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Previous: >>499799836

>Current & Upcoming Content
[09/25-11/12][Event Pass] Worlds 2024
[11/06][New Champion] Ambessa, The Matriarch of War

>Latest Patch Notes
>Latest PBE Patch Notes

>Builds/Account Stats

>Model Viewer

/lolg/ OP pastebin
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reminder that Nami is soft
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>Fucking Pantheon of all people is getting a skin during the Arcane stuff
Damn, Vex isn't getting shit for the rest of the year for sure at this point.
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look at all those yuntal buffs! can't wait for yasuo/yone to buy my class' items so i can die even faster now!
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Soraka my cute wife!

She needs at least one more.
Vex is a really ugly character so i understand why riot wouldnt want to waste money on making skins that noone is going to buy.
>But im going to buy(unless i dont like the theme then i wont like i didnt with empyrean)
Ok cool but thats not worth wasting thousands of dollars developing a skin just for only 1 person to buy it.
>Balance retards believe they're too good to hamfist ranged/melee modifiers on crit items
>When they already do it to a bunch of items and runes
>But never crit items because then they might lose their excuse of "yone yasuo too strong" when gutting adc items
legitimate paycheck thieves, everyone working on "balance"
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thanks, but that's enough - too much goat could be dangerous
Skill issue.
Yasuo and Yone are melee characters as long as you play properly and kite instead of standing still like a turret you should be fine.
If they put Ranged/Melee modifiers on items they would make it weaker on ranged and stronger on melee making the problem even worse.
Has riot ever made something stronger on ranged than on melee?
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Was Neeko designed as a support or a mid
you can flex her everywhere
She was designed as a jungler.
Thats why she can turn into her allies so the enemy thinks shes his 0/10 lane enemy and goes in for another free kill but its really a fed Neeko and she one shots him.
she was intended to be a mid laner
nobody played her there though, they played onhit neeko top lane
then toptrannies threw a temper tantrum about muh ranged top
so that got hard nerfed, and nobody played neeko period
then they reworked her and made her broken support by "accident"
nobody plays her still though
Is 2 extra health regen per second really worth a 5% winrate increase
if ur talking about qiyana it was a 2 percent increase and your sample that showed her as 47 percent winrate was some cherrypicked garbage from some dogshit website
she was 50 percent winrate last patch
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Oops pic dropped
this site is dogshit do not use it. use lolalytics
in d2 plus she is 55 percent winrate this patch and she was 52.5 percent last patch
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It's LITERALLY the same website
anyone got any of them there yordle art
it doesnt matter u.gg is fucking ass
the only reason to ever use this site is to try to use it as "evidence" to win an argument vs some sucker who doesnt know their data is way off 99 percent of the time
Vex is not popular, she doesn't feel threatening, no one ever realizes she's in the game.
kek based
nickelodeon champ for children
theres a reason shes popular in wild rift but not league
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EU bros, hold me. LEC isn't making it next year either...
What makes lolalytics better? Do they just have better ripping software
Also a 3% winrate jump still seems pretty crazy for just 2 extra hp regen
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yeah, I'm running out of disk space
That computer is to overcome his limitation.
>An absolutely gutted assassin item Collector is still the highest winrate 1st item for adcs because the rest of the adc items are that bad
Any time you look at the state of this role it just gets worse
Both Vex and Lissandra appeal to me, they seem to be cancer from the pov of the flashy champions, those low reaction time ones, disabling them.
But after playing both in bot games and evaluating their kits I think that Lissandra leans way too much towards autism while Vex is a more holistic champion.
why the fuck is nami and soraka being spammed so much??
some faggot [the soraka] is using this thread as a place to train his chatgpt bot but the problem is he himself talks like a 7 year old so the bot learns to talk like a retard
the thread is botted?
How else do you explain the soraka and nami posting 24/7?
yeah the nami picture posts are a bot
The thread isn't being botted. The first guy just hates the Soraka poster's guts for some gay ass reason and likes to lie about them. They're two different posters, and they're nothing burgers.
>everyone who dislikes spammers is......... a bot!
Both Nami and Soraka poster are real and dating.
They duo in league together.
Are you saying Soraka poster is playing both accounts at once or something?
the nami league account hasnt played a single game since vanguard came out
it was a bot
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Oh no, he's retarded.
>its just a random coincidence the chatgpt bot quit league when vanguard came out

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i dont doubt the nami poster is a bot.
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Where do i find that special someone that will spam lolg with asinine nonsense together with me 24/7 like "Deer fluffy" with a Lillia pic and then my significant other replies with "She sure is" with a Ahri pic and then i reply to them "You know what else is fluffy?" with a pic of Lillia and they say "What?" with a pic of confused Ahri and then i reply "Ur tail >_<" with a pic of a hand playing with Ahris tail and then they reply with a pic of blushing Ahri we repeat this every thread maybe even multiple times a thread.
I want what Nami and Soraka posters have.
>Both Nami and Soraka poster are real and dating.
Sure thing buddy. Its just one turbo autist.
>I want what Nami and Soraka posters have.
Get familiar with ChatGPT and some light coding and you can have the same.
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I have a confession. I only come to this general for the sexy pictures of female champions...
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I can reply to you with *snip snip* not 24/7 when and if I feel like it.
As do most people I think.
Why can't Ambessa be real...
it's pretty weird that we have our own Chris Chan who draws the same tard style drawings and pretends to be a female furry video game character and talks to a shitty bot 24/7 and types like a nine year old child
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I dont even play League.
I tried a few games but i didnt like it my account is like lvl 8 or something.(and its going to stay that way)
lolg has a lot of nice cum helpers whenever I gotta pump
Yeah, yeah, we get it. You hate the Soraka poster for cucking you. Ok.
Not really that weird considering this place is an autism hotspot. I'd wager most generals have atleast one of this type.
Chris chan is better than Soraka/Nami poster.
At least Chris chan is writing a story meanwhile Soraka poster spams the exact same copy paste "conversations" over and over every thread like a npc doing his routine.
Funny how he stops posting the soraka pics and tries to defend himself badly. Kys ozsomedude. You let vgs mindbreak you lol
Who wants to talk esports?
Who wants to talk female champion bush volume?
>Chris chan is better than Soraka/Nami poster.
Really? The the raka nami poster(s) rape their mother(s)
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He obviously has some mental retardation or maybe early onset dementia since his conversations are so redundant.
>I'd wager most generals have atleast one of this type.
They really don't, they are very rare, this is not a usual kind of autism
i want to edate cute lolg trans girls
>The the raka nami poster(s) rape their mother(s)
Damn I didn't know that. Seriously fucked up.
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This but for male champions
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gwen cutie > lillia mental patient.
Can you people PLEASE stop posting ai shit. Atleast post actual fan art when shitting up the thread.
Aurora was ai generated anyways who cares
I care.
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no. fan art is samefacey and the artist often deposits their own shit preferences or their gaijin take on weebshit that i'd rather do without.

nice bot while complaining about someone else's bot. bots. bots everywhere.
>soraka poster and his bot shit up the thread as per usual
>gets called out on it
>spam stops immediately
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show me fan art that is anything like this with this particular character? best you can do is...

ha ha ha i win dont even try friend
>fan art is samefacey
Oh yeah definetly and AI images totally don't have same-face-syndrom and that signature smoothed over look.
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I wish there was a single thread people didn't have meltdowns over AI in.
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>not a single Nami picture
>half of the thread melts
Why are you guys like this?
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What the fuck is Ambessa's kit?

>uh she gets a free escape AND gap closer just for using an ability
>also her dashes empower her abilities
>and she gets a shield
>also tanking damage with the shield makes her stronger
>also her ultimate heals her, makes her unstoppable, and suppresses a target with an unavoidable blink to target
Are these niggers serious? There are literally fucking champions in this game that don't have abilities more complicated than "next auto does more damage" and they overload her kit like this?
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you're not wrong, but the more complex models dont have this kind of problem as much. This face is nothing like zoe's earlier. But put on a blushyspicy lora on there like some used to do for their slop, and suddenly sameface comes back.
That nigga draws better than me wtf
I've been lurking in the thread this whole time, just hanging out while you guys talk. It's still funny how that one guy gets a melty over me.
>Yasuo and Yone are melee characters
Yasuo has a million dashes, a wall that blocks all projectiles, even ultimates. Yone can all-in then snap back 3 screens away in complete safety. Do not pretend these are Garen-tier melee champs.
Still not beating the Nami is a bot allegations...
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this is really cute and drawn with sovl

This is not.
Funny thing is they could make her a million times less aids, by making her a glass canon instead of a tacky cunt. If she was dashing all over the place, but immediately died if caught by anything she might actually be interesting design.
kys shitty chris-chan wannabe
That's what is so disgusting. Why was it necessary to give her a shield when she has the ability to dash in and out of combat for safety? Why does her ultimate heal her?
If they were, then I would be doing it all the time. But they're not, and I don't see an exciting post to reply to, so yeah.
gooner ass nigga
Sure some models have more variety of faces and can even do hands mostly correct but they still all have that smooth look to them. The don't have the "organic imperfections" (don't know how else to discribe it) drawings or photographs have and all feature very flat lighting. It's incredibly easy to tell what's AI and what isn't just by looking at a thumbnail.
I haven't seen what her ratios are yet, but I'm guessing she mainly scales off of AD, even her shield and maybe her healing too. She probably builds like a bruiser and shits out a million damage due to disgusting ratios and is basically unkillable because of her dashes, shield, and healing.
same but just the female yordles... IF you know what i mean.
nonsensical ahh bot post
Her ultimate passively giving her 15% omnivamp and converting lifesteal to omnivamp is the only way she survives in a oneshot fest like League of Legends where everyone deals 3000 damage+50% max hp damage per second.
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aww yea bby gurl gimme som mmmm
Bitch you talk in circles with namifag. Talk about "exciting" posting lol
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Sometimes I can get away with it. Liberally, let's say 60% of the time slop is posted, nobody bitches. Someone's groaning in silence, sure, but it's the same one or two bitter people sperging out.
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Well yea, duh
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So you want me to talk about champs I don't care about? How bad Riot is fucking up again? Or do you want more drama posting?
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together, maybe someday we can cure the cause of his melties
They should give Annie a pool party skin.
I feel like giving a fire champion a water themed skin would be cool.
This but yuumi because pool party yuumi and book would be a funny skin that could have funny voicelines.
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snip snip?
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Teamwork makes the dream work.
You act like you have the high ground here when all you do is have off topic conversations with your buttbuddy and the guy who orbits any avatarfag. At least go play aram poorly instead of spamming soraka pics with empty headed replies.
ai>human "art"
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hey dont you false flag me like that. dont you dare.

You are wrong. Art is art.

>snip snip
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Can't tell if someone is stealing my "snip snip" thing or if there is another.
But they're so cute together I ship them so much!
League of Legends!
Every single person who posts Gwen does the snip thing.
How do you fight a Proxy Singed? I've never been able to win against one, and I just lost to a smurfing Singed as his level is only level 35.
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>You act like you have the high ground
I'm gonna need a reaction image for this. I never once thought that about myself, but your believing that got me laughing.
Have a jungler.
go proxy yourself lol
Singed is a useless shit champ
Just buy tiamat or bamis cinder and go proxy while he does
You both come out of top lane 25 minutes later and you're Goku and he's yamcha
But I'm playing Teemo
how about you shutup for once in your life.
oh just guard your wave level 1, wait for it to spawn and escort it to lane and then rape him if he tries to farm ever
Teemo is one of singeds worst matchups
Wait you can't ping peoples items when they build troll things... ? Or at least they don't see it, but only you do ?
I thought they removed that...
the game detected you're a faggot weirdo so you're not allowed to ping people's items
Works fine on my machine tho
Its none of your business what other people are building its their body their choice.
Focus on yourself.
you're the only constant
I can ping what people build, but I'm not a huge sperg who gets chat restricted for acting like a sperg.
was the extra true damage for corki really necessary everyone thinks the 50 more damage W buffs are what is making him strong but 5% more true damage is fucking stupid
finna jump out a 3 story building and become a velkoz/hwei main
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You can't spell "fetish" without a "fish"
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Just doesn't feel the same.
you cant spell nami without main
Are todays games worth the watch?
>asian boring meta team vs asian boring team
Ok, I'll order food tomorrow then.
Every single Gwen poster needs to get snipped. Castrated trannies are the best. Small dicks with no balls are just so cute.
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he's lying. I was totally stealing it!
why are you giving a teemo tips on continuing to play teemo? you are doing us all a disservice, sir.
tomorrow is going to be even more boring
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>t. Byzantine Whoress Theodora
get outta eu and come to san fran. You'll drown in the debauchery.
I love Lissandra!
Azakana lusting after your waifu is exciting posts?
I miss my bro. He was corrupted by the seweraka spammer. He used to be my duo before the simping began.
Which chink team should I root for? I want to try and get invested in one for this match
This is a Faker board.
BLG, they're much better than Weebo
blg, bin owns
finally we get somewhere with this. Are you sure it wasn't you just being constantly mean to either person?
The Aphelios player?
How come they keep adding yordles but not more of whatever Soraka is?
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so which chinese team are you expecting to get obliterated by faker in the finals?
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so this is what playing aphelios does to a man
Yeah those.
because unless they completely fucking retconned it and i wasn't paying attention, soraka is some kind of god in their lore
Who the fuck do I vote for?
WBG or BLG? My pick'ems NEED this win bros...
BLG did manage a win against HLE, but WBG absolutely shat all over LNG.
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brand new and just for you!
What the flipping heck I swear I did not just log into Reddit??
i want a cute mental illness troon wife so much bros!
hey bud. how are you doing today? Any random bits of wisdom to impart perchance?
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What team do I support if I like petite anime women
norra will be very slutty and fuckable
come sit on my lap babe
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you should be able to tell from this image
wtf man I'm the straightest man alive
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well then. sorry.
why is ap botlane so strong?
for free
i've been having weird penis problems as a post op complication from surgery, and i've had so many ants in my apartment the other day it's actually sitcom tier and i thought it was funny and didn't sperg out

i also did the most absurd megalovania sans genocide run fight, based on something i found last miku monday, pic related


for some reason i only sleep 5-6 hours a night now, and because i didn't want to sleep through my alarm clock and miss the first 30 minutes like i did last weekend, i decided to just make my covfefe and get cracking
>Bin chokes Breathe
>Xun goes kinda even with Tarzan
>Xiaohu will probably xhit all over Knight
>Light gets raped by Elk
>Crisp turns ON off
I'm honestly kinda torn.
that is not the correct pic related

coffee hasn't hit the bloodstream yet

if you want to see what random bits of wisdom i've had lately, refer to >>>/vrpg/3634470

/vrpg/ really seems to like my endless walls of text, and i have a really simple theory as to why. in order to be able to play an rpg, you need to be able to read words
I'm a 28 year old man but sometimes I still imagine myself as an epic anime character powering up and fighting like 50 people at once
champions for this feel?
adcs are the hardest and weakest class in the game
mages are by far the strongest class in the game
OH HELLLLLLL NAW, and I was considering learning that champ???? I'm so vain that I won't pick that champ ever again because of your picture.
It's middle on the night in NA. What do you expect?
WBG loses because of teamwork honestly, tarzan has been "disconnected" from his team this entire tourney
a lot of shit fights and decisions went through and while he is a really fucking good player,i think he is going to make WBG lose hard
BLG's teamwork is on another level compared to them, finals should be BLG vs T1 and hopefully BLG takes it
sure babe
now come here so i can kiss your neck
Literally me as well, same age and everything. Except for imagining myself as an anime character. I imagine myself as me.
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don't remember what i said
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i'll give you three options

jax, he can build trinity force to deal tons of damage

leblanc, she can just straight up delete people

ezreal, because he's literally the goku knockoff voiced by the voice actor of adult gohan himself

both of these champinos if they 30/0/0 in a yolo qq game, can literally 1v5 teams
battle academia ezreal
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she's fem ksante
what irks me the most is that they literally just gave her yone's ult but removed all repercussions
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because i'm 39, and grew up on web 1.0 and the matrix, i more fantasy about being Neo, and literally dodging bullets and flying away after taunting the government on a landline and shit
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Why would you hit accept if you need to pee? Is having as little downtime as possible really that important? Maybe he just wants to play as much as possible because he's having so much fun? I hope he pees on himself
Zoe (She looks young)

fuck being a male, channel your inner innocent little girl irl
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yasuo and hecarim are good options for powering up too, they can 1v5 if they get out of control in yolo qq too, just remember to run ghost/smite on hec to go super saiyan whenever you need it

filename not related
>Go into an ARAM game
>Get nidalee
Bros...I think riot just tried to tell me Tarzan is going to win.
After playing Supervive, LoL just feels too slow. I can't help but notice the countless minutes between action that feels boring.
why are you directing these questions at us instead of the person in your pic?
i have to disagree and say that chunky monkey tanks are the strongest class by far or else why would anyone play garen?
I don't want to ruin it for him, I want him to enjoy his climb
you picked draven, the one champion i literally refunded even though i bought it with IP, because he was that fucking dumb, so this siuation doesn't even apply to me

all you have to do to beat draven is go 0/0/0 in lane and concede farm and he can't do shit anymore

my go to when i feel like i need to completely and totally curbstomp the early game is MF
keeping your pee/shit in kinda increases your awareness ngl. You also play safer because you know if you get ganked you will get spooked and you might shit yourself irl which is disgusting thus you towerhug where you can farm safely while keeping your hot smelly turds fermenting inside of you as long as possible

>inb4 imagine the smell
>Lux feeds Akali
>Got to the point we can't even fucking kill her because she deletes our health while Rakan, Malphite, and Fiddlesticks protect her ass
>Can't FF either
How the absolute fuck do you fight an extremely fed Akali?
Lux Diana with those sexy skins on my team? Ye I won't cancerfeed enemy bot and imagine them coming bot to rescue me and strapping me to a chair and riding me till I'm completely drained dw
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>How the absolute fuck do you fight an extremely fed Akali?
dodge E, stay outside of R1 range (she can guarantee E otherwise), buy magic resist/stopwatch and hope for the best
become a mid lane main

wish i was memeing
I feel like mid is the only lane more fucked than bot.
>buy magic resist/stopwatch and hope for the best

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I'm literally playing Zilean and can't even CC her without getting 1 shotted. And then Rakan is up her ass so Rakan is constantly ulting. I checked that Lux's match history, that bitch has more losses than wins and has died so many times in her games. I straight up blocked her ass so I will never encounter that bitch again.
Every lane was doing fine except Lux and she costed us the game.
because they are too handless to play mages
if he presses decline he gets a 5 minutes ban
mid is the easiest facking lane wot r u on m8?

bot lane is the worst

top is the most autistic
Absolutely useless when she builds 3 magic penetration items while Rakan builds Abyssal Mask which pretty much makes all magic resist useless.
I want a male Nami and now a male Soraka...
Learn the 200 years of development champion. He seems F U N
tell him to do what I do, I just pee my pants.
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The second caitlyn skin shard i got this month is this a sign ?
I mean "red white don't fight" is so easy to memorize plus he is 4-1, wtf were they thinking?
she getting SA'd in arcane season 2 I'm calling it now.
Whenever I pop off in game I get nazi thoughts. Stuff like "Adolf Hitler movement frfrfr"
"I'd be Hitler's top guy if he could just see me schmove like this doe fr"
I'm not a Nazi or anything, I just get these thoughts when popping off. WHY?
yeah you're a woman
please dude we've all known this
be honest with yourself
red white don't fight isn't even true in most cases
its true in this case
Wait is the new lol champ seriously a 90 year old black grandma with bigger muscles than men? LoL sissies don't want to play that.
i wouldn't even get plapped by that
nah, as a twisted fate one trick, i learned to just deal with his hard counters

the only champion i immediately dodged is if they picked leblanc, because i ptsd from a 30/0/0 leblanc game where was full build before 20 minutes and she was even deleting our tanks, and no one wanted to ff because they wanted me to suffer for feeding

i was in a 5 stack normal game with my mlgnoscope420 group of friends and had first pick one of the very rare games where they let me go mid instead of play adc, and i said "the only reason i ever dodge is if they pick leblanc, and no one ever plays leblanc anym-" then they immediately first pick leblanc from red side and alt-f4, and everyone starts busting out laughing uncontrollably, and i'm fucking blushing irl

we decided to wait 10 minutes before we got in queue, to make sure we didn't hit that team again, lmao
I want Ambessa to sit on my face
>Got muted for calling my president a piece of shit on ARAM
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I got all my pick ems wrong this quarters. Do I keep going or just give up?
Good day LOLG it's been a week since we saw each other. ITS LOLESPORT TIME BABY!!
Who you got?
The guys that are going to win, obviously.
i got someone to fill me up so i am quite happy
he is sleeping rn
Are you a woman?
you don't need to jump to do that!
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yeah, don't bother using chat for anything but gameplay talk at all, as a quaker, i don't get rito's approach at all, i love trash talk and psychologically mindfucking your opponent and making them tilt

back in the quake 3 days, in ffa, when i was a teen steamrolling pub ffas 50-17, i had an alias that just blurted out a ton of allchat at once that said this, when i was up to like 47-49 and it was pretty clear no one had any chance to win

>Do you hear that, Mr. Anderson?
>That is the sound of inevitability.
>That is the sound of your death.
>Goodbye, Mr. Anderson

then one of the other quakers would say "my name is neo" or even just change their goddamn name to neo, lmao
God i'm jonesing for some babecock
i dont know
>we actually won
>we actually fucking won
>i was just mindlessly ragesplitting on the same lane off death cooldown
>they collapsed on and killed me on the same exact spot in succession three times
>nice mindgames wp says the guy who killed me 10 times for free
Plat is an elo.
>black muscle gilf
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>16 games 3 wins yesterday
>Start a new day
>Go 5/1/3
>Laners ignore my call for drake again
17 games, only 2 teams listened to calls
music for this feeling?
ummmmmmm she's bisexual sweaty (aka, the modern liberal version of straight)
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Good morning, /lolg/!
Another day another chance for you to give us that suicide livestream.
Shes obviously intended to be straight, just thrown in a few gaybaiting lines to get the rainbow people to buy her prestige skin or whatever.
I work in the entertainment entertainment and gay people are the biggest whales by far it's insane. Like the data we have shows that someone who considers themselves "queer" will on average spend 3x as much on their favorite creators compared to someone who identifies as straight
How do I play Corki ADC? Trading pattern? Who am I good into? What to avoid? Powerspikes? Why is my nutsack so big doe?
Is it not considered embarrassing as a black man with a "gangster" image making music for a cartoon capeshit movie?
good morning
do you have any pictures of fat lamb ass?
Can we see this shep's ass?
nah, some rappers are even weebs. They love goofy shit. Plus thats Miles Morales the nigger spiderman
Much better than the original:
pretty sure corki kills every adc in 1v1 atm as long as you can W over them
W is currently doing rumble ult tier damage
>poke with Q
>chase with E
>W to gapclose or nuke
>R to finish
use hail of blades or conqueror
build lethality if playing against full squishies
Calmed me down a bit
I'm sure my next 5 games won't be all loses
Iron 4 here i go, must've pissed off a riot employe or something
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that's why this fucking game needs true open mic voice chat, like every other fucking game in existence at the moment, because when i was playing dota 2, because i never used it for anything except for voice in skyrimeme, i bound my thumb button to push to talk (so that's ironic) and was just constantly calling plays and eventually got to such a high MMR that everyone was using push to talk to call out plays like were at fucking TI or something
The one thing in this game I will forever kneel in jealousy over is smurfing is bannable.
this pregame music is fucking terrible

why can't they just play master yi's theme techno remix whatever it's called, or dj sona's stuff
xiaohu this year is kino
average league player would be 40% less skilled if smurfing wasn't a thing
yes, in the world of chess, smurfing is also bannable, because ELO is supposed to be tied to a single identity

chess.com lets you have exactly two accounts, one for when you're actually playing, and one for when you're experimenting with next level openings or are drunk/high/going insane/on an insomnia bender/whatever

because i was so experienced at league i very quickly broke out of what we in league call elo hell, they call the trench, in dota 2, by spamming drow ranger, which is kinda sorta like ashe and has a self buff that gives her a shitton of agility and can press e to give herself a global aura that even affects creeps, so all the noobs just get confused that every fucking lane is pushing in all of a sudden

i also had to do weird shit with my key config, like rebind an item slot button to F for blink dagger, and because very early in my lol career, i misclicked my ult and hit hawkshot instead of crystal arrow, and was like, "i'm never fucking making this mistake ever again", and rebound ult to t for fucking ever, and changed r to the laugh command, and y to dance
It's actually ridiculous to me that smurfing is considered acceptable by the majority of the community. Like imagine if Messi decided to play in a middle school soccer game and just shit all over a bunch of kids. Everyone would be calling him a dick. What the fuck is wrong with gamers
You legit can't improve in league because getting your shit kicked in doesn't teach lessons. To improve you need to play against equal opponents and when you've learned to play better than that demographic, you move on to better players.
But the virgins that have nothing going for their shit lives other than that they've played countless hours of league get some sort of ego trip rekking people that just started playing. Emerald is the best example of smurfs plaguing lol.
ok, fuck this pregame rap shit, i'm going to listen to this until 8 am EDT, and i recommend you all do the same as well

My favourite class is the Spy.
Stop playing ranked on the weekends... Weekends are for quickplay, draft, and any of the 4fun modes
>getting your shit kicked in doesn't teach lessons.
you are just low iq
there's also practice mode

before my motherboard died forever, i would always play in practice mode until i literally got 100cs/10min before i jumped into any kind of game at all, if i was playing by myself, and if my duo partner wanted to play, he knew i needed 10 minutes to do at least 1 warmup farm
Getting perma invaded doesn't teach pathing, objective control, gank potential or anything. You disgusting brown skinned loser.
cant wait to watch chinks play chinks and gooks play gooks and then chinks play gooks, nice tournament riot... and what about the white man??
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Wym Rekkles is there too
pick something you can actually play and you should climb quickly if you truly do not belong
asian man vs white man is like messi vs school children soccer, the thing people just cried about
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actually, i completely fucking disagree, i was personal friends with Tom "Zileas" Cadwell, because I was a child prodigy at warcraft 3, and broke his undefeated streak on the ladder, and once we realized we knew exactly who each other were from battle.net, and how i got beaned from the warcraft 3 beta for calling it out on its bullshit and got another copy of the game from some dude in high school and changed my screen name to "Overpowered", he tutored me hardcore on the deeper level of strategy, to the point where we even talking on landlines, so i basically learned how to play LOL from the creator of LOL himself, so I have this to say in reply

>Greetings, Executor. Though we all grieve for the loss of mighty Tassadar, we must find the resolve to carry on. He sacrificed himself to destroy the Overmind, but many Zerg still rage across our ruined homeworld. Without the Conclave to lead us, or the protection of our great fleets, it seems we must fend for ourselves.
but anon, are you forgetting about THE SIXTH MAN?
vhg sovless cretins...
Do you think Faker sucked his cock yet or even vice versa?
Can i start playing this game for the first time in 2024 and not be gigaraped beyond the human comprehension for 1000 hours before i get a fair chance of reaction?
He probably is not even allowed in the same building as faker. Those rekkles curves would mess with his concentration.
Sjokz is looking yummy today
>installing v*nguard
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Ruination fixed the story.
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How do you only have 2 deaths when your entire team is fighting to the death over and over again? You should be fucking ashamed.

People like you are the worst in war. You are a litearl dindu that does nothing but waste resources/lives. You are actually brain-dead and incapable of capturing terrority. And should be dragged out of your foxhole and forced by your fellow men to march on the enemy's position alone.
if you have IQ above normal ambient temperature and play 100 games against bots before you go to play against people yeah
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OK i'm installing the game, if you guys told me it would be fair i would simply refuse to play.

t. into humiliation/defeat
cute poro plush in the bg
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Have fun feeding and getting reported.
>can't play on Linux
nvm faggots
good, but the reason i'm into is not because i'm into a humilation kink, it's because i grew up on oldschool vidya that curbstomped you and i like a fucking challenge, so as i said

>Greetings, Executor. Though we all grieve for the loss of mighty Tassadar, we must find the resolve to carry on. He sacrificed himself to destroy the Overmind, but many Zerg still rage across our ruined homeworld. Without the Conclave to lead us, or the protection of our great fleets, it seems we must fend for ourselves.
Why are only chinks and koreans playing this game?
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who (war)mogged whom?
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Man. Laure doesn't know how to dress, does she?
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too complex for lower iq races
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old champion select is an absolute banger, btw
Damn didn't know slavs (dota2 players) were the highest iq race
This would literally be my dream life with me being handsome and edgy and ripped loner who listens to metal with a cute friendly gf who dresses cutesy and shit
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can't even banter a bit on the eune server? woke gone mad
to be fair this would be a 2 weeker back in my days
this game is called league of legends and it requires high asian iq
both ugly. chink ins except for chin.
League is just dota for babies thoughbeit
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Why did I fucking pick Weibo to win this Bo5, they got fucking lucky last year and luck doesn't strike twice.
Dota is just number crunching with no actual game play.
>Whore dress
>Traditional whore dress
hmmmm a difficult question indeed
yes go play dota and have fun
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cant wait for gigabin and based chovy in the finals, its time to remove the two other fraud teams from worlds

Btw we are all watching Kesha right?
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I voted BLG, I don't know anything about these two teams.
they had TheShy last year
this year I believe in Xiaohu
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White man literally had a golden opportunity to knock out the WORLD'S favorite and what did they do? Draft the same fucking team that made them lose the second match. The biggest fucking fumble I've ever seen in my life.
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Wakey, wakey, sleepy fox. We are about to watch a banger match

Grandfather Rumul as a campion when?
is there any 4chin mods that will not only filter namequeers but also plebs replying to them?
Pre game yordle posting
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You are in top 20% Anon right?
sjokz is hagmaxxing today
Any honorary white Koreans/Chinese besides shoemaker?

but leddit assured me that muscled gilfs are hecking popular
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>the best korean teams never had an impo-
why sjokz looking extra raunchy today?
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Try this.
if viego actually acted like gwen's dad that would be kino
Nope. Even the worst players have hundreds of hours
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are there no good custom Lux skins?
kidlets mid 30 women act like this
she had sex
no idea what this slop is
she just got out of the shower or no?

You can prolly be a gold player if you put in 500 hours.
What are we thinking buckos ?
I swear Rekkles almost looks Asian here lol. Did he put on makeup or something?
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>Join the clown fiesta of everyone feeding
>showmaker got mindbroken by k'sante
hes 100% white
Why did Oner lose the blonde hair, it honestly looked really good on him.
Is this an AI voice over? What the fuck?
is Xiahou a chud? he sorta looks like one
>ageing woman in her late 30s desperately trying to milk the last few good years she has left
why is BLG such a big favorite, aren't those teams pretty close
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>Knight when he realizes he gets to humiliate Xiahou once again
there is still time to change picks
I hope Bin wins this Worlds.
I am thinking the same. This final would also prolly bash all the viewership records.
I feel guilty saying this but it's working
ok bros, i need to save my mobile hotspot data for faker and le finals, so i'm going to cease to exist beyond the postgame chatter and draft

glhf and i don't give one flying fuck who wins this soulless series

fortunately, i'm guarnateed to get a fat check from the govt sometime between halloween and thxgiving, so i'll have wifi and a toaster that might be able to play lego legend on low settings soon(tm)
>thomas magnum mustache and shirt
holy based
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Korean mom probably told him to get rid of it because he looks like a delinquent.
Xiaohu vs Faker in worlds finals, 10 more years at least
I sold
he looks like he hates trans people
yes, hes going to say the n word in all chat
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esports bros get in here now!
I'm on 5% but barely, I'd have to ace this game, tomorrow and next weekend to get the skin, I don't think I'll make it.
Bold gamble.
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Uhhh this Sjokz fit makes my pp hard
i actually like the latex dress she's wearing, it's something Yuji Sakaiette would probably wear to the grocery store
sjokz kinda looks like that boss from the office
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Thanks anons!
I'm going to let ahri poster sleep in
If Worlds was in America these videos would be shot at the local Wallmart
Knight is a no-skill nigger and Xiaohu is going to stomp him
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Why are you like this
>europeans cant help but show off the buildings that their better ancestors (who would hate them) built in a fucking kids videogame promo
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>here is your semi lil bro
Cute and thought provoking.
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1 korean vs 0 korean
simple arithmatic really
I am for BLg but that is an easy bet on Weibo. Why did they gave them such high odds?
this teaser is corny as fuck wtf
these kids aren't artists, they're playing a videogame
reminder that there are people who unironically think that shaker can beat geng with his 0-10 record against them because of "worlds buff" and "da goat always wins!"
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I said we would see 3 pentakills and so far there was 0
Whoever wins will get a lifetime supply of social credits
>americans seethe at other countries having a history that extends more than a handful of years into the past
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Another Day. Another Dollar.
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last chance to change to weibo. Don't say we didn't warn you.
asia eats this shit up
>using your entire history to hype up two bugmen playing
absolutely pathetic by the LEC
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>He didn't read the script
You guys do know BLG is winning this 3-2 right?
They get more recognition and money than most people around the globe. At least let them have their moment.
Keria will carry T1 to the win like he did last week
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For all your league sex fantasy come visit
to get milked!
why are they speaking french?? its an american stream and game
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i forgot i need to eat something because this could last 5 hours, so here's a shot of my're breakfast and the chess960 board i'm going to go full bobby fischer and play against myself, lole

i'm even going to play under FIDE classical time control
nigga it's scripted, faker could win
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I'm fully aware
it's still tacky as fuck to hype them up as some sort of creative masterminds
it's like saying trustfund babbies are artists because they make money
>playing aram
>constantly see shitters whiffing lane-wide ults in teamfights
i swear some fags are so inept at pressing buttons its unreal
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/our/ nigga xiaohu about to expose this fraud
Nice chess board.
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Sorry but I'm more of /ntr type of guy.
thanks but I always jerk off before I watch esports so I can focus on my shitposting
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GIGABin with the power move
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Europe and NA will never be part of the script
bin is such a chad
Bin is the most sovlful player here
more like TheChoke lmao
xiaohu going to piss on knight no cap fr fr
WBG are 5 chads and BLG is Bin carrying 4 virgins
blg wont choke bros, weibo cant fraud their way into the finals again, it literally wont happen
Weibo will win.
It's always black vs white in finals.
and bin is goated
>Wanna climb
>Good with Sion as I had a 13 winstreak from Iron 4 to Bronze 4
>Don't wanna suffer the laning phase as Sion before I get to have fun
What's the solution?
based and true
I recently started playing top, why is this shit so fucking hard?
All Aura team
>That coomer that won in 2022 with DRX
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Who's gonna pick K'Sante though?
im not racist BUT i dont like irish casters
Are you the girl or the bull?
oh yea, its comfy time
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I want to pet him so fucking bad
>no windshitter ban
the white man last hope chudhu will win
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>Jax Skarner
BLG wins 1-0, next match.
uhhh weibo bros???
choky in game 5 against shaker's yone
>gave jax to bin
its over, go next
choker for kinn.
He needs someone to save his choky ass
the little tiger is awake
lil bro knight thought he was chovy
>war time
baited for this EXACT response
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Damn taht's actually a pretty good counter to BLG's team right now.
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I think you're forgetting someone in that type of scenario~
>Bin got his signature pick Jax
It's so over Weebo bros
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Gladiator champion?
>inb4 pantheon
He's a Greek gay faggot
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thanks bro, it was $150 off amazon and holy shit that prime paid for itself, it was an import item from a merchant from india and looked exactly like the photos when i first got it, i'm pretty sure you couldn't even break it on purpose, and it's only getting scratched up a bit and nothing else

for the most part, i use to play my bat fuck insane board game which is like chess, mtg, and starcraft had a threesome, and chess isn't sure who the father is, but the game is so goddamn stressful i decided to take an extended break and just play chess960 boards for a while
we all cheer for xiaosovl... right?
Why is Renata + Kalista a thing ? How do they blind Renata without a proper tell on the other support... Renata seems awful in ranged match ups
literally draven
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bro thinks he's chovy...
nice timing,next event is literally noxian/gladiator themed with ambessa,pantheon and swain getting new skins
Knight is a scared pussy just like choky
unable to win fairly he will cheese. And lose
ambessa kinda gives gladiator vibes
>give blg their op champs
>beat them and break them mentally for the nextr 2 games
easy 3-0 weibros
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>Neeko support
>Brand jungle
>Bin Jax
>Poppy top
>Neeko support
BLG shitpicked, bin has to carry
literally illaoi
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Am I crazy or is Weibo's team comp OMEGA fucking squishy?
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sylas or diana jg for when both your top/mid are big ad?
just like soloq fr
the only question remaining is if xiaohu wants to win or go home back to china early
riot has been paying the little tiger not to curbstomp everyone else during worlds every year but I think he finally wants to win for the hall of legends skin
Who's /OURCHINK/ in this match?
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Honestly, is almost a t1 comp outside of jungler.
They can win if they pilot it well.
is dead
5 chinese cant win
Feels like a 3-0 kind of day
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Why's no one playing Volibear?
What are they waiting!?!?!?
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asia enjoys that kind of shit. they play path of exile the same way, squishy giga damage builds
Makes him mine only more.
goathu, the chud emperor
>Client issue
Multi billion dollar company btw
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I got an breakfast burrito and a delicious caramel macchiato. I'm hyped for this game.
good morning, babe.
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they had to reduce SGA please understand
bing bing wahoo!
the faker's arcrival, SOVLhu
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BLGbros we gonna make it to finals
>pick wrong runes
>uhhh it was a client issue
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it's crazy how similar my experience has been recently.

Friday, I'm already weary of the weekend warriors coming, but I have decent games offsetting the droolfests.

Saturday the normies wanna play with me as is the case all over the world and I start to see the reason why I hate weekends because clearly I forgot and needed to be reminded.

Sundays. Think my most traumatic ones have been on sundays but only as a party.

Had a horrendous monday recently and I think it was on Columbus day. Anyway.

I got donuts and coffee. maybe I should have gotten a breakfast burrito
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shut up shut up SHUT UP
finally they made this shitty game run LMAO
good lord neck diff
I recently transitioned to a bigger dpi because ive heard that pro players play huge dpi and sens. How high is yours? I tried 1600 but thats too fast now im 1200, before it was 800
is there really no counter to Yone? wtf did knight pick Smolder?
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mfw blg funeral
>knight smolder
Xiahou is a fucking TERRIBLE Yone. This was a mistake.
BLG looking like the neckst big thing.
>pick kalista renata
>lane swap
chink bros??
Smolder is the counter(in pro play)
inb4 its ap varus
I recently went down to 3100 dpi from 6k
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You can't fucking dive a Jax, what are you doing Weibo.
>pick Kalista
>tank two turret shots for free
these dives man


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>Both sides almost fucking dying to tower for free
Billy u suck
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so this is the power of LPL?
yea breathe and blg both played that pretty well
I unironically believe you because ive seen players with that big dpi while doing my research but i think that would give me a headache
do you get anons that look like >>499895214 in there?
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This is kind of a really sloppy beginning to this match. Both sides are playing pretty herpy. Hope it picks up in the next few minutes though, Chinamen must need a bit of warm up before they're in high gear.
they had 1 week of draft prep just to b1 yone for him, wrap it up
blg got baited by fly-geng into thinking smolder is a counterpick to yone LMAO. NA yones just suck ass
Weibo is getting so outmacro'd it hurts.
Congratulations T1-Geng, the 2024 worlds champions!
I just used to play in dorms and small desks for a really long time, so I've had over 3.5k dpi for over a decade now
I swapped mouses a few months ago and it was easier to get used to the new shap and figure out my ideal grip on it with a higher dpi but now I went down to the lowest dpi I've had in a really really long time
I'm also using 55% sens in game because I also have to move the cam
3.1k is fairly precise, I can hit the tiny marks at mouseaccuracy pretty easily for example
I don't think there's a reason to go lower than 3k or 2.5k at max unless you play fps games or something
knight is ass.
I want to have some funny Faker/T1 meme to use as avatars. Pls gimme yours.
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>Bin free farming
>Xiahou losing to Smolder
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>T2 tower dead by 12 minutes in
niggalow baboonfreak post
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>free farming
>down 1k gold
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>mindbroken by chovy
LOL nice goat
if tarzan flashed R that then they wiped BLG
Pussy blg. brand should be dead there
why weibo not grab the Herald?
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theyre going to regret letting elk farm this much for free
ohh this one is pretty good
15 minutes no kill... ore wa power of LPL..
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Have a wholesome one anon
This is so sad
I wish I had something in my life that would drive me like this
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Pretty close match so far. Both teams have omega killers. A team fight could swing either way depending on who gets caught out first. BLG clearly have a intiation advantage though. This is what it looks like when two pro teams are HUNGRY for the Worlds trophy.
get a retail job
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>tfw you will never have a rival to help push you beyond your limits
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Got two report feedbacks this morning for this spectular display of skill I had the displeasure of witnessing last night. I guess that kind of statline is enough for a a ban/ranked restriction.
this game isnt about reaction times or being able to micro a bunch of different things, its strictly a knowledge and decision making game. you need to drop x amount of hours learning what all the champs do, then you need to drop x amount of hours playing them/playing against them to learn what they are actual capable of, and during all this you should already be building your decision making skills when trading and running around the map. the reason why low elo is called low iq is because these players have thousands of hours in this game yet have an at or below standard level understanding for thousands of games they have played. if you come in, and you have the drive to learn a 15 year old game every player complains about the state of, all you need is the iq to actually remember the gameplay from your games and learn from it to be diamond+
nice job with smolder riot, well fucking done
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>it's a single fight decides the outcome of the match episode
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Taken during Worlds 2015
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Who of these players are Korean
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>thread barely moves
nice game lolbabs
Report Renata
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tarzan and maybe crisp?
It's because these two teams are boring.
I was typing a post and missed first blood
not our fault the chinks decided to copy LCK's play strategy of scaling for 35 min and win the game after a single fight
god damnit, the simulation is trolling me, i needed to take a 5 second bacon grease induced old man shit and i miss first blood then production trolls me even harder and doesn't show a replay
The real final is tomorrow. We're conserving our energy.
>forced to go out clubbing today
>will go alone home as always
Champs for this feel?
this game is a snoozefest so far
fight you cowards
thread would still move
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I fucking hate my jungler, I fucking hate how I'm forced to sit under turret against Fizz as Twisted Fate and Amumu WILL NOT gank at all. We lost due to this fucking man. I can't fucking deal with these stupid fuckers anymore.
kino... I think
weibros we are so back

THE CITY OF >>>>>>>>>>>>>BLG
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why did Bin wait so fucking long
my pickems to the shitter again why the fuck did they pick smolder and varus
xiaohu is him
>Knigger getting bodied again
yeah because riot fucked up and the west is not in the semis. literally give white people a guaranteed spot to fix the game. like na and eu would get 1-1 guaranteed quarter finals spot, fight each other and then the winner moves to the semi finals. time for afformative action
BLG unironically thought GenG left open Yone to counter it with Smolder instead of doing it because westerns can't play Yone.
>It's another rank 1 seed gets bullied rank 4 seed episode
Bin fucked up hard
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Don't let IWD feed you lies.
can someone post the g2 teamfight into pause combo webm haha
G2 would've beaten both of these team into pulp
Knight is so garbage
>50 ults to kill a yone
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sure thing buddy
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my fave him at his lowest point in his life
>weibozos thought
What a poorly played game
Based fucking gacha, do they have loli?
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>sorry, I was alt tabbed dming your bitch
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>It's a team with initiation don't initiate teamfights and team with damage don't do damage kind of match
How do I fast forward this episode.
kek I remember the amount of seeth this generated
sleep until tomorrow
1 good Niko ult and it's over
holy brainrot
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>Le dashing wind man of infinite retreat
just kill yone bro
>xiaohu kino
I fucking kneel
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Yone is fair
Riot did it on purpose, they wanted him to be the ultimate cancer in this tournament
let that sink in
Explain to me why Chogath can use one combo in less than 2 seconds to kill me but I can't do half his health in 10?
Very balanced champions in this match.
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Baron throw incoming
he looks so happy...
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Holy shit both of these teams fucking suck.
BLG is simply better
yea wrap it up
Smoulder is so fucking cancer. That was only made possible because of the fear of scaling.
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just kite him retard
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you forgot to buy the blade of the ruined king
This team comp is atrocious. Imaging picking Kalista.
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Have you tried not running into his omega telegraphed knock up?
first kill was at 20 minutes
i dont blame anybody who doesnt watch chink slop
>use everything to kill a level 11 support
it's so over
chogath is an honest champion. skill issue
These Renata ults have been ass
its close oh my god
this neeko is so trash desu famams
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>Impale Yone
>Doesn't matter because his soul was 10 meters away
they make xiaohu do everything wtf? just engage lol
why do teams keep relaxing around jax
what the fuck am I watching lmao
Congratulations, T1.
>4cs a minute
This feels like an April LPL match with 8k viewers watching the stream
Knght proving that he is LPL chovy.
Useless choker
this is pretty ass, ya
what a clown show
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Is it... over?
>smolder is fapping all over weibo right now
uhhhh, family friendly stream? hello lolbabs?
Why is bin flanking then nonstop when he's playing with a poke team? Just protect your team and then clean up when the enemy team is almost dead?
>yone escaped again
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>seething about yone when smolder is in the game
riot released so many broken shitty champs that pro play is just decided by who can pick more of the recently released broken champs
>nice stalling no fighting earlygame...
>however we have smoldy blankets and you don't
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>So called free thinkers when they see a Baran throw
Gg baron for nexus
Yea none of these frauds are beating T1 its beyond over
kek they just walked the nexus
>baron for nexus
YOU DOUBTED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Bad game. These teams are no good. LPL is trash this year.
If your star player plays ranged heroes, he's a beta. Sorry, Knightniggers.
If only crisp played Leona or some shit
>smolder is so broken it won a game without a support kek
Maybe 10 bans isn't enough?
>poppy just running down the lane instead of defending the base
this is professional play?
>lpl agression bros!!
>its a boring smolder/yone game
true tbqhwyf
Because BLG has Skarner. He doesn't need to be in the front line for his carries.
>implying t1 is beating geng
get fakers cock out of your mouth faggot
Does anyone actually like Captain Flowers? American accent is fucking awful, but his NFL-esque casting is so shit, it's annoying.
i like him
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Total Smolder Death
Shoulder mid is actually pretty decent. The real issue is Neeko Support. That fucking Champion in that role is insufferable.
he was dragging the wave so they couldn't end
too bad a brand with baron can't clear mid
>blg vs geng finals
>both teams choke
cant wait for a banger shitshow series
He's just as bad as the rest of the Western regions' casters.
jesus fucking christ, this is Yuji Sakai's take on this bat fuck insane game i just saw

back in the day, there was a really cool feature in the client where you could go into spec on whatever the absolutely high mmr game was, and every now and then it would happen to be a diamond 1 normal game, and that's what this reminded me of

everyone obviously knows what their doing, but they're disorganized as fuck and it's just throw after throw after throw and the gold doesn't honestly fucking matter

i'm so glad this game has basically reverted to how it was played over a decade ago with new runes, champions, and items

also, yone is clearly a balanced champion who you guys keep telling me is getting buffs next patch
>american accent
esl here and I don't really know what that mean.
r*ddit likes him still I think. I wish he'd take it down a notch, it's obnoxious
>3-2 against FLY
It'd been so fucking funny if FLY had managed to clutch the last game against GenG.
Post game yordles
neekoposters are cute
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>Gamer academy
You're a retarded shizo namefagging as a fucking anime character from the early 2000's. You are more pathetic than anyone in this thread.
can Smolder please get the Yuumi treatment

who the fuck thinks that some retard sitting mid for 20mins only csing until he has 2 items and full stacks is good/fun for viewership??
Champ design team to the nearest rope please
Yeah ngl poppy should have just been a malphite or some other random zugzug engage toplaner they literaolly could do nothing but spectate that game and try and force the weirdest random fights with poppy flash
>Implying this is the T1 we've seen all year
never doubt worlds script they will make it to finals then lose. Choky FOREVER will be the bridesmaid at worlds.
Both teams tried to copy T1's strat against TES.
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>88 VIP
Holy based chinks, but shouldn't they be imprisoned for wearing something like that in germany?
Where is the BKA???
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>No pyke games
>The team that struggled against fucking Fly will beat T1
kys le hecking csman cant do shit besides farm
>Nidalee gets her musky puss puss fucked by this daily
Based...so fvcking based...
Americans casting constantly sound like they're doing an ad read. Captain Flowers' casting is an egregious example of this. Go watch an NFL cast. That's what he is emulating, with ads and all.
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Reminder that GenG almost lost to fucking FLY and only won because the scripts told FLY to draft the same fucking team that caused them their first loss while T1 is the only team in this Top 8 to absolutely mollywop their opponent.
Stop picking Kalista
The champ does nothing
Stop giving Bin Jax
lost with yone btw
quick 3-0
>Champ design team to the nearest rope please
If I remember right it's just 1 person fucking it up bad. I'm not sure if that person is still there or not
so many faker drones in this general
At least Yone is fun to watch and obviously needs skill. Meanwhile the dumb dragon just points and clicks to the nexus.
they're in paris retard
top gigachoked, we have no idea how good t1 is. last time at msi g2 3-0d tes and hans and miky looked like bot lane gods then they got promptly btfod by the next team they faced. it could easily be a 3-0 for geng vs t1
Reminder that T1 is winning worlds again. The meta was rigged for them from the start. If Worlds had been played on the patch that these teams qualified in, they wouldn't make it past Quarters to TES. They're shit, but Riot 100% rigs it in their favor through patches.
Knight winning because of broken champion.
Really is not worth of the reputation.
Xiahu was better.
>pregnant soldier
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i've never even watched the anime, i literally stole some other [s4s] namefig's identity, and i'm not schizo at all, i'm a high functioning autistic savant, learn the difference

there are multiple Yuji Sakais within [s4s] and if i'm using my namefig to do you all a favor, if you honestly find me annoying, just filter me, but you'll miss out on the dankest lore of both 4chan and oldschool vidya
im gonna kill myself
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rest of his team played liked betas against a poke comp
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This is some real umbasa umbasa shit right here.
>le african lady of infinite dashes and damage
Xiahou was by far the better mid-laner. Knight must be the most overrated astroturfed player in LoL. Thoorin is probably to blame, because he has such a fucking massive mouth. What a fucking idiot that cunt is.
What the fuck am I watching? I thought this was something to do with the new champ at first...
>who the fuck thinks that some retard sitting mid for 20mins only csing until he has 2 items and full stacks is good/fun for viewership??

It was designed by a Chovy fan
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Ambessa, mummy....
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Bin/Knight are looking nowhere as dominant as they used to.
It's illegal to wear antisemitic symbols in France as well anon.
Someone needs to tell LICRA
patches and rigged draws. they dont give a fuck about t1 losing everywhere else but they need shaker to win worlds. riot knows that once faker is gone their game will slowly die
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Just show the Swain skin already.
thats young ambessa, no?
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That's not how a lady should be sitting Ambassa.
Why are niggers so repulsive? I don't even live in NA and don't see niggers at all.
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where is the pregnant Ambessa art
>kindred impregnated ambessa
strong single black mother..
say what you will about Ambessa but at least she's not an absolute snoozefest like Aurora
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the wolf got her pregger? wtf riot? good skin line tho pantheon looks sick
Le ebin black woman
Yeah if that is a prequel to what we get in arcane season 2 it will suck. If they put all the stupid african shit into this trailer instead then it will be good.
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nice quints!
>Impressed with the quality of the first game
Why must we lie like this?
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god i wish that were me
sjokz with the fuckslut fit
Midbeast said Knoght was better 2 years ago
End of story
there is nothing more powerful than a Black Woman
>sjokz already saying stupid shit
dumb bimbo
Very good video, but Ambessa the champion is cancer and shouldn't exist.
this hag emilly does things for my dick
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wasted digits
Another George floyd character!
Finaly, social justice will rule the world!
not watched worlds in years why is sjokz dressed like a hooker
Post the other version
how can I disagree with those numbers
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>BLG going life and death with Weibo

I don't think the LPL is winning anything this year
What the fuck was that story about. She got preggers? and then fought a pantheon-wannabe, then got gifted some shit by a shadow and then she's young again after surviving a battle
was that shurima or what?
I'm so fucking out of the loop with this nu-lore
Why do Chovy fans exist? He's boring as fuck, chokes like a motherfucker, goes into a state where he abandons his team and his org in order to propel himself through CSing. Rather than finding the window to win, if he doesn't dominate from start to finish, he reverts to just CSing. It's pathetic.
Not even wrong. People saw Aurora and said "hnnng bnuuy with thigh highs" for like 3 days and then stopped caring.
his name is Tom "Zileas" Cadwell, and he doesn't balance the game on purpose to sell skins

he had this idea in mind that he called when we talked on aim a "tidal" meta where his dream game would have hundreds of characters that rotated in and out over the years and anything brand new would be OP on purpose to sell skins well before dota ever existed
>geng going to 5 games vs na
>lck#1 getting curbstomped by lpl
wowzah, great analysis
There's no way any of these chinks beat geng
Flyquest drafted infinitely better than either of these two teams, retard
Reminder to make junglers lose when they show they deserve to.
>Did not spam alert ping immediately
It was your fault

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