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>Newbro guide


>Yuppieraids guide

>10/24 (Thu) Update

>Increased Rates
Afternoon Soak Flan & Dreamlike Holiday Rate Up
10/17 ~ 10/31
Landy & Wall of Order Rate Up
10/17 ~ 10/31

>Mystic Summons
5* Urban Shadow Choux/
Eternal Wanderer Ludwig/ Sage Baal Sezan/ Top Model Luluca
4* Blood blade Karin
10/17 ~ 11/7

>/e7g/ Guilds
Pantsu, Lucklets, Cope, Partyvan, Netori (Make sure to include /e7g/ in your greeting)

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>more gacha games are moving away from homos
>some gacha games are outright banning them
>even extreme normie bait like mihoyo games is reducing homo appearances after seeing negative profits following homo patches
>yet E7 is tripling down on homos
what the fuck are smilegooks thinking
Thx bro *smooch*
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1 spot in Netori
box, 24/7 buffs+80 energy daily, 5x mystics
lying in the internet again?
me in the middle
when will you stop recruiting with these outright lies?
me ass the pregnant one
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they are catering to the large and majority homosexual player base
I'm going to keep using males and you WILL keep crying, seething, dilating, pissing and shitting yourselves over it. Simple as.
>biggest e7 esports tournament since e7wc
>nobody talking about it
good morning bros
>general full of placies
>talking about esports
lmao even
>whoever picks flan wins
lmeow tournament
3 casters is a bad format
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ive been constipated for 2 weeks...
erm if mort is so good how is he not picked every tourney match?
please have it checked out bro...
nvm just took a huge epic seven
holy shit just how much money does zodiac has? is he like some kind of saudi oil prince or some shit?
that's because epic shart is actually a cringe chudcel game where there's like 3 busted males to the 40 busted hags but chudcels are mentally ill and make mountains out of molehills so they'll have you think that theyre broken
thats good bro
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bwo light just beat her ez
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Love Emilia
>fall into the rift scam yet again
>28+ chests later not one usable piece of gear
i salute the rabi
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i salute the rabi
>If it was me I would've said only the virgin girls get to eat and have shelter and i would've kicked out all the non virgin girls to get killed by wild animals and die of starvation
what the FUCK
then jobs to a fucking rat and an oversized scissor
just who the fuck thought a 2turn AoE stun with a free ignore res was a good idea?
it's only 2 turn if you're right side
who dors that
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if only it were a considered stun
all of this is only a problem because of ban protect
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bwo plesse go to a doctor if you can afford it
imagine if fcc got that instead of another homo but what can you do when the devs are super gay....
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Karin Fantaria
big if true
what do mort players weigh
they have negative weight so they push women away
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rabi players attract all the women
bros my youtube adblocker is not working please help
>put immunity up
>mort is now useless
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Alright this shit look real funky, I will roll it for the lul, prediction?
>crit chance and speed
lvl70 blue
I predict low rolls!
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that's why i suggested they add dispel all buffs to his s3.... hopefully there is still a chance for that in the next balance patch
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Roseria Dart
77 gs
when are they going to release the other rosaria dart?
i hope she doesnt get the brinus treatment...
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wretched rose? maybe when we get a new ml 4
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Join Netori, we have cookies.
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the brinus treatment...
I fucking love Abigail
prove it
I fucking hate hags
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BBK skin when?
Is Ras a good MC?
play more games and watch more media
maybe next summer
i like ras
I am Ras
big if true
he's generic joe dirt self-instert mc
ranked only above MCs that actively detract from the experience.
i salute the rabi
emm ras is pretty cool bro, he becomes better as the story goes.
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Which gacha do you play.
Frida impregnation.
>alots doesnt silence on s3 anymore
this is likely a downgrade for me
ill miss the schuri aux lots cheese comps
its cute to see so many gacha virgins in that poll
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pour sour cream on my rabi
global when?
Hoyo games are login spend stamina in 5 minutes logout.
These gears roll always low roll it's not even worth rolling them is what I found out.
next year prease understand
>go into NPC arena
>Ravi's dream
>fire ravi and 3 tenebrias
What did SG mean by this?
um its pretty obvious in the name bro
sexing 3 tenes
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Is today the last day of rta season
not even close bro
more like rabi nightmare...
when is it gro
no, it will last for another 3 months
It's the bot arena that closes today
you will know when you see posts making fun of other bros for not being able to make masters.
>Ruan meme
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go back to sucking off dicks homo
I bet you have aventufag build
nice halloween outfit gro
bwos whats your auto team for harsetti in the hall of trials
I didn't roll on the homo like you did. Fuck off.
show roster or shut it nigga
That I didnt waste a single roll on fagve turine for hoolay like you did? Here it is.
I have fusexo I don't need him
wish I had yunli though
Why is robin opening her mouth like that? What is she waiting for??
Anyone wanna discuss about epic 7....? haha
be the change you want bro
i just put some garbage landy czerato
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you know what it is
That's a man
big if true
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>Epic Dash is over
i got to rank 15 in week 5
korean stylist cant do anything but a bowl cut
i got hussy on my mind...
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newbro here im ngmi
the max selector is worth the skystones if you are missing a lot of RGB units bro.
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i wish it was permanent
if you have tons of skystones or feed the arky on the regular you can buy ranks to get all rewards before it goes away
I genuinely dont think of any of you as my friends
mah goat
what about as a lover?
what about as a bwo?
im not your friend, im your bro
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have this rabi dwo
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is it because im 31 gwo...
how do you build the new flan
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join netori
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bwos i made a good auto team
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>just turned 30
bread theme https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JtA2oaYCsD8
grats bwo, are you on the top 10% with that score?
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same (well it was 4 days ago), happy birthday bwo
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can i get some doots
dont post her again or ill be forced to RM post
wtf is rm posting do I even want to know...
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netori bros dont kick me....
mh wilds beta this entire week and im autistic....
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I killed aux lots for THIS???
He just get buffed recently tho? Surely he's usable now...
bros, whats going to happen when they "buff" yuppie and change her ee1?
bwos that char girl is really cute i like how fast she talks about epic seven maybe girls aren't all bad
she's a seanig(filipina) so she can't be cute
i like them brown because i can show them just how inferior their life is
Is cruel mischief good now?
My twink didn't hmu yesterday
didn't what?
I will never tire of rabi.
Jena put Epic 7 in the category yet all he doing is reading reddit....
Bwo you should report the stream for using the wrong category
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bwos this looks kinda good wtf....
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Where do I get this many charms?
he just bought that acc
5 years of yuppie raid
>there is 65000 players in champV+
epic alive
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>its nyover for me....
sex with eda
Why is headhunting timegated? What's the point of timegating that along with the coins?
>he doesnt login every day
then you dont deserve a ml selector simple
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you can do it gro I believe in you. take my energy
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e7g guild for this feel?
why are we still here, just to suffer?
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Anyone know where to get this eq? Neck/ring
cash shop

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