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Halloween edition

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Previous thread: >>498584627
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The best character in the entire series
will the Dandelions ever wake up or will they stay as Dream eaters forever
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>They later retconned the Xehanort always had a tan. Ansem's design change and Xehanort always being tan was probably to remove any potential racist undertones.
So Ansem originally had darker skin than Apprentice Xehanort because he was a Heartless? They could've given him pitch black skin like a Shadow or something less natural looking to convey that better. I can see why they just scrapped that idea. I don't think darkness really affects skin color anyway. Your hair goes whiter based on what happened to Anti-Aqua but her skin was the same color and so was Terra's in 3 at least.
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I want to fuck Namine.
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>"After becoming a Heartless, Xehanort becomes fixated on the new destined Keyblade wielder, hoping to find him before he achieves his destiny and then corrupt him with darkness to the point where he can use him as a vessel."
Wait so in hindsight was Xehanort possessing Riku, trying to control Sora's power through Roxas and Xion and then trying possess Sora in DDD because he didn't believe he was the child of destiny and went after whoever the chosen keyblade wielder from Destiny Islands was?
In a perfect universe, Billy Zane would've continued to have voiced Ansem and Leonard Nimoy would survive at least until after Melody Of Memory allowing him to voice Xehanort in all games.
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Them becoming spirits makes it seem like they have unfinished business like ghosts otherwise they would've moved on to the afterlife. Plus there was all that talk of the Dandelions being the light of hope that'd rebuild the world after the Keyblade War only for all of them besides Ephemer to end up as Dream Eaters or flung into the future.
And Hayden Panettiere voicing Kairi past 2.
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What's going on here? Wrong answers only (pretend we are in 2007)
Time for the usual Drive Forms vs Formchanges discussion:

I can't understand why Rage Form is the only Formchange that heals you, leaves you in range for Once More/SC after triple Riskcharging into a Finisher AND it has disjointed combos.
Meanwhile activating Ultimate Form in any scenario outside of you being mid-combo feels like you're gaining zero advantage due to no healing and what felt like barely any i-frames on activation.
In general, felt a severe lack of defensive application of Formchanges compared to using Drive activations to reflect Ultima Cannon, break out of combos and the obvious of refresh on HP/MP
When I activate Ultimate Form I will instantly use the shotlock and then start to attack.
>Kingdom Hearts (3)000
>Set millennia before KH2
>Sora went through a portal to the past to fight Lingering Will in Disney Castle btw
>Old man is a past incarnation of Xehanort
>Masked boy is Riku's ancestor
>Blue haired girl is Saix's ancestor
>BHK 2.0 is Sora's ancestor
>Lingering Will guy is BHK 2.0's older brother
>Mickey is sent back in time
Nomura's going full Zelda timeline boys.
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Guardian form giving you early but limited access to second chance/once more is a great boon for early game without diminishing the progression of getting them later permamently, and the sustained block is an entirely new option
Arrowguns or ranged forms in general are quite defensive by their nature because you get free safe damage
Finishers can be popped at any time for iframes and even stored for later for that purpose with keyblade switching
I don't really like the full refresh, since aside from Limit, it was kinda more valuable than the forms themselves
You bring up good points with the guardian form and ranged forms, especially got good mileage out of the arrowguns in Corona.
There is also the inherent cool factor of item cancel teching in between combos so you can quickly swap between keyblades to go from ST to AoE and vice versa

I would still vote in favour of the full refresh for Formchanges if it had a similar "Gauge" mechanic as Drives. Where the player choice to use 3 (or 5 if you're fucking insane) bars for a full heal and reverting (instead of, example, blocking the incoming combo and using an item or waiting for MP charge) is an expressed choice that is given by the game.
No argument on refreshes outvalueing Valor/Wisdom/Master, that was a really poor decision as Limit and Final are better in every way and only reason to use the other 3 is panic-refreshes or wanting to style. Shame, since all the Forms have such cool animations
I don't care which variation of forms they use as long as they aren't tied to party members. I really hated not being able to access certain forms during solo fights in og KH2.
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Reminds of some old article referring to Disneyland as an "unreality".
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2024... I am forgotten.
imho that's a fault of drive forms being too busted in something they shouldn't have anything to do with, as in them full healing and full mp charging you. Especially mid KH2 onwards, where you can basically go in and out of drive forms if you go in mp charge, at that point the drive gauge is just a filter for people that exclusively spam attack without using anything else (which is fair, i'd say there should be even more wake up calls to remind people there's more than just mashing x)
at that point yeah, no wonder you're more likely to go antiform vs bosses otherwise you'd melt them, but that too just goes to punish the casual user more than the "expert" one (while still punishing both anyway)
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>May your heart be your guiding key

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