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Welcome to the Sonic the Hedgehog General. Here we discuss ALL things Sonic!

/sthg/ #7516 - Spooky cat Edition

>Sonic the Hedgehog 3 - Official Trailer

>Sonic is getting a five issue crossover miniseries with DC, further collaboration will continue through 2026

>Sonic Rumble - Announce Trailer

>IDW Release Dates:
Sonic the Hedgehog: Knuckles 30th Anniversary Special - 20 November 2024
Sonic the Hedgehog #75 - 11 December 2024
Sonic the Hedgehog #76 - 05 February 2025
Sonic the Hedgehog #77 - 19 March 2025

>General link compilation:
>Milestone pastebin:
>Sonic Game/Mod Recommendation Spreadsheet:
>Perfect System Collection:
>Sonic comic scans:

/sthg/ booru:
/sthg/ OC info:
/sthg/ cytube:
/sthg/ Pixel World:

Previous Thread: >>500578195
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I got excited because I thought it was a Big the Cat OP, but then I realized it was just another Blaze OP.
And here I thought it was going to be a good one.
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I'm thinking about sex
My name is Shadow the Hedgehog. I love Beyoncé, SPEED, my bf Crash Bandicoot, cortados, catwalk dancing, septum piercings and the LGBTQ+ community
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I won!

What's wrong with her?
She has a dumpy.
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i rape black hedgehogs
Why is everyone in the Acorn dynasty so hot
okay Maria
Suck my dick, Blazecuck.
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get the fuck out
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Why are trannies the biggest shadow haters
Radical Hill Zone
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Go! Go! Heaven いっしょに行こう hey yeah!
Go! Go! Heaven この闇を突き抜け
This game is art.
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I'd rather get a Radical Factory thank you
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>"I love my brother"
>"Bro you're in love with your brother?"
Yeah okay
I think another issue with Silver is - I just don't think he really has a great design. It's not very striking and he'd probably benefit a lot from not being another hedgehog.
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I love my Shadow~ And they love me~
Green Radical Factory
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The good old days...
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>Awww yeah babe keep suckin
So do you actually like Sonic, or are you just here to try and start shit and make the thread miserable?
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Yeah he's ugly as fuck.
i thought you were referencing this.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XCpLotWEQLA
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i kind of liked what they had going with his early designs, but i guess they thought they were too un-sonic
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>All i needed to do is resuming my grandpa's research data and readapt it for your case! And that'exactly what i did!
>*opens the anesthetic gas*
>Once you wake... you'll be reborn... in a new... better... body...
Silver slander pack:
he's way too weak for the story
he's way too strong for the story
his existence is way too much
he doesn't exist a lot
he's counting way too much on others
he's way too self centered
he's way too nice
he's way too rude
i swear it all connects to 06 hatred and that shit is retconned 18 years ago, one good gameplay of him and these factors would shake.
I’m going to go twerk at Club Rouge
how come in the sonic canon Sonic is always flirting with and crushing on cute human women but amy just gets skeezed on by fat old men or 6 year old boys?
How come amy never gets cute male human love interests the way Sonic and Shadow and Knuckles has cute female human love interests?
Shadaria is so cute
I think his design is pretty nice. The real issue is that it doesn't work nearly as well in 3D as it does when drawn.
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disgustingly in character
well done
what the hell i was just planning on making this joke
They don't skeeze on Amy you bitch, they're her friends and they're nothing but perfect gentlemen to her.
Amy's fucking 12, you retard, of course she's going to be targeted by young boys with crushes on the "older but sweet" girl or fucking pedophiles
Boys her actual age want the big tiddy baddies like Rouge
Strange...some fags out there say it's way too striking.
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Removing his pot leaf improves his design 300%
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What makes you say that?
Reminder that Percie is the final girl that any version of Sonic was openly interested in fucking. That was ten years ago. Everything else has been "hints" "references" "interviews"
the explorer guy is a rugged outdoorsman with a cool job
Sonic 06 was the third game directed by Shun Nakamura
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I love how in certain lights Movie Shadow has the same blue tint he had in SA2.
so i take it the only reason they didn't make mighty more relevant is because he makes knuckles and to a degree, sonic outclassed?
>he doesn't like pothead the porcupine
Hey that does look pretty cool. More contrast on his body would be nice, I know he's named 'Silver' but maybe a sprinkle of Green would've gone a long way.
No they don't.
retard because someone doesn't like the design?
silverfags hit another rock bottom
They say the egg lose always, and yet he succeeds in fucking the world every time.
It's the voice isn't it? just try to remember him with a better voice and see if that will change your view.
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Best ship coming through.
Poor Amy. Only Shadow treats her right
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They don’t use him because he’s redundant.
I like how everyone is pretty well represented in the Sonic movies EXCEPT Sonic himself who is stuck with a buddy cop personality as an artifact from the first film
Jeff Fowler in action
>is because he makes knuckles and to a degree, sonic outclassed?
Mighty is redundant in both abilities and design. Powerscaling doesn't have anything to do with it.
>No they don't.
They literally say he's way off a Sonic looking character, is that strange to you?
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>Knuckles fagging for one day of the year
Knuckles doesn't really act like Knuckles when you get down to it. People are just ok with him being the silly tribal warrior because it's WAY better than redoing Boom Knuckles, or having him get tricked by Eggman 80 times.
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werehog is so spooky he makes me wet my panties uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
congrats his more of a trunk and a twink at the same time...
Flash cab fly?
if your favorite character isn't sonic or a woman jeff fowler is excessively based
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>Silverfag calling anyone retard

Nah, it's everything. Giant ugly pajeet unibrow, pajeet skin, eyeliner, gay as fuck boots, stupid jester cap quills, bland and boring color scheme.
It sucks how Unleashed is the only game in the series directed by Yoshihisa Hashimoto
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What does he smells like, sthg?
Retard faggot jew cunt.
Is this legit?
It's the forehead quills isn't it? i'd personally like for them to be a bit laid moved back and the side ones rise up a bit.
Guys, I don’t want to alarm you; but I think that Agent Stone guy may be one of those homosexuals I’ve heard so much about!
piss and female sweat
His name is silver
I miss being able to buy stuff with all the stupid rings I collect
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Two lesbians
Wood shavings
of course he and Jim Carrey's Eggman have fucked
Oh yes. By well represented I didnt mean in-character. I mean they get the "normiefied" version of their concept pretty well.
Knuckles in the Knuckles show is never the butt of the joke. Him being an ignorant tribal is only used to make him look silly in one scene at the end of the first movie. Other than that he's taken pretty sincerely. Movie Sonic specifically though is just a weird combination of zoomer jokes that I rarely see people like.
Knuckles, Tails, and seemingly Shadow are written with the expectation that you like them rather than laugh at them. Movie Sonic you're supposed to feel sort of sorry for.
A wet basement filled with mold and mildew, just like how Surge smells like metal and ozone and cleaning chemicals from all the lightning.
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Yes, terrifying...
>Sonic looking away and turning a blind eye to Knuckles murdering you
If it was Eggman he'd stop him...
Striking is a pretty specific positive term when talking about character designs specifically. To actually answer your question no I don't think he's out of place, not when compared to other characters from the same era. I just don't think he's that memorable or attractive as a design.
>I fucka yourdr mudthard bastardtd beetch!
Ok Silverjeet.
>pajeet unibrow
>pajeet skin
>gay as fuck boots
like russians
>stupid jester cap quills
...fair down is better
> bland and boring color scheme.
we have Shadow here as well be nice.
cute but why are their heads fusing together?
why does nobody talk about how krack has been posting shadow obsession on r9k for years
Kys faggot kike spic.
This is probably the easiest way to do it. Sega seems adamant about not messing with the current designs but a subtle change in quill-style could make him a little more fashionable and less alien like.
My two bisexual gfs
texture and shading found to be lacking
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short torso or long torso
i dont know if thats krack we have like 4 shadow yumes here
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Whisper said
>I wish I could be with you forever
And then Tangle's monkey paw did it's magic
what's up with Silver and jeets???
For me it's A.
Shortstack, easy.
oh my god its whisper the wolf in real life
I wish.
Reminder that the Japanese always hated Silver and called him a cockahog to mock his design. He was never popular or well-received anywhere, Silver fandom is always a vocal minority.
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Whats his name again?
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Get off his dick he didn't ask for the writers to hate him
>Those are all my delusions
very based
>humans are the BBC posters of this franchise.
Futafags are a more fitting comparison to the muh BBC faggots.
BBC posters are the biggest degenerates on the internet. Those fuckers always keep spamming interracial faggotry wherever they go. It's not surprising that such filthy attracts trannies and demoralized faggots so much.
I miss the times when BBC simply meant 'British Broadcasting Corporation'.
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It seems my superiority has been causing issues.
Nigger the gay hotdog.
Because everyone knew
Blaze has a terrible shit design.
who cares? Stop talking about yourself. Nobody cares.
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reminder that Silverslander is always nitpicky and full of shit.
Shadow The Fake Hedgehog
nigga I don't read moonspeak
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that's him alright
>Sonic Jam
>Sonic Adventure (Dreamcast version only)
>Sonic Adventure 2 (both Dreamcast and Gamecube versions)
>Sonic Heroes
>Shadow the Hedgehog
First games directed by Takashi Iizuka
Writing this accounting for the inconsistencies in Sally's character. Reboot and SatAM Sally have distinct personalities but Reboot is all over the place.
Technically every anime character below is in-character for at least one writer's take on Sally, with minor adjustments, this is what you would get.

Ezra Scarlet (Only for reboot)
Rebecca Bluegarden (Various)
Nico Robin (All versions except Preboot)
Nami (Netflix version specifically)
Sakura (Only for Pre-Ian Preboot)
Bulma (Tone down her vanity)
Frieren (Reboot and SatAM)
Yor (Reboot only)
Temari (Preboot Only)
Kill yourself.
Did you unironically resumed my post?
Yeah it's a pretty bad comparison, but i needed to choose a category of smug losers and the first who came in my mind are the BBC faggots.
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I know you're only saying that out of spite, so I'll ignore it. I won.
Ian said in the new broadcast that she doesn't like his werehog form at all and would burn him if he acted different.
Meant to say "preboot" is all over the place.
who are you
Characters JSonic team really interested in.
Someone who won.
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Keanu "Robotnik" Reeves.
Surge hates rape. It's ok when she does things to Kit because he likes it.
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>good gameplay
Ok I just granted your wish. Silver has good gameplay. Now what? That's right. He becomes Cream in the 00s. He's not Sonic. And he sure as hell isn't Shadow. For someone so concerned with how Silver is perceived, you smear of an aborted fetus in a toilet always ignore that he needs a good story and character moments, to gain fans that will love the character, and not just the gameplay he brings
Oh amazing! a new Blazespammer...i recommend fucking off before you make the character more ugly.
>fake poll
it makes me really upset that sonic prime and the sonic movies managed to get perfectly casted shadows and we are still stuck with kirk FUCKING THORTON
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Uhm, hello? Are you stoooopid or something? I'm Blaze, idiot.
Someone who loves colors
which characters rape-neutral?
06 was his debut game and will always be his legacy. That can't be changed unless the game is remade.
blaze would never
Show yourself!
Ignore the Brazilian schizo he's triggered by Blaze 24/7.
holy shit his hand lmao
Jealousy is an ugly look for losers, anon. Bask in my winner energy~
Sonic, he would never inhibit someone else's freedom to rape
Then of course Silver would be high! Sonic Team is very stupid, and very stupid people like Silver.
Also that makes it irrelevant to the point that Silver is quite unpopular in Japan. It's just another way Sonic Team mishandles the series so hard that Japanese interest in the series is mostly non-existent.
Riders trilogy was directed by Kenjiro Morimoto. His only previous important credit in the Sonic series was directing the Gamecube remake of SA1.
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Or would she?
>making shit up
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Ultimate Lifeform Combo: Human Shadow + Blobian Shadow.
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I am appreciating the reduced Archie hate by a lot.
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Blaze I love you!
>had to catch Shadow off-guard
its the fake one shitnic
>Sonic Team internal poll
>Knuckles and Silver tied
I wonder when this poll was taken
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>Shadow drops his guard in a fight like a moron
>blame Sonic for it
Okay Tardow
How the fuck did you get out of your abortion bucket? no other fag in the franchise will focus all of his energy on story when it comes to gameplay, plus Silvers concept related to time travel has been milked dry , his power fixated gameplay could easily attach most people to him and of course whatever story he has to be in at least it should no be taken seriously, i mean look at all of Sonic game plots? do you expect a fucking lord of the rings novel you cum stain?
I fucking hate this image. how pathetic do you have to be to make this shit to "prove" your ships
No shame in losing to Sonic!
I don't mind most of the comic characters themselves, but I still don't like the comic, and I still hate how it handled the actual core cast.
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Of course~
>his legacy
it's not even a legacy it's a memory and you're right it can be forgotten if focused on something else.
I genuinely want to see a version of it where the game characters are true to the japanese takes. it sounds weird but i wouldn't mind seeing the sonic we know in those situations.
put them in the jar
It's true, you couldn't go anywhere in 2006 Japanese forums without seeing people laughing at Silver and calling him cockahog.
>I'm Blaze, idiot.
It's no use, (You) don't fool me! You are only a puny 4chanean Anon.
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T-the jar?
>Also that makes it irrelevant to the point that Silver is quite unpopular in Japan.
nigga i just showed you a fact why did you forget about in 1 second??
>Implying people in 2006 japan talked about sonic at all
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It would be easier to just forget the character, it's unpopular and doesn't add anything anyway.
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wtf how many posts does this bitch make
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>people in japan like sonic
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Kys Slopazebot.
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Cat Dance.
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Don't care.
I love Fang!!!
Shut up, small fry. I'm Blaze.
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Gas yourself.
Anon, you retard, if Sonic Team shared the same tastes as the rest of Japan, Sonic wouldn't be so unpopular there.
...what's cockahog? and how did you get that from Japanese?
Man male xy
insanely ooc. rouge thinks shadow's backstory is funny.
You’re retarded.
AI is a better artist than you'll ever be
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it adds someone who's actually trying to be a hero and succeeding massively at it, forgetting about him is useless, since the concept of a time traveler or a psychic will always appear, in a sense if he's gone, another exact copy will appear, there's no running away from him anon
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It's truth.
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Silver saved his future, for that he deserves all the forced blowjobs.
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>his power fixated gameplay could easily attach most people to him
The same could be said for every character in this franchise which means you're reducing all of them to Mario

>i mean look at all of Sonic game plots? do you expect a fucking lord of the rings novel you cum stain?
We just had Shadow swing back into the spotlight with a captivating story for the level that is expected of the franchise. You jumping to LoTR shows that you think my and by extension Sonic fans' standards are too high to want from and for Silver to consider him a character worth investing in instead of a function. It's like your bar is so low that you think everyone will just immediately love Silver if we gave him a spindash
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This horrific image is an abomination that makes me lose faith in humanity. Blaze doesn't deserve such a cruel fate. Delete this garbage immediately.
You're retarded. Sonic Team isn't all of Japan. Most of Japanese gamers don't like Sonic after SA2.
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Spanking time
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Pathetic. If you have to resort to AI trickery then you have already lost. Which is only natural, because I have always won. So sad you cannot win even once.
>Most of Japanese gamers don't like Sonic after SA2.
Cockatoo hedgehog, making fun of his dumb forehead things.
Guys… I don’t think I can hold onto faith that Rouge or Amy will be in Sonic 3… I can’t believe that three movies in the only female representation is goddamn Rachael…
rape fixing
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*kills you*
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have another one
I'm usually up for a good sarcastic back and forth but I honestly don't have a response to this level of avatarfagging autism. You have "won" but only insomuch as a animal that shits itself to scare of predators.
Those bitches are getting vaulted. You think I want a rapist and an edgelord in my childrens' films?
cute eyes
It’s not dumb, and you made up that cockahog thing.
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Its an autism film ackshually
Because fans of the female blobians are weigh down the franchise.
Fowler is doing what Iizuka was too much of a coward to do.
I'm sorry but I can't see Whisper anymore without remembering that one schizo on Twitter that actually believes whisper is his wife and has a mental break down over art of her with anyone other than his self insert.
Fowler saw Nazo Unleashed ONCE and now look what happened.
bro i think the ai is the least offensive part of that picture
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>100,000 word fanfiction of Shadow as a child getting raped and abused by a pedophilic scientist who drugs him and threatens to rape Maria instead if Shadow doesn't go along with it
>Whores him out and gets him sick with AIDS then beats him half to death then pours boiling water on him
You shitted yourself?
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Holy seethe!
Where did you find Evan’s old fanfiction?
>You think I want a rapist and an edgelord
but enough about Eggman and Shadow
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Very gross of you, anon. This is why you always lose. No class.
My favorite crackship is one I saw posted on a discord of Amy x Surge where they get together after realizing they're both wasting their lives chasing the same guy that doesn't want anything to do with either of them. The whole I can fix her vs I can break her dynamic is fun too.
Anon it's right there >>500600532 and that was drawn in early 2007
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>you think I want a rapist and an edgelord in my children's films???
>proceeds to make nut lord and shadow major characters
>The same could be said for every character in this franchise which means you're reducing all of them to Mario
His pk dip fuck, it's never utilized well
>We just had Shadow swing back into the spotlight with a captivating story for the level that is expected of the franchise.
it's nostalgia don't lie
>You jumping to LoTR shows that you think my and by extension Sonic fans'
>standards are too high to want from and for Silver to consider him a character worth investing in instead of a function.
didn't go that far, i agree on a good plot and writing but not as too much focus on that since that's not sonic coded what so ever
>It's like your bar is so low that you think everyone will just immediately love Silver if we gave him a spindash
...they'll like it, i'm very positive of that
what the fuck
This is the first thing Fiona does after learning she got NIDS from Scourge
You really didn't know? That shit's real.
Hey wanna see something cool?
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I regret drawing this IMMENSELY
>want something coolored?
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*sips wonningly*
>Implying Blaze isn't a masochist whose into it
...guys i'm not gonna lie, the blazefag does act like that concept completely
being his son or daughter irl must be so awkward
If the fight has already started it isn't your responsibility to make sure the opponent is "ready" for your attacks.
That's an awesome natural hairstyle for her.
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So we have another samefagging tourist hellbent on ruining the thread? Great.
nids is a neurological disorder not an std you DUMB FUCKING BUFFOOONS
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This is another abominable trash. How is the universe able to manifest such a repulsive thing in our reality? There's no more doubt that Blaze is the reincarnation of the Antichrist.
Please, God, protect me from Blaze the Satanicat.
Shut the fuck up Bunnie you have super aids
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You Silverschizos ruined Halloween for me i hate you so much...
So true. People who have never won should not post here.
>one drawing means all of Japan was saying it
You can’t be this much of a faggot.
>He doesn't think neurological diseases are contagious
How do you think troons spread?
I love her!
Blaze's hair looking like a wildfire when undone fits her "Barely keeping her emotions in check" shtick really well, and I think having her hair come undone would be a good way to signify Blaze losing her cool.
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So stop posting
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She's a freaky bitch that's for sure
Amy? Is that you? You look... different.
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Reminder NIDS is confirmed to be something you get from birth and Maria was born weak. Flynn retconned that.
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I dont think NIDS is a social contagion like troonery.
I think maria got bad genes. She's from the 50s, there was no social media.
>if blobians were actually real
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>believes in God, understands the significance of the Divine
>honors Him every day by serving the Holy Sol Empire
>absurdly high vibe, empowers everyone in her presence
>an actual mystic and a psychic with incredible powers comparable to the Apostles
>defends multiple universes from falling out of balance as a full time job, still makes some time for friends
>the evil and the unloved constantly work to corrupt her imagine

>reddit atheist, low awareness, yet practices witchcraft
>does entry level mysticism like tarot cards and palmistry, consorts with demons
>low vibe, feels like a drain to the people around her
>has to use cyberspace to LARP as some kind of magic witch
>cloying stalker who weaseled her way into a friend group, ultimate goal is to get a guy to like her
>the evil and the unloved promote her as the ideal person, when she's anything but
Friday the 13th - Jasonic Edition.
Why? I won?
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So why not colress or something? It's be better than cool lurlis
Flynn 100 percent needs to die
he wrote shadow and was scared he wasn't ruining him enough so he retconned how Shadow and maria both bonded from only knowing the ARK.
I hate him.
He's also a misogynist who is making Amy weak.
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My headcanon is NIDS has something to do with a space-time anomaly that fucked with the fundamentals of her existing at the quantum level. What she experiences is merely what appears symptomatic at the macro level.
No, you're being ridiculous, but the image reflects the culture it was drawn from and is a representation of it.
Based Amy, she's a true homie unlike Blaze who acts like a medieval women and would probably bore you with her emotional 'problems'
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>one drawing means it was the majority opinion
Holy schizo.
These threads need more boo appreciation
You lost to Silver big time, get ready to suck his dick again for relevance
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I disagree
*Locks you in a bunker with no internet access until you are 18 years old*
This just makes me hate blaze even more
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I like to headcanon that Elise is a neurotic princess who secretly shitposts in /sthg/ for shits and giggles.
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No, you have it backwards, you're being willingly obtuse. The drawing was based on majority opinion. You've been wrong at every turn throughout this conversation. I was there, I know what I'm talking about, you weren't, you don't.
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good night.
Oh hey it's mirko from my hero academia
funny how two redheaded princesses who kissed sonic gave us a million mandates
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>Maria died of Autism
My theory is that NIDS is brain aids.
Like it fucks with your immune system but because your brain is like fucked with some weird as shit virus that won't activate the immune system so the common cold can basically kill you.
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>Silver has cock
it's true
I feel they're criminally underutilized in the series. They would have made for a neat not Eggman affiliated enemy group that appear in some levels throughout the series. They definitely have more personality than the ghosts from sandopolis
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can we get an image of him risking it all and facefucking the cavewoman
If Professor Gerald thought Shadow (immortal Chaos Control user) could cure Maria, then Gerald probably had a hunch that something disrupted the Chaos Force that caused Maria's NIDS to manifest firsthand and thought Shadow could be used to undo it somehow.
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Good Midnight.
See /sthg/? is it so hard to have TASTE!?
Nintendo's Maria (mother) is better than Sega's Maria.
The pumpkin ones from Heroes/Shadow are pretty cool too
Even cooler when you realize they are the OGs because they debuted in that SA1 halloween DLC
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That tracks. The strangest mystery I've encountered as a Sonic scholar is the Blaze the Cat Phenomenon. Commonly observed merely as Blazefags and Anti-Blazefags. Why do you think this general, the most Sonic-obsessed, Sonic-retrospective place on the internet, has culminated in such prominent Blazeposting? Either vehemently for, or vehemently against? It certainly warrants investigation from an enlightened mind, such as my own.

From my understanding, based on esoteric texts and keen observations of the socio-spiritual topography, Blaze seems to act as a sort of litmus test for your energy frequency and level of empathy/heart-center development. Her regal bearing and fiercely indomitable flame soul naturally resonate on a vibrational level with those who have undertaken the challenges of emotional discipline, personal responsibility, and stoic yet compassionate leadership. She embodies the noble virtues of duty, grace under pressure, and elegant wielding of immense power - all hallmarks of a highly vibrational entity.

On the other hand, those deficient in these qualities - the selfish, the arrogant, the weak-willed - will find her constant radiance irritating to intolerable. Threatened by her strength and composed nature, their only response is meager distaste masking deeper envy and inadequacy. Like cornered beasts, they lash out with emotional reactions and specious remarks rather than logical reasoning.
Shadow is pretty much major shake from ATFH. Gerald even made shadow by using a picture of sonic on some ruins.
Needs Leeta, Lyco and Jani-Ca
>Sonic-retrospective place on the internet, has culminated in such prominent Blazeposting?
Because this is a containment thread for those schizos and autists. It doesn't take much to figure that out.
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But why such a strong and dedicated reaction from all sides? It is evident there are profound metaphysical dimensions at play beneath the surface. Her very essence seems to resonate on an almost subatomic level - the cumulative resonance of her lavender aura and dancing pyrogenetic flameswept form produces a delicate spiritual hologram, a shimmering energetic after-image imprinted upon the hyperspatial fabrics of the metaverse itself. Her every poised gesture, each compassionate yet indomitable act ripples through the ether, embedding codings that subtly rearrange our quantum field in resonance. To align with her is to unlock dormant harmonic frequencies within, to bring hidden order to the cosmic chaos. She's no mere character, but rather a living mandala - a koan perhaps unintentionally, yet no less effectively, constructed to awaken higher realizations in the prepared observer. To pin her apparition fully with our feeble faculties risks dissipating the spell, like grasping a rainbow in your fist. You can only breathe her fires as she passes, and feel transformed in ways too subtle for words. A Trojan pixel crafted to seed enlightenment under the guise of fiction. I am in awe of such metaphysical sculpture. Able are the hands that brought her spark to life, and good are the minds she sets aflame.
Doesn't Sonic Team USA manage the brand globally anyway?
>turns off skelly
I have a weakness for sonic wolf characters but man the series really doesn't satisfy me with it. Whisper is disappointing and Lupe barely showed up to do anything important. Not counting avatar since he's not exactly a genuine sonic character to my knowledge
no cuz you fags post her decapitated how did you gloss over that????
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>Sonic on the murals
>no it's Shadow
>no it's Silver
>no it's Blaze somehow
>no it's Tails
>etc. etc.
>I am Spartacus
I can see this happening as a grand red herring of the mural theory shit.
why don't act like you better brother over there?>>500604282
The whole episode of major shake in ATHF really applies well if you mentally replace major shake with shadow .
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>Not counting avatar since he's not exactly a genuine sonic character to my knowledge
He's camoe'd a few times. He seems to exist in the same capacity as Barry.
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Conversely, there exists Amy Rose. On the surface, Amy's cherubic and saccharine aesthetics certainly present as the archetype of innocent femininity. However, looking deeper into her canon behavior and her core motivations, you'd observes traits lurking beneath that the bellicose bear - an entitled ego, fickle affections, and a disturbing lack of regard for personal boundaries. Qualities which, as I astutely surmise, are inadvertently calibrated to resonate with rather dysfunctional pockets of fans operating from bases of narcissism, codependency and even sociopathy. To such minds entranced by a veneer of sugary optics alone, any dissonance between outward image and inner workings would naturally go undetected.

But notice how aggressively these dysfunctional factions of the fandom strive to edit, retcon and recharacterize Amy's less palatable historical behaviors and nuances, clinging desperately to an idealized fantasy construct that bears little resemblance to the complex multi-faceted entity depicted within the source material. It's as though even acknowledging the possibility that she has her flaws could disrupt their own precarious sense of distorted self-image - much like how a narcissist engages in relentless cover-ups and spin campaigns to hide even the most mundane imperfections from their own gaze, fearing the collapse of their distorted self-narrative should any gaps in the facade be exposed. A telling phenomenon, and one that underscores the profoundly psyche-mediated undercurrents governing this curiously uncivil cult.

Like moths drawn to an open flame with no heed for the painful consequences, these ill-equipped fans project their own unresolved shadows onto Amy. Defending viciously not her integrity, but rather their attachment to a facade that shelters the inner voidness.
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Don't you lecture me with you're $30 haircut Sonic dies
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Shake is sonic since he'd the leader and has an attitude
Flylock is tails since he can fly and invests stuff
Meat wad is knuckles since he's gullible and arguably the strongest physically
Carl is Eggman since he's the best character.
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Look! It's Spinal from Killer Instinct!
>The drawing was based on majority opinion
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What about this guy
So is red wolf with glasses the Canon avatar? If so why is he blue on the forces box art and his existence pretty much caused whisper to exist too in an odd twist of fate.
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Let's see about that you robotnik reject
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I like him. Would look decent in a game. Any good background female wolf or wolf looking canine characters you spotted?
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schizos will post a random piece of japanese art, claim that most of japan feels that way, and then pretend that even matters.
>I wish I had boobs...
I genuinely think rouge can work as a stand alone character in her own game. I say this since I can't think of a whole lot of other characters that can hold a game on their own.
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>So is red wolf with glasses the Canon avatar
Seems so.
> If so why is he blue on the forces box art and his existence pretty much caused whisper to exist too in an odd twist of fate.
Forces had like four advertised Avatars. Red Gadget was the main one. IDW mentions Avatar and how he fucked off so they probably want to let the Forces players keep their personal Avatar as the hero of that game.
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Indeed, it is hardly a mere happenstance that Blaze the Cat was conjured from the same creative depths that brought Amy Rose's side story into being within Sonic Adventure. Such a creator as Akinori Nishiyama, versed in the metaphysical essence of his characters, could almost be seen as guided by an invisible, superior force to craft Amy's metaphysical counterbalance in Blaze. A truly inspired mind, driven by an instinctive need to restore equilibrium, would naturally strive to balance the scales when harmony demands it.
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That bloody skeleton seems familiar...
Oh, yes... it's Meat from Mortal Kombat!
im starting to think a lot of you are stupid
Conductor's wife is arguably the most stacked sonic character so far.
do you like infinite? jackals are pretty similar
Sonic characters for this feel?
A stand alone Blaze game would be awesome.
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I'm a bigger mario fan so I agree
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>Any good background female wolf or wolf looking canine characters you spotted?
There's Gala the Hound. She's a named side character. There are probably more if I go digging but female canines are exceptionally rare.
I like the basic premise to the character but his execution was not good. His design is also alright though it got too busy with his hair. His minions is felt had a better design overall since they're relatively simpler. Also african Golden jackals are now considered more related to solved than jackas.
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Precious puppy
post blobian racism
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There's also his fox chick that shows up in the background from time to time.
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Skull Chao.
How do you know her name is gaia?
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*Ignores his own daughter*
Evan named her on Twitter
Post more boom boos
Penny's fear of abandonment!
It could work. I want to see more of the Sol Dimension.
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Sonic is suffering from Mickey Mouse syndrome. When Mickey debuted, he was a kind of mischevious character who was always getting into trouble. But as the character gained popularity and became a sort of corporate symbol, they had to cut his balls off. After all, Mickey Mouse was now the face of Disney. That meant he could never say or do anything that would be mean or objectionable.

Sonic is in the same boat. There are no interesting narratives about Sonic because Sonic isn't allowed to DO anything. He can never get too sad, or too angry, or too anything else, because he is the face of a corporation. And how do you make an interesting story about a character who can't emote? By making him the straight man, and adding a less "virtuous" character to generate audience intrest. In other words, Shadow is like an angsty, gun-toting Donald Duck. Because of this, Shadow usurped him as the badass of the series and has an element of mystery that makes him the natural center of attention.
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He and his girlfriend are the best designed OCs in the comic!
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>Looks like these black creatures really mean business!
Has passionate sex with you
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>Shadow is the cooler Donald Duck
I'm inclined to agree.
There are 66 dogs and 44 wolves. 100 named canines
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Sonic fanboys sez NO to trannies.
Then what does that make Daffy?
*discovers love*
The way I see it, Sonic's core character concept and appeal is being the original Mickey Mouse. Where Donald and Goofy take halves of the original Mickey and leave him as the straight man, Sonic is surrounded by Tails and Knuckles who exist to compliment those aspects of Sonic rather than take it away. All while still serving as the mascot character and an aspirational figure.

That hasn't really changed. All Shadow is, is an even more extreme variant of what Sonic already is. Shadow is not at all the Donald Duck of Sonic, because Sonic has not actually suffered what Mickey went through.
where's her action based shonen comic
>Velvet the Jerboa
What's the story of this OC?
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Shadow kept trying to ask me how old I am LEL
I want porn of her really really badly
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>Shadow is the cooler Sonic
Yes, we know
Well, since testimony is good enough for a court of law but not for you, let me just pull up the 2006 - 2009 2ch archives real quick. Oh, there aren't any.
My echidna
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the one I’m reading has Shadow as a self admitted rapist, Sonic as a self admitted Pedophile and Siver and Blaze as life long victims of sex slavery with Silver being mentally broken and Blaze being a cycle continuer [spoiler\]
How busty is conductors wife?
How do you feel about Fang? I still consider him a wolf hybrid
>no source
To be expected.
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Thanks for reminding me this cunny exist
He's not very wolfy
Weren't Donald and Goofy introduced before Mickey got sanitized?
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A lot of them are from side media, unfortunately
Also, you forgot the most important one
I did provide enough evidence though, and you've been wrong about everything so far. You're not interested in truth, you just don't want it to be true because you're a disingenuous Silverfag.
Perhaps, but it was more like their introductions coincided with and directly shaped Mickey's own sanitization. Mickey couldn't showcase anger towards a situation, so Donald did.
Mickey couldn't be perceived as dimwitted or overly silly, so Goofy did.

And then this backfired because Donald and Goofy became the more popular and interesting characters that got all the laughs.
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But why must we lewd the pure?
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Do you think this was intentional?
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oh hi i drew her again a few days ago actually
her working at her family bakery (she hates it and wants to die)
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Anon thats just straight up a toddler
Even younger than cream
aw :(
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>This article is about a real-life person.
(pictured: anime dog girl)

This is why I love Vtubers.
Ever since I learned Surge’s lightning and Kits water were unintentionally a parallel to the only two fears Sonic and Tails have I genuinely would believe this was a coincidence
Cute bounce mouse, I love her already!
A voice in the JP dub of Sonic Movie 2
SEXOOOOOOOOO!!!!! after a romantic date
This busty
Why is her shirt Reboot Sally's shorts?
>her family bakery
Who are her parents?
she's retarded :)
Goofy was that cynical adult and Donald was that young whiny American.
Did i stutter? Cunny is Cunny
its ok its just me projecting because i worked at a bakery for a long time and i hated it lol
thanks :)
hmm i dont know just some generic jerboas i guess
I miss usagerbil
What's the difference between cunny, loli and moe?
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Fleetway had a lot of dogs. Would slam this one.
This retard I not get what he saying, it make no sense
>Shadow blushes, the hedgehog not expecting to hear that at all from you. He lets out a small, embarrassed huff, a sheepish yet happy tone to his voice, though he looks the most sheepish.
>"Y-You think I’m sweet…?"
>just some generic jerboas i guess
Oh, I thought that Fang was her father.
Idk i’m not into children
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As is Shadow Gens just passed Sochi on Wii U in sales
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no i honestly didnt know fang was even a jerboa until a few days ago, i thought he was still a weasel..
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Ok, was Shadow Generations just that good, or why are we going faster than usual?
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Horrible character. Mimic must have an ability that reduces blood flow to the brains of anyone near him.
Blaze is shit.
Yes, yes, that's the par to the course.
I ship Trussis.
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What does velvet do when she's not at work?
Dates human men
People think Boom Sonic is gone but he actually has been fused with the OG Sonic since frontiers, causing him to have a entire life crises upon getting an actually evil Eggman, a much more distanced Amy Rose that had a worse past with him, a much more co-dependent Tails that doesn’t like to be in the action anymore, a far more stoic and lonely Knuckles, and barely any time with Sticks.
Even though his Eggman was pathetic and made him look pathetic as a result, his Amy was more sporty and competitive, his tails was more troublesome, his knuckles was stupider, Sticks was overly reactive, and his adventures were lamer, he felt like he had a better place to call home then, and now he’s seeing them drift away.
Amy is hacking Shadow's twitter account again
I will take Alicia. I prefer the difficult girls.
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Canon and og version.
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hmm im not sure, i imagined her as a really under socialized awkward type who kinda just lives to the whims of her family, and eventually she would run away to try to live her own life (maybe meet sonic and friends?)
that's a trans man
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Lanolin is X-Men style racist to people with powers

That stank bitch
requesting 1(one) autismo shadow yume gf plz
Lanolin is Abraham Tower but without the character arc.
With or without nuts
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She has the reverse character arc. She started off as a well meaning normie and is on her way to becoming a fascist authoritarian.
>Xitter words
Opinion removed
We are all off the market
I mean, Abraham was well meaning. Shadow literally has the DNA of alien satan.
no nuts but super size the milkers plz
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ok tranny
>the fox said to the grapes
Don't forget, 25 Years later is canon which means Shadows eventually end IS being an antagonist. I don't make the rules.
Gay boys
Imagine her adult booty
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Dictator Shadow was an alt timeline
Tails is so fucking lucky
lies, I have hope!
No Shadow, Incest is cringe!
her ass in the top middle leaves such a god damn beautiful imprint that it really is all purposeful.
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Tell that to Maria!
She has ways to cheer him up...
you callin me a fox? heh thanks babe you too
Amy and Super Shadow
>tfw Amy hugs Shadow in the movie before Sonic
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>Super Shadow
How reliable is that guy?
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The issue with Silver is that he doesn't relates to Sonic in any meaningful way, he doesn't relates to Shadow, he is just there, but he doesn't carries the weight of being a main character at all.

Silver could be anything, a descendant of Sonic, the next hedgehog to continue his legacy, the ultimate lifeform of the future, the key to uniting the dimensions, but there is simply no thread linking Silver to anything else in the series, so he just stays there...
I like the cornyness
thats why we read thr fanfics you lightweight
Gold is Silver's Nicole
Professor Von Schlemmer is Silver's Rotor
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If you contrast Shadow and Surge's meteoric rise versus Silver being a dud, I don't think it's possible to make Silver as beloved as either. Shadow and Surge are popular because they have powerful character moments that draw from their backstory. You can't do that with Silver because everything meaningful about Silver was erased or retconned. The only meaningful part of his character that survived is his relationship with Blaze. How would you make a Silver Generations, and retell his arc for the new generation? Restore and then sacrifice his memories of Blaze again? She was soft-retconned to not be from the future.

What the fuck do you *do* with this character?

>he's just there

My thoughts exactly. Everything about him is dead, and he's a ghost just haunting everyone.

You're shit.
Anon want something drawn badly before i sleep? I ll use pen and paper sorry
draw your boobs
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No idea how legit this guy is. All I can do is hope.
Your favorite character, dressed up as your second favorite character for Halloween
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Ultimate sex-form
draw marine's boobs
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Silver and the FUTURE freedom fighters
Vampire Rouge and werehog Shadow, please.
> New Sonic/Blaze lore bit

That part is super lame, but I am interested, do you have a link?
So a girl?
Sega needs to fix its toys and accessories department. It's all cheap shit
>Twitter is still coping hard over Sonic flopping in Japan again
>still no successes since Heroes
You’re a retard who can’t prove that your little phrase was widely used by the Japanese fandom.
I think another problem is Silver doesn't really bounce off of anyone or stand out enough as a character. Look at how any character interacts with Sonic and then how that character behaves by themselves. Tails, Knuckles, Amy, Shadow... They all mesh with Sonic and are appealing in their own way because of their behavior. What exactly is appealing about Silver that you see every time he's on the screen?
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only the weebs worry (will never be japanese btw)
They refuse to expand upon Silver's background beyond him protecting the future
You could delve more into his PSI powers like the mysterious runes on his hands, explore his future world, delve into his relationship with Nega and Blaze
Anything, you can add some crazy background that changes how we view him, just do something
penny the puppy
velvet the jerboa
i liked the part where he fucked her so hard that she ended up in a wheelchair
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Why can't Game Sonic be like this? Is he a fucking homo?
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He was going to be a mink at first, and his hair laid flat except when he was using his powers.
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King Boom Boo (before becoming a ghost)
I still do not understand why King Boom Boo gets so much love from ST.
I still think he would look great if they cut off one quill from each side of the leaf so that it isn't in front of his eyes
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Frontiers beat Heroes didn't it?

The real meat is that Shadow can't carry a game anymore, even Zelda beats him.
He is the master of the desert and that's pretty cool
Never during any of his designs did he ever look like a mink, he always spiny with the monoeye and snout like Sonic
The only different was the longer tail and lack of back spines
Step back cant get spunk on the mink, I mean damn what would Shady Shaddy Shadow think?
It didn’t
Frontiers barely cracked 50k
SEGA has Persona and RGG, Sonic is there to sell merch overseas

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