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>Vote for SMTVV in the best soundtrack category in the golden joystick awards

>New Raidou project leaks on steamDB(Wasn't revealed at TGS and probably will be in the October/November Nintendo Direct)

>Giten Megami Tensei's partial translation patch for PC-98

>Vengeance OST scans

>Shin Megami Tensei The Board Game Kickstarter

>Megaten Fusion Tools [For real fusion autists!]

>Archive of 3DS Texture Packs

>Digital Devil Saga 1 & 2 soundtracks are now available on digital streaming services

>Old neocities site containing info and useful links (no longer updated)

Previous thread: >>499681242
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Built for sex with Thor-sama desu
why won't it let me do the last Eupha social link?
This but Aogami. I deserved a sex scene when he came back.
>Information about the schizo so people are aware to not interact with them in any shape or form: https://drive.google.com/file/d/19l6oTnl9qU9mMLXh_Fuo60MUjzUVf1ln/view

>How to filter namefags with 4chanX: /^(?!Anonymous$)/

>Ignore the Aliceschizo who is most likely the same person
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this is all copium because there is no Raidou model for XNAlara at least not one that I'm aware of
You made Raidou even more feminine than the gay V femboy.
can you make him wear lingerie
if a move like freikugel has a set crit chance, does it override murderous glee or stack with it?
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>>499993835 #
I'm not too crazy about how small and feminine he can look personally but if his body gets too big he looks too bulky when clothed. Males look weird by default in Koikatsu and I haven't fiddled with it enough. The faces have to be cutesy and anime by default too or else they look worse.
>>499993974 #
I will! I want to get him in lingerie, meido and bunny suit...
Now I sleep~
This is worse than any schizo posting. Legitimately thinking about abandoning this general until we get a new game to drown out posts like this.
You really made them look like a reskin of Aogami and Vkun. I know you're desperate for content for them though so I won't judge.
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I appreciate it.
It sucks to have a demon husbando to enjoy him in a pairing only me and my friend like lol. Thankfully I have my friend.
Play an older game and post your progress faget
>But old gamds have been discussed to deaaaath
Who cares, let's actually discuss old games instead of burning through new content like some kind of gacha franchise for hyperactive kiddies
i want to deflower her
why did you take away his lipstick
If you took off her flower, would she die?
i want more jack frost reaction pics
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>why did you take away his lipstick
His sideburns and eyeliner are also gone.

Here's one.
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Here you go
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My wife
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Her seiyuu did a great job.
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cute and canon
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>Information about the schizo so people are aware to not interact with them
Its from discord what the conection with 4chan?
Just finished Metaphor
It was aight
Should I play SMTVV or Cyber Sleuth next
The latter because it's actually a good game
I like SMTV more, i only recommend playing Cyber if you are a BIG fan of Digimon, its not as good as the older Digimon games
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Its over
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>mfw in CoV Law this likely happens
im going to sleep, good night VV and nahobino and aoghami and yuzuru and dazai and yoko and tao and koshimizu and abdiel and nuwa and yakumo and miyazu and khonsu
>the original draft of V was a wholesome sibling adventure that IVA should have been
It hurts. Yamai, what happened? I bet Aogami was gayer too.
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Fresh off the presses.
Tao is the hottest SMT girl
>>the original draft of V was a wholesome sibling adventure that IVA should have been
You don't even know if this is true. Once again, your headcanon.
Look at the original trailer.
There's nothing that states they're siblings. For we all know, they're just childhood friends.
Tao being Amaterasu's knowledge was obviously supposed to be a bigger part of the plot.
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It's sad his edge phase ends so abruptly. And I don't mean Aogami should have stayed dead, only that they should have shown the experience of having so much loss changed him.
haven't played VV yet, has this been confirmed since or will retards still say ASHKTUALLY THAT'S JUST HEADCANON
No they straight up said it this time. She's canonically Amaterasu's knowledge.
Whoah color me surprised, imagine my shock. Nobody ever saw that one coming, wow.
Mongoloids with no pattern recognition will still act like V-kun isn't a Kushinada expy so don't get your hopes up too much
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>Introduce best character design in game
>Kill her in 10 minutes
Why did they do this...
Competes too much with the main girl.
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The light change hee. Hee hold hee light to become Master Man.
Do you mean the fairy village quest? What option did you pick?
They got to him
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Wait till you get to taito
It seems like they used all their budget on Shinjuku, the taito section and basically everything barring a brief section where you fight some new bosses up till the end of the game feels completely anemic
OG route is really bad, VV tries to clear up loose ends as fast as possible since people only care about Dazai
It wasn't that bad.
There was zero payoff something clearly went wrong behind the scenes
I liked the demo for metaphor kinda until I got to the persona calender stuff and kinda fell off from playing
Does it get better?
not really
Did you pick the option where you let Miyazu get turned into a god? Fuse Khonsu and you can bring him over to her for additional dialog.
even her english dub was cool
>this INDESCRIBABLE pleasure
there's that hidden cutscene with yakumo but I wish they could put in more quests related to him and Koshimizu grieving
So the DARK ERA was the best while RENAISSANCE ERA was the worst? Kinda weird but ok
Its a ringoschizo original graphic, hes been trying to force the PS2 era worst for a while. He made a couple similar ones back when the booru was still around as well and tried to spam upload them.
lumping in everything past 2007 into one as if atlus didn't go though bankruptcy after bankruptcy in that time frame until 2013 is extremely funny
What are you on about now, retard?
I gotta admire his dedication to trying to force his retarded opinions as much of a faggot as he is
Why is Tao just Ichinose from Persona 5 Strikers?
The whole Steam achievos thing seems like a pretty damning evidence for some kind of Raidou HD collection, but what would be evidence against it?
>SMTVV is supposed to be Yoko’s game
>everyone just makes fun of her for being autistic and prefers Tao
there's no evidence against it.
you just wanted to post about raidou
They're low IQ butthurt carfags
there's no evidence against it, what's there is atlus's release timeline. you might not hear about it for years because as we know P3RE's dev was complete like a year before they announced it
If there isn't people wouldn't be denying it every thread.
That makes sense, a lot of japanese game releases are like this nowdays.
people denying it don't know what they're talking about.
there has been no instance of stuff directly leaking from atlus to be wrong. but you should know that it's no indication of when it will actually release
has anyone compared metaphor credits to the persona 5 credits?
how much of the persona 5 team is at studio zero vs persona studio working on p6?
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I'm pretty sure the dark era is meant to represent Atlus struggling to sell any of their products at the time. Then the renaissance era is when people began to buy their games again as shown with Persona 4 being a critical success in terms of sales. It's why that game got milked so fucking much during the late 2000s to mid 2010s.
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SMT but the human law rep is so batshit insane that even the angels think they are insane, and said rep is so sure that YHVH approves of their actions that even if the real YHVH shows up and tells them they are going too far and tells them to knock it off, the rep just simply assumes YHVH is a fake one and attacks.
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That would be funny
Kill yourselves gaynigger faggot loser kikes
Smt is dead because of you. Begone yume fujo faggot tranny of america
Even more so if YHVH only shows up in the law route because he thinks the law rep is that that much worse then even his enemies.
Even more funny if the law ending the law rep and the theocracy they make is still waiting for the real YHVH because they still don’t realize they just killed him.
>These options seem awfully lawful or chaotic -- what if I don't wanna say them?
>Say one of the lawful or chaotic things or fuck off.
insanely funny
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Naho pov
Excuse me. That is my wife.
>Lose yourself
Thanks bro
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it's smt if...'s 30th anniversary in japan time.
say something nice about it! (if you want)
It will never be more funny than people hyping up IF for years and then everyone found out that the game was mostly underwhelming and inferior to the previous SMT games
Yeah same for NINE, it's actually a shit game
i think if... is great!
Even better, there are many signs that YHVH, does not approve of the law rep’s actions but they ignore them, also they think Satan and Lucifer are one and the same and thus attacks and kills Satan under the impression they are fighting the devil, and get confused to why Lucifer is still alive.
Yumi? More like... WHOmi am I right folks? Lol
Couldn't be me, having a route thats just a worse version of another characters route
I think Yoko should year a leotard and thigh boots
Great fun but fuck the World of Sloth.
Also Akira is so sexy and husband. Deserves a FeMC wife called Miki.
>You think that's how Susano-o should take a shit?
>I'll show you a real stinker!
could she beat Satan?
prepare for pain, hoy
did you cum? :3
Cyber sleuth is better by a long shot.
not really, she feels more asexual than ever in CoV (and perhaps even lesbian given her interactions with Sahori)
is he gonna say the N word?
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any time he showed up in apocalypse with that top tier voice of his i wouldn't know how to act. god i miss him.
Tao existed first
did they actually give Tao a personality in VV?
>Dazai 2.0
the SMT IV experience
Yumi? more like YUMMY
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How do you feel about the giten character designs?
I was thinking more like The N-corp cult leader from limbus company combined with your typical the imperial cult nut-job from 40k
Hmm they're a little overdesigned but I like the ideas and style.
I really need to look more into this game, it's such an oddity.
What does the N stand for?
Nomura, Thomas Nomura.
Hey, that's the guy who invented jay are pee gees
seething about not being able to side with him to this day, how dare they make him so seductive but never allow you to side with him
Covering someone from the rain isn't inherently romantic. It's Susano-o and Amaterasu.
She flat out tells you if you side with her she will be your lover for as long as you want her.
Feel free to post a screenshot so I can laugh at you.
She flat out tells you she's going to spend eternity licking Sahori's pusssy if you side with her.
Tao turns into a cold bitch.
Yoko is V-kun’s tard wife.
star crossed lovers...
>still no proof
Aogami is Vkun's tard wife in CoV no matter what.
>go replay a 60 hour game to get a screenshot
Nah, I’m good
>what is burden of proof
You lost.
Prove to me that you’re not a sub-80 IQ subhuman. Don’t have that on hand? Tough luck pal. Better luck next time!
Are they gonna kiss in the inevitable V manga?
how is the giten translation going anyway?
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You’re a little obsessed, huh.
Sexo, do you have source?
It's what happened in the game. Susano-o gets married after he rescues someone from a snake and kills it.
I must have missed the marriage cutscene.
I don't, I just saved it from here
The bench dialog afterwards Aogami says he belongs with the MC. In Japanese he said he came home to him.
Does Strange Journey have a point that filters players like Matador does in Nocturne?
when you fight le infinity snek for the 2nd time
Meme Aleph
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>inevitable V manga
gargantuan cope, we're lucky if someone forces them to make an artbook
Fuck Mem Aleph by the way, what a shit boss.
They got the P5 manga artist to draw V yaoi for the 35th anniversary though....
I guess it's still too early in the game for me to worry about those, I just got to Carina
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why can't Doimons have ass like this?
>P5 mangaka
God please no, that faggot sucks.
doesn't mean a manga, unfortunately. if they wanted to do stuff like that they should have planed for it years in advance but I think they have moved onto another project already.
when they were releasing IV they announced both the manga and the artbook a month before release and now we aren't even sure if they will do an artbook
Look at Anahita and Cleopatra and think about how retarded this post is.
Speaking of the Purse Owner mangaka, does anybody have his fanart of Raidou? I really like that one
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If SMT was based they'd make it so every time you kill a female demon theres a 1/255 chance you get to see an eroguro CG of the demon
giten exists
Are you winning, smtg?
I'm still not entirely how I managed to get there without ever using buffs or debuffs
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the random turn RNG is FUCKED UP
she will always be funny and cute
no u
why did you get hurt by truth posting? i want to be at your age! be proud of what you have!
yoko is way hotter even in normal human form. and once she panagiaizes it's not even close
against all odds, her actual design is hotter than what you recommend, which would be great too
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FYI Yoko's color pallet comes from the snake in Paradise Lost. Same green neck, green and gold with red eyes. That snake was described to be the most beautiful to ever exist on top of that. I think Doi pulled it off by making her panagia design very striking compared to how she is before. And Doi has a leg fetish.
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How many people want to watch a stream of Evil Speak on Halloween? I'm willing to do it.
>Doi has a leg fetish.
Nuwa is evidence enough
i'm up for it.
i missed that stream last year.
i only caught "the thing" and some of that weird collage where there was a video of water fountains
No Jacob's Ladder? No New Nightmare? No Event Horizon?
Sorry I'm doing one movie and Evilspeak is pretty fun and very, very SMT.
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so much great smt if... anniversary art
I actually agree, doing just one movie and then even talking about it here would be nice
And Isabeau.
And Asahi.
And Nozomi.
And Tao.
Doi’s definitely a legchad.
do these two have the same cord progression or am I delusional
And Nahobino.
You aren't, Meguro phoned in metaphor
oh similar cord progressions are all over V and VV too and I don't dislike it. I just wanted to confirm.
Should've gotten Kota Hoshino
I love this guy, his work on AC is fantastic too
The game OST that filtered thousands.
Still sounds better than Kozuka's work.
avery pls
holee molee those digits
checked but
>implying Hoshino is bad to begin with
Did you know that most accidents happen close to home, studies show that most car accidents occur within 5 miles of the driver's home.
Familiarity with local roads can lead to lapses in caution, ironically increasing the risk of a crash.
Thank you Yoko, very cool!
Thank you Yoko, I almost electrocuted myself a bit ago, so people have their guard down when close to a safe spot. Very cool.
Would so hard.
Very sexo
stop jerking it to kids
She's just flat.
Anon she's like 3 feet tall
It's a fully developed demon, so it's an onahole.
ohhhh the first 5 hours of IV....
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pure ludokino
i get that the design sucks fundamentally, but does demeter's design not register as just a small woman to anyone else? i haven't played sjr so maybe there's some context i'm missing here. not trying to justify anons being attracted to her, just an observation.
Save and load simulator.
It really isn’t.
I can picture Demeter wearing mom clothes and driving a minivan pretty easily.
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I like this version the most.
how do I find a gf obsessed with car safety?
>New Nightmare
What's this?
See >>500066597
Find a Adam who simps after you and does whatever you say. Find a tree you shouldn't eat from probably. Acquire qt snake tard.
>I can picture Demeter wearing mom clothes and driving a minivan pretty easily
mini MILFs<3
Tao's ear kills me every time
It depends, what's her voice like? I haven't played neither SJR or VV yet. If she sounds womanly, I can see it, but she sounds like an adult japanese woman doing a squeaky teen or child voice, then ehh...
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To apply human age logistics to demons is already folly, considering Demeter may look and act like a child but she's also Persephone's mother which technically makes her a MILF. She was intentionally designed to be small and unassuming to look trustworthy, but I wouldn't be surprised if it was an excuse to do the lolibaba thing or whatever the correct term is. Either way, demons don't work the same way humans do.

This one?
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I'm not sure if I commented on this boss before but he is a little bitch. We really need a Raidou 3 because good lord the gimmick fights in 1 and 2 suck total ass.
Oh, I meant this one. This art is so fucking good that I pray this artist gets picked for Raidou 3, if it'll ever exist.
I'm retarded and I accidentally posted that fanart instead of my cap when I could've just linked the art. I love multitasking.
Anyway, here it is, the little bitch.
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saved girl
im learning a lot about survival in this game
kill yourself you stupid fucking sperging whale
piss away
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looks like I struck le nerve
shitty normalfag gif,
stop learning from the old
there is nothing to learn from your illiterate retard ass
learning old memes.
So YOURE the fucking schizo
FUCK you, people think I’m YOU
kids are better you fucking idiot and stop coping with the fact demeter is a loli you fucking sperglord newnigger.
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check xitter using these tags:
who the fuck are you
alice won
Ever heard of a little content creator called Nyarly…?
Back the fuck up. Now that you know who you SHOULDNT be fucking with, leave this fucking thread.
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ok nigger
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very light pantsu spotted
In SJR she puts on the squeaky voice to trick you and switches to her normal voice when the jigs up/the mask has come off.
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I love Oshichi
Oh I see so she is just a fake loli. It makes perfect sense because lolicons don't like her as much as Alice or Moh and she doesn't get half their art, because unlike them she's not really a child.
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now a very strong pantsu spotted
Never would have thought a girl like that would have lepord panties. I guess it's an Ose reference?
i've masturbated to this countless times..
no it's
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because the user forced her to wear this
>Ose reference?
a what now? lol he's just a devil cat
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chikin waifu

Oh I thought this was just by a random fan on Twitter, had no idea this was done by a mangaka who worked on official stuff since I don't into Persona. It really is good, I'd probably take this artist over the one who did the actual Raidou manga. Not that I hated that artist, I actually thought they did a decent job, but it doesn't really suit the style of the games that much. Felt like I was just reading an officially licensed doujin at times.
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Agreed lol. I genuinely, really hope they consider Saito as a Raidou 3 artist because that art of Raidou they drew is too sexy.
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Priest Raidou gets fanart too lol
I have a strong dislike for gays.
womp womp
There is NOTHING homo about enjoying spicy chicken art
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yeah they cant go back to their shithole which is /a/ and dumblr and have to shit up our heaven
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>not-Raidou priest-kun fanart

Holy based, I had no idea he would be appreciated at all. Then again, he does share a lot with Raidou's god-tier design, so its only natural. I wonder if he's a lot like Raidou or totally different...
says the loli spamming faggot
says the speging normalfag
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There's one more for you Raidouyume.
Also because he's not a real character you can just go nuts and pretend he's anything you want.
>"SMT is niche"
That image disproves nothing. SMT is still my secret club.
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You now remember the fabled "fujo chalice".
They made that tweet because they didn't know Turbo Granny was a real thing or something SMT VV made up.
You sure it's not because of Dandadan?
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Watch SMTVI be gay af thanks to Aogami and Beeno
Gay image aside, I'm still mad Vergil wasn't in VV
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Legends say if a yume drinks from this cup it will surely cause them to fall deathly ill unless they open their third eye and just self-insert as V-kun.

SEGAtlus are in good terms with Capcom, I wonder why they didn't just go for a DMC crossover again for VV.
Yamai had a chance and he blew it.
Nocturne ruined ________
>I wonder why they didn't just go for a DMC crossover again for VV.
It could technically still happen if they dropped a payed dlc in the future. Very doubtful but still.
... my sleep schedule
She's too perfect, anon.
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One last thing for you.
I didn't know, but bromanticbrotrap has drawn cute Raidous. Please enjoy https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/85348735
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She is so cute
She's mid.
All fan games are embarrassing.
Total LDP death
Stop being jealous Dagda...
the conservative ruling party of japan(abe's party) is doing really bad in the election
I'll be honest, I'd commission a lot of art of Demeter if most of the artists I'd like to commission didn't require an X account to contact them.
Twitter accounts can be made with tempmail, you have to give a phone number or add 2FA with a phone app or else they nuke it
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cute school shooter
lol 土臭い2.0 just hit the Japanese megaten twitter
there's a jp review suggesting that lack of demons in metaphor is what made it good and now people are mad at it
I don't know what is it with journalists and public figures who don't like the design and presence of megaten demons in atlus games and attack it directly or indirectly. is there really a negative sentiment about demons that makes some people dislike megaten?
Too much sovl, also based on deities directly
What if humanity collectively forgot demons existed? Onyakopon seems to explain they would lose all identity and revert to natural energies.
It's the idea what they are opposing forces but still can't exist without the other, and actually naturally yearn for each other despite all the conflict.
I genuinely think for a vast majority of religious people seeing depictions for the most part true to the source is actually an attraction, even in this general there has never been a shortage of christfags
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People hold religion to a high regard overall. there have been people beheaded for doing what they did in the past with some deities.
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You may not like it, but this is peak performance.
How fertile?
I'm grinding for Mjolnir ^-^
I also maxed out Thor-sama's MAG for shit and giggles
Based Thor anon
So close yet so far ;_;
Her field's fertility is unparalleled, but only Zeus has access and has harvested her cherries.
Demeter pedo bros...are we cucks?
I guess they don't like how the Japanese gods are portrayed, honestly this is the first time I'm hearing of this, it sounds kinda childish too, like what did the demons do to this jap journo?
I've read about this in myreadingmanga...
Oh wow he was being a little too menacing and cool so now he did the epic penis joke ohh wow so funnee.
YHVH hates fags.
It was interesting at least that this fight referenced his three daughters but otherwise it was a meme
They're fujobaiting him with himself from another dimension...
Raidoufag, what is your least favorite demon? I'm commission them making your boyfriend bite the curb
Don't waste money on me baka
let this drooling retard waste his money for nothing, give him an entire list please
This dumb idiot got lost
There's no such thing as wasting money unless you're a poorfag.
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yay ^-^
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Nemissa <3
Poorfag mentality kek
manface on the right...
Netflix adaptation Nemissa
sexo electric
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What's wrong with the added content in Strange Journey Redux? How is it any different from Maniax being the complete version of Nocturne?
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Cute married couple
SJ was already a complete game.
Playing SMTV for the first time, how viable is a luck build? I always go luck builds so long as it works.
Go on bro you can always respec in VV
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Play Soul Hackers
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I want to fuck Mirai
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my husband <3
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This guy is another level lol
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Already did and it's not very good. Very weak writing and dungeon design when compared to Debisama despite essentially being a sequel to that game. Also the Raidou games completely blows SH out of the water in terms of quality.
Now that the dust has settled
What do you want for SMT VI
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Nanashi cant stop winning
I don't want VI to happen since it's probably going to abandon dungeons outright
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Nah, I'm tired of discussing theories. It seems like the whole game surrounding V is just fucking theories and assumptions than what's actually in the game.
>I need everything over explained to me or it doesn't matter
Ok retard.
No, it's boring.
So which MC will win in a fight
We all know Flynn will get his ass kicked first
I only want current gen graphics PC instead of switch
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more african demons, more mesoamerican demons, more goetian demons, krishna back, no school setting, smaller-scope world with actual dungeons, more ways to interact with/bond with your demons in the demon haunt; i want to be a husbandofag and say more mastema even though i realize that he's at his best when they make him plot-relevant once a decade, but i also don't see why they wouldn't use him again when he just had his 3d debut, so idk.

i also want my queen playable in her soul hackers glory back. i won't mind that much if they opt for neo-tiamat, which is what should happen, but i just don't want picrel design to be retired either.
maybe i can marry Flynn one day
Damn. She uggo as fuck.
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maybe anon, i'm rooting for you!
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It should be measured purely on who would win this fight just as is. The one who loses first has to sexually satisfy everyone else here until he passes out.
Nahobeehoo is so damn cute
What a manlet
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nanashi chan so cute :3
There's nothing wrong with discussing theories. But it gets extremely tiring when it's the only thing people can discuss about the game than what's actually written in-game.
Hero from one, he is just real like that.
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Demi Fiend
You described what lore fagging is for any game that exists.
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I know how this match up is going to end then.
Good gameplay
Good writing
Different composer
Different artist
No Unreal Engine
Revert several redesigns of demons
Have actual dungeons
Include some sort of extra mode where you can hang out with different players and fight them in PvP
Remove affinities
Revert buffs back to their original state
Remove most of the passive skills
Nerf ailments
No day one DLC
Remove the demon voice filter
No SMT 1/SMT 2/SMT 3 nostalgia
No Lucifer dicksucking
Include a dungeon creator
Remove Mara
Remove the annoying item limits
No more being stingy with MP usage or collecting macca
Physical skills costs HP now
Faster animations that doesn't take forever to do/watch
Remove unique skills with some exceptions(Alice, Lucifer, Amaterasu, etc)
Remove all the Doi demons
Each console version of the game has their own exclusive Jack Frost variant
Players can temporarily recruit other player demons
Password demons return
Secret items that allows you to play some of Atlus's old titles(Jack Bros, Devil Children, Card Summoner)
Actual good promotional material for the game than some shitty ass food truck
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Cute girls
>Shitty fanart AND it's compressed so much that you can't read the text
Kill yourself
Why is Beelzebub so sexist
I want to impregnate Asahi
She's underage, you fucking pedophile.
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is Alice good in SMT VV?
Artemis is perfect
In the game she becomes a Hunter which states she becomes an adult. Asahi is free game
I want her
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It's not that hard to understand why they did that because:
>is a Kushinada insert protag
>Kushinada and Gozu's dragon wife are amalgamated
>so the protag is like a snake

If snakes represent chaos, does that mean Susano-o's knowledge is the true chaotic nature of his soul?
No. She's not very good and get outclassed by several other demons. There's no reason to use her.
She was only ever good against not raidou at least in vanilla V. Otherwise she’s meh especially when several demons would resist or null her main gimmick
Oh. I get it. This is why Doi said the MC and Aogami are polar opposites. They are literally opposites to each other.
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You can feed your units boxes, incenses and stack skills esp passives from the essences until the cows come home. This is VV's main gimmick
Yeah but they removed all of her status ailment resistance from 4
This isn't Dark Souls. Fuck off already.
Where is your Alice?
Whos the Alice of Dark Souls
Cute Mermaid!
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I need alice
>Alice faggotry
Thank god he hasn’t found the other place
We doing this autistic Sonic fandom era shit now
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I want hiroko to use Mothers Kiss on me haha...
Sega literally owns Atlus, so....
sex with Yoko
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>smt if...
if what you fucking asshole
if demon was breedable
cancer mod alice ass is sfw i even posted delicious alice culo before many times and never got banned

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