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it's fucking over edition

Throne and Liberty is a PC and console MMORPG offering a mix of tab target and action combat with a shared emphasis on both PvP and PvE. The game features a seamless open world, adaptive weather systems, and a shapeshifting mechanic that lets players transform into sani for exploration and combat strategy. The game uses a free-to-play model with various microtransactions; cosmetics, convenience items, battle passes, and more. The Western publisher, AWS, claims to be aiming to avoid pay-to-win mechanics while enhancing player customization, choice, and experience.



NA East, Lottie; <vidya>
EU, Kazar; <Pettanko> pw 555444

Previous: >>499726019
if you didn't get a bellandir weapon and sell it for 200k yet you're bricked just stop trying
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I'm going to miss all of you.
are you done?
are any of the builds from the op worth anything in pvp
>all of it during your skill casts/channels/animations
>all instant
I hate doing dungeons in this game so fucking much.
You're quitting Maru? It was a good run, thanks for joining us, as rude as many of us were.
maru was the rubyposter
Right, the patrol manager told me that earlier
O-Oh. So... who are you?
that's kitsani
>discord link in guild bio
pvp in this game makes 0 sense
i finally hit 3k and the experience is exactly the same
>cc'd to death
>blown up instantly from max range
>zoning doesn't really exist with all the insane movement skills
while you were busy getting to 3k the whales already got to 4.5k. do you rikey?
3770 is the current cap however
>use trinket
>cc right away
>use cc removal skill
>wops it actually doesn't work vs this cc lol fucked
>nice the skill works against this
>another cc chain right away
>all from maximum range and done by weapons that hit way harder than anything melee
>b-but muh gs
>get oneshot by a bow user from across the map
>gets ensnared by a bow user
>doesn't do anything defensive
>doesn't block against the obvious charge attack
Fucking idiot
>implying you'll ever even have enough stamina in a real scenario to block properly for longer than a second
I can tell you never actually pvp
yeah let me just defend when I'm under 20 layers of different cc and my stamina depleted since that's what parry actually does in this game
It's over...
thank god so what game are we playing next?
found the guy that gets hit by every single fury attack in death's abyss
you're actually retarded, just stop posting
>thinks blocking in pvp works literally anything like blocking in pve
I'm not even the first guy, I'm just calling you a retard for not knowing what perfect blocking is

post your arena ranks so i can laugh at you
Is lucent shared for characters even when they're on different servers?
>perfect blocking
>in arena
yes retard, you LITERALLY get perfect blocks when you block cc
post rank
Should I use one of the arena necklaces? Hit is hard to come by.
gay nigger retard or just shitposting? how are you going to get a perfect block other than out of sheer luck or by fishing obvious idiots who dive you? how are you going to get a block at all when you're being dogpiled?
block this
*pisses all over you*
>enemy uses skills that drains all your stamina
>"Just pixel perfect block all their skills with zero stamina xD"
because if you aren't retarded you know wjem they're about to cc you
>got catcalled because I'm using the wicked enchanter outfit
I don't want to play pugs anymore...
>dress like a slut
>get treated like one
>pikachu face
Any good places to talk about the game? These threads are literally all complaints and trying to convince people to quit it's very bizarre honestly.
if you want a hugbox I'd recommend reddit for you, princess
But you literally are reddit.
yes lucent is acc wide no matter the server you are in also goes for outfits and weapon skins
It's just the few faggots who already quit that continue to post here rent free when they get bored
>niggas cant even press q
i hope yall dont play fighting games
>not rebinding keys
The official T&L discord is unironically better than this place.
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ahem, vidya is under new management
no more d*scord
rename coming soon
still doing guild raids (we got two gs and some cool pants today)
zero expectations besides logging in sometimes and not being an annoying faggot in guild chat

the last survivors of Lottie - NA East...
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Hi guys, casual player here with 1900 item score. I have maxed out my abyss dungeon points. I'm a longbow and wand user. Which dungeon should I go to, to maximize useful drops? Here is my picture offering.
I hope some small scale pvp is coming soon, it's no fun having zerg vs zerg
>1900 at 50
You should be at least 2200 when hitting 2200. Also, whore.
I dont think theres any reason to do anything other than random anymore
I don't know about useful drops but do your open dungeon contracts
I feel bad for the smaller guilds, they have no content. That's how a game dies
I don't know what that is. Do you mean the weekly scroll thing you buy with contract coins?
Sorry I didn't mean the queue dungeon, dimensional I think its called. I meant the abyssal one, which is basically the open world dungeon. I went to Syleus' Abyss a couple times, but I'm not sure if thats the right place to be, and its kinda hard to find people there now, too.
>check a conflict boss out of curiosity
>it's the exact same whale zerg just farming random people trying to tag for 1 hour straight while ignoring the boss
>not being an annoying faggot in guild chat
so the guild is empty?
>"pvp mmos are dead!! why cant devs make good ones? why are they so fucking retarded?"
>one gets made
>people proceed to chimp out and act like a nigger and make the game absolutely miserable for everyone
>game predictably dies
>same retarded ass players continue to gaslight and pretend they dont know why devs cant make a good game and why pvp mmos dont last or are even being made
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Sundries merchant in any city sells you a weekly bundle that gives contracts. The contracts for each dungeon give you pouches that might have cool loot in them. Generally, you should just do whatever you need to clear contracts for or whatever is set as your guild's current guild contract.
it's just gooks being retarded though, the entire game is designed around enabling whale zergs
You can have huge unlimited alliances, that's the devs fault
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PVP MMO players are a fascinating insight into the shopping cart trolley problem applied to a large social context
Except instead of simply not returning the cart, they go further and actively sabotage it instead, just because "they can, so it's intended"
Any game with PvP as its focus dies fairly quickly because of shit like this. I don't think many devs really care though, they see it as higher value to milk a game in the short term rather than trying to make an actually good game that survives for years.
Not entirely. Just the obvious faggots or inactives that were long overdue were kicked.
>yes goy, do the extra work for a billion dollar company!
Nah, pay minimum wage to a teenager to do it for me thank you
well said. they abuse the game in ways they know will kill it. their cognitive dissonance is remarkable
quit. quit. do it pussy. quit
I will NEVER quit this awesome game.
>oh no guilds are making huge alliances because the retarded devs didn't put a cap to them
>oh no guilds are killing others in a PVP boss zone
>oh no guilds are spawncamping teleports during PVP night time
>oh no guilds are using the eclipse mechanic to deny bosses from other guilds
All literally intended by the devs, if you don't like it blame the devs not the players
eclipse has to be the most retarded shit i've seen in a gook game so far, absolutely baffling
good players should be rewarded with useful perks. thats called good game design.
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>good players
>Good game
good isn't only about being able to fight well 1v1 (although eclipse players can probably kick your ass too), its about coordinating well, being a good leader for a guild to establish that dominance in the first place. so yes, in the broadest sense, they are good.
The eclipse user on my server is a mentally challenged zoomer who drained his dad's credit card and runs around with 100 other retards killing low levels and spamming insults at them,.
does every tab target with dungeons limit their dungeons to daily/weekly shit or just this one? like can I run dungeons as much as I want in wow? i might have to find a new mmo that lets me do whatever i want and come to find out that I don't hate tab target as much as I thought I would
Warhammer Online solved this, it had the perfect PvP system both for guilds, factions and casuals.
tarisland (i know, not everyone likes it) lets you rerun dungeons and raids. dungeons cancgive 6 rewards per day, and take 15 min each run. raids give rewards 1 run a week, from each individually, but you can requeue immediately after and get special coins for helping others that you can later exchange for some mats
In a way it makes the gear feel more meaningful, like in WoW the gear you get from dungeons feel useless and obsolete after less than a week of a patch.
you have zero proof of that. youre just salty for getting your shit pushed in, so thats how you imagine him as in order to cope
t- eclipse user dad credit card drainer
many such cases
pvp in mmos has always been shit, people who are good at pvp games play games who are good expressions of skill
for example, all the high iq koreans have always played starcraft while the low iqs are playing some mmo talking about muh pvp
what this game needs is harder dungeons and actual raids
>high IQ
So guys, theres no meaning to armor type in this game? I can just wear whatever I like the stats for, and mix iron, leather, cloth and stuff? So I can just look like a clown and there isn't any sort of detriment other than looking weird?
no thank you raidnigger, your kind killed so many mmos with your sweaty raid autism
are you having fun playing all pve content in this game with your feet? a little challenge would be nice
can weapons ever be tradeable as a drop? or only when you craft it can it ever have a chance of being sellable?
I can only speak for XIV because that's the only other MMO I've played recently though haven't touched current expansion yet.

Better gear is gotten through tokens that you earn from doing pretty much any multiplayer content and there is a weekly cap that you can fill out in about 4 days worth of dailies. But those dailies include several different categories like story dungeon, leveling dungeon, high level dungeon, max level dungeon, 8 man boss and 24 man raid.
Nothing stops you from spamming content for transmogs, I think only current raid content had weekly lockouts.

What I liked most about about the game was visual clarity and you could take a good guess about what's about to happen even before the mechanic happens because everything had clear marker. Tankbustesr lights up the tank, shared tankbuster adds to it, stack has arrows pointing inwards and spread arrows outwards that clear show what you need to do.
And as you are doing harder content they start taking away these markers so you need to know the fight.

Beware that the game has quite long global cooldown at 2.5s that takes time to get used to and early game will be very slow but I've come to appreciate it as I went back and played other games where I need to spam like a coked up monkey and still feeling like the dps wasn't matching the effort put into it.
gooks can't do good pve, see lost ark
craft unless it's one of those field bosses
Why do retards always want raids and dungeons?
What's the fun in fighting the same boss every single week for like 8 months straight without any other content?
yes. crafting has 20% chance of being tradesble (great success). it has a different frame icon than nontradeable drops, and the AH icon on its menu description turned on
>i don't like repetitive content
lol isn't that what we're doing here?
what are you still leveling or something?
Which is why it lost 90% of it's playerbase after the free month sub that came with the box price ended
Warrior Priest was cool as fuck though
No retard there's still a pretty big private server for it. It died because it was released unfinished and then the company went down the shitter.
ahh ok, so only world bosses can drop untradeable aside from lucky craft. thanks
lost ark pve design is nonexistent. and before anyone says raids, raids are NOT pve. its a PART of pve. pve is a broad spectrum of content, and raids are just one aspect. even then, lost ark raid design is HIV as fuck, where one idiot will cause an instant wipe for a 15 minute gate. and its designed so youre supposed to do 18 raids a week with these idiots.
>one idiot will cause an instant wipe
Worst part is you can't even blame him because the fights are extremely poorly designed and require both chinksect levels of memorization and being able to see through 10 layers of visual diarrhea.
It did have good PVE, the Island system from season 1 was amazing and had a fuck ton of side-content to do and would have been incredibly easy to update from a development perspective. I loved that shit when I played it.
Then they abandoned it all and turned it into an exclusively geargrind lobby-waiting raid autism/daily chore simulator. It's the worlds most disgusting travesty because there is no other ARPG in the market that plays as well or has as good feeling and unique class design as Lost Ark and it makes me furious they squandered it
where the fuck is blood dragon jasper it isn't where youtube videos show
holy based
Gooks always do this to their games. Look at Archeage for example. One day they just decide to kill their game and raise it as an abominable zombie for raidniggers.
>pvp in mmos has always been shi
you're not wrong but until another genre offers medium to large scale pvp in a fantasy setting it looks like it's MMOs for me. any suggestions?
Look at maplestory too. Old school maplestory wasn't that great but it was simple and fun, then it got really good around the time they started doing the first explorer reworks. Now modern maple barely resembles either era of old school and middle school, now it's not even recognizeable it's all fucking technicolor vomit and no class has any identity besides how many lines of damage they can spit out. I hate how koreans make good games then destroy them, why do they love powercreep so much
where can I find build for epic lvl2?
I'm curious to see what they are using over there
So... name some good mmos? You guys just cry about how bad the games are.
Ragnarok online also. They raped it so much it doesn't even resemble a game anymore and people just play on private servers without any of that bullshit.
>lineage 2
>ragnarok online before renewal
>vanilla wow
>(partially) tbc wow (pvp was bad though)
>rift during beta
>original aion
>archeage on release
>bns on release
>tera on release
not really, i think it's always going to be kinda dumb but who knows
So... What you're saying is, I'm not wrong that it lost 90% of it's playerbase as soon as people had to pay their own sub. And the game is in fact dead in any official capacity.
Thanks for confirming
I meant ones I can play now.
>bns on release
Bns classic was out. Is this any good?
bummer. shooter fans have all these large scale games like planetside battlefield foxhole and milsim autism, medieval fans have chivalry bannerlord and mordhau (idk if that's still alive), space autists have eve and the other game elite something, fantasy fans who want to be a cog in a meatgrinder don't have shit except for MMOs that can't ever do it right. at this point I don't even care about the MMO aspect, I just want something I can jump in, get kills and get killed in a large scale scenario, then log off. like what the fuck it's 2024 how does this not exist yet, how is that something nobody wants at all. i played bf4 for months until throne because i needed to scratch that itch and it did not suffice because I'm not a big shooter fan
the first 3 and war have private servers which are perfectly fine
don't touch any "classic" release
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How fucking dare you
The game is alive and well like anon said. If the devs just fixed it up they could have maintained these numbers.
>desire to spend lucent on buying traits
>also desire to buy outfits
This is tough
thanks bwo
traits get cheaper, oufits don't and they also aren't available 24/7
Lineage 2 has tens of thousands of autists still playing it cross many pservers. WaR never had a chance being westernslop with a dead start.
>Lineage 2
NTA but aren't most of them russian and chinese though, with the official servers in korea being the most populated? I need insight on why they like that ancient game so much, literally what was so good about lineage 2
Aion was always shit from day 1. I can confirm this as I was as there.
Yeah Russians love that shut.

What's good about it? It's an open world, FFA PvP and 100% player-driven economy with group activities like castle sieges, raid bosses or just dungeon farming politics.
I was there too and I think it had a lot of potential but gooks always tank their games.
Why do people say staff wand is a viable healing build? I get bow wand, but staff has literally no side utility for support. If staff wand is also viable for healing you could say that of literally any weapons combo with wand.
Yeah it's literally any weapon with wand since wand alone is enough.
Staff just makes sense thematically and has some utility skills like mana recovery and debuffs.
wans and bow individually can be all a healer needs. staff for AoE farming outside of dungeons and raids. wand bow is a full healer, but nothing really needs that much heal utility
>found karnix netherblade with crit on it
>cucktard me thought i finally hit a jackpot, could make a couple hundred lucent
>check market
>less than 100 lucent
fuck me in the ass, its fucking over. we are fighting for literal scraps now.
karnix HP is around 400
>I need insight on why they like that ancient game so much, literally what was so good about lineage 2
hi, lineage2 autist here
lineage2 is objectively garbage game. it was never good.
anyone trying to tell you otherwise is delusional.
we played it because we had no money for wow.
simple as.
if anyone thinks throneslop is bad on le whale top guilds bullying everyone, lineage2 is unironically infinitely worse.
every single boss is pvp enabled.
every single spot to grind is pvp enabled.
the first party to hold them, chokeholds entire server until they get bored and leave.
modern lineage2 pserver scene is basically seasonal rmt business.
why we still play it? nostalgia. closures. mental illness.
because only mentally ill people would spend 500-1000 USD to dominate trashcan that will live no more than a year and sometimes even months only to jump into the next fresh trashcan with their wallets open. don't ask me where they get their money. probably the same place where furries get theirs.
>no ffxiv
Kys nigger
fuck off troon
Just spent 100k on a crossbow, AMA
didn't ask
it offers great damage to support killing shit in pve faster what else do you need
also cc, pull, mana restore
How many days did your landlord give you to pack?
Why are all mystic portals across the world just gone?
maybe you have no keys
nice, have fun with it friend.
let's see it
we had a nice thing going with vidya btw; it was comfy (before we let the normies in altho i understand why). unsure why almost every one of the ogs (except for sani) decided to quit. the game is still fun for me. even tho I didn't really get super close to anyone, I'll miss ya!
nobody on 4chan plays this game + people were quitting. The guild was doomed to fail.
cool summary not that guy but this was an enjoyable read mr autist you should write a blog (not sarcasm)
idk once the real leader (archer) left I didn't wanna be bossed around by retard paypiggies thats why I left nothing wrong with them I just didn't wanna be in it especially when it became normieslop I was only there because it was autismkino once the comfy was gone i was 2
I assume this is the same for most of them
huh? I was never the leader of the guild btw lol Viixu was the Gm in its heyday (i.e. week 1 and 2)
Groupwide CDR + Max Damage bonus with High Focus is kind of Staff's version of Deadly Marker although it isn't quite as good. Also the pull skill, and extra hard CC with Tomb. But really people just like Staff/Wand because it's the healer build that actually deals damage instead of sitting in the cuck chair waiting for the other 5 people in your group to kill the boss while you cheer them on from the sidelines twiddling your little bowstring and stroking your wand impotently.
Bow is definitely the full support build with all of the extra dispels and shit, but Staff has so much better personal performance that with a good group (if you still even want to bring a healer at that point) Staff/Wand gives you all of the support you could need + much higher damage. Whereas Bow/Wand is just overkill in terms of additional healing at the cost of so much lost damage output that even altering skills like Clay's Salvation and Blessed Barrier to get extra damage buffs doesn't make up for the overall damage loss because support-spec Bow has such low damage output compared to support-spec Staff which still shits out damage.
>archer still here shitposting instead of moving on
there was no "kino" nobody ever did shit in the guild about over 90 % of you were useless piece of dogshit that never came on or were brainafk.
You don't sound like you were in the guild at all.
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I'll be honest, I was never on Lottie, so I could never join my frens in Vidya even though I wanted to. I was simply too lazy to start over from early access. I just sort of watched from the sidelines while you guys argued until some mentally ill guy completely destroyed the general until its as dead as it is now. I won't lie, I don't hate this game so its sad to see the thread basically crumple in just 3 weeks, but I guess thats life...
this, >>500135293
why do people come to lie on the internet. and about something so random
??? what
leave the tranny alone!
didn't read, but damn I really wish I could take the stupid headdress off this piece and just have the hairstyle
for whatever reason, the character creator's hairstyles are super limited in respect to what you can find in the world, just look at some NPCs and you'll see how many hairstyles are actually in the game
they're not even selling them for lucent, they just don't let you have them for no reason
That hair is available. In fact, that is the very same hair she naturally has. The only thing I notice is that wearing the headpiece makes her hair look more vibrantly red.
servers dead?
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even ads are fucking intrusive these days
what mastery levels does the average and no life player have?
>can't do quest because area is under a gvg event
can't these fuck off instead? not my fault I'm not in the top 10 guild or some shit owning the area
no it isn't , you're blind
>1000 lucent = $6
Anyone buying lucent ingame instead of from 3rd party sites is double retarded.
traits won't get cheaper they will get more expensive. Currency is limited and as people quit moving forward while the game taxes your sales higher than irl taxes currency will become too scarse and may kill the market as nobody holds lucent. Game is not made with future in mind. Regardless what will happen this game is destined to fail on multiple fronts and market is one of them.
w-w-what, please dont ban me

this game is a joke
someone pick the right pumpkin I've been getting mauled by the pumpkin monsters ffor hours now
>price is the same
>risk a ban
What is skill damage boost?
The description reads like heavy attack, but there's no visual indicator of it activating, so I don't think it actually is a 3rd form of crit
does it increase ability multipliers or something?
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Well, would you?
>1 hour 80% mastery buff killing 15-20 open world mobs a minute increased my mastery by about 10% at level 12
how fucking long is lv15-16 going to take?
If you don't really need any items from the abyssal dungeons, which one is the best to grind at?
whichever ones you have contracts for
which daily quest am I suppose to pick?
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Love from Pettanko!
>bumped the dead thread off page 9
Thanks for doing it for free then
its deadge
people arent social enough for a mmo like this
>cheer them on from the sidelines twiddling your little bowstring and stroking your wand impotently
n-nonsense thats what gets me off
there are different bow/wand support builds
I use one that still does very good boss damage
but it's a roulette still because you can be matched with dumbs who will eat through all heals even from full supportslut build and STILL die
all the behaviors exhibited by players in this game are anti-social, if anything. zoomers don't know how to socialize and boomers don't want to
tbf, i joined a normie guild and noped out of their discord like 15 mins into it. hearing w*men talk in my videogames is a no-no
>open world mobs
i meant open world dungeon mobs
Sorry frens I gotta quit for a bit. TNL was taking up too much of my time. I've got 11 games I want to finish by the end of the year and tnl was taking up all of my game time.
t. Blue
We're dropping like flies lottiebros..
i'm really getting done with this game even to do the boring green events you have to hold hands with your heckin guild to "compete" with the heckin top guilds tagging the same spot, such a retarded design. it should just be solo points for these events. there's just nothing to do in this fucking game
You can't even complete the world events, all the lvl 50 events are bugged and give no rewards if you 100% them.
This has been bugged since launch.
I've been playing/sitting so much I got a pretty bad hemorrhoid that's hurting real bad rn..........
get up and do squats and stretches every so often
pop it with ur fingernails but make sure they are dirty and filled with bacteria before you do it then share your story with us
if i dont have dungeon tokens and i run the dungeons i can still get the amitoi right?
am i mentally ill for even thinking about it?
This ski never had a limited availability timer, but it disappeared anyways. I will never forgive NCSoft for this.
>random in a friends chat asks who wants to go to corp
>takes roughly 15 minutes until like 20-30 mids with bandos/fang/torva to show up for a reward for 1 person that's usually shit
>ask my rank 8 guild who wants to hit up ANY open dungeon
>no one wants to despite being rank 2 in guild kills as a HEALER
>no one ever even talks in guild chat unless it's the guild leader pinging everyone
What the fuck is their problem?
Ok bwo. Please share with us which games.
sns/gs is the most op whale build.
>30k hp
>1 hit 15k plebs
uhmm it's ok because if the enemy has full stamina and pixel perfect Q block both of their stuns they can't kill so easily!
its an internal one....
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i did it bwos
nice, gj! build?
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crossbow daggers
my build is a bit of a mess, im only 2.7k gs
which for arena felt incredibly low
>xbow dagger
nigga this shit sucks outside of arenas which nobody even takes seriously
>but its best in pve!
easy already, so that doesn't matter
Normie games have nice and social people. I could never play RS, but it's hard to deny they have old school people that still play with that mindset that made MMOs good. Even normie games like Fallout 76 have decent, social people. Korean MMOs always have the worst subhumans.
anon we literally both agree smallscale doesnt matter
take your meds
The amitoi comes from opening the chest, so no
No idea if I can even get through all of these this year but im trying. Half of them are gifts from friends from last xmas so I want to finish them before xmas this year.
Romancing Saga 2 remake
factorio dlc
Pathfinder wrath of the righteous
nioh 2
Dragons dogma 2
la-mulana 2
yearly playthrough of vampire the masquerade
What the fuck are you smoking you dumb nigger. Xbow/dagger is the prime stack remover during zerg times.
this little faggot is coping so hard
>daggers most broken dogshit ass weapon that broke the game
>crossbow the zerg wiping weapon
combined you are the biggest nigger faggot meta dogshitter. stop coping. everybody and their dogs playing this shit weapon combo because its broken as shit
Not him but I tried using xbow for le epic reddit zerg wipe aoe and it doesn't do jack shit if youi're not using daggers too.
Daggers make everything they interact with broken.
I heard Dragon's Dogma 2 is Dragon's Dogshit 2. Crosscode is super old and pozzed, I think. But good luck bwo, these are some really long titles. I won't lie, I've cheated in a select few long games before just so I could get the story and skip the slog. I guess thats what MMOs do to your time. Lucky for you that you can learn to just quit something, I'm too mentally weak.
so you agree with me cool
Yeah but retards here will have every single weapon daggers interact with nerfed.
uh huh yeah
what's the next mmo release?
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So anyways, I run a double greatsword build and use all greatsword skills. Yeah I pretty much delete everyone, haha. Ok laters!
are you sure? i'm 90% sure i saw it just drop (not from the chest)
page 9........................................................it's been over
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It's because all of you were so RUDE to our cute ingame screenshot posters.
m*mmilk take your meds. archer isn't a real person and 99% of the people in the guild never did shit including you
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What am I getting myself into? Is this just like every korean mmo aka you just farm for shit non-stop or is there an actual game with end content under it all?
it's literally nothing
they're not going to do shit. there are more bots than ever and even normal people are starting to bot with macros. they care more about you saying no-no words like tranny faggot and nigger more than anything
So how is going to stop castle owners from RMTing their lucent away with alts?
>We do not condone RMT
>unless its through the official channels
reaching gear cap is surprisingly easy in this game
like, 2-3 weeks of investment easy
nigga botted lucent is only 1/3 the price and amazon never punishes people. its the perfect time to go all out
the endgame is disappointing imo, just mid pvp bs
>"we will never ban cheaters, just buy lucent from us until you aren't negative and we will forgive any nigger behavior you have ever done"
what an absolute joke of a response. they will find workarounds as they always have
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>We are focused on maintaining a fair and equal playing environment
>fair and equal
>eclipse activated
>they don't even get banned and barely punished
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in the trailer near the beginning of the game it showed like 50+ players all fighting bosses, is this something that happens in the open world spontaneously or is it some gay guild shit that has to be coordinated? is this even in the game yet? what level/how long before you get to this kind of stuff in the game and how often do you do it

also it looked like there was some huge PVP battle between players outside some castle wall looking fortification and a bunch of players ontop of that wall, is this in the game and is it easy to find fights like this? i remember there being fights like this in elder scrolls online and it was really cool, but it was kinda hard to find where the fights were happening sometimes and it only got worse and worse until there either never were any anymore or i just couldnt find them. i think the server pop may have died too low for that kind of pvp anymore i guess but idk but once that was gone and after i had wasted a bunch of time looking for it over and over again i basically was like fuck this game
>spent 20k abyssal dungeon tokens
>sell what I get
>300 lucent worth of gems and a couple useless blue extracts
its over for f2poors like me
its more like 1000+ players fighting bosses in the open world
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where, what level does this stuff start
you can join at any level i think but the bosses are all 50+
None of that is cool, it's all pretty lame
>woah so many people to kill the heckin boss
>boss dies in 5 seconds
who gives a fuck
>woah so many people fighting for the heckin pvp boss
>one alliance controls the whole area most of the time and if not it's just a mindless deathball against another mindless deathball
who gives a fuck

where are the hard dungeons and raids? what is even the point of this game? who plays p2w mmo for the pvp?
is it retarded to use staff and wand at the same time? if so whats good with staff

also is there going to be a wipe considering this game is still early access?

and yeah i didnt know this game was so pvp focused...
playing this game is retarded
someone got banned hehehehe
all modern videogames are shit so my expectations arent that high
>if you think the endgame is retarded you got banned
sanest tnl enjoyer, i got one more weekly reset of doing dungeons with my feet in 3 minutes before i quit
wow someones actually wearing the hat
As a staff wand at 3k if I could swap out for bow wand I'd do it in a second
>do unranked arena to get my weekly 3 wins
>everyone got 2000 evasion
Its pvp
Ranked is unironically better since unranked is full of whales flexing.
Evasion is pure fucking cancer though and gooks are retarded for not reworking it.
whys that?
do they actually work together in some way or what, because any particular weapon could get nerfed any moment anyway
Staff wand offers more DPS than bow wand which doesn't matter because you're taking pretty much all heals and buffs at endgame pvp anyway. Its unmatched at farming mobs and levelling for sure. And the damage isn't terrible for finishing off an opponent you can even 1v1 DPSers easily, like I can beat people in my servers top 5 killers but the mana is trash compared to bow, buffs/heals slightly worse also. Small scale pvp might see better performance if there were more chances for it but there's a lack of content geared toward like 20v20
not slutty enough, would not buy
It drops from the boss not the chest. it will be a yellowish white name item on the ground super obvious because nothing else has the same color
>t. 80 IQ
>wah make it a raidnigger game
go back to lost ark then
lost ark is absolutely awful precisely because of "raids" that are designed by retards
The right pumpkin has a different icon
as bow wand, i would exchange for greatsword in a second. i see them aoe cleaving 10 mob packs and it looks so fun and they re so strong..uwu. i cant kill monsters at all. killing a single monster takes forever
>get my lucent from sales overnight
>send amitoi expedition, make guild contributions
>head to purelight and do 10 contracts
>complete mystic orbs from keys i bought yesterday
>visit guild vendor, sundries vendor, contract coin vendor
>find event wandering merchant for my candy corn
>2x event dungeon, 3x random dungeon
>decline every random dungeon that isn't the one i want
>stand in town and show off my black leather body suit outfit
>look forward to doing it all again tomorrow
Pure bliss
me except the lucent part cause i'm an europoor and make zero
its not great on nae either. everything goes for 10 lucent now
makeyour alt gs/dagger then
that's for metazombies and fags
>where are the hard dungeons
What is it you want exactly? I think the dungeons they've shown have been pretty unique in their own way and fun to do the boss. I did Duke Magna with a group last night that was learning the fight and it is a fun fight. Every encounter is designed to be beatable, so when you say you want a hard dungeon, what are we talking about here?
Because if it's lost ark style of hard of requiring voice comms with perfect coordination between every single party member for 20 straight minutes, that can fuck right off.
i settled on gs staff so I can be so powerful in both uwu

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