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what can we learn from this edition

>Demo Days
Next: https://itch.io/jam/agdg-demo-day-59
Previous: https://itch.io/jam/agdg-demo-day-58
Older: https://hackmd.io/LhEB6VCZSx-oBalI2cWWoA

>Halloween Jam

>AGDG resources

>Helpful links
New Threads: >>>/vg/agdg
Archive: https://arch.b4k.co/vg/search/subject/agdg/
Steam Games by AGDG: https://agdg-steam.netlify.app/
/agdg/ Steam Games: https://made-by-agdg.vercel.app/
Recap: https://recap.agdg.app

>How to WebM

>Previous thread
first for AIchads
AI website
AI thread
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thoughts on this community?
isn't it dead
edgy manchildren (don't do anything edgy against j*ws or you'll get banned tho)
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where is osur? haven’t heard from him in a good long while
transitioned and got married, abandoned this hobby alleged last words are "grim..."
i remember posting shit post flash movies on here when i was like 15 good times
I wonder what the lore is for her feet. Does she have spells to keep them smelling neutral? Or do they get stinky and dirty as she walks around. They are very clean here haha
"..... fandango"
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:: Project Nortubel ::
progress :: Added more signs.
>if nightmare cops isn't out by 2019 I'm killing myself
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Even if she has a nice big cock she'll have her lady parts as well. At least if I wrote the lore.
the sloppening is real
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Oh nonono aggy bros. The evil has returned...
>kemono party finished importing that gigaterabit gumroad save
>internet archive is back
time to waste a week hoarding textures and other shit i have no immediate use for haha
What is gigaterabit
>Even if she has a nice big cock she'll have her lady parts as well
They need to have EmptyHero shill the event.
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fuck art
itch page? I might join if i put a trailer up
just use AI sis
kill yourself tranny
Why is it that pirated resources from itch io or the unity store are so hard to find?
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>hijacked enemy turrets shoot at the enemies
>enemies shoot at either the player or the closest hijacked enemy, depending on who's closest
it's all coming together
trannies are the ones having melties whenever AIchads appear thoughever
>trannies are the ones having melties whenever AIchads appear thoughever
Fact checked: TRUE.
kill yourself samefag
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>chainmail hood
>balaclava under it
that's a look
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unity is pretty easy there's plenty of sites that share them just that sometimes the links are dead or some asset just hasn't been shared so it's impossible to find
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>His game wont have a horror section
Is there a thread for rpg maker slop games?
This is the thread. RPGM slop is quintessential amateur game development.
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Rate my attempt at making a beer bottle
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I dont think they're slop, felvidek was one of my favorite releases in the past year
Hylics is great, too
Additional topology is supposed to make models look better, not worse.
Why would someone buy something to make a game then give to other people for free at a legal risk while at the same time making their game less unique and hurting the profit of the creator?
I didn’t know Bandit dev was also making rpgmaker games…
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It's easy and fun to use
how do i soul max
Do everything yourself from scratch
Look at him and learn>>500172707
where's your Stride game?
damn, why are floplogs so KEENO
Audio portal is a good place to find composers willing to do commissions for cheap.

Newgrounds is like the primordial soup of indie game development. When people made games without any real hope of ever making money off of them. They were more experimental because they didn't need to sell.
Replace the 'st' with a 'p' and you have 'pride'. Sorry, not using your woke engine.
music is hard
excited for my first demo day
excited for your submission friendo
i have genuinely no idea what i'm doing bro
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what's up
(⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄) vewy suwbmiwsive awnd bweedable
Hi Osur, how's the inner circle?
next fest qrd?
Create. Create faster. Also the thing you create has to be good.
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Sounds extremely sovlful
>9 reviews
3k plays 1.5k wishlists
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getting ready to stream demoday

~3k players
~1.5k wishlists from event, but a long tail of above avg. wishlist days.
couple of streamers/youtube clips, found some bugs, got feedback. i'm very happy with the results.
You are making a souls-like to be featured in an IronPineapple video right?
Looks like AI/3D with a filter, cringe
The makers of chrono trigger only get 9 reviews. Marmo won.
I have souls-like story telling and quests with no markers.
>cris is now a lolcow in his country
what game is he devving?
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Marmo and norglorb are not that bad performing in the current age after all...
Good. I don't care for that shithead.
What do we do now that AI won?
you make a game with it, come on, we're waiting
>AI wo-AAAACK!!!
Back when I finished high school in 2007 I had the opportunity to go to medical school for free on a full scholarship. Instead I decided to get a job because 90k/year at 18 sounded better than 6 years of college and 90k/year at 26.
This has proven to be a very bad decision. So now I'm hoping to make enough from gamedev and mobile app dev so I stay out of the gutter.
I'm like Bioware except I'm only one guy and a moro.
This is the only good thing AI made.
>So now I'm hoping to make enough from gamedev and mobile app dev so I stay out of the gutter.
lol find something else
>I'm like Bioware except I'm only one guy and a moron.
I meant to say I could have been a one man Bioware but I'm not because I'm a moron.
Sick mech style game. Titanfall inspo? Mech Warrior?
90k/year for someone fresh out of high school sounds like a wet dream. You could've easily bought a house in '09-'10 and had it paid off in full within a few years if you weren't retarded.
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Low Poly
Dating Sim
AI Generated
I'm looking for jobs but no takers so far. The fuck else can I do as an unemployed programmer?
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Newfags don't know how grim this hobby is. Do not, under any circumstance, get into gamedev for money unless you're making nsfw and even then the majority of nsfw games make almost nothing.
thoughts? Previous version was getting too animated for just an Idle animation, so I tried to almost exclusively use subpixel animation.
not gamedev that's for sure you're likely to spend years before you make a cent from it
he's evolving..
In an age full of Tumblr refugeees, whiny zoomers and troll's remorse victims, it's important that they stay edgy.
the second gold rush was actually vs clones. they were easier to make than a platformer and yielded higher replayability. that ship has sailed and now we've moved to streamer bait meme coop games
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looks dumb, like the whole person is shifting up and down
where's cozy?
being a freelancer 3d artist was a much better option than a code monkey for me
I still can code games in my free time, but at least I don't do crunch and I actually earn money
He's a mature manly gamer.
hmm, good point, thanks. I'll isolate most of the animation to the upperbody
They're literally tumblr for furry poltard gooner incels troonbeit.
why is baphomet's head on his shelf
Hardly the dumbest thing an 18 year old has ever done.
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like this available yet?
>if you weren't retarded.
you're asking for too much
if you're fast you can always try to snipe the first clone of whatever goes extra popular
but you gotta be real fast
everyone asks about the goat head but ignores the dota2 logo on his shirt
but what if I'm making a game I want to play?
I'm watching the HL1 dev playing his own game with developer commentary (Dario Casali) and it fucking saddens me how he at age 22 was already working at valve, meanwhile I'm 26 and I never worked a day in my life
shit sucks mane
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What game would he make?
im saying this for the ones in it for money. theres luck involved too if the game you want to play happens to be manageable in scope and comes out at the right time.
>working at valve
didn't really mean anything at that point.
this would look better if it was 3d lol, but the effort involved in pixel art is admirable, but it's a 1000 times more suffering only to in the best case scenario barely measure up to low poly slop
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3d is pig disgusting
Passpartout and Recettear clone
them animations though wdf
>bug game
kino is cooking
Anyone else slowly going crazy waking up every day to work on a game?
reject script based spaghetti slop
return to hardcoded monolith
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You wanna know who destroyed the last thread? Me. It was me. All alone. You wanna know why I did it? Well, some would call it insanity. Some would call it performance art. But, in actuality, it was my vengeance. Comeuppance for the pain, suffering, and bullying /agdg/ inflicted on me. Comeuppance for ruining my game and making it fail. You all did this. You did. It's all YOUR fault. And now, I'm coming back to take this general down. I will continue pushing threads down and down and down the shitter... until there's nothing left. Maybe THEN you all will finally realise, what you took from me. I'll let you have this one last thread. But from here on out, it's fucking over for you, motherfuckers.
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None of this would've happened without tutorials and gamedev courses btw
Please have sex.
Literally me
What is /v/3 and why is it being talked about on /agdg/?
What engine should I use to try to rip off BETON BRUTAL
don't do this, it'd be too weird if people on 4chan did that, then they'd be normies

Is that PirateSoftware in the middle?
use metal slug as reference for animations
bro it's like 5 tris make your own
sorry that happened
>Posts joker
>Acting out
So you want your prostate pounded and then you'll learn to behave? Why do incels enjoy this gay buttrape movie so much
mine. I literally started with a cool story bro part of the game, and built mechanics and fun aesthetics to support that.
Gay buttrape hobby


Are you ready?
I wish every /agdg/ dev a very slow and painful death on demo day.
나는 마도새1끼가 괜희 싫다. 왜? 개잘벌어성
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All of /agdg/ should watch and listen to this.
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Not him, but I have a wife and kids. A lot of anons are 30+yo boomers now. Remember, you're here forever.
my game will be a financial success, however that's only a means to an end, i'd release it for free if i thought it would work. the important thing is to get people to play my game no matter what. they can pirate it.
marmo's game genuinly looks better than this and it still looks kind of bad and also has no story (deal breaker for me). this game might be more charming depending on the writing but the art is like a chinese knock off of ff3. dungeon antiqua has more charm than this. with art and music this bad I wont hold my breath for anything good from the story
play virtual on cyber troopers for a few hours before making a mech game please.
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I'm making a simslop
lock on is gay
this would be the perfect time for gamedev but i'm a bit sleepy, even though it's daytime *sigh* idk how to get energy
>before making a mech game
1 hour drawing this using the honest and old school master way to draw.

This method is literally like using horses as transportation today.
i said PLAY it.
>B-but muh dismissive reasons lmao
you need to physically hold the controller and or flight sticks in your hands to understand how it feels to play.
if you think it's that easy go ahead impress me
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this poster
good job cris
I honestly dont understand why people find it challenging, like, not so much the actual challenge part. I cant do it either, but more about the conceptual effects. 3d low poly is design at its most infantile. you just visualize how you want it to look in your head, and paint a texture map for it with basically no shading or lighting effects or normals or complex rigging. if you on the other hand, cant imagine how you want it to look and then draw it, you wont be able to do it in a 3d viewport either.
One can only adore the ZUN being able to code while drunk, and not being distracted by other video games and then falling asleep on his desk after a while
please practice drawing with longer individual , deliberate strokes instead of chicken scratching in the vague form.
If you still want to focus on a method that helps create appealing forms while constructing, try using a more painterly brush with opacity, which might suit your approach better.
Alright that's it, time for a 3 hour creation spree! No agdag, no asmr. Just me, the puter and non stop creation of things related to my game. Cya on the other side, wagmi.
>he thinks I picked it as a hobby
I will never understand you guys who rage at anyone doing it as a jobby. My hobby? Having a finished game. My jobby? Making a game. See the difference?
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This took 3 hours 17 minutes.

I had to stop drawing after one hour to do something.

And I just lost the desire to keep drawing it.
im like this, can anyone help me get more into whiskey and bourbon, i tried suntory TOKI, monkey shoulder and bulleit so far. i actually think bulleit is the best out of these
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You're releasing on xbox, right anon?
>I cant do it either
>but let me tell you how to do it
Pass, they feel like the new front of edgy woke twitter. Idk if true but it's the vibe I get from them.

Who owns the website? What if you do said edgy game but against whites, hispanics, or japanese?
i just got a good idea, maybe i should use wwe games' character creator as an inspiration and reference for characters

then i wouldn't have to search the internet for 5 years per character lmao

i'm a genius :> but i wonder if i'd get in trouble for using my own caw creations as textures for low poly models
I wish I was gamedeving back in the early 00's
people had lower standards back then
and genres weren't crowded, so whatever you made that wasn't quake or doom was revolutionary at the time
I remember when I spent 4 hours saving fonts. I've seen enough stuff go down, I need to back up anything of value. Just annoying I didnt get to save those youtube videos. Speicfically the finny Witcher 3 one where Geralt makes fun of troons. Can't even find it anymore. Or the funny Bitcoin video with the nasally voice calling a cock and ball pattern on Bitcoin's price.
it's becoming an obsession, all I think about is game dev
i will never be a real developer
>I cant do it either
>I had to stop drawing after one hour to do something.
>And I just lost the desire to keep drawing
Then my advice is even more important. If you stop chicken scratching, you'll get more work done at a faster rate, and the confidence will show through on your finished pieces.
doing this means i'd probably have to delete morrowind from my phone to save space again, but i could probably create a game better than morrowind if i wanted to
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Aside from low poly these are all tags for my game
on the contrary, anyone who has taken "courses" on how to program should probably take a plane to india and go work on a farm without even the most basic of necessities. brain damage.
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What will you do if they find your anime reaction pics folder?
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fixing chicken scratch wont make me suddenly go from 3 hours to 20 minutes.
wow you make such fascinating and interesting posts. You should put on a trip so I can better identify your posts, I wouldn't want to miss any of these awesome posts.
it's still hard because it's 3d, let alone working with uv maps, and textures, as bad as it is, this is still infinitely better than having to learn how to draw for a thousand years and still not being able to draw certain angles or objects

the very thing i used to cling to to avoid feeling worthless was just a reminder of everything else, 3d is hard, but it's different at least
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Yes dad
3d is easy because you're not fixed in place perspective wise and you can easily correct for mistakes
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They'll be inspired and strive to be just as based of course.
>this is easy
>no its hard
>true, but this other thing is easy
ok, /agdg/
making 3d models is easy
stop taking the easy route
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The latest press release and trailer has generated over 2k wishlists in 2 weeks. The traffic is starting to tail off now but it will probably get another 200-500 before returning to the baseline10-20 wishlists a day.
I highly recommend using trailers plus press releases as your primary form of marketing. Maybe throw some money at the YouTube trailer to promote it more, don't have any money to test that myself.
Find the best PR firm you can afford that has the most connections to big influences and journalists.
Try to verify they've actually engaged with their contacts, many are scammer sarrrs who maybe have the right influencers' email, maybe not but certainly never engaged in conversation with any media. If the company doesn't frequent all the major gaming conventions, they don't actually engage with their media contacts.
this is the thing i like about 3d, although i have to really commit to the anatomy, which i'm not very good at
she probably doesnt even like games
>pity wishlists
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no idea, I can drink and enjoy warm wisky
all art is like that, you have to be able to see the thing you are creating in your mind and then recreate that on paper. if you cant do it on paper, you wont be able to do it in a 3d program like blender, why is that hard to understand?
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top 5 based /agdg/ devs
the messi of amateur gamedev
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>if you cant do it on paper, you wont be able to do it in a 3d program like blender, why is that hard to understand?
post art
real artists use reference
post your work
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making voxel models is easier though
It's like 3D and 2D at once, and it's basically legos but digital
strong cousin energy from this video
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i miss her
lmao, really? I knew cris was schizo, but I didn't realize he was that bad.
ALL 3D is 3D and 2D at once.
I buy my steam and icth.io tools.
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we definitely have the best retard
deja de tragar arroz, pelotudo
her parents chose to call her tomasz at birth but she chose tomo and that's all that matters
Nah, a quick look at his channel and he just reeks of that "please give me attention and affection!!!"
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This is what HoePoo will be doing at Valve kek. I can see it now he'll be posting vids of Valve's inner workings while the Steam fanboys don't realize it's just a PR front for the fading glamor that company once had.
Whats a press release?

I hope you succeed and rub it into those redd*tors faces
How do I make a cris-lite, not to be confused with a cris-like?
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Cris onlyfans when?
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Ohh, that's really neat, they animate the legs and upper body completely separately, except for really unique or odd animations.
Seems like it would be a bitch to setup in engine, though.
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tried something here
Kek like some sort of fighting game taunt

What other characters do you have in the game at this quality? Like my Korean waifu for example or the Argentinean (Chile? Idk) mountain girl?
for this resolution i would separate all body parts in layers:
>left arm
>right arm
>left leg
>right leg
Looks like he's listening to What Is Love and really enjoying it
two steps ahead i am always two steps ahead
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agdg without cris would never exist, i kneel
>I try
that's the problem. don't waste your time with pirates.
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Thanks anon. Pic attached is the first part of the latest press release. It's basically everything a journalist would need to write an article about the game and make it as easy as possible for them to do so.
There is also a press preview build and my PR team, Starfall PR, sent out keys along with a pitch for influencers to play.
The green haired girl is the South American mountain girl. K-pop girl needs her old hair back because her waifu level dropped at least 10 points since updating the quality. Her old outfit will be an unlockable.
Neat work. Too animated I think for what I'm going for. Ended up snagging the inward shifting on the hand from what you did to incorporate into my final Idle animation.
Thanks for the info. Based on this, did you find your firm in-person at a convention?
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my game has a story...
I do this as well, been a while but iirc about 4 or 5 parts separated.

Needless to say equipped armor will not appear on characters. There's far too many sprites to draw. If I succeed maybe I'll add them but I don't want to handle what may end up being 5000+ combinations and all the code to handle switching out the sprites for armor equipped. Not to mention the head and upper body would have to be separated to accommodate the helmet slot armor. Each character has minor nuances in design so I'll have to manually handle making small adjustments on some rather than just copy and paste after the first character is done. Can't really get away with the same chest armor design for both males and females. Or the height difference between males and females.
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>going outside
They reached to to me via email. I wish I did more research and knew what to look for but I'm overall pleased with their performance, especially for the price.
I'm going to get a publisher to do multiplayer, console porting and a bunch of other stuff. Then, the publisher will take over all the PR stuff. I'm trying to build the courage to go to GDC next spring and shake people's hands.
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newgrounds isn't even edgy anymore, it's funny that that's like the one thing people know or recognize it for
the site's current-day rules disallow lolishit and blatant racism but all the old videos are still there for their historical value
in terms of a community it's almost entirely populated by people who either make stuff or want to make stuff, along with the odd gen alpha kid who started browsing because of friday night funkin
what I know about the site is that they do their best to shill the work of people from there HARD, but I'm not exactly sure what it takes for you to be considered "from there"
it's owned by the founder Tom Fulp, a white guy from philly
with various lowpoly styles you can make up for your lack of texturing skill by baking the details in the model geometry and using smart tricks with UVs and flat colors or gradients

add some shader magic and you can have some really beautiful games that don't require any texturing skill to make
>start a discord for my game
>1 guy joins
>its just me and him, no one said anything yet
now what?

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