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Tank Edition

Previous Trash Machine: >>499836276

Spoilers ahead, proceed at your own Frisk.


-The Old Game
-The Old Game's Demo

-The New Game

-The New Game's Progress


-Undertale Artbook

-Legends of Localization - Undertale

-Extra Content

-Undertale/Deltarune Text Dumps & Screenshots

-Undertale Image Collections

-Booru (newly resurrected, please help tag)


>Current: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ZaYVvltQ_Rmf-ggszf1bwmYDW2NUcfpTYU7JzfyMhVE
>Old: https://writebin.surge.sh



-Wanna change the font?

-Thread Template
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...what is it?
come on, that was a real... what is it?
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* (It crawls into the thread.)
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I love you, Kris Dreemurr
maybe it's
maybe it's the way you're dressed
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m-m-maybe it's the way you're dre- dressed.
just under 4 hours for the next poast...
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Just a few more weeks until Switch 2 with Smash 6 with playable Toriel
Why are Darkners such terrible time keepers.
You order your lancer cookie and they tell you they'll be there in 30 mins and then bam it's 5 hours later and they text you "omw".
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Good night, anons. Have a lovely day!
dark world time works differently from the light world, should've just gone to ice-e's
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gote night gote
this isn’t an airport...
no need to announce your departure
this isn't an airport...
no need to announce your departure
this is ground control to major tom
ack- I missed my flight...!
airport mind
this is an airplane...
coming in for a landing
Wow, touring the Hometown Dark Worlds, I cannot wait until I arrive in Hometown, this is gonna be fuuuun!






Shit I missed my plane!
Bird That Carries You Over A Disproportionately Small Gap tooo the rescuuuueeee! Let's go Bird That Carries You Over A Disproportionately Small Gap!
calling it now, the message of the game is about how just because something is 'fake' doesn't make how you feel about it less real
gaster believes the characters are fake because he created the world but (We) will show him they're still important to us
this parallels with the dark worlds being 'fake' but still important to the lightners
Unfortunately this message has been preemptively ruined by people taking that way too far and threatening suicide if things don't go the way they want
>Previous Trash Machine
It's THRASH machine not TRASH machine you fucking secondary
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Alright, as promised, im gonna post my greentext now.

To be clear, this takes place before the events of the first game. Not too far, think a year or two

>be purple scalie tomboy
>third month in new town
>nobody here likes you, you are sure of it
>makes sense, you are an outsider, fuck these guys
>what kind of fucking name is hometown anyway? What is this, hallmark?
>at least they have decent food
>you found an apple core in the trash the other day, pretty damn good, still crisp to
>the diner has scraps as well, can't go wrong with a place like that.
>school is the bane of your existence though
>you don't get along with any of these dorks, despite the teachers attempts at being friendly you are almost certain shes terrified of you
However, there is one person who stands out. A human. A boy named Kris.
>he's the worst. Always in his grody sweater, he looks like he needs chapstick. Barely seems to react to anything.
>You swear he's on qualuudes or something, hes so chill, barely seems to notice your jeering behind that curtain of hair of his.
>It pisses you off! It doesn't even phase him when you knock into him.
>Hell, one time you shoulder checked him hard enough for him to smack right into the lockers
>He just turned around and walked into class, red stuff oozing out from his nose and down his face
>Didn't even skip a beat, weirdest shit you've ever seen. Nobody else was phased either!?
>Miss Alphys just asked him to stop leaking all over the desk, there were some giggles as Kris plugged his nose, but nothing beyond that
Is that normal for him? for humans?
>It bothers you, the little freak bothers you, really. Like a little robot skuttling around.
>You aren't sure he has any friends, although that christmas girl seems to give a damn about him

The only thrash I see here is you
didn't read
>not the gore
>One day you are late for class
>Doesn't bother you of course, hanging out behind the school after lunch is a great way to get some leftovers
>One time you even got half a pan of mac and cheese. Kind of gluey but nice and warm. Good times.
>You didn't get a lot this time, but what you did get was worth the wait.
>Half of an Italian sandwich, a fruit cup, and a cookie. It's raisin but beggars can't be choosers and the angel knows you aren't picky.
>You are moseying through the hall, nibbling at it and enjoying the AC, minding your own business when all of a sudden...
>size sneakers speed-walking up behind you! A human shaped battering ram slams into your side.
>Your scavenged food spills all over the floor, cold cuts and fruit splatters everywhere.
>It's worse than the time you tried to transport spaghetti in your old town and spilled it when someone was asking what you were doing.
>You glare at the rapidly fleeing figure. Although it's safe to say you are seeing red at this point, you can see well enough to confirm exactly who it is
Its Kris. Pocketing his phone while giving you a blank side-look. He pockets his phone before you shout-
>He freezes in place, you get to your feet, fruit cup syrup has soaked one side of your jeans
>Gah, it's gonna get all sticky when it dries, God fucking dammit this kids gonna pay!
>He looks like he is about to say something when you grab him by his collar and yank him close
>He's a lot smaller than you, only comes up to your chest, the runt. So it's easy to pull him up to your snarling face.
"Where the FUCK do you think you're going, you little turd?! What's the damn hurry, huh? You were going so fast when you RAMMED INTO ME!
>He dangles there like a fish caught on a line, expression unreadable before shrugs
" 'was using the bathroom, had to go b-"
>You cut him off, grip tightening around his collar until the threads creak

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Nice seeing a green on /utg/ again
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>got sweaty while working on Mettaton's EX body
Fair enough, maybe she does have a tangential interest in bishies as a side effect of being a weeb. The question is, is canon Kris bishounen enough for her? In the light world he mostly comes across as an awkward special needs student. Honestly I don't see it.
>captcha: JS00PP... heh... soup...
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>You gesture towards the ill gotten gains now splattered on the floor, partially squished by your immense purple fridge like bulk
>he is about to say something, but you don't care. You raise a fist and punch the little human in the cheek.
>the impact of flesh on flesh fills the silent hallway
"Don't get in my WAY!"
>His strength is nothing compared to yours, his head jerking with the impact. That'll teach him!
>Or at least, it should have.
>He straightens up, aside from the growing pink patch on his pale cheek, it's hard to tell if you even hit him.
"If you are just going to hit me, You aren't gonna get anywhere."
>He sounds almost bored, you can barely detect the glimmer of annoyance behind that curtain of hair of his.
>It just makes you angrier, this boy suddenly becoming a strawman of all your built up frustration that this stupid town laid on you
>You raise your fist again, punching him again and again and again
>His eyebrow bursts, his nose gushes. Blood drips down your knuckles and onto the tile. You are pretty sure at least one blow hit his eye. The only sound is your ragged breathing.
>His head hangs limp. He coughs and splatters blood onto your jacket. That's going to stain.
>Another impotent spike of rage, another punch. This time directly to his mouth. You drop him after it.
>Surprisingly he lands on his feet, the image of red rubies dripping from his chin from behind his mop of brown curls plays almost in slow motion.
>He straightens up and looks you in the eye. If not for the gore slowly oozing from his busted, you would be hard pressed to find evidence that you even hit him in his stance alone
"W-what the f-fuck?"
So do you guys think we are still safely on course for a 2026 release or do you think the gamemaker delays have pushed us back to 2027 for chapters 3 and 4?
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>Is he a zombie? A mutant? Are all humans like this?
"Mhgh." He coughs, before his one non-swollen eye crinkles in a creepy, almost smug smile. His head cocks to the side, as if he is sizing you up. His front teeth look loose.
"I never feel pain, won't you hit me again"
>You are confused for a split second, that sounds like a song lyric, in fact, you think you have heard it before.
>The confusion breaks into rage, this little EDGELORD is mocking you!
>rage ruptures into instinct, your sore hand uncurls into a claw, your naturally sharp nails having a purpose for once.
>You slash downward, Kris doesn't even try to dodge.
>There is a wet sound and fresh blood splatters onto the tile. Kris staggers.
>You are about to scream at him again, before a new color catches your eye.
Your nails carved a deep slash across his chest. Going all the way from his shoulder to the edge of his sternum.
The canyon of flesh is practically pissing blood, dying his sweater to the beat of what you assume is his relaxed heartbeat.
Deep in the red carnal abyss you see white, of all things. You aren't sure what that part of the humans body that is. You think it's bone. It can't be good.
>Kris notices your change in expression and looks down at the damage, freezing himself.
>There is a definite change in his demeanor. Like he wasn't expecting things to go this far. Like things have never gone this far before.
>He touches the edge, almost curiously making the wound wider. You see a little more white. Crimson coats his hand. His fingers start to tremble, the pulse of blood trickling out of him increases.
He looks up at you, that clear eye holds a flat red star of fear.
"W-we should tell Miss Alphys." He mumbles.
Deltarune will take longer to complete than the Great Pyramid
"y-yeah." You say, too shocked to say anything else. It's like this is happening to someone else. You grab his arm and start to lead him towards the classroom.
The lightness of his body is less reassuring and more frightening, the difference between your strength and his feels more shameful. This was all so stupid. You feel stupid. Like a big dumb brute who just beat up a retard, which is probably what you just did. The tacky blood makes your fingers stick together, a reminder of your guilt. You are gonna get suspended for sure.
You take Kris back to the classroom, his movements becoming less coordinated as he continues to leave a star chart of red stuff behind him.
By the time you get back to the class, he is almost leaning on you. Almost.
>After Alphys stops screaming, she manages to call an ambulance. She takes him from you and puts pressure on the wound. Officer Undyne questions you. It's a blur.
>She sees the guilt on your face, but you can hardly hear the scolding over Miss Toriel angrily yell-talking at Miss Alphys. Something about how she should have been watching him closer, how she needs to look after her class and make sure they get home alright since she is going to the hospital to see Kris.
>Eventually Officer Undyne just sighs and tells you to come with her.
>And so you do. Unsure of what to do next. You haven't been in this much trouble before.
>You aren't under arrest, she just wants to keep you in her line of sight
You really don't like being in the back of a squad car. Although if it was for more lighthearted reasons, you aren't sure you would mind as much.
>Your minds eye can't stay away from Kris. In the station, you wait, but you are able to wash your hands at least. The shitty soap really forces you to scrub the rusty crud out from underneath your nails.
You mean like that Krusiefag?
>As you stare down at your hands, a piece of knowledge strikes you with a strength that you didn't think was possible.
You will never do this again. So help you, you will never throw another punch out of anger. If there will be blood and dust on your hands, it will be because your own is already on someone elses. No exceptions.
>After throwing up in the toilet, you walk out.
>Officer Undyne is standing there, leaning over her desk, staring at a pair of handcuffs.
>She blinks upon noticing you. "Oh, that's where you went? C'mon punk, Kris wants to say something to you." At this point it's been hours since Kris was taken away, so you are almost relieved to hear that.
>Thankfully the hospital is literally next door to the police station. This town is almost obnoxiously small.
>The hospital room is big, or maybe it's because you feel so small.
>Kris is lying there in the bed, his face is bandaged and the bed sheets are pulled up to his shoulders
>Miss Toriel is looming next to him, gently fussing with his messy hair, wiping sweat from his brow. Her expression is a saintly picture of concern.
>The boy twitches upon noticing that you enter, hes probably on something right now, you could swear he is sharper than that.
>His mom is the second to notice you, shooting you a lethal, smoldering glare
Kris shifts in the bed, the blanket rolls off, you see thick bandages lining his chest. He's trying to sit up, what is this freak made out of?
It looks like hes about to say something, but Miss Toriel catches his movement and hurridly pushes him back down, you notice red start to bloom on those pristine bandages.
There's no real canon world in which Alphys would at all be interested in Kris, it's all self insert fantasies from people who wanted to fuck their teacher
"Nurse! NURSE! He did it again! Kris, sweetie, you need to stay still to heal, please baby..."
She fusses over him some more as the room gets a lot more busy. Undyne leads you out.
>You are waiting in the waiting room now. Another hour passes. Undyne leaves and comes back with a coffee for herself and a carton of chocolate milk for you. You aren't hungry or thirsty but you accept it anyway.
>Toriel comes out, clearing her throat and brushing off her dress.
>Despite her attempts at making herself look professional, you can tell she has been rattled by the whole thing.
>Still has that glare down though.
"Susie, is it?" She asks, staring down at you. You nod and mumble "Yes Ma'am." when did you stand?
There is a pause before she speaks again, her eyes are vivisecting you. "Sit, dear." You do. She sits across from you, back straight but shoulders sagging.
"Kris told me what happened. Before we get to that, I think there's some things you should know."
"Kris is... special. He has a unique... well... a unique condition." You listen, nodding softly, hands clutching the carton of milk.
"He can't feel pain. At all. No matter how much he is harmed, my child will... never even notice it's happening." She looks away for a split second, fingers interlocking.
She sighs again, back slouching. You can see how tired she is.
"This... is not the first incident like this, Sometimes he uses his condition to scare people, and I believe that is what he was trying to do after you struck him."
"Angel help me, I love my child but he can certainly be a handful." A hand darts to her purse, you catch the edge of a pack of cancer sticks. But she seems to notice your presence and tucks the box away again. Clearing her throat once again.
"That being said, I am certainly not suggesting you hold no blame in this situation. You will get detention and you Will. Be. There." She taps the armrest of the chair she rests in with every word.
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That was threatening homicide, not suicide
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I love this fuzzy critter like you wouldn't believe
To be fair I wouldn't be surprised if some shipfags have threatened suicide
>The information you just heard sinks in, this... explains a lot.
"Do you have anything to say for yourself, Miss Susie?" Miss Toriel says, arms crossed.
>You think for a moment, trying to gather your feelings about this entire situation.
"I... Yeah. Well... I'm sorry. I shouldn't have hit him, he ran into me, I... thought it was deliberate. So I hit him and... I thought he was making fun of me s-so..." Your voice catches in your throat, this never happens. Your cheeks burn with embarrassment.
"...I-I just kept hurting him..."
Your face sags into your hands, the carton of milk is forgotten on the floor.
"I-I thought... I don't... I don't want t-to hurt anyone t-that bad ever a-again..." You sniffle and begin to sob, you hate it, but you can't stem the flow.
"I-I'm s-so sorry... p-please tell him t-t-that... I-I'll never lay a f-finger on anyone e-ever again, I swear. I-I'm so fucking stupid m-miss, p-please."
>Your shoulders shake harder and harder, you barely notice her wrapping you into a gentle hug. Patting your back until you are finished venting raw emotion.
"There there... just let it out." Her tone is a lot softer now, almost soothing. "I can tell you regret it sweetie."
>A few more minutes of crying your eyes out before it lets up, a box of tissues is used to clean up, but before you know it, it's done.
>You feel better, tired, exhausted even. Your eyes hurt and you have a pounding migraine from the stress of this all. You just want to collapse and sleep.
>Miss Toriel is standing now, her expression is caring but carries it's own burdens.
"What Kris wanted to say was that he was sorry for egging you on. And for running into you, he shouldn't have been using his phone in the halls."
>You nod, although you really don't think he should be apologizing.
"If that's all, well... Good afternoon Miss Susie." She begins to leave.
"W-" You clear your throat "Wait, uh..."

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he a gote
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"Kris likes chocolate, r-right? Give him..." You snatch the now warm chocolate milk off the floor "Give him this, I don't need it and uh, he's probably thirsty, right?"
"t-tell him I'm sorry. please." You plead, not caring how pathetic is sounds.
>Miss Toriel smiles and nods, taking it. "I'm sure he will enjoy it. I'll pass it on."
>she leaves, a weight is lifted off your shoulders.
>Officer Undyne offers to drive you home, but you decline. After being cooped up with people for the last few hours, you could use some alone time.
>Besides, with fall setting in the cool air could certainly do you some good.
>She nods, gives you a pat on the back, before sending you on your way.
>You leave, but not before getting a sip of water from the fountain, the cold liquid washing down your sore throat. You splash some on your face and wash away the sticky salty trails of tears and snot.
>The rest you lick up, salty, yummy.
As you set off into the autumnal afternoon, you ponder what to get for dinner. You might be able to scrounge stuff up, it's not impossible... But your thoughts enevitably go back to Kris
You hope he enjoys the milk, the image of him sipping it through his mummy-like mask of bandages with the aid of a crazy straw brings a laugh out from your chest.
It's not a big laugh, a short exhalation from your nostrils.
You know a bit more about him now, and something about him trying deliberately to mess with you after confrontation feels very much like something you would do.
He probably feels lonely, being the only human in town. Probably the only human in the state with his condition to.
If he lets it, you think you want to get to know him.
You walk, feeling better about things. Hoping you can get to know those striking red eyes of his a little more.
The End

BOY this was fun
I have ideas for smaller bits now that the groundwork is done and dusted (ha). If they are wanted, of course.
Hope you guys enjoyed it. Let me know what you think :)
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Oh, right.
I get that guy was being edgy and was probably joking, but I do worry about the state of some of those kris shippers who are super ride or die for Krusie or Kriselle or whatever the next thing is. Some of them are seriously not mentally well.
I genuinely hope Deltarune goes the complete opposite direction & is about the dangers of hyper-obsessing over what isn't real, treating & interacting with fictional entities as if they were real, in some cases, treating fiction better than ppl in real life.
If he's a zombie or vessel, she might have a scientific one. Only UT Alphys, though. Delta would book it the fuck out of there.
Mid-2024 for 3 & 4.
oh shit, that might be it actually
Toby is constantly protected by multiple bodyguards hired for the sole purpose of keeping away the people that would want to kill him if he doesn't make two characters kiss
Would the dark world be the not real thing here or would it just be Deltarune's world in general
car pit
it would be a good message but genuinely what's wrong with the dark worlds?
I love fish
Why do I keep drinking
who's saying car pit
I'm House
i'm enjoying him being more active
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Perhaps this is toby's way of telling us to be more aware of carpets in the game
Tobabbers going stir crazy waiting on Game Maker
Quick someone inject 20ccs of Japan only side projects
>bleeding out of the nose
>monsters aren't familiar enough with human biology to understand if that's normal or if it's a cause for concern, so they just tell him to "stop leaking"
Kris has lived as the only human in a town of monsters for most of his life. Not only does he feel like an outcast, he doesn't know what to do with himself. He has no firsthand frame of reference for how humans behave. When he gets hurt, hardly anyone is concerned by his bruises and wounds because they just don't instinctively recognize them as wounds, he constantly feels weak and hungry due to Toriel's weird 1 pie a day diet, and because nobody else is that concerned about him, he doesn't know if he should be concerned about those sensations. Even if he didn't specifically have CIP I imagine he'd be very apathetic to pain.
Deltarune: It's Persona with furries
[Sad News] Toby Fox has retired from developing Deltarune in order to make bluesky shitposts full-time.
what did he know?!
at least that's something he can deliver on
I like to think that since he no longer has any parts for himself to work on he is finally getting hit with the full force of The Wait and he cracked in just three months.
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I honestly consider this equally as bad as Kingfag threatening suicide. Threatening to kill yourself, threatening to kill someone else, it's shitty either way. And probably an empty threat either way. Just using the hypothetical of someone dying to control people. It's fucked up.
he was really proud of this one
He's House
The cutest and softest bundle of boyfluff
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>No Halloween Newsletter
>No LTS Update
>Next Newsletter late December at the earliest
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Yeah I agree.
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>working on chapter 5 now

brb strangling something
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it's good to see his team actually working on chapter 5
Doesn't this just confirm the december release is what was originally planned?
If there was going to be a 6+ month time loss Toby should've just hired a guy to refactor the chapter 1 and 2 code to match the new shit
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Toby could read his own save files if he was an engine dev that used a real language
>hiring competent programmers
we don't do that here
There's the two (2) full-time employees Producer-sama hired
it will take the gamemaker devs until mid 2025 to fix game_change btw
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Undertale never had this game_change problem, it was a single executable that ran on computers as old as XP
What happened Toby?
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Playing video games with Toriel like this
>tfw it takes so long to fix the gamemaker shit that they finish Chapter 5 and add it back to the bundle release
Deltarune's world in general, the Dark world would be the in universe stand in for our relationship with Deltarune if this is the case. I also suspect Gaster as a concept also fits in to this theme.

Opening too many of them or making them real will destroy the world.

Lightners can also starve there, no matter how much they eat.

Right now, I suspect that the fact that Darkworlds are seen as "fantasy lands where everything is better than real life" to the Lightners is done intentionally.
Undertale didn't have a WACKY MINIGAMES!!! chapter.
That's an unfinished drawing of Ceroba
Don't forget, that after chapter 1 Toby was considering switching to Unity. At which point Toby would have had to rewrite the game TWICE. Once when porting it to Unity, and a second time last year after the Unity scandal.
Wants his game to be separate executables to support his piecemeal content delivery. Which given his horrendous spaghetti code it might actually be necessary so that whatever the hell he makes is newer chapters doesn't break previous ones and they can all be their own little bubble more or less.
In an alternate timeline there are versions of Deltarune written for Game Maker, Unity and Godot
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No it's not
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I've been a deltarune fan since the chapter one days but i haven't played chapter two yet. I know basic stuff about it like the snowgrave route so I'm not gonna be spoiled on anything but I don't know why I just haven't played it. I guess I'm scared to for some reason, or maybe because I like the characters a lot more than rpgs
check it out i'm delayed like carpet
he wants to make 7 to 12 games in 1 and all of them communicate with one another
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Snoutless bitch.
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>Opening too many of them or making them real will destroy the world.
>Lightners can also starve there, no matter how much they eat.
is it just me that thinks this is a little lame
it feels like such a forced reason not to idealise the dark worlds, literally "huh duh food isn't real"
>fangame shit
Top cringe
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When are we going to get the chapter that locks-on with out copy of Undertale?
Cringe and free
6 month time loss so far.
Chapter 3's carpet
top kino actually
It's called a conversation
you think they're gonna finish chapter 5 before gamemaker finishes their shit?
chapter 6
Brb throwing myself into the fucking core
when the sex gets gay, the gay get sexin
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Yellow should have done this
About Undertale/Deltarune?
How did GameMaker delay the update for their only customer for 6 months only to send them a bugged build that doesn't work HOW does this happen HOW
>game maker
why don't they 'maker' their game engine better?
I imagine we'll get more out of it later on, if this is the case that is, we are only 2/7 into the game after all. Something about pretending Rudy's illness away, reviving people who have long since died & letting go, getting too carried away with what isn't there to the point where reality & fiction blur eachother.

I also think "huh duh food isn't real" is a good message to give because some of yall dont take care of yourselves.
Piecemeal content is when you don't release anything for 4 years
This is becoming FEZ levels of developer time
Any hope for maybe new Deltarune merch on its anniversary?
Actually funny youtube comments for once
i think the only saving grace is that we haven't actually paid anything for it yet
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I can't wait for more 30 dollar plastic garbage!
Getting more than 2 rooms of Hotland after how kino Another Medium slowly fading in was would've been nice. It would be cool to see a fangame/mod that combines Yellow's maps with the base game but people in the fangame community pretend they "own" their fancontent way too much so anyone skilled enough would be too scared because it'd be "stealing".

Like the Bits n Pieces situation where they don't want anyone to finish it, like it baffles me they were working on that Susie shit that never got finished before they even bothered to finish the sprites on TP ending.
You are retarded
Toby is never going to make plushies of the characters people actually care about (Kris, Susie, Noelle) so I don't care.
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Toby should just get rid of the "no fan merch" rule already. I can't imagine who the fuck wants this.
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I thought fan merch was allowed as long as you're not mass-producing it
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>sonic 3
There is no "no fan merch" rule, the fuck are you talking about.
The only things he forbids are mass-produced products like print on demand shirts and similar
there's also a more traditional boss fight mod for vision crew's characters
But then we won't get our Toriel hentai doujinshi.
It would have been better since Unity isn't a toy engine like Game Maker.
He would loose time from remaking the game there but he would gain a lot time later on if he hired competent devs for the job.
sweaty car pits...
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Do the Yellow devs really not want people to finish their fangame? Honestly they should just post the cut Hotlands/Lab ideas and let people make it.
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The Bits n Pieces devs explicitly stated they didn't want anyone to finish it, I don't think the Yellow devs said anything about it. I feel like Yellow is finished enough but Hotland was slightly disappointing.
Wasn't the Bits n Pieces dev arrested for being a pedo?
That's correct. It's obvious though that like, 90% of the actual work was done by other people and he just managed the thing (poorly)
>I also suspect Gaster as a concept also fits in to this theme.
Gaster's concept is video game developer.
Because he's a Toby Fox self-insert.
>Bits n Pieces
that one is just too tainted by the devs being pedos
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I thought I read something about the Bits & Pieces guy getting released on parole or something, or did he post bail?
Christmas newsletter?
Why do they think we should respect a pedo or pedo collaborators wishes then
>chapter 3's first pass took 8 months
>chapter 4 is not done
>they're working on chapter 5 at the same time
>LTS buggy and not done
>newsletter delayed until after christmas
>bluesky account announced, which means no more roast chicken
I fucking hate it here I fucking hate it here so much I swear to god I'm gonna fucking kill myself
I feel there is a lot more than Hotland that was left unfinished in Yellow.
Afaik the only actual pedo was Blaze Maiyes and he went to jail (jokes about the team being full of trannies notwithstanding)
Beyond me. Not like they can do much besides write a callout post if someone were to "steal" their work and finish it.
What are some other examples, it's been a while but most of the rest of the game felt pretty realized to me.
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We shouldn't. Especially since he was a hypocrite.
I told you guys the LTS was out and you people said that was “debunked”
>bluesky account announced, which means no more roast chicken
fuck you're right
tomorrows roast chicken was the only glimmer of hope I had and you just smashed it
2 months until next newsletter stimbros it's over
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The scene where you chase Ceroba to the True Lab elevator, I assume you were supposed to go down there for a scene about amalgam Kanako, but Starlo drags you away.
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what was this for?
For baiting terminally online goobers
A lot of the rules of the dark world feel a bit lame to me desu
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Chances are that by liking and/or retweeting that the "pedophiles" he was virtue signaling about were just people into lolisho lmao. Real pedos always project about that shit and makes it ten times funnier when they actually get arrested for CP or kid touching.
I completely don't remember that but I'll take your word for it.

There was also that thing where you can change Clover's sprite to Kanako just by changing a line in the save file that I'm just now remembering so there was probably going to be some kind of flashback sequence where you played as her.
Moisturizing his skin after shaving his body hair because he's a gayboy
All wait and no game makes anon a dull boy
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What if fave was drafted into the military?
I feel like Gaster as a character is meant to represent or even parallel someone who will tear apart a game or some other form of media solely to gain new secrets or information, someone who is lost in their own lust for hidden details among hidden details.

I do also like the "video game developer" angle tho.
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Fave is too old to be drafted now
There was that bit about Chujin saying he saw a ghost. Maybe it was the serum fucking with his mind or maybe it was just looking at Integrity being gored by Axis, but it sounds like the blue soul was supposed to have a larger role in the game.
The white plant thing from the Steamworks seemed to be building up for something important, but it ended up just being a boss arena. Guardener also has a scrapped Geno song.
Kanako is barely present in the game despite being very important. Considering the unused Hotland stuff and also that the true lab shows up in the Flowey fight, they might have planned a true lab section but scrapped it.
The Oasis town is basically useless (not even a shop unless you're playing Geno) and there is a stretch you walk with Martlet with no monsters. Maybe they planned a mechanic similar to when Ceroba follows you.
Thats not the issue, the issue is him being very autistic about Kris, Susie, and Noelle being on merch or getting plushies that he doesn't like
Let's not pretend like lolisho niggas are innocent though
They are by definition innocent because no crime occurred, but okay, Blaize
>Chances are that [HEADCANON]
Azzypedos getting rowdy again I see
I think my main problem with where you anons are theorizing is that everyone already played final fantasy tactics advanced and hated it. Pretty sure the ending you imagine would be a game of thrones/homestuck level disaster that just kills 100% of the fanbase and cultural impact overnight
Lts quick fix and lts update for halloween?
so true azzypedoBRO
hyper muscle barbarian Asriel when?
>Kanako is barely present in the game despite being very important.
I mean, she IS dead. Not to mix shit with shit but this complaint reminds me of a shitstirrer we're dealing with in the Omori general copy-pasting his tumblr posts and one of his complaints is that "Mari has no agency in the story." Yeah, because she's a CORPSE.
Holy shit, he might actually be on bail >>499958175
>They are by definition innocent
w-we could still get the beta test for christmas, right?!?!?
Opinion rejected
We are never going to hear of the beta test ever again.
>I mean, she IS dead
Kanako is fallen down. Undertale implies that no one sent to the Lab has died there, this means she got injected with the DT juice and amalgamated.
Oh I didn't think it was actually an Asrielfag lol
It's ALWAYS that asrielfag
so true
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Come on, you had a free layup to call me a pedo by me mentioning Omori, you blew it anon.
You're quoting two different people anon, I don't even like Asriel. I'm more of a Frisk/Characunnyfriend myself.
Please don't go near any schools mint
I think you should be a killyourselffriend instead desu
>kills 100% of the fanbase and cultural impact overnight
Toby already did that but taking too long to finish the game
Could it be that trying to make a lightweight 2D pixel art game have a feature that lets you seamlessly launch multiple executables that can all interact with each other on every console was a dumb idea
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no one was even talking about Deltarune though
It's trolling, you know what to do
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I don't remember anyone getting banned last thread thoughever.
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Why do these characters upset you?
They don't upset anyone, it's your sexual attraction to children that people find disturbing.
Post rejected
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>Skeleautist angry for no reason
Checks out.
i think it's a little odd to see a pedo getting rightfully arrested and to assume "he MUST have been one of those anti-lolishota people I JUST KNOW IT" without any real evidence.
Do you think the other indie devs make fun of Toby behind his back? Do you think ufo 50 guys has to stifle a laugh when they walk past him in the metaphorical hallway.
It's called "pattern recognition".
doesn't papyrus romantically date a child in undertale?
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I get upset at people failing to interpret them accurately.
I think Schizophrenia is more like it.
The evidence was his twitter that he promoted Bits & Pieces on, then Elon Husk removed likes to protect pedos like him.
He does, so we can assume that Papyrusposter didn't play the game

After the date he doesn't even mention he can't date Frisk because they're a kid, just that he couldn't because he didn't develop feelings for them during the date lmao
If my schizophrenia keeps me from getting mugged by a black man then so be it
nigga what
See >>499956946
even if they did, toby is infinitely more successful & influential than any of them will ever be, save for like notch or something.

i guess the point is notch is the only person that can actually bully toby. (he is also anti-trans, in the sense that he believes it's a disorder as a bonus, unless something happened later on where he backpedalled & apologized)
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What do you guys think the schizo boss in chapter 3's religious reference is going to be?
Exactly, niggas ARE what.
Why the hell is everything suddenly offtopic
It's funny that Notch became transphobic, considering that Steve? is canonically nonbinary
It's a retweet of sonic burning the map flag, which is a flag irl pedos have used. That's not really proof of anything
another anti meltie
Because you're on /utg/
Lolishopedos are getting uppity again
Are you talking about the thing he said about how every species in Minecraft only has one sex and therefore they are all gay?
No game, no newsletter, no LTS, no general
He reposted it because he wanted to virtue signal against le pedos despite being a child sex offender himself, instead of working on his fangame
>racist charapedo
Woomy is that you?
I wouldn't say he "became" transphobic, he seemed to come off as someone who always held those ideals & presented them when the topic was much more fierce.

Also, they made steve nonbinary? was this AFTER notch sold minecraft or is this a thing he implemented on his days working on the game?
It could be the Australian one, ask him if he has a tulpa
Yeah, the MAP users tend to be like actual pedos, by your definition. There's nothing about that that suggests it was about lolishofags
I keep forgetting that it isnt enough for Schizo bosses to be forgotten/ have lost everything/ to have some of a lightner's creativity, but that they also all have to have met Gaster at some point. Honestly i'm wondering how the Dinger keeps it up
Lolishotafags be like: pedos are bad because they make us look bad or they are hypocrites
do you have a tulpa?
>Also, as a fun side fact, it means every character and animal in Minecraft is homosexual because there’s only one gender to choose from. Take THAT, homophobes!
Yep this is the post I was thinking of
>le pedos
Are you aware of who tends to use the map flag or?
Like he was a hypocrite either way but this is a strange hill to die on. It's not like there's never been anyone who's super into that who hasn't been found for crimes
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People mistaking me as some namefag or another anon always feels like that scene in Joker 1 where the Joker gets away from the detectives by disappearing into that crowd of other Jokers
I guess it's just a coincidence that there happens to be multiple racist charalolifags then
People call lolishofags "actual pedos" all the time, it's their go to trolling/flaming tactic if you post drawings of Frisk/Chara they don't like.

There could be no flag in the drawing and it wouldn't change the message he agreed with.
Dude you're right you're so epic and twisted like The Joker! So uhh, how's them Deltarunes anyways? Can we talk about that?
Deltarune's pretty good. Wish it was finished
What is deltarune?
Some Undertale AU fangame I think
In a bold move, Toby includes a flashback rape scene between Officer Asgore in his time of service & a Clown.
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>skeletard tiktok meme refugee didn't play the game
Many such cases!
That's based on pure conjecture though. The drawing itself is about MAPs.
Or do you admit that lolishofags are also MAPs?
Persona with Furries
>Or do you admit [completely unrelated statement]
>unironically comparing yourself to the joker
How many fedoras do you own
I hate the term MAP because it makes me think of the map song from Dora & what that implies in modern day.
Warten macht frei. (lachen)
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I used to have this exact one that a family member gave me on the 4th of July when I was in like, high school but it's long gone.
So do you think that lolishofags are also maps or do you think they're different? If they're different why does the retweet symbolize some statement against lolishofags?
A preliminary pass of Chapter 4's translation is now being worked on. I expect this first pass will be finished at the time we send out the next newsletter. After that, would come additional passes, and then checking (like Chapter 3 is undergoing now).
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oh my god i don't CAAAAARE i don't care bleehhhh :PP
>actually owned a fedora
this is getting comical
I don't know, ask the guy you were arguing with.
Toby would wear this on the streets of Japan with his dog mask
I bet your reddit account is high on karma
C-Comical... like the J... the Jo...
It was a patriotic gift during a holiday.
it's not the australian tulpa guy because australians are asleep right now
Thread theme:
Did jevil have any kind of religious reference?
>thinking pro shitposters have normal sleeping schedules or need more than 4 hours of sleep a day
are you a libertarian
>name is a combination of "Joker" and "Devil"
What do you think
meant for >>499962862
what if the deltarune angel is actually abaddon the destroyer?
Aussies can still have fucked up sleeping schedules
oh thank god i was really confused on why i was suddenly being attacked and pinned to the wall for claiming australians slept
InfoGODs having a real tough time trying to nail down who the Chara poster is
Toby killed the thread by saying no updates til december.
It's all been downhill since he made that tweet.
How are we gonna survive 2 more months like this?
This is huge
nonstop goon session
we'll always have roast chicken shitposts on his bsky to hold us over until then, he's switched professions to professional shitposter after all
This but unironically, people that actually diddle kiddos should fuck off and die forever, and let people enjoy the 2D deltateens in peace
>The Persona song Toby took the Carpet sample from was a meme on twitter 2+ years ago
Do you think Toby made that video back then and we're only just getting to see it now?
No, you don't understand. He said the newsletter WAS planned for December. Keyword being WAS. It's delayed for longer than 2 months,
See >>499957131
No I think his sense of humor is permanently 2+ years in the past
No one was even talking about deltarune Charapedobro
Probably. Poor guy is running on fumes now.
Anon... He announced his account, which means no more roast chicken...
I guess not, you want to have a meltie about lolishos instead of talking about Deltarune
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please don't group me with you guys. I want nothing to do with you
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Being shattered across time and space sounds boring, I'd start fucking with people too.
IP grabber don't click
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Do not
I think lolishotafags are subhuman
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I'm not going to pretend to be the most knowledgeable about programming & the innerworkings of it, but I genuinely wonder why it's so difficult to write a script that opens up another exe file, it's possible to manipulate or even erase files in languages like C++.

I imagine getting it to work with console releases would be much more tricky to pull off tho...
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Just imagine Catti's milk fountains...
Strawpoll.com does give the poll maker your geolocated location based on your IP address, though
yeah i give up
Unironically Toby trying to have localization and console release be day-and-date with Chapter releases is probably doubling the length of Deltarune's dev cycle.
go back to your 'cord
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It goes without saying that when Chapter 3 is delayed, struggles erupt within /utg/, and unfortunate slapfights between retards result. - Producer-Sama
lusting after a 15 year old character is so much more moral right?
>lusting after a [HEADCANON]
Fat people can't consent
I wonder how /utg/ will feel when the producer credits are in the credits and its a westerner
Why are toddlercons like this
Imagining these posts followed by joker beatbox makes them a lot funnier
It's gonna be a retired western youtuber that lives in Tokyo and absolutely LOVES Pokemon and Nintendo in general. You can screencap this if you want, I don't mind.
What do you expect from people that happily lie to themselves about not being the exact same kind of degenerates they obsessively hate
It's the kiwisperg mindset
when do you think deltarune development will be officially canceled?
male or female?
>What do you expect from people that [HEADCANON]
I got one question for you though
if we get no new chapters by the time 2026 rolls around, then we can be sure that the end is near...
It wont be cancelled but after 3plus4 they are gonna combine all other planned chapters into a single final one to get it over with sooner
Unsolvable game-breaking bug in Chapters 6+7 that renders the whole "launcher and executables" setup he waited for with unusable and Toby has a mental breakdown and gives up
Holy shit watch out, a problematic character!
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fangames are the only content you'll see in a while so get used to it
The December newsletter will also include the trailer and Chapter 3 WILL come out right after it! Trust me! December release Chads, we WILL be right!
Male. Has a beard and everything (last time I checked, anyways).
This post practically radiates pedo asshurt
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Holy shit watch out, a problematic character!
Based and Trinity Soul pillled.
When I send Toby a link to this thread
does he have any problematic history or is his record clean?
Do it NOW
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why is she so sad
I don't need "content" apart from the actual games themselves
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But is there really anything wrong with it tho?
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Is this the same guy you said was a youtuber?
I have a sinking feeling, bros...
Clean record, trusted in the industry, nothing to worry about. Personally, I trust this guy overseeing Deltarune, so you'll be fine. Maybe. I mean, you'll lose out on the shitposting because I'm pretty sure he doesn't kill people, but that's about it.
Absolutely not
I am still holding out hope. It WILL come out in December 2024. The newsletter WILL be a release newsletter. I WILL be correct.
I will keep fighting, even if I'm the last December TRUTHER left.
Insert assmad reply about this image being a crime in a backwater country and you are literally epstein or something
Those characters are drawn as adults though
I can just feel the butthurt coming through this post
Yeah, I'm the same guy from the other thread. I'm kinda scared of saying too much or how I found out about it because he seems like a genuinely nice fellow who wants his privacy just as much as Toby does, so I don't want you assholes running amok pestering him on his work emails or whatever.
Hell, I don't want twitter bullshit to get to him either. Part of the reason he hasn't shown his face publicly is exactly because of the bullshit that happens to every major Deltarune dev in socials, as you can see with Fred for example.
Are they?
I can just feel the butt coming
we are imitating you btw
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this image is literally a crime in a backwater country
Actually being attracted to an adult-proportioned character with big tits and ass is exactly the same thing as being attracted to one that's explicitly a child and drawn like a toddler. You idiot. You buffoon.
So true charapedo
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being on-topic is literally 1984
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Can you give us a hint?
I don't think we have enough users to do that much damage to their socials.
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Your whole personality is being attracted to children, holy shit we get it
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awful thread.
This but unironically
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This one looks edible

I like Muffet though
I'm pretty sure "retired Nintendo youtuber with a clean record who loves Pokemon and oversees production of videogames and lives in japan" is already a pretty huge thing to say. It's about as much as I can say without straight up saying his name in the first place.
Besides, someone's gonna say some bullshit and it's gonna leak out of the thread onto Twitter. I don't trust most of the users here with direct information. If you know, you know.
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I still don't get the reasoning behind giving her huge tits
imagine being a e*rokek
I don't know what started this argument about lolis and shotas but it's the hardest I've laughed in a while so please keep it up
>immense purple fridge like bulk
Doesn't she have big tits in her sprite
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how it feels to like adult women in /utg/
It's pewdie pie right?
How does Toby have the time to edit a roast chicken shitpost video when he has chronic wrist pain & is working on chapter 5 everyday, is he just masahiro sakurai levels of organized?
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Giving Martlet huge tits redeems her awful cringeworthy dialogue.
Me reading this thread
Pewdiepie doesn't fit any of that and his slate is far from clean (see: bridge)
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you take that back
He has his team do them since it's not like they can do anything else until the LTS update is fixed
>Toby/GameMaker's incompetence delays the game
>Thread collapses
he probably got wrist surgery a year or two ago. he hasn't brought it up for a while.
>spongebob buwomp meme face
This is exactly why I don't care for Martlet and Martlet fans. There is something about that character that attracts those types of literal plebbit children
I'm not seeing any bridge tho?
This is actually one of the best threads in a while because Berdfag isn't in it
plebbit game
You know it was really nice for Toby to wait until basically the END OF THE FUCKING YEAR to tell us we're not getting shit. Really nice. Love ya, Toby.
The only thing that fits is that he lives in japan and has a beard but he's certainly not one with a clean slate and isn't retired. Nor does he do any work in the video game industry
his posts arguing with himself got wiped, please understand
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stop noticing things
As always, it’s interesting how it’s the same 3-4 designated shitpost characters that attract all the hyper manic aggressive posters; it’s never Undyne or Papyrus or like 98% of the cast between games, it’s literally just the same characters like some genuine collective unconscious moment
>Pewdiepie doesn't fit any of that
>retired youtuber who likes nintendo
>loves pokemon and oversees production of videogames
>lives in japan
>clean record
saying the n word once barely counts
You would have to be insane to think this wasnt so true btw
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he actually brings up his wrist pain this very year
Once you notice the body types of the characters that attract those certain autists, you'll shit bricks.
back in my day buwomps were celebrated
You know it was really nice for GameMaker to wait until basically the END OF THE FUCKING YEAR to give us a broken update that works like shit. Really nice. Love ya, GameMaker.
Did you miss out on the Papyrus poster aggressively sperging out about pedos earlier, only to out himself as a secondary
>Part of the reason he hasn't shown his face publicly
>claims he has a beard(last she checked)
does not compute
I notice you initialhue
holy shit WE KNOW charapedobro
As the producer, anon. Shown his face publicly as the producer. Happy with my clarification? Of course he exists as a human.
>>retired youtuber who likes nintendo
He's not retired and isn't particularly attached to nintendo
>>loves pokemon
>>and oversees production of videogames
Fucking no???
>>clean record
>saying the n word once barely counts
He's done more than that.
He correctly called you a pedo and now you're going to be mad about it forever I guess
yeah we know you're mad as fuck kek
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>have you noticed how all the posters I don't like annoy me while the posters I do like don't
I bet you felt really smart writing that
they were all made years ago and shared in the deltarune dev discord.
he's just sharing them with us now.
there was a part of a recent thread on /vp/ where some people were talking about why furries have so much overlap with autists and some of the answers really made a lot of the shitflinging here finally make sense desu
shut up initialbrown
defending blaize mayes (child rapist) to own the lolishofags because uhh reddit karma
this is actually a valid explanation, the initial roast chicken dog dates back to 2021, thank you for explaining.
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No one said that
toby... can I have Beta Susie
you aren't even using her for anything...
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The real big telly for me is that every F!Charafag is completely fucking bonkers and has their mind scrambled by literally a single sprite on a screen but M!Charafags are always the chillest dudes
How shitty is GameMaker that it completely falls apart with whatever Toby is trying to do
Yes, sadly.
There's only one M!Charafag here and he seems to always be a passive aggressive cunt, in fact this is probably one of his posts fellating himself as an M!Charafag
He talks about these issues in the past tense
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this is me btw if you care
Who pissed in your cereal this morning
The drawfag guy? Or did I miss another?
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>there are people that can't wait to buy more products of a series that will never get out of demo
I'm in my house-like carpet
Gamemaker is 25 year old toy engine whose purpose was to make it easy to slap together a simple 2D game really quick to show your mom and dad.
It shouldn't be surprising that it's hard to make complex projects with it, and that it doesn't have more technical functionality.
Can't be the drawfag, they always seemed fine to me. Aloof maybe, but fine.
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That's not even the egregious thing really. It's the fact that people here will pay money for the next chapters and then wait another 6 years for the end of the game.
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Imagine if such people really existed
It sure would be very funny
We should all pirate Chapters 3 and 4
it's the only way i'll get to play it, i'm south american
bipolar guy who gets really angy at the idea of the general getting sent to /trash/
Funny or sad? Both? Or perhaps a feeling that Toby should do better for his unconditionally loyal consumers?
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"I cannot trust an engine to make a game, who cannot make himself" - General Robert E. Fox
If you're talking about the M!charafag with the blog I think they're cool.
One of the few thread personalities you can have a reasonable discussion about the game with.
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we're all laughing at you in the vc btw
You mean chapters 1-4 because it'll be in a bundle
What about they/them!Charafags?
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>Toby should do better
lmao even
Link the thread, I’m curious
Check it out I'm delayed like carpet
I'll be watching YouTube videos and twitch streams and tumblr liveblogs for free actually.

I won't pay a dime until I'm 100% sure I like the ending.
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bird tripod
How is it a tripod he only has one leg
Do they make playthrough videos without the 30+ minute Suselle cutscenes? You might have to make a bunch of Sponsorblock timestamps for that shit.
imagine the conversations between these two

Guy who watches video game playthroughs on 2x for the stimmies but doesn’t actually like any part of the game (he gets all the lore wrong and asks questions already answered by the source)
You and kraut should hook up
If you don't have at least 100 hours in Undertale, you should not be allowed to post in /utg/.
>watches toby game instead of playing it
>skips toby yuri instead of watching it
Bet you wipe your ass barehanded you fucking troglodyte.
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I'm in the house
like carpet
imagine the sex between those two
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but anon how will tobert be able to sustain his endless vacation in the eastern front?
Imagine watching a playthough when you could just guess the plot from e621 porn
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I played Chapter 2 already, and used the ferris wheel skip option generously provided by Toby. I'm just letting the other anon know what to expect. Most longplayers actually sit through all that and think it's good.
toby forced quirkiness seems insufferable irl
anon's talking about me btw
only I get all the lore right while everyone else interprets it wrong
missable content is based if it's yurishit
>every single jojo's bizzare adventure fan who uses "jojo's" as a short hand for the series instead of "jojo"
anon jokes but I'm sure there are usuals here that did just that
Why don't you actually experience the game to its fullest?
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In Deltarune you walk to right and hit Z on things so funny quips happen. Also sometimes you fight.
you're arguing with a troll making up false information in order to make other people angry btw
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I wouldn't know I pirated it then bought it on sale years later in case Deltarune called me out on having a non-steam Undertale
The whole point of the Toby experience is that you make choices and the ending you get is le your own canon
I haven't seen this video before but damn no wonder Toby no longer does anything in public anymore
He's not that interested in the game, the deltateens are too old for him
this post is absolutely fuming with butthurt
meant for >>499971189
Why did Toby have headphones on during this like one of those autists who get overstimulated easily?
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>too old
Why is the shotatard suddenly mindbroken by suselle
I'll MAKE her the mother of my children!
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>several of the responses are about cutesy shit and/or bright colors
Yeah, I guess that makes sense.
>In Deltarune you walk to right
pressing left is actually mandatory
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>every opinion I don't like is from a troll
You guys are all fat shut up
shut up initialcaca
If DBZ Sparking Zero had a Deltarune mod, I'd buy it in a heartbeat.
I just imagine Undyne powering up and anime dodging and its making me chuckle fierce
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When Toby finishes the story I'll reevaluate whether it's actually a well written relationship, currently it's depicted in the most shallow and stereotypical way possible.
He's just reposting kraut edits, if he really wanted to commit he'd draw original spite art
>toby plugging his bluesky account crashed the site
Like Carpet
like carpet
We need to analyze this carpet.
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carp it
first question: does it match the drapes?
this is undyne's father
carpe diem?
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Sorry, fish...
he looks so fuckable

(toby not the troon)
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fuck off
Where is this from
AND a cute butch lesbian
it doesn't contain any cute little boys for him to goon over
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Deltarune doesn't contain much of anything
I saw it on twitter
has Toby ever had a girlfriend(or boyfriend)?
who? how long did the relationship last?
i like to think he's dating temmie but they keep it dl, either that or he just keeps his private life private & whether he has had one or not could work either way.
He dated some girl named Shelby I think back when he was in the Homestuck fandom. He and her broke up when Shelby realized she was a lesbian (of course). I don't think he's had a girlfriend since.
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saying that is a bit harsh, isn't it?
No, it's shit. Hard to say if it will be a flop or not, Toby has a million billion zealots that will buy anything. Critically, though, it's a worse game.
>i like to think he's dating temmie
impossible. temmie said he contacted her on tumblr offering her a job. boss to boyfriend doesn't fly in this day and age because something something power imbalance
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I can't answer that exactly, but I think we all know he's not a virgin.
>He and her broke up when Shelby realized she was a lesbian
ouch. that must be ego shattering
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taking it in the pooper doesn't make you lose your v-card
his cock was so massive and the sex so painful he traumatized the woman into not wanting anything to do with men ever again
He's already been working on it longer than 7 years
imagine if it was the other way around and your boss-girlfriend fire-dumps you because she had a dream you applied to another company or everyone gets a christmas bonus but you because you didn't eat her out on her period
Deltarune will be fully released next year maximum
Deltarune should be officially cancelled next year so it can be made obsolete by fangames.
Toby knew it was impossible to make so why did he try?
fever dream ending
>Deltarune probably won't be fully finished until the 2030s
Holy shit
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wait so if he has wrist issues that prevent him from drawing/musiking/writing/programming...

...how the heck does he jack off?
Why should I care about susie x noelle when the best thing you can do in deltarune is use noelle as a weapon of mass destruction for no reason besides being bored?
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chapter one suselle was shit. noelle didnt even know susie, she was just chasing a idea.
Chapter two suselle is good. Noelle and susie are learning each other, and like what they see.
Option A. he uses the other hand

Option B. professional escorts that like to do cosplay
No matter how doomer-y you get, it's pretty much safe to say we're getting Chapter 3 and 4 next year. I wouldn't even be surprised if we got 3 and 4 early in the year, and Chapter 5 later in the year.
>ban evasion
>banned again
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he had an idea and a dream
a true americano at heart
people said the exact same thing in 2023
When (read: if) Deltarune finishes we're gonna need to have a long talk about Toby's development speed.
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If you think about it, having all characters be animals(or robots, ghosts, plants, etc) is one hell of a loophole to prevent forced skin color diversity/representation.
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? no
Maybe he'll delay it so he can release chapters 3 4 and 5 by the end of next year
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>Chapter 3 will release in 2022
>Chapter 3 will release on New Year's Day 2023
>Chapter 3-4-5 will release on Undertale's anniversary in 2023
>Chapters 3 and 4 will release on Halloween 2023
>Chapters 3 and 4 will release in the Summer of 2024
>Chapters 3 and 4 will release in December
>Chapters 3 and 4 will release in 2025 <-- YOU ARE HERE
kriselle notcanon
suselle: noelle is chasing an idea, not susie
krusie: supported in canon with the tea shit.

Krusie is the canon ship
Doesn't snowgrave heavily support Noelle x Kris
Or we counting that as Noelle x player?
I ate bait yum yum
>Doesn't snowgrave heavily support Noelle x Kris
It is if you are mindbroken.
If it took GameMaker this long to ship and update only for it to not fucking work imagine how long it'll take for them to fix it
thats noelle x player
I mean it is a HEAVILY abusive relationship but it clearly is meant ti have romantic themes! Kris puts multiple rings on Noelle's finger and gets her family heirloom in return!
oh no sooz
AND cute girls kissing
yeah just ignore the abusive relationship themes and it's totally wholesome chungus
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snowgrave isn't canon we've already talked about this
snowgrave is canon you dimcel.
all routes are canon secondary
Vessel (Player) x Noelle
Kris x Susie
Actually it's Kris x me
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punched a fucking hole in the wall man i'm so mad rn i'm FUMING rn i'm angry as hell man i'm fucking pissed
Obligatory reminder that Noelle and Susie fuck on the snowgrave route
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I'm happy for you/sorry that happened
Obligatory reminder that Noelle and Susie fuck and suck at Sneed's Feed and Seed
Spamton basically repeatedly calls Noelle a whore in snowgrave so...
That's the floor
Obligatory reminder that Spamton wants to fuck Noelle on the snowgrave route
thats the right idea.
That's because he's a victim-blaming misogynist
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>krusie: supported in canon with the tea shit.
How many times do we have to go through this. Kris's tea value with Susie hints at a strong friendship, NOT a crush
I don't blame him
If I was a homeless deadbeat puppet I too would like to have sex with the first teenager that appeared in my turf
"When there's no clear option, it's better to do nothing." - Generalfeldmarschall Tobias "Desert" Fox
I want to fuck Noelle in the snowgrave route too.
I wonder if snowgrave's abusive relationship undertones will continue (assuming there IS a direct snowgrave continuation) or if Toby will go "lmao your choices don't matter" and Noelle/Susie just get into a healthy relationship like normal route
>Kris x Susie
Not supported in canon in any way, so no
People who think your choices really don't matter in Deltarune are the same people who think Undertale has multiple endings.
How come Spamton is allowed to be a misogynist and still have women who want him
But when I do it
Kris and susie will interact more in chapter 3. Meanwhile noelle will be absent.
The ship will become canon. Stop denying it.
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>neutral feeling
so why does Noelle HATE him?
suselle setup seems to be a constant throughout chapter 2 no matter what route you pick, so them being together or whatever else happens seems inevitable.
>Susie just likes everyone
remind me how she's a massive bitch cunt again?
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How the FUCK do you get past this fucking puzzle I'm gonna shit myself I already tried jumping over it and it doesn't work what the FUCK do I do
>Meanwhile noelle will be absent.
the newsletter more or less indirectly confirmed that to not be the case
Okay so Vessel (Player) X Noelle X Susie. Kris is left out.
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you anons do know that there's more to Noelle than "what if she stays with x character", right?
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Yeah, like her massive fucking udders.
Funny post but I did genuinely once watch a streamer get stuck on this "puzzle".
Of course, initialfag, but try telling that to butthurt Krusiefags
show me the proof that she will be in chapter 3. Show me that it isnt chapter 4 or other shit.
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I will cuddle with Noelle because she's a sweetie pie and very warm and soft
they just don't really know each other or really interact much. They've only been in one chapter together and they're mostly in different places
But Undertale has multiple endings?
>people who think Undertale has multiple endings.
It doesn't?
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Canon human Papyrus design.
Guy who cycles between old bait because a lack of fresh content has broken his brain
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Why the fuck is this tile missing I fucking hate this game it looks like shit
abusive relationship is still a relationship
it does & doesnt in the sense that the game ends with you leaving the underground with minor variation (or chara).
Ironic post
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That's Dess's theme not Noelle's
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Every "true" ending in Undertale, so the True Pacifist and Genocide Endings, are the same in the end. The Underground is left empty. That is the end of the prophecy in Undertale.
The neutral endings are not true "endings." When you end them, you just get a message from Flowey telling you to start over, meaning that you are not meant to end the game upon reaching them.
I think at least one of the baiters don't even care about new content desu
>they're not real endings because flowey says so
based retard
Okay but you have to be really pedantic to say Genocide/Pacifist aren't different endings.
Yes, they have the same result: an empty underground but... like, they're pretty clearly different endings. One of them results in you killing everyone and selling your soul to the devil, for fucksake.
But yeah neutral "endings" aren't endings.
Kris and Noelle represent Kris being enslaved by the will of the player the same exact way Kris and Ralsie represent Kris being enslaved by fate/the game. This leaves Susie as the obvious "freedom " choice but what I don't understand is how this mixes with the fact that Toby will NEVER refuse to indulge his lesbian fetish and that Suselle will be mandatory. Unavoidable Bad End? Some unseen forth or fifth option?

More research needed. Bring me my chapters Toby.
Why would Dess's theme be in a stealth section
Why would noelle be in the kris house darkworld?
>Kris and Ralsie represent Kris being enslaved by fate/the game. This leaves Susie as the obvious "freedom " choice
So gay = bad and straight = good. Bravo, Tobert
>you are not meant to end the game upon reaching them.
They're still the same ending for The Underground, which is what the game is based around. It's left empty, no matter what choices you make.
I feel like this can be applied to Deltarune. Maybe it WILL have one ending. But the circumstances of that ending will be different. Things will change, but you won't get the exact same dialogue and actions.
When did he hurt you?
>unseen forth or fifth option

Ahem ahem



>why would the girl who's missing in the dark theme be playing while you hide in the dark
She saw someone sneaking around the Dreemurr house and slash the car tires, or if on the Snowgrave route stealthily followed Kris to try to find out what was wrong with them
fuck you

Noelle comes in snowgrave because the player whispers her name once more I'm a genius
>She saw someone sneaking around the Dreemurr house and slash the car tires
so she was convientaly there at that moment? Even though there was no reason or forshadowing?
> stealthily followed Kris to try to find out what was wrong with them
theres forshadowing for this, so I can believe in a snowgrave version.
but thats just snowgrave.
>so she was convientaly there at that moment?
They're neighbors, remember?
The holiday residence is somewhat far away. Also its night time, so she was probably at home.
Unless noelle has super eyes, I just dont see this happening
Dess x Kris

Asrial x Noelle

It just works. How nature intended.
>karkat in the thread
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He gets Noelle's milkers all to himself...
>Asrial x Noelle
Vintage chapter 1 ship
I don't ship any characters.
kris x susie x noelle is endgame, trust
Does Dess have big jugs?
My ship sails in the morning
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no, shes this
(you will get tomboy, masculine dess and you will like it)
My ship is a boat, and it flies. There's a fight ring on it.

I don't have a zippertits fetish, sorry
every shipfag being killed in a fiery inferno is endgame, trust
You will get the Kris harem ending and you will like it
if this happens I will excessively do snowgrave just to ruin Kris' happy ending.
even in persona that's the bad end
>implying you'll get anything other than yuri
pure delusion
The ship question will be answered when the only waynto stop the roaring is for every single character to have sex with every other character. Until every possible combination of two has been achieved.
>doesnt appreciate tomboy dess
you sir have bad taste
Enough! My shIT sails in the morning
Not even tomboys look like that
Anyway the only main character ships I see actually happening in deltarune are:
Susie x Noelle
And Player x Noelle in snowgrave if Toby has the balls to go full on "you're a terrible person who is completely ripping apart the script of the game just to find out what happens"
I'm sure glad I'm not ship brainrotted
depends on the tomboy.
The game turns into a memory puzzle minigame but every card is a super fast animation of two characters fucking and you have a 30 minute timer to make every single lightner fuck eachother by matching the correct cards to eachother
What's your opinion on ralsusie
Tumblr really ruined your idea of female body types huh
I ship (Me) x Knowing Gaster's mysteries.
cool art
>tumblr out of nowhere
I dont use tumblr tho
No matter how cute some things are, they will forever remain fanon.
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She looks like she Ness
I ship characters because everyone abandoned me after high school!!!!!
this but unironically
Yeah I ship

Ship chapters 3 and 4 this late December to a store near you ahahahahahah
I forgot the name of the tumblr blog I got it from unfortunately, when I find it again I'll let you know
hey is the guy who had all the omori gifs still offering i really like them
Theoretically, every Deltateen could be FTM.
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Theoretically, noelle could be trans.
i bet it's just the corrupted save room
No, trans fetishist, Noelle is not trans. Ralsei is not trans, either.
okay, thank you
Not really. Thanks for offering.
MFW when snowgrave is about abusing a quirky shy trans girl into killing one of her friends for no reason other than boredom
>Tumblr in the year of our Lord 1900 x 2 - 1800 + 24
Your fave is trans
it’s better than Twitter desu
Ralsei is a femboi
I thought this was debunked
No you see noelle has antlers therefore she is
No because Dess is going to be yet another lesbian
what if fave argued with you over whether or not futa is trans
I liked it better when they didn't badger about getting an account and you could just lurk and they were completely anal (lol) about NSFW
female reindeer have antlers, that was the debunk
Noelle glued her antlers on with superglue one Krismas and hasn't been able to remove them since.
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>fetish post disguised as a bait post
Twitter was never anal about porn
t.been looking at porn on twitter for years
I mean Tumblr
Temmies feet
And there it is
and here it is
I didnt say she was trans there.
self-referential post
WHOOMP, there it is!
WHOOMP, there it is!
WHOOMP, there it is!
WHOOMP, there it is!
Dont you dare compare me to the goat pedo. I have standards
Temmie's feet
Temmie's head
Temmie's body
Temmie's arms
Temmie's legs
Temmie's skin
Temmie's ears
Temmie's face
Temmie's mouth
Temmie's heart
Temmie's teeth
Temmie's heart
god she is so fucking fine you people have no clue what plans ive got brewing
>professionals have standards
quote by snoipeh tf2
dreadful thread
Temmie went hiking with her friend today imagine how sweaty her feet got in her boots ha ha ha they would be absolutely drenched in sweat from walking and climbing so much ha ha ha.
>I have standards
Being horny for trans deltateens?
grim thread
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You dropped your shota Asriel image
not my problem
I'm not the thread personality that mindbroke you
noelle? with a cock?

let me drink her dick eggnog.
bounce a coin off that shit and blind yourself via ricochet like a dumbass
bleak thread
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fastest thread we've had in months
slow comfy threads really are based
ghastly thread
and by "that shit" i mean her ass
It's gamemaker-san's fault.
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6 hour threads are comfy too though
thread like carpet
new bread when
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It's a good concept.
Toby announcing that there won't even be a newsletter til next year mindbroke the thread
What if Asriel vored everyone with his gigantic cock?
Please get out of your chair and take a walk
theoretically what if none of the characters arent trans. And they are what they are at face value.
I dont use twitter anymore, this is news to me.
>6 hours ago
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naughty little double negative there
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What do you guys think the vessel's role will be?
Will we play as it?
Fight it?
Chara-type role where they just appear at the end of the game and spout cryptic bullshit?
My neck hurts
My back hurts
I wanna lay down
My feet hurt
All my fingers are sore
I'm tired
I'm hot
I got a headache
>6 hours ago
stimmyKINGs won
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Fave is too lazy and just wants to keep staying in bed eating cake and donuts and ice cream
The vessel does have some parallels with chara. But Im unsure if toby will just repeat charas plotline.
i want to be able to play as it, but it'll probably be some kind of boss or something
Holy shit niggas new leak
what color would dark world kris ass turn if you slapped it really hard
Player possession towards end of game. Will be used to fight Kris, the surrounding details depending on route taken, but happening no matter what.
femboy trans
tomato tomahto, just different levels of autism
anyone who says otherwise is mad coping groping chaser of one or the other desperately trying to convince themself they don't like the other
that's from a loli set featuring young noelle having sex
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Can I see it?
Yeah and it's based
Kris' Blush Is Still Red/Pink
I Guess It Would Still Be The Same

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