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For real this time edition

>Steam Page:

>Where to give feedback and report bugs:

>Latest Patch:

>How do I git in?
Post your Steam profile and ask. You need to accept a friend request to be invited, so don't be autistic.

>How do I git gud?
Do the tutorial, get a feel for each hero in sandbox mode, explore public item builds, play bot matches.

Additional Resources:
>Unofficial Wiki
>New Player Guide
>Advanced Movement Guide

Last Thread:
Vindicta best girl.
why are they called heroes if they’re morally gray or evil
because of WC3
any other answer is wrong
Like 90% of dota heroes are straight up psychopaths if not literal demons
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Doesn't matter what MOBA it is, this kind of juke will never die
Why do i feel Infernus deals mediocre damage? Like, i know he doesn't actually, but he just feels so bad to play. You can be really strong and it still feels like you're dealing only a fraction of the damage what haze could with the same souls.
>So you'd need about a dozen computers running this script 24/7 to get the majority of matches.
Yeah, which is doable, just put it in a docker container and run it on 15 VMs with 15 different steam accounts and hook it to a controller program to tell each which number to start on for the day

But really you don't need to majority of matches to get the numbers close. 20% of matches would be more than enough to get accurate within ~1% probably
I'm just guessing there tho I'm less confident in my data science than my brogramming
What if you could control Muhammad and Kareem seperately
Can someone redo the guide videos using default controls instead of using mouse 3 and 4 to crouch, what fucking retard okayed that?
I don't think anyone is going to this much trouble.
And if they were, they'd want to brag about it, so we'd know.
So we can safely assume that the winrates on deadlocktracker are, at best, guesses.

That's just Meepo.
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The devs aren't even subtle about no longer using the forums
vindicta nerfs in 2 weeks fellas trust the plan
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I exclusively use hybrid builds on every character
They should be called zero because clearly they are all losers
>That's just Meepo.
I didn't say they had the same skills.
>crouch on a mouse button
good idea, this would actually make viper much easier to play
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>can't sleep because niggers are racing again
>ranked is closed so can't even tire myself out by seething at e-niggers racing to feed
just fuck my shit up famalam
>I don't think anyone is going to this much trouble.
People that do scraping shit have tons of libraries ready to go and have probably been doing this for other games/things for ages. I would not be at all surprised if there's a toolkit out there that took one weekend to set all this up for Deadlock that was build for some other game that didn't have in game stats.

>And if they were, they'd want to brag about it, so we'd know.
Maybe, but usually scrapers and exploiters that do shit like this keep their specific methods quiet so the people their scraping have a more difficult time defeating their process.
I've recently has a post deleted there because it was in the wrong topic, so I guess it's not completely abandoned. That post has been up for a while at that point, though.
Yoshi replied to one of my feedback threads and several other ones have multiple views.
It would work better like hots orge magi than meepo
the moment they start listening to plebbit and discord trannies, its over, game is shit forever
>Vindicta: Fire rate spirit scaling reduced to 0.1 (from 0.14)
>Vindicta: Flight T2 flight time bonus increased by 1s
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The black woman of Valve unoriginality.
These are TWO different characters.
>hots orge magi
Valve will NEVER make a character like this.
Neither will Riot.
I loved the Venn diagram maneuver. What is this from? I though duplicate heroes were broken.
Now I wanna multibox Vindicta with 3 accounts so that I can fly around and press 4 on people to delete them from 100%
semi-broken, from an inhouse earlier
Well it does break a lot of things, like draft for example
Ppl sleeping on the tesla buff
Because you try to rush ricochet, which is an extremely out of date strat for infernus.
Seriously, it's kind of insane now
Especially with a gun like Bebop's or Wraiths that procs it off cooldown, getting some CDR makes it absolutely shit out damage
it got a bit weaker with the lane creep spirit resist but it FUCKS in fights/tower pushes.
Share Lash builds
That bebop build does about as much damage as any given gun focused build while also having strong bombs and ults, and once I get Tesla I can melt walkers at wraith speeds
i only go full slam maxxing... seeing enemies health bars halve is epic, any other way is gay.
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What I'm running at the moment. I kinda pick and choose what to buy given the game state, this isn't really sequential.
This shit was so fucking cancer, it really drives the point home just how fucking broken kelvin design is.
got comm restricted lmao
could this be the lash counter?
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Me too lol
There's a lot of bad players I guess I tried to tardwrangle too many
the four of us in that lane got to discover that
You can do duplicate heroes if the duplicate pickers disconnect and reconnect.
That said we've learned how utterly fucking cancerous it can be to have two kelvins in one team, can only imagine how bad it could get with other comps.
Was it racism or just raging at your teammates?
>I kinda pick and choose what to buy given the game state, this isn't really sequential.
Based. I mostly use builds I make myself but I've found I almost never buy items in a strict order anymore.
I still find it useful to categorize by early/mid/late game though.
that arctic beam stacks oops didnt finish my post
ive been saying "ez" every time i win and ive never gotten comms restricted, did you say nigger
had two of these fuckers on my team on my last ranked game a few hours ago and i'm in north america.
imagine choosing to play ranked with 200+ ping instead of just shitting up a nonranked normal game in your local area.
i said valve should isolate russians already because they kept shouting in cyrylic in group voice chat
Russians will mass report anyone who talks shit about their language or countrymen even though they are all so eager to get away from that shit that they're willing to play at 200 ping on NA servers.
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if you haven't had at least 1 yakety sax chase then are you really playing properly?
I swear if I just tag haze mcginnis wraith and infernus I'll win games.
mass reporting by russiasn as usual
Aren't they already isolated? You're playing with VPN ruskis
They use VPNs because they don't want to play with other Russians.
can you even play ranked if you are comm restricted?
gj valve fucking retards
Vindicta will get -0.02 spirit scaling on attack speed and Yoshi will call it a day, don't expect major nerfs just because you suck dick and can't buy knockdown
>play with russians
>get griefed
>lose ranked mmr
>get banned from ranked

Game's not even out and it's already being ruined, if you have more than 100 ping you shouldn't be able to queue for a ranked region.
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Knockdown doesn't prevent her from being a beast in lane and one of the best gankers while also having the unique ability to gank from cross lanes and getting insanely ahead.
Also if the vindicta is not retarded she can just buy ethereal shift and/or debuff remover, at the exact same souls price, and get away with everything.

Knock down is just a counter for the shitty waifufag vindictas that always keep her on like 45% wr.
forever or until its lifted?
>Also if the vindicta is not retarded she can just buy ethereal shift
And what happens when too enemies buy knockdown?
Until it's lifted.
Ranked is only accessible to accounts with 50+ games and no behavior restrictions.
She's an average laner.
Half of the roster can do what you just described but even better
ah then no biggie, i already played my share for this ranking and its 2 day only
If there's several enemies waiting around you to the point they're able to mass knock down and go through ethereal shift, you were already at a horrible position to begin with and probably with flight on a horrible cooldown because you came from a bad angle and they were able to instantly focus you and put knockdown in.

See: shitty waifufag vindictas.
Honestly fuck extra range I think I'm just gonna get cold front or some other active instead
I don't feel I ever get good value out of it
Cold front is genuinely fucking disgusting with the recent buff, it allows you to insta clear camps and waves in a micro second.
Don't spread it.

t. yamato autist
Us yamatochads must cling to every possible thing to keep afloat.
It's funny because I basically already used it for that before. Not sure why they buffed it
Also considering picking up Alchemical Fire because it's funny. Or just leaving a slot open for flex
Maybe icefrog felt bad for shitting on yamato and gave her a pitty buff or something idk.
>If there's several enemies waiting around you
They don't have to "wait around", knockdown has huge range and if you're stuck in same position for 3 seconds it's enough for another to come and cast knockdown again
next patch: neutral camps now start with 50% spirit resist scaling up to 100% at 10 minutes.
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>max cd reduction
>max duration extender
>max spirit
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am i doing paradox right
Fill your slots
The point being is where the fuck is your team that the enemy team is allowed to walk into your range, cast knock down, stand on the similar spots or god forbid push in, and then cast knock down again?
And knockdown doesn't last enough, at most they just knock you down to a roof where you can easily juke out, unless again, you're insanely out of position.
your echo shard?
i sold a restorative shot and enduring spirit for something at the end but they were filled
Makes sense for both Bebop and Yamato to use anyhow, since they both use hooks to get into close range; the only difference is the direction of the pulling
Filled slots are a meme don't spend fucking 1.5k souls just to fill slots with shitty tier 1 items.
Focus on your power spikes.
whats echo shard
>t. that guy getting shat on hiding behind the guardian and getting denied to death by the enemy laner with filled t1 slots
Ok so buy non-shitty tier 1 items lol
how many hours do you guys have? I've been getting a little self conscious with how much I play. 240 hours btw
Like 260
Not ashamed because the game is fun and I enjoy playing both alone and with my friends
Wrong, 1.5k souls for just the base stats is insane value, add secondaries like the 8% spirit lifesteal on eduring spirit and it's even better
Buying t1 items in lane where they're meant to be used and bought != buying t1 items 15-25 minutes in just to le fill le slots when that could go to key tier 3 or 4 items, hell even a lot of matchup dependent tier 2 that will remain for the rest of the game.
For 1.5k souls you could just buy spirit lifesteal over twice the same amount of lifesteal and more hp and you still have leftover souls.
I know this gets said a lot but this patch genuinely is dogshit and made the game worse by a notable amount
about 30. a few of those are inhouses
Like most things that get said a lot it's wrong
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see you in 2 weeks
What did you mean by this? I thought I made it pretty clear I like the game
And falling on rooftop is absolutely not safe position unless enemy team is made up of 3 Abrams and 3 Krills.
Haze and Wraith can easily flank you, Talon poke you with 1000 damage arrows, Paradox Carbine you, Lash, Pocket can get to you in single Majestic leap across half the map and if Yamato manages to do a point and click hook you're not escaping
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initially i thought wrecker was odd and lame trying out the kit in the sandbox. but ive now become enlightened in how he is a early Dota 1 kino. vomits damage in a decent area if and can 1 shot after a 16 sec goon sesh in the air. his consume also having a stacking fire rate buff that lasts for 120 sec with no duration extender is insanely funny when you go gun focused. his boulder is also a bootleg abrams charge in lane making it easy to pull of heavy melee.
I can't tell if your intentionally being retarded but just look

Basic mag- 21% weapon dmg
24% ammo

Enduring spirit 11% hp
8%spirit lifesteal
Spirit power 4
Bonus hp 75

Believe it or not delaying your 3rd t4 by 1k for these stats is in fact worth
The 1250 active slot was simply very competitive. Cold front was never that "bad" but slowing hex and decay were just really fucking strong. Locker/divine barrier/healing nova are strong as well
you play kelvin to slow people with ice bombs and beam
I play kelvin because I want to suck cock and be called a whore in voice
we are not the same
Yeah... Maybe I should lean into the tanking with health nova too, that could be fun
yeah slowing hex way way better than cold front in basically every single game because it was a remote mobility silence and 30% slow. Very good for catching wraiths and initiating. Coldfront you already have to be on top of someone. I am glad they nerfed slow hex cause i was getting bored of buying it
Why can't we FOV slide up to like 130
because if you don't stop morons from doing this they will actually subject themselves to it.
I agree that you don't need to fill with T1 slot but by mid game, you should fill your spot with T2 because T2 has a lot of extremely strong items for the price. T1 is somewhat "efficient" but saving for some T2 is worth it during laning (particularly mystic shot, qsr, soul/bullet shredder, reactive barrier, or many of the T2 actives). Spirit lifesteal isn't really a huge upgrade over enduring spirit/infuser from T1 so it isn't usually my priority.
the last patch had two of my forum posts so I think they still use it
the devs seem to like the forums more and I can't blame them

the barrier to entry filters out bottom barrel posts like "nerf Haze plz"
Had a laugh imagining some CStard placeboing himself into using a 220.31 FoV because his favorite pro uses it
I would consider t2 to also be filler items
It's just that unlike T1, T2 has items that scale even into late game. The T2 that don't scale into late game usually give you huge power spike early game (particularly barrier items)
Shit like Mystic Shot, Fleetfoot, Lifesteals, and Quicksilver Reload are filler to you?
How low do the ranks go again?
They are filler because they are cheap

The whole discussion was over filling your slots so you don't have empties, 1250 is cheap enough to max out your slots in a reasonable time frame

Reeks of esl itt
maybe, but i generally just go for 500s if im doing a pure spirit build, then sell and upgrade to mystic shot later

vitality yes i will buy 1250s
Mystic shot is filler
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>he gave mo and krill ze 10 minute gun buff? activate it.
The best way they could fix viper is by making her gun a burst fire shotgun instead of this weird as fuck smg.
Man why do they keep buffing this fat fuck
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Valve doesn't want you to see this
refresh last used basic ability
lmao 2bomb
is viscous not the more obviously gay erp pick? he's made out of slime and everything. i doubt anybody into sissification nonsense would be into a man like kelvin
That'd be Lash
i think thats pocket, i can see him going home and putting on thigh highs and a maid outfit
maybe that's why his old man shot him
i'd fuck that femboy pocket fr
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I think the problem with Abrams is that ostensibly he's balanced because you have to actually hit a wall for him to get the free heavy melee combo. In theory, he's strong in enclosed spaces near walls, like a melee brawler probably should be.

In practice, there are walls fucking everywhere on the map, he moves and turns on a dime, and the tackle carries you insanely far. So contrary to the theory, you're almost always going to get slammed into a wall unless the Abrams is extremely bad.
Wasn't one of her abilities the hat throw before? Was she just bald during it or did the hat not actually come off?
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Bless them for returning grey talons MS scaling. Actually no, fuck them for removing it what the fuck we're they thinking?
>some guy makes one mistake in lane 5 minutes in and gets punished for it
>immediately full tilt and starts inting from that moment on, rushing down mid into 1v6s and dying until the game ends
tales from phantom/ascendant matchmaking
i watched a gt with movement buff run urn in like 10 seconds today kek
how does it work now? spirit again?
Earlier I died twice in lane to a Mirage who kept getting away with 1 HP. It happened 3 times and he killed me twice because of it. The third time he got away I thought I was at peace with it but I ended up spamming all caps slurs in the chat. Thankfully it tilted him and I won the lane. I hope nobody reported me.
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>vindicta says KYS FAG after i air duel him to death at 10k souls
>10 mins later says this
that's just cruel dude
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>kill grey talon once
>immediately starts spamming nigger and kys in all caps
>for the entire match
How come shoulder charge doesn't stun a Talon mid ult?
>those Wraith bits

Wow she really is the black woman of Valve unoriginality.
>/d2g/ is still seething about deadlock
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Can someone explain to me why was McGinnis buffed to insane levels despite her turrets already being a massive pain and doing this much damage?

For those who aren't aware, recent changes:

>- McGinnis: Gun spin decay rate improved from 0.65 to 0.25
>- McGinnis: Mini Turrets cooldown reduced from 24s to 18s
>- McGinnis: Mini Turrets spirit resist increased from 60% to 80%
80.... fucking.... percent. Turrets have like 1000 health so it takes like a whole clip to kill one and now skills are useless versus them. With Echo Shard this bitch spams them every corner now with only 18 second cooldown which can be taken even lower.

How is this balanced at all? Do note I have 500 magic shield in this too and nearly just die to passive turrets in seconds.

Haze isn't pulled because the game is retarded and allows Unstoppable to stop ultimates.
share the post(s)
>Turrets have like 1000 health
Only if miku has 5k health, its 20% of hers lmao
She can heal them which is a health increase over time. With 80% spirit resist that's even more than a thousand.
It didn't come off
It's funny because Mcginnis was broken bullshit even before this, I don't know how she doesn't catch any shit. Even this general would say she's bad because she's "not mobile"
The real offender is echo shard anyway, or letting her get nearly 50k souls in farm
Her wall is honestly the biggest bullshit i've seen, there's zero counter except movement and position. Normally people would say to get this or that item to counter abilities but how the fuck do you counter a WALL?
he keeps posting deadlock playercount every thread and seething they arent getting their new hats fast enough >>499904189
the urn changes are great, but now if you lose the urn when youre already down it probably also means you lose a team fight right outside your base too, which makes the stomp even more stompy. but it is what it is, at least my team groups for the urn more often now
I mean valve does look like they're about to pull the plug on this game. We'll see what the next "big" patch is. If it doesnt completely rework items I can guarantee you this game is dead. The gun/vit/spirit thing just does not work with the objectives and hero design.
that must mean /dlg/ thinks pocket and lash are top 1
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>Solos a walker in 5 seconds before anyone can react
>proceeds to try and flank her
>nevermind Yoshi is a retarded game developer

McGinnis is totally balanced guys. Please understand.
yeah she's pretty fucking dumb right now, both gun and turret build is really strong and wall is the best duo laning spell in the game
Laning against Mcginnis is also gigacancer I genuinely don't see how you can win against a good player on her
>Fuck you wall to get infinite confirms or wall you off from your trooper if she pushes you back
>Annoying ass turrets
>Great DPS right off the bat
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>New Siphon Bullets is at 62% winrate
>on Haze

It makes sense, but god damn. Amazing how far this item has come.
playing the sandbox heroes makes you appreciate the current game, they are missing so much polish it feels like some unfinished unity shit
>item people buy at the very end of the game has high wr
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>Being a poorfag who can't leech 2k hp off enemy team over 20 minutes of a 35 minute game

How typical of this general.
Am i a retard or am i meant to lose a lane with Mirage agaisnt grey talon?
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>Use Lash ability from roof
>gain no fucking flight ???????????????
>oh because Yoshi is a retarded game developer
>sky roof limit is there just to nerf Lash............. ok.
>catch someone off guard anyway
>almost got them
>more walls
>hour long disables
If I quit this game, I'll just show them this and the McGinnis webms and this as to why.
>I mean valve does look like they're about to pull the plug on this game.
Cry is free
>anime poster is a retard
imagine my shock
You were carrying too hard bro, next time save some of the souls for your team :^)
Is gun mirage cancer or am I just having shit games
It's super easy to get high farm on McGinnis now. Maybe you stopped playing the game.
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>Pull the plug
don't be ridiculous, they haven't added all the staples of a MOBA yet
>No purchasable skins/cosmetics
>No player profiles
>No ranks/big achievements to boast about
>No unique modes
>Small roster
>Mechanics still being fleshed out/introduced
>Major map changes every 2 weeks
People fail to realize this game isn't even skin-and-bones yet, it's literally just the scaffolding
>assraping haze in laning as gay talon
>tell enemy team they better swap with her
>they dont
>she dcs after i take tower in under 5 minutes
The numbers dropped off but the fact that it's a closed alpha that doesn't have
>Cute characters aside from Vindicta
>Multiple modes
Tells me it'll do fine considering how many are still playing despite all that
yeah that's usually when projects get canceled before they polish it...
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>Allocate more developers to Deadlock team
>Increasing community interaction
>Planned hero cinematics/trailers
Anon I'm sure there's more interesting things you could be doing than trying to bait people at this time of day
gun mirage is the only way to play the hero and he got buffed quite hard last patch
spirit is a meme on him
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This seems like a great idea, how much does it pay though?
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>register as janny
>ban everyone in inhouse lobbies
you'll get random matchmaking games only just like csgo and dota2
ive been building torment pulse + ethereal shift + superior cd + boundless, metal skin, return fire on a bunch of heroes. go in, get them all to look at me and dive me, pop cds, items, eth shift last to help cds reset & team to rotate in, all while microwaving retards. it's based
abrams is unplayable with his stuns nerfed, what the hell is the point of the stun if the enemy can parry before you land a charged melee?
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>abrams is unplayable
You need to buy duration extender. Until then you can use a regular punch which still triggers spirit strike.
There's also a sweet moment when you buy duration extender but nobody knows it yet so they'll try to parry after a stun but fail.
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>10 min
>let me grab bridge rune and help other lane
>see viscous right there
>ping and go in
I failed so hard here
didn't expect them to melt me that fast
some characters are powerhouses with so little farm now
it's good to be king
cant you still heavy melee if you buffer by holding q during the charge or does that not work anymore
McGinnis is genuine cancer, she is so unenjoyable to fight at any and every point of the game, regardless of the build
You can get qsr and surge of power and get a huge power spike early mid game and then start building for gun (surge also improve your attack speed as well). Going full spirit like boundless/reverb/improved burst etc is a meme but crippling headshot/spirit overflow are both solid hybrid items that boost both gun and spirit damage for him
Honestly a bad item for most characters.
just wait for the parry and then punch
i just tried it in the range with the mimic function and it seems to still work?
i just haven't noticed me being able to parry his punches after charge since the patch personally. i could be a complete wrong faggot though i don't play abrams myself
where's Vindicta, bane of /dlg/?
>Abrams is unplayable
>Winrate is only going up in every MMR
Why are the people here so fucking stupid?
Paradox has literally always been good people are just retarded, her ult is up like every 30 seconds btw
Yeah she's insanely good, no doubt. I only saw Viscous and didn't see Paradox around the corner until.. well you saw.
If we stomp win in under 20min what is a nice thing to say to the enemy team to alleviate the pain?
>gg, good luck next game
Or does this sound rude?
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Had this argument with a friend. I told him that unsecured souls slowly become secured, meaning they get added to the pool. I remember reading this somewhere in the patch notes or something.

In any case he said that you just lose the unsecured souls, because the big pool doesn't actually increase. I just agreed with him but I still think that unsecured IS already in the main pool but since it decreases it is simply made secure.

Who is wrong here? Me or him?
the big pool doesn't increase because they're already counted as part of the big pool
but if you die the red pool will be subtracted from the secured green pool
so you got it
in that picture you have a total of 4,100 souls
not 4,100 + 306
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It's crazy to me how some ultimates are so much better than others.
Paradox wall is just so good. No matter how ahead you are, that wall will cuck your damage for most characters. Her grenade being buff just mean now 100% of her kit being good.
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>Expecting foot fetish fags to know how to win with a point and click character

baka my familia
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webm related, i don't have duration extender or any ability points. as soon as you press 2 just hold Q the entire time until they hit the wall, it works like this with his ult too you just hold Q before dropping down
i had to triple check because i play at sweatlord mmr and i've never noticed being able to parry after his shoulder charge after the patch unless i buy debuff reducer. i hope my autism can also help you abrams guys
>it's just none knows how to play her
People keep saying its Talon and Vindicta patch but McGinnis is out here actually ruining the fucking game
so magic carpet is just superior to majestic leap now unless you're strictly going for initiations right
seems like they really want those kinds of mobility items to be at a premium
Her ult is just a hook that could also fuck you
>so magic carpet is just superior to majestic leap now
a 6300 souls item should be better than 3000
souls item, yes
Mcginnis, M&K, and Talon patch. Holy fucking cancer. Oh yeah and Infernus is still untouched, fucking why?
you missed your stomp doe? also why were you just standing under your walker against a fed warden while alone?
that's not me that's a spectated game and yeah the guy threw him on the walker which is hopefully a lesson learned
I doubt even if his slam had hit he'd be killing him though
also warden isn't fed
they both have the same farm
nta but i dont really see that webm as an example of some ults being better than others the only thing i would really call egregious is the ult just chunking the walker to death with each zap
if that was me im running the fuck away when i see warden channeling his ult in my face like that, the channel time is your warning to run the fuck away and wait it out or prepare to 6 man focus him to outpace his healing and lash is alone so there is only really one option
yeah lash's ult is pretty fucked up
shame about the player though
>so magic carpet is just superior to majestic leap now
Not on anyone with a DoT or lingering AoE mid-fight
if a hero with same farm as you NEEDS to be focused by 5 people then that hero is overpowered and broken
sure if you're too fucking stupid to just move away from the ult with the longest startup and most obvious noise of any ult in the game
thanks for agreeing stupid
McGinnis is PURE fucking cancer in every game.
M&K is just his ult and Talon is clearly way over tuned

What is this balance team doing?
i mean in teamfights it's still an option to disengage sometimes to wait it out, if he gets a good timing then he should be rewarded

there are a lot of ults in this game that are just "i win" buttons if you completely ignore all of the counterplay that exists for them which is why lash got raped in your webm lol
if they nerfed intense mag her gun build wouldn't be such a pain
they had 0 reason to buff turrets and need to revert that shit
NTA, but this is why I think Objective Push Warden is going to be obnoxious as fuck once people learn how the strat works. The only reason I don't abuse it is because it's pretty boring.

>Press 4
>Opponent runs away from you with this exact mentality
>Guardian/Walker destroyed because your ult is that powerful either typically goes down in one cast
Talon having 91 damage headshot from level 1 is broken as fuck and charged shots for more. Hits fly up and triples his damage. Sure seems balanced. He can throw an ult from a hidey hole and contribute to a team fight in another lane without moving. What a fun design. Gains speed with spirit. Sure is fun.
they nerfed intensifying 2 patches ago
They seriously need you to be able to heavy punch a wall down and let us at least scale them with wall jumps or something. An unbroken wall is one of the worst designs in the game.
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>Here's your enemy team bro
>What do you mean you aren't having fun?
>Skill issue!

Why do I keep getting the most stacked enemy teams
the fact that the wall isn't her ult when it's this strong is a joke
>Gay Allen and Vindickta on the enemy team.
free win
vindicta should kick instead of punching
Okay /dlg/, what are some fair and balanced heroes?
>M&K is just his ult
that isn't true at all
Grey talon last patch
Vindicta last patch
Seven before orb change
I think Lash should deal more damage
Vindicta is a fair maiden and wouldn't kick while wearing a dress
only if I can parry her with my mouth
Vindicta should have no melee attacks
Kelvin, active items fuck him hard
There is NO WAY they leave Calico in her current state right? I literally ruined lane phase with those cat turrets because they have fuck off huge range. Just plant them high on the buildings then wait to catch some nigga out.
They can have the range and damage but they should not be as tanky as they are
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>More fucking turrets
Throw Engineer from TF2 in while we're at it.
mcginnis's cooldowns need to be like 3 times longer and she would still be overpowered
mcginnis vs calico matchup will be the most cancerous duo lane of all time
mirage past laning
Vindicta stake(useless ability) should be replaced with leg choke hold
Well according to the stats nobody picks him and his winrate is sub50% so yeah, I'm all for it.
>Outfarm the seven and the haze on our team with fucking mo & krill
So this is one of those games where you're guaranteed to lose huh.
Valve is just fucking retarded.
Has anyone ever booted up TF2 and said "boy I sure hope there are some mini sentry engineers on the enemy team I LOVE shooting spammable turrets!!!" No, because that shit was fucking aids.
Now, ponder if you will, fighting a 2v2 lane vs a Calico and McGinnis. That shit is cancerous aids, like a tumor with aids in it
Just shoot the turrets
Despite what people say Lash requires at least three braincells to play.
Its always tempting to just leap and then slam for big number, but pretty often you will just die instantly, if the enemy doesn't panic.
I think overall he is in a fine spot but I won't say no to buffs for my boy
M&K is just as good at farming as seven and haze
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>where's Vindicta, bane of /dlg/?
In my game
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wish there wasn't such an obvious pub stomper in the game
>does well and get a lead
>Can't win because our haze finally "finish" farming and went all in on a spirit sleep dagger build in rank
>Enemy team eventually catch up once their seven/infernus come online and actually win team fight.
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I just want to say I genuinely respect Viscous and Lash players, those characters are really cool and flashy when executed well.
I also respect Paradox and Yamato loyalists despite their constant bitching
>use burrow on abrams
>he just uses his retarded charge and completely negates my burrow's damage even though I'm in the middle of the animation
No fucking problem with that character at all.
Abrams is a specific counter to M&K lil bro
Deployable NPC turrets in a competitive game have never once been a good thing for a game. Name a single game where they were fun to fight against and didn't feel cheap to die to but also weren't totally irrelevant, you can't.
Does monster rounds work against turrets? I swear I always buy them but it doesn't make a difference for McGinnis
tf2 because the game is more fun if you actually push as a team which is what sentries force
guess which heroes I'm talking about
>a black female criminal mastermind

>a magician with a card motif
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Wiki says no, not sure honestly

Actual sentries are akin to guardians or walkers, which require a team effort to destroy. McShittis' turrets are more like mini sentries which are just annoying
even Seven with giant balls was fine because that was literally all he could really do, ult is dogshit and they keep nerfing his other skills too. If they kept it the same while adding the scaling spirit resists to NPCs they did this patch he probably would've been just as brought into line
Yeah unfortunately he just has every tool to beat you.
Regen that beats out scorn, the damage aura if you try to ult him, and the shoulder check for burrowing.
Plus his gun and M&K double headshot hitbox means he can chunk you happily

It might literally be the worst match up for you
yeah, abrams vs M&K is just an afk farm lane, there is zero chance either person dies in that lane if they aren't retarded
there is no point to using burrow before you get charged
M&K's worst matchup is easily Infernus
surprised i never see melee mo n krill whats with that
can't melee during ult or burrow
Ult for damage is a meme unless you're balling out of control
To be fair Infernus shits on just about anyone in lane
he demolishes M&K, can't LoS him for shit
What is the most glaring design flaw in this game to you? Personally I think it's the existence of "ultbots" like Dynamo
Ranked shouldn't have been added because now people sperg out for someone daring to try a different build in an alpha version of a game...
McGinnis and Wraith
denies not having a max range, particularly later in the game
recently, the huge amount of spirit res on lane creeps
denies and no spawn time in laning, denying will forever be shit and forbids any weapon that isnt just gun and makes laning phase take 15 minutes because people afk at guardian and farm
Wraith's CC isn't even the most obnoxious in the game
Free 2nd chance abilities
The towers aren't worth a damn. I shouldn't be able to dive someone who's a bit under half, take like 15 seconds to kill them, then walk out with under half hp myslef
McGinnis ult at 3k souls being probably the highest DPS in the game, with a notable slow on a character who can literally pin you against a wall.
trick question, they are all the same
They're penalizing denying because someone with low ping can just outlane someone with a higher ping.
But as a result, it messes with the importance of forcing someone off the wave.

Maybe they could make it so you get less of a grace period the farther you are from your creeps?
They could calculate how long it would take your bullet to hit the creep and subtract that from your grace period, essentially doubling the effect of sitting back to just farm.

I'm writing a forum post...
if I thought about it more I may have changed my answer >>500031819
there are way too many insta win lane ults in this game and it feels fucking awful
Bebop, Pocket, McGinnis, Vindicta
like oh shit they got 3k souls guess I need to sit at tower until laning phase is over
hyper beam has more dps
What is the goal of “up”-player faggotry? You always have some smug midwit boast an anecdotal ‘insane’ winrate whenever you rightfully claim your character is weak/dogshit even with statistics (First, it was vindcta/GT, now it it’s about 7). What do they gain from gatekeeping change?
beepboop doesnt have walls
>Hooks you
>Ults you
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wall is the slowest, most telegraphed ability in the whole game just don't get walled
>people seething about Vindicta and Prepping bull who went from the bottom to being playable long range characters after some buff
>Meanwhile mirage is the most broken gun/long range character in the game this patch who got buffed even further
/dlg/ is silly
how can I take /dlg/'s top analysts seriously when there's at least three retards regularly calling Paradox's kit a "worse bebop hook"?
>"let's go mid"
>the entire enemy team is alive
>went exactly as you'd expect
Phantom rank my ass
i told my team mid was a bad idea and to stop at least 3 times and they insisted we finish it and it went the same way
ascendant rank btw
>got a kill today using paradox grenade on street level and splashing the enemy Seven who was in the subway tunnel
This shit is getting hit with the LoS nerf like Ivy ult got and it's going to be worthless afterwards
barrage has 5m radius (10m diameter)
laser has 2.9m diameter
I'm an archon shitter and my teams are never retarded enough to do this.
I'm an archon shitter and my teams always immediately dive enemy base after we kill 1-2 heroes by our walker
usually it happens because the team has some slight ult advantage and gets cocky thinking it makes rejuv completely free
>another dipshits decide to do the urn and the enemy just pushes rapes our base and wins episode
I don't understand why yet, but they regularly flip midboss even in the highest ranks (e.g. when any of Lash, Yamato, Dynamo, Infernus are up with ults, or even just after one pick of an irrelevant character like Vindicta).
I don't play there personally, but I see a midboss flip like once every two games in eternus 6 streams.

They don't really give it for free, because they often seek out the problem characters by using the midboss threshold as bait to force them into fights. 90% of the time it goes as planned. For the rest, the disaster they were preparing for unfolds.
>"let's go mid"
>4/6 on the enemy dead
>nigfernus and haze on the enemy team alive and their ult lit the fuck up
guess what happened
>urn in general, they have no idea what to do with it
>towers are completely useless in nearly all interactions except if you get walker stunned
>lane sustain items that are so strong that you can just never interact
>creeps ai is complete trash and will solo objectives if ignored, so lanes that have had no one in them for a minute or 2 will randomly hard push in 1 direction
I do like the idea of the urn because late game especially it's a good way to bait out team fights when the teams just aren't interacting with each other.
The laning stage needs to be thoroughly reworked, it's just a relic of the past as is
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>Oh look the enemy team is doing midboss while I'm alive
>Thanks for the free Rejuv guyd
>See you in 10 seconds when the rest of my team arrives
>Oh and it's past 17 minutes so I always have 2 Ults so be ready for the second Singularity

Why do fucking idiots do mid when Dynamo is alive
Are you genuinely retarded? Learn your fucking lesson already
oh I forgot to mention
>early kills literally just don't matter and even if you're 3-0 up on your lane at 10 mins they'll have the same gold as you, compounding the issue of how good the sustain items are to always encourage you to just do nothing every lane
>fighting at top of one of the longest stairs in the map
>not fucking sliding down them for evasion against a hero with superior gun damage to you and free ammo
>it would probably have saved you from Paradox too

Obviously since you clipped the minimap out I have no idea if your map awareness is just bad or if Paradox just wasn't visible until she ganked, but going off that and your other webms I can pretty confidently say your ground movement game with Lash needs some work. You seem pretty content to stand relatively in place and jiggle to avoid headshots when you're playing a character who generally has stamina to spare for more complex maneuvering.
I bet the laning phase would be more fun if you just replaced the creep souls with control points that you went around capping or something
>wraith, kelvin, geist, lash, paradox and abrams in the enemy team
>literally entire team of "whoops, I played like a nigger, let me just press a button to get a 2nd chance by fucking off to the other side of the map or be shielded for 10 hours"
What a great display of modern game design.
That team could only be worse if it was Mo and Krill instead of Geist and Infernus instead of Paradox.
this dev team is so fucking stupid when are they nerfing Dynamo into the ground already what a fucking stupid character
you're phantom 3 shitter
yeah this isn't a bad idea.
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Hail to the king baby
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Yep, it's time to game
>its another mcginnis wins the game episode
think im gonna try dota until the next nerfest. this shit is unfun as fuck
>pick mo n kirill
>melee build
>go 15-2-11
>check scoreboard
>enemy Lash is 12-1-5
>end game 15-9-12 to their lash being 27-3-15
Hahahahahaha I sure fucking love when my bricks are heavier than their bricks!!!!
I still count it as a win though because I fisted their Wraith's asshole so many times she had to buy a metal skin. The fact that Scorn works as a free melee cancel for parry baiting is just disgusting.
build weapon and ricochet and her turrets all die for free
metal skin if she builds weapon
I really enjoy how every patch just makes the game more and more annoying to play no majestic leap and keep nerfing unrelated heroes while so much heroes remain obnoxious as fuck
The actual issue is that they insist on making every form of disable active a projectile, so the worst culprits of the 'free second chance spell' bullshit that you need the stun/silence the most for can simply ignore it. In Dota at least sheepstick is instant point and click, so if you catch the enemy out with better vison/smoke you will guaranteed fuck them while in Deadlock it's an absolute tossup if you will ever silence a pocket that isn't braindead.
majestic leap split pushing was one of the most annoying things in the game to play against so it getting nerfed helps the game
they are speedrunning the moba lifespan
it took league around 5~ seasons to become insufferable
Oh great, a Yamato comes out on my lane while I have Mcginnis, I sure enjoy having to deal with a nigger character that deals 10 billion damage at the very start of the game while I have the character with the absolute worst mobility of the game
Can't say I feel the same way. Every game I play is so much fucking fun.
oh no poor guy has to play the best hero this patch into yamato what ever will he do
if you have more than 3 heroes checked you're griefing
They can keep the rage generation down, but they should buff Shiv's decay rate. I don't think there's been a single fight where I've entered at full rage this patch.
I've not bothered with Shiv after the patch since he looked absolutely DOA
Every Shiv I've seen since has been a feeder
I'm worried about M&K getting the same treatment
How do i learn to shot my shots? I suck at aiming so fucking much.
As a Shiv player myself I think he's fine where he is right now. It makes more sense for him to need to build up strength during a team fight anyways, makes him less of a monster. Sit back and throw knives before the initiator on your team begins the fight. Really after the nerfs I think Shiv only struggles somewhat mid game, but once you farm up enough you still become an unkillable monster of a tank that just walks people down and murders them.
Did they add option to play new heroes in custom games yet
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I'm still finding some success with him, you 100% feel the nerfs.
If I can clear nigh the entirety of the jungle and only end up at like 30% rage due to decay and poor generation its a bit fuckin' wild.
Is McGinnis the new Shiv this patch? Seriously the turrets are obnoxious.
His rage faggot mechanic needs to just scale inversly with his current hp
With deferred damage counting towards that amount

For example less than 50% max hp (including deferred) and you are at max rage
Thats it, i fixed the character
How do you lane against Infernus, Geist or Haze in a 1 v 1 lane? Geist just keeps throwing bombs that somehow pierce through walls, malice that slows and gives her amped damage on you, not to mention it's on a 3 seconds cooldown. Haze just continuously shoots you, if you are out of position or try to contest her, she just throws a dagger. Infernus plays the same, but runs while leaving a trail of fire.
He shouldnt get any rage from neutrals period
That wouldn't change anything for me because I buy Frenzy 99% of the time on him (unless I need Unstoppable and the game ends early).
>Mcginnis turrets are annoying
>lets buff em!
Icefrog at its finest
buy extra regen and monster rounds and take cover
>Shiv shouldn't be able to farm the jungle at a comparable rate to anyone who isn't vindicta/grey talon
Shiv is now a Frenzy rusher.
custom gamers are for TOURNAMENTS ONLY not you stupid useless fun havers
Haze is easy because she's squishy, she's like an easier to play against Infernus. Just abuse cover so she can't build up stacks on you, and just to burst her down if she gets greedy. Against a good Infernus or Geist though you might as well just give up trying to kill them. Just buy extra regen and focus on last hitting. Then ask for a gank when someone else wins their lane. If no one does, god help you.
I'm sorry, Yamato shouldn't be able to buy refresher to get 14 fucking seconds of complete invulnerability on top of two ability refreshes.
Infernus has weak poke as long as you don't stick around to get ignited
Haze is similar with Fixation stacks, also her damage is terrible early on for killing creeps so she needs to blow all her ammo on them or her lane gets pushed
Geist is incredibly oppressive if they can aim well, I don't really think there is a way to deal with it. Just sit back with lane regen items
Frenzy is super good on gun Shiv right now anyways, it works super well with his kit.
Do you mean leading your shots or just aiming in general?
For just aiming it's all muscle memory so the more you play the better you get.
If you feel that you often overshoot your target when flicking between targets or perhaps having to do multiple swipes with your mouse to turn, then there might be a sensitivity issue too.
If you want to "practice" aiming outside of just playing the game (which in my opinion is the best way to practice,) try out "changelevel hero_testing" in console and just use that

There are games like kovaaks/aim labs that let you convert sens and then aim pratice, but honestly they are just a scam and no real pro player ever uses those.
I'd prefer if they just deleted Refresher and kept Echo
Pre-ult, you can kill her if she overextends. She has no escapes. If she has ult and you don't have silence just go next.
Keep track of the dagger or she'll win every trade or escape at 1 hp every time. Bait her dagger somehow then go all in or go for a trade.
Mission impossible. You have to catch the nigger blowing his run on random shit, otherwise he's unkillable. Play safe.
I pick it up on him on my build that focuses slice and dice super late game usually for the bullet resist. It gives him a lot of what he wants, but with that change it goes to the highest item priority.
stop telling people about Frenzy
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>Getting banished to the 1v1 lane as MnK against an Infernus
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Ask for a swap, that lane is unwinnable
what heroes are actually good at laning against infernus
Yamato. She nukes his HP bar before he can stack up afterburn..
yeah thats fair
i just ask because every time someone is against infernus and asks to swap it's basically like asking someone else on the team to get fucked in the ass in your stead
>playing on south america
>game puts me in a Frankfurt server with 150 ping
It was a wood MMR match and we won but holy shit why did it put me so far away.
Yamato may be the single best character in lane though honestly.
Shut the frick up non inhouser
Yoshi already said they could add such function
>Phantom 3
Is it time to kill myself for being mud mmr?
>playing mcginnis
>ult on a bebop
>he starts ulting back at me
>both of us stand still in a retard match while tanking each other's ults
>I win because I was on top of my heal and had Leech
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>yamato in the enemy team
>fucking unbearable to play with, 10k souls ahead of everyone
>next match, yamato in own team
>She has 5 fucking thousand souls at 14 minutes and went 0-10
They're doing this on purpose, I fucking know it, the whole fucking goal is to make me fucking miserable
too many purple characters
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>be paradox
>shit on infernus 0/5/0
>he gets spirit lifesteal
>get healbane
>i am 5/0/0
>i can no longer even remotely begin to fight him even with healbane

(i did NOT fucking mean to post that i'm sorry jannies i deleted it)
They need a lane antiheal item

Maybe function like an inverse mystic burst that only effects smol heal
>shits pants
can you faggots stop doing this?
brother how to you mix up these images
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i have a dump folder I put stuff in to be sorted later and I wanted a reason to post dancing egg dog
anyway fuck infernus
Who are you self inserting as in that image lil' bro
Look up "attention whoring" on google
Probably the worst fucking fetish there is. I'm convinced this is just obese men who are fags who like this kind of porn because they have giant man tits and wish they had giant cocks too and weren't disgusting to look at. Fucking kill yourself anon. Disgusting.
How do I rise from Parkour Pro to Parkour Master?
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I usually let a lotta shit slide man, but... this shit right here is just unruly bro.. like I can't even believe you man, like, me myself personally I done said some bullshit on the internet bro but, you gotta go buddy. Like, I'ma get you outta here if it's the last thing I do. I ain't talk about get your account suspended either dawg, we gon' kill you dawg. We gon' getchu gone bro 'cuz this picture shouldn't be in your fucking phone bro. I'm talkin bout, we gon' bury you in the dirt, and we gon' stone you to death. Me and 600 other niggas, gon' have you up against the wall, and we all gon' shoot 100 round clips at you bro. We gon' burn your house down. We gon' tell- I'ma find your address, I'ma find your parents' address, I'ma tell your momma 'bout this tweet. Everything about this is wrong bro, you are not okay man, and you going to a bad place. You going to hell bro. There's no peace for where you going bro. You NOT gon' make it out. Your damnation WILL be eternal. I'ma personally come find you and beat your head in bro. Like, you not normal bruh. Like everybody troll on the- you know, everybody say some bullshit sometimes, but THIS shit unacceptable. "Less chat more strap." Nigga you SICK. You a bad person bruh. And you need to be locked up with them folk.
Pros learn tech from others. Masters spend an autistic amount of time in empty map finding undiscovered tech/jumps
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Nice try you fucking freak.
least weird paradox player
Some dumbass really went "yeah lets make a hero that can swap your hp with hers instantly and for free :)"
I missed it what was it
some nigga posting futa cuck porn
Horsegirl futa anal with extreme stomach bulge.
yeah i saved it
i have had so many afks in ranked the past few days wtf
That's awful
Why are paradox coomers like this?
Anyone who approved reverting Grey Talon nerfs is a nigger and should kys and should never work on games again.
How do you even build Pocket now seriously
>revert spirit sprint speed
>don't revert stamina
the fuck were they thinking
Either still the same build but pray they don't notice and build Improved Spirit Armor then the game basically turns 5v6 or ultbot.
Mo&Krill are the most obnoxious retard proof hero I've ever seen in a video game holy shit. League, DotA, Overwatch, HotS, Paladins, etc etc doesnt matter I've played them all and no character is this blatantly broken
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ritualist rank some real shit
Kek. The confidence on that Mirage, what a beast.
Why is it just now taking people this long to realize he's an obnoxious easy mode piece of shit?
You clearly never played against Garen during bruiser/juggernaut meta.
he's just weaker primal beast
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it's like watching two retards slap boxing
where did you get this? don't tell me you're that paradox
Ok bro you've CLEARLY never played Overwatch
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>mfw this anon is mirage from the webm
When his weapon shot across the entire lane I could agree with you, now I think he's in a decent spot, just the current state of items, the map, and so on lead to him being really strong.
>where did you get this
>VAC ban
>can play ranked
>got mass reported by ruskies into comm restriction
>can't play ranked

This game is not even out of Alpha and it ALREADY is fucked by typical Icefrog bullshit. I hate to admit it, but maybe Riot is right and the only way to retard wrangle everyone is to just fucking use a kernel-level anticheat and strictly enforce region locks.
Maybe if that paradox spent more time in an aim trainer instead of jerking it to horsecock futa, they'd have been able to hit a shot and kill the mirage without dying
why they allow niggers with VAC bans to play this game is beyond me
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So what rank is considered good and what's shitter territory?
why do ranks reset every fucking week? What's the point?
oracle and below are casual players
phantom are regular players that can't quite make it
ascendant and above are good
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>broke my 26 loss streak by picking Seven, hyper-farming, and then playing distraction for a competent Haze
>she literally just followed me around while I pushed lanes up, waited for the eneny to 2-3 man engage me, waited for my stun to get cast, ran in and popped her ult
>At which point I also ulted
The funniest part is we literally won 4v6 because we had a Bebop and Geist leave at around 5 and 10 minutes respectively.
Waifu status ended with Ivy.
Haze is my new waifu.
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>26 loss streak
Prove it.
After 7 loses in a row I could double the lobbies souls with my eyes closed and I still lost 2 more
I will not post my shame. Suffice to say: I still have a 65% win rate though, so the forced 50 system has a "sanity" limit, lol.
Stickin' em.
Throwin' blades.
Knives out.
There is no forced 50.
What happened is that you went on an early winning streak that inflated your MMR insanely high. Then you were stuck in lobbies that were too sweaty for you and needed a loss streak to get back to your actual skill level.
Anybody else feel like this game would be 100x better as a 4v4 than a 6v6? dual lanes are so fucking boring
>early winning streak
Nope. I have over 600 matches played. My longest winning streak was around 11, and that was a long time ago.
Why did you even bother posting a corrected version? If I did something like this, I would have just left the thread and waited for the next one.
Shit dude maybe you just got worse at the game.
26 loss streak is insane if you weren't boosted.
less players are even more boring
what are you smoking bro
Meanwhile at phantom
because people don't know you can HMC with scorn
Paradox downplayers are a different breed entirely.
They don't reset. They auto hide if you aren't active. That's all. 7 games a week is the required level of activity to show off your rank. It's to ensure you don't just hit immortal like in dota and then just perma queue unranked and talk shit to people.
less players offer a much more controlled environment
your own inputs have a much greater impact
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>computer flashes to black
>still hear the game or youtube videos
>no response sometimes
>sometimes it comes back if you wait 10 seconds
>sometimes it wont or partially comes back up
>reinstall windows, new drivers etc.
>it still keeps happening
>feels like GPU just gave up
>have had this happen for 2 months
>today figure it's time to clean the PC
>unplug 3 screens, tons of usbs etc.
>PC is on the floor in a corner
>corner of the room is under a desk, filled with dust
>oh no
>touch the top of the PC case
>feels hot to the touch
>take PC outside and open it up
>literally tons of dust and hair
>take an industrial vac I got and blow air into it
>tiny dust balls fly everywhere
>clean it as best I can and plug it back in
>figure since I did this go on and do 4 hours of house cleaning and taking out garbage and unused furniture
>hurt my back helping some old lady throw out her furniture too
>finally can sit down and play some deadlock
lets hope my PC-sama lets me play some deadlock tonight
they don't
Yea. Let's just make the game 1v1.
Maybe not.
The vast majority of those were sub-16 minute blowouts where shit would happen like this:
>mirage gives his walker (not guardian, walker) to McNugget at the 5 minute mark
>when asked what happened he screams unintelligible idiocy into the Mike
>McNugget is now 7k souls above everyone else and eats the team
>get matched AGAINST that Mirage player in the next match, but now he's on Abrams
>he goes 15/0 with 31 denies in laning phase and then carries his team to a win by minute 20 by just ignoring that we exist and walking into the base
>seven has a 93% pick rate
>twice in a row, I get no seven in the match
>but a turret spam mcginnis in the enemy team twice in a row too with zero aoe character to counter her
There is zero fucking chance that this isn't rigged solely to make you fucking lose.
4v4'ing would turn the game into that (roughly), for at least the first 10ish minutes
dying isn't extremely penalizing in this game
>>mirage gives his walker (not guardian, walker) to McNugget at the 5 minute mark
bro... aren't you in phantom? how does this happen
What if they added a 1v1 laning mode where the first to kill a guardian wins?
I have no fucking clue.
clean your room more regularly, dust sucks
your computer and your respiratory system will thank you
Duo lanes are the kinoest of lanes though. Solo laners wish they could have the same amount of impact a duo lane has on the overall game. A losing duo lane is grim, when someone from the solo lane loses their lane you just go "whatever lol" youre playing it wrong if you think it's boring
Deathy plays this on stream when he's waiting for a scrim.
>literally 100% one-sided match that ends in defeats since the last patch
What the fuck did they do to the matchmaking, this is ridiculous.
I hate dust, I don't want it building up in my home.
Both of my matches last night had my team ahead most of the game and then the other team pulled a surprise comeback.
>make 1 mistake
>make 1 wrong read
you underestimate how easy it is to lose lane in this game
this. it's pretty fucking simple. if you gape two players on a lane you can collapse into other parts of the map while two players are forced to play recovery. the presence of duos on lanes means that a solo winning lane and collapsing into mid only slightly turns the tide. a duo showing up to 3v1 a solo though...
I would fucking kill myself if I got a 26 loss streak. I'd be so depressed. I feel like shit when I lose like 5 games in a row because I REALLY start to think I might be doing something completely fucking wrong.
MnK has: an ignorant gun, infinite HP generation, retardproof escape/engage, a fuckhuge AoE disarm on too short of a cooldown, and the best single target CC in the game. Admittedly I only played Overwatch in the first year or so it was released but nothing back then was this gay
>win 1 game
>all of a sudden in a 8 minute long queue
>when it pops my ping is doubled
>russian names and thick accents of broken english
so they really couldnt find me a single game on the american server huh?
Had a match last night where 15 minutes in the enemy team pushed us to our base and took two shrines. Then 15 minutes later my team won the game.
You have to decouple your ego from winning. Play fighting games, it'll help a lot, because you can't improve at those without long loss streaks.
it's boring as a solo queue, which is what 100% of us are in ranked
saying i'm playing it wrong is very assuming. what exactly entails as "playing it right"? you collect more creeps and souls than the other side, just like the solo lane. it isn't rocket science
>2nd highest gun DPS in the game
>Highest base health in the game
>Has one of the highest base movement speed in the game
>Has soft CC and hard CC
>Has an AoE damage+heal ability
>Has a movement ability
Yeah mo & krill is clearly just super well balanced
Use comms and coordinate with your lane partner. I've been getting way more duo lanes since ranked came out (I used to get solo lanes almost exclusively in unranked) and when I do just the bare minimum coordination they're a lot of fun.
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>win match
>commend everyone on team regardless of how they did
>lose match
>report everyone on team for griefing
It's not if you're not a silent ape of a player. Say hello to your team when the game starts and communicate with your lane partner.
>Play fighting games
yeah bro i'm sure playing the same games as lowtiergorilla is conducive to a healthy mind.
the real pill is to accept that moba games are just addictive self-abuse
clearly this means they need yet another buff
you can CC him out of burrow and then he just fucking dies
again, we're assuming
not everyone wants to communicate
>enemy team goes to do urn as 6
>nobody on my team shows up
>they push yellow walker as 6 immediately afterwards
>nobody on my team shows up
>they kill the walker and rotate to green
>5 of my teammates are standing in the now vacant yellow lane farming creeps while the enemy takes green walker
Phantom MMR btw
LTG is special because he's insane.

>not everyone wants to communicate
Don't play ranked.
>LTG is special because he's insane.
so are 80% of assfaggots players above poop MMR
tell that to the guys who DO play ranked that way
Fighting games are actually pretty therapeutic and outside of guilty gear have great communities with only a few outliers of awful people. Playing fighting games will humble you because you will lose a ton, but if you interact with the community people will also try their hardest to help you win more.
That's specifically a moba problem.
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>outside of guilty gear
Hey, we're not ALL trannies!
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Haze is legit so terrible before 20k souls, I feel like I am handicapping myself by playing her in ranked.
Should I just switch to Infernus or Wraith or some other aim heavy hero?
Sure as fuck not after post nerfs.
The higher cooldown on power slash makes it way weaker.
The lane tower changes + spirit resist on creeps make her really fucking hard to push advantages after a kill.
The souls nerf for kill makes poking constantly not as effective.
The flying strike nerf with melee makes early burst way weaker.

She's goodish, sure as fuck not the best anymore unless you're retarded and keep eating a telegraphed nuke on cooldown + bullets
is the game not already forcing you to switch every other game? i thought that hero has a 100% playrate
i recommend wraith
i could not possibly care less about fighting games
>if you interact with the community people will also try their hardest to help you win more.
i don't want a nice community, i want a community full of terrible people that i can guiltlessly abuse. i know what i signed up for when i slid back into the MOBA sewer
Honestly I think the MMR just straight up doesn't work and you're placed at random. You'd think top 5% of players would at least be able to know the very basics of this game, but fuck me it's just a shitshow from start to finish.
well anon, i'll tell you this: you are the right kind of mentally ill for MOBAs
>outside of guilty gear have great communities
>singling out GG
Stop playing her like an M1 only hero. Coordinate with your team to use your stealth + dagger to set up and chase kills and you'll be a much bigger asset. She's also a great lane bully against most heroes
>aim heavy
Infernus just shits out aoe and drain tanks and wraith literally has an ult that gives her free headshots and nukes
Haze is also perfectly fine, goodish even, if you can't win in ranked with her that's a you issue.
how frighteningly honest of you
but you can make that happen in fighting games (more easily too) if you git gud
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oh my fucking god, i just melted full hp abrams while I was hovering over 200hp basically, this shit is fucking bananas on Shiv
GG has a tranny problem and the rest of the FGC makes fun of us for it.
All our trannies are also histrionic sluts who constantly accuse each other of sexual assault on twitter and then get mad when strangers weigh in on the issue they made public.
I am THE haze one trick of dlg. Post a replay code.
guilty gear is infested with trannies and tranny chases now
Seven, Haze, Wraith - every time going 0/10 and leaving the game and always are fucking ruskies.
Unless they're on the enemy team, which will be the opposite and they will be an absolute nightmare to deal with.
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almost as if trans is a symptom of bigger problem and depravity, they fucking shit up every single nook and cranny of online spaces when they latch onto something
am i correct in assuming that if i can't kill infernus in the first 5 seconds, i shouldn't try at all?
mid-game+ btw
They're like furries. They make their fetish into their whole personality.
you should buy healbane or toxic bullets or decay depending on who you're playing
i feel like furries are actually more milder in comparison, TQ fucktards is just haven for narcissistic assholes who's only goal is to make every single conversation about their feels and their identity. it's fucking tiring
trannoids made me hate furries less, tbqh. furries are disgusting but at least you can make fun of them without getting lynched
>enemy team is at our base
>rush to their base and start taking out their shrines
>they start rushing back
This doesn't work half the time but I love it when it does.
it really depends on his items
Got her like 8 games in a row as 1st prio, I think vindicta has taken over the 100% pickrate.

>Coordinate with your team
That's hard when half your games nobody speaks unless it's to flame (mainly russians). But how do you get the mobility to do that, I feel like my stealth is useless till you get level 2, but I usually don't pick that till after lvl 3 fixation and ult, so that's late af in the game.

>Post a replay code.
Is that just match id, or is it something completely different?
give me a quick rundown on what build i use on vindicta.
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GG Strive went full Twitter westoid pandering. The devs didn't even hide it and said that some characters, like Faust, were "too weird" for westerners and that they wouldn't get his references so he got changed into generic spooky man.

Then they dropped some legacy characters and they all were ruined in some way.

But there was no real damage until when they dropped Bridget (a legacy character who was a trap and always said in dialogue that is a boy) they made him a full blown, western type tranny. With his arcade story being the whole "i am a girl now!". Needless to say, over fucking night the entire fanbase was INSTANTLY taken over by trannies who never touched the game. All wiki pages about Bridget were edited (even for games where he EXPLICITLY says he's a boy), all forums and subreddits insta banned anyone who questioned it and Twitter is now full of underage fags with Bridget avatars who don't know shit about GG and don't even play it. The whole fanbase is insufferable now with TRANS RIGHTS memes being spammed every milisecond.

You can already sort of see it in Deadlock. Pocket has "they" in his bio and redditors instantly twist themselves into a pretzel to respect muh pronouns and will seethe when someone doesn't play along.
Having a sleep, a stealth, a way of applying pressure at any distance with a debuff modifier and a ult that is effective at making people fuck off or die that synergizes well with your kit is good at any stage of the game. She's just a bit worse at all of those things early, like 80% of heroes in the game
i dunno mikaels tried her old spirit build focusing on her ult and said it's not good
maybe it's better to do a build that focuses on her 2 and firing speed and try to melt people that way
I don't really agree on the basis that I like new Faust
Anon, Faust has a ton of references that Westerners don't get. You didn't notice them because you're a Westerner.
Strive trannies already in cope mode i see. Those are exactly the words of the developers, faggots.
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>Healing Reduction Resistance
OK let me get this straight
You buy lifesteal or have a heal some way on a hero, someone buys a heal reducing item (like tox bullets or healbane), and you can reducing the effect of that specific item a little bit with this?
what a random ass attribute. it's like applying 3 different stitches on a wound
And it was a true statement, smoothbrain. Half of old Faust's kit is a reference to a Japanese sketch comedy series that no one in the West has ever seen.
The GG community was ALWAYS filled with insufferable shitheads even before bridget.
these newfag chuds don't know what they're talking about
If you're getting hard focused with antiheal items you buy this and get to keep a little bit of your healing. Makes sense to me.
i hate healing reduction in mobas
the correct solution is to just give characters reasonable healing
>t. Morello
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it just feels needlessly "band-aidy" and unnecessarily complex. couldn't they just up the healing a little on this item?
on another note, I think Restorative Locket is potentially an incredibly good item that people are overlooking
Nah it adds an interesting dynamic where healers are strong in early game instead weak the whole time
is this meant to be an insult?
morello was the like the last semi competent lead league dev.
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GG was infiltraded by trannies.
Literal, actual trannies, that now treat the game as a hugbox and demand representation, now the game has 2 canonical trannies.

They never played guilty gear before, they don't care about old GG lore and games, they only want to goon with their trannies.
And to make things worse they made the games absolutely fucking garbage and braindead to let these people play it
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>deadlock general
>/v/ fgc tourist conversations centered around, surprise, American culture war bullshit

I just can't get away from it, can I?
>now the game has 2 canonical trannies.
You mean 1.
Testament is the same sexless freak he always was.
can we go back to talking about futanari horsecock
little did anyone know at the time that the deadlock devs were going to release new heroes much more slowly andthey would pacify the playerbase by letting them play halfassed heroes as a consolation in hero labs
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>play 4 ranked games this week
>make sure I absolutely do not flame anyone
>literally just say in my last game "how is this kelvin so fed. we need to build anti heal knockdown and spirit armor for this team. we need to stop feeding him and play safer."
>direct team in fights to focus certain prio targets and we win
>come out and now I can't play ranked until the 31st for some nebulous reason
I am quickly losing the will to play this game. This punishment system is clearly automated and just being vocal enough around some autistic prissy cunt is enough to get reported by them.
>Say anything
>Get banned
Morello was a silver shitter who begged to be boosted at the end of every season because he wasn't any good at the game.
4chan is the best at giving irrelevant bullshit a lot of visibility
Yes. That's a match id.
you 100% didn't get low prio just off that. this game has a system probably like dota's where multiple different accounts have to report you for action to be taken
>literally just say in my last game "how is this kelvin so fed. we need to build anti heal knockdown and spirit armor for this team. we need to stop feeding him and play safer."
if you can't spot what's wrong with that statement, that means i'm spot on
>You can already sort of see it in Deadlock. Pocket has "they" in his bio and redditors instantly twist themselves into a pretzel to respect muh pronouns and will seethe when someone doesn't play along.
nobody cares what plebbitors think, troons aren't going to take over a game played by slavoids who will actively attempt to bully them into suicide on a whim
plus they can't even use voice comms in this game without someone making fun of their mickey mouse squeaks
Even on reddit people get downvoted for caring too much about Pocket's pronouns.
No one gives a fuck.
why is everybody missing an arm in this game?
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It's not low priority. It's a communication ban. For typing something. I keep my fucking mouth shut unless it's to give advice or communicate something urgent. It's actually just people abusing reports.
>if you can't spot what's wrong with that statement, that means i'm spot on
Suggesting items and strategy is worth being banned from talking in a competitive team based strategy game that demands these things happen?
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how does this not hit abrams
because it missed
Vindicta should moan when she gets meleed
Leftover from Neon Prime where everyone had cybernetic augmentations.
Afaik Yoshi hasn't said if the prosthetics are intended to be part of Deadlock's aesthetic or if they're purely placeholders.
>cropping out your ping
lol lmao
>But how do you get the mobility to do that
Rapid rounds, Sprint/Speed boots, slowing hex all give additional sprint speed (and move speed)
Kinetic dash + extra stamina lets you spam dashes more.
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life's little mysteries...
If you go frame by frame you can see that he turned at the last second.
i think even comms bans work like that. the threshold might be different. like, if 1 person (and the same person) happens to report you multiple times through different games, it only counts as 1.
but if 11 other people in ta single game report you, it might be an instant action
and for that statement, i think you could've just recommended without saying "fed" or "feeding". gamers, especially moba players, are an extremely fragile bunch that are actively looking out for offensive words or comments. you could have just said
>we need to build anti heal knockdown and spirit armor for this team.
>that kelvin is really strong
it has a wide hitbox retard
you're either insanely unlucky or a lying cunt. i tell my teammates to get raped by niggers and haven't gotten so much as a warning
Then why didn't it hit
I just said I liked it man, calm down
That's my last game, maybe it's a bad example because I inted immediately and was playing on the back foot the whole laning phase

I'll give it a try in some unranked games
no duo lanes are way more fun because early healing items are overtuned and 1v1s end up as farm fests if you dont get early kills
technical hit/hurtboxes are a wonder
meanwhile, oversized hit/hurtboxes (looking at you overwatch) are satisfying, but noob enabling as fuck
Pick your poison
nice falseflag tranny, it's not american culture war, jap devs started it
idea for a new grey talon ability to replace his boring trap

spirit combustion
>grey talon can touch a targeted hero or creep, after a few seconds their spirit energy explodes damaging everything in an aoe
>enemy heroes hit by this increase spirit combustion damage, stacks, some stacks are lost on death
>grey talon can target himself with spirit combustion
I wouldn't say flaw but urn and the boxes/golden statues should be removed or reworked completely. I imagine they will rework those cause they feel like random ideas one developer came up with as placeholders for when they come up with actually good ideas. They're such boring and lazy mechanics honestly. Just dumb rng comeback bullshit.
no one in japan gives a fuck though, they just continue to treat bridget as a femboy and it's a non-issue
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>Hard carrying team
>Ganked every lane
>Somehow still losing
>Somehow every lane is hard feeding
>Somehow I'm 10k souls ahead of my team

>Despite this a vindicta that hard lost lane despite me ganking and killing her laner four times and permanently helping her lane comes in as I'm taking sinners sacrifice and waits to TAKE the fucking last punch on BOTH machines that I was
>Actually has the nerve to fucking complain when I call him out for being a piece of shit that can't even accept being carried
I'm sorry but if you have 20k fucking souls ON VINDICTA on a 30 minute game you need to be fucking castrated.
Despite doing this the vindicta acted like he did nothing wrong, what the fuck is wrong with vindicta trannies?
they're fun 50% of the time statistically speaking
and agreed, passive 1v1s are boring, but i'd still take that over any duo lane scenario
OW's easy mode hitboxes were the best. It would have been fine as a casual game were it not for Blizzard employees' genetic impulse to ruin fun.
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this is his post before gutting the fuck out of invisibility and active items like deathfire grasp t. original league player s1-s4 then dotabab for years and years
So like, that's not me abusing anyone though. I really don't think reports like that are justified and in actual fact they should be report banned for abusing reports. It's just bullshit I wanted to see if I could go up a rank and now I'm just cut off 4/7 until next week basically. It's so unfair.
We're anonymous here. I have nothing to gain or lose. People are abusing reports in an automated system and I get to enjoy sitting out for a week because the game is genuinely unplayable at my level without comms.
Wait a minute...
>Invoker is a clear example of too far
Is he the only person in the entire world who thinks this? Everyone I know thinks Invoker is cool as fuck.
Meanwhile they could make the bird ult into a giant bird that flies in a straight line after cast. This bird would snatch up an enemy hero and bring it to Talon. This would synergize well with your suggested change.
i agree with morello on "fun can't come with a large WTF expense of others"
a high-skill cap hero played well should only be as strong as a low-normal skill cap hero being played well.
but there are definitely champions in LoL that contradict his point of view.
I just hate that it doesn't scale, but yeah it's a solid item for early to mid game, I just like divine barrier for the gtfo movementspeed more
they are not justified, you are right, but you aren't dealing with what's right or what's wrong, you are dealing with something clearly mechanical
the only thing you can do is reduce your risk from this mechanical system by using the most basic verbiage
if you're going to remove his trap that makes him very susceptible to ganks. Maybe change his charged arrow into like a gust of spiritual energy he can use to knock enemies away from himself, maybe make it behave like a light melee attack
>two-stage multiplier for your healing
>early to mid game item
it's strongest after everyone's loaded to the gills in healing/reduction.


In truth if it's automated people can just report you for saying even the most basic words. It's just like WoW where people who did not like certain gankers or whatever would just get their entire guild to mass report the guy and get him banned for a month. I'm tired of these pathetic systems. If I said something wrong judge me with a human looking at the logs not this shit.
I was referring to locket
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I saw the thumbnail and thought this was about heal booster
>Communicate in a sea of russians
>Get banned for 'speaking english'
Way to go yoshi see you in hell
Swap yamato's and shiv's kit with each other's

It would be kino seeing shiv use yamato's ult
only if you keep the voicelines
>shiv yelling out POWUH SLASH
what would be a good one to get into? i liked soul calibur 6 back when it launched and played that for a little while but i don't know how active the scene is nowadays
>shiv ults and turns red
>baxter society got your number
Then shiv players would no longer be able to play their carried character, winrate would hit 35%
I hope Pocket being a "they" means the twist that pocket is actually the coat and not the dude like come on man I'd respect this "non" binary shit more if the people who were a "they" were like Astolfo tier not obvious dudes
Arin Fairfax is a they/them in the in-game lore even though everyone calls him a boy.
Don't think too much about it.
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Holy shit you guys weren't joking about the dogshit matchmaking
you faggots are so spoiled with your broken ass ability with a giant hitbox that you miss and ask "why didn't it hit"
I used to do this in DotA with friends, one friend would get so mad he'd get clapped that he would go farm towers in other lanes for a sec and then use to gold to win.
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i don't know, watch this webm and tell me how these hit but >>500058569 doesn't
Death Slam grey talon niggers into the concrete.
he was snaking around with a heavy charge melee doing funny things to his hit model
uh oh lashcuck having a meltie
Because the Abrams was in the middle of a heavy melee, and as we all know melee hitboxes in this game is currently jank
Lmao abrams chads always win things just goes our way

you are playing grey talon move on lmao you will hit the next one
Why does Mo and Krill get to be both the tankiest character by a large margin AND have the best gun in the game?
every "skillshot" ability in the game has a generous hitbox and will hit even if you "miss" to a similar degree thougheverbeit
Wait did you just say mo needs another buff and Abrams a nerf you got it
Because he can't fire it most of the time
How do you even deny or protect your own souls against characters like Pocket or Shiv? They just point the gun in general direction and get the soul.
You have to use the small buffer where they can't hit the soul yet. If you're too low MMR/skill to do that, then I honestly have no idea; shotgun characters seem unbeatable.
is there any other gigashitters(iniate-ritualist) here?
have you noticed an influx of afk's or is it just me?
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the only skilslhot ability that doesn't work this way is vindicta's assassinate
literally everything else will hit even while being 80 pixels off
Idk why does Abrams also get a gorillion hp and a gun that chunks my HP away on top of melee? Oh it's because these devs don't know anything about tank design
Why is Valve so shit at designing characters?
>nooo tanks can only stand there and take damage, they're not allowed to fight back!!!
There's a difference between the tank being able to fight back and the tank having the highest DPS gun in the game.
same as usual, but that's still a lot
Hit f and get debuff reducer still crying about Abrams after nerf after nerf is nasty work
>make heal tank
>gut heal stacking
>still cry about heal tank for some reason
kek charcoal MMR
anon's being a whiny baby, but
>gut heal stacking
lifesteal stacking nerfs didn't affects abrams much.
mole without metal skin fucking melts vs gun heroes played by people with brains. so they're balanced around that which makes them a natural shitter stomper
Abrams kinda needs to be like 5 inches from your face to do all that damage though. He's super weak to any kind of CC.
>game set in 20s
>niggers in cast
it did after they hit his passive. any team with a brain can focus and melt him now in seconds.
Yes? Did you think they all just vanished the day Lincoln emancipated them?
half of his body is a headshot hitbox.
the headshot resistance he got last patch barely even makes up for that.
i cant believe this game has black people in it we all know black people didnt exist before 1930. i cant believe this game with robots and space guys and flubber isn't realistic.
Lmao dont tell him that abrams is the last character niggas should be crying about when we are in a sniper meta
Minorities? In my New York criminal underbelly?
>people always say go metal skin against wraith and haze
>get colossus instead
>now instead of just surviving haze ult can survive literally anything
colossus way better item
I've given up on trying to be an assassan or actually killing people with Viscous. Turning into a ball that bounces around and distracts the enemy team is honestly just way too much fun.

Be nice if he felt more viable but all his cool shit happens at skill cap. Still mad about the nerf to his 2.
Is there a comfier lane partner in this game than Dynamo
>Dodges every dangerous ability for both of you
>Keeps you both in lane forever with healing
>Bulky and can take hits
>Ultimate is guaranteed kills
gun viscous is an absolute demon if you can aim
miku is broken and it's not even the turrets or her ult
Yamato having the execution ability instead does seem like it makes more sense
how. None of his powers boost his gun. What can he do with a gun that others can't do like, way way better?

also no i can't aim worth shit. I use the alt fire a lot to harass, it's really nice for that.
mcniggis lane buddy = fun allowed
his gun is naturally good
huge hitbox
easy headshots
high natural damage per bullet
even if you build spirit can get slowing bullets and fuck people up
yeah waiting for the shitty patch where some epic streamer makes a video explaining gun miku to the shitters and there's suddenly one in every game

thought it was gunna happen last few months but thankfully seven ult combo, shiv, mirage and everything else has prevented anyone from noticing how busted she is
this game isn't lol of lesbians, you can build heroes for gun as long as their weapon and level scaling are decent. this is why we had two weeks of gun kelvins terrorizing games
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Where are the hot girls in this game?
it's actually alternative universe 50s

Hitler is alive
My friends stopped playing this game
He has his alt fire and gun damage also buffs his goo punch. It makes just as much sense as a spirit build.
>sitting 100m away from a team fight on the cuck chair missing arrows and being useless while your team loses the fight
>send a bird in so you can get a close up view of your team getting fucked in the ass
>explode all over yourself while the enemy team closes out the game
>lose game
So how is a gaytalon main calling anyone else a cuck again?
t. ivy
I want a lamia. Like a snake girl. I guess it could be a guy too as long as he's a slutty femboy.
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>Queue ranked
>First game I'm laning against Grey Talon Geist
So I just give up solely because the enemy team decided to pick 2 specific heroes cool
Esports ready game btw
just outshoot them you scrub
geist and talon are tied for worst laners in the game
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>geist and talon are tied for worst laners in the game
I'd rather not have insufferable faggots as characters in this game, actually.
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Playing an unfinished MOBA isn't for everyone.
I just want a pick/ban system, i'm sick of rolling the dice on whether or not my team composition even has a chance to win.
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PC just had the same crash. Cleaning did nothing. I'm so sad right now.

It literally did it when I hit play on a YouTube video, like my PC couldn't fucking handle 10 tabs of Chrome anymore.
>geist and talon are tied for worst laners in the game
I'm not even giving this a you. Bait used to be believable.
You should actually be hanged for typing this
>they introduce drafting to ranked
>your team mates pick retarded shit anyways because they're OTPs
what now
7/10, bait so bad it's good
Wait did that Seven ball deflect off Kelvin's dome but keep going?
Yeah, it did. Didn't know that worked like that
why don't sevens ever cancel ult and run away?
him staying confirmed the kill on bebop so it was arguably the correct call
lol you fat fuck
that wouldn't have been anime
inhouses today 6 - 12PM

stayed up too late for a halloween bar crawl and woke up at 2PM rip
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when will valve give me a win
forced 50/50 is supposed to give me a win by now
Not happening
nice ill be there
im dressing up as a pirate on thursday.
why are you posting with a trip?
I lay my nuts out on my Gaming Desk and punch them repeatedly.
Just 2 more weeks Yuri, keep the strong going!
ukraine won
>i call em niggerjewfaggots and get banned
what now
>magic carpet rush mo and krill
>population climbing towards 80k
uhh, doomposter bros???
Yamatobros... the next patch... the next patch will save us... trust the pl-ACK!
>type anything
>get comm banned
2 more weeks. A beautfiul Yamato redesign will be pushed with substantial buffs. DATTEBAYO!
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>Can't even reach 80k on a sunday
>Right after a new patch
It's literally over
>queue ranked
>type 'br?' into chat in lobby
>people on my team disconnect immediately
why is this so fun
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>enemies are at our base
>4 people defending
>shiv is at their turrets with lane pushed and minions
>instead of taking turrets and possibly guardian, the retarded nigger goes farming the jungle nearby enemy base
i hate this shit so fucking much, Valve stop parrying me with the dumbest drooling faggots in existence
hot take: sinners sacrifices arent worth the time to hit down compared to farming other camps and breaking boxes along the way
5 hits on a sinners sacrifice takes 18 seconds
can clear two camps + all boxes and gold statues along the way in 18s on most heroes
they're a trap for bad players esp the 2x sinners sacrifice in second floor buildings
I have to queue with my 100h friend to get a quality matches
If I solo queue, I'm getting silly fed and it's boring
What's up with matchmaker for 30h elo?
They give you perma buffs.
>18 seconds
what the fuck are you on lmao
>5 hits on a sinners sacrifice takes 18 seconds
Wtf are you talking about
this is the most obnoxious patch since super beam bebop seriously seeing a grey talon on the enemy just makes me want to alt f4
so do gold statues
you'll find on average 4-6 gold statues moving around the jungle clearing neutrals, which is 2-3 buffs on avg
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These devs BUFFED mo and krill and broke GT vindicta AND BFUFED MCGINNIS THAT WAS ALREADY S TIER

lol sometimes i wonder who post these things it gives you perma buffs so just imagine you take yours steal your enemies and hit golden statues that shit adds up
>Her ult is just a hook that could also fuck you
both are good in different ways
>bebop hook
+ way more range
+ more control over where you put them because you can wiggle around as you're reeling them in
+much better cooldown
- gets caught on everything
- beop has to sit there reeling the hook back on whiff which can get you killed
- the guy you hook can get caught on the level sometimes and just not reel in
>paradox ult
+ way faster to execute in both speed and recovery if you miss
+ the forced movement is more gradual which means they can easily be shot/aoe'd by your team as you're moving them making it work like a bootleg mo ult, especially if you do it point blank
+ always swaps, I've clipped through walls to land swaps that would've worked if I was bebop
+ 100% spirit lifesteal on everything is pretty fucking crazy, swapping someone through a wall/grenade is a huge heal which means its good for more then positioning
- doesn't have any of the strengths of bebop hook I listed
- if you swap into the enemy team then you're just fucked and no buying kevlar/warp stone is not a good solution to this which means a lot of situations where bebop can just hook people for free you can't (but paradox can just zap people with carbine instead copium)
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The standard for a 20+ minute game is to have your lanes pushed above half at all times. I know this is intuitive, but I'm getting annoyed with niggers in my games ignoring the map or allowing a walker to go down for free. I wish this game relied more on macro, and it probably will soon enough.
>5 hits on a sinners sacrifice takes 18 seconds
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people are literally bitching about how strong vindicta LANING IS

this game has the balance it deserves
I wish the game tracked CC
I want to know how much I'm actually accomplishing
I did the math, it's actually closer to 19 seconds
I swear this must be the Valve C or D team their balance decisions make genuinely no fucking sense this is the most dogshit patch hands down SO MUCH heroes are annoyingly bullshit
>vindicta annihilates me in lane 3m into the game because she does like 120 gun dps before items or headshots and takes my tower
>her entire team is buffed by a tower being taken
>they stomp the other lanes from this power spike
>game ends 20m later
>man this mediocre bomb build is too strong, let's cripple it
>man, McGinnis is so weak she needs some buffs
how are the pocket posse building pocket now?
yamato loses lane to infernus thoughbeit
No she does not
Deathy is the first streamer I avoid watching because of the face cam.
He's not ugly per say but the greasiness + patchy facial hair is unsightly
abrams buff wish list
shoulder charge disarms
passive goes back to being what it was in early aug
melee attack speed goes back to what it was

starting health goes back to 600
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Skill issue
Her gun doesn't do great DPS without items, it's pretty middle of the pack
Whats the quality options for uploading a webm again?
so you want to look at an attractive man when you watch a stream kinda sus my G
no :^)
Max file size 3 or 4 MB (can't remember)
on top of her mediocre gun dps, she has awful stamina, low health, and 40 second cd base abilities, if you think vindicta is a strong laner you have actual brain damage
headshots matter
lower fire rate heroes do higher headshot damage so if she headshots you consistently she does way more dps than the other heroes
Based. I never had any problems with characters who look female but are secretly men. It's quirky.

However I hate trannies and this American belief that gender is a social construct.

This is why I'd vote Trump if I was American. He literally called it the gender ideology madness in his most recent speech and how he will take it out of schools, lol. He even said he will force men out of womens sports etc. Based guy.
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so this is the high IQ posts I share here in the /vg/
She's literally exactly middle of the pack fire rate though too so you're just coping; plus I don't beleive that's true because Kevin has a lower than normal multiplier despite his gun being low fire rate
git gud
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skeleton gaming
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>they're not allowed to fight back!!!
>ranked hours where pushed an hour back because of daylight savings
vindicta is a feast or famine character, ontop of the game being (seemingly) very difficult to come back from if you get behind, makes her feel shitty to both play and play against

i honestly think she just needs a flat rework, and probably a flight removal, maybe a retarded take, idk.
migu's on-paper dps in lane is the biggest red herring in the world, even after the spinup decay change.
gay talon and vindicta have only been cancer since slowing hex got deleted from the game and repeatedly nerfed
it's just shotgun retards who will never ever buy any counter items and are seething about flying hero they can't shoulder charge or burrow combo
Infernus isn't a strong laner, he's just good at not dying assuming he holds flame trail to escape. He doesn't have "lane bully" tools, he's got the slowest base movespeed in the game and his burn ticks for fuck all per tick without it being maxed/having spirit items.
I'm convinced people who struggle against Infernus in lane are just constantly peaking and allowing him to refresh burn, and the fact that he built it on them early game without getting nuked is questionable in and of itself.
How do I win my next two placement matches?
>lower fire rate heroes do higher headshot damage
Isn't it 2x for everyone?
you stop thinking they're placement matches and just play the game. you aren't getting a different MMR. you're getting a visible MMR. stop treating it like ranked is any different.
placement doesnt matter brother its seeded from your unranked mmr so if you actually wanted a high mmr you would have been grinding the fuck out of unranked before going to ranked
the moment you see your team losing a team fight go shit on enemy walkers.
Play mo and krill
That's 3,5.
so geist does 25 damage normally and 50 with a headshot
bebop does 5 damage normally and 10 with a headshot
that's 40 extra damage on a headshot that geist has that bebop doesnt
lower rof heroes do higher headshot damage
I think she's a bit overtuned but her winrate doesn't reflect that and removing fly would be turbo gay and set even more of an anti-fun precedent
>lower rof heroes do higher headshot damage
>I think she's a bit overtuned but her winrate doesn't reflect that
ah yes the winrate based on the site that can't track 75% of your fucking games? can we shoot this retard already
What kind of retard do you have to be to think this
If Bebop headshots you consistently he still does higher damage than Geist
So what?
Bebop hits 5 shots in the time that Geist hits 1 so the DPS scaling is the same if your tracking is good
If anything it's harder to juke high ROF characters
Warden literally got nothing, how he got this good to play? Or it's Veil walker and barriers that are this good?
everyone except kevin
>awful incorrect opinion
>also has a vindicta image attached
why do you think he's suddenly good?
It's worse than that because it tracks from data back in August. >>500074094
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>that's 40 extra damage on a headshot that geist has that bebop doesnt
35iq posts
Being weak to CC is not a specific counter, EVERYONE is weak to CC, it's a universal counter that incurs an opportunity cost. Tanks should generally be lowest on the totem pole for "characters I want to CC" because they should be disruptors, not blasting me in the face for 500 damage a shot.

If I stun the Abrams I don't have CC for the rest of the team who are also a threat but who don't require massive investment to kill because they don't have 4k HP and regen out the arse.

Tanks being overtuned always leads to the worst metas because not only do you have to somehow deal with this hulking ape beating your head in, but the resources you spend killing him enables the rest of his team to murder you because they don't need to play around the resources you had to expend.
>that can't track 75% of your fucking games?
if you take 10000 games that have Vindicta in them and site only tracks 2500 games. Due to nature of randomness, those 2500 will CORRECTLY reflect Vindicta winrate, which is BELOW 50%
baird you're an autistic homo retard who gets farmed by pisslow south americans in dlg inhouses. the fact you feel the need to include your 'king of the retards' rank in your name tells me what an insufferable egomaniac you are. no one likes you in game. no one likes you on here. please hang yourself soon.
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Never played Haze but I'm a contrarian for off-meta builds and felt like cooking something up that's not ricochet rush or "stack 40 conditionals to charge ult with"
Any Hazefags want to tell me why this fresh-out-of-lane dagger combo build is shit and I'm retarded?
>team has more souls
>more kills
>more skill
>Still beat them
Sometimes getting the lemmings together and tell them where to shoot is enough
This would be true if they were random, but they're not. They're preferentially tracking high MMR games, since it comes from the watch tab which is the highest active MMR games.
It's actually as far from random as you can get though, so drawing conclusions about the balance from that data is only possible if you're in the highest MMR brackets.
>tell lemmings where to shoot
>eventually get communication banned because some of the lemmings take offense at being told what to do and report you at the end of the game
>can't play ranked now
seriously what the fuck do i do against Vindicta in lane as pocket i literally cannot do anything
stop posting this dogshit website
Nigger you are pocket quit being a little bitch and just win
I feel like they stealth nerfed the arrows hit box last patch, feel like it's missing all the time now where before it was much more forgiving
that means her win rate is closer to 54-55% with the amount of shitters bringing her win rate down

you dont do anything grey talon and vindicta are S tier + heroes right now
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This was quite nice, but I feel like I've outgrown Initiate 3 now.
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>anti-Vindicta retards don't understand winrates
>anti-Vindicta retards don't know her dps
>anti-Vindicta retards don't know her headshot multiplier
this is insane, why the fuck anyone listens to them?
As the sample size gets lower the impact anomalous data points or "runs" gets more significant, especially as >>500074875 points out, the data selection itself is not random. The statistics on those sites is near worthless outside of a very, VERY vague indication of potential outliers at the higher level.
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what's a good gunbop build? if nothing else, what tier 2 gun items would i want on gunbop? i always feel like tier 2 weapon items offer a lot of utility but not much weapon damage, and i cant decide on what i'd want
Who cares about bottom 50% players
Grey talon is very very bad at lasting, his shots are far apart and move slow as fuck. You can't pre shoot like you can with bursty attackers. Focus on Denys and even if he kills you ultimately you will be up souls.
>6k item is better than 3k item
>entire team loses lane
>we win the game anyway
with the recent urn changes, getting stomped is now unquestionably a skill issue
nta but even high skill players have missing games, the watch tab is just not reliable.
Can't be banned for comms if you only spam comm messages and draw on the map. If they can't get the hint at that point than they are intentionally throwing and there's nothing else you can really do at that point even if you had a Drill instructor right next to them irl barking orders.
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Dude, people here bitch all the time saying shit like
>Dynamo's only job is to press 4
and think that's all there is to the hero

Nobody should take anything said here too seriously
>Psy-op to get less contest on the slot machines
between uppercut and hook's gun steroids the only thing missing is procs and fire rate.
Anyone who actually wants this game to survive. Not caring about player experience for such a significant chunk of your playerbase is a surefire way to alienate them.
You don't need to cater to their every whim, but if you ignore egregious "noob stomper" characters and the shitters aren't having fun, they simply won't play. If you only balance around high levels of play, you only keep the high level players.
Yes who cares about what you have to say.
Melee builds will always be a gimmick compared to "buy burst fire and melt literally any hero, camp, or wave for the low price of one slide and watching a youtube guide on how to cancel slide properly". Those spirit focused dagger builds require a fuck ton of farming to even function, and unlike gun builds, that farming will be slow and incredibly painful.
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Why does leaving give you a ban for "ruining other's experience" but feeding the other team to the point of not being able to fight back torturing you with 45 minutes of humilliation not bannable?
I've been thinking of something, does invisibility from veil walker, shadow weave and other sources of invisibility reveal you on the map to the enemy when you go near their towers and minions? And Seven's ult can damage minions on the ziplines, right?
you are one of them
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I'm unranked, what do these mean
do you actually need an answer for your tard question?
intentionally feeding is bannable
being bad at the game is not against the rules
also if the game went on 45 minutes that means the other team made a million mistakes you could have exploited to turn it around
i just won a game where my team was behind 30k souls because we won an urn fight and seized momentum
ur shit kid
3-4k dota equivalent
Feeder detected. Play the fucking tutorial before joining a game you insufferable retard
yeah I'm old and can't aim like I could when I was 18 and playing fps games every day for years

I out strategize these fools all day but just can't aim
I knew you were stupid
when was 4k in dota considered bad
i was 4k mmr in dota in 2012 and that was good enough for top 1%
I'm not sure
It's possibly because shields have 2 types, if you have enought of both types, you can get bursted down with abilities in 1v1, and then they have to shoot down my bullet shields to deal damage to me
meanwhile, I'm running at them connecting bullets onto their heads
always, 4ks are not human
if you make something retard-proof, they will simply make a better retard. unless you have an actual disability, being bad at games is a choice, shitters are bad because they blame the game for losing instead of themselves. it is reasonable for them to demand things like smurfs being banned, but balancing core gameplay around them will ALWAYS turn the game into a boring, homogeneous turd.
I used to be 5k and it ment I got to be a practice partner for pros. Mmr must be pretty inflated these days
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lel here's the actual game stats
Dota 2 introduced MMR in 2013 and the top players were 6k. 4k was acceptable then
Ignore the faggot. Their ranks are above the average. Anyone beyond Archon rank is a tryhard sweat who spam nothing but "core" heroes like Wraith and Geist or other OP heroes with high winrate. Among them are also the most cheaters, naturally. Nothing but scum and they don't make up most of the players so their real opinions don't even matter. Who Valve needs to listen to is the people on the bell curve, slightly above and below.

Hence, don't listen to this disingenuous retard.
when is yoshi going to give in and change fathom's name back to slork
Oracle is where humans begin
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You are an upper-middle skill player.
>Geist or other OP heroes with high winrate
where are you seeing Geist with a high winrate?
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This is Valve's very unsubtle attempt to do some damage control on weak-minded players who can't deal being labelled "bad". What the fuck are these rank names
Instead of distinguishing top 1% players, they distinguish the bottom 90% players as much as possible. As if a fucking """Archon""" is any better than a fucking "Seeker" or "IniSHIT"
Ascendant and eternus should be one rank if we are being real here call it immortal and give out numbers
even phantoms are subhumans. this game has two skill levels, high eternus and poop
Pre-nerf. She was only recently toned down.
>Melee builds will always be a gimmick
yeah that's the point, it's off-meta for a reason.
>spirit focused dagger builds require a fuck ton of farming
It's just a post-laning early game setup, not a full-on commitment.
>farming will be slow and incredibly painful.
cold front 1-shots small neutrals and does 2/5 of a medium, and almost 1-shots lane creeps at this stage of the game. I imagine if you dropped spirit strike for ammo scav and stacked it a bit it could blow up waves instantly.
>say absolutely nothing
>get communication banned anyway because faggots abuse reports and report you no matter what
it was decent-ish, but 4ks would still get flamed by all 5ks for being ass
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Melee seven IS viable
So only 20 players matter in every region lmao
>As if a fucking """Archon""" is any better than a fucking "Seeker" or "IniSHIT"
there is a difference imo, if you play unranked and someone is dragging a very low MMR subhuman into your games you WILL know.
It's more interesting for sure. Like if we're ahead and pushing into enemy territory is undoubtedly a shit place to fight then it's not just a 'win more' game anymore. We pick up the urn to trigger the 20s visiblity timer and leave it and if anything, we fight if they deliver. Which we'll see from the instant they pick it up now. The only time we actually just take urn is if the enemy team is getting raped giga hard or we've got way better team fight. It's a different game now.
Yes being a shitter is a choice and they absolutely could decide to get better if they adopted the right mentality, but they don't and I doubt Deadlock is going to be the first game that addresses the psychic block that makes bronze-tier players bronze.
You don't balance the whole game around them, nor did I make any claim you should, but you don't ignore their feedback as the person I was replying to was implying.

The game can also become a homogenous turd if you balance solely for high level as well, just of a different flavour.
There's plenty of people with eternus tier skill level who aren't ranked because they only play with their coordinated team. Rank does not mean jack shit rn. When team ranked is out then you can brag
There is indeed a difference, but the difference actually comes from the effort they put in
In this case, an Archon actually tries to win the game. The ones below are smoking weed and playing on a Steam Dick
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I need no more proof. Look how pathetic these rank fags are, smelling their own fucking farts. They don't even post their rank, just shit on others.

Pathetic, disgusting and sad to look at. Never talk to a rank obsessed faggot or humor them.
I think this is somewhat relevant in rank discussion right now
Hero Lab was a mistake, I can't go back to regular queue. I need these clowns playable NOW
>There's plenty of people with eternus tier skill level who aren't ranked because they only play with their coordinated team.
if you ONLY play in stacks and you're not a tournament-level player you're probably just carried by the one guy in your friend group who's actually cracked
>solo queue
>my team has vindicta, gray talon, ivy and dynamo
forced 50% time here I go
Correct, hero labs with SIX heroes feels like different game with guest characters from Deadlock
>everyone gravitates to the latest FOTM shitty OP hero and if you dont have them on your team lol get fucked
I hate this shit is it like this in Dota and league? This is lame af
Lmao you should win that game
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You only get matched with shitters if your party has a wide skill gap too.
it is annoying playing what is the same comp over and over
there is no hero this polarizing in the game
but yes this does happen in league where k'sante the gay black man of good game design has been pick-or-ban for 2 years straight
>ask for advice
>not sure if i'm getting a retard responding to me
at last i see the utility of tripfagging, at least with baird i know i can just ignore him
the rank he puts in his name is far far higher than his actual rank, he's like archon 2 (actually king of the retards) or something, not eternus anything (which would actually mean he was good and worth listening to)
I got a duo lane with Gay Talon yesterday and oh boy was it cancer

>either of us lands a trap/stake
>they get chunked for 70% or deleted
>if they get away one of us just dives and then deletes them
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I think McGinnis should be able to repair shrines, walkers and guardians. Just stomping the enemy team is not really fullfilling after a while.
Yeah I have made no attempt to hide my real rank
I just put that there to piss off the retards that cry about me constantly
Grey Talon being good makes the game worse. He should be shit by design. Vindicta too.
Are you aroused by negative attention?
new lock where
yes. that's why he's a trip cunt.
listening to pisslows' feedback for e.g. matchmaking quality is fine, but you really should just discard all of their opinions on gameplay balance. they just have no fucking idea what they are talking about because if they had the self awareness to realize they are shit, they would stop being so shit. you may as well just ask chatgpt for balance suggestions.
>The game can also become a homogenous turd if you balance solely for high level as well, just of a different flavour.
only if you try too hard to be an esports game, which is unfortunately likely for valve
No, I've just been posting with a trip for 12 years because I know dozens of people from 4chan personally and come across them in many threads
reminder to filter tripfags. if you dont reply they dont post.
that's so pathetic...
Nobody cares you cancerous faggot.
Yeah but a lot of tournament players play in only in their teams and nothing else so you can catch them in rank
>newfag is an attention seeker
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>he chased into the chokepoint?
>activate it.
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Haze Seven Lash Kelvin and Infernus are still always reliable picks and its been several months. Hell there's still a bebop in almost every game despite how many times he's been murdered.

Shiv definitely was a tier whore pick cause I definitely don't see him as much as I used to. And so is Paradox cause now I'm seeing one almost every game when she was a bit of a rare sight to see
grats on playing the most overtuned hero this patch against mouth breathers
post rank
he isn't playing mcginnis or talon tho
crybaby bucket crab
hope you negros enjoy para vindicta talon Mo meta
cant cry about abrams chads anymore because those characters are much worse at least abrams has a honest kit
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Desided to try Standard again since ranked closed for today. Never again.
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your rank? its not lower than those mouthbreathers right?
phantom top 4k in na lmao
I think outright disregarding their feedback is a shortsighted approach. Some of the best game devs could never read past middling rank in their own games, don't make the mistake of thinking being good at the game means that you innately know what would be good for it, and that inversely shitters can't identify issues in a game.
Distilling feedback to identify trends is important, as often problems on the lower end emerge more quickly but eventually bleed into higher levels. To use an example, very early Nidalee in League was complained about by shitters and they were told to "just dodge the spear lol", then Hotshotgg absolutely annihilated people with her in competitive play using the exact same gameplay loop, just at a higher level, because he also knew how to position in such a way that you couldn't punish him.

The shitters complaints weren't invalid in that scenario, and it served as an indicator of a very unhealthy gameplay pattern for the game.
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it's top 4k in eu as well thougheverbeit
>/dlg/ bitching about vindicta when warden, mcginnis and talon are in their current states

I see it doesnt matter which general you go to, their opinion on the game is laughable regardless
why arent any of my games showing up on game trackers anymore
As you can see in >>500081456, they are only a real problem in wood.
if you are phantom 4 or above you are 100% in the top 4k in your region
>rank fags still obsessing over ranks when there isn't even 10,000 active players
Top 2k, even. And in EU there are more Ascendant + Eternus, but less Phantoms. Truly a boosted region.
>one teammates is 0-9
>the other is 0-11
thanks valve, i just wanted to try out gun bebop and you had to fuck me hard
There's like 80 billion people actively playing this game.
>100k people with ranks
>there aren't even 10000 active players
you can get any rank for a small fee
yep if you are phantom 6 you are top 2.6k in your region in eu just did the math

really goes to show that phantom ascendant and eternus should be one rank with numbers
you dont count unless you play 8 hours a day shitter
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>when there isn't even 10,000 active players
>Eurocuck tries to shit on a gameplay clip
>Gets dunked and rank checked
>Now he's shitting xer pants about how rank actually doesn't matter
t. Ritualist 2
do you think dynamo was skinny when he was human
he was literally just robin williams in good will hunting
>then Hotshotgg absolutely annihilated people with her in competitive play using the exact same gameplay loop, just at a higher level, because he also knew how to position in such a way that you couldn't punish him.
exactly, the feedback from the pisslows was unnecessary because actually good players provided actual proof that the champ was busted. meanwhile these same pisslows also complain about things that are harmless or even possibly underwhelming, and the devs cannot tell the difference from just their whining.
the only issue here is that pros tend to save strats for big tournaments which, again, is just an esports pandering issue
he was literally just eddie murphy(forma de fatass) in the nutty professor
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thank you yoshi for this wonderful patch, ill be collecting my rightfully earned mmr and getting a rank upgrade next week :)
he was literally your mum, so obviously not
what the fuck sort of peon coin is that currency
he's just a weird energy being in a robot suit now right? I imagine they would wanna make it look similar to how he looked previously in overall shape to avoidbody dysmorphia
he's way too comfortable using his big metal belly as a melee weapon which speaks of how he fought worthless students when he was flesh-and-blood
filipino pesos
how the fuck do you lose on that mongoloid hero lmao
I hope I'll at least get to Alchemist next Tuesday.
I'd imagine he chose a sphere because of its structural properties, it's the best shape to withstand internal pressure
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What's happening here?
the key to getting replies/lots of views is actually just sounding really pissed off in your post. it's like it makes them think it's a bigger more urgent thing.
Meanwhile my Shiv winrate in ranked is like 40%. Just kill me bros.
most of the losses ive had happen when i get a team that simply refuses to group up, deathball and take objectives after winning a teamfight. Its incredible how even at whats supposed to be high rank, people will win a fight go afk farm and run around the map completely directionless.
Haze, Infernus and Seven players are the biggest offenders when it comes to this.

whatever the deadlock version of this is i assume
russian rubble
I've met two boosters in unranked today, they were way above my wood mmr. Now unranked is just a preparation playground for boosters.
lots of booze
>Just kill me bros
Sure just give me 30 seconds.
Does debuff remover work on Wraith ult if you use it before you get knocked up?
I really really want to see what a rank 1 initiate lobby looks like.
There's no such thing as "body dysmorphia", retard. It's a fake problem invented for attention.
you gotta make the switch to abraham and M&K sister...
those are the designated zugzug faceroll melee mmr farming heroes for week 2
Shiv is too much fun though I'm not dropping him even if he becomes bottom 1.
>Haze, Infernus and Seven players are the biggest offenders when it comes to this.
Infernus is the worst of all for me, every time I'm laning with an Infernus he will leave to farm jungle as soon as they spawn and leave me to 1v2 the entire time
no. use etherial shift
No since there is nothing to remove, you need ethereal shift or unstoppable. Half of the heroes have an ability to negate it too
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>get solo lane
>opponent buys all healing items
>plays like pussy and doesn't let me assassinate him
>fall behind in souls compare to due
Vindicta needs duo priority like Ivy and Dynamo
this is why i didnt accept you your friend request on steam
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I get duo on her like 80% of the time
Unironic trackpad players
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the things i would do to her
Geist is the weakest character in the game right now and it's not even close. Bombs that are worse than Kudzu, worse than Paradox's bomb and infinitely worse than Grey Talon's arrow. A life drain move that does no damage, drains no life, breaks line of sight the moment you cast it, and slows Geist during its usage. Requires 5 points for it to even be a real move. And daggers that hurt you more than the person you're throwing them at. They don't even damage amp or slow anymore. Gun is the only way to play her now, but even that's just plain dogshit compared to literally any other gun character. Her ult is her only move.
>calls others retarded
>is retarded himself
most infernus players havent realized it yet, but the meta shifted, games are fast, and farming out your entire build including the extremely greedy ricochet is trolling
bros are expecting a 40 minute game when most games end by 25-30 min
>They don't even damage amp
no shot they removed this
checking right now
body dysmorphioa is absolutely real and its the primary reason roidtrannys exist DUMBFUCK
he's right, fuck off you stupid faggot
do russians realy pay 50 bucks to cheat against high mmr players for a bit
They cut the amount in half and the duration in half and the slow no longer stacks. It's worthless in lane now, Geist literally just kills herself with them and there's no advantage to hitting your opponent with them.
just because trannies confuse having a fetish with having dysmorphia doesn't mean it isn't real. people who lose limbs get it all the time
No, it's not. That's just called insecurity you absolute fucking moron. Stop letting people invent fake diagnoses for fake problems that are entirely self induced. Take responsibility for your fucked up stupid immature attitude and stop trying to "other" it with made up fake bullshit to make it seem like it's not your fault for harboring retarded beliefs.
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too bad they're still retarded
just type "im a retard" next time and save yourself some time
no, it's not you dumb shit.

people with lost limbs are upset because they lost their limb. not because of some stupid nebulous bullshit like dysphoria that some academic turd made up on his lunch break. fuck you niggers are so goddamn gullible.
He's right. You're the retard, retard.
God i fucking hate Icefrogs "lets just spam billion active items" design. I dont want to play fuckign Starcraft APM trying to destroy my keyboard.
>phantom elo
>team does midboss
>they leave the rejuv there no one grabs it
yep i don't think this semen slurping game is for me bros


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