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Aircraft Edition

>I'm a pirate, I need to download mods for factorio Sir:
Copy link to mod from here:
Paste here:
Copy/Paste file in mod directory, enable in game, Done.

>Newest version Factorio Vanilla/Space Age
By the time you're reading this, it's probably obsolete.

>Buy and Support

Previously on the fag general: >>499686920
You are now aware that constant, arithmetic, and decider combinators all sound the same when opened/closer. But selector combinators sound different.
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Finally got tank. Biters will know fear
How long until Earendel's masterpiece? (Space Age + Space Exploration)
nobody build a bus in factorio parkour world
silence, child
2029 by the time it is polished and worth playing
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ehh, that video just keep appearing at my yt recommendation and i accidentally watch
now i feel like a retard and you should too!!hahahaahaha

to stay on topic here is my second base after my restart i love spaghetti its is fun in a different way
>that janky power network in most of the base
i'm not proud of you. you could make them all aligned but they're twisted and shit
desu yeah those powerline is janky
but i prefer to leave it janky so that it leave a nice contrast with the later base
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Will this just keep absorbing pollution indefinitely, or will it get saturated with nowhere to release the biters and stop?
The latter
pls post Tank loadout
stuff and things
what are you expecting
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Maiden voyage successful.
She's a thick bitch
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I somehow played more than 40h already. I think I am satisfied enough with my base to go to space now.
I might be new but why dont people push for tighter chokepoints like this, there is less area to defend and because the biters are further away from the far cloud they dont absorb as much pollution, you also get more space
The only thing I can think of is it's annoying and the biters become way too hard the further you go
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>>499894151 (me)
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the serbians are now on aquilo
It's just a personal decision of how do you want to spend your time
>pushing out further for good chokepoints means more time stomping biter nests
>not doing so means more time building walls
Personally I get bored manually killing nests pretty quick and walls are easy enough to slap together with bots once you have a decent blueprint.
The freeze mechanic looked nice in action but the planet is ugly. Maybe the gameplay challenges make up for it
In the lower part I took advantage of cliffs, so I actually had to wall off smaller areas.

In the northwest I was just lazy. I feel like the current walls are already far enough.
nice names
could someone make a torrent of 2.0.11?
whats the best condition to make the platform stay at a planet until all planet unloading logistic requests are completed? I'm just doing inactivity but it doesn't feel right
You need at least 30 posts to have an honorable death
There is no honor in splitfaggotry
Show /svgg/ tattoo faggot
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Are landmines still insane in space age? Someone post the webm so kids will know
Looking for a decent blueprint for a mall/ hub any suggestions
What's this for friend I'm just starting to get purples on my space age run.
When is the ideal time to build your first real base?
I feel like now, you'd postpone it until you have a steady supply of foundries and EM plants.
This is my attempt at a "craft anything" setup, I have been working on it slowly for a couple days. I'll share the blueprint when it's finished, just about done. I don't do a lot of circuit work, but this was a pretty fun build. The central idea is that it will recursively build all missing ingredients for the current recipe, so you can just set the input, feed it whatever you want (iron, copper, steel, at minimum). And it gives you whatever can be crafted from that. The set of "stuff I don't want to make here" is configurable too, and my blueprint has lots of circuit descriptions for each part so should be easy to understand. I'll probably finish it off in an hour or two, I have one small issue left to fix and want to revise the descriptions for coherency. I'll probably post it in an hour or two.
After Fulgora.
how do you deal with mixed-load trains? like if I want a turret resupply train that carries both ammo and repair packs, how can I ensure things don't jam up with having too many of one or too few of another?
Are you retarded or something?
Just set filer slots
>filter slots
but muh generic any-to-any trains...
>read train contents
yoou can set filter slots in cargo wagons
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Do the spores spread indefinitely? it's getting really annoying to run around to clear local fauna when I struggle set up basic ore automation
Share the load
better start shipping materials in and set up a perimeter then
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Am I doing bus correctly?
do busfags really
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>Hey little science platform how are you doi-
Second time playing through the main game, I admit I don't need these iron sticks for that much
one plate makes two sticks or cables
just make the sticks/cables next to the assembler that uses them
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First time I will have to reload a save because I got fucked hard by this planet.
>didn't bring holmium or superconductor
This is some serious bullshit. You can't do anything here
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Its not much but it should allow me to expand as much as needed (and as much as the belts allow)
bad b8 i r8 1/8
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How/where do I upload and share mods as a pirate?
Github I guess?
Just have your ship bring some items.
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Done! http://0x0.st/XUxI.txt
Fully automatic crafter, handles missing intermediates as well. This is as tight as I could get it, each part is documented. If someone better at circuits than me wants to give me some tips on how to improve this, I'd love to have em.
Hey, by bumbling and taking forever to give space travel another go, I notice something: I left a Roboport in a copper mining outpost, forgot to put a Radar there... and I can still see it. Roboports giving sight was a thing before?
New with 2.0
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i love how after becoming self-reliant, the "ship" slowly grows
don't need to shuttle around if you can expand the superstructure across the entire solar system
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do you like noodles in your sushi?
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it begins
bro you're in the red
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How else am i going to get the weaponry to blow these fuckers up besides stealth mining
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oh shid speak of the devil time to bounce
On platform, being unable to build from inventory and instead having 20 ui bars enabled is abysmal user experience
i was also annoyed by that shit until i figured out you can press E to confirm basically any user dialog
the thing asks you for quality everytime you want to place something so just spam e everytime for it to default to normal
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i have no idea what am i doing
I cant understand how you build a shit ton of turrets around ur base if you wanna expand in the future?
or should i just go and obliterate every bug spawn by hand
In the early game it's pretty easy to just kill nests as soon as your pollution cloud touches them so they never send attacks, and once you tech up you get access to a bunch of new offensive and defensive tools that trivialize biters.
>I cant understand how you build a shit ton of turrets around ur base if you wanna expand in the future?
Move this gear up! Go, go, go! Put dispenser here! Sentry gun, here! Moving up! Packing up!
Build a new wall at the new area before removing the previous wall, if you remove it at all. Construction and logistics robots will help you a lot.
oh fuuuck I forgot about bots. late game unfortunately
>only way to tile reactors is to make something absurdly wide
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Bots aren't late game, silly. They're at chemical science! You can get to them pretty quickly. Personal roboports are so nice.
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spaghetti chef extraordinaire on my way to space

hand crafted enough blue potions to get advanced oil processing, just finished automating it. Next step is military science then robots.
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I am a factorio shitter. Just got done automating red and green science. I wanted to dabble in using the circuit network stuff but I don't understand what I can really do that is helpful. I was messing around with lights and attaching them to turrets to turn the light red when the turret runs really low on ammo etc. But what else can be done that is useful?
Early game: you have nothing, build a few turrets with yellow ammo to keep basketball aliens out
Once you research defender capsules: exterminate literally everything around your base/ore patches you want, it’s very easy at low evo
after extermination: place a bunch of turrets to kill off expansion groups, ignore biters from now on
the next wave is midgame where you get explosive shells in tank (for bases) and uranium ammo (for turrets) when behemoth biters start showing up
this guy pulling legit dune tactics
hella based
Can you nuke the demolishers?
You have to craft the nuke in orbit or on Vulcanus, it's too heavy for a rocket.
It takes a lot of 235, which needs multiple rockets.
I don't know how much damage it does to the demolishers.
What works very well, is a uranium tank cannon round.
Not explosive, you want piercing power.
I built this
And I find it pretty useful. Just slap it down and start making a variety of stuff immediately instead of stamping down a bunch of separate assemblers.
Otherwise, you'll know when you need it. Any sore of conditional logic, like "maybe I should run steam only when I'm at 20% power", things like that. Don't try to add circuits where they don't belong, and have fun. If it's too complex and not fun, solve your problem some other way. Or ask for help.
Look Simba, everything the pollution touches is our kingdom.
Explore your map, find choke points, kill the aliens until they're outside the choke point, defend the choke point. Your border just expanded. You can either manually feed your turrets full stack of red ammo which should last a long while, make a very long roboport covered area with a buffer chest full of ammo, repair kits, logistic bots permanently assigned to it or use some train and circuit trickery to make an ammo train only go there when your stock is near empty. Or make a big ass hobo belt but then it takes literally minutes for some parts to replenish
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>game expects you to play space trains with the stations
>try building a space train anywhere other than Nauvis orbit
>it gets knocked out before you ever set your first 50 space landfill
>build it on Nauvis
>spend 10 hours with your dick in your hand sending parts to your space train
>Ok, It's go time.
>ship makes it safe to another planet
>ship DOESN'T stay safe in orbit.
>ship needs to stay there for another three hours getting repair packs, landfill and whatever else sent to it
>Can't just move your 7 science production to another planet, oh no, you gotta do Nauvis + one science per planet
>Everything needs to be shipped in Aquilo
>All the stupid 50% prod assemblers and drills need to be sent one stack at a time by rocket
I give up. I'm not spending every last blue, LDS and rocket fuel I have across four planets playing Futurama just to unlock tier 3 modules and the spidertron in a more convoluted way.
Thank God you can turn off the DLC and play non-ass Factorio instead.
I just tested nukes with all the damage upgrade and 2 levels of infinite damage research, 1 nuke is enough to kill a small worm, medium require 2 and they have to be headshots. Big worms are more or less immune to nukes due to the regen and fire rate.
It's really only useful to claim your first few territories.
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How about you make more rocket silos you dumb fuck?
Why the fuck would you send 100 yellow ammo when you can just make them in space? Same for red ammo btw. You get a research that gives you copper in space.
>when you can just make them in space
Oh yeah? With what iron? The shit you took in the space hub's bathroom?
The asteroids.
But you're probably just here to troll.
go anywhere near aquilo and yellow ammo won't cut it anymore.
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Bumbling meander here, finally got to Vulcanus after too much time making outposts and base defenses.

And as soon as I get there and ask my platform to send in the Orbital Landing base, the delivery capsule lands on me.

Delivery Capsules can kill you.
You must be trolling. By that point you have advanced crushing which gives you copper (red ammo) and you literally can't destroy aquillo's asteroid with ballistic without cheating. They have 2000 flat physical resistance. You must use explosives or railgun (which you unlock on aquilo).
>How do you make rockets in space?
Advanced crushing gives you sulfur which can be used for coal synthesis to make coal which in turn can be turned into explosives which make rockets.

It's almost like aquilo requires stuff from other planets to access...
Biters are unironically ruining the game for me. They're not even attacking my basic arse base outside a couple nests i cleared. Its just the anxiety with nest expansion and evolution i'll eventually get swamped. I've also got zero defence which probably doesn't help
start again, turn off biter expansion and/or turn on passive enemies.
Problem solved.
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This is how i split nuclear cells, its correct right?
if it works it works
This game satisfies the autism
How come everyone is using yellow belts?
more throughput, just use more belts or use trains
in space, with limited platform space, it's a bit silly though, no reason not to go for red
Damn, i need to figure out trains ive only been using single line trains
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why the fuck wont my space platform deconstruct? it has plenty of inventory space, and i can deconstruct building just fine, but i can remove the platform itself
seriously, what the fuck, can you not do this?
i swear to god i removed some platform with no issues yesterday to makes some gaps for the thrusters
Uhh is storage full? Do you have power? Can you deconstruct anywhere else, or do smaller bits? I don't know if power matters but hey im giving you ideas.
Storage empty, have power, can deconstruct buildings.
Tried doing everything from smaller bits to the entire platform (tried this on a second platform as well). Either you cant deconstruct platforms once built or its time to start looking over the modlist...fuck.
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Is it normal to have this little amount of uranium? I want more funny green rocks
>1 landing pad per surface
well thats fucking gay, especially coming off SE, where i could have a dedicated landing pad for each factory and it was glorius. any mods that remove the limitation?
Why did devs take factorio.com instead of factor.io web site name?
SA+SE+K2 when?
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2.1, trust
Just a word of warning
Do NOT underprepare before going to a new planet
Bring a SHITTON of stuff, and automate LOTS of ammunition on your space platform
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I never used these little fuckers in the past.
20 of them just obliterate enemy camps.
thanks for the heads up anon
A very nerfed version of SA, maybe.
3 science production factories gonna be more than enough
i just store it on the planet, for the future
theoretically all you need is enough uranium to start the enrichment process once to have an endless supply.
not entirely, kovarex still uses up 3 u238 per cycle, which is a pretty insignificant amount in factorio terms and even the smallest patch could support it for any sane amount of time but it's not truly endless
true, ive been thinking about how you could reprocess nuclear waste but its actually a minuscule amount
5 used cells produces 3 u238 so you can get pretty close to an entirely closed nuclear fuel cell cycle
obviously people want nuclear fuel and ammo though so it's kinda irrelevant but probably interesting for more constrained factorio runs
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eh doing the math you lose 92 u-238 for every 10 cells made assuming you reprocess all the cells.
Assuming a box of 1000 u238 you could run the kovarex process 62 times making 625 fuel cells
which is enough to run a 4 reactors 480mw unit for 520 minutes
sorry left a typo in there
you lose 16 u-238 per 10 cells made
so over 8 hours of runtime
uranium shortage is basically never an issue
is red ammo gonna be enough to take on a demolisher?
i could ship over uranium ammo, but that will take longer then revving up the foundries
just make a block of turrets with red ammo and you'll be fine. i had a 10x10 block and lost less than 10 each time i killed one most of the time
turret block works just fine on starter worms, and you can lead the worm through a stacked poison fields for a ton of damage too.
You'll need a lot of turrets but it's enough for a small demolisher. Use poison grenades too and disable your personal bots. Demolishers demolish them. I did that for my space rush run so if you have all the ballistic speed upgrades and a few infinite ballistic damage upgrades, you should destroy them relatively easily.
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lmao even
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>press delete button
>it deletes
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>PSA: If you press this button your space platform will be instantly restored without asking for confirmation
Never post a screenshot from r*dd*t again
>tfw waiting for my 41 uranium for kovarex and it's taking forever because I can't juice my miners because I don't have enough energy because I don't have kovarex
>he waits for kovarex to set up nuclear
1 (one) spicy rock gives 10 fuel cells. That will keep a reactor fed for ages.
I qualitied up my crushers. Why won't I get uncommon ores? I've processes more than enough, something's up.
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Might as well
Anon you do know you cant mix quality ingredients?
If you get a T1 quality gear, thats just going to clog up your machine till you get a T1 quality (other item) to craft whatever it was you wanted.
I'm aware, just gambling with trash iron. And then sending the lucky pulls down to logistic chests on the surface. Where it will sit in quarantine, until I decide what to do with it.
Yep. There's no reason not to use them. Destroyers are great too.
Skill issue, git gud, etc
I built space platforms from scratch on fulgora, it's fine if you know what you're doing and thinking things through.
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This is my baby girl, my first ship. Say something nice about here
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this is an abomination but it's also 75 spm and I think I've got it to stop fucking jamming finally
Is the lower left furnace missing inserters?
It took a very long time, but I got a few high quality chunks.
>something nice
The shape is good and you're using proper guns instead of lasers
>something mean
Your engines suck. Connect them together directly and you'll save a bunch of space from your pipes.
I can see that you understand that you don't need to fill both sides of an engine with pipes (see: your outermost engines), so why won't you optimise just that little bit more?
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>why won't you optimise just that little bit more?
Because I'm playing for looks. I mean you gotta admit it looks nice
The furnace was a placeholder for a solar panel
You kids are flying over to other planets without researching uranium bullets first?
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>add adjustable inserters
>spaghetti intensifies
i don't understand why wube is so against qol like squeak through and adjustable inserters
eh, adjustable inserters is in the "cheats" category
I love it, but it demolishes the intended design constraints
linked chest are considered a "cheat" item but arcolink are "fine"
linked chests are a straight up cheat
arcolink chests are a cheat...
...that has somewhat annoying setup and requires lategame in an already painful overhaul, where you have already solved the main problem they would trivialize (cross-surface logistics)
When a machine is working way too fast it stops making rare items, this is an affirmation you can test it out. My question is why does this happens and is there a way to prevent this from happening while crafting as fast as possible?
speed modules lower quality
No they don't
how does the engineer eat and poop
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Ok, I just read that. So what's the point of beacons then? If you try to make your machines faster to farm rare items you lose quality. What's the best way to farm legendary items?
A suit which recycles all nutrients into base elements.
Closed loop which only requires power (burning generator to start), air, and some water.
Because there stuff where you want quality and there astuff where you want quantity. If you want quantity, speed and prod are the way to go. Science pack for example...
I thought speed overcame the penality in chances to get quality stuff by might of sheer numbers.
Throwing items behind the ship should yield some thrust
>item cannon/thruster
>takes any item, does damage and thrust according to its weight
If you only care for the highest quality items and there's no point to multiples, like for armor, use a crafting-recycling loop with quality modules only. Examples would be armor, spidertrons, other equipment like guns
If you would like some high quality items and lower quality items are still useful, use quality modules while crafting but don't recycle anything. Good for space platform parts, machinery like assemblers, EM plants, foundries etc.
Everything else is production mods + speed beacons to maximize throughput. But sometimes it might be worth it to sacrifice on productivity and space to produce quality intermediates for crafting high quality stuff from those. Superconductors for quality 3 mods for example. You'll need to craft them for Fulgora science anyways, so allocate more room for it and throw in quality modules instead of prod+speed.
How are you guys handling Gleba defense? I'm doing artillery firebases because mapgen has led to too many wide open areas for feasible hard lines currently.
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my vulcanus chip plant
just need to flatten the iron plate line so it wont be so long once i put them together
old school
when would I ever bother using circuits?
I don't see any use if I can't monitor and compare my overall output/input of stuff
No, but uranium ammo is a bitch to ship over, you can only take 50 mags per rocket.
I could have brought it, but just shooting up essential base supplies was already taking too long with a rocket per stack usually.
You already have an ingame monitor for comparing you overall input/ouput of stuff??
You use circuits to read the contents of buffer chests in yoir train stations, to know when to send a train. Or in advanced oil processing, to read how much light/heavy oil you have so you can trigger a pump to start cracking the excess. The basics have been told to death, and now circuit wires arent even items but hotkeys, so just attach a wire to something and see what happens.
Not a whole lot except limiting chests the right way. Once you unlock advanced oil processing you'll be using circuits to balance the different fluids.
I am taking the plung into trains finally after avoiding them for awhile because they looked complicated.

Does a track need to loop or can a train reverse back and forth along a single straight line?
It can go back and forth but only if it has 2 locomotives, one facing each direction.
Rails can support two way traffic but it's better to set up a one way network. Two way rails are kind of a newbie trap. It's fine for just one train going to get stuff but it's difficult to expand on unless you know what you're doing.
Lanes should be one-way.
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Are two headed trains smart enough to know they need to pull into a dead end track and reverse back out to get to its destination?
I haven't messed with foundries yet but is that not way overkill for the copper wire?
is it better to make two platforms, a science one and a travel one?
What planet do I go to first bros?
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nopeyou need a station on the end or a loop like that
Where ever your heart desires. But the typical order is Vulcanus, Fulgora, and Gleba. Doesn't matter though, you can still launch a rocket if you drop down on the planet naked.
also don't bother going for a network yet just 2 stations one at your base and the other at the oir patch
Dang. But not that big of a deal if i just need to slap the station at the end of the dead end. I think i have a neat little idea for a parking yard so any other trains waiting are off the main line.
vulkanus gives baucally free belts
fulgora gives you a mech suit and it's pretty short
take what sounds the best to you
>trying to go to offworld to my first new planet
>have to constantly reload my nauvis save due to missing random stuff I didn't expect like concrete for recyclers or additional turrets on my platfrom for the asteroids randomly drifting in from the side when I'm parked

also fuck this post timer man
Bro, just work remotely.
>you can still launch a rocket if you drop down on the planet naked.
On Gleba, you need high IQ for this.
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yea train depots are common practice
but you'll figure all the this out with time
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The ability to cut and paste circuits while maintaining connections has me doing some heinous shit
I've got a busy network and plenty of parking on the busiest sections. Just the back out style one popped into my head and could save some space. Just never tried dead ends like that.
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haven't played in a few years, started yesterday. vaguely remembered the concept of a main bus. did not do a good job but i do have blue science and will be power-armoring my way to a more peaceful planet shortly. bots soon, then i can start designing layouts (old blueprints gone) and build something a bit less tortured.
what the fuck is quality
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how spaghetti is this?
How do you trash king?
A system for making stronger buildings.
The worst addition to factorio since release
what the fuck
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I will now proceed to vulcanus. Wish me luck.
exceptionally overbuilt
If I just driveby a biter nest and kill all of the spawners is that good enough to not worry about attack parties, or will the spawner regrow if I leave the worms?
How do biter nests show up, anyways? Does the game just create a nests randomly or does a biter physically walk somewhere and mutate into a spawner or something?
idk if it's needed but scorched nauvis is the best policy
Kinda soulful
I'm pretty sure that spawners don't regrow.
To create a new nest, an existing nest has to send a "party" to build new spawners.
God speed, Anon.
The spawner will not regrow from the worm, the worms will just sit there
Existing nests randomly send out a small party of biters to establish a new nest once in a while, that's how new nests are formed
You can block (and kill) that small party with wall and turrets, preventing them from building the nest, that's why one of the best defense in this game is to make a huge wall far away from your base, it create a buffer and a safe zone
Biter nests periodically send out parties of biters to build new nests.
This happens more often at higher evolution.
If you're on railworld biters don't expand. Past that, nests have a decent regen rate but if you pop it, it's gone. Those worms will just have to breath the smog. If biters expand they send a little party of biters out to the edge of an unpopulated area and create a nest.
why is there 2 locomotives per side of the train again? Does it go faster?
Thanks anon, I might reproduce a rail system like yours in my factory
more engine=more fast
Acceleration or top speed?
which module is best to jam in my line of plat producing electric furnaces?
it's more weight dependent, acceleration and top speed are limited by fuel and research. A lot of train cars with only 1 engine isn't going to reach its theoretical top speed. More engines allows it to get closer to the current limit.
Absolutely disgusting
someone explain the quality mechanic to me in one sentence or less
>"rare" power pole
>I have thousands of them
spend more resources to get better stuff
Expensive and complicated upgrades.
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>finally land on first planet
>don't realise how to drop supplies from platform
You spend like 10^y the material to get something that's 25%*y better

Its like those ancient legendaries from D3 or whatever

I imagine the math is better if you go all out
The platform hub has orbital drop slots you can use. You probably glanced over them and assumed they were trash slots or something.

Watch your head.
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looks like i need to quest for copper, so i'm researching the tank...
can't remember, do i want to avoid unnecessary clearing of hives to not accelerate evolution?
Did you turn down resource spawns? That looks rough
Clear biter nests, leave spitter nests, gun turrets can shoot down any spitters with yellow ammo.
Honestly, I see circuit wizard make machines that change to 4 different recipes using the same ingredients with only 2 circuits, I try to do the same with and my machines get stuck because sometimes the game doesn't recognize the ingredients in the machine as being the same and puts the in the trash slot, blocking the whole machine. I just thought I could make a single machine make all modules so that I wouldn't have to grind for 8 more quality t2 (rare)...
>playing without biters is no longer optional if you want to do everything in spage because you need biter eggs for productivity 3
nobiter babies btfo
You can still play with no enemies or in peaceful mode. Enemies give you nothing, nests do. No enemies mode leaves the nest so you can get eggs and biolabs.
default settings, and yea
Gun turrets have little more range than spitters, so at some point you'll want higher turret density, and some roboports, construction bots, and repair packs.
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im so fucking tired of spaghettifying my base on my first world
at what point i should just give up, make a new save and learn main bus
Why make a new save, just use your old base to make a shitload of supplies and go build a big new base.
>main bus
you got a lot of learning to do
That is to ratio. Its basically the same 2:3 ratio as the regular build, but instead of feeding it several lanes of copper plates you just pump lava into it. The convenience of the lava is offset by the foundries being more expensive then regular assemblers i guess.
The platforms are supposed to be self sustaining in regarfs to fuel and ammo, so just send it back to nauvis on a supply trip
what easy alternatives do i have?
is it true that if you start playing factorio your life ends?
spaghetti bus
One life ends, another begins.
fuck this shit im overwhelmed because of it and im now scared to open this game
to move fucking steel to an autocrafter (2 feet between each other)?
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vegafox, what were you doing? should i bugreport this?
a lot of crashes were fixed in .110 and .111, do you want me to updoot again?
>Get 2 days off work
>Play factorio constantly
>Long weekend i forgot about (thanks government)
>Get to play factorio for 3 more days
>Get to volcanos on sunday and stop for the day
>Play on volcanos today
>All the flow of factorio i've known is thrown out the window due to new planet mechanics being a challenge.
>Am i retarded?
>Play less today, got work tomorrow
Anons i think i burnt myself out...
Anyway goodnight, see you wagies tomorrow.
main bus up to construction bots
then new base using rails and roboports
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tfw this is all you need to make 88 space spm
There is nothing to learn about the main bus, jesus. Just nake it so each lane of the main bus is 4 belts wide, with 2 tiles if space in between bus lanes (so even yellow belts can go across the bus lanes if necessary). You generally use all 4 lanes for high demand items like plates, and maybe split a bus lanes into at 2 lanes of 2 for stuff like coal or red chips.
Once you have your lanes you just route stuff off the main bus and rebalance it after.
The key here is to have multiple lanes of items that can rebalance eachother and assure enough throughput.
Was in a similar situation. Push through, once you get foundries and realize that the entire planet is a pool of infinite metal youll get back into it.
just thought about all the shit you have to do to get a legendary mech armor. no fucking way i will ever manage to do that legit
all the planets are all about bootstraping the planet buildings
in endgame you have a gajillion resources to throw at the legendary material grind
it's fine
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what's the point of ts?
get even out or input if one of the lines is not fully used
what's the best way to get fulgora ore?
drains evenly
provides evenly
whatever you might need that for, use your brain when building and you'll find some use eventually
maybe not a necessity, but nice to have
very good for trains
I think he meant the chests
I have no idea why those are there
also, doesn't that miss one splitter?
explain your problem more clearly
there's scrap you use for basically everything

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