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Heavy is the Head Edition

Featured Banners:
Wanderer Princess Lanavaille
Knight Errant Gerard the Thundersmiter

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Edit code: m:Daphne

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Previous >>500019832
>Gerulf tells me he’s going to the bar, Phillip is there too
>Gerulf starts by saying we tripped too many chest traps today
>Philip apologizes for fucking up all the traps, asks what we should do
>I suggest we push through anyway
>Philip asks if we’re willing to take the brunt of the damage from spring traps
>Gerulf laughs and says he’s fine with facetanking everything
I know they’re just running through preset lines but it feels so damn soulful. Usually when I get like Alice and Flut in the bar they sound like they’re having two different conversations.
I love how his face is just a static model with no movement bones or anything.
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pick my thief
Now that's a chunky dwarf knight
>rec party level 7 for dispatch
>send lvl 14 and lvl 10
Is there something I'm missing with dispatch, like when I look at these logs they wipe every time they meet the
>2x gulttonous maw
Like do I just throw the excess gear on them and hope it works?

Alice I'm just talking to a brick wall
>How do we better
Avoid strong foes
>Oh so your saying be a little pussy
>it's all luck
Oh so you're really gonna rely on that and not try
Like fuck her and agora.
Cheers anons!
Amelia for Den of Wind, Philip elsewhile.
Viviana so she can class into evasion Priest and eventually create an evasion frontrow
It simulates encounters.
You should give them actual gear.
'ickart on 'eckart
Does anyone have Viv’s class change outfit?
Make sure they have a frontliner, aren't a mix of good & evil, etc.
I'm so gonna toss that waist around brehs
>floor 4
>decide to send elmond or not to investigate the vines
>she died last time because she was injured
>she was sent off on floor 2, so she's not injured
>let her go investigate
>she dies anyways
Seems there's more variables to that encounter than just sending Elmon
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IIRC you need to send the skirmishers with her too. Might need to go back and save them, I think they died against the very first warped one on B1 you fought?
It's about you. There must be some spell you've forgotten. Now it's time to remember.
Can you save the skirmishers? There's no prompt at all or any memory with them far as I know.
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Where should I put in points? IQ, VIT, SPD?
Are you sure it was her that died and not Maurice?
They get dissolved by the first warped one
You may need to lose them once or twice before the text option appears? That’s how I remember it but I may not have been playing optimally.
Yeah that's what I thought, there's nothing I saw to save them.

Please don't anon I'm already schizo enough with this stuff.
You have to lose them once before you realize they will die and have the option to save them
Try going back again after they die.
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when you talk to a schizo
Fuck, so making sure I understand this when I go back can I like, go back, fix it, then come back to my furthest point or do I gotta redo the entire fucking thing again. I saw the choice selections on the key points part so I assume it'll just remember but it'll lose quest progress to a certain extent?
Did an unseen entity give her that haircut
You can pick the right toggles once you've done the right thing and jump forward. It'll probably confuse the top left quest thing, and your harkens wont all be fixed but it's fine.
In theory you can fix it and then teleport back to where you were; in actual practice the game is buggy enough with quests as is without jumping around so good luck either way
whats wrong with it
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Okay, but the lana banner and savor the risk is ending in 2 days. I can't wait a week for more info.
Wyell shit, guess we find out. Was gonna autism grind some dirt dungeon but I might just push floors then and get some gear for these dumb ass dispatches so they stop failing. I don't even think the rewards are that great I just hate seeing that loss.
What the hell is "Featured Adventurers" anyway
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I love DRPGs so, so much! I love videogames broadly. But I have to say that DRPG is my favourite genre.
The limited unit on the banner. Gerard and WP Lana.
The ones on rate up, dumbass
Man who cares about that shit
Are these japs for real
>who cares about the gacha inna gacha game
It's a mystery
>Like fuck her and agora.
Without contraceptives.
finally opened a mimic chest without triggering the trap, thanks for the gold and saliva loser
>missing out on free exp
Didn't see there was a new thread but it seemed like some people were wondering about the request for the root so I'm copy/pasting my post:

>>500057758 (You) here, I can confirm it isn't, I got the request for the thing that gave me the root before getting the herb I was asking about.

I can confirm I also didn't need to see them die first, the only thing I did was find the bladeless dagger on B7F (or was it B6F?), then I had the request appear at the tavern.
I'm starting to think there aren't actually 'right' answers and it's all just bantz
Do you have more "detection chances" if you have multiple high detect characters on your team? Or does only the highest detect on your team matter. What I'm wondering is if it's a rolled thing or a threshold thing.
How badly can you fuck up a character by putting in wrong bonus stats?
Alright, cool.
>jumped back and saved them
>Now I got new option to save the other survivors that elmon couldn't do alone
>Go together -> I'm sure lets all go together
>Fucking die to spike trap(?)
>Oh rise again
>Loops the death cutscene and I can't get out

Fuck me but it's still funny.
I get the feeling it's a roll. My Amelia jumped up from 60-80 and it really didn't make that much of a difference on detection, which makes more sense if it was the difference between 360-380. Maybe there's a debuff to running detect in the back row, that would explain it too.
You and me buddy.
You probably can't to an appreciable degree.
Minimally, level ups bias stats towards the classes main stats and so you will at most be a little worse than otherwise
It'll make very little difference, after 40+ levels it'll level out. I'd like to see some comparisons of other peoples stat layouts even at level 40, honestly.
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Alright, I could use your help with pic related. I wrote down the starting stats of my mc a while back and I'll update those as I go. If other anons had different starting spreads and wrote the changes over time this would be a perfect opportunity to compare notes to see if we can reach reach the conclusion that barring alignment, the starting stats do not matter.
I would actually put the points in their lowest relevant stat.
Knights? +Speed. Wizards? +Vit
>Guess it's time for "THAT"!
I never imagined Benjamin would be the game's chuuni.
I think everyone in your party gets a roll, otherwise only the highest detect would ever save you
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>two lizardmen
>O spirit...
I love that lil fucker, splatting magical freaks with his big hammer all day.
That's Wizardry baby
I imagine there's a lot of anons who have data for their current level 20 Wanderer stats, though most people probably didn't bother to write down their lvl 1 Wanderer stats
My phone is low on battery currently
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Kind of annoying that my lighting constantly swaps as I walk around down here.
Another week of waiting until I get new options for class change. There has got to be a better way here. We're willing to spend gems for these scrolls so why make it so hard to get?
>You become an honorary inquisitor in the church route
>You can't force your way through on the church route
Can you wheel of time from anywhere or do you have to go back to the ruins? I keep fucking up this sequence somehow and it's on b4f so there's no close fucking harken because it resets all the rocks and pathing.
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Yeah, here's my level 20 stats though. If they all converge regardless, then it's still a data point.
Dude, the iron exam...how? Seriously, how?
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Extremely easily, the boss is a joke and the mobs are manageable as long as you avoid as many as you can. Lead and Bronze were both much harder due to the boss and mobs respectively.
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Here's mine. iirc I started with max STR/VIT rolls. Wanderer of course
>you lose EXP if a unit gains it while level-capped
Oh that's gay
Be sure to switch out your max capped guys if you're grinding so you don't waste EXP
You don't.
big if true
My level 20 units were gaining exp just fine begore I grafed them up
No the exp "cap" goes up. Once you grade up you'll shoot up in levels on next rest.
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you get a speed light for picking the right options during the church inquisition? (unless it gives it to you no matter what), is there something similar for the other routes? Might have to do all 3 for the lights
Should I do the requests at the guild ASAP? Or should I wait until I think I can easily clear it all?
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join my crew
I think all the other routes give the same thing. We get the piety and iq lamps later in the 2nd dungeon.
>saved markus
>"quick lets get him to a harken stone"
>Get to the harken stone no wheel check point pops up
Am I missing something or is this a red herring past saving?
They did it without you. Go check out the tavern.
Nada, nothing anon.
when's the dragon's crown collab
Ah gotcha, yeah looking into it more I've seen people talk about what it unlocks but nobody else has mentioned going church so it's probably the same regardless
Weird, that’s all it took for me. Maybe you need to progress more before he shows up to thank you.
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If you went with 19 in strength then chances are that you went with the option in the middle. Keep in mind that these are the 3 main spreads I could see that have 105 stats in total. And there are similar options that are almost the same but with 1 point less in luck (like in my case).
And from what I see you and >>500071581 have 173 points distributed across all ability scores, just like me.
So looks like all 3 have exactly 173 main stat points. Overall stat spread is very similar as to be expected
~30 Str/Vit (30-32 Str,28-30 Vit)
~20 IQ/Piety (18-21)
22-23 range for Speed
~25 Dex/Luck (25-27)
I would imagine stat spreads are similar for other MC classes
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Alternatively you can compare level 20 wanderer against their level 1 fighters(or other classes) since those datapoints are easier to get. if you can get the difference between fighter1 and wanderer1 for yourself, maybe the difference is applicable to others as well.
If you use your upgraded unit on another, does it get all the upgrades the unit had?
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Dual ents done. Need a delay asap to seperate the timing of attacks or it's unmanageable. Dual sleep also has to land as opener to mitigate damage.

1.Poison breath(cancel with sleep)
2.Melee atk(defend all 3 frontlines, then aromr break into stun bash into hammer)
3.LickLips(Debra snipe focus target R1, when exposed blind the other one to proc fixed exposed damage anyway, other 3 burst again)

Healers should avoid using spells and heal with pots/antitoxin and only set up row defup for frontline. After thelicklips/wideswing you need to madios asap before the second one lands. Only one stun bash stunned and that was after one got focused down anyway so that was basically a wrap.
Sure 10 points in strength for a mage instead of something useful will make some difference, but you'll have hundreds of total stats later on, so just some mix of main stat/vit/speed will never brick your character and the total bonus from 5-10 also hardly matters
no it gets treated as fodder
once you invest in a unit you're stuck with that particular one
t. 90 vit lana
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Good point.
>>500071956 (me)
Is there a cap to the level scaling in each of the abyss? I want to take the 2nd grade up exam but I feel like I should save it after clearing most of the waterway and just before I challenge the boss there.
>midget elf girl dies
>go into dialogue
>game freezes
>game freezes again
>black screen
>black screen
What do I do now?
There's no level scaling other than Masoleum as far as I'm aware
Try playing on emulator or vice versa
Send a inquiry to the devs
This is probably one of the most necessary qol changes this game needs. Having to to choose between bricking yourself or the game forcing you to just keep your dupes until you get a 10 bonus point one is just bad no matter how you see it.
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>was earning the story quest gems just fine yesterday
>progressed at least two quests after save Vernant
>log-in today and the save Vernant quest is back cockblocking me from earning more gems as I progress
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>day 4 still locked
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> forcing you to just keep your dupes until you get a 10 bonus point one

Anyone dumb or OCD enough to actually care about bonus points, which do not and will never matter as far as any actual content is concerned, deserves to be exploited as hard as the devs can get away with.
Oppa "good job" style!
What room at the inn do you all stay at?
Why does the king look like that anyways? Is he a warped one? Or just a Souls reference?
The 1k one
His head was shoved in Helmut's armpit for a week straight
Does the non featured banner have no pity at all?
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>Go to port town
>Dispatch quests are all high level for some reason
>Go back to the Capital
>See Elmon and go talk to her
>She forgot who I am

Another bug perhaps? Or greater forces at play?
You would look like that too if helmut used you as a 1H weapon
What's the difference between that one and the economy one?
>have skill scroll
>cant learn it
am i retarded?
Gerard, the Unholy fusion of FGO Siegfried and a random guy filling up his truck at the gas station
That's a one time use scroll for battle
The ones that teach you a skill are called something like Book of [SPELL] Secrets
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That's rough
at this point if you just made a new account you could gotten your progress back
I'd send them another inquiry if you only sent the one
Are scrolls fixed damage or do they scale with your stats also?
>Read Book of MOJITO
>it's a gay ass drink
You learn from Books not Scrolls
Econ because I'm pretty sure the only bonus from the more expensive rooms are more cleanliness and the potions and I don't care about those I have upgrades to afford
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You're just that forgettable
>Read book of BAZONGA
>It's just Asha.
Economy always.
Unless I just beat a major boss, then I treat my party to the royal suite.
I have over 200k and I still only do Economy.
I see no reason yet to go above it. I've beaten dungeon 2 twice, if there's a secret benefit it's unnecessary.
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The king has pretty good stats and range for a blunt weapon you gotta admit
>literally rolled him in a single
any whales here know how much it is for 73 rolls for his sword and whether or not it's worth it?
Does green gems guarantee rez? Or just purple?
Are the 30 point spell books from summon points a brick move?
There's nothing that price or less that's really more valuable, with mileage in this game it seems you go big or go home.
He just finished farming his Zinogre armor, give him a break.
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>Opening + Precision Strike resulted in a crit for over 6000 damage
This can't be right, right?
No way using your frontline to Defend is more powerful than using your frontline to attack
Doing over 100 damage is an unintended exploit, abuse it at your own risk.
Why the fuck does ramming King Iver into a shield result in no harm done, but if he gets rammed into you directly he dies?
She can class change to a Priest in the future so I would make her IQ and Piety the same and put a point or two in Speed
>got to the point where using Auto-Equip is griefing me now

at least the Manage All button makes gearing less clunky
Dylanhart was spamming pickup and the king went directly into his inventory
Hell if I know I was trying to get a good screenshot but my timing was off
But iirc the king only dies on the second smash
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umm shield protec??
Get Lana's sword for him instead
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I am currently lvl11 with a Barbara/MC/Gerulf frontline.
Now I got the original Lana from adventurerer remains, how do I proceed now? She sadly only had 6 bonus points and I'm not sure where to put these, with Barbara I just kinda went with my gut and now since I've been playing a while I started getting more autistic in regards to stats.
Is it from the mimic battle?
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Wish it had one more star
Because it's a magic shield with healing properties, speed reader.

Now, you may ask yourself "Why would I want to heal the person I'm bashing in the face with my shield?" But your place is not to question the war tactics of the knights.
I think my game might be bugged, I haven't gotten any tavern convos in a long time even though I've spent really long times in the dungeon.
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Yes, i'm that anon that couldn't beat the Mimic earlier
Tried again now and it was defeated in 2 strikes
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Lana tapers off after earlygame and isn't any better at tanking than Barbara.
Her passive is still useful for staying topped off but its not a gamechanger anymore.
You would have to ditch Gerulf to make use of her row passive too.
>But your place is not to question the war tactics of the knights.
If there was a way to let all these jobbers die and still save the king, I'd do it.
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Knight MC done, now going for fighter.
Also why the fuck is my MC perpetually at 99%, every time i rest at the inn i dont end up at 100% hp.

It doesnt really matter since its just 4hp but its weird.
Something to do with sir jack's mettle i'm certain.
About to try ng+ Helmut for the first time, wish me luck
I have no problem switching Gerulf for Lana, especially when she buffs Barbara and MC and lately I felt like my frontline just needs to survive in general.
My question is, do I pump all 6 of Lana's points into her vitality now?
Yeah, that's how it's suppose to go. It's a gimmick fight, not an actual one.
What floor has vorpal bunnies for the mission pass?
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Lulu could've said something earlier
If not for you anons I wouldn't even think of going full shield wall
If I have normal Lana and alt Lana, which direction should I merge in, alt into normal?
Lana's passive comes in clutch because it really extends the length of your dungeon run otherwise you just blow through healing potions and and Priest MP too fast. Just think about it, even at a 20 heal per person that's 120 HP total after EVERY fight.
lower bonus point into higher bonus point
>Buy the risk pack
>rolls get me dupe debra
How much SP does she gives on refund for inheritance to someone else or think I just hold onto this. I'd figure it's half of what she gets herself so it'd be kinda valuable but I dunno that or the stat boost for the dupe on imprint.
Cant wait for the mage Lana to give 5 mp after a battle.
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She's too stupid to be a mage
>Run through door to hide from enemy
>Enemy phases through door
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surprise motherfucker
adventurer enemies and fish niggas will open that door up just to fuck you up.
Arena fifth round, anyone know where the second box of holly is? I found one in the hallway immediately south of the chef's room but can't find the other. I was too eager and wacked the red-dressed thot before I finished interviewing all of the suspects.
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My cute slampig Ophelia
If you were going to buy a monthly pack, which would be better, the one with the bones or the skill scroll?
starboard quarter part of the ship right next to the water god statue
The bones hands down roll gain is so atrocious in this game.
The skill scroll is valuable but I feel like using it this early would be a brick
So how will they entice people to roll for new legendaries that will only be a minor upgrade or maybe even downgrade compared to our already built characters?
New upgrades for said characters.
>try zzz because it's uber popular with high production value
>roll like 4 gold characters even the one with the viral mv
>game can not hold my interest
>"maybe I'm getting too old for games"
>try this
>been absolutely hooked since last sat and would've been a lot farther without that Harken bug.
This bone recall is giving me serious Taimanin gacha debt flashbacks
The whale equips.
If you don't consider it worth it, it's not catered towards you.
hopefully the traditional way by appealing to my penis
Yeah the gear is gonna be way more valuable then the character, specially when we have to level the thing.
>Gee cuisinart, how come you get to attack THREE times?!
is there any point in hoarding bronze gear to limit break them or should i just sell them all?
Thanks bud. I really wasn't expecting that miniboss to OHKO my MC on turn 1.
>enemy defense: "leave cuisinart to me"
Skill issue.
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Genshin and its clones are some of the most boring shit I have ever seen. Every attack is just a giant full screen bullshit effect, every chest is just primogems, there's nothing to be interested or excited by.
I've got a couple friends who are big fans of hokai star rail, but that's at least a turn based rpg and not a numbers go up AOE spamfest.
This is exactly what I have (don't know what I started with), but with one less point in Luck, so maybe you got the lucky extra luck point.
as soon as you get to 2nd dungeon you sell every single piece of bronze gear
not really, +5 was good enough for me. The first few floors of the second dungeon give you 4-star purple iron tier equipment right off the bat
It's identical to a steel sword, with one extra hit.
From my calcs a +10 something is roughly equal to +5 next main tier
Regardless of tier it is extremely expensive to go past +5
still, it could be worth it if you have a bronze ring with a really good blessing and some stuff like thieves shoes punch way above their weight due to extra stats
Which can be represented as a 50% damage buff, you know.
Hoist your pride and skill in your pen and
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genshin ruined chest opening in general
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Mihoyo games are popular just because of the branding at this point. The gameplay is barebones and is carried almost entirely on how the shilling catches on. Case in point: this slut right here. Her trailer was spammed fucking everywhere, but no one ever mentions the gameplay is a mindless single button masher.
How do you even get purple bones? You can only buy the green ones with Green gems. None of the weekly/monthly packs come with purple stuff.
A new request popped up in Helmut's arena on B8F. Can I do this right away or will I get my ass raped and should farm better gear in Port City first?
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the coom for the character design is to strong bros...
Paypig only
I don't know if that shit scales but the last fight was almost one-shotting my entire backline at level 40. Lots of EXP though
Successfully managed to sneak down the corridors on B6 waterway with little 1 square hidey holes after waiting for 10 minutes. Now to get back...
True until we get something better than steel. And elemental/bane already closes the gap pretty hard.
In my opinion, Mihoyo games are the best if you don't play them, and instead just jerk off to the porn.
I've stopped playing Genshin 1 month after release, and I bet I'm much happier than if I've kept playing it.
Just open sadpanda and get the fap out of your system, goslingbro.
So as it turns out, dying and using a rez flame at the miniboss uses up your holly but doesn't restock any at its two spawnpoints. I can't seem to leave either without using an Accept Death.
the same thing happened to me and someone called me retarded for it lul. Deserved desu
Well I'm glad you're having fun gramps
All games have this honeymoon period of varying lengths and then afterwards you start getting disinterested.
Genshin is fun for the first few days since there's exploration and whatnot, but then gets boring later. So treat it like as an easy 100 hour game.
Daphne? I'm still in my honeymoon period.
Lmao yea, its bugged. Forgot to warn you because I was thinking about bricking myself after reaching lvl 50. Really wish we had a FAQ
I'm 30
anyone have a screen that shows the mask that mc has?
Or a pic of the npc he took it from?
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>Really wish we had a FAQ
Anon has been working so hard to maintain and refine the general info rentry in the OP and you bakas just ignore it...
yeah elemental weakness is +25% i think. So cuisinart is only 25% better than what we can grind out, and that's assuming you can enhance both equally.
>the gameplay is a mindless single button masher.
Anon, stop. I played the game and if you think it's a single button masher, then you are unironically a shitter that has yet to progressed past the early stages.
Okay. Is there a way in NG+++++ to stop the Red Sahaguin from destroying the 8th Mermaid Statue? If not, that's fine, but I have 7 secret Mermaid Statues and I want to know if I need that 8 one for the true true true true ending of the 2nd dungeon
So, whats the strat for the first grade up test? I only used one team with Barbara, Lana, Galina, Yeka, and Amelia. But it isnt really working out. Or should I just keep going into Den of Earth and get better stuff?
Does the faction choice affect anything?
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>the early stages
So the single button masher stages
Undead Bane weapons on everyone who uses weapons, +4 gear.
>yekaterina listed as an elf
>is hunan
he needs to work harder
its complex! She has builder / spender gameplay loop! It a delicate balance!
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Go full stealth and avoid all monsters
Your frontline must all have Undead Bane gear
Priest with MAREIS and Mage with AoE to clear the summons

Shouldnt be too hard if you keep the summons in check
To be fair ZZZ's early game impression is really fucking bad. Even if it does get more fun/engaging/challenging later, which is does, it doesn't matter if the average new player drops that shit early on.
Get undead bane weapons on your fighters/thieves/knights and have a mage or two to AoE wipe the adds. The boss itself does very little damage, he's just a pinata.
Do you have undead bane weapons?
One thing I tried is having my mage do nothing except AOE'ing the boss and the adds whenever they came out.
Alternatively you can level another mage and replace Amelia since you don't really need a thief in there. Having two mages will help a lot for grinding and future trials too
As opposed to dropping this game due to it's game-breaking bug? Like, if you can't give a game a chance and give it a fair amount of time, then simplifying it to 'a single button masher' doesn't really help the case here.
Note that if you go stealth, there's an enemy on most if not all corners (as fas as I can remember), so if you are near a corner and don't see an enemy, wait until it appears on your indicator because it's surely there
Thieves are useful there though if you know how to exploit precision shot. You really only need one mage to nuke the adds. Totally absurd to grind up another mage for this.
i can't i must resist
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Waterway B6 boss was a lot easier than I anticipated, definitely make sure you pack earth weapons and gravel scrolls on your casters
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How do I reach all 6 mobs in this quest? I killed four but the last two are behind the streams and I can't find a way to stop them.
Precision shot exploit?
Is using Defend to create an opening and then attacking for massive damage really an exploit? Seems like intented to me.
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>he replied to the hoyoshart
Rookie mistake, now you've gone and shit up the thread
Man I really do want Asha just because she has massive tits. Like damn.
you can pretty much do most of the content without even rolling on banners with the free characters they give out it's a waiting game the only punishing thing is the defense and maybe a bit of hallow dive but that's it.
Not that absurd, really. You will eventually need a team of every element, and a good/evil team.

Fortunately with a roster limit of 50 it's unlikely we'll need a good and evil team of each element like some fucking games I still play.
What's the reward from Admiral's request? It's still written in moonrunes
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Forbidden knowledge.
The less you know the better.
You WILL get banned for the exploit.
enjoy the crossfire
It's pretty absurd to puss out on rank20 exam and grind up a whole new character for content that has not arrived yet yes
Just like spending an hour grinding red spinner to be "prepared" for the scary tutorial dungeon
Twin pearls.

You should learn to use google lens for cases like this.
>the masked adventurer who went to abyss with you, gave commands that saved people lives and had super special powers
more like a bug, people can't be this stupid
you can avoid all encounters on your way to the boss (don't worry about the trip back,byou get brought out of the dungeon after)
undead bane weapons on your fighter and rogue
use fireball scrolls if you don't have bane weapons
mage and priest should have a pack of 2 scrolls and 4 potions.
mage to cast debuffs and aoe after the boss calls for allies. use mage as a sub-healer
priest to cast light spell and turn undead, heal using potions
knight and MC guard and cover for fighter to stagger/expose boss for precise shot bonus
its rough but i believe in you anon
'Huge horde of the same enemy for me to nuke' has to be my favorite battle type
The seven swords fight is great for spells that target rows
Google lens doesn't tell me if it's worth it to pick that over the others
Is there any point to bringing mages to long dungeon runs? They throw their nuke and then are useless.
Well yeah, it's still a gacha, they need to make sure the grind shouldn't take too much effort. The harder content is there if you want to challenge yourself but it's certainly not single button masher.
I kek every time
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>gacha debt
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>the masked adventurer who went to abyss with you, gave commands that saved people lives and had super special powers
literally who
Always listen to people, how else will you conveniently discover their problems so you can solve them for lamps
Their debuff spells
by making them major upgrades
Nah, mages are a complete meme. Don't fall for the mage propaganda, they are LITERALLY replaced by a 100g scroll from the shop.
Run a full physical team as God intended.
>team of each element
for what purpose? any formation skills so far are very low impact and you can fix up elemental vulnerabilities with equipment
Stop posting Elmons.
It's making me want to RAPE that elf WHORE.
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Wizardry is the last place i would have expected a ZZZ'd Mihoyo brainrot player to be in.

ZZZ was the first time in years that a game made my fingers hurt from all the mashing i had to do. I'm glad i noticed early because i realized that all i was doing is "Mash mash mash cool effect, pretty colors, Press ULT to awesome" and the endgame was gigantic HP sponge bosses that offered no challenge and you had to kill them before the timer ran out.

Game is fun for what it is, but holyshit the Mihoyo formula is the biggest brainrot you can have in your life with all the FOMO and daily chores gameplay loop.
>voiced line in the game
>lulunarde wonders what's up with her
>clearly a bug
anon, are you retarded? It's obviously part of the plot
>those dispatch levels in the 2nd city
Too lazy to level up my alts so I'm just going to wait until the weekends for the exp books instead.
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Are these legendary bones? Are there any decent starting guide/wiki?
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Why are humans like this...?
>it doesn't matter if the average new player drops that shit early on
>saying this on the general that had to dedicate the first 1000 posts on trying to fix a black screen
>saying this on the general dedicated to the game that has >>500075582
zzz being easy in the early game has absolutely nothing on this 1.7 star trainwreck
Do not.
And i mean DO NOT use a guide you're literally robbing yourself of soul.
Yes. This is the legendary bone selector.
There's no wiki. Enjoy the SOVL.
you can click on them to find out more
remember to roll with your dick
>for what purpose
To make money of course.
anybody fail the resurrection yet?
>each city is a separate download
I just have two tips:
>physical attackers are very strong on the first few abyss floors, to the point you will feel casters in your team are a deadweight when not casting spells. But later you will need spellcasters with AoE so take that in mind.
>If you are going to use a thief, preferably choose one with 100 mentality (white heart icon). Other classes are fine having 90 and 80 mentality, but anything but 100 on a thief is miserable.
Guides are going to spoil you and rob you of the experience.
This game is best enjoyed by going in blind. Theres very few things that will actually brick your account. This is not the kind of gacha that you just want to rush to the lategame to farm the lategame mats to make your numbers bigger.

This is the best gacha game i have played and the only gacha game i have even bothered to read through the plot and figure out stuff on my own.
Im extremely happy that i never got spoiled on the plot twists and experienced them first hand.

I advise you to just play the game and enjoy.
>gigantic HP sponge bosses
The irony is so thick, it's palpable.
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>Amelia turns into kitty litter
>casters are dead weight when not casting spells
You don't say?
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In the fixed timeline you're basically some consultant that came along an expedition where nothing went wrong.
Later will have enough money to always buy and carry scrolls, and you MP pool will be relatively high to the point you will be able to continuously cast lower cost spells.
Why would you nuke when Katino is a row spell that only costs 3 MP?
So back when this was made, the rate probably was a percentage, given he's at 64 fortitude and gets ASHED.

I've heard in the full release that you can't ash above 50%, and from my testing with trying to kill off 0 fortitude characters, it's almost impossible. Best luck killed one off in 3 tries (they ash every time at 0), while worst luck required about 20.
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Newfags input this code into the old man at the tavern for gold

characters have a rather high luck stat even at lv 1, think it adds onto fort?
Was expecting 2-5 luck per character at lv 1 but it's more like 7-12
anyone? C'mon, I know they're some gods here. I need you guys to post fanart dammit.
Fuck off
just inherit it onto your fighters lol
public arting makes me nervous
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How much worse is gold farming now that the campaign has ended?
It's bad to the point I can't afford the royal suite for my elf and beastkin harem anymore.
Roger. I'll go in blind.

Phew, okay, that solves my predicament. Thanks!
25k per hour compared to 100k/h we had before
how the actual fuck
What game? She looks cute for a pig.
Such a difference is not only because items sold for higher, but also because we've used to find a lot more trade-in items.
the campaigns doubled both the sell price and quantity of sellitems you get
>several abysses later
>get badended because ghul man isn't renowned enough
>have to go back and fuck things up enough for there to be a sense of crisis where you pose as saviour but not so much you actually lose
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>pov lulu wants to tell you something
Someone said that characters will leave your party if you get them to max dirtiness. Also it's easier to get ambushed because your stink.
Iver's economy is a disaster...never should've saved him...
A little bit but I still got 40k from a small wander around waterways so it's good enough for me
>Someone said that characters will leave your party if you get them to max dirtiness.
big if true
Sex with Lulu or Sex with Lana?
Does this ring have any special hidden things? Why is it named differently from the steel ones, I'm itching to sell them as they are all white for me
Abusive sex with lots of shouting with Lana
Sex with Lana whilst Lulu is phasing through her body
It wasn't double, or at least sell price wasn't double, only 20%. Azure ore clump used to sell for 960 now it sells for 800.
Sex with Luna
Why would you think it's a bug when Lulunarde says something about it? Just keep playing.
Would be kino
Buy the MP pots silly.
How much health does this motherfucker have? I run our of resources and then its over. Everyone is at lvl 19-20. +4 bronze/ iron gear and undead bane. Healing potions and fireball scrolls. I buff and debuf when I can. I cant beat him.
about 3 waves worth.
Will he still call a new wave if I leave one summon left alive?
Huh, an enemy just took a swipe at my hidden Amelia
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Who else scum gang? Stay at the stable and kill all would be attackers.
What do I do in the Albano Storyline to spawn the Mimic quest? I get the letter, talk to Albano, get the knowledge, but I can't find the Baron guy anymore to tell him about the resentment.
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well after spending half my gold upgrading the decent equips I found I think it's time to take on bronze exam again
wish me luck
Should I be buying these as they come up? Although Chloe is already a fighter so I don't really get the point.

Also where do I get tags for the bronze exam?
one day i'll be able to poison a boss with my debra
Did they hit?
If you're going to use someone long-term then they only gain more benefits by switching class. Now whether you leave them there or switch back once they nab everything is up to you. It is quite expensive to revert after all.
They're low impact until you start stacking 2-3 of them on top of elemental weakness weapons. The elise/jean/benjamin corner combo is insane.
the fuck
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It's honestly pretty weird how we have a big overlap with other big weep gacha here. You'd think Wizardry would be a franchise only played by boomers who hate anime.
>Does this ring have any special hidden things? Why is it named differently from the steel ones
It's not exactly hidden. But it keeps raising Surety the more you enhance it. In addition to the regular def stuff.
how do I get Ira bondmate? I saved her, donated 500g, then I got a prompt about her experience, donated another 500g

> Someone said that characters will leave your party if you get them to max dirtiness
Lel, I love that we haven’t cracked the game yet, it’s like being 10 years old and swapping Pokemon rumors in the pre-internet era.
Should be one more interaction at the temple and then you'll get her
>just got to waterworks
>game still tells me to find a way to save Vernant
It's only a visual bug and I'm not being cucked out of gems, r-right?
The next time you triggered her event.
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no bully
Worked for me
Maybe the necessary amount is randomized, keep forking over more cash
>Bronze Exam
>136 highest defense
>106 lowest frontline

your def gear bro?
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bwos... Lulu suddenly started talking me about how the patriarchy (literally the dialogue before this shot) is bad and woman have it the worst...
I kinda love that tbqh, I don't like dolls, I like individuals.
Someone said if you sleep at the royal suite 10 times you can find a mew under your bed.

Seriously though, I think dirtiness may just impact enemy spawn rates.
Including Wizardry this is my 10th gacha I'm currently "playing".
There’s a crowd out there that just plays every newly launched gacha out of FOMO. We’ve actually gotten less of their reeeeing than I expected, maybe Wizardry’s reputation wards them off, or the minimal coom.
My advice is hold off on picking one of these until you’ve pulled a decent amount of characters, so you can pick a legendary you don’t have.

And don’t use guides.
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>Playing 10 gacha at once
And I thought I was bad with 3. This is a new level of brainrot.
I play FFRK and Another Eden in addition to this. I'd play more but I just don't have the time.
Lulu is a commie and a marxist, once she is corporeal again I will correct her in accordance with shariah law and she will become one of my many wives.
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I'm still not sure which Thief to Grade Up so they'll all stay Lvl 20 for now
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I can't handle this bantz anymore bros. When do I get to rape correct this perpetually smug ghost?
Wizardry was weeb from the very beginning
>One of the main creators is an American who learned Japanese
>In a game series with not that many classes, "Ninja" and "SamuraI" keep appearing over and over
>Said creator who learned Japanese then made a company that translates anime and manga to English
Even the boomers who ignored all of that and seethe about "tranime" but played it anyways would have dumped the series like 20 or 30 years ago when they started adding "anime-style" graphics
I bet Lulu would know all about working in a brothel.
>Even the boomers who ignored all of that and seethe about "tranime" but played it anyways
Kek these were my guildmates in WizOn though
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>MC gets charmed by succ
>Turn Debra into a pile of ash and blood from full health in 1 hit
oh shit
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official art shows mc as a skeleton but he looked more like an undead in the opening sequence right?
He's wearing the mask from the first guy he killed
what do your allies see when they look at (you)?
Hope to see a rendition from a better artist than I
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I like the way this comic draws him
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I just imagine the MC looks like this right now.
Man, this Albano quest is super fucked. I don't know where I need to wheel. I wheeled as far back as B3F, went to B4F, completed the request, got the letter, gave it to Albano on B4F without ever going to B5F, but the uncle doens't appear in town again. What the fuck.
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So does this even work with (You) when resurrecting people?
Not in my experience
What does the rabbit charm do? Worth keeping or just sell?
trap detection
m8 there's few players since fuck all know the game even exists in the first place also the wizardry name means nothing at least in the west go compare the JP and EN tweets on twitter there's a huge difference in views.
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>what do your allies see when they look at (you)?
I’m not talking about the player count, I mean the gachabrains who literally jump on *every* game for the first few weeks. They’re not looking for series they recognize, they’re just addicted to rerolling and always quit very soon.
>Oh, my god...
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>what do your allies see when they look at (you)?
a tiny lil fella
Just got to the first big Harken. Is this blessing a local area buff or a permanent buff?
What the fuck?? The Goblin Den scales to level 40?? Why is this place so cracked, it's even decent exp to boot.
It's a daily buff.
Wait, I entered a room yet somehow I still go ambushed from behind by an enemy that was chasing me.
Did I lag/delay and the server thought I wasn't inside yet?
It was Lv37 last I was there.
>elves are taller than you
that's hot
though in battle it doesn't seem that way
Where do I exchange for leaded tags?
It'd be nice if gear or money drops were proportionate
I'm a party of 42 (with a 27 priest MC) and they're level 40 goblins to me.
Either the tag icon on the exam quest or rank up screen on your character will bring you to the exchange
...why does this game has so many "rumao FUCK YOU" moments...
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What are the differences between economy, private and royal room in the inn? Other than the potion they give you?
Hmm how's the loot though
The amount of cleanliness you get.
Better rooms make your party like you more.
Royal Suite allows the party members to service you with soapland play.
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man i love being forced to lose fortitude to progress in this earth dungeon
I think it affects how longer you can stay clean when you're out in the dungeons.
That being said I don't know what being dirty affects. Is it just EXP gain?
So, how do you make it so the pickaxe isn't automatically equipped? Equip it to a bum that's not in the party?
That's the only trap you have to step through, it's not that bad. You could probably recover that amount hunting down all the enemies in there
Typical jap shit, they can self insert into ANYTHING.
Except an above average japanese height (170cm) male.
i see now, i was thinking that would teleport me to the next floor
>open up a chest
>no QTE
>1k gold and 2 (TWO!) mimi secretions
>2 level 20 ophelias stats
>ophelia 1
>172 points total attributes
>unknown bonus points
>ophelia 2
>169 points total attributes
How does make any sense? Is it just luck or will they balance out at higher levels?
Level up benefits are RNG.
Savor it.
My whole team reached lv30 now but I’m having a tough time fighting the lizard boss or bronze grade up. Should I just farm steel gears now?
Tips on arena 5th round? I'm getting absolutely buttfucked even after dealing with both quests.
Alice comes up behind you to sit down and there's a brief moment of her breast touching the back of your head as she motions to her chair right beside you.
Focus on the summon, the buffs he gets don't matter.
a milk-drinking shota boy
Best bet for the waterfront is to get some weapons from the Den of Earth
Yeah farm 3-4* iron greens or better with a good first sub stat and get it to +5
Weapons to +10 if you find a really good one (like a 4* steel purp with 2 good rolls on the subs)
you can do DoE for weapons like other anon said but personally I found the drop rate for the junk to be abysmal, so many more chances for a decent drop from waterway junk
Sounds good thank you anon. Here I go farming
>Harken... Agora has no need for false gods.
Yeah bitch. Then, can Agora teleport me out of the dungeon or give me blessings? If not, then shut up.
>harken is also a big titty goddess
I have one and only one faith
Don't have enough summon points for a book. Are the ores a bad pick? When do those start dropping?
Ores are definitely a bad pick. You'll shortly get a dungeon where clearing one floor should give you around a dozen of the low grade iron ore and maybe three or four medium grade
You unlock Den of Earth, which drops your first Ore, right after beating BF8 for the first time.
Don't waste your points with Ore because it will only give you enough for +5-6 depending on the amount of characters.
>4* steel purp
do those exist, I had literally like 800 junk from waterways and 3* blues is max I got for steel
They do, I have like 5 different shields. Deeper into the waterway gives different, better junk with better odds.
how much exp do I need for lvl20? can I keep stocking exp past reaching that point or do I have to take the grade up exam if I wan't to keep earning exp?
Alicia's low HP lines are funny ngl
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So is this the boss or something?
Den of Earth
>it's all luck
>Oh so you're really gonna rely on that and not try
but that's the right answer tho? whenever I reply the luck thing she says something like "oh so you believe in luck? you would be a great Agora follower!" and smiles at me
Maybe you have the Good alignment? I'm neutral
Yes. The TP sends you back to town
Drops a chest with 5 Ore
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praying they release an artbook
the 3d could be a lot better esp for innkeeper
about 75k I believe.
You still gain exp at cap, even better, you get full exp for fighting mobs around that level rather than uncapping and leveling up one at a time which gimps your exp the higher you go.
I've been hopping straight to the next cap whenever I unlock so far
isn't everything past 5 just submerged water shithole
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damn thats great, I was leveling a lvl 1 character with the spinner woman and he gets like 300 per kill, I'll keep going for a bit and then leave him cap at 20, thanks anon
The exp still gets stocked until you break the cap with the Exam.

I went from lvl 30 to lvl 38 when i finally decided to do the exam
with the trash waterway gear not only does it have to roll a steel but it also has to roll 4* and purple
the chance for 4* purple is like, 0.5%, lower when you account that it has to roll steel and not iron
>viviana for scale
Holy fuck thank god. I'm finally past, thanks a lot bro..
>Alice now speak "Oh, what is it?" when selecting her instead saying I should know my place before speaking to her
This evil woman saw my posts demeaning her here, is aware of my plans, and is now trying to let my guard down to kill me!
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power within reveal yourself ...haah...
power within reveal yourself ...haah...
power within reveal yourself ...haah...
power within reveal yourself ...haah...
you have the power....
you have the power....
you have the power....
you have the power....
yes, that's it...
power within...kill yourself....
everything is possible with enough time
everything is possible with enough time
how good is he as a priest? aleady have yappy for a mage
How to use the daily/werkly poimts? I'm not seeing anything at the jeweler
Anyone found a Piety Guiding Light yet?
scroll past the two banner exchanges
Behind 2nd dungeon bad end
adam priest
I finally got the luck guiding light, I had to not only reconcile albedo but do a herb request with the bladeless dagger then kill Helmut again
I've rescued some villagers on BF5 and chose the option to let them tag along.
But I saw some posts a few threads back about bringing someone to the goblin nest or something.
Is it them? The sprite/model is of a little gir.
since most staves have equal mag and pie and skills all carry over, it seems like a no brainer to classchange and grab even more skills
Also fuck you for actually getting a useful classchange scroll in your rng shop
Speaking of, how many lamps are available? I just started waterway.
>1 Str to introduce the mechanic
>1 Vit upon completing NG+
>1 Luck for saving Albano
What else?
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And how exactly this justifies having that much disparity in cost? I'm not made of gold you know, the should just content w..
Ah I see. Fun in the bathtub with my Alice, roleplaying King and Queen.
There's 1 of every lantern available, 2 of strength.
IQ - Dungeon 2 good end.
Piety - Dungeon 2 bad end (or maybe just first completion?)
Speed / Dex are...somewhere in the morass of the 2nd dungeon, but I don't recall exactly when.
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Why would you do that...
you take her to the temple.
You then pay 500 gold twice and get a bond.
get that and level him as mage till he gets all skills then class change
like other anon said late staves give both and you keep skills + gain ability to wear light armor but might have less max magic then a mage adam
I'm neutral, but I'm trying to become evil so me and Amelia can go around pretending to be villains!
I'm neutral.
you either take her to temple and get her bondmate or take her to goblin rape cave and get a goblin bondmate
Thanks. Any recommended party composition for it? I'm on NG+ but I'm tying some loose ends before saving the king, but I'm going to unlock it soon I guess.
make sure you post a screenshot of Adam in his new threads
Desperately need Alice alt cosplaying as certain Lewis Carroll character so I can go to Alice!
I had a spare Lana so I thought of putting her passive on my MC. At level one it heals 6hp, this feels like such a scam lmao.
wait what
the fuck?
at least when you eventually replace Lana you'll still keep a shitty version of her heal
putting it on Lana bumps hers up to 22 btw
>Powerful Arms
>my frontline just dies

>not doing anything important, just wandering around aimlessly
>enemies zero in on MC, only begrudgingly target other party members if a Cover is up or if they dropped an AOE
>stuck on a stage because of the holly bug and have no way to leave but by accepting death
>enemies refuse to kill MC, only begrudgingly target you after methodically killing every other member of your party first
s-savoring the risk...
It can happen to high levle enemies, I had it happen a lot in the levle 40 goblin caves (on my level 22 priest mc)
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yeahhh... i'll take care of it
that's one trap disARMed...
i like when that bugs out and they stay there no matter how far away you are from them on the floor
Should've read.
All the legendary inheritable skills are nerfed when inherited by any other character.
When leveling as priest he'll also get less IQ and magic multiplier
Sure it's neat to double up on skills and have an emergency healer, but unless you can freely swap once you have scrolls I don't think I'll go for many class changes unless they can just stay in that class forever and be better off than in their original
I did it knowingly, didn't expect it to be THAT nerfed though.
Waterway is completely filtering my phone making it impossible to dodge enemies. Can a full set of earth gear keep me alive fighting every single encounter on a floor?
Just dump more Lanas into it, after about 20 it should heal as much as Lana's Lv1 version
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i guess spam swiping to the next party member is how you replicate this bug
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Gonna leave this here
>I'm so fucked up...
The floors start to get a shitload of mobs so you'd run out of MP/SP before killing them off. You also want to start dodging as many enemies as possible on boss floors (B3 and B6)
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What if I grind to 40?
post 40 to 50 and 50 to 60.
Im a small way off before the 60 grind...
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this is as far as the nips have documented for now
what would you even grind for 60, wouldnt exp be dogshit everywhere
I don't understand. Albano had reconciled with his uncle and I killed Helmut (again) but when I go to edge of town, nothing happens. Do I have to redo his questline again?
Some things are scaling into the 40s. I don't know if they'll continue to scale into 50s, but it's not technically super unfeasible; the exp scaling just makes it very boring.
Does the 6 HP heal stack with your other Lana's heal?
What does curse do?
I hope all succubi die a horrific death

Reflects damage dealt onto whoever is suffering from it
lmao sounds like literal brick
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It's not steel but man is it sexy. Got a sword with atk/eva/acc too.
Ayo who's this?!?
>not %
Hmmm I wonder who could appear at a shrine of Harken
It will be replaced by the time % is better anyway.
A god that specifically chooses not to help people it doesn't like
Isn't that every god
Does it likes me?
Everybody that wasted time farming thief bones is getting that shit rolled back
What fuckin retards
Literally anyone? It's a common mode of travel.
Man, this goblin cave does not fuck around for how much you gotta do in there post dungeon 2.
>get at most 2500 gold from a 12h gold dispatch
>200 gold an hour

This shit sucks.
Gold farming event should be permanent desuwa
For what it's worth, it appears that the Piety to Attack is 20% converrsion, I'm getting +6~ at 30 piety.
its free money
How else are you going to farm gold in your sleep????
Any tips on how making a macro on bluestacks for this? I wasn't planning to, but I really need the gold.
Is the only way to get higher level tags to dismiss ranked up units?
>monsters can open doors
wow I didn't expect that
>lose arena and you have to accept death when you have 3 flames
Fuck you nip devs probably too lazy to code it now I have to redo 20 battles and a potential bugged harken again
You can trade 2 tags for 1 of a higher rank in the request tab. Click the tab icon beside the exam.
Took me a while to find, no idea why they place the interface there of all places.
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well, I can't be an anon here, it's asking me to sign up for stuff and I'm too lazy to create a burned one to do lewd and stupid art
wasn't there some other site people used often? What was the name?
It puts you right outside, just before you entered that fight. It's not that bad.
You can also click the tag icon on the grade up screen. The one on the quest is because you also need to show that you have the right tag on hand before actually doing it I think?
A threesome. While keeping that detail a secret to Lana before, after, and during.
What's the max level of bondmates and are we seriously expected to repeat their whole quest line to level them?
Alice! Damm elf! Erotic! Are all of them like that? They should be called Erofu instead of Elf.
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Sneak attack with sword and board is bugged and the camera does not track the MC.
I got a headless MC view using it with a bow earlier
What the FUCK do I do at the first warped one? I only have choices to send skirmishers, defenders or craftsmen and they all fucking die
Except I went back and had to redo the quest for knightquil I assume it did not save after
The defenders died there?
I noticed as I came back the dude I was going to give it to was gone, so you can just repeat quest for no reason I guess
Beats the actual 'attack up' passives, at least. And it'll keep getting better with more levels.
What's the point of the for example Mahalito spell book that you can only use once? Doesn't my mage already come with an AOE? Does making it skill level 2 matters?
Yes and the cursed wheel says there is a path i havent unlocked which I assume is nobody dying but idk how to do it
1) You can give the spell to people who don't know it (dubiously useful, but some mages cant cast fire).
2) You can increase it to level 2, allowing you to spend more mana for more damage. This can be the difference between one-shotting a row and not.
Is there a way to acquire these skill books or page? Or do I have to do human sacrifice everytime I need to level a skill?
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Finally finished it
cute skelly
based drawfag
Nevermind I still lost the guy that wanted the quill that wasn't there was supposed to be there, I'm done. I'm going to sleep, damn bugged ass game
>Anti-AI filter
Alice's sticking to me like shit to a shoe and inviting me constantly to the tavern. What does she wants???
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For me it's mountain elves. Elise owes me bonding events and sex.
See those floating heads? (You) could be the 4th.
I've never once thought I'd be in a relationship where we are drying to either kill or devour each other... but I guess that's how it is with elves.
Elise is underrated. I love hiding my neutral MC behind her.
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This shop doesn't actually expire, does it? I expect it to be more of a refresh in 3 days..
Coward, MC should always be in the front center leading the charge.
Hell no there could be rabbits abouts
It'll be a monthly reset
Tried to negotiate with albano using the sachet and he didnt want it and then lulu is being a bitch and refused to help because she doesnt like that im looping
What do?
I'm betting agora isn't even a god. She says something about a malfunction at one point. I think she's a computer.

Pic related is how I think Alice met Agora.
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Has anyone tried merging a higher lvl Lana or an already recruited one (to try and merge her after leveling her up to see if there's any difference)? Wondering if there's any way to reduce the negative exp I'll get from merging them
I assume since you can inherit skills from already recruited characters it shouldn't prevent me from merging them right? Anyone already done so?
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He... He looks like me...

He's built like me... I... thank you
Lulu SEXO!
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I legit would not be playing this game if it weren't free to play. But since it is, here I am, and I'm enjoying it so far. Has a low budget feel to it overall but it's still enjoyable .

What are some other good blobbers or Wizardry titles?
>Has a low budget feel to it overall but it's still enjoyable .
If you think this 'has a low budget feel' you're in for a real shock when you play anything else in the genre.
I hope it's just going to restock in 3 days, and leave our guild points alone.

So I guess your other Lana has higher base points, but did you register her first? The experience is averaged between the two, so only gaining more experience on the fodder unit would lower the tax I think (but I guess it wouldn't mitigate it completely).
Dungeon of Erotic Master
I have played the Etrian Odyssey games. They are fairly polished.

Hearing multiple characters talk at once when you finish a fight or step on a poison tile reminds me of PS2 jank. And the overall art direction feels inconsistent.

I don't mind the jank. It's charming.
>and leave our guild points alone
If our guild points got wiped each month how the fuck would anyone afford the top prize
Honestly what this guy says >>500114261 almost everything else in the genre looks like it has 1% of the budget this does even if most of them aren't as buggy
And the ones don't are because they use purely anime-cg backgrounds/art which look clean but are actually dirt-cheap compared to fully 3d modeling everything
Well, give the Experience titles a shot then. Demon Gaze, Operation Abyss/Babel, Stranger of Sword City, maybe more I forget.
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is this the one you get for foolishly taking on both in B2F? Because i got it but i gave up trying to win the double fight after a few attempts.
man, the bonus damage from soil weapons is way more significant than i expected.
>quest to gather water god statue fragments
>get kicked back out to title screen upon killing the last group
>clearing cache doesn't work
Am I thoroughly bricked?
Don't the passes give you more rewards including guild points? Maybe even then there wouldn't be enough for monthly guild resets though, I haven't looked.
Stupid sexy ghost..

Go further in the loop and let Elmon die. Then rewind back here and you will get an option to warn the defenders which let's them survive.
im about to give up on getting lambert alive, his body doesnt even show up on the map as a skeleton
Let her die where?
Yeah don't bother. It's been bugged for everyone it seems.
Labyrinth of Refrain and it's sequel have pretty interesting stories.
I didn't play much of EO, but it's always highly rated.
I have vague memories of the first starcrawlers being decent, haven't played the sequel.
Legends of grimrock and it's sequel were also pretty popular when it came out.
it's bugged man, just leave it be for now.
I tested once and it was 25%, i tested again and it was 50%. I think maybe there might be some kind of pokemon STAB thing going on.
I once got stuck in a battle where the UI disappeared and nothing happens, I had to uninstall the game and reinstall it to fix it.
Remember to link accounts and/or grab a password before you uninstall.
Based on what we know at the moment, those skill pages are essentially useless right? feels like i just have to pick the bone. when do you get mid grade iron?
Once you have played one Experience game, you have played them all.
Absolutely no innovation or creativity at that company.
Patch notes soon, what's your predicting this time?
I really don't trust nips and their password systems, but looks like there's no other option.
Bans for people who exploited the thief mausoleum
Bans for people exploiting the scroll sell price glitch
Bans for people who exploited the game by installing it
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of course it is bugged god damn it
What books does Gerard's shop have?
After you collect 4 pages over who knows how many banners it'll pay off I guess. Still who knows how frequently they'll show up. We don't even know how effective Lv2 of any given skill is.
>not having at least 50-60 acc on every physical class
What's the difference between books and passages?
A number of skills can't be inherited so leveling them via the exchange is the only way.
Bones are also completely random, and if you end up using the adventurer to inherit skills anyway, might as well grab a book/passage.
Fuck me do i have to step on posion floor just to get to f8 everytime?
There are bits of rubble on B8 - restore them all and it will open up shortcuts to avoid the poison
you know what, probably.
my Elise will just hit 600 sometimes and in general does over 230 with the soil greatsword, wish i had a 2H axe.
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The old man at the Tavern is where you go to enter other people's passwords to help them get rewards right? Keeps saying that the passwords are expired no matter how many I try.
Elise being earth i forgot to mention
Legend of Grimrock 1 and 2. Very good look them up on Steam

Mihoyo in essence took over the r/gachagaming subreddit and control it completely at this point to push Hoyo stuff constantly and shit with a strong concerted effort on any games the company may deem to be competition. And they shill a lot of other places too.
Elminage Original/Gothic because you can be a summoner and capture GODS as your pets that can act 5 turns in a row and decimate everything. Gothic also has a system where you turn captured monster into a real character you can use and brings all the broken stats with them.
Dungeon Travelers if you want to kill monster girls only.

I think they are similar but their blobbers do change over time. Their early games have those shitty deep/anti-float tiles on the map that wipe you randomly if you are not prepare for them and you can't even select a specific target to attack, just a row. DG1/2 treasure was neat and allow you to build some broken shit. The formation swap on the fly was nice too but too easy to abuse. Undernauts/Monyu have specializations and every class uses MP now instead of physical classes being able to use skills freely. The map traversal gimmick is neat but nothing too special though.
did you try my password?
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don't really get this, specifically why does my skill Lv goes down for passive HP up, a visual bug maybe?
Don't use this guy's password >>500116541
Use my password
pretty sexy but wtf is with the weird lines on the legs
For what it's worth, Mage MC isn't just Cones. I have Feru and Halito on him. Notably, it tells me I learned Macones but I don't actually have Macones.
What's it look like if you merge the other way
I would worship Agora for 10 more LUC
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use this one
Someone mentioned there might be a time limit, when did you start playing?
Bros do I have to start leveling my second squad now before i hit NG+ ?
Isn't it more likely that passwords expire once they're used 5 times
Reinstalled and am still stuck. See you guys in a week once they get to my inquiry.
I sure do love getting purple 4* MAG greatswords... thanks waterway.
>Chloe Knight handbook
Her stats actually seem pretty good for it.
2nd squad only exists for dispatches, as long as you don't suck and keep getting your chars killed having 1 squad is perfectly doable.
I'm all the way at the end of the 2nd story dungeon running nearly the same party throughout.
And get bricked because the 5 people that used it quit after a day without reaching the 2nd floor?
bro your Samurai?
>fucked up and let Elmon die in my NG+ run
>she shows up in town anyway
Not sure if continuity error or if they just revived her at the temple.
I haven't allocated skill points form my dark lana, I was scared it would lock me from merging her
Like a week ago, but haven't actually delved into the Abyss much, just doing the bare minimum daily requests since I was busy.

I tried the top 10 most recent passwords in the Rentry and got the expired pop up. I doubt we're all that diligently checking them off. Mine is 7Zg4UgkHVc5H5FqT.
I've got Lv3 heavy attack. It's pretty goddamn effective.

Skill exp appears to be an EXTREMELY rare and valuable resource to be hoarded and dumped on only your absolute favorite characters.

Books are 100 skill exp, pages are 25. So 4 pages = 1 book.
>20 hour dispatches
>canceled if you use the wheel
No I don't think so
Also expired. Sorry you had to find out this way.
How am I supposed to beat the scorpion bronze rank up boss? She just spams aoe every turn and keeps my frontline perma stun locked.
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Did that passive still revert to 1?
Pretty sure I did it this way as well, old leveled Lana into Lv1 alt lana with better bonus points
Post pics if you do it
I didn't bother buffing or debuffing, just focused on healing and nuking her. Armor break from the frontline and my mages keeping mental unity up. I barely cleared it with one of my mages and my cleric dry with no more consumables and my frontline in critical health.
Make sure you block her targeted attack to get her weak point
>Like a week ago
Sounds like this might be the problem then.
I'll probably do it but I want to get all her Fighter skills first.
Halberds count as lances or axes? I can use it on backrow members?
Yes, it counts as 2h spear
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>open chest
>no trap
>mimic secretions
Do you have any memory of doing anything to get that passive to level 2? Mine's also at 2 with no memory of how.
Thanks I'll try replacing the bow on my Lana with it
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there's no change in the passive since I haven't learned it yet with the dark Lana, I think it's lvl2 because I fed og Lana some adventurer but I'm not sure, it's supposedly learned at Lvl. 7
Maybe it's a visual bug and should be at Lv. 1? It's weir because if it was actually getting reduced it should be in red
Should I just delete my save data and start a new game? My save is bricked, but I've only been playing for 2 days.
I like the girls I have right now, and don't want to lose them.
Hell yeah I one shot the bronze exam. Not as bad as the first one. It was harder getting to the boss.
don't care about morality, tell me the stats. show me the numbers, which of the two is the better option?
Lewd mimic...
wdym save is bricked
Well that's unfortunate. I guess it's more like the passwords are fine but my "newbie period" expired and they worded it weirdly like passive "boosting stats continuously". Thought it be tied to dungeon progress rather than account creation date.
It's just black screen after loading and I've tried everything to get it back.
I think I remember seeing something in one of the patch notes about it, may be a bug
What is the right choice here?
Shields? Defenders.
I mean, you can reroll any legendary you want and any non-legendary is at the mausoleum granted likely in 5 bonus point form

aren't the defenders the ones with the huge shields who die to the collapse?
New here, how to play on PC? Bluestack?
Yeah, apparently there's specific settings you need though. Just do ctrl+F through previous threads
make sure to use my code at the tavern
>Bluestacks Emulator (Use 5)
>Set to Android 11
>English Device Language
>Phone Profile set to Asus ROG 2
>Vulcan graphics
That's because you get level down from the merge so the relevant passive also get unlearned.
so Lana learns Passive HP UP at lvl 27?
Damn I just go the non patrolling mobs bug.
If only I could farm mausoleum without worry.
227812 exp is still enough for level 27.
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worth it or save the alteration for better gear? ring is 3 stars
You still cleared the adds first before killing her right?
If you need the speed to make your Adam or whoever go first, just do it.
>fighting Lead grade exam boss
>message pops up sending me to title once he's at like half health or less
>boss is stuck doing nothing and all progress has been lost
>close the game and open it again
>now works but some consumables are missing
I beat it anyway, despite having atrocious RNG the second time; terrible summons and I didn't get a single defend opening despite having attract hit up the whole time. I guess I shouldn't rush into spending the tags on grading up until I need to, for the bonus experience.
>no more extra gold for selling
game is shit now abandon ship
One hand or two hand?
Neither because you don't have enough pearls.
Is this real?
Should I be extracting all blessings from my extra equipments? It feels like I could benefit more if I just sold them because extraction keeps failing.
Where can I find Ebonsteel for this request?
Every class can use some form of 1 handed weapons.
Not all classes can use 2 handed or range weapons.
For minmaxing, you want to pick up 1 handed from around the thief, fighter, and knight nodes.
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new comic fresh out of the oven; translator bwos, do your magic
Should let this shit kingdom go to ruin.
I am sure Elmon will find a new liege.
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this is the only thing I could find
man this game is so full of bugs, I guess I'll refrain from merging for now till we have more info
Anyone who's completed the second dungeon, how many and what kind of tags does the weekly quest give you now?
Two fights in B6F
Hmm? But the knights saved the kingdom, (You) were just a dungeon tourguide :^)
>Oops! Failed to detect trap.
>despite having 81 Detect and 87 Disarm
They were telling me it was in B4 and but mentioned it was in the area with cave-ins leading me to believe it was B3. Hmph.
imagine if you could take two of the same units and they would just bicker
There's no change based on town, but if you keep levelling it'll give 4 and presumably more in future.
picture %'s in Wiz like X-Com ones. No matter how high, they'll fail or succeed thanks to invisible numbers
So how do I farm Den of Earth? Just beeline to boss for ore? Are the earth equips any good outside of the water dungeon?
If the client for the request is Albano's uncle Alfred Barossa, it's B4F. B6F is Rhodium to fix the saint's shield.
Aye, I'll scour B4 then. Cheers.
That's pretty rough, I guess they expect us to level and dismiss SR characters since it's tag neutral to do that for generics.
>*autoruns on map back to city*
>"Just some bastards posing as Warped One™, here's proof" *shows flipper*
>3000G received
Den of earth has too many twists and turns for these shitty swipe navigation controls.
Please just give me the pc version.
Don't do that unless you're farming friendship for the dismissal bond. The end result for tags gained is the same no matter whether you dismiss them at 1 or 50.
Generics give one tag back, rares give 2, legendaries give 3, and which tags those are changes with each grade right?
Who do you eat for ACC up skill?
>legendaries give 3
They give an iron tag
>Wizardry is not coomer-ba...
Looks like SR characters give a tag of their current grade and a no grade tag, and Legendaries give two tags of their current grade back, this definitely doesn't seem worth it.
A level 45 Chloe gives an Iron and No Grade, and a level 45 Debra gives two Iron.
Beast-Thi gives Passive Accuracy Up.
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Alright gang what's with the B6F Statues
Further update, I had a dupe Debra and at level 1 she gives a No-Grade and an Iron tag, this is a rip off for sure.
If you rank up an SR you get 1 lead and 1 ungraded tag which is the equivalent to 3 ungraded tags.
But since you spent one tag to rank them up, you only really get 2, so it's pointless unless you're investing time building up a relationship to get their bond
All adventurers give a tag of their current grade. SR gives a bonus no grade tag while Legendary gives a bonus iron.
A level 1 legendary would give 1 no grade and 1 iron.
What's your hint? It's different for everybody
Puzzle is randomized, read the hint and figure out what it wants
Bros my Lana is dead and in sub 50 fortitude. If i swap her out with another character will her fortitude still recover? And how much fortitude to revive her safely?
"Go forth with brave fighters who are willing to face wounds". At first I assumed that the puzzle would inflict paralysis or something for messing it up.
the busts reflect your party
knock down the busts that don't fit the criteria
Where did they hide this little shit. Do I need to kill the dude in the area I have not explored yet?
The statues are your party formation. So you restore all the statues that line up with your fighters. Or is it knights for that one? I can't remember
the 6 statues represent your party, restore the knight/s
You didn't see the enemy on the map when you warped in?
Yes, 51
thanks, almost gave me a heart attack running away from b8
So Fortitude regens even if a character is dead right?
If you have a blue item, does +5 upgrade the first line only or one of the two randomly?
would you risk your Lana at 51 anon? I would wait for 100 to be sure
in the meanwhile, train a backup knight
how does the revival work anyways? Is it the same with the circle timing
Yup, there's basically no penalty for dying except a time out.
If it is 51 and above I just do it, you are gonna be waiting for 5 more hours on the off chance that maybe you will have to wait 5 more hours anyway?
Seems stupid.
If I have a character go down more than once in the same fight I generally just take the L, get my main character killed, use a flame and come back later with better gear / more levels / better strategy.
I was avoiding him in the offchance it was not related to the quest and was above my punching grade. Wrapped it up just now.

Incidentally was the Weekly Quest bugged for anyone else? I finished mine yesterday and today it refreshed with a 24h timer. But I was able to clear it again just now..
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>anon believes the magic number was 51
sure, sure, go ahead, "50" was the magic number. Always res at that chance, alright? Ehehehe...
51 is when it stops being yellow and giving you a warning you dumb fuck.
If you are gonna post misinformation at least try a little and maybe fake a video of a character becoming ash at 51 and above.
Otherwise kill yourself.
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yes, yessshhh, res at 51 anons... why wait more? Hurry, it's 5 hours! It's too much!! Hurry, Hurry!
Just realized it's Fighter, not Knight. Thanks however.
this fucking floor is stressing me the fuck out
im totally out of mp and healing items, is that the boss fight ahead or i can get home somehow if i walk up?
You get locked in the fight if you step forward, don't proceed.
You can use the camp in B7F or B3F I think? And then come back
Walk forward and you will be forced to fight, go back home.
Make your way through floor 8 and 7 by dodging/fleeing all fights
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It's me again, thank to anons I managed to make it works on BS but why is it so blurry or it's just not supposed to work on landscape?
>this fucking floor is stressing me the fuck out
that's the Wizardry experience anon, savor the risk

this is but the tutorial dungeon for things to come, nothing but experience will prepare you for the puzzle dungeons later on
so i need to run back and step on poison puddles again
i cant take it anymore. enough of this stressful shit for the day
Did you recover the stones?
Looks like you've restored the debris on B8 so there will be shortcuts to avoid the poison. Just make sure there are no rocks left on your way back
No? You should have used your right hand on 4 rubble piles on that floor, the two near the spot where you took that screenshot unlock shortcuts in B7F which skips the poison.
The teleporter on 7F takes you back to the stairs. And the rocks you reversed on 8F opens up a path straight down the middle on 7F
Adam-kun, I...
i restored 3 stones i think, gonna yolo explore the last corner of the map then. godspeed with the spoonfeeding
Holy fuck Lana's english voice is annoying
Open all the chests, there is a powerful weapon that will be very effective on this boss
Do NOT listen to this man
Ignore this retard, there are mimics on B8F.
>Lana took a massive hit
Fellas, is it wrong to pop a boner in that situation?
Just got the Bonnie and Clyde good ending.
Reward is a Luck guiding light was hoping for a bond too but, oh well.

This is all under the assumption on your first port dungeon loop you told them to hop on the ship.
You have to fight Bonnie and Clyde twice.
First time is bonnie as previously mention in the first loop.
Second loop you fight Clyde after giving him the cutlass.
After you clear that fight you can immediately rewind to when you meet them again at the pier a new option will be available.
You tell them they can start over and pick the top option. (If you pick "You'll die at the arena" they'll ask for magic scroll and assumedly die at the arena again I didn't bother continuing once i saw this.)
After picking the top option you return to the capital and accept a quest to gather flowers.
Inn keeper will point you to a contact and you have to clear a cave scorpion tits is at the end and she has a truck load of hp.
After getting the flowers you clear the quest in the capital then you can turn the left over flowers to bonnie.
She and Clyde will leave.
You then must leave the pier and return to town.
You'll be stopped by the pair and you'll receive a guiding light of luck.

Sorry for the dog shit formatting just wanted to get the info out there.
thanks lil ESL bro
>invisible enemies everywhere
>water level
I'm really savoring it!
When do we get more points for well of the mind? After I unlocked it I've got nothing. I don't even know what to do with these guiding lights
When is the succubus adventurer banner? Tuesday?
use spoiler tags retard
>When do we get more points for well of the mind?
Use the guiding lights.
>I don't even know what to do with these guiding lights
Just click around, when an active node is close to a fogged up area, you get a choice to use a light.
STR light is used directly up from the starting node.
You can't screw up using a light.
>Incidentally was the Weekly Quest bugged for anyone else?
Yeah. But unfortunately I won't be able to finish it because my save got bricked.
That's it, I'm firing up Wiz 6 and giving Lana queen's spiky leather bra and a whip. Sometime later...
How is Gandolfo's second job a Priest? Now I'm curious about his "evil" life.
The timer is wrong. Yes, it did refresh, but it won't refresh again once that 24h is up. It's based on jst time and resets at 12am for them (and us), which was about 14 hours ago.
>new update
>no patch notes
First ban wave.
Big if true
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The new patch fucked emulator for me, cant start the game anymore
First banned account of the thread.
Patch notes came out days ago, I think it just became mandatory now.
>tfw emulator getting nuked
Nah, game works fine on my phone.
Im not filthy cheater nor exploited the bone farm.
Still working on my machine
might be something to do with hyper v or some shit I saw some anons talking about that a few threads back
on bluestacks x if that matters but afaik its just running bluestacks 5 cause no cloud version
That might be the issue,im using the bluestacks X and was playing fine until game told me to download new update from google play then the error pop up.
bluestacks still working for me
In the rentry is "Mudd" the goblin bondmate or not? Does the clever goblin that trades shinies become a bondmate?
Did you root it beforehand? If you did it seems like it bricks it permanently and you can't start it
Mudd is an adventurer, I don't think there is any goblin bondmates right now, or at least that people have found.
I have given goblin coins like 10x already and nothing ever happened.
Mudd an adventurer. For who updates that rentry, add that he's NG+, since you need the knowledge of his death to warn him and trigger the other events.
Nope, only installed bluestacks X and followed the basic tutorial on these /vg/ threads, worked fine until today for some reason.
On the first run I revisited the B1 graffiti before the boss area (you had to back up one tile to get the correct trigger), and Elmon was still there to comment on it even though she already died.
Where is the Man Who Sells Bones (And Elixirs)? I have never come across him once since getting the legendary bone off him
Bluestacks is still working for me.
Bro just dodge helmut and get to the checkpoint behind him. Your dodging skills?
Should I upgrade undead bane above +5 or there will be better version?
Damn, sounds like you're pretty boned atm. Just keep trying, eventual you should find him and not get shafted out of getting another bone off of him. He seems to appear randomly in the dungeon while exploring.
I encountered him twice today and all he has to sell me were some elixirs. Cheeky bastard.
I literally run around all day farming things and running into every other random encounter 5+ times (goblin, irritated adventurer, dwarf, etc), am I actually bricked or something? Isn't he supposed to give a daily bone?
I wouldn't. +5 was good enough for me, I haven't run into an undead for a while now but I did keep some 3star bane weapons just in case
Want to know this too.
is helmut undead or nah? Fucking hate using the undead banes.
I don't think he is.
Remember you can swap to weapons in your inventory at will during combat so you can just carry a backup weapon just in case
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>Isn't he supposed to give a daily bone?
where did you hear that?
So if a dead character still gains fortitude is permadeath just for retards who try to rez when fortitude is low?
attract hit is so fucking bad
From here. Probably from the same anon that said non-Thief Mausoleum bones were an unlimited farm, I guess. Still, he has at least 1 bone and some elixirs and apparently doesn't exist for me
Knight gets way better provokes later on, but until then stun bash spam just seems the way to go
Yes, it's about as lenient as permadeath could possibly be while still existing as a mechanic. If someone kills their characters you know for sure they are certified retarded.
It's more like they set fortitude up as a soft stamina system that disproportionately affects baddies
That only profound retards can lose their characters means the game gets to have a "hardcore" reputation without actually being that unforgiving
Why the fuck am I getting an error when I'm swapping out the pickaxe for the helmut battle.
One of the theories is that your stuff might be locked. The other is that game is just buggy as shit.
Using cover in that fight will also lock your game up, by the way.
The pickaxe is a 2-hand weapon right? I think there's issues with swapping from 1h with shields to 2h and vice versa
They should turn off auto mapping. makes the player use pen and papers like the way our founding fathers intended.
You should have sex
t. Woodhead
t.AARP Member
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>>>mimic secretion
>my thief made a mimic cum just with his fingers
oh is that what the tiny bar means. lol i got lucky then
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that could of been a bone bricked!
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actually, what's causing this
2nd spot also has no chest
tried restarting?
Think update broke something. 3rd chest also not there and there are no enemy spawns in the map.
Bros there's literally no evil knight or evil character that can change to a knight.
Evil bros we lost.
whats with all the locked doors in the port dungeon
And I wonder why we even have evil priests.
of course there will be, paid only
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That fixed it and more chests spawned also.
The previous empty spots have chests now.
luna alter so p2w, got her duped up and just run around auto, finished all current content
Where is the Albano mimic?
Nevermind found it, it is in the rooms after the harken.
I strongly believe the issue is locked weapons. I didn't have anything locked and could swap with no problems up until I got the wind sword, which I locked. Same with all the other times I had error when switching, a locked weapon was involved.
Recently I've removed the locks and haven't had a single problem since.
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