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Welcome to the Sonic the Hedgehog General. Here we discuss ALL things Sonic!

/sthg/ #7517 - Ghoul Edition

>Sonic the Hedgehog 3 - Official Trailer

>Sonic is getting a five issue crossover miniseries with DC, further collaboration will continue through 2026

>Sonic Rumble - Announce Trailer

>IDW Release Dates:
Sonic the Hedgehog: Knuckles 30th Anniversary Special - 20 November 2024
Sonic the Hedgehog #75 - 11 December 2024
Sonic the Hedgehog #76 - 05 February 2025
Sonic the Hedgehog #77 - 19 March 2025

>General link compilation:
>Milestone pastebin:
>Sonic Game/Mod Recommendation Spreadsheet:
>Perfect System Collection:
>Sonic comic scans:

/sthg/ booru:
/sthg/ OC info:
/sthg/ cytube:
/sthg/ Pixel World:

Previous Thread: >>500594479
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Yeah, sorry I'm not obsessed about keeping the names of every last ching chong that worked on the games committed to memory
kys blazefag bot
>the tranny picked the anti trans thread.
This is the good one
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You just don't get it, Women have it easier than men, They live on Easy Mode!!
Look at this fag. Heh, definitely wouldn't suck his dick or anything.
I am gonna use this one
Maybe I picked the anti trans thread because I'm a man, I'd never get rid of my cock, and I know it's bigger than yours
oh my god really sexy sonic pic humina humina humina
Anon I understand if you want to see a romantic angle for Shadow/Maria given the hints and the support some of the writing staff gives to it.

But saying that they are romantic while also saying the relationship is like Silver/Blaze kinda destroys everything you said.

I see both as Brother/Sister being Shadow/Maria a significantly closer and more affectionate relationship if you want to go there.
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>my dick is bigger than yours!
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>give shadowfags a crumb and they become emboldened and brash
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Do brothers think about their sisters like this?
I don't respect nor care for women or trannies and both need to take their bathroom wars back to Elon's Xhole.

Sonic the Hedgehog.
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This is an amazing reaction image
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>Iizuka talks about revisiting Shadow not being nice
>Get Amy to talk Shadow down again.
A perfect medium to promote Amy.
Post your Discord tag
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only if you are fucked in the head and want them to be siblings
Disrespecting trannies is bog standard, but disrespecting women is tranny shit.
This applies to every characterfag/shipperkek though
omg I also imagine my brother with a sparkly pink aurora...his shimmering beautiful eyes...I could stare at them all day...
Admittedly no, but mine never got shot dead trying to save me so I can't pretend that the situations are the same
>a crumb
>it is the year of shadow
Yeah time out of the ship shit for a second
What the FUCK is that waist - ass ratio
I know grown women that would kill for that
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SHARTchie and SHARTam is my favorite mediocre masterpieces. They may not be much but they are mine and they canter to me.
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Yes... She is... dead?

He is mourning her, and we know Shadow LOVED Maria, that doesn't seems to be romantic attraction in my view.
oh gosh im way too shy to actually...
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Anon Shadow and Marias story is inspired off of please save my earth.
Can you just accept that sonic of japan loves HFOAM and doesn't care about your lame as shit warped sense of westoid induced fictional morality????
No, you’d be really fucking weird for thinking about your sister like this.
Bro you're bold enough to ask for cock pics but too shy to hand out the fuckin Discord tag?? This math ain't mathing
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To anyone in the Usa, do you get kids asking for candy on 1th November too?
wheres my shadow yume gf?
Remember to be kind to your fellow anon.
If you're too much of a coward to catbox it and show the class then fuck off with your inadequate chode.
How long is the shadow part of Sonic x Shadow Generations in comparison to the sonic part? I’m excited for the closest thing we will probably get to Shadow the Hedgehog 2 but I wanna keep my expectations in check
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Yes I am a archie fanboy and what are you gonna do about it? Cry? Its still the GOAT of video game comics and nothing will change that.
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I ate her, she was about to tell you she loved you too, my bad, i was really hungry
not here...
About two hours.
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just joking around bro
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Archie good. Archie bad. Archie good. Archie bad. I don't care man they are fun and that's all that matters.
bitch needs some braces
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This is the thread? c:
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Archie Sonic is better than the games and you can shove your SHITkawa and crappy symbolism and stupid themes and deep shit up your ass. Does Gamenic have moments like this? Thought so.
I've gotten shot up by mods for catbox lewds for "off topic" and it wasn't even that risque, if you're trying to trick me into getting banned it's a no-go
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Best ship coming through.
draw sonics face on your cock
tranny faggot
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Boy, I sure do love posting art without any drama~
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Report and ignore
can someone explain the scrote obsession of spamming his cock to as many people as possible to me?
Whatever, I just find it a bit weird.

The only thing that doesn't translates well between localizations is that very strongly worded "I love you" that is much more intimate in Japanese, (it's more like "you are the love of my life")

It's a relationship that without this I see as being a family bond only, the problem is that this adds context to something that is ambiguous, and that context I find pretty hard to ignore.
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Yet Archiefags will claim you're delusional or baiting if you say Archiefags hate the games even though posts like this exist.
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Anyone else notice at the end of Sonic X they feature all the couples to a love song about kissing
Maria has a family bond with the commander. Not with shadow
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Each time he does it, he impregnates your eyes, his goal is to spread his visual seed as much as possible
What was Shadow thinking about?
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Nice nuanced character writing, layered storytelling, subtlety and intelligent writing. Hey dipshit check this shit fucking out its awesome and shits over all other fiction in existence. This is peak!!!!
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>ghostwritten by togashi
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Back hugs
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I miss Schizoeggman
That's not character writing. That's understanding of overarching theme.
I'm not a fucking tranny, why would I fucking disfigure my manhood
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Kodansha Super Mario and Dedede de Pupupu Na Monogatari are quite good too
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This is garbage.
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Want something generated? I'm trying to do on-model stuff this time.
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holy sexphiles this is so nice
>le westoid morality
Nigger if it's Western to think that people should stay in their fucking species's lane then I'm proud to be Western
not enough references to Nietzsche or schopenhauer
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This furry soap opera will never be Sonic Archiekek. You're on the wrong side of history. It is not cool, and will never be cool and you had horrible taste and probably like the smell of stinking farts.
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Love this pairing~
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Shitnic on the ground bleeding
Faggot dogfucker.
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Imagine the Sol Dimension breaking down as Mephiles coalesces back into it and possesses Blaze.
Can the AI do any breast envy stuff between Blaze and Rouge? I know there’s already real drawings of that but I’m curious how AI handles it
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it's halloween, what are you doing here?
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>furry soap opera will never be Sonic
not him but what about frontiers
Trick or treat! Don't look, this might scare you...

Shadow's Game (Japanese Manual)
https://info.sonicretro.org/File:Shadow_The_Hedgehog_GC_JP_Manual.pdf ("Whom she considered a brother")

More highlighted here

Sonic Heroes (Japanese Manual) ("who was a like dear sister to him")

SEGA made artwork where they are mentioned as siblings ("as long-lost siblings would") in the MOTHERFUCKING image description
Nah Archieshit will never be good. Its just a pathetic self insert fantasy for loser cucks who have no life. Their shitty waifu will never be on the same level as Amy, she's just stupid furry whose naked and has a terrible personality. Its a dogshit comic that only ntr fetishists like.
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uhhh nuffin...
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Actually really nice that I'm able to post this stuff without being harassed now c:
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To old to put on a costume and too mentally ill to have kids
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>he says in a thread where half the posts are people lusting after blobians. But only brings up "muh bestiality" when it's shadria
Why are trannies so fucking stupid?
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Hey loser, turn off the screen and go outside
I can assure you that he won't.
I am outside
Can you make it generate anti trans stuff?
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It’s 10:30.
I cant. I have autism
such as?
*goes inside*
This board is made up of furries and lolicons but I'm not going to waste time harping on people's sexual preferences, especially since they by nature don't affect anything in the real world
I do draw the line attempting to force there garbage interpretation and reading of the character on somebody within the frame of their own story
I do just the same thing when homos try to claim that fictional characters that are definitely friends are actually gay and fucking
I don't have any delusions about myself or the world at large, which is more than you can say, cocksucker
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>doesn't have a thing against lolis
>but the line is drawn at shadria
you are a tranny
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Gold the Tenrec!
Based knux
this meme but surge is the tranny and Sonic is the bathroom guardian
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>that reading comprehension
I know that you need to get your stories from video games because you could never actually finish reading a book but holy shit lmao
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I am getting really sick of Shadria freaks DEMANDING that EVERYONE accept their ship as canon all the fucking time.
Do you actually care? Does it actually make you seethe that someone out there is shipping Shadow with Knuckles or Nicole or Buzz Lightyear? You fat bastards are pathetic.
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Why would I be able to comprehend anything a mentally ill tranny writes
You will never be a woman, looney troon.
Watch out, they're going to come after you next saying that Rouge is #canceled because of an edgy joke she made lmao
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Barry? BARRY NO!
Shippers need to die. They ruin everything they touch.
we don't demand
we don't aggressively market
the evidence is all there to see
why attack something so pure and wholesome?
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Also, I know nobody asked, and if you don't care then don't reply to me; but I just got a part time job I'll be starting next week at a pretty high up university c: Also working on my master's, and my life is looking up~
You Will Never Be White
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But Maria is dead anon.
didnt shadouge get banned by the church of sparky?
You will never be a woman.
Japanese stuff calling two friends "like siblings" is just the childhood friend trope. Growing up together so close you might as well be family. And of course, "Childhood Friend" is a romance trope.
You all are a total sex pest. Stop.
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everyone shut the fuck up and come back in 5 minutes
nooo i will save him and then we'll kiss
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Its better to be black and not a tranny than any race and a tranny
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I hope you had a happy Halloween, /sthg/!
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I live in Argentina, we don't celebrate Halloween
It is almost 1 am and I live in a red zone, you want me to get stabbed?!
Gerald calls Maria and Shadow good friends, and Maria calls Shadow her friend. The sibling-like thing describes a dynamic, it isn't supposed to be a literal thing, but good luck explaining that to autists with the media literacy of a 5 year old.
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I would never be either but congrats on outting yourself, LeBron
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tranny cope.
But I just came back after being gone for an hour
Media literacy is so frustrating. I can't see anything beyond surface level man. Stop insulting me and start educating me.
I wouldn't mind Sonadow if it weren't for the fucking scars
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for your sake leave and come back in 6 hours
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>Dr. Julian Robotnik
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>tranny is a racist
wow. But not surprising. Trannies are the biggest bigots out there. Lemme guess, nazi to troon pipeline get you?
Shadamyfags are literally just lucky that Shadriafags are laser focused on attacking Shadouge
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Can you gen Silver suckling on Lanolin big booby sheep milkers while she stroke his penis? Do it for me please :3
Nerd rage
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Yeah I might as well seeing the state of the thread. Good night /sthg/
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We lucky!
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Westoid xitter sonadow is not real sonadow.
But yeah, the safest bet for the most kino sonadow is among the asians who don't shove their lame identity politics into the fandoms they enjoy. Real fujos don't need Sonic or Shadow to be girls in order to appease them.
Not only do they give sonic ugly scars, but they always make him act like a little bitch too.
Go figure, even the female aiden troons are misogynists.
we already know what side he picked
But Maria is dead anon, her existence literally can't affect any other ship.
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I like Shadouge but there are a couple Shadougefags that have a meltdown every time I post Shadria. I have no problem with Shadamyfags because they just cutely post their art and that's it. No melties in sight.
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Based. At least SOMEONE involved in this franchise knows Sonic is a series for boys.
>a series for boys
>The girls mostly like the boy characters.
>most amy and rouge fans are men.
Hey I want to meltdown right now. Can you post images that will make me mad?
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Cute Shadow~
An interesting experiment is posting the two but the same species. Suddenly all the incest pedo accusations stop happening.
Please tell me Maria was just kidding, /sthg/. PLEASE! FUCKING PLEEEEAAAAAAAAAASE! SHE DOESN’T REALLY MEAN THAT!
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Same, I just wanna see shadow fuck anyone but theres an obnoxious shadougefag on here who either is a vindictive knuxouge trying to make shadouge look bad by schizoing out or just a stupid faggot about his ship.
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Why can’t he be back, bros?
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Which Sonic girls are on the left? Which Sonic girls are on the right?
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How big were FemSonic's tits before she got them lopped off?
>The girls mostly like the boy characters.
Most of the fans of the boy characters are boys, except for maybe Silver. I've mostly seen women like that character.
bump on the right, sage on the left
they were huge
Even Shadow?
Mobian Maria illicits sudden disgust
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Yes? Just because a lot of girls like him doesn't mean he doesn't have loads of boys who like him. The boys are the ones who call him "cool" and wank his power.
>nooo not le heckin racism!!
Reddit is right over there, snowflake
With all this projecting, I'm beginning to wonder if you're actually trans
Please tell me Maria doesn’t mean that aishiteru literally. I’m gonna be sick to my stomach. They’re not supposed to be a FUCKING COUPLE.
Cream was built for human men
I don't hate Shadria shippers. You can ship anything. I hate how Shadriafags who are mainly on this general force everyone to say the ship s canon. It's a crackship and in my personal opinion it's shitty. I can have that opinion it's my opinion. Shadriafags would be fine if they didn't attack people.
Girls don't like Silver, that's why they always try to turn him into a totally different character whenever they get the chance.
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What about this?
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Im sorry but shadow is big with the ladies.
Well the most generally off putting aspects of the ship are probably the bestiality and quasi incest parts whatever else people say about it. It's natural that people would find something like this a bit easier to accept, mostly because they can head canon their own circumstances.
I like self-inserting as Maria and fondling Shadow's cheeks
You don't need to post Shadria in every thread.
Based and agreed.
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Yes, yes, I see your point. HFOMA is ideal.
It’s not beastiality because Sonic characters aren’t animals according to in-game dialogue and Shadow and Maria aren’t siblings.
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Doesn't matter if it's Uwuver. The only reason that character even gets brought because he's such a heckin cute cinnamon roll.
Eh I think we are on that weird limbo where a assumed platonic relationship gets a hint that is a little bit too heavy.
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I touch my brother like this.
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looks like my happy halloween is... over
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What are you saying? Shadow is a human being? I don't care if you like the ship or not, or if you like fucking animals IRL or not, sincerely doesn't matter to me. But he is quite literally a hedgehog my man.
holy shit just fuck off
Halloween is over. Now I can change the 4chan layout back to blue.
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I hold my sister's hands like we're on a prom date.
Its Nut November
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what did i do?
i'm just an innocent bystander :(
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Can one of the drawfags draw Maria getting raped by Silver?
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Can one of the drawfags draw this anon getting killed?
Stay away from me Sally. You're not getting my nuts
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Anon if the creator of both characters ships it, and she says she loves him romantically, it is no longer a crackship. I am sorry to tell you.
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I touch my sibling forehead to forehead, right after saying "aishiteru".
> Platonic relationship with hints that are a bit too heavy
Exactly where I put Sonic/Blaze.

I find Shadow/Maria weird af, but I know exactly what their fans are thinking when they get this kind of scene.
which anon.
I'm not ready for Ian to turn my girl Amy into a dyke and Sonic into her simp because of the western idea that women can't chase men because it's "sexist".
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>I find Shadow/Maria weird af
fr fr my nigga istg

Fellow Twitterbro.
>I find Shadow/Maria weird af
Go back to trannyter.
jason is so hot.
Sonic's such a prick bro lmao https://x.com/mouseygalore/status/1852088517364523441
Every artist uses twitter anon, where else would I get commissions?
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I notice this a lot on 4chan. People here are weird about brother and sisters being more than just casually friendly. I wonder how people would react to how I interact with my sisters.
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have you consumed any media that isn't childrens media because there are still plenty of women chasing men on tv right now
Screenshot or fuck off.
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Thats the stupidest shit ever.
Silver is a permabottom who cant even top blaze (YES, EVEN OUTSIDE OF IDW)
and maria is a male hedgehog predator.
Can you at least TRY to respect the characters?
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some Sonic fans don't consume anything but Sonic
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ok now what
Can't believe it's still Amy's birthday
my fucking sides
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TMOSTH prequel. But he wasn't bribed to attend
other way around
LMAO I love sthg
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Imagine rubbing his weiner from under his apron
I don't respect Maria because you faggots have been forcing her down our throats. I want to see Silver rape her. I want her spluttering and bleeding and crying while trying to escape his grip. Begging for Shadow.
I'll ask the Silver artist when he gets back. He's based.
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Anon... Come back...
holy shit lmao
Alright, I think I'm out of trans sonic images. Glad you all loved them~ <3
I wanna force something down Maria’s throat alright.
g-grasstoucher-same......i kneel......
Clean your house
Can you make Elias rape greentext?
Nothing of this would be controversial if the characters were simply allowed to kiss.

Instead you have to interpret every handhold and stare a character gives to guess what the writer meant by that.
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PS5 is in its twilight years in Japan so don’t expect the sale for that version to be good.
Famitsu publishes the entire top 30 list later on so it might be there if it broke 1k
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You say "I love you" romantically to your sister?
Holy based
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We should send vocaroos of us saying Sonic stuff...we did that once...it was fun...
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Alright, I'm back. Did you got all your drama out, losers? Honestly you were asking for it making a thread like this and choosing to immigrate to it.
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That's why Kiturge is just stupid
>You say "I love you" romantically
what does this even mean
How did she say it "Romantically"
Even your precious translators keep saying "It's usually romantic" or "strongly romantic" none of them said "Absolutely romantic.
"I want to kiss you" is absolutely romantic "i want to marry you" is absolutely romantic. "I love you" is not.
full MomoCon panel Sonic voices https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vW_Xl22yOvE
There’s a Japanese channel called Kirbyhal2022 on YouTube that does series retrospectives of franchises
They’re almost done with their Sonic retrospective series
Of the mainline games they did all of them outside of the ones they deem non important like Sonic 4 Episode 1, Lost World, Forces, and Frontiers
Honestly I am just getting tired of all these ships, nothing ever happens and nothing ever actually means anything.
>Even your precious translators
You can translate it yourself, you know.
Thanks for keeping us updated anom
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Shadriafags probably want to rip their eyes out whenever they see other crackships
"Aishiteru" Isn't the Japanese word for romantic love. It's rarely used in any situation even between lovers. I have told them my love is unconditional though.
I love cute pussy cats
Is it weird that despite how shit 06 was overall, I actually find it to be an amazing contribution to Shadow's overall story?
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どんなに離れていても 私はずっと あなたを愛してる

Almost exclusively romantic.
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I just want to make sure people aren’t spreading the massive success lies again in Japan
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I won... yet again~
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/sthg/ anons know more Japanese than Google.
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Shadriastacy here
I am not scared of other ships because I am secure in shadria.
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"I love you" is almost always romantic and "My love" is almost always romantic but neither are explicitly romantic.
There are a thousand unsubtle ways they could do it and they don't because Maria is not in love with Shadow you idiots.
Obsessive faggot.
You know the best version of classic Sonic was the one from the transition to modern where classic Sonic got white soles on his shoes, a tiny bit lankier, darker blue, and would do cool poses.
With respect, I don't really think you know what you mean. This is something Japanese couples will go their entire lives without saying.
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You didn't put the food in the bowl, anon. Do I have to put you in your place again?
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It can handle it.
You will never be Japanese.
Let me guess Frontiers sold 10 trillion in Japan
06 had potential to be really great, but due to Sega's shitty handling and business choices the whole thing ended up as a poorly made mess. It only makes sense that you notice the cool ideas and such despite all the slop surrounding it.
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Halloween is almost over, anons~ Did you all enjoy wasting your time being mad on /sthg/ all day~? Remember, you've only yourself to blame.
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pussy cats
Nah that's a pretty common and enlightened take. Pretty much everyone likes Shadow's story in that game.
Cute cat, would pet
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>Shadow blushes a deep red at your words and your kiss on his lips, a soft and quiet moan escaping his mouth. Your words touch his heart and the hedgehog once again is at a loss of words, his heart feeling like it’s going to explode. Even though he still has a part of him that doesn’t believe he’s lovable, being with you and being told these things from you had made him feel more loved than he ever has before.
>“T-Thank you… I’ll… I’ll try my best to… t-to remember…”
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i ate candy and thought of my husbandos
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This article you faggot shippers keep linking ends on the funniest line I've read in a month. Glad I checked it.
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>Me ship got cannons. yer wack ship got no cannons.
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I support trans people, but it doesn't make much sense to me why Shadow would be trans. From what I understand, the dysphoria trans people experience causes immense mental stress that is out of their control, a dysphoria that they are often born with (to the trans people here, correct me if I'm wrong). Gerald carefully made Shadow to be the Ultimate Lifeform, so I feel like Shadow would've been "born" without any sort of complications that could cause him stress, either physically or mentally. So, my question here is how an idea like that would fit into a headcanon, if it is a headcanon anyways!

Unless I'm reading too much into it
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Well yeah, true. But I watch a lot of anime.
How is it that /sthg/ attracts all kinds of schizos yet never I never see the psycho incel Tailsfag that nukes every Sonic thread on /co/ here?
I want Sonic Team to make Shadow and Maria kiss for the reaction
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>This is something Japanese couples will go their entire lives without saying.
Then explain to us why this is said only and exclusively in the context of romantic relationships in every single form of Japanese media.
I didn't waste my whole day, I got at least 3 things done today!

I comitted character controller code for my fangame.
Frontiers didn’t get a limited edition box for people wondering
It just got the game wrapped with the book, an extra book that shows you all the locations they scouted for the game, and chili dog locations in Japan along with a koco figure
Shadow Gens is a cartoon game.
god why are brothers so shippable!!!!
What do you want people to say when they're in love
"I am in love with you romantically and I want to raise children with you"
Fuck yeah that’s good, although idk why they are halfway in the sand lol
They're just AU characters, anon. Idk. I don't think it's something you're actually supposed to think about. They really just exist as something for people to self insert as.
Bro, the video linked in the very post you are replying to disproves this.
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Every ship is canon.
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I do not celebrate childish holidays
Someone needs to edit this to have more green.
>in every single form of Japanese media.
I'll concede if you can name ten
this made me laugh rly hard irl
It sounds like the closest thing in english is something like "I love you most dearly" which is just kind of dramatic and normally between lovers but not remotely out of the question for family.
I'm not here to downplay shadria but I thought it was suspicious how every single time someone brings up Maria's "confessions" they say "This ALMOST always means romantic love!"
I don't need semantics to prove Amy is in love with Sonic because she's explicit about it. No language nuance barrier is able to hide it.
People kiss when they are in love.

In this stupid series the closest thing is looking at the other character eye or hold hands and maybe do both at the same time if they are feeling really freaky.
If Shadow and Maria kissed on the lips anti Shadarias would say it was a sibling-like kiss
Creating a different version of a character just so they're easier to self insert as is stupid as hell. Just make your own fuckin characters at that point.
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*kills the whispercell*
i do not want another timeline reset thanks
I like how you have to say if because they never kissed, unlike your deluded fantasy
Hard to say. Maria is such a super-serious character that she would never say anything a normal human being would say while in love. She would always say the soap opera thing.
She can't just say "let's go on a date" or anything like that because it would be severely OOC.
"Promise to make me your wife some day" isn't uncommon.
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this is the only way to truly solve the debate
and i don't want a cheek kiss either, i want them to lock lips. just like i do with my sister of course
Which characters would celebrate halloween?
Nobody confused Sonic and Elise for a sibling like bond.
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Oh yeah, I forgot you could make sonas of specific characters ^^;; perhaps I truly did think too much into it

husbnd but in armorrrrr
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Why doesn’t space colony arc have all the sound effects from the original like the wobbly sound when grinding around the hoops or the alarms
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he shot maria because he hated hfoma....i bet he was a tranny......
sibling-like bareback fucking, creampie, and impregnation
You guys say this retarded shit because you can't just admit that you're being retarded shippers and making everything about romance.
You KNOW Rouge has tension with Knuckles because it's obvious, you KNOW Amy loves Sonic, you KNOW Elise did. Sally, Mina, all those fucking comic OCs are not subtle.
Maria you have to jump through hoops and explain that a japanese phrase kind-of-sort-of probably means romantic love just fuck off.
I mean, they often do eventually. Usually the initial AU version of canon characters is just them dipping their toes. But then later one they make actual OCs.
he shot maria because she was autistic
why is he stuttering and why is she blushing
>Is the Japanese phrase 'aishiteru' ever used for family?
Definitely not. Aishiteru is used almost exclusively for the deep, intimate commuted love between couples. When I’ve spoken with Japanese friends, they’re always so perplexed by the comparatively common use of the words “I love you” between family members. And even between couples Aishiteru is only used very rarely, like when they feel deep feelings for one another.
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Have you considered stopping being horny?
I can't wait for someone to ask Ian Flynn about this and he'll say he got a note from sega confirming that they're just siblings and shadriafags will say that he's lying about this even though he has 70 reasons not to.
He says, posting a sexual image.
That doesn't make the idea of "It's a version of Sonic, but instead of acting like Sonic, he acts like me!" any less stupid. I'd hope that the only people doing this would be literal children, but even I wasn't that dull when I was an idiot kid.
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>they’re always so perplexed by the comparatively common use of the words “I love you”
how many fuckin times does this article writer tell his japanese friends he loves them???????
>That doesn't make the idea of "It's a version of Sonic, but instead of acting like Sonic, he acts like me!" any less stupid.
Judge it all you want, but plenty of people in this very thread do the same thing, pretending like Sonic characters would act out of character or say certain things because their own personal preferences and behaviors. It's the same concept.
Oh yeah hedgehogs do have conjoined eyes and lanky noodle limbs after all
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...you were aroused by a cat?
What article writer?
Honestly, I just wish I could get a bit of Sonic/Surge in the comic.

I bet they would be the cutest shit if they got along.
>crawling to ian flynn now
Anti-shadria fags are getting desperate
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I will never forget that one time someone posted this image in a thread, and someone said
>lust provoking image
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I bet you find this arousing
Even Surge and Tails have more of a chance to get along
It's canon. Cry about it more.
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this is zoophilia
Yeah, SoJ confirms they are lovers.
>Aishiteru is used almost exclusively
I want to make her pregnant
Fug the bug
I just finished with Shadow before anyone else itt, so yeah
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Shadria has gotten more and more worthless to me. It's a shitty awful ship with psychotic obsessed fans who are so weak in the head that they get upset and start crying and demanding that you only post their ship. They haven't gone a single day in the last week without tearing the thread to shreds so their favorite ship can be the center of attention. they're pathetic people. they, like all shippers, don't even care about the characters.
My wife
I’ll do a no smut greentext. Suggestions anyone?
you are actually insane and delusional
this is Patrick
Canonically people, and Shadow is an alien anyway.
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>you KNOW Amy loves Sonic
Do you? Are you sure?
Pussy, I've seen others catbox dick before
Imagine the mental gymnast
>urmm... like you guys never kissed your siblings on the lips? Siblings does that all the time you know?
A trip/date like they did with Blaze in issue 63 but with Surge instead would be like my ideal shipping scenario for Sonic/Surge, at least in my mind I imagine they would have a funny dynamic together of they were to slowly start warming up to the other.
And humans do!? And yes, every single hedgehog in the setting looks like that.
Shadriafags will see a restraining order and call it a japanese consent form
>Shadow lets out a soft and happy sigh, the hedgehog feeling so satisfied and happy from making love and cuddling like this under the stars. His whole body feels warm and he’s completely exhausted in the best way possible. He buries his face against you a little more and answers with a soft and satisfied voice.
>“It was… absolutely perfect… t-thank you…”
Looking forward to the mass Shadariafag noosing after the movie makes it clear they're siblings
That idea would work infinitely better with Amy instead of Sonic.
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Sonic characters are called people in the games “my man”. They’re people.
Shadow adopting Tania
I see it now
There are still schizos assmad about the harmless Elise kiss that saved Sonic's life.
Of course they seethe over any semblance of love in Maria and Shadow.
Shadria? Sonelise? They can't have that.
I bet they have meltdowns even over Anon x blobian pairings.
Pathetic, really.
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Shadow Generations just came out, of course people are posting Maria.
The movie is going to double down on Maria being an absolute child while shadow is an adult and that's going to basically be 9/11 for shadriafags.
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It will be a sight to behold
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I'll always love the ship, but my eyes were opened earlier today with the insane attempt to "cancel" Rouge over an edgy joke because all they saw was a golden opportunity to knock out some of the competition. I'll continue to appreciate it separate from the insane fans though.
I think it's too little to call it amazing.
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this reminds me of me and my brother....
stop samefagging blazespammer
I think it would be funny if Shadow brought Maria back to life, only for her to get raped by Silver and to spend the rest of her life remembering the trauma. The earth she loved so much defiled her once she set foot on it. Fuck Maria.
A trip/date is the ideal shipping scenario for literally anything.

And it took Blaze what seems to be at least a couple of years of knowing Sonic to even get that far.
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Call the doctor I think I just broke my sides
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Well since these are two different universes, I'm on the side of them being siblings in the movie but shipping them in the game universe
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This game wasn't as good as I remember it being.
Maybe its because Shadow Generations was just that good. Entire time I was wishing I was playing these levels with Shadow.
>Green Hill was fine
>Chemical Plant was great
>Sky Sanctuary was alright
>Speed Highway was awesome
>City Escape was great
>Seaside Hill was good
>Crisis City was mediocre
>Rooftop Run was great
>Planet Wisp was sad
>Metal Sonic was alright
>Death Egg Robot was meh
>Shadow was cool
>Chaos was ok
>Silver was bad (it's really buggy I think that's a remaster thing)
>Egg Dragoon was good
>Time Eater was bad
You sound like that Brazilian monkey who seethes over Blaze.
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Elias getti g raped by big human man(me) he despised it at first, but he finds out that taking big human cock is very enjoyable and he eventually likes it
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I bet the shadria posters have nsfw art saved.
People can ship whatever they want, it's all in good fun after all. But it's slightly tilting to have the posters here lie about the meaning of Japanese words used and claim Sonic is actually a human being to further their agenda.
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firstly, you need to stop letting retards online live rent free in your head and just like what you like
secondly, it's usually other people in the thread seething and starting shit whenever people want to post shadria, usually along the lines of
just entirely untrue. they've been said to be close LIKE siblings, but that is NOT calling them siblings
disingenuous, mobians are wayyy different than a normal animal and you know it. also you people literally talk about mobians fucking humans all the time, but we want shadow and maria to kiss and THAT'S going too far?
what really makes you so mad about shadria? honest question
Of course the massive faggot has to imagine himself raping Elias becaus he is actually straight and married
I genuinely dont get why it makes people here seethe so much they start typing out Maria torture rape fantasies.
Rent free
It's not your fault. Shippers are mostly just crazy people.
you are the product of zoophilia
>lie about the meaning of Japanese words used
If we're being fair, they were quite likely lied to as well. How many people here actually know Japanese?
>and claim Sonic is actually a human being to further their agenda.
Wait what the fuck does Sonic have to do with Shadaria
>I bet the shadria posters have nsfw art saved.
and blazefags have been posting porn with blaze with a dick and amputee shit, go back to your glass house
>to even get that far.
Sonic goes on adventures and does cool things with his friends whenever he gets the chance to. Blaze was free and wanted to explore Sonic's homeworld, so Sonic decided to give her a tour.
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that was like one schizo in the thread
i have only wholesome images
Shadria is about unconditional love.
All other ships are conditional and lopsided.
>Maria coughs up blood as she lays on the floor, weekly trying to push herself up. Suddenly, a military boot slams down onto her back, kicking out the air in her lungs. Not that it would soon matter. The GUN soldier lined up his gun and put his finger over the trigger. BANG! Maria's head explodes, blood and brains going everywhere. "Just another day at work," says the GUN agent.
they hate it because its based.
Blobians are treated as people in universe thougheverbeit
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Please don't be mean.
Ian literally said Sonic characters aren’t animals.
Nta but Shadria is in the same boat as Pokeshipping to me.
All of the context clues are there but there is just not enough explicitness to avoid denying it.
People say Ash and Misty were never romantic (and I believe they were never romantic) but there is twice as many scenes of them touching each other and there's one of those love-interest panning shots from Ash's perspective early on in the show.
You could point at any of those moments and say "99% of the time this is love interest content" but in this specific case it isn't.

And for Shadria, it isn't because of bestiality or siblings or whatever but because Sonic is a gutless franchise that is afraid of any major stirrups so her being in love and her not being in love are basically of equal consequence.
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Shut up man you're not even an Eliasfag
How would Silver rape anything? He is blazes buttboy
That couldn't have been a Blazefag, they worship her.
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That's not fucking funny Rouge
>and claim Sonic is actually a human being
Calling a Sonic character an animal would be like calling a human a monkey. Its an insult to their intelligence and sapient nature, and if you tried to pull that in-universe people would be disgusted at you.
>That couldn't have been a Blazefag, they worship her.
Worship can be expressed in a lot of shitty ways.
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As they should. Common Blaze W.
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Uhh.. Silverrape Anon?
A female unconditionally loving a male is grossly unrealistic.
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>Sonic is a gutless franchise that is afraid of any major stirrups so her being in love and her not being in love are basically of equal consequence.
yes, so it literally makes no difference if people ship shadria because there are NO canon sonic ships, and there never will be. shipping is supposed to be fun, man. like "these two characters would be great together and i'm gonna draw them holding hands" not "HERE'S WHY MY SHIP IS CANON AND EVERYONE ELSE IS A TRANNY!!"
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I won't really ship movie shadria as hard regardless because maria is cast by an irl child. I can't self insert into a real kid.
Besides, we already have a canon hfoma ship in the movieverse and it is based
I don't understand why people put so much stake into the things being said by creators over what the product itself shows. Ian can say that Maria actually hates Shadow and regularly spit on him. That's not what the game I actually played shows me.
Your species has nothing to do with your intelligence and Sonic would be offended if you called him a human.
Humans are literally a type of animal and a type of primate and the only way to deny that is religious grounds. Sonic is an animal.
Sonic is a person.
>blaze with a dick

Y-yeah must have been a falseflag haha
He's still a hedgehog which is an animal. In fiction non-humans can have personhood too.
Shadow has Maria's female soul so that makes sense
Maria is a lesbian by proxiy
didnt they recently confirm that pokemon and people fucked in the pokeverse?
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Blaze with a dick would be too powerful.
Agreed. Sonic of all franchises should be the one with the least ship fighting because every ship is rendered inert by the way the series handles character development.
No one's ever going to become boyfriend and girlfriend or get married. Those days ended when Archie ended. Characters literally have to be introduced as an open couple or not at all.
With that in mind, everyone should be a lot more chill.
>massive faggot
I mean all Eliasfags are faggots? I don't see the point you're making here
why is there so much antishadria cope?
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>lesbian by proxy
is that why shadow is always wearing dresses?
Elias is one of the very few characters in the Sonic franchise to have a wife and child and he got hit with the gay laser by his tiny fandom.
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When will we get Rush kino again?
I felt the same way and desu I think its largely due to the difference in presentation between the two. Sonic Generations was originally made during a time when Sonic was basically a budget franchise, considering the difference between Unleashed and Generations. Even in those days the cutscenes felt really dated the moment it released. Now, add the incredibly awkward and memberberry-encriched rewrite in a game already fucking full of them as well as the VA cast giving the most phoned in performance as their respected characters in their entire fucking careers, and you essentially have what often feels like a regression from the original script. Never thought I'd actually defend pontaff but holy hell Ian made me do it. Shadow Generations was clearly made by a significantly more confident and competent dev team, because holy crap is the presentation in this game such a significant improvement and its the best looking game we've had since Unleashed. The cutscenes actually have some action, the animation isn't so stiff anymore, its much more snappy, dynamic, and just plain fucking better than any of the other shit we got in the last 14 years.
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>GUN, I have your girl
this is why Shadow transitioned
You're so real bestie
I saw a normal person memepage post the clip from Dark Beginnings of Shadow's Maria flashbacks and the caption was "Thinking about the girl you fumbled" and I was like damn this ship war stuff does NOT matter to the general population
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Bro Diamond and Pearl released 20 years ago
Maria likes kissing and sexing herself basically
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When the manga first came out we were all posting Shadria and nobody was complaining but now its throwing the threads into a shitshow daily. Its really making me confused because I just want to like it but get called names when i post even sfw stuff.
Is it like...one or two anons posting against it a ton?
No, wait, actually I just thought of something else. Could it be that people started to see it had legitimate official backing and it started making them mad because it isnt their ship? Like after all the content and aishiteru and the webm of the staff comparing them to beauty and the beast etc.
I had many people come up to me lately and say because I was posting my findings about the official staff they have been converted and no longer see it as siblings and Im wondering if thats also causing an increase in hate because its a threat, even though Maria is dead.
so sonic ladies what kind of autistic rizz would work on you?
well yeah but I mean pokemon actually breeding with humans
Sonic Advance X looks somewhat promising.
ash/misty and shadow/maria are kind of in the same vibe where even if you watch it in japanese, you know the writers were well aware of how people would interpret it.
but they're in opposite directions. ash later got an explicit love interest and maria is just kind of... idk i'll take the japanese players word for it that her words do all the talking.
she is very physical with shadow but it feels weird to call her his "girlfriend"
Post Kit irl
But despite my criticisms of the remaster, Those are really only nitpicks I have about the game, gameplay wise and graphics wise its pretty much the same game faithfully remastered and adding a bonus game for free. Except the bonus game is the main attraction now.
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holy based...
wear a werehog costume and kiss another dude in a shadow costume for my female gaze
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>Imagine dicking down a cute straight married blobian guy into submission till he likes it
H.. Hot
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All this Shadria touching stuff reminds me that Naruto's son fucked Sasuke's grandma
>Shippers didn't bother fighting because Maria is dead and the ship wasn't a "threat"
>The popularity and support from SxSG made Shadria look "official" enough to convince them to try and kill and discredit it
I can see it.
>female gaze
I don gedid. Can you post Sonic pic that exudes this "female gaze"?
>Maria is going to get killed, and you're going to go crazy and try to destroy the Ea-
>Shut the fuck up Shadow
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>"Thank you for listening. I know you'll never leak my secrets."
>"Unlike women. And plants that look like women. You're one of the good ones."
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>sonic traveling back in time to date maria
I'm convinced they just forget everything that happened anyway.
gotta give the Frontiers smirk. Probably doesn't look so good outside of mobians tho
that wouldnt rizz you up thatd just fulfill your fujo fantasy!
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i kinda feel like he SHOULD know but okay gerald
he has more integrity than me
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Have a really good voice imitation of one of the characters I find hot and flirt with me with that voice
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>I saw a normal person memepage post the clip from Dark Beginnings of Shadow's Maria flashbacks and the caption was "Thinking about the girl you fumbled" and I was like damn this ship war stuff does NOT matter to the general population
kek true
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Talk about a dead-end job.
go fucking back to tiktok
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Shadow and Maria fans have confirmed to me that they were fucking because this isn't normal contact
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Why are they wearing pants? are they women? What's there to hide they got no dicks and balls like pic rel
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I know there's overlap between /v/ and /sthg/ but this general on average is less unhinged than the shit I see on /v/.
I still don't gedid
I want to pet this fat and smelly dog
I'm pretty new to vg overall. Mainly because /v/ has become nigh unusable for me.
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we are VERY autistic here
I love her!

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