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e-celeb drama edition

>Play online:

>Join our team and weekend's tournaments:

pro-kramnk vs pro-danya 3+2 team battle coming this friday:

why lichess over chess.com?
also I'm a super shitter
No reason at all chess.com is better in every single way, lichess is for poorfags
its free as in freedom and free beer
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Following up on >>499553321
lichess is doing nothing against cheating
free analysis,puzzles,database etc, no lag, better UI,open source,not owned by jews
I can't even tell when people cheat against me, I just get random messages from chess.com saying I've been awarded points because someone got caught.
rensch is not moral at all but then neither are most normies so the problem is more in format
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I play on both sites, but prefer lichess since it has almost everything chess.com has, but for free
Off the top of my head, chess.com has better
>phone app
>clicky sounds
>theme customization
>chess variants
>bigger playerbase
>actual anti-cheat team vs lichess security through obscurity
Not worth $15/month or whatever it is for diamond.
Also this, lichess UI is way simpler and while I've noticed some lag that fucks me up when doing puzzles or analysis, it's been non-existent when playing.
>open source
nobody gives a shit about that
Danya you cheated de iure.

chessbrah reaction part 4 just dropped
nta but it's relevant because chess.com's matchmaking does questionable things (it uses the same psychology/history based tricks that video games use) because it's trying to shill you lessons and premium memberships and it wants to funnel you into patterns that cause you to do that
lichess on the other hand, because it's open source, is confirmably not doing any of that shit. it just matches you up based on mmr, which is what it should do
many people here believe ,com uses some onlinegaming algorithms to rig matchmaking and maximise engagment if it was open source they couldn't get away with that, even if you think that's schizo babble or whatever it wouldn't even be a question if t was open source
>.scam shills doing damage control
shocking, wake me up when some GM who is not on danny's payroll defends danya
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obligatory post
is this AI?
no, its real, I saw it on twitch live
Eh he defended him as expected from a chessdotcom shill, but I got the feeling he wasn't very comfortable doing it.
I read lichess' open source and found some VERY questionable things but no one here is literate enough in algorithmic coalescence to understand what I would say
Finish your CS degree before you make posts like this
if(tournament.organizer == "SLCC") hide();
I will start the procedure
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aaa why does the fat porker keep talking shut up bitch no one cares about your ""analysis""
Stop right there mister chuddington.
How often do you accidentally pull off a wicked set of moves that you didn't intentionally setup?
Does that just come with the territory of making smart moves early on?
Not too often, only if I don't think it will be recognized as coming from my engine
>How often do you accidentally pull off a wicked set of moves that you didn't intentionally setup?
Not often. It's hard to accidentally stumble your way in to slick tactics with just your garden variety positional ideas of putting stuff on good squares. Sometimes but more often you need to have a complex of tactics in mind that guide the setup process. By complex I mean general theme related to the problem with your opponent's position: weak back rank, potentially overloaded queen, potential alignment issue with king or queen. If you have no idea of all that and just put knight on outpost or whatever it's often you get a great piece that looks pretty meanwhile the fight is happening elsewhere and awesome piece is doing fuck all.
Anyone else noticed how chess commentary is very erotic? When they start talking about holes and weaknesses, it gets me going
Pretty good US champs this year. Six way tie for second is unusual. I'm glad no otb armageddon scrambles were needed to decide the winner of open and women's.
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>Turned a winning rook and pawn endgame into a draw
Have any of you guys played in the lichess lonewolf or 4545 leagues? I'm thinking of trying out lonewolf next season.
Fucking perfect lmao
"never play f3! all it does is weaken every square around your king and make your king extremely unsafe!"
my intuition as a shitter: it weakens e3 and g3, sure, but why EXACTLY is this so bad?
"we need to study this entire game from a tournament 15 years ago where white played f3 and loss, then you will understand why playing f3 is so horrible!"
and it's like, bro, can't you just explain with some simple words why it's so bad?
i can't believe how many times i've heard finegold do the "never say f3" bit and i still have no idea why he says that
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You're right. Finegold is old and fat anyways so he shouldn't be listened to. Play f3 when you feel like it.
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chess doesn't hold up well with rules of thumb like that. Finegold's rule has a lot of unspoken criteria for it to make sense. You shouldn't if:
you're planning to castle kingside
you have already castled kingside and that diagonal is already open or likely to open
you're behind in development (there are exceptions in certain d4 opening setups)

Pic related is an example of a d4 opening where you do it anyway. This is the samisch variation of the king's indians. You will not be castling kingside here unless black has done some dumb shit and you actually have the option later in the middle game (there is also one theory line but that's beside the point).
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>"never play f3! all it does is weaken every square around your king and make your king extremely unsafe!"
>my intuition as a shitter: it weakens e3 and g3, sure, but why EXACTLY is this so bad?

you answered yourself.
Apparently, his gashimov memorial invitation got rescinded because 5 players complained.
Nepo is definitely one of them but who could be the other four?
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>it weakens e3 and g3, sure, but why EXACTLY is this so bad?
If it were only that it wouldn't be so bad. The main reason why f3/f6 is generally bad is because it weakens a diagonal toward your king that cannot be naturally defended by any piece. This can EASILY result in a tactical catastrophe or immediate mating attack. Gif related is a small example to illustrate what can happen (and does very often) to a clueless player who thinks it's just a natural move that defends the pawn.

Now granted, there are many theoretical variations and the like where it's considered fine to play it, but the point of the "Finegold rule" is that this move is a losing mistake in so many opening positions that it's best to just give it as an absolute no-no move if you're trying to teach novice students about king safety. Many other chess teachers and authors do this as well, with stuff like "never touch the king bishop pawn during the opening", etc. It can get VERY bad VERY fast if you don't know what you're doing.
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It was only an eight player tournament. Five out of the seven of these guys. It's out of seven because one player got the invite Hans lost.
Well I always play f3 fantasy against the CaroKann

Then there's also f3 in setups against the Pirc.
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that looks familiar, had to scroll through my library
most likely the 2 russians and the 3 from azerbaijan
Sucks for Damiano that his name is attached to this opening because he provided the refutation for it. I thought he was a mega scrub bad kid confirmed until I read his wiki page.
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Yeah nice caveman attack tyou fucking dumbass i hate you so fucking much. BITCH
you okay, sport?
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>glitched preview
>not reading
>not watching
Gonna need you to define what you think a caveman attack is for me
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>I am gonna castle on the opposite side when it is retarded to and throw all my pawns forward like FUCKING FAGGOT BITCH
250 elo
You always say that but it's never true. You have never correctly guessed a glicko rating in your life, you stupid idiot.
thats the sound your mom makes when she throats my cock
No, you are hallucinating and confusing it with the sound of your own anus because you're gay.
How would you know what his anus sounds like?
>pondsneed post again
did you see last thread how many were talking about you being "gone"? despite how obsessed they are with you they can't tell you're still around. they shouldn't have said a single word, they should've just listened and that's what no one did.
also why did you larp as karlito? it's unbecoming.
I don’t larp as anyone at all.
I’m just speaking my truth.
>speaking my truth
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What a fookin lad, gotta love this man of God
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you did sign the open letter, right /chess/?
kramnik shouldn't be allowed to question the hol- i mean, accuse a pillar of the community like this
he actually did win a game against Yoo, but it's like jesus himself intervened and brought back his score into perfect balance again
>pookesh tries to make it to 2800 by beating shitters in European club cup
>doesn't bring his cheats because they're shitters
>draws Mamedov and loses to washed Andreikin
Exactly, it's beautiful. He usually gets his +1 or +2 but this time it was taken away by divine intervention. With 6 players sharing 2nd place on +1, Wesley at least doesn't have to share his place on the podium. If he also had his +1, the 3rd place would've gone to the Shankster who finished on -2.
i can feel the cheatocaust coming
nothing will happen
Danya is literally the Britney Spears of Chess. Fantastic tunes, slick production, great hair, great songwriters behind the curtains, strict in-tune playback. His fans will keep making him millions and for a good reason. Because proof is in the pudding in show biz. Kramnik is like Elvis on his last leg in the dirtiest motel in Vegas (moments before he shits himself to death) or maybe Kurt Cobaine. More 'real'? Maybe but what does it amount to if nobody needs or wants it?

If you don't realize all this you ngmi.
i remember either before or early in the narocheatsky situation, there was news of people being suspicious of the indians
i wonder if all of this antikramnik sentiment is just because of danyas popularity, or if there is some sort of indian proxy war going on to try to prevent people from looking into cheaters too heavily
Nah pinoys are bigger cheaters come to think of it Wesley is pinoy
/ourguy/ got disinvited from another tourney. chess mafia still going stronk...
hes an honorary whiteman, he abandoned those seamonkeys
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Is Kramnik going after reddit now?
Nepo accused gukesh of cheating otb in candidates!!!
kek based
mega based
love him or hate him, this man is undeniably pure kino
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total chud victory
Why is it always the Russians? Takes a cheater to know a cheater?
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>Nepo accused gukesh of cheating
very based, I'm surprised no one named the poos yet
Any former smokers here?Were you already playing chess when you quit?If so how did it impact you game and for how long?
I quit last sunday and I've been playing much worse since, there is a psychological element for sure but at the same time I've fund studies stating that nicotine withdrawal effects bloodflow to the brain, some say it goes away after the first week some say weeks or even months I don't know what to believe
Yeah, I smoked for about 7-8 years then quit. You need to go past the withdrawals to get back to normal. It took me around 2 months to get to that point, give it some time.
>I quit last sunday
lol you can't say you quit until you go at least half a year without smoking. Until you reach that milestone, you just took a small break, it's not even close to quitting and the hardest part hasn't even started yet
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thanks 2 months sound like a resonable time frame, how was your rating affected?I'm like 200+ points worse than last week currently
If you are a grown man with an ounce of will power you have quit the instant you decided to we are not talking heroin here, your demoralisation reminds me of pic related
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>you have quit the instant you decided to we are not talking heroin here
yeah, about that, tell me how its going in few weeks. Unless you're the type of smoker that smoked like one cigarette a week, its much harder than you think it is
I quit like 8 years ago so I don't remember how much I dipped. But I remember I couldn't concentrate on most things and had very little patience to just sit around, chess included. At around the 1 month mark is when you really start to feel the withdrawals effects tho, so prepare to get worse
thank fuck my stupid teenage phase never lead me to start smoking
the same thing applies to his russian cronies
according to this alcohol has worse withdrawal and I quit cold turkey with little issues after spending most of 2020 drinking basically all day everyday
>Unless you're the type of smoker that smoked like one cigarette a week
more like 8-10 a day but I'm talking thin roll-ups
Anyway I'll report back in a month and we'll see
understandable I'll have to see for myself then
>8-10 a day but I'm talking thin roll-ups
So that's like 4-5 normal ones. I was smoking one normal pack a day(20 cigarettes), up to 2 a day when I was going out drinking with friends. I was in uni at the time and was also sometimes using some cheaper russian contraband ones that were strong af. So you should have less issues than me. Good luck bro!
>bro I smoked so many cigs in college lol
Shut the fuck up faggot
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I did tho, keep seething
you are such a whiny bitch kys already
the kids call me big smoke
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based lad
I smoke half a pack a day and play 3+0 on smoke breaks at work
Imagine the seethe when ding wins. Honestly it might be pretty bad, the poocaust will generate a giant shit cloud that will engulf the world and kill us all.
I'm shocked. I could never believe the cheating indian is cheating.
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This guy spent almost 40% of his waking time playing rapid for 2 and half years and didn't improve at all
Is cheating in chess eventually going to become like PED usage in cycling? Everybody does it but they all deny it?
>PED usage in cycling
its not just cycling, is all pro sports. And yes, that's exactly what will happen
the main difference there is that cheating in chess doesn't lead to any long term advantages the way using steroids does. with steroids you can train yourself to a superhuman degree in addition to getting a superhuman performance boost. with chess cheating, you're literally just copying engine moves and that power doesn't stay with you at all. if anything you get worse the more you use it
anyway yeah it's gonna take some kind of significant change to make people stop cheating in the current online chess landscape. it's way, way too fucking easy to do
This guy desperately needs to hit the books. Mid 1900s is the quintessential "spams games for years on end but never studies" rating plateau.
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>Mid 1900s is the quintessential "spams games for years on end but never studies" rating plateau.
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arjun will be exposed today
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>Defends Danya
>immediately gets crushed 7.5-2.5
such is the life of a cheatdotcom shill
Did anish defend danya on his stream? I didn't watch it.
anyone here met a woman via chess.com ? currently i'm just blocking & reporting all male players. i want to play with some queens.

so be careful in the next week if your wife plays, hide her. i'm playing.
He played with him multiple times since the drama started and he also made a favorable tweet about the guy. Didn't watch the stream where he might have said something else too but his actions speak for themselves.
You vil let danya cheat against you. And you vil be happy
You reminded me of this Beatles song
Its up
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okey, let's go!
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come on man
quiet we're learning about the history of gaslighting
>video blasting loudly while kramnik talks over it
boomer kino
thanks for explaining your techniques for lies and manipulation, kramnik
it's incredible that people actually watch these
laughing at the thumbnails and reactions is more than enough
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agreed, sis. so funny.
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>its incredible that people want to hear the arguments for themselves rather than getting them through a consensus filter
goat goat goat
But I thought he was under severe stress :( did the stress go away when there are no multicams or something??? I'm happy for danya!
>bro just listen to a ramling boomer's ESL babble for an hour and a half
>bro I swear it's not that he likes to hear himself speak, every minute of him stumbling over his words and repeating himself is worth it
zis is an obvious maneepulation i just i cannot i akshually this is a very direct maneepulation
he will force naroditsky into retirement by the pure power of his autism
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We can only hope
Based kramnik is dismantling the jewish manipulation tricks.
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>He doesn't train with the Dvoretski method


The anon asking for help because his calculations stopped abruptly, can use this method.
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>bro just listen to the arguments of an experienced GM and former world champion for an hour and a half
>every minute of him explaining his concerns is worth it to have a good overview of his arguments
>there's something really wrong with his personality, even on the level of (a) certain personality disorder

danyafags how do we respond without sounding mad...
If you showed this thread to the average normalfag it would cure them of the illusion that chess is a game for smart people.
>my accusations are not working
>better make a long video where I just call him a manipulative, mentally ill person over and over again
what a man
I'm really curious to see how long they can stretch this out
>personality disorder
Kramnik is right about that as well.
>10mins in and godmnik already pointed out danya contradicting himself in the same video
It's over cheatiditskybros!
i watch it in segments. you're right, he gets over indulgent and basically allows himself to get distracted and harp on shit unnecessarily, this particular video is insanely long and there's no chance i'd ever watch the whole thing in one sitting
but to act like it's laughable that anyone would watch anything or glean anything valuable from it just because he's autistic and goes off the rails sometimes, is head-in-sand tier retardation
you're free to get your opinions off of reddit upvotes if you don't have the attention span to parse information for yourself, but don't shame others for it
take your meds, go live and respond like a man instead of posting here daniel
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Is he trying to go for this hairstyle?
Cycling was just the most prominent example I could think of. Technology is a curse sometimes.
This sub is so pathetic in how it fellates Kramnik with no evidence whatsoever
>but don't shame others for it
and you're telling me to go back to plebbit lmao
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>stop getting matched with obvious cheaters literally every other game
>ROFLstomp everyone
wonder what changed, most be getting a blitz rating
I bet people cheat way more against new accounts as a defence mechanism but seeing an higher rating in blitz made those people assume I'm legit, the previous account I rage closed only had rapid games
>owwie one hour worth of content, my brain hurts from common core and tiktok
I'm a fan of weightlifting competition. I think if you want to follow this sport for any length of time you have to come to the realization that PED usage is a universal part of the competition. They're all doing it, it's barely hidden, many countries support their athletes in their WADA dodging tactics. It's probably ALL top countries in weightlifting directly supporting their athletes' PED use. North Korea in particular have chosen to do this in a zero subterfuge way: WADA cannot enter North Korea to do any random testing. North Korea does not send lifters to any country if they cannot ensure their athletes are safe to go off cycle prior to competition. It's hilarious. Basically North Korea only allows their people to be tested during the competition, never weeks before or weeks after or during training.

I agree I don't want chess to become like this.
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GODbi bros /ourguy/ is ending the year above 2800
imagine if we had fabi vs ding for wcc instead of that thirdie mongrel
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hope he gets invited to hatewatch on the chesscum stream, again, so i can see him be reminded that it should've been him, again
He and magnus will be in singapore to play a match before the WCC so we might get to see them commentate
oh shit hell yeah. they better not slurp
>'tism snap
"LET ME TRY TO NIP IN THE BUD - because i'm SICK AND TIRED of this PONTIFICATING BS that's uttered in response to every common sense thing, i'm going to try to anticipate ANY counter arguments"

so you see, such an aggression yeah? he's telling immediately zat any comment on zis zing is bs, yeah? i mean, it is outstanding! actually with zis "nice appearance" of danya wiz zis like playing a victim, actually he is telling outstanding things yeah? he is actually extremely aggressive here. extremely! much more than i am in any video i publish
>it should've been him
why did he choke agains fatpo then
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Kramnik weakens his position a little by engaging in these reply videos with no additional evidence presented. He does, however, seem to induce Daniel to make additional scrambling rebuttal videos which in turn make Daniel a pretty suspect looking character. It's a wash, probably. The first few videos about point farming, statistically anomalous performance in online vs OTB, eye movement and screen reflection, "Bc8 is interesting" and the engine reference during a live game were plenty. Kramnik's first no content argument video did cause Daniel to make a mockery of the fair play camera request in a way that made Daniel look even worse though.

This is good entertainment. I do think Daniel is a casual cheat for sure (to save time and effort during smurf climbs) and serious cheat (titled tuesday) potentially.
>conveniently skips over the part where he shows the next 2 moves after Bc8 loses his advantage
nice manipulation, vlad
That isn't the problem with that incident. It's not under debate that Daniel is a strong player on his own merit. He might have blindly played Bc8 if he were significantly weaker and unable to realize in seconds that that move is pure engine weirdness. Obviously he can see this and rule out the move as being far too suspicious to actually play. Mentioning it at all, even in an absentminded way, is the red flag here.
but ok
>streams thousands of games over the years
>mentions dozens of candidate moves each game
>a move coincides with the engine one time
wow, he must be cheating!
>the cheating pajeet won
Big shock
farming low rated players does not count, according to kramnik
why didn't he win the candidate then lol
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the argument is that danya saw the computer put an arrow on bc8, and danya saw that and said, "bc8 is interesting", and the fact that he even suggested it was interesting so quickly is the thing that is in question. he has already tried to move the goalposts by staging his defense around the fact that "he didn't even play bc8", which is not the point. the point is he "instantly" thought of a weird computer line, and it's irrelevant whether ot not he was able to reverse engineer some explanation for why he thought of it
kramnik tested this by polling grandmasters and none of them said bc8 came to mind. again. the argument is around him seeing a computer line and claiming he thought of it on his own. does not have to do with what actually happened or anything else
It's funny to hear him complain about accusations when he does it in half his speedrun videos
>wow this guy is really good...
>there's no way a 1700 would find X move
>*plays the move*
>hmm ok I'm gonna have to focus here
>this is a really strong player guys
>wow even I didn't see this move coming
>let's not jump to conclusions guys, but he's playing really well
>*opponent blunders queen*
>see chat you shouldnt have followed my vague suggestions of cheating to their logical conclusion, don't be so quick to judge
I would have played bc8. My name? John Stockfish.
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/chess/ seething right now lmfao
so just ignore that he came up with a plausible explanation, and ignore that some other GMs also considered Bc8 as a candidate move

>but they are all chess.com shills
yes, just trust kramnik and his russian GMs instead
I don't like poos but hikaru is even worse than that. Guy was gloating how he would get to the candidates by rating lmao.
>some other GMs also considered Bc8 as a candidate move
such as?
30 minutes in and I have to say that this one is kind of a pointless, everyone capable of critical thinking is already aware of all of this, in fact we have been pointing out everything chadmnik said so far in this general for the past week
I guess it's good to maybe wake up some titled players who are on the fence but most people that can't notice this stuff on their own have already been brainwashed to never listen to kramnik anyway
You will never be world champion but at least you got a round rating
Godbi will be the highest rating ever without being wc for the next 50 years
if he manages to win the candidates, he can win in a match against anyone not named Carlsen. But he's a choker, drawing that position against Ian is unforgivable at his level
they are mentioned in the video: eric hansen, aman hambleton and arturs neiksans
>so just ignore that he came up with a plausible explanation
yes. he's a really good chess player, so if you tell him a move is good, he will almost always be able to figure out why. this is why anal beads were ever a viable theory. all a grandmaster needs is the tiniest of hints here and there. specifically because they are able to reverse engineer such things. once the computer tells him for sure this move is viable, it's trivial for him to explain why in most cases. if he's completely unable to explain why, he wouldn't come out and say "this is interesting"
The idea of Fabi breaking 2880 is completely absurd.
sure, but you can't prove he got that move from an engine
>eric hansen, aman hambleton and arturs neiksans
Come on, these are all Danys employees. Even for normies this should sound wrong.
Everyone's on twitter nowadays yet the only gms coming forward to defend him are chessdotcom employees
Seethnik really hurts his arguments by being such a boomer when it comes to fast TCs. Like when he says that people look away from the board in classical, but it would be ridiculous in blitz. Naroditsky is a complete bullet degen high on prescription meth 24/7, the opinions of a boomer obviously don't apply to his blitz habits.
yeah, we should trust nepo and the russians GMs instead, they are totally not biased
Isn't Naroditsky also russian? Why would they go after one of their own?
in any case, danya already moved the goalposts to "i didn't play it". a common theme here is danya defending himself in a way that isn't in line with an honest person. he defends himself in one way until that doesn't appease the crowd enough, then he moves the goalposts thinking he needs to cover other bases, and it's this whack a mole game (ironically he is accusing others of doing this to him) where he tries to avoid getting pinned down by constantly changing the focus of what he's being accused for
ask me how I know you are a danya apologist
you are either a troll or the biggest retard on earth
He is born and raised in US
Nta but the ruskies are mad that stench is claiming territory that used to belong to the fide mafia.
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There will be a 3+2 team battle between the pro-Kramnik and the pro-Naroditsky crowd a.k.a. the Kramnik-chuds and the Danya-Tweakers, on Friday at 16:00 GMT.


Is Kramnik right and everyone should get banned?
Is Danya correct and Kramnik is going full schizo?
Let's settle it once and for all!
What does that have to do with Danya? For all it's worth, I think there's a chance that Fabi will be higher rated than Magnus some time in the next two years. He could make it to 2830 and Magnus might drop to 2820, something like that. There's just no way that he'll beat his own peak by 40 points at his current age.
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But >we generally like Carhuano?
>hiz so bad wiz tehnique even though all those years hiz streaming
imagine criticizing others about technology when you can't take a screenshot
you have 0 critical thiniking, it's clear he meant it as "the highest rated to never be world champion", it's phrased a bit funky but anyone with 2 braincells would get it, not danya apologist though...
Anon... those are two defacto com employees and the personal coach of com's biggest cash cow.
I don't know what this image is supposed to convey
Nah I just like taking the most uncharitable reading of a post so that I can dab on the poster.
>Does that just come with the territory of making smart moves early on?
You know there's a saying "Good players are always lucky."
>new kramnik vid where he says nothing new
>the thread's still 90% about that
so when will this shit end?
first of all this sounds like a cope second arguing in bad faith is exactly what a danya apologist would do, either way I found a witch guy!BURN HIM!
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The 2 pookies going for an icecream. Bit rude to film them but at least we got a sweet vid.
I meant it as the highest rating of a player to never get a world champion title.
>Bit rude to film them
Looks like they gave permission.
The boyfriend (of them both) filmed it. It's not rude.
>t. pinkamenas husband
I knew you posted here fabi
I think it's dumb to come to this
>see? my friends also saw Bc8 !!!

My boy, they already saw the position, they know about Bc8, give that position fresh to somebody who doesn't know about Bc8 and I'm sure it wouldn't cross their minds.

This pilpul is amazing.
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/chess/ bros... i-is this true? Did the chess mafia get him good?
kramnik reads these threads. why else would he switch to the psychoanalyzing strategy suddenly?
>give that position fresh to somebody who doesn't know about Bc8 and I'm sure it wouldn't cross their minds
Right. These late claims are all worthless. The only time GM queries about this move had any merit was when Kramnik privately asked some guys before all this circus started. Statements like the following from any GM are pure garbage:
>I think, after the fact and having looked closely at this position and know the context of the debate, that a GM rated mid 2600s COULD in theory see some part of why this move might be worth considering
I mean fuck off with that.
Can somebody link me the original Bc8 video and Kramnik's response? I was absent during that apparent fiasco.
Okay, everything is clear
but watch at least of the video up to that it's not just the insane engine move it's also danya glancing away at the same spot every few seconds for entire games
this is the original
it's not that deep, naroshitsky asked for a game with a top GM so he could show "see? i'm still getting games, this means there is no suspicion about me at all". anish just happened to start his stream when danya was ranting and of course danya's eyes lit up at an opportunity for easy manipulation. after the games, anish posted a tweet with a low effort quip about eye movement, trying to be funny apparently, he didn't side one way or the other but of course everyone turned this vague tweet into a sign of support. the next day his friend came out with an open letter so prominent people could sign it and build enough of an appearance of support from the community. it truly is just pure manipulation.
Thanks. (-___-)=b
The parallel with cycling is funnier these days because they have started putting literal motors in their bikes.
It should have been Caruana or Nepo
Who the fuck wants to see Gookesh vs Ding
>WADA cannot enter North Korea to do any random testing
I'll add an asterisk to this. That was true for two years during covid as North Korea cited covid as the reason to lock the boarder. Now they are, supposedly, maybe, letting some testers in. However there was controversy over the Norks declining to send people during a major olympic qualifier event earlier this year for no good reason stated. Just lol we're not going to this one thanks.
Ding in his best form would have been fine vs Gukesh. But in his current form he's not even capable of putting a decent fight. We shall see, maybe the pressure gets to the jeet and it evens out with Dings mental illness
Gookesh is stronger than fat Nepo, it's sad that Fabuano choked tho.
why? they played worse and nepo already had a chance against ding, even with an advantage of ding clearly going through some kind mental breakdown, he still lost. they have no one to blame but themselves for underperforming.
>But in his current form he's not even capable of putting a decent fight.
What happened to Ding? I didn't pay much attention.
he sad he had issues with sleep and some psychological things and he couldn't focus on chess. His current outings he was playing at 2650 level at best
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>my concerns are very logical, very... based.
That shit is treatable, take him to the vet. He is the world champion ffs.
take him to the doctor of course, wrong board
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what is the /chess/ consensus on whether or not Danya cheated?
it's much worse than we initially theorized, he even cheats against shitters in his speedruns out of laziness. also, quite clearly some kind of psychopath manipulator.
we find out tomorrow
Maybe it's heartbreak, behind every great man is a woman waiting to ruin him
the way danya has acted through all of this speaks for itself
Not sure but it was seen on stream that he had a cuckchair. He lost on all angles.
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When you nut but she keeps on sucking
cheater it's not even up for debate anymore
kramnik arguments vere strong but still not definitive, danya behavior since is tantamount to a confession
Ive got your pilpul right here
>unzips dick
I'm only 1200 but sorry, Bc8 is just obvious, or at least it doesn't take 10 seconds to find it
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Why did he do it?
like what
he even cheats against his wife :(
Remember to take your ding to the vet to get sprayed and neutered
When it's 3am and you're doing a speed against low ELO players after having done 100 games in druggie bullet brain, it's way easier to double check the engine lines when teaching openings.

It's funny how most of his speed runs games involve him "showcasing" the power of an opening, but by move 20 he actually is in a -1 position instead of winning out of the opening. Then since burned all the time talking to chat and showing possible variations, he has to win the game with a bizarre series of tactics which he's too much in time pressure to explain. Meanwhile complaining his opponent is playing above his rating level, and being salty that his opponent refuses to resign early.

Then of course when the game is done, he'll show of multiple engine lines that could have been played in the game, along with showcase one of his own games from his youth
Cheater with some internal moral justification
Danya called me a Russian slur on stream once because I wouldn't resign early (I went back to check and the engine was at +1.7 at the time)
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don't post obese animals. it should count as animal gore
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fabi looks weird without his glasses
Is this a boy or a girl?
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Cute. CUTE.
He's a jewish meth head, what wouldnt he do
He doesn't have the bad teeth from meth amphetamine. It's pure pharmaceuticals.
You're a fag either way.
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Ed was originally conceived as a boy computer hacker, but, over time, director Shinichirō Watanabe switched the character to a girl.
Wtf. I'm like 100-150 pts stronger playing with mouse vs touchpad.
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really? that's pretty impressive
Video game generally speaking, who’s your favorite keion?
Online resources for positional puzzles?
The first day of the third game of the 37th Ryuo title match is being played, between Sota Fujii (the Ryuo title holder, sente) and Yuki Sasaki. The time control is 8 hours per player, and the match is a best of 7 (currently tied at 1-1).
In this game Sasaki, usually exclusively a static rook player, chose to play ranging rook (bishop exchange opposing rook) as gote. Could this change in opening strategy help him win as gote and put him up 2-1? Or will it backfire and allow Fujii to retake the lead?
Kill yourself retarded transvestite
Kramnik showed the position to those GMs without mentioning anything about where it came from or who was playing. None of them considered Bc8. Meanwhile all of the GMs on twitter saying it's a playable or natural move and that there's nothing weird or whatever joined in on the discussion of that position solely because of the huge drama blowing up around it. You cannot consider their opinions as unbiased when emotions and conflicts of interest are involved.
mio akiyama
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How do redditors balance out their thoughts about kramnik accusing danya with evidence of him literally streaming with an engine on and bullying hans neimann because their god fagnus chesscumson thought he wasn't kneeling hard enough when they played?
Redditors don't think.
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some real kino posts in kramniks youtube comments
Narofraudsky likely cheated otb as well. He likes to talk about how he spent years and years being unable to break the 2500 elo barrier until he suddenly had a magical breakthrough
>the 2. Bc4 sicilian is bad
>the 3. Bc4 sicilian is good enough to be played at GM level
what's up with that?
Good question, next question
Same. Azunyan is a close second, but Mio is my favorite.
Chess openings are subject to fashion trends. This variation has been considered suboptimal in the past. It still is because it's definitely a less goid position than white can get by force in these sicilian variations. However, the meta in recent years is to explore these less popular variations in hopes of getting opponent in to position territory they are less prepared for than (you).
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Interesting article and graph about where it's easier to farm Elo. The younger a country's strong players, the harder it is to farm there basically.
come on, you really think he's naturally a sub-2500? I have doubts about him destroying 2800 players in titled tuesday and blitz matches, but I assume he's a legit 2630 at least. He's not weaker than Eric Hansen.
Oh you mean the difference between Bc4 on the 2nd vs 3rd move. This does have a specific reason. By playing it on move two white is announcing to black that's the plan right away, to which black can play e6 with that bishop committed already. If white plays e4 Nf3, waits to see what black does on move 3, THEN commits to Bc4 if and only if something like d6 or Nc6 is played instead of e6, that's a better opening for white.
He is playing Naroditsky. And leading 3-0
That's my boy.
Oh good they're still going. I thought they stopped at 4-1 for Minh.
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Daniel is getting wrecked by a Vietnamese man singing along (poorly) to Josh Groban.
Danya left to pop a few more addies
For how small Vietnam is, it's surprising how good their chess players are. I wonder how that came to be.
Uzbekistan too is a country I wouldn't normally associate with chess and they're even better.
tictsky more incoherent than usual, just babbling to himself.
>i think levy moved here as a tiny kid
>*to himself* tiny kid? ugh, who says shit like that idiot
I am on Minh's channel enjoying the karaoke concert
I’m not on a single channel, but I am still listening.
where's the boycott?
2...e6 is an obviously good move
3...e6 is not so clear
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On move 56, Sasaki sealed a move. Fujii ends the day with 3:44 remaining on his clock, while Sasaki has 4:40.
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There will be a 3+2 team battle between the pro-Kramnik and the pro-Naroditsky crowd a.k.a. the Kramnik-chuds and the Danya-Tweakers, TODAY at 16:00 GMT.


Is Kramnik right and everyone should get banned?
Is Danya correct and Kramnik is going full schizo?
Let's settle it once and for all!
kek what was the prompt for this abomination?
"man on the right ingesting pills". The ai didn't know what to do with that and did this lol
>when the goyim know
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This might be the ugliest pawn structure I ever seen, I didn't even do it on purpose
It's funny /chess/ needs schizos so badly that after most of the usual suspects left, we adopted Chudnik as the resident schizo even though he (probably) doesn't even post here.
are the schizos in the room with us right now?
Vietnam isn't small, it has like 100 million people, more than every European country except Russia.
No, it is small. The fact that it's packed full of cockroaches who hatch hundreds of gook baby offspring per litter is a different point
1 pack a day isn't a lot.
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Which schizos left? except the conzi fag that got driven out everyone is still here
Its physical size could have nothing to do with how good their chess players are, retard.
Its population density is lower than Belgium and the Netherlands and around equal to the UK. It's really not that packed.
I had no idea. Thanks, anon.
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old news gramps
im in the vape nayshun
oh yeah? smoke this, champ
*unzips a fat dick*
what's with all this talk about fags?
dead general
dead tournament
living general
living tournament
as a kramnik supporter, it worries me that he is "loving" multiple comments in his comments section about polygraph tests, and not really interacting with any other posts. doesn't he know polygraph tests are not real? reminds me about his chakra test bookmark, which also feels like something that should never be touched by someone with his level of autism and logic based thinking
it doesn't make me think less of most of the arguments he has presented or anything, but it is very weird. it's just flat out low-iq normie behavior. i'm very curious about it
that cracked out bulletmonkey wouldnt pass a polygraph test
So its pretty much confirmed that daniel is a cheater by now huh?
right, because he's on amphetamines and has a hyperactive brain. the polygraph test tests for that kind of erratic behavior and inability to control yourself, which is why it doesn't work lol. it may suggest the person is lying but it also may just suggest the person is mentally cracked out
You don't even need a poly. A guy abusing medications is exactly the type to start cheating and then go into insane copes justifying it retroactively.
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Did a le ebin caveman attack today. Wonder if my opponent got salty over my senseless and brutish play.
Have you watched the multiple incriminating videos by detective Kramnik before posting this low IQ post?
no back camera in new streams. no good answer. he's using engine on speedruns plus tts. he's a cheater alright.

as mr. kramnik supporters we should look at his lichess account and find the games he won against cheaters, and mail them to mr. kramnik.
who won? who lost?
seems like kramnik persuaded the GM crowd, who are the only ones that really matter
ignorant shitters on reddit are supporting narocheatsky
he should get banned for using engine against 1100s but he's chess.com guy, they use him in streams etc so not going to happen. they'll prefer dying instead of banning someone who makes them money even when they cheat. boycott cheat com and it's events. don't watch it. cancel your chess.com accounts, don't pay a dime to them. support lichess. at least lichess doesn't protect cheaters with their lives to make couple of bucks.
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oh nonono our nazi waifu signed the list...
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soooo has anyone tried out the new fagnus app yet?
The List proves Danya's innocence beyond any reasonable doubt, like it did for Polanski
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lmao, noted grifter jen shahade and danya's best friend and head of the charlotte chess center peter
>the only strong gm in the list is his best friend
you keep repeating this but there's been not much evidence to suggest that secretly all GMs actually agree with you
Naroditsky had no problem getting games against gms
there's this>>499778559 list too with a dozen gms
discounting all the players on .com's payroll makes sense but what exactly makes you so sure that there will be a boycott by the elite?
Nepo has been insinuating he cheats too
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Kinda lame that it's just Gary and the Americans. Didn't they use to get MVL and Magnus and Nepo for this?
i posted both of those retard
theyre a bunch of literal whos
Kramnik isn't the only one saying he cheats. He's just the low hanging fruit to focus on because he accuses lots of people.
Danya has had rumors about him for a while.
nta but i doubt most super GMs will say anything publicly besides kramnik, nepo, and obviously hikaru or anish. but considering all Fabi's comments he's made on cheating over the past 2 years sionce the hans controversy, and i'm sure many others think like him, I really consider it highly likely him and many others take kramnik's analysis seriously, outside all the theatrics of course.
Caruana implied Danya cheated, I mean the discrepancy is unreal
>.scam employee defends one of .scam posterboys
imagine my shock
Are there any GMs on the list that aren't on .scam's payroll nor friends of him?
Serious queston I don't know most of those names, I only recognize bortnyk whihc was his partner in farming shitter kids and neiksans who is a .scam commentator
why they don't invite hans to this is beyond me, he brings a lot of eyeballs and he's definitely better than shitters like oparin
>jacob "cheating online is like cheating on your homework" aagaard
wow what a surprise
If Fabi is saying it then its true. That guy is like a paragon of integrity.
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Fucking chess mafia left out our boy again...
hes not wrong, though. online "chess" is a joke. a better analogy is cheating online is like being a hacker on a private Counterstrike server for memes.
He's unwanted in chess enough that you have to lose others you actually want in the field if you keep inviting Hans.
it really is a him or me situation and most of the time the other guy that isn't Hans has the actual support and is a safe long term investment.
nice headcanon bro
GothamChess says there's no way Danya cheated, and that people saying that are just jealous
who is asking for lenny in these lineups? he is the most "npc" possible chess player
at least slurper wesley can win tournaments and has a personality. what does lenny do besides provide draws and a robotic face?
>taking gothamchess seriously on anything
the guy can't even do simple 2-move tactics in games.
lol fabi is subtle with his schizo takes but they're there
it will be interesting to see what happens with leinier once his current contract or w/e he has going on with STLCC is up. guy is clearly past his prime, same with levon, but at least he clearly still has streaks of brilliance.
Oh so now it's about ratings?
bad player that couldn't spot a sophisticated cheater if his life depended on it on top of being a chesscum shill. yawn. stick to the dramabaiting titles on youtube.
>stick to the dramabaiting
not to mention jewish
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So has been subtly suggesting Daniel might not be clean for years, but it might have been his account getting hacked again idk
Whos Nate Silver?
where there's 5 jews in a 10 player tournament and they are not even at top 20
Really? Any screens?
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Is this that poll-fag from the 2016 election that got exposed?
>Really? Any screens?
You have to go back
kramnik can beat all of them in a simul
he predicted clinton win, but he was also more accurate than most pollsters, and considered the top dog still today
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>the americans
Racist much?
what is racist about posting the background of notable chess players?
having hikaru be "nipponese" instead of "japanese" blew your cover.
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is shankland not also a jew? he always came across as jewish to me. looking up the name, I guess not.
some of you fags are absolutely out of your minds
the shank is one of the least jewlike GMs around
he's, but crypto-jew. don't fall for it.
hes american probably with english/scottish ancestry
kek it do be like that
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certainly sounds jewish to me. get rekt.
polish is a surprise
i still dont think hes a jew, my jewdar is very accurate
>being respectful of history means you're a jew
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He went to Brandeis University. He is 100% a Jew.
i don't even need to look at early life section, on fourth reich i'll work as a jew detector. give it 2 more years, i'll detect all of them. i already told people that it has 5 jewish players, on a 10 player tournement. they have no fans, no follower, why they are in there? where's nodirbek? where's gukesh? where's ian?
People earn their nicknames wouldn't you agree?
Name 6 that fly under the radar
Most Poles are not Jews. Shankland is a Scottish name. You guys are psychopathic in your antisemitism sometimes.
rex does as he pleases
He went to a historically jewish college anon.
Just gonna disregard Brandeis, huh. Yeah, if you are the grandson of Polish immigrants and go to Brandeis, you are extremely likely to be Jew. Possibility he isn't, sure, but the facts point to that conclusion.
You know Judaism is a religion, right? Next you'll ""expose"" So for being openly Christian
Also, notice he mentioned his maternal-grandparents and Judaism is passed on through maternal lineage. And that's okay. It's okay to be Jewish. My boy Fabi is Jewish and he's great! I love my Jews.
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starts in 20 minutes
i dont want to join. i'll be called a cheater.
Which side is which
Vietnamese - Kramnik
Relevance of your antisemitism to chess?
read with kramnik accent:

i look at their surnames and it's %100 percent clear to me, no doubt. shakland = jew. kasparov = jew. aronian = jew. they tried a lot to hide themselves we should expose them, why they are hiding themselves if they have nothing to hide? i don't even need to look at their early life section. so i'm asking this question, why why why are you hiding jew? maybe because people can question why you always act together, protect each other, only trade with each other?
>h-he's not a jew
>actually he is and here's why
i guess i won.
not enough "interesting..." and eslisms but good effort
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very disrespekful to try to hide danya.
has marc commented on this?
he strikes me as a kramnikchad
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start the final procedure
Is kramnik honorable enough to step in himself after he's finished with the rest?
hes not a jew
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>4 provisional accounts on team Kramnik
Diversity is our strength. People say it's a meme, but it's actually true.
I assume you replied to the wrong post otherwise I have no idea what you mean.
>poaching talent from other countries is """"our"""" strength
You will never be India/Russia/Magnus
You will always be a joke country with no chess world relevance
>Sinquefield has spent ~80m on US chess
>still no new amerimutt champion
Oh no no no
>You will never be India/Russia/Magnus
weirdest "insult" I've ever read
if you;re asking about Esserman, he was commenting in Danya's stream more than once

kramnik bros let's give them hell, join in 5 minutes
weakest deflection I've ever read
>poaching talent from other countries is """"our"""" strength

It works and not just in chess. It made America the world economic power and the leader in innovation and technology.
If it works in chess, where's your American world champion?
>vaping in 2024
Pop a zyn faggot
USA has 7 players over 2700. Russia has 3. This would have been unthinkable even 10 years ago. Freedom always in over time.
always wins*
I just kicked a hole in the wall.
but why anon
I can hide a laptop in there now.
i broke my finger once playing chess, i punched my desk after hanging a piece to some pajeet
I am bad at chess.
ggs everyone
My damn mute is killing me.
When the chesscum mafia finally get exposed our boy hans 'jeetkiller' niemann will wipe out india.
>complete dominance from narocheatskys
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Bunch of Daniel's friends and acquaintances. Nobody of any relevance. That's interesting. I expected at least a couple notable GMs but nope. Even some fellow streamers of his aren't on this list.
i don't accept the score. narocheatsky supporters should stream their games. lost 3 winning endgames. we need to do it again.
kramnikbros were unadequate
interesting performance by team danya
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>The team that supports cheating won
doing commentary over other people's youtube videos is the worst possible form of communication, why don't they just use email or have a phone call or something
I honesty thought there'd be way more Kramnik bros
I did have a 25 cpl game at least lol
there was something suspicious about that tournament, anyone else feel this way?
oh yeah, too many new accounts and too many games with 95% accuracy. We must start ze procedure
and people kept saying "gg" but i dont think the meant it
Please list the move on particular you found so offensive. I will be willing to put up a camera facing my wall if you need.
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every game is a good game if i played in it
Why would Danya cheat? He didn't build his audience being the TOP 3 BEST BLITZ PLAYER EVER
What happened to innocent until proven guilty?
it has already been proven to the extent that it is possible to prove
Why did Danya need to use an engine to understand the opening against a shitter, and why did he not even think it was wrong to open up an engine during a game?

Why does chess.com allow legalized smurfing?
Sorry, I late joined because I was up late watching anime so the kramnigs weren't able to farm as many points off of me as they should have. My bad.
Speak English not Russian thanks
>Why did Danya need to use an engine to understand the opening against a shitter
That's not what happened
He got impatient and tried to fast forward to the educational part
we want hikaru - kramnik classical match, i believe kramnik would wipe the floor with him.
Where's the education in showing off engine lines, it's as useful as watching a Levy opening course and he shows off the top engine moves and how to prepare against them (then saying well you'll never face this anyways)
I don't know but that's not relevant to Danya anymore
>Where's the education
there isn't it's just lazy free money
people can use the content to "educate themselves" by doing extra work for themselves, but they could already do that
>USA has 7 players over 2700. Russia has 3.
What the fuck went wrong? Where is SOVIET RUSSIA PRIDE
being sent to die in a jewish war
>What the fuck went wrong?
Rex Sinquefield mainly. He adopts foreign players. Only a couple of the seven were actually born in the US or at least grew up there.
I mean aside from the whole cheating allegations, I feel the whole Danya Speedrun series just entertainment masquerading as education.

I at least likewhat Andreas Toth says which basically is you have to actually sit down and calculate lines and stop being lazy and guessing what will happen. (Ironic he also was caught using chess base at one point)
they can be useful for low ranks as a lot of the time the entire thing is just "play normal moves until the opponent blunders the game away"
>I feel the whole Danya Speedrun series just entertainment masquerading as education
This was my original opinion on Daniel's content particularly around three years ago when I was brand new beginner to the game. Daniel will say he wants to play simple moves and explain them. He starts that way in games then at some juncture he gets very autistically excited about some series of tactics he has found, plays whatever it was that punches about a thousand points higher rated than his audience is capable of, wins the game like that. It was useless to me as an educational lesson. I got much more out of John Bartholomew than Naroditsky. Bartholomew actually understands how to teach beginners.
Think Levitov will grill him or just be nice and polite?
>It was useless to me as an educational lesson

>too stupid to understand the teacher
>blames the teacher
Teacher is teaching kindergarten children. He starts teaching the children how to count apples.
>One apple, two apples- you know kids this is slow and there is a very pretty trick to project the number of apples we will have in future based on the yield rate of the apple tree outside relative to the annual temperature trends. You just set up this matrix and...
>levitov:states undeniable facts about jospem scores against kramnik, literally just easily verifiable numbers
>danny:you said your opinions and tried to present them as facts
>bitchtov: absolutely it's just my opinion,I'm bad at math sorry masta Rensch forgive me
I watched 30 seconds of this guy and can already tell he's a pussy and won't challenge danya on any of his bullshit
fuck he looks drugged
this is a problem with chess education in general
i particularly think of cases like ben finegold, where part of his gimmick is roasting how stupid his audience is for not understanding key concepts, but he rarely if ever expands on these concepts. they're too stupid and low level to deserve expanding on, but he knows he has idiots in his audience who need it to be explained to them, and instead of doing that, he just roasts them and figures only the autistic geniuses in the class will ever bother following along so he might as well just assume that's the only person listening to him
>this is a problem with chess education in general
To be fair, how does a 2500+ explain basic concepts to a 1000 shitter? Being good at something and being able to explain it properly are two very different set of skills
Trying to is a waste of time, if they cared to learn they wouldn't be 1000
Shit, I wish I spoke rusky. They seem to be really arguing and they haven't put any captions
It's live, there will probably be captions later.
Danya told that he wouldn't mind if Kramnik joined the stream. maybe we will see some kino later
>To be fair, how does a 2500+ explain basic concepts to a 1000 shitter?
The same way a weaker player would. The basic concepts are the basic concepts. The 2500 is not required to teach these things but they are no less capable of it just because they are much stronger. They might be socially awkward and unable to deal with the point of view of beginners -such as a university level math Phd might not be great teaching kindergarteners- but it's not the level of proficiency itself that creates the barrier there.
i don't speak moontalk but it seems like levitov isn't buying any of his bullshit
The other issue with chess educational videos, is that the audience tends to be too lazy to ever actually learn tactics or endgames, and they want to only learn how to win directly in the opening.

Arguing the biggest contribution Danya offers on his YouTube channel are his endgame studies.
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Ready to connect
Its happening
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oh shit its getting serious
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Dina Belenkaya
Good evening, dear Ilya Vladislavovich! We know each other through the community. Glad to welcome you! The quote was taken out of context, its purpose is not to spread rumors, but to give an example of general paranoia

It was just a prank bro
>too lazy to ever actually learn tactics or endgames, and they want to only learn how to win directly in the opening.
Guilty as charged.
what is this? is there a link?
I don't speak Putin
Its the Levitov link from earlier itt. Kramnik, Danya and Levitov live but its in russian
is there a way to translate? like an app or something?
I assume they'll have auto generated captions while its no longer live
When I think back to when I was a wee autistic kid and hadn't learned to mask and deal with normies yet, I'm sure that if I were Finegold's student, I'd take all the crap he says totally seriously, become confused about shit like "never play f3" or "always sac the exchange" and eventually quit chess.
How do I show my support to Danya in these difficult times outside of gifting 10 subs which I've done already
Tell your wifes boyfriend to buy a diamond membership for you
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I'm sure the ADL would appreciate a donation
but what does it mean?
Dumb phoneposter
look at the png file translation
do you ever get annoyed when someone said they had air-fried xxx? like "i had air-fried salmon." an air fryer is literally just a mini convection oven.
I briefly considered purchasing an air fryer earlier this year. I'm not convinced it's the correct choice for me and the quality of my chess.
it's true though. all super GMs have and use a traditional convection oven.
I'm quitting chess
I can't deal with my idol (Danya) being a cheater
Well, air is air, isn't it? Still, on the other hand, water is water! And east is east and west is west and if you take cranberries and stew them like applesauce they taste much more like prunes than rhubarb does.
chadnik absolutely trashes cheatorovsky, like a child he's showing around of his room and saying nooo i don't cheat. but you cheated back then danya.
but let's discuss the important things: how is reddit reacting?
Relevance of your poorfag seethe to chess?
many pajeets are poor and, also, are taking the chess world by storm with their spectacular performances - one is even in the coming world championship! and many probably make use of the more economical air fryer. i think it's highly relevant when discussing chess today.
Only poorshits are upset they don't get to air fry french fries at home
But here's the thing: those french fries? They weren't air fried. They were baked.
personally i don't think purchasing an air-fryer won't improve my chess
Make the next tournament poorfags vs air fryer owners
make it happen, i make frog legs in my air fryer
you misunderstand: poorfags use air fryers.
(Extreme bias alert) Translation here
what is the website for turning your game into a webm?
sharechess dot io if i'm not mistaken
Dina translating as well
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I had nice game with double minor piece sacrifice, but apparently i sacked them in the wrong order. Its only winning if i sac the knight before the bishop and bishop first is actually a blunder. I allowed black a way out
Hans bros? The chess mafia got him...
the ones where he is teaching a couple of kids back when he tried opening his own chess center are pretty good. they're usually just one concept like "unprotected pieces on the fourth and fifth rank are vulnerable to tactics" and then a dozen examples of exactly that.
idk what the big fuss over air fryers and acrylamide is. Stuff in a traditional oven often gets cooked at a higher temperature.
Funny you say that because I remember a story he told where he had an actual (adult) autist as a student who took all his advice literally and went up like 200 points.
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Can somebody help me understand why the computer is jizzing its pants over ...Bc2 here, and why it necessitates Ne1 as a response from White? Am I retarded?
f5 forks the minor pieces and it just trying to get the bishop away from that?
also the other move, be4 is bad as f5 still attacks the bishop
qrd on the kramnik/danya debate?
Okay, yeah, that makes sense. Thanks. I feel kinda dumb now. It also gives ...Qd5, ...f5, and ...h5 as alternatives, but it really likes ...Bc2 by far.
Nothing new, they're just bickering with eachother
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I'd place danya as normie, kramnik as psychopath and danny as autist
Kramnik suspected Danya of having the third monitor when he was using the engine (in educational purposes of course), but clearly it was impossible to proof on stream.
Also Danya demanded from Kramnik to stop publishing these videos about him, so that he would answer Kramnik's questions.
I just skimmed through some of Dina's translation stream. Keep in mind this was 15 minutes of skipping through two hours of argument but it seemed to me there was little of substance in the exchange. It's mostly
>no u
>no, u!
>no u
>Levitov: "okay but..."
>no u
Also they swear more in Russian than english, both guys.
Hans is doing what he needs to do to win the war against the poo menace.
>not a single elite player
They drugged Yoo into 4th degree assaulting a woman (no proof). They used this tactic to scare Hans.
In a world where the integrity of online chess was under siege, a dark force emerged from the shadows: the Chess Mafia. This nefarious group, led by the sinister Danny Rensch, was hellbent on destroying fair play and turning the noble game into a chaotic mess of deceit and treachery. Their goal? To dominate the online chess world through a web of underhanded tactics and engine-fueled skullduggery.

Enter Vladimir Kramnik, former world champion and the last bastion of honor in this treacherous landscape. Kramnik, known for his calm demeanor and strategic brilliance, was the only one who could thwart the Chess Mafia's diabolical plans. Armed with nothing but his wits, a chessboard, and an unyielding sense of justice, Kramnik embarked on his righteous battle against the forces of evil.

The Chess Mafia's headquarters, a dimly lit room filled with flickering computer screens and ominous chess pieces, was abuzz with malicious activity. Danny Rensch, a figure cloaked in darkness and mystery, sat at the center, plotting his next move. "We shall flood the online chess platforms with our engine-driven minions," he cackled, "and soon, fair play will be but a distant memory!"

But Kramnik was no ordinary adversary. With the precision of a grandmaster, he infiltrated the Chess Mafia's digital stronghold. His first encounter was with the notorious Hikaru Nakamura, a henchman known for his ruthless tactics. "You think you can stop us, Kramnik?" sneered Hikaru Nakamura, brandishing a mouse like a weapon.

With a swift and calculated move, Kramnik unleashed a barrage of brilliant tactics, leaving Rook Ripper floundering in a sea of confusion. "Checkmate, my friend," Kramnik declared with a triumphant grin. The first victory was his, but the battle had only just begun.
Next, Kramnik faced the devious Daniel Naroditsky, whose strategy was to overwhelm opponents with sheer numbers. "You can't handle the swarm, Kramnik!" taunted Daniel Naroditsky. But Kramnik, ever the strategist, navigated the onslaught with ease, turning the tide with a series of masterful sacrifices. "Sometimes, you have to lose a battle to win the war," he mused as Daniel Naroditsky fell.

Finally, Kramnik confronted Danny Rensch in an epic showdown. The air was thick with tension as they squared off, each move a testament to their skill and cunning. "You may have bested my minions, Kramnik, but you'll never defeat me!" roared Danny Rensch.

Undeterred, Kramnik played with the grace and precision of a true champion. With a dazzling combination, he dismantled Danny Rensch’s defenses, leaving him in a hopeless position. "Checkmate," Kramnik declared, the final blow delivered.

With the Chess Mafia defeated, the online chess world was safe once more. Kramnik, the hero of the hour, returned to his peaceful life, knowing that he had preserved the integrity of the game he loved. And so, the legend of Vladimir Kramnik's righteous battle against the Chess Mafia became a tale for the ages, the ultimate saga of good triumphing over evil in the world of online chess.
> This nefarious group, led by the sinister Danny Rensch
>Reading ai slop
Mega faggot
This worthless dogshit general is a joke
Why do mods let AI spammers run rampant
Godmnik won.
Danya lost.
Hikaru lost.
too busy gooning to femboys
Ans you'd be wrong

Cry more about it you Daniel Narocheatsky brown noser.
Oh that's witty
You came up with that one yourself, dipshit?
Just played a game where I played f3, leading to a lost position. Instead I needed to sac the exchange.
If only I had listened to Ben, I could have salvaged the position. Fortunately my opponent eventually botched the position and got mated
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He didn't. He stole that beauty from me.
never play f3
but ok
Sasaki's sealed move was 56. Px56.
so basically daniel stockfish got assblasted today, huh
Reminder >>499022629
welcome to marketing
goy cattle will buy anything you tell them to
you should seal a plastic bag around your head and fill it with helium
relevance of your mean comment to /shogi/?
relevance of your comment to /racism/?
i reached 700 elo. i'm a chess god.
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Without the alliteration, it doesn't sound as good desu.
storm in the scotch
would even fit with the bizarre art
The Schutzstaffel Scotch
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>match against some sandbagging fucktard with this rating graph
>suddenly get a brilliant idea
>sac all my shit to go down 2 pieces
>leave him with a knight and a bishop
>he does not know the trick
Guess we know why he couldn't ever hit that big 2k eh
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Look I tried to play a few matches on lichess and any time I played d4 the other person just timed out and abandoned before move 1. Cum probably has more cheaters but lichess has more retards up their own ass about what kinds of games they want to play so it's a wash.

Now look at this. He had 40 seconds on the clock. You love to see it.
>Look I tried to play a few matches on lichess and any time I played d4 the other person just timed out and abandoned before move 1
play a real opening
Yeah that's a shitty name for the course
Snort Adderall off my cock Karla you thick slut
I don't know how to mate with the bishop and knight. I'm 1900 liblitz and 2100 lirapid. Do I need to learn?
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You don't need to learn. It hardly ever happens. Maybe learning it will help you in other ways because it will help you to think about controlling squares and using pieces complementarily, but that's all.
>Do I need to learn?
No but I think it's a useful exercise anyway. It's good practice controlling squares with that piece combination that does have applications outside of this specific mate. You would find the coordination in a rapid anyway, probably, but if you learn the mate this is faster. At least it is for me.
2000 lichess is around my level and the only use I get out of it is sometimes scamming people like that. I don't know it, but I know they don't know it so sometimes I can scam a draw out. If you learn it and bust it out on me I'm probably going to report you for cheating. It definitely doesn't make much sense to practice it over stuff like rook & king vs king premoving, if you play short time controls. Just know your limitations and keep a pawn on.
The only people hyped for the world championship are Indians. I don't know why they would be, since there'd be an asterisk next to Gukesh, but they are.
>there'd be an asterisk next to Gukesh
I don't think they care about that. A sir wearing the crown is a sir wearing the crown.
For me, it's learning the logic of it and the target positions I'm aiming for. I can't do it in bullet/fast blitz but I can do it in a real game and that's good enough. I just never wanna flail around for 50 moves or leave easy points on the board in a serious game. Do you?
>magnus vs nepo
>nobody cared because magnus was such a clear favorite and nepo never pulled ahead

>ding vs nepo
>nobody gives a shit because no magnus

>ding vs gukesh
>nobody gives a shit because no ding

You're years late on the meta of not giving a fuck about the WC
I don't play OTB tho, so there are no serious games.
fair enough
Danya vs mindbroken Ding who wins
imagine if pookesh gets caught cheating during the WCC
with or without the bar stool laptop in view?
World championship is the one single match where FIDE actually gives a shit about serious security. It's close to impossible without inside corruption (like head arbiter is in on the scam). None of the cell phone shenanigans are possible. The players are sequestered in a playing hall that's separated from most of the broadcast team and all spectators. This hall includes their personal break rooms and bathrooms so neither are ever leaving the secure zone.
its good that its in singapore, i remember previously somewhere in india was being discussed and we all know how that would have gone
I think FIDE understood holding it in India was going to be a problem. Set aside the fact that nobody wants to go to fucking India, you're right there would have been additional concerns. India bid with two cities (or three) and FIDE said no way. So we got Singapore.
There are still ways to cheat, ranging from easy to not easy. Drive past the venue and honk with a loud horn when there's an only move; it isn't soundproof. Embed something in your skin that receives a signal and buzzes, it isn't encased in lead. Let fucking flies out in the playing hall. It's a format where a single well-timed bit of information can throw the legitimacy into question. Even a mildly intelligent or even just wacky attack is going to be something FIDE has never even thought of, let alone implemented an entirely effective defensive layer against.

Also if you think Gukesh (or Ding I guess lol) are cheating you're crazy. But if you think it's because it's impossible to cheat with FIDE watching you're dumb.
The signal to Gukesh informing him of a winning position will be an Indian rushing the playing hall, dropping his pants, shitting on the floor, and smearing it all over the plexiglass walls.
But in a surprising twist that will end up losing him the match, it will turn out that was just an Indian immigrant doing his thing and Ding will defend his title.
The idea of Ding defending his title is so fucking funny that it has to happen, right? Obviously Gukesh should blow his back out. But imagine if he doesn't.
>a continuing champion that doesn't play chess
>FIDE has to pay him millions
>title becomes even more of a joke
>all of gukesh's previous results are called into question
>hikaru and fabi both go bald spontaneously in the middle of the match

It has to happen... Please god inflict Gukesh with whatever curse hit Nepo last time
Sadly the funniest outcomes don't always come to be. If they did, Nepo would've won the last Candidates and lost to Ding.
The Soviet Union fell apart. If it didn't, 6-7 players who are currently 2700+ would be playing under the Soviet flag.
If Gookesh wins, it might be a setup for the WCC becoming legit again. Imagine something like this:
>Gookesh destroys Ding
>plays at 2800+ level for the next two years
>Reza wins the Candidates
>beats Gookesh in a very close match
>plays at 2800+ level for the next two years
>Magnus enters the Candidates and wins
>loses to Reza
Would be a kino arc tbqhwy.
>Please god inflict Gukesh with whatever curse hit Nepo last time
Nepo's cursed with being a fat gamer mental midget but he did it to himself
why did you capitalize Gukesh and Nepo but not God? pretty funny
I've noticed a lot of new Chessable courses seem to be just using ai art now. Their in house art was usually pretty ugly (look at most of the lifetime repertoires), but at least it was kind of funny and sovl.
But think of the American players who got cockblocked twice. If Nepo gets it over them, that's happened before. But Gukesh showed up out of nowhere to cockblock them this time. If he goes and loses after that their seethe will be immense.
That’s like if the US conquered Mexico for a time and trained them up in chess and then tried to claim the Mexican chess players 25 years later. It’s cringe, Russia is cringe.
Idd, my point is that the USSR was only so dominant because it wasn't just Soviet Russia.
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The lichess Autumn Marathon is today? Fuck me. It's much weaker than the Summer Marathon too. Whatever, real ones get the 1+0 trophy.
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After 99 moves, Sasaki resigned. With this win, Fujii has retaken the lead (2-1).
The next game will be played 11/15-16
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Another day, another bullshit puzzle from "online tactics trainers".

This one is some lichess-tier horseshit. You can just go ahead and play the first 2 intuitive moves that pop up in your head when solving this because all your calculations will be WORTHLESS. Put that position on stockfish. It's winning but there is nothing concrete within human sight. The puzzle ends abruptly without anything really testing happening, but in order to truly understand why it works without any speculation you have to look 5 moves deep and fully understand why a certain very specific preparatory move is superior to all others and will certainly force Black to give away material because all of the reasonable defenses will lead to either mate in 9 or mate in 11 STARTING FROM MOVE 5 (there are multiple such variations that lead to extremely long forced mates, and you have to see them all), except for the multiple variations where Black plays certain tricky moves that give back the material into equality but the concrete gain is not there unless you start looking even deeper and realize that in all of the multiple variations of this line (among various other lines in which this applies as well, which you would HAVE to see) Black HAS to give something away in some 4 moves because otherwise he would get mated in 10 starting from MOVE 7 in all possible variations which you WOULD HAVE TO SEE AS WELL. (That's probably not even all, but i'm already hitting the word limit here)

Fuck this shit, i'm not wasting my time with computer-generated puzzles ever again. Sure thing the positional advantage is obvious intuitively but then what's the fucking point of calling it a "tactical" puzzle. And i thought chesstempo was supposed to be a "good" puzzle site. Bookfags in the general were 100% right on the puzzle question.
Don't wanna be a cunt but I saw the answer in a few seconds. It's a very obvious and intuitive attack.
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>mfw I have to think about a puzzle
Don't wanna be a cunt either but that's precisely the point i addressed in the last part of the post. Of course the attack you're getting is intuitively obvious but TACTICAL puzzles are supposed to be concrete, you are supposed to see a clear path to mate or to a material win otherwise it's not a "white to play and win" scenario at all. This puzzle is not concrete in the slightest to anyone who doesn't possess the brute-forcing capabilities of a 3600 engine. Maybe i picked a bad example because there's plenty of worse esoteric engine puzzles on lichess for instance that are truly incomprehensible and totally unintuitive computer shit but i just posted it because it's the last one that made me waste a bunch of time on something no human is ever gonna find.

I bet you think Danya actually saw Bc8.
It's got nothing to do with computer shit. Read Yusupov's books, he does this all the time.
>something no human is ever gonna find.
I found the idea very quickly (less than 5 seconds). If I were playing a rapid or classical game, I'd calculate further. What else is there in the position? What's your CT rating?
>dramashittery out of nowhere
obsessed faggot
you deserve to have a meltdown every time you encounter a 1600 puzzle where you actually have to think a little further
You guys are missing the point. The point isn't that the exchange sac is an obvious attacking move anyone can see, the point is that there isn't a mate or material win in sight in what's supposed to be a concrete tactical puzzle. I am aware that positional puzzles and "find the best way to gain an attack" puzzles exist but those are different, and in a book they're gonna be selected by actual skilled humans.

Examples of non-concrete computer lines are relevant to the conversation.
>the point is that there isn't a mate or material win in sight in what's supposed to be a concrete tactical puzzle
I get that, that's why I'm telling you to read Yusupov and see that he does it too.
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Sasaki resigned? That's incredible because he was playing training games with Chinksan Pepewong, maybe he didn't train seriously.
Can you give an example?
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okay chat we get the legendary oreo 5 stack on the f file *draws arrow* and then we're gonna push p
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As a relative amateur, my two candidate moves after pawn takes Knight were: Bf6 immediately, or Rxd6 followed by Bf6. It seemed reasonable because I saw the very typical attack with Bishop and Queen vs Castled King & pinned pawn. I guessed Rxd6 because it seemed cheeky and chess puzzles like cheeky answers. Can anyone tell me the problem with the immediate Bf6 (I thought it would compel Qxf6, and White could follow-up with Rxd6)?
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Its happening
An obvious irony is the fact that Kramnik is deeply aligned with the Kremlin who is in turn deeply aligned with Jewish oligarchs.
>it's another retard playing Catalan and getting shat on by me
Why are people playing this shit at this level when they have no understanding of the opening? (~1750 shitter here)
Catalan is easier to play for black than white. I don't know why anyone bothers with it outside of tournaments in general.
The Kremlin doesn't care about Jews, which is why they're allied to Iran and Syria. Oligarchs in Russia are slaves to the regime. Their money and power can be taken away with a click of the finger by falling out of a window "mysteriously".
i took 1 day off the vladdy drama and come back to this. couldn't ask for more
What? What line are you playing? I had my fair share of crushing shitters with my queenside pawns but good Catalan players are hell to face.
You gotta be at least 2300 OTB to understand the Ruy Lopez, Catalan, Grunfeld, Benko, Najdorf, etc. These openings are too advanced.
Sorry bro I have engine open during opening and its not cheating
I understand now why the Kramnik schizos are throwing such a hissy fit over "mysterious computer moves" and it's because they can't be bothered to calculate more than two moves in any line.
intuition > calculation
Yeah, but that guy was specifically complaining about an intuitive puzzle. He wanted some big bang kaboom puzzle where every move can be easily visualized, which isn't the case in chess. Sometimes you have to end your calculation with "this is better for me because I have an attack that at the very least gives me my material back or a perpetual" and that's what that puzzle is.
Nigga just tossed the benko in there lmao get real
You give up material for positional compensation. Do you think someone without a good positional understanding would be successful with the Benko?
KID too
Put the Halloween gambit in there while you're at it
we have a live kino premiere
oh shit
>lmao what a shitter, he can't even calculate mate in 17
I just wanted to say this:

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fuck yeah i was just about to look for something to watch over breakfast
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1. c6
honestly kind of a nothing video, the big reveal so far is danya has two setups and not one, but some redditors are already saying he admitted on levitov to having 2 setups so it's not really news
his followup vids better pay off, feels like he's losing steam
kramnik won. narocheatsky lost. chesscom lost. reddit lost.
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retard blunders his queen 8 moves in and seethes about 100% accuracy
memes aside has danya actually commented on him looking at the engine during his speedruns? it's the most inexcusable thing imo
I also need to be at least 2300 before not understanding the openings I play becomes a problem.

>Rxf2, Okay Rg2... Yeah I wish White would resign here but I don't think he's going to.

>Yeah, this is interesting, actually... The engine... Wow this is really cool! So we'll have some interesting analysis to do after the game... I'm looking at the engine and actually it's not, you know, it's not arguing... it's arguing against taking the Knight on g5: It doesn't believe that it's the fastest path to victory. So, wow, the engine line is crazy.

>Okay, we have a lot to explore as soon as our opponent abandons this pitiful position.

>No, I'm looking at the start of the game, not looking at the end of the game.

>Yes, I'll wait for the game to finish. Okay, takes on e1, takes on c2.

>Nothing to discuss here. We're just taking all of White's pieces. It's unfortunate that White is not resigning.
Kramnik lost control of the narrative when he admitted that he's only going after Danya because he's mad that he didn't defend him from Hikaru and chess.com.
>First, and most importantly, having an engine running during a game is against the rules, end of story. It was wrong and I unreservedly apologize to my opponent and to any viewers who felt uncomfortable during that segment. After capturing my opponent's queen, I fully expected resignation any moment and got impatient. It goes without saying that one's status or title should never put them above justified criticism. I am sorry and it will not happen again.

>However, I'd like to strongly request that you take the context into account and treat it charitably. The speedrun series is educational in nature, and as such, my priority at every moment is to maximize the instructive value of each second. I was up a full queen and minor piece, and was looking at the opening (i.e. the unrelated position after a few moves) in the hopes of shortening the post-game analysis. In the moment, I thought it obvious that in the context of the series it would not be interpreted by anyone as deliberate cheating. I think that anyone with a modicum of discernment can see that I had zero intention of "normalizing cheating" by suggesting that using an engine during a competitive game is in any way acceptable. It is not. And anyone who has watched even a tiny percent of my YT or stream content can agree, I hope, that I have consistently advocated for fair play in chess, and have tried to foster a community that prizes honesty and integrity as we all strive to become better at chess.

>My priority is, and always will remain, to put out educational content that helps people improve at chess. I try to lead by example, but I am not perfect. Thank you for taking this into consideration, and my deepest gratitude to y'all for your support, kind words, and stories of success. I am honored and grateful to play a part in your chess journey.
Thanks. The middle part of that statement should've been taken out, kinda comes off as patronizing.
why is this so accurate
>he admitted on levitov to having 2 setups so it's not really news
In Russian. It's worthwhile to have that on record in english at least.
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Magnus, you've done it again. Bravo!
I'm confused about what the app is intended to do. If it's a central hub for live games and live coverage streams, that might be useful. The first point for me in particular. If it allows me to follow live boards during tournaments without having to go to lichess or com (whichever is willing to host the board feeds) it will be a time savings. Meaning if I don't have to deal with t-bo's boycotts, that will be helpful.

The ad video doesn't really explain the functionality well.
so by this logic of
>"oh I'm just looking at the beginning of the game not the current position"
you have to ask yourself what's the limit to how far along ahead the game has to be in front of the engine. in other words, by definition an engine looks ahead of the current position, so if you're on move 10 and turn on engine with the board position at move 9, then the engine is going to show lines that will include the current position and beyond, so that's obviously cheating. so the difference in number of moves from current position to the engine position needs to be greater than 1, obviously. so what exactly is the number? because most engines look at lines 20+ moves deep, so looking at engine from the opening position (say move 5) can end up showing moves up to and including the current position (say move 25). so
>"oh I'm just looking at the beginning of the game not the current position"
doesn't logically hold.

btw, did chesscom actually say it was ok to for this guy to use an engine to analyze an earlier position of a current game? is this in writing somewhere or is there a video of the chesscom ceo saying "yeah it's totally ok"? because logically it doesn't make sense. if they do say "yeah it's ok for a streamer to do this" why do streamers have different rules and if they can do this then I want to know exactly what the number difference (that I described above) is.
Yeah and watching games live on dotscam is torture.
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Now that cheating has been formally legalize what's next for online chess?
>The speedrun series is educational in nature
this reminds me of the movie "quiz show" about cheating on a game show and the producers at the end say
>"we didn't hurt anyone, it was just entertainment"
>I unreservedly apologize to my opponent and to any viewers who felt uncomfortable during that segment
What a greasy evasive thing to say. He's not apologizing for using the engine here, he's saying he's sorry if his viewers and opponent "felt uncomfortable".
Yeah, it's the "I'm sorry you feel that way" tactic.

I found it more interesting that he has the engine analysis of the current game readily available with just a glance to the side.

>he has two streaming setups so he must be cheating
and he wonders why nobody is defending him
Ugh, I feel nasty for playing on Team Danya in the team battle now. He's so slimy.
Getting bored of the Naroditsky arc. It’s clearly going nowhere. Want to see Kramnik go after someone like Erigaisi next, the Indian where it would make the least sense.
i agree, kind of a shitty video but i'm taking it on the premise that it's setting the stage for actual dirt
if he thinks this is some big news it might be over
someone needs to send him playing the open tournaments Arjun was playing to get to 2750 and accuse him of farming
i just wish kramnik learnt how to communicate better. today's video he spends 15 minutes to say that danya streams from 2 different rooms and he didn't mention this to him yesterday on. that's literally it, 1 fucking sentence
Nah Narocheatsky is 100% guilty he should keep going
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See now here you go. Stjepan has now added a fair play mirror to his filming setup. Not that anyone would ever accuse Stjepan of cheating as, you know, there was never any doubt. But here he's done it anyway. Daniel could have done something like this. Slightly higher angle and to the side so whole desk is visible maybe. Instead Daniel had to prance around and shuck and jive and jazz hands all over the place meanwhile never actually showing a good angle and also not even playing in the room he's accused of cheating from primarily.
It’s funny because those open tournaments can be the opposite of farming for extremely high rated players. One loss can or a couple draws can fuck your rating up. Niemann said his goal was to never play an open tournament again after Dubai when he started with two draws. And for that reason I think Kramnik should go all in on this angle, people would have aneurysms.
>Not that anyone would ever accuse Stjepan of cheating as, you know, there was never any doubt.
Danya said he has more than one streaming setup from the beginning of this drama.

Kramnik is just going in circles. After the Bc8 move and the engine use during a Speedrun, I don't hear any other evidence.

>Bc8 is one move picked from one game 2 years ago, in thousands of games there's bound to be some situation where a random guess happens to be one of the top engine moves. But whatever people who believe Danya is cheating will accept this as all the evidence they need case closed.
>Speedrun engine use, looks really bad obviously, he probably has a bad habit of looking at the engine a lot and relying on it too much to help him explain shitter Speedrun games. You could either say here that he either (a) always have chess base open on another window and then sometimes inputs moves here and there or (b) he doesn't take the Speedrun games seriously at all so he thinks it's okay to 'cheat'.

But I have a feeling the real reason bigger GMs aren't commenting much is because why should they care about a lower rated GM who doesn't even play OTB classical tournaments anymore. The guy is now just a glorified streamer. The Speedrun series is the only reason his name is known to reddit at all.
>an expert player is more logical and to the point than a fucking gm

Danya is just gay at this point
Wow it's as if Danya was milking sympathy points when showing 'how hard' it was to have cameras film his setup
>One loss can or a couple draws can fuck your rating up
I think this was the original reason for FIDE's new 400 point rule. They wanted to incentivize strong players to enter more opens by making the point risk less severe. I am sure many GMs are reluctant to enter them due to the risk specifically on draws being so high.
>has the foresight, wherewithal and hardware capability to record multiple secret and tight camera angles to prove le ebin point
>claims to not have the capability to put one camera behind his back
>needs an engine to analyze a game with a literal 1100 who can't see the board and blunders a queen

>GMs are worried about losing to literal 1100s
that 400 point rule doesn't make any sense. If I were a GM I'd be more worried about sitting there for hours playing an 1100, not a good use of time.

>OTB classical tournaments anymore
why not play OTB blitz or rapid?
1100s don’t qualify for these open, it’s all masters or 2200+ untitled. It’s the risk as a 2750 of drawing a 2350, who may be an underrated teenager. And even if they’re an adult who peaked at 2450 or something the risk is non-negligible and a major setback when 2800 brings such media attention, prestigious invites and sponsorships.
i don't think that's true, in kramnik's video he showed that some of those guys had ratings in 1700s or even lower. it doesn't matter, how is the underrated player supposed to gain points if he doesn't play someone much better. it's the nature of the game, sometimes you'll lose to someone worse than you, sometimes you'll beat someone much better than you, if you play enough these things cancel themselves out.
I’m not talking about Naroditsky, he was definitely farming and taking advantage of the rule. Arjun Erigaisi was playing master’s opens and risking it for the biscuit to reach 2800, because he wasn’t getting invited to Super GM tournaments. That’s why I respect him even though he’s Indian.
this is the one thing that convinced me he's guilty without a shadow of a doubt
It's so disgusting that it actually worked on most normies
Qf4+ Qxf4 Bxf4+ and you lose your Bishop on f6 with no compensation
If you go Bh6 instead you give Black time to save the attacked Bishop
Kramnik posting another video today is dumb. On Levitov Naroditsky asked him to stop for a bit so he had time to reply, which was a fair request. Maybe they could have both gone back on Levitov, at least that seemed like a possibility at the end of the show. Now it just looks like Kramnik is trolling.
he's getting spammed to death if he ever accuses one of the jeet poster boys
lucky for him they don't care about Sarin that much
It's almost as if Kramnik doesn't care if Danya is going to respond or not, I think Kramnik simply will not stop making videos at all until chess.com bends to his will
>Now it just looks like Kramnik is trolling.
Yes he says so in today's video. He felt Daniel & friends were making fun of him so okay he makes fun also. Like so. Paraphrased.
This whole thing is not about Naroditsky at all. Kramnik has admitted that he's only using Naroditsky to expose more people to his crusade against chess.con.
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seethnik is just milking it at this point
Doesn't change the fact that Danya is cheating
>believe all chuds!
it's obvious now that he just wants attention, yes. i was confused at first that he doens't just write down what he is suspicious about and so on, video is a fucking terrible way of making his points. and he posts one video per day, the point is he wants people to respond to each video and create more drama each day

it's disgusting, i lost any respect i had for him. at least if his claims made any fucking sense man
i will say in kramkram's defense, the accused has doubled/tripled down and general read of the room is still pro-danya, vlad is a washed up schizo, etc
so if he does have a point and he has the ability to draw it out like this, i guess it makes sense to do so. the real question now is does he have more ammo in the tank or is he really just grasping at straws
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GothamChess's new chess set is more than just a beautifully crafted game; it is a bold declaration of our place in the world of chess—a world that too often sidelines our voices and identities. For gay men in chess this set adorned with GothamChess’s emblem stands as a vibrant symbol of pride and resilience. It empowers us to express our authentic selves and fosters a sense of belonging in a community that can sometimes feel unwelcoming. This isn't merely about the pieces on a board; it's about claiming our space, celebrating our uniqueness, and demanding acceptance within the broader chess landscape. With every move we make we’re not just playing a game; we are defying stereotypes, challenging norms, and paving the way for future generations of LGBTQ+ chess enthusiasts. This chess set is our rallying cry for visibility and inclusivity, reminding everyone that we are here, we are powerful, and we are unapologetically part of the game.
>trademark expression looks like he just encountered a clogged toilet
The only interesting thing to see now is if any elite players blacklist Danya over this. Non-russians of course. So far nothing happened and Kramnik seems to be running out of ammunition as well. Let's see if Wesley or Fabi will say something because according to some anons those two and others should at least hint at their sympathies towards big Vlad any day now.
Why is 2+1 bullet but 3+0 blitz?
Does anybody remember the fantasy chess league site he started?
That went nowhere fast.
Because an average game length of 40 moves is used to determine which format it is, and 2m40s is less than 3 minutes which would be blitz
I thought it was 60 moves so you could easily convert the seconds to minutes and add them together.
Looks pozzed. Anyway, I'd give my left nut for a smaller than tournament size foldable board with triple weighted pieces of matching size in Dubrovnik style.
Kramnik just wants to see chess com burn... it's not about Danya anymore.
>becomes wc by spamming the berlin against kaspy's ruy
>Because an average game length of 40 moves is used to determine which format it is
Good to know.
Kasparov's inability to just play 4.d3 is also pretty revealing desu.
one cannot just draw his way to a WC title against Kasparov, don't be ridiculous
Kasparov was probably tilted from getting his main white opening locked down by a line that wasn't considered serious at the time.
>But the weave is very important, very few weavers around
-Donald J. Trump
Dubrovnik and folding travel size is a common combination. Triple weighted isn't but that's an easy /diy/.
In my experience 2+1 feels way way longer than 3+0.
wonder if he had to pay a bunch of money to use the 'gotham' thing commercially. I'm sure he was able to jew his way out of it, but who knows
It's a terrible choice of picture for a product. Nobody wants to buy a chess set emblazoned with the visage of a sarcastic Jewish man.
That's why it's spelled Gothamchess one word no space no hyphen . He can't trademark Gotham alone, or chess alone, but he can mash the two together.
who owns the batman stuff, probably warner bros or something? I bet they could take a little chunk of that if they really wanted to, but I'm sure they'll leave their fellow jew alone
Thanks. Clear as day now.
Bohmeian Grove reference?
I'm falling in love with pawn breakthroughs in KP endgames. I'm collecting some cool positions. Would you guys be interested if I put them in a lichess study and posted them here? Or I might compile them into a pdf.
Kramnik is the only person keeping this shit game alive.
so danya has a totally separate cheating room? makes sense. it saves time and effort when you want to toggle and provides a clean environment to dupe the fair play team if they even bother to ask for a zoom call.
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Another cave man down. He was even titled CM for Cave Man.
>so danya has a totally separate cheating room?
Yes. The bookcase room has a dual monitor setup. The weirdo pink gay goon room has a single monitor (he claims) and a laptop which he plays on sometimes for reasons unknown. Why he plays on his laptop, at home, where he has at least two PCs, is a mystery.
You were the caveman in this one tho? When you do it it’s just a well-timed attack of course…
Nepo losing was the funny outcome. He was outplaying ding too.
Just cheated educationally. I hope my opponent doesn't mind too much
Oh yeah you’re right. I played b5 before he played g4 and he just had to respond in kind to gain counterplay against my misplaced aggression, my bad.
I trust you learned a valuable lesson about elaborate tactics and very long term prophylaxis?
This was probably a first time transgression, so I'll go easy on you, but please refrain from any further off-topic posting in the future in the /ecelebs, racism, gooning, and gossip/ general in the future please.

The last thing anybody is interested in here is an actual effort post related to chess.
>people stop gossiping about danya
>general dies
what exactly are you mad about? go ahead, have your engine line discussions. the floor is wide open
just post them bro
retard. people gossip a lot but nobody said you can't chess effort-post
based autistic retard not detecting the most obvious instance of sarcasm in history, I kneel senpai
The general will revive soon enough with the great poo vs china war
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I am really looking forward to this. The shitposting in the very unusual circumstances of this particular WCC will be sublime I am sure.
some shitposting may take on a... literal form
yeah no that was one of those sarcastic shitposts meant to imply nothing gets talked about here but ecelebs, racism, gooning, and gossip
I was looking through the analysis on this one and Sota Fujii has superhuman attacking skills. I've heard he has started to study chess: look out, world!
I'm so sorry, anon. I never ever meant in a thousand years to insult the purity, the integrity, the beauty of /chess/
Obviously it means a lot to you and I hurt you. Can you find it in your heart to forgive me?
>on 4chan for serious discussion
Please post them anon
I'm so so so sorry anon. I never meant to make you feel like you couldn't have fun and shitpost on 4chan. It is my deepest regret that I could have maybe possibly ever so slightly have ruined your good time here.
Can you forgive me?
I will never understand the psychological condition of someone who samefags in this manner. Genuine question, how do you not kill yourself out of pure shame?
Yeah, if you google Fujii's name and chess in Japanese there are actually a bunch of results (including one article speculating that him studying chess in his spare time was the cause of his poor performance earlier in the year). It would be interesting to see how he'd do if he started playing in tournaments. Habu got the FM title and had a peak rating of 2415, I wonder if Fujii could beat that?
a double samefag? Incomprehensible
Reminder that Hikaru Nakamura did a pro-Biden get-out-the-vote stream during 2020.
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Danya joking about using an engine on stream while beating a 2700. Wouldnt it be funny if he does like dogshit in the world blitz
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must this gay shit be brought up everywhere
opening the thread to find faggot burger politics even here is so disappointing
>stupid/evil people lose
>don't worry, be happy

i don't care he's voting for kamala but this is as braindead as you can get.
hes a lifelong powegooner in an open relationship, what do you expect
>open relationship

lol. somehow i knew karen was too good looking for him.
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Found a Kramnig in the daily puzzle's comment section.
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The trophy was doable. In the end it even had more players than the previous one. 2+1 doesn't require God-tier mouse skills either.

>24 hours
fuck that
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Hopefully they get Kramnik after that
>no kramnik

so it's just 2h of danya pontificating about being hunted as a witch while fabi nods and christian makes that homo laugh? i doubt they gave him any pushback at all.
let's fucking gooo
can't wait til IT'S UP
Fabi better throw a bone to the schizos to keep the dream alive
>the Winter Marathon is on December 28th
What the fuck are the frogs thinking? Why would they put it right in the middle of holiday season? Not all of us can be based chess hermits.
>Why would they put it right in the middle of holiday season?
because that's when people are free from work and can participate in it?
Yes but people are supposed to be with their families at that time, not playing 3+0 for 24 hours. Normal weekends work fine for the other arenas.
>people are supposed to be with their families at that time
same for the weekend. After a week of work you spend the weekend with your family. The difference is that during a longer holyday you may spare a day for yourself to play the marathon
>same for the weekend
Not even remotely the same as the Christmas week.
i'm starting to be disappointed at how naro is handling this, he just has to write down his rebuttal of the allegations and that's it. he keeps making video responses where they both talk past each other, at this point both sides are just using it to farm clicks
he's not very organized in his response because it goes in his favor, he thrives on the chaos and making himself look like a victim. if it was all laid out in a single video, his narrative would break down pretty quickly. up to this point it wasn't even clear that danya had several setups. he relies on the fact that the average viewer doesn't have the entire thing in their head at the same time in order to spot the inconsistencies and lies, they just know vlad forced danya to put up 20 cameras to prove his innocence or that vlad thinks the bishop move was suspicious or some small part of the story that on its own isn't anything, but when you put it all together it's very damning.
>he's not very organized in his response because it goes in his favor, he thrives on the chaos and making himself look like a victim
Lmao you ever seen a chudnik video?
What the most schizo opening I can learn against d4? I was thinking Mexican defense but am open to other shit. Please recommend, I'm building a schizo repertoire
I'm intrigued. What other openings do you all ready have in your schizo repertoire?
Who do you think will win the St. Louis 960 tournament?
could be anyone. it's less predictable desu
i have 2.f3 against the Dutch and Alekhine against e4. I'm still starting to put together a bunch of uncommon opening
Chigorin, old benoni, the rat.
Or maybe the czech benoni might be a better pick than the old one. All the benonis have some schizo energy.
I've been doing Czech Pirc (transposes after they play 2.e4) / Old Indian / Czech Defense (...d6, ...Nf6, ...c6) shit against d4 and it hasn't been going well, but I assume that's just because I'm really bad at chess in general.

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