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Meme song edition

>What is Project SEKAI?
Project SEKAI: Colorful Stage! ft. Hatsune Miku is a rhythm game made in collaboration with Crypton Future Media and Sega. It features the 6 main Vocaloids from Crypton, along with a cast of original characters.

There are currently three other versions of Project SEKAI.
Taiwanese and Korean versions are available in their respective regions.
An English version, Hatsune Miku: Colorful Stage!, is also available.

/psg/ FAQ - READ THIS IF YOU'RE NEW! - https://pastebin.com/JcVaEtvU
Sekai Viewer - https://sekai.best/
Sekai Wiki - https://www.sekaipedia.org/wiki/Main_Page

>Current Event
Rekindle the flame
Boosted Attribute: Cool
Boosted Members: Vivid BAD SQUAD (and its Virtual Singers)
Event Song by Utsu-P (https://twitter.com/utsupii)

>Current Gacha
Fuel my passion (Permanent)
Akito, Kohane, An

>Translated stories
Leo/need: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL6hkMKFF6Ipu35gWc72Fg1pMaEunvUqRK
MORE MORE JUMP!: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL6hkMKFF6IpuPVqm3NC0udfd4HbuaBlJZ
Vivid BAD SQUAD: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLuetmkI-iYKlifuRI_0DN7gMFpTOjfyC-
Wonderlands × Showtime: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLQdjQpE3RJWfu4s8o4rmOLRYiS87UrSlO
25-ji, Nightcord de.: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL6hkMKFF6IpsE78AMA4am8HVZuaUQ7k-f

>Translated event stories

Previous: >>499665689
Chud A LOVE!
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chuds lost
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I think Ena should have a Smeargle and give it some of those jirai kei bows to wear on its head and around its tail
Speaking of Pokémon, what did you guys pick for collabs in the survey? I picked Pokémon because it’s a cute and fun obvious choice and would lead to Pokémiku, Sonic for kino and the franchise is owned by Sega so there’s literally no reason not to, and One Piece for /psg/
Those last two picks have some good songs to cover too if they ever went there
I bet Akito hates chocomint like the fag he is.
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Based Akicute! That’s the worst ice cream flavor!
Shiho love!
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cute dog and cat coded gfs
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That's just creepy
i love tsukasa (in a non-gay way)
We know Toya
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>haven't really used my shizukus for anything since I uncapped the few characters I care about
>decide it's time to do more uncapping, like a year later
>62 shizukus
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An would 100% do this
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Now we need a Kohanegooner version
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>Honami birthday
>name censored
we know it's you, ena
Ena is a ugly, jealous whore
Mafuyu is a home-wrecking whore
Bet you were kicking your legs when you sent it.
This has to be me soon before I lose my fucking will to live.
Based, fuck niiggers
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But what about Muhfuyu?
Like her or hate her, no one can resist thinking "what about mafuyu" at least once a day
no one likes mafuyu unironically, they're all trolling
It's funny how we keep memeing on mafuyu's overwhelming presence but the meme itself is a testament to how much she lives rent free
I like Mafuyu
haha nice one man
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I like Mafuyu
Whenever I have to make a choice I think to myself, "what would Mafuyu do"
I like Ena! I like Mizuki! I like mizuena!
Not a single original shitpost lately, all imported from /gbpen/
>Not a single original shitpost
well yeah, they're called shitposts for a reason
But shitposts should be funnyposts not actually shitty posts...
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An is the sexiest girl in the game.
more like the biggest slut in the game
Both statements are true.
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Cooming to Ena’s secret accounts
Kanade must be so stinky...
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>Speaking of Pokémon, what did you guys pick for collabs in the survey?
Compass and PokeMiku
Asking for Pokemon straight up would be impossible, and we still don't have any Compass songs besides Dance Robot Dance. I feel like they pick collabs based on what they can draw music from.
I just want more cross unit songs, I don't care if they come from cup noodles collabs
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I think it's wild I can full combo 25 when I couldn't even clear them half a year ago. Also, I keep getting Shiho when I get a full combo. I think it's a sign.
>I feel like they pick collabs based on what they can draw music from.
Sanrio didn’t have any music still upset I didn’t get my AiriEna KuroMelo Mafumafu commission…
Pokémon seems good for a card collab in that sense, cute mascots and all. It is massive but hey, so is Sanrio.
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I wonder why this thread is so dead despite the game being so popular.
Popular with age group that is on tt.
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They have to play with only 2 colors because Shizuku can't handle any more.
Unlike the chinkges, we don't have paid shills by sega for better or worse.
Popular with lgbt, zoomers, and females, the exact opposite of the average 4chud user
That makes that April Fool's unit make more sense, since the best idol is, without exception, the biggest slut.
An would be a much better character if her struggle was teen pregnancy and trying to find who the father is since she slept with all of Shibuya
Goddamn I hate you so much anon.
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3rd and 4th anni's card sets and costumes were kinda lame even if they were very pretty, 1st and 2nd anni's were way better
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I don’t like any of the anni4 hairstyles either. I like Airi’s giant bow but I’m not a fan of when they make hair super straight like Kitty Mizuki, it usually ends up looking boring with a few exceptions.
Combining art and costume stuff I’d say 2 > 3 > 1 > 4 overall
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My pretty girlboymalewife.
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Crazy the story's wrapping up in less than a year.
Source: Samo-chan
Cute smol 'ri
I liked how the costumes were very unique to each character in the set while still having the same theme, last 2 annis had basically the same costume for each set but one with a longer skirt or with pants or whatever, feels like they were making just another mixed event costume set instead of the anni costume set
Also don't like how the composition in the cards is all the same between each set in the last 2 annis, I liked that each card was a bit different from each other in the first 2 annis, especially Darkfes
I think composition being the same can be cool and I liked it in anni3 and WxS WL a lot, anni4 was just a boring theme so since everyone got it everyone looks boring
Okay Rui, get back to performing maintenance on Mizuki.
>Miku Expo EU's setlist is miles better than what NA got
it's not fucking fair bros
Looks almost the same other than like Telecaster B Boy
Gameplaywise, rhythm games just aren't particularly discussion-friendly.
Most people aren't dedicated enough to seriously concern themselves with getting better, and doing so often isn't any more complicated than "git gud" anyway.
There'll be unintuitive sections here and there where people need to ask about a proper fingering, but more often than not, execution is the problem, not recognizing the pattern.
Funposting aside, there's not that much to talk about besides confirming story elements and understanding the gacha mechanics.
I think the only card set with costume I've like enough to buy so far has been the cat hats
The primary audience is like girls in their mid to late teens. There's a very limited amount of horny posting we can do and most of it is AI, the gameplay isn't autistic enough for the esports side of gacha posters, and even for those of us who really like the writing it's still mostly simple themes written for youths coming of age that don't leave much room for discussion.

A man can only what about Mafuyu so much.
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It's a lot more than just Telecaster B-Boy

Miku Expo 2024 EU Setlist:
>Telecaster B-Boy
Childish War
>Red Land Marker
>Midnight Surf
>Blue Star
>Ten Thousand Stars
>lost and found
Hyper Reality Show
Unknown Mother-Goose
Tell Your World
Intergalactic Bound

imaginary love story
half those songs suck ass
Can we get full Keitai Renwa with all the nightcords as a 3D yet
still better than what NA got I'm afraid
I want Adabana no Namida added one day
And The Trail that Continues Towards You
Childish War
Ten Thousand Stars
Hyper Reality Show
Tell Your World
Unknown Mother-Goose
Intergalactic Bound
imaginary love story

We at least had all of these, I think Shinjinrui too
Blue Star
lost and found

I dislike all of these
Only real loss is not having Telecaster B Boy but we got good substitutes for the Len song so it’s fine
>shit taste
top kek
What really gets at me is not the 19 year old college fujos in the fanbase, but the shockingly large population of 13 year olds that got into Project Sekai when they were like 10 and this game will be their childhood nostalgia game in 15 years when they go "boy, they don't make them like Project Sekai anymore"
>boy, they don't make them like Project Sekai anymore
I'm in my 40s and have dementia and already say this.
The proseka teens nowadays are all mentally ill and obsessed with pretending their characters are part of LGBT.
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I hope Prosekai creates mentally ill girls that emulate Mafuyu
Fuck the shut up, Yoisaki.
The whole point of Mafuyu is she is working on fixing herself not the other way around you storyskipping fuck.
I worry about these kids, legitimately. I see them sharing so much personal info everywhere or opening themselves up to private conversations with people that I start to think that years from now when they reach the age of majority they'll start coming out with stories about getting groomed. I don't know if their parents and teachers just aren't teaching them about stranger danger anymore.

None of my fucking business though so like, go fuck them kids I guess, whatever.
>fuck them kids
emu/nene/rin pedo...
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boy, they don't make them like shinonome ena anymore
For me, it's Saki
Which Ena stories do you recommend?
The where she had to get an abortion was pretty emotional.
Have Ena and An ever interacted? i'm still only 1/4th through the story but I'm curious.
One thing that always stands out about Ena to me is that there weren't any similar characters to her when I was growing up. They didn't make them like her yet since we didn't have the social media and the common belief was that hard work was about all you needed to reach a dream. I wonder if characters like her are here to stay or if she's going to be a period piece of this very particular time.

Only in brief. They want each other as sisters but Akito is too gay so it'll never happen.
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I like all of her focus stories. Some of her mixed are meh, but the only ones I have issue with are the Mizuki events that retcon her relationship with Kanade.
Enakana shippers wept on that day.
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Kamiku's strongest soldiers
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I like MizuRui.
…which is exactly why zoomers would miss the point and act like her to be cool.
The ginger episode from South Park was supposed to show that Cartman is a jackass and parody the sheep that fall for shit like that, but what do you know, people actually started bullying gingers for it because they saw it on TV and thought it was cool, it’s not a rare phenomenon
Tears of joy?
but what about OWN? Will we ever get to see what Mafuyu's solo projects were like?
Anti nightcore versions of Kanade’s songs
Holy shit, L/N is so fucking boring.
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Her focus events and then the Blue Period manga as further reading.
The infamous Ena Doujin that shook /psg/ to it's core.
>I nan desu
>I looks like katakana for 'e'
>enan desu
I finally cracked the code
>Shizuku: Airi-chan~<3
>Rui: Tsukasa-kun~<3
I just bought tickets for this, I hope it's good or I'm suing you
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Cat Louis
Shiho stories are more entertaining than Ena stories.
>wiping off a kiss from his kitty
I hope Cat Louis pisses in his shoes
I had fun when it ran in NA, I'd say it's worth it if you got floor seating or have a front view.
Any other viewing angle kinda kills it in my opinion.
Based Yoasobi enjoyer
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I deeply lust for Kanade. I do not particularly care for her writing or her character, but whenever I see her I am overcome with a primal need.
I would sketch a doodle of an adult Nene if she gave consent.
I identify as a younger brother now.
Sorry if anyone is trying to get the super fever achievement, my sword hand is twitching so much I can't play well at all right now
calling it a sword won't make less obvious that you have been jacking it too much, anon
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no that was a fe13 reference
>going to sleep
>no An Shiraishi gf to cuddle and kiss good night

I hate this stupid life of mine.
Anon please take back all the disgusting ans/or hateful things you said about the characters so we can be friends again.
Becoming a potato is the best WxS song.
You'll have to be more specific than that
Based covert coomer
Anon, you need to get a new spellcheck, the way you wrote Tondemo-Wonderz and/or Nikkori^^ Chousatai no Theme looks weird and it should've caught it
Mr. Showtime and Hakoniwa no Coral are the best WxS songs IMO
>best WxS song
hm, well? checking the list of favorites, I'd have to say... 88 or HIKIKOMORI ZETTAI JUSTICE!
I can’t wait to goon to Mizuki.
You know instead of gushing over Mizuki for once, why don't you tell us what your favorite WxS song is
Rin Miku morning vocal practice
Oh they're definitely gonna be practicing their vocals
Anon that's literally what the post said your response added nothing.
looks like fingering
I like their cover songs but I don’t really like their commissioned songs. I guess if I had to pick a commissioned song though it would be Tondemo Wonderz.
I like Becoming Potatoes, Fixer, Rabuka, 1925, Tensei Ringo, Nonsense Bungaku, Goodbye Sengen, Telecaster B Boy, and QUEEN
I get happy when I FC 88 and have 1188 combo :)
I like "Purple"
I like Infinitely Gray, Nomad and Watashi wa Ame BUT I HATE I NANDESU
I can'r find the fuckass survey link anywhere can someone please post it here I'm begging I'm stressed and need to write 50 pages for my thesis but I need to ask for a pokemon collab more
t. kawaii baka
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You have to click through to it in-game because it generates a link with your game ID.
My favorite WxS song is ummmm, uhhhh, hmmmm....
I haven't heard a song I don't like or love in this entire game including menu music and background music WITH THE EXCEPTION OF UNDERWATER AND MY LOVE IS HELLFIRE. IF THOSE SONGS WERE PEOPLE I WOULD TICKLE THEM UNTIL THEY PEE.
I like both those songs too actually I just hated when EN was SPAMMING MY LOVE IS HELLFIRE HOLY FUCK WHY THAT SONG OF ALL SONGS
I really like Ena's association with rain, I hope her next focus song expands on it even more desu
>He likes mochi mochi zunda
I will hunt you down.
My favorite songs, Hitorinbo unironically and Ready Steady and Drop Pop Candy
Møchī Mōchí Zündą
AH Moʻchî Mŏchį Zűnda
unrelated but why is EN constantly spamming niigo songs all the time? i know not everyone is autistic like me and likes to play the band of the current event but still damn
you know why. niigers are everywhere
I pick a pretty good variety of songs and niigo isn't my main group, but most of my favorites that aren't solo miku songs are from them, too
I really really really really like Booo!, Melancholic, Donut hole, Happy Halloween, Ura-omote Lovers, and Hand in Hand because I saw them featured in some very fun videos on Iwara.
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What's iwara?
the only group with good commissions is 25ji and VBS, WxS and MMJ only gets saved because because they have good covers
death to L/N
Fun site with lots of videos of Miku
Can't wait to see the sneed haters sneeding when the movie is 90% leo/need.
I envy the ProSeka teen audience, I wish I had something like this as a kid. I guess I had shit like KagePro and Synchronicity and the Diva games but this seems better
It was a rigged game from the start. The most popular vocaloid songs are all depression songs or rebellion songs. I guess MMJ gets by on the Deco 27 crowd or something. One of the remaining groups should've leaned in harder on denpa songs.
New Miku will show up to Ichika and then she will ask what about Mafuyu and everyone will cheer
I simply never use co-op nor play with anyone but /psg/
Movie'll give me a nice nap KEKW
I can't wait for the singalong portion of the Project Sekai movie that helps bring Miku back to life by singing her most famous song...
the sole artist carrying prosekai incest art
Rabbit Hole?
Can’t wait to watch sneedlets seethe when Ichikek gets bait and switched with Mafuyu
how do we make Leo/needs popular. Ichika needs the respect she deserves as the face of the game.
sneeds lovers are counting soooo bad that the movie will be about leo/need but the trailers so far have not shown any more of them than any other group
the movie will be about the group leaders and they will be the ones who feature the most, so while we are bound to get a shit ton of Ichika that means nothing to the other sneeds
>shousukei x emu
>ken x an
given how dogshit the experience is that's probably for the best
pretty sure I had at least 5 disbands today and 2 of them were because I dared to pick "happy halloween" to celebrate the halloween season
I literally have never picked that song before today too which is the funny part
My beloved Saki, sidelined and irrelevant once again, just like in her own story...
>no Hinomoris
Reveal Ichika to be a crossdresser. It worked for the Mizuki event
Ken wouldn't do that... or would he
>Rui's got the collar on but Tsukasa's the one getting looked at like a cute but disobedient puppy
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you could ask
why are tierers so unhappy man its silly little png and you cant even play according to theme bc they get pissy about muh efficiency
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He does have that vibe to him
Imagine being a tiering niigger
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you think akito ever comes home in his show clothes and ena just looks at him and goes "holy shit bro you're such a fagget"
99% of tierers don't play in pub rooms thoughbeit
Tierers don't disband the time lost to restriction is too big. Stop spreading misinformation.
i want to cum on mfy's tights
This but Akito
Ena isn't homophobic.
Ena is homophobic, transphobic, viciously classist and fiercely racist.
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The Mafuyu doujin got translated...
She's just like me for real
And that's why she needs correction
No good. Need emotionless Mafuyu irrumatio.
You spelled Nene wrong
It must be difficult for her, being homophobic while working in theater and all
She uses violent video games to take off the edge of being exposed to fags all day
I want to cum on An's hair stars
I know you guys are joking but the majority of high-profile artists and talents are typically progressive. Nene and Ena would almost certainly not be for those socially backwards values.
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They might not outwardly show it, but you know that deep down Nene and Ena would be disgusted by someone like Mizuki
Ena is a high profile artist?
It's not about progressiveness or homophobia. Sometimes you just see a lad and you think, damn, what a faggot. Not out of hate, but simply as a primal reaction.
She is a nepo baby and is meant for more than commoners.
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Mizuki is going to run away to France to be with her sister and avoid the world
Niigo France trip event soon
all of the OCs have every right to outwardly show it
Didn't she fail to get into art school? Not much of a nepo baby
Does she stay in character for longer than Ena did in her doujin?
That's hard to say. What even is "in-character" for Mafuyu, anyway?
She's one of those nepo babies where the parent who came from nothings resents their talentless child. Nonetheless, they are still raised differently than your usual commoner.
the OCs having sex is out of character to begin with
MMJ literally exists
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post proofs
Shizuku and Airi had sex to make Minori
Sex is great and all, but have you tried giving a performance that moves the hearts of your audience?
The Melancholy of Suzumiya Ena
Giving a performance that moves the hearts of your audience is great and all, but have you tried listening to Kanade?
Listening to Kanade is great and all, but this conversation has progressed long enough without any mention of Mafuyu. Where's Mafuyu?
Kanade sounds like she's constantly choking on Mizuki's cum.
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There's no doubt in my mind, Mafuyuniigers have to be the worst of the bunch
I just realized My Sekai is actually an excuse to introduce 5 stars with costumes for the My Sekai version of the characters
Ha ha what a high-quality conversation sure doesn't seem like this place turns into a shithole from time to time with increasingly more frequency
Can someone pls be nice and explain how it works for me?
Mafuyu antis are really weird
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Would Kanade survive Mochizuki-san's birthday?
I don’t think Tsukasa’s hole will survive Haruka’s special training regimen
Haruka is an experienced idol, she knows what he needs to be a true star. If Tsukasa's hole can't survive it, it's a skill issue on his part.
>Mafuyukeks mad because for once it's not Ena getting all the hate
So that's what she says to convince him to go through with it
the ena hate is ironic, the mafuyu one isnt
She literally caused a younger idol to become a mute
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Who are you even replying to?
To the voices in his head of course
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Notice how we can't go 5 posts without mentioning Mafuyu?
>Anon says in the general where a "unique feature" of it is people not replying to each other
Idk lmao why don't you figure it out like always
Seems like only the shitposters are bringing her up though
Anon is mad...
I never understood why that happens here and I just started doing it to fit in...
Yeah when its slow so it's usually a response to the post above it, not 5-10 posts later with multiple conversations in the middle
I think it's funny because the general was pretty normal during mafu5
I don't think they'll even mention OWN again, anon...
jesus christ i finally listened to the MMJ kisaragi attention cover why do the JIN covers in this game always suck so bad?
they keep pushing Miku as the ingame substitute for IA and it never fucking works
I'm pretty sure Luka is the VS singing Kisaragi Attention with the Moomoos...
Fucked up that we never got to hear an OWN song
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Let's talk about the other purple character in the game
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But what about muh daughter?
>accuracy has dropped off a cliff all of a sudden
jesus I might have to take a couple weeks off
I wish Mafuyu would tell me good night
I honestly really love Kohane's voice and I feel dirty for it.
Why would feel dirty for it unless you love her voice for a dirty reason
I wish to be lulled to sleep by Kanade at night and be woken up by her gentle voice in the morning
I always wish there was one more male rep whenever I see Tsukasa alone with the girls in shared numbers
This but Nene
I need Kanade's slutty breathy voice to lull me to sleep
Mafuyu V.S. Orcs
I've never wished I was an orc until now
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AkiAi is a cute ship.
It's okay.
all-male group soon
Adding another group out of the blue without a niche seems like a bad idea. What theme and songs do they even have left?
It's cute. Sometimes I don't want to think too hard and want to enjoy cute.
Always will say it, Akito should've been the VBS unit leader
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Anon, your soundposting reps...
Anyone who doesn't ship Akito with Kohane is Minori. No one else would bully Minori on Akito's behalf.
*poisons your cake*
heh, nothing personnel
Me too
Europeans explain yourselves, why does your Miku look like a man?
nouten's chart sucks fucking ass
I give them the benefit of doubt and assume it's just the artist's artstyle
whites can't into anime style
except the french
Kohane never accepted that cake.
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Am I the only one that thinks she looks good? Real come hither eyes.
neonazi black metal
student A will lead it
we already know /psg/ has garbage taste but this is just absurd
Denpa songs and love songs are big territory in vocaloid that don't have any regularly associated group. Maybe there're enough songs left that you could start a new group of mentally ill girls and stick them in a maid cafe
yeah you have brain damage
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Most denpa goes to either MMJ or WxS easily enough that it doesn't seem necessary to carve out a group to steal those. Love songs are a bit more complicated, though.
new coed group with an official couple
A het couple right?

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