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Hardcore realistic zombies edition

> Patch notes
>Where to get the latest Russian sneedware
>Arena website
>Ammo charts
>Gun Builder Website (Overswing calculator included)
>For the newfags
>Written guide for the newfags
>Quest tracker
>All your Tarkov needs website
>Change list
/eftg/ has no discord, any discord links posted are from tranny or homo grooming servers.
SPT is for obnoxious faggots that never shut the fuck up, kind of like vegans.

Previous: >>500162708
>the seething nerd made the thread this time
lmao so salty you gotta mald in the OP too
Head-mounted thermals, NOGs, and other devices should have serious penalties to ergo and stuff when used with conventional scopes and sights.
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>accidentally break my legs after jumping down a ledge too high
>get shot by a scav, legs completely dead
>kill scav quickly then move to cover
>realise i forgot to bring a surg kit
>gulp down 1 pill of ibuprofen and inject a propital instead
>become a chinese hacker god and kill some more scavs
>run through the entire map while grunting in manly BEAR broken english voice
>safely extract
This is my ideal realism.
>helping buddy unlock aa-12
>on customs
>running to extract
>hear steps on the way to power station
>throw some nades and book it
>get to power station without seeing or hearing anything
>buddy gets lasered by a guy sitting there
>dink a few rounds of 7n42 off his helmet before i kill him
>my leg is fucked and i ran out of the cms i forgot to replace fixing my legs earlier
>as i'm looting this guy i hear someone sprint up
>see ushanka go by and 1 tap a setup boy as he peeks me
>15 seconds later
>see another ushanka pop up
>another setup boy
>another 1 tap
>take their ushankas out of spite
They guy I killed had killed someone else too. It's so funny how you can end up with half the lobby in one tiny little portion of the map sometimes.
Honestly painkillers should just allow you to walk at a normal speed, being able to sprint is kinda silly.
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Game need to cancel ergo penalties from using a face shield or nvg when using the correct attachement.
>kill a high level pmc
>turns out it was a 2 man and his buddy was a mile away sniped me in the head
>car extract open for him to fraud him all his shit and AND HE WILL USE ALL MY LOOT TO CRAFT BP DEATHSLUGS AND buy death masks to block all my rounds

how do these guys keep breeding????? who is raising 30 year old man children playing slavjank recoil simulator, wow private servers, and ors
>buy death masks to block all my rounds
What kind of trash can ammo are you using that can be blocked by a death shadow? It's only level 2 armor.
>AND buy death masks to block all my rounds
Stop using 9x19 PSO, retard.
What gun for zombie hunting?
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bing chilling
>he died right after
but doing that will ruin all the epic highs that the streamers get. just shoot their leg once and they'll give up while crying like a baby without trying to fight back
Im gunna give a mini uzi filled with RIP rounds a shot. Might be a bad idea though. Honestly it might be shotgun time though.
Honestly if I see a PMC I won't bother fighting them and just let the zombie take care of them.
any gun is pretty shit, shotgun is a bad option because you have to reload it shell by shell.
Automatic weapons suck because you run out of ammo so quick because the zombies are so tanky
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>shotgun is a bad option because you have to reload it shell by shell
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NAH this event is COOL AS FUCK
>only done like 2 labs raids before
>no idea where I am
>spawned on the basement level
>get in a fight with some mp7 asshole in the tunnels
>put him down with superior russian ak74su
>zombies start coming
>go upstairs to see where the fuck I am
>oh fuck I'm at the infirmary, this is the quest location
>someone is inside
>whip out the mp7 that apparently has 2 flashlights on it?
>blind the fuck out him as he peeks the corner
>wax his ass
>quick loot and get the quest
>hordes of zombies now
>mp7 rounds dont do shit to them, back to ak
>go back to the basement because why not
>getting picked apart by zombies
>walk past a ventilation shaft that I can apparently extract from without a backpack
>get the fuck out

I am officially infected, I will do my part to spread the woke mind virus to you all. Holy fuck that was so kickass, I was so panicked
by all means, try it. Kind of a pain to get 3 slot rigs for it tho
>zombies on all maps
im done this wipe, lmao. its arma 2 level 2 jank and it ruins the game and gets boring after 2 raids
c'ya next wipe shithead
it's just an event karen calm down it'll be over in a week
its fun for 2 raids, then its like ok its not fun anymore. I know you enjoy shitting on timmies on their first time on labs, but it aint for me
>first time on labs
yeah that's me, second kill I got in my raid was a 3000hr+ kappa nut, I'm the timmy and I will do the killing
for me, its mostly arena chuds who rush the quest. Zombies are fucking aids, PvP is fun but the zombies ruin it for me and I'd rather they did it in a better way where you had to team with other PMCs or something more unique instead of "OK, LABS BUT ARMA 2 ZOMBIES"
I would love to teamup with PMC but every PMC I encounter in lab are dicks and shoot at me first so fuck them I guess.
sure I get it the zombie hordes do get kinda crazy with how non-stop they are. a new strat though you might want to try is just sprinting through/away from them, I did a practice mode run and was able to actually dodge them pretty reliably. that way you could lure them into pmcs or something, who knows, just force weird interactions like that.
im not really enjoying how the zombies dog pile you and they are so laggy and beefy, you cant do anything but keep running. I used SJJ6 but zombies do not give up and you keep running until cornered or a poopsock pops you

I'm all for memes and fun but this is like a one time thing, I enjoyed it the first raid but then it's just annoying.
you tried shooting them in their head right?
yeah, they can tank most rounds except sniper ones
I drop zombie with my USP in the head with one bullet.
not for me, i notice the PMC zombies are weaker than the scientist ones. Strange, idk whats causing that.
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Did they change the icon for flash drives or am I tripping?
it should strengthen your intertia and drastically slow you down.
It's kinda stupid you get your minced but you can still run and take cover.
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They have. Slim diary too.
Two rounds of SOST to the head from my experience, maybe bring out a shotgun friend.
Boris had to justify his salary, please understand.
this looks worse, wtf was the point?
>AA-12 doesn't overheat
Saigakeks response?
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I keep mistaking slim diaries with Korund side plates now.
this is what unheard keks are funding
Not surprising with that dogshit firerate.
so it's just the benelli version of the mag shottys?
The benelli fucking sucks dick
you know the benelli has a semi auto option right
does the saiga magdump like 3x faster lol?
you know it still fires significantly slower than the semi auto mp shotguns or the saiga right
On PVE if you die in labs during the event do you still not get your insurance back?
how do i get dirty blood done, it feels impossible at the moment. I killed 30 fucking zombies and there was still more
You spawn close to the room, loot the thing, kill a few zombies and leave
Maps overtaken by infection don't return insurance.
i tried this but the whole lobby rushes it and it's just a fuckfest of zombies and PMCs and if i wait, the zombies linger around it and glitch through the doors
Well then you either wait or be really quick and just loot the quest item
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But why?
are there any rewards for it? like achievements
To larp
I thought so, no biggie since its rare to actually lose stuff in PVE.
>Scav on factory 24/7 trying to get a sj9
>finally get one today via labs
>first scav raid has a sj9
you cannot make this shit up.
It seems like a fair price for a tacticool accessory
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>labcards up 300%
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Yes, there's 2 Legendary achievements(you'll have to pick a side), the questline isn't fully out still so we can't get it.
>run straight to quest and kill a million zombies
>guy with pilgrim pops out of nowhere at quest area mag dumping and missing me with buck shot
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>watch Pestily
>subscriber only can comment
>Unheard edition but changes his name color to EOD color
>cultist jacket
i dont like him anymore.
cant blame him when is income depends on tarkov
>LVL 53 that was killing scavs in his pscav died to my scav
>wants to add me
can't wait!
he didnt have to buy Unheard tho, cmon
hes probably paid by the russian state government at this point
Yeah, it's also pretty pointless to bring expensive stuff into labs right now as zombies don't care about your ergo, or your level 6 plates.

Slap on a 50k armored rig, SKS, a couple stacks of high HP damage ammo and you're good to go.
probably, i wouldnt be surprised.
its suspicious they're not abandoning a dead game
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>died from a landmine in the blue-black hallway of labs
huh??? that wasn't there this morning? or ever? did they change the map that much?
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M60GOD here, this is my build for those who are lost
He didn't buy Unheard. He got it given by BSG.
Those red propane tanks explode when shot and count as landmine kills now.
he shouldnt have accepted it, seriously.
I hate how these people were vocal about how it was wrong blah blah blah, then not so long later they are running around with cultist jacket and scav fisherman pockets
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>a pistol zombie propane tank one-tapped me from 50m out
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I don't even want to put a sight in this, it's just too sexy, takes me back to BLACK on the ps2
If i could adjust the sight on the rail I would put something in the middle
the extinguishers explode as well and they will cause chain reactions, stay safe bros
>people on labs ratting
are you fucking serious?
It's free so it brings out the worst fucking people
Saw a squad of unheards with hatches runinto the quest room, loot it all and DC
i fucking hate this community. It's very unlikely you'll keep your loot because you'll get dogpiled by zombos. My last raid, a guy was camping the elevator and killed me while I was almost done with the quest. Why?
My tip is that, Avoid the elevator extracts, either make your way to the sewers, or open one of the gates and leave.
i hate this community so much. i just wanna do this quest and i get this nigger behaviour
holy fuk blue folders are going for 50% off
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they spawn like crazy in the new room
People are just so afraid of to die and lose their shit, even when they have a measly 200k kit or something
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I'm just going to clock in for my new job at the Water treatment plant with the rogues.
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i tried to team with a timmy and he just shot me in the face with a M9. This game is full of niggers.
Yeah I gave up on that a long time ago, 0% chance of that happening and it's been that way for at least 2 years
why tho
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>trustin in tarkov
I shoot on sight now or just slip away. I trust no one, not even my "friends".
>go to new room
>timmy inside with M9
>"hey, timmy. There's a fuckton of zombies out here. I can help you and we can extract with the que-"
>he starts shooting me with the M9 dooming himself, takes several shots. Decided to leave him do it so he fucks himself over
stop posting this image. this is the second time. don't let there be a third.
Tarkov never had the foundation to have friendly encounters, 70 years with no voip lead to this
i thought that would change with this event, but obviously not
I remember people were arguing that the goal of the game is to kill and loot and teaming with rando goes against that to explain their nigger behaviour. Ever since that day I stop trying to be friendly and treat everyone as hostile.
I had a friendly encounter literally 2 hours ago. On woods with a friend and I hear some guy stomping up to the warehouse. He hears us too and comes in yelling about how he just needs to extract for his task. He comes around the corner butt ass naked with his hatchet so we escort him all the way from sawmill to UN nearly fighting another duo and shooting half a dozen scavs. There's still room for friendly and fun interaction and the foundation is there. Unfortunately most players are insufferable niggers.
could have had voice chat turned off, or alternatively is just a nigger
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Your goal is to fucking survive, the streamer mentality and lack of voip for 90% of the game lifespan made it so the only way was either hiding or killing everything in your path, if voip was from the beginning and there was some way to recognize and reward de-escalation (i.e Same faction sparing fights)
I believe it would have changed things, not so much later down wipes, but early and mid wipe you'd see the impact of that
I agree to but it's too late now too many greedy cunts trying to screw everyone.
Why do you guys want friendly encounters when you have a chance to kill the other guy and get all his loot? why wouldnt i kill everyone? i kill everyone no matter the situation and people who voip asking me not to kill them or telling me theyre questing etc. actually make me cringe, im here to loot and kill which what this game is all about
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So I'm basically stuck inside weapon testing there's like 50 zombies dead in the door, and they can't come in, nor I can leave.
Because that's soulless and player interacting with each other always make the experience better.
nigga, it's a game. why do you have to chimp out and pretend like you're a super hardcore marine. No one co-operates, there are co extracts and you cant use them because you get niggered every single time. There could be a 1 million rouble reward for co-extracting and you would still get niggered
that's what gives DayZ an edge over tarkov. The people make it interesting, not the game. You can benefit from being with someone. They can help you with bloodkits and so.
>play multiplayer game
>hate human interaction
Actual soulless nigger. Your brain is smooth.
>if your shit lobby doesnt clear the zombies fast enough, you all get swarmed one by one and die
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rate my new fall drip
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like they needs to stop spawning for some time
their spawn rate is overtuned. You need to be in and out otherwise you'll get swarmed
im gonna interact with your mothers tonight and itll make my night better 100%
go play minecraft or something if you want all sunshine bugs and flowers type of game where everyone is friendly kind compassionate caring and warm hearted you weaklings
>hes seething bcs he can't muster the strength to talk to people online
I was stuck in weapons test with a GPSA, i ran to medical elevator and died to a roud that bounced off a zombies head and exploded a propane tank, I kid you not
^this is the mentality that is the natural end-state of a game like tarkov where death has heavier consequences than pretty much any other fps out there. It's just normal for most players to fall into this line of thinking, the game has absolutely no incentive for co-oping other than "it's cool"

I do wish co-op happened more and I think it's neat when it happens, but I don't try to make it happen any more. It's really just a prisoner's dilemma type scenario where it's basically everyone loses in most scenarios.
listen, EFT at its heart is PvE/PvP. If it wasn't, there'd be no reason to play this over arena.
Human interaction is fun, that's a mechanic thats missing in EFT. At the moment, it's just hide and seek but with guns and that gets extremely boring extremely fast. We need PMC karma, we need more incentive for scav co-op extracts, we need more PvE features because PvP is easily the worst part about this game and the game will not survive if it leans on it.
This is really cool THOUGH
To be fair the voip is so SHIT in this game it's totally impossible to team up anyway. People are so quiet you just can't hear them at all. Unless someone is like 5m away from you it's just a muffled mess. They need to make voip super clear up to like 20m out.
>human interaction is fun
debatable but me shooting you and your body dropping to the ground is definetely more fun, they could give a mil rouble each time i extract with a random like the other anon said and i wouldnt do it
even if 99 out of 100 people were friendly i still wouldnt take that 1% risk
even if everyone was friendly i would still fight because the dopamine hit i would get after killing a PMC and getting all their loot is higher than i would get from simply helping them
Yeah you can fuck off Prappy
finished living high part 2, samples, and both jaeger event quests, and killed a chad for an aa-12

now I have to go into work with only 5 hours of sleep though. I hope the next batch of quests are aids streamer/cheater shit.
>this much cope to try and fool yourself that you feel anything
>It's literally impossible to loot the middle of Labs
I need to find a fucking GPSA!!!!!
i am so so sorry. fuck that sucks.At least you know they're real
Gotta go FAST!
i never cope but i always kill on sight
Dude I popped a Trimadol, SJ6 and just went to look I STILL couldn't outrun the fucks running.
Maybe try lugging an RPD or something as well for running and gunning, less reloading. Sometimes the zombies don't open doors well so close shit behind you as you sprint and that might help
I was using an RPK-16 with HP or US, i'll bring it out again, look around for a GPSA and dip
>spawn in Labs in the underground tunnels
>see a scav and a pmc taking the lift to get out
>too much zombie for them and gave up on the quest
>I continue my quest
>hear world war Z above
>finally reach the labs
>no one had opened the door
>get the sample and fuck off from there
Really felt like an umbrella operator.
I'm looking forward to trying it tomorrow. Hopefully it's not just faggots ratting the room.
It's quite fun so far but I can see why it can be annoying in the long run. Zombies are a real threat and should not be underestimated. You will run of ammo at some point so be careful.
is there a zombie mode?
please respond
I'll launch right now
Play Labs zombie are there and don't forget to do quest link to it.
It would be pretty hard to rat the room effectively, you get spawned by endless zombies so even if they held the position perfectly you'd see tons of gunfire coming from there. At that point you can just nade them
are other players gonna rape me
it won't be rape if you just submit
you're more likely to get fucked by the swarm of zombies than players.
The few raid I did they were more busy on killing zombie than me but who knows. My first raid I encounter a duo of sweats and tried to kill me but they alerted the horde and I quickly disengage and fuck off from there, they didn't follow because of the zomb.

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