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Yep that's me edition

1d6chan: https://1d6chan.miraheze.org/wiki/Total_War:_Warhammer/Tactics
Roll Charts: https://imgur.com/a/81snQma

>Total War: Warhammer III
Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1142710/
Patch 5.3 dev blog: https://community.creative-assembly.com/total-war/total-war-warhammer/blogs/33-total-war-warhammer-iii-patch-5-3-dev-blog
Hotfix 5.2.7: https://community.totalwar.com/wh3-hotfix-527

>Total War: Three Kingdoms
Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/779340
Patch notes 1.7.2: https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/779340/view/3677786186780517944

>Older Titles
Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/franchise/TotalWar-Official/

Remember to ignore CA shills.

Previous thread: >>499880435
Be a good person
First for Neferata's head.
kys thanquolfag
Nobody falls for it anymore, your vandalism is in vain, you overplayed your hand ratbro.
annd that's a grudgin
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Thanquol soon, friends!
I hate Malakai, he just seems like the most reddit-pandering character.
Why do you keep forcing this? It's not him.
I personally like him, its just he's fun to hate.
Yeah it's.
Your reasoning?
Thanquolfag has been around for a while and hasn't seethed about squire shit when it was up and I remember that he said positive things about the art/fics when that faggot that kept asking "Thanquolanon what do you think about X" asked him.
How the fuck would you know?
I often lurk the threads I see patterns.
And I could also ask the same thing to (You), since you provided no reasoning as to why Thanquolfag is the schizo.
IDK, could there really be two people this autistic here?
>vile disgusting warpgrinder sperg trying to slander our most beloved ritualposter
Obsessed ratfaggot posting the same shit for years
That level of mental derangement is more than likely to manifest in other dogshit posting
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why do ulthuan battle maps have more trees than athel loren battle maps
how am i supposed to use my archers
I mean ratfags in general post the same furshit over and over.
Malakai is so fucking reddit
IDK, I'd recommend deforestation.
Play allarielle, spam dryads and white lions.
>playing tw3 with three buds
>me and one guy are burning down pisslev and soon the empire together
>other guy refuses to do manual battles, and has just streaked straight to get the sword of khaine on malus so his autoresolve is better
How do I fix his newfag fear of manual? I dont know how hes enjoying the game like this
>middle mouse click giving up the ghost
>left click double clicking
I can't play total war like this
fucking logitech garbage.
He has already found out manual battles are a waste of time and autoresolving everything is the way to go, he isn't afraid, he has found the truth.
I hope that Thanquol Anon picks up a new obsession once the End Times expansion is released.
Just get a new mouse, they're like $4.
How do manual battles work in multiplayer, do you just watch the other guy play?
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Genuine question Thanquolposter, what will you do when Thanquol is added?
you can assign your fellow compatriots some units to control
if you don't you may witness your fellows writing less than helpful messages on the map with their draw tool since there is no chat
Aight come on, offer more than 3k, or can you even? DO I NEED TO SLAUGHTER ALL OF THE CHAOS WASTES TO SATE THE MAW!?
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>Thanquol announced
>he doesnt stop
>Thanquol added, more OP than Ikit crossed with Chorfs having a baby with pre-nerf Kislev
>he still doesnt stop, starts posting "Thanquol buffs soon!"
>Thanquol updated to have a "win every campaign turn one with instant map buyout for 1 gold" mechanic
>he still doesnt stop, starts posting "Thanquol mechanical depth soon!"
They can watch, you can give them units, OR they can control the opposing army. Im trying to get my buds to get to where we control the enemy in every manual battle (that wouldn't be a horrid ballbuster like defending against Grimgor Waagh) for maximum fun
I will play him, friend. What else would I do?
/twg/ has vacancies for these roles:
Glottkin poster
Nagash poster
Li Dao poster
Monkey King poster
Dechala poster
>*throws shit*
/twg/ is cursed to irrelevancy until WEGH returns to us from the stars
That is like 2 years away.
Is this a RoC campaign
Snotling hero unit this DLC
Ogres should get a gnoblar lord and Greenskins should get a snotling lord so we can have little weghs teaming up against skulltaker
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I will refund the DLC if U'zhul Skulltaker is unable to 1v1 Tyrion.
His awesome horde of a few dudes
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No, I just had a mod that yeets Skrag to Yhetti peak
The patch notes are going to be rather large. Are there any stat or ability changes that you hope to see?
rat tummies filled with elf tendies
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>retreat from 3 drucchi armies bc map had too many trees
>second battle map is just choke point battle
thanks tcal
I want to see ogre camp movement speed or the ability to pack it up and move
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damn the hydra got away
That would be cool. I am half-expecting for the big Ogre patch to come alongside the DLC.
Really hoping that Greasus and Skrag get some improvements.
Kill yourself.
I can never remember the full thing, I know there's TCALUK but I forget the letters after that
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and we were able to annihilate the last army in that grouping! excellent
tcaluk if it please you m'lord
or perhaps tawpia ltd for more enlightened folk?
Bros I finally wiped out Grimgor on my 3rd chorf campaign.
I think its dropping at the same time or before it, it would be insane not to
Ogres dont need *that* much because they are great in battle, they just need a lot of camp QOL and buffs to raiding in general. Norsca is like the only faction that makes raiding worthwhile
Good job little domitash im proud of you
the real proof thanquolposter isn't the ratschizo is the fact that he doesnt post his thanquol soon friends posts in the ratschizo's threads
even the other ratposters have abandoned him
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Make a TW or /twg/ related meme out of this template!
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I am rank 35 and am being double teamed by Katarin (rank 15) and Grimgor (rank 1, 8x stronger than me). Oh, wait, I forgot that HURRR THE CHORFS ARE BUSTED YAWWWWWN THIS GAME IS SOOOOOO EASY HOW CAN YOU EVEN PLAY PAST TURN 2 WHEN YOU'VE ALREADY WON AND THE GAME'S OVER. Yeah, the Chorfs are sooooo damnnnnn easyyyyyy...powercrept DLC race, bros, no challenge at all!
Why should I do that? What do I get out of it? What if I just play the game instead?
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I just killed Tammy and I get this notification and I'm just like Huh?
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A great and brave cat killed the dragon lord. PvP autismo battle where I saved just a cat and some sleds.
>playing chorfs
You can just recruit like 10 blunderbusses and kill anything they send at you.
>Playing Astragoth
>Didn't kill Grimgor immediately by turn 5
>implying I have the time to stop at a recruiting province when I'm being swarmed from all sides since turn 5
>implying I have the money to recruit globally
60% of my armies is labourers because I just don't have 1 turn to spare to stop and recruit
Chorfs are actually weak at first. You only get overpowered as you tech up, get enough raw labour, materials, armanents, cities and get the Conclave spots, and at that point it doesn't matter all that much. Still my fav race. As ZOOLAHOO you should probably rush Grimgor ASAP
Yeah, silly me, how could I go for the most lucrative resource-rich provinces in the entire game outside of the Dark Lands instead of cheesing the game. THIS GAME'S SOOOOO EASYYYYY, THERE'S NO CHALLENGE AT ALLLLL I'M SOOOO BOOOOORED (unless you don't spam darksharts, or fight on a flat map with skryre weapon team spam, or play any other skaven composition and faction than skryre weapon tram spam, or don't cheese grimgor as astragoth...)
I'm playing Skrag with an army of Gorgers and just fought back Tammy... I'm having fun.
you're just shit at the game not much to be done about that :/
>be retarded
>complain that the game is hard because you're retarded
Sad! Bet you're playing on normal too.
I think I've got the solution to my problem! I sell the region bordering grimgor to the Conclave which will maybe dissuade him from invading me! I'M A GENIUS (it probably won't tho)!
Speaking of, YAY FRIENDS!
I've been busting my ass to befriend the chorfs.

Oh as >>500088842 reminded me, you *can* play on normal, you know that right?
Alternatively you could just beat him with your powercreeped army
It's tk extended thing on vh.
I moved onto Ungrim after he declared war on me but I'm getting bored. I'm 50 turns in but still haven't unlocked tier 5 units and the campaign is losing it's appeal. Fighting multiple stacks isn't very fun with just two armies.
Total war...Has fallen...
No.... this isn't true.... I must check with legendoftotal war, he'll reassure me....
Mein gott!
>manifest in other dogshit posting
We already know he's a fag encouraging people to post furshit
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based kot
Chorfs have a lot of enemies, my recommendation with astragoth is to not go north and prepare for grimgors assrape from turn 1. They get easier as your economy grows and you get conclave shit to the point they are laughably OP.
You should be able to slap like 2 WAAGHed greenskin armies at least with just some magma cannons and blunderbusses with a half decent frontline
>only two armies
You arent building enough gold production factories. Remember, chorfs *never* get upkeep increase from multiple armies and you get Gorduz for free to get a super efficient hobgoblin shitstack
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What should be my next move? Both of these fucks have way higher tier units than me
>astragoth at war with ostankya
how does that happen
Get land down south alongside kislev, across the water or suffer fighting Archaons utterly bullshit starting army
Sprint south and hope you're in time to grab Praag and make it your new capital and main recruitment hub. With your daughter and drunkass of a priest covering your south, you'll be able to expand north more safely.
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GODAMMIT I was literally marching my ass south
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Louen isn't taking any shit
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I think I covered everything.
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Schematics from Nan Gau.
>You arent building enough gold production factories
Easier said than done. I'm trying to juggle production and armaments and it feels like everything's barely hanging on by a thread. I don't even have a t5 capital so I don't know how I can justify using raw materials on gold.
Just ignore him. Pretend he's not there. Worst he can do is take some minor settlements while you take a proper city.
You wont get a t5 capital unless you:
Have drazh and the appropriate conclave stuff + tech
Burn down someone else's for a massive chunk of raw mats

Doesnt matter anyways your best shit is t3-4, t5 just gets you dreadquakes and destroyers, destroyers arent even that good
So? All you own is a bunch of chaos corrupted piles of shit. Carve a swathe down to Kislev and then turn around to beat the shit out of him once your back is safe
>Legend said
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Thanks Ill be using them
Dont worry about armaments too much, focus on raw mats and gold while you expand at first, get just enough armaments to fund your trains and let you get the critical mass of blunders + war machines.
Main army supported by the hobgobbo superstack (overseer, daemonsmith, Gorduz, maybe an optional war machine for AP or artillery) can destroy anything you need it to
sex with naestra before arahan kills me
sex with arahan as naestra watches
>Nakai the wanderer
>doesn't have a wandering campaign mechanic
Boris should have been a horde faction. Kinda like Nakai. You raze shit in chaos wastes for a time, hunt down Daniel and return to Kislev to save it from rats and monkes. Give the land to your daughter so she can reign.

Trying to settle and tame chaos wastes is also a good idea but he doesnt have good mechanics for that.
Aren't dreadquakes the best artillery in the game? I hate fielding the magma canons and want some actual ranged firepower.
>get just enough armaments to fund your trains and let you get the critical mass of blunders + war machines
Do you mean convoys? What even is the critical mass of blunders? When if ever do I want to run the infernal guard fireglaive variant? I've yet to bother using any of the kdai units. On a sidenote I've been autoresolving more and more battles and it's hampering my enjoyment but I can't bring myself to fight multiple stacks or do sieges manually. That's one of the main factors making me want to quit.
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Gentlemen, please refer to our favorite corporation by its TRVE name.
TCAL(oTUK(winlE))oSCoSSHIoJotUNoEoSotOAotMWotLCotVSC (The Creative Assembly Limited (of The United Kingdom (which is no longer European)) of Sega Corporation of Sega Sammy Holdings Incorporated of Japan of the United Nations of Earth of Sol of the Orion Arm of the Milky Way of the Local Cluster of the Virgo Super Cluster)
Sofia or London branch?
Nakai is getting a buff in the next patch.
But all of these are true, especially the first one. You're delusional if you think CA won't drop the game after 2 more shitty DLCs.
Oxyotl is more of a wanderer than nakai
you start right next to the edge of the map's portal to the other edge of the map
you're not wandering because you don't want to
Consider specifying with tboTCAL(oTUK(winlE))oSCoSSHIoJotUNoEoSotOAotMWotLCotVSC;liS,BotEU,Br (The the branch of Creative Assembly Limited (of The United Kingdom (which is no longer European)) of Sega Corporation of Sega Sammy Holdings Incorporated of Japan of the United Nations of Earth of Sol of the Orion Arm of the Milky Way of the Local Cluster of the Virgo Super Cluster; located in Sofia, Bulgaria of the European Union, Balkans region)
You should pay respect to the company before the branch itself, otherwise its a corporate foopah
Creative Assembly
Everybody calls it that.
>isnt a fag
Everyone can fucking do that that's not unique to nakai
Fuckig changeling gets to teleport around, why doesn't nakai
you forgot formerly tawpia ltd
Please stop deadnaming TCAL(oTUK(winlE))oSCoSSHIoJotUNoEoSotOAotMWotLCotVSC
Skulltaker likes to collect skulls. He has:
1 skull in his left hand
4 skulls on his cape
1 skull on each shoulder
How many skulls does Skulltaker have?
>Actually male
Hawk Tawpia!
Aproximately 8,2 billion
>Golgfags multiracial twink harem.
Malekith doesn't have a penis anymore so he's kind of something else.
Nah, he's into short-haired tomboys with huge hidden forbidden holygrounds.
Immortal empires?
Nah, for me it's something rotten in kislev
They are, but your magma and hellcannons do the job well especially with all the ways chorfs have to support them. Dreadquakes are also specifically anti-infantry, youll still need hellcannons for low or single entity units
I do mean convoys. The critical mass is enough to have a mix of blunders, hob archers, and fireglaives that you like.
Glaives are a slight upgrade but they have different roles, blunderbuss mulch infantry very well, glaives are longer ranged and more accurate generalists that can also defend themselves. Very costly though
And you should manual whenever its not a massively decisive victory (or you know you cant run enough of them down to end the army) otherwise whats the point?
why does bretonnia have horse archers? did either france or england ever use horse archers?
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They have pegasi and Hippogryphs. It isn't 1-1 England and France.
Holy Rome didn't have Tanks.
Vikings didn't have werewolves and mammoths.
Slavs weren't led by Witches.
Border reivers sometimes used them, I think. Pretty infrequently, though.
>"I'm sure my wife naming our child MaleKith, that is, BoyFriend, is surely normal and not a sign she's going to engage in copious amounts of incest on top of other insane sexual fantasies. Nope, not Slaaneshi at all."
I want a pet skaven
>Vikings didn't have werewolves and mammoths.
Um, yes they did.
should my first frost maiden be tempest or ice?
Look at this normie who actually believes the history books.
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i assume a tempest would provide more lubrication compared to an ice one which should make your first frost maiden a more enjoyable experience
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The truth will not stay hidden forever, brother.
Green knight is the strongest duelist in lore, he should be stronger in game
He would make the elves look bad can't have that
>Green knight is the strongest duelist in lore
Archaon would rape him thougheverbeit.
don't know how people think GW is dead-set against making elves look like dumb gay losers when the end times exists
Archaon can't even beat grimgor
They wouldn't do it not because it would make the elves look bad, they wouldn't do it because it would make chaos look bad.
Archaon beat Grimgor AND Sigmar.
He lost in storm of chaos and had to be bailed out during the end times
>ambush archaeon as Boris
>already has another full stack
>barely get a close victory
>march my ass to his fortress
>another full stack
>barely win again
>finally take him out
>feel empty
>archaon gets embarrassed by grimgor in storm of chaos
>warhammer writers desperately write end times in a weak bid to um actually and prove archaon wouldn't get owned
>he still got owned, plus end times makes him look like a chump shackled to the gods
ok lol
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>Nakai the wanderer
>Actually designed to wander wherever he likes cause he's a horde faction
The true Slavic experience.
I could take Sigvald in a 1v1.
Total War Taimanin Asagi
Yes ? No ?
The real question is what fantasy game comes after 40k.
If thats the chinese name for Medieval 3 then sure
Total War: Forspoken
total war: final fantasy tactics
Total War: Eberron
Total War: 4chan
Total War: Total War
Total War: [GR15]
Total War: Ants
Total War: Pokemon
Total War: Elder Scrolls
Not modern Taimanin, what a fucking downgrade its gone through
Volound, Legend, and Reddit keel over and normie out and CA rebrands the franchise as Total Wegh
>shows up randomly to help his ligger bros
>doesn't do that in campaigns
I wish they gave him the ability to teleport to battles involving lizard LL's as reinforcements, would've been so cool to occasionally have AI Nakai pop in to help if you were playing Mazdamundi for example. They could even do it like only if there's a LL on both sides, so it would be very infrequent, and if playing as Nakai you couldn't get like 4 extra battles (and therefore levels) every turn, but it'd be a neat injection of cash especially with no raid stance.
What does that stand for?
Total War Warhammer Remastered
Total War: Supermarket
Your army is supposed to be a balanced diet
>Total War: Hang Ten, about the Kamehameha unifying Hawai'i
>Total War: Hello There, about the Clone Wars
>Total War: High Testosterone, its nothing but manly shit like dinosaurs, fast cars, tanks, planes, trains, boobs, and guns
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I like it.

It's just funny going like "Ah yes, something is happening in the badlands" while I'm genociding chaos
Total War: Bionicles
Sorry bonklechud, it was Star Wars that saved Lego
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Total War: Atlantis
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Total War: Godzilla
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Total War: Sega
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I'm usually against coomer cosmetic cheats, but soboros repantsu is cute and I wish it was a cheat
Tits and cheeks are cheating?
Kill yourself Madison.
All mods are cheats
Atlantis Total War but its Disney's Atlantis and all the human vehicles use the kino aesthetic the sub had
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I see.
That's not a mod, that's just a model he uses for porn, he's not smart enough to make mods
I know someone made his kat and miao into mods, but I haven't seen any of his other models as mods
I dont think that's true
u wot
They tempt you with hunger, but bring you the suffering of thirst
I dont thunk that's true, I don't think someone did that
The sex mods you're thinking of don't have anyrhing to do with his models
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Are you telling me someone has made a mod with that repantsu
I once met a pretzel and she made me choke, so now I crush all pretzels into dust.
I did not know that, I'm sorry
Why are you apologizing?
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It's ok, we can't know everything
He was wrong on the internet, anonymously, even. One of the greatest crimes you can commit, second only to not enjoying non-consensual handholding.
I literally cannot stop playing the Empire. I always get bored quickly with other races. Just something satisfying about blowing away some nerd who trained for centuries to be a swordmaster only get fucking blasted by some 18 year old recruit who just started yesterday.
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>second only to not enjoying non-consensual handholding
why does this thread only talk about magma cannons and hell cannons but I only see mpfags use the rocket launchers?
Because MP and SP tactics are entirely different.
I am sorry to hear, and hope they can find a cure for severe mental retardation in the future.
Yeah, its called having better races
I literally cannot stop playing Lizardmen. Though I do enjoy a couple other races. Just something satisfying about charging a dinosaur that lived for centuries into a line of troops younger than Hildawg and then dropping a comet on them for lulz.
But real talk though I dont feel like spending money on DLC to make a faction fun. Like rats not having ratlings, not having Sisters for HE, ect. Empire feels pretty well rounded without DLC and doesnt feel like im being gimped.
Which is extremely meta for Warhammer.
so rockets are the best when you can't ai abuse?
the new mp meta is to jump off a bridge irl
>no mouse skaven
>no squirrel skaven
>no lemming skaven
>no chinchilla skaven
>no hamster skaven
>no porcupine skaven
>no beaver skaven
>no capybara skaven
Missed opportunity tbqhwy
>no reverse skaven
Missed opportunity tbqhwyairmaho
For being wrong xonfidently
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Man, I've really got my work cut out for me.
Why does your screen look like that?
Cathay needs Qilin cavalry/mounts
Monkey King should come with a wildlife focus to help with that
>Beast Caster
>Monkey Monks
>Kung Fu Pandas (with Red Panda RoRs)
>Wild Qilin (alternative dragon/horse hybrids but who is CA to make actual sensible unit rosters for DLC)
>World Turtle SEM
You will get spearmanii and you will enjoy it.
Like what?
He's got a 4k monitor, look at the resolution
Empirefags really are richfags.
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Me too. Helps that they have a nice amount of mods
Whats a decent early game Empire army?
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Might be a wrap for this campaign.
where there's an outrider (grenade launchers), there's a way
Send it to Legend.
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F in the chat for the Changer of Way's favorite backstabber~
>no dot
Bro... Your game enhancers?
Thank you anon, very cool!
I don't play with cheats~
I enjoy the game just vanilla~.
Especially wh3, oh boy I enjoy that game.
Actual mental illness.
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It worked! IT WORKED HAHAHHAHAHAHHA I SOLD A SETTLEMENT TO THE CONCLAVE AND GRIMGOR CAN'T SEE ME ANYMORE! MY ASTRAGOTH DOES THE WASTES CAMPAIGN IS SOOO ON BABEY! YOU PEOPLE ARE NOT ONLY CHEESERS BUT YOU ARE ALSO MORTAL FOOOOOLS! Of course Ungrim just declared on me just as I had finished beating up Kislev, so Reddit Dwarf just got his disgusting travesty of an existence prolonged by many turns.

btw, I'm plaiyng on VH/L
Enjoy your two turns of safety before Grimgor destroys the Conclave.
The AI almost never attacks sentinel factions. This status quo I have established has lasted for 25 turns now and luckily Grimgor is duking it out with Drazoath, who had taken out Imrik and the minor Chorfs. See how comfy I am in my lost karaks? See how tall I'm playing due to the crazy resources available to me? I'm also manually resolving all the battles for once. I'm having a blast!
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It's over
What advantage does being half naked provide to the Dooki?
None, though they don't need the armor, they're that good at fighting.
also, I don't possess even a single war machine 50 turns in. Curious!
Same for me although it’s always with the different Warriors of Chaos (except Sigvald and Azazel), Wood Elves and Dwarf factions. Tossing-up whether to do Malekith, Lohkir, Norsca, Settra or Vlad next. That being said, Karl will be my last campaign once support for the game concludes and I’ve completed every other non-Slannesh first.
But I have read multiple canon stories about the Lizardmen raping them.
all fear the pirate king :D
Well I didn't vote for you
Dead game, dead franchise, dead general, and soon dead company.
you wont be making that face when i shove my cutlass up your ass you dumbass bitch
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>The Asuryan should import people from Araby to solve their low population problem
Don't call us that.
Asrai - - - Beastmen
Druchii - - Skaven
Asur - - Slaanesh
Druchii women prefer lizard cocks actually.
Tamurkhan's armies are genuinely ridiculous, I dont know how anyone would stop the Kazyk rot knight squad and Tamurkhan's infinite mass regenerating duelist ass, especially backed up by lore of nurgle
He gets booty blasted in every campaign I play by the AI.
Yea but on the occasions that Archaon and Kholek dont double team him he steamrolls even Grimgor
Based on what?
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So dwarves don't ride on animals to form cavalry

but they ride in carts and stuff

So what exactly makes riding in carts OK in Dawi culture but riding on an animal's back haram?
Nakai the makes me wonder why I'd play such a garbage ass nigga wanderer
Look at his "unique" skill line, gotta be up there as the worst, perhaps worse than the Vamp Coast LLs
Because Dwarves aren't supposed to have any cavalry except helicopters.
is it a game mechanic they just had to come up with a reason for in the lore?
it's because they live inside mountains
gib deathroller
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Nah, he'd win
Faster movement speed and physical resistance, using Witch Elves, Bladesingers and Sisters of Slaughter as examples.
The girl here >>500128195 is losing her gear to the grasping vines of the jungle but it was just holding her back.
Fighting Ungrim with 40 units of doomseekers, 20 units of misc. slayers and 10 units of goblin hewers while you have nothing but hobgoblins and bull centaurs is NOT fun.
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will you lewd the sisters or will you not lewd them
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Cute sisters can dress however they like without being lewd.
this kind of looks like some shit out of World of Warcraft not gonna lie

and not the cool Classic WoW, the new WoW full of dumb shit
I wanna lewd squire (minus the wargrinder)
okay zoomer
>this kind of looks like some shit out of World of Warcraft not gonna lie
Whos gonna tell him?
any cultures in WHF that don't eat pork?
>youll still need hellcannons for low or single entity units
I found that a couple units of blunderbusses do the job just fine.
>critical mass
So you will still need factories to make armaments within your first two provinces (which you will need to get asap).
>Glaives and blunderbuss
So glaives have less firepower, more range and are better in melee? How are the Kdaai units? My armies have been either Chorf warriors or infernal guards so far when it comes to infantry.
I'll give it a try. I know I'm missing out by not playing this part of the game. The problem is a lot of the time my army will stomp unless the AI brings a second stack and most of the time I cannot be bothered to fight a full 40 unit army.
kdaai are ok, but the over performers are the arty, the blunderbusses, and one of the bull centaurs, I think 2H?
wheres the DLC? I thought twg said it the release would be 5 months from announcement given all the delays to ToD which took 8 months
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Is this a groundhog day reference ?
Anything in WHF like Vivec ripping off Molag's dick to use as a spear?
K'daai Destroyer is about to get a huge buff to his melee blender potential, thanks to changes to collision attack, like Dread Saurian in 5.1
What dreadquake variant is the best?
>4 (four) herores
how soulless
situational, unless you're doomstacking, then just use the skullcracker
I'm not doomstacking. Right now I'm fighting greenskins and skaven but I think kislev might come after me soon as their heroes are snooping around my territory. I might also end up having to fight either the tomb kings and/or Queek.
iron demon has same melee stats as skullcracker but also features a secondary missile attack which just makes it better
Iron Daemon objectively, but that can be a trap due to the 275 upkeep over the regular variant
Yes we will get the patch notes today. I just know it!
What heroes does franz want to recruit?
Don't be ridiculous Canderous.
A warrior priest and a celestial wizard so you can buff your carroburg greatswords into the stratosphere
Life Wizard
2 captains

You don't need any melee infantry you just want guns/artillery and then you just hold them back with franz and the captains, slowing them with life magic and healing your characters.
i don't give attention to balding men, sorry
The engineer really is the talent of the army
Yes, movement range to get you to autoresolves quicker, and then the extra ammo for bombing helpless garrisons in siege battles.
Franz shouldn't even be giving you the privilege of giving him this crap
"True Sigmarite Radio, Radio Graffiti"
>"I, Belekor, order you, Franz, my most loyal servant, to burn down the Middenheim church of Ulric."
its a videogame, karl franz isnt a real person, he doesnt have feelings
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the lorefags are being cringe again
Gonna love seeing the 40kids rage when Naruto Total Ninja War is announced.
It's Gelt, you're supposed to have multiple wizards in your army.
karl franz is real i saw him at the gas station the other day
I can finally marry Hanabi or Ino and create a lineage
Karl Franz is real
real hardcore nigga

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