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Cancer edition

>Steam Page:

>Where to give feedback and report bugs:

>Latest Patch:

>How do I git in?
Post your Steam profile and ask. You need to accept a friend request to be invited, so don't be autistic.

>How do I git gud?
Do the tutorial, get a feel for each hero in sandbox mode, explore public item builds, play bot matches.

Additional Resources:
>Unofficial Wiki
>New Player Guide
>Advanced Movement Guide

Vindicta best girl.
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What a disgusting thread Pocket is only for Frog
just got hard carried by an ivy and kelvin this game, they solo held the base with kudzu and grenade spam. idk how it worked but 5 enemies couldnt focus our ball down for 25s+ even a mcginnis
hyper based plays by them
They did a bunch of changes in the patch that were specifically supposed to mitigate that but it's like the grossly underestimated how far out and how much damage the wave clearing spells have and how effective the area denial is for preventing objective siege.

From the patch notes I thought we were going to see a big pivot on that but there was no pivot. I can't even notice the spell resist the waves still just die to grenade/kudzo/lightning ball or whatever.
I really want Holliday instead of Calico desu she's way more fun
fucks over stuff like charge shot/POWA SUHLASHU more than anything.
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insufferable piece of shit, nobody likes you.

you're not even a drawfag or anyone who contributes to the quality of the thread in any way. take your trip off and fuck off
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The black woman of Valve unoriginality.
These are TWO different characters.
I want Viper but with three completely new abilities replacing her 1, 2, and 4.
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There I'm a drawfag now, happy?
If it makes you feel any better he's a fat guy who looks like he's 20 years older than he is. He got laughed out of /o/ for a reason.
nobody wants you here
no you are an annoying faggot who isnt original and tripfagging in a game that isnt a tranny MMO.

You are the lowest caste of human 1 step above indians.
didn't ask
Guns are OP
go away oldfat
banned inhouse players:
>Ohhh look at me I've got a username on an anonymous board!
>B-but don't be mean I'm not making myself a target or anything.

Fat loser, fuck off back to wherever you came from. You're banned from in-houses as of now.
>Faggot cancer heroes
Wraith, Haze, Bebop, Talon, Vindicta

They all happen to also attract FPS kiddies the most
cope and seethe
they will never stop nerfing spirit btw:)
please be true, then I could finally stop subtly throwing whenever he's on my team
kelvin's beam should be removed and replaced with a completely different ability
No one cares, you are not a main character, you are a fucking annoying faggot and this is why you legit have no social life. Even the average faggot here is more capable than you.

Fuck off you filthy fucking nigger.
Kelvin is such an oppressive faggot in lane simply because of the beam so I support this
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We all decided you're not allowed in inhouses anymore, there's really no reason for you to be here any longer. You are not part of this community, you are a cancerous growth on it.
The dynamo attention whore is as bad as the tripfag. Both are also shitlow. I said my piece.
His beam is why I like him.
I think the absurd part is the splitting though. Get one creep and you can hit 2 other people entirely, if it was always a single beam then if you just kept getting cold ass blasted you know that fucker wants YOU or he's setting up for his team to pounce your ass.

Instead it's just "everyone around, get fucked"
Worst hero to lane against? Gotta be Vindicta, Grey Talon or Warden for me
Why would anyone come to an anonymous imageboard only to attach a name and unique identifier to every post (or rather every other post, as if he doesn't samefag reply to his own posts anonymously to agree with himself, as all tripfags do). Why not just go to retardera or leddit where I'm sure the discussions on this game are exhilarating and you can let everyone know you're a tranny automatically?
Imagine being retarded enough to a give a tripfag this much attention

Literally rent free
Geist and Infernus
I wanna play a support character who's better Kelvin or Viscous?
>inb4 Ivy
I dont like Ivy desu
Geist or Ginnis
banned inhouse players:
>big hat
I think Viscous does more hybrid nuker/support things. Kelvin is a better true support. Rescue beam goes nuts on him.
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Will I get raped if I join inhouses if I'm a phantom shitter?
give him tusk's snowball
they were literally inside our base though they werent creep cutting and we had no backdoor protection
Thanks Kelvin klein it is
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He looks like he likes to meddle
we have ritualistKINGS in there, it's fine
>new Paradox bomb buffs
>Throw bomb into pit
>Echo shart
>Throw bomb into pit on the other side
>Everyone has to evacuate the pit or suffer half their health AT LEAST
>stop playing after i lose a few games unranked straight
>wait until the next window of ranked matches opening to queue up next
what do you guys think of my plan
Neon Prime Haze is star wars expanded universe sovl. Still waiting to see her character model from the front.
>the spirits killed you not me
>no one should ever have their hands on my case
>im sorry :(
>you were worth more
can Pocket stop self loathing for more than 2 fucking seconds you blasted an innocent gargoyle in the face with a seven barreled shotgun no one made you do that
How do I get better at aiming
Just click head (and thank Gaben that every character shoots bricks)
Make sure aim acceleration is enabled, it's like free aim assist
The head moves
This is actually true. If you've been using it 16 hours a day for 20 years you shouldn't turn it off.
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Sex with Abrams
christ grey talon is bullshit to fight against now what the fuck were they thinking
they made the exploiter reports in the discord a humiliation chamber you can see all the rage cheating going on and they're all playing vindicta or seven.
any good machinegun mirage build?
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we're getting nerfed after this, huh?
just felt like it
i think the only nerf we're getting is that slowing hex now affects burrow
Mathematically speaking it'd be more efficient to invest in both fire rate and weapon damage
Mo n krill will never get nerfed icefrog is a fucking retard
this hero has been top tier for months and gets buffs every patch it's actually disgusting
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>give vindicta minor fire rate scaling with spirit
>she goes from joke tier to having posts like this
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Hybridtankbop is fun but I still miss most of my hooks
he really wasn't that great since unless he spent 6200 for phantom strike or 3000 for warp stone he was easier to dodge than viscous ball because you could just... get higher ground and ignore him.
Vindicta was never fucking joke tier.
It's players like the tripfag that make her look worse than what she actually is, a fucking monster laner that can gank and destroy any side lane from their own lane while also getting ahead just from playing the game and having an ult that instantly kills anyone at half HP early on and then scales into a gun carry with that guaranteed lead.
Which also has disgusting auto win lanes with heroes like warden or bebop.

The moment the hero becomes pickable suddenly everyone remembers how absolutely cancerous she is and she starts dominating everything until she gets nerfed.
Feet fags are clouding your judgement.
I'm guessing I play him about the same way. Melee items, Torment Pulse etc.
The secret to Bebop is that his abilities and even his gun are actually really crap as a primary way to dealing damage. Sticking to enemies and self bombing off cooldown? Much better.
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look I get that someone on vindicta just shit on your chest, but surely you see youve fucking lost it?
tesla bullet chads, how bad is the lane creep spirit resist change? I've been abusing heya hoya in the mean time
She was never in the top 10 pickrate or winrate in any MMR.
Maybe stop peeking while you're at 25% health?
nobody cares, fat boy
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Glad they buffed Grey Talon :)
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Tried the melee thing and it kind of scrambled my brain, much rather play around the quake lightning gun, and use bomb as a vehicle for improved burst
Tesla is my torment pulse now that it benefits from CD reduction
Basically this but I may drop close quarters/point blank for something else, likely toxic
Putting Surge on bomb is fucking SICK because it juices the damage a bit and acts as a cooler fleetfoot now. Selfcasting the bomb is amazing for chasing
How to completely fix Grey Talon

>make him 2x bigger
He'll have a much larger hitbox, make him tall and extremely ripped. He'll look really cool and will be much easier to hit with abilities. This will make him more popular and more balanced.
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Seriously how much times am i gonna post screenshots like this these arent edge cases what the fuck is this shit I want Icefrog to personally fly to my house and tell me what you want me to do here
Any tips for keeping up with souls in the lategame? I main Ivy like a faggot and can get an assload of assists since I focus objectives, but I'm not great in solo lanes & I don't farm jungle nearly enough most of the time. I find that I've been falling behind in souls pretty bad after the 20 minute mark even if my duo lane wins.
if you end up in a solo lane, assume the worst.
Oh yeah and disregard buy order I'm trying to figure out what should go where do it's basically random right now
Might also 86 reach dunno yet
>Tesla is my torment pulse now that it benefits from CD reduction
You could always go for both. With you ideally starting fights with hook, you will be fighting somewhat close to enemies anyway. I actually need to try out full thunder and lightning Bebop, sounds like fun.
>Putting Surge on bomb is fucking SICK because it juices the damage a bit and acts as a cooler fleetfoot now.
That is honestly a good idea. Since you can self bomb, you can control the buff a lot better. And whenevent you bomb an enemy, you most likely want to the buff too.
I also just realized this build is literally begging for soul shredder bullets so imagine that's there instead of close quarters
this sounds good actually
I did roll with torment pulse a bit, but it's really really difficult to tell when it's doing its job, so it doesn't feel impactful. Another thought I had is picking up lifestrike to make the uppercut pop a little more, but that's a relatively large investment and I'm already triple greened up
This is literally the first day I've played bebop ever btw, he's quite fun.
I did try this a bit, it's very cool. However, the fact that the uppercut doesn't actually get that bonus spirit damage triggered my autism a little, and in the first place I wasn't having a lot of trouble with ammo, so I shelved it for the time being
>heavy melee someone
>phase right through them
this shit is so fucking lame
it just combines really well with all the +damage he gets for the hook+uppercut combo
didn't realize the damage was wasted though, I thought it was added to the landing splash
hope you enjoy the sniper meta for the next 2 weeks ima enjoy inhouses instead not dealing with vindicta and talon i can deal with other bs shit but those 2 being good means super toxic games
Shit, I forgot about the splash. It's probably there after all, I need to check again when I'm not in bed
Also another thing I considered was Cold front because it's a classic combination burst and slow option that works well with the hook combo and makes you even more spirit resistant
now that he's OP he's attracted a lot of fotw shitters which make him look absolutely terrible.

I really hate that see-saw effect. I had a 62% winrate on Talon before all these changes now he's filthy OP and I'm watching these players just throw it all away while they play him.
Just had a dream of stopping Vindicta from killing innocent friends of humanity by getting her pregnant
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>pulls the bowstring by contorting his arm behind his back
Actually a really kino concept
she's 16 you sick fuck
i killed gay talon 5 times in 10 minutes during lane kek
they're building sharpshooter and shit on him it's so stupid
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Please leave my husband alone.
magic carpet mo was his real item that no one other then a few like me bought now its extremely broken on him now
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I asked for a shotgun tho
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And then this is my next match how can you say 50/50 doesnt exist? This is with a DC btw
I always considered Phantom Strike kind of overrated on him. I'm not gonna lie and say its BAD on him or useless, but with digs speed it rarely feels like a must-have.
Those toes put Vindicta to shame.
How soft is Ivy when she's not in statue form? She should basically feel like a regular person, right?
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damn sinatraa really stopped giving a fuck about deadlock
Did everyone forget knockdown was in the game?
The 2 second activation time is too long, by the time it goes off I couldve either just gotten out of there, or if I cant Im already dead.
Some heroes should just stay in being dumpster tier because them being good makes the game annoying as fuck fuck Grey Talon and Vindicta
>have you tried buying knockdown?
I'm 99% sure this exact situation happened a couple months ago im surprised it's happening again.
And then they let you shoot them for 30 seconds trying to cast it into a combo even though you have Flight back up already, instead of casting it the moment you get in the air so that you're stuck on the ground
when do i use pocket's barrage? obviously as an opener into a fight but is it worth trying to dashjump or something into it if you get caught unprepared / without your coat? flying in a straight line or walking really slowly sounds like a bad idea in a game with guns, but the damage is really good with the amp
the funny thing is that its almost certainly a tanknigger telling people they should have to buy toxic bullets and healbane every game
Looks nice, can you post the build id? I am too lazy to recreate it
Snipers are still annoying even if you buy knockdown. I don't know why they gave back Grey Talon's movespeed and left in all the previous buffs he got when they took it away.
>upgrade ability
>"I'm sorry for what I'm about to do"
>oh shit.jpg
>zip crouch side dash jump into wall bounce barrage
>affliction on the way down
>throw cloak to safety while hitting him point blank
>case cold front
>teleport to safety
Nothing personnel... kid...
nah I double checked before making that post, the +65 just doesn't get applied anywhere.
Whats even the point of walkers anymore they melt like an ice block in Saudi Arabia
Did that Abrams main ever find his twink femboy pocket main?
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I'm really enjoying the new paradox bomb build, even more so than rasengan seven or enola gay ivy. it's pure cancer for the other team
Is it a good patch to learn paradox? How difficult is it for a ritualist shitter who can't aim?
How the fuck were you achieving those numbers so early? Lategame I understand but 10 minutes in it shouldn't be 90% of your damage.
YamatoGODS... why the FUCK are we suffering like this? What did we do to deserve it?
am i having fun when i play this game
Did McGinnis really need her fucking turrets buffed
Damn I don't get why everyone is dogpiling on you like that just because you use a na-just kidding killyourself you worthless fag
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I was against miku and every time she dropped a turret I dropped a bomb on it. also I caught her a few times around a corner with a bomb and she couldn't fat-finger her way out fast enough
Probably not, unless you're socializing while you're playing. There's a splatfest going on right now, you could buy Splatoon 3 and actually understand what fun feels like.
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>playing miku
>we're slowly losing
>infernus starts talking shit in team chat
>check his stats, and see he's not really doing anything either, just kind of farming and not putting any pressure
>it's mostly the bebop carrying us, and i'm the only one taking objectives
>after we lose, he types "bg 5 retards on team :/"
>next game, get matched with that guy again, but he's on the enemy team with seven
>against me in solo lane no less
>fuck his ass in lane so hard i take his walker by like 6-7 minutes
>notice he sometimes just stands there for a second, typing to his team no doubt
>start gloating and talking shit to him in all chat
>he afk's in base for the rest of the match
sorry for the blog but it's moments like these that make playing these games worth it
>buying a kids game to play on a kids toy
They're Japanese kids, anon. It's like playing against an amphetamine addict who has been training against his older brother his entire life and has no concept of time.
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Why are there so many black characters? what's up with that?
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why are there so many non human characters whats up with that?
>0/11/0 gun yamato
i want to kill myself
The hero is dead, nothing works.
Your age is over, meatbag
I'm just saying
Run rescue beam, heal nova and heroic aura, you are a support cuck now
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Our boy Chazm at 2:57.
please dont shill your dogshit "LE EPIC COMPILATION #492" channel here
How do i do the "my ultimate is ready" ping? And other pings for that matter. Usually i hold tab and press the map, or use middle mouse but those seem kinda limited.
Slork bros how we feeling? What should they add for his third ability?
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I can and I will. Deal with it. Literally zero Russian clips in that. I will happily post content related to the game of the general.
god i wish you could actually socialize
but every "social" player is actually a ticking fucking time bomb
Tab > Middle click on skill
what do you have to do to get banned from inhouses?
i don't like these compilation videos that have meme editing
just show me the clips
be a massive obnoxious faggot
be like that guy i had on my team a couple days ago who sounded like the whitest 15 year old on earth and wouldn't stop screaming at the top of his lungs "nigger" and "tranny", and going on about how everyone on his team was one. had to mute everyone since it devolved into a school yard. surprise, we lost.
that can't be right because from what i've seen the only people who go to those inhouses are all massive obnoxious faggots
I feel like Viscous needs to work five times harder to do what other champions do. The fuck is his Q, it does great damage if you bounce it but the bounces are so random it fucking hurts. Then you have Grey Talon who for the same item investment can use a Q that does three times the damage of Viscous's Q.

Also you can literally jump over his ultimate but it only stuns for .75 seconds and have 1.3 spirit scaling? It's not easy to land against anyone who's competent, like, the fuck.

This is Icefrog balancing at its best. Give heroes cool powers but because the powers are cool you need to make the champion useless. I just don't get it. Am I just supposed to play support? That shit is gay AF.
>gun yamato
stop griefing and become seventh moons strongest warrior
there's almost no special effects in that though
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>monster rounds
>spam yamato's M2
gaming time
cold front is such an insane item now for flash farming
no thoughts head empty
You're mad dude once you get to tier 3 and you can use punch + slowing to direct people where you want + phantom strike and stacking resistances you become an unkillable cum ball
>why dont you go and slide back to where you came from
-Lash to Viscous
thats fucking racist
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who's the most complete character? I think its either Haze or Abrams I think Haze's hair will be changed but thats kinda it
i was not the yamato, it was hitler reincarnated and put on my team
Abrams, they still change Haze's voice every few patches and they've actually started giving him more unique animations
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Why did they take away Vindicta midair dashes?
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God so many of my lane partners are terrible, I'm just passively securing and denying a huge amount of creeps but everyone in these lobbies is trying to non-stop fight

Can you just stop fighting while we're getting like 15-20% more value per wave than they are? We'll win any fight if we just give it a few minutes fucking relax and stop diving/dying
Carrying matches like this is so tiresome
>>can you stop fighting to farm

ultimately why this game is going to die.
if I notice my teammate is doing well farming, i'll take up the mantle of harrassing and trying to stiff the opposing laners from farm while he kills creeps and shoots orbs. i'll go for em' as well of course, but i'll focus on trying to deny the laners from it. it's how it should be.
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Oh my god, you stupid fucking faggot--
When the waves clash, your priority should be securing and denying. If you're able to, clear their creeps quickly, push it to their side, then harass them when they have to focus on last hitting.
THATS YOUR WINDOW to fight and harass.

Fucking mindlessly fighting and losing every last hit isn't worth it
Because then you get into a 2v1 while I'm trying to manage the wave, you die/get to 10%HP, and now I have to handle this wave alone because you're crying 20 feet behind me trying to soak wave and now I need to deal with 2 assholes fighting me at once
After introducing the ranking system I physically can't win in this game, no matter what I do. For some reason, I got placed at Archon 5, even though I lost 8 out of 9 calibration matches. Now my win rate is 0%. If you check my last 15 games, you'll see only 3 wins, but even those were 5v6 where my team carried without me. There was a time I could actually win, dominate my lane. Now, no matter what I try, I — specifically I — always lose. The devs deserve an award for this matchmaking. I'm unironically ready to throw every game to tank my rating.
>wake up
>russians still exist
>day ruined
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ive already seen niggas on accounts that were very obviously made 1 week ago in eternus/high ascendant games
pretty sure they are all shitters who used the fresh account mmr to farm a high winrate to get into those brackets too
You just described my duo queue partner. In his defense he is playing Haze which is dogshit for pressuring creep wave early game. Especially against something like a Seven/Ivy combo.
I'm not good at remembering about active items existing.
>Literally zero Russian clips in that
Why does it matter?
I think going for the most math efficient dps is probably a mistake, you'll get a few more % but at that point the secondary stats will matter more

No sense in getting +1% dmg if the alternative gives 20% spirit resist
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Also, that's wrong.
Another one at 10:09. They are speaking Russian.
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no green item meta lookin kinda bussin tho fr
I'm not good at this game, but I still sometimes have good mindgame moments like this.
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this is what the enemy sees when that happens
Abrams fundamentally doesnt work.

Parrying and punching is too janky and unreliable. No matter how many times they nerf him, he's broken.
skill issue
>tfw every single lane comes down to who is smarter in the melee mini game
>didn't even get to 4 orange items despite spending zero souls on greens
i don't play haze but this seems like an inefficient build order
Mirage is a simp
He's a bodyguard, which implies he gets paid. That's the exact opposite of a simp.
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I would like if there was a simp hero in this game like KotL in Dota
Would make for some great dialogue and interactions
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Would anyone on US west want to play? I only play Haze though.
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Mashallah brother, I haven't played them for a month and felt disgustingly op, most of my deaths are from laning against Vindicta
I've tried all the test heroes now, thoughts
Barrels are just a worse Calico cat bomb, jump pads are a meme, the ult is annoying once you realise you can't shoot them because they are glued behind you and her passive cannibalizes her whole kit. Probably an 11/10 hero if you're an aimbotter like MikaelS
Cat bomb is eh, leap is bugged to shit, ultimate is fun conceptually but doesn't feel super impactful (hard to notice the melee number get bigger) and her stupid cat wards need removal.
They must have misplaced a zero because his gun deletes people way too hard and that's before you get the damage stacks. Ult sucks, only once did I use the cling invis for anything.
Strong but sucks dick to play because you have to aim while on ice skates and the spray is so aggressive you need to facefuck people without sliding past them or into something. Rest of the kit is literally whatever, the ult makes her an obnoxious ratpusher
Remove the attack speed stacks from his consume. It's a trap, they all go away when you die, and your shitter wrecker will insist on farming for 2-3 minutes straight after buying superior cooldown and duation only to do zero damage because they spent 6k on fire rate for a 10 bullet gun and no orange items.
Everyone calls him shit because of the gun but I found him fun as fuck, the first skill hits like a truck and is fun to aim they just need to reduce the lockout time on turns. Also make the assisstant copy the bolt before the final upgrade his final upgrades are all too good unfrontload them because fuck you.
>inb4 'go post on the forums'
>have a funny meme build idea
>but im wagecucking
Anyway the build is haze echo shard dagger punch build. you land one dagger, punch them, echo shard, dagger, punch
this is not new
How do I build him?
I've tried it, viable but you also just feel stupid not building gun when trying to farm the items for it
>calibration matches
you are exactly where you belong or probably above where you belong
they definitely should have put a higher weighting on the calibration ranked matches. I won 80% and stuck archon with retards now cause my normal mmr was tanked from me trolling hard every game
>you are exactly where you belong or probably above where you belong
Yeah no shit nigger he said he's mad his mmr is too HIGH
at what rank do i stop winning because i dive their backline and everyone comes to kill me letting the enemy frontline die while they deal with me
The party matchmaking change made playing with friends not fun anymore. If the goal was to have thrown games until the matchmaker thinks we're in the same bracket then good job icefrog you did it.
im actually initiate rank but placed phantom cause of rng
Do you even know how to read? I'd be happy to play seeker-arcanist bracket instead of archon.
there are no calibration matches
shut the fuck up retard you dont know that
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>watch "pro" ranked deadlock gameplay
>first 20 minutes is just them farming lanes and creeps with a 0/3/1 KDA
now I remember why I stopped playing dota
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if there were calibration matches they would have told us
there probably should be calibration matches but there aren't
you just need a minimum of 7 matches per week to make sure the system has enough data to calculate your rank
bro seeded does not mean no calibration it just means it's not a new mmr
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>you WILL spend 90% of the match fighting stationary bots in a PvP game, because... you just have to OK???
Just tried holiday, she seems pretty cracked. Also isn't Magician just a better paradox or is it just me?
dota has way more action than that

in this game though you legitimately do just have a stalemate in lanes if both players are equal skill it's fucking terribly boring. I usually just tank the lane and roam and let them take the guardian it's not worth spending 15 mins doing literally nothing to end up even in farm anyway. So boring man. I really want them to add moving lanes like switching train tracks and environmental dangers to spice things up. it's way too esports right now and just truly autistic and unfun sometimes.
change the meme to 1 death and have his team be 60k behind (he showed up for the final teamfight after enemies got every tower and rejuvenator then still died before his ult went off)
there's no way that teleport thing is going to work the same way as it does on release, it will probably be canceled by line of sight at the very least so you cant teleport them into the fountain
>she seems pretty cracked
Idk how tf ranked works, we had a shiv leaving at minute 10 and still won after what felt a relatively close match (32 min)
Granted they had meme heroes like wrath, infernus and haze and we had good shit like vindicta, talon, mcginnis and abrams but still
is this game really not going to use the E key for anything? Such an odd design choice
They gonna add active items you can pick up and use
Magician's ult is placeholder.
>he went 0/3 before 8 minutes
that's not a pro that's a streamer pretending to be a pro
that's the door key to trap people so we get to say DOOR STUCK DOOR STUCK
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Unranked dude in my Oracle match
How far do I have to climb to get away from this? Ascendant?
probably saw some pro rushing ricochet and thought he could do the same with 20% of the farm efficiency
nah, dying early does not fucking matter at all anymore
if you get ganked and killed by someone who's won their lane that just means your teammate opposing the ganker gets to farm and potentially destroy the guardian which outweighs you being dead for 10 seconds
you can be 0/20, as long as you have the farm to win one team fight in the late game that's a guaranteed victory if your team isn't retarded
>sucks dick to play
Viper is the most fun character currently in the game. What are you on?
Actually only entered the general looking for a post like this
The urn drop off points when you're ahead are actually deranged
The idea is good but it's bugged atm
He's 10 steps ahead of you lil bro
yeah idk why laning even exists right now
dying give almost 0 souls at every stage of the game, but especially early lane where it's the same as 1 wave, guardians can barely die, every lane ends up near even unless someone is uber uber shit. what is the point
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not enough, unranked dude in my ascendant match
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God playing with her since the turrent cooldown reduction is so fun.
post build
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I feel like Mirage and Seven are now the biggest farm whores. I seen more of them dropping 2k balls of souls
hon hon hon
im pretty sure people like this dont see that items give stats that arent their "thing" and honestly I blame valve more than the players. It's not very intuitive to see it does more than what it says in terms of just flat buffing stuff, especially things like mystic burst giving wepaon damage. Or extra health giving more health than the health it says for some reason. it's kind of retarded
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pls give advices
you need echo shard
Why pierre de distorsion
Magicians janky model and his copy n paste Seven walking animation genuinely intimidates me
the games dont even last 20 minutes nigga why are you lying
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>buy echo shard and improved reach
>soul income skyrockets as i farm every teamfight
nice game deadbabs
They're basically making an FPS game with gadgets secondaries and upgrades, the magic/spirit side is getting totally dumpstered
Cold Front lets almost any hero farm T3 camps early
how so
They changed it to do double damage to neutrals
>300 damage on a 30s cooldown
peak farming anon
Ok don't use it then apologize to me next fight night when every team has cold fronts on someone to jungle
Why does the enemy duo players always get the soul advantage when we Push their backs up to their walker and are melting their guardian? I'm just farming their creeps as soon as they step down their own ramp and still they somehow just get more souls easy since I see it's hardet to deny the orbs when our creeps die right next to the guardian

I'm considering throwing duo lanes and just let them camp the ramp/stairs to our guardian so we can get more souls. Stupid how you are losing the soul game when you pressure them and give em no room to run.
What do I replace mystic shot with if I always miss
What character(s) do you play when you want to chill but still have impact? For me it's Infernus
>wasting time with t3 camps
Mortimer and Krillionaire
uninstall item
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Second game i get specifically flamed by teammates in a row
isn't that just fucking retarded? you can now one tap camps from enemy jungle
you focus on hitting them instead of farming creeps
the biggest bottleneck jungling early game is your gun damage, so often you use abilities on the camp and have to tickle them for 5 seconds to finish it with your gun, cold front removes that, it is very retarded
>start out my ranked night
>two games in a row where team does absolutely fuck all nothing and let the enemy get free urn everytime
I just quit for the night bro I'm too tired for this shit
What's that?
Didn't mean to reply but like I said
My last game my entire team was teamfighting random spots on the map without any real objective except pushing the lane, with all the enemies alive, and when i focused on pushing back our lanes and takin our jungle camps i started getting flamed
very powerful item for aimlets, it's a must have
>game puts the braindead Wraith and Seven who think they can 1v3 and have zero map awareness both on your team
haha funny
What's an aimlet?
>because you have to aim while on ice skates and the spray is so aggressive you need to facefuck people
I'm on not needing to be locked in for every millisecond of gameplay
I think you forgot to write out your post
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>Gray Talon has mental breakdown on seeing Vindicta player
They really made the chat bubbles and UI in general really clippable and memable kek
yup just uninstalled the game, I'll be replaying this when the game comes out. Fuck this patch.
no, he was showing you an aimlet(you)
See you in 2026
isn't he supposed to be a counter to vindicta
Buff yamato PLEASE
yeah talon is supposed to beat up vindictas
This but Pocket they didnt nerf him directly but he's been getting shat on with all these changes
Paradox is the designated shit hero that everyone pretends is good. Magician will 100% be just a better Paradox and retarded """pro""" players will pretend shes' actually le OP.
>been maining Mohammed and Mcniggis since august
>It's now their turn to be the designated scapegoat heroes everybody want to nerf
I have to fucking beg my teammates to push anything get me out of here
t. archon 1
>uhh why do people want a nerf to the strong character that keeps getting buffed?
idk anon
he's been nerfed the previous several patches before this one, he didn't have any direct changes this one no but they're directed at him included, they don't like full spirit builds
leap nerf was huge
Gray Talon counters Vindicta unless he's already fighting someone in the air and Vindicta sneaks up on him, then she kills him. The guy was tilted because last match he got destroyed as Lash by Vindicta
simply death slam the vindicta into the ground when she's flying
What's this guy's deal
>t2 camps spawn at 5 mins
>buy cold front
>walk into enemy's t2 camp
>1 ability + cold front and kill everything and immediately return to lane
yea this shit needs to be nerfed
you will taste the CUM
of the djinn
they're basically sanitizing the game, from everyone is overpowered and fun in the right hands and all times (except vindicta) to only a few people are overpowered and fun in the right hands this month
>walk into enemy's t2 camp
>6k soul mo vs 5k soul geist in lane
>hold W at her while shooting
>she swaps me
>press 1
>hits her for 1/3 of her health and i heal up almost all the swap damage
yeah man he's balanced and just being scapegoated
All these lab heroes kind of suck. I was hoping they'd have stronger wip heroes, it's disappointing that this is what there was.
Still, it's good that they released this gamemode, kudos to that
this doesn't happen if you aren't plastic mmr btw
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>everyone is overpowered and fun in the right hands and all times (except vindicta)
>Assigned lane partner is shit
>They do complete fuck-all
>Forced to do everything on my own
>Tell them to contribute
>They're just useless and keep dying in poor trades
>"Alright man you're just .. totally useless so I'm gonna move elsewhere to farm and help the team"
>Carry team
>Lane partner announces "Report X for comms abuse! <3"
I love getting under the skin of shitters in this game
Icefrog is washed up but everyone at Valve is too afraid to say it
>going 1/10 last match

i dont care anymore
every single death the retarded nigger was on the last 20 HP, always dying because Valve can only make the jankiest shitty shit that only europoor shit like STALKER can compare
Viper and Slork were really fun when I tried them. Calico is ultra busted and unfun to play against though.
I still don't know how much shit you can talk without crossing the threshold of consequences
Enemies always escape with 1 hp in this fucking game, it's like virtual blue-balling

How do you get these to trigger?
>Why does it matter?
No one likes Russians. In life. Online. Anywhere. Simple as that.
>talon has a stepdaughter
Not beating the prepping bull allegations
You know its bad when russians dont even like russians how can you even say this is "racist" at this point they dont even fucking like each other
From my experience, you are wrong. I don't expect to change your mind, but I would still like to point out this fact. My aunt lives in Germany and she says that people treat Russians there just fine.
>Literally zero Russian clips in that.
ok, and?
Buy an ad
I don't know why the glowniggers who get lost on their way to /k/ and /pol/ show up here specifically for some reason.
speaking of clips, we go any new?
I wanna laugh at some
I'm under the impression that Russians have a pretty bad reputation because of their behaviour as tourists, no matter where in the world you are. Them and the Chinese are pretty much the worst people, maybe Americans too, but I don't think they're quite as looked down upon as these other two
Slork is boring, his gun damage is just busted
his spells are all uninspired
>cone dps with second thought extra effect
>leap with AoE dmg
>recycled passive
>hide and heal ult
it's all so bland
>team just solo farms
>no urn plays
>Enemy team goes for urn plays and gets 3 team members every 2 minutes
>own team starts blaming me because i have the lowest farm
just get the urn and play as a team jesus christ.
More fun that wraith and haze. I'm keen to see what they replace bloodletting with
>Seven however has 47% wr
>Shiv is 45%
Bravo IceFraud, seven was totally overpowered for that
The tourist part is believable, but my aunt's family lives there on permanent basis and they aren't complaining about being "oppressed" or anything of the sort. Probably because at least Russians integrate into the culture, while the refugees try to override the nation's culture with their own, sometimes violently.

I'm yet to play as him, but the sneaky ambush predator gameplay appeals to me. And he is very obviously unfinished.
Strange decision to remove his Abaddon shield ability and replace it with a recycled shiv passive
he was also much more interesting with his unique melee range primary fire and long range alt fire on his gun
Russians online are a blight. When they aren't trying to steal your accounts with hacks and fraud they lag your game and are rude as hell.
But they are the biggest exporter of online piracy and cracks for video games as well as mods that would normally get taken down from any western modsite for copyrighted assets and what not. So I will say they aren't totally bad. But yes they are rude and always in the matches I experienced so far quick to play the blame game.

Teenaged suburban white kids who are probably named Zack aren't much better in NA servers tho. Best teammates I had so far were unironically wiggers and nigs.
all the recycled abilities are placeholders
Reminder: Holliday and Viper are the only nee heroes that won’t make the game more aids
holliday's damage output is literal aids
no cap fr fr?
Hating Russians is a hobby that is near and dear to long time MOBA players.
>not more aids with her no falloff meme headshots for aimbotters
>Not aids with her infinite ammo, perma 50% bullet evasion sliding around with a tiny hitbox eating your towers
holliday absolutely will make the game more fucking aids, that 3 is a magnet for cheating
>They will also sometimes have placeholder/copy-paste abilities for certain slots if that ability slot is still TBD (such as Magician ultimate).
>the aimbot character isn't aids
they need to replace crackshot with anything else
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Why are they fucking over Melee builds so hard? None of them were ever even prevalent in solo queue games, let alone competitive play.
The times I get hit by melee is when the nigger charges it behind a corner and I have no visual queue. Then there are the times I think it wont reach but punches are actually a ranged projectile and they connect anyway because the other one is playing with a shit ping.
>*elephant footstep noises*
Are you deaf?
Well good news, now you can build Titanic Magazine and Bullet Resist Shredder and get 40% melee resistance on top of the bullet resistance that's already in the game.
Because they're obnoxious
Holy retarded reading comprehension batman.
Melee Shiv was played in tournaments actually.
Consider using your fucking gun then melee charge gives you +10)% ammo for a reason
I don't build those on my character and melee isn't an issue, but when you get hit twice for 1,400 damage by an Apebrams while his shots do 400, you start to wonder why there was no defense against melee.
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what the fuck is going on in ranked?
the lane stats dont show it properly but the haze had less than half the souls of the enemy duo
>what the fuck is going on in ranked?
It was Wraith's game to throw, the matchmaking was built around her she'd been on a loss streak but you ruined her forced (positive) 50 match
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maybe the algorithm gives me bonus points when it sees this warden and haze losing every game they ever play but somehow get carried by me
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im the king of tilt
You guys don't premute?
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this is the haze
how in the fuck is this guy put into my ranked match?
according to forum intellectuals its russians turning off their vpn after they dodged their own server
They wouldn't be so bad if they fixed the hit boxes
40 ping and I dash away and Abrams "hits" me despite whiffing his charged punch by two whole feet
How do you even win games if you don't communicate with your teammates?
the real issue with melee is getting chunked because of latency because one of you's ping is dogshit and either the melee just doesn't hit or the parry doesn't trigger despite both looking like they should, ideally they need to fix that problem the same way they did with denies
Pinging is all you need
me: push green as 5 and win the game
teammate: "nah lets just get mid"
>4 on the enemy team are dead for 40 seconds and they just have a weakened patron left

we lost that game 'cause the infernus stole mid
Who can actually realistically use Improved Burst anymore besides Lash and Prepping Bull?
You lost that game because you didn't tell him that his plan was fucking stupid.
AKA you failed to communicate.
Just woke up I will soon
you're a kike and your mother sucks off dogs
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New complete match start conversations from Grey Talon:
Bebop - https://voca.ro/12uXunBxvDMe
Dynamo - https://voca.ro/147p0Ck6pPI8
Holliday - https://voca.ro/1h9MbbRffSY8
Lash (best one) - https://voca.ro/15pKf8MuXQVW
Mo&Krill - https://voca.ro/1az6fjcnNiQR
I'm telling you to use your ears wood retard
It's the most telegraphed shit in the game where its only being saved by the broken hitbox
Lots of the cast, mostly people with high damage bombs, Geist, Bebomb etc
shit team every game yoshi you are a subhuman nigger fix matchmaking
>It's always Portugal or Denmark
What's so fucked in Portugal and Denmark?
Just play better.
Kevin, Dynamo, Paradox (but not on her pulse nade fuck you icefraud)
Without the other side of the conversations, it's pointless.
>you are expected to be at 100% of your performance all games, every time
kys nigger
>pick mcginnis
>lane against haze
I swear to fucking god, the game just designs this shit to make you feel the most miserable possible, sure thing, great, I have zero mobility, barely any defense and my turrets gets instantly vaporized by this nigger broken character and her retarded fixated power. You can tell who mains who on the dev team for this bitch to still be in this stupid state.
Not at all. You can infer what the missing dialogue is saying quite easily in most cases.
McGinnis has an easy lane against everyone, step up your game. She's braindead.
Everyone. The item is back to its previous good state now, only difference is you can't use mystic shot to pop it.
>tales from the trench
Oh yes sure, an easy lane against the character with the best single target kit of the entire game, a sleep dagger that guarantees a free kill at the very start of the game and a free kill button with her 4. Sure thing, McGinnis easily counters her.
>he's struggling to lane as one of the best laners in the game
this is bait i refuse to believe anyone is this shit nah
A sleep dagger does not kill a full health mcginnis at the start of the game.
If she uses her 4 on you, put up a fucking wall.
You suck.
And you won't go into detail WHY she counters her, right?
McGinnis counters everyone bro her lane is fucking free stop being so TRASH.
Step up your wall game
You have to be fucking retarded or something. Seriously. Get some fucking evaluation.
Not a lot of skills do more than 200 damage often enough especially through Spirit Armor.
>she has a wall to block your guardian off or her off from her guardian
>her gun is good at denying and killing creeps
>she has sustain through healing
>she can set up turrets to take aggro
you're a fucking moron i dont even care if this is bait you are fucking stupid
It's because the games start so quickly after loading into the lobby, if you wanna swap lanes or something you have to pause to have time to talk to your teammates
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>They updated Slork's kit a little bit
Not sure if they're gonna let him keep the damage dampening ability shiv has, but I love this little shark-gremlin. Reminds me of Bakasura.

OOOOH, maybe they'll replace the dampening move with an eat ability.
Viscous if you build for 1, chunks for 500+ damage late game
Well it's gotta be a string enough nuke then
Ignoring the obvious gun heroes and heroes who don't build it in the first place, I can only think of Pocket who can't do it vs Improved Spirit Armor.
Bitch, you think you're fucking sniping with her 4? She uses that fucking thing when she's at melee range and you can't deploy her wall right in front of your face, that shit has a minimum range.

>she counters everyone.
>s-she just does okay!?
Couldn't be more of a stereotype if you tried.

>ignores the whole haze factor, just focuses on playing against NPCs
Like clockwork
Even Geist's bomb does like 230 damage at midgame. 20% reduction and it doesn't even proc
>She uses that fucking thing when she's at melee range and you can't deploy her wall right in front of your face, that shit has a minimum range.
You dash away as soon as you hear the ult sound, turn around, then put up a wall in between the two of you. You'll get away with most of your health and then you can put down a heal to go back up to full or retreat if its on cooldown. Literal 100% success rate if you're not braindead.
>every single game is infernus, haze, grey talon, abrams
Damn. I thought Geist's scaling was huge, especially with Malice giving her +15%
Since majestic leap is so nerfed there's no real point in trying spirit warden anymore right?
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what did yoshi mean by this
just uninstalled
4 wins 9 losses in ranked
always top in player and obj dmg in my team
hazes on enemy teams always know how to build and play properly, the ones in mine are all fucking shit and go 0-10
fuck this dogshit game
do you REALLY have to leap before ulting?
If I lost 4 ranked games would it be better to wait a week for my ranked games to reset
A semi-competent haze will wait until you used one single dash to sleep you. Because sleep arrow removes one stamina bar, that's the issue with McGinnis, she has only two stamina bars, and you're so fucking slow, if you don't try to dash, you're just going to be melted due to fixated.
her gun is really bad for denying.
it's inaccurate and really slow spin up.
mcginnis is only good at walling creeps solo,
she's so easy to poke and has no mobility.
if you aren't bursting the shit out of her in lane, you're just bad.

in duo lane she's a god because she sets up her partner for free kills.
Hey deadbabs, i really could use help on farming souls. I have no clue but in normal games i would be behind souls by like 3k ~ 4k compared to my other teammates. I try to do jungle creeps and clear waves of lane mobs i seemingly still ain't matching em.
You shouldn't just be dashing around willy nilly as McGinnis, what the fuck is she going to be waiting around for? For you to dash at a trooper? Save your stamina for when you really need it you fucking idiot.
heroes that require little to no itemization to have an impact are good at winning!? Imagine my shock
>two thirst-traps for gay men are top tier
no, seriously, wtf the fuck did yoshi mean by this?
Support kelvin :)
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>chases grenade paradox into a narrow space
what happens next may shock you
So what are the certified Chudâ„¢ characters of deadlock?
I love gameplay where I just vomit full screen AoEs and win so much bros
same watching people slow down to slug pace because i pressed 1 and clicked on the ground is so fucking funny
>I try to do jungle creeps and clear waves of lane mobs i seemingly still ain't matching em.
Simply doing them isn't enough as you also need to learn to time when you do them properly. Do jungle creeps while you're waiting for a wave of troops nearby to get to you. Break boxes constantly as you're moving from area to area. If you kill someone on the enemy's side of the map, steal their jungle if no one else is nearby and you're safe. Try to optimize your farming rather than simply doing more of it.
nice that you obscured the part where your team is 50k ahead lmao
dont let the enemy deny your souls
Seven and Warden
It's hard to say exactly what you are doing wrong without any footage to analyze, but some of the most important mistakes that lower ranked players make are:

Not paying attention to when troopers are dying line lane; sometimes troopers will die left side of your lane while you are securing and focused on a trooper in the right side of the lane. Or reloading right before a trooper is about to die, making you unable to secure the kill because you are reloading.

Another big mistake people make is not prioritizing lane troopers > jungle creeps.
A lot of times if people are in the middle of killing a jungle camp they will ignore the fact that a minion wave is in the middle of fighting, meaning that souls will be lost there. If you are in the middle of a jungle camp when you see two lanes clashing, leave the camp and come back once you have cleared the wave.
Why warden? Cop?
i had to lane against bebop.
7 second bombs is fucking insane.
and ofc nobody on my team would swap with me or help in my lane.
and he always had his ult. usually i could bet behind cover but it lasts a million years.
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20k ahead actually and its hard not to be when i super rape the enemy as soon as i have echo shard and reach
before 8 minutes, focus on last hit (important) then hitting the orbs. grab nearby jungle creeps and breakables when you have free time like if you just shoved a lane. after 8 minutes, try to up your kpa, assist and kills are worth a lot now from here on out. if there's nothing happening or you can't do that clear lanes then jungles and interactables
Pure hatred towards supernatural beings
TID (total Ixian death)
Oh so she's just going to kindly ignore you while you're moving at 2m/s because it would be too mean to shoot at the easiest target to shoot in the game? Do you only play against bots on easy difficulty or something?
You do know that Haze has low health and McGinnis' gun does a lot of damage, right?
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Would anyone like to play together on US west?
I play M&K a lot and there was zero reason to buff him
Worried they're going to pendulum back and obliterate them like Valve did to Shiv
This grey talon hero does not seem okay
He always used to beat people up in lane but now you run away at mach speed from fights you can't win and then turn around and kill people in 5 shots
I thought so too but his midgame is honestly still pretty weak, he circles back around to being a turbo rapist lategame though and his laning is probably a bit too opressive
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I actually don't know what to do with Yamato anymore, this hero feels hopeless.

She does no fucking damage at any stage anymore, she can't do jackshit mid-late now and even her laning is meh now because of the flying strike changes and the power slash nerf and the spirit resist on creeps and the nerf on souls for lane kills so she can't even shove as effectively.
Meanwhile if I ult I have to stand there like a retard so everyone can leave and then I have to spend 70% of the ult time just chasing them and now it has a longer cooldown because icefrog is retarded.
And if she does reach late congratulations both reverb and exposure do fuck all so you ain't killing shit,

She was good for 1 miserable patch and ever since she's been systematically gutted in both fun and effectiveness, literally most of the top yamatos are talking about dropping the hero.
It just makes zero sense why she was gutted like this for no reason whatsoever but shiv and mnk are allowed to be perma cancer.
>presses 1
Where's your damage now?
Give build
*dodges it*
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Uncle Dane leaking this game and forcing Valve to give it to everyone will be the downfall of it. He will win in the end.
>waits 15 seconds to try again
Don't worry, that 4 isn't going anywhere
the game is dead, same playercount as tf2. just another FOTM.
having ranked in a fucking alpha is just goofy.
they're trying so hard to make this the next DOTA.
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it's some omega homebrew shit
Does no one play this game together here?
i hate the double shrine flex slot change
most of the time the game is over at that point.
No we play a different game now. It's a drinking game, you take a shot every time you see a yamato or paradox downplayer in the thread
These rates should reset every new patch.
t. stomped by a russian in ranked
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a decent amount but you'll still get hit if you're careless for like 10+ games
i noticed that too. the patron is so easy to kill in his flying state, and you basically have to wipe the team to get that far anyways.
>a semi competent haze
theres your problem the haze is semi competent and you're incompetent
Yeah people will just get burnt out way before release. And even if it magically had 100k+ players on release we all know that is not enough for Valve and they will abandon the game if that happens sadly.
its still okay because warden doesnt abuse the leap to power farm like other heroes did but mostly to land a good ulti
>her gun is really bad for denying.
>it's inaccurate and really slow spin up.
It's actually very accurate first shot, which doesn't have a delay. It's just as good at denying as most accurate guns are
How are you supposed viscous/yamato's alt fire? Just when multiple people are clumped together? I always feel its a waste to use since the primary fire does so much more dps
nothing resets
use cold front to speed up farming its actually really good now for farming i hope no one catches on and doesnt get it nerfed
Her bomb scaling was always terrible. It's especially egregious now considering bomb is literally her only move. Malice is a worthless dead skill now, life drain was always worthless apart from the silence, and her ult isn't enough to carry her as a character. She has to be played gun now, there's no other way to play her. Malice proccing superior burst was her ONLY viable playstyle before, and they took it from her and gave her nothing back.
slow firing guns like the pistols are bad at denying.
someone who can just spray like haze or bebop will always beat you.
A lot of people play inhouses here, mostly NA timezone based though. Idk if people queue normals together, I only joined for inhouses.
Can you join me for a normal Queue?
different anon, wtf is inhouse
No, the character is broken
So when I get judged I'm judged for all of my ranked games and not just the ones that week? I'm still obscurus.
everyone who's in this thread at the moment joins a custom 6v6 match from a code posted here and duke it out
Once you have Intensifying Magazine she completely shreds tiwers
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Played 2 games of Holliday and some notes

Barrel feels like absolute dogshit to use. The actual roll out is very slow and the explosive radius is pretty tiny. The barrel has semi-realistic physics which means it will tumble around in wonky ways that make it feel a lot harder to use than it should. Using it off a launch pad is nearly impossible since being slightly off will have it veer off to the side. It's also basically impossible to use in close quarters until max level because of the charge.

Bounce pad is fun as a mobility tool but it lacks any way to change trajectory as in, no matter how you enter the jump pad you're gonna have the same max length and height. I'd like it if dashing or sliding into a jump pad would give you more length, shorter height and maybe jumping into it would give you extra height, shorter length.
The other problem is the goomba stomp effect, it has a short radius but more importantly...it just randomly doesn't work. I've tested this a good amount in sandbox and I can recreate the exact same scenario several times and the stomp effect just will not work randomly and basically be disabled for several minutes then randomly come back?? I don't understand it and it makes the effect basically useless.

Headshot passive is definitely too strong but I do like the idea. I don't think making the headshot damage scale with spirit is a good idea because she has 2 other spirit damaging abilities with good scaling so it heavily pushes her into a spirit build. A spirit character that can just nuke you with bullet damage from several meters away lol....

Ult....I don't really get it. It's a very goofy stun. What makes this better than something like a paradox swap or a mo&krill combo? It's kind of funny basically stealing an opponent and it's easier to use but paradoxs ult does basically the same thing but better (even if it takes more skill)

Overall just a crazy mess of a character so far.
guys you can edit your roster after queueing.
i always deselect everyone that isn't my 1 trick to guarantee i get what i want
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we're out ideas
cold front is so stupid desu it shouldnt even be effected by things like damage amps it's too flexible now

basically any hero that isn't strapped for purple slots should buy it
you get judged on your unranked games which were used to place you at a rank which you cannot see until you complete 7 games within a week
that rank is now being used to match you and it shows for a week at a time if you play 7 games that week otherwise it goes back to obscurus
The new urn spots are deranged I don't like them
what are you confused about
Exactly thats why I hope people DONT buy it im loving it rn if people catch on then it'll be fucking nerfed
I think that the latest patch has brought the absolute worst meta ever. Fuck I'd rather have the shiv/seven meta again.
fucking increase soul gain for early kills for fucks sake
You dont like the Ace Combat patch?
>Anon just now learning that some items deal spirit damage
Man, wait until you learn about mystic shot
>You should lose 5 minutes into the game because one of your teammates died 3 times in lane
Yeah great idea bro
No I don't, this is genuinely awful. I don't even want to play the game anymore until the next patch that hopefully reverts this shit.
i just turret spam on yam ults and goo cubes lol it's too funny.
plus it's easy to get a heavy melee on them.
fuck off atleast vindicta niggers are easy to kill and they dont vacuum the map on your team only to lose the game with huge networth anyways
Denying? Not really
Confirming souls? For sure
nigger thats the same thing and don't pretend otherwise. hitbox and timing doesn't change what guns work better.
Vindicta literally steals souls from teammates now and inflates her score because of her snipe. idk why they changed it so vindicta no longer splits her bonus bounty
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Hybrid Tankbop v.1
ID: 131289
whats it fucking matter when she's at 50k souls in a 25k soul game lmao fuck off
and she's not even balling out of control theyre always utter DOGSHIT and either rely on cheese shit to win their lane against drooling retards who dont expect to lose all their health in half a second OR they just powerrice because her camp clear speed is fucking absurd
MOST dishonest character bar none
A little busy rn Anon, perhaps another time :)
>she's so easy to poke and has no mobility.
Her healing is very good in lane and stamina issue is fixed with a single t1 item.
Confirming souls is harder with slower guns because after hitting the killing blow to a minion there is a much larger gap between shots allowing someone to deny. Assuming you hit the deny on the first shot, fire rate doesn't matter all that much. They aren't the same
i'm not saying confirming is easy. a gun that can spray doesn't need to line up a perfect shot, you just let it rip and you win.
and every hero has a way to force her out of specter,
you can only safely use it under tower.
plus she has the worst dodge distance in the game.
she cannot react to anything, her only option is to run away.
dude i'm just saying it's a funny thing mcginnis can do lol it ain't that deep
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>play guntank Ivy
>do 0 damage
>100% win rate
Deadlock crashes on launch if my PC has been on for too long. This has started happening earlier this week. Restarting Steam doesn't work, I need to restart my PC. Is anyone else experiencing this?
>and every hero has a way to force her out of specter
Not when she's behind cover???
>you can only safely use it under tower.
Absolutely not lol. All of the lanes have good cover that force you to get out of position to punish her hard. The only exceptions are ivy, paradox, and seven since their aoes linger
Literally all of them are reactable.
>plus she has the worst dodge distance in the game.
True or not, doesn't change anything. The healing node lasts long enough that it's still better to stay near that position even if you get hit by a bomb.
laning phase needs to matter more
i would rather have a useless vindicta than a seven who farms 2 lanes + everything inbetween only to go 1-10 because atleast the vindicta cannot take all the farm from you
no, but you should report it as a bug on the forums regardless
mcginnis is out of position if anyone is close to her. everyone outbursts her and the gun spin up means she can't really do anything about it
>healing is very good in lane
>specter has a radius so bad at the start, it barely covers the shop
lol, lmao even, this is on the same level as the haze mains trying to cope by saying their character it's broken beyond repair because you can buy four 6300 souls items to try to survive her for more than 10 seconds.
and another thing, the specter only heals like 1/4 in lane. so yeah any bomb does nullify it, actually
wtf were they thinking with the hero labs gamemode?
>only a few people can pick the broken bullshit op characters that we want YOU to test
>you're stuck playing the character that we "balanced" while they can play a bullshit op character have fun!
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>pick mcginnis
every time
then just dont play it?
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How is it balanced that 3 shots from a character that isn't even that farmed deals nearly 1,500 damage from this long a distance? On top of that they also gave him back his speed scaling with spirit retardness.
Yeah im not going to i wanted to test out Calico didnt get her so im not gonna bother
he has the most farm in the game in that webm, disingenuous retard
the hard part is doing something other than suiciding on objectives.
building her so that you can actually get alotta kills is tough.
look at his fucking items first retard
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If its DeaDLock general

Why isnt it /ddlg/
(Daddys little girl)

Also did they enable test heroes in custom lobbies yet?
>"isn't even that farmed"
>has the most farm
retard moment
White man retvrn to Dota.
he doesnt have any level 4 fucking gun items yet dishes out 2-3k damage in seconds
fucking retard
do you think farming and getting cash is only for buying get items and thats it or something?
Gold willing I will never touch that shit game again. I havent played in 2 years and see no reason to go back.
Melee 7 is now the only way to play his eviscerated kit
bait used to be believable
no match id didnt happen
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>tells me to look at his items
>says he doesn't have a tier 4 gun item
>he has spiritual overflow
double retard alert!
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faggot plebbitors already jerk off the GENERIC UNORIGINAL BLACK WOMYN

I hate this character so fucking much already. She's such an ugly gorilla
>ascendant 6
>go 5/0 in lane every. single. time.
>don't know how to carry lead
>lose 50% of games
genuinely no idea, i watch replays of people who carry from their solo lane, they do literally the same shit i do, optimized jungle routes, are in every fight, itemize based on enemy, setup ambushes etc and they win, i just don't; i simply don't see what I'm doing wrong
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>White man
>90% of the games are filled with spics on alt accounts and spics griefing on main
She literally has the best raw DPS in the game, especially at base level where it's nearly twice as good as other characters. She has to spin up but once it's spun, you're just gonna melt and the spin up has decay too rather than instantly going back to the slowest fire rate.

Also, IT'S FUCKING MCGINNIS YOU RETARD. SHE HAS TURRETS AND A FUCKING WALL. She is NOT out of position if someone gets close to her, it's the other way around. If she has turrets set up, she can wall you off with her and destroy you and if she's low enough to kill, she can wall you off from her and get to safety. What is this dream scenario you've created where you somehow don't understand mcginnis' strengths?

Why does it need to have a huge radius, it covers enough to extend out out of the stone cover in the ramps leading to guardians.
Why aren’t you running at mach speed to punch someone while they’re stunned and gun them down with 3?
East eu, I play with the PALEST of the white men.
All Icefraud games literally have a forced 50% win ratio. The moment you are assigned to a certain rank, you will stay there forever.
what part of this reply implies that his kit was eviscerated
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>Only have 6 characters in testing that are barely playable
>Game has to have 12 characters

Idiot. Also, how deranged are you to complain about OP characters that are specificially in an alpha state of an alpha game? Magician literally uses sevens rig, gun, and voice lines and has an exact copy of paradox's ult. What the FUCK were you expecting from the game mode???
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I'm in danger
Objectively, his balls were the best part of his kit
Does /dlg/ seriously still think seven is good?
what else did you expect from le epic cat lady
oh nooo dude they're 12% smaller it's fucking overrrrrrr
git gud
the turrets are trash in lane lmao are you kidding?
do you really die to lane turrets?
actually getting spun up is the window where she dies.
get in her face and you win, there's nothing she can do.

if you think the DPS number on her bio means anything you're actually wood.
so many other heroes have much higher effective dps.
they’re 36% smaller
7 m to 3.5 m
This also affects the percentages of reach. Also, the cooldown was increased, and creeps now have resistance to the balls making farming with balls over. Is this really the retards I share the general with?
they should just scrap the entire kit aside from the 3 and give her a mobilitymaxxed slippery kit
sliding around is fun but the rest of her abilities are just kind of whatever
meant 7 m to 4.5 m at t3 1*
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How do i get better at not missing 75% of my bullets
Dunno why you're being so disingenuous
11k more souls than bebop
Bebop has a big hitbox so grey talon is likely hitting 3+ arrows per shot through his rain of arrows active
First shot was a headshot
Pristine emblem + Combat barrier + spirital overflow = big damage
>7 m to 3.5 m
they went from 4m to 3.5m you moronic ingrate
they still reach 6.1m with improved reach and nothing else
this obsession with the range being changed by 0.5 and failing to realize the other nerfs is so braindead
You’re the baiter here
Bros... why is DEADlock dying... I think we should move onto ALIVE fortress 2 and LIFEta 2
a 3 second cooldown hike and a 5% slow nerf don't even register unless you were truly completely braindead and relied on spamming balls nonstop from the backline instead of playing the game
git gud
>/pol/niggers think that you have to be some paid glowie shill working for the CIA to not like Russians on the internet
Are you 15 years old or something? A turdworlder from the other side of the planet who thinks they dindu nuffins? Or a concern troll working for the internet research agency? Anyone who has played any online competitive game in Europe in the past 25 years knows that Russians are and always will be subhuman, this was common knowledge long before your special military operation or the occupation of Crimea began. You're not going to start gaslighting everyone into thinking Russians are honorable and trad when all they do is cheat and sperg out in Counter-Strike, DOTA and now Deadlock.
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>play solo
>theres a stack with 2 obvious shitters queued with their friends
>their friends are raging spergs that cant rage at the real problem(their shitter friends)
>they take it out on your average performance when you werent included in any decisions they made and won your lane

mobas draw these retards like moths to a flame
>Have character with best DPS in the game
>Also give her an additional source of damage that auto-targets enemies
Literally stopped reading there. You are completely deranged and are 100% in wood MMR. You completely lack the ability to see and combine multiple ideas to see their strengths. You're looking at every individual detail in a vacuum.

You are not a good player and you will never be a good player when you make up these unrealistic scenarios and believe that because of this made up scenario, something is bad. I have 5 games total on mcginnis and I guarantee you I would destroy your asshole in lane with her.
>heya hoya heya goes 2/17/5
>34 mintes into the game
>still presses 1 and does 1k+ an arrow
the fact this shit is possible is fucking stupid
Meant to reply to the subhuman you replied to.
Why aren't more people buying shadow weave on dynamo?
I feel like that item is so slept on, one warp stone or phantom strike and you are in there and they wont be able to anticipate it when they can't see you?

@Big Hat, what do you think, am I crazy
Meanwhile they nerf every single other nuker in the game other than Lash into the fucking ground because none of them can trigger improved burst now.
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>he actually dies to lane turrets
Post your ranks
what about mirage with his 3? doesn't that reach the threshold?
>46.6% wr is fine broh
let me guess, you are trying to make grenade build work? It doesn't work.
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not my fault everyone sucks
It's for aerial characters and instant movement. Unburrowing animation takes too long against stuff like Haze ult or Lash ult
>Hmmm yes lets just port slark and give him shiv's passive and see what players come up with
this game should not have been seen by public for at least 2 more years
>Paradox gets a boring, braindead ability buffed
>Retards flee to her because they think they can finally play a "top tier" because she's "easy" now
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Wrecker feels kind of uncomfortable to play right now, but there is definitely potential.
I haven't played the meme mode
Is magician as aids to lane against as I think he is
You must really love inhaling your own farts
holliday would've won if they bought more greens
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My god. 800hrs in i realized this game sucks ass. WHAT HAVE I DONE? I'VE BEEN TRICKED AGAIN.
yes, I was like 4 0 in my lane while the faggot missed all his shots, would not parry, and yet I was always sub 100 HP every duel
holy fuck that mcginnis is a rapist
Mirage's 3 is not a relevant part of his kit. Every good mirage focuses on melee and gun damage, tankiness and focuses the beetles/tornado. He's not a nuker.
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the seven playerbase has been permanently damaged in the last month, almost every game with an enemy seven they spend the whole game vacuuming jungle, dying with a 2k souls bag, and wasting their money on magic carpet so they can suck up more farm, I dont trust this winrate as an accurate assessment of his balance
>he really thinks that once she's spun up, people are going to stand out of cover and not move
Are you all really justdeciding if a hero is good or not based on testing shit on the sandbox mode on the immobile dummy or something?
>3+ arrows per shot through his rain of arrows active
you dont actually think he multi hits right anon
NTA but you are genuinely bad and don't know what you're talking about. Turrets are free money in lane. They add 0 dps because they die in two shots.
I play Korn while I wreck people as Lash
It's actually far more than TF2's heavily botted number.
no it fucking doiesn't
>shiv wr in the gutter
rip shitters...
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First attempt at building Wrecker. What do you think?
I recently started playing paradox and she is actually really fun but also requires you to be a complete sweat. Every skill and button must be pressed + landing your skill shots for her to work, but you are rewarded for it.

My mains are ivy, pocket, geist, lash, and Abrams/mo/warden for tanks. Paradox kinda fills the tank role if you do the melee build. Who has the best paradox guide?
Infernus and Yamato for oppressive damage
Haze for denial
But this is only if they’re good

Come to think of it, I’ve never laned against a mo in my 170 hours of playing
characters and themed items
mirage - magic carpet
kelvin - cold front
warden - alchemic fire
lash - majestic leap
yamato - veil walker (because ninja methinks)
they banned almost all of the bots
>McGinnis turret build went from bullshit
>to shit
>to bullshit again (and now you don't even need echo shard because of the really low cooldown)
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Fliers are inherently broken, there I said it.
Wild berry pop tarts are the best ones
Mcginnis has like 10 builds and all of them are cancer, I dunno how valve does it. What DOESNT this character have?

>best base gun
>free heals
>the best non-stun crowd control ever created by god jesus christ the wall is overpowered
>free teamfight ult at full lane range because of course why not
>turrets that do more damage than your average pub teammate (and they cant miss their shots like them either)
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I kinda go back and forth on whats best for him. I usually lean towards being able to dig, disrupt their team, ult, and then actually survive it.
>he dies to turrets
Why am i put in a 5-stack when quieing solo?
>are in every fight
when the animals brool you push walker
fuck them broolers we got buildings to smack
>nigfernus on my team flames us because he is afk farming while we get fucking raped by abrams + mokrill
>i tell him he's a pussy
>he freaks the fuck out and just stays in a side lane and pushes 1v1 while we lose the base
>ends the game 5k souls up on the next closest player in the lobby with almost no damage
>he was taking the enemy shrines while we literally lost the game
I hate farmoids.
Calico statues are fucking crazy for split pushing wtf just played against a calico who abused the fuck out of it couldnt even approach her
>could ask him for help
>instead has an autistic melty and calls him names
>seethes even harder and posts about it on 4chan
>could ask him for help
He was screeching calling his lane duo a fag at 2 minutes. if you encounter a player like that and beg them on your hands and knees to be a good boy and help you out, you're an enormous cuck.
How are people playing the new experimental hero queue already? It's down for another 7 hours for me.
Give me the secret kelvin beam build that does damage.
Her 2 is great, especially because you can use it while sliding

the ult and the boomerang are kinda lame though , i barely find time use them
If you were smart you'd do what he likes to get him to do what you want and then shit on him really hard right before you win/lose. Let me know if you need any more tips to raise your IQ
You go back a month ago to when escalating exposure wasn't nerfed into the ground
funny how it's still ultra-cancer on anyone that was supposed to be buying it
Its fucking dogshit on yamato
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For me, gun/ spirit tank hybrid with SoP on burrow maxing into phantom strike
Post gun bop builds because mine sucks
>Every skill and button must be pressed + landing your skill shots for her to work, but you are rewarded for it.
this is why the general is full of retards who downplay paradox, they miss half their skills
just use walex's build
It isnt
he was trying to make the argument that it's the same if someone gets close to mcginnis
That's an ultbop though you retard
>took 2k damage from grey talon's floating autos in undder one second

lmfao what the fuck
Man none of the characters are anywhere close to release which sucks
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>Top 1 best damage in lane right now (Lady Geist got nerfed)
>Best stun in the game, when timed correctly
>52% winrate

Warden bros, where did we go so right?
I can't wait for more cancer.
Step one: Having an extremely strong gun
That's it, that was enough
magic carpet
look up toska bbp its the one he used for fight night
My games as Mokrill is always a complete stomp, in either direction. Either I get into a rhythm that decides the game or I'm useless. How do I not be useless?
Yes, he does massive damage with his gun.
Is he still fun with the majestic nerf
does mirage feel worse to play or am I just playing like shit today
I don't get it
his gun is shit in lane
It was up for the last 2 hours here in Sweden
>best stun in game
no, that'd be Seven's free infinite range stun that cannot be walked out of
Hitting people around corners with Yamato's is really good
hes fine with the leap nerf i think since if you get shot in midair you still do your full trajectory
you dont really need to float or glide with it like other characters do its just there to move you while channeling your ult
So cool that shoulder charge now stuns for a free melee even if you don't hit a wall! I love buffing brainless retard abrams players!
>Magician just feels super clunky the whole match
>constantly miss shit because bullets and 1 feel like molasses
>highest hero damage
>you dont really need to float or glide with it like other characters do
anon that nerf hit warden really badly because you really need to get in fast for the ulti
what? how does it do that?
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>playing with friend
>losing hard
>he says he needs to leave for real life stuff and abandons the game
>after he leaves we kill the entire enemy team, push and take mid, then win the game
try it and find out for yourself! you can't parry after shoulder charge anymore.
Lmao brother wtf are you even talking about
just press F if he doesnt hit you in a wall and get debuff reducer

crying about abrams after he got nerfs after nerfs is nasty ass work when we are in a sniper meta atm
Urn change gave us the comeback. They tried to deliver the urn to our base, all died, and we got the urn which was a pretty huge soul difference.
>just press F if he doesnt hit you in a wall
Okay I did exactly that and still got melee'd before my parry animation played. no need to keep lying for your bara faggot husbando.
>Want to check a replay to see if someone was aimbotting since they were suspicious
>24 hours later replay still isnt ready for download
this game is so dogshit
lol the replay is ready to download when it says that just leave then go right back to download it and it should work

brother i cant help if you are shit at the game abrams is the last character you should be crying about when he has been nerfed heavily this patch

green items give melee defense his melee attack speed has been nerfed and his gun range has been nerfed
how do people actually do damage as mokrill? i win more games than i lose with him because he's still an ultra-tanky speedy fuck. most of the builds seem to be pure spirit, but even after i've got all the works, torment, reduced cd, exposure, etc i'm basically just tickling people once they have because imp. spirit armor. i feel like a more hybrid build might be good since his gun is actually great but i feel like that'd just split more damage away from the damage ive already described as tickling them anyway and i dont feel like full gun build would work at all unless you only use burrow to escape maybe?
torment then rush magic carpet and be the best lane janny and ganker in the game
man i love that little room, had a game where 5 people chased me as infernus into it and i was able to get 4 kills solo from ricochet, ult and flame path in there, and then we pushed and won the game
Going pure spirit used to be able to delete enemy teams with dig alone. Lately though it doesn't seem to be doing as much, which is weird because it doesn't seem like they nerfed it or anything. Nowadays I go hybrid tank/spirit support, I mostly forget about deleting enemies and instead go for disruption.
Her ult is goofy but i like the fact you can zipline while ulting some poor schmuck. But yeah her 1 is shit, i really just focus on gun instead since headshots go crazy with her.
Magician 1 at any level + Magician 2 at max level + spirit items does crazy burst damage. You can also press 1 again without really re-aiming it much to give it a speed boost, but it'll always aim downward a bit if you do.
Question, what do you anons think of his stun trigger range when laning against him? Especially in duo.
What's your build and ability order look like? I've noticed the same thing, but don't know how to really disrupt without my 4.
Is it just me or does mirage's ult fit perfectly with magician instead? Like why would mirage have the ability to even teleport?
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Sup faggots. Mad that Yoshi unbanned me? Not that it matters since none of you are high MMR enough to get in a game with me maybe one of my smurfs lol. All you can do is whine in hear and watch my stream. Anyway cya I got ranked to grind fucking loser shitters
Agreed its the weirdest part of Mirages kit
LMAOO DLG is a prize that keeps on giving
Wrecker is literally just build 8 spirit items then reenact 9/11 on 1940s new york

Doing 2000+ damage on hit is fucking funny
the current best player mains her, name is mikaels, look him up to learn how to play her
Depends on how the match is going. If Im solo lane and the enemy isnt a pro borderline aimbotter, I usually get mystic burst and mystic range so I can stay in the lane infinitely without worry and farm freely. Then I get improve duration, maybe one or two of the armors, maybe throw in Heroic Aura item for the team support and natural movement speed boost so I can chase and escape better. If Im dominating and my enemy is an idiot I'll lean more towards gun and spirit and forgo vitality until later. If Im in a duo lane I'll get a few gun items instead of mystic stuff and usually lean towards the same endgame stuff of vitality and support items. I don't usually get Phantom Strike unless one of the aerial enemies is a constant problem.
There is literally no argument against adding surrendering other than
>not wanting to play with legally braindead subhumans who farm t1 camps near a walker that's getting raped by creeps is LITERALLY TRANS GENOCIDE
>no timestamp
kys faker
Oh, and if Im solo lane I get Scorch 2 first and if Im duo lane I just get dig. If my duo lane is being pressured bad I sometimes get pocket sand 2 first, but this rarely happens.
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The game would be 50% improved if they removed the bullet time and made it instant like CS
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yamato alt fire is kind of like an explosive, use it for harass and at distance, hit people you know are behind cover by shooting next to them, use with mystic shot/use to cancel into 3 or a melee, its very versatile, left click is more dps up close and especially with headshots, dont forget also abusing sliding to alt fire without the ammo cost
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is replacing enduring speed with debuff remover the correct next item in this build
enduring speed is just too QoL to get rid of especially with geist, healbane i guess is a better choice? I mean you should be nuking em at this point right?
>start game
>crashes after reaching the menu
>restart steam
>game works fine
am i really going to have to do this every time?
idk healbane seems like a requirement/better effective dps in late game once you have multiple enemies with leech
Just lost to a duo of aimbotters, kinda disheartening
Dogshit positioning, skill usage, game sense, but perfectly tracking and shooting people through veils, always going full auto all the time
>enemy team has infernus wraith
>this is a ranked match
>abandon it anyway

we were gonna lose so what's the point lol
t. arcanist rank
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>who lives in a outer lane inside new york?
splitpush tankbop
Maybe replace high-velo mag with kinetic dash or fleetfoot to still have some mobility with your original plan.
>a outer
Is this balanced?
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Nevermind just made a comeback and won a match that had all our walkers get raped at minute 10
I came back for trying the game again wtf happened to kelvin he deals no damage now
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losing is one thing but losing against a /dlg/tard is another
Experimental heroes are kino
Did they fix the awful matchmaking changes for large "unbalanced" parties? My regular playgroup straight up couldn't find a match yesterday because of MMR imbalance despite us all playing 95% of our games only with each other
thats a good idea thanks
people here told me kinetic dash was a meme for retards so i never build it but i'll give it a shot next time it goes to endgame
I feel like if the enemy team gets Dynamo and Haze, you just lose.
>people here told me kinetic dash was a meme for retards so i never build it but i'll give it a shot next time it goes to endgame
what? I've only ever seen glowing praise for kinetic dash
I don't feel that way.
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Absolute scam, grinded all day for nothing.
Kinetic dash is like active reload for me, they're both good items but i always forget to activate them
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>irrelevant timewasting question about Vindicta
>Vindicta lewd image attached
kinetic dash is one of the most efficient items in the game, even builds that don't specifically build weapon semi-regularly get kinetic dash because it's that good
you are making things up to make /vg/ look bad and you really don't need to do so
>now that's efficiency!
Nigga, we are in early dev mode and it gets updated every Chewsday
viscous alt fire with mystic shot can be pretty nasty when combined with puddle punch
This is the worst ranked game I've ever seen.

Down 20k at 10 minutes.
Whats the next big feature the devs are adding?
my hope is shoulder switching.
i wonder what the end date means in that image
sex with abrams
stop shooting me old man
feet viewer
I like Warden but his damage isn't even close to best in lane and is "stun" literally, by definition, isn't a stun and it also isn't the best one.

Anyone who's not retarded will dash+slide or dash jump out of it unless it's layered with something else.
>Chazm is just playing Lash as a dollar store Vindicta now
Lash bros please tell me spirit is good I don't want to aim
i just had a crazy comeback yesterday. 30k deficit, losing our patron but we killed 4 of them somehow.
2nd midboss spawned right after, deficit got made up after all that.
then we killed their carry, and won the game.
my team went straight to spawncamping and let mcginnis (me) kill the patron and shrines
does anyone else see this match in the watch tab with 4k spectators thats been going on for 15 hours
Yeah I think I'm kinda over hero labs now
It was fun the first few games but shit is kusoge incarnate.

Half the heroes don't work correctly and the other half straight up auto win.
It's also kinda crazy that they didn't bother fixing Holliday bounce pads or Calico going into walls with almost every ability usage, those weren't even a problem until this patch.
Go talk about it in the forums. It's kind of funny because the mirages ult creates big purple smoke which fits more with a magician than some sane dune indian guy
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The biggest goon session ever
is this a melee only match or what
What do you mean?
do afk matches count towards your rank?
a battle to the death
so im not sure what happened, but haze needs a nerf or something.
her damage is absolutely ridiculous!
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dlg told me Vindicta has 100% pickrate in high ELO and needs a nerf
Yes, removing your ability to ruin others' games was the fix.
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grenade paradox is the way
Grenade paradox, anon
Build por favor, just started playing her, 3 wins so far but just using a random build that looks decent
I've been having luck with gun Ivy lately, but my ELO is also poopy garbage. Was wondering what people in the higher brackets thought of her. I'm at Alchemist 6.
>kudzu ivy
>ball seven
>pulse paradox
who's aoe will be buffed next?
McGinnis is actually retard proof now
Good job Valve
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>viscous T3 splatter aoe doubles each time it bounces
paradox's grenade also does damage through walls because yoshi is a hack and has to make each broken spam skill respect LoS one by one
There is no way I'm staying in the Initiate rank after the next Tuesday. I've been killing it in ranked.
My point, and the point of a lot of other people as I have found, is that even if you play almost every game as a group you still run into it once you get higher than 3 players
If you had friends you would know it's scuffed at the moment
Kelvin's domain expansion is now global.
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i'm the guy who doesn't have 5 games lol
my last game: 24856496
i haven't bothered with a rank cuz no mic
and barrage still is nerfed fuck you icefrog
alchemical flask geist is the truth it's so fucking strong
the wall nerf was worse. damage boost was doing so much of the heavy lifting.
Good, fuck Pocket
all I know is I like being able to insta kill someone just for getting them to half health while laning
for me it's malice warden
I really dont get the point of a small ground aoe in a game where you can just press a button and be 30 feet away in a second.
>tfw get game winning swap on enemy as paradox and get complemented on it

fuck you pocket you cheating fuck how do you fucking aimbot and still lose
Look, I've played plenty of MOBAs with and without friends.
Four and five stacks are ALWAYS a shitshow. There's always mismatches where the best players on each team are raping and there's someone feeding. If you don't have a full team, then you get the random guy being extremely susceptible to being bullied or abused, and with report systems that's a very scary place to be.
Competitive PvP games just aren't the place to play with friends. You need to be very close in skill level for it to not be terrible. There are plenty of other cooperative games or games where you play against each other that are out there.
Plus, it's bad for relationships. One of my friends fucking seethes at his wife when they play League together since she's significantly worse than him, and they fight a lot more when they're playing League versus not. It's just not healthy for either the relationship or the game.
Honestly, if I were the dev I'd probably just make it so you can only solo/duo, and only duo if within each others' MMR margin of error.
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I would if I could
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Also i found that pocket shoots a mini pocket when ulting
This is his best bomb line imo. It's so fucking cheeky

>>Best stun in the game
Are you kidding me, it's not even a stun since they can still shoot back. The only good aspect is its T3 and the massive damage it does especially with Improved Burst
>when timed correctly
Yeah no shit of course nobody will bother escaping it in the middle of a teamfight. It's really funny though when you throw it on somebody in an enclosed area like mid, neutral camps, or this room >>499912840
Honestly most people dont really fight back much when rooted, theyre just focused on their escape once the root ends
it's literally nothing special it's just an enemy player being too far up so she gets swapped into my team and we proceed to roll since they don't know whether to run or fight. we were both on weakened patrons.
i'm just mad I had to lane against the pocket.

i'm also mad paradox' charge up time is so FUCKING loud. every time you press e the enemy just hides behind a wall the entire time, meanwhile multiple other heroes throw lane wide nukes. THE SHOT DOESN'T EVEN DO THAT MUCH DAMAGE
>Four and five stacks are ALWAYS a shitshow. There's always mismatches where the best players on each team are raping and there's someone feeding.
Sure, but you just match stacks against each other and it ends up balancing out. The idea that there is some massive MMR difference between people that only always play together means that something is wrong with the system.
>One of my friends fucking seethes at his wife when they play League together
he sounds like a fucking sperg lmao
mostly to watch the pocket hackusation
>The idea that there is some massive MMR difference between people that only always play together means that something is wrong with the system.
Not if it takes personal performance into account for MMR calculations.

He is. Probably because he's French and went to art school.
gunning down a warden while you're trapped is always funny
>played mcginnis
>shes actually freelo
I had to abandon this ranked match because it felt unfair. I have more fun playing shit builds
top mmr EU players really dont believe abrams is good almost all of them dropped him
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Gun Geist is fun
vindicta needs a nerf right away not playing this shit unless she is nerfed like if you play vindicta have no reason for you not to auto pilot your way to phantom this week
>3 ranked games
>3 losses
It's so over for me bros.
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>I had to abandon this ranked match because it felt unfair
You're psychotic
The Ivans are on my team.
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>lands one (1) headshot
>if you play vindicta have no reason for you not to auto pilot your way to phantom this week
yeah, if you're ascendant
geist's natural item build makes the aoe much bigger and apply slow + spirit vuln
you can dash out of it's natural size but it takes a double dash or dash jump to jump out of it when it's 14m wide
New Leglock

>tick tick tick :)
You actually made me check the replay because I remembered hitting a lot (it's a point blank Seven walking backwards), and turns out I hit one like three seconds in but for some reason the Headhunter heal doesn't show, despite the UI showing that Headhunter procced. Weird.
Warden, Ivy, Migu, Mohammed, Seven can't proc it at all/without ludicrous amounts of spirit
Infernus and Abrams reasonably can't outside their ults.
>What DOESNT this character have?
it's obvious they changed his ult last minute, his voice lines still allude to the old one.
le desert bedouin long sands meme
this is the worst part of the game, so many things go through LoS and you get used to hitting them around corners

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