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weaponized autism edition

>Play online:

>Join our team and weekend's tournaments:

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the resemblance is uncanny
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>yet another dramafag edition
it should've been the US champs
is it me or is fabi a bit of a boring player

like u see it at the end of the tourney "oh wow fabi has 7/10" but u can never remember them.

can u remember a single fabi game ?

but try gukesh...u can see the tactics i remember a gukesh game.
poo in loo
fuck off. pookie and godbi deserve it. meanwhile the "drama" isn't going anywhere. nothing has or will happen to naroditsky but in 2 more weeks every 2700+ will totally agree secretly that he's a cheater.
t. mayo breath
go rape your sister
He is and he only won the tournament because literally everyone he beat other than Yoo trained with him pre-championship. The wins are meaningless because he knew exactly what openings they didn't study. As much as I despise him Hikaru's wins are more impressive because other than Sinquefield coddling him with money so he could compete with Magnus everyone else despised him and wanted to beat him.
no need, your mother gives plenty, basterd bitch
>He is and he only won the tournament because literally everyone he beat other than Yoo trained with him pre-championship. The wins are meaningless because he knew exactly what openings they didn't study.
how thick do you have to be to not realize it goes both ways?
>it should've been the US champs
nobody cares about your little shitter tournament

This dude went 58-1 (6 draws) during the last 2 weeks, gaining almost 400 elo. He's almost 2200 now after stagnating around 1800 for a few months.
Checked some of his wins and most of them are in 95-99% accuracy range
I reported him and still not banned :) just licheat things
I suspect every time a cheating scandal happens we get a new surge of cheaters online, it's a mix of learning how easy it is to do/get away with it and the "if everyone does it might as well do it too" mentality
I love rapid but it's unplayable online at this point
This one's funny:

What is Qf5 at the end there? Did he throw the game away on purpose? Cheaters do this sometimes in order to avoid going like 100-0 or something on an account. Did he read the engine output incorrectly and blindly played the move?
maybe he meant to go Qf6 and mouseslipped
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This should be a dead giveaway, besides the sharp elo growth. I was 2600 when I was doing lichess puzzles, also 2200 rapid. No one gets to that elo while being so bad at tactics
this position is so funny to me, shitter games make for the wackiest puzzles
yeah I was 1800 puzzles would be suspiciously low even for his "real" rating of 1800rapid now it's just comical
I'm curious to see how long it takes before lijannies do something about him
This is a nice one. White to play and win.
The sad truth is that if you play exciting stuff every game, you won't make it to 2800.
that's just cope for being a boring coward
Not true. Kasparov, Fischer and young Carlsen played exciting stuff while playing at 2800+ level. Caruana is just boring.
It has to be Re6 but I haven't calculated all of it
Schizo bros, we're eating good today
im getting tired of listening to kramnik ranting
someone tell me if its good
it's good(I didn't watch)
>hello ladies and gentlemen,
>this will be the most interesting--maybe--video that I ever published yet
He is boring, yes. I don't recall any notably interesting games of his.
He doesn't play interesting chess, he just plays more accurately than his opponents. He's a machine.
The only game of his that comes to mind is that stupid trap he had against Alireza in that online event
>Fabi is boring
What a shitter opinion. He always comes to the board with a combative idea and he's always ready for a fight.
Why are chess WCs so prone to going full schizo?
pattern recognition above average. delusions of grandeur from everyone calling you a genius. No childhood and no other skills other than chess
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>be me, white
>fuck that defensive move is good, shit shit what do i do i don't wanna give up my bishop my attack is busted i'm gonna fucking flag
>screw it, i'll play Rf1 and work something out
>Rf1 (not too good, i should've given up the bishop actually)
Games like this are always a painful reminder of how shit i must be at chess if this is the kind of player i'm getting paired against. And this dude is 1900 liblitz
it looks like chatgpt can't see through kramnik's bullshit, i guess i'll have to watch the video

The transcription discusses serious allegations of cheating in chess, centering on a player named Dan and the use of chess engines during games. The speaker, presumably a chess player or commentator, meticulously analyzes Dan's gameplay and streaming setup, questioning the legitimacy of his moves and the visibility of the chess engine during games.
Summary of Key Points:

Board Analysis: The speaker reviews Dan's use of a small chess board during a game, noting that although he claims to analyze his games with ChessBase, inconsistencies arise about when and how the engine was accessed.

Visibility Issues: The analysis reveals moments where Dan seems to reference engine moves while the chess board appears to be off-screen or inaccessible, raising suspicions about whether he was using an engine without it being visible to the audience.

Questionable Behavior: The speaker points out that Dan repeatedly switches between different setups and screens, which makes it difficult to track whether he is using an engine legitimately or if there is a more covert method at play.

Suspicion Among Peers: The speaker mentions that even within the super GM community, there is a level of suspicion regarding Dan's actions. This suggests that the issue might be more widespread and taken seriously among high-level players.
Call for Investigation: The speaker strongly urges a thorough investigation into Dan's setup and actions, believing that the evidence indicates potential cheating. They argue that until there is clarity on the situation, Dan should be temporarily barred from events involving money.

Defending Integrity: The speaker emphasizes their own integrity, asserting that they have never cheated and are merely seeking answers regarding Dan's behavior. They express frustration with the accusations and the need to document these observations to counter what they perceive as a character assassination.

Need for Transparency: There is a call for Dan to provide clear explanations regarding his use of chess engines, particularly given the gravity of the allegations and the implications for fair play in the chess community.

In summary, the transcription highlights a complex situation surrounding the integrity of play in chess, focusing on the potential misuse of technology in competitive settings, the necessity for transparency, and the importance of addressing these issues to maintain the game's integrity.
not a bad episode. kramnik's deductive skills are quite sharp and he lays out all of the possibilities. either danya has a third monitor or he has a more covert way of seeing the engine because chessbase is not reflected in his bookcase when he says he's using it. very interesting. looking forward to danya's response where he dresses up as a witch and pretends to burn and scream in order to express his outrage over this drama not being over yet.
Are they?
kramnik is right about cheaters, fischer was right about the jews
I'll give you kasparov for this shit https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_chronology_(Fomenko) but who else?
good effort i guess but this is worthless
the model says absolutely nothing, most generic description possible
this whole thing is nuanced and focuses on fine details. language models are useless here, unless you can't speak english
Re6 fxe6 f6 g6 Qc7
don't have time this morning to watch the whole thing, but here's an interesting timestamp for those who also can't be bothered:

here danya is in a match against anish and he keeps maximizing and minimizing an unknown computer program between moves, while he does his patented "look off to the side". it's very systematic and consistent
Well, I don't know. What iz zit? We'll see!
There's already damage control like it's actually chat in the reflection and he alt-tabs to check it or something, I don't think normies are going to face the facts and open up their eyes at this point.
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> he keeps maximizing and minimizing an unknown computer program between moves
lmao how can he possibly explain this shit
it does look like it could be a chess db like chessbase aswell, with the board either hidden in the reflection or removed from the layout
This is clearly on purpose, he should have noticed these reflections in OBS long time ago. My guess Danya wants to provoke Kramnik to directly accuse him of cheating in order to sue him for defamation.
Yeah that is bizarre behavior. If I were in a match against renowned grandmaster anish giri I wouldn’t maximize or minimize a single digital application on a covert monitor. I would be too busy listening to what his moves have to say. And that’s what danya never did.
just watched that clip and danya literally mentions somthing like "oh i just looked at the chat again the forbidden rule. it's a white window, it's probably the chat, he is looking at it from time to time and he closes it after giri plays that move to concentrate

or maybe danya is such a fucking mastermind, that in the midst of these shitstorm with kramnik showering him with new stuff every day and everybody in the chess world fixated on him, he decides to cheat on stream
is there a tournament today? if so what time?
look i know zoomers are known to be meth-addled brainrot victims, but it's shocking to me how many people think "he was looking at chat" is a valid defense
you're in a competitive showmatch against a world top 10 player and you need to see what little 8 year old timmy typed in twitch chat so badly that you'll break concentration in your game for it? constantly? every move?
even if i grant you the pathetic answer of "yes", it's fucking cheating. you can't get information from anything when you're in the middle of a chess match. opening chat and reading what people are commenting on is not an acceptable thing to do when you're competing against someone else
nothing about it reads like a valid defense, it's just people digging for excuses
and the other thing that kramnik thinks it's an engine, that looks like it has a board, it's could just be OBS. kramnik even mentions that he knows danya uses chat and obs during stream, but he just assumes it can only be an engine

seriously he is either paranoid or retarded, this video is as empty as any of the previous ones
in 2 hours and 25 minutes but no one has joined yet if you do it some other people might, sadly I can't today
>i need to toggle open the OBS window every time i play a move because it's very important to me to see that i haven't dropped 0.8% frames in the last 15 seconds
>i need to toggle twitch chat open every 9 seconds because i need to see what the most popular emote is based on the last 2 moves that were played in the game
do you see how retarded this is or should i keep going?
this is the only plausible explanation other then cheating( and as others have said he would have to be insane to cheat on stream now that all eyes are on him) but then what would suing him accomplish?
kramnik is in russia there is nothing amerimutt courts can do to him, is it just another PR stunt?
These convoluted keikakus by danya just make him look more guilty imo
>guy seethe stalls out the clock for like 4 minutes
>comes back to play again
kek, bet he thought I was gonna go AFK
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suppose our friend here is just having a good day, 188 rating gain in 7 days.
>I'll pretend to be cheating to be accused of cheating and then sue the other person
That's retarded, and probably some kind of fraud as well (trying to trick others so you can sue them)
what did you expect from cheat com
Why does he switch it back and forth instead of always having it on his monitor then?
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I hope our hero Wesley speaks out against Narocheatsky
thats not what obs looks like
I tank my rating by 100-150 points playing drunk every Friday then spend the week building it back up, I have sessions where I gain like 80 Elo in a single day. I guess by the letter of the law this could be considered sandbagging, but there is no intentionality behind, I merely have a problem with alcohol.
it would be "insane" but don't underestimate the possibility that he really has a psychopathic level of hubris/ego that he thinks he can get away with it
if we think he cheated in the first place, we already can assume he has the ability to cross "moral boundries". so why automatically assume he wouldn't keep doubling down?
especially since he had such a vocal crowd of initial supporters, it reinforces any ideas he has in his head that he's gonna get away with it and everything is gonna be ok
and WHY do it against giri so soon? i mean, obviously, he's trying to prove that he's competitive with a top chess pro without engine assistance. he's assuming viewers take it for granted that he is not cheating
YouTube add in the middle of his analysis
the add says:
>You can skip this video but you can't skip the truth

It's the same arguments over and over again.... Can't he make some normal clean easy to understand 3 minute video on the main reasons he thinks Danya is cheating or will he have to make hour long boomer kinos
>here's my plan to prove how innocent and honest i am
>i'll refuse to put a camera behind my back, because that's mean and it's not fair to me
>instead i'll set up a complicated trap involving multiple cameras, deceit, and trickery
>then kramnik will step into my epic trap and everyone will see how trustworthy and honest i am!!
Actually this one is a different argument, but he does drag on. He hasn't touched on the monitors reflection before this one and seems pretty compelling.
But that points down to "I've combed through every pixel of his videos on his YouTube channel and he's cheating but I'm not making any accusations here just questions.
nah, it's fresh, but it builds off of everything we've seen so far. his case is getting more and more convincing with every bit of circumstantial evidence he collects, and he says he isn't anywhere near done yet.
he is clearly interacting with a second board here lol, this is very clearly not a chatbox or an OBS window
"what iz zit" as kramnik says, i don't exactly know, but there's no way you can trust it. he's either cheating or trying to trap kramnik which is roughly equivalent to cheating
lol take away kramnik/danya discussion that is identical to reddit and the last 5 threads here disappear
this is a good example we get a millennial-copied phrasing WE EATING GOOD TODAY and a millennial-copied buzzword SSSHHHHIZO. linking a youtube video that has been recommended by the youtube algorithm. rinse, repeat. people bitch about the AI posts but jesus christ the non-AI posts also read like they were copypasted from reddit.
Kramnik is giving Danya too much attention, I think in a weird way.

Remind me of the time I had a girlfriend who after a week of dating creeped me out by saying she found and read me entire reddit comment history
>has been recommended by the youtube algorithm
nah nigga, I follow Kramnik on Xitter, he posts the links to his videos there
>look i know zoomers are known to be meth-addled brainrot victims
not the issue remotely. people these days always assume that something is a matter of IQ but more often than not it's about lack of experience. if the kids ITG had experience with chess then they would have heard the following phrasings a million times
>isn't that a pretty move?
>Qh6 is nasty
>yeah but white has...
>ooooo i didn't even see that tactic until just now
>yeah i mean... Rh8 is just a crazy move
>yeah i thought that was good too but black has...
talking about their own moves. but if you've never played a chess tournament then talk like that might sound very strange
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Get reverse trashed.
Good thing he didn't play the KID because I don't remember how to get into the bayonet attack.
u1700 uscf lol
I think it's more likely Dan is taking the piss minimizing to desktop and back hoping Kramnik will autistically comb through the video at .25x speed, maybe filming himself do it so he can post his own "ha ha gotcha" video later and keep the chess drama going.
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Best thing about this diagram: The natural fourth category, Narcissists (Immoral, Emotional) is missing, as they cannot bring themselves to play chess.
>maybe filming himself do it
Dan filming himself from another angle, I mean.
That's obviously the case and it's ridiculous people don't understand that. His face is out of focus the whole video, and the focus is on the reflections. Come on.
This is reminding me of L vs Kira except both are more autistic, stupid, and there are no gods of death at play here.

Wait isn't there the anime where some kid gets possessed by the spirit of an ancient go master?
Kind of an astute point lowkey fr. They couldn’t handle getting checkmated in under 8 moves when first starting out.
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Yeah, it's kinda a low-key skibbidi point for the rizzler.
Every woman does that kind of stuff, she just admitted to it.
>lying eyes literally darting around while trying to claim he's an abuse victim
"but that's because he's autistic! he does it all the time!"
>lying eyes perfectly stone cold and stoic when giving his rehearsed speech about specific details in his story that he wants people to believe
sorry but where's the darting eyes? i thought it was normal for him?
The worst part of a woman is the wizards sleeve.
The unnecessary swearing isn't a good look.
I am already convinced that kramnik is right so I don't feel any urge to watch new videos
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it's more like when good players went stock sniper in tf2 and spun their mouse around after every headshot during the bot crisis
Is he high on drugs during the podcast?
What do i need to do to stop losing to my coworkers at work. i cant keep losing bros...
Why do you let that retard live rent free in your head?
watching old naroditsky videos with this new context is a real mind fuck, he's actually just constantly looking to the right before saying the best move in the position or starting out a line
Can't unsee
if your coworkers are actual chess players, you're fucked
if they're noobs like you just watch some youtube video on a gimmick opening like the fried liver or something
What a downgrade.
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So what will happen now?
more schizo posting from both Vlad and Danya, culminating probably in a lawsuit
why is he scrathing his ear like a dog?
You post here but you're jobbing to your coworkers? They better be legit players anon.
She could lose some weight
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Pookie is a class above Yu.
first post here. i'm desperate, i have not won once.
i think my problem is mostly just that i cant successfully attack
didn't danya say he will stream TT with back cameras from now on? even if he doesn't, nothing will come out of this, the drama will fizzle down and everyone will keep their current opinion
Do you have any kind of online rating? You can get better advice depending on that.
>i think my problem is mostly just that i cant successfully attack
You're probably not a beginner then. I can list some general pointers for attacking. Try to only sacrifice if you can concretely see what your sacrifice brings you. Try not to force an attack, first bring all your pieces as close to the enemy king as possible. Do a lot of mating and attacking puzzles.
It would also be nice to know how your attacks die.
If we want to stay on the topic of anime/manga (anime website etc.), it reminds me of a poker match in Gin to Kin (manga by the creator of Kaiji). MC-kun's opponent is cheating by having the bartender give him info about MC-kun's hand using a glass counter and a mirror setup. He thinks MC-kun has bet a ridiculous amount of money on a shit hand with the intention of having his accomplices shut off the lights and changing his hand in the ensuing darkness, so he takes the bait, accepts the challenge and takes measures so that MC-kun can't cheat. What he doesn't realize is that MC-kun has a great hand but slid a card from another deck under one of his cards so that the bartender who's giving the signals would think the hand is a dud.
Tourist dropping by since I saw the thread in the catalog and the OP picture gave me a chuckle
Are the people in it actual professional chess players, or is it just an ebin maymay picture? In the case of the former I assume there's some kind of backstory to this?
lurk moar
A former World Champion accused a popular streamer and strong online speed chess specialist with cheating in online chess. The last couple of threads have been mainly about this. Cheating and cheating paranoia are running wild in chess and this is just the latest, most prominent case of it.
vladimir kramnik, former world champion, is accusing zoomer youtube educator and college chess professor daniel naroditsky of cheating in online chess. the 'normie' in the pic is the owner of the company that basically has a monopoly on competitive chess, and the zoomer is "owned" you could say, by said company. there is a large deal of drama about this and the past multiple threads have been full of discussion if you care to learn more
Autist is Vladimir Kramnik, a mostly retired former world champion. Psychopath is Daniel Naroditsky, a very strong but not quite top tier grandmaster and popular streamer who is affiliated with chess.com. Normie is Danny Rensch, and international master and one of the people running chess.com.
Kramnik is accusing Naroditsky of cheating to as a part of his crusade against chess.com.
He's very shifty about that. Our boy Stjepan did it better. There is definitely something sus about him, no innocent person acts like him
Do tactics bro
its mostly just me being retarded and defeaning until i do a blunder. most of my games are just defending until i lose because i never can find what i think is a good attack opportunity. tho i am pretty much a beginner i would guess, even if i played non seriously a good amount of times.
so im guessing just simply playing more will not make me much better.
there is something sinister in Danya's laugh here
play me so I can guess what's your level and give you better advice
Watch the "Chess Fundamentals" series by John Bartholomew on youtube.
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In going over my Nimzo-Larsen games the computer seems to recommend this g4 g5 idea a lot of the time when black tries to pin the knight on f3. I’ve been trying it out and it has been pretty effective so far. It actually doesn’t like it that much in this specific instance, doesn’t hate it either at -0.3, but my opponent didn’t react properly and ended up dropping the knight anyway. I mainly just like the way his king gets trapped and the cute mate at the end in this one.
i agree. i'm fully biased at this point as my mind is basically made up, but it comes off as a psychopathic to me. like "whoops, the normies are laughing and i'm being autistic, better snap out of it.... HA HA HA!"
>so im guessing just simply playing more will not make me much better.
That would be wrong. If you do it right, that is. If you play a lot of slow (rapid with increment) games and analyze them well afterwards, you are sure to improve. If you supplant that with doing all the exercises here https://lichess.org/practice, drilling puzzles and maybe even watching some videos you will likely see some quick chess gainz. If you're a book person, you can pick up a chess book. Play winning chess by Yasser is a good introduction but there's also the Soviet Chess Primer if you're feeling hardcore.
it's easy to an outsider to know what to do, but he is the one having to defend himself in the heat of the moment and having his feelings hurt and so on. the multiple cameras on last TT was kinda bad and could be seen as shifty but he did that somewhat in a hurry and he was high on emotions and so on, i guess he will do better next time

the bottom line for me is that kramnik's evidence is laughable, it's infinitely more plausible that they are both retards arguing past each other than masterminds playing 5 level chess manufacturing the public opinions
Why do you have to be such a miserable person, pbt?
>playing 5 level chess manufacturing the public opinions
straight from danya's mouth
Nice game. I usually try to avoid pushing the g pawn if I can help it in similar structures but maybe I'll give it more of a consideration in the future because it definitely leads to interesting games.
what the fuck is up with all these aggressive players on lichess nowadays? I just reached 1800 hell and all I see are dumb sacs with no forcing sequence, 1.d4 and played like a reverse Giuoco Pianio and I encountered a 2000 where I managed to squeeze a draw because he had no endgame knowledge, how in the fuck do you even get to this level in the first place? I'm the kind of player that plays a bit more on the defensive side so I prefer simple, solid formations as opposed to complicated positions, but these fuckers are just trying to complicate their existence by creating winning illusions for themselves.
it's gotta be people like that playing against each other or something. seems like even in chess, people don't have the patience for longer games
Buddy you're playing low elo chess on the computer, what do you expect?
first chess is 99% tactics, second you write and play like a faggot
I'm way higher rated than you so don't even bother replying
Read "Logical Chess Move by Move" by Irving Chernev (an oldie but a goldie, as they say). It'll explain how to play solid in the opening and how to spot opportunities for an attack.
Well you are 1800 and they are higher rated than you, so maybe there is something to what they're doing. If you had the superior strategy you would be higher rated than them.
there are people who treat chess like a board game and people treat it like an esport. it's moving in the zoomer direction for obvious reasons
checkmate ends the game fyi btw desu
Nta but it reminds me a bit of g4 stuff in the scandi.
>these fuckers are just trying to complicate their existence by creating winning illusions for themselves.
That's how you get to 2k lichess. It only has to work some of the time. What matters is your win rate, not performance in individual games.
>What matters is your win rate, not performance in individual games.
And what exactly do you think constitutes your win rate over time, you stupid fuck?
>tfw no (you)s
come on I can't be the only one autistic enough to immediately assoiciate that pic with this shitposts, not in a chess general at least
That’s it, I’m putting my foot down

I’m settling this discussion once and for all.

Daniel Naroditsky cheated and the holocaust never happened.

There, I said it. It’s time for us all to move on.
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wtf is going on?
It seems to be working quite well against you lol
rex couldnt help but insert himself in the event
Anon, your low elo is showing. The point is that if something works 60% of the time, it doesn't matter that it fails catastrophically 40% of the time. You'll still climb because you have a positive win rate.
Your mental retardation is showing. My elo is higher than yours, and what I said is objectively correct. Your performance is individual games does matter, since it contributes to your win rate, as you illustrated yourself
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you are a dumb autistic faggot
Aren't you the 1800 litard? By saying that performance in individual games doesn't matter I mean that there can be a fuckload of individual games where your style fails spectacularly and you can still climb if there's an at least a tiny bit larger amount of games where it works.
as always. these events have some really cool stuff in them but they always miss the mark by a bit
>1800 litard
>so your performance in games that you wins matters but when you lose the games the performance doesn't matter you just have to make sure to perform better in a larger portion of games than you perform poorly in but individually it doesn't matter except it does and I'm a fucking retard
>dumb sacs with no forcing sequence,
aka sacs with positional compensation
Not sure if troll or 50IQ. Likely a Joey.
Yeah either a troll or literal autism, hard to tell here
Why do we call her Pookie btw
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>Those crazy jaw movements
because she speaks and acts in a very zoomer way. moreso than alice and she's several years older than alice
Don't group me together with some simp cucks that care about 2400 chess (eugh!)
Watch this clip with volume off. Watch it in slow motion. There's something wrong with Daniel. Either he is high, sleep deprived, stressed out beyond what the situation seems to warrant, or...? Nevermind even this specific timestamp, you can do this at any point in the video when he isn't talking. He looks very disturbed. Twitchy, keeps licking his lips like he's developed cottonmouth.
To me it looks like the reaction of a guy riding in the back of a police car when the cop up front cracks a joke to lighten the mood.
Someone here posted a tweet of hers where you used the word "pookie."
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Tfw the pookie hits hard
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Just pookie things
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Hey wait a minute, that's a different one
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Please God just send me one like this, I'd have (minimum) 3 children with her.
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I think I’m the original Alua simp but I regret posting her because it looks like someone else got infected as well. I’m actually considering seeking help but I don’t know how to for being obsessed with a 17-year-old chess player from Kazakhstan without getting laughed at or worse getting my balls cut off.
I find it somewhat offensive that I'm working my ass off just to be an average club player and this fat slob refuses to lose weight even though it would instantly catapult him to 2800+ without any further chess training.
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wow I'm a big danya fan but this is actually pretty suspicious. also makes sense why he was so defensive and didn't just brush it off and call kramnik crazy which is what an innocent person would have done, ie hikaru.
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lmfao I can't believe kramnik was right. someone should back up all the speedrun videos before danya goes dark and quits chess.
Watch that c squared interview with the sound off and tell me that doesn't look like a fucking junkie shot out of his mind. He looks like he hasn't slept in several days. He knows he's been caught and he knows some of Kramnik's circumstantial evidence is right on the mark.
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hes shook. I'm sad too because it reinforces my suspicion that everyone is a cheater and a liar in all walks of life. everything is a scam. the black iron prison is all around us. the empire never ended.
I wanna blow a fat load on andreas round bpd face so bad bros
anyone wanna play
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>guy wins a rook in the corner on move 7 (pic 1)
>queen gets trapped and falls on move 20 (pic 2)
>wants a rematch
>queen trapped on move 12 again (pic 3)
he just can't catch a break lol
anyone feel like playing?
Just beat a li2450 gm straight up in 1+0. I think that's the first time I ever beat a gm without a handicap.
He went down like any 2450 though. Well, I wasn't better, but he failed to get any advantage and arrived at an equal endgame with 7 seconds on the clock vs my 14. He flagged.
There are li2800 NMs who are unbeatable in 1+0, for comparison. I can feel their sheer tactical/calculation power and speed, and they just wipe the board with me
Im confused on where NM title comes from. You get it from fide or USCF?
I need you to tell me if you really think the International federation gives out National federation titles.
They give out women and internet titles. So answer my question condescending nigger
5+3 challenge, on titlt edition
USCF and any other country with a chess federation. They all have different criteria. USCF is just hitting 2200 classical.
No just google it retard
NM titles are given out by national federations. e.g. in the US, the USCF awards the NM title, totally independently from fide (and using a completely separate rating system)
afaik, the closest thing to a fide NM title is CM (or WIM for women) which requires 2200 fide rating, so technically a stronger requirement than 2200 uscf. However, in my experience, CMs tend to be weaker than NMs, idk why.
one more if anyones interested 5+3
Don't play this guy he's going to bongcloud you and still win, total bully
yeah! and then after the game is said "gg" but i bet he didn't even mean gg
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>he keeps maximizing and minimizing an unknown computer program between moves
This is the most damning for me in combination with the incidental stuff. There is no reason you would rapidly open and close an unrelated window during a blitz game. I don't want to hear some bullshit about checking chat (which he shouldn't be doing anyway) or monitoring OBS. You don't set up your OBS so you have to click stuff just to look at it, that's the whole point of having an extra monitor or two anyway. No, Daniel pointedly looks at his side monitor, maximize minimize with serious face, looks back at game. He's doing this in games against other GMs, mind you, not during his shitter climbs.
Nb5 was stupid I should’ve double checked the other way. And then hanging a piece obviously.
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Good to know there are such good (boolet) players itt.
But yeah, boolet specialists are impossible to beat for adult improovers because they know their openings too well, they're too good at tactics and they're way too fast. Doesn't make beating a GM any less impressive.
5+3 still going
who does chess think will win? i have some money riding on this https://strawpoll.com/05ZdzJAwEn6
It's up!
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I think Danya won this one. He literally looks away during the game, something pops up and closes in the reflection, then he makes his move and the goyim are like "It must be his chat or OBS or something". This is some MK-ULTRA tier stuff.
Nice job. I've only been able to beat GMs in 3+0 blitz.
>19:36 to 21:00
I think he's cheating.
I don't see how squirming around like an eel in response to reasonable concerns makes him look good in any way. Assume hypothetical that he's actually completely clean (aside from his mid game engine lesson one time only), his behaviour during this entire episode has been very inappropriate. I am not satisfied chalking that up to social awkwardness from autism. Not in combination with the lip licking, deep breath taking, dry swallowing, darting eyes, fake laughter. These are not uncomfortable autist behaviours. They are stress. Severe stress even which i think is inappropriate given the circumstances with Daniel's employer and biggest income coworkers fully supporting his defense. Tell me why he looks like an accountant who has just been told that his company found out he's been embezzling funds?
Yeah his reaction is completely absurd. It’s like if somebody’s accused of murder and he starts leaving fake body parts and gloves covered in red paint around the house to prank the detectives.
anyone watch the Csquared narocheatsky interview? just started and hes already whinging that kramnik is "physically harming" him
>oy vey its anudda shoah
gettin irl raskolnikov vibes frfr
Doesn't matter, the ohlos still ate it all up. They think it's just because all these outrageous accusations took a toll on his mental well-being, definitely not because he's anxious about getting busted.
it's crazy how all of this could've been avoided if he just responded in good faith and played a few weeks with an extra cam on top of his bookshelf. but he choose to be outraged and butthurt, how dare you suspect me, the nice guy of chess. he probably thought that he could just laugh it off, throw in a couple puns and the community would pressure and gaslight kramnik and he would give up, but every day he's publishing more and more stuff.
Nice, that's (obviously) much more meaningful than bullet. The best I've beaten in 3+0 was an FM.
>when kramnik watched the clip of me calling him a dishonest antisemite who lies about everything and denies the holocaust that was taken out of context
how does anyone believe this guy
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They won.
thanks, Habu's games are always a treat
i dont even understand why he keeps calling him a liar, what has he even said that could be a lie? kramnik is just pointing out things that factually happened and asking about them
Why are foreigners allowed to win an American title?
tell that to a 1800 on lichess. are you retarded?
This is cool, it's really almost like he reads the thread. I pointed out there was a 20 second cut to enter 8 moves (16 half moves), and a few days later Kramnik & co. tested entering the moves quickly into chessbase (and found it difficult)
But okay, it's an obvious concern for someone as concerned with details as Kramnik, but I haven't seen anyone else mention it
holy shit dude, do it, fucking do it (shoot yourself in the side of the head)
The fuck is wrong with you?
okay, this is getting really intriguing. One of the most interesting videos so far, surprisingly to the point.
Now that it's put in context, I can easily see that reflection being a multi-PV stockfish UI, text only.
If Danya really outed himself as a cheater via the reflection in the glass, and Kramnik was the only one autistic enough to find the truth, this is simply one of the most kino chess episodes I've ever heard of.
Probably we'll never know and the whole thing will be forgotten, but this is, well, I can only describe it as highly *interesting*.
I do wish fide chess had the designated snack breaks and generally etiquette of Shogi. Alas, it would be a LARP.
exquisite butthurt. almost makes me want to start posting shogi vids too lol
triplesamefag. You've had no friends your entire life for a reason, you are a worthless faggot. Stop talking to yourself about your shitty gook game
26:00 - this is looking a lot like he has a plugin to read the chesscom position into chessbase or equivalent, and a habit of opening the engine and quickly glancing at it. It's running in the background all the time, always capturing the position from the browser.
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Why are you so upset? All I did was ask why you were sperging out at someone's reply to a shogi game.
It’s retarded faggot
Grow up
All right, listen up you little queers!
I'm so sick and tired of you Weavers acting all high and mighty in your 2000+ ivory towers!
You trample all over us beginner and intermediate players, calling us names like patzer or wood pusher or shitter!
Just because our blitz and rapid elos are in the 3 digits doesn't make us any less deserving of respect than you!

Maybe we just need some practice! Maybe we just need some coaching! Maybe we just play chess to have fun and don't care about the numbers! Maybe we aren't all NEETS with zero other responsibilities so we don't have time to study as much as you do!

SO I GOT NEWS FOR YOU, you SHUT-INS, you DWEEBS, you... you... NERDS!!!!
You've ALL got something coming for you. OHHHHH YESSSSSSSS... You ALL are going to face divine retribution for the way you've mistreated us.


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Btw all /ourguys/ want D!ng to win. Hmmm. They asked so many Indians when their answer is obvious, should've asked more non-Indians.
Have sex and take your med, schizo incel.

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