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Previous thread >>499968662

This thread is dedicated to all games about building machines and systems, in space or otherwise.

List of commonly discussed /egg/ games:

Voxels, blocks, and vehicle builders
>Empyrion - Galactic Survival
>From the Depths
>Scrap Mechanic
>Space Engineers
>Starship EVO

>CHODE - Children of a Dead Earth
>KSP - Kerbal Space Program

Logistics and factory management
>Captain of Industry
>Dyson Sphere Program
>Factory town
>Oxygen not Included
>Workers and Resources: Soviet Republic

Programming puzzles
>Last Call BBS
>Opus Magnum
>Shenzhen I/O
>Turing Complete

The full game list as well as information about these games, such as where to get them if they’re not on steam, trailers, /egg/ conquered/hosted servers, and other shit can be found in this pad:


Games that are not /egg/:

OP pad for new thread
WebM for physicians: argorar.github.io/WebMConverter
Reminder: /egg/ has no discord, any discord links posted are from tranny servers.

Current /egg/ hosted servers:
>Empyrion - Galactic Survival
All IPs are in the pad for security reasons.
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brrrr edition
How do they work?
Is hard job.
i love my station
Should I play satisfactory or space age first?
The island patches on fulgora look pretty silly when you destroy all the cliffs.
Feels like all the new planets were designed to encourage spaghetti
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How can I calculate how many speed beacons I should use? This fluid is quite slow with all prod
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going to be more organized this time, laser defense perimeter aligned to absolute grid so they will all line up no matter where
wube loves spaghetti
as if their title screen didn't already suggest that
they hate when everyone plays the same
I will never be as smart as Dosh or Nilaus
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serb shill (there are 0 people online)
>elf beacons + prodmaxxing
do not do this
the first speed beacon saves you more power (per output product) because the crafting speed goes up so much more compared to the already high power cost
If the person who was working on that LShape door can post their door and crane, I will go about integrating that into my train.
just make city block blueprints and youre done
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so what the hell do I do with all those before unlocking recycler?
You cheated not only the game, but yourself. You didn't grow. You didn't improve. You took a shortcut and gained nothing. You experienced a hollow victory. Nothing was risked and nothing was gained. It's sad that you don't know the difference.
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difference being...?
I hopped on serb earlier today and got all my BPs sent to the shadow realm due to the downgrade, if noone is online maybe upgrade to latest version
Don't put quality modules in until you can make legendary stuff

Warehouses can do lot more than boxes simply because they fit more inserters around them.
>Don't put quality modules in until you can make legendary stuff
Fuck it I build more power placed 2 speed beacons for now and my accumulator count on the island is not enough yet
Going to Fulgora first makes Vulcanus so much less painful
>Man makes "I Made a X" video to trick people into being taught more about mechanical deign concepts
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I need to gamble rare pumpjacks
using this assembler I have 0.128 * 0.128 = 1.6384% chance for rare quality, right?
gamble the ingredients first, a full set of parts is a guaranteed item.
no, it is always 10% chance to jump additional tiers.
so it would 0.128 * 0.09 = 0.01152
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>can put generic fluid or item condition in interrupts
>can't put a generic one in a regular train stop condition
am i missing something here? i just want it to go if it has, say, 10k of ANYTHING, but i can't, i have to specify what it should look for in a train specifically
this would cost a lot of 3* resources
I can gamble using 2* I suppose, I have a ton of those everywhere and haven't used them for anything
didn't read but cute girl
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Do productivity modules have rarities? I crafted like +100 of these and didn't even get 1 uncommon. Meanwhile I usually get at least 1 uncommon in around 40~50 crafts with my setup.

Not sure if they don't have rarities or if that was just really unlucky
don't you need to put quality mods in to have ANY chance at quality?
dosh is actually smart
nilaus is an old man with too much time and a calculator and excel spreadsheet
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What do you think I'm doing?
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in other news, biters have qualities
what fucking pile of shit is your planet if all your biters are normal?
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Well I guess I'm just the king of bad luck
I'm sorry sir I haven't upgraded my pollution production to legendary just yet
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>80% of platform full of spess science
space science sure feels worthless in space age outside of logistic network
It unlocks infinite research.
Is there point in oil trains anymore? Are they better then pipes?
each fluid wagon can hold 50k
Do I need anything other than some circuits to switch off cracking when heavy/light oil runs low to prevent my oil refining from locking up due to overflow of one byproduct?
No, just controlling two pumps (one for heavy -> light, one for light -> pet) is enough. You should use way more petroleum than heavy/light, so as long as you have enough cracking things shouldn't back up.
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The higher efficiency steam generation is much appreciated, now they don't have to line the coast to get all the water they needed
nta but isn't the space inside the pipes infinite?
How can I make a timer that starts counting backwards instead of resetting to zero once it hits the max value? I just can't wrap my head around that.
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My Iron group for my trains has like 12 stops now, should I split it into two groups for maximum efficiency? It's taking ages for iron to get delivered to certain stops

Also what is the most effective way to switch all my trains from using coal to using rocket fuel without bringing my factory to a grinding halt.
is mining copper and iron on space platforms viable? there's no size limit to a platform so I'm guessing it could be scaled up however much you need
Only if you're worried about rocket fuel. If you don't use petroleum fast enough (or at all due to some production line being backed up) then eventually rocket fuel won't be made either. If you were worried about that you'd have to introduce some logic to use petroleum for rocket fuel as a last resort and then you'd be completely covered.
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I don't know how you do this normally but I wanted a way to toggle my active provider chests on/off based on how much total was stored in them. So now when the total storage is above X amount the items travel over to an area where they get scanned and trigger the active provider chests open for bots. Once the total number drops below Y the items travel through and deactivate the chests again.
>but why
My bots were shuffling back and forth because I have inserters shoving some of the chests contents into other machines. This way the bots only get called if there's enough items for them to move.

I'm sure there's an easier way to toggle things on/off but I'm pretty happy this worked.
i hadn't actually thought about that but god yeah the pump requirement for nuclear is gonna be so much less awful now
Just add more trains.
For refueling, use an interrupt to have them go to stations called Refuel (or whatever you want) when low on fuel. At those stations add some measure to remove coal and insert rocket fuel.
Based on my experience you can run a lot of trains with just one refueling station, I was up to 70 trains in the system and never had any issues as a result of refueling.
you want to upgrade tiers
steel, gears and pipes are all three steps (ore->plate->end result), circuit is 3 steps for iron, 4 steps for copper
essentially for quality you make a duplicate smelting and mall with quality modules and you "ascend" the better qualities to the better quality line
Have another combinator subtracting clock output from max value?
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I don't know what happened but I wasn't this unlucky before I unlock the epic rarity. Now I don't get anything rare anymore, this is some crazy bullshit
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>put a generic train stop for iron
>a train goes there
>put a generic train stop for copper
>iron train keeps going for iron
>put a second train down
>it also goes for iron
what's the fucking point then?
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it begins again
Use the train priorities don't do that
Add more trains and let god wube sort it out
sr latch
So it would be something like slapping a circuit reading storage tank capacity and switching off supply to cracking plants when it gets below certain threshold? I was thinking controlling plants directly, but this is more simple.
I'll keep that in mind, thanks.
>Just one more train bro I promise my factory will work just one more train
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stop rolling quality on end products retards
have you tried putting in quality modules?
I tried putting my cock in your fat mom's mouth but it was full of food so I gave up on it
it's more convenient than having five factories doing the same thing but more rare
funny how the only people not enjoying themselves with the expansion are the brainlets screeching at how a set of arbitrary things are ruining their game for them just because they're bad at the game and whose opinions don't matter.
I am enjoying myself but I still think the spess platform is uninteresting garbage with questionable design choices
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>funny how the only people not enjoying themselves with the expansion are the brainlets screeching at how a set of arbitrary things are ruining their game for them just because they're bad at the game and whose opinions don't matter.
I wish cars were remotely controllable too
I keep forgetting where I parked that fucking thing
There's an add on the shows on the map where your vehicle is.
this image would be funny with quality tiers scattered over the bricks, but the post is too shit for that kind of effort.
I know but walking to it is slower than having it come to me
>One of my platforms just suddenly disappears despite being parked on nauvis
Thank fuck i had an autosave 5 minutes earlier with the thing still there. What the fuck wube.
Asteroids still damage platforms while over other planets? That will make my sleep only save a lot more complicated...
They do. Its why you gotta have guns and be self sufficient on ammo.
you fat fingered the "delete without confirmation get fucked lmao" buttom
Oh fuck thats a thing? I didn't even notice it.
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post nurail creations
>implying the joy of the game isn't actually adding more trains and see them swirl around
Yeah, I always use a pump connected to the input line for my cracking of that type. There are other ways to do it (the first time I ever set up cracking I used a power switch to control it), but this way is very straightforward and works for me.
Rolling on end products costs zero (0) extra setup and has benefits, the full chain quality is much more efficient but requires quite a bit of infrastructure set up.
I see. Is there somewhere safe where I can design my ship? I wouldn't want to have it destroyed because I fell asleep while designing it.
Nauvis is 100% safe. Everywhere else you gotta be self sufficient.
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about to launch my first rocket
what all should I send?
this desu
>full time egg, fag, and v threads going with lots of people posting progress and having fun
>one or two seethers trying to tell people to stop having fun
>satisfactory posting is completely dead
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>mfw learning circuits
Is there a way to measure the freshness of an item? How are you supposed to keep at least one pentapod egg without it hatching?
How long does it take for ore patches to regenerate mined everything in sawyer
all roboports
Dunno why people hate fulgora. The process of recycling and sorting shit and working with what you have is fun and the terrain gives you a nice challenge. The weakest part of it is the lightning mechanic which is just sort of there.
all roboports no robots?
The part I didn't like was my dumb idea of doing logistic embargo with space rush on fulgora. No way to move things from an island to another.
>Planets are just 15 000 km apart
Does Wube even understand how Space works?
you can get there in 12 parsecs
High orbital velocity, please understand.
Planets are only 2000km wide.
You can use trains. You can put elevated rail supports on the shallow oil.
Thanks, now that you pointed that out I can't unsee it. Nauvis is closer to the shattered planet than the moon is to the earth.
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the fucking platform starter, obviously
even i figured that one out, and i'm a slav
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Is there a way to locate dropped items in Satisfactory? It would be somewhere in the explored area and I'm not finding it by hand.
I accidentally dropped around 80-90 power shards a while back and since I haven't gotten the synthetic shards yet they are irreplaceable.
so apparently launching the rocket in space age counts as a rocket launch for the old achievements
just got the no laser turrets one
Someone needs to make a mod that lets you orbital bombard planets
LOIC mod would be cool
so wait how does a 1 ton space platform starter pack become a 60 ton platform?
I'm reloading a previous save and packing a shitton of stuff before I go to another planet
Starting from near scratch is too painful
I got all sciences but purple in vulcanus while using 0 logistic bots and dropping with no supplies would not recommend
Jetpack is the biggest QOL mod to ever hit the game.
No, you can't. Because space rush means no purple or yellow science, and guess where elevated rails are? Purple science. Logistic embargo means no requester or buffer, the only way to move things from an island to another is with... Tanks, because you can give them logistic request and it doesn't break the embargo despite being unlocked by the same research that gives you requesters. You can just use an inserter to pull stuff out of them.
Dosh was right.
Wube doesn't understand fluid dynamics. Like Dosh and the anon below me, Wube is a hack.
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You can learn programming, reverse engineer Satisfactory's save file format, parse it, and find the coordinates of the item.
I don't think there's any other option.
just dupe some shards
so many power shards gone ;-;
How do you do that? am noob
i uninstalled because it made all other methods of transportation pointless
i think the last time i ever used an exoskeleton was before i downloaded jetpack

don't dupe, it's a waste of time and effort, just use a save editor
if you gonna cheat then cheat properly
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We ARE going to make it, bros
You have a 12.8% chance of a rare pumpjack from one round of that machine
Gamble both. Ingredients, recycled ingredients and shitboxes.
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Boy I sure am glad I got my purple science automated
>died because a cargo pod landed on my head
I had like 100k of 2* iron plates and pumpjacks drain the oil fields super quick on nauvis, getting them to rare was essentially "free" and very much worth it

>out of rare red circuits, still missing 11 3* speed modules
Guys im afraid to leave Nauvis... The biters will wreck my base when im gone no?

I don't want to go through the tedium of setting it all up again manually after the biters trash it :( but im also not enough of a testicleless faggot to play with biter expansion off.

Wat do? How to ensure the Nauvis factory remains intact while im gone?
wtf do I do with all of the solid fuel that I get on Fulgora? Burning it seems like a waste of water, and using it to burn excess water seems insufficient. Do I really just need to endlessly recycle to delete them?
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this shit right here makes want to smash my desk
why do asteroid chunks have the stack size of 1? i am so fucking mad right now
build the wall
Cool. That's a solid idea actually. Extra thicc wall and flamers.
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I am the slowest dude on earth
finally going to vulcanus Soon (tm)
Anyone else hasn't even touched quality yet?
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When am I allowed to ride a destroyer around vulcanus? They seem cool
I'm waiting for fulgora to roll deep in quality, and I'm still finishing up my vulcanus to make it more self-sufficient before going there.
>Do I really just need to endlessly recycle to delete them?
Use some for rocket fuel but you'll probably end up doing a recycle loop to delete them anyway.
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I really fucked up when building this abomination
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Chunky boy
What's that checker board room where people make blueprints? Is it a mod?
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editor extensions
I like the fact that you can build your spaceships how you want, but shouldn't being aerodynamic be an issue
or is it just because there's no air particles to hit in space so everything is aerodynamic when there's no air cops around?
you know you can just rebuild shit, right?
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anon what the fuck
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>Is there a way to measure the freshness of an item?
Inserters can pick out the freshest or least fresh item in a box.
>How are you supposed to keep at least one pentapod egg without it hatching?
Provided you have nutrients to cycle it every 15 minutes or less you can keep it going indefinitely. Get rid of ones about to hatch. Protip: almost everything on Gleba has a fuel value.
having to send robots up to build the platform would have been more interesting
also is using q the only way to build on them?
makes me miss space trains
I'm asking "Does it matter if something is "aerodynamic" if there's no air in space"

will a borg cube be as efficient as a perfectly sleek rocket ship
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>Need to scale up purple science
>Okay need to scale up steel
>Relocate entire steel smelting operation to be more efficient and scalable
>Okay need to scale up Red chips
>Okay need to scale up Green chips
>Okay need to scale up Copper

>Can't get fulgora ammo or personal battery upgrade without shipping in coal or doing gleba or shipping out fulgora science
Time to make a 3rd platform that goes around and collects science or other shit and dumps it no choice
excluding the whole conversation about virtual particles, solar wind and "well it isn't really pure vacuum because", there is no air in space, because there no anything in space - space is a vacuum. there's literally nothing there
as such, it doesn't matter how is your vessel shaped, there is literally zero aerodynamic drag in space. how do you think the iss goes areound shaped like that
this is elementary school knowledge anon
Fulgora armor* not ammo but elec wep also factors in but I'm not sure why I'd ever want to use it
factory must grow larger
I'm waiting for both foundries and EM machines for scaling up my science. I can't fully feed my current setup, but that's ok since I'm not blocked on science (I'm blocked on needing to set up infrastructure).
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oh no
As far as I know there is no restriction. You need pointy ships in SE because you're in a nebula or something.
so yes, it doesn't matter
I think I'm just gonna do every non-exclusive science in vulcanus and ship it to nauvis only so I can use the gigalabs. The resources are so free it's not even funny
>be different :)
cost? one extra explosive is basically nothing
depends on the situation

for demolishers, you want the piercing uranium shell, and make sure to hit as many segments as possible, i.e. head-to-tail
if it can't pierce, try rarer shells, or use the explosive ones

if the explosive cannon shell gets stopped by single biters/small groups of biters
when you wanted to hit a nest or a large group of biters
then consider the piercing

if the piercing cannot go through one of the large biters
then consider the explosive
>Can only craft the recycler on fulgora because reasons
Some of these restrictions are pretty dumb.
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Why the fuck is this happening? Occasionally I'll see all my trains are stopped up and I'll go look, and one train with a Fuel related interrupt will just be sitting perfectly still for no particular reason. If I manually drive it forward 1 inch then set it back to automatic, everything starts moving again. But I have no clue why its just sitting here instead of heading to its destination
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>a yellow belt of enriched ore can fully saturate a red belt with less than 48 furnaces, and will actually have overflow
>and it won't even use the whole belt of ore

this is fucking cursed
what the hell are the ratios
ive been dumping all my quality stuff into a warehouse and surrounded it with assemblers that always try to keep a certain amount of certain quality intermediate products, then just have one assembler on the corner that can be used to spit out higher quality personal gear. feels a lot better then printing 100 things hoping to hit the gacha. its been pretty reliable to come back to for rare personal solar panels, armors, etc
Its more fun to stumble across it again.
or be a bitch and upload you save to that map site
that screenshot doesn't tell anyone anything
show the interrupt and show the train's current status
>random quality items will clog your smelters if they're smeltable
>random quality items will clog your belts if they're on assembly line, as they're not accepted by assemblers
>random quality items will clog your trains if you use 'cargo full' condition
I wonder how many new, wonderful ways for it to fuck you over I have yet to discover
Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?
wtf am I supposed to do with all of the stone on vulcanus? make concrete?
you have a perfectly good lava lake right there to throw it all back
throw it into lava
For these city block factories with transport by trains, how do you deal with the productions of basic building stuff, like assemblers, belts, pipes, inserters? There are so many things we need to build a factory and the game loves to throw a curve ball with something like rails needing stone when most of the other stuff doesn't.

Do you have a city block for these things, like one that makes nothing but all colors of inserters, one for rails and train stuff, another for modules, and then just deliver every single type or resource needed for every single one of these blocks by a different train?
oh, neat. thought that was just a spaceship thing
As someone who gets a strange pleasure from large trains and convoluted rails, I wish more engineering games were based on them.
space and lava are pretty much the same thing
source: I'm a scientist
Next time it happens I'll get a better screenshot. Probably won't happen for a dozen hours though.

Just so fucking annoying, the interrupt is just "go to fuel station if fuel is below a third" and every 100 times it just fails for no reason
How do I make a game that kids would enjoy?
Why aren't you using better furnaces with modules?
What's the name of the mod that shows the length of an underground belt before placement?
>can use pipette tool (q) to "pick" an item from spess platform's inventory instead of having to add it to hotbars
clicker bros... maybe space platform isn't TOTAL trash after all
>What's the name of the mod that shows the length of an underground belt before placement?
"show max underground distance", of course
I have a strong feeling my gleba science will fall apart the second I return to nivel
>fucked up eggs on gleba
>go to one side of the factory to deal with the outbreak
>two big tanky dudes just walk right into my base and start breakdancing
jfc I fucking love gleba
what a breath of fresh air after the one-note kind-of-whatever fuggora
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For some reason this staircase is very satisfying
What the hell is the distance scaling on Vulcanus, my first tungsten patch was literally 4k and I unlocked 2 more territories a few chunks away from spawn and now I get 700k patches, 13m calcite and 52k acid. What the hell. That's over 10 times my patches near spawn.
Does it keep scaling that fast?
i've done fulgora and now vulcanus. shipping from vulcanus seems fairly straightforward: send the exclusive buildings that can only be built there to nauvis and also a few tungsten carbide/plates since it's clearly more efficient than sending the ore.
for fulgora though, should i just send holmium plates (along with the exclusive buildings) offworld and make the superconductors and stuff elsewhere or is it better to make them on fulgora?
>Why aren't you using better furnaces with modules?
Because I haven't even gotten oil yet and because wood is free as in freedom
Thanks m8
Your first patch was designated the "starter patch"
I thought enriched ore took some sort of oil product (like sulfuric acid or something). Been a while since I played K2, but I know I didn't enrich ore for a while.
you get an "my platform just got destroyed, I have nothing and I'm literally handmining shit" patch to start with, then you kill a small worm for a tiny shrimp dick patch, then when you kill a proper worm you get a proper patch
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Sorting the trash in fulgora is fun.
you got an inital patch? my closest patch was deep in small worm territory. i had to break rocks for tungsten to bootstrap the base
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>Sorting the trash in fulgora is fun.
can I somehow place a parameterized BP without instantiating it? preventing formulas from running etc. so it's easier to edit because all the values are left as-is
The two worms I killed were small.
>I thought enriched ore took some sort of oil product
okay yes that's true but I'm making a pre-oil furnace stack atm and I'm not gonna plan on updating it right away
I was testing the default smelting ratios and found out something that hit me the wrong way
also I?m not gonna lie, 90% of the time I play I don't actually use electric furnaces
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Welp Fulgora science is nearly gg my first attempt at beacons. Not leaving til I setup trains which I'm unaware of how to do
they generally only transport intermediate materials around So you would have smelting blocks for all the metals into plates, circuit blocks, etc. Then for say science or whatever you bring the constituent materials in and convert it into whatever you need for that blocks production line. So a block for purple science you would have red circuits, green circuits, steel, iron plates, stone and stone bricks show up by train
>90% of the time I play I don't actually use electric furnaces
So you build an entire enrichment setup that needs a lot of pipes n shit, and whose main power is the extra processing (= more modules), but… you don’t use the furnace that accepts modules?
this is so ass backwards
Is there a mod to make inserters alternate between grabbing stuff from both lanes in a belt to balance it?
How do i give an inserter priority over another with circuits? Im too stupid for this.
I have enough shit to launch a rocket but not enough to sustain launches. as soon as I create an orbital platform does it start taking damage, or only when it's on-route to a planet?
The space above nauvis is entirely safe, everywhere else is not.
nauvis platforms don't take damage
so you can take your time and learn the system
- Yolo
- Save scum to learn
(((power gap)))
- Asking about how mechanics you haven’t seen work
- Downloading blueprints off the internet
- Sideways belts
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I was planning to go for this achievement, however I already unlocked yellow & purple. does it really mean unlock, or does it just mean produce/start research with yellow & purple? All the other "don't do X" achievements always allowed you to research, it was just building it that mattered
You can check in the achievement tab if it is disabled in your save or not - it's in the top right of the minimap area (the trophy).
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gay, guess I have to restart now
I mean it says unlock in the text
pretty cut and dry
>So you build an entire enrichment setup that needs a lot of pipes n shit, and whose main power is the extra processing (= more modules)
No, the entire point is not to waste ore

10 ore in the basic setup gives 5 iron, that's a net 50 loss compared to vanilla

by enriching it with sulfuric acid you spend 9 ore to get 6 enriched, which can be smelted at a 1 to 1 ratio
That ups the ratio from 2 copper ore per plate to 1.5 copper ore per plate, which is significant
not only that, but you can prodmod the chemical plant that enriches the iron

granted, you can also prodmod the furnace which I didn't think about
that means you get gives not only can be prod moduled to give more enriched iron per iron consumed
yeah but it's inconsistent and doesn't make any sense for it to be unlock, why I made the mistake in the first place
How do I make an RS latch with nu-circuits? im dum btw
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it's stupid easy now
one decider combinator
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How does quality in recyclers work exactly? If I grind these down do I get a chance at uncommon chips?
go to editor, there's some option on the left to remove entities and replace everything with the checkerboard lab tiles
You've got a 25% chance to get the components. Since they're uncommon, you'll get uncommon components. If you include quality in the recycler itself, you'll have a chance to get higher quality components as well.
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well shit

could have at least shown the whole window so we can see where you went wrong
I see makes sense just fuck that's making like 4x the amount of machines for a good chance at legendary lol
fulgora is a bit rough if you drop mid blue, and without much prep. mainly because of the island constraint. it's otherwise very cool

are the smaller scrap patches on the larger islands enough to get stuff done?
Legendary things are very expensive, yes.
You also can't get them until you go to aquilo
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I failed here
why would you want to cheat away core problem solving mechanics?
I got this done with small patches>>500082010 I haven't built my rails it's obvious the small patches will eventually dry so I have to setup the rails before I leave
What's the gameplay incentive for making foundries stack only to 5 in rockets when they're only able to be made on vulcanus? That seems overly restrictive for no real reason.
416mw on coal
They're op once you unlock gleba tech
416 maga wat
he showed a maximum of 48
can you get sulfur and coal on fulgora?
i was thinking of making it my main base to supply aquillo because nauvis is 2 planets away
ah, good stuff. thanks
Coal is no sulfur yes. Although with gleba tech you can build a permanent platform that supplies coal down
oh was looking at the satisfaction
would have been impressed by a pure pollution generating 500mw of coal power though
Is there a mod for platform -> platform transfer yet?
When will it come in vanilla?
is top set, bottom reset?
>surely oxide asteroids aren't that rare <-- clueless
and now here i am shooting up barreled water
rockets are free on volanus dude
Bro your vulcanus tech?
Yes, signal is triggered at 20k, signal is then held on until it drops below 10k when it cuts it off with the simple AND condition
i'm above nauvis, filling up my tanks with fuel to leave for vulcanus
>prod3 unlocked
>not using the EM plant
shit nigger what are you doing
I never will
can you get quality biter eggs
do they spawn quality biters
same with pentapods?
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why do people seethe over warehouses when they are in vanilla?
Maybe he hasn't been to Fulgora yet
Not anymore, decider combinators are pretty much coding 101.
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in vanilla you have to do pic related if you want to read the wagon's contents though
wait hold is production on multiple steps additive or exponential
It's multiplicative, so neither.
I just ended up replacing everything possible in my starter bus with EM plants and foundries since I find the idea of exploring all planets more enticing than rebuilding a proper base
Thanks to modules the initial 60 SPM became 90 at least
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Multiplicative :)
1.45x smelted ore
1.45x * 1.45x more circuits
1.45x * 1.45x * 1.45x more red circuits
1.45x * 1.45x * 1.45x * 1.45x * more rockets and science
you guys give your spaceships cool names, right? surely you don't just name them [resource] hauler 1, 2, 3, etc
is there anyway to get the length of a belt section or how many items it can hold
there are many times I have a belt going in a loop and I don't want it to back up, so I limit the amount of items that can be put on it
but I don't have a good way to set the limits other than blueprinting and looking at the count and then setting it manually
i want a circuit that is like "use up to 20% of this belt"
The moment you drop under 10k this "RS latch" breaks
a tile of straight belt can hold 8 items. every other type of belt is arcane technology that can hold between zero and infinity items, so just pretend they're also straight belts.
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i did give it a proper name, but i should just rename it to Space Brick
this is my first platform, i didn't know what to expect on the flight to vulcanus and so this is the result
Do we even have generic trains? Can you implement LTN with just interrupts?
Unfortunately, I don't think that is enough to actually make it out of Nauvis orbit.
How did we live without angry ghost build?
jesus christ how many rocket launches have you done before leaving nauvis
I didn't
I am alive at last
maybe you could add a few more turrets?
building all that ship but only 4 cargo bays? C'mon step up those numbers rookie
Its why the bottom up method is actually mostly a trap, a huge piece of overengineering for very dubious gains. If resources by the time you have access to recyclers and at least epic quality (i.e after both Vulcanus, Fulgora and Gleba) are infinite anyway, what do you care about resource efficiency? At that point you'd be more interested in making a clean, compact, expandable setup, and top down quality production does that much better than bottom up.
Is there a way to get the 2.0 graphics in 1.1
the mods I'm playing with haven't updated yet but 2.0 has this c r i s p look to it
can you feed all those turrets
can you collect enough stuff to feed your ammo production
quick switch into editor extension mode to paste things and then delete my items manually
how do you use modules on your ship's factories?
it's already above vulcanus


i initially wanted 2 rows of turrets on each side as well, but i figured most asteroids will be at the front of the platform so 1 row is enough

i don't know
if there's no oxidizer being produced and the smelters are fully saturated, it's making 10 yellow ammo/sec
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nta but you only need as much ammo as there are asteroids, so it's more about coverage
>demolishers destroy everything they touch, meaning if you don't kill them fast enough everyone vulcanus biome turns into a boring flatland with no distinguishing features other than the color of the ground
aw man
have you seen this happen? ive heard they don't roam like that
Unless you deliberately fuck with them, Destroyers just patrol around the edge of their territories.
doesn't really make sense that poison capsules affect them desu, I mean they're just big nuclear trains
a territory I wanted to get went from rocky to flatland in a couple days' time when I wasn't looking. maybe I got unlucky
>he thinks the k stands for kilo
It's 15000 kovarex meters.
Factorio should have the same power outage system as Satisfactory. The game has so many complicated and hardcore mechanics, yet power management is way too forgiving. You consume more than you produce? Don't worry, the game will automatically scale the usage down. You didn't notice you accidentally deleted a belt section feeding your power stations? Don't worry, just fix it and bring a bit of fuel manually to restart the whole power system.
Instead, it should be a total blackout. If a player fucks up, he needs to spend an hour to get the power back.
I thought they only destroyed cliffs when they were aggroed
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Playing Factorio for 10 hours feels like I just put in a shift at a job, god damn.

Love it though
Yeah just make sure its aquadynamic tho
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DESU instead of just deleting cliffs the demos should reform them, whenever it destroys a cliff it spawns more cliffs to it's sides forming a little valley.
Also would be cool if the natural rock formations on vulcanus snaked around a little and looked like the demolisher corpses just +1000 years of weathering.
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Oh yeah...we have a redo button now
why do my oil rigs read shit like "produces 100/s" but also "expected resources: 50/s"? what number do I believe? I don't even have any modules on them
>took 4 hours on Vulcanus to realize that foundries got productivity making other foundries
I am completely and utterly retarded.
mining productivity?
the fuse was literally made for noobs
The moment something goes wrong you are loudly notified and forced to deal with the issue. if you deleted a belt feeding a power station you'll be notified in like 100s.
The fact that factorio allows you to ignore power problems as they imperceptibly get worse and worse makes it harder, not easier. The fact that you need to need to stage restarts after a blackout because you otherwise don't have enough power to make power is harder than a basically global binary switch.
I have literally never had to spend more than five minutes restarting power in satisfactory past the biomass stage, with 80% of that being commuting to the power generation.
I have had game-ending blackouts in factorio
So oil fields start out at X production but every few hundred cycles that production decreases by 1% and bottoms out at 20% of its initial level. The patch never runs out, but gets slower and slower. Since it's infinite you can just cram speed modules in it to get more out of it
let's fucking go, KS combat got updated to 2.0.
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Does that item/second take productivity into account?
I'm personally hoping for RP Steam Roboports
>KS combat
why would you want the most annoying part of krastorio in vanilla
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>coal train just sits in the station that supplies my plastic production
>this causes my boilers to run out of coal which kills the whole base
>realize I can solve this with interrupts and wireless signals
man, 2.0 really was a godsend
>he LOATHES seeing his gun turrets shoot actual bullets and rip straight through trees and biters alike
hey, if you wanna be a stinky gay homo ladyboy that's on you but leave me out of it
read the recipe. the recipe is 20 molten iron to 2 plates, which would be 25 molten iron to 2.5 plates. multiply that by 1.5 for productivity gives 3.75.
no I have fire lights for that
I just hate fucking aiming my gun to hit biters because mouse control is wonky as fuck
clearly you don't like hurting other people
Gleba is a great filter
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Vulcanus ore generation is all kinds of fucked up. These micro coal patches I keep running into have to be a bug.
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I'm pretty sure that's a good thing anon
Why not just make another train
Why don;t they make the game check for updates before actually loading in, anyway
Equip a rare mk2 and space rush are not even the rarest achievements I have... Why did so many people go for those?
I can't even imagine how you can have a game ending blackout in Factorio due to a fuck-up. Only massive enemy damage can cause that.
Solar doesn't even require any actions, just wait until the night ends. Boilers just require you bringing some coal. Nuclear is a bit tricky with its U-238, but essentially it is the same thing, just bring few uranium cells.
You don't need to start all boilers and reactors at the same time, you don't need to power your water pumps and wait until the pipes are full.
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where do i build
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Check out my spooky gear destroyer.
cause I don't feel like having as many trains as I have drop off points
when are we going to get proc gen terrain in vidya that doesn't become your grandma's carpet when you zoom out far enough
>keep trying to connect iron smelting foundry to steel smelting foundry
>keep adding copper wire assemblers when I already have copper wire foundries
It's over for me. The brainrot has set in.
What is a good rule when to use speed or productivity modules?
always and if you dont have enough make more
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it takes like 3 minutes for the search to work when I type scrap
this spot looks like it has the most buiding area but not sure if the islands near it are in robo range, or well robo range that I can protect
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Uh so why do we need nuclear again?
Over 65GW just from plastic/rubber residue. A single oil patch can get me 140GW more though I'd kms myself before that while building almost 600 generators.
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>1 ton rocket weight limit
>only the engineer can go in a rocket
go into the angry ghost menu, select the module, and then put them in the things that can take those modules.
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>"Hmm, why do I never have enough steel from scrap?"
I wish that Factorio wasn't infinite and instead had a world-scale terrain gen, like Civ IV. Having infinitely expansive worlds doesn't really mesh well with a grounded or immersive experience, especially now that multiple planets exist in-game.
They know their playerbase
hey math people! can you tell me something? with all the buffs from legendary big drills, cheaper mining productivity and foundry, can you now become positive when mining? i know you couldn't before space age but with the new stuff surely now you could right?
But factorio isn't infinite.
Then limit your world when you start new game.
You know what I mean.

Not the same as having worldgen explicitly designed to create believable terrain over an entire planet, with continents, archipelagos, rivers, climate, etc.
Ah yes, a black void surrounding my square patch of world. How immersive.
>a black void surrounding my square patch of world
show it in your gameplay, or it didn't happen
Nothing about factorio is "grounded" or "immersive".
You craft a train and put it in your pocket.
play the damn videogame.
Been a while since I played so much factorio I got the tetris effect of seeing moving belts everywhere
Cargo doesn't need life support.
Is there a way to set turrets on the space platform to automatically refill or do you have to do it the old fashioned way with belts and inserters?
Gotta get belts and inserters up there.
The lack of sleep is giving you schizophrenia symptoms. There's no tetris effect.
Belts and inserters work, but chests don't because the gravity is too low.
its a set on high, reset on low, not set on low reset on high
Play rdr2 if you want immersion
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how early can you reach the edge of the galaxy? are you forced to go to EVERY planet first?
I don't understand how to design a factory properly. Whenever I try, I just end up putting spaghetti everywhere. I make cursed designs that have no thoughts put into them.
Now that I think about it, how do items stick to the belts without gravity?
As early as aquilo. The only way toward the edge of the galaxy is by flying to aquilo first. You also need to research it which requires the aquilo science pack and you definitively need a railgun which is also on aquilo.
isn't aquilo effectively the last planet?
desu increasing the bias towards water/lava/heavy oil/soup/ammonia the further you go from 0 0 could work. discworld style terrain gen.
>the only thing you can make with hohokum ore is hohokum fluid
>you can only use quality hohokum ore with quality stone
>to make non-quality fluid
it was a pretty bad design to not let you downgrade quality
i can't even set up a recycler chain with speed modules or anything to fix this
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anon pls
My chest full of pentapod eggs just hatched :(
Pictures or it didn't happen.
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how much of this will I need, worth a dedicated train factory?
It is and it requires all the other planet's science packs to unlock and most of their technology to access.
send copper and steel plates up, craft it in orbit
get orbital iron and steel production set up
send just copper up
until you get the copper from asteroids tech
One assembler of it will be good enough running in the background to get you more platforms as you need to get more transit routes.
what it's real? so wube went out of their way to use fantasy ores like calcite and tungsten on vulcanus but they can't be bothered to make hohokum into mithril?
what's the solar panel ratio on volcanus?
A lot but not very often so a single provider chest is more than you'll ever need. You may need between 500 and 1500 for your interplanetary platforms and over 4k for your intergalactic platforms.
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Anon, I REALLY hope you're joking or trolling...
>fantasy ore
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can someone explain to me why both the belts of copper feeding into copper wires aren't being saturated? im making 2 red belts worth of plates
>calcite is just bone rock
how the FUCK are we getting that shit off asteroids?
So on Gleba, its just a giant sushi belt to deal with spoilage?
Space whales.
i stand corrected, are yamatos and jellynuts real too?
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well I can't use it for a long time, but there it is
bones are in animals which are on a planet which is in space
generally, said animals don't perform nuclear reactions that change elements, so all they have to work with is from space
I have one belt with nutrients on one side and spoilage on the other. Any biochamber is put on one side of the belt such that inserters can take nutrients from the near side and place spoilage on the far side without spoilage backing up fresh nutrients. At the end of each belt, a filter splitter for spoilage to go on the line.
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Thanks anons. Pic related, I finally managed something that works, although it's not very compact. She aint much, but she's mine. Solving the sushi was more fun than I thought, the new combinators are great.
It would've been cool if inserters would also fling items around on the platform itself and catch them, in straight lines. So instead of space belts, you'd have like inserter bucket brigades of items getting flung around. And then when the platform is accelerating, all the floating items would drift to the back of the platform, so you have to account for the curves.
why does space age have real life materials instead of keeping the fantasy theme of vanilla
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Stone is real and it can hurt you
wait what the fuck the fulg assembly machines have a 50% productivity bonus. this just saved me so much copper
yea I mean iron and copper
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How can I make a counter that increments to 3 and resets by using a clock in pic related.
I want i to count to 3 with T being the timer. I just can't figure it out
There's unused space on the sides that you could safely cut off to reduce the platform's mass. It annoys me that people ignore this.
yellow belt being a shit somewhere.
Drag an upgrade planner over the whole thing
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Fuck these things. Into the fire they go until I actually have a silo ready to start making/shipping science
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No, those are fictional.
Apparently young coconuts are sometimes called jellynuts, but they look nothing like the ones on Gleba.
Searching for "yamato fruit" brings up something from One Piece, but it doesn't appear to be common/plentiful there, so it may or may not be a reference.
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This Gleba spoilage shit is insane
If you haven't been there yet you have no idea what you're in for
Everything has to be fed from/to provider chests or from/to belts leading to provider chests to take away anything that might spoil in transit to or at its destination
way different build-flow from regular chest/belts/inserters......
Why not just stop the inserters feeding that part of the factory instead of just letting it run?
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both iron and copper ore can have huge variances in color IRL you disingenuous shitlord.
Sounds like a fun logistical challenge. I'm hype.
not enough information for me to understand
why does gleba have a giant anus
>we're on a pentapod aren't we
>He hasn't found it on the map yet
Get hype, that's when shit gets fun.
How do I stop them from hatching?

see my setup:
Oh yeah you gotta keep one alive. Nevermind. As you were.
Control production using circuits, so there's only as many as needed?
You don't really stop them though.
You simply kill them when they hatch.
Turrets everywhere.
Construction bot coverage with repair packs everywhere.
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forgot the base pic
If you use debug, you realize the same coords for the space mode are used
the map is moving
Wait the Factorio devs finally fixed the issue where placing a belt onto another would put its content into your inventory? Holy shit only took them a fucking decade.
The single most commonly mined copper ore, like what was used to make the computer you're playing factorio on, was mined from chalcopyrite, which is very copper colored. Iron color just depends on how oxidized it is.
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I can't even remember when that was a thing. Must be years ago when they changed that.
I didn't need to see that.
Stop being gay.
the condition is when I on red (which is connected only to it's own output) is smaller than S from green (connected to something else)
then it outputs I from the green input and also 1 I, meaning it outputs I incremented by 1
which is feed back to itself
the output is on the green wire which produces a looping sequence of I from 0 to value of S (exclusive)
wait I read that wrong you already have a timer
well, first of, if T is the period, then you shouldn't be incrementing T
make an incrementing circuit that goes from 0 to 3*T
feed that into a divide by T
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>FuG :DD ora
This whole having a job thing is really cutting into my free time. All I want to do is play vidya, masturbate, and sleep. Is that so much to ask? I'm craving Factorio so bad i keep glancing at the clock every 2 minutes and I still have 6 hours to go. Post your base. Sate me.
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VolcAnus done
is there any point in even setting up city blocks on vulcanus
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let's call this a prototype
it needs kickstarting with nutrients, but I suppose anything would
so Im seeing people saying rockets are "free" on volcanus
do I bother with a bigass LDS production build or do I do the bare minimum to setup space science, get my ass over to vulcanus, setup there, then ship it back?
Only if you're a soulless German who thinks anything else is too inefficient.
bro how
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It's "kinda free" because you can pull infinite metal from lava
You still need to setup teh olde oil production into plastic tho
It's still worth to setup LDS prod on Nauvis, you're gonna need to ship stuff from there
Bare minimum on Nauvis to start going to other planets. Probably not worth shipping LDS around, even with cheap Vulcanus rockets, but you can ship calcite and use that on Nauvis with molten metals.
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What's the first electro science I should research? train oil foundations?
Well, what do you need to do to expand factory?
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This one seems promising
>Well, what do you need to do to expand factory?
...leave fulgora and go to a better planet
There aren't any great EM research options. Tesla turrets are stupid strong if you need help on Nauvis and are willing to ship them (pretty expensive). Mech armor, processing unit prod, and lightning collector (if for some reason you aren't filling up accumulators each night) are all also decent choices.
how do I automate dealing with the worms that spawn 5 tiles away from turret range?
So you're heading for a rocket. What do you need to make a rocket?
Roboport mk2 or qual 3. I went with qual 3 first but honestly nothing you want in fulgora can be obtained while only in fulgora without having gone to gleba first because there's no coal which means no grey science which means no mech armor, no energy shield, no deep oil rails, and no tesla weapons. Prepare a secondary shipping platform before going to fulgora or you get almost no rewards
The last planet in my options is Gleba but I heard so many badd things about it I'm procrastinating going there
Is it THAT bad?
Can I ship component there to make an early rocket silo and give me an escape route if I'm too annoyed?
Did you not set up military science on Nauvis?
Why don't you just.. you know.. check it out? Try something. Explore the game and its mechanics.
the only thing I move with bots is seeds, products to/from towers (train loading/unloading), and train fuel
maybe you are a retard
Of course but I don't have a third platform for shipping. Rn I'd have to load my ship with a bit over 7k fulgora science to get the stuff. I have a stationary platform in nauvis that just drops space science on it, and I have the one I use to move around, but I need one that is automated to pick up stuff from planets and deliver it elsewhere so that's what I'm doing now
Because I'm the average factorio player and keep getting sidetracked by random bullshit so I put going there low on my priority list
if you have stuff anywhere that's not provider a chest, your stuff will eventually spoil and you'll need a provider chest to take it away
The rewards are well worth it
>Calcite on ship equals foundrys on ship
>Copper on ship
>Sulfur on ship
>Means you can ship down calcite anywhere and have foundrys everywhere
Gleba is op but you need vulcanus first and you need to deal with gleba
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>Go to Fulgora to check it out as my first planet with a save before taking off just in case
>Piddling around some and try something quality since I have the modules anyway
>tfw realizing the gains from even early quality work
Man. I feel like I've been leaving a lot of money on the table by not checking this out earlier. I just figured the next quality from normal would be like 2% better. Retrofitting my current factory would be a nightmare too. God damn it. I fucking love tiddies.
Processing liquid metal on a spaceship sounds like an absolute nightmare
spoilage is handled in place
oh I remembered one more thing I have on bots
kickstarting bacteria production if they all die
if you need bots to handle spoilage when they give you a free building to void it you legitimately need remedial education
It is significantly more difficult than the other planets. You can just deliver everything you need to build a silo and construct rockets, but you'll need to keep shipping in all the components because automating iron/copper production on-site is not trivial. I'm actually surprised Wube was willing to release it in this state since I imagine a lot of people will get filtered by it. It reminded me of dealing with early-game Pyanodon with ash and burner assemblers, but actually harder since there's spoilage now too.
I actually packed an entire silo and several rockets worth of stuff to get back easily. I do need to get more ammo though the meteors took a lot more than I expected
It's interesting, but difficult.
Make sure you can defend yourself with nothing but imports, and you'll be fine.
It may take a while to get properly self-sufficient.
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is there a better way to add a bunch of qualities of items
is research interplanetary in SA, like how it works in SE? like can I have a lab on earth with red pots, a lab in space with white pots, and a lab on another planet with blues and greens, and all 4 will combine?
I watched it in some videos and it looked okay, fun, even. I assume it will give me more reasons to use more filters and logic circuits.
lol no
ship back every science
ship back gleba science extra fast
Isn't there a "anything greater than normal" option? I know i was trying to set up a requester chest that would try to request everything greater than normal and that doesn't work, but the option is there to use it for logic.
Wait... SE was like that?!?!?!?
Yeah you can only request one rarity. Bad ui. If you could request all rarities one requester chest with 4 inserters pointing at it could use all rarities by itself
>finally set up on fulgora, spend about 5 hours figuring out how to bot off all the excess and squeeze in a rocket silo on top of the science
>all the research is kinda worthless
>now i have to tear it all down and build on the bigger island nearby since i literally cannot fit a train station on my starter island
>my world generation settings for fulgora were low coverage because I figured it wasn't that important
>stuck in oil hell
I picked a too-small island too. I didn't tear it down though-just started building a different one somewhere else.
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How should I go about making my rail shit seems hard
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Weird it doesn't let me do that but it lets me do it if I add sections
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i just started on top of a massive scrap pile and figured i had to build it there, would have been better off going to a bigger one though.
just going to tear down, put a bunch of miners/power gen there and do a small train over to the other island where i can actually do more than 1 science plant
still, im a new player so this is a great learning experience about how to really use bots and circuits to monitor input/output, i made little iterations along the way and i already have some shit i want to change on nauvis because of it
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base going nice
I have nuclear power plant set up at different location
Wait what's? It wouldn't let me add another iron gear to the request once I had one on there. Even if it was a different rarity. Weird. Maybe I missed something.
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just randomly got this, while standing next to a requester chest...
That is absolutely horrifying lol

where is the mall
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Are two headed trains smart enough to know they need to pull into a dead end track and reverse back out to get to its destination? 20 hours in autoCAD.
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Can you turn this off on settings somewhere?
what mall
pick =, pick quality, pick item
No, they are not. You can add a stop at the end of the dead-end track and set the conditions to leave right away though.
The group of assemblers that produce stuff like miners, long inserters, and splitters into chests so you don't have to keep hand-crafting them and will later be used by the construction and logistic network for space deliveries.
Have you just been handcrafting machines?
So I can toggle groups in constant combinators....
Then I can create BP for early normal quality starter base and then with the constant combinator setup right I can just push a button to switch over all machines?
I dont have that
I have a 10 or so assemblers in my inventory I place it down and fill them with shit to craft staff where I am at

Maybe your achievement history got reset for some reason? The same happened to me after I installed the pushbutton mod, all achievements were gone but got instantly unlocked as soon as their condition was met, no matter what I did before. Guess mods that don't disable them make the achievement system view your save as a completely fresh run for some reason.
There should be a circuit condition that lets me toggle between which research to do. That way I can work on the non-Gleba prod techs between shipments of ag science.
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Can I even load scrap on a train here?
I like her boobs.
probably not, put a stop there and you'll see if it has the little rectangles for where cargo would be loaded otherwise the game won't recognize it
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What the fuck is this shit the ghost gave me lol that's all the coverage I could get
>atomic bomb is too heavy for a rocket
>i can carry a hundred of them and launch them from my rocket launcher
what were wube smoking?
Practically? No. ACHXTUALLY?!?!?!?! Space is not a total vacuum, Unless you are in super duper deep space where the nearest celestial body, nebula, or debris field is thousands of light years away. But in a system, especially as you approach a star or planetoid, there's going to be more & more minute particles and wisps of gases that come into contact with your craft, and so a more aerodynamic would benefit you. Said benefit would be on the scale of saving tiny amounts of fuel over a vast distance travelled, so again unless you're trying to travel to the next galaxy over, it's not really a practical issue.
can you not build elevated rails on lava even with the research?
Is there a way to force build a blueprint without using cliff explosives? They're a rare commodity item nowadays.
i'd forcebuild all i can and delete the ghosts after
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did I do this right for requesting enough stuff to craft for 1 minute
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it's because if that part
also you can turn ghosttracks with R
how many belts of input does your 4 wide bus have?
>tank has an equipment grid
>you can drive it remotely from other planets
now i feel very stupid overpreparing my defenses before i left
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better to have it and not need it then need it and not have it
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i wish you could just say use whatever quality
i dont give a shit what quality each one is until it is filled
I like the idea of quality, but the implementation feels very poor.
it just doesn't mesh well with the rest of the game, like in your example with blueprints, or in crafting how everything has to be the same tier and requires a separate assembler.
if instead, you could craft something with half quality ingredients and half no quality ingredients, and the outcome is you have half the chance of the product being high quality, then I'd like it a lot more. like if the output was determined by the input instead of needing a separate machine for every tier
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Fixed a bug that would cause deadlock
Added a feature to disable crafting of certain items that are bulk crafted elsewhere but also intermediates.
Lots of "real world" tweaking.

The deadlock would be caused by repeatedly trying to craft an item (such as red belts) with an intermediate as an input (yellow belts, in this case). It would overload the intermediates output chest. Just added an active provider chest to take away items that exceed the stack size.
What were the keys to swap the fluid inputs on a chem plant again?
So whats the point of a mod like reverse factory witht he recycler now?
There arent many mods, but its interesting how a few are just tossed away now
Will many of the mods ever get updated, or are they gonna be forever broken since 2.0 changed so many api calls for some reason?
instead of hotkey 'f' there are now 'h' and 'v' for flipping some things.
it would need to be weighted somehow based on some things like the difficulty of the ingredients
like crafting violet science with a legendary supercap and a normal quality accuulator should be legendary a lot more than if you you did the reverse, because one is a lot more complex to produce than the other
otherwise you would just only qualty the easy shit
or like iron bacteria is just iron bacteria and bioflux
you make one legendary iron bacteria and then you can make infinity legendary from normal quality bioflux
wait you can do that?
i played fish mode plus right before spage
it would still be interesting
never heard of reverse factory
New feature.
Far Reach?
More like Landmine Artillery.
would have been nice to know 40 hours ago
H and V
For Horizontal and Vertical
yeah I get that, I figured it would be really easy to compute something's "weight" based on total number of raw ingredients plus how many steps it takes to make in the first place, or something like that. even then I still think not having weight at all would be better than the current system we have now if it meant assemblers were dynamic
if you can't build in the sludge on fulgora does that mean you can't power your other islands and they each need their own shit
like we can build space platforms but just can't figure out how to put a wire next to a rail which we've done since the 1820s
Yeah, but you get super landfill after Vulcanus, so don't worry about it.
You get rail foundation on vulcanus
Super landfill is Aquila
>tfw need to build 15 refineries for yellow science and robots
>in addition to my existing 10
I might need to invade another country soon bros
>Building anything on Fulgora
>Have to wait half an hour to build anything so that my bots can pick up all the garbage on the ground
I'm finally getting ready to head to fulgora, I have finished my time on vulcanus for now. I didn't get green belt production there, but I did get miners and foundries automated.
What should I bring to fulgora for my first voyage? I know that it's quality world, so I want to bring enough to really get me cooking there.
Also want to show this circuit setup, it's sweet but it's something I'll only ever use in the pre-fulgora post-vulcanus setup.
build one, blueprint it. Problem?
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anon's problem is that he needs oil to put in the refineries
At least 10 foundries. A good amount of big miners. If you already unlocked them bring tier 4 belts but you'll need a lot to make that worth it. Send a batch of accumulators so you can start generating power asap. Besides that roboports and bots, it's roboport world you have too little space to not be space efficient. Also send enough stuff to make a rocket silo and the fuel to send you back up at least once. I think everything else is pretty self sufficient there
I just went to fulgora as my first planet. the only 2 things I felt I absolutely needed were a bunch of accumulators (100+) and a few rows of iron plate since it's hard to come by once you get there (have to make it on your ship). everything else was super easy to get once I got there
ok now I think it sets the limits and everything properly and makes all 5 qualities
... W-Where are your logistic chest?!
Why are you doing that to yourself?!
fuck it doesn't do the quality properly on the requests
18 hours on gleba and I'm starting to think about my first smelting block
Use more bots.
is there any reason to make copper wire with EMPs rather than foundries?
If you don't have calcite
I got a 4.8M patch in a territory adjacent to the starter zone. worm was small.
Just depends on your factory. If you have copper plates ready to go might as well use the EM plant.
>quality world
you only get Q3 modules from there.
but they are effectively useless until you deal with gleba because for some insane reason epic quality needs gleba instead of fulgora.
i mean seriously that HAS to be an error on their part, right?
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dumb bitch I can't make a lightning pole there
so is quality even relevant outside of personal equipment?
It's pretty neat for the spaceship
is it though?
seems like you can just build a bigger space ship
You can but then yo uget more weight, more surface to protect, more grabbers, more plants needed, more power etc, this shit adds up quick
Quality let you build compact and efficient, there's even neat stuff like asteroid grabbers getting extra arms
i'm like 10 hours into fulgora and I just realized you can mouseover the recycler to see the current recipe's crafting time and output
still wish it was just in factoriapedia
what train length are you guys using? I was originally on 3 wagons+1 engine, but now I'm considering 4
What should I pack to gleba? I'm done with fulgora and vulcanus
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is this ordered chaos or spaghetti?
Should I be putting quality modules on my miners in fulgora? I've been able to make a bunch of rare qual modules
Wuality power poles are great, it makes medium poles into 1x1 substations and substations cover a bigger area than you’re mom
vulcanus big mine with quality makes ores practically infinite without needing excessive mining prod research
If I need trains early I set tiny 2 wagon one-way rail
Past that everything is built for 4 cargo wagon long trains with two sides. You don’t strictly need grid aligned blueprint for rails nowadays but I still use it because looks
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>10000 hours in and I'm finally mass producing sulfuric acid for nuclear, light oil for rocket fuel, and lubricant for blue belts

Oh yeah it's all coming together
At this rate I'll launch my rocket by Christmas
Weird take. Fulgora is great in my experience.
Energy is abundant.
No pollution. No enemy.
Rockets are basically free. Which saved my clunky 1st space platform's ass.
It's a great place to kickstart quality shenanigans.
Setting up your first outpost is hassle-free due to the piss-easy scrap/recycler dynamic. Moving it somewhere else, or building multiple outpost is painless too.
Again, Rockets are basically free on Fulgora. So you can actually afford to haul thousands upon thousands of valuable item back to Nauvis.
Scroll all the way down.
I would have just downloaded it and webm'd it but I'm at work so I'm phone posting.
>all this fucking texh and you don’t get improved pumpjacks
I sucked dry 5 large oil fields and the 7m copper patch close to my spawn still has 2m left
>Again, Rockets are basically free on Fulgora. So you can actually afford to haul thousands upon thousands of valuable item back to Nauvis.
can't use holmium plates or even assemble EMPs on navuis, what's the point.
>Energy is abundant.
>No pollution. No enemy.
I agree those are good points, but none of that matters when there's fuck all to research or do. also lets be real energy is borderline free once you have nuclear set up on nauvis, and enemies are a non issue unless you're playing deathworld
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Was there a point of unlocking this thing at all seems pretty useless with how easy it is to use the basic ones
>Playing recycles
>Having fun
>Read the info
Oh shit. It only returns 25% of what you throw into it? I thought it only lost 25% of your shit. Fug.
Which planet for big base? I don’t really care about spm, I want everything in high quality first
Has to be vulcanus, right? Fuggora lets you easily get quality items but it’s difficult to get rid of bottlenecks
>huh, why am I not getting any mines?
>no explosives?
>no petroleum?
>oil ran dry
>I also forgot to hook up the output of my coal liquefaction setup
How many modules can you stick into a recycler?
an entire blue belt worth of materials takes 88 seconds to fill up a train wagon with plates. 44 whole seconds if you have 2 full blue belts. this is probably my single largest bottleneck. I feel like I need 4 turbo belts worth of throughput per train cart...
put chests before the train wagon, to buffer
use stack inserters
make more train stops
make stackers/depots
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oh no
There really should be 3 quality tiers max, the first one is so unimpactful on… practically everything except robots, really, and epic doesn’t really feel like much of an upgrade over rare either
make it 50/100(unlock 1)/150(unlock 2) and done
4, but they can't use productivity.
should have had a remote-control tank around and ready to go
I'm pretty sure it's fulgora if you want quality stuff. Modules in miners into modules in recyclers is such a high amount of quality stuff compared to vulcanus.
Vulcanus is fantastic for science and stuff like chips (esp. once you bring EM plants from fulgora) due to how insanely broken lava is, but fulgora is just so great for quality.
>nauvis gives you compact, pollution free, easy to set up infinite power from nuclear without even enriching the ore
>nibba uses boilers
can I use circuits to make asteroid collectors only collect certain types of asteroids on demand or is it better to just have a few set to each kind?
Isn't there a filter you can set in the collector itself?
I already have chest buffers. the issue arises when 1 or 2 trains already showed up and now I'm out of buffered goods. now I'm trying to belt in goods to the buffer chests, but half a dozen lanes of blue belts just can't keep up with my trains so I'm waiting 40+ seconds per train
Well you need all 3 asteroids to make ammo, fuel, and oxidizer without bringing anything extra in. That said you can filter the collectors if you don't want to bother with sorting a mixed belt.
yes but say I want to vary what they pickup based on demand, don't want them grabbing say carbonic asteroids if I already have enough of that on hand
Set a filter in asteroid collector or better yet add a decider with limits on how much $thing you want to store and a bunch of inserters throwing the excess into the void
Sounds like you need more mines
The best thing to do is to count the max amount of asteroids your belt can take before clogging and to then not load anything into it if it has more than that number. Took me one arithmetic and one decider
ok so it's just easier to void excess to avoid it from filling storage. Makes sense
I'll look into that too
Oh. Right. I'm not sure in that case. I'm like 90% sure you can since you can do that with inserters but I haven't tried it.
I need more mines, because I'm feeding my trains 6 full belts of non stop iron plates? what? it's not an iron production issue...
>can't use holmium plates or even assemble EMPs on navuis, what's the point.
Blue chips/red chips, mainly.
I also offloaded my purple science production to Fulgora. Because its production chain become incredibly straightforward here.
Yellow science is viable too. Though producing electrical engine on Fulgora felt a bit inefficient at first.
If your base is consuming iron ore faster than you can supply it then you need more, it's not a complicated idea.
>Excess into void
Not necessary for anything besides ice and carbon and you can void ice by just sending it down and then turning it to water on a chem plant so I only jettison carbon and iron ore. You can just not load asteroids when you don't need them
Make more drop depots and merge them together. I guess. Maybe. If I'm understanding what's going on.
Well GG Fulgora time to pack to Hell(Gleba). Is it viable to build an extra platform in Fulgora from scratch?
I have a ton of iron buffered in a warehouse, the issue is feeding it into a train at a reasonable speed... are you even reading the posts you're replying to?
>Not necessary for anything besides ice and carbon
The very first thing I was voiding on the platform was iron ore
Setting up a system to remove excess and not clog the storage is trivial and works very well, I have no idea why you’d limit input instead - grabby arms are almost free to run unless you’re so far away from sun you’re not using solar panels but haven’t yet made any other power source
You're already cheating, why not just use loaders?
Post more recycling setups from Fuglora. I like how they look.
>enemies are a non issue unless you're playing deathworld
Every world is a deathworld when you crank up research cost high enough.
I still have PTSD from my x100 K2 run. And it was just a train world (so no biter expansion).
>the issue is feeding it into a train at a reasonable speed
Stack inserters taking from chests on both sides of the train are really fucking fast and easy to set up, dunno what you’re doing wrong
So you just can't extract from the warehouse fast enough, despite using all sides with stack inserters?
Split your input up among multiple warehouses.
Or don't use warehouses at all.
>vulcanus boosts belt throughtput by 33%
>gleba boosts belt throughtput by 300%
I guess the reward is balanced when you compare how much of a pain each planet is
when I left for the first planet i had centrifuges going and turbines and shit going
when I came back the chest was full of spicy uranium and everything needed to make it
but I left for fulgora instead
i didn't make a spidertron but i just have to extend a line a little
put some roboports down and bots are making it
biters just zigged when i thought they would zag
I probably need to change my stations to load on both sides, now that I think about it

Time to redesign my entire factory again
I have it setup to read the amount of chunks on my looping chunk belt and to not add another one to it if it could clog. That way I use the belt as storage for a ton of asteroids. That's what I mean at least
You might want to build several launch site to churn components faster than the asteroid can smash your stuff.
But aside from that, Fulgora will provide almost everything you need for dirt cheap.
Gleba has all the tech but at what cost
>4 t2 rare modules is 12.8 quality
>recycler spits out 25% of input
>all in all it’s 3.2% of input in higher quality + 0.8% from second round + increasingly irrelevant quantities from next rounds
So assuming you’re gambling with rare t2 modules you need 25x the resources to get to the next tier? Or am I not understanding something?
8 or 16 when I get to it. But I have not yet tried trains in space age.
I built a space platform

how do space resources work? I don't see expected odds on the collector arm. am I just grabbing everything and feeding overflow intro crushers?
>Every world is a deathworld when you crank up research cost high enough.
fair. I usually don't crank up my research costs too much
Grab chunk -> crush chunk
there’s no rng outside of what chunks are nearby
>there’s no rng outside of what chunks are nearby
Is it easy to build it despite all the asteroids coming at you though, can you just lose a platform you send due to dmg or is the core immune? Iirc it has more asteroids than everything until aquilo. Rockets are clearly free, infinite heavy oil, infinite solid fuel, infinite low density recycle, infinite blue chips from recycle. I just need to scale up my rocket fuel production. Wonder if you can build more than 1 silo I want to send a lot of shit up I need 7k and some fulgora science out of fulgora
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i thought had enough but I guess not
There's 3 types of chunk, some atmospheres have more than the others, in some planets you want more of one resource than what the common asteroids give. Once you have vulcanus tech you can turn all chunks into whatever chunk you want with reprocess recipe on crushers. Once you have gleba tech you get a lot of new resources on the platform that you can use
>Wonder if you can build more than 1 silo
You can. And you should. Especially on Fulgora.
Just dump a silo or two on every island with a scrap deposit; And you might never have to bother with setting a railway system on that planet at all.
They're multipliers too
I don't think you need either at the stage when you're picking your first planet though.
I have an unusually large island so I don't need a second one, good to know I could quite literally blueprint my current ship and send all the shit at once. I want to add more cargo bays than I have now but I can redesign that after I have the ship working
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behold the worst space science ever built
if it aintu brokeu dontu fix itu
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imagine using a bus when you can have somthing that just "works"
>2 pistols
imagine dying
>crafting speed: 13
this feels like I'm playing a turbo cancer mod but it's vanilla. it only has 2 beacons...
Double dip on productivity by using the foundry to make plates first
strange bug
if you limit an asteroids collectors inventory all the way to stop it from picking up stuff when you return the inventory back to normal it won't pick stuff up anymore
all this is defeated by nuclear reactor
well apart from extra arms per grabber but I don't know how meaningful this is since I haven't fucked around with quality
6 was the largest my fulgora scrap island could support made it 4 long cause balancing 6 for 2 belts seems like a pain in the ass. I'd use 8 if I could
nta but I personally never run into issues with grab speed, the benefit of high quality grabbers is increased range and inventory size
It's probably valuable post-aquilo, when you want your main platform to become really dense and efficient. The extra health cannot hurt either.
I work as a slot tech and we often have to afro engineer things. Ive developed a mantra. "If it's stupid and it works, it's not stupid."
And also "good enough for the girls I go out with." Lots of afro engineering.
>all this is defeated by nuclear reactor
It's litterally not, reactor take a fuckton of space and need base refueling
With quality you can make a compact, self-sufficient ship that doesnt need anything, mine is less than 200T and already power-positive on Fulgora shitty solar
Both designs work tho
It's pretty valuable in general. It's extra valuable on anything on the space platform. It's ultra valuable from Aquilo and beyond. Quality is great, it just makes anything better.
>reactor take a fuckton of space
debatable. early game yeah, but lategame ships and reactors are a small portion of your platform. as for fuel, it's really easy to ship up like 200 hours worth of the ingredients for fuel
>I also offloaded my purple science production to Fulgora.
honestly probably gonna do this too on my save, seemed like holmium was at a premium compared to everything else
>debatable. early game yeah, but lategame ships and reactors are a small portion of your platform. as
Do lategame ships even use nuclear when we have fusion?
>Just dump a silo or two on every island with a scrap deposit; And you might never have to bother with setting a railway system on that planet at all.
I'm not sure if that's what you meant but the idea of "oh just ship it into space then back down onto the planet instead of using a train" is pretty funny
i downloaded a realistic ores mod once
it fucked with my gamer programming so hard
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how can I show all of it? it only displays part of it in the bottom right corner when hovering over a logistics chest
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>Doing some expanding and tweaking of the space platform
>Add platform
>Test building
>Not enough space
>Extrnd platform a little
>Not enough space
>Rinse and repeat with like 20 buildings
>Accidently just shift click while holding a building
>It automatically extends the platform and builds the building
God. Life is hard when you're kinda dumb. At least I love tiddies.
Press L or something, I dont remember the key I'm at work
that worked thanks
Do you need high iq to play this game
you need to think you have high iq and a mild superiority complex but in reality you need to be kind of dumb
Which one? Factorio? Not really. It helps but if you like a little math, a little puzzling, and like watching machines work and make stuff you'll probably have plenty of fun.
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before space age I was more of a "smelt back at home base" type of guy, but with how insanely fast high quality items are, I'm finding myself smelting on site next to the ore patch a lot more often now because it takes my bots all of 600 milliseconds to move an entire high throughput smelting facility
>can grab asteroids in space
>can't use grabby hands as long-range inserters
shit game
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is there a page or chart anywehre that shows the items/second of inserters at various levels of upgrade?
i have an idea for some circuits but I don't know if it is possible, or even reasonable
if I have less than 1000 of something, say iron plates I want it to set a request on a chest feeding into a recycler to request 100 batteries (if >1000 batteries in network) or 100 gears (if >1000 gears in network)
i can do this easily with a dedicated recycler (or an inserter on a chest)
but what I want is like 30 recyclers all set to recycler whatever is in demand
What a mess.
Are you not severely limited by your bot network in situ when taking items in and out? How many bots do you even have to make that viable compared to a more sensible setup where you use belts and an extra beacon?
>fast inserters instead of stack inserters
>not using foundries
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alt click
all inserters move 180deg twice to move item in vanilla so divide angle by 360and multiply by whatever capacity you have to get throughtput
as an example a rare bulk inserter transfers 12 items at 3.8x per second, giving 46 items/s
Doing science on fulgora just seems right. It's a great way to dump ressources that would otherwise clog the system.
The less clog, the more holmium throughput.
(voiding things with recycler is always an option, of course. But it's rubbing my OCD in a wrong way)

I did that at some point. But you cannot abuse it too much because there can only be one cargo hold by planet at once.
You are usually better off moving stuff around through the player inventory. Or not moving stuff around at all.
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Unless they fixed it with 2.0 the strict throughput of inserters depends on what entities they're moving the items between.
>Are you not severely limited by your bot network in situ when taking items in and out?
not at all. for the type of outpost pictured, I usually aim for about 180 bots. mixture of green/blue tier bots and roboports
>fast inserters
this setup is fast, but it's not faster than the throughput of fast inserters (yet)
also haven't been to the foundry planet

that pic is like 4k copper/minute
it is frankly stupid that I have to circuit a logistic chest to a roboport to get the status of the logistic network but inserters magically know it
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*insane laughter*
am I retarded or is the tesla gun terrible? there's no shooting speed research and it hits like a wet noodle even with a bunch of damage upgrades
It's meant to be used against swarm of ennemy. It's really niche.
And they clearly expected the player to go for the epic/legendary version. You won't get much mileage from it if it's only green/blue.
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>And they clearly expected the player to go for the epic/legendary version
The DLC honestly seems heavily balanced around high quality, like with your limited space in space so you want the best versions of things possible on your space platform
the swarms right now are big and behemoth biters. it just tickles them even if I fire for like 10 seconds straight
what's the use case for the handheld flamethrower, aside from killing trees? its range is pitiful, nests are highly resistant to it and the flame is slow
I haven't really felt that yet - quality certainly helps, but it hasn't felt like I'm constrained using no quality stuff in space for my moving platforms.
That makes sense in space, but for defensive perimeters against biters/pentapods, you need a lot of them.
Quality stuff is a bit too expensive/precious for that.
is it feasible to rush to fulgora and make a couple magnetic plants to take home? I heard it's the easiest planet to get out of
yeah that's already been discussed, your first planet should honestly be a quick 8 minute trip to fulgora, get some good recyclers and EMPs and then go on to your next planet. it's what I did too
Load up your platform with at least 200 electric engine to build your first rocket silo. Anything else is readily accessible just by recycling scrap from the player inventory, a few minutes after landing.
>he doesn't start from nothing on each planet
>he beat elden ring while being over level 1
didn't actually beat the game.
So coal not being on fulgora seems one of the few absences the 3 middle planets have, is there anything you actually NEED coal for there? As in to justify shipping it in?
I guess it means Fulgora can't make the full suite of nauvis science there, lacking mil science.
And explosives, which would only have the use case of cliff explosives there. So cliff explosives is the only non domestically produced "requirement" on Fulgora. Am I missing anything?
>a quick 8 minute trip to fulgora
It took me 4 hours. Meanwhile my space platform was slowly falling apart.
Amazing experience. 10/10.
It collects more power as it's more efficient
fulgora was my first planet and I spent a grand total of like 15 minutes on it to make a dozen EMPs and recyclers, left it and went to vulcanus next
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Nope. You only need plastic. And you can get it by recycling things.
The only scenario where you'd absolutely need coal on Fulgora is if you want to craft weapon-black-science on-site. And you'd probably be better off importing those science pack directly, anyway.
For gleba, you should be designing your production line from the end to the beginning. To give a Nauvis example, you should place your blue circuits before placing your reds.
drop with elec engines and a couple of assemblers and chemical plants (bring a couple rows of iron too, it's annoying to get on fulgora). quickly go through the crafting chains to make holmium, 1 machine per crafting step. use holmium to make a dozen EMPs, make some recyclers, easily make a silo with resources available near you and the engines you dropped with, shoot your EMPs and recyclers back up then shoot yourself back up into orbit.
There's a research that would allow you to turn carbon from asteroid into coal.
So at that point, you could build a couple space station to provide a steady and endless source of coal.
>two mining drills weigh the same as one clip with 10 bullets
it is amazing how bad the iron is
i was just looking up what 1 blue belt of iron takes
610 scrap miners, 320 recyclers
1 furnace
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Yeah I know you can get plastic. So I'm right and it is only mil science and explosive derivatives(rocket/cannon ammo and cliff explosives) that cannot be naturally produced on fulgora?

Yeah I saw that, trying to brainstorm for just on surface stuff.
I think the trick is to either :
Secure a steady flow of iron from your space platform.
Go autistic with recycler's productivity module.
>option C: bring 200 stacks of iron
>recycler's productivity module
I don't think they have those.
Uuuh... I haven't checked. Will do, after work.
what the fuck are you making that requires 1 blue belt of iron
a metric assload of EMPs. they take a lot of iron sticks
So you can only put 1 cargo pad per planet? That means that there is a hard cap on how many science you can bring to Nauvis. Unless those pad extension can go infinitely but I doubt it.
they don't
and the research only works on scrap
i just did the number and >4 collectors and 6 crushers
looks like i'm making a space platform
what is the throughput on dropping items from space? can I just drop the ore?
That's a lot of Nauvis rockets for a one-time build.
Just set up an orbital collector.
how is there a hard cap? you can just take them out of the pad when they arrive
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Fucking how
it is a lot of nauvis rockets, but also it's easy to send tons of rockets. assuming you have proper iron/copper setups, you will make rocket parts faster than you can launch them
The clip goes into the MAGAZINE.
many haven't played 2.0 yet
some use mods
some haven't even started the game yet, it's just sitting in their library
a ton of games have a 10% rate for achievements like "launch the game" or "complete the tutorial", that's just gaming in general. in factorio's case it's even worse because a huge majority of players use mods, going by download numbers, and they all disable achievements.
The landing animation.
>some haven't even started the game yet, it's just sitting in their library
Steam doesn't count you towards achievement percentages until you launch the game at least once, buying it or downloading it isn't enough
Better start making legendary science!
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there is also the fact that achievements were only added recently.
that makes 12 and a half years of factorio being available in some form vs a few weeks of time that we've had the achievement.
All science is beautiful.
All science is sacred.
All science is legendary.
>That means that there is a hard cap on how many science you can bring to Nauvis
more like 3 spm since the fucking cargo platform will order a drop pod with 1 science if there is one on the space platform
The max you can pull out of the cargo bay is equivalent to how many stack inserters you can put around the cargo bay, which is 8x8 size, so you can fit 32 stack inserters, divided by 6 for all the space exclusive science, you get 5.33 stack inserter per science. I haven't checked the cargo pad extension but it should add a few. The maximum science you can move per stack inserter should be around 37i/s per stack inserter so 185 per second. About 11.1k. It's still a lot, I doubt you can produce that much shattered science and landing pads should increase this a bit. But it's still a hardcap.
That's not the problem, cargo pad extension increase the number of stuff that can land.
you can launch tons of orbital drops back to the planet. I think 3 or 4 of them can be landing at the same time
Yes but your throughput is limited by the number of stack inserters you can put around your landing pad.
Logistics bots?
There's still a cap, but it depends on the amount of roboports you can fit nearby and how fast they charge logistics bots.
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circuit wizards, how do I automate disposal on space platform without needing at least one inserter for every type of item?
I tried the decider but while it saves space near the main hub it takes up 2 slots for every filtered item
can someone give me a quick rundown on interupts?
I have no idea how these work and if they're even worth it over just having a fuel source at one of the stops
To be fair about the 11.1k figure, by that point you will be using biolabs with legendary prod modules so you'd be getting 44.4k eSPM at bare minimum.
Actually the cap would be however big the logistic bot queue limit is *4 for the cargo upgrades. I'm decently sure they don't share the same limit as the construction bots. That would still increase the through put significantly. At least by a few thousands.
How to check power stats on a platform? Do I need to send up a power pole just to click it?
It really should be another tab in the production stats window.
click the lightning bolt
why do you NOT have any power poles in space btw?
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>also haven't been to the foundry planet
how come you have beacons, but haven't been to vulcanus yet
>notice it's tier 1 prod
man that's weird who beaconspams in the earlygame, are you using nuclear already
>the lightning bolt
The what now?
the world record SPS (science per second) in factorio is 500 SPS and it requires a 3000 dollar PC with an insane CPU. you physically don't have a PC strong enough to reach the bandwidth cap on a landing pad, no consumer CPU in existence is that powerful.

this is like complaining the maximum number of furnaces you can have running in minecraft simultaneously is 32,000. no one has a PC that can run even 8000 at a time so it doesn't matter.
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Constant combinator that holds the quantities of all the items you want as a negative, compare them to your actual stock, any positive numbers are the excess and get fed to the inserters?
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>man that's weird who beaconspams in the earlygame, are you using nuclear already
I beaconspam early game because as you can see, it takes me 20 smelters to have 4k/min output. insanely efficient and the opposite of messy. also I'm cooking tier 2 prods right now I just need to install them.

and yes, I do nuclear as early as possible, even pre kovarex you have more uranium than you can spend
no use cases?
I guess I'll have to try it out and see for myself then, it seems to be working fine other than being an incredibly power hungry process
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>man that's weird who beaconspams in the earlygame
I haven't left nauvis yet
Good point, the last science pack is also a huge UPS sink since it involve destroying giant asteroids with a lot of firepower and making a massive amount of chunks. (It looks really cool and dangerous though)
What about the megabases built 10 years from now?
in ten years, AI will be advanced enough to just write you an entire mod that solves this for (you)
I didn't know that. That's really good to know, I was just calculating everything manually.
>500 beacons on nauvis before prod 2s
>when you could have infinite ores, extra production and speed both while smelting and mining drills from vulcanus tech
I'll give you that, for vanilla that seems reasonable though, but that's scary
>build mega smelting array consisting of around 700 furnaces
>start driving in figure eigths with the car instead of building the factory afterwards
any mod to disable only science pack icons on labs with alt mode on? they're ruining my discoscience vibes
no, but factorio's modding API is so insanely simple you could make this yourself in a matter of minutes with zero programming experience and access to google and AI
first time I'm playing factorio so I don't really know what I'm doing
for what it's worth I'm currently loading up the space platform to go to the lava planet
there's really nothing wrong with the way you're playing, especially if vulcanus isn't your first new planet
yeah but I'm lazy
bring chemical plants, solar panels and assemblers
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How can the game keep track of spoilage of every single item on Gleba which I have rivers of and not lag on my shitty pc?
Fun fact, the game used to have a hard time limit of 4,294,967,295 ticks, which was roughly 2 years, 98 days and 12 hours.
Now the limit is 18,446,744,073,709,551,615, which is over 9.7 billion years. Wube decided to switch from using an unsigned 32 bit integer to an unsigned 64 bit integer back in the mid to late 2010s.
i don't understand
>first time I'm playing factorio so I don't really know what I'm doing
No that's perfectly reasonable, I'd say it's just a rather unorthodox approach, but it's probably me just being too ingrained in my personal mindset and you looking it with a completely new perspective. As I said, that does make sense.
The fact you're actually using nuclear and beacons before kovarex while playing for the first time is commendable as well, most first time players just end up using coal all the way to the end of the game. I wonder just how much the expansion is making people prioritize having a more solid foundation than rushing a "I launch rokeet" honestly
kovarex said "buildcraft but maek gaem run good" and the rest is history
What's happening with the inserter in the bottom panel?
now that's an actually good question
if you want a serious answer, this game is an absolute marvel of software engineering. you're probably used to playing video games made by ubisoft interns who graduated college yesterday and can't code to save their lives, but that's not how factorio is made. most of the devs have multiple decades of experience coding low level systems and a lot of the systems in factorio have been getting optimized for over a decade at this point. and as a programmer, their blogposts on optimization are extremely fascinating. there's a lot of things they do that literally no other game engine in existence does.
it has a blacklist filter for normal quality items
That's because spoilage is on a global scale, it uses the tick system to determine things, which is part of the reason why freezing is not a thing.
Think of each item as being assigned a tick at which it will spoil, it only becomes relevant on the tick it spoils. The devs had fun with that and put a few little easter eggs. For example fish spoil in 453000 ticks (2 hours, 5 minutes and 50 seconds) in reference to one of the devs v453000.
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Man, your space platform look messed up. Are you really going to travel to Gleba with that?
Nuclear is so passé. I laugh at you disdainfully.
that's very cute
Beacons research is pretty cheap, beacons got big buffs in low numbers and nuclear is easy to set up on nauvis so free energy
why would you NOT use beacons unless rushing other planets?
Big factory looks cooler than small factory + weird squares
> That's because spoilage is on a global scale, it uses the tick system to determine things, which is part of the reason why freezing is not a thing.
… so no fridge?
Best you could do is probably a tech unlock which increases the spoil time of all newly-crafted items.
How hard is it when you ship nothing in?
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uh oh
Just churn it faster.
>Big factory looks cooler than small factory
build more
>weird squares
Not all beacon builds are squares, beacon lines (for 8) or even half-lines (for 4) give you a lot of power without constraining inputs/outputs overmuch
Beacons themselves are weird squares
You could add them but it would make the system more complicated and would require additional check, which are a small expense but still an expense. A global research could work though.
that's a pretty big pad
probably mega base level limitation
plus with quality inserters I'm sure you can dump out of it at incredible rates
Save the forests.
Leave nests behind and surround them with turrets.
That's still a hard limitation, I think the devs will make a workaround
alternate version of silo, which can only request one item at a time
you can build infinite of these
Thats probably what everyone will do to get that achievement for killing first nest with artillery
>no option to „launch rocket when cargo full”
but why
You can leave nauvis super quick tho, so it’d prolly be easier to fuck off asap and just do whatever you wanted on other planets then come back with artillery
Also known as circles.
I was having massive problems with the auto mode so I am just manually ordering items but as you have noticed if there's multiple types of items in a rocket it will not launch automatically despite all items being on the order list.
there's not even a way to launch with circuit conditions like a clock
Meh. Circles are just triangles that refuse to behave.
If by circles you mean octagons that overflow their outlines on 4 sides
new /egg/
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correction: new /egg/
do pentapods expand?
there is it's called quality
legendary stack inserters with high infinite inserter research means crazy high throughput. I doubt they change it.
>page 3
It was bugged for a while. I got it yesterday... on Gleba.
serbbros, do you want me to update to 2.0.11?

>baking a new thread at 740 replies
>Every world is a deathworld when you crank up research cost high enough.
while that's true, I was absolutely shocked to see that you can lower total evo with K2's anti-creep and anti-biter capsules, that feels completely overkill in a game that gives you air purifiers.
double the amount of inserters you can put on inside/outside to easily interact with belts and machines. stop pretending to be innocent, slut.
What does this mean.

If you mean if ores still run out. They will. If you're asking if you can outpace minining productivity research. I'm not sure
do you guys have a platform for space science and a platform for traveling? I assume you need multiple platforms to ship things back and forth between planets.
yes, space science is a set it and forget it platform
How is the stun? It would be neat if the Tesla didn't hit hard but the stun gave you enough time to switch to something with an aoe and hose the swarm
Shouldn't be tllthat hard desu, delete the original item and create a new one, store the information about the remaining unspoiled ticks, and reapply it if the item is taken out of the fridge.

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