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Not Cyberpunk Edition

For all things Dragon Age. Talk about Veilguard or other DA games. Reply to the OP if you have an addition to make. We'll settle on an OP here in a thread or three.

>Veilguard Official Launch Trailer:
https://youtu.be/NdtmtuzICOI (embed)
>Veilguard waifu poll

Previous: >>500571324
no zevran, no buy

Kill all straights and kill all women.
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>you've lived long enough to see Bioware get shuttered by EA
>you don't even care that it's happening, this isn't a crime against you like those other studios
>this time, it's a relief
>they won't make mass effect 5, and it's a relief
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Your game is shit lol
so its free to play right? no drm?
where the tit scars at sis?
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So there's basically no Templars in this game? the Mage-Templar and Circles conflict isn't mentioned at all and isn't a thing (the fans considered oppressing mages heckin racist and the templars are cops) and the dynamics of tevinter being this awful slaveholding oppressive regime is severely downplayed to the point you wouldn't even realize it unless you played the earlier games or read the codexes? Is that right? I have seen nobody mention anything about the mage conflcit and I have been worried Bioware would file the edges off Tevinter to the point it makes the mages look even more justified in previous games against Templars because idiots will see Tevinter not being the horrible place it's depicted as in lore and be like "see the templars made it all up to keep mages locked up"
Ok South American
green as a toad, twice as ugly and thrice as stupid
>Regenerate mana over time to use your abilities with
>Generate rage by hitting things
>Generate momentum by hitting things, without getting hit
So Rogue will definitely have the most rewarding gameplay in exchange for obviously being the highest skill class, right? It won't just be mediocre while the easy mode classes just delete everything on screen without trying, right?
Anyone played mage very far? Does it get less tedious?
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squeezing through a gap, that's how you know it's triple A, baybeee
all the best AAA titles got squeezing through a gap with a cinematic camera, that's the real gameplay, that's how you know, that's the seal of quality
I’m playing mage now. It was tedious when I had the wrong elemental weapon equipped against a boss
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>pick mage
>Rook decides to throw hands instead of spells in the bar
ok then
>Andromeda bar fist fight flashbacks
anybody taking bets on butt knife making a surprise cameo appearance?
> The idiot didn't know warrior aws the canon protagonist

Anyone who didn't pick

Grey Warden

will get a very shit story.
Buddy not only they didn't do anything with the Templars they also murdered the chantry
The Maker is confirmed to not be real.
Andraste was an elven goddess.
The whole thing will be shut down if there is ever a DA5
I don't take advice from homosexuals or South Americans, thanks
I've mentally blocked out like 90% of that game, I'm gonna need to look up any bar brawl from then
Does Gray Warden even detect the darkspawn when they first show up? Also
>selecting the one origin with a lifespan of a few years, guaranteed
lol yuck

You're literally a tranny who plays as a woman.
>The Maker is confirmed to not be real.
>Andraste was an elven goddess.
really are there any screenshots/videos of this
> few years

Grey Warden like until they are like 50.

> Caring about the lifespan of a videogame protagonist who ceases to exist after the game ends
Must be sad how you have nothing going on in your life you make these parasocial relationships with DA:veilguard characters :S
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How the fuck is this game's Steam score so high given what it is?
Woah there, adventurer. Looks like you were thinking about getting off the beaten path for a moment? Maybe wandering off, away from this linear set of quests? We can't have that. Head on back, you hear?

The two elven gods you free have direct control over the blight, and are the ones who first drew upon it to strengthen themselves and damned the world. Within the first 5 minutes of the game you learn the entire story of creation and the blight told by the chantry is a lie, so yeah, I wouldn't doubt it.
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I'm playing as a dude, I'm gonna fuck the chink looking Elf, and you'll still be a 3rd world spic

Read the reviews.

> Hours in character creator
>> I cried when i created my female inquisitor again

> I'm trans and making my new protagonist who's literally female me made me so happy

> X romance option is so cute!
You didn't answer my first question, so your post is invalidated because either he doesn't detect them, making it a terrible origin, or you don't know because you didn't actually play as one.
Checkmate, brownoid.
Most of the positive Steam reviews are praising gameplay.
>Mostly pozzed
>I'm gonna fuck the chink looking Elf
>he doesn't know
oh no no no no no
>I'm gonna fuck the chink looking Elf
Isn't she one of those meme asexual genders?
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> Showed this beard in trailer
> It's not available in game

Why would they do this?
no fucking the chinaelf
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omg! neve has a prosthetic leg, just like me! I lost my leg to diabetes years ago (I just love nutella). Very cool of Bioware to make me feel represented here.
You WILL be ugly and you WILL like it
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I dislike everyone except Varric and Solas.
The writing is even worse than god of war ragnarok
That's funny. I actually lost my leg in Afghanistan to an IED while I was protecting your freedoms, the very freedoms you are using to criticize this game. This game was made to speak to genuine people like me, not your snide sarcasms. I'm also trans by the way if that matters.
We all fight our own battles. My trauma is no less than yours, brother. Fight on.
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Hardest difficulty is pretty easy so far, once I realized that companions can use abilities out of combat, and half of them have a heal. Meaning health isn't really limited, you just have to make sure to not get one-shot during combat.

Playing warrior so far, pretty satisfied with combat. I like that all of the status effects you can inflict can also be applied to you. I also like that enemies don't stand around patiently and politely waiting for their turn like in assasin's creed or batman, they all run at you at the same time. I just defeated the ogre in the elven ruins and overall things are pretty easy so far.

Don't like most of the dialogue. It feels like a kid's show. It's all obvious. You have more options than people were saying before the game came out though. Polite, whimsical, and impatient are the three themes most of the time, with the occasional 4th+ options which often include guilty, angry, and [More Info]. Overall worse than Origins, but we expected that.
The exception is Solas. Every time he's on the screen, the game is interesting. His lines, performance, and story are the highlight.

Character models looking like a pixar movie aside, I generally like the environments. Lighting, colors, and skyboxes have been good so far.

The skilltrees look good. I'm only level 10 or so but sitting and reading ahead I see lots of things that look like they will be fun, like hitting your thrown shield in the air to send it in another direction or other things that require timing and interact with things you've done. There's well over 100 nodes for each class, and they're not just +4% fire damage like some games do.

My tentative early review after only doing the first few hours is that it's okay. Worse than Origins so far, but the combat is fine and character progression looks good, and Solas is cool. The dialogue is pretty mild, predictable, childish, etc is the biggest negative for me so far.mhvht
lmao, but honestly that anon is not losing anything

feels like they tried to make another Merrill and was a total miss, Bellara feels like an annoying pixar character, merrill's yapping was way better
> There's still no fix to the game not even detectivng my mouse and keyboard so i can't do anything but smash keyboard until it feels like associating some gamepad button with a key but it doesn't work for everything and i outright can't progress on stuff that requires mouse/analogue like selecting abilities

It's over.
no you didnt lost a leg to protect freedom, you lost it to preserve western privilege, very different things
Wait so whats Mythal's deal then? Solas ate her last game and now shes somehow inside Morrigan but Flemmeth is dead so its actually not bad at all but if thats the case then why did Mythal roll with Flemmeth being a gigacunt
Because those reviews are from people who're actually playing the game and can use their brains to form their own opinions, unlike you troglodytes that can't think for themselves and parrot whatever your favourite drama-farming e-celeb is saying.
why are bg3chads bullying us?!?!




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>Solas doing his ritual thing
>Varric wants to talk to him
>"He just needs someone to sell him a better option."
>walks up
>"Hey there, chuckles. Hope I'm not interrupting. You have to stop this."
>"People are dying!"
>"People are always dying."
>inaudible arguing as you slowly walk around the scaffolding
>Varric jumps for dagger
>Solas stabs him with it
>for some reason leaves it in him and let's him ragdoll down the stairs
>"OH N-"
>starts bitching to you that the ritual was interrupted and he lost his dagger so he's stuck there

This intro was fucking terrible. I hate it and it's only been like 10 minutes.
why are you samefagging tranny?
I'm thinking of restarting and choosing the other male voice.

I'm undecided.
Voice 1 is badass but kind of old, like i'd see in in a 40-50 year old man or a Qunari/Dwarf in low.
Voice 2 is too happy anime protagonist. Kinda too soft.
Varric sliding down the stairs after being stabbed is the only laugh I've had so far.
whoops, we forgor :)
im a fucking retard for not realizing /dag/ would return, where my barnwall sisters at?
Only troons are actually buying it
how have you not gotten far enough in the game yet to know why this post is retarded
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the tits may be lacking, but you sure can turn up the dumpy
Responses from players and even streamers are pretty negative.

I haven't been able to finish the prologue because my fucking KEYBOARD AND MOUSE IS NOT DETECTED
I don't give a shit what subhuman streamers think

Their game is dead and irrelevant so they have tocome here to get some attention and pretend anyone remembers BG3 but the truth is it's just garbage only liked by very lonely incels and transexuals because it let's them play as a woman and romance fictional characters.
kill yourself Farquaad
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DOS2 lizard girl mogs her
you tell 'em sis!
blud started talking about Veilguard halfway through
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Streamers are the lowest types of humans to ever exist. They should all die
/bgg/ is filled with schizos and namefags
show that agp milf face you pussy
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hol' up
come back we miss u
>game adds an entire extended trans companion and questline revolving entirely about it being a troon
>character creation and ingame dialogue allows you to identify yourself as a troon
Yet somehow locks you into being 100% monogamous. Aren't wokefags totally into pushing 'open relationships' and 'pansexuality' and 'sex positivity?" Why can't I have orgies or a harem?

DA1 let you romance both Morrigan and Leliana as well as fucking Isabela, DA2 lets you romance both Merill and Isabela. Why can't I canonically decide to have more than one relationship? Or, like in Mass Effect, at least let me cheat and have to deal with the fallout.

They brought Isabela back, so why can't I fuck her? Why is she apparently giving lectures about apologising for misgendering and not there to offer to have a three/foursome with me and my chosen partner?
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>pick all the dalish options
>no, you're not allowed to be dalish
>the series will die with you never having been able to actually be a dalish elf outside of a silent protagonist in origins
>despite them being central to the plot in nearly every single game
Tevinter has an entire Imperial Chantry and the Maker being 'ambiguous' has been a thing since DAI.
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>/bgg/ is filled with schizos and namefags

Who have nothing going on in their miserable lives other than posting images of their female self insert and talk about which fictional videogame character htey consider their girlfriend

There's nothing more pathetic than a BG3 player.
I'd rather choose the I AM TRANS dialogue option in Dragon Age than be a /bgg/ incel.
>trying to be the Maker's Chosen People
So where is my Taash sex scene?
Since it's impossible to actually discuss this shit on /v/ I want to mention two things I like. One is during the character creation where you recreate your Inquisitor. The Inquisition OST starts playing and then I remember it's been 10 years and get hit with nostalgia. The second thing I want to mention is Harding and the fact that every time she's popped up so far the only thing I can notice is her fat fucking ass.
Thanks for reminding me about this game. Never got too far into it. Torrenting it now.
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Youtube it retard
YWNBAW tranny
dwarven magic is stored in the tush...
>peak american hours
>lost 20k players
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>the close combat magic class isn't cool like Battlemage and Knight Enchanter
big yikes
Based. I can't even tell my wife Gale that I'm trans in BG3. Whats the fucking point of romance without being able to pull the sexuality rug on em

Astarion will never love you.
You will die alone and loveless.
Great minds think alike.
but my joke was funnier
/bgg/ is dead and you let pea spam
That's a lot of ACKs, though it's a natural reaction to being a troon and seeing Taash as a reminder of what one looks and acts like.
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lol, lmao even

is it cracked yet
whats the best class
how fucked is the lore
first post i hope?
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> He has no boyfriend in real life so he needs to pretend a fictional ugly 9999 year old slut hideous chud looking vampire loves him

What a sad existance you must live in. And BG3 is such a dead boring game you'd rather come to this thread than play BG3.

I guess because it reminds you when you kill yourself, Astarion won't attend your funeral :S
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>oh I love him, let him abuse me, I surrender to you pale elf daddy-ACK
touch grass you are seething so hard
We don't want to intimidate new players with choices from previous games
not gonna comment on culture war grift but asmon character is so good, looks exactly like him, its so goofy and dumb i love it
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big yikes
Neve sex
ya lol
none of them i guess rogue
ulta bad fucked, absolutely nothing that happened in inquisition mattered even 1%

You will never be loved.
I mean literally nothing even happened in inquisition. Even in inquisition nothing you did mattered and the villain goes down because of their own retardation. It's probably the biggest problem with that game's plot.
Veilguard being bad doesn't suddenly make BG3 good btw
I feel so bad for you omg
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could say that to your computer
just have mercy and end its miserable existence
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>he boughted failguard
>is it cracked yet
someone said that the crack was tampered with
I just started playing origins, Is kiting an intended strategy? Im playing on nightmare and for the first ogre fight i just ran around in a circle while nameless mook wizard zapped it down
im shocked, i really figured the overlap from bg3 and dag would be huge. to be fair i stopped looking at bg general a long time ago, did it sour that much to get that kind of reaction?
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Veilguard is a million times better than Tranny Gate 3.

Baldur's Gate 3 has garbage 1 hour long boring turn based combat, you have to wait 30 minutes for every single enemy to WALK and roll a fucking DICE. DA:Veilguard combat is kino fast paced action.

Baldur's Gate 3 story is all over the place with a shitload of garbage boring plots with horrible characters. Act 1 is just DoS2 rip off, Act 2 is gross dyke shit, Act 3 is a mess, ACt 4 is lilo and stitch alien villain. Veilguard plot is at least FOCUSED on Solas, an actual issue, doesn't randomly change plots every 3 minutes.

Also Veilguard has a very kino character creator while Baldur's Gate 3 character creator is literally ONE SINGLE white head preset LMAO, and the devs INSULTED people who played white characters HAHAHA

Anyone who likes Baldur's gate 3 should genuinely blow their brains out.
Veilguard might actually be the first game where I don't romance anyone. Jesus christ they're all so fucking boring. And given my inquisitor romanced Cullen, this thing is gonna be romance-free through and through.
could just be shitposting I haven't seen anyone else talk about it, probably went to some retard website and clicked download virus
as far as I know RUNE are trustworthy crackers but you never know these days
The majority of people here hate dragon age and are just here to shitpost about veilguard because it's le woke game of the month
is it even worth playing pirated, or is this just pure woke trash?
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Are we.. back, my /dag/nas ?
Your game is already dead
here in soul but not in spirit
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Not even the assassin or necromancer? I was gonna pick whoever was interesting
How much were you seething when you typed this?
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I love my cute gay husband Cullen.
So much... Please hug me
Good enough !
I actually haven't really interacted with the necromancer yet. Maybe it's time to go for a regular age gap romance then.
>game acts like morrigan was best friends with all of the members of the inquisition
It's so weird. She also doesn't mention ANYTHING from Origins even in the vaguest way possible. This isn't Morrigan, it's some weird meat puppet.
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I just finished another session of DA2. I completed my end of the deal and brought Femleth's amulet to the Dalish, also recruited Merril along the way. I've decided my fem Hawke is going to view her as another little sister since they're both apostates and she feels guilty about Carver. I think this maybe the first time I intentional avoid romance anyone in a Bioware game.
>fem hawke
>no romance
just make sure to romantically pursue the guard captain woman, because her turning down your lesbian advances really puts it all together
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Cullen is STRAIGHT and for mage Lavellans only
nice try homo cullen is for girls
Harding is alright but that isn't exactly a great endorsement when her competition is a peg legged Indian chick with a deep as fuck voice, a super quirky asian elf and the infamous pronoun warrior Taash. Compared to those three Harding is the best option if you're into girls.
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How are the romances?
You trannies are very odd.
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>be Solas, ancient elven god
>think this dalish bitch with the dumb slave tattoos is dancing in the palm of your hand
>plan out your whole romantic trip to remove her tattoos
>see her cuddling that retarded man ape thing
>plan to destroy all of reality
billions must be eaten alive by demons
any romance in bioware games is skipable since theyre fanservice with a little bit of character info on the side depending on the choice
>a super quirky asian elf
Does she even count when she's asexual. Like I don't want to sound like a horndog, but a relationship without passion just isn't a relationship.
Pretty shit to be honest which is weird since they hyped up the romance stuff. Even Inquisition's romances felt more impactful.
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This wouldn't really hurt him. What you have to do is romance him and then get with Sera instead
wee woo zoomiebrain alert
Considering that he actually can't stand Lavellan at first because she's dalish I don't think he would be too wound up about her shacking up with a human. There's something utterly funny in him disapproving of a relationship with Sera. It just shows how much they despise one another.
>Asmongold was a troon all along
I knew it
>he's so insecure that playing as a female in video games makes him question his gender
I don't understand why they hyped them up, well besides marketing
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Wait is that anon fucking with me, did they actually just delete the Chantry and Templars from the setting?
You gotta respect how good this retard is at crafting content for even bigger retards
ded thread ded game
Playing Veilguard actually makes me miss Inquisition. It's hard to describe but Veilguard doesn't really have a sense of adventure. None of the companions are likable and Rooks is even more of a wet blanket than the Inquisitor.
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>solas used to have hair
>the elven gods took it away from him
no wonder he's so upset
The game takes place in areas where the Chantry and, thus, Templars aren't really around too much. And in Tevinter's case, Templars are just glorified soldiers without powers.
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The Imperial Chantry should still be a thing. The entire Black Chantry thing is a huge deal with the Black Divine as well, to counter the White Chantry and White Divine. Did they seriously just throw all that lore in the trash because 'muh gays' is more important than the religious lore foundation of the entire setting?
The Inquisitor could at least execute some fuckers and have some nice edgy moments, like being a mage and ordering that venatori dude to be made tranquil.
they threw everything in the trash
one of the game directors was asked on a livestream about if zevran was gonna be in the game and he didn't know who tf zevran was
Why would Tevinter have Templars though? Isn't it supposed to be a mage supremacist soicety. Also you'd think they'd hate the chantry because it played apart in the downfall of the Tevinter Imperium? Sorry if this is was answered in some other game, I've only played Origins.
i hope whatever abomination they were making as the new mass effect gets cancelled
Isn't the Imperial Chantry in disarray right now because some retard decided to summon fucking demons in the main church because he wanted to get his elven slave girl back or whatever the fuck Absolution's plot was.
Read the codex. Tevinter templars serve the mages
no you don't
Tevinter has Templars (soldiers of the church/circle) to copy the White Chantry (non-tevinter chantry) and have guards to watch for abominations and demons, but they are Templars in name-only because Magisters don't want them to have the powers southern Templars have because it threatens their political power. This was a huge part of tevinter lore I was looking forward to was how it juxtaposes against southern templars and it seems to have been swept under the rug.
Tevinter has templars but they're just magic cops who are just as powerless to do anything about anyone practising forbidden magic as you'd expect
Templars sprang from the First Inquisition, and are technically a separate organisation working with the Chantry. So Tevinter has 'Templars'. But they're just glorified guard dogs on pay roll.
Ah okay, thanks for answering. I guess I must've missed it.
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Forgot to mention, Tevinter has it's own version of the Chantry, the Imperial Chantry. Tevinter is also very Andrastian and religious in lore and Minrathous is literally considered a Holy City because in the Chant of Light, Andraste is supposed to return to life to stand at the gates of Minrathous and declare all sins forgiven at the end of time. Their version of Andrastianism is much more Pro-Mage rulership and The Imperial Chantry is all-male as opposed to the southern chantry being matriarchal and nearly all-female.

picrel: the Imperial Chantry is heavily based on the Orthodox Catholic Church and wear all black to counter the southern chantry's White. I'm extremely disappointed if it turns out the game has just thrown all this lore to the side because it's not queer and hip or whatever.
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Thanks for answering.
Wow, I missed A LOT. It's a good thing I messed up my first playthrough and accidentally had Alistar die. After I finish my second mage playthrough I guess I'll go back and finally do Awakening .
gotta say i'm not a fan of the way they redesigned harding
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>the qunari occupying antiva
>accurate to DA2 and parts of Inquisition, mainly the enemy variants and THE BVLL
>big dudes, giant horns sweeping back

>the qunari you can make in veilguard character creation
>big dumb forehead Steves and Susans who look like normal humans with bad prosthetics put on by incompetent practical effects artists
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Merrill had blood magic. What's Bellara's thing? What makes her interesting and just a quirky Indy?
Half my saves get corrupted randomly and have to reload waaay too far back what the fuck
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this looks nothing like the garbage in character creation, what the fuck

You can make awesome loking Qunari.
She's a dalish mage, and her main hobby is scrounging around in old elvish ruins, making their magic gizomowhatsits work again, cuz she's a tinkerer, and proud!
also she has a super special elven relic prosthetic arm, and despite being a mage she uses a super special elven relic bow, oh and her dalish tattoos don't look like hot fucking garbage despite them making no effort to redesign them for any of ther other dalish npcs

she's a bigger mary sue than Lace "hwhat? I touched a dagger and got stone magic?! also reddit loves me ;)" Harding
bellara is a elvish tech nerd, aka fantasy gnome in elf skin who talks like shes in a disney show, thats the gimmick

too early to know if theres some dramatic backstory but so far shes nowhere near as interesting the the irish pixie blood mage
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Ah yes, this is totally a necessary appearance for a random merchant NPC.
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All m ysaves get corrupted for no reason at all holy shit i can't even finish the prologue

what a shitshow.
did you guys actually buy this game
Hell no

No, my boyfriend has EA suscription so i can play it for free.
Hell yes!
The price in patience I paid downloading, unpacking, and installing it only to be subjected to this garbage is more than enough.
is elamigos safe
>did you guys actually buy this game
No. I'd buy it just to review it, but steam is deleting pretty much anything that isn't positive, and elimintating the "product refunded" tag for reviews; opting to just delete them instead. It seems they are only going to allow reviews from people who are too stupid to know it sucks within two hours.
Bioware is soooo back sisters! can't wait for their next masterpiece!
return to form
definitely a return to form
I have seen the good ending for the game.

There's a new unknown group of villains and it's pretty heavily suggested that they have all according to keikaku'd the events from DA:O to Veilguard.

About Varric.

He is dead. The Rook sees dead people lmao. I think it's Solas fucking with Rook's mind via blood magic. It basically looks like the Rook is a complete schizo to everyone else, talking to themselves when they are speaking to Varric's ghost or whatever.

About Mythal.

You get to meet her in the game.

About Solavellan.

Gets a special cutscene at the end, I suppose only in the good ending. The scene could be described as '' Lavellan can't fix Solas, but Solas can make Lavellan worse. ''
They spent $100 million and made $3 million. Good job retards.
Nope. I don't even own a PS4 or Xbone, and my laptop can't even handle games like Mount and Blade Warband without dying. I'm just chilling and reading everyone's reactions. Let's Plays are dead and I hate non-Vtuber streamers, so I have to live vicariously through everyone ITT. I'm hoping some romance's Neve. That or DanaDuchy uploads the romance.
Only $100 million? Bioware is a big company and it's been in development (on and off) for a decade, rebooted twice IIRC.
>I'm hoping some romance's Neve.
have fun: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aYN1KuBhO1w
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It's impossible to make a good looking feminine character, the facial structures are all too masculine
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>Varric Spoiler
Is it hinted at? You know, like no-one acknowledging Varric but them, and so on and forth?
Anyone playing a dwarf? Does it fuck up all the animations like usual?
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A few more things.

Dorian Pavus

Becomes the Archon, I'm quite sure.

Bad Ending

Everyone dies one by one during the final conflict, often in very unceremonious ways. Even Rook.

About companion death.

Outside of the bad end where everyone dies while the world is saved, I've heard that there's a choice to make where either Harding or Davrin dies has to die.

And about DA2 ending and the spoiler'd picture..

For some reason they brought back Meredith, though this has been pretty heavily hinted at for quite some time if you've been reading the supplementary material.
So what's the consensus? Are there any parts of the game that are actually decent?
>They spent $100 million
try 250million
Actually rather cute, nice.
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Harding looking on enviously at our sick hats
Consensus on classes? How is Mage? Especially the "battle mage" spec?
divided by 70K players... let's see... that's
That's $3571 per person.
Good job retards. I hope bioware burns to the ground, functionally as a corporation.
Supposedly there's a scene where Harding interrupts a meeting with you and ghost-Varric, and she seems quite confused as to what's going on and who you are talking to or whatever. But, as of now with the spoilers we have, it seems extremely odd that Harding and Neve especially don't seem to be taking Varric's death very hard or even mention it, and it seems out of place and a very poorly conceived plot point.
Is there a lore reason for why every class can do actual magic
stop being a bigot chud everyone can use magic in our world!

Wait so Necromancer/Reaper Rook makes a lot of sense?

I thought it was so weird how much they were pushing Necromancy this game. Every class has a specialization about it, there's a whole companion that's a necromancer, and he brings along a skeleton advisor type character.
Now that you say it, yeah. But a Necromancer would know they were speaking with the dead, not a weird ghostly hallucination.
So why did they pick the color purple to represent this game if the protagonist has no purple magic, nothing eventful is purple colored, Solas uses mostly Cyan magic, the dagger is Cyan color, the rifts are Cyan, etc.

So... why purple?
> Rook literally JUST meets Varric
> He's his ghost dad mufasa companion for the whole game
Is this a joke?
Smiling Leliana is just eerie.
>almost 25,000 players lost already
Uh oh.
I completely forgot about pic, I don’t know anyone who cares about them? It’s the plot device that never ends
Thanks. I really like the bags under her eyes and the casual outfit. In terms of personality, I feel like I'm missing some context--maybe it's the video and not the game but something feels incomplete. She comes off as someone who gets tunnel vision and has abandonment issues. I might just be stupid. The moment at the end was nice though.
why indeed
Almost 35,000 now.
Yeah, that is weird. Surely the necromancer would notice?
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Be nice, anon..
I mean I said Rook sees dead people and ghost-Varric jokingly, but Varric seems to literally be a (blood magic induced?) hallucination of Rook's.
Not my fault her defaul facial expression seems to be "polite disinterest" or "I've had no expectations and was still disappointed" in Inquisition
Thank fucking god that dyke Leliana is not in this game.
I bet it will spike tomorrow; Friday is the beginning of the weekend. The real test is if it will maintain the playerbase after a week.
Too busy shagging with the Warden in her villa I suppose
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She glows now?
She glows now?!
She glows now!

People got hyped at seeing the character creator being extensive and asking you to make two protagonist.

Then you start the garbage game and lose all will to play.

Femoids are too stupid for this type of game so they just make their character and will watch the romance in youtube and self insert because they are lonely femcels nobody wants.

Trannies will not play it but will be sure to raid every forum and social media to shill it and "btfo the transphobes".
Rude ! !
She is too busy with her lovely HoF Tabris wife to appear in Failguard..
Oh, I thought you meant he was a ghost that was just hanging around. my bad.
Considering the sheer amount of shit she's had to deal with, I think she deserves a happy ending
>run out for smokes
>don't speak for ten years
>all your meddling results In the south being overrun by darkspawn
>about to destroy the world when you get beaten
>she shows up willing to spend eternity in dreamland
Man, she needs some self respect
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yeah I'm not losing anything. I've spent 20 minutes with this bitch and I'm already tired of her quips

You trannies and your agp dyke fetish are very odd.
She's bi, actually
She's cringe and not based.
Its because Solas is using blood magic to make you see a fake Varric

Biscum are not a real sexuality.
I agree with you 100% anon
> RPGs are supposed to be a medium of freedom and expression to let players immerse themselves in a fantasy world and have their choices and role impact the story and their surroundings
> Instead it attracts people with zero interest in the world, or story, or choices, and instead they use these games to make parasocial relationships with fictional videogame characters because they have nobody in real life and use the game to pretend they are women

How sad.
>liches are real now and no demon or blood magic required
always were, chud
thank you for posting these
Why are you still at this? It's been at least 10 years at this point.
You could say the same about all media.
>Dude, you only like LoTR because you wish you had a group of friends like The Fellowship.
Not saying it isn't true, I know for a fact I love when RPGs give the PC family members because of my familial issues and it's nice see healthy families. I'm just pointing out you can say that about everything.
Failhard always looked like a dumpster fire to me, but I definitely would have gone to pound town on Bellara, so it looks like they found a way to disappoint me after all
Because I've realized that I like cute girls with dicks and it bothers me
>Elon commented on a Taash scene
no way, my heckin' geniuserino? my source of all trvth? the one true sigma? HE knows this abortion of a game exists? woah...
Same. Ever since Shadman
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Hey guys I tried asking on /v/ but nothing. Are you penalized for not having 1 of each class in the party? Like chests you can't unlock or environment stuff you can't interact with? Some parties I'm planning for are missing a class.
It doesn’t look like it, no. Bring your faves, though you’ll probably want a tank
>I like cute girls with dicks
Right after liking more tranny porn
Thank you!
All the retarded shit about this game kills my interest in replaying Origins or finally playing Inquisition's DLC.

Also I'm still mad that Inquisition forces you to be Dalish if you want to be an elf.
so far all I'm seeing is character specific environment activatables, but it's never been the case so far that I didn't bring the right person to handle it, either because the game forced me to bring them or they just happened to be with me
>asian pixar lady will TINKER with broken elven DOODADS
>not-Zevran will create platforms where you see purple
>other people presumably also do things because they've got locked icons where those abilities go
imagine putting in a mechanic where you have to juggle your party just to open a door
I appreciate it. That's a relief. I vaguely remember things I couldn't unlock ever in older games because you couldn't bring party members, the area couldn't be returned to and unless you chose your own character to be a rogue...
The dialogue in this is pretty rough. It's all blatant friendly exposition
>talk to companion
>"Well yeah, I've been thinking of killing my parents, and uh, I have trouble multitasking and stuff"
>dialogue options provided
>1 ) Multitasking is hard for everyone.
>2 ) Multitasking? What's that? I'm aloof and ignorant, and that's charming somehow.
>3 ) Multitasking isn't for everyone.
>(<3) ) You're very cute and I want to fuck you. Sorry, was that too forward?
>"Okay, those feelings are valid. But have you considered how your parents would feel if they were killed?"
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thinking about reinstalling this how does it hold up after all these years?
Fantastic. Urthemiel is the best villain Dragon Age has ever had.
gray wardens...duncan....whatever happened there
can i romance harding and get my hands around that fat dwarven dumpy direct from orzimmar
Only if you kill the black guy
also also can i do it if im qunari, i know some characters have race restrictions
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I will say that I'm liking the mass effect 2 style missions over the DA3 style open world. Do something, come back and talk about it. I think that's a little bit better of a formula compared to the endless map waypoints and camps. I recall a lot more walking and wandering in da3.

Related to that, I think I prefer the maps where it's mostly linear with offshoots to explore and find lore items and resources, again compared to da3's large blob maps with resource nodes spread out. I like completionism and getting all the secrets so I found myself systematically covering the entire da3 maps, which grew tiresome. In this game, with the ME2 style mission maps, it's much more elegant to explore the maps fully. I don't feel like there's any less "content" (for lack of a better word) this way, you can put just as many pretty waterfalls and vistas, they're just more concentrated together, rather than walking a desert for minutes in between.
This whole game feels like an elaborate Tumblr post.
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i like it since its a pretty gritty down to earth type of game with a good sense of scale, my only gripe is how mind numbing combat can be and so i highly recommend doing the infinite gold exploit in denerim as soon as possible and buy all the elfroot and make all the poultices you can. andrastes tomb or whatever and the werewolf rape forest and werewolf rape dungeon were both nice dungeon crawls but the deeproads is so boring
it's not really on the level of Road 96 or Dustborn, but damn if it isn't close to it despite supposedly being a AAA title
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I feel my IQ drops when I read these kind of posts. It's called midnight in europe and america retard. Not that veilguard would peak more than 100k.
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Guys.....31k people are playing...it just ...came out...ughhh
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>Urthemiel is the best villain Dragon Age has ever had.
>Grifters have to comapre the numbers with the MonHun Wilds beta, which is free and obviously popular with kids that have no idea what a Dragonage is
Im shocked how chill the compaions were while wandering through the blighted village. No real concern or emotion at all
So Southern Thedas is on fire and in an even worse state in what it was in DAI
>Kirkwall is being evacuated to Starkhaven by provisional Viscountess Aveline
>Denerim is gone and the Fereldens are fleeing to Redcliffe
<Halamshiral and Val Royeaux are barely holding out

mf they're destroying the fucking setting to justify their whole "none of your previous choices matter lol" decision
Urthemiel didn't need anything or anyone to ruin an entire kingdom. This nigger barely managed to take out a small hovel in the mountains and got btfo'd at every turn.
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Retard from yesterday here that complained about bad performance and 30-45FPS even on High.
I forgot to close Blender, Photoshop and whatever else. 30 FPS was actually amazing all things considered.
>"The Qun isn't a prison, people can leave if they want"

This shit pisses me off more than the nonbinary reveal ever could
Unfortunately I don't speak zoomer. Please resubmit your post in English. Thanks.
Blame your pornbrain
It wasn't porn this time.
Any race
But it's just fade to black
They pulled a Nicole from dead space 1. Only rook ever "talks" with Varric and none of the other characters acknowledge his existence, only Rook's
Which is just weird. Why not just have him die at the start to give Rook a reason to be angry, or halfway through
Because the writers are consider themselves to be very high IQ and think this twist is some grand revelation, and not something that's been telegraphed as early as the cancelled Exalted Marches DLC for DA2
The reveal happens at the eleventh hour of the game right near the end where Solas traps the prisoner in the fade
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New /dag/ is a fantastic return to form for a beloved thread. My personal TOTY and I recommend everyone posts here. I'm buying a yacht.
5:47:07 Maeveris returns. The Lucerni were dissolved shortly after being formed and the Shadow Dragons (I fucking hate that name so much) were her contingency. Basically they're the Lucerni rebranded

aside from the tevinter mage all of the non-white face scanned/modelled shit looks awful
Solas is based and I will give him a female Inquisitor to be lovey dovey with.
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Solavellan supremacy
Solavellan superiority

Still not reading the thread but I'm here to announce that I am officially awarding Dragon Age The Veilguard 10 points for arrows being super fun and satisfying to shoot
5 points for being able to dodge roll into mountains of breakable junk and automagically loot everything
-1 point for Bellara
500 points for giving Felassan some scenes, making him hot, also giving him a hot voice and doing a close up shot of his face he truly deserved nothing less and I literally smiled super hard when I saw him

for a current total of 514 points
>make a scythe wielding warrior spec
>most of it is dedicated to shield throwing
I hate women.
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Decorating a house in baldur's gate or decorating the camp tents in camp is always something I wanted in bg3. I also like the the house upgrades after each mission, and the notes that describe how and why this happens. There was supposed to be a similar feature in bg3, where everyone would slowly upgrade their tents in camp as they leveled up, but it was cut during early access and they defaulted to everyone having their endgame tents at the start instead.

I like that grey warden and elf dialogue is spread throughout your character's lines, not just some unique dialogue wheel options. When you're talking to people or even ambient dialogue exchanges have referenced these things. I look forward to the day when people datamine all of the instances the game has one of these variable dialogues. I've gotten at least a dozen so far, outside of the ones that are actual choices to click on.
How the fuck do you make a woman not look like handsome squidward in character creation
Do you guys have no life that instead of actually playing the game you just spoil yourself, watch youtube videos and then come here to talk the story or shit that happens 12 hours after the intro, which none of you have even finished?
So you're faced with a dilemma now, you can't pass neither in real life, nor in game.
Change the head morphs
check out r/VeilguardSliders
>reddit hurr durr
I'm glad you trannies found a safe spot to find fictional women to roleplay as.
I'm playing better games, sorry.

You don't seem to be playing anything if you have the time to watch 200 hours of youtube videos of Veilgard and come here running to say what happens 12 hours into the game.

You remind me of FNAF fans. Completly obsessed with the game yet never ever touched it.
BJ Blazkowitz?
Impressed some people actually managed to make good looking qunari
Watch this anime woman become mindbroken by the character creator.
>she just wants to make a cute girl
Even if I wanted to play the game I'd have to wait a day for the download to finish. Ultimately I'm just interested in what happens with the story and how they fuck up the lore, because Inquisition is one of my favorite games. But I have no real interest in Veilguard because so many things seem worse than Inquisition, and that game, despite how much I like it, was still a pretty trash at places.

Or would you rather people spam the thread with trannies this, trannies that, 70k concurrent users lmao dead flop game, or people who are actually wanting to talk about the story?
>if you have the time to watch 200 hours of youtube videos of Veilgard
That's a whole lotta projection out of nowhere. All I'm doing is posting here after satisfying my curiosity on youtube.
they spent 4 hours in the character creator so we don't have to
> I spent hours watching videos of a game i didn't play and ran here to spoil people

You genuinely have no life, i truly feel sorry for you. I hope when you are about to blow your brains out, you remember nobody will ever miss you.
the best looking qunari in veilguard is still worse looking than every single qunari featured in every game prior and that includes sten
>I spent hours
Again, that's a lot of projection for no reason. You are a weird fellow.

Ahhh i see, you're a mentally ill tranny yourself who can't afford it but has no one to talk with. So you just watch videos of games you will never even play and come here desperate for conversation.

You must genuinely be lonely. Although you claiming Inquisition is your favourite game shows how mentally ill you are, or what a sad pathetic liar you are that you just made that up to try and pretend you belong here.
This game is truly the Elden Ring of Baldur's Gates 3 like
You don't know what the word projection means, do you?
This game isn't a Dragon Age game.
It's a Transgender Age game.
Every single qunari inquisitor looked fucking awful.
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Oh I also just want to say how thoroughly I'm enjoying experiencing the anti Solas propaganda in the form of playing these "memories" and being totally immune to it knowing they're just there to give players who have never played a Dragon Age game before reasons to feel that he's really evil and it's really just all so poetic and meta for someone like me
what an odd post
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Solas is shite and you know it
RPGs and Shotgun bullets seem to attract transexuals a lot.

Is this what chronic loneliness looks like? To the point you make a parasocial relationship with a fictional bald videogame charcter from 2014 who didnt' even have a sex scene and his romance was a last minute addition that lasts 5 minutes?

I feel so bad for you.
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I'm sorry Ser Ranier, but I'm afraid my love, attraction and appreciation for him as only grown upon seeing him fulfilling his role as a Trickster God without pretense and having shed all guise of humility and humbleness. It really is too good and this game was made for Solasfuckers and no one else.
Solas being popular among fangirls gives baldbros hope
> fanGIRLS
Sorry buddy but trans women will never be women :S
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>this game was made for Solasfuckers and no one else.
chuds lost, big rainbow corpo wins again
Why would you care about Leliana's opinion?
> They won 70k players after working on a project for 10 years

Uhm? Andraste's opinion is the only one that counts.
>70k players
bigger than rust for a day, in this market a miracle
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>bioware coming to terms with likely somewhere around less than 100k sales on steam on launch day
>in this market a miracle

Starfield got 250k on day one....
>10 years
With the dev turnover the only people who were there for 10 years were like the 4 original DA writers who stuck around
Lels isn't AndrASSte.
> It's ok the project was being worked on, especially STORY WISE for 10 years because uhhh some developers were fired and others replaced by tranies

Oh well at least that makes the miserable 70k a lot!!

This is the company that made Mass Effect 3. And DA:I had won GOTY.
that strikes me as strange because veilguard dialogue genuinely feels like people talking to toddlers, like the kind of gentle, uncomplicated, unconfronting language used there. it is really uncomfortable to look at to me for some reason, like a 7 foot tall horned thing with an endless forehead babbling about cookies.

and da1 had blood sacrifices, edgy stuff everywhere, that those people must have wrote. weird
the trans support eachother
Do not blaspheme.
>only real "dark" thing I've encountered so far is the choice on whether to save the mayor or not
>shortly after, Solas tells you in no uncertain terms that people tempted by the gods are always impure of heart and terrible people, and you need to go kill more of them
>even the fucking qunari occupiers are being nice to the antivan mages
what the fuck

It's literally made for redditors and transexuals.
Both of those groups watch shit like Steven Universe.
It makes sense why the game is so childish. Let alone remember milennials are brainrotten by Marvel.
it is like 2 mods away from being a diaperfag game imo because everyone is being treated like they still piss the bed its unreal
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how does 70k compare to other CRPG launches?
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I was zipping right over to the defensive skilltree with all the damage reduction nodes and fancy shield techniques because I love being tanky in these games, but something occurs to me.

This game has a dodge, a parry, and a block mechanic. Which means, if you're playing the game correctly and optimally, you're using those regularly throughout fights. From my testing, you don't take any damage if you completely avoid the weapon edge with your roll, you don't take any damage if you time the parry correctly and it's not a red attack, and you don't take any damage if you're already blocking before the swing hits you and it's not a red attack. I didn't have to invest any points into these things to get this 100% damage reduction.

Which means...investing points into more damage reduction is superfluous. Why spend a skillppoint on heavy armor proficiency or +20% damage reduction when hit when the game gives you three different ways to simply avoid damage? It feels like it would be more efficient to take advantage of these already existing damage reduction methods that are base mechanics in the game already, and free up your points to invest in killing your opponent faster.

Part of me is triggered by the inefficiency of my current build plan, but the other part of me says this game isn't difficult enough to autistically optimize like I'm worried about and I should just enjoy being the cool sword and board paladin.
Her ass isn't big enough. And she's a redhead.
>>500619471 (me)
Okay, so I found out what the issue is. Steam has some automatic anti-review bombing stuff that's gotta be triggering due to the sheer amount of negative reviews DA:V is getting. Just open the link to the actual Steam reviews and start scrolling down for yourself.
Badly. It gets blown the fuck out.
The game actually has the "it's quiet, too quiet" line and it's used 100% unironically.
Veilguard is such a relic from 2010 it's amazing.
What are Pillars of Eternity 1 and 2 numbers?
>Pillars of Eternity
No one cares about those failed games.
It kinda depends on what specific part you're playing. Like pretty much all the mortalitasi stuff was probably done by one writer who is still writing it in this game.
Leliana, Blackwall, Wynne, Isabela, and Oghren's writer wrote Harding.
holy shit i am impressed
They haven't failed tho.
Nice, Veilguard really is peak CRPG gaming
You can't bring that up because PoE sold a normal amount for a crpg and not the ridiculous freak success numbers BG3 did.
veilguard won
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>mogged by Divinity Original Sin 2
You cannot make this shit up.
I swear to god, the amount of "positive feels" pep talks the companions throw their way is making me vomit. I disliked BG3 companions for being cunts towards each other, but at least they had personality.
So far, the only one with any sort of distinct personality is Bellara, if only because she falls into the "klutzy cute girl" trope, but even then she's barely distinguishable from Neve or Harding, who all sound almost the same.
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>the best crpg since origins is also the worst selling
i don't get it, don't normalfags love 40k now? and it came out after bg3
Everyone knows you wait at least a year to 18 months to buy an Owlcat game.
It was always a niche title with almost no marketing and worse presentation than BG3, that was hyped to no end.
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> Literal who RPGs like Pillar of Eternity and Pathfinder Wrath of the Righteous get 40k players on relasea day
> Divinity original sin 2 gets a whooping 90K despite DoS1 being a failure and Larian not being that known

> Bioware, EXTREMELY FAMOUS for making Mass Effect, who had Dragon Age 3 win GOTY 10 years ago, gets just 70k after working 10 years on their 4th game
And somehow insecure trannnies try to spin it as an ok number HAHAHHA
It was probably the least buggy owlcat release but still got rep as an unplayable broken mess so that probably didn't help sales
When was the last crpg that didn't release with some kind of insane overblown controversy actually?
>don't normalfags love 40k now?

They love the school shooter pew pew space marine fantasy, not the roleplay "i'm a lonely incel pls give me romances" type of game.
post BG3 release from a studio well known for buggy nearly unplayable releases
Can't you contain your mental illness to gacha threads?
But Rogue Trader romances mostly end in tragedy or are a sham.
Cry more tranny.
Just ignore it.

There's something you will never be... I don't know what it is... A roman? No no...
A doorman? Nooo no way!

Oh. I know! A woman.
How are the classes? Which is most fun to play?
I never thought I'd miss console wars
It's funny how trains have reset era and reddit to spam yet they come here and get so outraged when they are told of.
Leddit is on full mod control, no discussion allowed so they can sucker people into buying the game.
Wrath of the Righteous which was made by a bunch of slavs squatting near a windows 7 PC had 45k players peak.
was that up or down from the first Pathfinder game?
The first one was at 22k.
Nearly doubled.
>to other CRPG
They really don't. I guess a few Cassia endings are bittersweet, but she does have a happy one too. The goth girl from DLC straight up becomes your wife and gives you kids.
WoTR introducing me to the concept of a niggadin always makes me laugh.
>black woman paladin doesn't need to uphold justice with her looter friends
She can literally turn off her Lawful alignment with eldritch black demon powers
Rook is so fucking dumb i feel so bad for people who didn't play him Warrior.
Doesn't the firstborn get taken, tortured and turned into a mindbroken zealot assassin?
you're mentally ill
I gotta admit, I am impressed at how well the game runs d looks, at least. Gotta be the smoothest AAA release within the last several years.
The problem with WOTR is that the original adventure path had some of the worst writers in RPG industry. Among other people, it involved the piece of shit responsible for tranny propaganda in Siege of Dragonspear. Owlcat did a lot to rectify and improve the script, for example they revamped the ATROCIOUS Iomedate trial, but they can't really fix the legacy characters entirely and niggadin is a fucking iconic.

At the very least they introduced Regill who spends the entire game mocking all of those clowns.
He will thread the same path as his own mother, who is also a vizsier of the Web. And that's way better than growing up as a spoiled brat.
Why do you guys think Veilguard is failing so hard? It is just because of... time? It has been a decade since Inquisition. Maybe people just don't care about Dragon Age much anymore
She's Welsh!
Playing in low graphics is hurting my soul.

I might bite the bullet and play combat in 10 fps just so custscenes look good
iS IT*
Anon it's in Chapter 1 of the game. Her friends are going around with stolen goods, looting dead bodies, and she laughs it off and has some stolen beer with them. She's A PALADIN.
>Why do you guys think Veilguard is failing so hard?
I don't care about all the culture war nonsenses but here's why I didn't buy it:
>The art style looks awful
>The combat looks awful
>The dialogue from all of the pre-release footage/trailers was Marvel-tier YA nonsense
>None of your choices in the previous three games matter besides 3 choices that happened at the end of the Trespasser DLC to DAI
I just want a worthy sequel to Origins and I think I've finally given up on that ever happening.
again you're missing the context and outright lying like the mentally ill tranny that you are
>Wyll is a complete chud compared to Veilguard's companions
fucking lol
Because it's a mediocre game with a really shitty marketing campaign and no good word of mouth. I know people are sick of BG3, but when BG3 was coming out,
>gameplay and class discussion, Paladin/CHA class circlejerks, seeing wizardcels, clericfags butthurt cleric gets called healer
>physics and map cheesing with mechanics
>everyone wants to fuck shadowheart or astarion
>tiefling genocide/ gobbo genocide, kill Mol
Look at what we have.
>I'm non-binary, mom, you don't understand
>I always knew I was trans
>tiefling genocide/ gobbo genocide, kill Mol
Honestly any possible genocide whatsoever would greatly improve this game.
Thedas genocide?
Fair. Honestly, this makes me feel less bad for Bioware. It's really their fault for the game's failings.
Owlcat picking Wrath was a legitimately genius move because nobody minded them taking heavy liberties with the source material and there was no fucking way they could make it worse. It was literally only looking up
He feels good so far as a Warrior and choosing all the tough-guy dialog options.
a lot of it comes down to it being a decade or so, but a game that looked good and seemed like it was a real successor to inquisition could do a lot to get over that. veilguard is failing because it looks like shit and draws from contemporary anything-goes fantasy instead of the gritty dark fantasy that dragon age was known for and imitating. veilguard looks like a mobile game from a bioware imitation.
I don't know. Isn't that kind of like saying you don't need to level Vigor if you never get hit?
>the class specializations are flavored around different backgrounds
>my character's background doesn't fit any of the specializations
I know this doesn't matter in the slightest but it's going to bother me.
I hate that sword and board is pushed so hard. There's one (1) specialization Slayer that makes any sense to do it. Gret Warden is shield only. Reaper is supposed to be switch hitter but also only buffs shield. Dumb.
You're still throwing shields in two hander mode too.
It is dumb. Lords of Fortune and Mourn Watch get 2 each, the others get 1 each.
Is Sten in the game? I know the Antaam are one of the enemy factions and since Stem is the Arishok he should be their leader.
>You're still throwing shields in two hander mode too.
What the fuck. Thanks. Warrior dropped. So stupid.
Didn't Inquisition say that the nu-Qunari were hyper-progressive and loved gays and troons?
Every time Bellara talks, I want to punch the screen.
The trade off for mourn watch is that the mage one looks like absolute shit.
Irelin too.
I hate her dumb hair
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Stupid elf. Needs rape correcting
Is she really "asexual"?
What no fucking way. Is the TheyThem ogre the only one with a sex scene? Disgusting.
>he fell for it
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>lying in a bed means they had sex
get your mind of the gutter. It's purely platonic
Imagine just being over top of her supporting yourself with one hand and two knees, tripod style, and just delivering these rhythmic slapping thrusts into her slanted little hole
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can you skip follower quests? or just ignore them entirely?
>can I join thine group?
>no, fuck off
oy vey, goyrook, we can't allow that, do the troonari's quest
asexual predator
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>not wanting every companion there is
You're playing roles wrong
And nobody gives a shit
I suicude mission'd Jacob in Mass Effect 2 and shot Ashley in Mass Effect 3.
I sent Idira onto a Blackship in Rogue Trader.
>shot Ashley in Mass Effect 3
why tho
she's cute, for a tranny
Too much bitching, I hit my tolerance limit.
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Radgon Daige
Shield against the blight
Guardian of the veil
Hero of Thedas
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Me after misgendering someone
wonder if there will be some mod for us to get their model
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Sure hope you chose 2
>Can't even let her hair down in romance scenes.

So much for advanced hair tech,
What can't you talk to your party members? They just sit there waiting for the progression flag to be checked.
What would be the point? Listening to the same dialogue 10x over?
So Harding is the only one without any sex scene or nudity? I guess Gaider won in the end.
>removing features is good because it just is okay
>just settle for lower standards that don't measure up
No, I don't think I will. Shrimple ass...
Harding pisses me off so much i might actually let her die instead of the non-offensive negro
Harding has one too
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She has a scene too.
Is it normal to not like any companion in this game? Holy shit they're all awful.
you know it's bad when even the sub which was banning people for speaking even a word bad about the game is flooded with complaints about the game
bioware REALLY dropped the ball
you think this will be their end? I sure hope
The Inquisitor doesn't even mention their romance so what was the point of choosing it in the CC? Unless you romanced Solas you don't get shit in this game in terms of any sort of conclusion.
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What did they do to her...?
I doubt it, the game likely did well enough to buy them enough time to shit out a new Mass Effect.
>pedos itt
the power of marketing
your game doesnt have to be good, you just have to convince people it will be
She merged with Mythal
i dont even have 2 hours in this game and i already uninstalling
modded skyrim is way more fun
Go away Gaider
Tranny jealousy towards real women.
i don't think this will have a general in a week but on the other hand starsloppy still does even at 2k people playing.

this is contrary to a lot of games that have 50k daily and no general too. i mean this just came out but starfail's posts are 1/10 of its active players.

wait also this was as bad as everyone said and not even for the tranny reasons
I just completed the game. I can confidently say that ... this will be remembered as the Elden Ring of our time.
the setting doesn't even feel like its dragon age anymore

its more like some marvel shit
That's not even the worst part, the worst part is she feels like some lifeless puppet instead of the Morrigan we know. Even Inquisition for all it's faults kept her character intact and even expanded upon it in regards to Kieran and her potential HoF husbando.
Does the cute griffin live at least
What about keeping or disbanding the Inquisition?
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...why min 60?
There were never any white people in Thedas
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>the made the darkdpawn cute
I guess this must have been a leftover from it's Overwatch/ Concord/ Suicide Squad/ Guardians of the Galaxy days of development.
Appearance is just as important as personality, if not more
>no kieran
>no dark ritual
>no grey warden love

I'm very disappointed they dropped the choices from the first game with morrigan in veilguard

I really liked that earlier choices were included in some way in DAI even if it was just sometimes just a single comment or dialogue line :c
>make Loghain stupid
>give the Qunari brain damage
>make Thedas citizens gay and/or black
What is the Mysterious Faction's endgame?
Sorry but those old dusty games were problematic and it's best we forget about them and make an improved game for those who grew up with DA: Inquisition as their childhood.
Unemployment benefits
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You wouldn't get it
But if humans, Qunari, dwarves and elves go on welfare, who will pay for the welfare? Dragons? Elven Fade gods? Fade demons? The Maker?
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>can't have slaver background
that's bulshit
pasty white snow demons with their infinite wealth (they owe it)
I don't know why you would expect that from this game. You can't even have Blood Magic.
>want rook to be qt redhead
>all freckled complexions give her a white five o'clock shadow
Goddamn it. Something about how the lighting interacts with certain skin tones must be bugged. I really liked that Rook too, she kinda looked like Sophia Lillis. Back to the drawing board.
Rook isn't a chud, chud.
Can you try the classes before commiting to one?
>You wouldn't get it
I immedately though of that Fallout 4 Institute meme
No but it doesnt matter you just press light atk or heavy atk with all of them. They all play the same.
It's especially annoying because even Dragon Age 2 had a couple of cutscenes change to suit your class, like the ''death'' of Corypheus in Legacy.
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She's just an exposition bot, no charm, no wit, no unsolicited shitting on Alistair. I hate what they did to my favs, even Varric is just there to infodump and to be used in the most pointless shyamalandingdong twist ever.
Whew, at least one thing coming out of this piece of shit.
>inb4 hurr durr le quirky elf
That's why you shove your dick in her mouth. No time to be quirky if she's too busy sucking!
She actually seems to be a genuinely sweet girl judging by her personal quest. Merrill 2.0 but without the destructive retardation part.
Does she make you gigglesqueel though?
It's all a scheme to awaken Zodiark
>those multiplayer tier passives
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the dialogue never ends and its filled with so much shit
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Elgi scum will pay
Have they changed his VA?
I'm HARD for HARDING and her HARD little body
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wdym, 100 slots?
AIDS hits hard.
No, it's the same VA he just sounds ILL AND OLD. Dorian's voice was so smooth and now....sheesh

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