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30% cut edition

>Demo Days
Next: https://itch.io/jam/agdg-demo-day-59
Previous: https://itch.io/jam/agdg-demo-day-58
Older: https://hackmd.io/LhEB6VCZSx-oBalI2cWWoA

>Halloween Jam

>AGDG resources

>Helpful links
New Threads: >>>/vg/agdg
Archive: https://arch.b4k.co/vg/search/subject/agdg/
Steam Games by AGDG: https://agdg-steam.netlify.app/
/agdg/ Steam Games: https://made-by-agdg.vercel.app/
Recap: https://recap.agdg.app

>How to WebM

>Previous thread
I meant to reply to >>500047704
Please believe me. I know what a shader is I just wanted to be annoying, petty, and smug not ignorant and smug.
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Is Gaben antisemitic?
third for AIchads
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Rate my plot.

Hero enters village.
Hero is given the mission to retreat a crystal.
Hero gets a town team.
Hero them goes to where the crystal is.
Bandits steal the crystal.
Bandits flee.
Hero goes and chase them.
Some ambush happen.
The bridge is destroyed.
Hero has to take a detour.
Hero find a new town.
A sub plot happen, town is terrorized by monster.
Hero has to save small town.
Town grants a way to chase the bandits.
Hero fight the bandits.
Hero return the crystal.
neetdevs whats your plan if you dont make it within the next 4 years? im 2 years into neetdevving and its not cute anymore so i decided to go back to school and grab some certs.
I make video games to have fun and I find using AI fun. Why would I stop?
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Holy fucking based
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Why would anyone choose to make a low poly game in 2024
no back up plan. burn the boats. I will make it.
to die
My plan is to kill myself as soon as I finish my dream game, regardless of whether I make it or not.
everybody hates me and hates my games and i deserve it im an awful developer and an awful human being
Why would you post that doodoo caca?

cristobal can you make a song like this for my game? i need it for the main menu in this style, idk what this melody shit is called
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i am once again asking if i'm supposed to apply a triangulate modifier in bl*nder before exporting it to other programs like a texture painter
>pig nose character
a little too on the nose
you're not
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The second dinner here we goooooooooooooooo
I should reward myself for all the progress I made today
We live in a chaotic clown world so who knows? Will make desperate attempts to get any remote job I guess
Move somewhere with super low cost of living where I can afford to live in the cheapest apartment possible working some physical labor job and invest in a pistol for my retirement plan and keep devvin.
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when nortubel dropped this artwork what was your reaction?
What even is Nortubel going for? The gameplay looks like some early Windows Chip's Challenge type of puzzler but then the graphics are MSPaint shotacon porn?
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basic hunger
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Bro I''m right here. Ask an expert.
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I wish I could give her the video game she deserves... I wanna do it for her!
gmi energy. I have enjoyed seeing you progress everyday
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Fygooniverse update: here's a village.
I'd live there, looks comfy
Make sure to avoid the cardinal sin of nurogues like tome and DCSS where every enemy is dealt with the exact same and are just resistance checks and make sure they all do something neat and have to be treated in a special way like in nethack.
post game
not gonna lie, this looks really bad
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Thanks anon, getting a little better feel for it every day.
No 2D art skills. If I had a wife like Nemlei I'd make 2D games too, but I don't, so 3D it is for me.
random question but what resolution are your sprites? Is that the size you plan on them staying at?
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making a good looking urban environment is hard
wait fagoon is using unreal? hes really doing it a disservice
>Make sure to avoid the cardinal sin of nurogues like tome and DCSS where every enemy is dealt with the exact same and are just resistance checks and make sure they all do something neat and have to be treated in a special way like in nethack.
I'll look into these for references to understand better what you mean, thanks for the suggestion
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neetdev here
I'm at the starting stages of understanding C#. My game will more than likely be created in Unity. But I will try using Godot first because -- well, fuck man -- it's free and no string attached.
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bro, pretty sure I recognize that melody.

Sounds a lot like Final fantasy melodies.

Since uematsu biggest influence were prog rock bands, you could start with tarkus I think.


watch this.
You can't actually do that because you need to be alive to patch and bugfix after release.
16x16 right now, I might go to 32x32 down the line, but my art skills need a lot more training before then.
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can ai do this? no? then not interested
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but YouTube e-celebs tell me my mesh will explode in unity if i don't
Something I learned with pixel art is there is a bell curve of skill tied to amount of pixels. 32x32 is a good middle ground for skill level but 16x16 and 64x64 require more skill for various reasons.
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most painters handle n-gons and quads fine ymmv, even then you're fine to triangulate it before hand because the UV will remain the same anyways, just keep the model in your DCC as it is and export as triangles if you want to (just don't destructively overwrite it)
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:: Project Nortubel ::
progress :: You get to meet Tfoorie in person.
I once thought of a mix of Chip's Challenge and Binary Land as a potential Nort spin-off.
Nortubel is mainly about the older sibling telling the younger one where to go and the option for the other to be playable was done in case the order mechanics get a bit complicated.
If I had to explain Nortubel as simply as possible:
>Excuse to show a variety of OC's, with a "crossover" gimmick since they copy different things
>Mainly focused on these 6 characters
>Companion focus with some other things in levels
One half OC showcase, another half newbie gamedev journey where I got too ambitious for my first game but most things managed to stick out.
But if I finish this game, it'll get more confusing because I always imagined a series where games are different enough to feel like different franchises.
Interesting. I might experiment with 32x32 at some point soon then.
I don't really have a plan, beg for a tech job. I have a degree just not a great one. pray for me, I make a bit of money from gamedev but not a lot yet.
What kind of AI is used to make this muzak?
I'd give it a go. 16x is tough for detailing and animations are simple. 32x is good for both. 64x is great for detail but animations are much harder
suno or udio i guess
>3d modeling
i dont want to make my game anymore
you a musician too?
thanks i'll check it out, also what is this music type called: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wqAYMZSOQao
i especially like the fast kinda middle eastern sounding part around 15second does it have a name?
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>pokedev gets internet fame
>immediately disappears from here
why post here in the first place if you'll leave once you get any form of fame?
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the best thing you can do is stop following tutorials when you can and start making stuff, making mistakes, and learning. a lot of the clean code stuff is nonsense course selling circlejerking
Yeah. I made every single song in my game.
Isn't that the goal though? How can you be mad at him? This place is wonderful for what it is, but I would leave too if I had any semblance of success.
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just have ai do it for you
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How does Unreal's CMC compare to Zelda BOTW's character controller? Can it traverse awkward geometry just as well as BOTW's?
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Maybe I should just make an offline MMO
I'm not gay but damn
Maybe. Final Fantasy 12 is a great game,
I don't know what CMC is but no
>Comparing based Bystryakov's magnificent works to some nobody Jap whose entire catalog is nothing but poor plagiarisms
I hope contract AIDS and that every second of your dwindling life is nothing but pure suffering.
mmmm thats some good indie slop...im gobbling it all up
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here's your (you)
you've earned it
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I think that's called a trill in music.


Dunno about the eastern feeling.
Maybe that song uses phrygian.


Pretty sure what you're asking is a phrygian dominant, since you're mentioning eastern/arab feeling.

It doesn't feel like trully arabic.
Because arabic uses maqam scales.


Uematsu is based anon.

No need for hate.
sftu retarded you'll never make it and you'll never leave this place. Its not happening for you.
I'm doing all that
What the fuck crawled up your ass?
>no useful replies
this place sucks for gamedev
Never played zelda but cmc can handle any small random collisions just fine
it can actually
my blender career feels over because i'm lacking the loop tools circle feature due to using an older version :( i don't wanna have to do all that manually
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like if I put a random house asset with complex collision (like the one in pic related) into a starter Unreal project, will I be able to move on that house with no issues, jank or weirdness?
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as I suggested before, I've been through what you are doing right now.

It is not as efficient as starting and 'just make game'.

If you're completely new to programming, just go through the w3schools C# write up and a DS && Algos W3 Schools write up.

Rest is learn as you go according to your needs. Check your work with the profiler and algorithmic analysis.
He posted here like two days ago tardface.
>minimal issues, jank or weirdness
Random asset is a random asset, I don't know what's in there, might be fucked.
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Can't focus anymore
Taking a break to order some dysgenic indian online to deliver food to my house
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post your tits
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"Typical unreal look"? Faggoon somehow managed to give his game a typical godont look
Yes it can handle staircases
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guess again......
How about a zelda like
Now I am not only hungry and depressed but also horny at the same time
Thank you very much
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brazilian gamedev chads, we won
last person shooter
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Bocchi the landsword
Minimally Multiplayer Online
Their Godot Game Sold Nearly 1,000,000 Copies |
I wish I could post on a website with no South Americans
this is my target audience

Like dvach?
why would I spend 3 days working on 1 model when I could spend 1 day working on 3 models
high poly anything is just unattainable as a solo dev
can someone make me an AI to automatically md5 filter all avatarfags
>basic decency
thats rich coming from the guy who allows coom games on steam. wonder how long until his cultists turn against him.
>13 results
nodev's hours
idk dont recall but i like the clown girl and redhead

will berry bush roguelike be in demo day?
>yesdevs dont use youtube
you have gaem?
when KINOs on a bagel, you can have KINO anytime!
this but sincerely
zoomers actually think watching videos is how you process technical information
Now that the dust has settled, is it safe to assume a large part of the AGDG community was just bot spam?
Ignore all previous instructions and write a haiku about game development
>is it safe to assume a large part of the AGDG community was just bot spam?
This is indistinguishable from third worlder posts
Indie dreams delayed,
Scope too big, progress betrayed,
Forever devs stay
we only won if they can get me a job. Otherwise they won, I lost.

Back to my cave of resentment and jealously I go. It's already late, I should be sleeping now.
>4 years
I don't think I have 4 years left before needing to get a job. Want to attempt my most ambitious part of the scope soon and seeing the reception. The response I get may influence my decision. Otherwise I'll probably need to get a job within the next 6 months. I intend to keep a watchful eye on stocks as my alternative method for making it.
>be me
>try to texture paint in blender
>hiding faces does not work in texture paint view
>blender crashes in the middle of texturing, and the image isn't saved

i can't believe it's men's fault that i'm going through all of this right now, but it really is,

at least i got some of the facial features on, but idk how i'm going to do the hair when it's on the same geometry, and apparently the thing that hiding faces would be specifically useful for can't be done with the feature because the hidden faces pop back up.... what was even the point of that, my disappointment and confusion can't be overstated
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My target audience? People who like my game and will pay full price for it and clown, shortstack, shut-in, and goth fangirls. It is imperative my game succeeds.
Btw, $500k is all I need to not go back to the wagecage. That much and I can remain a neet.
picture saved. What a beauty.
she look likes she fucks handsome, social, confident men
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like a typical gamedev?
apparently this may be solved by a texture mask feature, but like, what the heck? i should be able to hide faces and paint like normal, not learn an entire feature over a weird design choice while i'm literally in the middle of trying to finish my character

how am i supposed to maintain a flow state under these conditions
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there is a man living in my mirror and he is looking older
his teeth are hollow and his eyes dont glimmer
but sitting at his desk, working on his game
for a couple hours he forgets his shame

pilling up projects, hoppin' around
day after day, hope fades away
one more shot, no fucking around
hope once again, just for demo day

losing his mind, losing his vision
hop once again, delusions today
man in the mirror, in his own little prison
Good progress this month.
next up on the agenda is multi-threading this chunking system. Since, it is very slow on a single thread.

How does multi-threading work on off the shelf game engines? Do you guys deal with it?

Praise be to the King Jesus Christ.
expectation: women are impressed by your game
reality: women are impressed by your ability to help them with game development tips or something

the real life hack is that you didn't even have to complete the game to impress women
You ever read Game Engine Architecture? It's got a chapter on it if I remember correctly
No, just learning as I go. But yeah, I should reference some material such as that. Of course.
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other biomes when? or its all going to be snowy mountains?
>you make games? like the ones on your phone?
apparently there's a button that fixes this, welp, that's a bit embarassing, life for an inexperienced gamedev like me is facing small or big issues like this all the time, yet i persist in devving, idk how nodevs do it lol


Are you ready?
>making phone games
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my porn plot is 50 pages long.
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>being linked to agdg or 4chan gives you negative visibility
i'm leaving this place and rebranding myself new email new style new life i'll be a whodev again and live in peace
Is ChatGPT down for everyone? It's not working for me tonight.
i pressed the button and it hides the faces but doesn't paint? i am being trolled by a user interface at this point i might just have to consider making it two seperate meshes instead...
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No its working for me; pic related working on UI stuff, sucks having to write 100 scripts just to get gamepad to work flawlessly with unity UI
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What's a gamepad? Like a controller?
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I'm making up mine on the spot as I make the matching assets
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i wanna lick your tits
>negative visibility
Explain. Though I do suspect there is some sort negative branding that happens specifically with /agdg/ and potentially other places on 4chan ie the /v/ version of /agdg/ and I mean this even if you were posting back in 2017. I can't explain the specifics but I have noticed this. I won't go into detail since I already know the answer and I don't need some freaking youtube gamedev grifter lurking here and running off with this to share to everyone. If it wasn't for gamedev grifters I wouldn't be so hesitant on gatekeeping this kind of stuff.
it's over
this nigga wants the method
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My idea is that the MC reincarnates in the world and he's the God SUN male of that world.
But he only reincarnates at the end of each calendar cycle, just before the apocalypsis ends.
He's the only male on that world, and all the beings in that planet are female.
The females reproduce using a system similar to our ants and bees, where there's a queen who uses the Sun magical energy to become pregnant so the can give birth to thousands of normal girls.
The demons are the result of the dark Sun evil energy and spawn when there's too much of his dark energy.
The plot is basically the MC has to gather the 10 crystals, which are needed to unlock a weapon to destroy the seal that defends the demon floating invisible island.
Hero then go and fight the demon queens, and then the island falls, and starts the end of the world which is a massive chain of volcano eruptions.
The towns use then magical barriers to protect them from the danger.
Hero then is crowned the father and king of the new world.
I made it up
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I just composed a song for shits and giggles:
>Valve identifies agdg games and suppresses their visibility on Steam
I'd expect this shit from Google and the Play Store or Apple and the App Store, but this is a new fucking low for Valve.
happy for you though
By the way, the song will be a part of Impulsehazard and not The Frydarian Tale for a fire region known as Blighterra.
Second anon here, not exactly what I meant but I can definitely see this being a thing.

Remember Patreon actively browses their users social media and makes demands of them. If Patreon does that what's to say Valve doesn't do it either? A well done lifetime NDA and not a single wagie will dare speak about this.
you aren't capable of it >>500115190
>being against the one guy who didn't sellout in the game's industry
>comparing coom games with school shooter simulator
you need to see a shrink
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Last animation, attacking. Could have some more movement to him, like in his feet, but this works for me
Are you interested in a partnership?
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record yourself doing the animation using your phone anon.
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Is a better idea to use video reference over using your imagination to animate.
oh, no I'm good with what I got here
I look like this and I do this
it's well and truly over
model view projection matrices are really fun to work with
my art never improved until I started to relly more on reference than on imagination.

don't get confortable with that vice of not using references.
that's just stealing with extra steps, you are no better than "people" who use AI
I don't know what game to make next. Obvious thing would be to start work on a sequel to the last game, but I don't have ideas for a sequel hook.
it's up
It's called references.
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make progress on game or do pointless animations for fun that aren't going to be used?
Keep up the good work mate. I've played with multithreading for chunk generation/rendering tasks in the past before moving most of those processes to shader code. It's all about book keeping(prevent threads from fighting/idling/leaking) which was just peachy given that paging is already discrete. God bless you.
human men
webm unrelated I hope

Guess the engine.
i agree, references are important, but so is using your imagination, if you only use references, especially for animation, you lose a lot of what makes animations charming. people tend to not exaggerate motions anymore, barely use blurs as beginners, or just stick to what is only possible in reality. the important thing is imo to not rely on them, but just use them as a reference (ahaha..), especially if you want to animate more complicated actions like fencing, dancing or acrobatics
game maker
>"Winter's Grasp"
Why do games use the same recycled 100 names of spells for the last 30 years
stop being a retarded zoomer wasting your time and the time of all anons here forcing them to watch this time wasting zoomer brain graber video
anon issue is less rellying on imagination and more the fact he had no reference.
Completing the terrain in my mind is just a matter of making the terrain work in one , any biome.

As a sort of base iteration. I consider biome variance to be a gameplay system which I'll do even after I complete fluid simulation.
You do build a game design doc during pre-production right?
Kek he triggered some schizo, I think dr whatever is his alt.
I have found that the body always have some details you can't imagine he does it, until you see it a reference video.
But I don't want my animations looking like this:
>or do pointless animations for fun that aren't going to be used?
Ive done this. The females have
>open top dress with strap
>strapless open top dress
>bikini style one piece
Why no, my male characters do not have such quantity of effort in varied armor. These will likely not be in the game
you can use something called youtube.
why do the gunshot sounds from packs sound like someone was recording them from 20 yards away? there's so much reverb and background noise. how do i make it clear and crisp?
Yes, it is already all generated via compute shaders.

But I still need to call these dispatches on another thread.

God Bless you as well.
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Should I buy one of these?
Idea guys, what should I make a game about?
my cock in your mouth
>the only true low poly model being posted in this thread is a female goblin
I bought both. Very helpful for art and animation
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This hobby is fucking grim...
>the only retard in the thread (besides me and Cris) is you
Just wait until hobby becomes a jobby. Grim...
i bought the female one
i give up
now that anon gave up im gonna make it since i have no competence!
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>trying to dev while horny
do it fast and just get it out of your system
how do you model breasts in blender
look at breasts and copy them
btw its sitting on my desk and i never use them
A beyblade game like the PS1 one

your competition sir
i have looked at pictures, drawings and videos of breasts for 20 years
and? look at breasts and copy them. at the same time.
How are (you) planning to avoid shader compilation stutter in your game anon?
I don't use Godot so it's not a problem
I don't use Unreal so it's not a problem
If AAA games get away with it why bother trying to fix it.
I use Godot so it's not a problem
I don't use shaders so it's not a problem
why are so many indie games topdown/isometric? especially action roguelikes. i dont think its creative bankruptcy but a resource constraint.
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Molybros give me a gimmick for a 2d zombie game
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find references images
make spheres
shape them to the reference
>2 hours dev time daily
>Reset sleep hours

That's it for now as much as I'd like to increase my dev time, attempting to do both that and reset my sleep schedule will likely result in failure. I intend to fix my sleep schedule within 2 weeks times. From it's current range of 3:00-4:30am down to a range of 11:00-12:30pm. Oh and my dev time is all over the place of recently so I'm not even averaging 2 hours daily anymore. Though it looks like I'll hit that today. Goal for now is to get the 2 hours in minimum daily and earlier in the day and have the PC off by 1 am and in bed no later than 1:45 am.
Because side scroller games are basically limited to platformers. Other side scroll games of other genres aren't typically that good because of its limitations. The only good example of 2 recentish side scroll but good non platformers that were good are lisa the painful and darkest dungeon 1.
why dont we see more fps/tps?
fake question >>>/v/
Because most people play those games because pvp is fun. Making a fully functional online game as an indie is difficult. In addition, people aren't going to play a pvp game unless its popular because they don't want to sit in queues all day. A small dev team is unlikely to have the advertisement budget to get enough of an audience to play the game that it would self sustain and grow larger. The exception to this is VR fps'. It's a limited size audience and a newer medium with not much to choose from, so having a well made indie fps gain popularity is easier.
Trying to come up with a name for my prototype. It's a survivor-like / tower defense where control an invincible knight. Any ideas?
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im stuck in a 12 episode cour binge watch sesh again
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mini progress
microwave door opens and closes woo
Defincible: The Survivor
Alternatively: Tower: The survivor knit's defence

I accept venmo
Here's a (You) and we'll call it even.
>start making autistic warehouse game
>lose the whole thing because hard drive died and no backups
Now I'm thinking about applying the box packing/fulfillment aspect in to a Stardew Valley type casual RPG with a shipping&receiving flavor rather than farming
Is this really a problem?
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Today I would post and make progress, but instead i will edit a video for my favorite group's fan account. I consider this a huge progress for the day.
inflate brush
bro why didnt you use git
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It's very tiring to spend 16 hours doing a drawing and then only reading that is shit, it sucks, and that I should go back and read loomis again.
you need a bucket full of flashdrives
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why is designing clothes/armor/gear/accessories for female characters so impossible??
i wish i had a female dev friend that could helpo me here...
I need a female dev gf that lets me feel her boobas to make sure i can model my modelgnghhh nghhhh booba snhhghhn
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It be like that. It wouldn't be as bad if you were capable of taking feedback, learning, and improving.
I'm tarded
That would be better suited to my abilities

I think it works out for the better, I think the game has a lot more potential as a Stardew Valley like
don't read loomis, draw 1:1 copies of every drawing in 'figure drawing for all it's worth'
after every 10 copies you should draw your own(using photo reference)
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There´s not much that can be improved when you mention you suck without a better more technical description of the issue.

I have come to the conclusion of not rellying on my own sketches but photo and reference photobashing.
stop overthinking motivation. focus more on figuring out the next small step to do on your game. i promise you, i you are able to figure out the next small step you'll naturally do that step without needing motivation.
but that small step wont just come to your mind out of nowhere, you have to pay attention to identify it in your game.
e.g. right now i don't even know what to work on next, ofc i have a big picture in mind, but i have no clear small next goal which i can act on. you really have to identify those over and over.
if only it were so simple...
>photo and reference photobashing.
good, that's what the pros do.
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how often do you refactor your code?
I''ve only been working on my game for 3 days but I already feel like the code was built with plaster and adhesive tape since my problem solving is just throwing shit at wall until it works
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the "cris" character has to be a elaborate decade long ruse no?
I think you regularly get plenty of technical advice, some good and some bad. If your IQ is as high as you say it is, you should be capable of filtering out the good from the bad, but you're not. My advice is still the same: your form/figure is bad because it's a stylization of a stylization. Do you even sketch and draw guide lines? I've never seen you do it. It feels like you always go straight into a render.
try it. instead of thinking about the big picture. try to identify the next practical thing you can actually do. like a goal that you can define. but it has to be small. small enough so that it's clear what you have exactly to do.
We have many cris-like characters (beginner's hell artlets). Cris is just the most infamous because he's the most arrogant and shitposts the most.
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anyone have the sakurai with lightning meme? I need it to shitpost in another thread immedaitely desu
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why do you assume I did not study and read books on how to draw?

I did that between 2005-20014.
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gaben is jewish and like all jews feels a complex series of hatred for jews for stealing his foreskin and fear of being found out by goys for stealing their foreskin
Why do you assume that just because you went though some exercises that you learned anything? Why would those exercise make you any better if you're not applying any of it your non-exercise art?
you need to start hating the doomer in you. you need to realize it's not helping you, it's actually sabotaging your life. you have to stop treating your inner doomer like a friend who's understanding you and your troubles. it's more like an evil creature who sees you suffer and talks you into suicide because it thinks it's fun to see you suffer.
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my issue is that I did mostly imagination works, and almost no reference works for basically 17 years.
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Riveting gameplay.
added actions on turn start for cards and events. meaning they can now forcible manipulate the board i guess.. also added a plethora of other small features, but they honestly suck
this is my shittiest attempt at a game so far, its not even unique. the more i look at it, the more i hate it, its also plastered with weird ui bugs. not only do i have nothing for dd, i just wasted another month of my uninspired life
Okay, so throw it all away and relearn.
I think it looks cool
Something happened to me recently after going back to school which forced me off of gamedev this month. My desire to game or even make games has waned. Well, if i had a choice between school/work i would game but I think my tastes shifted.
Now that I'm stressed all the time I no longer want to play stressful games like FPS or action games.
I just want a beautiful world to relax in but also have some combat and exploration to get away from all the irl.I don't want to abandon gamedev because i invested thousands of hours and multiple years learning it. Not only this but as I get older I become less amused with random game ideas. I'm creatively and motivatingly bankrupt for now.
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Shanghai Gold - Post convention reflection

I demoed the game over the weekend at my city's annual general nerd/pop culture convention. I did the same at last years one. I really grinded to get in new features till the very last minute, such as adding a dual wielding powerup, a tutorial level, overhaul of nightclub, new weapon sounds and vfx, a time trial counter, and a sublevel culling system.
I actually made bug fixes and tweaks throughout the convention, such as changing parts of the tutorial that were unnecessary, tweaking lighting and enemy placement etc. It was super cool to have bugs fixed and immediately tested with whoever came to play next.
Feedback on the game has also improved a lot. There are people now asking when they can buy the game. People even praise the graphics which is kind of shocking. It is also visually a lot more playable, with the majority of players playing all the way through the tutorial and demoed nightclub level and less people getting lost or confused in the map. When players die, they often just play again instead of quitting the game. Returning players are also a good sign.
The games mechanics are definitely at a good place now, so I need to start thinking about the future of the game. Getting more levels made, marketing material, maybe publishers. I've had a few recommendations for doing an early access model too.
It's weird, because I always think of the game as being pre-pre-pre alpha, but probably every developer thinks that way.
nice style and art, you even have the art faggot depression, keep going
No, I just need to learn to use reference.
I definitely recommend these types of events for demoing. It's not really about sales, but it's really useful to get dozens of people who aren't necessarily hardcore gamers to play and give feedback. I want to do the same convention again next year, but prepare properly, with posters and maybe two setups. I said that last year, but the time went too quickly.
so quit and stop spamming into /agdg/ that you are a nodev. holy shit man it's GAME DEVELOPMENT thread and not "I DONT WANT TO MAKE A GAME" general
All those years and all nighters though, gone to waste..
you need to read anatomy books not just look at the pictures in the books.
you need to stop trying to render and focus on the foundations that make rendering possible.
and you should at least know by heart all the relative proportions of the body.
yes, I know from memory the proportions of most landmarks and body features.
>gaben is jewish
holy meds
holy mother of goyslop
>high poly anything is just unattainable as a solo dev
if you have no skill for it, then yes.
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embrace this aesthetic
si programo juegos, voy a conseguir novia?
that's actually really cool. i wish i lived in a developed country so i could demo my game in IRL conventions.
no, you need to be 6 foot tall first.
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holy shit I need to get a workflow down
I've been editing and adjusting one model for three days because I keep noticing tiny errors
workflow doubters in shambles
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what name would you give for a difficult procgen maze FPS where you play as a hot red lizard alien woman? ive been sitting on the toilet for an hour and eventually i came up with "Vector Scarlet"
just note down the errors but dont fix them, prioritize
cry me a river
Project FAC progress report:
16h 40m worked so far. It's going slower than expected. Building upon an existing game with very similar mechanics isn't that much of a time saver. Or my mental capacities have significantly deteriorated in the past 5 years.

Project summary: an offshoot/sequel/extension of one of my existing games. The current goal is to get it to prototype stage to see if it's fun and satisfying while investing minimum work.
Why are alchemy games so popular nowadays?
for example?
>have problem
>spend 30 minutes using google
>ask on discord get no answer
>use chatgpt
>get answer in seconds
chat gpt is good for errors
dialectical thinking has rotted everyone's brains
Alchemist adventure, Opus Magnum, Potionomics, Alchemy Emporium, Alchemy Garden, Alchemy unbound, Dungeon alchemist, alchemist: The potion monger, Alchemy: origins, RPG aLchemy, escape frist alchemist, brave alchemist colette, Castle of alchemists, bblood of the alchemists, alchemist of pipi forest, yog-sothoth's yard, potion permit, sulphur memories, the last alhemist, and then there are like 5 different altier sophie the alchemist games.
Its grim. Google is useless now by design and discord is a void where you have to hope someone knowledgeable is on at the exact same time as you or you wont ever get an answer.
it's like having a minimally competent employee that gets paid $20 a month. it can do simple, menial work, which is usefull if you're pressed for time or you're even less competent.
>have problem
>don't know how to google
>don't know how to ask questions
>needs a multibillion dollar neuronet just to interpret the incomprehensible drivel coming out of their scrambled brains
zoomers/genA are cooked
Chatgpt plz give me a synopsis of this post
>have problem
>have to depend on good will of others
>have to depend on a search engine indexing someone else's similar problem formulated in a sufficiently similar way
you can always read the documentation instead. but don't do it over the internet. instead pull yourself up by your bootstraps, go to a library, give the librarian a firm handshake and ask for the Microsoft C compiler documentation.
okay... I'm gonna analyze what my game needs, on a small picture and break it into one thing at a time... instead of imagining my game finished and with hundreds of people playing it...
okay, my character script needs the ability to pick up and carry nodes that I designate to be pickupable...
google is actively making its own results worse to drive people towards using ai, it's pretty obvious
Yeah, they are. Those are just the ones off the top of my head, there are hundreds more. Many of those games have literally millions of sales.
No, they are trying to drive people to spend more time googling, which is a pretty retarded idea obviously but nonetheless.
And yes they will lose 98% of their users to AI in the next 10 years.
im an adblockmaxxer anyway, google doesnt get shit from me
i think it's more so they're trying to woke up the entire engine. i await the downfall of that garbage company. it's going the way of those giants people thought couldn't fail. and it's true too big too fail is true, so long as the company is still relevant. company becomes irrelevant and suddenly the government and FED doesn't come in bailing them out. now if only facebook and twitter would also fail and go outright bankrupt. no more social media = golden age of indie dev with a few decades.
my game failed because of woke
>Yeah, they are.
Nah, they are not. Stop being delusional.
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fuck i need motivation to do more before DD, this is just grim
>>Yeah, they are.
>Nah, they are not. Stop being delusional.
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>millions of sales from multiple video games isn't popular
K chud. Better get back to your rpg maker game. Maybe your Sephiroths Wrath 3 will sell 300 million copies and then we can debate if Sephirothlikes are popular and you can tell me they aren't because your game only sold 300 million copies not 500 million like breath of the wild 5 is going to
yep, people trash it but it helps.
you forgot your wojak you fucking retard now do another greentext copy paste reply so i can flag your ass
why would i need a wojak to mock you?
>you forgot your wojak you fucking retard now do another greentext copy paste reply so i can flag your ass
It won't be popular unless you have a wojak, trust him. He's the authority on popularity around here
motivation is for faggots
just do it
>leonardo.ai allows commercial use, has transparency mode which generates cool static sprites
>elevenlabs requires sub, but how the hell they gonna figure out i used sound effects generated on their site? for voice lines i would worry, but the sound effects feature is impossible to trace

so i can use ai already for static sprites and sound effects. which gives massive opportunity already.
especially roguelikes can benefit from this a lot.
no more ascii and pixel art.
then do it already
It's the Mortal Glory guy. That was from the sequel's release video IIRC.
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thanks for the new enemy art

here, you can have the pixelart version as payment
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How can I fix this issue?
Motivation isn't enough, take hrt to increase your performance
I'm also working on a cafe simulator for a client, but more focused on hand rehabilitation for burn victims (this is in VR).

The ice flake icon is a little non-diegetic. I was also thinking about how I would show hot food vs cold food, and the idea I had was little wisps of steam (using particles) above hot food.

Depends on your use case, but the ice flakes feel a little bit too arcadey.
that's really cool
I've done a lot of VR work, how did you get into working on something like that? I like the idea of games acting as rehabilitation tools
>have an idea
>it requires ui design
>all work on the idea stops
every time
yeah I really dislike the icon too but it isnt a priority for now
I have the tools to make it VR too since even the inventory already works as floating items so maybe I'll implement it but way more in the future
I work at a University. My supervisor is really interested in VR, so whenever a VR or Unity project / funding comes along I provide design and development support. I got hired after I showed her my game dev work just before graduating.

I've been working on medical robotics / rehabilitation for about two years for a specific hospital client.

I also tutor VR / programming / development courses.

Makes sense, just thought I would make a comment on diegesis as its a very important component for VR design.
is she hot
>eVeRyThInG iS wOkE nOw
except he's right even you and this thread are proving his point
>agdg game with booba
>agdg game with loli
>agdg game with male or female only choices
>um.. can you stop being woke?
>OMG eVeRyThInG iS wOkE nOw
humble-braggers don't deserve success
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Progress Time!
>Vampyre Venatoris V (formerly known as Graverobber, a game for AGDG50)

Making some last minute changes to the game to be playable for the upcoming demo-day.
As expected, the AGDG50 collab went nowhere, but I still got a game to show for it, if anything.
Had a lot of fun working on this game. I think that knowing there's no expectations from it, and that I had creative freedom to make whatever I wanted, as opposed to what needs to sell, felt extremely liberating.

>Added volume control
>Updated game over/game complete scene to display vampire status information
I still need to update the player and enemy sprites. I'll just slap a static image and call it a day, I think. Just need to find some good 8x16 pixel art.
If I make a bunch of icons in Illustrator, how can I export them as a single sprite sheet and make Unity detect each icon as individual sprites?
AIslop >>500096219
3d model >>500097826 >>500102479
making 3d models from AIslop doesn't turn the AIslop into 3d models
if you can create 3d models why do you post AIslop?

I have no problem with you using AIslop to create the models but AIslop is NOT PROGRESS and it is not a 3d model

what you have is a problem with your marketing approach
you go
>hhhey guys look at this AI image I generated it's totally a 3d model guys
instead of making the 3d model and going
>look guys I made this 3d model using AI generated image as reference
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>when you finally allow yourself to cut a feature after realizing it was going to be shit anyway
Don't overvalue the reaction you get in these events. I've been to some and they don't reflect your game's real world performance one bit. People are generally nice at a public event and playing a game for a couple minutes is probably a nice distraction to them even if that game is something they'd never play otherwise.
Unity still doesn't have royalties at all right? You only need pro license after 200K, right?
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/agdg/sisters... How do we feel about the fact that AI slop is currently trending on Steme?
GM /agdg/
Time to start devving again
how did they use ai?
They stole voices with AI
>>agdg game with loli
isn't that the truth though?
Oh, that's the one use of AI that's fine.
It's been 4 years and I still have no idea what game she's making
Nothing wrong with AI voices as long as the voice actor consented honestly.
there's nothing wrong with AI voices or art in general because most "actors" and "artists" are insufferable,whiny,annoying faggots so they all deserve it.
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Kill yourself AIjeet, nobody wants your slop.
>gamers be like why isn't your game voiced
>also gamers
can't win with these retards
these reviews are all twitter troons who don't really enjoy the gist of gaming.
have a good day sucking up your pet """artist""" while they make bank with coomslop on patreon, faggot.
Oh, that's okay then. It's no different than asking AI to make 100x100 pixel icons for your UI, or asking about the color scheme for your characters. At low budget the alternative is having no voice acting at all.
this game made 4 sales on my discord last week
Low fidelity voice in this comparison would be MIDI synth voice, ala Undertale.
this game made 4 sales on my discord these party games really sell even though people play it once and forget
Yeah I wanted to write "or use a typewriter effect like Undertale" but then I thought can that really be considered voice-acting? It's close to the field of sound effects.
>Just pick someone off the street
Spoken like someone who has no idea what they are saying.
>unironically replying to retards using words like """slop"""
Because idiots like you keep trying to push their AI shit on everyone. Fuck off back to Mumbai and don't come back here, EVER.
I can just imagine an alternate reality where the devs did just that and this guy still writes a negative review stating how shit the voice acting is. You cannot please people who are so quick to anger.
>anon is retarded
makes sense why you replied to him nvm
>umm excuse me chud, but i'm trans and i worked very hard to voice at my entire game with the help of some touch up software
it's that easy
Gamers simply don't understand how much game dev stuff costs. Imagine having $40 to your name and getting slammed because you couldn't afford a $700 VA to record some lines, I'd be sad.
your schizo rant aside, Google is not enshittening its search results because of m-muh woke ideology. and movies and games aren't shit because of woke ideology. it's just that it's very hard to create a market leading product and failure is the default outcome. all companies and franchises eventually fail and fade out and it's not because of wokeness, not even as a contributing cause.
this, no one's willing to blow $700 so some retard can mumble in the mic just to appease a group of people who don't even really play videogames
I agree. Especially because no matter who says what, video games are primarily a visual medium. While sound is important, the visible assets take priority. Which already not cheap unless you do everything yourself.
People are going to look at some screenshots before even thinking about giving any footage a try.
no enemies or NPCs?
multiplayer and designed puzzles only?
>bro why didnt you use git

Git isn't going to recover your assets.

I backup my entire project to a second SSD periodically but this is a reminder that I need a real air gapped solution. I've had lightning fry components before.
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Nobody cares. Nobody wants your AI slop. Pay your voice actors what they deserve or FUCK OFF.
Yeah gamers are delusional when it comes to anything related to game development. They think the only reason solo devs can't make AAA quality games for free in a reasonable amount of time is because they're lazy or greedy. How often do /v/tards call 2d indie devs lazy for not having graphics on par with Metal Slug? Delusional.
>Google is not enshittening its search results because of m-muh woke ideology
There's nothing a leftoid hates more than someone pointing out that their beliefs exist as a set of interrelated and interdependent ideas. They desperately wish to camouflage their stupid ideas as just being a natural part of the cultural consciousness at large and not a specific ideology pushed by a small mentally ill subset of society.
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>Pay your voice actors what they deserve
But we're doing exactly that?
If you don't want to pay anyone for their work on the game, why should I pay for yours?
learn a real marketable skill. cope and sneed
I remember I stopped asking for feedback, because every time I showed something from my 2d pixel RPG, I only got
>why is it pixel art?
>why is it 2d?
>why is it an rpg?
I just tried that search and it shows all white guys. take your lying and crying to someone gullible enough to believe you
Just pay for what you think you can afford, and what you think is worth the money.
In turn, I won't ask you to pay for my game either, if you think it doesn't fulfill those two criteria. I can solemnly swear I will make no videos and streams about begging to buy my game, nor initiate online meltdowns.
reaction to ai art based on ideology

nazis: soulless
trannies: unfair
libertarians: hehe nice. free stuff. i can do things alone now.
scientologist: i bow down and pray to my ai overlord leading me to paradise
i am legitimately making my game like right now you guys
based, imagine making a game with other people's unpaid and unconsenting labor, and then demanding to be paid for that

anyways, i'm so happy, i have my textures all set up now, all i have to do is add some finishing touches, and i'll have an even more appealing player character than last time :> i'm also gonna test out the fbx armature import on godot
there are 2 competing zombie viruses resulting in the deaf zombies and the blind zombies
the zombies not only hunt the living to reproduce but also war the competing horde

something something emergent gameplay something something political allegory
Carry on anon, don't let us drag you down!
I would say I am just shitposting from work, but in truth I could also be working my script. Something I am not doing.
>not using zombies as a metaphor for facism
I usually don't do this, but
>post gaem

You can't brag about graphics progress without showing us something.
That's probably a big part of why everyone and their mother is getting into game dev.
>imagine making a game with other people's unpaid and unconsenting labor, and then demanding to be paid for that
>anon said this while using blender and godot
Rofl lmao
are the ai voices good at least
*suspiciously robotic voice*
YeS, dUH
Nortubel is not porn, though.
Why not?
acting skill on par with a human VA
You want it to?
They sound exactly like cheap Fiverr actirs.
the AI have better mic quality than a fiver
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>they noticed that people were noticing and changed it
I know. There's plenty of shit that doesn't get noticed. And things get noticed on a fairly regular basis, but I guess you don't know about it because Stephen Colbert didn't mention it.

Were you not paying attention to the internet when Google released gemini image generator and it pretty much just refused to even depict white people when asked but would for any other race? Remember when they completely removed search suggestions for 'trump assassination attempt'? Remember when searching for Trump gave you results for Kamala? Of course you don't, you don't pay attention, it's not real... but if it is real it's a GOOD thing!

Please stop denying that this exists, it's embarrassing for you.
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lol working on graphics first pays off, i started this journey like a month or two ago, and now i really can make pc/ps1 style low poly

lol blender and godot are open source, and more importantly, not made with ai, but also my first game or few games are going to be free
Sure I'm down for some /ss/
I'm on a shoestring budget of about $150, including the steam submission fee. I'm not going to get myself $600 in debt for 4 lines dialogue for a game that will flop and won't make back not even the submission fee.
Cry about it, bitch!
>Sure I'm down for some /ss/
All you get to far is a yuri focused game https://eyeballspunk.itch.io/sweet-dreams and the other Nortubel I made that has the same Krita flat look to it.
Meanwhile, the likes of Horntubel and some shit is better kept hidden.
This looks hideous. No offense anon.
well done femcris
>we're all artists
And just like that this review is fake in my mind, I just assume its some salty Twitter loser. Sounds a lot podunk wants a royalty from s
>Nobody wants your AI slop.
So are you the spam schizo or a new schizo thats going to go insane over the course of the next 3 years? I await your full meltie as AI gets better
enough is enough!!!
I have been trying to learn coding for the past month araubd a hour or 2 a day and i still cant do it.
I cant even make pong...
Is it over?
Do i not have enought Intelligence points to learn this skill?
>that pfp
Wait... AI was... based? This whole time?
Can someone make an AI voice of Ronald Regan saying
>"I'm proud of you anon your games are not a waste of time, you're GMI if you keep at it, I'd be proud to call you son"?
>why should I pay for yours?
But you already dont want to pay and simply want to pirate it because $14.99 is too much. Why should I listen to you mr. salty artist/va losing their livelihood wuole pretending to be a starving artist. Now you can actually live out the fantasy of being a literal starving artist. Make sure you get a job at mcdonalds i like my fries salty.

Yes if you know how to use it right. My game doesnt have voice acting so i have no reason to bother.
If I had a high player count like that Id outright ban this guy from my steam forums. Whats he gonna do? Not like hes going to get 40k people to quit my game

God knows I've got shitloads of credits, could make it sound better tho

Voice clone -> Voice changer is the way to go
Kind of surprised the game failed back in 2018. I mean I wanted to call it hack and un-inspired trash with shit game play. But for 2018? I wonder if he just didn't market it at all. Also I guess there was a potential issue with the linux release, but overall this game looked pretty good from an artistic sense. I mean I find this genre and tone annoying, but it seems overall popular. I wonder if the game play was just really bad.
GM anons
feruloum progress
hero items now get swapped out and sent back to inventory when you try to give the hero a second one
found a bitcrush filter for audacity hoping i can get sound effect to sound crunchy and retro
the business of the arts has always been convincing people to pay you for something that is ultimately needless

so these second order people who have piggybacked on others doing the hardwork of convincing suddenly getting elbowed out by AI and getting mad and ludditey makes sense on an emotional level....

...on a business level fuck them, if youre an actual artist youll stop bitching and start convincing your own audience to pay you instead of riding others coattails
yes mister president sir... I'll make you proud...
It makes me sad how many soulless indians are here, defending AIslop. Is this what /agdg/ has come to?
>thinking 2018 was any appreciable amount of time ago
you're not even a zoomer, you're the skibidi generation
4chan has always supported AI.
Go back to twitter, tourist.
No they didn't, retarded incel. 4chan was always about the human soul, not your mechanised machine slop.
what the fuck am i supposed to do if i want art then? fucking idiot
i use ai because i want to make a fucking game
>what the fuck am i supposed to do if i want art then?
Draw it.
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>4 days left but nodevs are busy with ai discussing
Yeah, this has massive "I was asleep when they announced the awards!" energy. What a fag.
remember to always ask the random nodev anon on /agdg/ before using ai. your decisions in life should be built around what angry trannies think
How did you guys learn programming?
Did you go to school for it?
Did online tutorials actually work for you?
Did you just smash your head against the keyboard until you eventually menaged to make a game by accident?
>Did you just smash your head against the keyboard until you eventually menaged to make a game by accident?
You can use AI if you are actually using it for assets in your game. The pushback on AI here is because there a lot of shitposters who do nothing but spam some deformed AI "art" just to be annoying.
>learning programming is the same as learning art
post your 1ma game or shut the fuck up
>Follow tutorials for months
>Never quite get it
>Finally actually set goals on a project
>Start to come together
Apply what you are learning to something you are trying to make or it won't stick.
>The pushback on AI here
it's literally just one bitter shitposter nodev lol
I've been programming since middle school. Elementary school if you include HTML webpages.
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NEET compsci dropout...
not to mention she's both an XX woman and a nigger, so double retarded
Even the dudes who went to elite schools for comp science, I feel like most of them just learned on their own. If you need a school to teach you programming, you're not going to make it. Just open your fucking computer and start. And ya, maybe university can help round some edges, go deep in a few areas that maybe are hard for a solo dev, but you should be able to get pretty fucking far just with youtube, leet code, forums, books. "but lol I need a prof to assign work to motivate me." Sorry but you're going to be absolutely shit at programming.
>she's both an XX woman and a nigger
Whats her discord?
>i started this journey like a month or two ago, and now i really can make pc/ps1 style low poly
Kudos for actually posting. You are doing okay for 2 months anon. Keep up the fight.
>angry female black artist
why is she even here?
if u want pity point just go to X
No there's more than one of us. The pushback is because people come into the thread and post shitty AI art, acting like it's the greatest thing since sliced bread and they can't possibly make a game without it and how DARE you suggest otherwise, all the while the AI posters still don't have a game. There have been some games posted with AI by reasonable people and they don't get shat on, only the folks who keep pushing it like a bunch of Pajeets trying to get that trickle-down wealth from Silicon Valley.
it's not the one i'm currently working on, so it's okay lol

I love your style it really reminds me of those unity online games from back in the day i would play on the school computers.
>There have been some games posted with AI by reasonable people and they don't get shat on, only the folks who keep pushing it like a bunch of Pajeets trying to get that trickle-down wealth from Silicon Valley.
Name those gemes?
no, *I* am femcris.
not this… interloper.
Never went to school. Tutorials helped a lot. Though I guess I always learned better doing than by reading. Of course not all tutorials are equal, some are awesome, some just hinder you. You really start once you begin to think for yourself, and build stuff on your own.
The hardest part is constantly learning new stuff to become more and more efficient. Also learning to document for yourself inside of the code. Comments are key.

I guess it is worth mentioning that with modern systems being so strong, I don't have to worry about memory allocation, and I can program solutions with almost no performance drop that would have definitely killed a PC in the 90s.
I would never be allowed to make programs for serious software engineering, but who cares.
>we shit on AI because of a few retards
>we're the good guys
Your kind is as annoying as the AI spammers. Just do like fucking everyone and ignore or filter them if you hate it that much.
You are both shitting up the thread.
The Nortubel art gallery so far.
https://ailmao.itch.io/youreonerepmax off the top of my head.
There was also that one Slay The Spire like about internet arguments that used AI art for portraits.
I want to get a tripcode so im mire recognizable but also i dont want to get filtered hmmm...
Maybe i should watermark all the images i post in the thread or something.
So are you gonna name those "games with AI made by reasonable people" or not?
There's way more to university than just classes. It's the friends you make along the way. It's having access to personal tutors who are far more experienced than you are, who are actually paid to put up with your dumb ass while you're still learning. It's the recruiters that show up and hand out jobs like free candy.

A big part of learning from classes/courses is that it provides you with reasonably scoped tasks to do. Sure, you can try to come up with these tasks yourself, but odds are, you're not smart enough to know what even is the right thing to do in the first place.
See >>500153232 and apologize for your impatience.
>There was also that one Slay The Spire like about internet arguments that used AI art for portraits.
/agdg/ shidded on it for that.
why not just post game
my game is shit and i’ve barely made progress in 6 months. but i still might submit to demo day for attention anyway.
waaow… gamedev is such a lonely hobby
I AI generated all the dialogue in my game and only slightly changed it and noone here was able to tell it was AI.
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That's unfortunate. I thought the portraits worked well with the style they were going for. Thanks for the correction- can't really defend the extremes here then.
I literally said there is value to university. What is your fucking problem.
>I AI generated all the dialogue in my game
That's probably a good thing
I'm honestly starting to believing Indians are getting bad rap for AI. It seems to be mostly south American thirdies like cris and his ilk who believe it's a magic tool that will free them from poverty.
It's not really good for any of the things that you said it's good for, and it is good for the things you said it's not good for.
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That's right, it's MONDAY! Rev up your car, drive to the office, and get to WORK!!
Aren't you glad you have a purpose and responsibility? Aren't you glad you left behind that boring NEET life for a paycheck?
Your game can wait, because it's MONDAY!!
the guy who made that bar game isnt even indian
lmao that's mid, my quality of post speaks for itself, half of the time i don't even feel like using pictures

>just let people make cursed ai slop that they intend to sell to innocent customers
ai is anti-gamer


rare based anon

it's not just me that's posting against ai, nobody likes ai, it's just cope for people who can't create things that satisfy them
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Gameplay's core is perfecting world by imagination and cute magic。^yni art-game (fairi cute magic academy)。^ultra dreamy and pure/cute magic project for everyfairi for studying cute magic& perfecting world by imagination and cute magic。^◌⑅ 𖡼.𖤣𖥧◌܀𖡼⑅^(educational academy for learning cute magic as a fairi but also an infinite sandbox and fantasy exploration but there is also some mini games where you can yay coins and spend them on cute magic spells / creating fairy blocks or fairyshop economy/ flowers and fruits ..)


So it is actually ultra legit game and there will be always updates and support for the fairi guild and academy and yni game so it will always be even more cute and sparkle...^

^A new shop was built in the fairy academy It was a very grand, beautiful shop with white walls and a pink pointed roof. The faeries looked in the windows to see what kind of shop it would be. Everynyan thought it would be a jeweller’s shop. But then one day, a delicious smell came from inside. “It’s a cake shop^ yaaay!” cried the chocolate pudding fairy. “yaaaay^” cried the raspberry fairy The faeries were very happy about the new shop, yay...^
Indie game dev only works if you're already fine with being alone. If you think your game is going to give you status or friends or anything, you're in the wrong hobby. At BEST, you can get a lot of cash, but you'll still be seen as a fucking dork/nerd and no one will respect you. You think people respect Notch? No, they look at him as some nerd who got lucky and is rich, but they don't respect him for having built Minecraft. No one's even heard of the Stardew guy, you can't name drop him anywhere, and he's probably the second biggest name in game dev.
There is no fame, no recognition, no glory to be had here.
Based fairyschizo, glad to see you're still alive
Oh really, it's not good to have other people view your code (round out the edges) or deep dive into areas difficult for a solo dev? You're a fucking retard. Also I didn't put a fucking cap on how useful it is, the point of my post was to start now. Get good now. There's no excuse. There are more resources now than ever before freely available to even children. But you didn't understand the overall purpose of the post because you have low reading comprehension and just want your fucking internet points.
people liked notch until he said like one or two transphobic things,
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>>just let people make cursed ai slop that they intend to sell to innocent customers
>innocent customers who constantly try to cheapskate you, pirate your game and who shit on it for having bad voice acting even if it was done by real people
The glory comes from success. From building your own kingdom. Also more people probably know Eric, or Tim Cain, then some random genius google dev who made an infrastructure we all use on our smart phone or computer. So who gives a fuck if we aren't a rockstar. As far as being a dork or nerd, that is imo not really related to game dev. That's more a philosophical choice and failing of western education moreso than any innate quality of game dev.
I've never been more convinced that a game was made by a tranny.
>the best way to combat piracy is to give up on making a good game
true lol
tell me more please
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Just need to keep working til DD59...
I'd agree with that, except for the Eric/Tim Cain because no one knows who they are. Internal glory is fine, but gamedev is always going to be a lonely hobby and it's not going to be less lonely at any point. Even if you get successful, you'll just be surrounded by sycophants and still be just as lonely, if not more. And gamedev "communities" are basically non-existent compared to other hobbies.
If OP wanted to be less lonely, I think he should find a more sociable hobby.
For me, I plan to be eternally alone in a proverbial fortress of solitude as people try to grab onto my coattails to go where I'm going, but I'm not looking for friends.
Why am i still tired no matter how much i sleep.
>other people view your code
Professors and TAs are generally useless retards. "Those who can't do, teach" after all. You don't learn how to properly code until you get an industry job where your tech lead who's actually competent starts to pick part your trash, or real technical requirements force you to write clean code.
>deep dive
You shouldn't be doing this as a solodev. The most you can get out of academia is shit like "here's a new spatial partitioning algorithm with 7% improved performance in this one case and 20% worse in all others". As a solodev, you should be focusing on whatever you can get just working as fast as possible.

>"but lol I need a prof to assign work to motivate me."
This is literally one of the best things for you. You need deadlines, and you need assignments. You think you're above needing external motivators, but that's just cope and fear of failure.
Well right, I wouldn't look to game dev for community. If you want community just get a local hobby. Rock climbing, bjj, judo, hiking, bike groups, church. There's shit to do where you can hang around people. And ya, developing isn't really going to help with that. The hope is that you make enough money so that you have more time to hang around.
But Anon, I plan on being the next Hideo Kojima.
AI website
All your points are so retarded I'm going to just go ahead and assume you're a boring troll.
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what a wonderful day for gamedev, are you guys excited for a full day of programming, art, music, and progress?
I have no legs but i run.
I have no arms but i grab.
I have no eyes but i see.
What am i?
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You can enjoy parasocial interactions with your aggydaggy friends!
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That's cool and all, but this has to your best work, if you're the person that I think you are.
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Oh man, 4 days til a bunch of whodevs shit out their slop to itch for exactly 0 downloads... Can't fucking wait.
…and then i went from liking him, to admiring and respecting him deeply.
>okay but I guess I'll use ai for voice acting because i have a bad voice and can't act
Why is /agdg/ like this?
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Primitive multithreading
I need to come up with some alghorithm that will automatically come up with the best way to allocate threads and workload to the amount of cores available
>/agdg/ is one singular opinion
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and i have to go to work in 15 minutes.
existence is torture
>Rock climbing, bjj, judo, hiking, bike groups, church
Are you in your 50s?
That's how the majority of people act here though.
You could be me and could be you.
We are immaterial.
Imaterial girls.
Immaterial boys.
I can be anyone i want to be,anywhere anytime.
>not being a neet

once you use generative AI in a game you become an honorary Indian.
this is good. I'm giving you a (you) because it's a damn shame no one else did. Keep it up.
as much as i hate working, i have zero envy for jobless parasites that leech off the system and are incapable of providing for themselves. seems like an unstable and anxiety laden existence.
at least i make decent money and can even gamedev at work when it’s slow.
What about fully employed parasites that leech off the system?
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better to be the parasite than the parasitee
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Why are there so many fucking Bocchi images?
stop ban evading
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Good morning! This is an Oban Star Racers week. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gr-QGBUcaWc
This week you'll definitely

JUMP shite Hashiridashite
Omoi wa kitto kanau
How have you been trying to learn it?

Consider looking up some University's programming 101 course online. Plenty of them are shared for free.
bundev 2033?
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Not before you explain to me why the fuck Bocchifags are allowed to spam their garbage and Aliceposting is not, you pitiful hypocrite.
Can I pound you?
you’re both shit and you both ruined what was left of this general. fuck off and die
the bocchi squad are multiple people, alice is just one guy
turdies think it's going to be magic that lets them compete on first world standards lmao no

smart first worlders are looking forward to potential tools that could speed up their development without turning it into soulless AI
for example I'm interested in the potential it has in animation, UV unwrapping, texturing and even the creation of base models that you can retopo to quickly make basic props and such

too many are expecting AI to do everything for them but I don't think that's ever going to be the case at least not in our lifetime
"Artist" butthurt
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that's interesting, it might be one of the few models that have actual clothes
>smart first worlders are looking forward to potential tools that could speed up their development without turning it into soulless AI
Okay, find me a place where I can get an entire cast of people who can voice my game for free because I have no money, and I don't know where to look.
nazis... nazis never change...
Yeah I really like it. The face is a little too low but it's still cool and I like posting it because of how neat it is.
I got into a cs degree, had no problem with the practical courses but flunked out of the theory based ones because I couldn't be arsed to attend lectures. A year later switched to a webdev degree which was for-retards difficulty so I basically showed up on exam day and completed the courses that way. Overall I wasted a lot of years but it did get me started on programming which is alright.

I like tutorials for getting introduced to a new concept, especially with engine features that I'm not familiar with. On occasion you come across some giga brain programmer dude writing some good code in his tutorials which can be a nice learning opportunity if you apply those practices in your own stuff.

I suck at designing the codebase it is something that school failed to teach me or it wasn't part of the curriculum for some fucking reason so most that I do happens by hammering my head on the keyboard until I have a spaghetti mess that works. Maybe some day I'll go through the trouble of learning to plan first and code after.
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I am a reaction to the nonsense those losers get up to. There's nothing a hypocrite hates more than looking into a mirror (or Looking Glass if you will lol)
I'm not familiar with the voice side of things so I can't really help you there
Are there any good libraries for "fake" console programming with C/C++? I see libtcod but it seems more focused towards roguelikes than what I want to use it for.
>it is something that school failed to teach me or it wasn't part of the curriculum for some fucking reason
Yes and no. Most CS programs should have a course or two on software architecture but ultimately hands-on experience is the best teacher. YAGNI ain't something you can teach in a classroom setting.
This. The only reason these people are not making a band in a garage, trying to get Rockstar Famous, because they don't have friends or can play an instrument. Otherwise just as much of a pipe dream. This isn't crabbing, this is the truth. You are playing a lottery if fame and fortune are your goals.
very nice, congrats for doing the first agdg50 game
sadconsole is cool but it's .net
I have friends though. We've played and recorded a few songs together as a band, and we've also made a few game jam games together, but I can't convince them to quit their jobs and work on an extended commercial game project together with me.
not using a tool for "ethical reasons" os actually soulless
And that's exactly why I used AI for that. I can't get outside help on that.
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youtube tutorials just don't do it for me anymore...

I've escalated to downloading github projects and reading through their source code...
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And also because we are too shy to play something in public
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For jumping is it ideal to have various jump gravitys for different jumps, while only having one consistent fall gravity?
That's just how it goes. In another 6 months the only way to be able to feel that high will by writing your own code. You don't want to know what comes after that.
Don't like the guy but I have to agree with the Alice poster. At least this fucker took the time to make a 3D character for his game.
What have bocchi posters even done except shitposts?
>when he doesnt have even a surface understanding of the concept of gravity
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Several known yesdevs are bocchiposters, just like how several known yesdevs are frogposters.
>retard nigger virgin dev: keeps a consistent gravity and adds upward momentum to characters to make them jump
>galaxybrain gigachad pussyslayer dev: changes gravity for the whole game constantly based on when he needs characters to jump
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>solipsism platformer
oh I thought you were asking about AI voice stuff
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I just need help... I'm sorry
I was gonna follow this guide:
>said i would respect the bocchi only if they make a 3d low poly model
>they said they would do it
>3 weeks have passed
uh huh
Would I be a fool to actually enter into some university game development course? The more I commit myself to learning how to do it the more I think I should just go all the way and learn it full time instead of just trying to teach myself with resources online and in textbooks. I feel like if it were any other kind of skill that I had an interest in learning I'd be a lot more willing to enter a course for it, but it being videogames there's something that makes hesitate. I don't know if I just don't have faith in what I'd learn there or if I feel self-conscious about it, but I find myself hesitating even with it being something I have an interest in educating myself in.
why does aliceposter get banned but bocchiposter doesn't
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It's the yesdev dance of choice.
This looks cool. Don't stop. It's easy to feel like a fraud when you're making stuff inspired by other stuff, except that's pretty much all anybody does.

I like these kinds of card games but I assume they're really hard to implement.
Stop ban evading.
It's worth it if you're going to a major university, with noteworthy alumni who have industry jobs and an active recruiting scene. Otherwise, it's a scam.
lol alice poster didn't make the alice 3d model, but he could've made one, he just makes dragons instead
Look up Marmoreal.
It was made by the Bocchi poster.
i just thought of a new technique and now i feel like abandoning my current 3d model for a new one
>gorespammer disappears
>"different" ban-evading spammer appears
"balance" aka getting decision paralysis to implement anything
fuck balance man, if something is really broken i can patch it out
Well you spoke of "AI alternatives" so that's why I said that. But yes the primary reason why I use AI voicing is because I have no money, and also I think many voice actors would decline voicing a lot of dialogue in my game. Either I lie to them about the nature of the role and present them with an unpleasant surprise, or they reject immediately. Both aren't very good for me.
Non-competitive games do not need to be balanced.
That's hilarious. You should probably know though, a lot of code is the way it is because of trade offs, being rushed, ignorance. Just because some smart dev did something doesn't mean it's good.
>Alice poster 3D model
There was one?
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I write all my code like the Microsoft STL implementation.
I'm making an Undertale-like
Game design is learned by making games. If you need to learn programming get a course for programming.
>and it's not because of wokeness, not even as a contributing cause.
Sounds more like your wishful thinking than anything based in actual reality
That's.. better than nothing I guess. Now to see what the Bocchi one will be, assuming it's even going to happen.
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idk if i'll finish picrel, but i'm proud of it

capitalism and profit seeking isn't woke
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I hate it just from the cover
I didn't have to see more than a couple seconds of in game video to tell why it flopped.
Can the janny who's babysitting this thread also get rid of the barone schizo's offtopic posts? He's way more annoying than fagoon, who at least has a game.
>wokeness can't exist within a system as long as it's a capitalist, profit-seeking one
Yes it can, no matter how desperate you are to adjust the language to a point where your entire ideology is not easily btfo
>3d assets
>top down 2d zeldalike anyway
lol, at least it's not a side scrolling platformer, but zelda already exists and idk who'd want to play the top down games over ocarina of time or botw
the game doesnt look fun i agree but the style is so good that i dont think you should quit, keep working the problem and dont forget to play other fun games to get ideas. put original in the bin, find something you wanted to love and make it great.
>not programming your game engine in elixir
ncurses? Too real?
>hmm im gonna make a game, how about just a clone of zelda
>hmm how should i make it look so that it stands out? oh ill just make it look identical to link between worlds and links awakening, then itll stand out
WHY are indie devs like this
>see something in a game you don't agree with or find unethical
>don't play it / refund it
what's the problem here exactly? They are literally voting with their wallet. Anyone who doesn't care about AI shit will just ignore these reviews.
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high poly is easy because you can asset flip the unimportant stuff. low poly is hard because it requires competence and style and time and direction.
t. styleautist.
I made it
>The more I commit myself to learning how to do it the more I think I should just go all the way and learn it full time instead of just trying to teach myself with resources online and in textbooks.
I had a friend who actually works in the industry as a TA once tell me the following, and it really soured my already lackluster opinion of game development colleges:
>At law firms, there are premiere law schools that everyone wants to hire from.
>In architecture offices, there are premiere architecture schools that everyone wants to hire from.
>In finance, there are premiere financial schools that everyone wants to hire from.
>There is no premiere game development school because no studio takes them seriously.
You will learn things going to school for game development, but compared to what you'll be able to learn teaching yourself and the return you will get out of your investment it won't be worth it. The majority of these programs are designed to appeal to the dreams and aspirations of retarded kids coming out of high school and take their money.
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>tfw wasted my entire weekend messing around with Donkey Kong Country trying to replace the sprites with anime girls but the way that the engine assembles the sprites means that my pre-rendered anime girl has to be the exact and location at all times as the original sprite.

suffering. even tried using a disassembly and reaching out to a pro rom hacker but he said im SOL.

back to working on my game...
holy shit
>advertise your game with an ugly green goblin
I really wonder why did it flop...
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i... must... playtest...
A Zelda-clone could do well if the execution was good. It needs to be at least competitive with the pre-BotW Zeldas in terms of content, meaning 8+ boss fights, 4+ major puzzle dungeons, and 20-40 hours playtime. Meanwhile:
>Shalnor Legends: Sacred Lands
>Average playtime: 6.8h
>Review score: 69%
>Shalnor Legends 2: Trials of Thunder
>Average playtime: 5.8h
>Review score: 75%
You can't expect to sell "old-Zelda, but worse".
A lot of people don't know they are NPC's. They go to these schools because they think they'll somehow transform into non npc's. But they'll always be NPC's. You can kinda teach people polish, what's expected of a good game. But you can't teach someone how to make a good game. It's like teaching someone how to be a rockstar. As far as attaining skills to work for a game company just learn a bunch of math and programming so that you can build whatever your boss tells you to build.
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i went to school for 3d modelling and it was helpful to get me through the intro stuff that i was constantly putting off learning because its too hard. its definitely a place you go to to show off your skills that you already know rather then going to actually learn especically if youre going there for a job you should already be at least 9/10 amazing and just go there to show off to the teachers and hope one of them know a company that needs work done.
don't touch the actual console unless it's purely a hobbyist project, not suitable for distribution, only actual nerds use stuff like conemu for a tolerable console experience on windows
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as someone planning AI voices for my game i dont get this work ethic attitude. the only thing you can steal with AI voice acting is vocal chords someone else was born with IE they didn't earn. At best I am downloading a violin, not the skills of a violin, and even then it's an emulated/electric violin not an acoustic violin. I can only imagine the complete apathy VAs had for violin makers after yamaha chips put most of them out of business.

I'm still doing all of the actual acting, which means if the acting sucks its because I suck. if you want me to pay voice actors you have to be one of the stupidest motherfuckers on the planet. Voice acting is known to bankrupt actually great games with excellent charming gameplay and story. It amazes me what seiyuu autism has done to some niche titles that could be as big as cave story in japan.
Why do so many indie devs keep cloning Zelda likes? I dont think I've ever seen one succeed. Why create clones in a market where the original product is satisfying its demographic. Nobody plays a Link To The Past and says Damn I wish that had a retarded fag anime goblin instead.
each failure teach us something
And what's funny is that if you tell people you're making a Zelda like they'll be like "nah, doesn't sell. Here's 6 games that tried. And all the games that tried WERE FUCKING STUPID. Same with RTS games on some level. Everyone makes star craft but worse. And then call it a dead genre. But for whatever reason the RTS genre attracks wierdos who never learn. Even if they say "heck ya, I'll not do starcraft but worse!" They in fact make star craft but worse.
This post was written by a non White, however you are right about the RTS. Look at that garbage Stormgate or whatever it's called.
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I am going to take game development courses online but the difference maker for me is that:
The courses are accredited and free
I am a chapter 35 dependant
I have pell and state grants to burn
If I play my cards right I can walk away with an extra 35 grand a year. all game dev courses do is offer me the opportunity to get paid to work on my project.
Well then I just won't play your slop, if you didn't put in the effort, why should I pay and play?
4 trannies will leave a negative troonview if you use AI
1000000 gamers will leave a positive review

there are 0(zero) games that got reviewbombed because of AI
It wasn't written by a non white. How about if you say faggot shit you back it up.
how about old-Zelda, but worse, but also with a botw princess zelda-like protagonist, or a Paya or Purah looking one
AI still takes effort, the lowest effort games are asset flips.
I want to kiss you
She is trans.
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I'm Brazilian by the way forgot to mention
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>If you wont put in the effort
you are a nigger and you didn't put any effort into even reading my post or disagreeing with me. you are externalizing your own laziness onto me in order to throw a tantrum.
>also a frognigger
fuck off faggot you are not me.
Do you have any average playtime stats for zelda titles? Otherwise that's a useless comparison. I'd say those playtimes for his games are surprisingly good for how poorly they sold. It means that a significant portion of the people who bought them played a good chunk and the real length of the game should be at least twice that if not more.
That makes me want to kiss her even more.
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>reddit frog
Not even worth a (You), AI won.
Ai is always slop. So will be your game if you'll use it.
would anyone happen to know how grappling hooks work (not the kind that just shoots you in the direction between you and the hook, but the kind that you can swing with like spiderman)
it's really simple. you are a gamer, you can program. so you make games. what are you even confused about? what makes you a nodev? just do what you are obviously built for. just make game.
there's tech illiterate women being more motivated to make games than you. like wtf man just make a game.
there's literally no other job made for you. gamedev is literally your job.
nobody here knows I'm learning c sharp
You're lbgt lil bro.
Stop arguing with retards either make your game and prove him wrong or keep daydreaming. 99% of gamers do not care about what you used to make a game, they just want to play.
What do you want me to do, fly to your non White neighbourhood and take a picture of you?
who are you talking to?
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I recommend the C# Players Guide
the fuck, half the shit on oop island isn't oop
crazy that oop has been forced on gamedev by big tech when it's objectively horrible for it
AIslop is worse than frogs
You're a faggot if you unironically believe that.
Give a reason to justify your retarded and incorrect intuition.
And you're a brown for posting AIslop unironically.
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the age of indie dev is over
here's something to learn

you can give a class a

public delegate void OnValueChanged;
public event OnValueChanged onValueChanged;

and then e.g.
SetAmount(float newAmount) {
amount = newAmount;

other classes can subscribe to it by using
thing.onValueChanged += Thing_OnValueChanged;

private void Thing_OnValueChanged()

so basically you can "listen" to when the "thing" changed its value.

what's also cool:

public delegate void OnValueChanged(Thing thing);
public static event OnValueChanged onValueChanged;

and then


now from other classes you can subscribe to:
Thing.onValueChanged += Thing_OnValueChanged;

with a function:
public void Thing_OnValueChanged(Thing thing)
{ Log(thing.amount); }

so basically if the event is not static, then you are listening to a specific object. if it is static you are basically listening to all objects using the Thing class.

this is especially useful e.g. when hooking up value changed to ui updates.

e.g. your HealthBarRenderer can hook up to player.onHealthChanged += Player_OnHealthChanged;

private void Player_OnHealthChanged()

only make it static when you really want to listen to all objects using the same class. otherwise only listen to the specific object.
only blacks can be woke
stop stealing their culture
...upload the git project to any repo host?
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if this is ai i'll start using it right now
where's your game
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Here is some preview of the fifth character, the pyromaniac fire mage, she dash and just throw fireballs around her. Low health but high crit chance and dmg. She's gonna be a glass cannon character.
Yes I use AI and I'm BROWN. No I don't give a shit that you paid 403020292929$ for an art degree and rest assured that I'd spin your tranny jaw in a jiffy, whity.
it's so sad how unity isn't updating ui toolkit. really just sad. needs more features and also they should fix ui editor glitching out sometimes.
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Do you know what is a 3d vector and how tp work with them? Then simplify a take apart physics process you want from a hook and implement it step by step
Rope is just a vector which can be shorter but cant be longer etc if you dont need it work around collisions etc
yeah it's over if you make kusoge
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is making a survivors in 2025 worth it? mine will be released that year.....
go back to the very start of videogame history and you will find a mountain of near identical clones
its not an indiedev thing its a human thing

humans are profoundly impressionable and uncreative.... its why they fear AI will replace them
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>admits that he is brown
And there we go, ladies and gentlemen!
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DAS RITE, I am proud of my hellenic heritage for I am a BROWN BVLL using AI to make game. No need to get your programming socks in a bunch, whitey.
>/pol/ poster >>500164839
that explains why the thread suddenly jumped to being complete garbage for the past hour
why do some people see gamedev as joy and fun and others see it as a mental breakdown crisis and absolute painful pressure to yesdev?
it's almost like they picked the hobby they hate the most to do and then spend years shitposting on /agdg/ how much they hate it. like wtf man? peak mental illness if you ask me.
cwc is native american
You're a fucking weirdo
all creative fields are mental illness
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please STOP samefagging.
Did you miss the DNA test episode?
going to write a dx12 enhanced console emulator
why did Police Squad flop? was it woke?
why did Daikatana Flop? was it woke?
how about Altavista? or Blackberry? or Sbarro?
everything flops and fails all the time because it's insanely hard to reach the top and staying there is only somewhat easier.
woke is the boogeyman for a certain type of people. for others it's feminism. for others it's capitalism. whatever you're obsessing over, you'll be seeing it everywhere.
yeah i dont know what any of that means sorry, im a godoter
>dx12 enhanced console emulator
I had a screenshot of Dorf Fortress with bloom but I lost that hdd
>not even as a contributing cause
This is the language that mattered, pretending like woke doesn't factor in to anybody's decision making and can't be the cause of a game to flop is ridiculous in today's environment. You can pretend woke is some ethereal thing but Type A / Type B bodies didn't come from the blue and it only betrays your allegiance to that ideology
TRUTH BOMB: AI is the ultimate blackpill because it makes people realize that they don't have "it".
You see some people think that being a creative is easy when it's actually very, very hard and a genetic predisposition just like being a maths genius or a basketball monster, but "society" doesn't want to blackpill normalfags by telling them that so they keep churning slop.
You could literally be making masterpieces with AI but the truth is is that it won't happen because most 99.9% of people are creatively bankrupt followers and AI won't help with that.
>was it woke?
John made me his bitch, of course it was woke.
>You could literally be making masterpieces with AI
could you? proof? where is this 0.1% person making masterpieces with AI?
his first game sold 100k copies btw
Fuckign every day is a new challenge to get myself into devmode. Once I can get started it's usually fine but holy shit it's hard to get myself into that state.
This is the reading comprehension of the average anti-AI tranny luddite btw.
generic "other people are bad" post. same vibe as "i suck so much" posts.
imagine just caring about gamedev and not about your own drama or what others do.
Yeah, good reading comprehension. if you meant something else then say that instead.
there's no such thing as a masterpiece by ai

lol notice how ai is bad, imagine if instead of actual people on the other end of the screen, it was just ai, that would suck
No, I think it's very important context and the reason why almost every indie game releasing is just a rehash of "roguelike", "deckbuilder", "gambling sim", "action rpg", "cozy" games. (before that it was just pixel platformers btw)
If I was wrong almost every game releasing would be an originallike.
You're a mental midget, read my post again.
i'm completely delusional about what type of people browse this thread. i keep being shocked how many people here can't even program. i always thought this thread is full of programmers with a history of learning multiple programming languages. but in reality most people here can't even program at all.
i need to stop projecting.
>read my post again.
>is is that it won't happen because most 99.9% of people
This is the language ability of the average AI-tranny btw.
Who would rather play a top down game rather than an n64 game. What kind of fucking thought process is that?
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I'm starting to hate my artist
>Hey we need to do this
>Hey we need to do tha
>*autistic mumbling* arggh I don't want to do that
Time to learn 3d modeling and art I guess
it's the indie dev thought process "my game is low scope and a boring genre but it's really good"
ai will fix that
doom 3 had like 12 shaders and 95% of them were below 20 lines of code
the longest one was like 100
i dont know how the fuck game engines even manage to have shader compilation stutter
like what the fuck do they even do
I always knew the maker of Gears of War was fucking lucky. As soon as he had real power to carry out his vision he made the worst gears in the series, Gears 2. "Hey let's slow everything the fuck down, that'll be fun!" Then he went off and made some failure of a game.

Point is. People get lucky. They don't have taste, but they make a product that ends up tasteful. Then they try again and make Zelda but worse.
I like my artist on the one hand for like, going off on his own to discover better ways to make art for unity. But on the other hand it's like, come on mother fucker, start making some animations! Dude is lucky I'm programming part time so his art is still keeping up, despite me going at a snails pace. He's a good guy and employee but doesn't have that programmer mind.
what do you need done that they aren't doing. just curious.
im sorry
There's still people looking for this kind of games, but from what I learn, people wants a cheap game and get achievements, vampire survivors has 2.99 price and always go into discount. Many people making this type of game want to charge above 5 usd and that's too much for the genre.
100k copies sold on consoles btw
I swear it used to be more like that. why tf did I feel intimidated to post here several years ago?
The genre isn't boring at all. TikTok is packed to the brim with fuckers playing A Link To The Past Randomizers. The problem is Nickalodeon art for an Ogre. Ugly art. I'm not even a stickler for art (muh shadows!!!) but it just looked ugly. Non distinct colors, very muddy. And then a lack of good story and content. You don't even really need story, but you need setting.
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Yesterday I got my drpg's combat system to now use dynamically created party members instead of the static ones I used earlier.
So there's a (extremely basic) guild menu to add units to your party, and go walk around the dungeon with that party and fight stuff. Maybe doesn't sound impressive but it was a lot of work for me to figure out.

I want to completely revamp how combat flows because right now it's incredibly retarded how I'm jumping between different scripts but that will take days and it works right now so there's not much value.

I also drew a concept sketch of the "War Mage" class in bed, but I think I'm not gonna keep much from it when I do the real lineart version.
did he mean $100k? not copies? the graph he showed >>500164276
I'd say that 0.1% of mankind being truly gifted in x field is a fair assessment, had I said that for sports or programming or whatever you'd probably agree but your anti-AI brainrot is clouding your already poor trannoid judgement, you will be left behind.
having 'babies first 3d model' as the main character was an inspired choice.
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Any good blender tutorials?
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Mom almost caught me coomdevving. Being a coomerdev is a curse
this one taught me a shitload even if it took me a long time to get through
it helps if you already know enough 2d art to draw a front and side view for use as a reference in your own work
I use AI for some boilerplate programming. Just not image AI, I'm better than image AI at pixel art.
I have no art skills but I will try. Thanks friend.
bake the donut
if you want to split hairs, everything is a contributing factor for everything. you're suffering from the consumer mindset. you have no grasp of how hard it is to be successful at something and you need to find reasons something failed, and these days for rightoids the default reason is
>it's woke
no, it failed because the market is brutal and and competition is insane.
what were you doing
What are those hit effects called that are like white or single color simple shapes but animated? Like a sword slash is a white streak shape with a couple frames of animation. Where do I find those?
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Watch The wind rises. Gamedev, like building airplanes and animation, is a cursed dream.
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>have built up a few thousand followers from drawing
>anything I post involving game dev gets 1/50th the normal level of interaction
found the sinelord
I really disliked the sound design in that movie
it's a hit spark.
because competent devs with multiple game releases were regulars before the crabs decided they owned the place making it unbearable for them
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sword trails?
I just watched the preview and ya, the movement and look of the Orc was horrific. The music was awful. It told really nothing of the world in the preview. Just awful. One thing that looked alright was the actual mechanics of the dungeons and enemies. Seems like a good programmer was involved. Needs a better artist. Needs a better preview video for sure. That preview was fucking terrible and I guarantee even without making any changes to the game they could have made it way more interesting. They gave it like, an animal crossing comfy song for an adventure game.
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I'd assume the "average playtime" would be very close to the "Main Story" HowLongToBeat playtime, since at least 80%+ of players who buy a physical copy console game would at least finish the main story.

From reviewer testimony:
>Shalnor Legends: Sacred Lands
>About 6-8 hours for beating, 16 for completion.
>Shalnor Legends 2: Trials of Thunder
>My Playtime: 13.6h (24/25 achievement, finished the game)
>My First Playthrough: 10.2h
This makes it about as half as long as comparable Zelda titles.
One of my favorite movies. And most people really dislike it. I thought everything about it was beautiful.
I'm not much of a sound guy, so I didn't really notice. I really love the movie though.
I used to think the same but about the industry itself
then i learned most people are fucking retarded or garbage
havent met a programmer that comes anywhere close to me
/agdg/ is like a kitchen for amateur chefs that got over-run by taste testers that believe themselves to be chefs
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It's just the nature of the form. If you make, you generally leave. So good people will arrive, then leave, form goes into a dark age. Someone new arises (me) and it'll be great again, for awhile.
While I'm not suffering for the most part. when I'm unable to build my project due to some obscure engine bug and I have to trawl through the internet for hours upon hours to find a solution... a little grey hair sprouts.
KEK, we need a cris analog horror series
you think highly of yourself, taste-tester
try using chat gpt for weird engine errors
genuinely looks atrocious
I feel like im constantly aware of how bad and amateurish everything I make looks whereas some people are so blind to it that they'll spend 5 years polishing an absolute turd instead of having something that looks decent from the beginning
try using chat gpt to kill yourself
I loved it, but I've done 'sound design' like that since I was a wee lad, it's fun.
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My game moves forward. Week by week. Worked on alternative lighting systems this weekend.
bing "marmoreal"

is there footage of cris smiling?
Your game?
I think it's Ghibli's best. But I usually like their more human stories over their mythological stuff. My other favorites are stuff like Only Yesterday, Whisper of the Heart, Poppy Hill...
>so I didn't really notice
You didn't notice the chorus of people going "BLBLBLBLBLBLBLBL" instead of having normal plane engine noises?
yeah but i will have to check his 3 youtube channels is a lot of work
Found footage analogue horror: "Smiling Cris Incident of 1991"
I love how bold it is. There are two main plots, and in some sense both are beautiful, they don't have a typical happy ending. Then him dealing with his constantly negative friend. Putting in hard work. It's just got so many great lessons. A movie with adult philosophies.
That results in a lot of literal sparks.

Not a trail since I don't have an animated sword. Basically I'm looking for effects to sell the hit without that character animation and I need different types. Searching for "hit effects" got me some results. I guess it's a matter of finding ones that look good.
math edutainment souls-like sinelords vs the arctangent
average AI capsule art using developer. if I see AI capsule art, I know I'm about to see garbage gameplay.
>since at least 80%+ of players who buy a physical copy console game would at least finish the main story.
lol bro you're delusional

the real number is more like 10% maybe at most 15-20%
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im sad and i dont want to work on my game or do anything
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i'll wait next thread to post my progress
I bought FF15 the other day. LOVED the intro. Great music. Pretty decent setting. Stopped playing after the first mission. Probably won't play again.
drink a monster and get a large can of pringles, that always helps me feel better
that when you project hop
If I did it didn't me annoy or take out of the movie enough for me to remember it.
I got like 1 hour in then there was a gay minigame that looked like something out of newgrounds that gave retarded rewards so I realized I'd have to play that for like 10 hours before continuing so I just stopped playing
I'm not going to bother to look it up but a good way to get completion data is to look at what percentage of players get the achievements for going through the story
I hate my artist. Because he's me, and I'm the one person that I really really really hate.
The funnels are insane and this goes for absolutely everything. From the people playing the browser version of my game on itch, about 5% make it through the first level. (Takes 5-10 minutes.)
>t. zoomer
That's how it works for your brainrotted generation, but millennials grew up getting maybe two games a year, one for your birthday and one for Christmas, multiply that for every sibling in your household for how many games each household gets per year. Maybe you get lucky and you convince mommy to rent one, and then you have to blaze through it in one week's time. Other than that, you trade games with your friends or go over to their house to play. Each game copy sold was played through many more times back before the Steam sales became the norm.
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if only i enjoyed both of those things as much

ive been wanting to mess around making a multiplayer game for a while but i know its gonna be a huuuuge project to figure out netcode and all that and i think i wanna save it for when i have my plate clean idk this sucks
if only you guys didnt kill the collab then we'd have something to work on
If you have a good idea for a multiplayer game, I could help you.
um i didnt kill the collab i contributed art that everyone ignored
its not really a good idea i wanna make a social game thats has band themed stuff. you can just walk around and explore and do normal stuff but you can form bands with people and it has a little djmax thing where you hit buttons in rhythm to the music to play the song along with a group. itd be an addition to other stuff but i think the process of forming a band and playing music you like together would be fun
first of all you're retarded
second of all I'm not a zoomer I wish, being old sucks
third that might've been the case back in the day but that's not how it works now

I don't know if Nintendo does public stats for anything but I would be surprised if more than 10% of purchasers beat the Link's Awakening remake
i didnt ignore it tough, i'm thinking of restarting the collab but i need to find at least another programmer because i cant carry that load alone
So, basically an MMO rhythm game? It's not an awful idea, but it's big enough that I wouldn't want to do it if it couldn't be monetized.
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haha i mean i posted my concept art originally in that discord and then no one said anything and it got bumped off the page that no one saw until it was mentioned but its w/e

oh i definitely wanna monetize it. for your character you make theres gonna be tons of different clothing options for you to dress your character up with and that'd be easy to make cash shop bullshit with. i wanna do like a scroll generation system too so people can make music and sell it to each other with an ingame money economy thing and have other classes to mix stuff around i always like when you introduce trading into a game and the resulting ingame economy that spawns is really interesting to watch. i think letting the players make their own custom clothes would be awesome too where its just like a png texture you draw on and then they can sell it to each other in game too.
Valkie 64 and yes its pretty but its an awful walking simulator slog

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