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Luipaard - editie

Previous thread: >>500094006

>Official site

>Fan created content (custom skins, weapon sights, sounds and localizations)

>Wiki with info on tech trees, weapon systems and game mechanics

>Guides to Air and Ground battles + MEC

>Guides on AAM's, AGM's and radars

>Guided weapons statistics

>What tanks have thermals and their generations

>Sale/Event calendar

>Devblog/update when?

>Content creator decal and discount datasheet

>Someone sending you runes?

Thread Theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zpjBN-61C6Q

Reminder: sale ends soon, sales start soon
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i just peepee poopoo my pants...
GPS guided point target bomb/missle that cannot alter its designated point target after launch

Built in ground radar in the seeker head, advanced enough to find targets independent of pilot input when fired maddog into the general direction of enemies in a killbox.

Mutts cried these were somehow on the same level. Not to mention game mechancis like vehicle render distance being bypassed by the maddog firing feature of brimstones that would make it the only missile capable of killing targets in GRB farther than 20km
what prem to research russia air?
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Papa Daniel! Papa Daniel!
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This is now a british vehicle thread
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I'm asking the question again. Can you even win battles in air RB by killing bases? I don't remember the last time that a team won via base destruction and I'm not sure if they even lose a chunk of tickets for killing all of the bases anymore.

I have extreme doubts that the groms would have had ANY impact on the meta whatsoever. This isn't even like when they held back the R-73s. Whether or not that you think that the R-73 was fine or too good, it undoubtedly would have been heavily felt in the meta at the time. The groms are just a slow, but very safe, way to kill a base.
>Russians are such orks they can't make rocket assisted glide bomb that follows a GPS coordinate

OK nafo troon
technically yes
iirc bases are 200tickets each, so assuming tickets dont drain by any other means (and the bases respawn fast enough) it can be done
but its significantly faster to just kill ground targets or players
today i will remind them
>but its significantly faster to just kill ground targets or players
How quickly will tickets being drained by GBU-39s killing 20 targets per strike eagle?
Remeber when you could bomb airfields?
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Strf 9040D soon
Sorry j̶o̶c̶k̶s̶ alcoholics but this is real life, the
e̶m̶o̶ ̶g̶u̶y̶ war thunder furry gets the g̶i̶r̶l̶ kidney
100 tickets for ground targets if im not mistaken, players/AI planes idk
Everyone knows that GLONASS is bullshit and doesn't actually work
Comparing the grom1 and brimstone is literally like comparing an aim 120 to a fritz x lmao what is going on
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What's stopping you?
Slower than an A10 or Su-25 slowly flying along the front line popping every single ground target
>Slower than an A10 or Su-25 slowly flying along the front line popping every single ground target
the A-10/Su-25 needs to survive fox-3 hell to strafe them. The strike eagle just clicks on them from up to render distance.
what exactly is overperforming about a GLONASS rocket assisted bomb with glide wings? kek
it's useless as anything but SPAA decoys and the ocasional SPAA/camper kill
you are no different than germutts crying about the leopard nerf when it is such an asinine thing that barely affects performance except in some theoretical scenarios
Its pretty good. Ugly, but good.
Killing casnigs thinking you're an easy revenge kill never gets old.
Using the commander sights to snipe people works but just keep in mind that the barrel smoke gets in the way so make sure its for actually distant targets.
With the update coming up, is the CV 9035DK due to be eligible for a sale by Christmas?
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>it's useless as anything but SPAA decoys and the ocasional SPAA/camper kill
It's worse at that than many existing weapons. The ONLY, and I mean ONLY, application where there grom outperformed anything else in the game is as a means to kill a BASE from safe standoff ranges. There are faster ways to kill bases too, and they've dramatically reduced the impact of killing bases over the years.

This was another mig-25 situation. USA having a melty by projecting capabilities onto a weapon system that didn't have those capabilities.
Did orks cry about america being the only country with ARH for a year enough to get it removed? Imagine how much better ARB would be if the F14 wasn't released until we had the aim120 and r77.

Meanwhile aim9m moggs the shit out of it in every way besides 1km knifefights.
>CV 9035DK
why would you ever want it? it's worse than the 9030fin
I love gun depression
It's overrated
Its a bit better since you can skullfuck other light tanks with its APHE belts but its still pretty bad.
where are the prop updates, anton???????????
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Most braindead take i've seen so far
hopefully nowhere to be seen
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I don't think that it's even fair to compare the grom to the phoenix or R-73. Both have had a big impact on the metagame.

There is room to debate on whether or not the decision to add the phoenix or abstain from adding the R-73 was a mistake or not. On if the phoenix is oppressive to its matchmaking range or is just a noob killer. On if the R-73 would have been OP at the time or if it would have been fine. No matter which side of the aisle that you fall on, it's clear that the phoenix and the R-73 had big impacts on the metagame for their nations at those BRs.

But the Grom? It's a meme way to kill bases. Full stop. Who cares? Bases have been nothingburgers for years. At the VERY most maybe someone completes their "kill X bases" daily task a little bit easier.
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>tfw missed every uber rare ruski event tank that costs gorillions now
>gay jinn is feeding me some shit boat that will never cost anything and a carbon copy of a tech tree bomber
new stuka cockpits
OF40 is actually very good
>use vulcan
>lead tracers back into enemy
>doesn't work
>deflection shots
>doesn't work
>fire from behind
>doesn't work
>no problem hitting AI with first burst
>even when I hit an enemy, it just hits, at best I get a crit

Further the enemy immediately stops evading any blue enemies when I show up, literally throwing everything away to engage me and then getting shot down. It's fucking crazy.
Shouldn't have been poor as fuck. Mutts spend 10x more than russmutts.
Depends on whether you like props, early jets or late jets.
Imo the best would be Yak-3 (VK-107) because it's piss easy to play.
You use that to research everything including rank V.
Then get the Mig 15 (BIS) in rank 5 and use that to grind out Mig 17 and talisman that to grind out rank VI and get to VII with the Mig 21 SMT. That would be the last thing to talisman for me and probably also to stop at because the rest of TT is utter dogshit.
You can pick up the SU11 or Migt 15 BISH ISH, however the grind path should be the same except you just either straight up grind to Rank VII and use the Mig 17 to grind out the Mig 21 SMT which you can tally again.
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Hello racists, your footy manager here.

Forgot to ask but how do you want your star player and captain Pidor to look like?
If there are no suggestions Ill just ask the aesthetics people to cobble together something like picrel from TF2 models and slap a tanker helmet on top of that.

Also please hit me with some (you)'s that I can show the footy organizers that there is enough interest from the thread so we get to actually play, like at least 5, the more the better. Last time was kinda ass timing from my part since they implemented that 15min post timer shit.
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I'm not racist, I hate swineskins.
I get a laugh out of the joke models, so I would just go all in on your pic where it's literally a stylized IS-2 sliding around on the field with the player sticking out of the top hatch.
A literal VIDAR.
I second the idea of a tank with the buff soldier sticking out of the top of it.
Skibidi Pidor
It can only look like him if every single call he makes is completely wrong.
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Papa Daniel!
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fuck i never knew mutts offered the japs F-22J (which will come definitely) in 2018?
vehicles for this feel?
You can't just post anything you want offtopic and say "vehicles for this feel".
How do you guys play Ground RB? Unless it's a urban map I spend the whole match without seeing anymore.
Flank, try to get some kills, then then fly CAS for a bit.
I think the captain should be called Papa Daniel instead. Basing it on that avatar is good, even better if you can completely model some stylized stalin-powered heavy tank like the IS-2 or IS-6/7
Pidor should be another player, preferably in some swegroid/amerimutt premium or something similar
also it would be kino if the goalkeeper is a Pantsir-S1 (if it isnt one already), since they dont let anything go through ingame, and it would be funny to see the goalkeeper be a huge ass truck
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>15 degrees of gun depression
>just spent a few matches peaking over hill crests
>seal clubbed most games without really trying
>ground out rank 2 in 8 games
Well that was easy. Might play rank 3 when the event starts.
A week long flavor of the month shitpost by three discord troons is not thread culture and should never be allowed to represent it.
how are the uptiers in 2.7? Imma grab the pack that has this thing to start low tier jap grind
that's a good look for Pidor
when are the next games?
Nice idea but too late for the current roster, Ill try to remember it for the next time. Big ass truck would in the goal would be funny, da.

November 22nd - 24th for qualifiers (we wont partake due being elite and muscular)
November 29th weekend for the first real matches
Oh nice, looking forward to it. Also, do you have anything in mind for Pidor's goal theme?
You can struggle a bit with uptiers but it's doable, mainly the british tanks like valentines and churchills give you the most trouble so not worth trying to fight them from the front, best to use your speed and try and flank. Armour on this thing is very average but found actually that a lot of shots would just kil 1 or 2 of the crew rather than outright oneshotting me. Might have been overpenetration being modelled. Stick to its strength and find a hillcrest if possible, for example on Seversk I would camp just north or south of the A point depending on where I spawned.
i'd buy a 2s38 but it looks like shit
compared to a puma or something
heavy like a brink truck
i dont like pupa and next pupa too
Why is Norway and norwegians the best in here?
what kinda faggot unironically listens that crap
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Screw you Gaijin my line was right there on the money and you gave me this shit. Not even casinos rig it this dirty.
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>SPAA ))))))))))))))))
>fw 190
larp plane
>do 335
>me 262
>he 162
>late jets
you get the shittiest imports, enjoy your leftovers from your communist/ usa masters

germany lives and dies by the bf 109
its the only plane they have
There is no vehicle in this entire game more fun than the Object 279.
...Is what I would say if the KV-1E didn't exist.
>There is no vehicle in this entire game more fun than the Object 279.
this is known
until germany gets eurofighter (late 2025) the air tree will suck
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I actually like playing the Challenger 2 OES...
Just play it in arcade
It's a total faggotmobile
Why? I enjoy playing it in GRB
It's only tough when the maps are tiny and shit.
advance to the Rhine. Full downtier.
Yes I'm sure, Anton
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>take 3 headons in a row
>die to every single one
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>overshot an Su-39 and got R73'd
>fuck around
>find out
Do you not find it a bit slow?
so, when is sweden getting removed?
It's slow, but comfy if that makes sense.
What nation should I play if I suck at GRB?
anton why am i getting uptiered by at least 0.7 in the last hundred or so matches
i'm a good goyim please check the receipts
>meme GPS missile
>stealth bomber with advanced thermal optics at BR 10.0
>this is fine
Are there even any non-stealth planes at BR 10 with bombs and optics equivalent to the F-117 even before you take the stealth into account? Last I checked the A-6E was something higher than 10, and the frogfoot doesn't get optics until the top tier versions.
russia no doubt
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yeah but consider this :^)
I'm on the dev server right now, how the fuck do you even drop the jdams there's no controls for it
I hope Gaijin adds SCUD launchers.
Either germans or mutts. they're the most terrible players already
Centauro going on sale tomorrow? Love the look of it.
Let me guess. He flies within 3km of the SAM site?
will gaijin finally make a good game?
late model slightly higher in TT when? siG 33B even lower in the TT with the comfy 3.3 clubber list when?
seething retard that doesn't have it spotted
i don't even understand half the shit he says but yeah he's a retarded mouth breather of course
What do you mean? If you destroy 3 bases, the tickets will deplete in about a minute.
>go to forums
>mutt is whining that the upcoming changes are aren't fair for NATO for sim battles and that minor nations getting marginally better versions of USA equipment that the red team population will soon outnumber the blue team population 2:1
What an entitled retard.
>stalker mixed with eft
this isnt 2015 anymore
Mutts are both some of the worst players you will find in the game, and the most entitled faggots. They will piss and shit themselves if they see anyone get something that even looks a little better or on par to what they have.
Nigger probably you are connected to glossnas satellite right now
looks like shit but soulful and janky shit
applied for cbt
You're just jealous of the American soft power :)
It's part of the muscular tf2 meme so I thought it was appropriate since this wt one is obviously based on it, but feel free to suggest something else
>load into GRB top tier queueing as USA
>5 seconds elapse
>half of my team are now in jets or helis because they died to a BMP-1
this is the true power of America.
Excerpts from "Waltz of the Tornado."
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Bofors TRINITY to replace the VEAK soon™
also give it apfsds
Weird how aggressive the crying over the Grom is. The only actual use case is smashing bases in Air battles without needing to fly at them and hoping bomb busses don't beat your payload there. In GRB you would be blanketing a camping spot blindly hoping people are there and stay there for the 2 minutes it will take to arrive.

If I unironically died to that in GRB I would be ashamed I sat still for that long with a plane obviously launching ordnance 15km away.
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Bofors deez nuts lmao
It sounds like you didn't hear. The aggressive crying succeeded in getting Gaijin to withhold the grom. It won't be added.

Strike eagles soloing 20 NPC targets at a time with GBU-39s is fine though.
So the BR of that new jet that used them will be adjusted accordingly, yes?
>marginally better
Around 2 tons more thrust on each engine is a pretty big margin. There’s a pretty good argument that -229s shouldn’t be in the game yet period, let alone in this retarded way that has managed to piss of both nations’ player bases
He wasn't just talking about the jew eagle. He was kvetching about the Japs having AAM3 and AAM4s, or that some foreign harrier was better in his mind.

Still, be realistic. Even if it was 10 tons of extra thrust and a complete UFO. Is that going to shift the playerbase numbers to the point where red team starts outnumbering blue 2:1? No. Red team is going to be outnumbered until the core members of RUS/China can stand on equal footing with USA, and that's not happening anytime soon although said retard thought that the Su-34 is some kind of wonder weapon.

I swear it's like the Mig-25. Mutts see something that they don't understand and project significantly more capabilities onto it than it actually has.
that's what you get for posting a w*man
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nation for this feel?
Are mutts chimping that israel got a better strike eagle or is that against their golem programming?
Macedonia tree when?
Why is Russia capturing ground at a record pace tho?
>beijing office hours
use any USSR line up, but just drive forward blindly, or else you're forced to J yourself out IRL
because ukraine had a massive gap where no aid was being delivered
But Nato just said that Russia is desperate when they got norks to help?
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this bus can be fun when it doesn't get massacred in a 12.0 uptier (like it does 90% of the time)
I’m not really talking about sim playerbases, more how they’ve gone about this in an absolutely retarded way that seems like it’s almost designed to create controversy. Also the entire Mig-25 debacle didn’t have anything to do with not understanding something, there was just barely any information known about it and it happened that the airframe lined up very well with early F-15 design studies, leading to a worst case scenario being assumed. There wasn’t any information known at the time pointing to it being a steel brick and it would’ve been absolutely retarded to rely on that being the case
US is angry the engines are the shittier ones and the jews are angry that gaijin refuses to model their domestic weapons and only gives them exported ones
gaijin never fails to amuse with their attempts to please the masses while almost always making them seethe
US, Russia, China, Israel.

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