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Previous: >>499748285

Official: https://splatoon.nintendo.com/
Base: https://www.nintendo.co.jp/character/splatoon/en/
Wiki: http://splatoonwiki.org/
Booru: https://booru.inkgen.moe
Build analyzer: https://sendou.ink
Pool code: inkgen

• Splatfest: Wizard vs Knight vs Ninja is on until 10/27 8PM EST
• Version 9.1.0 patch notes: https://en-americas-support.nintendo.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/59461/~/how-to-update-splatoon-3#v910
• Drizzle Season is on until 11/30

>Media Accounts

>Map Schedules and Seed Checker

>Gear, Weapons, and Collectables
oh good this splatfest is almost halfway over
No fatties allowed beyond this point
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Never ask an octo supremacist what species her boyfriend is.
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GGs again.
HQ: https://files.catbox.moe/ta4omd.png
The only ones I could recognize as any specific character were p, L, k and さ. I didn't notice さ until doing the collage and thought it was pretty cool.
I wish I could play PBs again but I'm home 30 minutes late with my job
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>knightcuck disconnects at the sight of a 100x
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>dominate the enemy
>dies cornered by special spam
>rest of the team gets wiped out without me
>we lose
I'm indispensable
>currently at 2226.9 Wizard Power
Now I'm just more upset at how badly placements screwed me during Grand Festival.
I believe in you reaching Top 100 anon
why do i hear clapping
>stuck at 2000
Should have played TW more often...
Probably will, the cutoff tends to be around 2150 or so, was higher for GrandFes since it was 3 days and way more actual pros were gunning for it.
the first game i played in 3 was a dc so i honestly don't have any turf war outside of splatfests played
I hate that I genuinely can't tell whether you're joking or not. In case you aren't, 2200+ is high for NA Splatfest Power in S3.
because people are happy!
yes! people enjoy splatfest celebrations :]
My teammates make me look good by being bad
and not because of anything else...
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I failed them again...
what else would be clapping anon.
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Any interest in a Wizard meme team?
Who's this handsome weyy.
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that'd be more like this
(there's no good tuxedo vest)
>the mormon couldnt even wear a costume because he wants to stay wearing his "Signature outfit" he stole from a tableturf card
>fantasy not calling the mormon out in his "hall of shame" section for not wearing an outfit
it's me!
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who knows, anon...
Man matchmaking at 2000 power is just ass
Who is me? And why is his weyyo so cute? Why did he pick the wrong team too? Now I can't play with him!
Would /ink/ like me again if I were to go back to weyyo?
Inkers, line up!
Haltime is almost here so tell me...
>What team you're on?
>Who do you think will get the halftime?
>Who do you think is gonna win this whole thing?
>Which team are you fighting the most?
>Which team has been easier to deal with?
>Which team has been harder to fight agaisnt?
thank you! and also, you meant the RIGHT team. and by me, i mean me, as in that weyyo is me posting right now it's me.
we love you no matter what ceph you play as, broy
Kold, Fantasy, Panic and the rest of the transcord hate you why do you care what pathetic no life porn addict shitters think of you when you outskill them now
>R button doesn't hold
>Wizard or Ninja
...you've been losing to mirrors??
you could try and change the button to the d-pad left/right if it doesnt fix itself
No problem, but also NUH-UH.
The cool yebweys picked Ninja because Ninjas are very cool and attractive...
So next time make sure to pick the right team so we can actually play the game, for now all I can provide is compliments for having a good looking weyy...
It returned to normal after I reloaded the switch... big scare
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>What team you're on?
>Who do you think will get the halftime?
>Who do you think is gonna win this whole thing?
>Which team are you fighting the most?
>Which team has been easier to deal with?
>Which team has been harder to fight agaisnt?
Wizards only non-mirror I've lost was to ninjas so there's that.
It takes a long while for my brain to rewire
wizards beat ninjas every time sooo you're still wrong but whatever!
Nope, ninjas are better, but I forgive you since eventually we'll play together, just not this weekend.
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>every time
>Wizards (sometimes)
I so fucking hate the faggots with political names. Nobody fucking cares who you're voting for, nobody cares what country you want to win a war. Fuck off and die, legitimately.
why do you care? i don't never read people's names only their splatfest titles to compare to mine lol
You've having bad luck I haven't ran across a single one since the fest started.
fuck off
What’s your Veemo’s attire?
I care because I get it near fucking constantly in games and lobby posts. I'm switching my region to Japan so I don't have to see those annoying fucking hacktivist lobby posts.
We prefer you as a veem less stinky that way.
weyys don't stink, we're cleaner than inklings
Thanks for dropping by N

If this is someone else then sorry I don't check the thread while playing thus easily miss things once I start playing.
Dude I'm getting straight up raped on the maps.
My phone refused to download my file, fuck you phone

Ahem... let's try again
>enemy asks to be killed
I oblige
fuck off
people who dc are such losers it's insane
they don't even bathe...
by whom?
True. I like to think it's not due ragequitting but even then...
Hell yeah
Some yebsmell is acceptable, now apologize to the yebbies.
it's nuts to me. stop being a pussy and play the game, even if you're losing.
By Ninja.
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I found the Nintendo Approved Woomy™
Lucky. Save the replay for prosperity.
no, they all stink and are awful. woomies are the only acceptable ones.
Silly STINKY weyyo, can't believe you... And here I was about to trust you, even after you picked the wrong team...
You found the good woomy now go record her play for all to see how a Nintendo approved woomy fights.
Yeah! Sorry about quitting like that, it wasn't on purpose and I couldn't join back.
fuck off
Don't worry its all good.
Nice lag kill btw
It'll get wiped whenever they do another patch so here R1KB-660K-97JX-BF4N
I love this flopshredder so much...
well if i meet a yeb that doesn't SMELL like sweat and body odor, maybe it'll change my mind
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Hosting a Spooky Salmon Run on the hour.
Host: SS

Invites will be sent to pool, open to all.Doing for dailies and 1 slain king salmon.
I only have weyyos, mostly... So I can't show you any yeb, but I do know yebsmell is very pleasant, so I would say this is a "you" issue.
Once we play and you see all the cool yebs on our teams, you'll change your mind.
>2 people dc
what a bunch of fucking cowards, imagine feeling good for winning an unfair match
An increase in weyyos as of late...
Yes it will so go back and use the switches record function to save a few of that woomies good moments.
I'll still check out the replay however.
I'm almost out of space for videos so maybe another time.
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Had a good laugh from a DC match.
>JP woomy with gold aero on my team
>They are the only one who hangs around for the next two rounds.
>Round 3 the very moment they start a BB it makes them an a 2nd one on my team DC
>Two seconds later one player on the other teams DC
That was one hell of a BB charge
not really it's the same 5 people I always recognize
we grow and consume
i'll trust you, but i will bully them
If you have a veemo and are using the devil horns it hides your veems eye marks and makes her look like a weyy if you don't look at the eyebrows that is.
what color do you want your woomy's anus to be?
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I hate being a liability for my team
way too spooky!
Scary enemy.
>won't get the Ruler +1 poses on float before halftime
Is Scorch Gorge different or still Tri-Force?
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Let’s hear it for Tri-Color all Wizards!
Fat veemo sharing her candy with other cephs!
Fat veemo making friends!
Fat veemo getting hugs!
Fat veemo being told she gives great hugs!
Fat veemo being complimented on her costume!
Fat veemo having a nice time!
I still wish we had gotten Pirates
Room canceled, no crew.
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Witch duo for Tri-color, anyone?
>Knight and Ninja are both beating Wizard
What the fuck happened?
I dont think this is what it means to ride a broom...
Friendship Bracelet woomies?
I’ll play for an hour
Someone give her something to drink...
Wizard has too many players and keeps getting bullshit mirrormatches
I have gotten almost exclusively mirror matches aside from a 100x
>Two that lost against an overwhelmingly popular option because it won
>Not a different third option to balance things out
>The devs still haven't learned after two years of Splatfests and will not learn in Splatoon 4 either
Ninjabros I'm proud but this is far from over! be sure to keep pushing!
Knightfriends... you were never gonna make it, but why not settle for revenge on wizards for the splatoween in splat2? make sure to focus on them in tri if you can!
>infinite mirrormatches
Witch bro's...
fake positive ninjafaggots like you should do like samurais and gut yourselves
This prompt is so boring I only played until Ruler+1 and went to play other things
>ninja leads
have fun defending
I am! love this map for tri
shouldn't have picked the overwhelmingly popular team, mr. esl.
i want ninja to win because almost all of /ink/ picked witch and it'd be funny to watch them lose.
Nice recognizable typing style you got there
Be more subtle next time
Don't you have some broom to ride, jizzard?
>Staying around for another Ruler mark
gg D
For every actual match I get 5 others are mirrors. So 8 people each match who aren't getting to fight the other two teams and add points to their side. Simple math 2 teams will almost always get pointed added to their side the 3rd only has a small chance of it.
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There's another pose for the float if you get +1, not my fault you didn't know
I will! love subtleness
i dunno, i don't really care who wins, i'm just having fun :]
>He's still at it
GGs R, shame it was all mirrors.
My last 15 wizard matches leading up to ruler were all mirror matches.

The matchmaking is completely fucked for wizard. They'll win popularity and lose everything else.
Late GGs Reibi
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My thought as well but who cares at lest its been fun matches for the most part.
p-pretty veem girl...
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Sure bro, fun.
Cute nerdy woomy.
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Would any woomzard like to play some open on the hour?
You took a screenshot during photo mode...
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I'll switch from Tri to Open if we get another mirror
If you still got a slot in say about 30 minsish I'll join in then
Last Halloween, Goji abducted a bunch of kids off the street and sodomized all of them.
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You will never be a wizard. How do you cope?
GG's P
>not keeping your v(eemo)card
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New Wizard Open up
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I didn't know /ink/ was this based.
No I took a screenshot while cropping the video to try looping it, oops.
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I'm still mad that tricolor mincemeat is 10x better than the regular version.
why'd you cut the punimaho part?

>DC on 100x
I love this game.
Is there a reason why explosher-kun dropped the Shiver gimmick?
no more new Shiver pics?
Anon dropping literal Truth here.
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why are you cropping it?
fantasy is blackmailing her check the discord
Here's one for you, not him tho.
Where? I don't see them.
Body paint
>lose the lead
>teammate keeps spamming this way
I will honest to god rape the next person who does this.
Look real close on her left leg you can see where the leggings end. Or if you recorded any booty shots before halftime you can see the normal lines from her leggings as she moves. Sorry anon she didn't paint like we thought last year. She just has some really good leggings on.
EZ clap 100x GG Witches
Gonna drop to join someone
GGs! 2/4
Still room?
Remaking now
Can you match shoes with us next game, p?
Maybe I should've opened my Octo amiibo and gotten the witch hat.
>finally get 3 gold and no one fist bumps
My Splat Tag is Feral Girl, too
What is the Tactical Advantage of playing ink sports barefoot?
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every foot post makes me happy because i know it irritates someone so badly that they have to post
You can feel the ink you walk on instead of just walk on it. Its a comfy thing.
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Unless your woomy has sensory issues the costs far outweigh the benefits
My woomy's soles were all scuffed and cut up when she first went barefoot, now her feet are hard calluses and she can woom across hot summer asphalt without so much as a screech
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GGs wizards!
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GGs wizards.
GGs, fag game taking too long to find one last match lol.
i really like "woom" as a verb
Any wizard rooms up?
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looks fine to me
I woom
You woom
He she me woom
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cephs only have socks with gear that explicitly have visible socks, like dadfoot sandals. All other shoes are worn without socks- just look at the loafers or guppies. this means cephs wear tennis shoes and even heavy boots with no socks beneath them.
Can you even IMAGINE the scent of the post-battle locker room?
look dude i just like feet not smells
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>feet clipping into the float
small indie company
like stinky french cheese in a fishery shipyard
Goji raped an infant until it died from hemorrhaging in the anus.
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You didn't notice an entire flopper was also clipping into the float?
i like the term flopper it's really cute and makes me feel soft and warm
Still not sure how G managed to break this loser so hard but he can keep making a fool of himself until mods stop being dumb faggots and rangeban him
they haven't banned the kys guy, don't think anything will happen
Aren't they the same guy
Take your meds and talk about Splatoon.
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Woomies are cute.
all ocks have big butts
>being this new
Anyone with a brain knows who the anti footfag is. It's SO OBVIOUS
Which is why nobody has ever named him.
girls cant be schizos
no wonder sneakysnake blocked you kold
Wiz room 0/4
GGs L, nice finding you in Freelance.
GGs to you too!
I am glad to have encountered you in the wild
Would you happen to have a discord?
Don't touch me there
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Goodnight /ink/
Tomorrow time for some tricolor fun
I do
Maybe we can share usernames through a PB sometime, idk.
sure, I could host a PB at the hour
I love it when my team overextends in the last 1 minute.
>kold looking for another person to harass both on discord and in the game after sneakysnake blocked them
The problem is when you're this obsessive to extreme stalker territory it's hard for anyone to take anything you say seriously because no one wants to associate or be associated with someone who's bordering a severe mental health issue that could impact their lives negatively. Once or twice trying to shit talk and cause drama around the same person? Sure, might work. But when you do it every single fucking day multiples times per thread and even when you do it about posters who have nothing to do with the person you're obsessing over? It's too much. On top of all that no one actually gives a fuck about the context of what you're saying, not even the person you're targetting. We're all too self centered, too selfish, too absorbed in our own shitty lives to care about other people the way you want us to
We had one guy here trying to do the same to two people who were good friends and kept up the same angle you're going for but went 6 years straight and nothing came of it. Why? Because no one gave a shit, but go ahead and waste 6 years of your life doing the same I'm just giving you a heads up that nothing will come of it
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my wife
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so how's tri-color going for you guys? Been losing non-stop cause of other attackers.
>missed most of splatfest already because ive been too busy w irl shit
>know i wont be finished even after splatfest ends
Splat me now.
Me and my cute octo gf (have been mirror the whole day, where are the other teams!?)
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>feel bad about not playing fest
>realize I was going to pick wizard so I would have endlessly mirror matched anyway
Annaki boob window
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Found people on pretendo at this hour.
you know you still have a whole day to get on and pick ninja so that you can get some super seasnails when it ends
Nice. I still need to set up my CEMU to do this.
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I had it set up for awhile since I have no space on my desk to do real hardware since I never measured my tv and tower for this desk since I upgraded. Since beforehand I did with my older TV and PC.
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1king fifs at rot?
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Oh? Maybe it's time to get Cemu again and set it all back up. I need to play the first Splatoon again for nostalgia's sake!
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Go for it! Not hard to set up just have to play to work out the stuttering due to shader cache. Async helps in that case though so things just pop in if you don't have a shader cache.
I fell all the way from 2000~ to 1900 power and now my teammates are even worst I keep falling down
I'm epxected to fight a .52 and Nautilus head on
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Who knows? We may even encounter each other.
Man this is the sunday plqyer poool, complete garbage
Ah finally good teammates that know what they're doing, I hate gambling
Eh probably! Depends on my mood since I was craving for S1 for abit just now! If you do wanna add me on pretendo it's still Nekolin so yeah. Also this might be cursed for some people due to 4k and PS4 buttons.
I'm the same, I just got home after a whole day of doing stuff and 5 hours of driving. I was busy on Friday night, and I will be busy tomorrow too.
Right now is my only chance to play in this Splatfest, but it's 1am, I feel really wrecked and just want to close my eyes...
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ggs fish woomes
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GGs salmon woom!
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GGs nice gold
Lidten up here, latest whacky balance idea:
They should reduce explosher's ink efficiency more
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The paintbot team.... wish we were more aggressive but 2 longrange
You dumb fucking jet, you're supposed to shoot at the enemy not just the ground. That's my job, know your place
anyone on team ninja wanna tricolour?
Well, just redownloaded Cemu, now to find where I placed those files for Pretendo, lol.
i can play at rotation, if you were to be available still
I'll be, just reply again then
I'll never get a x100, I've been playing to ruler 3 or 4 I can't remember. I own 4 festival clams since yesterday
So many mirrors
Another fucking conch clash
Why do you care tho? Your team already lost
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Anybody got a pic of a salmonid with a smug/knowing/lusty look? I find myself in need of one for something.
Would you rather have a 100x and lose?
Got recommended that DUDE black streamer guy livestream on the youtube he's playing MG but he's so stiff and slow. He charges fizzy so slowy, all he does is charge on the enemy expecting to get them by surprise like he's a .52 and he has his teammates to thank for most of his kills with how badly he approches the enemy, this is painful to watch.
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alright i'm ready, sorry for the delay
room's up
hes probably using it as a bit
most of the time he uses .96 deco which isn't exactly the best pick for turf war
wizard in the mirror match
ninja in the back lines
what team can i take
Team Wizard's official theme
what makes me a good woomy?
if i was a bad woomy, i wouldn't be squiddin' here, discussing it with ya, now would i?
let's switch to open if next match is still a mirror
alright yeah, there are more mirrors than what i expected in this team for tri
fought a consortium of veemos
got banned M?
Who else is listening to kpop while playing tricolor
if you listen to any outside music during a game you lose situational awareness
great comeback
I feel like I'm obligated to tell you that know one gives a fuck that you listen to kpop, especially while playing the game. The only time I ever see this question get brought up is alongside kpop so I can only assume you're the same fucking guy asking this every single time
guys dont listen to kpop
>He doesn't know
gggggs M!
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pulled this W outta nowhere
I just play casually
maybe someone else listens here
>wake up, decide to hop into a quick battle
>100x battle
>oh fuck
>we fucking barely win
i've literally never been in one before i am cumming irl
Goji locks children in his basement and stabs holes into them which he proceeds to fuck and cum into.
Always a fresh woomy
Why can't we have nice things outside of mods?
i'm tired of side order but my autism prevents me from stopping until i 100% it
Now we just need barefoot schoolwoom Callie
Good woomy
Live on
Live free
Leave footprints everywhere you go.
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I did my part. Now I can rest
Pearl and Marina from Off the Hook endorse Kelpmala Harris!
woom on little woomer
You get 100x and 333x while I haven't had a 10x in hours :'(
too late
I've had one 10x and 2 conch clashes the whole fest. Since they left the hit ruler get on the float I just don't care if I hit a 100 or 333. I might still care if we got the huge check pictures again for winning them. I miss those it was simple but it made it worth it.
I got a 10x right near the beginning of the fest, nothing else so far
nogami please
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Show me the yebs.
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Anywom SR?
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Blebby on the wrong team, tsk, tsk, tsk.
I could
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Adorable midget octopus.
Just in time before I got into freelance. Woomin up.
Count me in as well
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Safe to say I'm a Shiver convert now.
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no, they're stinky
Ugly make-up korean football face
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octothot is too slutty
Big Man is the only waifu for me
Love Shiver
What did Big Man mean by this?
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Crust Bucket is the place to rock
It is a restaurant where they buy food to eat
It is a good place to listen to the music
People flock here to get down to the rock music
Rock 'n' Roll Crust Bucket
Rock 'n' Roll Crust Bucket
Rock 'n' Roll Crust Bucket
Rock 'n' Roll Crust Bucket
GGs SR room
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GG's Salmonators!
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ggs fish woomyas part 2
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>Not posting full veemo
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Why Big Man clip so much
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I hate eating food, I always feel miserable after a meal and play badly. Digestion is a waste of energy and makes waste
I wish I could directly transfert nutrients in my bloodstream and remove my digestive system
I think we as a species, the superior species of this planet, need to discard those primitive traits maintained from necessity and move forward to a super-optimal future of endless progress not letting these old ways constrain us.

Endless gaiming always in top shape, this is the future awaiting us.
small indie company
fuck off
Based Man
deep cut was originally a duo and big man was an afterthought
Nice try, Tartar was an orderfag
You merely flirt with chaos, I have become it
My body is a tomb and I am its lich
I fuel my corporeal phylactery with the flesh of beasts, I only grow stronger with every burger I consoom
Because his power cannot be contained
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Tatar said no more woomy poopy time?
ur weyyo is STINKY.
When you roam the earth on your two penises, no-clipping through every other structure you come across becomes a non-factor.
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weyyo got an apple for halloween.... :(
apple with peanut butter is godtier though
>top 500 tarokaka during my 333x
>unimpressive badges in my team
>immediately spawnlocked
>me breaking throught to their spawn did barely anything but remove their crappy charger tailing me
Alright done with playing solo this splatfest, anyone wanna make a room
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Hi St, just lost a 333x btw so I'm a bit down morally
Will try to make it worth
Wizard room 2/4 if anyone wanna join us
Well you didn't stay long, GG I guess
Love Porl
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>hit royalty
>shit maps
>next 10 rolls are all trash
Yup, time to hit the square.
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*smells good
*stinks good
Stinky wizard weyyo... Rude to yebbies too...
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Wommies dress for Halloween.
cute kiwiwoomies
Very cute
how can you play dymano with no arms
Beak power.
extremely good woomers
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Going to be making a wizard open room shortly after rotation If anyone wants to join in.
>tricolor is nothing but mirrors
nice fest
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I play this game only during splatfest for snails I will never ever use
I don’t understand why people hate mirrors so much. It’s just turf war.
Because you're playing a match that gives 0 clout and adds nothing to the fest
Tricolor is always 90% mirror. Remember the old way at launch? You got a tri maybe once every 10 matches.
I'll play for an hour-ish.
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Going to make room shortly if anyone wants to join in.
I'll give it one last hurrah.
Right as I posted >>500060883
I'll set the room up in 5-10mins
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>turflet flingza throws the game
I hope I joined the right room
>make a room
>host doesn't say his name
>people have to guess who to join
Why do this happen every splatfest?
Because we just want /ink/, no regular people.
Explo is your lobby for /ink/?
Yeah, feel free to hop in.
>It’s just turf war.
Exactly. If I want to play this dogshit game mode it may as well matter for something.
>Make a password locked room
>Still be in the pool
What are you doing Cranberry?
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I played all the way to Ruler without seeing a single Knigga. I thought Ninja are the ones who are supposed to be hiding?
I've had more ninja mirrors then knights
No matter how well they do if they're really this unpopular then I think this might be a ninja win
GGGGGGGGs t and M, sorry for coming uninvited; need to get some work done now.
Take care and thanks for short fun rounds.
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GG B and M
Playing Splatoon 3
Playing Splatoon 3 with /ink

Can be completely different.
Not when everyone else is in the pool, discord circle jerking can fuck off
Getting up to mischief with silly /ink/ers...
Doing silly things and humorous acts together...
I just don't want nono joining my lobby and I'm too kind to block him
Any cleric rooms up?
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Based and G_D pilled
I joined team Ninja simply because team Cleric did not exist. Maybe in Spl4t...
He didn't join anyone's room in weeks, stop trying to fake drama
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All drama here is fake.
Even the Nono-Grezar one?
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That'll be it for me, GG's p!
Yes, because the trolls here use it whenever they want.
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Do you think footschizo secretly loves feet?
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Hell yeah
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Nice and you'll run into me if you got it running since I was asleep when you replied to me so gonna assume you did! Also might need this for some people since I do see a tako here and there at times. So those extra sounds and such will help that out.
every accusation is a confession, he's like a democrat
Nobody asked for your mods you fucking useless faggot.
Grezar viciously raped and murdered a three year old boy this morning.
nono still hasn't gotten over that denied friend request...
He got blocked by him, that's even more insulting
How is it that when we face you we suck! But when you go up against everyone else, you’re complete trash!
What’s it like only using your Switch for Splatoon 3? Where do you leave the Switch when you’re done?
Welp, hate to end it on two losses but I think the fatigue is setting in.
GG's, Wizard room!
In the dock? Are there actually handheldfags around?
I'm on handheld but I leave my Switch in the dock when I'm done.
I had to see this and now you have to
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I have other games but as in late... Splatoon 3 just sits in there due to playing other games on PC... I do switch the cart once in awhile just for Splatoon 2.
>take care of our side
>the other attackers sell so hard they invalidate our efforts
Whatever, your team is trash and you won’t amount to anything.
My Switch only leaves the dock for when I need to take the SD card out, but once my interest in this game is gone my Switch will join my PS4 in the same drawer it's been for the past 3 years.
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that's just like... um... your opinion man
that's not a wizard
that's a witch
can't you tell which is witch
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Ah neat, I remember this mod. Never knew you used tako sometimes.

Nobody fucking asked for your input, nigger.
literally who
You're doing this on purpose, racist retard.
Cry more, cunt.
Would you stop your gay slap fights and just talk about the game? Nobody cares about your tranny Discord drama.
Dead game, FLAR, Nogami's at fault, etc.
the game is shit, nothing to say
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>Dead game
Plenty of people playing still.
Get over it or don't play.
>Nogami's at fault
I mean, things aren't perfect at all, but he's also the one that directed these games and we still enjoy them.
Then why are you here?
Just to suffer.
I can't argue with that, fair.
x-rank is dead and the rest of the modes are shit
alternating between forced wins and forced losses is not fun, you barely get any even matches where playing the game actually matters
he directed the game straight off the bridge and it's in the freefall into mekong river rapids
we don't enjoy shit games
You apparently love shit games if you're still here and have been. I'm not denying the issues with the game, 3 has a lot of problems, but most people in this general still play it.
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My wives.
>leading with 45%
>zap and jr ink all over our base in last 10 seconds and hand victory over to defenders
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I did it a few times but mostly go back to woomy but I'll probably do it for giggles here and there. Also don't give him attention just ignore and move on.
i love what the game used to be, and if i get more people to complain about real problems and not just eat them up, it has a chance to not turn into another mario kart
I want a singleplayer-only splatoon game
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would've been on team witch, but they had go and to change it to wizard to make sure the Splatoween theme was 0% spooky, so I went with knights instead
the only constant is you
wizards are witches
they're literally female wizards you moron
like do you also just think mares aren't horses because they're not called horses?
I'd like to see a coop campaign, or more PVE modes.
im more of a sine function
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I'm not going to try and argue with about types of magic user, so let me put it this way: if you liked mermaids, but the fest team was "team merman" or "team merfolk", would you think it was equally as good as "team mermaid"?
There are no female wizards, just They/Them Magic People.
yeah because merfolk are mermaids
If I like mermaids I like the general idea of fish people
It's not that deep
GGs T & M
10x conch win that was nice
by the way Merfolk vs Fairies vs Gnomes is kind of a fire splatoween idea
Deep Cut platforming adventure game I want it.
Shiver - Speed
Frye - Flight
Big Man - Power
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so I imagine you'd be fine with "team gourd" over "team pumpkin" for a splatoween theme, then? because pumpkins are just gourds after all.
Metal Gear Rising but with cephs
if i'm such a constant, it shouldn't be hard to balance matches around my constant performance
but no, every game is a stomp either way
half the time we win with zero challenge
half the time we lose with zero chance
What's up with all the new names in the pool I have never seen before?
It was tested out in game already.
Splatfests will do that.
Welcome to splatfests in the pool with a bunch of random names you have no idea who they are.
splafest brings out the tourists
Not asking to be rude or anything, but what's the logic of joining the pool of a community you have no interest in being part of for a single event once every month or so? I don't even see these people joining or hosting rooms.
Im trying to play side order on ryujinx, and I can get into the plaza, but when I enter the building the emulator crashes, anyone know how to fix this?
Probably shy or just play during the splatfests is my guess.
I don't understand the logic of people who only play splatfest.
If Woomy eats too much sugar, does Woomy get zoomies?
nta but right now i get it, what else is there to do games not getting new content and only new splatfests well get are rehased themes. also the few rooms still hosted fill up so fast by the same people and i dont think grinding (gambling) for x power is fun.
Woomy dies.
No... That's not fair...
When I looked in the pool I see a mix of names of people who haven't been playing at least in the pool for a year or more and the usual set of names that always show up for events. I figure some are from /v/ and others are rando's that know of us.
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What happens is woomies eye get extra large and she starts saying WOOMY at 3x normal speed till the sugar rush wears off.
I'm not a drawfag but I'd like you all to post your cephs more often, game may be dying a slow deserved death but cute cephs are eternal
but then I get called an attentionwhore and put on a list or something
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Are you using a AMD GPU by any chance? I know it haves issues on those cards.
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I just post cute cephs and post mine sometimes.
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you can have A ceph
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Embrace it
I’m assuming people forget they joined the pool and are too lazy to remove themselves. Or they are lying in wait till something happens and they can be the new /ink/.
Wizard room for 2 or 3 matches? I'm 45 points away from Ruler, and I want to be on the float with /ink/ers.

Room up.
the coordination couldn't be any more clearer
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I'll post my S1 if that makes it far.
You are genuinely schizophrenic.
obsessed schizophrenics have made that impossible please understand
Is nono asking to be drawn again? Pathetic
Mirror match after mirror match, but I mean of course, right? Everyone picked wizard because it's obviously the best out of the 3 right? I mean Ninjas are cool, but fucking wizards are magical!
Is the wizard hat and boots from last years event? If they're not, how do I get them?
octoling girl amiibo
Wanna play tricolor maybe? Wizard here
You guys wanna keep going until we all get to Ruler?
Im using a shteamdeck
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Welp can't help you there since I only have a desktop. I would say look around the Ryujinx discord before it gets the lock and nuked.
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dead game
Can splatfest end already so J*ey fucks off for a while?
post salmon NOW
Thanks ill give it a try
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being put on a list is just proof that you're living rent free in some schizo's head
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I like him tho
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No one wanted to play with me this splatfest, haven't felt this lonely since when I chose team Bread
kys Joseph Mitchell
I chose team ninja, literally haven't played a single match this fest
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I've played nearly 40 tri-colors and literally every one has been a mirror
If wizard has any less than 80% votes, then it's confirmed Nogami is rigging the matchmaking
ew, go away great tusk
I say give this W to Big Man.
Last match for me
Joey is a barafag too
Also GT is a bigger faggot than I thought, he ghosted everyone for no reason. Joey is less of a faggot
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GGs wizroom.
oh, well good riddance to him. at least joey keeps it to himself. i do find it odd he betrayed the big man team this time around
notorious resident barafag that apparently disappeared recently. just know we don't tolerate your kind here
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/ink/ has had barafags since ancient times, a bit late to try to keep them away
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>just know we don't tolerate your kind here
that's nice dear
Cute cephs
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Don't forget to wash your Splatfest T.
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oh hey, non-mirrors do exist
I'm playing tricolor alone since no one wanted to join my room earlier... you've got no heart /ink/
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extremely based plaza post
You're a shitter, I play with good players only
>fellow defender so bad I fought an entire team on my own while having to watch my own back for the other team
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I fucked off immediately after hitting ruler yesterday. I have idol creepshots to take.
I only played 2 matches with a /ink/er today, all my attempt at making rooms got ignored
>muh no one joined my room woe is me!
If you weren't such a pitiful leech maybe people would pay more attention to you
All of you motherfuckers picked team wizard, you owe me float pics
When are we playing, yebber.
tldr youre a schizo mormon kold take your meds
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Sorry this is all I got.
I'm a splatfest only guy and this thread is why I don't come back here often, most of you guys belong in a looney
On a scale of 1 to 10 how over is it for team wizard
>most of you guys belong in a looney
>a looney
Cute beeb
Sorry anon but personally I didn't like either one of those tri maps the first time they were used so I didn't even touch tricolor this time around.
who is this even about
>turf war
>turf war at night
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Or have a real world job. That's a punishment for many.
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it's turf war but with teams to make our tribalism-hardwired monkey brain neurons activate
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Hello British anon
ah she looked nice
but then she opened her eyes to reveal the worst eye color. why, anon?
Don't worry, it's only temporary. She'll go back to red eyes by the end of the week and take a long vacation inside a NFC tag.
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If Nintendo had soul this would have happened during grand fest instead of someone having to make it.
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Not great, but it's something.
is this the game kold likes
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Yeah, I figured.
If it makes you feel any better, I can't stand the bitch either.
Unfortunately, my autism wouldn't allow me to make the Shiver image and not also do the Frye one since they're both from the same drawing.
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How can you not love the Goblina?
The weird thing about this is I can access the dlc, but when I walk into the tower it crashes it, does the dlc only work online or some shit? Someone direct me to a 7.0 update nsp of the game before I put a drill in my dickhole. Im not a fed btw and I dont work at nintendo
She could fit all of Jupiter inside her skull and still have room for about 15 Earths.
I just can’t do it I can’t take this shit no more man
For one, I see her as an icon for all the obnoxious footfaggotry that's taken place since splat2's friendship bracelet.
I also find her personality equally obnoxious.
She's a fighter, who can't fight.
She' by far the easiest boss, and talks the most shit during splatfests, but gets her ass handed to her by larger margins than any other.
She's both unrelenting and incompetent, which is the perfect combo for overstaying her welcome in all of five seconds.
If she just shut up and put some shoes on, I could probably like her.
I like her indian singing
Looking at her character model tends to do the trick.
>She' by far the easiest boss
Nah the easiest one is Big Man I have faster times on him than Frye or Shiver.
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3922 1313 3427
Time changed to reset
bad cephs
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Me before grinding X rank only to end up stuck at the same power as every season.
So the week after it'll change again. Due to the clocks falling back an hour.
Oh yeah. Also it'll change even more because I'll probably put it 1 rot or 1 hour before reset. The poll vote for 1 rot went up by 1 after I posted the new time.
I suppose we... Won?
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Head still not big enough in proportion to the rest of her body
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SR on the hour for dailies/king salmon?
gg ninja!
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A huge W for the ninjala community...
Room's up.
Host: SS
nothing I love more than fighting my own team for 90% of the fest and then losing all 3 clout counts
how can such a retarded option win
>getting actually mad over a fucking splatfest
stop whining like such a little bitch
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Everyone can relax now just hit Y on your keyboard and get Woomy
Cephs getting big bags of candy after Splatfest!
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Now we can play the modes that actually matter.
If anyone can direct me to a 7.0 update nsp of the game I will personally draw you a drawing of your ankling (im a professional illustrator btw)
LETS GO NINJAS!! We stay in the shadows and get that W without even sweatin'
Yeah, SZ is on open right now but the maps are kinda doodoo.
>Simping and shilling for Big Meme
Unironically fucking unalive yourself. You are worth less than cowshit.
Was on wizard, but Big Man is still based and is worth more to society than you will ever be
go back to tiktok
Holy FUCK this rotation is ass
>Still shilling for Big Meme
Just fuckin' kill yourselves unironically, faggots. Big Man is a faggot character made for niggerfaggots like you and the faggots on Xitter to "stan". Your lives are unironically worth less than a fucking gnat's life. Being an adult is realizing that Big Man is a retarded, forced "meme" made for babby faggots like you three, lmao.
someone thinks you have issues
please get angrier, it entertains me
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low quality bait
Cope Calliefaggot
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IP grabber link
If that shit works i thank you greatly
Link could send a hacker to my house to fuck me up the ass as long as it works im happy
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Please tie the noose around your neck, at least Callie has a fucking personality, unlike Big Faggot.
never said i didn't like callie, but i enjoy big man because he's cool and squishy
Sent to nintendo haha
why do you need 7.0 specifically
>Image has a Splatfest tee with Big Man's team
LOL get rekt fag
>Ignores the fact I'm calling you a faggot
Imagine missing the fucking point, nigger
You're mad
You're acting pretty retarded
Sort of like Callie lmao
No I saw, I just seriously don't care and think it's funny how butthurt you are over a fictional anthropomorphic manta ray
Because ive seen a lot of people say that the updates after 7.0 make things in side order work only with online, so I need 7.0 to access side order without the shit crashing is what im thinking
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Funny, the biggest giga-retard here is you for being a faggot, a retard, screeching like a fucking nigger and refusing to grow up. Thanks for absolutely proving my point, kek. Even the Fryefags are more civilized than you niggers.
ah yes, they're the ones screeching, definitely not you lel
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My wife (also my wife in the background)
cute ftm
ggs fsh
>Big Meme and Shiver tied for Splatfest wins
Fuck this game
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Is that game still dogshit?
GGs SR Crew.
Now I believe you're just being dense as fuck and retarded on purpose, though that's nothing new for niggers like you kek
excellenr use of killer wail, ko1d. yes yes good goy help me kill the big shots
i genuinely thank you for making me cry laugh with the sperg out, i haven't laughed that hard in a while
I'm genuinely laughing a fucking lung out at how much of an obvious fucking nigger-shill simp you're being for Big Meme
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summer ended already u fuckin clown
poor woomy will freeze to death...
Woomy is too silly to understand body temperature
not unless i give her hugs and keep her warm
only hugging will be between you and a bear sized cellmate, paedofile
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>ninja won
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seems like every time I don't pick big man, he sweeps
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"i thought" won't fly in court pal, you're coming with me
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She's woomystralian and says naur a lot
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I didn't make it to ruler
I was indecisive on which team to pick and didn't play
You had 48 hours
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I made it to Ruler during last two rotations, playing solo for most of it.
Wait a minute that's a weyyo.
Grandfest animation
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Male cephs wear longer spats
fuck off
i am so fucking tired of side order i just want to be done with it
Yes return to the metro
>Repetitive linearity and order is mind-numbingly boring after a while
ugh fuck i'm just trying to 100% it so i don't think about it anymore and the WORST part is getting the chips 100% filled out
What chip do you need?
i still need rush ink coverage, turf drone gauge, rush knockback, and some of the lucky ones. i was pulling my hair out over the weapon specific ones
side order is such asshole. it's fun for 5 minutes then you get everything out of the dlc. the rest is the same. i'm going to jump off of a cliff.
Order suit thoever
what about it
Well I ORDER Eight and her turbodyke family to get on my peepee this instant
you don't "need" them. you're just too invested into a grindy rngfest to quit. you're no different from a gachafag, except you pay with time instead of money. shoulda quit way earlier and then relentlessly shat on the entire premise everywhere on the internet so that ngmi never pulls this stupid shit again, but you won't because you love the grind so much you are a fucking belt sander.
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it was okay for side order to be mid because it already had a good single player experience at launch unlike splatoon 2
>think of how good the food looks in splatoon
>get hungrier
The food's super greasy thoughever
You're getting a cardiac arrest on a plate every time you hit up the Crab n Go
3's base singleplayer was not as bad as 2's, but it's still baby mode shit.
I skipped this splatfest.
I guess I really was that tired of this game.

I wish I could enjoy it again.
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the pescetariat stuff looks really good too though
even still, i dont care, im HUNGRY
>but it's still baby mode shit
sir this is a children's game
Your ceph is only getting stale fries and floor popcorn
If it's a children's game why am I allowed to take pics of woomy butts?
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>want to turn my brain off to enjoy it again
>brain too big
cease at once
dear woomy
those spats make your butt look bigger than an oil tanker
Truck beeping noises come from her every time she backs up, she can't make it stop
Because butts are funny.
>still crashes with 7.0
Owari da
just because it's for kids doesn't mean it should be easy
if anything, it should be hard but rewarding, denying their little developing brians of cheap dopamine will make them grow up with a stronger will
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More licenced gear made real.
yippee. more stuff that will never come to the west.
kier jacket...
Marina touches yebs non-consensually
he never drew unsolicited guro of my ceph :(
Now I'm remembering all those cringeworthy FROMdrone comics /v/ used to love to post about le earning your le fun
fromshit is the other extreme, makes everything too tedious to be enjoyable. balance is somewhere in the middle.
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Dinged 20 points for this and it shows as Wave 1 defeat, what the fuck Nogami
Reminder that the metro folk are all rooting for you as you go thru the challanges
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mammalians are gross.
could you imagine being hairy and producing your own body heat? disgusting.
Fromsoft is not tedious and splatoon singleplayer is not braindead easy they’re both fun in their own ways
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I used to go through this till I tried playing the other games and just realize I was just tired of Splatoon 3. Unless you only have Splatoon 3... Then kinda SoL on that end.
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no respectable adult would ever wear this, even in Japan
I've never seen this error message before, definitely don't deserve the -20. The Switch should be able to monitor whether or not a problem is player made or caused by Nintendo in some way because losing 20 points isn't just needing another win, it's 2 wins to compensate and that's like 20 minutes of your time wasted which is worse than most bans that are usually 10 minutes
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I would but I reach the point of not caring any more... I did when I was younger where I was embarrassed to wear vidya related stuff around my high school and up to mid 20s. Now if I like it... Then I'll wear it.
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Well it's a good thing I'm none of those.
Which one of you was this?
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real squigga hours
I would buy and wear that octoking jersey but I'd only wear it around the house, it looks super comfy
>reminded of the drunk Marie bot
God fucking damnit.
Big man lured me backstage and raped me
Skill issue
You're so lucky
tf you're talking about? These look fresh. most the splatoon clothes look like stuff you could just buy from a brand so it dsmv0helps
woomy ASMR
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Woomy gently wooms in your ears binaural asmr + Manmenmi sleep aid
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>ninja sweeps pro, open and tri

Yup, that was the obvious outcome. It was definitely surprising that despite all the mirrors wizard still managed to take second place. Probably because Shiver has fans and Frye doesn't.
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I only played a dozen non-mirror matches
You like her, don't you
trial and error damage sponges throwing huge hitboxes are tedious by definition. frustrating the first time, formulaic the second onwards. they lack foreplay, so to say, most things from bosses do are exclusive to them. unforgiving but also unfun.
splatoon's bosses don't have that problem, most things they do are either baisic enemy thing but bigger or can be intuitively deduced without inching back and forth to see how misaligned the hitbox and the visuals are. the problem is that everything is way too forgiving, they are afraid of challenging the player.
there is zero reason why, say, parallel canon should be this easy, especially considering how stupidly overpowered you can get with chips. there's no reason why they should attack one by one. there's no reason why they should have baisic redhead octoling ai that wanders around aimlessly when you're not engaging and can't hit the broad side of the barn with a blaster. there's no reason why they should have nerfed weapons (including still broken brush ai). there's no reason to give you enough time to recover both ink and turf after a wave. there's no reason for such a massive wide open stage with get out of jail launchpads. the most frustrating thing is that we already have examples of actually good vs player levels, both from oe, with gps putting you in a "between hippo and water" situation where just giving the same easy baisic opponents a goal puts you in their line of fire (and, you know, you have to circle the stage and defend from multiple of them at once while keeping enough turf up to do so), and ia3 that gives you an actually aggressive equal opponent that will relentlessly go after you. but no. even with gps being a baisic level and pc being supposedly a boss, they didn't just not put any effort into making pc a challenge, they intentionally dumbed it down in every single way. and that permiates every orfice of every singleplayer other than octo expansion's pink line and scarce postgame levels.
'Member Girl Power station?
Like isn't strong enough, I love her
Bitch is gonna catch a cold wearing that
She can have this pink slopsuit I found freelancing
tldr yes, that. they should make levels around gps's difficulty midgame levels, and then harder stuff on top for endgame and bosses.
Imagine what the salmonids would do if they got their hands on her
Trip balls then pass the bong and deeply contemplate whether waging war on the surface dwellers is actually in their best interests long-term
die thanks to all the toxins in her tentacles, she'd actually be better at fish killing than cephs

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