department, that kind of thinking is to be expected...[okay I have no clue what this last part was trying to say so whatever]
But I do appreciate that they kept the SHSL terminology instead of using NISA's stupid Ultimates like some other "improved" translation I checked.
Imagine the eyefucking...
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Made for bullying
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Would Chiaki eat snow?
Gets bullied everyday at school
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I would burn alive anyone who tried to harm her.

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Forgot pic
Yes, because she's >>500110685
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You wouldn't bully this cutie patootie, would you?
Does ogling count as bullying
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Menstrual Cycles
How do they feel?
Probably one of those server CPUs for max performance
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Nobody here knows.
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I'd say that 90% of all the hate Chiaki gets online comes from Komahinafags. The other 10% comes from people who self-insert as Hajime and want him to end with some other girls like Mikan or Mahiru. Why are shipperfags like this?
Ironic coming from someone who literally edits Hajime out of Hinanami fanart.
Do you think he's jealous?
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How exactly? I am a critic of shipfagging and I'm not hiding it either.
Fujos deserve the rope anyways
Any guy would be jealous.
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I would
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Terrible last words.
>non canon incel fanfic
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Nice rebuttal, losers.
Rebuttal to what
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> Terrible last w-ACK!!!
Does MDA shit go here too because I don't know where else to post. I just beat chapter 2 and that was not the way to go with that plotline. I see why people hate sexy female kuma. Two things I wish it did differently though were the set pieces which get repetitive fast and the kill scenes which are boring.
t. self-shipper
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No, that's off topic
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girl talk
I wish I could spy on them.
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Chiaki: "Why don't we play games together sometime?" wink

Hajime: "oh i dunno life is pointless without talent"

Chiaki: "What I mean is, you can come to my dorm, and we can... you know... play Smash." WINK WINK

Hajime: "nah i'm gonna go become despair or something"

Chiaki: "Come to my bedroom, shove me on the bed, and FUCK MY GODDAMN BRAINS OUT!"
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If Chiaki ever said this to me... woof...
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Huge tits Tsumugi
I enjoy Tsumugi because she’s geeky in a way I can relate to as opposed to “uwu smol cute gamer girl” that’s kind of alienating in that she’s curated only to appeal to an audience I’m not a part of. Tsumugi constantly spouting references nobody else understands is much more realistic
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You never told me why it was ironic.

>wojak posting
You lost.

It's called waifufagging, dummy.
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Chiaki is the Platonic ideal of a geek girl. Someone who otakus always see in the Vtubers they have parasocial crushes on.
Meanwhile, Tsumugi is the realization of a geek girl. Someone who just so happens to be a girl and a geek.
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>Chiaki is the Platonic ideal of a geek girl. Someone who otakus always see in the Vtubers they have parasocial crushes on.
Pretty dumb take in my opinion, Chiaki's biggest appeal and idealization is how she acts outside her talent. Anyone who reduces Chiaki's appeal to just a ‘gamer girl’ has completely missed the point of Chiaki's character. Chiaki is a genuinely good person with a really solid reason to act the way she acts, that just happens to be a bit geeky.
Even outside her Talent, she still acts like an uwu soft girl that has a crush on the bland Protag, which is exactly the market Belle Delphine cached in on.
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That's a rather disingenuous way of simplifying someone who had to find ways to navigate her own nature in order to save the lives of the people she learned to loved. If you're talking about FTEs, those hardly count as all the characters become more mellow with the protagonist.
>exactly the market Belle Delphine cached in on
Oh, you're trolling.
By the MoRd, for that simply means that she appeals to both the historic male fantasy of a young pure-hearted virgin lass, and the more modern male geek fantasy, of a soft introverted adorkable girl.
So does Tsumugi
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But that is not true, as it actively ignores Chiaki's significance in the story as someone who pushes others against escapism, and in turn, encourages self-improvement. You barely understand Chiaki's character, yet you try to label and stereotype her in unflattering ways to justify your own tastes and make those who disagree with you look bad.
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Her tits are smaller than Sayaka's
Sayaka's are huge.
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(she's going to groom her like Tenko did)
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Oh really?

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