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[Your edition here] edition

Previous thread:>>499939173

>Official site

>Fan created content (custom skins, weapon sights, sounds and localizations)

>Wiki with info on tech trees, weapon systems and game mechanics

>Guides to Air and Ground battles + MEC

>Guides on AAM's, AGM's and radars

>Guided weapons statistics

>What tanks have thermals and their generations

>Sale/Event calendar

>Devblog/update when?

>Content creator decal and discount datasheet

>Someone sending you runes?

Thread Theme:https://youtu.be/JBS3w5OknZo?si=_G6Ttebu7JzO4bII

Reminder: Even more sales, coming soon.
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i just peepee poopoo my pants...
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What's the most fun nation?
What's the most fun tank?
What's the most fun BR?
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>Best F-15 next patch is going be Israeli
>Best F-16 is going be Japanese
>Best F-18 is going be Swedish in December
Literally lmaoing at the state of mutts.
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Strf 9040D when?
hopefully never
Good stuff is wasted on them anyway. They have the worst fucking players
is the f18 actually coming
F-18 is basically confirmed, its retarded we don't have it yet truthfully.
The real question is if we're going get some kind of gimped Typhoon
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lots of swedenmobils to be added
every new addition has been copypaste
i hate gaijin
too many to pick, personal favorites include Brummbar, 10RC, MTCA, and anything with a 2pdr/american 37mm
try making more than cv90s
>>Best F-18 is going be Swedish in December
only if us is getting f/a-18A while Sweden gets Finnish f/a-18C
but even then US will eventually get not only f/a-18C but also f/a-18E
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Sweden made much more than cv90s
>amx m4
Finnish C F-18 is superior because of BOL pods and you're not getting any other variant F-18s for at least a year minimum.
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War Thunder has shown that American mains couldn't beat any other nation even if they had the best equipment. It's why for that same reason everyone now has to suffer the presence of Amerimutts in their teams.
dev update or are we gonna get a second one later?
yeah that's not getting added because it's 2 vehicles
Man i remember the days when you could actually shit on mutts all day while playing japs. Good times.
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increase your graphics settings retard, this does not happen for me
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It's one, just articulated
besides the churchill crocodile is already in the game
The churchill croc is a dinky little trailer that gets tossed around like it's not even there, and should be breaking most of the time people actually move it.
Usually they close this one within a day and open the second one either this weekend or the next one, depending on the circumstances.
Its an old webm, seems like it doesn't happen anymore indeed. Now eat my dick poorfag, i literally play max settings with a 4090
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Is it still good?
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No its Chinese
good in some situations
infuriating to play in others
the only reason it was "good" before was because it was an uncontested wheelgroid at like 8.3 or whatever it was.
"i said something retarded but i'm still le epic cool"
nta but please kill yourself
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Is there any hope for Japan? I want to get the Type 16 FPS and 74 G, but if all they're getting is Thailand than I don't see the point.
Ok Anton, now eat my dick
>you're not getting any other variant F-18s for at least a year minimum.
We're getting su-34 literally next update after su-24 so I wouldn't be sure
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Thai vehicles are only going be event ones
The subtree Japan will get will be Korean
trust the plan, keep the faith.
someone post the leak of SK going to USA and NK going to China
>still holding the korea to japan meme
pure delusion at this point
Yeah the same leaks thats been saying the Swiss F-18 was going to get added in every update for the past 3 ones right?
No? Stop huffing so much copium.
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post old leaks
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Strf 9040 reload speed doubled when?
Strf 9040 reload speed now nerfed
ty for patience
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You will be crying when Japan gets K2's, a T-80U and the T-84 as an event vehicle
thailand + malaysia + korea subtree will be my guess
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Help me pick two
amx or leo
shitsvagn is just unfun to play
1a5 and 30 super
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>You will be crying when Japan gets K2's, a T-80U and the T-84 as an event vehicle
You'll get vehicles from Thailand as confirmed and that's it.
>Gaijin adds leopards to France
>France still doesn't have a premium to grind said leopard
>Leopard 1A5N02
wtf since when is this a thing?
no japan will get a VT-4 and T-84 and start a nuclear chimpout by both russians and chinks
south east asia tree for japan would be funny
Nothing is confirmed about Japan only getting Thai vehicles. If Italy is constantly being given random Hungarian and Romanian stuff Japan can and will get Korean and Thai stuff. The Thai stuff in specific will only be event/premiums and squadron vehicles
what's something nice i can buy for 19 GJN?
>we'll get lots of foreign vehicles!!!!
that's not the flex you think it is you retarded weebs
premium time
what line is su34?
a gacha box key
remove crapan they never won a single war
how do i even buy that on the gaijin market?
yeah i was thinking about doing that
which one big man?
What subhuman non white language is this
You buy it normally but on the payment selection screen you cheese the golden GJN/account balance thing off to the left side.
is mig-23mla good for talisman?
pasta master race
Its fine but the mig 23ML isn't AMAZING anymore imo so i doubt that is if there's any difference at all and you get 12.7 uptiers, consider doing the 21bis
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>put pack sales on after GE sales so you can't use the GE you get from packs to buy GE Vehicles half price
Anton, I kneel.
that's what just about any business would do in this situation
i'm italian you swarthoid
>inb4 italians are not white
kill yourself mutt
also you didnt answer the question
Italians aren't white
It's Italian you fucking Mutt
remove germany they never won a single war
War games need cannon fodder
unfortunately i only have 19.66 so i can't get the 180 days deal, i wish i could sell the cases to get the last .34
why don't people buy them anyway?
remove italy they never won a single war
remove russia they never won a single war
whatever one has a camo you like because that's what you're getting
They won WW2 after they changed teams
america has won every war
>he thinks America won Vietnam
incoming piggy cope in 3...2...1...
unequivocally true (except vietnam)
remove the M1A1 aim and Click bait with no restitution
Vietnam is now an American satellite thanks to China
nothing but dogshit maps today
why is it not in the game?
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Vehicles for this feel?
and they don't mark down squadron vehicles or talismans just in case you already unlocked one :^)
German Sherman

I'm voting for harris btw
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>t. faggot
just wait two months
J-10AH when
J-10B when
J-10C when
J-10D when
J-10CE as paki squadron plane when
Magach 3
I'm voting for Lucifer Justin Case Everylove btw
hopefully never
how does one cope with not having an is-7
why do you care about having an is7
I try not to think about it.
it's everything a tank should be
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by having an Object 279 instead
how does one cope with not having an Object 279
By having the dogshit Chinesium SPG with a slightly better IS7 gun but no lineup.
Realistically, can Israel become a viable tree? What subtree could they possibly get?
I try not to think about it.
Its neighbors in near future
I remember the 3 degrees of gun depression, the reload times and how common APFSDS at that BR. I have the IS-6 though and that is great fun.
By buying the object 140 with 290mm pen APHE at 8.3. but it has such dogshit angle performance that the normal T-54 gun is probably better
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>he doesn't play China
i regret selling the BMD more than not bothering to grind either of those
they are missing a few WW2 era leftovers but they should honestly be an america subtree.
how does one cope with not having either
I try not to think about it.
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I regret not buying more of them when they were cheap. I still have the original coupon, but now it's worth so much I can't really justify redeeming it as I wouldn't play the thing enough.
How good is an IS-6, IS-4M and IS-3 line up?
I play all nations (except Isr*el)
to the anon who told me to spend my remaining GJN, i got nothing from them
still i'm happy with this, the dopamine rush was worth 100 times more the 40 days of premium i could have bought that would have had me stressing the whole time to try and get the most out of it
Only IS-6 has the magical armor
I've haven't seen any of these vehicles do very good in years.
How do I know which soviet shell is "the good one"? Do I stick to APHEBC? Or should I go with the one that has the highest angled performance?
You just go with the one that has the most caps on it. btw on the statcard uncapped shells will technically have "better" angle performance at point blank and it will fool you if you just look at that. But it quickly falls off.
Unless it's the 122mm, where the 412D shell that has more pen but worse angle performance and doesn't cross the overpressure threshold.
There's no hard guideline I think, it varies a bit depending on the gun.
Right, so stick to APCBC except for the 122 where APHEBC is the best?
finally having some fun in f-4e
dogfight sparrows are a fucking godsend compared to everything that it had before, very workable
I miss these so much, the only issue was that it was extremely hard to get kills since mutts died to the first enemy they encountered.
Better times.
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I am grinding chinese tree just to get their top tier jets
J-10, JF-17 look very fun
J-8 also seems like a sleeper
maybe, it's been a while since I properly looked and assumed he was talking about the T-34-85 since it was the only vehicle that came to my mind where it was an actual option between different uncapped vs capped on APHE.

I think it's basically just APHEBC all around looking at it. I don't think there's even an option with different guns anywhere else, mostly russians with different ammo instead of ammo types.
Unless it's the Maus, but the 12.8/8.8 shell should never really be considered.
Panther M10

I voted for putin last year btw))))
>since it was the only vehicle that came to my mind where it was an actual option between different uncapped vs capped on APHE.
There's multiple options on the 76 armed vehicles I think, but unlike the 85 on the T-34 both APHE shells have their use cases there.

>Unless it's the Maus, but the 12.8/8.8 shell should never really be considered.
Funnily enough the 8.8 is really important in some scenarios, like fighting IS-4Ms (or another Maus). But usually you're best of with the 128, yeah.
why do you need the 88mm shell for any of those targets when the 128 will do all the same things
The 88 sabot shell makes the hittable areas on the weakspots of those two tanks significantly larger. You don't really notice it in normal play as it doesn't happen often, but when those two tanks were resistant to bombs you always played 1vs1s with them in squadronbattles and the 88 sabot was incredibly helpful for that.
the maus "weakspot" insn't exactly small enough for 40mm of shell diameter to make a difference
It's not about the area, it's about the additional pen
can someone list me a bunch of OP tech tree us/germany planes?
need to blow off some steam
It's amazing.
>Be amerimutt
>have F-4S
>it has a pretty good radar that kicks the snot out of what its peers have and is competitive in uptiers
>it has very powerful Fox-1 missiles, and lots of them
>do they use these powerful tools to control the skies and wipe the floor with opponents that are stuck using shit like Meme-TI radar?
>no. They equip bombs and claim that sparrows are unusable trash
The spamraam harrier is hilariously strong.
Itpsv T-55 to 7.7 when?
but i don't have this as well
>APCR and SAPHE larping as API removed
ok to 8.0
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As much as I like my 279, the BMD is honestly more meta. It makes me think long and hard about whether or not I'm better off staying at BR 9.0 with the 279, or just uptiering to 9.3 with the BMD. On the one hand it's not that different in the 279 since most of its opponents got uptiered one step, but on the other staying at 9.0 means that you don't have paypig retards in 2S38 and TURMS on your team.
>keeps 40 rounds of apds
Leo is great. Constant downtiers too.
remove all planes from the game with no refunds
Plane game
found the theme of every ruschimp main ITT
I fucking hate this advice
>It's a heavy tank that should be played as a medium tank
So why tf dont I actually pick a medium tank to play instead of this slow ass big target?
>It' a medium tank that should flank and be played as a light tank
Why dont I just get a meme car or actual speed demon like the m18 over this pile of dogshit then that cant scout or move as fast as a light tank?
>camp one spot for 10 minutes
>get angry when you get bombed

Why are Sherman players like this?
>be cas nigger
>press spacebar
>get a free kill
I don't even remember which squadron vehicle I'm researching and I can't find it
Bearcats, P-51H, gunpod helldiver/sbd, gunpod stuka
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Should I bring the gunpod on the f5? The stock gun is horrible against jets, especially at this BR, but the gunpod kills my aerodynamics.
probably not its going to fuck up your speed retention and that's basically the only good thing about f5's

just hold down the trigger
>activate 75% booster
>enter rank III mutt list, mostly still stock and slow
>tall fuck M4A1 gets fucked from bad positioning after just a kill, tall, soft, hard to conceal, figures
>get in M6, just a big 76mm Sherman
>walking 37mm fire, point and clicking things with M61 shot, survive some admittedly badly misplaced fire
>get into a hulldown position an -CONNECTION TO THE SERVER WAS LOST-
>hangs for 30 seconds
>on reconnect, half the enemy team is spotted off to one corner and 6+ shots ping harmlessly off the turret
>effortlessly click & turret toss a KV in half that's tracked+turned 90 degrees in front of me somehow, end up with 4 tallies
>only die due to bigbrain Chi-Ha LG placing one on the front corner from extreme hulldown
>proceed to click a plane in overarmed underpowered P-400, win
discounting some truly wretched matches last time I touched the list, is this truly what amis have to complain about?
>turn on youtube
>120 kilometers!?!?!111!!!!!
>RUSSIAN BIAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>war thunder will NEVER be THE SAME
In what world are the groms anything other than perhaps a cheeky way to get a base kill every now and then? If the match doesn't fucking end before they crawl to the target?
>turn on canadian larping as euro
>crying about britain saffers
I dont touch tt anymore since fox3. Most boring ass shit Ive ever played.
Also high tier/tt is filled with lobotomized premium spammers and cheaters. Ill continue to stay at ww2 where the cas nigger has to actually do a bombing run.
So you're saying that you're one of those guys who doesn't know that the GROM will be completely useless vs any target that moves?
>activate booster
>suddenly 5 min queue time
and there are people telling me that it's confirmation bias
heli game
Get rid of the sicilians and you can be white again
Dont care, still wont l play anywhere near where nigger cas players can shoot you from 1km away.
>he doesn't play warthunder at all
why are all maps in this game literally dogshit? I have 4300hrs in the game but I wonder about this every now and then
because most of the maps ingame were designed for WWII shitboxes and not gokarts going 100km/h with LRFs and point & click darts
still, even then "maps" like alaska are shit at all BRs
Better question is why haven't the done something to outsource map design to the players? They could give map creators GJN-bucks.
>paying people with currency they could use on the market
You will get 2k GE for a map after a lengthy approval process and be happy.
>designed for WWII shitboxes
Then why do 80% of maps have a Cold War or modern theme?
My noob friend somehow still wants to play this hellhole. I thought he would've not gone past his first week.
Is there any modern equivalent to this video?
It's 5 years old now so a lot of the shit in it is outdated info, but some stuff like ammo differences and BRs explanations are good for a beginner
I can explain stuff to him here and there but I'd rather he just watch a video that covers almost everything and just ask me specific things
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Whoa whoa WHOA, You aren't trying to imply Gaijin makes bad maps, Right? Surely you wouldn't do something so unforgivably racist.
They pay GJN to the people that make vehicle models for them.
>also youtube
>F-117 pre-nerfed?!?!
>stealth fighter NO Stealth?!?!?
>video clip of F-117, with open bomb bay doors, being repeatedly shot down by pantsir when they try to drop at 4km
it hurts
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War thunder 2030
i bought an is7 coupon for like 100 goycoins on day1. Good old days when you could just farm enough game currency for a top premium tank in 8-10 hours.
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>absolute fucking braindead teammates.
>test drive mpk21451214123, that premium 4.3 shit boat
>damn these guns are cool and it looks like it has iglas that don't work sadly
>would be cool to buy for shits and giggles
>check price
come on man that shit is not worth 3k ge
closest thing you get to a working igla atm in shitty botes is the german cuckstall Bernau with precurser iglas
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they're probably the same missiles btw but a full BR lower
I played this recently and they added so much random shit that its actually pretty fun minus the inherent problems with 1 cap maps.
is it possible to set manual radar panning to a hotkey + mouse camera?
I did it... I bought an italian premium... what have I done
what vehicle did you buy
gajin themselves don't even make the maps that's the worst part, they outsource it to another team or some shit lmao
>jeets are literally making our maps
Ariete and OF-40
>gunpod stuka
tell me more
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post em
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>he bought for shitaly
did you start playing the game recently?
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Welcome aboard
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>7 chinese vehicles
>TWO spaded
I generally don't spade vehicles. I never buy brakes on tanks.
the point is not playing CHINA
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>there are savages who don't spade their vehicles as they play them
>they don't grind out all the camouflage
>no marks of distinction?
animals, truly
called buying premiums and grinding out the whole tree
I'll go back and spade those vehicles, promis
Yeah I'm not wasting my time on sub 7.0 trash, I already had enough the first time.
how do you justify this spam being funny this time
back to plebbit pidor
The Ju 87 D-5 has two options for gunpods: 4x20mms or 12x7.92s on top of the 2x20mms the plane comes with.
A gamer of excellent quality and distinctive taste has posted in this thread.
sort of yeah (also i don't play ground, so basically cuts the number in half)
>i don't play ground
wise, ground is pure sweat.
I actually like ground, but I can only truly relax and turn my brain off when I play air
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>buying premiums to skip things instead of to have additional fun things in lineups you already like
sovless beast
No i already play soviets and US, i don't want to grind that again.
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>additional fun things in lineups you already like
Gets tiresome after doing it for the thousandth time
I played both and did it again pidor
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what motivated you to grind through the endless copy and paste slop
I will spade most tanks but I fucking hate low tier air
Let me skip to rank 3 at least
not OP, but M60 is my favorite tanks, and Jews have the best variants
though now A3 is close second
>and Jews have the best variants
why? different dart? they all play the exact same
I like the Merkavas because I played ArmA 3, I like the M60s because I think they're neat and I like the Ayit because 7 guided munitions at what used to be 9.3 are good at reminding mudsuckers this is a plane game.
I hope you are all prepared to grind for the sabra
I like the merkavas too but I cant stand the grind, rank 6 is full of copy paste stuff i cant stomach
I didn't stomach it, bought the Merkava Mk.2D and the premium A-4 as soon as they were on sale, then played my favorites. I also talismaned the other 2 early Merkavas because I believe they used to be at the same BR and were dirt cheap to talisman.
While it isn't one of my priorities it's one of the top M60s so I'll do it and spade it hopefully before 2025.
Way better optics, way better dart, marginally better armor.
My body is ready. It will be my first tank to get, along French Leopard.
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I cracked the code. After reading some youtube commentsk, I figured out why people are freaking out about the Grom so much. It seems like a lot of american mains are imagining the following nightmare:
>queue up for air RB
>spawn my air superiority fighter with maximum bomb load
>ping base during takeoff to let everyone know that it is MINE
>fly at it at full speed.
>almost ready to drop
>wait, what's that?!?!
>the GROM cruise missile killed MY BASE before I could get there first
>Russian bias!!!! NOT FAIR!!!!!
They don't realize that a fighter flying directly at a base full burn at supersonic speeds is faster than a glide bomb drifting to the base over the course of 10 minutes.
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Made me giggle
Of course mutts would be mad that someone is stealing the bases they rightfully claimed on their handcrushing fighters.
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I want to grind Israel, but I feel like I'd be better off slapping an Israeli flag on American tanks.
I enjoy night battles with soviet tanks, specially those that don't have thermals. Yes they are worse but the IR spotlight is cool and I feel like it never got it's time to shine.
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I know. I'll probably never be able to get the Turan II and Zrinyi I.
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>mfw I am thinking about getting the battle pass JUST FOR THE 33% CHANCE I GET THE TOLDI
do you use gen 1 thermals? they're so bad i'd rather not but seems like it's still an advantage
The thing is that it won't steal their bases. It's the mig-25 all over again. The americans are seeing russian equipment, imagining that it is something better than it is, and then shitting and farting in rage.

We can already make safer long range attacks against bases by toss-dropping our bombs with the CCRP computer. However it takes a while for the bombs to reach the target. Someone flying full burn to a base will beat you there every time. The grom is just a more advanced version of that same kind of long range safe but slow attack. The groms might be slow enough to kill the base the 2nd time after it eventually respawns.
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i will never recover from missing out on these
I think the concern is mostly from ground players who don’t understand air dropped munitions and just see a very big number, then compare it to the much smaller one on their spaa. Youtubeman then sees this generates engagement and feeds into it to make a quick buck, making the problem worse
You use them for spotting. Spot a white dot, change to normal to aim precisely.
im grooooooming
last day of pig guys
and final impulse purchase?
VT4A1 and a Talisman for it, that was mine at least
Wanted to buy the AMX30 Super and the VBCI but I couldnt bring myself to it
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Ideological reasons and wanting to play something most people don't. I actually like rank IV, before it turns into Unlimited Magach Works. If only Gaijin weren't so fucking lazy.
feeling too lazy to think about it
maybe i'll feel like it on christmas
Yeah I didn't really expect a boosted bomb to go too fast, it's a bomb after all.
>wanting to play something most people don't
USA is rather popular, no?
Last day? We're getting more sales of a different flavor soon.
when I play wyvern I just dive down and beeline for the base at treecutting height
I dont even ping or caring about other ping cause I'm the fastest
then if I'm on my slow bomber I just turn 90 degree and sideclimb to the edge of the map and climb until base respawn to bomb them
then I come down to let enemy kill me afterward
sometime I will ask the enemies nicely in chat that let me bomb bases and will come down so no one have to waste their time climbing to me for 5 mins
I fucking REMEMBER when this came out. I REMEMBER everyone saying it was dog shit just another T-72 and a meme cannon on top. I REMEMBER people HERE saying it would NEVER be worth more than $30
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Yeah, there's a lot of trhose too.
>OMG it outranges my SPAAG
>If they launch the grom straight up then it comes down with a high angle of attack and therefore I can't lock it on radar and shoot the missile down!!!!1!
ok. So they launch the missile from 100km away or straight up. This glide bomb will reach you in ten minutes. The match might very well be OVER by then without you needing to even lift a finger to defend yourself. Alternatively you'll be safe if you just drive a dozen meters in any direction sometime within the next ten minutes. Literally just don't camp in the same spot forever.

This is like introductory complaints about CAS munitions from people that have never once flown CAS.

I think that the weapon will have its uses, but it won't do shit for the meta. Bases don't really get killed that much in actual top tier battles since the Fox-3 spam tends to shred the base bombers apart. But the groms should be able to reliably drift through the fox-3 hell and kill a base.

Will that matter? Is that OP? No. Killing bases doesn't accomplish anything, and I'm hurting my team since I'm not helping win the air battle. But it will make the "destroy bases" daily a bit easier. I think that's going to be the extent of the Grom's impact on the game: making the "destroys bases" daily a bit more trivial.

I don't play sim battles. Maybe it might matter more there. But redfor looks like it is being so completely screwed in sim that I don't think groms will make a bit of a difference. Even if it helps with killing bases, I suspect GBU-39s vs simulator NPC targets will have an even larger impact in blue team's favor.
how did I do?
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Which of these deserve talisman(s)
man i lost spending 40 minutes is crew lock because I keep getting the same winter map over and over
If you take a plane you don't own into test flight, does it automatically default to basic crew qualification?
Yes, you need to have it in the crewed and in your active line up for it to get crew skills.
>Ideological reasons
oy vey
MBT2K and ZBD04A, all the others suck besides the ZLT-11
Thanks. Explains why every plane I test flies like shit. Pretty lame, though. Not much of a test when I'd never fly a basic anything in a match.
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7.7 China and Sweden do not get enough LRF
caring about stats is one way to make the experience of playing this game miserable
I only have fun when I'm winning.
Whoa, do you also have UK tree maxed and spaded by chance?!
I rarely have fun even then
Somehow i feel like mutts will say the datalink walleyes and similar man-in-loop stuff are fair and balans when they are added next big update since it was leaked that dagor will support picture in picture
my only researched and spaded vehicle is the M1A1 Click Bait actually
You can still get the dakimakuras.
to you pig bush niggers
do you put bushes on every tanks you have?
or only some sniper long range TD type of tanks?
literally every single one
On most, especially on ones that benefit from hiding the weak spots (Jumbo mg port, Maus turret cheeks). Not really on light vehicles where it doesn't matter where they hit you because it will pen the same.
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>finally get to 7.7 France
>have Somua SM
>France starting to get Benelux vehicles even if it's just Leo2s and a Squad CV so far
>desire to buy up France premiums rising
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seven seven is kino
only French premium I had was FL10, rest is honest play, that's how much fun it is
But that would mean playing with *m*r*c*ns
Got the 288 for the sc2500s. I will be greatly disappointed if they don't make it off dev server.
if the 288 is getting 2500s, might we see the beginning of full proliferation of German niggerbombs that are as yet missing?
even today there is still a blackhole in arb 6.0 cause of 288 nigger
i dont think it can go any higher
wait wtf lol I hope this happens
Oh I have no interest in ARB. I want to bomb tanks with 70m effect bombs.

I think a ton of the other 5.x-6.x planes should be able to equip them. I dunno about anything larger tho.

Oh yeah, the B-17 is going to be able to equip two 4,000 pounders, but that's still small potatoes.
>and final impulse purchase?
I think the only GE premiums that might be useful for me are Wolfpack or T-80UD. I'm thinking about putting together a 10.7 lineup for russia, but I don't think that I need the 80UD since I already have TURMS, Moderna, and Object 292.

Wolfpack might help with grinding USA, but I already have KVT and don't really feel the need for it.
to my knowledge, the 2500
>should be able to go on most or almost all of the medium bomber line wingboard, 217s internally
the SC 1800
>same as above
>can also be carried by the Stuka D, Fw 190 G, Me-410 underfuselage
and SC 1000
>fits in the Me 410 bomb bay standard

it can go lower than 5.x
I bet the Thai Matador Harrier will be pack premium
I don't understand why people are freaking out so much about the Su-34 being able to carry a bunch of 27ETs. It was always the inferior, but nichely useful, brother to the 27ER. You take a few 27ETs because you have so many hardpoints that you can afford to carry a few niche missiles. You never wanted to carry a bunch of them.
do you mean Kh-38MT's?
I don't think I've seen a single post talking about it having R-27ET's
No. They Kh-38's are legitimately great and one of the few nice things russia has gotten within recent memory. I've seen people in youtube comments and on the forums freaking out that being able to carry a bucket of R-27ETs is some kind of new russian bias and it just makes me wonder if they don't know how to control their radar or something?
To add, it was more common a few days ago before everyone started shidding and farding over the groms. Which is weird because groms will be dogshit in ground RB but Kh38s on a platform better than a fucking frogfoot will very much be felt in ground RB.
What can they carry in game? It's 8 IRL or something
So is this the best time to buy some premium time, like the 90 days? Im a cheap bastard and dont like to give them money
I think eight 27ETs if you really wanted to ET max. If you're asking about the kh38, I think it can carry six simultaneously.

Yes it's the best time, but the best value is buying the year of time. Halfassing it with 90 day chunks is how you give them more money in the long run.
Fair but I wont be playing much after 3 months anyway so it works out.
If you know that your play schedule is going to look like that, then you're correct. I just know a lot of people who pay a whole fucking lot of money by trying to be cheap. I'm not even talking about premium time. Just buying things in ones and twos when they know that they'll want a bunch in the long term, etc.
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Teams at 9.3 are making me want to rip my eyes off.
Literally leaving me to fend off 5 or more people because everyone died in the first merge.
And I don't even have missiles, flares, access to belts of any kind or an engine capable of going supersonic.
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Is the A7M1 worth buying?
I don't like the regular one because of its ten hour roll time and slow speed, and the 1 is even slower
I feel similar about top tier. Most players don't even make much of an attempt at defensive flying. They mostly just merge and fling a shit ton of fox-3s everywhere. God I wish that they'd just give us RB EC again. Bigger maps, players spread out across larger areas so that we might actually get some 1v1 action, reasons to diversify our loadouts with some multirole potential, etc. I'm tired of knife fighting in phone booths. But I don't want to play with sim controls.
of course not
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My plane excels at knife fighting but there's only so much I can do when I'm rate fighting 3 people while also trying to pull an immelmann against another 2. Of course by this point my team has entirely folded while I'm distracting the whole enemy team, or fucked off to some corner of the map where they won't help at all. I haven't felt anger at this game since 2014 when I was new but I'm genuinely a couple of dogshit matches away from going on a TK spree until I get game banned. I know I'm dealing with blue niggers but can you really blame me by expecting the bare minimum?
Should I sell my Patria? I feel like if it was gonna reach a price spike it would have happened by now. Plus I feel like they're about to add the rest of the Patria vehicles so it's exclusivity is just gonna keep waning.
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it's over
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Answer me you useless pack of feral dogs.
Blow your head off with a shotgun avatarnigger.
just do what you want retard
Sales are the worst time to sell anything. Price all temporarily tank as people crawl over each other trying to undercut each other so that they can buy premium time/talismans/GE/packs/etc. Prices always jump back up a bit once the sales end and the effect of reduced supply starts kicking in.
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I'd say "blow me" but you'd probably get off on that so I'm just going to tell you to end your worthless existence and go about my day instead.
>frogposter thinking he's above anyone
tickles the funny bone, the superlative of laughter!
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Both teams are just as bad. It's a coin flip. You just feel it when the blueniggers dissolve into a cloud of dust. It feels just as bad to defend against a bunch of fox threes only to see that the entire enemy team is dead by the time that you finish one evasive maneuver. This team deathmatch mode is the problem. It's basically a shitty placeholder that has long outlived its usefulness. We need RB EC or something like it. I just fear that Gaijin hasn't dropped this shoebox knife fight mode because gaijin thinks that today's gamers need instant action to maintain their attention, and as I look at the zoomers that I know IRL, I'm terrified that maybe gaijin may be right. That we can't have nice things because peoples' dopamine receptors are burnt out and they need an explosion every 3 seconds to stay awake. You see it in ground battles too. Zoomers are addicted to spamming their coaxial MGs into the sky every time that they need to go more than a few seconds without seeing an enemy.
I feel genuine physical disgust and contempt when I see an enemy shoot his main gun and coax at the same time. It's like wearing a special tag to let someone know you're a consoleshitter and therefore you should be eliminated first.
I don't know what to make of the Su-34
>logically a ground attacker variant of the flanker should be worse at air to air combat than the original
>however the flanker's radar is so irredeemably dogshit that it sucks at tracking anything beyond ACM range, and the Su-34 might unironically be more capable of tracking and engaging targets at BVR ranges
>however the R-77 sucks balls at BVR ranges and can only reliably hit things within HMD ACM range, and the Su-34 doesn't have an HMD
If some autist finds a sekrit dokument stating that the Su-34 actually did make use of HMDs, then I'd probably abandon the Su-27's entirely. They're just in an entirely sorry state.
>tfw watching retards spray at every passing aircraft with no angle all MGs blazing, revealing their position to everyone possible
>tfw bothering to bind the MG camera key and actually hitting & even critting passing planes with one trash 8mm cupola gun
>don't get spotted because of not firing without cover and a clear enough vicinity and a lead plus not having 2 to 3 separate tracer streams more definitely triangulating where I'm firing from
>turret stays facing where it's supposed to and doesn't leave me with my pants down
>tfw no face
it's just that easy
wait, the Su-34 doesn't get HMD's?
what the fuck? isn't it from 2014?
burgergroids already had an earth shattering melty over it, please understand they are the nation that saffers the most :(((((
I have heard conflicting reports on whether or not the Su-34 is supposed to have HMDs or not. I don't feel like sifting through primary documents, and all discourse on the internet regarding Russia is spoilt ever since the Ukraine conflict since people just make shit up on both sides of the fence.
On top of that, they're not giving the Su-34 its thermals either. Those closest that you get to a thermal pod is equipping kh-38s and using its seeker as an adhoc thermal pod. This reminds me. Where are Russia's sapsan and damocles pods? Are they with the bias?
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>mudssisy shit
who the fuck cares, where are my
>R-73s for MiG-29 and Yak-141
>R-77s for Yak-141
>full R-27E loadout for Yak-141
>fixed MiG-29 and Su-27 FMs
>fixed radar search patterns (not limited to Soviet jets but hits them the most due to their slow scan rates, see pic)
>R-73s that don't chimp out randomly
>R-77 drag fixed
>in BMD-4
>suspension all the way down
>flanking and trying to use low profile to stay hidden behind the shallow hills and brush
>teammate in a wolfpack is flanking too but is spamming his machinegun in the vague direction of the enemy
god I wish friendly fire was still a thing in ground battles.
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Carden-loyd Mk VI for Sweden soon
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Give kh-25's for 141. It's a naval strike fighter that hasn't been given any of its air to surface missiles!!!!
So what are the main awful BR to play?
I guess there are 5.7 and 9.3-9.7 for ground
Always pisses me off playing SPAA. You'll get the guys sitting in spawn in WWII spaa who just start firing from 5km away with no chance of hitting anything and just giving your position away to every aircraft in a 20km radius
Mutts would not be able to handle the real FM of the Su-27 combined with the F-16 losing its current UFO flight model.
Mind you the Su-27 would still be worse than mutt planes, but it would behave more like the M2K where you can rinse F-16s in one/two turn dogfights and the r77 would be more like the current mica.

That said not only russia is underperforming, the current MICAs are way worse than the ones irl, the M2K loses way too much speed in turns, and the mirage 4k should outturn and outMER all f16 and f15 variants. Same with the gripen
>the F-16 losing its current UFO flight model
the F-16 absolutely does not have any UFO flight models, what the fuck are you smoking
play the ADF in current day top tier and then say that bullshit again, i fucking dare you
>F-16 losing its current UFO flight model.
How so? To own soviet-german admission the F-16 has better flight characteristics
Mutts have been enjoying the best of everything for too long. They're going to shitup ground battles at 10.0 too with their F-117s. It would be an outrageously good CAS plane for that BR even without the stealth mechanics. High quality thermals, laser guided bombs, and an autotracker at 10. God damn.
>but it can't fight other planes
as if most other attackers can fight planes worth a damn.
not watching that
either write it down or fuck off
>not proving it herself
called it, talking out your ass because you're a bitter french fry
next time do actually try
Will I make money from the 288 if I intend to just die at the end of every match?
Or shoukd I stick to the Wyvern?
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A shitton of artificial stability becasue they couldn't be arsed to model proper FLCS so it doesn't lose nearly enough speed in maneuvers and can pull the kind of shit (particularly at high AoA) its FBW would never allow it to, for good reason since IRL that shit would put it into an unrecoverable stall.
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BAMSE SRSRAM to match the pantsir when?
>source: trust me doooood!
kys frogger
>"prove it"
>posts proof straight out of the developers' mouths
>No that's not the right kind of proof!!11
Go back to r*ddit you absolute fucking moron
>literally doing anything BUT posting an in-game clip herself
>gets xher trannoid partner to butt in as if isn't obvious
>just troooost the picture doooooood!
you need to work on your projection, it's hilariously obvious and palpable
are all fr*g players as retarded as you?
>another slavswine melty
>ON TOP of another kino setup for the classic Soviet seethe cycle when the Su-34 also turns out to be shit
the Su-34 shouldn’t even get an RWR
fucking RACIST dog, you have no prove this thing comparable to pantsir! 13.0 it is!
Is the Tornado bugged? I can't change the rate and intervals for periodic countermeasures at all. I have the flares/chaff modification unlocked and have the large CMS pods on as well.
I'm so regret buying 9.3 premium
its 100% uptier to russian niggers
skill issue
>Gonna buy
>British Hellcat

>Might buy
>Type 74G
>Ho-Ri Prototype
>Type 75 MLRS
>Yak 3 VK107
>The German starter pack
Someone talk me into buying any of the above
I like how my special task let me choose between "kill 30 fighters in air simulator battles" and "kill 3 ships with a destroyer 5 kilometers away in arcade battles"

Why is Gaijin so obsessed with making air sim players suffer?
A2D-1 is among the best premium non marketplace cas available in the game br for br. Payload embarrasses the other 7.0 options while also not giving up performance clean. Pairs great with the T29 and M46, premium version or otherwise.
Should I grind out some planes in the British air tree, US air tree, Italian, French, or Swedegro?
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based or cringe
Is it still good in ARB and ASB or is it only great in ground battles?
I'm not at 7.0 with US ground yet.
Should I buy 5000 GE and CONSOOM or wait for pack?
desu I dont really have any thing I really really want
but muh FOMO
You can still ground pound the shit out of stuff in ARB yes.
>frogfag forum janny getting dunked on
buh buh buh based
Think it’s still the best base rusher in the bracket and can do very good work against ground targets. Flight performance is good but not a particular standout when the Su-11 and F2H-2 are 0.3 above it and you matchmake into them frequently
>British Hellcat
too low BR for me, personally I'd get wyvern next week and play some real plane like tempest,sea fury or spitfire
or honet

>Type 74G
9.3 get uptier into russian premium blackhole, only buy if you plane to double down retardness with the FPS next week
>Ho-Ri Prototype
pretty good but not overly OP, good armor but the gun is kinda average, actually have line up to play it with
>Type 75 MLRS
I never seen it ever, not even eceleb buy them, but hey it might be cool snowflake funny weapon vehicle
but its kinda too expensive for a meme
>Yak 3 VK107
good super prop at too low BR, nice if you specifically want to play russian prop , personally I rather fly ITP cause that one is more fun, or just skip to something like Su-11 or Mig-15 bisish
great for CAS, but you have to think of its BR
do you have something to play something around 7.0-8.0?
cause when you go into 8.3 then fly the free thunderstreak instead
>The German starter pack
maybe but I rarely find starter pack worth it cause you out grow it so fast
unless you are the type who like seal clubbing at rank 1-2
140/1 is fun with the HVAP
the stuka is the perfect coastal support plane
what is this fucking autism
I'm only buying the British Hellcat for missions. It's the lowest BR tier 3 Tiny Tim Carrier. Also to add I'm not buying any of these to grind. I'm already tier 7 with RU and JPN at both air and ground and Tier 7 US air. I'm thinking of buying them cause they seem fun.
is Vidar worth it?
just do what you want retard
The real purpose of SL is re-rolling tasks until you get something very easy.
oh then hellcat is great if you have a specific use for it, and its pretty cheap
but desu outside Type 75
everything else already have the TT equivalent
no point buying them if you already past the grind imo
I did want type 75 earlier and was going to buy one this sale
but then before I click buy, I tried test drive it one last time
and after unable to kill a tank with its RNG rockets I dont want it anymore
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>autocannons can take out helis at ~3km range easily
>cant get a lock-on with stinger
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Chances of the British Chally 2 ERA getting fixed so it actually protects against 30mm APFSDS instead of just offering 30mm flat kinetic protection? ))))
0 (zero)
buy yellow birds
)))))))))) stop being rayciss, clearly the soviet tech tree needs more SPAA so that has to wait blyat!
>get into ARB match
>enemy team has ONE bomber
>my team has 2+1 dedicated ground pounder
very fair matchmaking!
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How's F4-E in its current br range?
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Forum janny vs wtg janny, who suffers more?
Thoughts on the Leopard 2a4? Just unlocked it and so far it sucks dick. Maybe it's 230 am and I'm just ass
why are there bomb pylons underneath the Fw 190 A-8's wings now? the only thing they have to use is a rocket pod that doesn't use the pylons and just clips into them.
What does Gaijin have against British?
british """""people"""" send you to jail for having bart simpsons porn on your computer
they are barely human
good, fuck pedos
deserved for being the biggest whinging faggots on the planet
>fuck pedos
only a lg would say that
It's kinda the starter Leo2, it's pretty decent but the BR range it's in is filled to the brim with premfags.
did twitter teach you any other rebuttals? this one doesn't even fit
OKAY that's it, I'm gonna play Sweden.
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>OKAY (bro) that's it
I'm not that dude but thank you for posting that so I could have a good laugh.
nice to see that the guy at the very bottom got his wish
That swedegro bomber at 4.3 with a 20mm and the swedish 13.2mm death laser is pretty fucking nice...
It's Monday /wtg/
imagine a Ho 229 with actually good engines and effective airbrake "rudders"
dev client updated. Anything new or is it just more RWR nerfs?
F15E new cockpit and engine nerfed
It's over for mutts
why is centurion mk3 7.7 now?
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>plane fuel reset to minimum
>can no longer land deflection shots
what did they change?
2S38 or the T-80UD? I'm erring towards the UD as it seems more viable as a first spawn in any map.
can you show the modifications?
so there are more players playing the russian 10.3 line up than the rest of the game mode combine?
how does the matchmaking even work there?
do russian players get put on both side just like US top tier air?
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>still no better dart
also apparently its not even the unmanned turret version of the vehicle? how lame
Gaijoobles despises Britain.
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total 7.0 domination
>don't put smoke dischargers and LWR on it even though it has the shelf for it, same as RCV
I know the IFV prototypes were not explicitly photographed with these fitted, but it's pretty fucking obvious they're supposed to be there
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>paveways (f117)
its over groundbros, literal fodders for target practice next update
just little more I will be free from shall shattered shit
almost at 8.3
I just need to get through bong rank 5
>f-117 within spitting distance of 1940s vehicles
ground was already fodder for air
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What should i tali?
Anton when's the pack sale?
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I love the Gripen
It's the finest flying machine ever conceived by mankind
>inb4 but le science says x is better
Science is wrong
MiG-21SMT, everything else past that is shit and will remain so until it's fixed.
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in frog what?
October 29th (11:00 GMT)
SMT? What is it, 2020?
Everything that was added later and was better than it has been artificially nerfed into the ground or was in an artificially nerfed state from the beginning.
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tu160 when?
front fell off
wir haben ein BTR zu Hause
>finally getting the afterburner rework to do plans like this justice
took them long enough
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wut fuel type?
Why is the He-162 6.7 BR in air sim?
It's worse than the F-80A-5 in every single way, which is also 6.7.
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Choose the one that has most penetration at angle
>Only 120k to MIG 23K
they're still assblasted about the Crimean war
>drop bombs when the icon is on the enemy base
>80% of the bombs miss
thank you anton...
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Honestly they should have just added B2 spirit, it's still a subsonic slow pos food but atleast the bomb load is much better
shit rudder makes the plane unflyable for me
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gaijin can't keep getting away with it
why would gaijin say this?
MiG-15bis ISh or Su-11
Just played one game. Wow r60 is fucking useless
With the the 50% off i spose its worth grabbin a few talismans on vehicles i like to play?

any other tips to spend my eagles wisely?
Su-11 if you want to club people in air RB since I think it's still criminally undertiered but to be frank I haven't kept up with any changes that may have happened to its BR over the past few years.

bis ISH if you want russian fixed wing CAS around that BR in ground RB.
never buy silver lions
cant you see who said it after match ends?
you can see who said it during the match if you just scroll up
This. Never buy GE, neither spend on research.
minigun funpod is cool. Kill everyone in a headons in deflection shots, but lose a dogfights to other F5E's.
I figured that would be bad, thanks

Sounds reasonable

for how long is this sale still active? Im gonna get me 2 talismans but I am thinkin of getting a premium vehicle too since its 50% off aswell, but im undecided about the later
>take a Yakgroid up to 6000m+
>saw off his wing with tail gunner
was fun to see him spiral all the way to the ground like the retarded yakgroid he is LMAO
do you hate me yet?
>zero good vehicles
10.3 (formerly 10.0) used to have a lot of mixed battles but I stopped getting them
what happened?
>cant get a lock-on with stinger
It's only a matter of time at this point, the reports have all been accepted.



>turms t
>not good
I don't see anything wrong with the rudder. Only issue is the compression above 600km/h
>turn on youtube
>OMG F-117 suxors, stealth fail, russian bias!!!!
>F-117 gets shot down when it's 1km from its target with the bomb bay doors open
God I hate amerimutts.
Just like the report for the Yak-141 missing its R-73 and R-77
Except it's a good tank?
>t-72a (a shit tank) with kontakt-1 at 10.3
>a good tank
Just get a fucking t-80ud. 200 more HP. Better armor. Kontakt-5.
the A21A-3 is retardedly good wtf?
You guys are retarded.
The F-117 is just Gaijin prepping your wallets for better stealth planes.
Naval started with coastal, after all.
how the fuck do i land rank 6 jets?
i usually just put throttle to 0 as i approach the airfield and when i'm slow enough i deploy flaps and gear and just keep approaching the runway, if i really need to slow down more i'll make some maneuvers or shoot my guns and i land no problem
but with naval aircraft like the F8 or F11 the plane either refuses to pitch down after slowing down below a certain speed or just pitches up uncontrollably, even when neither of these things happen the plane will just keep bouncing on the pavement instead of just sticking the landing, which also takes a lot of space cause no chute/shitty brakes
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>You can't gift vehicles from someones wishlist unless they are pack vehicles.

Literally what is the point other than probably providing Gaijin with statistics on what people seem to "wish for"

Absolute mongoloids that work at this company lol
They never wanted naval to progress past cuckstal, they only started (half-assedly) working on bluewater after they, to their great surprise, realized no one gives two fucking shits about their beloved dinghies.
Wanna hear a funny story? Here's how they described naval (at the time cuckstal only, not even destroyers planned) at Gamescom 2016 a while after the announcement everyone fucking laughed at.
>You know, WoWS, Battlestations, all these games focus on these slow, lumbering, boring warships. We wanted to do something different, do the overlooked mosquito fleet justice, that's why we won't have playable battleships and stuff in the game - we just don't think it's fun.
This shit's been fucking BURNED into my brain ever since. The arrogance, the delusion, the confidence, all of it. This is why I want cuckstal fucking GONE with zero compensation.
just belly land
i'd rather do it the right way and avoid repair
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They were right. Zooming around in shallow water with coastal boats is more fun that BBs spawning within range of each other and then repeatedly clicking on each other until somebody manages to hit a magazine.
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>They were right. Zooming around in shallow water with coastal boats is more fun that BBs spawning within range of each other and then repeatedly clicking on each other until somebody manages to hit a magazine.
you still have to wait for ammo refill timer so why not just land faster
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UDES 19 soon
Belly land at ~500kph or less.

Belly landing is the "right way" in terms of being optimal. it is MUCH faster to quickly belly land and repair than it is to slowly land on your gear and skip the repair timer. You save that much time that you are still well ahead even with the repair timer.
Would the F-100D be good to help with my France grind in Air RB?
yeah i guess it's true but sometimes if i get damaged by landing it gives me a repair cost, plus i'd rather have the skill to land these planes even if i dont need it
how hard would germutts seethe?
The repair cost is negligible and time is money. You're dramatically better off paying the repair cost and getting back into the air to earn more SL.

Landing on the wheels is the same as landing on the belly except all around slower. You need to slow down much more and then spend more time braking. Details are going to vary based on the plane but it will be closer to the 300kph or less mark I think.
last chance to buy stuff on this sale
any thing I want to impulse buy?
how about you buy a nice car or house to impress that piping hot blonde that smiled at you yesterday, instead of wasting money in a gay russian power fantasy game?
>nice house
will never be able to afford it
>nice car
which is why I want nice premium vehicle
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PASARS-16 for Sweden soon
180 or 365 days?
i tried playing the super sabre in burger tree and it was unplayable
shit brick with no flares is just asking for it
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>time running out on sale
>can't decide to invest in Sweden or France
france only goes downhill from the first leclerc
France is pretty weak premium wise
Sweden has some pretty good paypig baits
>bad matchmaking BR's
stuff like 3.3, 5.7, 9.3 suck because they're full uptier hell for various reasons.
>Bad nation BR's
4.7 italy is non-stop full downtiers, but 4.7 UK you get a LOT of uptiers for some reason
I wish there was a way to aggregate matchmaking data in a 3d party app.
just let it pass it's not your last sale
if you haven't impulse bought it means you don't really want it
You get a lot of ordinance though
>playing sweden
>have to grind through the comet again
It really is so dogshit stock, uncapped AP is a warcrime
The hanger is so scary right now sisters, hold me..
papa daniel is here to hold you
you will never get to bases faster than strike aircraft at this br and there's a lot of f-84 nigs
>the 'teen got back from school
It fucking sucks, skip to either the 2A5 or play a T-72 instead.
who is papa daniel?
>get into f-84f
>napalm two bases
>smash into the ground
love how it makes absolutely everyone in the match seethe and there's nothing they can possibly do about it
what happens when you press w in a russian tank?
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why are people like a this allowed a say in changes to the game?
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War Thunder situations for this feel?
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Because there are a lot of them and they have money.
MiG-29 nerf in Sons of Atilla.
literally me all the time
and then enemy taps a single flare and my missile slams into the ground
cant tell if bait or genuine burger pilot
i'm bad at the game yes
but the mig29 is fine?
it's fine if you want the game to be an unapologetic mutt powerfantasy
that's been a thing since 1.49, arguably 1.47
the mig 29 is more than okay, at least the non fat fuck version
>that's been a thing since 1.49, arguably 1.47
at least you're honest
>the mig 29 is more than okay
i play the f-16 and the mig 29, and i'd much rather fly the mig 29
the f-16 got gimped since the update that came after apex predators and sucks now
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doesn't matter what top tier you invest since you get stuck with US team mates either way.
but Sweden has a slight advantage
why are you retarded
+1 cc fentanyl!
don't think i've ever played a single match in my f-4e where i wasn't uptiered into 12.0
not a bad plane but the powergap is just too big
everything that you're saying to me applies only to you, because unlike you i actually play the fucking things
go back to detroit jigaboo baboon
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What are you grinding today? For me, it's rank 2 Japan.
you clearly don't play the f16 if you think it sucks and you clearly don't play the mig29 if you don't think the fm got gimped
>come back to play after months of not playing
>still as miserable as ever, if not more
I feel like the gains are more and more cucked each time i play this fucking game
>n-nuh uh!
i rest my case
go be a contrarian screecher somewhere else, at least someone who doesn't know what they're actually talking about might fall for it
2/10 made me reply
shut up slavoid anegrica safers f16 to 9.0 when?
the Chi-Ha LG is in rank 2 JP right?
it's great
nothing really, finished up all the grinds i wanted to finish so i could get them at 50% off
now im just sort hopping back and forth between all the stuff i bought until the patch drops
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youre retarded but ill explain anyway
f16 beats mig29 in gun only fight and only loses to gripen, mig29 can barely beat su27
aim9L beats r60m
aim9m is arguably better than r73
r27er beats aim7m
its really that shrimple
Yeah, extremely powerful cannon but you're food anyone looking to strafe.
>blah blah blah blah
oh my god is it still going? you'd think those things would stop when you tell them their bait got stale but it's like you give them a pass to keep going
i suppose that checks out for contrariantards
I'm not him, but I'm going to maintain my position that AIM-9M vs R-73 are apples to oranges comparisons and that an ideal franken-plane would carry both.

9M is much better in sim and is better for sucker punching someone in the middle of a chaotic furball. R-73 is better if you can maneuver into a rear/side aspect shot at ~1km to shove it directly up their asshole.
Israel will get the best F-35 eventually too
at least we'll be the only ones to get the F-22, it will just fucking suck in war thunder because the F-22 doesn't have a helmet sight
>mutt trying to act all smug and above-it-all once xis handholding is pointed out
Yea that's why I said its debatable but in most circumstances id rather have aim9m instead of r73
glad to see you've accepted your position as retard
F-22s received HMS recently
It all comes down to what situation that you're using the missile in. 1v1 final destination? You want the R-73 or Magic-2. Just farming kills in the middle of a 16v16 clusterfuck? Just roll your face on the keyboard and yeet 9Ms everywhere.
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in for what?
another advantage the 9m has is that to flare it successfully you need to dump quite a lot of flares in comparison to r73, obviously providing you they don't get preflared which just beats both easily
received? it's being tested presently, but it'll be cancelled like the last time they tried to test a helmet sight for it
That is a different point, but I think it still rolls up into the same use cases. In a 1v1 you can probably budget the flarespam to defeat the 9M. In a big 16v16 clusterfuck you can't afford to do that too many times. Unless you're swedish or burger plane with hundreds upon hundreds of flares.

Host planes matter a bit too. Pre-flare an R-73 and the Mig-29 and Su-27 won't get a second chance to shoot because of their dogshit flight models. The R-73 would be a lot scarier on an F-16, Grippen, or Yak-141 since they could just stay on your ass until they get a window to shoot.
Yea host plane definitely matters a lot. Will be interesting to see what happens if (when) the python 4 gets added because currently it has both types of irccm
If anything, gate width will probably make reacquiring the lock after the tracking suspension runs out a lot harder so it'll be weaker at all but the very close ranges where gate width makes it completely unflareable just as it would on its own.
Pick one. I've already decided on the A1A1 L/44 to go with my TAM 2IP
XM-1 is least shit out if this list
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Please explain to me in great detail why anyone would want to grind the exact same fucking plane in 3 different BRs.
Is this like selecting a difficulty? "hmm today i want to fly this total piece of crap in 8.0 to challenge myself!"
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I really hope they fix Russian FMs
Amen brother, R-73s for MiG-29/Yak-141 and R-77s for Yak-141 too.
they weren't foldered before newfag retardbro
Can I get an answer from someone who isn't completely braindead?
Talisman for TKX (P) or Type 90 or Type 90(B) OR Type 16?
talisman deez nuts mayne
I haven't seen them drop yet
its getting nerfed
missiles, gun and IRST removed from yak 141 actually
your retarded question or rather a poor attempt at charade makes no sense
they're foldered exactly so you don't have to play them
>Mutts crying in Forum in 3..2..1
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canned because too sex
got one right here already lol
fastest way to grind helis? really want a kiowa for my burger kino lineup
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money. there's not a single heli tree i didn't paypig.
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Go to Helicopter Tech Tree mark the Box, research using ground vehicles.
helicopters are so unfun
no idea why anyone would want one
TKX (P) for sure
Duck sexo.
right forgot about that, thanks
i don't even want to play it, just want it in my lineup
May fuck around and buy the leonardo da vinci
Even MORE?
thermals removed, gunner zoom decreased
M735 STILL broken and shit instead of fixed back to what it should be
It seems pretty good to me but you'll have to ask the navalgods for their impression.
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So they're going to drop it to 9.0, right?
Buyers remorse.
Should have gotten the paypig version (it also has buyers remorse)
Not paypigged gang, rise up.
>only got a year of premium, talisman for J-7E, swegro Ar 196 and Wirraway as opposed to at least one top tier premium of the last several years
Do I count?
But you're supposed to buy premium when it's on sale.
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I might have slightly revealed my power level.
you just know hohols will make hohol camo for it
So is the F-117 peak of stealth? I mean that thing was made with ONLY stealth in mind and ABSOLUTELY nothing else while stuff like the F-22 and the Su-57 would necessarily have to make concessions when it comes to stealth to fulfill their much broader requirements (high speed, gun, sensors, etc).
I already have nearly every Italian premium and pray they rerelease the VRCC. But France is getting Benelux and Sweden is, well, Sweden.
we don't know, unless you somehow get a mutt to leak some info there is very little information on anything regarding stealth in terms of numbers
Thankfully it's easy to blacklist #TheUkranny tag and never see it while browsing live.
it's barely any stealth on dev server currently
Yeah that's why I'm asking. Curious to know if on actual planes it's even more of a meme that it already is on what amounts to a tech demonstrator proof-of-concept shitbrick.
>people love their country
i mean russians are proud of BBC on it
>hoholinas love their country so much they will still play a jet that killed millions of hohols
No, advances in materials & construction techniques and more readily available computing power allows for much more to be thrown at the problem, so less performance is lost for those concessions.

It's certainly good for its time and others are in a relatively similar ballpark.

The other consideration of course is what band is it being optimized against and what are its goals, a uniform all round signature, or all in from specific angles.
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looks are the only thing Leo has got going for it imo, like all premium dreads its pretty much a scam
doomed into permanent uptiers, slow on the grind because you're only shooting every 30 odd seconds (assuming your reload isnt doubled by a stray 5")
and on top of that, neither Duilio nor CdC is all that great so you're not really missing out if you're not going past 5.7

better off buyiung talismans for the Duca Abrruzzi and Zara, slighlty lower overall % but you got two of them, and since you're not an ancient dread you should rack up more per match for half the price
might not rake in the cash but you got efficient research on your tier VIs which is a fucking godsend, and 5.7 tends to have a favorable MM
if you dont have those, get Pola and buy talis for the other two whenever they on sale next
>normal ACM pointed at the ground
average f-14 retard
It will never be not a meme if you can aim your SAM and SPAAG with a mouse.
can we see them?
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France has the single best 7.7 premium (and lineup) in the game, but Sweden is more consistently good through the whole tech tree.
France has a better air tree.
Sweden is more likely to get more vehicles in the future because its more popular.
Hard decision. If you're a contrarian, go for France. There's literally no reason for them to be as unpopular as they are.
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you have to evolve xray vision for it
MTCA is at 9.3 tho.
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>like all premium dreads its pretty much a scam
what is the purpose of this being at 8.3 if both SPAA's just above it at 8.7 do it's job as an AA or a flank n' spank much better?
you get apds in the main belt and its a lot smaller so its much better for "flank n spank"
Simply to punish br*t players obv
>rightfully so
just use it like an IFV with it's sabot round belt, don't even think of it like an AA
>70/35 eurobucks for a one way ticket to Scharnhorstland
id take Mikuma over Yamashiro any day of the week
>So is the F-117 peak of stealth?
No. It was more like a early testbed for stealth. Peak of stealth is probably something more like the B2 spirit and whatever its new replacement is.

F-22 and F-35 are better than the F-117. They took advantages of lessons learned by the F-117. I can't comment on the stealth level of the Su-57 beyond my assumption that its effectiveness is probably somewhere between being worse than russia claims that it is and better than the "haha, fuck you putler monke" crowd says that is is.
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how do i counter the marder a1 in a tiger II
>how do i counter the marder a1 in a tiger II
Have you tried shooting it?
he got me with a missile
I die to 2S38, I don't respawn.
>be bad i guess
Okay? So you don't like battleships. Doesn't change the fact that Yamashiro is the only premium one worth the price.
The problem with a lot of ATGMs, especially the early ones, is that they're slower than tank shells. If you both see each and pull the trigger at the same time, then your shell will cross the gap and kill him before his missile can reach you to kill you. On top of that, his missile will likely spaz out and miss once he is dead while your shell will continue its ballistic path no matter what happens to you.

This problem is compounded by the issue that many early SACLOS missiles require the vehicle to be stationary before they can shoot. So the answer is still to just shoot him first.
do i need to complete these history tasks or whatever that bullshit is
how do i complete bp efficiently? can't grind a special task every day, it's just too much
with a round thats 3x as good though
XM-1 should stay 9.3 and get M774
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>do i need to complete these history tasks or whatever that bullshit is
I think that's generally just to unlock a profile portrait of some historically significant figure of the month
>how do i complete bp efficiently? can't grind a special task every day, it's just too much
A mix of logging in every day, completing the assorted battle pass challenges, and completing as many daily and special tasks as you can. You don't need to complete dailies and specials every day, but try to at least login every day since logins become more valuable over time the closer that you get to perfect attendance over the course of the whole BP.
stop playing during chinese hours
>accidentally bought the XP-55 instead of the XP-50
I have both now, but is the XP-55 good?
I saw that it was 3.0 BR in air sim, while being 4.3 in ARB, so I want to use it there.
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Im only at the eugenio di savoia atm sadly.
Screw Flanders
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I believe the Gripen should be buffed after four consecutive arbitrary nerfs
got the dakis thanks anon that said they're still available
that should be in the op probably
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kill me
four consecutive nerfs and its still very competitive
>four amraams
>dogshit radar refresh rate
>two ir missiles
literal bottom tier for the meta
good get fucked swigger
in hell
xm-1 has 500 more hp
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How do I beat it?
buy it
thanks anon
>infinite countermeasures
>best flight model
cry more faggot

how do you even put a pig snout on a duck?
>how do I counter [German vehicle] in [German vehicle]
What kind of shit code are they using on their marketplace for trying to buy shit? I went through the authentication stuff after I saw it was only $20 for 180 days of premium and was finally able to get it to pop up and work but it only showed Visa to pay which was fine...got that to work, I was going to throw another 20 on my account so I could buy keys but nothing shows up at the checkout page, honestly that's a sign to not give them another dollar but what the hell is wrong with it? Of course trying to login to Gaijin support does nothing too lol...
crazy how it wasn't even the best plane on release (that's the mirage 4k) but still the only one that got the hammer
Cant afford house even if I save 150$ a year on this videogame. A monthly payment with my current mortgage would cost me at least 1.3 k a month + a downpayment I cant afford.
Also it's 2k24, gender equality that the women have advocated should apply. She should have a nice house to impress me.
You won't be getting your money back))))))
at some point you might want to make a spreadsheet and calculate how much that you need to do to get the rewards that you want. You can skip a lot if you simply want to get the BP vehicles for yourself. You need a much higher amount of grind if you want to convert the vehicle coupon into something that you can sell on the market.
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getting raam segol, and then im thinking about the christian 2 or the type 90 also for the next set of sales
already own it
Any chance we get both them? I wanna use both of them soon against the f-22a (in progress as they say)
Is this as fun as it looks?
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I shoot enemy in side: nothing

Enemy shoot me in side: BOOM
Outclimb him, duh.
yes but complete opposite
learn to aim for the ammo or breach, dummy.
>i shoot niggerillion flares: nothing, get buttfucked
>enemy fart a singular flare: missile goes into ground
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>its another case of my Sparrow deciding to veer 45 degrees off from the target im locking, in order to perfectly track and hit a friendly
Why the fuck does this happen? It's not a very common occurrence, but it still happens, and it's fucking infuriating. I can drop the radar lock, or just re-acquire my initial target, but the Sparrow doesn't give a shit.
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Why does it look so funny?
The missile got notched and it lost track of the target.
>I can drop the radar lock, or just re-acquire my initial target, but the Sparrow doesn't give a shit.
That doesn't help. There's no direct communication between you and the missile.

Imagine your radar as a flashlight. It illuminates a chunk of the sky that is centered on your target. At launch the missile and your radar are locked onto the same target.

The enemy's actions can both bamboozle the missile and your radar independently of each other. If your radar is defeated, so it's standard radar that got tricked into locking chaff that they drop, then your missile might still be able to successfully track the target so long as they are still illuminated even if the illumination is no longere centered on your desired target. This gives your missile a chance to still hit the target in the next few seconds before they completely fly out of the beam or you do something retarded like turn off the radar.

However if they notch the missile, the missile mind you not your own radar, then the missile will lose sight of the target. Since your missile lacks inertial guidance, it's going to finish executing its last guidance correction input instead of attempting to intercept the last know target's point in space. This is what causes it to fling off in a direction like a SACLOS missile that just got dazzled by soft APS. The seeker is also simultaneously trying to reacquire a lock. If it sees a return, then it will lock onto it. That return might very well belong to a teammate, in which case you should have turned off your fucking radar once you saw the missile swap targets.
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rate it
post yours
i only regret buying the T129 because they nerfed it for a fake bug report
and i regret not grinding the sturmtiger event or the removed german tanks from days of old
[JG508] Captain Greenbean

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