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CAS - Edition

Previous thread: >>499822989

>Official site

>Fan created content

>Wiki with info on tech trees, weapon systems and game mechanics

>Old forums archive:

>Guides to Air and Ground battles + MEC

>Guides on missiles, radars, radar warning receivers

>Guided weapons statistics

>What tanks have thermals and their generations

>Someone sending you runes?

>Dank Bants

Reminder: returning to the hanger is always faster than rearming

Thread theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9POKxFb1SJo
vehicles for this feel?
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>thread theme
you guys have music on?
vehicles for this feel?
Anything Russian
American air tree
whenever i lock someone on radar in the tor i lose my turret rotation, happens on the pgz04a as well but I never had this happen in any other spaa
any ideas on how to fix this?

how long does 300 rating in the po-2 race take
low tier swedes
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I played one match during American primetime too many.

I got too greedy. It's over.
Type 90
strv 122 (any)
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this box boy
or any hesh thrower
eternal reminder to fly the harriers!
if I like planes is there anything for me this update besides F-117, F-15E, SU-34
>finally get my first 11.0, so excited to play an actual MBT
>catch a Leo 2A4 frontally by surprise
>HEAT-FS nonpens his breach
>HEAT-FS nonpens his breach
>he onetaps me
>I just have to flank then
>catch the same Leo 2A4 by surprise from the side
>non pen
>load HE
>fuel tank
>get one tapped
Loving Every Laugh!
>literal mountain jew posts here
How does it feel to wake up and see some picturesque view of a cozy village in the mountains, while average euro wakes up to the morning prayer shout of "AAAALLAAAAHHH", and the average american wakes up to niggers
new cockpits for some low tier stuff
apparently some la-5s don't compress as much anymore
feels nice
>wake up
>breathe fresh air
>eat chocolate
life is as good as it can get
i have never used a single wager and i started during alpha
where are all the pidorposts?
no fun allowed in wtg
why is pidorposting so hated?
obnoxious spam isn't "fun"
or if you're over 12
>booymerski could fuck local barrack commander's whore of a daughter
>now we are fucked by gurkhas
you had it easy, you will never understand
It's extremely racist against the resident russpiggies and the russpiggy janny will do xis best to protect their feelings.
it's just banana flavored wojacks
where banan
who is banon phone
ok 'teen
whatever you say 'teen
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vehicles for this feel?
No, I listen to random stuff on yt. High speed missions call for high speed music https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n_LSeXlw7SI
B-29 in a full uptier.
Explain the feel.
any plane when the hamster is having a stroke
are both IL28 variants supposed to be shit?
>PL: 30%
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>bomb a base
>kill two schmucks trying to headon my b-57b
>lose control due to onesided flap loss and slam into the ground
>nice and relaxing 5 minutes of crew lock
thank you gay jinn
have you tried not playing shit vehicles?
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>me when I accidentaly turn on full control
it's a very good plane what are you about
Just be better at the game, man. It's not that hard.
Fly higher next time. Minimum altitude should be at least 7000 meters
they're good planes other than the problem of being too slow to bases when there are saab-105 and f84 niggers around
im happy with my purchase
i refuse
climbing means i don't get to bomb first
and games end before bases get to respawn a lot of times
me when I try to pull moves I learnt in MFS2024
It's a complete gamble. You don't fly low and you get a 50/50 chance to bomb something or die from enemy fighters or you fly super high and it's a 50/50 you hit a base before other bombers kill it or not.
there's a map with a mountain right in front of the airfield, so after you rearm you have a small chance of not crashing if you have it fully upgraded
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Vehicle for this feel?
i like the first option more because i get to shoot enemy strike aircraft who are also heading for bases and don't pay attention all that much
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sch gets rocket boosters and can also use napalm instead of heavy bombs
I thought planes are supposed to break if you do stuff like that in realistic ab.
Just play it in arcade, the weight doesn't really matter then
they've "fixed" planes breaking apart from G loading a handful of times now
you can dive in a nip turning machine and pull some retarded number without any damage to the plane or pilot, same goes for everything else but nips have the most absurd case of it
>turboprop expects me to turnfight him in 262
>just fly away
>he follows
>tab out
>look back at screen 5 minutes later
>he's still following, 8km behind me
>game ends with my team winning
ok bro
stop doxxing me
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forgive me anons for I have oinked...
Yeah I had someone in a hurricane complaining in chat that I wasn't dropping down to their altitude and turnfighting them in a 109
Oh, hey, i always knew ace combat was more sim than arcade.
>aral sea
back to the hangar
275k silver.. for a lost battle
yeah naval is pretty good
>kulspruta klar
luve muh swedes
3-Inch Gun Carrier
We’ve been telling you. Glad you listened
You and the three chinks that touch that dead gamemode hardly count.
We’ve got four other at least semi regulars that post here, on top of six forums retards plus those three chinks that get farmed by us thread regulars thank you
samefagging that hard is kinda sad
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Putting a talisman on a Tiger UHT would be silly.
sweden should've gotten the "evaluated" bmp-2 with the konkurs instead just like the t80u. Fuck the fins with their external boxes
>igla shilka is 9.3
>stinger gepard is 9.7
why? igla is better than stinger
how can you be so racist and sleep at night?)))))))))
>igla is better than stinger
Questionable, but the Gepard is definitely a lot better than the Shilka.
Why is LAV 10.0 when it's outclassed by the Gepard in everyway expect speed?
igla is way worse outside of the initial vectoring (which is actually a problem trying to hit diving or low flying targets)
I am watching dev stream and I see they updated cockpit for german F4
are updated cockpits coming for the rest of the phantoms?
The LAV-AD is a light tank that happens to get Stingers. The thing is amazing for zipping around the map.
Is the JU 288 gonna actually get two 2500kg bombs next patch? Should I pig out?
Yes, if you want it go for it. It's a disgustingly good bomber.
I'd rather just lolpen tanks from the front than have to hope the other team are retards not paying attention.
xa-38 is good right? invader speed at much lower br
love all dual prop burger bombers too
I mostly want to drop big bombs on people in GRB, the HE-111-16 was fun but it's pretty garbage past 4.0 or so. Double the bombs plus prem plus speed sounds zesty.
>with 2012 textures
what the fuck were they thinking?
freeeeeeeeee biiiiiirrrrddddd yeeeeeeaaaaaaaaa
what happened to the guys that were updating dagor a few years ago?
We don't talk about them anymore.
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Lynx for USSR tree when?
The begleit should've gone to Sweden
Thing is entirely Swedish except the chassis
Right after America gets a T-90M.
>if minecraft did it surely we can too
>Entirely swegrish except like 90% of it
it's criminal that the coolest skyraider is a fucking event vehicle
I have in and paid for premium... I lost bros...
When does sale end again
In the next 5 seconds.
let me guess you the guy that listens to porn to stay awake
what the fuck is wrong with bomber player pinging bases when they're not the ones who's getting there first and getting mad about it
they're just trying to call dibs and you can safely ignore them
>t. plays bombers to get good bomb loads for GRB
October 29th (11:00 GMT)
dude went so mad he started agitating people to tk me, was hilarious
and i was even kind enough to inform him that he's not getting that base too
>All Su-7s are losing their bomb reticle
Love to see it, fucking niggers are annoying as shit when I'm trying to base bomb
Nice job IDIOT.
They're just retards who adopted a 'system' that nobody respects or practices. Same idiots who get upset when you kill their nuke bomber(on the enemy team).
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So my friend finally decided to embrace the snail and start playing WT after I told him anniversary is the best time to start. He wants to play mutts ground so I was thinking of the T14 since it is dirt cheap right now and I have heard good things about it
Thoughts? or is there a better alternative?
>chink gachanigger coerces unwitting retard into touching this pile of shit game
>immediately wants them to paypig
Honestly, You should just kill yourself and I mean that with complete sincerity.
very based of you to not assume his gender, i kneel
It is good, but it has no lineup, doesn't uptier well and relies on knowing weakpoints and leveraging the stabilizer. It's still probably the best choice since the rank IIs aren't worth getting and the cobra king is just the T14 but 1.0 higher facing a lot stronger tanks.

Just encourage him to try and play his 3.7/4.0 lineup when he unlocks it.
Why are the F-117s engines so damn smoky?
It's also missing its brake chute
>They're just retards who adopted a 'system' that nobody respects or practices.

It is a system the playerbase actually practices to avoid wasting bombs, which is a perfectly logical system, except the problem lies with retards who think it gives them the right to a base. Nothing more, nothing less.
I don't think the T14 is a good beginner tank, honestly. The 75 starts becoming anemic at that BR and the armor is unreliable even if you don't get uptiered, which you almost always will.
If he wants to start out with the US have him buy 90 days of premium time instead and then play the amazing 4.0 lineup with him. The early Shermans and especially the M4A2 are great starter tanks and the matchmaker is a lot more forgiving.
If you're a big fat bomber you should use your eyeballs and realize those strike aircraft are going to hit the bases they are flying towards and adapt accordingly. You aren't doing anything important on your 5 minute afk flight to the target anyway.
I see. I already told him about the 180 days for 20 bucks discount but wasn't sure about the T14.
I'll tell him exactly what you've told me. It's just $7 bucks so I'll just leave it to him whether he wants to try the T14 or not.
By the way, does therussianbadger free seal LVT and P-36 pack link still work? I tried it last night for him but it just 404s when trying to log in.
I used it at the beginning of this year, it should still work.
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>there are people that play without premium
why would anyone do this?
do you enjoy grinding 3 years for a single top tier vehicle?
>why would anyone do this?
I will pay for premium once I fully unlock the US aviation tech tree.
Same people who will argue to your face that they're saving money by remaining completely F2P while they spend 3x as long to unlock anything.
i just buy packs during the sales and use the 3 weeks of ""free"" premium to just grind the entire tree
Premium with tree complete bonus and skill bonus is so much faster than base rp it’s nuts
oink oink little piggy
poor thirdie
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tiger kht with 30mm recoilless turret when?
you don't know what recoilless means
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i know what you mean by carl gustav shit, i just used what they described wtf
they also don't know what the term means
I get much more RP to you and I have a disposable income
lmao'ing @ (you)
Except it's in fact a recoilless autocannon, you idiots.
lmao, no reason to ever grind or pay for premium if you're only interested in a niche this game provides
thanks i was too lazy to look up
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>take random pot shot at IS-2 while moving
>hit him square in the driver's port
>moon rune hate mail after the match
post eet
>giving money to jews
there is no reason for the Japanese M47 to exist
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this thing pretty good
just had a 29k rp match
Not giving. Trading for something else.
this happened i was there
>I was the cope cage
I've only done it when there was 2 other bombers and they both pinged, I just confirmed I'd take the remaining base. We were active in chat though attacking targets as well

Tiam for China when?
kino screenshot
fast as fuck boi
for what? O_O
For the premium account, anon.
for digital crack
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in for what
Good firepower, shit radar.
no one getting into your range most of the time

Then realizing, somehow, the SIDAM is better.
so fun taking a stock jet out that has no chaff researched
if you need chaff you already lost
yeah i need anything that helps in this piece of shit fatnom
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This lineup is honestly a lot of fun. Some of the WW2 Soviet tanks had pretty decent reverse gears. Why did they fuck it up so much during Cold War with the T series tanks?
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Misha, Misha!
have squadron vehicles always a GE option or is that just for the birthday sale?
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Is there a fucking way to compete while playing russian jets at top tier ? I played a bit when they released the fox 3 missiles, and i was just getting mogged by Aim-120s. Did anything change since ?
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Eating banan?
>zero expert crews
it got much worse
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Fucking how
You are free to paypig me for more crew exp. But I'm not wasting GE on that dogshit p2w mechanic.
Also I dont plan on staying at 5.0, I wanna try out the 8.7 lineup one day. I'll get my experts by then.
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Yes, Papa Daniel!
Being russophobic?
Anon, experting crews just costs lump SL, it's Acing after that that costs GE

the +3 Crew Skill is practically free anon, it's FREE
You don't need to paypig for expert, retard. You can literally buy it for your T-34-57 right now with lions.
No, Papa Daniel!
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My crewlevel isnt 15 on all of them bwo. I literally cant expert those due to a crew level limitation.
The only one I can buy is for the T34-57
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there are 2 kinds of men,
those who BF-109, and those who FW-190
>BoyFriend 109
>FuckerWolf 190
how come burgers have gen3 thermals on 1 (one) vehicle in the entire tree and on it's premium carbon copy
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Should have installed better ones.
Ask your Senator where all the money goes.
have you considered properly spading and crewgrinding before going up in BR & rank?
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Realistic thermal signatures when
How about we start from thermals not being just a fucking color swap filter.
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and then there are CHADS who fly the C.205 and would have killed either germutt planes if they fought each other!
racist pidor
When they’re scraping the barrel hard enough that p2w premium heat blanket copy slop is the only thing keeping the hamster fed
what bong plane to pig out on to skip entire tree
any particularly good ground premiums too? not skipping ground though
Defyn just did a video on good premiums during the sale
Meant to timestamp
Buy an ad.
I will not purchase an endorsement.
>CAStranny flies in a straight line to bomb me
>annihilate him with 155m HE-VT
NOTHING feels better than blasting some planeSISSY with artillery sized HE-VT
didnt happen
CAS players being retards happens all the time, being that handheld is the only way they can even approach getting kills.
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>plane from fucking 2014
>doesn't have thermals
Are slavs fucking retarded?
Defyn gets a pass for the lowiq humiliation
it actually should, it is incorrect on dev
yes, you can tell this because the thermals they do use on the ka-52 look like absolute ass.
it's pretty easy in the G-6 though? It has about 900m/s on it's HE-VT
still, didn't happen,
Don't care, not opening your embeds, buy an ad.
Literally happens at least once every game I play in the G-6 though?
casmonkeys are almost all retarded, so it's not hard.
LowIQ tranny spotted
point and laugh
I'm not that anon but I just blasted a pidor with my 2S1 in a match.
Its fun, you should try having fun in War Thunder sometime.
2S1 has an even easier time, since the trigger distance is 7m instead of 3m
I was using the regular HE shell anon, I don't bother with the proxies on the 2S1 because the shell is too slow for me.
The Auf1 is another one of those that has too slow round + terrible gun handling so I just pass on proxies.
The G6 and Bkan are way easier.
is aids
>Conqueror in a full downtier in a hull down position
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It has thermals irl actually. gaijin just doesnt like giving slav planes their thermals (refer to Khod thermals pod sitting in files for two years, lack of SAPSAN-E pod on Su-27SM and MiG-29SMT, etc.)

source; you can see it switch from monochrome, to daytime contrast, and then to whitehot thermals at around 10 seconds into the video: https://youtu.be/WiVC6BrsAMk?t=12
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I'm someone who knows about the Abrams. The Abrams does have DU inserts/heavily upgraded composites all over the front of the vehicle minus the ufp. it has been like that since the M1A1HA from the 80s. Gaijin could not give any the M1A1, IPM1, and the M1 DU inserts but it doesn't give it to any Abrams in game. The M1A1HC, A2, Sep, and Sepv2 in game can be easily penetrated by mango or 3bm42. in real life this is absolutely not possible to do anywhere and yet it can happen easily in game. Gaijin is flat out wrong here. They will not add the first, second or even third gen DU inserts to American tanks because their armor frontally will be immune to every shell even the lower glacis since there are no M1A1HAs with first gen DU inserts.
From what I've heard, the Su-34M, not the SU-34, is supposed to have thermals. Gaijin is allegedly just screwing over the russian playerbase because they want to artificially pad the grind by giving us a "new" copy-paste Su-34M with thermals in six months. I've heard mixed reports on whether or not the M is supposed to have HMD too.
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isnt the Su-34 we are getting the M minus the larger tail stinger? it literally has Groms and the 1500kg GPS bomb with the popout winglets which only entered service like two years ago.

Or is this another case of MSIP syndrome/F-5C syndrome where the plane gets ordnance from the future it never had?
So this still goes back to my original post
>Su-34 the base variant from fucking 2014
>doesn't have thermals
Slavs are retarded
case closed
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python 3 seems twice as flare hungry as the 9L is this just in my head
Jews seek the oven, its their natural habitat
>is this just in my head
that's my impression too, maybe it's just in our heads
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When playing prop bombers it is convenient to mark bases through pings to know who goes on which base so no plane wastes bombs trying to finish off base with bombs from another bomber already being away. In jet battles bases get bombed from level flight so it does not matter, but the habit persists whilst serving no purpose.
also swarms of donaters with bombs on mig23/kfir canard/turkish starbomber/f4s/j7e who kill each other for the nearest base
One top tier plane takes 2 days to unlock and another 2 days to spade. Why paypig for it to be one day instead of 2? Its not that big of a difference. I need only about 4 days to get all the vehicles I want in the upcoming update.
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> I must consoom
> look how much I consoom

> pay to remove artificial gatekeeping
good goy
My time is worth more money than throwing my life away playing this game purely free to play
squeal harder piggy
the only winning move is not to play
i have not killed a single person with Aim 7E
one single chaff can just screw your radar lock
whats the trick?
>look at me, i'm wasting my time!!!!!
>i am le chad for wasting my time!!!!
You are brown
Huh? I don't speak piggy.
10.3 Russia is by far the most handheld lineup in the entire game. How do people even manage to lose with it is beyond me
weather and relative position matter, try only using them at dudes above you
F-4E I assume?
Shoot at high altitude medium distances so the motor burns out before 10km and they don't get the red diamond warning
If they chaff keep the radar locked onto them and hold down U (or whatever the bomb camera is) to see if it is still tracking. It'll keep following them as long as they are still in the CW beam and moving towards you. Once it stops you can unlock and try again
are the premium coastal worth it?
if I just want to use them for capping point in blue water matches?
Ever since the coastal/bluewater split, coastal has been in a cucked spot in that coastal boats are completely useless for every single role EXCEPT capping shallow water points that the bluewater boats spawn a billion miles away from. Reserve boats capture those points as good as high tier coastal stuff. Having the better coastal boats only really lets you be the big fish in the small pond before even a reserve destroyer shows up to end you.
get the VS-8, cap points and mine them at the same time. it is a hydrofoil so the handling is like a greased pig
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>coastal is useles-ACK
A plane would have been more effective
i dont envy those dauntless dive bombers at all, when i try that i just disintegrate, maybe its different if 25 of us were diving on a ship.
>implying dreadnoughts don't just 'hit' most torpedoes.
Have you seen naval AA?
I have never seen a plane survive long enough to kill a BB
The AA shoots at coastal boats too. At the ranges where a coastal could drop a torp safely and hit a dread (five minutes later), and plane could have done it too.
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skill issue
The plane couldn't have done it because torp launches require low speeds.
And very few planes have the bombs to one shot a capital ship. That is if they survive to drop. At the same BR as most fat ships you have late war CLs with soo much AA it's not even fair. I don't even spawn planes after 4.0.
>The plane couldn't have done it
Terribly powercrept 6.3 dreadnaughts aren’t exactly the best example here. Especially given how many 6.7+ battleships have both statcard torpedo protection and great fuel tank layouts to absorb torpedo hits. There are proportionately very few that can really hurt a threatening battleship provided they can get beyond the guns for a good run.
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what kind of excuse is he going to come up with next
You showed that sinking battleship
None of the torps are big enough to one-shot BB on their own. They need to detonate the BB's magazine to do that. Anyone telling you that they can reliably snipe magazines with torps given the magnitude of lead times involved is lying to you. There are too many variables at play and you're hoping that the opponent doesn't turn at all or change speed during the lengthy delay between launch and impact.

Except maybe torps launched by Scharnhorst because it's insane and is one of the few ships tanky enough to survive walking right up to something to shove torpedoes directly down its throat.
yeah i took his rudder out first so he couldn't escape

scharnhorst fires the same g7a torpedo as the jaguar, hugin, s-147 and other ww2 boats
Why do naval bots think people care about them
>get mission to destroy 6 bases
>literally cant get any cause half of your team are gunning for them
I fucking hate base bombing
there should be less bases and more ground units
should have been in a faster plane
You're just completely ignoring the topic of the post.
The most frustrating are the retards trying to base bomb in something like the F-4S. The plane has a great radar and great Fox-1s, but the knuckledraggeres just hold down the afterburner and beeline towards bases.
You know what please keep shilling this. If you can trick people into wasting a third of their spawns on a coastal instead of doing the same thing more effectively/annoyingly in a Shimakaze it will make my life a lot easier.
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Its more RP and SL to base bomb and then go for kills, if you're only going for kills in a multi role jet you simply aren't grinding as effectively as you can
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yeah i like maxim
what are some unique CAS premium outside of Ad21?
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Now that the F-117 is in the game does this mean that F-22, J-20 and Su-57 will be added soon?
This isn't a joke BTW, I want to completely destroy the unwarranted credibility of that pseudointellectual furfaggot.
I’d say it opens the door to the 2026 December update being stealth themed if they decide that’s how they want to take it.
german guns are so fucking bad, you're telling me the japanese have it worse?
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>mfw (my face when) i found out the maxim was not invented by a russian
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WHY didnt more nations use 20mm coax, this is pure unfiltered kino
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Join [LowIQ] if you don't have a squadron yet and would like to research the squadron vehicles.
.30 and .50 do plenty good job killing infantry
20mm is overkill
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forgot to mention this is how much RP we get nowadays
i'd rather stay in the cunny squadron and get less rp
British idea
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Is there any chance of the Vilkas getting more reserve Spikes since the Freccia also gets to carry 12 now?
They're making the damn thing 3.5 tonnes heavier, there better be some payoff for that..
PT boats don't carry one torp they carry 4 on average while a plane at most carries 2 and it's fat as fuck.
Because on the battlefield it's more useful to have more ammo. They had to fight infantry and soft targets that aren't present in game. 20mm would have been more popular if real life was like the game.
the advent of superior ballistic computers and laser rangefinders made it so you could just hit the helo bastards with your main gun reliably enough that it made more sense to carry extra main gun ammo in place of a separate autocannon and its ammo.

Before that point, it's just because nobody else thought it was valuable enough to carry a truck & helo killer coax much as many didn't think it was worth carrying a ballistically matched ranging rifle as a backup to analog rangefinders, even though these were potentially better solutions to just spraying things with MG tracers or lobbing the first shot blind.
it's not like gaijin has access to RCS data of how stleathy each 5th gen is so they can just make up numbers to make them roughly equal and add them
why the fuck is reserve italy so ass?
a B17 just pilot sniped me while i was showing him my belly, wtf is this shit
wait until you learn that aircraft skin isn't bulletproof
>show weakspot
did you seriously die to the swegro 1.3 bomber with a single 8 mm in the back?
Why would you think it was Russian? It was heavily used by the British in ww1 and that's what it's known for.
The big twist if you wanna call it that is that its inventor was an American that moved to bongland because of a dispute with his brother.
it's a fucking 50 cal coming from a plane that's flying AWAY from me and at a reasonable distance shooting me in my most armored place
stupid fucking gaijin ass licker
wait till you find out mossin nagant was invented by belgian and russians are so asshurt about it they call it mossin rifle not mossin nagant
how thick is a plane's skin?
how much does a .50 cal penetrate at 1-2km?
the math adds up to me
no premium?
no ace crew?
are swift planes any good?
anon said javelin is good but I still need to grind through rank 5 first
What lineup should I be using on USSR rank 6? I'm wondering which tanks to grind.
Is 9.3 Russia worth playing?
will i like T-34-57 premium?
is it that much better than the TT one?
otherwise I will just skip 4.7 and go for 5.7
It's slightly better.
But be a real man and buy the SU-100Y
only gay "men" play russia
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>redittards and forumfags complain about leo being op
>leo gets minor nerf that will change nothing
>chimp out about it
anything jap
>su34 behaves like a ufo compared to the su27 and mig29
peak fucking clown world
Did I do good?
clown company*
but don't you worry, mutts surely are already crying about it so it'll be nerfed into the ground too
>obviously WIP flight model gets fixed in time for the update
>I blame the mutts in my walls anyway
>WIP flight model gets fixed in time
+1 big mac!
I've been playing it because my BMD-4 got uptiered and I wanted to play around with doing MCLOS missile CAS with the yak-38 but I think I've been uptiered to 10.3 a good 95% of the time. Probably because of the abundance of premiums at 10.3. I have a feeling that it might be better for me to drop down to 9.0 instead.

Personally I think the yak-38 belongs at a lower BR in ground RB. Two MCLOS missiles isn't that noteworthy, and the plane doesn't have any sort of optics or countermeasures. It's kind of sickening considering soon USA will have a stealth bomber with laser guided bombs with high resolution thermal optics and an autotracker not even one full BR above a defenseless brick that needs to manually guide its missiles in while squinting at the target with the mk1 eyeball.
>complain about Su-34 outperforming the Su-27's FM
>Su-27's FM gets fixed
imagine the seethe if that happens
>shoot down su34
>eternal flight message appears
anton has the greatest opportunity to do something extremely funny
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it's Sunday /wtg/
It could happen. Some of the nerds crunching the numbers about the fm claim that the su-27's engines have too much thrust in some conditions, and that gaijin hamfistedly dialed the drag way the fuck up so that one curve would match. But the side effect is that the extra drag makes it bleed energy like crazy. The 34 has a different pair of engines, so they might not have made the same mistake with it. If the 34 keeps outperforming the 27 at release, it might actually get the 27's fm looked at instead of them just refusing to process their support tickets while drinking vodka all day
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where is my naval update Anton
you're getting a river barge
>gaijin hamfistedly dialed the drag way the fuck up so that one curve would match
MANY such cases, virtually every FM "nerf" in the past year has been exactly this. Su-27, MiG-29, MiG-23, J35, JA37, F-104 - all of them.
you're getting modernized admiral kuznetsov
when did /wtg/ turn into /k/ aka reddit
when NAFO became a thing and started regularly raiding the thread
>seething out of nowhere
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Is it even worth it? Is it ___fun?
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some new kinda cheat or something?
Hey bros I was thinking of buying the 2C Bis and then the french starter pack on sale so I can have 4 superheavies. I'll toss in the event floatplane too. Is this a good idea or waste of money?
Probably a player fucking with chat to hide name or something.
as a genuine 'investment' to get started with frogs?
terrible idea, most of them are fairly useless and/or powercrept to hell and back
as a shit and giggles lineup?
i guess you could do worse
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yeah. This war has been shit for milsims or military themed games. Can't even have a cool missile dodge with accurate radio without being called a russian shill.
A sealcubbing lineup for fun and maybe grinding some points in events, yeah. I guess i'll hold off buying anything this time.
china never used any yak planes?
What do you get from lying on the internet though? It's called mosin because it was made by mosin, only westrannies call it mosin nagant because nagant was butthurt af he lost
see what I mean? >>500025239
I mean lmao
I'm surprised they're not in game in chinese tree
Various 9s and 17UTI i'm sure of, the 9s will most likely go under Best Korea.
>frog shoots my 122
>gets immediately railgunned in retaliation
why are they like this?
S-49A for Russia and S-49C for Italy when?
Can someone please confirm for me where the new Romanian Osa-AKM goes in the TT?
I'm assuming after the SIDAM Mistral and before the OTOMATIC? Gaijin aren't cruel enough to put it after the OTOMATIC, right?
10.3, between SIDAM and OTO
It's 10.3, why would it go after the OTOMATIC?
I thought we are getting the hornet?
Is A-10A any good in GRB?
I mean that its job right?
we have hornet at home
There's the problem: You thought.
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Am I doing this right?
Top is large and bottom is normal countermeasures? Set large to 100% flares, but normal ones can be set to 40 or 50 chaff.
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is over for chyna and puccia
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Why is this thing so fat? and why is the ERA on the sides so bad compared to Russian side ERA.
Also why does shitain still fire such a mediocre shell at top tier?.
why did russian cancer not get moved up like the rest?
which one
the leo is the best top tier tank but adding some retarded point where the barrel just refuses to go down is not a real nerf, its just annoying. if they wanted to actually nerf it they would just do so eg. nerf ammo/armour
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Should I bother going back for the other two lines?
maybe if you want the cas f15
f-5 and f16s are fun
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It is.
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I'm getting close..
when is the next ge vehicle sale, half a year from now on?
any christmas sales?
Wait til pack sales and get the Phantom
Designed to resist IEDs in a game that doesn't have any
It's reddit but who cares, there are Christmas sales and the other one is in May during the Russian Victory days lol
6 kills, how do i get good like you???
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I didn't know lowRP started making 4chan ads
point and laugh
you know what a good upstanding company would do
add any prior bp vehicle selector ticket to current bps
same for events
there's just too many really good vehicles that are absolutely out of reach
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what happend to jap f22
they didn't even finish it yet they're already working on new plane?
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>add RT
>game is still brown as shit and in dire need of Nvidia filters to be playable
I don't get it
why would they want to make rare vehicle no longer rare?
Raytracing looks fucking great in this game, it was about time they added it.
I just wish it didn't require a 4090
Since when are the Mokopas on the rooivalk good? i thought that thing had like the slowest ATGM's
or am i thinking of another high tier premium heli?
because it's a shit system
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The Po-2 is such a snoozefest but strangely haven't seen a single snow smoke or gear breaker this year.
Hitting the brakes and driving past all the retards piled up on the first turn in the ground race will never get old though, that and watching the suckers ahead wrecking themselves on the ice sling.
9.3 is goddamn unplayable holy fuck
Do I grind the F-15C with the F-16C or the F-15A?
Any chance we're getting new match loading screens that match the tier any time soon?
I'm tired of WW2 slideshows in my modern era planes.
the F-8E
ww2 game
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fuck you and your modernslop
just blacklist all the ww2slop
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crazy that it only took twelve years to make visors not draw over the canopy glass
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I'm talking about this
>unlock the Kugelblitz
>have to play at 7.0 with my long 88 lineup
>lots of 6.0 downtiers
>uptiers go to 8.0 so no slav niggerbunkers
>not a single 7.7 match in 5 hours
Today was a good day, i think the 7.0 Kugelblitz is a blessing in disguise
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russian dashcams are crazy
Any squadron to farm vehicles, hopefully one that doesn't require human interactions with anyone
any of the thread squads
Join LowIQ.
how are bong's top tier harriers hold up to american's AV8B+?
American one you can take 4 amraams plus 2 9M's, British one you can only take 2 amraams but 4 9M's, but you get more counter measures. Brits also have a GR.7 Harrier at 12.3 that carries 4 9M's.
At what distance do I have a good chance to get a kill with an amraam?
I usually wait until 20km but people frequently dodge them
hopefully the bug reports for fixing the F-15E get approved. the HMD, modern GBU's and AMRAAM's should get removed. At the very least the HMD and GBU's.
are you doing your part to ensure vehicles are fixed in the dev server cycle?
God I wish the squadrons menu would show when people last played so I could fucking remove people who haven't played in ages.
>nigpen A still 13.0
Why would it not get those?
if you arent high above someone firing at 20km makes them very easy to dodge
try 10km but as always closer is better
Best tree to play that has the least chance of being on the same team as mutts?
I don't get it
did the truck engie died and it couldn't pull it over the crossing or what
somalistan safers
Literally none of them.
because if it used 229 engines, (and the age of the skin is correct), it's from desert storm. F-15E's at that stage didn't get HMD's, modern GBU's and weren't equiped with AMRAAM's. I don't even think they were wired to fire the AMRAAM.
Well done!
uses 220*
do not nerf f15e because I will cry and not have fun in air rb
they said the reason it gets 220 engines is so its not the best fighter in air as well as ground (pure gameplay nerf)
>they said the reason it gets 220 engines is so its not the best fighter in air as well as ground (pure gameplay nerf)
based, but it shouldn't get the other shit so it's an actual F-15E early. Hence the bug reports.
hopefully they enjoy grinding 840K RP to get the same thing as the F-15I Ra'am!
Isn’t activity a pretty fair proxy for that?
trailer failed to clear the elevated crossing, that's some 30 tons unwheeled and tractors aren't exactly recovery vehicles
doesn't the jew one fulfill that anyways?
there's like 2 people playing israel in top tier air rb so it doesn't matter
yes the jew one gets the good engines but idk they might nerf it (probably not)
Are there any equivalents to XP-50 in terms of OP factor and being a premium that are not fuck-ass ugly?
Do you think the M109 is ok?
lets hope not, the best F-15 without being guarantied mutt teams is alright
one of those is me
>Israel gets a new UFO that climbs from airfield takeoff to 10km in 30 seconds
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The game needs more Swedish kino
Somewhat but not exactly, can't tell the difference between someone who played one match a week ago or someone who hasn't played over a year.
I thought activity hit zero after not playing in about a month, is that not the case?
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What for innings?????
Sent :^)
I applied, first letter S, last letter h
post first and last letter of your username so i know who to let in
Repairing! 00:23
How are Swedish's own Gripen compare to other?
are the export just as good as the swed's
I dont want to play the entire swed air tree just so I can play the same thing in some minor nation where they get other toys too
same with mirages
L and y
CdC or Duilio
It's the effectively the same, may as well grind British or Italian air rather than Swedish.
fuck off legoprodigy
but why?
Hey, can I get a quick recipe for a pipe bomb? Thanks
check the r/warthunder megathread
All the Gripens in the game are equal. If you go for Sweden you get to play the exclusive modern ones when they get added.
Irl however the Swedish Gripen is confirmed by both a AF pilot and a high rank executive to be able to give 12Gs on demand and even disable all flight safeties (disable the G limiter, overclock the engine, etc) and probably has more gigaclassified radar features built for Sweden's infrastructure.
wish i rolled that lucky missile that ignores flares at least once in my life
Duilio is ever so slightly worse but can at least in theory get a 5.7 downtier. CdC probably isn’t worth the extra 0.3 br, doesn’t measure up well to other 7.0s. They found that unfinished Italian rough QE equivalent in the files, so that might be coming this update, though I doubt it will be all that great at 7.0 either.
It's a string of random letters and a name at the end, l s
>Caracolo (or whatever)
looking like a pretty cool patch
6 amraams or 4 amraams with 2 aim9m?
If this gets to the live server, nothing short of the Su-35S is going to be a sufficiently competent counter. The F-15E with the upgraded engines is quite literally peak of "conventional" Gen 4, aka no meme triangles or thrust vectoring, and it's not even close. Meme triangles are already in the game and would be a decent match to it so the nations that never made one need TVC to compete.
classic circle of powercreep
they'll nerf it once people spend to rush it
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Raytracing is nice and all but what we really need is shadows on clouds
why yes i would love another graphics setting that marginally increases fidelity while causing lots of lag and wasting dev time
Begone metanigger
idk but i dont see your application so.

welcome to the club
>b-b-but you dont understand how can I appreciate the game without staring at clouds and seeing the ground deformation for my tracks
kill yourself
Think Smin said ask update everyone was getting a new top tier before the year ended. Bongs are getting a bit shafted but what else is new. I’d imagine we will be getting treaty ships shortly, next year probably, not a crazy amount left to add otherwise outside incomplete stuff like Tosa or 1920 SoDak. Pretty happy to see that finally happen, just hope they change those standard battleship reloads now that they accepted a report so I can stop hearing how bad my favorite ships are.
what's the point of the upgraded hull armor of the 2a7 if anything can slice through it from the front anyway?
because in real life not everyone is firing top tier rounds or knife fighting at 50m
7.0/7.3 is consistently downtiers due to the 6.7 black hole of the US and german 6.7 lineups that everyone plays.
Yes, exactly.
Ohka on japanese tree when?
uhm sweetie think of balans okay??????? ignore the captured exemplars in the currnt thing proving that soviet era is literal rubber or you're racist okay??????????
Where's the F-18 going in the US tree? After F-14?
>its another episode of useless niggers waste SP on le funneh pe-8 big bomb memes and we lose
niggers there are jets, you aren't even going to get to the battlefield
ok I want to take the bush pill
are any of them recommended?
I'm not going to buy all of them
There isn't, if you are getting shot in the hull you're doing something wrong and no armor will save you
yes it will go in the naval line
The air battle team sizes are pretty small on dev. Please tell me it'll be the same for live
Probably after the AV-8B Plus, the Naval fighter line is gonna be plenty full after the F-14D is added as is and there's a solid argument to be made that the F/A-18 is as much of an attacker as it is a fighter (it's literally in the name for one).
be an artist anon
just a happy lil accident here and there
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I suggest these 6 because they are more subdued
I’m a Jeb! guy personally, but Dubya is a riot and H.W. was a really under appreciated evil mastermind, far better at it than Cheney ever was
Post your current SL grinding soundtrack
raytracing is faster to implement than baked lighting retard
Foliage tree type A-E which are in the first row of bushes are the best bang for your buck since they look the closest to most foliage on maps, and have decent coverage. If you're just trying to go for maximum coverage buy most of the type A's of each set since they're usually the largest of each set.
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There can be no "baked lighting" in a game with a day-night cycle, it's completely unviable outside linear games/static open worlds.
american football
RT is the fastest and easiest to implement, you literally just drag in your light sources and the RT takes care of everything
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brand of pig
will never stoop this low
Why not allow sams in air rb?
If cas can ruin ground modes, why not have ground ruin air modes?
Except RT in WT is the 2019 definition of "RT" aka JUST reflections, shadows and global illumination on top of an existing non-RT lighting engine. The game looks virtually identical with it on and off aside from those things, just like Control, Cybercuck, etc. The REAL RT (Minecraft RTX, Quake 2 RTX, Portal RTX, etc) that's easy to implement you're talking about COMPLETELY replaces the game's lighting and transforms how it looks from the ground up.
I only play ground arcade, go nuts
>immediately recognize tank because of front plate and barrel
>shoot turret cheek as usual
>acquire free kill
>Weapons hanging at an exhibition are not 100% proof, especially on a grounded plane or helicopter. Your second picture proves the opposite.
>Integrated with more references and forwarded
Should’ve had a Chinese name
Play ground cado, laugh at ULQ and bush niggers.
ideally having a mixed mode would be the shit
like how air rb and ground rb tunisia map is the same
good, get fucked for trying to pass fake info
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how did I do?
broccoli hair'd it
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why is this shit at 9,3
How is the Freccia now that Spikes seem actually able to get kills? I haven't used it since it was initially brought into the game.
Everyone used the Maxim, no one cares about the bongs.
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>gook in a krok squadron tracks my planes through clouds and I only see him after he starts firing half a kilometer away despite max crew stats and radar not picking him up long before I was in the area
>putting decorative plants on your tank
Didn't realise there were so many horticulturalists on /wtg/
I don't see much difference. If Spike hits properly, it will delete the enemy. The problem I had with Spikes, is that they seemingly magnetize to irrelevant/strongest parts of the vehicle.
Nonetheless Freccia will get commander thermals and 2 more missiles next update.
mutts still fall for this when peeking over hills
>maybe I'll play some GRB today
>remember CAS
what's the difference between rb75t and agm-65g?
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what am i looking at
and what does any of that mean?
use the guided weapon spreadsheet and compare the AGM65D / G to figure out the difference between them
Might as well try to bush a Maus
you're asking for a beating retard
A deception presented for the enemy from behind the cover.
i don't know what that tank is
are you hiding an atgm or something
I'm guessing the enemy shoots at the bush, which are covering absolutely nothing instead of the turret and then proceed to get fucked because their gorillion years reload
how rude of you
The game sure likes to crash a lot with raytracing
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adulterated kino
Rock the csaba rock the csaba

Brit bros we're so back
Leo2k. It's the autocannon.
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>abysmal state of russian top tier A2A
Try playing Germany
ukrainian tech tree with all the shit that was donated to it when
can't be worse than isreaeli tree
Niggle me this.
If ESS doesn't block thermals, why smoke from a burning wreckage does?
I'll take a phagtom (only very slightly worse FM than the Su-27, WAY better FM than the Su-34) with 4 SPAMRAAMS over any of the 12.7-13.7 Russian fighters any day of the week.
souls of dead tankmen weep and block thermals
Are the R-77s that bad?
File deleted.
>waaah CAS is bad
>waaah artillery is bad
>waaah buff America
>waaah german players
>always plays meme vehicles and leaves after one death
why people keep watching this nigger
there is no more handheld nation than russia
at 10.3 grb maybe
anything else hard no
they are the worst fox3 and russia has the worst top tier flight models and radars, just a bad experience overall
the nation you personally dislike is the most handheld
Their retardedly high drag at all speeds (it's only supposed to be high at transonic speeds) straight out of mutt powerfantasies would only be a minor issue if they were actually competent at WVR where said drag wouldn't matter much, but their FMs are so much of a joke that they just don't have ANY strengths whatsoever.
>their FMs
the planes' FMs*
nvm i like this lttle goblin now
Talismanned the SMS Baden, was it a mistake?
Russia = Good Ground Top Tier
USA = Good Air the whole TT
Somalia = Best of everything
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I wholeheartedly agree russian tanks are beyond absurd
>milimetric weakspot
>impenetrable hull
>insane acceleration
>dart with aphe damage
>free autoloader spall liner
the only downside is the reverse speed of the t90
His stats are abysmal dogshit especially with the hstvl which is his favorite shitbox. 54% in grb and 55% arb with 28k battles. Like most jewtubers in this game they cherrypick footage that makes them look like godtier players when they're no better than the average shitter that plays this game, and then bad players worship them when they only see biased gameplay of 1-2 matches with retarded enemies out of the dozens of recorded ones where they're getting the shit beat out of them by actually good players.
Don’t know why you’d do that over Scharnhorst, and Germany is a tree that doesn’t have much to add over what it already has so a talisman is lower value relative to other trees for research.
naval is full paper mode so they'll add a ton of shit don't worry
I don't have the Scharnhorst, but planning on using the Baden to research it when I'm higher up the tree.
>>insane acceleration
That's only the t-80, you haven't actually played Russian tanks.
>what is the finnish line
Doesn't have t-90 or toptier versions of the t-72
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Why are the Chinese so based
>t80 but slower
damn the horror
Also easier to kill, but somehow still at same br as Leopard 2/Swegard 2 which is always the best tank in every match its in.
>Also easier to kill
terminally wrong
>9x SPAA
>6x KH38
spaa win again
will it get better when i unlock the dogfight sparrow version
why didnt you just get an Eugen or Karlsruhe
the research penalty for tier VI is a bitch but as long as they dont dump anything between Derfflinger and Scharnhorst its not that bad a grind, especially with one or two premiums
depends on your radar
assuming you're flying the US F-4E, it goes from unusable to niche because the radar still can't deal with ground clutter at all
Depending on the map it can be worth taking 1 or 2 but they are still heavy ass mfers so not always
if you're in a plane with PD radar its a bit different, they're pretty useful but your competitors may outrange you with their SARHs so they won't be amazing
That still only gives H-39 and maybe a 15” Gneisenau unless they decide they don’t even need contract plans or work started on a ship anymore. Which is honestly still probably better than what Cold War naval would end up being but at that point I don’t even know how you’d gauge future tree power levels if every napkin is on the table.
Then it’s a better investment than Nassau but be warned Bayerns really aren’t anything special
3 of those SPAA cant even reach it
Dooes improved optics module even do anything in grb?
supposedly lower the odds of having your binos/crosshair on target but getting a 30s penalty for making false reports
does anyone even use commander thermals
sometimes when theres opportunity to shoot over obstacles with autocannons
Olifant commander thermals are god-tier in simulator
But the philippines aren't even in the game?
Yeah, they usually have a wider FOV and let me see over hills without exposing myself completely.
I don't want to feel obligated to play to make the most out of premium
I'm playing the game, not the other way around
Also fuck giving >anton money
realistic should force you to use a gunner sight
flip peashooter in the mutt tree
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>comes into 4km range
>ammo racks you
same for arcade since it gives you the hitmarker anyway but looks cooler like that
Around what BR do aircraft start getting RWR?
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remember when bushes were destructible?
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why can't we have cv90 at 8.7?
because we had one at 8.3
and germutts didn't like it
so now they're all grossly overtiered
Anon you could have bitched about basically anything else about him but you picked the one thing that doesn't matter?
I use them all the time except basically none of my tanks have them.
I think I like the Russian tanks more in how they look than how they play. Especially at top tier with their dark blue/black skins. Chinese tanks dont look as good imo despite being essentially half Russian themselves.
Also the German WW2 tanks like Panzer 3/4 and Tiger 1 are imo peak tank aesthetics.
What about yours?
Why did they turn that setting off?
And this fag's opinions weighs 10x more than everyone else because a bunch of nigger brained zoomers eat up everything he says
The Pershing and the myriad heavy tank prototypes derived from it are probably my favorite looking tanks
Bushniggers paid for their cheats so you shouldn't be allowed to destroy them :^)
Lmao they turned that off ? Fucking based
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Peak tank design
This feels like the welded some tracks onto a bank safe and put a cannon un the place of the lock
Based isn't it
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You are the wrongest man ever
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so have anyone ever do this in game?
even in the sim mode?
Who are you quoting?
Yes GRB still uses arcade spotting, so at extreme distances a tank might not render if it just drove into a visible area from cover. It's worth getting it and and getting the keen vision crew skill if you play scouts on that crewslot a lot.
Aside from more weapons, how is the F-15E different from the F-15C we already have?
Will the F-15E be the new dominant fighter?
the mutt one is slightly heavier
the kike one is slightly heavier but has far far FAR better engines that make it a complete and utter UFO
Do what?
No radar differences?
why are brimstones so gimped?
because they'd be beyond broken if implemented correctly, you'd ripple fire them in the general direction of the map and collect free kills and teamkills without any counterplay (not even smoke)
Russia is losing in ukraine
and? that's how the missile behaves irl
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because gaijin is too retarded to make smoke at rank 7+ stop MW radars
the actual reason is russia never made a MW guided missile ))))
>current thing out of nowhere
behead all /pol/turds
>that shitty map with hills and a fuckton of fog in arb
>suddenly plane starts pulling down extremely hard like if i slammed W
>slam into ground
Last patch I read that some leaker said there was eurofighter stuff confirmed for the december patch.
Is there anything new about that?
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>ticks off frogs
>be attacker
>attack ground targets
>fighter shows up
>I turn
>he lawndarts
what was the idea?
How do i use the 8.0 german missile carriers ? Looks fun but i just eat shit 90% of the time because i get shot before my missile can do anything
>shot down by F-16AM
>it was real in my mind
why can't ground units have the big version of the map where the plane and helicopter spawns are displayed?
mental illness
If the su 57 is added, russia could lose more than actually exist in a single match
Think about that
yes but in war thunder only russia is allowed to do things like this please understand
but they could use the data for the Su-57M (late)
must be very lucky for it to be 25 su57s in a single match
russians stopped trying to even pretend su-57 is supposed to be stealth fighter and are using it to just launch cruise missles from safe distances
name one russian missile that's fully autonomous (can be launched without a lock and still find and hit a target) and ignores smoke currently in the game
Because the paypigs cried too much
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CV9050 with Spikes and Akerons soon
based paypigs
if you are a freeloader your opinion doesn't matter
reminder that both yf 22 and yf 23 will cost $99 each
i call /k/ope
seriously what happened
two sides of the same shit coin
the tried and realised 80% of playerbase wouldn't be able to play anymore on their 2006 laptops so they dropped it
is you dumb ass reading relative and not making use of the one thing it is most useful for, are you retarded? the thing tried to warned you and you ignored it, idiot
the fuck are you talking about
then why are they adding RT which only like 30% of the playerbase can use at all
anton's goals are beyond our comprehension
retard interpreted relative altitude reading in level flight as a descent instead of terrain elevation...
they looked at the long list of outstanding issues and picked RTX from the 'shit nobody asked for' list instead
literally said my plane started pulling down
like physically see the fucking plane point fucking down
absolute retard buffoon of a nigger faggot
rtx is option that nobody will enable but making change that will be forced upon players like entire game engine update is no go
Isn't that also the way f-35s operate?
just admit you flew into it, you little retard
i dont know which is funnier
i did not
my controls went wild and it could be corrected to level flight by pressing S
i tried alt-tabbing because that fixes stuck controls sometimes but it was too late
stop being wrong and absolute nigger of a nuisance now?
Is j35a any good?
I dont know which is worse having no flare at 9.7
or the XS that only has 12 flares in 11.3
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You guys ready to launch cruise missles?
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>mouthbreathing retards overhyping a fucking GNSS guided bomb that won't have any use outside of air sim
make it stop
packet loss
fun fact if you turn upside down you will go up
If you're using chat to, say, ask a question and try to type W just a millisecond too soon it'll read it as control instead of chat input and get stuck until you close the chat and press W again.
right think that's exactly what happened
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F8F is the most handheld shit I have ever played and I say this as someone with aced crews for 190d13/frog yak/prem zero
Why does the Su-34 have a giant buttplug in its ass?
Are Russians gay?
It's not. It's just not artificially nerfed like like most American planes.
>Are Russians gay?
don't read what says on the rudders
yup hes out of school
neet, what day is it?
If you’re good and have high K/Ds you should be able to consistently carry the biggest retards on your team unless you’re sitting in a corner like a faggot not playing the objective. You can win and also have high K/Ds it’s not hard plus the pay out is higher if you try to win instead of just going only for kills.
mentally retarded need schooling every day
wednesday I think
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>when the game is not giving me bad RNG
update when?
What's the best lineup to complement the 122?
wednesday at the earliest
how do you reach top tier without knowing that for yourself?
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tuesday at the latest
>top tier
its 2.7 retard
strv 122 is top tier you ape, why would anyone be asking for a 2.7 lineup you don't even have to make choice, just use the highest br vehicles you have available at that point
>chinks and russpiggies collaborating in their respective shit games
It's like a match made in hell, Thankfully it's not real.
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imagine if gaijin could design maps
they don't, they outsource it like they do everything else
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What are you talking about? You mean you don't love fighting in small boxes that have both spawns within viewing distance of each other?
the same reason you can stand behind an exhaust and not burn to death but you will when you're in front of a flaming tank
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maybe this?
But did you know firefighters use thermal cameras to find victims of fires?
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tank smokes use special chemicals to block thermals ess is just "regular" smoke
who should I believe?
kek the match will be over by the time it lands
I meant the burning wreckage smoke, anon. I am familiar with the concept of visual infrared smoke screens used by modern discharges.
So when someone brings their Puma into toptier and pops smokes I should be able to still see and kill the rat bastard?
in reality yea probably but ingame vehicle smoke doesn't have different properties depending on which vehicle its on
no i love them how they are please dont make them any smaller im sorry for questioning your dogshit
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>change from EU to USA server
>enjoyment increases immediately

It depends on relative speeds, headings, and altitude. Your radar estimates the no-escape zone where the opponent shouldn't able to escape by simply going cold.
Depends on what the Puma used as smoke, really. If it's based on red phosphorous, like many smoke grenades, it would do reasonably decent job at blocking/obscuring IR radiation, even if somewhat worse than modern VIRSS specifically designed for that purpose with brass particles and whatnot.
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>switch from NA servers to SA servers
>suddenly match is full of german mains with names like pedro gonzalez
what's getting nerfed on the leopards?
gun depression so it no longer clips into the engine deck
bf 109 g14/k4 gun pods yay or nay?
30mm or 20mm?
gunpods are just preference but always take the 20mm over the 30mm
The fullback will, marginally, improve the state of russian top tier A2A. Have you tried using the 27 and 27SM's radar? It's often impossible to actually acquire a BVR lock with TWS for the R-77's since the radar refreshes so slowly that the radar track can be up to 8 seconds out of date and the target isn't actually there anymore. The 27 and 27SM will only have an advantage over the the 34 for close range knife fights thanks to their HMD for R-73 hobs shots, but it's not like that matters since the 27's flight model has been kneecapped so hard that it auto-loses in close quarters combat to everyone anyway.
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I am fucking grinding as much as I can to buy as much shit as possible while sales last
is the 34s radar PESA?
>Are the R-77s that bad?
Yes. They are atrocious.
Depends. Sometimes they have more convenient fields of view, magnification levels, or a better vantage point than the gun thermals.
So you admit that, by your standards, muttston single handedly boosts the winrate of his American teammates by over 20%?
>yes but in war thunder only russia is allowed to do things like this please understand
>implying russia has that
They don't even have their fucking thermal pods.
>Enforced full ammo loads for accuracy
>Enforced forward gun traversal in order to reload gun
>Enforced gunner sight instead of barrel sight
>Enforced turret traversal in order to replenish first stage ammo
>A zillion other realism inaccuracies that still need to be implemented
It's supposed to have a rearward facing radar. or was meant to have one but the plan got scrapped. There's too much russia-bad monke screaming about any kind of russian equipment discussion that I can't be bothered to figure out what's true and what's just screeching.
we'll get to those right after we finish the bomber cockpits
Nice so sometime after Star Citizen comes out?
babies first schizo posting
it's the same guy who spammed the app&iphone nonsense
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I hate how true this is
Any good resources for new players?
don't play
How about we start with removing the option to hide foliage when aiming and force long rendering distances?
run. We're here forever. You can still save yourself.

"Tim's variety" youtube channel has some of the best guides for explaining things like radar and missile mechanics.
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Just add physical gun barrel and see all the CQC faggots SEETHE to death.
Uninstall and thank yourself later.
>posting like driving the T-35
All me btw.
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whats better as an actual fighter
G.55S or the swigger meme
both are good but the pyorremyrsky's br is more favourable
G55 is my second plane of choice for grinding SL
How's f-4e in its current br range? Thinking about talismaning it
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ourguy just got a 32 kill game
what's your kill record, anon?
>another russian cas bus with overpowered missiles
>best non russian spaa can only reach 12km maximum
if this isn't blatant russian bias idk what it is
>overpowered missiles
move behind cover once for 38s and move 50 meters for groms
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is the devserver up?
>tanks are nerfed shit
>air is nerfed shit
all they have currently is good cas and good anti-air
need anything?
did they update the horrendously outdated afterburner textures on the MiG-19? also wondering if they made the SPO-15 RWR illuminate properly in the Su-25's cockpit, which i can't even test in the live server because it either can't see the test drive ADATS' radar or the ADATS isn't even trying to lock it
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Which one of you fags did this, fucking kek
still have 7k ge left and dunno what to buy
what are some really fun high tier premiums
>high tier
those are mutually exclusive terms
Oy vey
>players with a dark/black skin color
all 3 of them
war thunder is white man's game
Buy a talisman for a top tier vehicle?
nah fuck off with that clickbait trash
such a fat ass plane, can't believe that thing is a catapult aircraft
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>This isn't a joke BTW, I want to completely destroy the unwarranted credibility of that pseudointellectual furfaggot.

Same, mostly because I enjoy schadenfreude and I'm jealous I couldn't make it
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as for radar shit, no idea
those look WAY better than they do now, glad to see it only took them nearly 6 years
didn't mean top tier, like rank 5-7 maybe
did a little test flight with the 10.7 su25 and (what i think is) the RWR does light up when flying around the SPAA on the test map
more chinkslop in my slavshit game
>Enforced gunner sight instead of barrel sight
Please. And also remove the hit camera.
It would make me so happy. Like, unironically.
Just play sim
>gets friendly fired because retards can't IFF the 234 series of vehicles
remove all the copy pastes and I will
Skill issue
There is no fucking sim. We had sim. Then they removed this and replace it with this lobotomized event system.
And I play sim sometimes, but when it gives me a fucking Rhein or Breslau or whatever the fuck arcade map, I just leave.
>buy F11F
>get outsped by a fucking sabre
what the hell is this shit, not only is the tiger pretty fast for it's own br but i know sabres are slow planes
i fucking hate niggers
get fucked paypiggy
It's a mediocre plane that can barely get supersonic most of the time with low ammo and shit turn time. You should've bought the skyray instead since it's better in most situations.
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i went into localhost:8111 and it looks like he was spamming Unix newlines to clear chat
lol wait i didn't even see the actual F11F in the game and assumed he typo'd the f-111F
just checked it myself and i can confirm that the SPO-15 in the Su-25 (and even the SPO-10 in the MiG-21SMT) light up properly, very nice.
What prompted this meme? Has there been a recent proposed change for the cats?
Anyone with a scroll wheel would just scroll up and find out who typed it. I'll laugh if he gets chatbanned for it.
i got it because it looks cool
i didnt fork a cent, i just sold the irancat
read the thread retard
They reduced gun depression at certain rear angles.
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if you turn the turret too far it jumps up, presumably to clear the engine deck
just 90 degrees or so but it jumps pretty high
i assume thats what they're mad about
The engine area obstructs the gun way more than before in exchange for more gun depression where it isn't obstructed. Part of a larger ongoing update to gun depression on vehicles.
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Gaijin doesnt want you to see this
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The game needs more Swedish mental insanity
uhhh there's no way to get a refund for planes i bought on the gaijin market is there?
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Gajin cannot even make wet decals work properly.
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No. You redeem and you're stuck with it. Do not redeem unless you really want a vehicle after you buy it.
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Bofors TRINITY to replace the VEAK when?
10 kills in air rb IIRC. It was with the German Yak 1B

Yes Pidor!

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