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Unsafe edition, Thread #1221

Previous thread: >>499481256

>Game Links
Steam Edition
Physical Edition (And Merch)
The console editions (Switch, PSN, XBL, PC Gamepass) have some exclusive content.

>Character Birthdays | Kel - November 11

>Fangames, Projects, and Etc
https://pastebin.com/XQX7CSip (OMARIO fangame)
https://totally-fungal.itch.io/doomori (DOOMORI fangame)
https://files.catbox.moe/x1fogc.rar (manga ch.4)
https://imgur.com/a/YJb6dTT (beta & prerelease art)
https://goats.dev/omori/#KEL (game dialogue dump)
https://files.catbox.moe/nxd8dm.png (faraway map)
https://files.catbox.moe/3ng1by.torrent (sprite dump)
https://postimg.cc/gallery/G4krtVR/13ec9e79 (Omori Official Walkthrough & Guide Art/Developer Interview & Messages)

https://files.catbox.moe/6kewkg.torrent (RPG Maker MV 1.6.2)
Try _omariAU, rainy_mari_mod, omorimodreverie, omori_daydream on Twitter
https://files.catbox.moe/5ddmjn.zip (Console content)

>/omog/ Archive
https://docs.google.com/document/d/1SGf6LRkzuLpou5Neqppl3Tm7c3hPAitFhCTrIPRfC_c/ (anon's Universally Loved day-by-day guide)
https://mega.nz/file/zaQXDYyQ#bG0yK3nl-w6hx5u6IOcvn3GUrGDY53X9faa7nfzC0Yk (MEGA archive 2021)
https://files.catbox.moe/e5yhbo.png (Whiteboard 2021)
https://rentry.org/756352 (OC Fic and Greentext)
https://youtu.be/bKNwUnIMjVo (/vg/ sings My Time)
https://arch.b4k.co/vg/post/482879356 <<< Δ (/vg/ sings Good Morning)

https://rentry.org/omogtemplate2023d/ (Thread Template)

Also, if you write or draw anything don't be afraid to post it, don't worry about the quality, just post that shit!
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Oh no unsafe snuy
dumb creature
Don't worry, the snake's just here to give Sunny his allowance
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very stable child
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omori fags why should i play omori when deltarune will just be monster omori
No 15 minute date cutscene in the middle of the game.
no years long waiting period between chapters of the game releasing
Dess x asriel
A match made in heaven
Omori is finished NOW
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because omori has basil.
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because furries are retarded and anime is awesome. also there are shockingly no homosexuals in omori (minus two cameo NPCs), only tasteful shipbait for all pairings that you can take as you will.
There's a map anon made comparing Undertale's linear world map to Omori's and I don't have it on me right now
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this doesn't even go into how each area is designed in omori compared to undertale. omori felt like there was actual thought put into exploration as part of the gameplay, undertale is straight up just walk from point A to point B
>because furries are retarded and anime is awesome
But not as retarded as anime.
>also there are shockingly no homosexuals in omori (minus two cameo NPCs), only tasteful shipbait for all pairings that you can take as you will.
You say it like it's a good thing.
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He loved her and you killed her
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yiff in hell
>omori felt like there was actual thought put into exploration as part of the gameplay
So much thought that the creator herself wanted to get rid of the entire squiggly part, and will probably get her wish in the manga.
dess = deer mari
asriel = goat hero
noelle = deer sunny
kris = depressed kel
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Susie - Reptile Aubrey
Ralsei - Goat Basil
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Was taking a closer look at the old Fujoshi sweater design and is that supposed to be a proto Sunny and... looks like Hero or Kel maybe?
the other one looks like pretty boy
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true, the fudanshi design looks more like pretty boy and jock though
Is that haru?
why did omocat draw this?
i hate the question autist
it gets a bit annoying after a while
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>also there are shockingly no homosexuals in omori
basil is the most homosexual creature ever devised.
I’m pretty sure sick snake boy is proto Sunny
Donut > Snail Pie
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boy kissing
pretty butterfly's
>I’m pretty sure sick snake boy is proto Sunny
yeah, picrel is from 2013 and pretty much confirms that he was the original design of sunny. the snake motif also appears in an earlier omoriboy drawing and the first drawing of neighbor's room from 2012
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a sweet boy
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best boy
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>people thinking basil's house has stairs/the fight with sunny happened in the bathroom
is this the mandingo affect?
People can make silly mistakes.
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it's just something i see a fair amount.
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built for >>500107597
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AU where Sunny and Mari argue near a cliff. Sunny pushes Mari to the edge of the cliff, but she makes him fall too. Sunny and Mari are now left hanging on the edge of the cliff and now Basil must decide who to save. Basil chooses to save Sunny.
Battle of the breys
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why would basil ever even consider choosing mari?
"Mari doesn't listen to my problems, so Sunny will live"
Plus Sunny is less likely to yell at him as a response to letting Mari fall than if it had been the other way around
Anon Sunny is very likely to SCREAM at Basil if he visibly sees him let Mari fall to her death no matter how irrational it is at the moment.
Sunny seems more the type to implode rather than explode over bad things happening
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it's okay basil will be there to comfort him afterwards.
Sunny is going to DESPISE basil when he remembers the truth
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that would be mean. he was only trying to help.
>waaaaaa you’re so mean
>I only got your sister killed waaaaa
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once again sunny was the one doing the pushing and then letting his best friend deal with the aftermath
sunny could always get another one if he's that broken up over losing a sister
Mari still could’ve been saved when Sunny pushed her basil ended up sealing her fate
>Sunny having nightmares post-truth of Mari being killed by him and/or Basil in increasingly elaborate and disturbing ways, followed by him and/or Basil being killed or committing suicide
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cute plantegg sticker
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>"Nice balls, bro."
sunny works as an author and writes children stories that have somewhat hidden depressing interpretations
His collection
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byebye play next time
Goodnight baba
Will he sleep well and happy with Mari?
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Sleepy sleepy
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he always will because she wards off nightmares
Where are they sleeping? It looks like the floor.
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>I wish that was me
All her characters look the same.
"If I can't have him then noone can!" ahh BASIL <3
>people thinking basil's house has stairs
What does it have then? A lift?
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Cute but sad
Maybe there's one of those ceiling trapdoors that has steps to get to the attic
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We can see the sky from Basil's room, even though logically we should see the trees if he's living on the ground floor. The same goes for other rooms. So if he's really meant to live on the ground floor, something's not quite right here.
I love you
I miss you
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do anyone got new drawings of this anon plz
how stinky? how does she smell?
how would omari mari feel if i licked her pits?
freshly showered every day.
she really misses him

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