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Lobta edition
>Latest patch

>Main information document

>Character planners

>Interactive map

>Group password

>Touch Bloodstain:
No what
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Now that the dust has settled, why was the DLC so ass? and how did it still sold good? has Fromsoftware fallen?
Yerp, it's the white cliffs of dOver
>invade a guy
>on his own, clearly waiting for invaders to duel
>hide in a bush and watch youtube for 15 minutes till he dcs
i do this every time. go to the arena or liurnia summon spot you fucking faggots i want real invasions
Dat mass....
Thank you for your sacrafice of tempting them from the pool for 15 minutes
You're right.
and no
Wait I dont know
I think I'm dying, hold up I'm invincible
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I love sluts!
You can see Rya's nipple

I'm not talking about Godwyn, dumbass. I'm talking about things like Radahn vs Malenia, which was established originally as battle between the two mightiest of the demigods for each other's shard. And sure, maybe none of it was actually rewritten by From in the two years between the base game launch and the dlc, but it sure as hell feels that way as the player.

I thought he was Cu Chulainn

Forgive me, Charo...
have you ever shown your boobs to a guy?
>hidden grave
>text just tells you immediately
Text can't keep a secret
Ignore and report offtopic, it's getting ridiculous.
It's likely that Nox was better at staying on topic than recent nu-erg threads
Do you use the lantern? I use it pretty much for any dark place, but I've seen a lot of people just not bothering and just looking around in the dark
I do, especially for the Bloodborne throwback.
However, my top favorite light sources are:
ghostflame torch > lamenting visage > lantern > starlight.
What's your ranking?
I honestly just figured the torches were mainly a thing that like got phased out once you unlocked the lantern, I never thought of keeping using weapon light sources, being able to keep that hand free has always like been something I valued more so for me it was always like lantern>>>>>>>>>everything else
That said I do kind of miss and love the fact that you can L1 torches to like make the light go further, that is always great
God I love brunettes
This is just as bad as loving genetic monstrosity inbred dog breeds
Madison has shown hers to total war modders at the very least
Mental illness
>dsg is less trash than erg now
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What holidays do you think the Golden Order has?
that's what I'm saying, constant offtopic and pointless insults. erg needs to be purged
I think it's time for a merge
Next thread will be /ddesrg/
Dark Danganronpa Elden Souls Ring General
Fuck off dsgtroon
I think the game would be saved if Fromsoft would just make an official vocaloid group using their characters
Everybody wants it
Post them here, Maddy
Love you tripfag
That's not true wnd you don't have to say that
Your sister is going to win
I thunk maybe they'd have holidays commemorating the victories over various other kingdoms, though with a lot of the knledge sort of steipped out of like what the victories were really like/about
Then probably some maybe based around when the erdtree would bloom or do plant related things back when it used to, now just hollowly followed without the actual blessings still being there
lowly times these are
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Why would heckin cute and valid Miquella charm xir sister?
is this true, sweetie? I feel betrayed

Lol, that's what she said 13 years ago when she tried to kill me. "Just like that *finger snap*" But hey, I'm sure it'll be easier for her now that I know what's going on, right?
>the dignity to reach radahns measure
so you've never shown them to anybody? that's a relief
Yes, now there's more angles to go at for it
This is it. Erg is done. There is apparently nothing left to discuss, only shitposting about personal life and sex. Sad end.
what do you expect? lore is shit, pvp is shit, and a general can't sustain itself on the singleplayer of a single game alone
If you were told you had to add a new gfwature, but specifically WASNT allowed to go back and fix an old feature or improve that, it had to be a seperate system, what would you add?
still more than
etc. Literally Nox times were better, it's insane
>there's two other fuckers and more blue fags on the way
No thanks.
>there's two other fuckers
but that's the point
you are severing from open world dead level ganks tho, right?
Naturally. Open world invasions are ass.
I wish they'd add an invasion mode
How? How can there be "more angles" now that I know, when nothing she was doing worked even before I knew? I don't even have a port to get infected anymore.

So go to dsg to complain about it and leave the people having actual discussions alone. You bitched about Nox when he was here, too. So maybe we aren't the problem.
>having actual discussions
about your sister and tits? Sure, I'll happily leave you alone
Take your trip off and stop being a fag. Okay? Homo?
Because as more elements are introduced, the more weak points there are. You have to get lucky every single time. We have to get lucky once.
raping and murdering ergy femanons for spamming the thread with worthless retarded posts
don't bully her, she's not smart enough to understand what she's doing is wrong
Women are truly retarded, but I NEED my gfs company to keep me sane. It's a weird world.
If Fromsoft added another stat, what should it be? What identity would it have?
What would it do?
It wouldn't be a stat you can control, it would be how you play the game and interact with NPCs.
After 30 years it isn't luck. It's idiots so sure that what they're doing will work that they don't consider what they'll do when it doesn't. 30 years of failed gambits because every perceived "weakness," turned out not to be a weakness at all. She couldn't do it before when I didn't know about her being my sister, didn't know about the money, was living with her and in love with her (because I didn't know who she was.) How can it work now that I know about the money, I know she's my sister, we don't live together and I'm not in love with her?


Nah, I like it because it bothers you. Faggot.
That's an interesting idea. I don't like morality systems so much but it could be interesting for there to be different interactions with npcs
Though I'd think that fromsoft would probably underutilize it since there's not a huge amount of quests that I think WOULD interact with it
You'll slip up
Wouldn't it probably be more effective to have sex with her?
so kinda like the sin stat in ds2? or blue sentinel sin counter in ds1?
ds2 had an invisible sin stat that would inc if u killed npcs and invaded ppl— the more sin u have the lower your hp can drop via hollowing until u reach the wretch status— which iirc is permanent. Also there was a sword that would lose damage the higher ur sin was.
ds1 also had a sin thing where the more u invaded ppl the higher chance u would have of being invaded by a blue sentinel
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it's our stupid fucking brains that want to procreate and have a community

it adds resistances
I'm a fan of when she puts her head on my chest when we watch a movie in bed and randomly touches my penor. That's nice.
I love when your girlfriend does that to me too
thanks, now I want to kill myself. have fun with your gf anon
I don't think souls games need more stats, unless they go more into the rpg direction (and they should).
As it is, I think health and defenses should be reworked so that pve and pvp balance was closer [so no huge nerfs to dmg reduction talis in pvp] and high vig shouldn't be required.
Arcane clearly lacked identity. The selection of weapons and spells was pretty random.
I think every combination of stats should correspond to some theme/playstyle, stuff like int/arc lacked that. I would also increase stat reqs across the board.
Consumables/crafting system needs reworking. Perhaps the third non-physical stat like arcane could be related to the power and quantity of available consumables which would re-fill automatically.
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>unless they go more into the rpg direction (and they should).
Fromsoft should steal Death Stranding terrain mechanics
From Soft should make a closed world game
Just don't be ugly and be around girls until one shows interest.
Fromsoft should make the sequel about the sugondese
oh well if it's that easy then I guess I won't have a problem
They likely will, but I don't mind the open world, especially the more compact one from the DLC
Durrr what is sugondese durrr
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The sugondese were sug
Sug on d
You should sug on
Sugging on de
sug the sug on the
It's by far the most WTF FROM DLC I've ever played. It's a step forward and a step backwards in almost every way. It's got pointless weapons like the Cleaver that I'd laugh at modders for trying to sell us as a new weapon, let alone an official thing. It's got some good bosses like Midra but also some WTF bosses too like Hippo. It has so many glitchy parts like that one Gaol cave wall. I have no freaking clue how 2 years and this is still so buggy.
>I thought he was Cu Chulainn
If he was Chulainn then we'd get a naked guy in body paint, several hair and eye colors, having sex with every female on the planet. He'd be too crazy for Elden Ring. Hoarah Loux without Serosh isn't half as insane as a warp spasm.
It was kinda woke but the gameplay and bosses were pretty good.
>It was kinda woke
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>gay incest pedophilia
Idk what yhis means
Gay incest plot, ugly female girlbosses (freyja), weak simp men (thiollier), lgbt representation (milady moveset) also type a/b left over from base game
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Radahn will never be allowed to forget this.
Gaslight gatekeep girlpiss
The last two are insane villians though, it doesn't treat them like good thingd
he was gay, radahn?
The same reason the base game was ass, open world + rollslop
>Gaslight gatekeep girlpiss
Tripfren if you really cared about the general like you said months ago you wouldn't shit it up to this degree.
You heard me
Successfully being framed is a slip up
Planting drugs and reporting it then saying you talked about self medicating with them
he's an attention whore, why would he stop?
Effective at what? When I first learned she was my twin I was tempted to send her a picture of Jaime and Cersei Lannister and saying "this could be us but you keep playin," but I didn't think she'd appreciate it. Especially if my family has been telling everyone (including her, potentially,) I was in denial about her being my sister and obsessed with her.

On an unrelated note, here's something for all the non-Americans next FC
*invades you in real life*
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Gave up on trying to make a wooden macuahuitl because it looked like shit. Trying to make a hornsent one now.
At "winning"
It would solve your problems, and you should still do that, it's not really too late.
It's an attempt to get you to say incestuous stuff/joke about it on here so that she can show the rest of your family and say you're trying to get into an incest relationship to distance and make them have reason to throw you out
>On an unrelated note
That's every post of yours man. Look i will always support you tripfren but please, take it like a man.
do you have a piss fetish?
Looks okay.
Who doesnt?
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This is what you look like.
me? it's kinda gross desu
Elden Ring needs more quadrupeds with 0 frame startup charge attacks
is this an oceiros hate post
No, Oceiros's spiritual successors

Rune bears, lion guardians, falling star beasts, and dancing lions
>annoyed that there's no interactions with Melina if you do the skc before burning the erdtree
>look it up
>the voice actress fucking died
Why not make it out of stone? And the teeths either out of stone too or obsidian, basically anything glassy looking with a black tint.
I don't think it mattered, they don't care about melina
Fcee tonight if you don't join you're a homosexual
I don't think it would look very interesting much like the normal wooden one I made
The hornsent vibe gives me more inspiration, plus they seem like the only faction who'd actually use a macuahuitl in the game
If I'm a homosexual I'll be based like Radahn.
Why do you keep targeting me by only ever having the effcee when I have to work
stupid wagie
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i'll join if theres a 3/4
That's ai....
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sorry ill post something real instead
Thank you
Buy a rope schizoid.
Have you noticed I only talk about it in response to someone else who posts about it? Take it up with them.

Okay, but who's going to do it if I live alone, work alone, and don't make friends or date? How am I supposed to get caught with planted drugs when the only people who could find them are the authorities and I don't do anything that would even give them a reason to be searching in the first place? Why do you think they had to resort to trying to plant drugs on me (and in me,) then get me accused of something that would let the police search for drugs? Cause I wasn't doing anything that would justify police searching me/my things or drug testing me, even when I was on the drugs they slipped me without my knowledge and that I'd never done before. Seriously, think about that: They drugged me with shit like meth, without my knowledge or consent, when I'd never knowingly done it before. With everyone around me (friends, attractive women, attractive women friends,) not only encouraging me to do something bad but outright lying to me to get me to do something that wasn't bad just so they could say it was after the fact. And I still didn't do anything to get myself arrested/searched/tested.

How would you have done in college if your best friends gave you meth without your knowledge? What about if it was when you were all out at a bar and they had one of the hot women in the group act like she wanted to go home with you?

What about being dosed with psychedelics without your knowledge and then having a guy come to your apartment and pretend to rape the woman you were in love with, while they played all your favorite music, after dropping a gun on the ground in the struggle? Even if you didn't think he was really actually hurting her like I didn't at the time? (I mean, I heard them laughing ffs.)

It's not luck that I didn't "slip up," in those situations and get myself arrested or killed. How could it happen now?
Yeah, I know.

My only problem is this money being kept from me and the people doing it, including my sister. How would that be solved? Plus, it's gross. I'm from Virginia, not West Virginia.

Like I said, I'm only talking about it in response to other people posting about it. Take it up with them, cause I talk about ER otherwise.
fc today maybe? in a few hrs?
It's not gross
You should trust me more, I'm trying to look out for you. I know whats mostly best. Do you understand?
No Fcee in Eldie Ring, the game doesn't deserve it.
>Have you noticed I only talk about it in response to someone else who posts about it? Take it up with them.
and yet here you are, writing walls of text about it

fuck off
Stop responding to them then retarded faggot, you're like mermaidtard literally unable to avoid responding to whatever trigger like a fucking npc.
it's just an excuse so he can keep attention whoring, he's brought up his fake stories unprompted before
Are you ready now?
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How did we go from this
It's not entirely fake, I do know how the dead squirell ended up there
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to this?
to this?
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To this.
His name is literally Gay-l the (sex)slave knight
I'm ready to go. Been chilling at my desk waiting fora 3/4
What is that map at the top left? It isn't TERA.
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to WHAT?
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to this
>it's real
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More evidence that the Battle of Aeonia was a mass killing to strengthen Radahn.

The Scarlet Aeonia caused buds to grow all over Caelid, named by Gowry a cycle of death and rebirth.

The heart of the Aeonia resembles heavily the Crucible as depicted by Siluria's tree, and sprouted from Malenia.

The Regal Ancestor Spirit has a deep connection to the Crucibles, manifesting by sprouting as buds from corpses and souls, and can absorb the death of other spirits to obtain life

All manifestations of the Crucibles sprout (the original one from the giants as the talisman of all Crucibles say).

The Crucibles have the power to strengthen a fitting individual to become a God, and they are always represented by collective sacrifices.
>which was established originally as battle between the two mightiest of the demigods for each other's shard
more headcanon faggotry when even the story trailer poses question about their reason for fighting
>which was established originally as battle between the two mightiest of the demigods for each other's shard.
Lol what? By who? When is it said they wanted shards? based on what? why didn't Malenia take Godricks's shard? Zero evidence, as well as having zero evidence that anybody can take any shard and combine them right away like some dragon ball bullshit.
>Rot god/ancestral spirit tied at the hips

That does make some sense. Like as if rot was a corruption of the original more natural spirit ancestry, but corrupted by the lack of death aka it never transcend into the spirit world but forever decay and rebirth in a perpetual cycle.

Basically rot = the system that made spirits a thing if death was taken out the framework.
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FCee thyme
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Hop in
To have some fun
With erg
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Would you breed her?
You should join >>499976256
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To this.
what if they are the same person
also if i dont see a 3/4 soon i will go play underrail instead
how many people?
is there any fanart of female miquella? asking for a friend
fc next year no worries
LD Efsy
hop in anons of erg...
I'll buy whoever joins videogames
I will join if it goes to 3/4
I'm worried that you're bluffing
You werent!
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I hate elden ring this game sucks
1h gs shcks why am i using it
>use spread out emoji to lay down
>get sleep procced
>it makes you stand up so that you can fall asleep
Nice game.... NOT!
I finally won one
Whats the poise breakpoint to not be stunned by perfumes
Poise should be visible amd quantified
Idk like why fromsoft is si scared to show anything about it
that was fun. see you in the next FC
fc ded?
Yeah it just ended
If you wanna fight we can do a duel or something
im getting my dick crushed by ppl using perfumes damn
skill issue
'fumes ars dogshit now
they do so much dmg to me i should wear gnome armor
i want to be 500000000
attempt number 2
So this is the "strength" of your average hostcel.... How embarrassing. Who would want to be associated with these losers...?
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you've returned!
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poopa why would you say such mean things about people? you need correction...
>shitmask returns
ergy is healing
dsg pooper welcoming party any % speedrun
what the hell?
Is there a mod to get the threaded cane with the moveset in ER? I dont really want or need anything else but if its part of a pack with other stuff thats fine too, i just want the threaded cane
pretty sure it doesn't exist.
This seems to be the case based on my looking around too and I guess it makes sense, the whip would be kinda hard to port relatively speaking I'd assume
I mean that graceborne mod ported over a bunch of trick weapons so it rly hsouldn't be that hard
wtf that's poopa's character
who made this??
apparently someone from dsg commissioned that
i reckon it's that oulerotroon
yeah and then someone put an ai voice over it and the real voice actor got pissed off about it and posted it on twitter
oh my god i forgot about that lmao
it got deleted off r34 by the va's request but i should have it downloaded, wait until im home
Fromsoft needs to make the souls formula like Telltale, where they make games of a bunch if diffrrent franchises
it was taken down and i dont remember the name of the voice actor
>have it downloaded
u fucking psycho lmao
It's past midnight, why aren't you home?
do you remember the va's name?
kinozaki is unironically too ahead for most people
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it's 6 pm
see pic related
can you catbox it if you have it downloaded?
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>wake up
>really horny
>get up out of bed to fap
>no longer horny
You can masturbate without being horny
>using the falx for the first time
>fighting the horned warrior at the start of enir-ilim
>realize the falx's ash is the same move the horned warriors can do
that was neat

why would I fap if I'm not horny
Because it feels good? That feels like a trick question
absolutely goonbrained
am home here you go
What? No. Literally the opposite,masturbating just because you're horny is weird
why would dsg do something like this... especially since you had to spend money commissioning it
I thought poopa and dsg were friends
if you're actively going out of your way to fap when you're not even horny you are irreperably goonbrained
That's not what I said at all
stop backpedaling gooner, you have been exposed
See >>500012321
See >>500012451
fat retarded gooner bitch
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only the goodest of friends spend money to have blacked porn drawn of each other
no, you're the weird one
do you know who commissioned it?
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>Elden Ring dating sim
See >>500012321
mucho texto
>want to hunt down skibidis
>look up a map of them
>don't remember which ones I found
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am I supposed to read this from right to left or not?
how do i make the red bear claws better
stick em up your ass
Be more aggressive to scare the person you're fighting
curse youuuuuuu bayyyyle
I just got clubbed in the head with a giant mallet i'm dead
thank god for that
See >>500012483
There's something I really don't like about Baalbuddy's art but I just can't put my finger on it
I'm not
That isn't what I said and you know it
It is what you said dumb gooner
It's not
What does that word mean to you?
google it
I'm asking you because the way you're using it makes no sense
lots of things don't make sense to you because you're stupid, hope this helps
No youre juat not making sense, I'm not
it lacks dynamism
i make perfect sense, you're too stupid to understand basic english
why are there miquella's lilies in the cave of the forlorn? lorefags help me out
is no one playing this game anymore why is it taking 20 minutes for me to get summoned at malenia's now
>800k runes
>nothing to spend them on
I just bought all the armour at enia's shop and it only cost 200k
Miquella fucks misbegotten men
Level up?
I'm at 180, I don't wanna level up before going to NG+
what platform and RL? Activity is low anyway
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I haven't played the game in about a year or so. Have invasions improved at all or are they still 3v1 gankfests?
Uh... no one tell him
There are no invasions
I wish I invaded on a pure fth caster... I only prepped int and int/fth builds...
Seamless coop now has invasions that are pretty neat.
multiplayer is pretty much dead. Almost as this general
pc, rl200
i need your guys's help
that's very high for Malenia. And even at proper levels people need to really wait for coop I think
does anyone have a checklist of shit to do before entering ng+?
give me something for the pain and let erg die
1. Consider if NG+ is ever worth it
2. Realize it's not
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i'm on PC queueing with my lv. 160 and lv. 180 files. activity was snappy before and during the DLC, and now i find myself waiting for quite some time even at Rellana's crib... it's baffling
pvers finished the DLC, the multiplayer isn't fun enough to keep people in the game, other games are releasing, what can I say. I've been using this final opportunity to do pvp and a bit of coop recently, but it wasn't great because of activity and overall design of pvp [constantly running into empty corridor ganks or liurnia shack, fogwalls and poor spawn points, coop isn't challenging enough to be fun]
I am currently at stage 1
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You should bash his head in with a rock or give him a lobotomy
great ideas
What other things do you want to do?
I dunno, what do you want to do?
In the Japanese version of SOTE, Marika's "shaman" people are "miko", priestesses of Shinto shrines. I've seen some in this thread note this, but they're missing the main point of it: there isn't any fantasy obfuscation here, and the word has no other meaning. It's not just a generic term for "holy woman" or "female priest" (you'd never, ever see a Protestant female clergy or a Catholic nun or a Germanic shaman called a miko). Marika was straight-up a Shinto priest. Shintoism is real in ER.


>A miko (巫女), or shrine maiden,[1][2] is a young priestess[3] who works at a Shinto shrine. Miko were once likely seen as shamans,[4] but are understood in modern Japanese culture to be an institutionalized[5] role in daily life, trained to perform tasks, ranging from sacred cleansing[4] to performing the sacred Kagura dance.[6]

Hornsent are Shintoists. They worshipped nature spirits and would call kami to aid them. This is why they could summon outer gods to curse Marika's kingdom. This is how the Divine Beasts work. Marika deliberately suppresses their religion with a form of monotheism where she is the one true god.

Now what is that dance they miko are known for?


>Originally called kamukura/kamikura (神座), kagura began as sacred dances performed at the Imperial court by shrine maidens (miko) who were supposedly descendants of Ame-no-Uzume. During the performance, the shrine maidens usually utilize a channeling device for god such as masks and spears to imitate the trance. With the kagura music that has the power to summon the gods, the miko start to dance to transform themselves into the representation of the gods.[1]

Marika could become a vessel of a god (and thus a god herself) because she was a Shinto priest. After gaining enough power she abandoned her old religion (probably due to the caste system oppressing her people, mimicking real Japanese Christians) and became a god-empress.
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I think you're overthinking it, Fromsoft uses real life words to represent fictionalized things a lot
>tfw no cute femanon to flirt with
What about chaining him to the floor of a room so he's stuck there for however long you want for months or years and not letting him have any sort of stimulation except you being with him but them slowly you start feeding him less and less until he starts apologizing and trying to convince you to stop letting him starve by promising to be better, and then you acquiesce but only for a bit before doing it for longer to make a sort of cycle out of it hurting him more and making him more desperate?
Fr. Ripperger is incredibly based, this poor guy is confused regarding what "casting spells" means in a game and what is the fantasy genre. I like his natural instinct regarding false deities tho.
Posting reddit screenshot is still low btw
I'm fine with being low, I was trying to look up stuff about the shinto post and saw that pop up as a result and the title made me laugh
that's kind of funny I guess
what's wrong with you? it's only acceptable to do things like that to women
it's not acceptable to reply to shitposters and offtopic
???? You just said "great ideas" to >>500045623
>people whine about level design dropoff after Leyndell
>Dark Souls 1 is still beloved despite only having maybe 3 good areas in the entire game

Mountaintops of the Giants and Consecrated Snowfield are just uninspired. Tomb of the Giants, Lost Izalith, New Londo, Sen's Fortress, and Blighttown are actual putrid dogshit
The Hornsent religion literally just is Shintoism though. Using Shinto-specific terms to refer to the priests just makes it more explicit.
>New Londo, Sen's Fortress
Ah... it's bait....
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My ban was lifted today. But I have no desire to post on erg anymore. A fandom is sustained by original content, not your shitty opinions and fight clubs. Write lore, make art and don't complain about Vaati or die.
Now kill yourself (or become my crossdressing whore bf). I'm off to Tumblr, where original content resides. Keep your talentless mouth to yourself.
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Opinions and theories are original content just from a different Point of View than first person or third person
Would Miquella unseal the Rune of Death if he did his age of compassion? I'm doing a thing and don't know which direction to go for it
It's funny because ER level design actually drops off after Limgrave
I put my mouth wherever I want
fcs are important to the longevity of the general you retard fuck
He wanted Godwyn, who "should've been a martyr to Destined Death", to "die a true death", so I assume so.
Why does no one in Japan care about ER/Souls in general?
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Haven't played this game in like 3 months and I tried giving it an honest shot
>Hop on arena, sweaty poiseblob wiggling on crouch with rot pata (He used like 20 string greases in the span of a minute), manage to get him to low health, he runs to the other extreme of the arena and swaps to regen shit, I just bone bow him until he DCs
>Hop on co op, 1 guy at Romina with 5 scadu fragments who kept dying in 2 hits and some faggot gankers at Limgrave
>Try to invade, 3 solo hosts in a row, 2 organized gigaganks at Limgrave, one hwich started throwing shit pots when I escaped to sever
This game's multiplayer is cooked, how the fuck are there almost 40k players, the fuck are they doing?
Playing on seamless or just playing single player
And like about the co op one, the thing is that like players who like struggle with beating a boss will be dying and summoning way more times than someone who is better, so like the pool of summons I'm total is taken up bigger by those people even if there's less of them
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>POV: Elden Ring sold 10 million extra copies
Wdym by extra copies
3rd rate vtuber lookin ass bitch
Are you excited for the Switch port?
anon I...
>/vg/ doesn't like lolis anymore
>also obsessed with vtubers for some reason
Every time I get excited at a switch poet of games I love because I'm thinking like "Wow, bow I could play it in bed or anything likebthat around!" it takes me a bit to remember I never leave my room and can just like do that anyway by turning my screen
Why did you I... me I don't understand
Like copies thar like were given out for free? Why are they extra?
I'm convinced that the entire south side of the dlc map was created purely because Miyazaki thought it'd look sick. So much space for so little new content.
DLC final boss difficulty: 4/5
A random trash mob giant hand difficulty: 5/5
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Why are you posting this? Do you mean just copies sold since launch of the dlc?
He's a moron, don't mind it.
Keep it real, /erg/, but remember: “Men are sometimes hanged for telling the truth.”
I'm minding it
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Say something kind
are you actually retarded?
I want to spank him.
No, I just don't understand and they aren't explaining
What is 10 million extra copies? Extra on top of what? What is it referring to?
so you are retarded, thanks for confirming
I'm not, or if I am then you aren't explaining why, if you say what that means then I could go like "Oh duh, I am retarded, oops"
You're wasting your time with that retard. It fucked up, is ashamed of it, and any attempt to try to get it to explain is bound to fail because it cannot admit to itself that it was wrong.
Man frenzied burst melts Scadutree avatar, it's hilarious.
Have to admit I used it to inflict all the necessary damage in phase 3 before it could finish its triple explosion attack, that was the one part that I was stuck at on solo melee.
That makes sense
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Sex with busted dolls
you are both retarded
At first I was being ironic but I'm actually starting to think I'm attracted to Maliketh. He's just so vulnerable, it makes me want to touch him.
Homosexuality is a sin
Bestiality isnt
I beat him first try earlier today
What if her doll being broken meant she couldn't move but was still concious
In light of the DLC, was she in the right for killing her two fingers?
Marika footagge:
What if you married one of the Empyreans and right before dinner they clasped their hands and started saying "namandabu", what would you do
So there's going to be a "Definitive Edition" of this game released on Nintendo's next console in late 2025.

Do you think this is just the game with the expansion included or will they actually give a free content update at some point like DS2 and Sekiro?
men ought to make their own destinies, independent of the desires of outer gods
Yeah I think this is basically it. The Hornsent culture is obsessed with spirit calling and possession/channeling. Their highest echelon of religious society is people so possessed by divine creatures/storm spirits that they are literally dead most of the time until the beast enters them, like the old woman summoning the 'horn decked beast' to take purchase within the sculpted keepers.

It's likely that Marika's people had bodily attributes that made them ideal candidates to do this without losing their personality, or that's a factor in being an Empyrean itself. What's one more self when you already have two or more selves than normal.

Then there's how divine invocation is similar to dragon communion. And dragons can summon lightning, storms, ice, and other such powers. The ancient dragons are even immune to destined death, since Fortisax was able to eat deathroot for centuries without succumbing. Dragon communion is grafting esque with how it becomes a part of you, but divine invocation-y in that you channel the power of the dragon itself instead of performing it on your own like any old incantation.

Did anyone else get vibes of this fucker from the dlc though? Guy not ready to be a vessel becomes a vessel. Guy was special but not Empyrean special. Only Jon would be that special, or maybe Dany.
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The dlc fucked his character to death and puppeted his corpse like Seluvis

OG Miquella was worthy of an ending and saving the world. Integrate Trina, complete the Needle, heal Godwyn and let Marika rest knowing the future was safe
I dontbagree, that's like saying the Artorias dlc raped artorias to death because it made him not the big hero any more. The point was you only had second hand scraps, you never KNEW Miquella really
>waaah why didn't I get a happy ending
fucking newfags
I'm not particularly offended that Miquella ended up being a villain, I just wish he was a friendly NPC first. That was the bare minimum I wanted. They could do whatever gay incest degeneracy they wanted after that.

Like, you gotta be able to 'meet' this guy first. They already screwed up not letting you meet Marika. They did it twice. Actually braindead.
Do you think that Miquella is actually real irl?
yes, obviously
Doesn't matter if he was good or bad, his story was shit and it overshadow what could have been the main focus of the DLC - history of the lands between
I dont think anyone really cares about that, people just wanted new ships or dynamics to be revealed to be played around with
Would anyone actually defend the side quests in this game? Not the side quests themselves; the stories are cool and the characters are cool. But the fact you can get locked out of a questline for progressing too much is stupid. Nobody ever got locked out of a quest and was happy about it. Fail conditions shouldn't even be a thing.
Fromsoft have lost their touch with the characters. I think all the other complaints of ER are mostly misattributed and can be forgiven if this one thing were remotely up to snuff with the rest of their library.

There was not one boss in this game I felt bad about killing and every game should have multiple. That is something all of their games had. Sure, killing Alexander could have sucked, but he actually wants to die. It's an honor to him, and you would be wrong to deny his challenge and his wish.

Miquella, man. I'm fairly certain this character failed to be what they intended. I do not feel bad about killing him, when I should in every way. They did absolutely nothing to endear him to the player outside a couple item descriptions and he was the HIGHLIGHT of the DLC plot. What the hell.

I would also have accepted that, but really it would've had to take things significantly further back in time. To the Crucible, at least for me.
found a new soulstuber that I like
who is it? a female who does challenge runs perhaps?
Every DLC except SOTE had a happy ending. SOTE is also unique in that there's no actual in-universe reason for you to do it AND YOU ACCOMPLISH NOTHING.
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Eleum Joyce?
is it? :O
I'm nta I'm just asking if that's ehobyou were referring to
>Did anyone else get vibes of this fucker from the dlc though?
Kind of from Miquella riding on his big servant's back and being part of a tree.
Paul Aden
oh no the fatty had a stroke
oh god theat's a lot of red mikes
I like his voice and its comfy.
Yeah her content is good, I randomly got reccomended her about a year ago and the challenges are funnier than most like "Can you beat Dark Souls using a sword!?!?!" where the answer is always like yeah, probably?
I'm not fat
I might take a look
Is this also why the vessels of the Divine Beast are dancers?

Anyway I checked the Empyrean Grandam's dialogue to just make sure and


"Great horn-decked beast, from higher sphere delivered" is 角の獣よ、神獣よ. They're kami. 神 is kami.
I knew it
Why doesn't Miyazaki just make a SMT game if he wanted to use religion this much? He already has the Great(er) Will.
plump sort
I'm not a plump sort or fat or anything like that, I'm thin and that's not going to work
red supergiant ahh nigga u fat as fuck bitch
I disagree. Artorias is still a hero in the DLC, he just got broken by Manus, and everyone agrees he's still worthy of respect.
Miquella's character did... well, not a 180° because he did know how to use his charm, but it's still a solid 140° from the one we were sold, and the way the DLC doesn't make sense really make me suspect it was rewritten just so that Miquella was changed into a baddy.
I'm not
>everyone agrees he's still worthy of respect
Did you miss the point where the point is that he was mistakenly labeled a hero because he was given credit for your actions? He isnt, the point was the like fake out, it never undid anyrhing just like Miquella was never undid, it was pretty obviously set up that he'd go down (or even did go down) a road that led to weird and bad places considering the weird cuccoon
you are
I'm not and you aren't going to convince that I'm.
convince who? everybody already knows you're fat
Um no sweetie, he was still one of Gwyn's most trusted knights before the whole humbug.
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No idea how to get down there.
Convince me
Like I said I onow what you're trying to do
ok what am i trying to do
>I onow
I onow two what your're up two!!
You're trying to make me think I'm fat because j talked about eating disorders before and you want me to fuck up my health
lmao what is blud smoking i call u fat cause ur fat it ain't that deep
I'm not
Observe the geography.
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I thought this dlc was supposed to be hard ?
>Miquella 5 minutes after the start of his age of compassion(Bayle still hasn't been defeated)
Artorias actually was a hero, he fought dragons and Darkwraiths and saved his dog. And the DLC has you preserving his legacy by saving the village he died protecting. The equivalent for Miquella would be if you found out he died and failed to bring his Age of Compassion after getting to the final step but you take over in his stead and end up curing the Haligtree and Malenia and banishing the Outer Gods.
I just don't know if I agree!
confusing conversation
How so?
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Ethel's dead
And we want to celebrate
She's pushin' up daisies former and belated
That guy asked why we're elated
Well, Ethel is dead
Follow the bouncing skull

Next From game should be about slav/german legends, apparently there's a lot to eat in there, with hags and whatnot.
I'm not and you're not going to make me do that
I don't care if you develop an eating disorder or not, I just think you're obese
Well I'm not
no thin person would be this stubborn, fatty
What? Why do you think being thin means pushover?
you're not a pushover, you're just stupid
I'm not
fat AND dumb
I'm not either and I don't understand why you like saying that I am so much
you're so dumb you probably send pictures of your fat ass to every guy that you know
That doesn't even make any sense
Radahn has a grab point?
This is just a hunch but I think that that clip may be modded a bit
Kissing ergy femanons on the cheek!
good morning erg!!
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Morning (but it's night actually)
erg is too pathetic lately.
Same dumb reply chains every thread.
No point in continuing
do you have a nice ass? if you're thin you probably don't
The erg has fallen
Billions must merge
What thread should we see if they'll take us?
Sticking a finger up an ergy femanon's pussy!
Kill yourself
/dsg/+/eroge/ will return so ass posters from dsg can send pics to coomer posters from erg, and hopefully they all get banned for ruining souls generals
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roach vs bear
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hey buddy, you just... stuck there?
He doesn't want to jump down because his runes might spawn on that ledge and he migjt lose them
Tying ergy anons to a radiator and watching them die of thirst
confirmed, madison has a flat ass
>mod volumetric fog out of the game
>it looks better
I'd let you do that to me, sweetie
You don't have to say that and that's not what that means, that's retarded to be lime "Oh like if you say you aren't Y thing then you are Y but if you don't say you're X then you're X"
Does fog ever make any game look better? Or any processing effects actually
Do you have any twine or rope? You could pull it tight with your teeth to tie your hands to something on your own so you can't undo it
it wouldn't be the same if you're not here...
it's easy to say that when just posting a screenshot
how's the popin?
I found a cool picture.
please sit on my face madison
I sometimes wish they did these in more color but then I remembered how awfully hard and extra effort that would take
I'm going to use the antspur rapier on radahn and I feel no shame in this

maybe I should use poleblade of the bud instead?
use hefty rot pots
I just used hefty rot pots and threw them when he did attacks with big cooldowns like his jumps
>that VN
The most unforgettable horror porn game I've ever played. No other game had a bunch of elementary schoolers gangbang a teenage girl against a wall. And the teenage girl loved it. No other game I've played had a 17 year old bishonen guy drink a 14 year old girl's piss and chase her down the hall to rape her, only to wind up getting anally raped by a 32 year old fat man. I still remember the scene where a 16-17 girl was hiding under a bed as her same age best friend was having sex with that same 32 year old fat guy on top. She heard every moan, bed shake and sound. In the wrong end she was discovered under the bed by her friend and made to join. A most terrifying scene was when an unwilling girl relives another girl's sex memories. The girl in the memory consented but the reliving girl didn't. It didn't matter that she was mentally screaming, her body in the memory did all the motions and actions as in history. It's like mind control rape except the victim was fully aware. Another scene the same girl and a friend were almost raped in a magic sex ritual, saved by the girl's older sister, and the backlash made the older sister want to rape her younger sister and friend.

The loli in this pic is freakishly lewd and once disguised herself as a teenage girl, fucked a boy until he nearly came, transformed back saying
>You thought you were having sex with a highschooler weren't you? I'm an elementary schooler all along!
And leglocks that boy, forcing him to cum inside her unprotected, when he screams in fear upon learning this. This isn't even getting into the tentacles, the gay sex, the lesbian sex, the incest, the sequel's mother/daughter lesbian scene, etc. The first chapter alone contains lots of lesbian sex scenes with an unavoidable girl masturbating in the bathroom. Truly horror is intrinsically connected with sexuality.
that's a better idea desu
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He was still morally a good guy and one of Gwyn's 4 Knights. The Age of Fire comic had him killing dragons and saving Silver Knights. At minimum he must've killed his fair share of Abyss baddies. And in the main game, a ring from Artorias is needed to beat the 4 Kings so he's still important to the journey even if he didn't slay Manus.

Miquella doesn't have anything like that. There's nothing part of the Haligtree necessary to beating the game. Even Radahn is unnecessary because you can get 2 Great Runes from other people. Everything Miquella related is optional.
It would make me very happy if you do
That's part of my point though, Miquella was said that he was a fearsome empyrean of compassion, and that was about it. He was "important" but I feel like most people who feel like he was rewritten more just got too much in their own heads about his characterization and were let down because the version they invented wasn't what he really was
The dlc DID fall short, but like I don't think that part really itself is a failing if the dlc
if you're the recusant that just invaded in farum azula, that was very funny

what will you do to make me happy?
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>final hit on Midra
>he decides to do his hard-to-dodge-five-hit combo

Had to gather all my willpower not to try some stupid yolo shit and managed to dodge all five hits.

Gotta pour the sweat out of the controller now.

Also pretty funny how the blind fold gives you a lot of focus, that's some Jedi shit
I don't know if I'm aroused or terrified.
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do you guys think he has got this?
The mount of times I was one hit from killing him, then got super greedy and went to attack and realized I was out of stamina made me understand why birds fly into windows
Congratulations, anon!
He does
>his hard-to-dodge-five-hit combo
which one is this? the one where he's twirling? the one with the fire waves on the ground?
Trust him. What do you have to lose?
I would think that giving purpose to you dying to make someone happy would be enough?
>OG Miquella was worthy of an ending and saving the world
>used dark magic to manipulate his subjects and if that didnt work sends his warrior sister to slice them apart
>alter ego is the roofy princess
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what happens when you die to an invader in ER? I have literally not been invaded once because I never coop

hello fellow /vn/ friend
It's just like a normal death to an enemy, there's no wpwcial penalty. The invader gets a rune arc for successfully killing you
dying? I thought we were just going to have some (sexy) fun...
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>you can see godfrey from outside the arena
that's neat I guess
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no its worse now with the amount of brainless L2 sticks and overtuned spammable spells added by the dlc
>smaller playerbase
>casuls have long since finished the dlc
>leaving only ganking and hacking faggots and the occasional brainlet pver being carried by a password phantom
the only fun and consistent invasions ive had is low level with seamless since I can use a great rune and be level 65 phantomly and fight 4-5 level 25 hosts and win
Did you
just not read what you were replying to?
I remember trying so hard to jump over that railing and seeing if I could get in there to kill him with his ai off like ludwig
I didn't think you were serious, sweetie...
>Divinity 2:Ego Draconis
Does it matter if I was or wasn't? The statement was made but doesn't change anything unless it is or isn't actioned
Someone I used to bully a lot killed herself a few years ago
Is that true? It doesn't matter either way, right?
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>mfw PvP niggers finally sidelined
they were being sidelined since ds2 more and more pvp content was removed in each title after 2
PvP has officially been labeled as a mini game
We won
>Someone I used to bully a lot killed herself a few years ago
...is that true?
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Does it matter what I answer? Me saying it did or didn't happen wouldn't change the physical things that happened
Why's he so angry?
stop dodging the question, did you bully some poor girl into killing herself or not?
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if we're gonna fc let's do it now because i'm kinda drunk
five hits, each with a flame wave. third hit comes out lightning fast, last hit takes forever to wind up. Pretty fun rhythm to doge actually
I'm not dodging, you just aren't understanding
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FC ?
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>That's part of my point though, Miquella was said that he was a fearsome empyrean of compassion, and that was about it.
Base game Miquella had specific, physical, actionable goals and plans that the DLC just ignores without comment.

>He was "important" but I feel like most people who feel like he was rewritten more just got too much in their own heads about his characterization and were let down because the version they invented wasn't what he really was
We can literally track his rewrites through cut content.
Like what? He wanted to build the Haligtree to make a gentle place, but then the dlc had him decide to try to extend that to an age of compassion. Those aren't incompatible

Cut content is not canon
fuck you
yes, you're right that what you say doesn't change the reality, now answer my fucking question: did you bully somebody into killing herself or not?
You know you want to
suck my dick bitch

I dont understand
This is actually in the cut content
I love you
I love you too
Also, you should join if you haven't already >>500114623
We just need 1 more
no you don't...
I do, at the very least in the same way that you love me
you don't even know my name
Thwee out of fouw
1 more
It'll be fun for just a bit, it's not super meta, you can just play with whatever you were doing in singleplayer
I auto got disconnected
I'll be back next one
>connection error
excuse me
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>connection error
that mightve been my fault sorry my pc just shat itself
Lol it's okay
Just hop back in once that's done
So? If you were out in dark forest with a lot of unfamiliar things and you had your little home, and ended up befriending a stray dog or someone you met there that didn't speak your language, could you not love them even if you dont know everything about them or there's a disconnect?
that's not love, that's a temporary bond due to shared circumstances
that image is VERY funny
it made me almost spit out my drink
Also known as love, yeah
you are stupid but I want to kiss you
3/4 or is someone just getting ready?
where the fuck do you get goldmask's set
I'm pretty sure you used to be able to by doing the ash of war swap airwalk with waterfowl
Which one of you shitheads isn't joining?
You have to do his quest for the rags and atuff but his mask is just in northern altus
im waiting in 3/4… bear claws
Why say this
bruh the rocks
fuckin haima airstrike lmao
love works in mysterious ways, the only other girl I've fallen in love with was stupid too
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enjoy your shit club
We are
It's fun, you can join if you'd like
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alright i'm out
I want a kiss...
It was fun, thank you for joining
What is that picture
thats my gf from dsg
From which one?
neither, I just want a kiss from someone I like
Are you saying you don't like Miquella?
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dsg pictures are so weird
f wang???
>You rapes you
weird way to spell kino
dsgtroons are weird
its been so long since ive last seen this
was not expecting it lmao
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why did u kill grass
madison can I have a kiss
You somt have to say that
is that a no?
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>dsgtroon raid
let them have their fun, we're dead anyways
O, Horn-deck’d beast, from higher sphere deliver’d.
Take root inside the tower’s sculpted keepers.
And perch’d within, we beg of thee; rise.
Dance and cavort, cleanse all that thou wilt.
Cruelty, woe, and those who plague the tower.
Cleanse away the strumpet’s vile progeny.
so did the divine beasts completely fail to stop messmer or what
please kiss me
>fighting over dead world
Just like in my videogames
just pretend, make a smooching sound, post a picture of your lips, or SOMETHING
Based on an actual battle that actually took place in Japanese history
which one?
Does it matter?
It's crazy how badly the DLC shoots itself in its own foot
>have elaborate and interesting map layout
>make it obnoxious to navigate with the map being useless
>have some really cool weapons and spells
>they're scattered around in random locations and huge swathes of the map are completely empty
>have involved NPCs and questlines culminating as a part of the main story
>they brick super fucking easily and without warning
>take the time to answer lingering lore questions from the base game
>while some parts are fine (Metyr and Dragon Cult), Miquella's story is complete lore and character raping dogshit that destroys everything the base game set up
I really hope in the next game they don't hide gameplay mechanics from you like poise meters.
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how do we recover?
Several pumps along a large length. A long shadow cast over you, wetness dribbling down your breast, as Varré slowly took down the length, licking at the lively tip and trailing down the horns at the base, curled beautifully as to adorn the manhood. A celebration of life, in waiting for death. Varré's lean waist and plump hips hovered in your line of sight, the most seductive woman you'd ever seen. Your beloved husband. He cupped and rubbed his face against his Luminary's testes, begging to suck out their Dynast's seed. The long strips of cloth fluttered above him as he sucked upon the meatus, too large to ever fit entirely. Varré spat upon your pussy, bending over to please you, and prepare you for the fucking to come. Long fingers folded like a cage around his pale buttock, well travelled, by the number of scars. You pressed your pussy to his face, eager to serve your whore husband. You flinched as the sharp hook dipped in, holding your breath as if he were penetrated by a dagger, yet Varré only arched in deeper, no hesitation in his hips. Your vision blurred as you watched him, taking the massive length into him, stomach bulging above you, as you watched his childish smile, so happy to see him like this. He quickly returned to your cunt, slobbering it at each push, tonguing your hole hungrily. The mere sight made your toes curl. You lifted yourself up and snaked your tongue along his length, pumping it in your hands and licking into his asshole as his Lord stretched inside of him. He screamed a moan and balled his fists as his Lord emptied himself inside of him, slashing cuts along his back that made him shudder in pain, great enough to pause his orgasm, the blood trickling to the valley of your breasts. He shuddered in agony, containing his pending orgasm, as his Lord slipped out of him, forcing out the cum he'd deposited onto your face, which you mindlessly smeared along your torso, clutching his face to suffocate him, if your orgasm needed to.
Does any one else feel as though they've lost the ability to "git gud"? Honestly at this point it feels more like rng as to whether or not I actually break the wall with my head on any particular boss.
Gitting gud with bosses is memoriIng their movesets and which combos have what like permutations of followups and what can be jumped what can be parried what can be punished etc
Nta and I'm not trying to be rude but this post is pretty pointless
we don't
but at least we should do an anniversary event in February
it feels like that sometimes. And I stopped caring, bosses are not the most important part of the game.
>Gitting gud with bosses is memoriIng their movesets and which combos have what like permutations of followups and what can be jumped what can be parried what can be punished etc
I guess this is my main issue, I don't really wanna spend all day learning these fights inside and out now that there are so many more variations to track. I respect Ongbal, I don't want to be Ongbal. I was fine backstab chaining orphan, I don't want to think about what needs to be blocked, what needs to be parried (5 times for a crit) what needs to be jumped and how each one can link into the next chain of animations that require a new tactic.

It just took me an hour of tries to kill Relanna as a Carian sorcery sword + estoc dex hybrid caster. Should it have? Idk. probably not.
Closed world game next time
Yeah, the open world and the horse really brought nothing to the table. Like half the DLC is just dead space
>Like half the DLC is just dead space
Sci fi horror for the next elden ring
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Say something lovely
I'll take it so long as it looks anything like this
Wasn't that game like a really bad mmo
Yeah but hot lady in a skin tight black body suit with 'armour' and a sword.
and guns
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>1st try kill no summons
Didn't expect pathetic sort
gigachad ahead
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What was the intended route to get to this river going under the bridge? I skyrim'd my way up the waterfall double jumping on weird pieces of geometry, which is definitely going backwards
I was lvl15 on skibidi fragments which is probably overpowered for her, but I still expected at least a couple losses

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